#cs missing moment one shot
“Always Remember (the burning embers)” by kazoosandfannypacks
Pairing: Captain Swan Rating: General Word Count: 1380 Summary: Killian and Emma have a late night conversation about careless words that've left their scars Tags: au, fluff, captain swan, one shot, post canon, canon compliant, fix-it-fic, missing moment Author’s notes: I've been planning this fic for a little while here, since sometime during season 5. The title is based on the taylor swift song "the great war," which I feel nicely sums up Killian and Emma during the Dark Ones arc, though this fic takes place probably a couple years later. Taglist:@zahara@kmomof4@jonesfandomfanatic@booksteaandtoomuchtv@jrob64@tiganasummertree@anmylica@teamhook@undercaffinatednightmare@gingerchangeling@lonelyspectator@caught-in-the-filter  @ultraluckycatnd  @cs-rylie @silver-the-phoenix @pawshapedheart [if you’d like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Killian had gotten so used to waking up next to Emma that it always felt weird when he didn't- especially when it was two A.M., and she'd been right there when he fell asleep, and now she wasn't.
 At first, he suspected maybe she'd gone to the bathroom or to get a drink of water or something like that- but then he saw her, sitting at the foot of the bed, seeming a touch unwell.
 "Is something wrong, love?" he whispered.
 She turned around, a bit startled.
 "I didn't realize you were still up."
 "Love, it's two in the morning," he said, "have you been awake this whole time?"
 "I guess," Emma said.
 "What's wrong, love?"
 "Nothing," she shook her head.
 He knew her better than to believe that.
 "What's wrong?" he repeated.
 "Nothing important." Emma said, quickly.
 "Emma," he said, hoping his soft tone could soften whatever armor she'd been crafting, "if you're up thinking about it at two in the morning, it must be important. What's wrong?"
 She sighed, and glanced back at him for a moment- and in that moment he nodded to her, like you'd nod to an injured animal to ask it to trust you, to tell her, "Go on. Let me help you."
 "It still feels like a fairy tale," she said.
 Rather than try and read into that statement, he simply asked for clarification.
 "What does?"
 "All of it," she said, in a whispered breath like an angry laugh, "you, Henry, my parents, our home- our happy beginning."
 "Aye," Killian nodded, knowing she still hadn't hit the point of her problem.
 "And the problem with a fairytale is the story always ends, the book closes, and you're back to being whoever it was you were escaping from."
 "Emma," Killian crawled out from under the covers and over to the foot of the bed so he could sit next to her, "what we have here is real, and it's not going away."
 "I know," Emma shook her head, "and I'm trying so hard to believe that."
 "What's stopping you?"
 She shrugged. "Myself. For someone whose job is happy endings, I'm pretty good at destroying my own."
 "What's that supposed to mean, love?" Killian asked, trying to sound reassuring and not like that was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard.
 "I…." she shook her head.
 "You don't need to push me away, love."
 "That's just the thing- that's what I do," she shook her head, "I push people away- people I love."
 And she tacked on, on top of it all, so softly he almost didn't hear it: "and that's why I'll always be an orphan."
 "Emma, love," he said, carefully but desperately turning her face to his, "where did you get such a ridiculous idea?"
 She pushed away physically this time, shaking her head and turning away from him.
 "I'm glad you don't remember," she said, almost smiling.
 "Remember what?"
 "It's nothing."
 "It's not," he insisted, his voice raising above a whisper for the first time that night, "talk to me."
 Her eyes almost seemed the blue ones for all the tears they held back as she looked up at him. He wanted to help her, wanted to dry the tears she was afraid to cry, wanted to clean up the mess she was afraid to spill, and wanted to make everything right for her. That's all he ever wanted for Emma, to be that for her, to be the one she could turn to no matter what she was facing- to be the one who made her burdens lighter.
 "The conversation at Regina's," Emma took a deep breath, "back when we were Dark Ones."
 He'd tried so hard to purge those awful memories, choosing to dwell on their happy moments instead of ones like that, those moments where they didn't trust each other, where they closed themselves off to each other, where they argued with each other….
 "That moment when I told her she'd always be an orphan," He recalled, "her pain now is my fault."
 He didn't know what to say now. All he knew how to do was throw his arms around her, pull her close to him, hold her as tight as he could and choke out an "I'm sorry."
 So, that's what he did.
 "It wasn't you," Emma said, "it was the darkness. I've tried not to mention it, because I know you'd never…."
 Though he couldn't see her face (which was buried in his embrace,) he could tell by the way her voice trailed off that she was crying, and he quickly let go of his right arms' grip around her, so he could catch the tears as they rolled down her cheek.
 He knew his apology was nowhere near sufficient, but he still didn't know what to say- what could his words do to make up for such loveless atrocities?
 "I'm sorry," Emma said, "I shouldn't've brought it up. I shouldn't've mentioned it."
 "Nonsense," he said, taking her hand in his and pulling it close to his chest, "I never want you to think that a problem you have is too big to share with me. Understand?"
 She nodded. He sighed, unsure what words would tumble out after his breath.
 "I love that you're my anchor, Emma," he said, "a ship would be lost without her anchor, and I'd be lost without you. I love everything you've ever done for me. Do you know what else I love about you?"
 "Call me a bit of a narcissist, but I love that you're my mirror. When I see you, I see a lot of myself. I see someone who never gives up, someone who risks their life for those they love, someone who does everything they can to be a hero, no matter what mistakes they've made.
 "And when I first met you, I saw what you were," he continued, "and what I was- a lost boy, a lone wolf- an orphan. And when I said those angry dark words I wish I could take back, words I never should've said- I was talking to myself too."
 He'd never seen a perfect blend of confusion and understanding quite like the one he saw on her face now.
 "We did push people away, love. We did hide from the people who cared about us. That's why we should still be orphans. But that's not what we are anymore."
 "Why not?"
 "Because we turn to the people we love. We've set aside our armor and chosen something new."
 "What's that?"
 Still holding her hand close to his heart, he instead brought it to his lips and kissed it.
 "Emma Swan, you will never be an orphan again. That's not who you are anymore. You're the Savior. You're my True Love, my happy beginning and ending and everything in between. You're a mother and a daughter and a hero and the most perfect wife a man could ever ask for."
 "Some days I have trouble believing that," Emma shook her head, "but I believe in you."
 With the hand that he wasn't holding, Emma reached up and stroked his face, her cold hand warming against his cheek. "So if you can believe in me, I can believe in me too," she said.
 "I'm glad to hear it, love."
 "And you're not an orphan anymore either, Killian Jones," Emma said. She kissed his hand, then pulled it close to her heart, "You're my family. You're my best friend. You're my true love. My hero."
 "Aye," He nestled his head against her forehead, gently, then whispered "I love you."
 "I love you too," she whispered back, "thank you."
 "Anytime, love," he said, "now, let's get back to bed."
 They both let go of each other, only so they could crawl back across to the other side of the bed. As soon as they were both under the covers, Emma slid into his arms, wrapping her own arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest.
 "Goodnight, my love," he said, craning his neck forward so he could kiss her forehead.
 "Goodnight, Killian." She replied, sounding sleepy but satisfied.
 And with that, Killian fell asleep the only way that felt natural anymore- with Emma in his arms.
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notsocheezy · 1 month
Brain Curd #144
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily (haven't missed one yet!) and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please like and reblog if you enjoy - the notes keep me going!
A bead of sweat dripped down Reggie’s forehead as he lined up the shot. He took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and breathed out as he pulled the trigger.
“Headshot!” He yelled out, pumping his fist in the air.
“Hey come on, man!” Clint said from the other room. “I’m trying to study for the midterm!”
Reggie scoffed. “It’s basic calculus. What even is there to study for? Gonna forget how to take an integral?”
Clint rubbed his forehead. “Yes! Yes, that is exactly what might happen. What are you, some kind of genius or something?”
“No you fucking aren’t, dude. I’ve seen you try to unlock the front door with your car key.”
“Trivial lapses, my friend. I was busy thinking about quantum physics at the time.”
“You're so full of shit. Okay…” Clint pulled out his periodic table. “What is the atomic weight of Ununennium?”
“Too easy. Three-hundred and sixteen.”
“You just looked that up!” Clint ran into the bedroom to catch Reggie red handed, but he was still deeply invested in a Counter-Strike match.
“Didn't need to. I memorized the whole periodic table… including the useless elements. I was just bored one afternoon, is all.”
“I don't believe this. How are you a C student?”
“Lazy.” He got another headshot dead-on. “Videogames are more fun than, like, English Lit. Cs get degrees, baybee.”
“Can you help me study, then?”
“Hmmm.” Reggie turned in his chair. “No.”
“Why not?”
“Because the author hates calculus and doesn't want to brush up on it for a story five people are gonna read. You're on your own, bud.”
“What do you mean, ‘author’?”
“You don't know? We're fictional characters, man. Not real. Made up. Everything we say and do right now is determined by the imagination of a woman hopped up on prescription painkillers.”
“That can't be true…”
“Think about it. Don't you remember when I went all crazy about Goldfish crackers and cannibalized you?”
“That was just a dream I told you about.”
“No, it happened. I remember it too. But because we're not real, we can just come back.”
“Dude… that was the most painful experience of my life. You shaved my skin off with a cheese grater! That was real?!?”
“As real as anything is for us.”
“I don't think I feel comfortable being your roommate anymore…”
“Okay.” Reggie pulled out a glock and shot Clint right in the forehead before going back to his game. “You'll forget all about this by next time, Clinty-boy.”
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CS Sleepy Prompt One-Shots (3/?): “I can’t sleep if you’re not here to cuddle with me.”
A/N: I don't know what happened. This chapter got away from me. It almost turned into a whole thing. Lots of pieces are cut to make this a one-shot that flows coherently, but erm...
Tagging: @kmomof4
Oh, no. Oh, no. No, no, no, no. Oh, no. No, no, no, no. Oh, no.
Emma jumped from the bed and turned to stare at the form still sleeping soundly, sprawled across her comforter.
And, stared.
And, stared.
She squinted, hoping to help her brain try to process the sight before her. Maybe it was too early, maybe it was because this felt like a dream she’d had too many times and desperately tried to ignore, or maybe this situation really was too impossible to be real, whatever the reason, she just stood there in her bedroom frozen and staring.
A soft snore shattered the silence of the room, it was the catalyst pushing her brain to accept the truth. This had actually happened. She took in the softness that sleep had given his features, the tousled deep brown locks, and the overnight stubble on his chin with the faintest touch of red.
As the truth finally settled around her, Killian Jones is in my bed, Emma panicked.
She took a deep breath and did what she always did; Emma ran.  ---
Killian’s phone vibrated, he whipped it out of his pocket so quickly, he lost his grip and ended up throwing it on the bar in front of him. “Sorry, love,” he murmured to the barmaid when she shot him a stern look.
Tink Greene
He scowled at it and sent the call to voicemail. The phone vibrated, once again, this time with a text message.
I know that you are ignoring me. Stop pouting and come dance!
“You look awful,” said the voice that had been haunting him for two weeks. He turned to see Emma looking at him with a cautious smile on her face.
“Swan,” he acknowledged, before signalling for another round, and looking back to the glass in front of him.
“I, erm, wow, when was the last time you slept?”
“You don’t need to worry about me, love,” Killian said into his glass before he emptied it.
Emma nodded, “okay, right, you’re mad. That’s fair.”
“What are you doing here, Swan?”
“I’m here to ask you out,” she spoke so quickly, that Killian was certain he’d misheard her.
“You’ve been gone for a fortnight.”
“Without leaving any word.”
“And, you’ve come back to ask me on a night out?”
“Why?” He looked at her now, studying her face, intently. He knew the depths of those green eyes better than he knew the secrets of the sea that he’d spent his life on. For once, she wasn’t shutting him out. Her expression was open and she let the fear and hope shine as openly as he’d always wished. But, he wasn’t sure he could trust her.
You would follow her to the ends of the Earth. He sighed, preparing for her words, knowing his every hopeful heart had already forgiven her and accepted whatever she said next.
“I missed you,” she admitted softly.
“You’re drunk, Swan!” Killian teased, booping her nose.
“No, I’m celebrating the end of another crappy relationship,” Emma slurred, indignantly.
“And, you’re drunk,” Killian pointed out.
She stuck her tongue out at him, likely because she could think of no other response.
“What happened with this one, love?” He asked gently, giving her space to speak if she wished but she knew she could dismiss the question and he’d drop it if she wasn’t ready to talk about this latest “failed romantic endeavour”, as he often called them.
“I never missed him,” she’d responded quietly, sadness filling her voice and eyes, “one day, I will run and I will miss what is left behind. Then, I can stop searching.”
“You missed me?” Killian asked the words weighed carefully to not give away his pounding heart.
