#customers will be like hey i think i spoke to you a few days ago about an order. was that you?
customer who spoke to me exactly one time weeks ago: hey I think I spoke to you before, is that right? did you talk with me like a month ago?
me who takes phone calls from different people all day as a job: well, you know, that is definitely a possibility
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thought--bubble · 9 months
Hey, would you write something related to modern Aemond like: Aemond in high school is often excluded and harassed because he comes from a family considered strange and also because everyone has a view that he is strange. The reader is the only one who is kind to him and doesn't ignore him, and this is enough for Aemond to fall in love with the reader, despite never having had a real or very long conversation with her.
Additional: Aemond, despite maintaining a tough attitude, is extremely lacking in affection and is quite sensitive
This Is My First Ask So I Really Hope You Like It! The Characters are not in high school because i only write about adults but they will have originally met there. This got away from me a bit but I had a really good time writing it. I hope you enjoy!
My Salvation
Modern Aemond X (Long Term Crush Reader)
Warnings Under The Cut
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Modern Aemond Master List
Full Master List
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings:: Allusions to Bullying, Car sex, Unprotected sex, Pining. IDK i suck at these any suggestions please LMK
"Everything is perfect" You think to yourself as you get yourself ready for your morning shift at the local coffee shop, and as far as you are concerned it really is.
You graduated from Highschool a few months ago and were ready to start your life as an adult. You had gotten yourself a job at the local coffee shop as well as signed up for the Autumn Semester at the Beauty Academy in Manchester.
Makeup for the stars was your dream and with the acceptance to the academy you felt like you were well on your way to achieving that goal.
Your day starts off like any other. You walk into the coffee shop apron in hand and greet your Co-worker Floris. She was a very popular girl back in your high school and dated the local bad boy Cregan Stark on and off for years.
"Good Morning Floris" You smile sweetly at her as you make your way behind the counter.
"Morning" She sighs letting you know the Floris you get to interaact with today is going to be the moody Floris. Internally you sarcastically thank Cregan for breaking up with her yet again and leaving you to deal with her sullen disposition, but you being the ball of sunshine that you are try and bring up the mood with cheerful banter.
"Has it been busy today?" You attempt to make conversation hoping she will bite at the bit so you don't have to suffer through one of those awkward days where she is silent and brooding through almost the entirety of your shared shift.
"No" she answers short and curt. you briefly rub your fingers against your forehead, if you don't figure out how to get her into at least a little bit better of a mood this is going to be a very long annoying shift.
The bell over the door jingles signaling that a customer has entered the shop.
"its back" Floris says annoyed.
"Stop that" You scold as you look toward the door.
There he is, your most common customer. Aemond Targaryen. He has his long blonde hair tied back and his eye patch on. You never understood why he wears that outdated thing. He must think it adds to his mystery persona.
Aemond is a bit of an oddball. Never fit in much in school. He is after all a Targaryen. The fact that he lost an eye in some sort of childhood accident, made him that much more different than everyone else. Which around here, is never a good thing.
"Hey there Aemond, the usual?" you ask him, your typical bubbly demeanor on full display.
"Yes please"" his answers are always so short and void of emotion. never mean or aggressive just short and cold.
You smile at him happily while you prepare his usual black coffee with tons of sugar. How he drinks his coffee like this you will never understand.
You spoke to Aemond sparingly back in school, which although is most than other students, still wasn't much. You wouldn't say you are friends but you do hold a bit of an affinity for him.
He had a tough time. No one could deny that. He was ignored, ostracized. Not that he would ever let anyone know if that fact actually bothered him, you always assumed that it did. At least to some degree.
You hand him the coffee with a big smile on your face. He takes it from you and nods. Making his way to his usual table and pulling out his laptop.
"Why does he stay?" Floris whispers "It's weird"
You shoot her a pointed look. "It is not weird for someone to sit down and work in a coffee shop, actually, it's quite common. Kindness isn't difficult. you should try it"
"You are aware their family tree doesn't have quite enough branches right?" Floris says while chuckling.
"A lot of royal families have that .... kind of history, they are descendants of royalty. Its been like what? 100 generations or something? Don't you think it's time for a new plot point?"
Floris sighs "He's just .... weird"
You roll your eyes and can't help but glance over at the mysterious man. Watching him type away on his laptop and staring at his side profile. If he wasn't the silent brooding type or a Targaryen the girls at school probably would have been all over him. He is obviously handsome with a jaw line that could cut diamonds. Its that icy chill around him and that albatross of a last name that had him shunned.
As your shift continues you occasionally glance over at him. His coffee long gone but still he stays typing away as other customers come and go.
"What do you think he's working on?" you wonder out loud
"Some version of the Targaryen anarchists cookbook i'm sure..... "
You sigh and roll your eyes again. Why could no one seem to look at the man himself instead of his family? Instead of the eye patch? It seemed so cruel.
"Do you mind if I head out 20 minutes early? Cregan wants to talk" she starts putting her jacket on before you even respond.
"Yeah that's fine, Sara and Jace should be here any minute anyway."
You watch as she quickly gathers her things running out of the shop. You tap your fingers on the counter. The shop is now empty save for Aemond typing away on his laptop.
"Hey Aemond?" You practically yell across the shop. He looks up at you furrowing his brows but doesn't say anything.
"You want a muffin or something?" you offer holding up a double chocolate muffin and wiggling it back an forth.
He simply shakes his head returning his focus back to the laptop in front of him. you sigh as you come to the conclusion that it is going to be a long and boring 20 minutes before second shift shows up.
Probably five minutes before Sara and Jace are due to arrive the downpour starts.
"oh well isn't that grand" you mumble to yourself.
You have been trying to save up for a car. Your parents couldn't afford to buy you one at the present time, and with the wages earned at the coffee shop it would most likely take the entire summer for you to save up enough so you walked to and from work. This typically wasn't a big deal since you lived close by but torrential rain always made the experience a lot less pleasant.
Jace comes running in soaked to the bone.
"Please tell me you just ran a mile and not just 5 seconds from the car park?" the grimace on your face outwardly showing how you are feeling
"Nah this is the 2 second walk from the car park it's serious out there right now!" he laughs while he shakes his hair off.
He comes around the back of the counter.
"He's here again huh? I could ask him to stop?" Jace whispers
"No, he's fine, he has a coffee works on whatever and then he goes."
"He always comes at the beginning of your shift and leaves at the end of it. You don't think that is a little weird?"
"Isn't he like your cousin or something? I would think that you would be nicer" you take off your apron and hold it in your hands.
"uncle, and we're not close" Jace heads to the backroom trying to dry himself off. "When sara gets here, I'm sure she won't mind running the store alone a few minutes so's I can drop you off"
"No, I'm ok. Just a little rain, Heard rainwater is good for your hair" You chuckle to yourself. "Bye Jace"
Jace waves as you head out the door of the shop and the second you get outside you can't believe how hard it is raining.
"Let me take you." Aemonds cool voice comes from behind you.
"Oh!" you jump and turn around his face, still as stone looking at you awaiting your answer.
"Thanks, that would be very kind" You decide to accept his offer. Firstly, it is downpouring and you really don't want to ruin your shoes and second, he can't escape you in a tiny car. He will have to finally speak.
The two of you run over to his Porsche. Of course he would have a Porsche.
"I'm getting your seat wet, i'm so sorry" you blurt out the moment the two of you are in the car.
"Don't worry about it" He turns the car on and turns on the heat.
"Thank you for this." You smile at him hoping he will look over at you.
Instead he just nods and puts the car in reverse backing out of the parking space.
You don't even tell him where you live but he pulls out front of your building anyway.
"Ummm.... how did you?"
"I dropped you off junior year after your friend ditched you."
"Right, I forgot about that" you scratch the back of your neck and purse your lips but don't make a move towards getting out of the car.
"Why do you come see me?" you look directly at him.
"What?" His voice sounds a bit defensive
"I'm not bothered by it. Really, I'm just curious"
"I like coffee." He answers as he turns his head toward you.
"No. it's something else. C'mon tell me" you flutter your lashes and give him a puppy dog look, no one can withstand your puppy dog look.
He chuckles and rolls his neck. "I remember"
This peaks your interest "Remember what?"
He sighs "I remember every single time you talked to me, looked at me, walked by me and waved. Hell, i remember when you held the door open for me. twice"
Your breath catches in your throat.
