#dark swan hot chocolate
snowbellewells · 2 years
Self-Promo Sunday: “Dark Swan, Hot Chocolate”
Well friends, I’m a little late getting this posted this week, but I wanted to revisit this little early 5a one shot - a missing Swan Believer moment that I would have loved to see when they returned from Camelot to Storybrooke. There’s art now too, so hopefully the whole product will bring a bit of warmth and a little smile. It can still be found as a chapter in my collection of various one shots, “Of Swans and Swords and Hopeful Hearts”, on either AO3 or ff.net, if that is your preference. There are numerous other fics where this came from in that collection. 
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Summary: Standing alone outside Granny’s Diner, while all of those she loves are gathering inside without her, Emma feels the true weight of what taking on the Darkness has cost her. But there’s one special person who can still bring an offering that reaches her, no matter how dark and cold the night might feel...
“Dark Swan, Hot Chocolate”
by: @snowbellewells
She stands alone outside the packed diner, huddled into the long, black duster she wears over her equally dark dress, futilely trying to ward off the chill autumn air. Unfortunately, the effort is wasted when the cold comes from within her as well, wrapping subtly around her heart. Cozy, bright lights and the hum of chatter from her gathered family, former friends and allies, emanate in a soft glow from the windows of the little inn and restaurant, piercing the night.
The woman once known as Emma Swan, now the self-proclaimed Dark One, impassively watches those within mingling, laughing, and embracing. If a person didn’t know the tiniest nuance of her face, she would look unaffected, waiting for the best time to make her next move. However, as her thin frame, buffeted by the wind at her back, leans forward slightly, a hint of the yearning within her peeps through the harsh, immovable veneer. The former lost girl who had almost – finally ¬– found her home nearly shows through the frosted, severe hair and barely glimmering pale skin for a moment, aching desperately to take a step closer, to be back inside, within the warmth of love and light, once more a part of something.
The Darkness slides back in smoothly, quickly, before Emma’s human longing can fully take hold, purring with the thrilling tingle of so much magic at her fingertips, whispering that she does not need any of them. ‘Look at them, going right on without you…’ the insidious voice in her head reminds, until Emma finally recedes once more and it is the icy, impervious new magical villain who turns and begins to walk away – a solitary black shape against the backdrop of the dark, deserted street.
Suddenly, she stiffens at the sound of the bell above Granny’s door jangling, a slam as it hits the frame again, and footsteps pounding down the steps, onto the pavement, seemingly running after her. She pauses, body taut and vibrating with barely contained power, fingers clenched in tightly until her nails dig into her palms, forcing herself not to spin and immediately blast the newcomer off his or her feet.
Waiting, she is still and unchanging as stone until a small, light hand falls gently on her arm, and Henry speaks in the voice that pierced her impenetrable heart four years ago when he showed up at her door in Boston, and refuses to leave her, even now. “Mom!” Henry pleads, voice roughly cracking with emotion as he clutches her elbow. “Wait, please…”
No matter how the beast within roars and tries to surge up in retaliation at her hesitation, Emma fights through it enough to turn and look on her son, a young man now but still beseeching her to listen and believe in him. Henry’s mop of brown hair ruffles in the breeze as his eyes search her face, hope somehow still directed at her, his faith causing a lump to rise in the back of her throat where nothing else has penetrated.
“Here,” Henry offers, holding up a to-go cup from Granny’s that she hadn’t noticed until then. “I know you like it with cinnamon…like I do. You must miss the hot chocolate.” He tries a mischievous, knowing little smile, and Emma somehow feels a tiny echo of her own inching her own lips up at the corners.
Giving the barest of nods, Emma extends her hand to take his offering, careful not to let her fingers brush his – not wanting the chill that has taken her over to infect his warm heart and generous spirit. “Thanks, Kid,” she rasps, struggling to force the words past a tightened throat and make them heard.
He shrugs, “No problem” his easy reply. They share a moment that is nearly casual, coming close to the easy camaraderie they have always had. But his earnest face sobers quickly as he catches her wrist before she can distance herself again and stares into her eyes unflinchingly. “I – I know you’re angry…at Gramps and Grandma, my other mom…everyone. And you’re hurt. You feel like it’s too late…this is who you are now, and that they should have to pay. It isn’t true though! I’m not giving up on you – and I’m not the only one, either.”
She shakes her head, starting to protest, but Henry interrupts, not letting her deny his hope and his love…his Charming optimism. “I miss you, Mom,” he adds wistfully, then plows on, “but I know you’ll be back. Until then, enjoy the hot chocolate.” With that, he gives her one last quick smile and dashes back the way he came, back into the warmth and light of the gathered citizens of Storybrooke.
Emma turns and continues the walk to her house alone. Raising the cup to her lips though, she finds one tiny tendril of warmth and comfort at first sip; the chocolate, milk, and spice of the cinnamon greet her tongue with happy nostalgia and sweetness. It solves nothing – and yet, for the briefest of moments, it thaws a bit of the ice that has encased her from the inside out. Maybe the real Emma is still in there somewhere, anxious to savor something as simple as a favorite drink, and maybe – just maybe – find her way back out.
Tagging: @searchingwardrobes @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @laschatzi @jrob64 @apiratewhopines @cosette141 @zaharadessert @elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @spartanguard @therooksshiningknight @tiganasummertree @anmylica @xsajx @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @thislassishooked​ @optomisticgirl​ @sotangledupinit​ 
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themilkshanghai · 2 months
Mia and Marta's Profile
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" When human Mia meets witch Marta, The story of them is began… "
Mia Wynn
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Identity Name : Mia Wynn Date of Birth : August 8, 1997 Gender : Female Blood Type : O Blood Status : Muggle-Born Myer Briggs Personality Type : ISTP Ethnicity : American-Thai Nationality : American
Appearance Height : 175 cm Weight : 56 kg Hair : Dark gray, Shoulder length Eyes : Light green Skin : Tan, Scar on the waist
At Hogwarts Hogwarts House : Ravenclaw Wand : Hazel wood, Dragon heartstrings, 12 inches, Flexibility Quidditch : Beater Animagus : Gray Fox Patronus : Whale Boggart : Parents's body Riddikulus : Paper doll Flower : Red Poppy
Food/Dessert/Beverage : Candy, Chocolate cake, Omelet, Ramen, Donut, Ice cream, Black tea, Hot & Iced cocoa
Hobby : Sports, Singing & Playing music, Photography, Gaming, Traveling
Color : Gray, Black, White, Dark blue, Green, Red, Purple-Violet
Subject : Charms, Transfiguration, DADA, Flying, Astronomy
Mia is Muggle-Born who has talented and live an ordinary life. But when she was 7 years old, there was a fire at her house (America), her parents died in the fire and she was admitted to the hospital for several months. Mia's aunt heard the news and then took her to move to England for new life.
After months later something happened to Mia. The mysterious voices, sounds, Magic?! She felt shocked-excited and interesting that made wanted to learning about Magic.
Marta Waltsher
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Identity Name : Marta Waltsher Date of Birth : January 10, 1997 Gender : Female Blood Type : A Blood Status : Half-Blood Myer Briggs Personality Type : INTP Ethnicity : English-Thai Nationality : English
Appearance Height : 170 cm Weight : 50 kg Hair : Black, Long-Straight Eyes : White Skin : Light
At Hogwarts Hogwarts House : Slytherin Wand : Cedar wood, Dragon heartstrings, 10 inches, Pliable Quidditch : Keeper Animagus : White Swan Patronus : Raven Boggart : Thorny Vines Riddikulus : Flower Vines Flower : Poison Hemlock
Food/Dessert/Beverage : Herbal tea, Cookie, Salad, Vegetable soup, Beef Stew, Hot chocolate, Honey toast
Hobby : Cooking-Baking, Reading, Gardening, Dancing & Playing music
Color : White, Green, Black, Blue, Silver, Pastel
Subject : Charms, Potions, Herbology, Flying
Marta is Half-Blood witch who comes from a wealthy and strict rules family. Her mother disappeared after she was born for some reason, she heard that her father's relatives thinks she lured him with black magic to married.
Now she lives with her father and nursemaid (Younger sister of her mother) in mansion near the cemetery in the valley. Her father taught her about magic until able to use magic without a wand.
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sivyera · 7 months
hot chocolate
twilight new moon isabella marie swan x fem!reader
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a/n: it can be a bit sad from the start but it will be really fluffy on the end
Bella slowly opened her eyes as she heard a slight noise of opening door. As her vision cleared she saw you, quietly as possible opening the door with two hot chocolates in your hands.
Just as quietly as you opened the door you too closed them. Then you went next to your bed, where Bella was now laying and put those two hot chocolates on a nightstand that was right next to your bed.
She was so glad to see you, her childhood best friend. Jacob was only her childhood friend, you were her childhood best friend, you were special.
She was way closer to you then with Jacob, she thought it was like this because you were the same gender.
But as time passed she realized that there was something more in that then just this, but then she thought she lost you forever and you will be forever just a childhood memory, then she moved back to Forks and the chaos with Edward came, and then you appeared in Forks all of the sudden, then Jacob with his werewolf thing, then the break up with Edward, it was just to much on her. To much chaos.
Her head was filled with thoughts and her feelings weren't under control. So her attempt of suicide was stupid but understadable.
All she remembers was seeing you above her, white light behind you and you were like smoke and you were also blurred. Then it was all dark until now.