She offered him a small smile, “I missed you.”
Killian raised an eyebrow, playfully, “you will let me plan the evening?”
“Tonight, Swan.” He'd been hoping this day would come since the moment they'd met, he didn't need more than an hour to prepare.   
They'd settled on her couch, curled up, a movie playing in the background. Their "nightcaps" were abandoned on the coffee table in front of them.
“This night feels like a dream, love,” his breath was warm against her neck, sending a thrill through her body. “Can I kiss you?”
She nodded, but before she could shift to face him, he was placing gentle kisses along her neck. “Unfair,” she moaned, trying to turn toward him.
“Mmmhhhmmm,” he hummed into her shoulder, before nipping softly and soothing the burn with a sweet kiss.
She shifted so that she could kiss him, but was struck again by how unusually exhausted he looked. She'd never seen bags under his eyes and his motions seemed a bit sluggish, “Killian, seriously, when is the last time you slept?”
His eyes flashed with emotion before he tucked them safely behind his most irresistible smile. He seemed to waver for a moment before his gaze turned more serious, despite the smile he held in place, the light-hearted tone he used almost distracted her from the words themselves, "about a fortnight ago."
"You haven't slept since..?"
"Aye, since the morning I woke up alone in this very flat."
"Oh...," Emma said, having found no other words.
"I know. But, after that morning," his brilliant blue eyes were trained on her, pleading with her not to run, but he needed to get these words out, "Emma, I've jumped every time the bloody mobile vibrated hoping it is you, I haven't been able to eat without wondering if you've eaten, I have been looking for you everywhere, hoping you'd appear with those awful bear claws and coffee. I haven't slept. I cannot sleep."
"You can't?" she pressed.
"No, love, because I cannot sleep if you’re not here to cuddle with me," Killian let out a humourless scoff, "one night laying next to you and I am dependent on the soft sounds you make in your sleep and the warmth of you resting safely next to me to rest. One night and you've broken me, Swan."
Emma leaned forward to kiss him. She didn’t have the words for how she felt just yet, but she kissed with everything she felt, she’d been just as lost without him these two weeks. Her kiss was a promise that she was staying here and an affirmation that he was not alone in the depth of his feelings.
“Why don’t you sleep here tonight?”
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Happy Birthday @The-DarkDragonfly!!
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Happiest of birthdays @the-darkdragonfly ​ to one of my best friends! I’m so glad that the fandom brought us together and while your birthday fic isn’t finished, I thought it would share some of my favorite fics of YOURS! 
You are such a talented writer and such a wonderful person and if anyone hasn’t read these fics they are incorrect and need to fix it immediately)
This was very hard to narrow down because everything your write is perfect but I gave it my best shot! 
The Ripple Effect
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Of course I had to start with the fic that brought us together. This story, omg this story. Every time I read it I’m filled with an irrational anger at how unbelievably beautiful your prose is and what an ubelievable talent you have for creating atmosphere and building relationships between characters. The way you write this fic is magical, there’s no other word for it. It weaves through time and perspectives, dialogue and imagery and emotion and my heart just shatters every time I read about these two adorable broken idiots fixing each other and falling in love. And omg your little snippets of everyday life are so imaginative and hilarious and are so perfectly in character and somehow both incredibly specific and relatable. I could read a hundred million fics of just filler scenes (which I know you also have -Missing Moments)I will forever think of this fic when I watch the CS movie and wish that we’d gotten this instead. 
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I hadn’t started this one when you were writing the first version but when you started on the rewrite omg I have jumped onboard and along for the ride the entire way with this adorable wonderful fic. I will say it now, I don’t usually like Captain Duckling but this story is so wonderfully written that you’ve managed to make me obsessed with your version of them. The dynamic between them is just beautiful and so honest and pure and they’re both just so. stupid. and I love them and will protect them with my whole heart. I adore the way that you don’t always give us all the moments of their relationship at once and just let us see it develop and then jump back and forth through time to give us scenes we’re already invested in and dying for. I love this fic and I’m fully aware that you’re gonna hurt me with it but I’m 100% here for it. And also - WILLIAM!!! My beautiful, sad, sassy, loveable William. I will never get enough of him and how you write him in this fic. He is the ultimate bestie and comic relief watching his mom and dad try to get their shit together and fall in love and I would die for him. 
The Wreck of our Hearts
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My birthday fic!!! This one is gonna be short because I get emotional just thinking about this story. You took my favorite Hook, Deckhand Hook, and mixed him with my other favorite, Silver Hook, and you’ve created a monster that no other Killian will ever live up to. Just an ultra sad broken man who still loves Emma so damn much and can I keep typing through my tears? I don’t know but I do know I’m gonna go reread through them. 
People, please, if you haven’t, go read it. If you have, go read it again. 
PS: If you ever wanted to revisit this universe or this character I’m not saying I’d be mad... 
Old Times' Sake - A Captain Swan Tale 
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I don’t care if it’s July. This Christmas fic can be read any damn time of the year and it will destroy me and put me back together again every time. You’ve done it again! Taken my sad broken little babies and put them together and made them whole. This story is SO short (seriously I had to go back and check the word count because I couldn’t believe it) but it somehow has such a rich backstory woven in for both Emma and Killian, both their families and their relationship and oh man you know I’m a sucker for “what do you mean, feelings? this is just boning (LIES)” and you did it so perfectly here. This wasn’t my Christmas present but I’ve decided to claim it as such because it’s my favorite Christmas fic of all time (again, a genre I don’t like that you’ve somehow managed to make me adore - very rude. stop doing that. but also don’t. ever.) 
Sill Love Songs
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You KNOW I had to end with this one right? My very own birthday fic and omg I will forever be grateful to have you in my life for writing me this fic (and many other reasons but the point stands). This story is Hilarious. Like I was giggling and laughing out loud throughout because, you guessed it, William Fucking Scarlet. All I asked for was CS's love story told in the POV of his inappropriate wedding toast and GIRL. You delivered. He’s so absolutely perfect in this story. His interactions with Killian make me die (when he propositions him in the kitchen I thought I would straight up perish) and his interactions with Emma are equally hilarious but also so so soft and beautiful underneath it all. I did not expect to be hit in the chest with a mactruck of emotion in what I expected to be an aptly named silly little fic but of course I should have because everything you write carries so many layers of human emotion and you’re characters are so REAL and beautiful and flawed in such a true to life way. I don’t know where or how you developped such an amazing talent or if you were just born with it but I will selfishly devour and demand more of everything that you write with it.
I’m also just saying that the sequel doesn’t HAVE to be a birthday fic... I have a 2/3rds birthday coming up in August..... 
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Happy birthday bestie!
Thank you so much for everything that you write and for being such an amazing person in my life. I hope you have a wonderful birthday long weekend and a fantastic year! 
And please add your tag list so they can all get a reminder of these amazing fics!
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 15: The Yuletide Challenge (2/3)
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 15: The Yuletide Challenge (2/3)
Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 1455
Other chapters:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Killian watched the gorgeous blonde walk away from him, her strides purposeful and decisive.  He grinned to himself as he finished his last shot, settled his tab and headed back to his lonely apartment.  When he’d left home that night, he’d hoped merely for enough rum to dull the ever-present pain and loneliness this time of year inevitably brought ever since it had happened. 
What he’d gotten instead was a lifeline.  Emma Swan may have believed she was (rather unwillingly if he didn’t miss his guess) fulfilling the requirements of her sister-in-law’s holiday project, but in a lot of ways, she’d been his savior on this cold winter’s night.
Five years past in early December, Killian’s whole world had crashed around him.  He’d had his share of pain and heartache throughout his childhood—his mother dying when he was barely old enough to remember her, his father running off and leaving him and Liam—but he also had joy.  He and Liam had been inseparable since the loss of their parents.  Liam had been the best brother any lad could ever hope to have—as much a surrogate father as a brother.
Then six years ago, he’d met the woman he believed to be the love of his life—Milah.  They’d had a quick whirlwind of a romance, and just before that fateful day of the accident, Killian had made up his mind to propose.
It was supposed to be a magical night.  Liam was in town for the weekend, and the plan was for the brothers and Milah to purchase a Christmas tree and decorate Killian’s apartment.  Only they never made it to the Christmas tree farm.  A drunk driver had hit them head on, killing Liam and Milah instantly and crushing his hand so badly it couldn’t be saved.
Killian took a deep breath as he opened the door to his bare, cheerless apartment.  It wouldn’t do to dwell on those painful memories any longer.  There was no going back, no changing what had happened.
Instead, he focused on long, silky blonde hair, jaded green eyes, and luscious legs shown to their full effect thanks to a short dress and high heels.  Emma Swan was quite possibly the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, but there was more to the instant attraction he felt toward her than merely her beauty.  There was a pain and brokenness about her that called out to him.  A lost boy could, after all, recognize a lost girl.
Swan may very well plan to save him from holiday blues, but he sensed he may be able to perform the same service to her.  Perhaps while she worked to bring him Yuletide cheer, he could work to knit together the pieces of her broken heart.
For the first time in five years, Killian was actually looking forward to the holiday season.
Emma sat staring at her cell phone for long moments.  She’d gotten as far as unlocking the thing and typing in Killian’s number before she froze.  Why was this so difficult?  Killian was just some stranger in a bar she had to do 3 more good deeds for, that was it.
It wasn’t like she felt any kind of connection to this guy.  It wasn’t like she was considering a relationship or something with him.  He was just a hot guy she had to do nice things for.  That was it.
So why was her instinct to run going into overdrive?
Emma growled, calling herself every kind of idiot she could think of.  Just get it over with, Emma.  She’d do her stupid good deeds, and then Killian “Hook” Jones would be in her rearview mirror.
After another deep, cleansing breath, Emma pressed the dial button and then held her breath until she heard his deep, sexy “Aye”.
“Hey, yeah, it’s Emma,” she said quickly before she could talk herself out of it.  “You know, from the bar?  The one taking the Yuletide challenge?”
His low chuckle did things to her.  Things that were most definitely not PG rated.
“I assure you, darling, there’s no chance I would forget you.”
“Yeah, whatever, Romeo,” she said dryly.
He laughed again, and Emma found her lips ticking up at the sound in spite of herself.  “So, I figure I need to cross another good deed off my list, since it’s nearly the end of the second week of December.  So what nice thing do you want me to do for you?”
“Well….” he said, drawing the word out in a way that made her heart race.
“What purely platonic thing do you want me to do for you?” she amended hastily.
He laughed again.  That sound really should be banned.  But after a beat of silence, he seemed to sober.  “There is one thing, I feel I really should do, and having someone to help truly would be a kindness.”
“Yeah?  What’s that?”
“I…I need to put up a tree, decorate the apartment,” he said, a strange hesitancy in his voice.
“It’s December 15, and you haven’t put your Christmas tree up?!” she asked, incredulous.
There was silence on the other end of the phone for a beat…then another.  When Killian finally answered, there was a heaviness in his voice Emma didn’t understand.  “I’ve…not been able to face the prospect of Christmas, and particularly decorating, for some time now.”
He was in pain, Emma could hear that clearly in his voice.  “Look, if it’s too painful or whatever, we don’t have to…”
“No, Swan, it’s quite alright,” Killian said.  “I think perhaps it’s time I attempt to put the past behind me and find joy again in the season.”
“Well if you’re sure…”
“I am,” he said decisively.  “Meet me at Granny’s tomorrow and we can make arrangements.”
Killian took a step back and looked up at the tree.  Twinkling lights, colorful ornaments, a star at the top, it was gorgeous.  “I think we did rather well for ourselves, Swan, if I do say so myself.”
“Hey, when I put my mind to something, I’m all in,” she said, surveying their handiwork.
“So I’ve noticed,” he said with a grin.  “I’ve never seen someone pursue a Christmas tree with quite that much zeal.  I do believe the Christmas tree farmer is still quaking in his boots.”
Emma laughed, the sound washing over him like a warm blanket on a cold night.  “What can I say?” she asked.  “The price the guy was asking for this stupid tree was highway robbery.  What kind of a good deed doer would I be if I let him soak you like that?”
“My wallet thanks, you, love.”
She grinned back at him, and his heart turned over.  She must have seen something in his eyes, because she immediately withdrew into herself.
“Well, anyway…” she said awkwardly.  “Good deed number 2 crossed off the list, right?”
He wanted to ask her to stay, ask her to have dinner with him, find some pretense, any pretense to remain in her presence, but he knew her.  Already, after only one afternoon and a few minutes in a bar, he could read her like an open book.  A serious declaration of his blossoming feelings for her would do nothing but make her run.  Far better to fall back on his tried and true innuendo instead.
“I’m afraid I can’t agree to that, Swan,” he said with an exaggerated wounded look.