"I'm not crazy and i'm not a stalker i swear" he rubs his collar bone nervously. "it's just..... you were my salvation. The one person who didn't run from me or sneer at me or judge me and hate me" he grips the steering wheel tightly.
you reach over and gently rub his knuckles as they turn white. he takes a deep breath in at the skin to skin contact.
"So in other words.... you miss me?" You ask with a tiny smile and a blush on your cheeks.
"yeah, if you wanna make it simple i guess that would be the right term for it"
"How much?" Your voice drops from your sweet and kind persona, to a more sultry sound.
Aemond catches this right away. "Umm.... what?"
you get up on the seat, on your knees and lean over the center console. getting up close to his ear. "How much did you miss me? Like, was it driving you crazy?" You place your hand on his shoulder tracing your finger along his neck "Keeping you up at night?"
his breath comes out in unsteady huffs "You really shouldn't"
"I will not be able to control myself if you keep that up" he grips the steering wheel tighter and suddenly the situation in this car had changed completely.
You were no longer teasing him to get a rise and reaction out of him. Him stating he wouldn't be able to control himself lit a fire in you. You felt this urge to push him there. A burning pooling in your belly you were not going to ignore. No, just this once you were going to indulge.
You lean over further bringing your mouth to his ear. "Maybe I want to see it"
He bites his bottom lip, then grabs your face pressing his lips against yours harshly. Lust and desperation apparent in his kiss. His hand slides up the back of your neck to the base of your head holding you close as he continues to devour you. Like a man starved.
Before your brain has even caught up to what is happening he grips your thigh harshly pulling you over the center console and into his lap. he quickly grabs your hips pushing you down into him as his tongue continues to explore your mouth.
"I've dreamt of this for ages" he whispers as he kisses and nibbles along your jawline making you purr contently. Being wanted this bad is the biggest turn on you have ever experienced.
You roll your hips against him chasing that pressure. When he feels this he growls and pushes your core against him as he ruts up against you.
"I have to have it." He begs with a breathy sigh "Gods please i have to"
You unbuckle your khakis and slide them off your legs giggling at the slight gymnastics you have to perform in order to get them off. Once they are off you drop back onto his lap and he runs his hands up your back pulling you tight up against him. His mouth finds yours again as his slips his hand between your thighs and slides a finger inside of you.
"I knew you would be perfect, I fuckin knew it" He groans as he adds a second finger pumping in and out of you slowly. he hooks his finger finding that spot inside of you that sends you to ecstasy. You close your eyes and roll your head back moving your hips rhythmically against his hand.
"oh god, oh god!" You squeal as he brings you over the edge, you clenching around his fingers. He immediately unfastens his jeans sliding them down to his thighs and pulling you over him.
"is this ok?" He asks gripping your hips tightly
You nod and he pushes your hips down sliding himself into you slowly. he makes a noise somewhere between a gasp and a growl as you sink down onto him.
"This ain't gonna last long darlin" he grunts as he thrusts up into you. He bites down on your shoulder as he pulls you down over him over and over thrusting up into you at the same time. He rubs your pearl with his thumb as he quickens his pace.
Jaw slack and eyes like dinnerplates he watches as you come done a second time and groans
"Where? Where?" He whines "Fuck"
"I'm on birth control it's fine" You bite his bottom lip "Go ahead"
"Fuck! Ok Ok Fuck" He slams your hips down onto him three more times before his body tenses and squeezes your hips so tight you think your bones may snap.
you rest your forehead on his shoulder as the both of you regulate your breathing.
"Thank god it's fucking pouring" You giggle.
"Yeah, that was a bit mental wasn't it?" he laughs while breathing heavily and running his fingers through your hair.
You flop back over to the passengers seat and start pulling your trousers back on.
"See you at the coffee shop tomorrow?" you ask as you clasp the button.
"Always" he smiles back at you.
"Good, cuz i think I may need another ride..... " you giggle
"Really? you live so close" He teases back
"Who said I wanted to go home?" you wink at him as you hope out of the car. "See you tomorrow"
You shut the door and head inside with a huge grin on your face.
"Ok ... NOW everything is perfect"
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
the last cupcake
for the @steddieholidaydrabbles warm up round 4 (prompt: bakery AU) rated: M wc: 997 cw: vomiting mention (not graphic) tags: getting together, friends to lovers, baker Steve, musician Eddie
Eddie came in at the same time everyday.
Ten minutes before closing.
Always bought the last cupcake.
So when he didn't show up today, Steve got worried.
When Steve opened the bakery two years ago, he had no idea how wildly successful it would be, and how quickly he'd start to think of his regulars as family.
Eddie moved to town almost exactly a year ago, a tiny studio apartment only a few blocks away, not that Steve had ever seen it. He just knew because of how often Eddie complained that he was tired of not having room for all his music equipment.
Steve let him keep some of his less used equipment in his storage closet upstairs.
"That's what friends are for," he'd said at the time.
And then he went and fell in love with him.
It was the most ridiculous thing that did it, too.
Eddie came in, same as always, dripping wet from the rain that had kept most customers away all afternoon.
"Did you forget an umbrella?" Steve asked, amused by his wet dog look.
"Don't own one," Eddie said, shivering at the chill in the bakery.
Steve decided then that he could never imagine going a single day without seeing and talking to Eddie.
The next day, Steve gave him an umbrella with his cupcake.
"For next time. Don't want you to catch a cold or something just trying to get a mediocre cupcake," Steve shrugged it off.
"Mediocre?! You think I come here everyday for a mediocre cupcake?" Eddie grabbed his hand, and that was really it for Steve. "These are the best damn cupcakes I have ever had in my life, Stevie."
"Whatever you say, Eds."
He had Eddie's number, of course.
But they rarely spoke.
Sometimes Eddie would text him with a thumbs up emoji when a cupcake was particularly tasty or let him know he had to grab something from the closet.
As he closed up the shop, he couldn't help glancing out the front windows to see if he came running.
He didn't.
Steve locked up and went upstairs.
He couldn't shake the fear that something was wrong, though.
Hey, just wondering if you're okay. Missed you coming by.
Just a text to check in. That was normal between friends, right?
His phone went off a minute later.
Sorry. Got the flu. Didn't wanna give it to you
Steve's heart fluttered.
Need anything?
To die maybe
Steve laughed.
So dramatic. But really, you want me to bring you some soup?
You don't have to do that
I want to.
Eddie's response took a few minutes to arrive, but when it did, it was just his address and a smiling face.
Steve had never moved so quickly in his life.
He grabbed a can of soup from the cabinet, already a little upset that he didn't have time to make something homemade.
He grabbed the box with his last cupcake for the day, and rushed downstairs and to Eddie's apartment.
Eddie buzzed him in without saying a word, leaving the door unlocked for him.
Steve was welcomed by a loud groan coming from the bathroom.
“Be out soon,” Eddie yelled to him.
He probably didn’t even need to yell; This apartment really was small.
He walked to the bathroom door and knocked once.
“You okay in there? I brought your cupcake. Your favorite,” Steve smiled as he rested his forehead against the door.
Eddie let out a long groan that was interrupted by gagging noises.
“Are you throwing up?”
“Yep. Almost done,” he replied.
Steve quickly hid the cupcake in the fridge, not wanting it to cause any further problems for Eddie.
Eventually, Eddie came out, looking sick.
He moved slowly, like it pained him to take a single step, and Steve felt his stomach twist.
“Hey, Eds,” he said softly.
“Hey, Stevie,” Eddie gave what sort of resembled a smile.
"I brought soup. Well, I brought a can of soup. I didn't know if that would help. It's probably not gonna be that good, but I could go get you something else if you want? Or-"
"Steve." Eddie was actually smiling now, a small one, but a real one. "If I didn't have the flu, I would kiss you."
"You think I come to your bakery every single day because I love cupcakes so much?" Eddie asked, looking a bit green at the mention of cupcakes.
"Um...yeah?" Steve couldn't think of any other reason he would bother coming by.
"I mean, your cupcakes are the best I've had, but I come every day to see you."
"You like to visit me?" Steve felt like the ground beneath him was shaking.
Was it possible there was an earthquake happening?
"Of course I do. How could I not wanna see the hot baker who makes delicious cupcakes?" Eddie winked, then grabbed his stomach. "Hold that thought."
Eddie ran back in the bathroom and Steve could hear him gagging again, but he blocked it out.
Eddie came to see him.
When Eddie came back into the main room, Steve smiled at him.