As you sat down on your chair that you had in your room, you saw Bella blinking her eyes. You also noticed that her lips were more pink then few hours ago. When you pulled her out of that freezing water her lips were purple, white and blue, when you arrived to your house they were just blue and now they were more pink like her normal colour. That made you stood up immediately and went to sit next to her on the corner of your bed.
"Bella, how are you feelin'?" You asked with worried voice as you were looking at her face for any signs of discomfort or pain. Now as her eyes were fully opened she could see how worried you really were. How you care about her...
"I'm fine, wha- what happened?" Bella asked with still shaking voice as she tried to sit up but you gently pushed her down and shook your head as a sign that it's not a good idea to sit right now.
"Well I assume that before I pulled you out of that water you jumped off a cliff, when I pulled you out of that water and gave you first aid; you started breathing and blinking your eyes so I took you to my car and there you fell asleep, then I just moved you inside my house." You said calmly as you touched her forehead to check if she doesn't have high temperature.
Bella nods her head slowly as she looked down a bit embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry." She apologized. She felt like a complete trash. After Edward broke up with her, her depression started... it was over 3 months and now she embarrassed herself in front of you.
It was just too much at her, she wanted to cry but she tried her best not too. "Don't apologize Bells, you are fine now." You said calmy in a soothing voice to calm her down.
Bella smiled back at you while feeling that fuzzy, warm, safe feeling inside her, that one she haven't felt in 3 moths, that one she missed so much.
As she was looking at your loving face; all of the memories from your childhood came to her mind. The memories she felt this feeling in, the best ones, the special ones, the ones why you were more then Jacob, more then Edward...
Bella was still staring at your face as you grabbed the hot chocolate that you placed on your nightstand few minutes ago.
"Here, drink." You said calmly with a warm smile and the hot chocolate in your right hand, with your left hand you were trying to help her sit up.
Bella moved her gaze from your.. beautiful face to that tempting hot chocolate you made. On top of that hot chocolate was whipped cream perfectly made, on top of that whipped cream was sprinkled with cinnamon.
She took the hot chocolate from your hand and as your fingers touched, she swore she felt electricity flowing. "Thank you." She thanked as she took a sip from that hot chocolate you made.
It was delicious, the best hot chocolate she ever had. She hummed loudly as she swallowed the chocolate.
You just laughed at her reaction, happy that she likes it, happy that she had a smile on her face. As you two were laughing and smiling and looking at each other, Bella realized that Edward never made her feel like this. He did the opposite, he just brought chaos into her.
Jacob did the same, only pure chaos. The only one except you who actually helped her was probably Alice.
It fascinated her, how big effect you had on her.
"I feel much better now." Bella said as she drank the whole hot chocolate and put the empty cup back on your nightstand.
You smiled and put your empty cup on your nightstand as well. You moved and went to lay next to her on your bed. As you got under your blanket you answered to her. "I'm glad to hear that."
Bella raised her eyebrows as you got under the blanket with her, it surprised her but after all you two were childhood best friends, there wasn't anything suspicious, right?
When you made yourself comfortable under the blanket, Bella's body naturaly moved closer to you which made you put your arm under her head so she could use your hand as a pillow. Your other hand went around her shoulders while she wrapped her hands around your waist.
Again the fuzzy, warm, safe feeling was spreading through Bella's veins as you two cuddled like this.
Maybe all she ever wanted was right in front of her the whole time. Maybe all she ever needed in a man was in you the whole time.
As she noticed that you fell asleep, she couldn't help herself but give in to the temptation and kiss you on your lips. As her lips touched yours she felt the electricity that she never felt with Edward, the chaotic feeling was replaced by calmness.
Maybe in the future, when she gains enough confidence, she'll ask you to be her girlfriend.
And look what a simple hot chocolate did.
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You would THINK that Princess Savior Emma Charming Swan becoming The Dark One would make all the High Horse Masters Of Empathy Most Kind And Compassionate And Loving And Forgiving people in the world think "hm maybe being the dark one is a horrible curse that severely damages your psyche and 'resisting the darkness' is not as simple as it sounds and the world is not all black and white and it's very difficult to be the loved ones of the dark one and a person can be helped out of extreme darkness and even when someone is doing something bad they still deserve compassion and there can still be a good person inside of them and we can choose to forgive some very horrific things for the sake of helping someone we care about because we know that deep down this is not the person they really are and these 'dark' actions might be indicative of a much larger issue that we cannot comprehend from the outside" but no. No they said "actually she is an angel goddess and she could crush multiple hearts in front of our eyes and we would say 'awe babygirl would you like some hot chocolate?' But Rumplestiltskin is the scum of the earth and we hate his stupid face. There is no need to take any measures to protect his life because we actually don't think he counts as A Person bc we hate him so much. Ew."
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
OC + Random Associations
tagged by @cetra , @sleepsvessel & @bootheminiaturegiantspacehamster thank you ^_^
Afhiri sea slugs, isopods (dairy cow and zebra), geckos and other various reptiles, cats, small birds, musteloids (particularly raccoons and red pandas), viverrids, japanese raccoon dogs, opossums Candor lions, various eagles (wedge-tailed, golden, crowned), hawks, swans and geese, bighorn rams, crocodillians, sea turtles, elephants, animals that use sun compass orientation Cirok corvids (raven, crow), dogs (rottweiler, doberman, pinscher, greyhound), venomous black snakes, scorpions, spiders (particularly trapdoor spiders and sicarius), bats, black caiman, sharks
Afhiri pastels! pink, yellow, orange, green, blue, white, black Candor changes depending on form but in general purple, blue, red, yellow, orange, gold, brown, white, black Cirok black, grey, white - absolutely no Colour (thanks to booboo i now think of like toxic waste green when i think of cirok too)
Afhiri September Candor August Cirok November
Afhiri tapi tapi - tempura kidz fear. moe shop and fun - sir sly. sir sly's vibe is way off for afhiri but the lyrics were written for her Candor a sun coloured shaker - yndi halda and (spring) this was your place - sunlight ascending Cirok jouska - evenS (probably favourite song of all time btw) and i come with knives - IAMX
Afhiri two/2 Candor three/3 Cirok four/4
Afhiri celandine, sunflower, pink tulip, daisy Candor bay tree, gladiolus, heliotrope, rose Cirok chives, anemone, begonia, deadly nightshade
Afhiri fresh morning, grass, dirt, cotton candy, bubblegum Candor cedar, musk, sandalwood, the ocean, burning  Cirok decay, death, rot, overwhelmingly of resin
Afhiri tugtupite Candor meliphanite Cirok magnetite
Time of day
Afhiri sunrise Candor midday Cirok night
Afhiri summer Candor summer Cirok winter
Afhiri taverns, meadows, by rivers and lakes Candor monasteries, temples, places of worship Cirok the dank, cold and forgotten, the forbidden
Afhiri sweet things, nothing good for you Candor warm meals Cirok raw meat
Afhiri sugary sweet drinks, energy drinks Candor various teas (green, oolong, herbal, black) Cirok piping hot black coffee
Afhiri air Candor fire Cirok water
Afhiri garlic, ginger, cinnamon Candor paprika, turmeric, bay leaves Cirok dried chives, cloves, saffron
Afhiri the most beautiful sunny cloudless summer sky Candor a colourful golden orange, red, and purple with light cloud cover Cirok stratus clouds, grey, calm and quiet
Afhiri warm day with lots of sun and a gentle breeze Candor blazing hot summers day with minimal to no wind Cirok cold winters day with fog and light snow
Magical power
Afhiri manipulative magic that makes someone act against their own will, anything that makes them laugh or dance. also the magical power of Insults Candor holy smites, blinding lights and divine energy Cirok phasing into the realm of the dead to walk partly as a ghost
Afhiri shortsword and dagger combo, dual hand crossbows Candor mace and shield, longbow, floating/flying greatsword Cirok dual daggers, throwing knives, poisons and venoms
Afhiri cotton candy, bubblegum, and i designed her with fruit salad in mind! Candor spicy roasted pecans, maple roasted sweet potatoes, sea salt dark chocolate Cirok liquorice, black jack, toxic waste
Method of long distance travel
Afhiri roadtrip in a classic volkswagen camper van Candor flying Cirok underground trains
Afhiri impressionism, abstract expressionism, street art, dadaism, CoBrA and fauvism Candor baroque and classicism Cirok optical art and minimalism
Afhiri of the self, of emotional pain, of returning home Candor of imperfection, of failure, of not being worthy Cirok of being seen, of death, of vulnerability
Mythological creature
Afhiri azeban, mujina, nymph Candor chalkydri, phoenix, psychopomp Cirok tsuchigumo, black dog, gargoyle
Piece of stationery
Afhiri a childs box of crayons, dairy Candor fountain pen, ruler Cirok ink, letter opener
Three Emojis
Afhiri 🤡🍀🪈 Candor ☄️🎇🪽 Cirok 🕷️♟️🔪
Celestial body
Afhiri the moon Candor the sun Cirok black dwarf
THIS TOOK ME FOREVER GUYS... TWO DAYS. I WORKED ON IT FOR HOURS. i hope........ its worth it <3
tagging @cetra @dekariosgale @courierseis @euryalex @hibernationsuit @jerichoes @vanoefucks @captaintiny @gwynbleidd @arduath @rcpunzel @avallachs @fuckitwebhaal @hexdruid @sovereign-spaw @galesgrandad @thefathersbride @dandeyrain @doggybone @swanfey @voerman @full---ofstarlight @chaos-storm @covenscribe @raphaelsboudoir @simtalics @kymal @graynstairs @neonbutchery @hungryblackbird @moxley @thlix @isayashai @darlinghowl @astarionsfordf150 @moon-jun @lovaboy @ratscrap @picklepals @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @rigaudon @neosunbrella @sternenstaub28 @centipisde @kirkwall @lusus--naturae
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merrywaanderer · 1 year
a rainy night on whickber street
aziraphale + crowley
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synopsis: a soft little drabble, inspired by neil's admission that aziraphale doesn't know that crowley now lives in his car
warnings: n/a
word count: 2k
a/n: i've written a happy little fic to heal your hearts (and mine...), so hopefully, this has its intended effect. set during s2, but entirely spoiler free, as far as i can tell :')
It was raining on Whickber Street. 