She grinned, placing one hand on a shapely hip.  “Yeah?  Why’s that?”
“Quite simply because the decorating is not at an end,” he said.  “I’ve yet to hang the sprig of mistletoe I obtained at the farm.  I rather think it’s only good form of you to stay as I hang it, and then help me…christen it.”
She laughed, the joyous sound bringing a genuine smile to his face.  “Killian, you just never stop, do you?”
He shook his head.  “Why should I stop when my nonsense brings such joy to your face, love?”
She dropped her eyes, took a small step back, and Killian worried he’d put a bit too much genuine emotion into that last question.  “Swan…I’m sorry; I didn’t mean…”
She looked up at him, the smile on her face forced, unnatural.  “It’s fine.  Look, I’ve got to get going.  I’ll, um, talk to you later for the last couple of good deeds.”
Killian sighed as the door closed behind her.  Tonight hadn’t ended as he’d hoped, but as she said, there were still two good deeds left.  Two more opportunities to convince Emma Swan to take a chance on the feelings obviously brewing between the two of them.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Sync Pair Retrospective - Summer 2022
Summer alts in gacha terrify me.  Maybe it's because I'm from FEH, but it always signaled the coming of the most uncomfortable art for your favorite female character you could imagine.  Thankfully, Masters is still a Pokemon game, and my initial encounter with Summer alts was pretty mild.  The realization that the first ever summer alts, Lyra and Steven, were literally just normal clothes, was refreshing.  And 2022 followed suit, basically giving N and Hilda a focus on festival clothes.  I appreciate it...so much.  So glad they continued this with Tate and Liza.
N (SUMMER) N and Zoroark is absolutely hilarious to me.  Dark-type damage at this point felt...underwhelming.  At least to me.  You had Sygna Suit Cyrus, but very little else in the type's favor, what with most tools being really bad (Grimsley, Karen at the time) or good DPS in exchange for dying (H!Hilbert, BP Karen).  Sygna Suit Cyrus was the first significant encounter with a good Dark-type damage dealer, and he was mostly sync and sleep focus.  N was the first to feel like he was really taking advantage of Dark as a limited damage type.  What he offered was big damage in Night Daze, and utility in the form of Snarl.  His sync wasn't the best, but as a DPS unit, he's pretty nice!
Unfortunately time took a bat to the back of his skull.
Night Daze can miss.  Yeah, somehow N's kit doesn't solve for the accuracy issue.  Moreover, while his DPS is good, it's not exactly life-changing.  The accuracy debuffing was nice, but didn't lead into much of note for him, being too inconsistent without On a Roll to matter much.  And to top it off, a four-bar move means you need gauge control, which he doesn't really have.  N wasn't quite bad, but he's one of those pairs I've never had a good time using.
Which makes the following events worse.  Karen got a grid expansion and it was unreal, offering a fantastic 60% flinch rate on her Dark Pulse, better self-setup with double debuff Snarl (N himself only had a 50/50 shot, Karen was guaranteed), and much improved sync damage.  Nanu got his grid, and went from mostly a utility bot, to a legitimately astonishing sync nuker of his own. Champion Serena showed up and covered Dark in addition to her natural Water, and while not carrying the same DPS, her sync was unrivaled.  And of course, we then got Champion Marnie, who just obliterated anyone's attempt to keep up on Dark-type DPS, and the illustrious SC Zinnia with an absurd Buddy move and some really nice utility for a team.
N was top dog for a very brief moment in the type, and hasn't really kept up with the shifting of the tides.  I'd argue Karen is legitimately just better than him at everything he wants to do.  Better gauge control, better debuffing, better secondary effect on solid damage and much better sync.  And considering Karen is like fourth best in the type now?  Yeah, N stands very little chance.  I'd say he got the benefit of Lodge Dawn, whose Team Sharp Entry and speed buffs salvage a lot, but she's not exactly a reliable answer to CS, you know?  And so, N just kinda...exists.  Sadly.
But again, it makes this next part hilarious.
HILDA I love being right.  I love it more than anything.  And once again, my love of supports does not steer me wrong.
Hilda, by contrast, has done pretty alright for herself.  Despite being reviled as one of the worst sync pairs of the last year, Hilda was always pretty good at her job.  She's a tank, taking hits wonderfully, and at full investment offering some clutch debuffing of the foe's defensive stats.  Among other useful options.  The main reason to dislike her is really just...no pop healing.  First Aid 4, that's it.   She doesn't recover well, and as a pure tank, that's a problem.
What she does have, however, is Topsy-Turvy, inverting a foe's buffs to debuffs. Which some may ask, is that really that good?  Yeah dude!  Have you never played Gauntlet before?  Sudden shits in stats occur on the regular, and do you know how valuable it is to invert the early Bar 1 +2 accuracy to a -2 accuracy? Do you know how sick it is to press a button once and have Latias go from a major problem to bleeding out?  This skill was great!   Sure, some people considered it niche, but I've always thought it held tremendous weight.
That said, this never caught on as a gimmick, despite being delightful, and Hilda does not offer nearly what SS Morty did as a support.  If anything, many would consider her primary competition to be BP units, which isn’t good as a seasonal.  BP Morty had the same buffing trainer move, but had Potion and Astonish.  BP Clemont would show up with the same trainer move, but also accuracy buffing and Screech for better defense debuffing potential.  She absolutely couldn’t keep up with powerhouses like Morty, so what possible chance did she have against a nightmare like Aura Cynthia?  There was just no reason to even look at Hilda.
Hilda was largely relegated to Gauntlet, being quite good there, but languished in CS.  A little unfairly, I might add.  I feel like there were enough stages that Topsy Turvy still had merit, it’s just that no one else agreed.
But as a wise man once said, true genius is never recognized until it’s needed, and I am vindicated once again.  The 12.5k Master Mode meta added a few new tools to select from, and one of them was the "All Stats +3" condition for foes. While generally not selected for anyone, Summer Hilda suddenly pops off, able to hit the foe for -3 in every.  Single.  Stat.  Suddenly, you're halfway to a full sync nuke multiplier.  Need Relentless support?   Great, just pack a Leer ally and this condition, and you're at max performance for sync 1.  Devastation?  Same deal.  Power Play is now 83% charged in one action.  Anything is on the table now.  To say nothing of fights like Glacia, where she comes in with +2 accuracy and the heavy-hitting Blizzard, and you can just...invert it and laugh.
Hilda and N are great examples of what makes a sync pair good long-term. Sure, N was temporarily a great DPS unit, but without some key elements, he's just waiting to get outdone.  Comparatively, Hilda's traits are fully unique. Someone may come along and do it better, like how Lucian now outclasses P!Dawn in every meaningful way, but P!Dawn isn't useless because of this, you know?  She's just not the top dog.  Hilda will always have this niche.  Despite being disparaged as a bad support like so many others, she's just another in an extensive list of sync pairs that showed up with something unique and valuable, and has stood the test of time.  Sure, neither of these two were like...meta defining options.  But man, you can't always be pushing boundaries, and we just got done with Jotho VA and Sinnoh E4, let people breathe a bit.
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captainswanwriter · 1 year
Kansas - Missing Scene - One Shot
Summary: This story takes place in those moments that were missing from Season 3 Episode 20, “Kansas”, right after Emma saves Killian from his dry-land drowning mishap. The writers/producers/directors really knew how to set up CS fans to leave them wanting more moments, but then never gave them to us. This is one of many that I think about a lot and wish we had more of Emma and Killian. Of course, this is more whump and fluff than television allows for, but a writer/fan can always dream…and write it themselves. Haha!
Author’s Note: Of course, none of these characters belong to me, no matter how much I wish they did. I thank ABC for giving us this sandbox to play in. 
“Swan,” Hook begs Emma. “What did you do?”
Emma sits back on her heels and takes a breath. “I, um…”
Hook pushes himself up from the muddy ground as best he can. Emma pulls him up into a sitting position and leans his body against the pool's outer edge that nearly drowned him. More water comes out of his lungs as he violently twists to his side to cough. The coughing becomes so harsh that his body convulses as he gags on the remaining water aggravating his throat, but nothing comes up. Emma can sense the panic rushing through him.
“Just take it easy, Hook. Try and focus on breathing.” She rubs her hand over his shaking back to comfort him.
With the coughing finally under control, he repeats his question. “What did you do, Swan?” Looking into her eyes, he understands the answer and is unhappy.
“Now, how are we supposed to defeat Zelena?”
“Was I supposed to let you die?”
“If it meant preserving your magic to keep everyone else safe from the witch? Yes!”
“Well, it’s done.”
Emma stands up and reaches her hand down to Hook. He looks up at her solemnly, still upset with her decision to save his life.
“Come on, Killian. Let’s get back to the hospital. Hopefully, the baby hasn’t come yet, and there’s still time.”
She pulls him up from the muddy ground, but he sways slightly once on his feet. Emma grabs his bicep to steady him.
“Hook? Everything okay?”
He shakes his head slightly and takes some slow, shallow breaths. He touches his hand to his chest.
“A little light-headed, love. And there’s this tightness when I try to breathe.”
Emma softens her expression so as not to worry him. She knows that none of what he is experiencing is a good sign. 
“You drowned, Hook. Let’s get you back to the hospital, and we can have Whale look at you.”
Hook nods slightly in agreement and walks alongside her to the car. He stumbles slightly, and before he can object, Emma loops his arm around her, and she supports him the rest of the way. They reach the car, and she pulls a blanket from the trunk to help keep him warm once she gets him settled.
“Thank you, Swan. Truly, I…”
“Shh…just try to stay warm until we return to the hospital. I just hope Zelena doesn’t get there before we do.”
Hook lifts the heavy blanket under his chin and thinks warm thoughts. Emma blasts as much heat as the little yellow bug can provide. Hook’s drowsy eyes can no longer stay open between the heat and the blanket's warmth. He finally lets them close briefly, only to wake moments later.
He opens his eyes when he feels his body shift and cool air breezing towards him. Emma opens the door as she tries to maneuver him out of his seat.
“Hook, you need to help me out here.”
He forces his body to respond to her commands and quickly moves from the car.
“I’m alright, Swan. I’m a little…a lot, wet, but other than that, I’m fine. Let’s get to your parents.”
Emma approaches the front desk and asks for Snow White and Prince Charming. A nurse directs, “Second floor, room 216 - end of the hall on your left.” 
“Thank you,” Emma says, “And he needs medical attention.” She points to Hook while speaking with the nurse, but Hook is already heading toward the stairwell. 
“Never mind.” she rolls her eyes, saying, “Excuse us.”
They head up the stairs, and at the top of the second-floor platform, Hook stops to press on his chest as another cough rips through him.
“Hook…” he ignores her and focuses on relaxing his body.
“Killian!” she says, louder now, twisting his body to face hers. “Please, let Dr. Whale check out your lungs.”
“Swan,” he says, clearly struggling between his words. “I’ll be fine. Do you think this is the first time I have taken in some water in my unnaturally long life?”
“So, you’ve drowned before?”
“Ay…not, on dry land, but yes.”
“Well, still you should….”
There is a commotion coming from Mary Margaret’s hallway. Emma hears her father and Regina, voices raised. Emma pushes past Hook, and he follows behind.
“What’s going on here?” Emma asks.
After Zelena’s defeat, everyone returns to the hospital to present Snow with her rescued newborn. Snow, Charming, and Henry are all fawning over the new baby. At the same time, Emma leans against the doorframe and admires her beautiful family from afar—a gentle smile of appreciation tugs at the corners of her mouth.
“I never thought I’d see one of those.”
Emma chuckles at Killian’s observation. “It’s called a baby.” 
“No, Swan. The smile.”
Emma smiles wider at Hook and says, “We won.”
Hook looks into her eyes as he hesitates to say what he needs to say. “With all of the chaos, I never got a chance to say thank you.”
“You really think I’d let you drown?”
“Given our history,” he says, blushing, “can you blame me for being uncertain?”
Gesturing to her hands, he asks, “Has your power returned now that Zelena has been defeated?”
Emma looks from Hook to her hands and says, “Nope. That’s okay. I won’t need it in New York.”
The smile on Hook’s face falls away into a solemn gaze as Emma turns to walk into Snow’s hospital room. He watches the beautiful family reunion momentarily before returning to the waiting area. His breathing becomes slightly heavier than usual, so he sits in a chair. The room is spinning, and the air feels thinner than it did moments ago. A nurse walks over to him and touches his hand. It’s ice cold.
“Sir. Sir! Are you okay?”
Hook tries taking a slow, deep breath to quell nausea, but the air gets trapped, and he starts coughing. In between each cough, he responds to the woman sitting before him.
“Can’t breathe, love.”