"You know, you could have just asked me out. Probably would've saved you a lot of money on cupcakes," he said.
"But then I wouldn't have seen that cute little dance you do when you lean over to get the cupcake out of the fridge you keep it in," Eddie smirked.
"I do not do a dance!"
"You do!"
"You're delirious from dehydration. Let me get you some water," Steve said, actually turning to the kitchen cabinets like he knew where the glasses were.
Eddie's hand touched his lower back.
"Top left," Eddie's voice was low. "You know if I weren't throwing up nearly every 30 minutes, I'd probably take you to bed. Skip the date. We've been having them every day for a year now."
"You think this thing is a 24 hour bug or..." Steve asked.
"I fucking hope so."
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i-spaced-sorry · 2 years
Creepy Guy
Requested? No. This is based off an experience that happened to me recently, but I changed it up a bit to match the One Chicago Universe. In this Halstead sister works at a bar, but it’s not Mollys.  TW: Creepy guy, pet names I guess. 
Jay Halstead x Halstead!sister
“Can I ask you something?” you asked while taking a seat on your brother’s couch. 
Pausing the game that was on TV, he turned to you and replied, “sure! What’s up”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, when you opened them, you saw concern looking back at you. 
“I know this was creepy and wrong, I don’t even know what I’m asking or saying, but I think I just need to tell someone I think” you started to fidget. 
Coming to crouch in front of you, Jay looked up at you, “Hey, it’s alright, what’s going on”
“So, I was coming home from work the other day and it was going great! The regulars were there, it wasn’t so busy with it not being Baseball season yet, but afterwards” you began, while looking everywhere but at your brother. 
“Y/N, do you need a ride?” asked your coworker Kyle. Kyle was an older guy - 30 - who had started working at your bar a few weeks ago. He already had gained the trust of everyone who worked there and all the customers loved interacting with him, since he always had wild stories. 
“Uh, I already called an uber” you replied while tilting your phone in his direction to show proof. 
Motioning for you to walk to his car, he stated, “come on, I’ll take you home. It will be faster and cheaper than an Uber.” 
Nodding, you quickly canceled your ride and hopped into his passenger seat. 
“The ride had started out chill. He started asking me about how long I’d been living in Chicago, what area I lived in, ya know so he could drive me home, and kept going on about how it was definitely cheaper to get a ride from him than to pay a stranger half a night's tips just to get home.” you had added, while starting to play with your fingers. 
“What happened next” prompted Jay, while shuffling to sit on the end of the coffee table rather than crouching on his knees. 
“So, Y/N, are you looking to move anytime soon?” Kyle asked abruptly. 
Laughing, you replied, “Actually? Yea I am! I’m looking in the Bridgeport neighborhood mostly.”
“Well, sweetheart, I’m actually looking for someone to take care of my plants in the coming weeks. I have two free rooms available in my house. Rent would be hella cheap and all you would have to do is keep my plants alive.” 
Looking out the window, you replied, “I’ll think about it” although you knew good and well you wouldn’t be taking him up on his offer. 
“Okay doll, I need to know when to make a turn to get to your place” he added while continuing to drive. 
“As the drive went on he kept shifting between driving and verging on flirting” you stated. And this time when you spoke, you looked your brother dead in the eyes. 
For half a second you saw the fire flame emoji flash in your brother’s eyes. Before he blinked and his green eyes stared back at you with concern. 
“Can you maybe, tell me a little bit more about how he flirted with you? Was it just calling you the pet names and asking you to move into his house?” This was starting to feel like a witness statement, if your knowledge of cop procedural shows and having a detective as a brother was anything to go off of. 
“No, he said other stuff too, like -” you started. 
“So, do you have a boyfriend?” Kyle blurted out while at a stop light. You could feel his eyes on you when he asked the question. 
Looking down at your phone to see how much longer you had to sit in this car with the creep, you replied, “No, and you’ll turn right in 3 stop lights” god you should have just taken the Uber. 
“We are going to discuss this!” He began while starting to drive again. 
“What do you mean you don’t have a boyfriend, you're gorgeous.”
Laughing uncomfortably, you replied shyly, “If I knew the answer to that, I would have one by now” god when would this end. 
“You’re so beautiful and is it weird for me to be attracted to you”
“Eh, sort of,” you said quietly.
The two of you then sat in silence, when Kyle spoke again, “how much further til I have to drop you off”
You began trying to tell him, when he cut you off and asked to see your phone. You passed it over. 
“What happened next, Y/N/N?” Jay asked when he noticed you paused in the middle of telling the story. 
“He started guilt tripping me, because it was further than he thought it was to take me home.”
“Guilt tripping how?”
You closed your eyes and breathed, when you opened them you began to curl in on yourself. 
“He started saying how I needed to now go out and get a drink with him because he took me this far home. He even said I now I had to take care of his plants. And he just kept complaining about how he wished he knew it would be this far when I got in the car. But the thing is he felt so cocky and sure of where I lived when I mentioned it to him in the parking lot at work. He kept getting mad when I started apologizing and telling him he could just drop me at a bus stop and I could bus the rest of the way home.”
When you paused again, Jay hugged you and asked, “What was his response to that?”
“He said and I quote, sweetheart, a 5ft1 pretty girl like you shouldn’t be riding public transportation late at night.” you began to get riled up, “I’m not naive! I’m not stupid! I’m 24 god dammit!  I know to be careful of my surroundings! I’m just not a rough around the edges jaded person either! I give people the benefit of the doubt and… and…” and before you knew it you were in tears sobbing. 
You hadn’t told a single soul what had happened that night. Nothing sexual happened but it was creepy as hell and all you wanted to do was bury it but it kept popping up in your subconscious. 
When you finished sobbing and were just reduced to tears and sniffles, Jay spoke. 
“First of all I’m so sorry that happened to you. That should have never happened.  I think you need to tell your boss about this though. Especially if he is well liked and respected by customers and coworkers. And I’m not saying that because I’m a cop, I’m saying that as your brother too. What he did was super inappropriate and creepy and that should not have happened.”
You sat there taking in what Jay was saying, “but, I got in his car though. I made that choice. I could have chosen to take an uber, but something in me thought he was a good guy”
Jay could see how you thought this was your fault and he hated that. 
“Listen to me, this was not your fault! You hear me. He offered to drive you home and you had evidence to back up your theory of him being a nice guy! So you did nothing wrong. You copy?”
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thunderousavery · 1 year
Ocean-Blue Eyes Pt. 1 (Ghost x M!Reader)
A/N: Was bored thinking about dicks and masked men, so I thought of making a little story about one of my cutie patooties. This will have an eventual smut, I swear it's evident in the writing. I'm so bad at this though, so bear with it a little.
Summary: You're the Ghost and Soap duo's favorite bartender. You're harboring a secret crush for Ghost, and well, Soap annoys you about it. Main Pairing: Ghost x M!Reader Warnings: Cursing. More cursing. Vulgarity. And Soap being an annoying mohawk rat for the reader's taste.
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Midnight of April. Saturday. A gentle warm breeze of the summer wafts in the air.
I work as a bartender at a little club in town somewhere in South America. I don’t know, but I like my job. It’s what kept me in a stable life nowadays, and I haven’t run into any financial problems with it. I please customers, and they give me tips; very opportunistic work if I could say so myself.
“The usual?” I asked my long-time customer and friend as he greets me with that charming smile of his before sitting down at the bar counter. I know his drink was more of a hard Scotch mix that I never make for others, so it’s pretty much very easy to remember.
He nods, setting his cap down, and ran a hand through his mohawk hair. “Aye. Ya know me so well, lad.”
I chuckled softly while preparing his drink, grabbing a few bottles of beverages from the liquor cabinet as I spoke, “It’s because you’re the only one who drinks shit like this, man.”
“Hey! It’s a specialty from Scotland. It ain’t shit,” he retorted, shooting me a playful glare.
“It’s shit. I tried it once, and it tasted like dog piss and water from the the fucking Amazon”
“Hey, now that’s just rude!” He pouts.
It’s always like this whenever Soap comes to the bar after a long day from military work; banters and laughter with him and a couple of shots of his shitty drink. We’ve been friends since he came here two months ago, and I have to admit that he’s grown on me for some time. He tells good stories, encourages other customers to buy drinks (especially his weird concoction that he keeps forcing me to make), and he also looks after me when I feel down.
He’s one good friend, I’d give him that. But I never get any other ideas than that.