Aziraphale was a self-proclaimed enjoyer of rain, finding that some things were simply sweeter against the backdrop of a grey sky, with a soft musical pitter patter for soundtrack — lamps with their warm yellow glow, hot chocolate and reading, listening to Shostakovich records. That sort of thing.
Maybe kisses, too, if Crowley was to be believed. Aziraphale still believed most in dancing at balls. 
Night had fallen earlier as the summer days had dawdled away, and in the dim light of the bookshop, Aziraphale yawned, the gentle notes of ‘The Swan’ from Saint-Saën’s Carnival of the Animals drifting from the gramophone, lulling him to sleep at too early an hour. 
Only a moment later, he yawned again. 
Maybe not so early, then, Aziraphale mused silently, and glanced up at the clock which sat upon his desk. 
His eyes widened behind his spectacles. 
So that was the time! High time to be going to bed, one should think. 
With a soft sigh, he rose from his chair and folded up his glasses, closing the book he had been examining, and settling the spectacles neatly atop the cover, ready for the new day. 
Humming to himself, he tidied the few things he always did before going to bed, switching off a few lamps here and there, all but enough to light his way upstairs, and then went about drawing the blinds for the night. 
He was just closing the last of them, when a strange sight beyond the rain-speckled window caused him to look twice. 
It was Crowley’s Bentley — well now, who else’s would it be? — parked at the kerb, as it often was in the day. But clearly, it was not day, and Crowley’s Bentley should have been parked by his flat. So where was Crowley, if the Bentley was here? It was hardly like him to let his beloved Bentley out of his sight. 
Aziraphale frowned. He resolved to investigate. 
He strode across the bookshop floor, and carefully — hesitantly, in case this was some fiendish trap of Hell’s making — twisted the doorknob and pushed. 
It was raining less now, only sprinkling, but the door creaked as though it were as hesitant as the angel himself to leave the warmth and light of the bookshop. But Aziraphale stepped out onto the pavement, peering into the night toward the Bentley.
He was still holding onto the door when a dash of colour caught his gaze. Red, like a flame behind the light from the bookshop, glinting off the windows of the car.
He frowned again, and let go of the door. He walked slowly toward the Bentley, now surer of himself, though still puzzled by the sight before him. 
But when he reached the car, he was certain of what he saw, albeit not why it was that he was seeing it.
Because there was Crowley, slumped in the passenger’s seat of the Bentley, head tipped forward so that his chin nearly touched his chest, dark glasses nowhere to be seen. 
His mouth hung open just a little, lower lip sticking out in a fashion which might have been pouty, had Crowley not been asleep, all the usual tension gone from between his eyes.
Something clenched in Aziraphale’s chest.
With a little shiver, Azirphale pushed aside whatever had just come over him, and knocked on the window, first quietly, then more insistently, when the latter proved ineffective. 
“Crowley,” he said. “Crowley!”
At last, Crowley started, head hitting the ceiling of the car as Aziraphale winced, before those pretty yellow eyes flicked at last to his angel.
The rigidity which had abruptly pinched Crowley’s shoulders left just as quickly when the demon’s gaze settled on Aziraphale, and he began to roll down the window. 
Aziraphale, knees bent, leant his arms on the windowsill, so as to match Crowley’s present height. 
“Angel,” said Crowley softly, before Aziraphale could speak. “What… mmm. What are you doing here?”
Aziraphale frowned for the third time in a very short span of minutes. “I could ask you the same thing, my dear boy.”
“‘S no crime to sit in one’s car, ‘sit?” Crowley mumbled groggily. 
“But it’s nighttime,” Aziraphale intoned. “You should be at home. Asleep.”
“I am at home,” said Crowley.
Aziraphale felt a warm laugh bubble up to his lips. “No, you’re not, silly. You’re in your car.”
Crowley didn’t laugh. He sighed. “Car’s where I live, now.”
The angel blinked, bemused. “What do you mean? What about your flat?”
Crowley shrugged. “‘S not mine anymore. Shax’s. Part of Hell’s consequences after our little escaping act.”
A sudden hurt gripped Aziraphale again, and his expression softened further, if that was even possible. “Oh, Crowley. Why didn’t you just tell me?”
Crowley didn’t look at him, only uttering a quiet, unintelligible noise which was in no way a word. But his meaning was conveyed all the same — he did not know what to say at this moment, nor, possibly, did he ever. 
“You’re always here,” Aziraphale murmured. “Why not just stay?”
In the silence, Aziraphale heard only his own breath, and the short stutter of Crowley’s, coming in waves. Crowley still would not look at him. 
“I, uh — didn’tknowthatyou’dwantmetostay.”
The confusion resettled on Aziraphale’s brow. “Come again?”
Crowley coughed. “I…” Again. “I didn’t know that you’d, um. Want me to stay.”
The last of his words had once more come out a tangled mess, but Aziraphale caught them all the same.
“Crowley…” Aziraphale reached a hand through the car window, and in the dim lighting of the street, his palm met Crowley’s solid chest sooner than he had anticipated. 
Crowley breathed in sharply, and Aziraphale nearly drew back at his misstep, but whether it was the lateness of the night or his desire to convey to Crowley what he meant, something stayed his hand, and he did not move. But it was at that precise moment that Crowley finally met his gaze, and Aziraphale felt his own breath hitch at their closeness, though a car door separated them still. 
The warmth which had been in his laughter now spread through his chest, and all throughout him, though the warmest part of him was his hand, where it lay on Crowley’s chest. 
“I always want you to stay,” he said softly. 
Crowley’s mouth dropped open again, and unwittingly, Aziraphale’s eyes strayed there.
Crowley, however, did notice. 
“Well. I, um,” Crowley felt the need to clear his throat again, “I’d like to.”
With a small smile, Aziraphale nodded once, decisively. He rose from where he had crouched, and opened Crowley’s door. “Then it is done.”
He stepped back as Crowley left the car to join him on the pavement, then shut the car door once more. 
He began to walk back to the bookshop’s entrance, aware of Crowley following along behind him, when a telltale scuff of shoes indicated that Crowley had stopped. Aziraphale turned. 
“Come along, Crowley. It’s raining, after all.”
Crowley pointed over his shoulder, “It’s just, uh, I forgot my glasses.”
Aziraphale shook his head. “You don’t need them here, darling.”
Crowley’s lips pursed, then fell slack once more. He nodded. 
They made it to the door, and Aziraphale held it open for his oldest friend, slipping inside and locking the thing securely once the two were safely indoors. 
He padded over to the blind he had neglected to close, and swept it shut, faintly aware of Crowley standing awkwardly, unusually silent, in the middle of the room. 
Aziraphale returned to him. “There’s the sofa,” he said meaninglessly, because he had only just now thought of it. “But it always gets so cold down here at night. Why don’t you just come upstairs?”
Before Crowley could say that he didn’t really feel the cold, it occurred to him that here was a better option. 
“After all, why not,” he murmured, and Aziraphale offered him a nod of approval. 
He trailed after his angel switching off the last of the lamps, picking up a single candle, lit in its holder. Aziraphale took the first of the many steps up the spiral staircase, then turned and extended his hand to Crowley, that small, familiar smile lighting his face more than any candle could have dreamt to replicate. 
Crowley slipped his hand into Azriaphale’s, his long, cold fingers softening in the surrounding warmth of the angel’s hand. 
And thus they made their ascent of the stairs, Crowley fighting the appearance of his own tiny smile. But there was no reason to fight, and so he let it be, let it take him over. Who was he, after all, to deny himself so small a taste of paradise?
At the top of the stairs they soon came to the room in which Aziraphale sometimes slept. Crowley himself found his desire for sleep infrequent, preferring to roam about the silent Earth in the quiet night hours. But this night, for whatever reason, was set apart from the others, and had been from the start. 
Aziraphale’s hand fell from Crowley’s as he went to set the candle upon his bedside table. Crowley, suddenly drawn by an insatiable curiosity to the bookshelves that prevailed even in Aziraphale’s bedroom, strode toward the books, running his fingers along the spines. These books seemed unlike the ones Aziraphale kept downstairs at the heart of the shop. On the contrary, it seemed that these books were where Aziraphale kept his heart; the spines of these volumes were decorated in his neat, tightly-lettered script, proclaiming dates to those who cared to read them. Though, Crowley supposed (or maybe hoped), no one but him had been brought here to see them. 
He tipped one carefully down from the shelf, and it opened in his hands, the spine oddly worn as though the book had been opened — read, again and again — many times. 
He was surprised to find his name, amongst all the words, more often than anything else. 
“You keep diaries — ” he began, at the same moment as Aziraphale said, 
“Don’t —”
He turned, shutting the book abruptly, and found Aziraphale by the bed, now in a long, white cotton shirt which was more of a gown, looking more angelic than ever. He looked ever so much as he had done the day Crowley had met him, with all the stars of creation in those eyes of his.