The young nurse runs over to the desk and speaks into the PA system calling for a doctor. Hearing the commotion, Emma comes up the hallway and sees Hook falling out of his chair, looking paler than he had moments ago. She kneels in front of him and grabs his hand.
“Hook. What’s happening?”
The nurse answers before he can. “Trouble breathing, and he’s ice cold. I paged a doctor, and we will bring him to an exam room.”
“I can carry him.” Emma stands and brings Hook’s left arm around her shoulders so she can support him. His clothes are still damp from earlier in the day, and his body is ice cold.
“Miss, that’s not….”
“Which room?”
“We need to wait for the….”
“What room?” Emma asks louder.
The nurse rolls her eyes. “Room 201”.
Emma whispers to Hook, “Hold on to me,” she walks him to the room and gets him settled on the bed before another coughing fit wracks his body. Once he calms down, the nurse checks his vitals. She can hear the rattle in his lungs as she listens with the stethoscope. 
“Sherriff, can you tell me anything about his condition? When did his symptoms start?”
“He, uh, drowned earlier today. I revived him, but he couldn’t have been unconscious for more than five minutes.”
The nurse looks at her gently, “Sometimes that’s all it takes.” She continues her physical examination of Hook, pressing all around his rib cage. “Did you administer CPR?”
Realizing how complicated it would be to explain how he was cursed and she just needed to kiss him, she goes with a more straightforward answer. “Once I could reach him, he was alert and choking on the water in his lungs. I turned him on his side to help him.”
“Okay, so no cracked ribs, at least. I’ll note that and get the doctor in here right away.”
Emma moves closer to Hook and holds his hand in her own. “Thank you.”
Hook lifts his eyes to meet Emma. “Sorry, love. I know you were spending time with your new brother.”
She shakes her head at him, saying, “It’s okay, Hook. I’ll have plenty of time with him before I leave for New York. We need to make sure you’re okay. I told you we should have had Whale look at you.”
Quietly he says, “You were right, Swan, as always.” Exhausted, Hook closes his eyes while they wait on Dr. Whale. He falls asleep almost immediately. Emma pulls a chair alongside his bed and grasps his hand so he knows she is still with him.
Gently, she whispers, “Rest, Killian. I need you to be okay.” Hesitantly, she lifts her other hand to a stray hair hanging loose over his forehead and brushes it back. Her hand rests at the base of his skull, and she can’t help but continuously twirl her fingers through his soft hair. His face softens slightly as he sleeps.
A little while later, Dr. Whale finishes his examination of Hook.
“Well, the good news is that you’ll live.”
Emma rolls her eyes. “And the bad news…?”
“Bad news is that he needs downtime to recover. Even though he was only down a few minutes, he’s experiencing a lot of difficulty breathing – which is normal – but he needs to rest.”
“I told you we should have had him look at you sooner, Hook!” He rolls his eyes and turns to look back at Dr. Whale.
“So, Whale…what else?” Emma asks.
“Well, he might show signs of fatigue more quickly. And behavioral changes are common too. I would recommend avoiding alcohol for the time being.”
Now, Hook interrupts. “Well, I hardly think that that’s….”
 Another fit of gagging coughs wracks Hook’s body before he can finish his sentence. Emma’s eyes widen as she tries to figure out to help him. She helps him sit forward and supports his back throughout this episode. Once it seems like his body is calming, she helps him lay back against the pillows and makes him more comfortable.
“Hook…I want to keep you here overnight to ensure you’re okay. It isn’t long ago that you cracked several ribs, and now this drowning incident…it’s a lot for the lungs to handle.”
Hook looks over at Emma, and she only glares back, telling him he will be staying.
“Looks like I’m staying the night, Whale.”
“Great. Well, I’ll have the nurses bring you something more comfortable, some extra blankets…maybe a robe again. It gets drafty here, especially at night.”
“Thanks, Whale.” Emma puts a hand on Hook’s shoulder and smiles gently.
“Swan…love, you don’t need to stay with me. I’ll be fine.”
Emma is skeptical of his motives for sending her away from his room, but she trusts him to listen to Whale.
“Now that I know you’re okay, I’m visiting my new brother briefly. I’ll stop in again before I leave, though.”
Hook nods and gives Emma a scrunched smile, wishing she would stay with him. The nurse comes in with the items Dr. Whale asked for, and they help him get set up for the night.
A while later, Emma returns to the room with David coming to check on Hook. They walk through the door only to find Hook asleep. David signals that he will return to Mary Margaret’s room, and Emma waves good night.
Quietly, she moves to tiptoe back out of the room but spots a blanket and pillow on the tray in front of his bed. She removes her winter coat and hangs it off the back of the plastic chair. With her pillow propped behind her back and the blanket gently draped across her body, a series of yawns and rapid blinks indicate her own exhaustion after today's events. As she dozes off, she looks at Hook and whispers, “I’m right here, Killian. I’m not going anywhere.”
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Ferrari Red
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Requested:  Yes
I LOVED UR RECENT GASLY FANFIC AHHHHHHH *screams in french* i desperately need you to write like a reader that’s like very sexually promiscuous and flirty around the paddock (she’s a driver, whichever team you choose lol), kinda like a very girly girl that’s very confident and is not afraid to show that she is a woman and that she likes to look good and that her being that way doesn’t take away that she’s very aggressive in the sport and that she’s very good, having won many points. she’s like very charming and smooth and makes everyone blush with her innocent but flirty comments but everyone knows that’s just her being her. but she has like this huge school girl crush on carlos sainz cs they communicate a lot, since her first language is spanish as well, but she thinks carlos doesn’t recuperate her feelings because he never really treats her like anything but a sister, the nicknames and pet names rolling naturally off of both of their tongues, no meaning behind them - or so she thought and like carlos always being shy whenever she flirted with him. so like in one interview they were matched up together since they like to participate a lot in playful banter and they’re fun for the media and he confesses his feelings for her and now it’s her time to blush and be without words
Carlos Sainz Jr x Reader
Summary: Carlos picks possibly the worst moment to tell the truth about how he feels.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex. Kinda slight angst, fluff.
Word Count: 2946 words
Authors note: I did not expect this to go on so long and I really think I love a slightly angsty Carlos, can’t wait to hear what you think :D
“You know you don’t have to be the best at everything right” Daniel commented as you slid up to the group of boys, causing all of them to divert their eyes to you.
“What on earth do you mean?” it wasn’t often that you were left confused, especially not by Daniel, one of the few drivers who always openly spoke their mind, but this comment left you a little stumped.
“Easily one of the better drivers, clearly better than Lando at the very least” Daniel threw the insult at his teammate, loving the smile it brought to your face, but earning a shove from Lando, “does she, or does she not have more points than you?”
“I have more points than you!” Lando shot back, having checked the points of each of the drivers this morning, and while yes, you definitely had more than him, he definitely had more than Daniel.
“Excuse me, can I carry on giving her the explanation?” he gestured to you, continuing at your nod “you don’t have to dress better than all of us and look so damn good all the time as well”, he finished it off with a wink, you not missing the way his eyes lingered a little too long on your figure.
What you did miss though was the was Carlos’s jaw clenched and how he had to look away, as to not expose his jealousy at Daniels actions.
What Carlos didn’t know was despite as much as looking good was for yourself, there was always a small part of you that hoped he would notice, that he would compliment you, and he did, truly, but never the way you wanted it.
This was a (not so) secret dance you both did out in the open, to the two of you it only being playful banter between two friends, or at least you both thought, but to all of your friends, they all knew the truth, from either his side or yours, how you both actually felt about the other, but too scared to ruin the friendship you had.
So instead, you both settled for this. The playful flirting, the light touches, the smiles you didn’t realize were reserved only for each other.
If this was all you could have, then you would be happy with this.
“Yeah, no one needs to look this good for press you know that right?” Pierre was less secretive about his gaze raking your body in, causing you to blush as you gave a little twirl, showing off your outfit fully.
“Oh honey, you know I’m not dressing up for the press, it’s always for you boys” you teased but the entire group of them couldn’t help but blush at the response, all knowing you were just joking, but the charm was something they couldn’t help but fall for.
“Ferrari red does look good on you” Carlos hummed out, and you weren’t sure if he was talking about the red of your jumpsuit or the red on your cheeks from his comment.
“And you are the one I make sure I look good for the most” you weren’t lying, but he didn’t need to know that.
All the other drivers were rolling their eyes, not that either of you would notice, to engrossed in the conversation you were having with each other.
“Were you inspired by my car that you had to look at in front of you the whole race” Carlos needed to distract himself, he couldn’t fall for you more than he already was.
You shoved his chest playfully at his comment, laughing all the while. He instinctually grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to him without a second thought and wrapping his hand around your shoulder, smile growing wider at your laugh.
The next second though, once the laughter had died down, you both realised the position you were in, and neither of you wanted to pull away.
Carlos shot his teammate a wide-eyed glance, indicating his surprise at what he had just done, never thinking he’d actually have the guts to do so.
You on the other hand secretly threw your own look towards Lando, one of your best friends on the grid, and the only one who knew how you actually felt about Carlos. He shot you a sneaky thumbs up, lastly only a split second, hoping none of the other drivers would notice, and truthfully you would have missed if you blinked at the exact same time it was so quick.
In your own secret, non-verbal conversation, Lando tried to mimic shuffling closer to Carlos, encouraging you to worm your way deeper into his embrace, carefully, so not to scare him off, but also in such a way that may be played off as nothing other than friendly.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Daniel looked down at Lando as he was not so subtly shimming his body closer to Daniels as he tried to get you to copy him.
“Nothing” Lando gulped, immediately stopping, staring up at Daniel, internally cringing at the thought of being caught.
“Don’t sit next to me in the press conference” Daniel created some distance between him and Lando as the rest of the drivers laughed, all confused and curious by Lando’s actions.
With all the boys distracted, you took this as your opportunity to move yourself further into Carlos’ side, wrapping both your arms around his waist and hooking them together to settle on his hip, hoping and praying he didn’t reject the comforting. Somehow convincing yourself that he would take it as nothing other than friendly. You relaxed as you felt his grip on your shoulders tighten, pulling you further in. Okay, thank goodness, he did see at as friendly, and not as you desperately seeking out the touch of the man you had fallen absolutely head over heels for. You couldn’t do anything else but smile at the ground, hoping none of the other drivers saw the blush on your face and the absolutely giddy smile you had on.
Charles own smile grew as he watched Carlos looking down at you. He was sure he had never seen anyone as in love as Carlos looked at this moment. He wished he knew how to get you to realize how the Spaniard felt about you, but Carlos made him promise not to get involved. Carlos had begged him to keep it a secret. Honestly, he thought it was a risk Carlos should be willing to take, but he also understood his fear. No one could ever really get an accurate reading on who you liked, you were kind and flirty with everyone, and you had never mentioned ever being interested in someone before, so no one ever truly knew. But Charles knew his friend, and Carlos was in love with you.
“Hey, drivers, first lot are going to be done in 10, so if you could start heading down for your conference, thanks” the media manager was so quick to pop their head in and out to relay the information and it had to an extent sobered you and Carlos up, both of you awkwardly letting the other go, creating some distance between the two of you.
Without a word, you all began making your way down to your duties, wanting nothing more than for it to be over and done with. In your movements Lando slid in next to you as Carlos had caught up with Charles in front of you.
Lando glanced at Carlos, making sure he was far away enough before he began speaking with you about what just happened.
“He absolutely has to like you back” Lando was gushing over the both of you, refusing to accept what you had already, that Carlos saw you as nothing but a friend.
“He likes me as much as Pierre likes me” you shot back, not wanting Lando to get your hopes up. You couldn’t handle that, not before press. You weren’t good at hiding your disappointment well and the press always seemed to be able to pick up on it.
“Pierre wants to fuck you” Lando deadpanned.
“Don’t you all?” the knowing look on your face made Lando gulp, feeling slightly guilty at the truth of it, “just because you want to sleep with someone doesn’t mean you like them” there was sadness in your voice, Lando could hear it, and he wanted to be able to fix it. He was certain Carlos felt the same way about you as you did him, but you had made him promise to just leave it, not wanting to risk the friendship with Carlos.
“Okay, yes, Pierre definitely does want to fuck you, but Carlos-“ stopping mid-sentence when you placed a hand on his arm.
“Please Lando, I don’t want to get my hopes up, he doesn’t feel the same, and if he did, chances are he would say something”  you were shocked at how your own  voice wavered at your plea, but you recovered fairly quickly, smiling at Lando again.
“Okay, fine” Lando didn’t want to upset you, but his frustration was getting the better of him in this scenario, “just remember, guys get nervous too” and with that he dropped it.
“So that was good no?” Charles whispered to Carlos, shooting a glance back at you.