Soap’s cute, but not cute enough for me to spread my legs for. That’s a gay shit that I won’t cross the line. Personality and appearance are both a big fucking check for an annoying Scotsman like him, but I don’t like him more than as a friend.
... Well, except for his ‘other’ friend.
“So, where’s Mr. Blue Eyes?” I asked with a soft smirk as I try to hide the eagerness in my voice while wiping the countertop.
“Ghost? He’ll be here soon,” he replies before taking a swig from his drink. He raised an eyebrow and broke into a mischievous grin. “Why ya lookin’ for him? Gonna fuck him with yer eyes again?”
I felt my cheeks erupt in red at his vulgarity before looking away and groaning in annoyance. “I-I’m not...” I trailed off, can’t seem to think of a good retort to that. Damn him.
“Oh, admit it, lad. Yer stares are enough to undress him well, and he hates getting cold. He gets all grumpy when that happens.” Soap chuckled.
“I-I wasn’t staring!” I tried defending myself, but I know it was no use.
“And ya know what they say? Denial is a river in Egypt, baby.” He grinned as he made the innuendo gesture on his hands, his finger pushing in and out on a little hole he made with his other hand. “He likes angry fuck, by the way.”
This is why he’s better off as my friend. We don’t take each other seriously, and he’s a fucking bully to me when it comes to my crush on his friend, Ghost.
Yeah, I like his friend. And yeah, Ghost is the type of guy that I’d spread my legs for if he allows me to. With just a single look from his piercing blue eyes, I’d call him ‘Daddy’ and beg for him in obedience. Gosh, I don’t even remember the last time I got laid.
But I’m not admitting that out loud. I learned my mistake by telling Soap, and he won’t stop being a bitch to me about it.
“Fuck you. I’m putting rat poison in your drink next time and I’d play that Ratatouille theme when you die.” I shoot Soap a glare while threatening to throw the dirty towel on his face as he held his hands up.
“Hey, quit it, (Y/N). No one’s poisoning anyone’s drink tonight.” A familiar gruff voice with a strong British accent vibrated in the air.
... Holy fucking twat, it’s Ghost! And he’s walking up here wearing something that I've never seen him wear before!
His typical skull-faced balaclava was on, but he was wearing a dark green sleeveless shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. With the way he moved and dressed like a fucking macho man, I could see every muscle on his tattooed arms flex. He has some light scarlet burn scars on the skin of his right shoulder, but it didn’t lower the fondness I felt for him at all.
He looks so scrumptious right now, and the way his ocean-blue eyes looked at me sternly makes me want to take a dive and drown in them.
“... You’re doing it again.” Soap decided to pop my thought bubbles and laughed.
“What’s he doing again?” Ghost asked him, clearly in confusion as he sits down and looked at me once more with curiosity.
“I-I’m not doing anything, Soap. Damn it...” I cursed under my breath as I busied myself again to wipe the countertop that I and Soap knows was already clean. I couldn’t look at Ghost; I’d fucking die and let the ground swallow me whole.
Soap continued to laugh it off before sipping on his drink one last time before he handed his mug to me, gesturing for one more. I could only glare at him silently before sighing and taking his mug to prepare his shitty drink again.
This night’s going to be a disaster...
Ghost eyed me for a bit before he pulled out his wallet and put some cash on the counter. “Scotch on ice, mate.”
“That same plain shit again? I swear, ya have sum boring taste buds, LT.” Soap chuckles as he took a sip.
“Shut it, Johnny. I’m just making it easy for the lad, unlike you who always wants some fucking weird shits in your drink.” Ghost snorted, and gosh how I’m proud to hear him put his friend in his place. He’s so aggressively British, I’d let him talk me down and destroy me—
“Eh, but why’d ya put for more than one glass? Tipping him the extra?”
... Huh?
I looked at the counter, and I had to blink a few times before I could register the fact in my head that there are a couple of dollars sitting right there. Even at this distance, I can already count that it can afford more than one shot of Scotch on ice. Not only another one but probably a couple more.
“I-I...” I gulped softly as I looked into Ghost’s piercing blue eyes that could stare right at my soul. “You... You’re tipping too much—”
“It ain’t. Have a drink of your own and join us.” If he ain’t smirking behind that intimidating mask of his, I’m having doubts now because of how his chuckle gruffly vibrated from his chest. “Or, it can be a tip if you wanna be boring, mate. You don’t seem to look too busy, though.”
It’s more than enough for one drink!
... However, there’s a bar policy; never drink with the customers. No matter how convincing they are or they offered to pay, never ever drink with them. Never entertain them too much because work always comes first. Failing to uphold this, you’ll find your last cut of salary and letter of expulsion in the boss’s office the next morning.
... I’m just kidding. There’s no bullshit like that here. This is the best workplace that I’ve ever been in.
“Yeah, and there ain’t even a single customer here other than us, lad.” Soap agreed, nodding with a soft hum.
“That’s because it’s only an hour before closing time.” I shook my head and chuckled. “But sure, I can join you guys.” I grabbed a glass for myself along with a couple of beverages and some lime. I made my favorite cocktail mix; Moscow Mule.
Who would’ve thought I’d get to have an excuse to drink with my British military soldier crush? Aren’t I so lucky?
“That’s the spirit.” Ghost lifts his mask a little, just enough to reveal his stubbled square chin and plump lips as he takes a sip from his Scotch. And, oh my god, I swear there was a damn smirk on his lips just before they touched the fucking edge of the glass.
Does he even eat ass with that mouth of his? I wonder.
“If stares could kill, someone could become a bloody murderer now.”
The impeccability of this fucking mohawk rat to just outright say such words is so darn bad, I just want to shove a whole empty bottle of Scotch up to his fucking ass. I glared at him silently while I finished making my drink, thinking carefully if I should throw a lime at his face and hope it would catch on his fucking eye.
“... So,” I spoke, trying to make a small conversation rather than having another banter with Soap. “When are you guys going on your next mission?”
“Classified detail.” Soap snickered when I gave him another deathly glare. But then he eventually answered, “In two days, I guess.”
“I see...” So, I only got two days left to get laid by some British hunk? “And you’ll come back in?”
“Depends on it, lad.” Ghost answered this time, and he didn’t bother to slide his mask back on to cover the lower half of his face. Thank goodness for that. “If we’re lucky and Soap doesn’t fuck up a single time, then we’re back in two days after as well.”
“Hey, I don’t fuck up on missions!” Soap pouts like a fucking rat, I swear it’s damn annoying.
But I like these two’s dynamics. A lieutenant and a sergeant. They look so close like two brothers with different blood and origin, and I remember Soap telling me some stories about how he hates Ghost but likes him at the same time. They respect each other at work, but Soap says he will always find time to annoy his lieutenant at some point. Typical brothers, I guess.
“—And they said Gaz would be... (Y/N)?” Ghost’s voice snapped me back to reality when his words trailed off and mentioned my name. He looked at me with a soft frown on his lips along with a concerned look in his eyes. “You okay, mate? You’re staring off.”
“O-Oh... Uh, y-yeah... I’m fine.” I smiled sheepishly before taking a sip from my drink. I didn’t bother to look at Soap because I know he had a damn smirk on his face right now.
“... If you say so.” He sighed before setting his glass down and put his shoulders on the counter, leaning forward a bit. “Enough about our work. I wanna know something more about you.”
If I still had my drink in my throat, I would’ve spat it out, probably aiming at Soap’s face. “W-What? U-Uh... What do you want to know about me?” I gave Soap a quick glare to make sure he doesn’t speak any dirty side comments.
“Hmm...” He rubbed his chin for a moment before he spoke. “... Are you hitting on Johnny here?”
“... Wait, what?” My eyes widened as the size of saucer plates. Did I... hear that correctly? I’m pretty sure he asked if I was hitting on—
“Hold up, why’d ya even think the lad’s hitting on me?” Soap laughed obnoxiously, almost tipping over from his seat as he found it also surprising that Ghost would jump to that conclusion. “I’m pretty sure that’s not the case, LT.”
“Then, why does he keep looking at you like you’re some piece of meat?” Ghost grinned.
I swear this is not the right time to show your pearly white teeth, Ghost! Oh my god, what has the world fallen into? I know Soap and I know that I’m already being obvious with my little gestures and looks to Ghost for quite a while now, but why the hell would he think I’m hitting on Soap all this time?!