“Oh,” was all Crowley managed. Aziraphale, for some reason, blushed. 
Yet he seemed to recover quickly enough. “Come to bed, Crowley.”
Crowley all but forgot the book he had been holding, and only just caught and replaced it on the shelf before it fell to the floor. 
He approached Aziraphale slowly, as one does a frightened animal, though there was nothing of that sort in Aziraphale’s soft face. The rain pattered softly against the windows.
Crowley took off his jacket, and hung it over the low bedpost. With a brief glance at Aziraphale across the bed, he sat, and removed his shoes, and the thin silver scarf which was always around his neck. He discarded his trousers in the same pile, and turned to find Aziraphale with his legs already tucked under the covers, cradling the candle with a patient expression. 
Crowley mirrored Aziraphale’s attitude, and Aziraphale, seeing this, blew out the candle, and set it aside. 
In the darkness, Crowley lay down, and by the rustling of the sheets, heard Aziraphale do the same. He turned in his direction. 
“So,” he said quietly, “what now?” 
He thought Aziraphale shuffled closer. 
“Same as always,” said the angel. “We stay together.”
Then, to Crowley’s surprise, Aziraphale nestled his cheek against Crowley’s chest, and wrapped his lovely arms around Crowley’s waist. 
Another soft Oh fell from Crowley’s mouth, and Aziraphale sighed against his chest. Crowley’s arms, of their own accord, as if they knew nothing more natural, came up to draw Aziraphale closer, and Aziraphale’s warmth bled into his skin, and became his own. He felt suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of great honour, because Aziraphale had chosen him, of all creatures, to hold in his arms.
“Good night, Crowley,” mumbled, already half asleep. 
“Good night, angel,” sighed — smitten, blissful, besotted. 
The rain continued to fall over Whickber Street, though angel and demon, wrapped up in one another, heeded it not.
good omens taglist: @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen
send me an ask to be added to my taglist! and please let me know what fandoms you’d like to be tagged for <3
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stardust-swan · 9 months
Coquette Christmas
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🎀 to wear: pale pinks, baby blue, icy white, leg warmers, uggs with bows, sweaters with skirts, cable knit cardigans, cashmere scarves, earmuffs, mittens, pearl bobby pins, velvet scrunchies and bows, berets with pearls, sparkly earrings, pretty brooches on your winter coat, glossier birthday balm, becca pearl highlighter
🎀 bake heart shaped stained glass sugar cookies or gingerbread people with bows piped on <3
🎀 enjoy peppermint white hot chocolate with mini marshmallows while cuddled up under a blanket
🎀 read hans christian andersen fairytales
🎀 see a ballet like swan lake, the nutcracker, or gisele
🎀 visit the swans! in the northern hemisphere swans migraine during christmas so go to a canal or lake to watch then glide by
🎀 make your skincare routine different! skin tends to get drier in winter so use a richer moisturiser, do sheet masks (love lapcos sheet masks), use vaseline or a lip mask overnight (klavuu does a great one), put some glycerin or lotion on your feet and hands before putting on your socks and gloves, and remember to still wear spf! carry a good handcream and lip balm (fresh rose lip treatment is soo good) in case you feel dry while out. and obviously drink lots of water
🎀 ice-skate holding hands with someone special <3
🎀 light lots of candles! there are some great wintery scented one like gingerbread, frankincense, winter berry and mulled wine. I also like yankee's rainbow cookie in winter even though it's not strictly a winter scent. vanilla is always a good idea too
🎀 eat lots of marzipan, sugared rose petals, crystallised fruit, nougat, turkish delight, and caramelised nuts
🎀 practice self care with a warm bubble bath, a face mask, and a rich body lotion afterwards. put on silk pyjamas and fluffy socks that have been wrapped around a hot water bottle so they're already warm and cozy afterwards
🎀 to smell christmassy: layer scent by using a peppermint shower gel followed by a vanilla body lotion
🎀 decorate your space with figurines of swans, shepherdesses, angels, nutcrackers, and holiday barbies. and put bows on your xmas tree
🎀 watch: love actually, anastasia, little women, classic disney movies, white christmas, ice princess, harry potter and the sorcerer's stone, bridget jone's diary, barbie in the nutcracker, the chronicles of narnia, dead poets society, and any hallmark movie
🎀 write christmas cards in glitter pen and decorate with angel stickers and a spritz of vanilla perfume
🎀 to feel luxurious at night, spritz on some body spray, wear a flowing nightgown and do yourself in a clara style (half up with satin ribbon)
🎀 make snow angels!
🎀 make an emergency kit for those days when you come home miserable because of the cold and dark and have no energy, plans, and need some alone time. include things like a candle, a small box of good chocolates, some sheet masks, a perfume, your favourite tea, a book that comforts you, fluffy socks, a cozy blanket, paper and a pen to journal your thoughts, a photo album of your favourite people, old love letters, or anything else that you can easily keep at hand that will comfort you
🎀 listen to a pretty wintery playlist with genres like classical, jazz, and celtic/nordic traditional (mine is below <3)
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atrirose · 6 months
what do your moots remind you of!!
omg i have done this before for a event it was so much fun OMG LOVE U FOR ASKING ME THIS MWAH
@odxrilove : peachy pink colour, miffy, long voice notes, hamsters, lilies, bows, hoshi, purple skies, foam on coffee, perfumes, doves, perfect outfits, soft hums, moon, bonfires.
@hoonvrs : the colour black, cats, pretty eyes, poetry, khol, watches, milk bread, candid pictures, musk, sunghoon, honey, vinyls, silver lines.
@boyfhee : blue, coffee dates, long and deep conversation, lipgloss, early sunrise view, cute stationery, jay, lily of the valley.
@lilacnini : baby blue, refreshing water, iced coffee, long walks, thrift shopping, daisies, nayeon, raspberries, line art, starry nights, muji pens.
@isoobie : dark red, yunjin, smoothies, curls, jasmines, cherries, chai lattes, heeseung, chocolate chips, evening strolls, autum air, silk robes.
@okwonyo : reddish pink, pilates princess, dupe lip glow, matcha latte, highlighters, wonyoung, pink orchids, sugar, vanilla, laces
@bywons : beige, brownies, coffee beans, late night calls, stars, jungwon, ysl, apple bloom, music notes, leopard, jhumaks, love letters.
@wonryllis : black swans, jungkook, cyber punk, watermelons, jellies, mini skirts, blueberry muffins, handwritten notes, anklets, oreo.
@goldenhypen : light blue and beige combination, golden retrievers, jake, hot chocolate, messy keys, milk tea, high ponytails, fireflies, magnolia, a flower crown, hallway crushes.
@jangwonie : sage green, fairies, hydrangeas, matcha, italy, pistachio ice cream, garden walks, sunoo (esp blonde), sun kissed, glitter, california, sundress, sticky notes.
@junityy : pink, peonies, miss dior, nostalgia, glowing stream of water, green smoothies, dainty jewelry, pocky, scented candles, jake, fresh flowers, pretty mugs, cozy days, gossip girls.
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toasnearlynakedghost · 6 months
Court of Darkness consorts and Squishmallows
Guy and Baiden the red dragon or Luxmen the dragon or Aniela the coffee pot
Lynt and Fuyuki the green squirrel 
Fenn and Katta the Fennec fox or Pauletta the fox or Lemora the fox 
Toa and Farice the ferret or Anneli the blue ferret or Paulton the chocolate bar
Roy and Pandora the Pegasus or Rhoda the yellow rose or Walsh the red rose
Rio and Omar the bear or Baron the grizzly bear or Stokely the bear or Greta the bear 
Jasper and Valerie the raven or Aldron the plague doctor 
Tino and Rocky the raccoon or Galci the raccoon or Marshina the hot cocoa 
Knight and Nathan the tabby cat or Melly the milk carton
Grayson and Caden the royal blue horse 
Lance and Willy the wolf
Dia and Malcolm the mushroom or Hammie the mushroom or Amalie the snake 
Lou and Alyssa the swan or Serena the swan 
I tagged this as AU because they don’t have Squishmallows in the Magical Realm of Saligia but what if they did? Or what if they visited Earth and were introduced to Squishmallow plush toys?
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k-vanity · 1 year
Wanderlust Festival: A K-Vanity Event
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Welcome to the Wanderlust Festival, the biggest autumn carnival of the year. We have many attractions that'll give you a sense of adventure and foods that will take you out of this world! Pick up your map and get to exploring this limited time experience!