“She just sees me as a friend” Carlos just shoved his hands into his pockets, staring at the ground as he walked, disappointed in the situation he found himself in.
He didn’t want to fall for you, Lord knows he didn’t, but there was just something about you. You were magnetic. There was no one else he related to more than you. No one who made his as happy as you did, No one he wanted to spend more time with, than you. He spent nearly all of his time thinking about you, often finding himself daydreaming of declaring his love for you and you both living happily ever after. But this wasn’t a fairy-tale, this was his life, and despite how he felt about you, you only saw him as a friend.
“Mate, she definitely does not see you as only a friend, I saw what was happening there with you two” Charles tried to argue with him, knowing if he could only get into Carlos’s head he might be able to convince him to do something about it.
“Charles, it’s not worth the risk, please, if all I get are little moments like that, then so be it, but I’m not going to lose her” Carlos chastised his friend, not wanting to have to get into this now, already upset for the press.
“Didn’t take you for a coward” Charles whispered, fully intending on Carlos hearing the dig.
“Yeah, me either” Charles wasn’t expecting the admission from him. Welp, there it was, Carlos was officially in a bad mood for the press.
“Y/n, question for you” you nodded at the journalist, urging them on, “we know that Carlos is one of the drivers you have the best relationships with on the grid, so in races like today, how does it feel to have to battle against one of your friends for positions and how does a battle like that not spill over into your personal lives?”
“Well, firstly, its difficult to be mad when you’re busy admiring the skill behind driving like that, especially to have to overtake me” you shot Carlos a wink and he brought his hands to his heart, mouthing a thank you as he played along, causing the entire room to laugh, lapping up the content you two were giving them, “but truthfully, with Carlos, there is a sense of pride, as much as I want to win, it feels good to see someone who means that much to you do so well, so on the track, it’s a respectful battle and off the track it’s nothing but celebrations for the other” you answered truthfully. You were always proud seeing Carlos doing well, even if he had beaten you.
Charles looked at his friend, cocking an eyebrow, trying to make his case without saying a word, Carlos just rolled his eye dismissing Charles, assuming this was how you felt about all the drivers.
“But that’s only with Carlos, I’m pretty sure she would fight Daniel if he tried that nonsense with her on track” Lando piped up, causing another round of laughter, Daniel and you both turning to the other, putting up your fists in a mock fight, weaving and dodging in the pretend boxing ring.
“I’d like to see you try little miss” Daniel threw in his own comment, “fastest fighter on this side of Europe”
You stopped, deadpanning at Daniel, “Please, I’ve seen you drive a car, not entirely sure those reflexes hold up old man” causing everyone to laugh again while he threw you a warning look for bring up his age.
Once the laughter had died down, the conference continued, something Carlos had not been paying attention to at all. Truthfully, the entire time his mind had been on the moment you two had shared, and how Charles had called him a coward.
And he really was right.
“Carlos” you nudged him with your mic, trying to get his attention after he ignored the journalists wanting to ask him a question.
“Yes, yes, sorry” he paused, smiling at you, only redirecting his attention back to the journalists after you returned the smile.
“Yes, so, I just wanted to ask, with manoeuvres like today on the track, you must be pretty brave to-“
“I’m not” Carlos cut him off.
The entire room was silent, all eyes on him.
“You’re not?” the journalist tentatively asked, confused at the sharp answer he was given without even finishing his question.
“I’m not brave, not where it matters” he let out a sigh, “I’m a coward”.
Charles was suddenly sitting straighter, eyes wide, frantically trying to get his attention, hoping this was not the moment he was going to pick to do this.
You could hear a pin drop, everyone waiting for Carlos to give a greater explanation for his comment.
“Your driving proves-“ Carlos began shaking his head, dropping it to look at the ground, too ashamed to meet anyone’s eyes.
“It’s not about the driving. Who cares about the driving when something this important exists?” he closed his eyes, only being able to picture the feeling of you at his side, your arms around him, the urge he had to fight in order to not kiss you the head as you curled in on him.
“It’s like, you think you can do anything, and then you meet someone who makes you forget how to even breathe, and then you get close to her, and you assume she’s just going to become a good friend because there’s no one you get along with as well as her, and then one day, out of nowhere she’s the only reason you look forward to coming to races anymore,  she’s all you can think about, you can pick her laugh out in a crowd, and you hope to God she feels the same, you know she doesn’t, but you hope anyway, because all you do is daydream about admitting to her how you feel, and in the dream she feels the same, but here, in reality, you’re a coward, and she doesn’t”
What the fuck was he doing?
“Then, when you feel like you couldn’t possibly fall even further, she walks out in Ferrari red, and you resign yourself to the fact that you’ll never know how to breathe again, you know you’ll never know anything else ever again, other than her name”
He sighed.
“But you’re a coward, and she doesn’t feel the same”.
He finally looked up. The room bathed in a shocked silence.
Charles had prepared for nearly every scenario he could think of that had involved you and Carlos, but this was not one of them. He needed you to say something, right now, because he wasn’t sure how he was going fix this one.
“She does” you whispered, causing Carlos to snap his head in your direction.
“What?” there was no way you had said that you did, he was back in the daydream.
“If you’re talking about me, I do, I feel the same, I always have” You had never felt this nervous, please, please please let him be talking about you.
Carlos was suddenly leaning back in his chair, running his hands down his face and laughing, it was like there was too much happiness in his body and the only way he could get it out was to laugh.
Next he was grabbing your hand and leaning closer to you so he could whisper in your ear, “I’m sorry for making that so public, but once this is done, can we please go talk?”
You were just nodding and smiling, pretty sure that you didn’t give  a damn how he had done it, but so thankful that he felt the same, not entirely believing that here you sat, watching the man that you loved kiss your hand and lean back in his chair like this was the most normal thing in the world to have happened, the only thing indicating otherwise was the slight shake in his own hand that stayed laced with yours.
Carlos was then directing his attention back to the crowd of journalists, all still shocked at what they had just witnessed, no one expecting their day to have gone like this.
“Sorry about that, you were asking a question about being brave on track?”
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cosette141 · 3 years
On the Other Hand (OUAT fanfic)
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Captain Swan
Author: cosette141
Words: 1291 (ongoing wip)
Summary: (tag to s4 episode "The Apprentice") After two hundred years without a hand, Killian gets it back... and then loses it again in the same day. I felt like we missed out on a lot of the emotional component of this, so this is my attempt to encompass that, as well as make him feel better about it. (Lots of angst, but with an eventual fluffy, comfy ending!) CS
AO3 link
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Chapter One
"I'm here to ask you out."
Never has Killian Jones missed a dart board quite so extravagantly in his life.
Never in Killian's life would he have expected to hear those words from Emma Swan's lips.
Thank the gods she couldn't see his face when she'd said them, for he was positive he wouldn't have been able to school the utter boyish excitement from his features quickly enough.
The moment she left the diner, he'd retreated to his room.
Shut the door.
It felt like as quickly as the excitement, the rush that came at the idea of a date with Emma, of Emma finally feeling the same as he did…
It faded.
A million thoughts raced through his head, each touched by a slight anxiety that he's never felt before. He's been with his fair share of women (ahem, an unfair share, more accurately), but he hasn't courted a woman since Milah.
He hadn't had to worry so much what women thought of him when it came down to one night; he doubted they remembered the finer details of his face come morning, and he could hardly recall theirs at all (and the rum helped). His own reputation and his natural attractiveness—devilish handsomeness, it was simply a fact, ego be damned—that gained him his choosing of women whenever he was in need of a good time.
Meeting Milah was the first time he'd felt anything after Liam's death.
Courting her felt like a gift.
Simply having someone who stayed longer than the morning, someone to know, someone who knew him. Someone who bloody cared to know him.
And though he'd never courted anyone prior to Milah, never met anyone worthy of the risk of love, though he was a pirate, when it came to Milah, he'd been selfless. He'd actually taken her to the lands where they carried women on jeweled chairs, for no other reason than to show her just how he felt she should be treated. Anywhere she wanted to go was his destination. He risked his life at every turn to ensure her safety, planned beautiful nights under starlit skies on the seas—something he'd love to show Emma one day if this goes that far—he'd use his feared reputation to get them the finest things, dining, anything her heart desired.
Killian hadn't been lying when he'd told Emma that he knew how to plan a romantic evening.
However, there was something he'd… forgotten, until now, until he'd stepped into his room.
The reminder took his joy with it.
Because there was a distinct difference between the version of him that courted Milah, and who he was now, about to court Emma.
And that difference stared back at him in the reflection of the mirror hanging on the wall, the light glinting off it from the sun outside.
Killian felt his eyes fall to his hook.
He lifted his arm, touching the metal with the fingers of his right hand.
His only hand.
A muscle ticked in his jaw.
Emma had seen him without his hook, once.
Even sans the brace.
He'd only been glad that the medical professionals had bothered to give him a bandage to hide the worst of it, where his wrist had been cauterized.
She'd seen his… his imperfection nonetheless, however.
But, that was a long time ago.
Emma hadn't been focused on him; her mind was focused on Cora and solving the town's problem. It was one of the only times Killian was relieved she had a one-track mind when it came to her work.
She probably hasn't thought about it again after that day.
However, he wasn't immune to the shots people take at his one-handedness. And as much as he tries to forget it, Emma was no exception.
"Take Hook with you."
"What's he gonna do? I have magic, he's got one hand!"
That one, however…
That one had happened very recently.
Just weeks ago.
In the hospital, before they'd gone to take down Zelena, and before he'd nearly drowned.
He knew Emma was angry with him for not telling her about his cursed lips.
He knew how she felt about being lied to.
He understood her anger with him.
But her words had come out so quickly.
As if…
As if it was something she'd always thought.
As if it was something that had often been on her mind.
"He's got one hand."
None of the digs about his hand, in his entire life, had hurt more than that one.
Because for the first time, he was forced to think that she never truly could love him like this.
He let out a breath, looking again at his reflection.
Not that he could blame her.
He's forced to see beneath the hook nearly every day, though he averts his own eyes every chance he can. It's ugly, it's marred, it's a terrible flaw.
How many nights has he woken in a cold sweat, to a nightmare where Milah, having survived their encounter with the Crocodile, leaves him after seeing it?
Would she have stayed?
Can you love half a man?
"He's got one hand."
It's been so long since Emma had seen beneath the hook that Killian wasn't sure she… remembered.
What if, after one of their dates, when she's ready to be intimate with him…
A muscle worked in his jaw.
What if…?
"He's got one hand."
He shut his eyes.
Killian let out a breath that held so much more than air, held age-old pain and longing, and he sank to the mattress, running his hand over his face.
He opened his eyes, glaring at the damn hook.
What if it costs him her?
Killian detached the hook, staring at the brace. For years after the incident, he could almost still feel it, as if it were still there. Like his body and mind didn't understand it was gone. Like they missed it as much as he did.
Killian hasn't felt its ghost in many, many years.
He hadn't had two hands for centuries. He's forgotten what life felt like to have two hands. Always relying on his teeth in an attempt to open and close things. His hook can't do everything a true hand can, and people seem to always forget there are things he can't do. And in those moments, there's always the awkward, bloody humiliating pause when they realize. To see pity in their eyes hurt more than losing the damn hand did. So many things that Killian sees people handle with simplicity, without even a second thought, is something he has to constantly try to figure out how to do. Nevermind the always-lingering fear of injuring his right hand, even temporarily. What the bloody hell was he supposed to do then?
And all of this, a lifetime of this, for what?
A bloody magic bean?
Rumplestiltskin didn't have to cut off his hand.
The demon did so gleefully, leaving Killian to live a life that, more than once, Killian has considered far worse than death.
"Bloody Crocodile," he hissed to the stump, to the ever-present reminder of everything he was not.
But the reminder of the man who took his hand made Killian sit up. Something occurred to him for the first time since he and the demon buried the hatchet.
It did seem like the twisted sort of thing a demon like him would do.
And if it were true…
Killian felt a little twitch at his lips.
He stood, and clicked the hook back into place.
Paused there, listening to the echo of the metal snap.
Took a breath.
And hoped that it would be the last time he would ever hear it again.
tag list: @teamhook @jrob64 @kmomof4 @justanother-unluckysoul @klynn-stormz @stahlop @ilovemesomekillianjones
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snowbellewells · 2 years
Self-Promo Sunday: “Dark Swan, Hot Chocolate”
Well friends, I’m a little late getting this posted this week, but I wanted to revisit this little early 5a one shot - a missing Swan Believer moment that I would have loved to see when they returned from Camelot to Storybrooke. There’s art now too, so hopefully the whole product will bring a bit of warmth and a little smile. It can still be found as a chapter in my collection of various one shots, “Of Swans and Swords and Hopeful Hearts”, on either AO3 or ff.net, if that is your preference. There are numerous other fics where this came from in that collection. 