Hasn’t he seen my heart eyes whenever I look at him? Hasn’t he seen the way I’d smile charmingly for him just to notice me? Like, what the actual fuck?! He was thinking I’m hitting on this fucking mohawk rat?!
I blushed softly nonetheless mostly because I’m finally running out of patience and sanity. “I-I... No, I’d never—”
“He’s hitting on you, LT.”
That was the last straw.
“Alright, where’s the fucking knife?!”
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A/N: Will post part 2 as soon I finish it. Love lots :))
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chloe-caulfield94 · 6 months
Max, Chloe and David drive to Away
On the road to Away, Chloe was sitting next to David in the passenger’s seat, with Max nominally in the backseat, but with her arms wrapped around Chloe and her head between the front seats. That way both David and Max got what they wanted. David had Chloe riding shotgun and Max had Chloe firmly in her embrace. It wasn’t a particularly safe sitting arrangement, but David took that into account and drove slowly, even though the desert road was completely empty.
“So, David, how does it feel to be an accomplice to two cartel operatives slash Hezbollah terrorists slash Chinese spies slash whatever else the fear-mongering media cooked up?” - Chloe inquired.
“You mean the Diaz brothers?”
“Yes, David, I mean the two fugitives that broke through a police cordon at the border and drove off in a hail of bullets! The ones everyone is talking about!” - Chloe pursued the topic.
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call myself an accomplice. Sean and Daniel stayed in Away for a few weeks. I gave Sean a little bit of advice. And then they were on their way.”
“I knew it!” Chloe energetically patted Max’s arms, which were entwined around her. “You owe me five bucks, Max!” Seeing David’s puzzled look, Chloe explained: “When we heard that the Diaz brothers had went through Arizona, so close to your place, I immediately knew you had bumped into them. We bet on that with Max”.
“You won Chloe. But how exactly am I supposed to cash you out? We pool all of our money together anyway”.
“How are you supposed to pay it out? By handing me an oversized check in front of cameras, of course!”
“If by ‘cameras’ you mean my polaroid and by ‘an oversized check’ you mean a page ripped out from a notebook, then sure, it can be arranged”.
“Fine, if you can’t conduct a proper award ceremony, then I guess you can exchange those five bucks into kisses. One kiss for one dollar”.
“Hey! My kisses are worth far more than a dollar a piece! Then again, you’re my favourite customer and I value your continued business, so I can offer you an even more favourable exchange rate – one kiss for 10 cents”.
“It’s a deal, Max!”
David smiled, listening to their playful banter. He was reminded of one particular moment from years ago, when he goofed around with Joyce while making pancakes. When he still thought he and Chloe could become a family. Before he fucked it all up. But in the end, they did become a family. He just wished Joyce could be there to see it. To see her daughter smile and laugh and be hopeful again.
“For the record, David, I didn’t bet against you meeting the Diazes because I thought you weren’t cool enough to hang out with alleged domestic terrorists. I just didn’t think the world was that small. Them being from Seattle and on top of that them meeting you? That seemed implausible” – Max explained.
“Max, your incredulity becomes even cuter with every strange mess we get ourselves into. So, David, what kind of advice did you give to Sean Diaz? How to manufacture IEDs?” – Chloe wanted to hear all the juicy deets.
David sighed. “I told him they should surrender. That seemed like the best advice I could give to a teenage boy chased by hundreds of cops who would love nothing more than to gun him down. But I’m glad he didn’t listen. I was being naïve. He would never get a fair trial. The media had already convicted him for being a cop killer”.
Chloe stopped goofing around and spoke in a more serious tone: “It’s okay, David. You meant well. At the end of the day, that’s all we can demand from ourselves. Sometimes we wish to do good, but the results are different than we expected. But as long as we want to help others, instead of hurting them, everything is fine”.
Both David and Max fell silent, because Chloe’s words spoke volumes to them. To Max, the part about meaning well but causing unforeseen consequences. And to David, the part about helping, instead of hurting others. After a brief moment, Chloe realized how her words might have been received. She cursed at herself in her thoughts. She wished she had bitten her tongue instead of speaking. “This is why you should leave philosophising to Max, you numbnuts. Because when you speak, you tend to make people sad”. She radically changed the topic to turn Max’s and David’s attention away from the past and towards the present, or better yet, the future.
“Listen, dad, before we get to Away, we need to stop at a store and buy some essentials. And nothing is more essential right now than sunscreen for Max. Arizonian sun doesn’t jive well with tender Irish skin. Not everyone can be of stout Germanic stock like the Prices or the Madsens. Some people are delicate Celtic flowers from the Emerald Isle".
The three of them smiled all the way to Away. Max at being called an Irish beauty. David at being called “dad”. And Chloe at the fact that with each day she was getting better at making others smile.
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animeficsworld · 2 years
Coffee Shop
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Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Katsuki was a proud man. Being a pro hero had its advantages and disadvantages.
First, he was finally able to do what he wanted the most, catching bad guys. But as he grew stronger and more and more famous, so did his fanbase.
Crazy girls would follow him wherever he went, it got to a point where he had to hide from them, and this was one of those days. He was just out, doing shopping when someone recognized him.
And then, everything went downhill.
He ran out of the store and started running down the streets as they followed him. He dashed into a small shop. The bell chimed as he walked in, slamming the door shut behind himself.
"Welcome," he heard a woman say and Katsuki froze. He slowly looked at her.
Seeing a hero in your humble little bakery was definitely something new, but you didn't want to freak him out so you tried your best to act natural.
"How can I help you today, Sir?" you asked and just as you did a lot of girls, screaming, started to run down the street. Oh, he was hiding. "You could get out the back door. It leads to an alleyway if you'd like." you offered with a smile. But just as you were about to show him the back door, you heard the girls running along the back alley. "Maybe, just a few minutes."
He let out a sigh and scratched his neck.
"Can I have a coffee and something with chocolate please?" he said as he sat down at one of the tables. You immediately rushed to finish his order and bring it over to him.
It was a quiet day, besides him, no other customers.
And Katsuki took a note of that.
You were cleaning the tables when he spoke up.
"Hey, were are your customers?"
"Oh, I usually don't have many, but people from the nearby offices sometimes come during their lunch. I just opened this shop about two weeks ago, not many people know it's here just yet." Katsuki hummed as he continued to drink his coffee. "How do you like it? Is everything okay?"
"I like the coffee, and the cake," he turned to look at you, and this was the first time he looked at you and realised just how beautiful you were. "I really like the cake." he ended and it made you smile.
"Happy to hear that." you said before you went back to cleaning and sweeping.
When he was done, you took a look for him at the back.
"I think they are gone." you said as you turned to look at him. "Could you just... you know..." you made a motion with your hands. "Fly away using your quirk or something?"
"I didn't want to attract more attention."
"Okay, you should be good now. Thank you for coming to my shop." you said as you let him out and he turned and offered you a smile before he left.
You couldn't believe it, how handsome he was, from the stories you heard, he was a hot-headed person, but with you, in your shop, he was calm and collected.
You never expected to see him again. Let alone a horde of heroes.
When they entered your humble little shop, wearing their super suits, you were stunned. But it was really good for the business, soon, your little shop was known as the place where heroes prefer to go, it was in the news.
Katsuki watched as you tried your best to serve everyone alone. Kamitani even made a comment on how he was staring, which he quickly shut down as you came over to his table to take their order.
Yes, soon, very soon, Katsuki would ask you out on a date, but for now, your chocolate chip cookies were enough.
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orangeaurora · 2 years
Steve Harrington | “I’m Here”
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Summary: Let’s just say your best friend Steve Harrington isn’t as good at hiding how in love he is with you as he thinks he is. You’re not feeling your best and call Steve to come over to help you and he gladly obliges.
word count: 1692
warnings: just some cussing here and there, nothing bad though. sick reader, sappy steve. I think that’s it :)
A/N: I wrote this cause I’m sick right now and would kill to have a hug from Steve Harrington. Hope you all enjoy, happy reading. :)
It was a cold winter day with cloudy skies and was forecasted to rain all day long. This was a day that you would usually take advantage of. Cuddle up by the window with your favorite blanket, hot chocolate beside you with your favorite book in hand. But no, not today. When you woke up, you felt like complete and utter shit. You would usually be okay with feeling a little under the weather, but this time was different. Your family members had already left for the day, leading their busy lives and you knew you couldn’t call your parents and ask one of them to come take care of you. So, you took a lucky shot and called the local video store, Family Video, to see if either of your beloved best friends were working and if they could point you in the right direction of the other. It was rare that Steve and Robin both worked the same shift on a weekday, so you were hoping that today was one of those occasions.
