#crypttv sunny family cult
doodleferp · 4 months
Crypt TV Update!!!
So I realized as I was returning to complete my overhaul of the Crypt TV Fandom wiki, I was NOT a good little Crypt junkie and I didn't give the latest update to this post! But there HAS been news on the Crypt TV front believe it or not.
TLDR: Crypt TV has been bought out by another media company that runs similarly to them. The new company seeks to revitalize Crypt's more recognizable monsters as well as create new original content for the CMU.
So as of January of this year, Crypt TV has been bought out by another web media company called Brat TV. Brat seems to do the same sort of thing that Crypt does, make media with the Gen Z demographic in mind -- except they're much more generalized with their stuff and don't focus on just one genre. They've got some good content on there, so I don't suggest blowing it off right away. Brat TV intends to expand into other genres to reach more viewers, and in buying Crypt TV is their way of expanding into the horror genre.
So what does this mean for Crypt fans? Well, Brat apparently plans on revitalizing some of Crypt's IP and getting their channels up and rolling again. Just to assuage peoples' fears, the deletion of the Crypt YouTube channel is extremely unlikely. The Brat execs plan to keep Eli Roth and other Crypt OGs on-staff, and they plan to revisit OG properties, specifically naming Sunny Family Cult and The Look-See.
It looks like the content launch is already beginning as well, because there's not only a new Facebook Meta series shot entirely in first-person VR, but we've had a brand-new Crypt video within the past week! It's a creepypasta video straight out of the creepypasta era starring The Mauler from Camp Monster and a brand-new monster, The Banshee! Since the creepypastas aren't exactly canon, I can't say for sure if The Banshee will be in any CMU stuff, but it's still a pleasant surprise after all these months of inactivity!
I've got a link to the new creepypasta below in case anyone wants to check it out!
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Any shipping headcanons for Taylor x Jaina ?
Honestly? Not really.
This isn't to say that I don't think they wouldn't work as a couple -- it's just that I'm not really into SFC. Maybe it's the lack of monsters, maybe it just feels too much like the generic tv dramas that I come to Crypt to get away from. Plus, there were so many open ends left by the time the series ended that it kind of...made me mad? Like, what happened to Karen and Jaina and Allie Ann and everyone else? It felt like they just ceased to exist for Season 3 and everything was focused on Roger.
My own hangups aside, I do think Taylor and Jaina would be a cute couple. Jaina helps Taylor come out of her shell a lot, and while it doesn't always turn out well it's good for Taylor. Jaina is probably the more outwardly-volatile one and people would never guess that Taylor's the one they have to watchout for.
I also inwardly chuckle at the thought of Allie Ann being all "i fucking knew it" when their relationship goes public. Like, she totally called it back in Season 2. I'd probably take a victory lap lol
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to-be-deleted · 3 years
Here's a DBD x Crypt TV fanmade collection I made bc i love both universes, the only downside to the Crypt TV collection we got is that there's a Birch skin so we'll never get a Birch chapter even tho it would have been really really cool :'(
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artblooger19moon · 5 years
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Sunny Family Cult
@crypttv / @sunnyfamilycult
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emilyprime101 · 5 years
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The Sunny Family Cult from Crypt TV.
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juniperhillpatient · 7 years
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“The price for desertion is death.” 
The Sunny Family Cult, season 2 episode 5: Caravaggio 
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ironclark · 5 years
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Keyblade Cards - Youtuber Set 1
A Keyblade modeled after the big, strong youtuber Markiplier! This Keyblade is designed to have increase reach and damage and access to Second Form! The hilt guard of the Keyblade is designed after the Markiplier Hero's emblem, but with a Pink fade addition. The shaft of the blade is designed after the details that appeared on the Box from Mark's Youtube Red series A Heist With Markiplier, blue gem included. At the base of the shaft is the iconic Warfstache from Wilford Warfstache! The Teeth of the blade is design after the Korean letters for Hero, 헤로. The main inspiration of this comes from the Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades. The token is Tiny Box Tim!
The name comes from Markiplier's signature Mustache design!
A Keyblade modeled after the monsters in the CryptTV universe! This Keblade is designed to have increase damage and access Strike form! The hilt guard is designed by combining the tree design of that of The Birch, along with the horns of the Mordeau, at the pommel, there is a spider representing Miss Annity. The handle is designed after the spine of the Mordeau as it fades into the skin design of the shaft. The Shaft is mainly designed after the fleshy face of the Look-See, with the breaks in the skin being inspired by that of the Look-See. On the top of the shaft, there is the blood drawn symbol of the Sunny Family Cult, the bone crown of Soot and a Torment Fragment. The Teeth of the blade is a simple blade that fades from the flesh. The Keychain is webbing from Miss Annity and the token is the Look-See's pocket watch!
The name comes from the Nocnitsa, a slavic folklore spirit that is present in nightmares, much like the creatures of Crypt TV!
