#crownsguard casual
julietwiskey1 · 7 months
Have you seen the web series Valoran Town? It features a non-traumatized Jinx who is just chaotic. Its also a great cartoon to see Luxanna 'Lux' Crownsguard who is often paired with Jinx either platonically or or romantically. The shipname is Lightcannon btw.
I have watched Valoran Town. It was a great palette cleanser after watching Arcane. It was nice to just see Jinx embody a joyful chaotic nature. Only Jonx would think that a rocket launcher would be useful in the kitchen. Or just casually start a bubbling cauldron or something in the middle of the living room for her best friend’s birthday. And they all like her and trust her, even after she gives Lux a messed up calendar.
That was my first real introduction to Lux besides some LOL cinematic. She is a fun character who has lots of good angsty potential but also able to give a good bit of fluff.
Jinx and Lux together are so good. Platonically or romantically. But I do have a soft spot for lightcannon, and I read a decent amount of fics for them. Personally I think they work better together in Modern AUs, but there are few fun takes of them hooking up after the events of Arcane (only if that would become canon).
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lunarlegend · 2 months
🍓🍋🍏 for the OC ask!
thank you, Nadia! 💜
🍓 "cute" as an aesthetic is not really Stella's style, but she's quick to get attached to any cute animal she sees. the problem is, they're typically dangerous. 😂 for example, in my AU, there is a whole "episode" where Stella convinces Noctis & Prompto they should adopt a baby coeurl they found (which thank goodness Ignis put a stop to, lmfao).
🍋 fire! Stella has an intense phobia of fire due to the housefire she barely escaped when Ardyn killed her mom. it's especially rough when she's a teenager, and just about anything can trigger it; from firetruck sirens a couple streets over on the walk home from the arcade, to her & Noct accidentally burning dinner while trying to cook.
this extends into battles during the journey too, and Stella (if she were in the actual game) will take an automatic critical hit whenever something hits her with a fire-based attack (her Crownsguard Fatigues have a built-in fire resistance boost as well).
when the party crosses paths with Ardyn for the second time and he offers to take them to the Disc, Stella remarks "Oh what, so we're just gonna trust some random hobo we met on the street?" and Ardyn responds to her attitude by casually walking up to her and snapping his fingers to conjure a flame with his magic. when Stella freezes and the bros go on the defensive, Ardyn laughs it off, claiming it was a simple magic trick (in reality, he knew exactly what he was doing, for obvious reasons).
the only person Stella trusts with fire is Ignis. (and the irony, because, well, 'Ignis'. fun fact, the reason the nickname 'Iggy' exists in my AU despite being dub-only, is that Stella's mom had taught her latin, and young!Stella wouldn't say his name after the fire so she gave him a nickname. which annoyed Ignis to no end at first, but once he realized why, he just let her do it. then it became like a petname, lol.)
Ignis can use his fire magic in battle, and cook with it at camp, and Stella doesn't even flinch. he will also help her practice getting over her fear sometimes late at night, sitting outside the tent when they're alone, by summoning fire to his hand so she can try getting close to it.
incidentally, i'm also really fond of the fan theory that Ignis is a descendant of Ifrit, so i love that the girl who's terrified of fire fell in love with a (sort of) fire god. plus, Stella's name is a reference to water (Stella Maris = latin for 'Star of the Sea'), which is just icing on the cake.
during the 10 Years of Darkness, Stella works to overcome her fear, and by the time Ardyn sets the city on fire during Chapter 14, she's unfazed. this doesn't stop a newly-awakened Noctis from being concerned for her, however.
🍏 Stella is eccentric for sure, but i wouldn't say she's ever been punished for that quality alone. her energy is almost contagious, and she was well-liked in school as a child, becoming sort of a leader to all the neighborhood kids in Lestallum (who she frequently recruited for her mischievous activities, lol).
after coming to Insomnia, though, she sticks out like a sore thumb. Stella is not used to the city at all, and is angry that she has to be there. she feels trapped in her school uniform, constricted by her shoes, and often gets lost trying to navigate the trains. she is used to running around barefoot in shorts, and has never had to travel much further than her feet can take her before. this contributes greatly to how much young!Stella acts out, especially in school, where she develops a reputation for throwing rocks at people and trying to push them down the stairs (very fun for Regis to hear about, by the way. imagine being a literal King and the school called about your tiny feral niece again)
luckily, after some much needed help and support, Stella grows out of this phase and finally settles into her new home, allowing her bubbly personality to emerge once more.
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the-kaedageist · 2 years
essek begging to be evil pretty please
The idea behind this one was that Essek gets revealed to be living in Rexxentrum with Caleb, and the two of them are waiting for the second shoe to drop, but it never does. And Essek gets super put out and offended that the Dynasty doesn't come for him, and he starts taking bigger and bigger risks to prove that he's really a big threat to them, and they keep not caring. I don't know why, but the idea of Essek having an inflated view of his own importance is HILARIOUS to me.
I only wrote the opening scene to this, but the idea was that there would be increasing and increasing shenanigans and Caleb and the Nein would have to keep being like “yes Essek, no you are totally a horrible villain, yes you are terrible” etc while the Dynasty and the Empire both completely ignored that he was living right under their noses in Rexxentrum.
After five years of marriage and cohabitation, Caleb was very aware that Essek was always one step away from an existential crisis at any given moment. It fit very well with his own propensity for the same, and he found that they often tempered one another’s worst impulses, a soothing balm to each other’s souls. The latest crisis began innocuously enough; he and Essek were walking around town arm in arm, as they did on Saturdays, casually perusing the farmer’s market and spending a few hours in a bookstore. Essek was meticulously illusioned as always as a beautiful high elf, secreting himself away several times in alleyways or dark corners to re-up his Alter Self. It seemed as though it was going to be a very ordinary Saturday until, on their leisurely stroll back from the bookstore, Caleb was pushed aside abruptly by a person who dodged between himself and Essek, on the run from some unidentified threat. He and Essek barely got a glance at the retreating figure before they registered shouting in the distance and a troupe of Crownsguard emerged at the end of the street. Spells were flung in the wake of the retreating figure, and one of them hit Essek square on, sending him sprawling. Caleb was already reaching for his component pouch when he registered that the attack was not on them; the Crownsguard continued their chase, completely ignoring the ordinary townsfolk who they had disrupted. As Caleb caught his breath, he turned to offer his hand to Essek to help him up— And a very familiar handsome drow visage stared back at him. People in the streets were staring, as they would at a drow in their midst. Essek glanced down at his un-disguised hands and made a slight noise like a teakettle. “Dispel,” he hissed at Caleb. “They hit me with a stray dispel, of all things.” Caleb shielded him with his noodly body, which did very little to hide the drow that everyone had already spotted. “Nothing to see here,” he said to the passersby around them. “Just my companion and I, out for a stroll.” He reached out and helped Essek up, careful to touch him and offer his arm to him when the stares didn’t stop. A pointed glare finally seemed to redirect some of the attention, and the stunned citizens slowly began to move on, clearly concluding that if the Crownsguard hadn’t been disturbed by a drow in the streets of Rexxentrum, it was probably none of their business. “Let us find an alley for you to recast Alter Self,” Caleb murmured. Essek accepted his help gratefully, and together they found a disused side street, blocked from view of the main street, and Essek re-upped his disguise. The tension didn’t leave his shoulders as he changed his appearance, but at least it eliminated the staring from their neighbors. Essek didn’t truly relax until he slumped into a chair in their house, safely back in his own form. “I fear I have put you in terrible danger,” he murmured. “It will not take long of the reports of a drow in Rexxentrum to reach the ear of Ludinus Da’leth, nor the Bright Queen.” Caleb kneeled before him and took both hands in his. “This is a threat I have been willing to risk by your side, over and over,” he murmured. He didn’t add that Da’leth was very aware that Essek was his partner and made pointed barbs about it every time they ran into one another; he’d honestly assumed that Essek knew that, but increasing his anxiety at such a time didn’t seem wise. “Whatever is coming for us, I am ready for it and happy to meet it by your side.” The two of them spent the next six months on high alert, waiting for the second shoe to drop. It never did.
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glaivenoct · 1 year
May I request NyxNoct with — “you’re the only one i want.”?