As the phone rang, you whispered under your breath that you hoped Robin was the one who picked up. As much as you loved her and enjoyed her company, you wanted the comfort of Steve Harrington more than anything at that moment. To your surprise, as if the universe answered your prayers, you hear a very bored voice pick up the phone, “Thank you for calling Family Video, I’m Robin, how can I help you?” Oh thank god. “Robin, it’s me, Y/N,” you could immediately hear the tone in Robin’s voice change and you could hear her smiling through the phone. “Dingus number two! How are you? You don’t sound like yourself. Everything okay?” She questioned you as you could hear concern behind her excited tone. “No, actually. I woke up this morning and I feel so sick. I don’t know, I think I have a fever? I’m home alone and I was hoping that you or Steve weren’t working so you could come help me?” I could hear her giggle over the phone, “Oh don’t sound so helpless yet Y/N, yeah I’m working but Steve is off today! How about you call him at home? I’ve got customers staring me down like they’re gonna kill me if I don’t help them soon.” She said between her teeth. You let out a heavy sigh of relief. “Y-yeah, I’ll call Steve, thank you, Robin, love you.” Your voice was soft, thankful that this phone call went exactly as you wanted it to. “No problem, feel better, yeah? I’LL BE RIGHT WITH YOU, okay I gotta go, I love you too. Byeeeee.” You heard your phone line beep, indicating that Robin ended the call and you started dialing Steve’s number.
“Hello?” A very groggy voice comes from the other end. “S-Steve? It’s Y/N, did I wake you?” Steve’s voice changed when he heard your voice the same way that Robin’s did only a few minutes ago. “Hey, you! I may or may not have been asleep still,” he sighed, almost embarrassed that he was sleeping. You laughed. “It’s okay, Stevie,” before you could finish what you were saying, Steve interrupted you. “Are you okay? You sound sick.” He must have heard your voice that is currently much deeper than your natural voice is. Tears started to form in your eyes as you realized how sick you actually felt. “N-no. Are you busy today? I feel like shit, I don’t think I could even get up to get water right now.” Steve’s heart cracked with every word you spoke, “Hey, hey don’t cry, it’ll only make it worse. There’s no way I’m gonna let my girl dehydrate okay? I’ll be there in ten and don’t cry anymore!” You heard the phone hang up and sighed, you felt at peace knowing Steve was going to be by your side soon.
Knock knock knock. Steve got to your house in a perfect 10 minutes and waited at your door in the rain until you managed to get out of bed. His palms were wet holding a bouquet of flowers for you that were from his mom’s garden. He couldn’t tell if it was from the rain or how sweaty his palms were at the moment. You made him so nervous. After all these years, King Steve just couldn’t get over how in love he was with you, though he’d never admit it. Robin and Dustin have tried countless times to trick him into a confession, but he has never given in. He loved you too much to allow himself to ruin the relationship the two of you already had. He couldn’t imagine a life without you in it, even if that meant you couldn’t be his. You finally opened up the door and felt like you looked pathetic. Steve smiled at you and you heard the smallest “oh, baby” leave his lips as he walked inside and pulled you into a hug. The hug was so warm, it was everything you needed. When he let go, you missed his touch instantly and then you saw the flowers in his hands. “Oh, Stevie, they’re beautiful! A shame I can’t smell them right now.” You pout, wishing your day with Steve was under different circumstances.
“I’ll put them in a vase, you go sit down and get under a blanket, I can see your goosebumps from a mile away.” Steve said as he pointed to the couch in your living room. You nodded your head in agreement and walked towards the couch. But, as you did, Steve couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. The way you wobbled and moved so slowly in order to make it to the couch. Why aren’t you helping her? Steve cursed himself out from under his breath as he quickly filled up a vase with water and plopped the flowers in it. “Do you need anything before I come sit down with you? How about that water you mentioned on the phone?” Steve asked as he peeked his head around the corner, with all your might you were able to push out a “yes please.” and Steve’s head disappeared from behind the wall and in only a few seconds he was back with a glass full of cold ice water.
Steve sat the cup down on the coffee table in front of you before he found his spot next to you on the couch. You started to sit up to make room for him but he shook his head, “No, no baby, here, lay your head on my lap.” You gladly followed his directions and got comfortable on Steve’s lap and his hands found your hair immediately and started brushing his fingers through it. “Thank god you came Steve, I almost called the kids. I was desperate.” Steve chuckled, “The last thing you need right now is a bunch of boys running around your house. Can you even imagine Dustin trying to help someone that’s sick??” You laughed with him, “No, but I think Will and Max could manage. Maybe even El. Oh what I’d do to have powers like that girl. I could’ve just used some cool telekinesis to make myself a glass of water.” Steve let out a tiny laugh, the one where only air comes out of your nose,
“But then I wouldn’t be here.” Your heart skipped a beat. He was right. As much as you didn’t want to be a burden to your friends, the company of your best friend was like no other. “Thank you for coming, Steve, I really needed this.” He smiled down at you “anything for my girl.” Steve Harrington knew exactly how to give you butterflies, and you did the same to him. He thought you looked ethereal right now in his lap and wished that he could take a picture of you. Though, he didn’t really need it because every moment like this with you sticks into that boy’s head. He wanted to tell you how he felt about you right then and there, it would be perfect, he thought to himself, but when he opened his mouth to speak, you beat him to it. “You’re so good to me, Stevie,” he could’ve shed a tear at your words, “I truly don’t deserve it.” Steve shook his head, “No, Y/N, you deserve the world.” You two stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments until Steve accidentally said it, the forbidden words that should have never left his lips
“I love you,” he froze. He didn’t mean to say them, “like, like as friends ya know, like love ya, cause we have known each other so long and you and Robin say it to each other and”- You were smiling the biggest, cheekiest smile ever and cut your best friend off, “I love you too, Steve.” And with just those words, Steve’s body finally relaxed under you, “You-you do? Like in the way you love Robin? Or a, I don’t know, a different way?” You managed to push yourself up off of Steve’s lap so you were sitting next to him, face to face, faces closer than they ever have been before.
“Oh Steve Harrington, if I wasn’t so sick I would kiss you right now just to shut you up,” You said through laughter. Steve looked at you in shock and you were waiting for him to say something as you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers with his. “Yes, Steve, I love you in a different way.” And there was the confirmation he needed, he didn’t care that you were sick, he cupped your face in his hands and crashed his lips onto yours. The kiss was eager, but soft at the same time. He was trying to be as gentle as possible with you, but you could feel how long he had been waiting to do this. When he finally pulled away, you were able to catch your breath. “Great, now you’ll be sick.” You said, Steve rested his forehead on yours, smiled and said, “I don’t care.”
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Hey!! Could you make Eddie fall in love with a short, transgender boy who is a highly judged hippie because of his style and calm way of talking? :]
Hi! I'll do my best!
Eddie Munson x Trans!Male Reader
Send me request here! Currently writing for Eddie Munson. I write for a variety of reader inserts (male, female, gender neutral, POC too).
The more details you had to your request, the better it is for me. EX: "What about some fluff for Eddie after he's had a long day?"
Feel free to look through my masterlist here!
Eddie doesn't even need to go into the pharmacy if he's honest. He's not sick. Wayne's not. But Eddie waltzes into the place, by passing the displays of makeup, and sunscreen and ducks behind the slightly higher than chest high aisle of supplements. A few feet behind the aisle, past the condoms, feminine hygiene products, and diapers sits the checkout counter.
And just behind the counter--the stacks of boxes nearly swallowing you whole, and hair following to shoulders--is the real reason Eddie is here. It's ridiculous really. Eddie feels like some school girl, trying to hide his blush and gaze. He picks up a bottle, the pills rattling inside at the action and Eddie watches you grab a box from the pile on the counter next to you and hitch it onto your hip.
The store is relatively empty. A few people are behind Eddie at the pharmacy window to pick up prescriptions but no one's just shopping the aisle. And it doesn't shock Eddie that no one is. It's 3:30 PM on a Tuesday afternoon. Most adults are still not off from work and the schools have just let out. But Eddie is here, not really reading the ingredients of the back of some supplement bottle to see if he can work up the nerve to talk to you.