A Keyblade modeled after the rage complications of the Game Grumps! Being a combined Keyblade, it requires two people who are close to operate, and can force them into Rage Form! The Keyblade is in two halves, with the left side being based on Arin "Egoraptor" Hansen and the right being Danny "Sexbang" Avidan! The entirety of the Keyblade is designed based on Sora and Riku's Keyblade, with the Game Grumps orange dots all over the Keyblade. At the top there is a comical "Angry mouth" as a reference to Arin's rage moments, with the design around the mouth being reminisce of angry text boxes. On the "Arin Side" the hilt guard has inspiration from the Sequalitis logo, and the general color scheme is based on Arin's preference for pink, as it fades into the orange Game Grumps color. On the "Danny Side", the hilt guard is designed after the red star that Danny has on his Sexbang costume. The color scheme of his side is his preference for blue as it fades into the orange Game Grumps color. The keychain is orange with the token being Burgie! 
The name comes from the common gaming term to quit a game out of frustration and rage, which Arin (of Game GRUMPS) has been known to do! 
A Keyblade modeled after the famous Sceptic Eye of JackSceptic Eye! The Keyblade is designed to poison targets! The entire Keyblade is inspired by the end cards that Jack uses in his videos. The hilt is designed to have a Sceptic Eye in the base of a platform, with mechanical claws making up the teeth and hilt guard. The shaft of the Keyblade is a tank that would normally hold the Eye. The keychain is the tether of the Eye, with the token being Jack's Floppy Banana prop. 
The name comes from a common self-titled name that Jack gives himself! 
A Keyblade modeled after the delicous channel of Rosanna Pansino! The Keyblade is designed to give you massive bonuses from meals! The hilt of the Keyblade has an Oreo top with Ro's logo inside of it, it then links up with candy colored in the Nerdy Nummies scheme that stretches outwards, holding two sets of whip cream and cherries. The hilt guard has two stirring spoons connected by a string of candy. The handle and the first loop of the keychain is that of a wisk. The shaft of the keyblade is a slice of cake, that ends up  with icing on the top of the cake, and a strawberry. The teeth of the Keyblade form a slight R with the icing of the cake. The keychain is a series of candies with the token being the Nerdy Nummies Cookie! 
The name comes from the Keyblade being a slice of cake, and the genere of anime, to reference the Nerdy in Nerdy Nummies!
 A Keyblade modeled after the science of Because Science! The Keyblade is designed to give you a 100% accurate attack with your Shotlocks! The hilt of the Keyblade has a beaker that is tied to two more beakers by a tube, holding these beakers are burners, which makes up the hilt guard. The handle of the Keyblade is a marker, much like the ones that the host, Kyle Hill, uses. The shaft of the keyblade is a spiral tube, with metal scaffolding holding the tubing, ending in another beaker. The teeth of the Keyblade is made by an Atom resting on top of the beaker, and the particles cycling around it forming the teeth. The keychain is another tube with the Because Science logo being the token. 
The name comes from Kyle Hill, the host and face of Because Science. It comes from many scientists naming particular objects or forumlas after themselves.
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lifements-blog · 6 years
31 Thoughts I Had While Watching The Sunny Family Cult Season 1
My friend recommended this to me and not gonna lie i’m afraid of everything so i put this off for a long time, but now i finally decided to just watch this early in the mornings, because everyone knows that morning scares are the n°1 repellent of nightmares (they aren’t).
Please forgive my misspellings and time problems, I tried to catch them all but… then I didn’t.
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1. Cult then? Cool I like cults and titles with cult on it (I don’t)
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2. I’m gonna have nightmares
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3. Taylor go to bed 4. Taylor get out 5. Taylor escape 6. Taylor why won’t you lisent to meeee
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7. “Don’t be a victim” easy for you to say, you’re the one with the knife
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8. She enjoyed that way more than she should 
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9. Taylor has grown (whistle)
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10. whistleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (Trent is so prettyyyyyyyyy)
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11. You should always tell your parents where you are
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12. This aint about money boy
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13. Taylor dont do it
14. Taylor dont kill just escape
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15. Why won’t you listen to meeeeeeeeeee
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16. She’s finally out but so not into the family, so she`s calling a bunch of kids and lying
17. I bet those kids won’t tell their parents where they are going either
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18. Paper airplanes with a symbol, is that a thing? Like you can’t join if you can’t do a paper airplane
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19.  Now he’s lying
20. He just wants to get it in ;)
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21. Taylor dont, you’re better than this
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22. Oh well seems like she’s going dark
23. Kill them girl kill them
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25. I can’t decide if I want her in or out, she’s confusing me
26. Stab stab stab stab
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27. Guts
28. Cult means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten
29. Welcome to the family
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30. Selfie
31. I think we can all agree that the moral of the story is: learn to do paper airplanes or you won’t get in the cult
Thanks for reacting with me, you’ll read me in the next one
Pd: Do you have suggestions for me to watch next? Send me one.
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campkeeper-archive · 5 years
Out of curiousity, which monsters you think from CryptTv do you think David can handle? Or one's that will just automatically have David booking it far off from the creature?
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     // I have to tell ya, it’s been a while since I’ve seen their stuff and I only remembered the Birch recently (I’ve seen some of their Sunny Family Cult stuff too but I should really check out their ‘Monsters in the Woods’ playlist sometime). 