The outburst stops Nyx in his tracks. He turns back to face the anxious, frustrated Prince standing veiled from the moonlight beneath the garden's cherry blossom tree. Nyx's own curious gaze appears to make Noctis lose confidence in his own words as he presses his lips together and frowns. His attention falls down to the grass and he starts to fiddle with the straps of his royal raiment that overlay his waist.
Surely should they stay here any longer, the guests at the ball will start to question where the Prince is. Nyx can't deny him the chance to speak his mind, though. No matter how much he started to question what he and Noct were starting to become, he can't say no to that face.
"I..." Noctis looks up at him again. "I know we said we were going to keep it casual. No strings and all that. "
"Think we miscalculated a little on both those fronts, Noct."
What was supposed to be nothing more than a mutual friends with benefits agreement turned into more than Nyx could've imagined.
No strings. Casual. That's funny. Nyx wouldn't have felt as much of an envious fire in his belly tonight if they were just casual. The amount of people that approached Noct tonight to ask for his hand in a dance, making clear advances and pitches of themselves. It's been one of the more infuriating posts Nyx has been assigned.
It got him thinking, though. Thinking of all those other times in his life he was told to know his place. Even as a revered member of the Kingsglaive, he'd lost count at how many times Crownsguard members would taunt him on gate watch with those words. Or how many times the very citizens he fought to protect out in the battlefield would glance at him, subtle or unsubtle, with the same sentiment. Hell, even Drautos said those words to him once or twice.
All his life, Nyx apparently reached for things beyond his station. To fall hard for the Prince of Lucis is no exception.
Who is he to be jealous? Who is he to think he deserves a shot with someone like Noctis in the first place? Who is he to match up to anyone else that asked Noct to dance tonight?
He is no one. Though, the way Noctis looks at him now, hopeful and yearning, makes him second guess.
"I don't regret any of it." Noctis mutters under his breath, moving from underneath the tree to close the distance between them. "You know all I've been thinking about tonight is you? Every time someone comes up to ask for a dance or shoot their shot with Prince Noctis... all I can think about is how they're not you."
"You could have anyone in the world, Noct." Nyx says with the subtle shake of his head and a disbelieving look on his face. "Anyone in the palm of your hand."
Noctis scoffs and takes one more step until the tip of his dress shoes and Nyx's boots are toe to toe.
"You know for a smug asshole, you could do with thinking a little higher of yourself. You ever consider that maybe I'm already in the palm of yours?"
Nyx blinks, hardly able to think much further on it as he lets Noctis tug him down by the chain on his uniform. All he can think about is that consuming spark inside when their lips crash, Nyx can't help but cup Noct's face in his hands. His thumb caresses along the smooth edge of his jaw as Noct tilts his head, pulling away briefly only to steal a deeper kiss.
Who was Nyx to think, even for a moment, that he could resist this? That he could go on in life without ever feeling Noctis' stunned exhale on his own lips when they next part. Those bright, starry eyes searching his for an anchoring. A soft hand seeking his.
"Thought I was supposed to be the sweet talker here," Nyx says breathlessly.
"Gotta keep you on your toes sometimes, Hero." Noctis grins. "So I was thinking... if you feel the same way I do... might I have this next dance?"
"Here?" Nyx raises a brow, glancing around to the pristine kept flower beds and bushes, the grass littered with cherry blossom petals. "Where there's no music?"
Save for the chirp of crickets, the perpetual hoos and hoots of the nocturnal birds, and the distant croak of frogs from the nearby ponds. Besides all that, there's no eyes either. Not a soul to pluck Noctis right from his arms and attempt sweep him off his feet.
"Since when do you play by the rules?"
"Only when I feel like it," Nyx smirks and concedes to his point. Truthfully, this is what he's wanted all night. "I'm starting to think there's not a thing about us that plays by the rules."
"As long as you're okay with that..."
"More than okay." Nyx places his free hand on Noct's waist and lifts their joined hands. "Dance with me, little king."
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield Chapter 31: Insomnia II
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Tagging: @seradyn​
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“Cae!” Caelan turned around, and she locked her gaze with Cindy, the head mechanic and owner of Hammerhead. Caelan’s pulse rose, knowing that Ardyn’s magic had worn off between the two of them. Besides for her own safety, Caelan hoped against hope Ardyn hadn't been spotted. Nevertheless, the cat was out of the bag and Caelan didn’t want to come off suspicious. She couldn't afford to with crownsguard lurking about the crowd. She waved at Cindy, offering a friendly smile and made her way over to a table at the bar end where Cindy was kicking back.
“Hey, uh, sorry I didn’t notice you! Lot of noise in the background.” Caelan laughed, trying to play off her nervousness. She was thankful when Cindy giggled and waved her off. So far, so good keeping up appearances.
“Don’t fret! It packed in here like a fresh can of sardines. You’re never in the city! Most hunters never are nowadays! What are ya’ll doing in Insomnia?”
“I have some business to attend to.”
“Another client?”
“You guessed it!” Caelan laughed. “You here to watch Vote Abandon?”
“Yes siree!” Cindy nodded. She thanked the bartender after the man brought over a drink she had been patiently waiting for. “My boyfriend dragged me here to The Solstice. He’d been planning this for weeks. He should be coming back from the bathroom soon.”
“The one you told me about before, the crownsguard guy?”  This can't get any worse...Caelan thought to herself. Her eyes quickly glanced when Cindy wasn't paying attention, trying to hone in on Ardyn in the club but he was nowhere to be found.
“Yep! The very same!”
“I don’t want to interrupt your date night--”
“Nonsense! I’d like ya’ll to meet! He’s very friendly, I assure ya!” Cindy exclaimed. Her eyes lit up like a pair of fireworks when she looked behind Caelan, waving towards her partner.
“Prompto! Over here darlin’!”
Caelan turned around, following the direction of Cindy’s gaze. She couldn’t make out the man too much given the lighting, but as Prompto got closer, Caelan glanced over his warm and welcoming features while he grinned and waved back. Caelan noted he had a bright smile, giving him a child like demeanor. His blonde hair was done up nicely, spiked through and he had the makings of a beard and goatee. Caelan deduced he probably shaved and was trying to grow it back out. His casual attire accentuated the muscles in his arms, and also made him look like a punk rocker. Prompto definitely screamed Cindy’s type from what Caelan and her gossiped about in between car repairs. Caelan couldn’t help but smirk at the memory. She averted her gaze when Prompto walked past her and pulled Cindy in for a kiss, feeling she was intruding on their privacy.
“Sorry it took a while! There was a line at the door.” Prompto smiled to Cindy then did a double take when he noticed Caelan. He offered a friendly wave, his face blushing. “Oh, hi! Didn’t see you there! Um, are you a friend of Cindy's?”
“Darlin’ this is one of my clients. She’s a hunter. Names Cae!” Cindy answered, trying to suppress a smirk upon noticing Caelan’s mild embarrassment.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you! I’m Prompto.” He held out his hand. Caelan smiled and shook it. I got this, I got this...she repeated to herself.
“Cae, like Cindy said, and its nice to put a face to a name. Cindy’s told me about you when I’ve passed through Hammerhead.” Caelan grinned, giving a teasing glance towards Cindy.
“That so? I didn't realize I was that popular!” Prompto chuckled. He smirked while he looked to his girlfriend. His face lit up seeing Cindy attempting to wave off her bashfulness. He was definitely going to hold that over her heard later tonight, playfully of course.
“Cae owns a Scepter. One of them older cars I was tellin’ ya’ll about.” Cindy chirped, watching Prompto’s eyes widen in excitement.
“Oh man, no way! Those vehicles are hard to come by now! Man, you got incredibly lucky!” Prompto exclaimed, letting out a laugh. He put his arm around Cindy’s waist, then focused on Caelan.
“I like stick shifts. It gives me an excuse for driving over the speed limit.” Caelan teased.
The three of them laughed at Caelan’s remark.
“Cause you’re a friend of Cindy’s, don’t worry, I won’t pull you over.” Prompto joked.
“Aw you stop that!” Cindy gushed.