It's not like it would hard. You're nice, approachable in ways that others may be annoyed by, but you're always thoughtful in your responses. Eddie first noticed you in his second attempt at second year mostly in glances and in passing. The two of you occupied vastly differing social spheres and as much as Eddie fronts about conforming, he needed a social pack that wouldn't shun him. Not satisifed by what he noticed he created his own and it came a particular brand.
Which is not to say that Eddie scared you off or wanted to scare you off, it was just that the pressure of high schools still seemed more important in terms of suriving. But six months ago, in the height of the summer, Eddie ran into this pharmacy for a quick soda and extra bandaids. And that's when he noticed how you smiled gently at everyone and he noticed how much when you spoke, it soothed him and made his heart flutter. He'd since been trying to find any and every reason to come into the store without it seeming excessive.
"I didn't take you as a health conscious being," you laugh. The words are soft and carrying the air of a pause between each of them.
Eddie snaps his head over at you, slightly lost in a different realm of existence. He read Vitamin C and spaced a little trying to think about making it look convincing that he might be overselling the surprise. Eddie laughs, "Folks keep warning me smoking's going to kill me one day so maybe I'm trying to slow it down."
You nod. "Only way to do that for good is to give up the smokes."
Eddie shrugs. "You're probably right."
"We've got nicotine gum on aisle 7. Unfortunately, this is not a grocery store, so no cold turkeys."
It's a terrible pun. You knew that when you made it, but Eddie's grin is bright. It makes your heart flutter and have to be careful that it doesn't flutter too much given the bandages around your chest. Now speaking of chest, you shift the box to your front hoping it helps with the pressure too.
Eddie's snort is fast and hard. "You really should be ashamed of--"
"Do you have to work as slow as you talk? I'd like to check out please."
You nod at the customer behind Eddie. He doesn't look to see who it is out fear he might walk out of here in handcuffs with sore knuckles. "I'll be happy to assist right after I finish with my first customer." It is practiced and measured response from the months that you've been working here.
The being huffs behind Eddie and he risks a quick glimpse over his shoulder--Mrs. Dobrzynski. She's always had a snippy attitude. "I didn't mean to be in the way," Eddie starts. "I'm sorry."
"No," you return evenly. "You have nothing to apologize for. If it's okay, I'll handle her and then back. Feel free to peruse all our wares."
Eddie gives a nod, watching you return to the counter. The checkout only takes a couple of minutes to ring up the handful of makeup items she has and she huffs the entire time as you check her out. Her heels click harshly before she ducks back out into the harsh and bitter winter winds.
Eddie watches you approach, bottle of supplements still in hand that he has no intention of buying at all. But he can't seem to put them back as he watches over you face. It's not as soft as it once was, but just behind that too Eddie feels the edge of excitement. "Did you cut your hair?" he asks.
You smile just a little, hearing the genuineness to his tone and the smile painting his lips helps too. "I did."
"I like it. Makes you look even more handsome." Eddie offers the last part softly. He's noticed. Though he doesn't know a lot. He's noticed the way you've made it clear to those you care to pay attention.
You didn't anticipate Eddie to catch on, but when he utters handsome you think for the first time you're glad you don't have to fully say it. "Thank-thank you."
"Do-" Eddie stops the sentence, kicking the toe of his sneaker into the floor. He looks at you, down a few inches due to the height difference. "Would you like to go out sometime?"
"What-what do you have in mind?" Your voice is softer than normal and Eddie thinks it might be a good sign that you asked about specifics rather than the joyful yes he was anticipating.
"I know the arcade is probably lame, but there and then a movie? Or wherever is going to make you feel the most comfortable."
"No, the arcade and a movie sounds nice. I'd like that." There's the pauses again--the way the sentence falls smoothly from your lips and Eddie's grateful for the sound to ease the thundering of his heart. You can feel the sweat now pooling and you can't tell if it's the binding or the heat of slight embarrassment warming your body.
Eddie smiles. "When are you free?"
"Thursday is my day off. I can meet you at the arcade say 5?"
Eddie would like to pick you up, treat you like a gentleman should, but he nods. "5 sounds good. It's-it's all on me."
"I'm a working man, c'mon. Don't underestimate me," you laugh.
"I don't think I am, actually. Just--want to treat you right," it comes out softly and nowhere as smooth as Eddie would like it to be.
"You do," you return simply. "You already do."
Eddie, as he walks out of the store, fists pumps proud of himself for not making a complete fool out of himself. That is until he catches some laughter and he spins to spot you, work shirt traded in now for a winter coat. A backpack strap is clear over the brown coat. "You didn't see that," Eddie warns.
You hold up your hands. "I didn't see anything. See you Thursday."
"Thursday," he grins. Eddie watches you back out of the spot and start onto the street, chest still filling with pride. He prays that Thursday comes quick.
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justaloreaddict · 2 months
Heh, so I wrote this a while ago and while I'm still fairly proud of it I feel a little silly about writing it in the first place.
A passing reunion
Maxwell stepped onto the station dock behind his superior, glancing around furtively in his helmet. The dock was abuzz with activity as people of all species unloaded and loaded ships also docked at the station. He followed his superior up the dock and deeper into the hive of activity.
“I’ve got some business to attend to elsewhere, meet me back here in four hours.” His superior stated, gesturing to a standing map a few feet ahead.
“Yes ma’am.” Maxwell nodded once before striding off into the crowd to look around, removing his helmet as he did so.
There were quite a few shops lining the streets as he wandered, but none of them really struck his fancy. Mostly businesses selling various goods he wasn’t in the mood to buy. He’d been saving up for some better armor anyway, so it was best not to spend too much.
As he was passing a tacky souvenir shop, he noticed a familiar outline amongst the shoppers. As he walked closer he recognized the voice. Immediately he smiled and entered the shop, quieting his footsteps a little out of habit.
“Castor?” He asked, surprised.
The man turned his head, a large and familiar crooked grin spreading across his face.
“Maxwell!” Castor straightened from viewing some of the colorful wares.
“Castor! Dude, it’s been years! How’ve you been, man?” Maxwell grinned, opening his arms and pulling his old friend into a firm hug. Castor clapped him on the back then they released each other.
“I’ve been good! Not much to complain about really. You?” Castor nodded his head as he spoke.
“It’s been…a lot. But hey! What brings you here?” Maxwell asked.
“Oh you know, gotta resupply somewhere.” Castor shrugged. “Hey, why don’t we go catch up over a drink?” He gave a friendly slap to his friend’s left shoulder.
“Sure.” Maxwell shrugged, nodding his head. “I’ve got a few hours to kill.”
“Great! I know a place with some interesting drinks.” Castor gestured for Maxwell to lead the way out of the shop.
Maxwell obliged, then fell into step on the left of his friend as they forged their way through the crowd. They talked a bit about what they’d been up to since they’d last seen each other, interspersed with Castor pointing out shops of interest or to avoid for one reason or another. That one has terrible customer service, that one’s sorta illegal maybe, that one’s got an owner with a great personality, that one has killer deals but trashy products, etc, etc. Finally they reached their destination; a smoothie stall with a flavor list compartmentalized by species.
“They’ve got somewhere near one hundred and twenty flavors of smoothie. Twelve for each of ten known species. It’s crazy.” Castor mentioned. “The best thing though is to try flavors for other species. I’ve tried one or two flavors. I don’t recommend that one though.” He pointed to a flavor marked under ‘Volus’. “Makes your tongue numb and everything tastes like bacon.”
Maxwell laughed. “Doesn’t sound too bad actually.” He chuckled.
“You think that’s funny? No one could understand me for the rest of the day!” Castor laughed too.
“Maybe you should get it again.” Maxwell teased, playfully punching his friend in the right shoulder.
“Naaahhh, I don’t like bacon that much.” Castor shook his head, smiling.
“Fine. Which should I try, you think?” Maxwell glanced over the overwhelming list of flavors.
“Hmm… you try that one-” Castor pointed to one under ‘Turian’. “And I’ll try this one.” He moved his hand to indicate a flavor under ‘Elcor’. “Then we can swap and try both.”
“Sounds good to me.” Maxwell grinned.
Ten minutes later the two were sitting in a plaza area on the side of a step, sort of out of the way. It was a lot to catch up on, having not seen each other for five years. Three hours flew by, and Maxwell shot up when he noticed the clock on one of the columns.
“What’s wrong?” Castor asked, standing as well.