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(thank you to @papermatisse for making the map) In this event, you will either write a fic or create a visual based off of the prompts we have listed below. Writers You will pick a ride (or more than one if you choose) based off of the genres and tropes listed below. It must be included in your work.
fluff: merry-go-round, (swan) pedal boats
angst: hot air balloon ride, carousel waltzer
smut: ferris wheel, log ride
comedy: tilt-a-whirl, fun slide
horror: boat ride, sling shot
slice of life: mirror maze
thriller: hay ride, haunted house
Fantasy: tea cups, swing ride
sci-fi: pirate swing, bumper cars
petting zoo: established relationship, protagonist is a suspect 
apple bobbing: strangers to lovers, body switching 
concerts: friends with benefits, discovering special powers 
fireworks: forbidden love, dual timeline
pumpkin patch: friends to lovers, set in a small town
face painting: fake relationship, dark family secret
vendor activities : incapable of love, cursed items
bean sack race: soulmate, the double-cross
hot dog contest: enemies to lovers, unlikely allies 
tug-a-war: exes to lovers, the power of teamwork
water shows: best friend’s brother/sister, childhood memories
dunk tank: love triangle, unreliable narrator
parade: royalty, heir to the throne
Visual Artists You will create a edit (gif, moodboard, gfx, fanart, etc) based off of the prompts listed below. You can choose more than one if you like but it must be included in your work. You also have the choice to gif any kpop content that is carnival related.
cotton candy: fairycore
lemonade: vsco
fried pickles: country
chocolate covered bananas: baddie
deep fried oreos: soft
elephant ears: cottagecore
pretzels: light academia
witches' brew: dark academia
caramel/candy apples: pastel goth
kettle corn: cozy sweater
cidar drink: witchcore
corn dogs: artist
funnel cakes: old money
slushies: kawaii
meat: goblincore
loaded fries: grunge
nachos: ePerson
churros : ethereal
pizza: Y2K
hot dogs: indie
ice cream: vintage
You must be a member of the network to participate.
For writers, the content must be at least 500 words.
For visual artists, the prompt must be included in your work (where it's in the caption or in the gif/gfx/edit itself).
No sign ups. Just use the tag #kwanderlust along with the net tag #kvanity when posting your work.
Regular rules and regulations from the net apply to this event.
Event Timeline:
Posting Period: Sept 23rd-Nov 18th
Masterlist will be posted Nov 25th
If you have any questions please reach out to the K-Vanity team!
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corner-stories · 9 months
the point of which everything stems
Jean Kirschtein. Mikasa Ackerman. Ice Dance. Hot Chocolate. Kids Being Kids. Figure Skating AU 2934 words. (ao3.)
They technically meet when they’re nine. It’s only for a moment. In the midst of his classes Jean looks across the rink and expects to see a bunch of kids playing hockey, but instead he sees her — dark hair and red scarf flowing behind her as she skates. 
He can already tell that she can move with the grace of a thousand swans, that she’s good enough to be privately coached, and that he’s far too chicken to say anything to her. Even when they pass each other by the concourse or conveniently sit on the same bench to adjust their skates, he’s either too shy to look her way or clings to his mother in fear. 
Perhaps it would all be for naught. She hangs out with two other kids most of the time — a skater with a head of messy, dark brown hair and blond with the brightest pair of eyes he has ever seen. Their closeness is impermeable, like a wall that could never be breached. 
They meet for real when they’re ten, when he’s been receiving private instruction from Coach Kiyomi for six months and she encourages Jean to consider ice dance. She’s been searching for a partner to skate with her niece and thinks he would be a good fit. She invites him to the rink for a try-out and he accepts. 
Jean discovers that the girl he’s been crushing on for a year is named Mikasa. He’s never heard that name before, but he thinks it’s pretty. 
When they first meet, Mikasa stays by her Auntie’s side and doesn’t make eye contact with him. Around her neck is that same red scarf and the air around her is saddled with a kind of dreariness, a heavy sensation only emphasized by the dull gaze on her pretty face. 
Jean can’t help but wonder if he’s the cause of her bleakness. Yet he doesn’t back away when Kiyomi guides them to the rink. 
Everything changes when they actually get to the ice. To Jean’s surprise, Mikasa unhesitatingly takes his hand just before they glide on. He looks at her in shock and still notes that she’s avoiding his gaze. In a way he’s relieved, as she can’t see the blush on his face as Kiyomi trails behind them. 
Everything seems to fade away on the ice. 
Kiyomi helps them through very simple elements — step sequences, basic ballroom positions, and some baby twizzles. Mikasa moves with a kind of balletic grace, her limbs tensed into straight lines as she glides on glass. When she twists and turns, all he can do is hold onto her hand or waist. Immediately he can tell that he needs to become the base that she anchors herself to, the point of which everything stems. There are moments where he has to guide her over the ice, but he swears that she’s the one leading them both. 
He fears that he cannot dance as well as her, as he’s merely some skater who was too slow to keep up with the hockey kids. Even when he joined the figure skaters, he fell more often than he’d like. Yet when Mikasa is by his side he feels like a part of her, like each connection they make can lead to something beautiful — his hand on her hip, her fingers caressing his shoulder. 
It’s only when they dance that Mikasa finally looks him in the eye. Jean notes that hers are dark and gray, like the clouds of a storm just before day turns to night. Her sullen expression has softened slightly, resembling much more in tune with the elements and choreography.
Once they finish every move asked of them, a small smile is already forming on Kiyomi’s face. 
To Jean’s surprise, his mother gets a call the following night. Kiyomi confirms that Mikasa wants to skate with him and asks if he would like to as well. Jean says yes, but is still confused about the whole ordeal. Mikasa had stopped making eye contact with him the second they got off the ice, choosing to stick by her Auntie’s side like a lost puppy while Jean goofed off with the other Rink Brats. 
He does want to pursue ice dance though, as the shows and competitions held at their very rink play on repeat in his head. He still remembers when his mother brought him to Nationals — he was only seven at the time and a gust of wind had brushed against his head as two skaters twizzled by him in the midst of their compulsory dance. The way the man lifted the woman over his head while spinning and put her down almost effortlessly has remained with him to this day. 
When Jean goes to sleep that night a part of him dreams of the curve and rotational lifts written into his memories, but another part of him wonders if someone here is making a mistake. 
They start having practices four times a week — twice after school on weekdays, once in the early morning, and once on the weekends. It helps that Jean’s mother works in the rink offices, meaning that he has a reason to be there irregardless. 
Kiyomi helps them out with things like twizzles, step sequences, and the most basic of lifts. Jean has as much strength as the next ten year old, but he’s already getting used to the feeling of Mikasa’s weight as she swings from his shoulder or supports herself on his leg during a besti squat. 
He’s determined to make lifting Mikasa feel effortless. He feels like she chose to skate with him for a reason — and while he may never find out why he doesn’t want to disappoint her. The thought of dropping her terrifies him, so when he feels the slightest wobble in the midst of a lift he makes sure to put her down first, then inevitably he’ll stumble onto the ice on his own. 
A few weeks of training pass and Kiyomi is already helping them create their competition routines — for the rhythm dance she wants them to tango and for the free she finds them a waltz. One of the songs she selects is from a musical based on the Cinderella fairytale, Jean is surprised to see that she doesn’t mean the animated movie featuring talking mice and is disappointed to not get to dress up like one.  
Kiyomi has spoken high and low of the importance of storytelling in any performance, and thus tells Jean to think of himself as the Prince with Mikasa as the Princess. She says to imagine the feeling of wonder he would have felt seeing her at the ball, standing at the top of a staircase and not being able to look away.
Jean does what he’s told, but cannot ignore the burning sensation in his cheeks when his coach first explains it. Looking at Mikasa becomes simultaneously easier and more difficult during practice. 
Some training days are spent primarily in the dance studio, where Kiyomi either has them at the bar or moving hand in hand across the floor. The ballroom element of ice dance is getting more familiar to him, as well as the feeling of Mikasa’s hand in his. 
Nowadays, Mikasa is looking him in the eye slightly more. When she greets him for their afternoon ice session, she says hello in a shy, almost timid tone. When she sees him sitting in the main office of the rink as his mother works, she gives him a wave. They usually don’t talk once practice is over, as Mikasa is usually quick to begin hiding by her Auntie’s side, but Jean sees it as progress. He fears that being too forward might scare her, and suddenly both their desires to dance across the ice will be ruined. 
One day in winter the world outside the rink becomes dark as the two finish off their coaching session. Kiyomi has them go through their routines, specifically hoping to work on the step sequences for their waltz or the lift where Mikasa has to secure her arm around Jean’s shoulder before he raises her off the ice. They’re both getting stronger every day.
By the time it’s over, Kiyomi has moved onto her next client and the two ice dancers are left to their own devices. Jean rests at the bleachers of the rink, watching the various other skaters use the area to their heart’s content. 
While Kiyomi does what coaches do best, he can see Mikasa getting onto a rink for the second time. Her friends are here, the brunette and the blond. Over the last few weeks he’s learned who is who, that the one brown hair is Eren while the other is Armin, but that’s about it. From what he can tell they don’t seem to skate the same disciplines, as he’s seen the boys being coached individually and never together. 
Jean can’t help but watch as Mikasa skates around with her actual friends. She looks content as they move around the area, something Jean doesn’t always see when he’s skating with her. She even laughs when Eren attempts an axel but ends up falling on his rear end. 
A part of him is happy for her, as in the time they’ve worked together he’s rarely seen her smile, even if the song of the story requires it. But another part of him grows green with envy. 
Sometimes he wonders why he even gives a damn, or if he’s just wasting his time until the guys Mikasa actually wants to skate with are available. 
A few minutes pass before Mikasa, Armin, and Eren step off the ice. There’s an old man and a not-so-old woman greeting them. Judging by the similarities, Jean guesses that the two are relatives to Armin and Eren, but not Mikasa. 
The old man takes a smiling Armin away as Eren walks off with who is presumably his mother. Jean expects Mikasa to follow them, but instead she remains in the rink and notices her partner sitting at the stands. She walks up to him and asks — 
“Have you seen Auntie?” 
Jean points to the far end of the bleachers, where Kiyomi is speaking to one of her adult clients. 
“She looks busy,” he tells his partner, and to that Mikasa sighs. It seems that her habit of sticking by her Auntie’s side is never a guarantee. 