Caelan observed the two pull each other in for a quick round of kisses. She had to hand it to them, they were an adorable couple. Had circumstances been different, Caelan would've had more fun interacting with Prompto and Cindy both. She felt a slight pain in her chest. Her eyes carded once more through the sea of people dancing and celebrating. There was still no trace of Ardyn. Caelan was beginning to wonder if he ran into trouble.
“So you have business here in Insomnia?” Prompto asked, snapping Caelan out of her thoughts.
“Cindy just told me you were here on business.” Prompto smiled. He whistled towards the bartender, and gestured for three drinks. “One for me and the ladies!”
“That’s kind of you but--”
“Hey, my treat! It's no biggie!” Prompto winked.
This man was the human embodiment of a golden retriever: happy, excited, and eager to please. Caelan was amused by his friendly spirit. For a crownsguard, Prompto knew how to act natural amongst civilians, something that was difficult for most after undergoing the trials. Caelan counted Prompto's blessings he was never assigned to Julian’s Einherjar unit. Poor guy would’ve lost his heart for sure...she thought to herself.
“Hey Prompt,” Cindy tapped his shoulder, then gestured to the vibrating noise coming from his left pocket. “That might be Noct.”
“You’re right,” Prompto furrowed his brows, pulling out his cell and checking the screen. He glanced between Cindy and Caelan, and gave an apologetic grin. “Excuse me, I need to take this.”
“No worries!” Caelan reassured him. She watched Prompto walk towards one of the more secluded areas of the club, nearby dining tables where folks could rest from dancing and grab a bite. Noct…the name repeated in her head. No, this couldn’t be the same man she and Ardyn were seeking an audience with.
“Poor thing’s been worried about the king.” Cindy sighed, capturing Caelan’s attention.
“He’s close with his majesty?” Caelan asked, raising a brow.
“Oh, they’re the best of friends!” Cindy laughed. “They grew up together. I guess I neglected to tell ya, Prompto is one of the kings retainers!”
The irony of the situation didn’t leave Caelan as she processed what Cindy told her. Ardyn and she had been looking for leads, anything to know the condition of Noctis and what was really going on. It seemed that fate was willing to give them an open hand, or better yet, a favor for their endeavors. Caelan didn’t expect this to transpire though on a date night with Ardyn. It took much effort to suppress the nervous laugh that wanted to escape her mouth at the realization.
“Sorry again, ladies.” Prompto cleared his throat, arriving back to them minutes later.
“Everything okay, doll?” Cindy furrowed her brows, her head canted curiously upon seeing some of the spark drain from Prompto’s features.
“No, not really.”
“Do we need to cancel our date? If we have to, that’s alright!”
“Oh no!” Prompto laughed, waving off the concern. “No, it’s not that drastic.”
“I hate to stick my nose in your business, but is the king alright?” Caelan asked. She felt her pulse stammer, knowing it was risky to ask something so bold, considering they just met. She had to try though. If she could secure information that could help Ardyn, and better yet, keep Ardyn from dying while trying to save Noctis, it was worth the discomfort.
Prompto made a face, glancing to Cindy. His features seemed to be asking for permission.
“You look like you need to vent a little hon. Cae’s a good person. Not like she’s gonna alert the media. Hunter folk keep to themselves.” Cindy chuckled. Her eyes closed as she went into a slight giggle fit upon Prompto kissing her cheek.
“Well,” Prompto sighed, pulling away from Cindy. His eyes focused on Caelan. “I’m sure you’ve heard the news, he’s taken a leave of absence.”
“Yeah, I heard a few weeks ago when I was traveling up Cape Caem.” Caelan made a face. “He’s not doing so hot, is he?”
“Yeah, he's not.” Prompto morosely admitted. He murmured a thanks to the bartender when their drinks arrived. Prompto handed Caelan hers, Cindy’s second, and made sure he was last. Out of courtesy, they all toasted together before downing their beverages. No one spoke up until each glass was empty. Cindy began to sip on the order she made before Prompto pitched in. 
“It started a few months ago,” Prompto began after finishing his drink and set the glass aside on the bar counter. “He complained about having a terrible cough and chest pain. We all thought Noct was coming down with the flu. The best medics in the city couldn't figure it out. By all accounts, the king is as healthy as a horse. Shortly after, the queen began having visions.”
“I thought the Oracle could no longer have visions since the Astrals left.” Caelan was visibly confused. She glanced between Cindy and Prompto, watching them nod in agreement to her statement.
“Yeah, that’s the odd thing.” Cindy piped up. “Luna shouldn’t be able to commune with them, but she has. Prompt's told me the Gods haven't been straightforward either. Luna, bless her heart, hasn't been able to make heads or tails of anything.”
“And Noct hasn’t been himself. He’s---been more aggressive as of late. That's why he took a leave before the summit. Tensions are already high with the countries. He didn't want to slip up because he's not good.” Prompto said sadly. “The pain is getting worse. I was just informed he’s on bed rest. This isn't like him at all."
Caelan was speechless. It seemed both her and Ardyn's intuition regarding Noctis was right on the money. There was something incredibly wrong with him, and Ardyn may be the key to ensuring Noctis comes out of whatever this is. There was also the possibility too that Ardyn could be Noctis's demise. Either outcome was equally terrifying to her.
“I’m sorry gals,” Prompto let out a laugh, breaking the tension while he rubbed the back of his head. “This was supposed to be a fun night and here I am being a Debbie downer!”
“Oh honey, it’s all good! We know you have a heart and care about your friend.” Cindy reassured him. Rubbing his shoulders for a moment.
“Anyway,” Prompto chuckled, trying not to let his girlfriend’s sweetness get him too riled up. “So Cae, did you show up to the concert with anybody?”
Caelan felt her heart stop.
“I bet you she showed up with that rugged fella.”
“Ooo, what rugged fella?” Prompto teased.
“How did you know?” Caelan said aloud, not meaning to as Cindy grinned. The mechanic looked as if she was going to giggle with excitement.
“Aw shucks I knew it! Pete from the shop told me when ya’ll last picked up the Scepter! Said you was with a tall guy, rough around the edges, but he was a gentleman. I saw he picked up your whole tab, must be sweet on ya!”
“Damn, the whole thing?” Prompto exclaimed. “Scepter repairs are expensive as hell!”
“Sure are, but Cae’s fella took care of it.” Cindy playfully jabbed.
Caelan felt like she was going to throw up. She was thankful the current lighting was dark enough to where neither Prompto or Cindy could tell her blood was close to bursting out the seams of her face.
“Speaking of which,” Caelan let out a nervous laugh, preparing to excuse herself. “I should go find him. We were supposed to meet up a while ago. I lost track of time. Prompto, it was awesome meeting you. Thank you for the drink! I hope things go well with the king, and Cindy, I love you, but I hope we don’t see each other anytime soon. I don’t need my car getting anymore beaten up.”
Cindy laughed hard. “That’s reasonable!”
“Hey, it was fun while it lasted!” Prompto grinned. He stood up from the table and gestured. “Oh! Maybe you’d be open to having a double date night? Cindy and I could use more company! We'd love to meet your partner too!”
“I’ll have to see about--”
“Cahl!” Ardyn approached from Caelan’s side, gently grabbing a hold of her shoulder and turning her to face him. “I apologize I took so long, but we need to--”
“Wow, gotta hand it to you Cae, he’s handsome!” Cindy’s voice broke through, causing Ardyn and Caelan to both turn towards her.
“I uh--” Ardyn stammered, and then he went pale as a ghost.
Caelan glanced between Ardyn and Prompto. Both the men looked petrified. She watched as either of their eyes widened in surprise. There was definitely a recognition occurring between the two, and Caelan was beginning to doubt it was of a friendly nature. She could see Ardyn appeared like he was going to drop dead on the spot, and poor Prompto looked like he was seeing the past come back to haunt him.
Prompto’s mouth slightly hung open, prepared to say something until Ardyn quickly grabbed a hold of Caelan’s hand and took off.
“Sorry! Gotta go!” Caelan hollered to the couple, keeping her gaze fixed ahead while Ardyn led them both through the crowds of people.
“Wait!” Prompto shouted, giving chase.