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Summary: Standing alone outside Granny’s Diner, while all of those she loves are gathering inside without her, Emma feels the true weight of what taking on the Darkness has cost her. But there’s one special person who can still bring an offering that reaches her, no matter how dark and cold the night might feel...
“Dark Swan, Hot Chocolate”
by: @snowbellewells
She stands alone outside the packed diner, huddled into the long, black duster she wears over her equally dark dress, futilely trying to ward off the chill autumn air. Unfortunately, the effort is wasted when the cold comes from within her as well, wrapping subtly around her heart. Cozy, bright lights and the hum of chatter from her gathered family, former friends and allies, emanate in a soft glow from the windows of the little inn and restaurant, piercing the night.
The woman once known as Emma Swan, now the self-proclaimed Dark One, impassively watches those within mingling, laughing, and embracing. If a person didn’t know the tiniest nuance of her face, she would look unaffected, waiting for the best time to make her next move. However, as her thin frame, buffeted by the wind at her back, leans forward slightly, a hint of the yearning within her peeps through the harsh, immovable veneer. The former lost girl who had almost – finally ¬– found her home nearly shows through the frosted, severe hair and barely glimmering pale skin for a moment, aching desperately to take a step closer, to be back inside, within the warmth of love and light, once more a part of something.
The Darkness slides back in smoothly, quickly, before Emma’s human longing can fully take hold, purring with the thrilling tingle of so much magic at her fingertips, whispering that she does not need any of them. ‘Look at them, going right on without you…’ the insidious voice in her head reminds, until Emma finally recedes once more and it is the icy, impervious new magical villain who turns and begins to walk away – a solitary black shape against the backdrop of the dark, deserted street.
Suddenly, she stiffens at the sound of the bell above Granny’s door jangling, a slam as it hits the frame again, and footsteps pounding down the steps, onto the pavement, seemingly running after her. She pauses, body taut and vibrating with barely contained power, fingers clenched in tightly until her nails dig into her palms, forcing herself not to spin and immediately blast the newcomer off his or her feet.
Waiting, she is still and unchanging as stone until a small, light hand falls gently on her arm, and Henry speaks in the voice that pierced her impenetrable heart four years ago when he showed up at her door in Boston, and refuses to leave her, even now. “Mom!” Henry pleads, voice roughly cracking with emotion as he clutches her elbow. “Wait, please…”
No matter how the beast within roars and tries to surge up in retaliation at her hesitation, Emma fights through it enough to turn and look on her son, a young man now but still beseeching her to listen and believe in him. Henry’s mop of brown hair ruffles in the breeze as his eyes search her face, hope somehow still directed at her, his faith causing a lump to rise in the back of her throat where nothing else has penetrated.
“Here,” Henry offers, holding up a to-go cup from Granny’s that she hadn’t noticed until then. “I know you like it with cinnamon…like I do. You must miss the hot chocolate.” He tries a mischievous, knowing little smile, and Emma somehow feels a tiny echo of her own inching her own lips up at the corners.
Giving the barest of nods, Emma extends her hand to take his offering, careful not to let her fingers brush his – not wanting the chill that has taken her over to infect his warm heart and generous spirit. “Thanks, Kid,” she rasps, struggling to force the words past a tightened throat and make them heard.
He shrugs, “No problem” his easy reply. They share a moment that is nearly casual, coming close to the easy camaraderie they have always had. But his earnest face sobers quickly as he catches her wrist before she can distance herself again and stares into her eyes unflinchingly. “I – I know you’re angry…at Gramps and Grandma, my other mom…everyone. And you’re hurt. You feel like it’s too late…this is who you are now, and that they should have to pay. It isn’t true though! I’m not giving up on you – and I’m not the only one, either.”
She shakes her head, starting to protest, but Henry interrupts, not letting her deny his hope and his love…his Charming optimism. “I miss you, Mom,” he adds wistfully, then plows on, “but I know you’ll be back. Until then, enjoy the hot chocolate.” With that, he gives her one last quick smile and dashes back the way he came, back into the warmth and light of the gathered citizens of Storybrooke.
Emma turns and continues the walk to her house alone. Raising the cup to her lips though, she finds one tiny tendril of warmth and comfort at first sip; the chocolate, milk, and spice of the cinnamon greet her tongue with happy nostalgia and sweetness. It solves nothing – and yet, for the briefest of moments, it thaws a bit of the ice that has encased her from the inside out. Maybe the real Emma is still in there somewhere, anxious to savor something as simple as a favorite drink, and maybe – just maybe – find her way back out.
Tagging: @searchingwardrobes @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @laschatzi @jrob64 @apiratewhopines @cosette141 @zaharadessert @elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @spartanguard @therooksshiningknight @tiganasummertree @anmylica @xsajx @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @thislassishooked​ @optomisticgirl​ @sotangledupinit​ 
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teamhook · 3 years
Captain Swan Writers Spotlight
Hello, lovelies. I've decided to do a spotlight on Captain Swan writers. Fandom is not what it used to be, and we are lucky to have such a talented group. I want to highlight a new/underrated writer per post. We have new people, and I try to keep up, but sometimes I fail. Please, join me in showing them love. If you guys have any suggestions, let me know!
Up to the spotlight is:
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In the Offing ~ Completed MC
Summary: AU - Storybrooke - Emma Swan is drafted to help Liam Jones clear his brother’s name in the disappearance of a former flame. As she digs deeper into the rash of missing person cases, she risks losing more than just her heart as she uncovers the truth.
Oh this was her first fic in fandom and the one I stalked her on AO3 in a good way to join us here. Guys this story is amazing!
Five Things that Didn’t Happen to Cinderella and Her Prince (Even in the Weird Disney Sequels) ~ Five Short Stories  Completed
Five short stories that give an alternate ending to the Cinderella fairy tale
This was before I decided to only write happy endings.
First one is from the Prince’s POV
I only read CS stories but this does look interesting. I might take a chance with it.
Killian, Persuaded ~ MC Completed
Summary: AU — Storybrooke — When a stunning betrayal forces Killian Jones to reevaluate his life, he finds himself unexpectedly rescued by his estranged brother. Traveling to Maine to meet the family he didn’t know existed, he immediately comes face-to-face with the woman he pushed away a decade before. This time around he’s determined to be a better man and, if he’s lucky, win back the only woman he ever loved.
Basically a Hallmark movie with OUAT characters.
This is such a great story. It was such a ride waiting for the update.
Something Suspiciously Like Hope ~ One-Shot
Summary: The moment Captain Hook opens himself up to the possibility of love
I thought this was a sweet little story.
Annd I know she will be posting a story soon. Keep an eye out for it.
@allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @andiirivera @anothersworld @apiratewhopines @artistic-writer @batana54 @beckettj @bethacaciakay @bixisarusher @branlovestowrite @brooke-to-broch @captainodonoghue @carpedzem @chasedancer17 @cocohook38 @courtorderedcake @darkcolinodonorgasm @deckerstarblanche @deckerstarblanche @djlbg @donteattheappleshook @dovelyheart @elizabeethan @gingerchangeling @gingerpolyglot @holdingoutforapiratehero @hollyethecurious @hookedonapirate @hookedonaswanprincess @hookedonhiddles @ilovemesomekillianjones @imlaxdris71 @itsfabianadocarmo @jarienn972 @jennjenn615 @jonesfandomfanatic @jrob64 @justanother-unluckysoul @k-leemac @karlyfr13s @kday426 @killian-will-do @klynn-stormz @kmomof4 @kwistowee @kymbersmith-90 @laschatzi @lassluna @let-it-raines @lfh1226-linda @lonelyspectator12 @mariakov81 @motherkatereloyshipper @officerrogers @ohmakemeahercules @onceratheart18 @pirateherokillian @purplehawkcaptain @queen-serena88 @resident-of-storybrooke @revanmeetra87 @rumdrum91 @sailtoafarawayland @scientificapricot @scribomaniac @searchingwardrobes @seriouslyhooked @shardminds @shireness-says @snowbellewells @sotangledupinit @spacekrulesbians @spartanguard @stahlop @superchocovian @swanslieutenant @tehgreeneyes @the-darkdragonfly @thejollyroger-writer @thepirateandhisson @therealstartraveller776 @thesschesthair @thislassishooked @thisonesatellite @tiganasummertree @tomeandflickcorner @ultraluckycatnd @veryverynotgoodwrites @wefoundloveunderthelight @wellhellotragic @whimsicallyenchantedrose @winterbaby89 @winterbythesea​ @xarandomdreamx @xemmaloveskillianx @xsajx @zaharadessert​
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neverlandnewyear · 3 years
CSNLNY GTKY! Welcome snowbellwells!
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What is your Ao3/Tumblr username?
How long have you been writing or arting? When did you start creating for CS?
I have been writing my own little stories since I was a kid (I honestly can’t remember when I didn’t do it.) When did I start creating for CS? I believe it was around 2013. I wrote my first CS fic right ahead of the season three premiere- it was a spec one shot of what might be happening on the way to Neverland!
Can we have a little sneak peek or synopsis of your story? Pretty please?
I would love to give you a sneak peek, but I don’t have one to offer yet. I’m hoping to do a missing moment or canon divergence off of either the “Ariel” or “Dark Hollow” episode. That way I can make use of some of my favorite lines and scenes from the Neverland arc, but we’ll see how things shape up once I really get going…
Anything else you’d like us to know?
I had a lot of fun in this event last year and am glad to see it happening again. Can’t wait to see what everyone else is cooking up - and just to have an excuse to return to such a prime part of the show!!
We are so excited to welcome @snowbellewells​ to the event!
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Nets and Bandaids | pt 1
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Summary: They were the strongest members in their respective teams and everyone looked up to them. Except, they could never seem to get along. One day when an incident happened during the seasonal championship, that changed everything between them.
Theme: University au, volleyball players au, enemies to lovers
Warning: very mild swearing
Genre: angst, fluff
WC: 2.1k
Pairing: Lee Minho x Reader
a/n: btw, Y/F/N stands for 'Your Full Name'! :)
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Hankuk University has two of the most powerful team players in their Volleyball school team for both girls and boys. Their names were Y/F/N and Lee Minho. There were 8 members in each team. The girls volleyball team consists of Y/N who is the Team Captain and she is able to play any positions but her main position is a Setter. 
Chungha who is the Co-Captain and also a Libero. Jennie who was a Setter. Jihyo and Yeri who were the Right Side also known as an Outside Hitter. Mina and Jisoo who were the Left Side also known as a Wing Spiker. And last but not least, Lisa who was a Middle Blocker.
The boys volleyball team consists of Minho who is the Team Captain and just like Y/N, he is able to play any position but his main position is a Setter. Chan who is the Co-Captain and also a Setter. 
Changbin who was a Libero. Hyunjin who was a Middle Blocker. Jisung and Seungmin who were the Right Side also known as Outside Hitter. And lastly, Felix and Jeongin who were the Left Side also known as Wing Spiker.
Their volleyball training was every Tuesday and Thursdays from 6pm to 8pm.
Today was no different as they had training later on since it was a Tuesday. Y/N was just listening to her lecture class when she received a text from her volleyball coach.
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She noticed that Coach Kwon mentioned “captains” which means he probably texted that same message to Minho as well and he did. But their group chat was oddly silent so she texted in the group chat to inform the rest.
Just 4 seconds after she sent her text, Minho sent his. She frowned as she rolled her eyes to no one in particular.
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“Did that jerk really just wait for me to send the text first?” She locked her phone screen and soon refocused on her lecture. 
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Two and a half dreadful hours later, they were now dismissed from the class. Y/N left the hall only to get a text from Chungha, asking her to meet them at the rooftop garden where students tend to sit down in the wooden tables to do their school work. She arrived at the rooftop, only to find half of the girls volleyball team and half of the boys volleyball team.
“Unnie!” Yeri called excitedly as she waved excitedly to Y/N, making the elder girl laugh. The minute Y/N arrived beside the wooden table, Jihyo spoke up.
“How was your lecture?”
“I don’t think anything got into my head to be honest.” Y/N said as the rest of them began to laugh. They spent the next 2 hours doing their assignments while the rest of the team members slowly began to appear as they waited for the training time to start. 
Y/N was just standing behind Seungmin, leaning over him to check his coding since he too was a CS student when a familiar voice called out from behind them.
“In case you haven’t noticed, there’s plenty of space on the right instead of leaning over him like that.” Y/N glanced over her shoulders while Seungmin peeked past her arm to see Minho approaching them with one hand clutching loosely on the strap of his cross body bag while the other was tucked in the pocket of his jeans.
She rolled her eyes as she ignored him, only to pat Seungmin’s shoulder and began to explain to him where he went wrong.