Sensing the somber look in her eyes, Jean speaks up. 
“Do you want to get hot chocolate?” He rummages in his pocket and pulls out a handful of coins. “I get a discount at the snack stand because my mom works here.” 
Mikasa rubs her hands together as she thinks. Jean can see that she’s not wearing gloves. She wasn’t wearing them at practice. Does she even have any on her? 
After a few moments, Mikasa looks Jean in the eye and nods her head. 
Hannes is nice to the two as he gives the kids their hot chocolates. He happily accepts Jean’s pocket change as payment and even quips about having to appease the local Rink Brat. Being the son of the place’s main bookkeeper certainly has its perks. 
The two remain in the concourse with their hot chocolates. They find a bench to sit at as Mikasa blows on the top of her drink to cool it off. 
Jean notices her clinging to the cup like it’s her lifeforce. Her fingers look near white and tremble ever so slightly. 
“Are you still cold?” Jean asks, then puts his hot chocolate down. He removes his knitted mittens and hands them to her. “You can wear my gloves. I don’t need them right now.”
Mikasa seems unconvinced as he looks into his eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, they’re red!” Jean exclaims, nodding. “They match your scarf!” 
Whether it is because of his enthusiasm or because of the gesture, Mikasa agrees. She too puts down her drink to take Jean’s mittens, gently sliding them onto her shivering hands. 
Jean can’t tell if the garments are actually making any difference, but he does notice the dreary look in her eyes starting to soften. Practice by practice she seems to be warming up to him and today feels like no exception. 
Taking in a breath, Jean runs a hand through his unkempt hair. Mikasa sits beside him as he watches her take her first sip of hot chocolate.
“Can I ask you something?” he says before he can stop himself. 
Mikasa looks his way and nods her head. At least talking with her has become easier. 
“Why do you want me to be your partner?” he asks. Jean’s never been one to mince his words, even at the tender age of ten. “You’re friends with that Eren kid and that Armin guy, why not skate with them?”
Mikasa answers a lot more quickly than he expects. 
“I did ask them,” she explains, then looks down. “They don’t want to do ice dance.” 
“Why do you then?” Jean asks, popping the first question that comes to mind. 
In his head all he can think about is the smile on her face when she’s skating with them, something he’s rarely seen when working with her. He’s sure that she’d be much happier skating with one of her actual friends than the local Rink Brat. 
“I’m sure you could do pairs with them,” he adds. “Then you can all be together.”
There is a beat while Mikasa seems to be thinking. Her eyes are affixed to his, then she puts down her drink.
For a second Jean worries that he offended her, then without warning she gets off the bench. 
But instead of walking away, Mikasa simply grabs Jean’s hand and begins towing him behind her. She moves so fast that he can’t even bring his hot chocolate with them. 
She says nothing as she leads him through the concourse. He expects her to take him back to the rink and throw him on the ice for running his stupid mouth, but instead she takes him to the front door. 
Even with his gloves Mikasa keeps a firm grip on Jean, ignoring how he nearly trips in favor of moving forward. 
She finally brings him near the entrance, in front of the case of trophies locked away behind glass. Jean’s seen it a thousand times before, knowing well that multiple acclaimed skaters had gotten their start at this little rink. From the Grand Prix Final to Worlds, from Four Continents to the Olympics, a variety of talent had been nurtured on the nearby ice. 
Mikasa points to a photo hidden by trophies, medals, and miniature flags from a multitude of countries. Jean leans in to get a closer look. 
In the photo is a woman standing on a rink with a gold medal hanging from her neck, her hair is as dark and beautiful as Mikasa’s and she even smiles the same way. The woman is linking arms with a man about a head taller than her, one with lighter hair and an even prouder expression on his face. 
Jean reads the caption printed under the photo. 
Makoto Azumabito & Asher Ackerman — World Championships 1992
Suddenly, a lot more things begin to make sense. Taken aback, Jean looks to Mikasa. 
“That’s my mom…” she says, looking wistfully at the smiling woman in the photograph. She then points to the man. “...and that’s my dad. This was their last competition before they retired. I want to be like them.” 
Nervously, Jean asks — “Where are they?” Then for a moment he wants to beat himself up for opening his dumb mouth again. 
But Mikasa’s face remains as stoic as it usually is. She gives herself a few seconds, then takes a breath before saying — 
“They’re gone.” 
Even more things start making sense. The reason why Kiyomi seems to be Mikasa’s guardian comes to light, or why she clings to her Auntie’s leg when in the presence of people she doesn’t know. It’s been him and his mom for most of his life, so he knows that feeling of wanting to be close to the only family you have. He’s enough of a Mama’s Boy to be unable to envision a life without her. 
Suddenly more things become clear — why Mikasa chooses to dance with someone she’s only known for a year, or why she skates with someone she doesn’t know off-ice because at least the magic on-ice is there. 
Jean manages to catch himself before saying something stupid again. He’s only ten yet he wishes that he were decades older and wiser. He takes a breath and decides to say — 
“I’m sorry.”
Mikasa doesn’t reply. She looks down, her eyes obscured by her hair. 
“Will you still be my partner?” she asks in a voice that sounds frail, quiet, and small. 
Jean’s never heard her speak like this before. He swears that he can see a tear beginning to roll down her cheek. 
But he doesn’t need to think twice. Jean reaches over and catches the droplet on her face with his finger. She’s still cold, but once his warm hand grazes her she looks over in surprise. 
“I will,” he tells her and it’s a vow to the heavens. “I promise.” 
Mikasa looks at him again and he notes just how pretty her eyes are. Come what may — early morning practices, twizzles across the ice, and rotational lifts that make him dizzy — Jean tells himself that he’ll be there. 
He takes Mikasa's hand in his and adds to his promise. 
“Until the end.” 
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Enyo (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Bloody Goddess by the people of Olympius
Vicious E by Ares
Bullet Babe by Zeus
Age- 39 (immortal)
Location- Little Sparta, New Olympus
Personality- An ultimate bad-ass, she's well known in the pantheon for her short temper! She's unapologetically brutal, harsh, & unforgiving. Positively, she's fiercely determined and passionate. She's recently married.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess. As the goddess of war, destruction, bloodlust, & devastation her powers/abilities include pyrokinesis (her fire burns a bright red), limited geokinesis (can cause earthquakes- not to the level of Poseidon), odikinesis (manipulating the feelings of rage, anger, & violence in others), flight (due to her black swan like wings), telumkinesis, being able to communicate with/shapeshift into her sacred animal- the swan, haemokinesis (blood manipulation), and summoning weapons out of thin air.
Enyo's main abode with her husband is the top floor of The Stratios, a luxury high rise apartment building in the Little Sparta neigborhood of New Olympus. They also own a mansion estate in Sparta & are thinking about getting a beach house in Themiscyra. Inside the apartment, the ceilings and walls are made out of pure bloodstone while the floors are a flawless black marble. There are lots of metal & leather furniture with many decorative pieces of armor, helmets, and weapons lining the walls. There's a separate war room as well as a room that's filled with a wide arsenal of various weapons. When Enyo is not in the mood to use her wings, she gets around in her sleek black sports car. She has two pets- twin dragons (a boy & girl) named Bellum and Bellona. Their bright crimson & silver scales are often complimented on!
A go-to drink for her is a cranberry martini. She also likes red hot shots, bloody marys, mulled wine, beer, negronis, manhattans, red wine, dark cherry cola, & black raven cocktails. Her usuals from The Roasted Bean are the large cranberry cherry spalsh and olympian sized roast coffee (with a bit of sugar).
Enyo starts off her mornings with a super intense cardio workout along with a session of kickboxing at the gym. She then goes to the spa for a session of acupuncture.
She loves steak & eggs for breakfast, putting way too much inferno hot sauce on top! She likes her bacon extra crispy and nearly burnt & she also likes when her husband makes his eggplant-ground pork stuffed steamed buns.
Enyo surprisingly has her own glamour doll collectible!
One notable moment in her godly career was when she awarded the gold medal to a giantess named Atonia at the Olympic Tournament who broke the record for the javelin throw!
A favorite sweet treat of hers is chocolate cherry ice cream.
Enyo is well versed in many fighting styles including mixed martial arts, capoeira, kyusho jitsu (pressure point martial arts), muay thai, and pankration!
She once almost came to blows with Themis (Titaness of justice) after she rendered a verdict in a court case where Enyo was in attendance.
In the pantheon she's friends with Aegaeon (god of sea storms), Hysminai (goddess of fighting & combat), Gymnasia (goddess of excercise & gymnastics), Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection), Dyssebeia (goddess of ungodliness & impiety), Proioxis (goddess of attack, onrush, & battlefield pursuit), Dione, Adikia (goddess of injustice & wrongdoing), Kéfi (goddess of mirth), Atë (goddess of mischief, ruin, blind folly, delusion, & downfall of heroes), Hybris (goddess of insolence, hubris, & reckless pride), Lycana (Titaness of lycanthropy), Perses (Titan god of destruction), Menoetius (Titan god of anger, violence, & rash actions), Poena (goddess of punishment), Alastor (god of blood feuds & vengeance), Felis (Titaness of cats), and Kakia (goddess of vice & moral wrongdoing).
Enyo doesn't mind Athena (goddess of wisdom) and has on more than one occasion been impressed with her.
Outside the pantheon, she has friends who are Giants & Amazonians.
Enyo has been a mentor twice- to Lyssa (goddess of rage & frenzy) and Eris (goddess of strife & discord).