Caelan kept her gaze forward, focusing on Ardyn while her legs sprinted to full speed alongside him. She had a million questions she wanted to ask Ardyn, in particular about what triggered him regarding Prompto. However, she was more preoccupied with her breathing. The speed at which they traveled was very quick. Her body didn't have time to fully integrate in the sudden change of pace, and all the while she could hear Prompto gaining speed.
“Cae! Stop! I need to talk to you!”
“Ardyn--!” Caelan’s breath hitched as they turned a corner. Ardyn quickly stopped and grabbed a hold of Caelan from the front. His arms wrapped around her protectively while he focused all of his efforts to teleport away.
“Close your eyes,” Ardyn commanded, and he shifted into a dark smoke with Caelan in tow. They faded right before Prompto could run into them.
The world shifted and split, Caelan could feel her stomach turning in knots, legs becoming numb just as arms became limp. The only solid ground she had to keep her tethered was Ardyn and his body. She opened her eyes upon hearing his soft murmurs coax her out of it.
“Are you alright, dear?” Ardyn sighed out of relief, cusping either side of Caelan’s face in his hands while she nodded against him. Her right hand reached up to settle on the scruff of his chin. She started to laugh.
“What’s so humorous?” Ardyn was visibly confused as he let her go.
“I don’t know,” Caelan said in between bouts. “You ever get so scared you just---get the giggles?”
“I’m afraid not,” Ardyn mused. He too started to laugh. “Though I suppose you’re contagious enough for me to feel where you’re coming from.”
“Sorry,” Caelan paused, taking in a breath before she laughed again. “I wasn’t expecting to get chased down by a friends cop boyfriend.”
"Makes two of us," Ardyn gestured with his fingers for emphasis. "My cover was blown. The two guard we saw from before witnessed me transform. I led them away to protect you, spun them on a wild goose chase outside the club."
"Boy," Caelan's laughter picked up. "All that trouble to keep the crownsguard away from me, and lo and behold, I'm kicking back and having drinks with one! You must've--pissed yourself seeing that."
"A crude description, but nevertheless, accurate on all counts."
They both laughed for a time, allowing their bodies settle from the adrenaline rush of being pursued. Once the air of silence hung between them long enough, Caelan followed Ardyn to the edge of the balcony. He had spirited them to the top of the Caelum Via. There weren’t many people present, save for some private dinner parties. A few other couples walked around the perimeter, enjoying the cityscape at night.
Caelan and Ardyn were at the far most side of the Via, overlooking Insomnia. The large aquarium the Via bolstered was at the opposite end of the building, appearing small from a distance. They began to walk around, arm in arm. Glancing between each other and taking in the scenery below them.
“Are you going to tell me what happened back there?” Caelan asked, breaking the quiet between them both.
Ardyn sighed. “I suppose I should be forward about my behavior.”
“You knew Prompto from when you were chancellor, right?”
Ardyn nodded. He made a face. Caelan could’ve sworn he looked regretful. “Being one of his majesty’s retainers, we’ve had our fair share of encounters. I may have viciously toyed with him for my amusement. Several times, may I add."
“Oh,” Caelan furrowed her brows. She wasn’t going to lie, envisioning Prompto being knocked down a peg by Ardyn hurt in a way, just considering his friendly demeanor during the time she had conversed with both himself and Cindy.
“That explains why he looked shocked.”
“Can’t blame the boy,” Ardyn sighed. “I did a number on him.”
“What he told me then must be legitimate.”
“Beg pardon?”
“While you were gone,” Caelan let out a breath, feeling her heart rate further decrease from their earlier antics. “Cindy pulled me to the side to meet Prompto. He talked about Noctis.”
Ardyn’s expression was that of surprise. “What did he say?”
“He said Noctis hasn't been feeling well. The whole report about the king taking a leave for mental health is a ruse. He’s been sick. It started a few months ago.” Caelan finished. She watched as Ardyn’s golden eyes wandered around, seemingly trying to gather his thoughts for contemplation. As if there were weaves of a tapestry finally giving birth to a picture he had been trying to create.
“There’s no coincidence,” Ardyn began. He looked outward to the city lights of Insomnia, taking comfort in the illumination. It calmed his mind as it ravaged together all the loose ends and connections he had been fiddling with. “Around the time I returned to Eos, Noct became ill. It’s all connected. It has to be.”
“Cindy mentioned Lady Lunafreya is having visions too.” Caelan said quietly. She watched Ardyn turn to face her, once more he looked beyond worried.
“So the Astrals aren’t extinct.” Ardyn murmured begrudgingly.
Caelan could tell he was deeply troubled. The stoic gaze that lingered in his eyes was telling enough. She she gently gave Ardyn's right hand a squeeze with her left. A small smile fell upon her lips while she watched Ardyn look down to their hands. His thumb carefully rubbed comforting circles into Caelan's wrist.
“I’m sorry,” Ardyn began. He guided Caelan’s hand towards his lips, pressing a few chaste kisses to her knuckles. His eyes locking onto hers when he finished.
Caelan let out a surprised laugh, shaking her head. “What for?”
“Dragging you into this mess, for one thing. You shouldn't be forced to meddle in the affairs of Astrals on my behalf.” Ardyn shrugged. He let go of her hand, then wrapped his right arm around her waist, pulling her close to his body. He felt Caelan shudder. Whether it was from his action or the wind that picked up, Ardyn wasn’t certain, but he did enjoy feeling her hands instinctively go to his sides, embracing him back with equal want.
“The other, missing out on the rest of the concert. I know how much you love Vote Abandon. I thought we’d have a nice night out, before we decide to tackle fate. It seems we were given a gentle reminder tonight that there are games afoot.”
“You don’t say?” Caelan chuckled. She smiled big, watching Ardyn’s eyes trail over her face. Her knees felt weak, seeing the admiration grow in his eyes for her.
“I’m not upset at all,” Caelan shook her head, nervously chuckling. “I may have some issues with Cindy later on, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
“Oh dear,” Ardyn sighed. He was about to apologize once more until Caelan gently grabbed him by the chin much like he had done to her several times. Her thumb rubbed over some of the stubble on his face, watching his eyes light up.
“I had a lot of fun with you, and I chose to help you confront this. You have nothing to apologize for Ardyn.”
Caelan was surprised when Ardyn didn’t say a word. There was no counter on his part, and nothing sarcastic to be said. Not like other times when he was dismissive of her reassurances. He just kept…staring. Her own eyes were becoming hypnotized by his golden hues, watching his pupils expand the longer he dwelled on her lips.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Caelan murmured. There was an undertone of yearning in her voice as her head canted. She offered a smile, her eyes were now glancing between his mouth and honeyed look.
“Looking at you like what?” Ardyn teased back. The rumble in his chest while he snickered had the small hairs on Caelan’s arms stand.
“Like…that.” Caelan let out a small frustrated growl, not able to come up with anything further. It seemed to amuse Ardyn. She felt him grasp her chin, holding her in place while he pressed his lips to her forehead. Her eyes fluttered closed, relishing in the warmth to her temple.
“It’s past midnight,” Ardyn murmured against her skin. “What else would you like to do in the city?”
Caelan felt her entire body tremble from his voice. It amazed her, how her brain could be traveling a million miles a second, thinking of the next altercation or plan, and it would only take a mere look from him and he’d have her completely undone. Her mind putty that Ardyn could easily mold into whatever he desired, but he never took advantage.
“It might be too dangerous being out right now,” Caelan’s arms went around his waist, pressing her head into his chest. “Can we go back to the room? We could order something.”
“If that’s what you desire, certainly.” Ardyn pulled back, giving a soft smile to her. He leaned down and kissed her lips, pulling back before Caelan could fully tug and pull at him. He could sense her frustration, the small groan that left her had him chuckle as they traveled across the rooftop of the Via, heading to the elevator. Every so often, they'd glance at one another admirably.
Upon reaching the doors of the elevator, Ardyn gestured for Caelan to go before him. She did as instructed and they stood side by side. Caelan reached to click on the button for their floor, and as soon as the doors shut and there was no trace of anyone atop the Via they could see, Ardyn and Caelan grabbed a hold of each other. Kissing fervently.
Hands traveled along curves, fingertips buried in hair, and lips pushed and pulled desperately while the elevator made its descent. Ardyn pressed Caelan to the right most wall of the elevator, pinning her with his body while his mouth trailed down to bite and tease her neck and collarbone. He was rewarded with soft moans and Caelan’s hands threading through his hair. It seemed neither of them could take it anymore, the tension that had been growing between them for months was finally at a breaking point neither of them wanted to delay any further.