Minho scoffed, walking over to stand opposite her just behind Chan and Hyunjin. He stared at her with no particular expression on his face. Seungmin and her seemed like they were in their own little bubble. Seungmin’s lips tugged into a smile, thanking her for her help.
Training was about to start so they all made their way to the indoor sports hall together. They were walking in small groups with mixed genders where Y/N was walking with Changbin, Felix and Seungmin. She was just talking about baking with Felix when Changbin suddenly spoke up.
“The only thing you will bake is your hatred for Lee Minho.”
“You, come here.” Y/N said in a stern voice as Changbin began to sprint down the path screaming at the top of his lungs.
She chased after him, running past their other friends only for Changbin to almost run into the glass door. Y/N jolted to a stop behind him, she couldn’t stop laughing. Changbin growled as he got her in a chokehold.
Training soon began and it was back to square one where the captains would supervise their team according to what their coach told them to do. They were all taking a break when Coach Kwon called all of them to gather around.
“Okay, as you may know, the annual Volleyball Championships will be held in 2 months time and our school will be taking part in it. However, I was told by the official management of this championship that they will be having a special round for the final game. They want the two schools who qualify for the finals to participate in a mixed game.”
With that being said, they were all curious as to what that means, only for Coach Kwon to further explain his announcement.
“The two schools would have to team up both genders for the final round.” He said, making them gasp. Upon hearing this, both the Team Captains turned their heads to their Coach who was standing right beside them.
“Both genders?” Y/N asked.
“You mean…?” Minho said as he dragged his words, unsure if he likes where this was going.
“Yes. Both teams will have to take part in the finals together.” Coach Kwon said, noticing the two Captains frowned. He seemed to sense the thick tension lingering in the air so he chose to acknowledge it.
“With that being said, I will need you two to work together and put your differences aside. Can you do that for your teammates?” Coach Kwon asked, glancing over to Y/N and Minho who were standing in their spots, stiff.
Both of them nodded even though everyone knew it was a forced reaction so as to not disappoint their coach.
With that, Coach Kwon took 2 sets of 6, of two coloured vests to divide them into two teams equally. Since Y/N and Minho were the Team Captains, Coach Kwon gave Y/N the blue vest and Minho the purple vest before asking them to choose their team members.
So each team would have a total of four girls and four boys. Y/N and Minho played a round of rock paper scissors to see who gets to choose first, only for her to win.
The final teams were Y/N, Lisa, Yeri, Jisoo, Chan, Changbin, Felix and Seungmin. Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, Jeongin, Chungha, Jennie, Mina and Jihyo. The practice games soon started as the ones on the bench were Felix, Jisoo, Jeongin and Mina.
And immediately off the bat, the opposite gender team members could already see the huge difference in their Team Captain’s attitude during a game.
Minho tends to scold his teammates if they weren’t fast enough or if they didn’t move according to how he likes it. Meanwhile, Y/N, on the other hand, encourages her team by giving tips and pointers on how to win a game or to perfect their moves during an attack or defense.
So when they finished their first practice round, Y/N couldn’t help but speak up after witnessing just how much he scolded the girls and even the boys about their speed and techniques.
“Don’t you think you’re being too harsh on them?” She asked with a disapproval on her face.
“This is my way of leading them. If they’re too slow, then what’s the point of being on the court?” Minho said with a sharp tone in his voice. By now, Y/N was already on the other side of the net, standing in front of Minho. She looked slightly smaller than him but she definitely had a more intimidating aura on her at the moment.
“And what makes you think they’ll get any better with you screaming at them all the time? As their Captain, you’re supposed to guide them not criticize them.” Y/N said firmly, causing Minho to take a step closer only to tower over her. 
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Minho said.
“You’re not the alpha here. We all listen to Coach Kwon. We’re both here to supervise. But if you can’t do it right, that’s when your team crashes.”
“I don’t need a big shot like you telling me what I should or should not do.”
“This is exactly why your team lost the last championship because you don’t have faith in them. Not everything in volleyball is about speed, you arrogant jerk.” Y/N said as Minho was about to lunge forward but Chan and Hyunjin stopped him right on time, sliding their bodies in between the two captains.
“That’s enough. We’re supposed to work together, not argue.” Chan said firmly while Chungha held Y/N back.
“There’s a reason why I appointed you two as the captains. And that is because I have faith in the two of you to lead your respective teams into being the best players in Hankuk U. But if both of you can’t work together, I can’t do anything to make things better.” Coach Kwon said, making them fall silent.
The two captains soon apologized to Coach Kwon who then told them to swap teams and also substitute the members on the bench for those playing in the same position.
With that being said, Y/N and Minho swapped places so that both teams will get to experience their way of leading them. During that second game, Minho kept cursing at Yeri whenever she missed the ball or for when she accidentally hit the ball out of line.
So right after the game, Y/N called out to Minho again when she saw Yeri looking down as she walked to the bench.
“Yah, Lee Minho, is that how you lead your team? By cursing at them?” She asked in a slightly sarcastic tone.
“If she was faster and more focused, she wouldn’t have missed the fucking ball thrice.”
“Just because she’s not as fast as you doesn’t mean she’s bad at playing the sport.” She said, only for him to growl at her in anger, shoving her shoulders now.
“Why does it matter so much to you?! I’ve been doing this with the boys for the past 2 years and they’ve only gotten better!”
“That’s because they want to avoid being screamed at by your petty little ass!” She yelled, and while most of the guys slightly agreed with what she said when she defended his teammates, they hated seeing the two fight.
“Y/N, let’s stop here. Hmm?” Chan said softly as he carefully wraps his arm around her shoulder to push her back but she didn’t want to move.
“What can we do to break that thick fucking ego of yours to make you realize that volleyball isn’t a goddamn war.” She said, making Minho glare at her. His anger slowly built up, only for Coach Kwon to speak up.
“I think we shall end early for today. Go home, get some rest. I hope to not see any of these tensions on Thursday. Do I make myself clear?” Coach said as they responded a “yes” in unison before they began to clear the hall of their volleyball equipment.
Y/N was just pushing the pole to the back of the sports hall when a soft voice spoke up from behind her, and it was Jeongin.
“Noona, I’m thankful that you stood up for us. I don’t know if you even want to hear this, but Minho hyung isn’t always like this with us. Sometimes he does give us good advice and he even helped us with techniques we could use during games and so far, they’re all really useful…” Jeongin paused as they stacked the poles at the back of the hall.
“Then why does he act so harshly to my members? To show that he has power?” Y/N asked, resting her hand against the pole only to lean her body weight on it. Jeongin laughed before he spoke up.
“Honestly, I think he was just doing it out of stress. I mean, we’ve never played a game together with both teams involved so I guess he was just confused on how he should lead them. Trust me noona, hyung can be really tough sometimes but he’s probably one of the best Team Captain anyone could have alongside Chan hyung.”
With that, she let out a heavy sigh as she ruffled Jeongin’s hair gently before walking back to the main hall with him, not realizing that someone was eavesdropping.
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cyberloops · 3 years
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So the bad news is that even after trying the simplest recording programs I could, my little old laptop is just NOT up to the task of recording, let alone streaming jam sessions with video.
Still, I futzed around with the new Circuit for about 10 minutes, chose some instrument sounds and made a couple basic bassline loops, an arpeggio that I fed into my MS-1, and six simple percussion loops, then hit record.
I really didn’t have any idea what I was doing, beyond that basic bassline and Minor 1/5 to Minor 1/6 arpeggio progression and the basic back and forth power drum beat with some faster optional ones that I could turn on and off as I went along. (Is there a name for that bassline pattern where you hit every beat except the 1? I’m sure there is.)
I didn’t even make any patterns for the second synth on the circuit, I just played it a few times when I felt like it. Most of what I was playing was through the Yamaha CS Reface or the Circuit itself. I did play the MS-1 a little bit during the sections where I stopped the arpeggio. But yeah, this was my first real serious jam session with the new brain... and I gotta say, I really wish I’d bought this first. I’m really enjoying it.
And of course, once I was done, I decided to turn all my synths off.. and immediately after I hit the power button on the circuit I had that moment. The moment we all get when we’re getting used to a new piece of software or equipment of any kind. “Wait... did I hit save at any point when I was working? Does it autosave at all?” And the answer to both was no. So these 9 or 10 loops that I made, as well as the setting tweaks I made to the two synths are lost to the aether. Kinda appropriate for a first live jam session recording, I guess. One time, one shot, now gone.
The mixing isn’t great, I’m still getting used to having so much running through one device, I didn’t spend much prep time balancing instruments, and I don’t have a way of recording separate channels to remix it afterward. But it’s just a jam session, so that’s fine. You can hear one section where I had to frantically reach for the volume control on the Yamaha right after I came in a little too loud and it didn’t match, and shortly afterward there’s a little stumble where once again my fat fingers missed on the tiny keyboard. Right now the Yamaha and the Skulpt aren’t hooked up to the Circuit, I’ve got the MS-1 sending MIDI into the Circuit and the Crave and MS-1 getting the two MIDI channels coming out. I was expecting to be thrown off trying to play instruments through the square drumpad style keys, but it’s actually pretty intuitive and it lets you set what kind of scale you want to use, so you can set it like an actual keyboard, or have two octaves at a time in a particular scale. For this one I just kept it in A minor to keep it easy on myself.
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spartanguard · 3 years
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summary: SVU detective Emma Swan's new partner is not what she expected. Thankfully, that's a good thing.
A/n: So I've been watching a LOT of Law & Order: SVU lately and when I got to the episodes where Stabler was partnered with Dani Beck, it just smacked with CS feels. This is just a bit of exploration of that, in honor of @optomisticgirl​ ‘s birthday!!
B—HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Thank you for being the most amazing friend, and the best person to bounce crazy fic ideas off of (like this). I hope you have the most amazing day and I love you!!!!
Note: While there isn't any actual sexual violence in this story, it is an SVU AU, so it's mentioned.
rated T | 2.3k words | AO3
She met him while he was trying to arrest a perp who’d just walked.
“Are you Detective Swan?” he’d asked, and she immediately noticed his accent—the way it wrapped around her last name in a way that sent a shiver down her spine, but it was hard to tell if it was in a good way or not.
“Yeah, that’s me,” she tossed back.
“I’m your new partner. Killian Jones.”
She shook his offered hand (only later noticing he only had the one) and wondered—just what the hell were they about to get into?
[He was her second new partner in as many weeks. Graham, who she’d worked with since she joined the unit, had enough with special victims—with Boston in general—and had taken up some smalltown sheriff gig in Maine. Emma knew he’d be happier there, but it kind of left her in the lurch. They’d sent someone new over the week before, but her style didn’t gel with Mulan’s quite well enough—the woman was a damn fine detective but just...too different.]
Jones was new to special victims, transferring in on the recommendation of the captain at his previous precinct, where he’d worked in homicide. The dead victims, he was used to; the live ones—not so much.
It was pretty obvious on their first case together, when they were interviewing the young girl in the hospital. Emma—she’d seen enough of the world’s shitty side that little phazed her any more; growing up in the foster system made her uniquely suited to this line of work.
But Killian? He was visibly upset; she had to physically restrain him from running out of the hospital to start tracking down the culprit, holding him back by the sleeve of his leather jacket. They hardly had a lead on this. Something could be said for enthusiasm, but that didn’t excuse jumping ahead of themselves. That’s how you got into trouble—that was how criminals got away with murder (literally); she’d done that enough for the both of them, and had a feeling he had, too.
She felt they had a lot in common, actually; there was an obvious affinity for leather coats, but past that, there was something familiar in his eyes. Not that she’d met him before, or anything—just something in the determined set of his gaze when interviewing a suspect, in the empathetic way he handled the victim.
She still wasn’t sure if that was good or not, especially when he almost forgot protocol—almost lost them evidence—by rushing in too soon.
And she was half ready to walk into Captain Mills’ office to request a new partner (again) when she found him asleep at his desk with what could only be described as a murderboard spread out behind him. He looked younger and softer in his sleep, impossibly gorgeous with the way his long lashes rested on his cheekbones and gentle breaths from his full lips—and none of that was really pertinent, because the man had just researched his way to a solved case.
“Just who are you, Killian Jones?” she asked when she later woke him up with coffee and a bear claw (biting back a comment on the rumpled state of his usually pristine waistcoat-and-dress shirt combo).
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he drawled, holding her gaze intently before taking a long pull from his cup.
She knew she shouldn’t, but damn, did she.
It wasn’t until a couple cases later that she began to put together the pieces of him. It had been a doozy of a kidnapping, and he’d been on edge the whole time—right until they finally tracked down the little boy who’d been abducted. Emma slapped the cuffs on the miserable excuse for a father who’d taken him and Killian pulled the boy into his arms, visibly deflating once he knew he was safe.