She loves getting the spicy BBQ rib sandwich from The Bread Box.
Enyo recently got married to her husband Polemos (god of the war cry) three months ago on a private beach in Sparta (this particular beach is known for its black sand). They first met a year ago during construction of the Thereitas military base in the city. To say their chemistry was instantaneous is an understatement! Perses jokingly remarked that the initial meeting was akin to "a bomb meeting a stick of dynamite." They couldn't keep their hands off each other during photos at the grand opening of the 2nd largest military base in New Olympus. A week after his divorce from Ioke (goddess of pursuit, tumult, & battle rout) was finalized, Polemos proposed to Enyo with a yellow gold band custom oval cut rhodolite garnet ring surrounded with yellow canary diamonds, rubies, & white diamonds. Her wedding dress was far from traditional (garnering an audible gasp from Hera)- a backless curve hugging sheer black dress with a corset bodice and tulle sheer skirt.
She loves the Olmorfia matte lipstick in "Carnivorous", a dark red color.
Enyo has a good relationship with her step-daughter Alala (goddess of war cry). When Alala visits they'll go shopping, check out the latest action movie at the cinema, & go to the gun range.
A guilty pleasure of hers are olympian sized cajun fries from Olympic Chef!
Her main job is overseeing the Thereitas military base with her husband. For other sources of income, she models for/endorses Delicious Xtasy, Megaleio, & atelier fantaisie. She also sometimes writes for The Oracle newspaper and O Dianooumenos. Enyo is also a professional wrestler! Her stage name is Black Widow & some of her signature moves include the riptide, pop-up body toss, prism trap, stalling suplex, & full nelson slam. There's excited and frightened buzz about an upcoming match between her & the cyclops Maneater.
She once knocked a mortal guy out cold when her tried grabbing her ass while she was walking with Alala.
One of her favorite gifts she Enyo ever got was the white gold bloodstone & onyx charm bracelet from her husband.
Kéfi gave her a swan shaped jeweled clutch from Diamond Ave. for Christmas.
Her & her husband are HUGE basketball fanatics! When watching games, they always rep for their favorite team- the Sparta Spears!
Some of Enyo's favorite foods include sausage & pepper skewers, feijoada with white rice, baião de dois, steak (well done) smothered in onions, lamb souvlaki, & moussaka.
In her free time she enjoys working out, sword fighting, boxing, mountain climbing, basketball, riding on dragonback, volleyball, archery, cliff diving, baseball, volcano boarding, clubbing, and lava surfing.
"I don't know of any lesser evil than war."
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
051 of 2023
What’s the most recent album you’ve been really into?
Spectre by HRFTR. Such an awesome band.
Where did you go the last time you were on an airplane?
I’ve never been on an airplane.
Have you ever owned an American Girl doll?
I didn’t own any dolls.
Do you know anyone who has autism?
Yeah, myself and one more person.
Do see a lot of birds in your area?
Yeah, mostly pigeons. They get on my nerves, always shitting on cars.
Have you ever been blueberry picking?
More than once, but not here in my country. We don’t even have real forests in my area.
Have you ever seen a Broadway musical?
No, and I’m not interested.
What was the last book you read, or the book you’re currently reading?
The Legend of Ice People. So many parts in this book.
Do you take the bus often?
Currently very often.
Have you ever sung in a choir?
No, never been really interested.
Do you have a cat?
Even two. They’re both my little daughters.
What was the last thing you cooked?
Mushroom soup.
Have you ever been to Cape Cod?
Never heard of it.
Do you enjoy riding carousels?
No, I don’t.
What is your favorite dog breed?
German shepherd.
Do you prefer dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
I don’t like chocolate at all. Yeah I live in Belgium XD
When was the last time you went to the doctor?
Two weeks ago, to the psychiatrist.
Have you ever fed ducks?
Yeah, and swans.
Do you like elephants?
Very much so. Thjey’re incredibly intelligent.
Do you know anyone named Emily?
I used to know two girls named Emily. One was a childhood friend.
What is your favorite way to eat eggs?
Scrambled or hard-boiled.
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Early bird. I get up around 7am.
Do you have your ears pierced?
Five times, thinking of more.
Do you know anyone who can speak French?
Yeah, my husband. He’s fluent in French. French is mandatory in our schools, by the way. A lot of people here speak this language, and the other side of my country speaks only French.
Do you like Frozen?
Overrated as fuck.
How do you feel about frogs?
I don’t really care. They are there and that’s okay.
Do you have any framed photos/pictures in your room?
Yeah, on our bookshelves.
Do you floss your teeth every day?
I don’t. I couldn’t manage to do it anyway.
Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry?
Silver, but my wedding ring is gold, what can I do.
What is your favorite card or board game?
Have you ever been to Germany?
I was to Berlin, we spent a nice weekend there. I always pass through Germany while going on holidays, I have a family there, and my mum is half-German, too.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Nah, I’m always skeptical about such things.
Have you ever seen or listened to the musical Hadestown?
Never heard of it.
What has been your favorite Halloween costume you’ve worn?
I don’t celebrate Halloween.
Can you do a handstand?
No, one of my hands is disabled.
Who is one of your heroes?
My dad. He’s been through a lot in life and always wins.
Do you enjoy hot chocolate?
Sometimes, but not when it’s overly sweet.
What was the last flavor of ice cream you ate?
I don’t even remember, it was too long ago.
Have you ever been to Italy?
No, never.
Do you like Indian food?
I don’t mind it.
Do you have a good imagination?
Pretty good, I must say.
Do you use Instagram often?
Kinda yes, but my account is only for my travel photography and you’re not gonna find my face there.
Do you have a piece of jewelry you wear every day?
Yeah, my wedding ring and all of my piercings.
Do you ever write in a journal?
Yes, in a daily planner.
What is something that brings you joy?
Travelling. Cats. Photography. Making people smile. Weird radio signals.
What is your favorite flavor of jam?
I’m not a big fan of jam, but raspberry maybe.
Do you know anyone named Julie?
Yeah, it’s the name of my sister.
Have you ever had key lime pie?
I don’t think so.
What does your keychain look like?
I have lots of keyrings from my travels, and one from my company that resembles a train carriage.
If you got a kitten, what would you name it?
What was the last kind thing you did for someone?
Ordered takeaway food for my husband and me.
Do you live near a lake?
No, but I live near the water canal.
Are you prone to losing things often?
Kind of, but not too often.
When was the last time you drank a latte?
Long ago, but it’s my favourite type of coffee.
Have you ever been to London?
No, but I wpuld love to visit. Now with that Brexit thing, you need a special passport, though.
Have you ever seen a loon?
I don’t really understand what this word means, unless it’s in Dutch.
What is or was your major in college? (Or what you want it to be)
Electrical engineering.
What was the last movie you watched?
I don’t watch movies.
When was the last time you spoke to your mom?
At Christmas.
What is your typical morning routine?
Taking my medication.
What was the last thing you received in the mail?
Two hospital bills.
Have you ever been to New York City?
Never been to the US at all.
Have you ever found a newt? (Hehe another Matilda reference)
Never heard of it.
Are you wearing a necklace currently?
Not at the moment.
What is your name?
Do you like olives?
No, I hate them.
Do you know anyone named Olivia?
Yeah, one neighbourhood child.
When was the last time you went to or saw the ocean?
Today. I’ve seen the North Sea at night. North Sea is a part of Atlantic Ocean.
Do the trees change colors in October where you live?
They do, but rather they get brown because it’s a rainy country.
Do you enjoy going for walks in the park?
Yeah, I enjoy walks in general.
Do you know anyone who is pregnant?
Yes, one of my coworkers. She keeps it secret, though.
Do you have a Pinterest account?
Nope, I’ve never understood the hype.
Do you prefer pancakes or waffles?
Coming from the waffleland, I guess I’m supposed to say waffles (and we know the real waffle). But can I say poffertjes instead?
What is something you are passionate about?
Searching for weird signals in the radio. And photography.
What is your favorite pizza topping?
Mushrooms & cheese.
Do you prefer a quiet or noisy environment?
I’d like to hear the traffic at night, I believe it’d help me sleep better.
What is one question you don’t like being asked?
What is my favourite movie. How many children I’m planning to have. Why don’t I have any children. Anything too personal.
Do you know anyone whose name starts with Q?
No, actually. Now I’m gonna be thinking about it.
Do you like raspberries?
I do, but I’m not a big fan of fresh ones.
When was the last time it rained where you live?
Today. My country is known for being rainy.
Are you wearing anything red currently?
Yeah, a red hoodie.
Do you like to read?
I love reading.
Do you know anyone who has a pet rabbit?
Not anymore.
What is one of your favorite songs currently?
I always have the same favourite songs, but I’d go with Supervisie by Lange Frans & Baas B. It’s almost 20 years old, but it’s still a banger.
What is your favorite thing to order at Starbucks?
Vanilla latte, whenever in offer.
Do you see beautiful sunsets where you live?
Sometimes, from the window upstairs.
What is your favorite season?
Summer, hands down.
What was the last type of sandwich you ate?
I don’t remember, I basically never eat sandwiches.
What is your favorite kind of tea?
I don’t like tea.
Have you ever been on a train?
Have I ever? XD I take trains every day and better, I even make them.
Who is or was your favorite teacher you’ve had?
Maite from my uni. She’s been teaching us conversations.
Have you ever been to Toronto?
Never been to Canada.
Who is someone you know who is talkative?