A surprised gasp left him when Caelan turned the tables. Ardyn found himself pinned, and Caelan was assaulting his throat with open mouthed kisses that drew long moans out of him. His entire nervous system felt like it was lit aflame as he grabbed onto her, his arms ensnaring her body keeping her close before letting out a growl. He loved her ministrations, but felt compelled to take charge. Ardyn once more pinned Caelan, minding not to put too much pressure on her back given her wounds, and forced one of her legs to wrap around his waist while his mouth consumed hers. He didn’t give Caelan the opportunity to catch her breath when his tongue slid past her lips and against her own muscle. Her heavy breaths encouraged him further. His fingers tangling in her hair, grabbing hold and keeping her in place.
Before he could take anything further, the ding of the elevator caused them both to quickly separate. Frozen on the spot, they both set their gazes forward in case anybody was coming on. It took a few moments for them to realize through the haze of their passions they had reached their floor.
Ardyn took hold of Caelan’s hand, leading the way out. As they ventured down the hall, he did a double take noticing Caelan motioning for him to stop. Both of them couldn't resist having another longing kiss before making it to the room. Her mouth was more than welcoming to him, and Ardyn fought the compulsion to proceed further.
“Bedroom,” Ardyn forewarned as he breathed against Caelan’s mouth. He didn’t have to explain further, watching her nod in agreement. His hand squeezed hers, and he led them the rest of the way to the end of the hall, grabbing the keycard from his right pocket getting them both inside.
Caelan felt a flight of nerves travel down the entirety of her form when she waited for Ardyn to shut the door. Memories of her first time ran amok through her head, the parts she could remember. She was incredibly nervous. A light sigh fell from her mouth as she allowed it to flow away, focusing on Ardyn. Her heart thudded powerfully in her chest. There was nothing else on her mind but him, and how desperately she wanted to be close. The closest either two humans could get. She hoped he felt the same.
Ardyn let out a deep breath, swallowing a nervous gulp he didn’t know he had. He hesitated to shut the door, his back to Caelan. He had longed for her, yet could feel reluctance sinking in. Not having alcohol in his system to dull his fears like their encounter at Lestallum, Ardyn began to second guess. It had been thousands of years since he had been intimate with someone. He was scared. The epiphany of it had him let out a huff and a smile. He wondered if his body would remember much, not for his sake but hers.
“This is probably a bad idea.” Ardyn said aloud, more to himself than anything.
“It’ll be a shared regret then.” He heard Caelan murmur. Her voice held a teasing play that had a pleasurable shiver travel down his spine.
Ardyn snickered. He knew there was no going back. Not unless she told him to stop. He wanted her.
As Ardyn shut the door, he let out a surprised hiss feeling Caelan tug the back of his hair. An amused and breathless laugh escaped him while he pressed the door shut and it locked. He turned around and captured Caelan's mouth in another kiss, coaxing her arms to go over his shoulders and hold onto him. Warmth pooled throughout his body. If he had anymore fears, he’d tell her.
Pining and wanting won both them over. Hours later, the only sounds escaping the room were breathy moans, pleads, and praises.
**Alright, the next chapter is gonna be smut related, just a warning. If you like fade to black, this is your stopping point.
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halchron · 5 months
okay since we don't know that much about versus xiii / a lot of it is left to speculation about what actually was going to happen, here's just a few thoughts on what's up with prompto in my verse for it. all my understanding from what could've happened comes from this post.
still a clone, though from the beginning he's known that he's verstael's "son". however, to tie it into what might have actually happened in vs xiii, prompto isn't actually verstael's son that he preformed all his failed experiments on, but rather the first clone and only clone that had potential to control both his human and daemon dna after the death of his actual son. every other failed clone was instead made into mts or kept to preform further experiments on.
once the gang finally gets to niflheim, prompto does get controlled by verstael and requires noctis and the others to save him, though this happens due to a failsafe verstael put in all clones that allowed him to control them within a set vicinity.
due to his daemon blood, prompto can naturally see in the dark and has a natural affinity for dark type magic. however, due to the solheim genes also present from his human side, this also gives him an affinity for light magic ( though to a much less extent than the daemon side ). the solheim ancestry also prevents him from having more daemonic like features, though an extended use of his daemon dark magic makes prompto's scleras black while his pupils turn yellow while his veins becoming more predominant and black ( like ardyn's )
also he's aware that cor was the one to rescue him from niflheim, though he was still raised by cor's cousin. regardless he does see cor as his father and looks up to him, though he keeps their relationship a secret per cor's request ( cor still loves his son though and taught him how to defend himself and shoot firearms long before prom became a crownsguard )
besides what i listened above, not much else is different except that he's in general more confident in a casual way as he's aware of his past from the beginning and has come to terms with it, relatively speaking. of course, he still has his self esteem issues, but not as bad as they are in his regular verse. his self esteem goes down when verstael controls him and he thinks that he will hurt his friends if he stays with them, but soon recovers after they give him the spiel that they do in regular xv
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fatummortem · 2 years
@chosenbythecrystal​ x
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Ryouta can easily hear what’s happening in the apartment, get a sense of the Prince’s feelings, & a light hinge of amusement shines in his blue hues. It fades into a teasingly playful sparkle when Noctis opens the door. He head tipping to the side, pressing against the frame as he watches the other in an almost playful lazy manner. A devilish grin curving over his lips as something flashes within those blue depths. It might even give a sense of cockiness.
      In a smooth & graceful motion, Ryouta moves away from the frame to stand infront of the other, casually handing him the games. His grin turns into a smirk, that teasing glint only brightening as he hands over the games. “ Up for teaching me the ropes?” He made it sound like it was the only reason he’s there, that teasing tilt to his lips might give him away. They were Noctis’ gifts, if he doesn’t already have them. There’s been so much talk about what the Prince likes amongst the Kingsglaive & Crownsguard, he’d be disappointed in himself if he didn’t know it by now. 
      Slipping past he makes his way to the kitchen, blue hues only looking around the apartment only long enough to figure it out. He seems disinterested in how everything looks as he sets the pizza on the counter. Eyeing the cabinets before he turns, pressing back against them as he tilts his head. blue hues peeking up at the other as his hand gestures to the cabinets in question. 
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            “ Where would the elusive plate live?”
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altrxisme · 1 year
@caecus-scientia​ // cont. 
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“Shucks, sir, no need ta add the mister in there. Just Mercure is fine.” The brunet chuckled as he smiled back at Ignis. Formalities and politeness aside, he preferred a more casual address with his fellow Crownsguard. But he still didn’t want to overstep, of course. “Even just Jackson is fine, if you’re comfortable with that.” 
“And you’re welcome. Just thought you’d like ta know.”
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awlwren-writes · 2 years
6 on the kiss meme for Cornyx in the Smoke and Mirrors au XD
Sorry to take so long; the words were in open rebellion. I blame Cor. Kiss #6: "...on a falling tear"
Cor had been a soldier a long time. He had lost a lot of friends, a lot of comrades. He had gotten used to having nightmares. He had a routine. He got up, he either did stretches in his kitchen or took a stroll around the block – just something to center himself in his body, nothing that would really feel like fighting or a mission – and then he would make himself a cup of tea and drink it slowly while reviewing the layers of security protecting each of the people he loved. Sometimes he would write letters to Cid or Wesk to review in the morning and either burn or send along. Sometimes he would write letters to Noctis or Nyx to set aside for a time when he might not be here and they might want to hear the words he could never directly tell them. Sometimes he would write letters to Clarus or Regis, raging about fate and his frustration at not being able to help them in the ways they needed. Those he always burned.
And then he would wash his mug, rinse off in the shower to wash all the feelings away, and go back to bed and try and get as much sleep as he could so he didn’t get anyone killed the next day.
The routine had had two major changes over the long years he’d been the Marshal of the Crownsguard. The more recent was the introduction of Nyx into his life and his bed. Now when he went about his routine, he did so as quietly as possible to let Nyx rest more. Before then, he’d sometimes played music and danced all by himself for his exercise, but now that just made him lonely, and when he was lonely he was tempted to wake Nyx up dance with him and missed him more when he wasn’t there. It was worth the loss, though, for the way his pillows smelled like Nyx when he went back to bed.