She dragged him to their unit’s favorite bar that night and slid a glass of rum in front of him, along with the directive to “Talk.”
He downed it in one shot, then worried his bottom lip (much to Emma’s distraction) before saying, “Have I mentioned I have a daughter?”
Her eyebrows rose in surprise, but she let him explain without interruption. Her name was Alice; she was 8. He had sole custody, and with good reason: her mother, his ex-girlfriend, had kidnapped her from his apartment when she was only a few years old. “It’s the most scared I’ve ever been,” he confessed. “And today...it’s like I was right back in that moment.”
“I don’t blame you,” she replied, then finished her own whiskey. This was probably where she should drop some of her own tragic backstory, right? Like the scumbag who left her pregnant at 17, and the baby boy she put up for adoption? “Props to you for doing it on your own. I obviously couldn't.”
“Don’t beat yourself up, love; you gave him his best chance.” He gently set his hand over hers on the bar and she froze; not because he was cold—quite the opposite, actually—but between that tiny gesture of support and the understanding in those too-blue eyes, she felt more seen than she had by anyone in ages, even Graham.
It was suddenly too much, too intimate, and she yanked her hand away and ordered another drink. “Is your ex the name on your tattoo?” she asked, trying to put some space in between them (physically and emotionally).
It worked. He sat back up and tugged his right sleeve down with his prosthesis, hiding the ink, and she could almost see the walls go back up between them. “No. That’s...another story. For another time.” He stood and tossed some cash on the counter. “Alice is with my neighbor; I better go get her. See you ‘round.” And he left hastily.
It was what she wanted to happen. He’d suddenly gotten too close. So why did she feel like such an ass about it?
She was going to apologize at their next shift, but they got thrown into another case. And then another after it. It was a different kind of intense—a different kind of intimate—than that moment in the bar; very quickly, she had to trust him, and vice versa. That was something neither were predisposed to, but were managing to do...honestly, better than she had with anyone.
After putting another rapist behind bars, Killian said with a smirk, “I don’t mean to upset you, Swan, but I think we make quite the team.” And he winked (well, tried to), and she just blushed back, like she was a teenager in love all over again. That fact that would normally send her running but, for the first time in years, she wasn’t opposed to it—except for, y’know, the fact that he was her partner and they were coworkers and HR generally looked down on that kind of thing.
She doubted he was interested, anyway. They hadn’t really done anything outside of work since that night; he was always quick to get home to Alice, and she didn’t fault him that—especially when she finally met the kid, who was clearly her father’s daughter in all the best ways.
They got a call for a case late one weeknight; Emma easily beat him to the scene, since he had to make sure his neighbor could watch Alice at such an ungodly hour. She handed him a coffee when he got there and they made their way to the ME, to get the rundown on the vic. 
Emma had been paying attention, but it shifted from the examiner to Killian pretty quickly; he stiffened at the description of what had been done to the victim, then when white as the sheet covering her when it was pulled back.
“Eloise,” he whispered, like he’d seen a ghost.
“Wait—as in…?”
He nodded. “Aye. Alice’s mum.”
They got what little information they could from the scene and then started to head for the precinct, but he was shaking so much, she insisted on driving.
“Are you gonna be alright?” she asked.
He let out a hollow chuckle. “No, probably not.” Then, one long breath later, “It was Gold.”
She nearly missed their turn at that. “Gold? As in, the mysterious Mr. Gold, owner of the pawn store chain?”
“One and the same,” Killian said, scrubbing a hand down his face. “It’s the same as with Milah.”
She would have asked who that was, but he was resting his prosthesis over the spot on his arm where she knew the tattoo was. And she got a sinking feeling in her stomach that this was going to be a rough case.
Once they got to the office (and she got some more coffee in him), Killian explained: Milah was his ex, his first love—but also Gold’s wife. And while Gold was well-known for being a shady individual, no one had ever been able to pin anything on him.
But Gold did find out about their affair, and Killian came home one day to find Milah—dead, attacked and killed in the same way Eloise had been hours ago. He wasn’t sure what their connection was—and he didn’t think Gold knew about his to Eloise, especially since she’d only been released from jail last week—“But I know it’s him. And I’m going to prove it this time.”
(Apparently, last time had ended with him getting into an altercation with one of Gold’s lackeys. He escaped with his life, but not with his left hand.)
Milah’s case had gone cold, but given the similarities, they were able to pull the files. It took a few weeks—several late nights, more than a few breakdowns, many tears (mostly Killian’s, but Emma’s and Alice’s as well) before they finally—finally—had the evidence to pin both murders on Gold.
Tracking him down was another thing altogether, but they finally caught up with him in his penthouse apartment. To no one’s surprise, he didn’t go willingly; a fistfight broke out between he and Killian. 
She was scared she’d have to intervene, knowing how personal it was. By the end of it, Killian had a black eye and a bloody lip, but Gold was in handcuffs, tossed unceremoniously in the back of a squad car. 
Killian watched the vehicle pull away, then turned to Emma, and wrapped his arms around her in a bruising hug. 
In any other situation, she would have gone stiff with shock, but she didn’t hesitate to lean right into him. Her desire to comfort him after that was just as strong as his need for comfort. 
But then he pulled back, cupped her cheek, and pressed his lips to hers. 
That did take her by surprise. 
But she was equally quick to reciprocate. 
Just as fast, it was over and he was walking away, leaving her utterly confused. Logically, she knew it was probably just an emotional reaction—a one-time thing. 
However: he kissed her like he meant it. She was familiar with empty kisses and single-night flings—and that...was a whole lot more. 
And she couldn’t deny it any longer: she wanted that more. 
She arrived at the precinct early the next morning, hoping to beat him there so they could talk about whatever that had been. She’d even gotten up an hour before she usually did so she could get them good coffee. But he was already there, filling out forms at his desk. 
“Hey,” she said, suddenly feeling incredibly awkward as she put the cup on his desk. “You taking care of the reports?”
“Um, yeah,” he stammered, pointedly focusing on the paperwork and not her. 
She glanced down at the desk, and that wasn’t a report—that was a transfer form. “You want to leave?” she whispered, the familiar pain of betrayal washing over her. He didn’t want to be her partner anymore? 
“Emma, I can’t stay here,” he said, only somewhat apologetic. (Also, though she didn’t realize it at the moment, it was the first time he’d used her given name.) “After this last case...it just wouldn’t be good form.”
“Fuck your good form, Jones!” she cried. “How can you say that, after everything these past few months? After last night?”
Calmly, he stood up and moved into her space. “I can’t be your partner any more, Emma,” he said, reaching up to brush her hair behind her ear. “Because I want to be more than that. And last I checked, Captain Mills frowned upon inter-unit relations.”
That was true; she really did, more than most. But then the reality of what Killian was saying hit: “You...you’d give up your position for me?”
“Aye,” he answered, simply, like it wasn’t the heaviest thing anyone had ever told her. 
What else was she supposed to do after a confession like that but kiss him? She rose up on her toes, gripped the lapels of his waistcoat, and found his lips with hers. He didn’t hesitate to pull her close and she was exceedingly glad no one else was in the squad room, because she’d never quite been kissed so closely to within an inch of her life as she’d been then.
(Also, it was a good thing no one was around when he pushed her onto his desk to deepen it further. If Captain Mills later noticed the forms were a bit crumpled, she didn’t say anything.) 
Killian ended up transferring back to his old precinct, old job. It turned out they missed him. Emma knew exactly why; her next partner, David, was great, but no match. 
Good thing she got to go home to Killian—and Alice—every night. 
thanks for reading, and send B all the birthday love! tagging some others:
@kat2609​ @thesschesthair​  @xpumpkindumplingx​ t @cocohook38​ @annytecture​ @shireness-says​ @ohmightydevviepuu​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @wingedlioness​ @word-bug​ @thisonesatellite​ @distant-rose​ @wellhellotragic​ @welllpthisishappening​ @let-it-raines​ @pirateherokillian​ @its-imperator-furiosa​ @fergus80​ @thejollyroger-writer​ @ineffablecolors​ @laschatzi​ @ive-always-been-a-pirate​  @stubblesandwich​​ @phiralovesloki​ @athenascarlet​ @kmomof4​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @snowbellewells​ @idristardis​ @scientificapricot​ @searchingwardrobes​ @donteattheappleshook​
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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Nothing special this time.  Well, categorically speaking, anyway.  I decided that, instead of focusing on some kind of "challenge" clear, I'd just emphasize damage dealers I don't usually focus on.  No limitations on what they can bring, just aim for the kill.
Vs. Acerola Ghost-weak, and after looking at my roster, I realized there are only two Ghost-types I haven't really focused on ever.  One is base Morty, who maybe I should focus on a bit.  The other is Agatha though, and like...we just had a cool story bit with her, so I had to.  She's not too bad.  Not quite Shauntal, although the finale of a match is smooth as a shark.  Denial on left, take out center just before sync with DPS alone, Hypnosis the right quickly and vaporize.  Granted, a lot of this success can be chalked up to her partners.  6k under Zone is not a ton for DPS, but it's serviceable.
Vs. Olivia After dunking on Lodge May for just around forever, I decided to give her an honest try on-type with CS.  She's...decent?  I mean, look at her partners and you get a sense for where this is going.  Surf DPS is okay.  The split is usually something I accept, when the sync pair in question can still perform a denial on the left, or is blitzing so hard it doesn't matter.  Lodge May can do neither of these things, and that's with Rain and debuff support.  I needed to use Brine on the left to perform the denial, Surf wasn't getting the job done, and this is with SEUN on the first shot.  So like.  That's pretty bad.
SS Mina is also kinda limiting.  It's never a great sign when I can go through a match and feel like man.  I sure wish SS Kris were here.  I do have to acknowledge that SS Kris means May takes two turns to set up her offenses, but also SS Kris means stacks of special moves up next out the wazoo, and more stable rain.  Mina's rain ran out before final sync, with no means of bringing it back.  It's just not a good show for her.  I admit, I was fairly excited to give SS Mina a try, but I keep coming back around to "She's fine but not as good as I'd hoped."
Vs. Kahili Still using V!Lorelei to justify poor decisions, but man I really wish she were 3/5 for this one.  I forgot about Kahili's Funtime Go Viral Toxic Salamence, which went just great thanks.  More importantly though, I finally got to make an attempt at SS Hau supporting a Cakewalk/Inertia nuker.  Which he does a pretty good job of, especially with Gordie having a Max Move to perform the second denial.  You know.  If he doesn't miss the crit.  Like he did.  Also on sync.  Because Gordie just loves failure, it turns out.
Vs. Molayne There aren't many Ground-type pairs I haven't used for offense, and in the interest of giving her a moment in the spotlight, here's Courtney.  Sonia is an absurdly good partner; if she gets the MPR, she caps every need Courtney could ever have.  Nanu was to debuff defense really fast, because the condition for this match was half time to sync.  I think realized I forgot to uncheck the Interference Immunity condition, so we almost died.  Thankfully, Courtney is very bulky and not weak to Ground, so she handled it okay.
Vs. Hau Guys.  Guys, I might EX base Iris.  I'm sorry, this was fun.  Base Iris actually hits like a truck when confused.  Granted, this is under the conditions of (1) boosted physical damage per the stadium rules, (2) EX support, and (3) H!Caitlin EX support for max attack and speed.  I fully acknowledge that Iris is not going to be that good.  But I've been breaking her out a little more regularly, and as a general fan of Iris, this has been pretty positive.  Oh, and Kukui's here for Leer.  Because Courtney worked out, I once again forgot to uncheck the Interference Immunity condition, or we would've beaten Hau even harder.  Next time, then.
Final Thoughts Among the damage dealers used, the only one that surprised me was Iris.  I've used her against Latios and Latias at times, just to help clear stuff, so I know her DPS isn't too bad.  But I also know it's not too good.  12k in one attack, even with the conditions she had, is fairly impressive.  For context, Shauntal hits about 10k with the EX condition, at least.  So Iris is not doing too bad.  It's really just the constant Confuse hazard that hurts.  Well, that and low stats and bad sync and okay there's a lot of downsides to being an early grid story pair.
Agatha did well for her role, though I admittedly like her better as the support.  It's nice to know she can take stuff down herself, but the sleep chaining is just so valuable, and nothing replaces my girl Shauntal.  I will admit, I hadn't thought of the fact that Mega Evolution would kick off Healthy Healing again.  So that was a fun little surprise for potential Gauntlet shenanigans.
Gordie wanted to do well and kept missing crit.  Better luck next time, loser.
Lodge May was solidly decent but thoroughly underwhelming.
Courtney...look, I know from Gauntlet that Courtney is actually obscenely good for a general pool unit.  I know.  I am aware.  I just don't love it.
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