Bianca, oh my. She’s not a bad person, but she’s definitely exhausting.
When was the last time you took an Uber?
Do you own a pair of Ugg boots?
No, they’re ugly and I can’t imagine a guy wearing them, actually.
When was the last time you saw one of your uncles?
Two years ago.
Do you live in the USA?
No, I don’t. I’m the product of Europe.
Where are you planning to go on your next vacation?
Do you know anyone who plays the violin?
Yeah, my sister knows how to do it.
Do you know anyone who is a vegetarian?
Yeah, me.
Have you ever taken voice lessons?
No, never.
Do you own a Vera Bradley bag/purse?
Why would a man ever own something like this?
Have you ever been in a wedding?
Bitch please. I’ve been on at least three.
What is your favorite day of the week?
Currently Tuesdays and Thursdays because I work at these days.
Do you have a glass of water near you?
I don’t drink water.
Have you ever read the Warriors series?
Never heard of it.
What are 3 things you wish for?
Good health, my loved ones being happy, and my cat Victoria to live as long as possible. She’s 12 already.
Have you ever had an X-ray?
Shall I count all of the x-rays I’ve ever had? Or MRI scans? I’ve had surgeries, it’s logic.
Do you know anyone whose name starts with X?
Yeah, two guys named Xavier.
What is something you’re excited for?
More local travels.
Do you like Airheads X-tremes?
Never heard of it.
Name something you like that is the color yellow.
The sun? Does it count?
Do you enjoy going to yard sales?
Whatever. It might be interesting, but I never buy anything.
Name 3 things you did yesterday.
Been at work, had physiotherapy, been to the sea.
Do you yawn often?
Quite so. I’m tired a lot.
When was the last time you went to the zoo?
30 years ago.
Do you have a zipper on anything you’re currently wearing?
No, for once.
Have you ever been to Zimbabwe?
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shadows-starlight · 25 days
Shadows and Starlight
Book 46: Snowfalls and Snowflakes
As the morning sun's rays crept their way into the stoney cavern lair of Malakar, the sorcerer, his baby daughter, Aurora, was just waking up after a long night's sleep.
Her dark olive green eyes fluttered open as she yawned softly and stretched in her cradle. Suddenly, the baby went from sleepy to surprised at the sight that lay before her outside her window; the entire forest outside was blanketed in a thick layer of fluffy, white snow.
It was as if the forest had been covered with tons of whipping cream.
Aurora's eyes widened in surprise at the snowy wonderland glistening under the morning sun.
She had never seen snow before.
The door to the nursery creaked open and Malakar himself, walked in. His piercing blue eyes softened as he picked Aurora up from her cradle. “Good morning, Aurora,” he said, "did you have a good night's rest?"
Aurora smiled as she looked up at her father, reflecting the excitement of her discovery. She pointed to the window, showing Malakar the snow-covered forest outside.
Malakar noticed the snow-covered landscape. “Ah, I see,” he said with a smile. “It seems that it must have snowed in the middle of the night. Aurora, how about the two of us have breakfast, and then we'll go outside and explore the snow together?"
Aurora loved the sound of that. She let out a delightful squeal and clapped her hands.
After breakfast, which consisted of hot porridge drizzled with the honey that he harvested earlier in the year from a bumblebee's hive, Malakar and Aurora prepared for their wintery adventure.
The two of them were dressed in their winter clothes.
Aurora's winter attire consisted of her knitted white beret, a soft, icy blue fur-lined coat made from enchanted wool and fastened with small silver buttons and a matching hood, little chocolate brown boots, white mittens that Malakar had knitted, and a dusty blue knitted scarf that Malakar had also knitted that were embroidered with two graceful swans at one of the ends.
Malakar's winter attire, in contrast, was a long, dark navy coat made from enhanced velvet that was lined with luxurious, deep blue fur and had a high collar that could be turned up against the wind that was fastened with silver clasps, and had a matching hood, carob brown leather gloves, black boots that reached up to his knees with silver patterns engraved along the sides, and an umber brown scarf.
As they stepped out into the snowy landscape, the crisp, cold air greeted them. Aurora giggled as the breeze tickled her face and blew her hair gently. Malakar held Aurora using a large piece of pale yellow fabric as a sling that was strapped onto her chest. Aurora was facing forward so she could look at everything.
"Look at all of the snow, Aurora," Malakar said with a warm voice, "snow is one of winter's most magical gifts. Just like rain, the water turns into tiny ice crystals and fall gently to the ground, covering the world with a large, white blanket."
He conjured a little snowflake with a wave of his hand and showed it to Aurora, who looked at it with curious eyes. "No two snowflakes are alike," Malakar continued, "a tiny crystal all on its own. Just like you and me. Isn’t it amazing?"
He pointed to the trees with their tops covered with snow. "It looks as if the trees are fashioned with their own winter coats. And over here," Malakar said, walking towards the pond, that was completely frozen over since the last time they went, "you can see that the pond has been frozen over since our last visit. Winter does this. It takes liquids like water for example, and freezes it to make them solid. When the pond is solid, people tend to ice skate on it. One day, when you’re a bit older, you’ll be able to ice skate on it yourself."
Aurora, who was now out of the sling and sitting in the snow, watched as Malakar used his magic to create playful animals made from snow come to life—a frosty fox, a snow bunny, a majestic carabao, and a giant, yet friendly, polar bear—that frolicked around them. Aurora’s laughter filled the air as the magical creatures danced and played.
Then, Malakar made a small mound of snow and instinctively, Aurora touched the soft, cold snow. It felt chilly to the touch.
Next, Malakar decided to have a bit of fun. He carefully stepped onto the frozen pond with Aurora securely in his arms, wearing a pair of sage green and white ice skates. As they glided across the ice, Malakar tossed Aurora gently into the air and caught her with a loving laugh. Aurora’s belly laughs echoed through the forest. Malakar did figure eights, arabesques, spirals, and gentle spins.
After a while, when the temperature started to dip just like the sun, Malakar decided that it was time to head back home. He was keen to get back as soon as possible so that they wouldn’t be caught in a blizzard and that Aurora wouldn’t catch cold.
Fortunately, by the time they got back to the lair, the sky had already grown darker and a gentle snowfall began which would cover the forest with even more snow.
After a warm bath to thaw out, dressing in warm night clothes, and lighting a fire, Malakar settled into his armchair near the fireplace in the main hall with a warm fire glowing in the hearth and Aurora on his lap.
Malakar was sipping his teacup full of hot chamomile tea while Aurora drank a bottle that was filled with a special concoction he had created with a gallon of warm cow's milk mixed with honey. As they watched the snow falling gently outside from the warmth and comfort of their lair, Malakar began telling Aurora an impromptu story.
“Once upon a time,” he started, “snowflakes got their start as tiny, magical stars that decided to visit the Earth. They came every winter to cover the world in a beautiful white blanket. Each year, as the Earth turns cold, the snowflakes gather and dance, making everything look pure and new.”
When the story ended, Malakar looked down to see that Aurora had fallen asleep. The warmth of the lair, her father's embrace, and the bottle had caused her to doze off. Malakar decided to stay in the armchair a little longer, enjoying the tranquility of the moment.
He whispered softly to the sleeping Aurora, “Sweet dreams, my little snowflake.”
He knew that after today, there would be many more fun snow days to come.
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Summer to Winter
25th August:
My boyfriend and i went to a Vietnamese food van and we got kip loempias (springrolls) and a kip (chicken) pasty.
what do you call pasties? over here?
We sat on a bench by the water and watched the ducks and swans swimming in the canal.
Whilst keeping hydrated with a bottle of water.
4th Dec:
Layers,Layers and more layers!
Watching series and films, drinking teas and hot chocolates, cosy socks and blankets are essential.
cold nights and dark days.
and lot's of cat cuddles!
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fyodoro · 1 year
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Hi! I’m Dor :) just some fun facts about me, but if you don’t care about all that and are looking for important stuff, go to my byf/dni! !!
- I’m 16 years old in my junior year/year 11
- Eastern time zone!!! I’m usually awake till ungodly hours of the night so don’t mind me if I shitpost at 5am
- I’m a lesbian, I rlly don’t enjoy men so dont get that impression just cuz i write m!character x reader content. fiction is fiction folks, thinking 2d men are a lil attractive doesn’t change the fact that i have zero attraction to men irl
- My pronouns are she/her but i don’t mind any
- ENTP 5w6
Likes : reading, classic literature, immersive video games, manga, video essays, podcasts, record stores, collecting vinyls, keroppi (he’s so stupid looking i love him), green, purple, music, tattoos, piercings, women, mint chocolate chip ice cream, black coffee, dark chocolate
Dislikes : white chocolate, sand, snakes, weirdos, drama, colleen hoover, spicy booktok, hot weather, sunburn, frizzy hair
Favs !!! ena shinonome (pjsekai), gabi braun (aot), denji (csm), isagi, chigiri, nagi, and kaiser (bllk), suo, kaji, nirei, hiragi, and kotoha (windbre), ranpo, chuuya, fyoder, aya (bsd), aventurine, kafka, black swan, yanqing, and himeko (hsr), cyno and furina (gi), senju, kakucho, izana, kazutora, inui, and baji (tokrev)
Kins : chifuyu matsuno (tr), rui kamishiro (pjsk), chuuya nakahara (bsd), reo mikage (bllk), sakura haruka (wbk)
Mutuals : feel free to ask for my discord if you wanna chat or need anything bc I don’t pay attention to tumblr dm’s
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