The first major change had been the tea he used. He’d started out with just a basic herbal tea he had vaguely recalled someone telling him was good for helping sleep when he was a kid. But one of his comrades had come over to drop off some paperwork for…something. He didn’t even remember anymore. Anyway, they had come by and made fun of his tea collection, calling him a superstitious septuagenarian, and Cor had rescinded his offer and kicked the laughing soldier out of his house. The next day he’d found a collection of fine teas from Cavaugh proper in his inbox, and he’d gotten a different variety every year on the dot.
It had proved to be a useful addition, as not only were the teas excellent, it helped to serve as a benchmark of what year he was in, a tether he could trace back to other memories of things that had happened, good and ill, since he’d started this blend and grounded him in the reminder of what was real and important. Nyx, once he’d started to come to Cor’s apartment for more than just waiting around while Cor changed into casual clothes, had offered detailed critiques of each blend and helped him use up some of the back-logs of the ones he hadn’t quite finished when the year was up, but Cor tried not to think that hard about them. He just liked them, as he’d liked each one.
Tonight, as he stared down in horror at the cup he’d prepared as he so often had before, the tea was just an awful reminder that his nightmare was all too real. Titus Drautos was the man behind Glauca’s mask, and had betrayed each of them and all the glaives under his command too many times to count, and nearly caused both Nyx and him to die less than a month ago. That wasn’t just his brain playing out worst-case scenarios, it was a literal flashback.
Titus Drautos, who had given him this tea.
It was like with his routine interrupted, he couldn’t move on, literally or figurative. Cor sat staring at his cooling tea, feeling the tears leaking out one by one against his will but was helpless to do anything about either. Titus had been his friend, and Titus had tried to have him killed. Tried to kill him himself, multiple times. Titus had given him this tea, and Titus had let Nyx be poisoned. Poisoned and starved and beaten and all but broken. Titus had continued this little joke and support and vital part of Cor’s life for twenty years, and every single one of them he had been working against everything Cor loved. Cor’s tears turned to full-blown sobs, and he tried to muffle his gasped breaths into his palm, turning away from the damning cup and box of tea. Titus Drautos didn’t deserve his grief. And if Cor hadn’t been smart enough to figure out what was happening, he didn’t deserve to mourn the world he thought had been.
That’s where Nyx found him, shoulders heaving and throat aching from suppressing the noise, his free hand in a death grip on the table. “What’s wrong, Cor?” he asked, limping over on his crutches.
Cor shook his head, fighting harder to control his breath, to get himself under control. He was better than this, and Nyx didn’t deserve the extra stress. Cor hadn’t ever suspected Titus, hadn’t been able to prevent Nyx from getting hurt, and now he’d made him get up in the middle of the night and come get him when Nyx couldn’t even walk without pain. What was he even good for anyway? He turned further away as if he could hide what was happening and tried to force his breathing to calm down. This wasn’t helping anyone.
“Oh, Cor,” Nyx said softly, voice thick with his own pain. “I— Just let it out, I got you.” Cor shook his head but couldn’t stop the tears. Nyx hobbled by him and squeezed his shoulder hard, then rubbed it back and forth a few times, facing toward the kitchen so that Cor had some semblance of privacy. “I got you,” he repeated with one last stroke along Cor’s shoulder, before snatching his mug and hobbling off to the kitchen in what in any other circumstance Cor would have admired as an impressive show of dexterity.
There was the sound of running water and what was presumably his mug being rinsed out, and then something being wrung out before Nyx headed back. Cor had calmed enough by that time that he could hear it, at least, even if he couldn’t yet open his eyes or lift his head. He scrubbed at his eyes before he tried to muffle himself again, ashamed of the almost hiccupping breaths that came after most of the tears were gone.
Nyx eased himself into a chair and stoked a hand along the side of Cor’s face a few times, then back down across his shoulder. “C’mon, Cor, breath for me,” he coaxed, and Cor shook his head more out of stubbornness than any disagreement. Nyx forced out a chuckle and moved his hand to Cor’s chest, rubbing circles there until Cor’s breathing had calmed and he could pull his hands away.
“There you are,” Nyx said fondly. “Now are you going to let me have my turn helping you?” Cor nodded mutely, voice still not cooperating yet.
Nyx seemed to take it as his own cue for silence, because he lifted a warm, wet towel to Cor’s cheeks without another word, gently wiping away the tear tracks before drying his face with what felt like Nyx’s sleep shirt. Cor’s mouth quirked up without his input, but it was kinda funny; of course Nyx hadn’t thought to get a dry towel as well.
“Ha ha,” Nyx mocked, but he was clearly somewhat amused at his own expense as well. “I was worried about you, not thinking that far ahead.” There was a swoosh and then a wet thunk as Nyx tossed the used towel back into the sink, something Cor would normally object to but in this case saved him several exhausting steps with his bad leg.
Cor opened his mouth to say something about times like this being the reason Titus didn’t trust Nyx’s planning skills but cut himself off before he could say a word. He could feel the tears coming back and tried to turn away, angry at himself. Nyx stopped him with a firm hand on his jaw, and then there were warm lips on his cheeks, kissing away the traitorous – ha! – tears. “Its okay to cry, you know. At least that’s what you told me. Were you lying to me?” he teased, his own voice thick. Cor shook his head and was rewarded with another kiss to each cheek and Nyx’s other hand coming up to stroke his hair.
“Then everything’s fine, Cor. I’m here as long as you need me to be.”
So Cor just let himself breathe through the pain, not trying to talk or do anything but lean on Nyx’s strong hand and listen to the air moving in and out of both their lungs.
A small eternity later, Cor leaned back and blinked open his eyes to see Nyx smiling wryly at him in the dim light from the kitchen. “There’re my blue eyes,” he said, voice still low and soothing. “Though I have to admit, red is not your color,” he added, voice and smirk sharpening. Cor figured he had used up his childish points for the month and so resisted sticking his tongue out at his boyfriend, or, more accurately to Cor’s actual childhood, biting him. Instead, he lifted his lip to show his disapproval and levered himself to his feet as Nyx snickered at him, then followed suit more slowly.
Cor reached out a hand to cup under his elbow in support as Nyx sorted out his crutches, earning himself a fond smile before Nyx started his slow way back to the bedroom. “Now c’mon. Shower time for you. I don’t want to disrupt your routine,” he threw back over his shoulder.
“No, we couldn’t have that,” Cor agreed as he turned to follow, ignoring the tin of tea still out on the table. “That would be the worst.”
“The absolute worst.” Nyx agreed, still stubbornly leading him on.
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thisfairytalegonebad · 10 months
forging an unbreakable bond, chapter 2/3
Title: forging an unbreakable bond Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Word count chapter 2: 1400 Summary: Ignis is the first one to be connected to Noctis. Gladio and Prompto follow years later. A prequel to pieces of a whole (previously titled three times they could feel each other, which is still the series' name)
Read chapter 2 below the cut, or on AO3 here.
“Nervous?” Ignis asks the night before Gladio officially gets sworn into the Crownsguard as Noct’s Shield. Not that he hasn’t been Noct’s Shield before that, but now he’ll finally gain access to the Prince’s Armiger.
“Nah,” Gladio says casually. When that just earns him a raised eyebrow, he grins and admits, “Alright, maybe a little. Can you blame me, though?”
Ignis smiles at him and takes a sip of his drink. Since Gladio found out earlier that day that he passed his Crownsguard exam, Ignis is treating him to a night out.
“No, of course not. It’s a special occasion, I’d say it’s natural.”
“Yeah,” Gladio says, draining the rest of his beer. “Hey, what’s it feel like?”
Ignis isn’t due for his Crownsguard exams for another year, but once it’s his turn, it’ll be a purely formal thing. After all, he’s been hooked up to Noct’s Armiger since they were children. Gladio used to be a little jealous when he was younger - as Noct’s Shield, he was supposed to be first .
Now that he’s older, and closer to both Noct and Iggy, he doesn’t really mind anymore. Really, he can’t think of anyone more deserving of being the first member of Noct’s retinue than Ignis, even if it’s not yet official.