     But honestly? Put a monster in front of the man, or a sign that something’s even remotely off and he’s outie. Guy’s NOT a real badass, nor does he try to be. What fuels his motivation to take any action at all is if the creature is directly threatening his campers and co-counselors, and in that case he usually goes to QM for advice before handling it.
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doodleferp · 4 years
Area 51 Meme: Crypt TV Edition
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(Please note: These are all the monsters I could think of to date. More might be added later on if it turns out I forgot some.)
“They can’t stop us all!”
Cheshire (Crypt Fables)
Velma (The Chosen)
Zominic the Cannibal Baby
Larry/The Mauler (Camp Monster)
“If we Naruto run, we can dodge the bullets.”
Anthony Kane (My First Day)
Giggles the Clown
Oliver Greenwood (Shelley)
Water’s Edge Monster
Silas/Pinnochio (Crypt Fables)
Julie (Friendship Bracelet)
“Please don’t, they absolutely can stop all of you.”
The Birch
Mira Mira
Geppetto (Crypt Fables)
The Ice Cream Man (One Please)
Jacquelyn Torne (The Terrible Tale of Jacquelyn Torne)
Daniel (Camp Monster)
“Have fun dying, lol”
Miss Annity
Taylor (Sunny Family Cult)
The Kinderfänger
Riju (The Chosen)
The Mordeo Queen
Actually goes to Area 51
Carrie (The Girl in the Woods)
Walter (Milk and Cookies)
Roger (Sunny Family Cult)
The Beast Under The Bed
Dread (Dread)
Gets in
The Brute
The Mordeo
The Look-See
Is one of the aliens at Area 51
Fluffy (Troubled Youth)
Dream Screecher
The Little Mermaid
The Mimic
The Widower
The Thing In The Apartment
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(Platonic) Sunny Family Cult: Taylor best friend headcanons
I haven’t watched much of SFC, but I did the best I could.
Isn’t too used to relationships outside of The Family, but as a cult baby she knows how important relationships can be.
When you first start hanging out, she’ll try desperately to hide the cult from you. This is her first real relationship — unlike the fake ones she created to lure victims to the house, she doesn’t want to scare you or hurt you somehow. She knows that her upbringing isn’t normal, 
When she finally starts to feel really comfortable around you, she’ll confide in you about her anxieties growing up in a murder cult — so long as you promise you won’t tell anyone.
This girl is more than able to throw hands for you. Her hands may be a bit tied in public, but get her in a place with no witnesses and she will absolutely make them pay.
She likes to hang out with you in the woods or the park. It’s not the seclusion factor in this case, but the wilderness and the outdoors. Having her favorite person in her favorite place makes her feel peaceful... happy.
Sleepovers are a thing -- she likes to be in the same room as you because, this way, if anything happens in the night, she’ll be there to protect you.
Introducing you to her family is gonna be one of the biggest sources of anxiety she’s ever faced. What if she makes a mistake and they think she brought you as a sacrifice? What if they don’t like you -- or what if your parents don’t like her? If she meets your parents, what if they say you two can’t see each other?
She may have a few anxiety attacks over the stress of this, but meeting her parents actually turns out to be way less of a hassle than she agonized over! They’re thrilled that their daughter’s interested in bringing a new addition to the family. And hopefully, their other Family.
All in all, Taylor is a sweet friend, if she’s not anxious about introducing you to her bio family and her cult family. She would very much benefit from someone who’s calm and easygoing, and willing to listen to and help her work through her struggles. Oh, and someone who has a strong stomach — being able to stomach gore is a must for her family.
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mayleitz · 7 years
Hey Mason! I absolutely love your channel and can't wait to continue watching as your channel progresses. I was wondering if you watched any of CryptTvs short horror films? I recommend The Birch, Sunny Family Cult, and One Please. Though I still have a ton to watch they have so many! But anyways keep up the good work! Also just outta curiosity how old are you?
I'm 24 at the moment and I've never heard of these shorts so I'll have to check em out.
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jackieblood1 · 7 years
Watch Episodes of ‘Sunny Family Cult’ at @crypttv at the official youtube today. On this Horror Weekend on #PsychoSunday. Don’t miss out.
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chainsaw-babes · 6 years
SUNNY FAMILY CULT SEASON 3 SUPERCUT | Scary Short Horror Film | Crypt TV
SUNNY FAMILY CULT SEASON 3 SUPERCUT | Scary Short Horror Film | Crypt TV
The CRYPT MONSTER UNIVERSE is CONNECTED…what TERRORS and BLOODLUST will TAYLOR unlock?? Now watch ALL of Sunny Family Cult Season 3 back to back, did you pick up any new clues?? SUBSCRIBE & turn on NOTIFICATIONS for weekly short horror films every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday at 1pm PST: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-CryptTV
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/crypttv INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.co…
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queen-of-the-collar · 7 years
Sunny Family Cult by CryptTV is so damn good. I wasn't expecting this, and now want a thread for it. Seriously, check out Sunny Family Cult if you have the time- it's more than you'd initially think.
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juniperhillpatient · 7 years
The Sunny Family Cult > 90% of high budget horror series 
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