Gladio doesn’t need to specify what he’s asking about - the connection to the Royal Armiger is always the most discussed topic among the new Crownsguard members, and everyone’s eager to know what it feels like.
“It feels… hm, it’s hard to describe. I hardly remember a time without it,” Ignis says, touching his fingers to his chin in thought. “The connection to the Armiger feels vast, powerful, even though I can wield but a fraction of its true strength. The magic feels almost alive, and once I learnt how to control it, it was as though it became a part of my own body, my own self.”
Gladio knows that Ignis has always been gifted when it came to magic. Once he’d been connected to the Armiger, he’d been put into magic lessons with Noct, and apparently, he’d taken to it as if he had been born with it. Unsurprising, considering Ignis rarely doesn’t excel at something.
If he’s honest with himself, he’s a little worried about what his own proficiency with magic will be like. His specialties lie in protection and brute force. He can’t imagine being particularly good at magic, but luckily, not all members of Noct’s retinue have to be.
“And you can feel Noct, yeah?”
“I can. It’s certainly the most notable part of the Armiger connection, and also my favourite. Noct is simply… always there. I can always feel his presence, no matter how far away he physically is.”
Damn. That does sound nice, Gladio thinks. People wouldn’t guess it, but he’s kind of sentimental, and the thought of that sort of constant companionship makes him feel all warm inside.
“And you?” he asks.
Ignis blinks at him as he takes another sip. “Me?”
“Am I gonna be able to feel you, too?” Gladio clarifies. After all, they’re gonna be sharing the same connection.
“I… haven’t considered that,” Ignis admits. “I cannot say for certain, after all, there’s never been another person before.”
Gladio shrugs. “Well, guess we’re gonna find out tomorrow.”
He wouldn’t mind if he could feel Iggy too. It’s a nice thought, the three of them, always connected no matter the distance.
Noct is clearly nervous. Gladio can almost see him vibrating out of his seat with nervous excitement as he watches his father perform the ritual for each of the new Crownsguards.
Gladio would be lying if he said his own nerves weren’t acting up, but it’s all excitement. He’s been the Prince’s Shield from the day Noct was born, and he’s here to stay. Getting permanently connected to him in a magic ritual is just another obvious step. No big deal.
He catches Noct stealing glances at him and flashes him a grin, hoping to reassure him. Noct offers a shaky smile in return, but it’s clear he’d rather just get it over with.
Lost in his own thoughts, Gladio watches the rest of the Crownsguard pledging their loyalties to the King until it’s finally his turn.
He catches Noct’s eye as he walks up to the crystal on steady legs and gives him a small nod.
The corner of Noct’s lip twitches upwards ever-so-slightly, but where just moments ago, there was a nervous, shaky teen, there now stands a proper Prince who holds Gladio’s gaze without a hint of uncertainty.
Gladio kneels before him and starts reciting his oath, the oath he’s practiced so many times he could recall it in his sleep.
“I, Gladiolus Amicitia, Son of Clarus and Orchis Amicitia, Shield to Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum, hereby pledge my undying loyalty to the Crown of Lucis. And vow to provide my arms in times of war, my art in times of peace, and my service in times of need. I promise to defend my liege against all that desire him harm with word, deed and force. From this day forward, as long as I draw breath, I am bound to you, Prince Noctis, and you alone.”
Noct was nervous about messing up his part of the oath, Gladio knows from Ignis. But as he stands before Gladio, looking down at him with pride, his voice doesn’t waver as he delivers his reply to Gladio’s pledge.
“Let all here bear witness, that I, Noctis Lucis Caelum, son of Regis and Aulea Lucis Caelum, and 114th heir to the Lucian throne, hear and accept your oath of loyalty, given in good faith. In turn, I vow to defend and support you and yours, with word, deed and force. Those that keep and hold this oath true will be rewarded with my favour. Those that forget this oath and break faith shall be repaid with my judgement and dreadful wrath. Now, arise, Gladiolus Amicitia, so that our bond may be forged.”
Gladio stands, blinking rapidly to combat the sudden wetness in his eyes. Looking at Noct now, looking every part like the Prince he is, Gladio has never been so proud of him.
Simultaneously, they reach out and touch the crystal together, and when Gladio’s hand makes contact with the smooth stone, it’s as if he were touching something alive.
It’s brimming with magic beneath his fingers, and he feels its power flowing through him. The sensation is incredible and nearly takes his breath away, but there’s something else rapidly spreading through his body and filling every part of him.
Noct, he realises. It’s exactly like Ignis described, and more. For all the sappy books with flowery language Gladio reads, he’d struggle to express the sensation to anyone who hasn’t felt it for themselves.
Noct can feel him too, from the way he finally smiles at him, eyes glistening suspiciously.
Once Gladio pulls his hand back and breaks contact with the crystal, the flow of magic becomes less intense until it fades to the background, still there, but not as overwhelming. Noct, however, is a presence that doesn’t change, and Gladio is stupidly glad for it - now that he knows the sensation of feeling Noct so close within him, he couldn’t bear it if it were dulled.
And finally, he notices another presence, one that rivals Noct’s in intensity. It feels different; where Noct is calm and steady, the other presence feels warm and sheltering, and it only takes him a fraction of a second to figure out that this must be Ignis.
Once he realises this, he can’t really hold back the tears anymore, the wetness rolling down his cheeks for all to see. Let them see, he thinks. He’s always worn his heart on his sleeve, and he can’t bring himself to feel shame for this.
“Aw, Gladio, c’mon,” Noct complains in a whisper as they pass each other, both making their way back to their designated positions, but Gladio can see him blink tears out of his own eyes.
King Regis speaks again to finish the ceremony, but Gladio doesn’t hear a word of it.
His focus lies entirely on the presence of the two people he is now forever bound to, and he knows with absolute certainty that he would lay down his life for either of them in a heartbeat.
Read the entire fic on AO3 here.
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lunarlegend · 5 months
tiny 14 year old Stella very LOUDLY and DRAMATICALLY dragging a chair across the room at a Crownsguard meeting and wedging it between Ignis & Gladio's seats so she can be next to Ignis, then casually sitting there like that was a completely normal thing to do
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ahdenyadahling · 1 year
Final Fantasy XV - Fate & Destiny
note: mild language
Chapter Seven, Part One
Chapter Seven: Complications
Upon my first impressions, Ignis Scientia was not my type of man. He was uptight, bossy, and an all-around know it all. Even the clothes he wore were as stiff as he was, with his pants with tight creases, his jacket perfectly straight, and his hairstyle was most laughable of all. I don’t know who told him to stick his bangs straight up in the air and said that it looked good, but they were dead wrong. Seeing Ignis now, emerging from the camper before he got to preen himself was like meeting another person. This person, this basic version of Ignis, was magnificent. I stopped mid-sit-up and gawked, taking in this beautiful view as he started to brew his favorite coffee.
He seemed younger without the gel in his dark sandy hair, without his glasses on. He appeared friendlier without the black Crownsguard jacket. I saw a necklace around throat as he finished buttoning up his undershirt, a dark leopard print with a large skull and crossbones on the back, the symbol of the Crownsguard. Ignis reached for his suspenders, pulling each over a shoulder and securing them to his pants. He suddenly took on a sophisticated, sexy aura and I had trouble looking away. I licked my lips, wondering what it would be like to share a few moments alone in the dark with him, to have him call me ‘dear’ again.
“Don’t stop on my account,” he said over his shoulder, “We can speak when you’re through.”
My cheeks were burning already, and while I tried to play it off as exertion, but we both knew better. Honestly, when he appeared, I had immediately lost count of my sit-ups, so I did five more before standing and slowly approaching him. I tried to sound casual, but I failed; it was obvious I was trying too hard to be nice when I asked, “So, what did you want to talk about?”
He motioned for me to sit across from him at the picnic table and he kept his voice low. “Perhaps… I was mistaken in advising you to keep your… obligations secretive. For now, I suggest you give full disclosure to both Noctis and Gladio.”
I frowned, “And still keep it from Prompto. Why?”
“Honestly, I don’t believe he’s mature enough to handle that information. The lad may technically be an adult, but knowing that a life is in his hands or he’s to use you as a wife or concubine, that will eat at his mind. He may smile, but he is very insecure.”
I interrupted angrily, “A concubine? Is that what my Destiny is? How dare you presume that’s what’s expected of me to keep him happy!”
“My apologies for the harsh truth, but does it seem to you that he’s committed to the idea of marriage, to you, at least?”
Seeing first-hand the way he bounced and floundered all over Cindy like a puppy seeking attention and how he hardly gave me a second glance confirmed Ignis’s statement. I crossed my arms on the table and hid my face in them. I couldn’t understand why this had to be so complicated.
Ignis continued, “You must also make it clear to Gladio that you are not interested in him. His attention has been wandering and it’s obvious that you are the reason why.”
I nodded from within my arms. “I understand.”
I did. There was no use in giving Gladio false hope when I was already destined to be with someone else. Ignis was right, of course. Gladio and I were becoming closer, both through his training and with his concern for my welfare. I sat up, my hand seeking the scar on my lip, and for a moment, I pictured his thumb there, caressing gently. I swallowed hard. Those were exactly the type of thoughts I had to extinguish, or at least replace Gladio for Prompto. Mentally, I shook my head. It wasn’t the same.
The camper door opened and Gladio stepped out, raising his hand over his eyes, blocking the rising sun. “Mornin’,” he greeted, then turned toward us, “Everything okay? Starting the day off with a lecture, Ignis?”
He seemed slightly annoyed when he answered, “That does seem to be the norm these days.”
I stood up from the picnic table with the intent of walking away, but Gladio gave me pause, dressed to rival my newfound thoughts of Ignis. He stood in nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants, and it was all I could do to blink. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from that god-like body, that well-muscled torso, the tattoo that spread the entirety of his back and both arms. It was an eagle, and I wanted to run my fingers over each and every feather, tracing every muscle of that finely sculpted body. Not five minutes ago, I was telling myself not to fantasize about this man, that my heart said I loved someone else, that I was destined for someone else, and he steps outside like this? For a moment, I wondered if he overheard our conversation and walked outside half-naked on purpose.
Yet he approached me, a carefree smile on his face, fists clenched and throwing mock punches at my shoulder. “Ready for training?”
“Gladiolus!” a voice sounded behind him.
Gladio turned quickly, straightening to attention. “Marshal, sir!”
Cor approached, a stern expression on his stony face, “I suggest you clothe yourself properly before training our new recruit.”
“Yes, sir,” Gladio rushed back into the camper.
Monica hid a laugh behind her hand as she came into view. “You’ve still got it, Marshal. Anyhow,” she presented me with a bundle wrapped in brown cloth. “Come on, I want to see them on you.”
I couldn’t hide my excited smile as I accepted my package from her. I followed Monica back to the garage where I could change clothes in a bit of privacy. I was impressed with Monica’s tailoring measurements; everything fit like a glove. I wasn’t particularly fond of wearing leather pants in the desert, but from what I understood, we were supposed to leave for Lestallum today. Maybe it would be cooler there. After dressing, Monica handed me a leather strap for my hair. I tied it up into a half-ponytail and almost wished for a mirror. She assured me that I looked professional, but I wanted to see for myself. At least she had followed most of my modifications.
The typical female Crownsguard uniform was more like a corset with a high collar than the males leather button-up shirt. Mine had black lace covering my cleavage so no one would see unless the lighting was just right. The pants were tight, but still flexible. I could move, bend and twist without discomfort. And I wore the men's Crownsguard boots rather than the women's; I never learned to walk in heels and now was not the time to start. Monica informed me that she also ordered my spare uniform along with winter wear; they were already in the trunk of the Regalia. I thanked her with a quick hug, which she wasn’t expecting. I guess I had to learn proper conduct now that I was a Crownsguard.
By the time we returned to the camper, breakfast was being served. Gladio, now fully clothed, or at least his version of it with his shirt still unbuttoned, sat beside Noct on one side of the table while Prompto handed out plates of food. Cor, Ignis and Monica sat opposite Gladio and Noct, leaving me and Prompto to sit at the small counter inside the camper.
He nodded in approval of my new uniform with a slight smile. “I likes. Now you’re like, officially one of the guys.”
I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. Was being ‘one of the guys’ what I wanted to be? Did that mean he didn’t see me as a woman at all? I told him thanks, but I wondered if my modesty ruined how he perceived me. My mother came to mind, and I recalled that it was my personality that was supposed to attract people, not my body or the clothes I wore. I wasn’t going to change my morals to please someone else.
Slowly, I came to realize that I was alone in eating, and that Prompto was simply tapping his food with his fork, looking up at me expectantly, then turning away. I set my utensil down. “If something’s bothering you—”
“Honestly, a lot of things are bothering me.” He peered over his shoulder to be sure the door was closed so we wouldn’t be overheard. “So much that I don’t know where to start.”
I nodded. “I know. Apparently, Ignis is snippy, Gladio’s careless, Noctis is frustrated, you’re confused and angry, and I’m the cause of all of it.”
“Well, yes, that’s part of it. But why? You said you’d explain it to me.”
I considered Ignis’s advice when he told me that Prompto wasn’t mature enough for that conversation, and I tend to agree. He seems too childlike and innocent, and I don’t want him to be tied down with this responsibility, knowing his two options, fretting over them as I still did.
“I will,” I told him gently, “Just… not now.”
He stood abruptly, slamming his hands down onto the table, shaking our plates. “So they get to know? You can tell them a secret but not me? What’s a life debt? You have to save me now because I saved you?”
I stood as well, trying to maintain some composure, yet not wanting to further the conversation. “It’s more serious than that. Can we please talk about something else?”
He scowled at me, his thin eyebrows furrowed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “How come you won’t train with me? You only train with Gladio.”
Despite my frustration, a smile began to appear on my face. Something about Prompto’s boyish face combined with his pouty attitude was endearing to me. I started to realize that if I wanted to move our relationship forward, if I wanted to marry Prompto instead of dying, I would need to initiate matters. I had no idea how, except for taking notes from Gladio. Just as he always reached for my chin, I reached out to pinch Prompto’s cheek. He backed a step away, not expecting that reaction from me, but he had nowhere to go. The railing blocked his way to the door. His blue eyes widened, even with mine as I leaned forward to whisper, “You never asked.”
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sage-shipping · 2 years
❣️ 💓 🎨 🖌️ 💘 🥰 for ignis (& if u want, ur ffxv s/i)
i’ll do it for both!
❣️ - What are their love languages?
- Ignis’ is acts of service. hes constant thinking of small gestures he can do to show he cares.
- s/is is also acts of service. he has a habit of taking over the cooking or driving for the group when he starts to notice ignis needs a break.
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
- the switch in Ignis’ behavior are very subtle. he’ll find himself cooking s/is favorite meals more often, he’ll drift closer to s/i in battle and he’ll try to make casual conversation more than usual.
- s/i, is very obvious about his feelings. he’ll hop on any oppurtunity to help ignis with cooking and other chores. hes also been caught staring more than once.
🎨 - What’s their favorite color?
- despite the black uniform he wears as a crownsguard and glaive, he prefers toned down neutral or earthy colors. mostly browns, greens and grey.
- s/i also prefers earthy/natural colors, but on the brighter end of the spectrum.
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
- aside from cooking, ignis doesnt really have any. he considers himself too busy for that. given the chance, he likes to try out his friends hobbies.
- s/i enjoys going out on the royal vessel and helping noct catch sea fish. or whenever the group is in town, he spends a long time in the markets.
💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)?
- Ignis is fond of s/is attitude, that s/i is almost as protective of the others as he is, or that s/i jumps to help him out.
- s/i loves ignis’ strength, specifically how well he carries the weight on his shoulders.
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
- Ignis isnt big on pet names, and espcially not in front of the others, given that they’ll relentlessly tease him about it.
- not pet names per se, but s/i has picked up on the nicknames the others have given him and will call him iggy, specs or jokingly join prompto in calling him ‘mom’.
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chippersweetbaby · 2 years
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ebonyphotographs · 6 years
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mrs-ignis-ffxv · 6 years
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The Hand of the King (attempted to insert more Game of Thrones reference but got tired)
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