“I totally forgot! I gotta go. I’ll get in trouble if I’m not at the sign by the docks in ten minutes!”
“Shoot! Uhm… Quick! This way!” Castor indicated a direction with his head before taking off at a light jog.
Maxwell followed, a little confused but relieved that Castor was trying to help. They wove between main roads and back alleys, getting spat out at the docks seven minutes later.
“Thanks man. I owe you one.” Maxwell clapped Castor on the shoulder.
“See you later man. Hopefully soon.” Castor said a bit sadly, catching his forearm. They gripped one another’s forearms for a second, then Maxwell ran off towards the sign, shoving on his helmet as he ran.
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ohmyejun · 2 years
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✩... barista!jiseok x gn!reader
✩... 0.8k (i think)
✩... crack, a bit of angst, fluff?, coffee shop au
✩... kidnapping, cursing, spit (NOT LIKE THAT HELP), death if you squint, mention of violence, trauma
✩... barista gaon is STUCK in my brain... enjoy!
✩... You and Jiseok are chilling doing your job until your least favored person walks into the cafè. Jiseok takes matters into his own hands.
⎯⎯ ୨ "Whatever. I definitely served justice..." ୧ ⎯⎯
"I'm just saying, they could've beat your ass if you tried harder. You're not really that hard to beat." He joked but looked down at the cup he was drying nervously, holding back a smile from his own statement. He wasn't careful with his words there, and you were ready to slap the shit out of him.
"Yeah, whatever. You're lucky I'm not beating the shit out of you right now, that's exactly why you won't face me." Which made Jiseok look up at you, setting the cup down and crossing his arms with raised eyebrows and an open mouth smirk. "Who won't face you? You wanna do this right now? In the middle of the cafè?" The cafè wasn't as busy as it normally was, the few customers that were in there had already gotten thier orders, but exchanged weird looks at each other as they watched you two behind the counter.
"I won't embarrass you in front of them today. You're safe." You spoke, causing him to roll his eyes and go back to drying the cup. He continued to lean against the counter as he watched you with only one eyebrow raised as you made yourself some coffee and bit aggressively into a pastry.
"Something on your mind or did I piss you off?" Jiseok had a slight smile on his face, but he was genuinely curious, almost worried. You had that look of stress on your face as you watched a man walk towards the cafè doors through the huge glass windows. His wide eyes met the windows, also watching the man. You bit your lip as the guy walked through the door, Jiseok's eyes switching from the man to you a couple of times before he read the room.
Not too long ago, you had finally gotten the courage to talk to your best friend about what happened a couple of months ago. You were sitting in the hospital, waiting to be able to visit your mom until you suddenly felt as if you were being pulled out of your seat. You came to your senses when you were already outside, about to be stuffed into a man's car, this specific man that just walked into the cafè. The only reason you escaped it before getting into the car was because you realized what was happening and kicked him as hard as you could, running home. You couldn't even see your mom after that. Little did you know, that day would be your last chance to see her. "Hey." You wished you could've taken care of him yourself, but you didn't have it in you.
So Jiseok did just that, he took care of it. As he prepared the man's order, he couldn't help but feel angry. He has the nerve to step foot in a public space, knowing what he did to you and probably many others? Who did he think he was? As he gave the man his order, he gave him the fakest and smuggest smile, knowing exactly what he did to not only the food, but the drink too. He knew you'd be proud of him, or maybe you'd just think he was crazy. Either way, he felt like he served justice in a way.
"YOU SPIT IN ALL OF IT?" You yelled with wide eyes, causing you both to receive more weird looks from the customers. Jiseok laughed nervously as he looked at the other people in the cafè, bowing at them before sighing. "What? He had it coming. Who the fuck does he think he is? Does he not feel guilty about anything? God, I swear I would've hurt him. How can people be so sick?"
"Jiseok, you'd get fired." "But it'd be worth i- Wait... you're worried about me getting fired?" A teasing smirk grew on his face as he crossed his arms, you tolling your eyes. "You know what? Beating your ass doesn't sound too bad right now. I can get another job." His smirk quickly disappeared while yours grew as you began chasing him through the kitchen. You really were grateful for him. Who else would spit in someone's food for you? Not just the food, but also the drink. And not just a little bit. Friends like Jiseok were hard to come by, which is why you always bragged about him to your family. He's done so much for you, and you can't help but feel like you owe him no matter how much he assures you that you don't. Little do you know, you do more for him than he does for you, but that's an argument for another time.
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weirdkpopgirl · 2 years
Café Love | Jaemin Fic #2
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Title: Café Love
Genre: Fluff, Barista AU
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, alcohol, cancer
Word Count: ~2.3k
Author's Note: This is just something I've been working on the past week. I am a part-time barista, so I got a little inspiration for this story. My friend also helped me come up with half of this, so I credit her great ideas. I really hope you guys like this. Thank you for reading ^ - ^
Ever since freshman year of college started, Kim (Y/n) found herself in three places. The campus building where she attended classes, her apartment where she studied and recharged from social overstimulation, and the part-time job at Cafe 7 she had gotten two summers ago.
(Y/n) honestly enjoyed being a barista. Not so much the interacting-with-customers part. It was more of the soft music that played in the background and the aroma of coffee beans she had grown to like. Having friendly coworkers was also a plus.
“Hey, (Y/n)!” Jaemin waved from behind the counter when he saw her coming through the entrance. She smiled and shyly waved back.
Jaemin was one of those friendly coworkers. When they met a few months ago, (Y/n) was a little intimidated by his charismatic personality. But after getting to know him, she came to see that he was a pretty interesting person. 
Early on, she learned he was a college dropout who would be in the year above her if he hadn’t. He loved coffee and drank two to three cups with four extra shots daily. On his off days, he enjoyed photography and often liked to take pictures of his friends.
The two of them exchanged small talk until their other coworker, Hyejin came, allowing Jaemin to get off his shift. He usually worked in the morning on weekdays while (Y/n) took the closing shifts because of school.
Jaemin often noticed the tiredness in her eyes, whether she had stayed up too late studying or was drained from class. Nonetheless, she still came nearly every day, ready to work.
A few minutes after he clocked out, he realized he forgot his phone. Just as he reentered the cafe, he spotted (Y/n) and Hyejin behind the counter. (Y/n) was preparing a customer’s order, while Hyejin was talking to her. 
Not wanting to eavesdrop, he headed to the back and grabbed his phone to leave again. But he stopped in his tracks when he heard his name mentioned.
“Na Jaemin, is kinda cute don’t you think?” He heard Hyejin say. “He seems like your ideal type.”
(Y/n) hated how her cheeks immediately flushed at Hyejin’s comment. What she said wasn’t necessarily wrong. For one thing, Jaemin was one of those rare guys who was genuinely kind. He was introverted, which sparked many conversations about their quiet lifestyles. He also had a lovely smile.
Even though (Y/n) wasn’t too experienced (or at all) in the field of dating, Jaemin was everything she could hope for in a guy. Yet—as much as the thought of him made her heart flutter, a sense of discouragement came with it.
“Yeah he is. But I don’t think it would work out.” (Y/n) shook her head, as she poured steamed milk into a cup with espresso. 
“Why do you say that?”
She reached for a lid and cup holder. “I just…can’t see why a guy would like me. Much less someone like Na Jaemin.”
“What are you talking about?” Hyejin scoffed in disbelief. “There’s so many things to like about you—”
But (Y/n) quickly interrupted and handed Hyejin the drink she just made. “No, there really isn’t. Now, can you deliver this to the girl over there?”
A frown etched on Jaemin’s face, upset by what he heard. (Y/n)’s words stuck with him the rest of the day. Frankly, he’s liked her for quite some time now. In the beginning, she was very reserved and only spoke to him when necessary. But once she warmed up, he thought of (Y/n) as a bundle of everything soft and cute in the world.
He loved the way her eyes lit up when she talked about something she was passionate about. He liked the sweet tone she used when telling customers to have a good day before they left. His heart always did flip-flops whenever she hummed to certain songs that played in the cafe.
“You’re so whipped,” Jeno teased, after listening to Jaemin’s rant back at home.
Jaemin’s feet kicked on the bed. “I just don’t understand! Why would she think that I wouldn’t like her?”
“I don’t know. Maybe you should try showing her you do,” Jeno shrugged.
He let his best friend’s words sink into his head. The suggestion didn’t sound too bad.  If he wanted (Y/n) to know his true feelings, showing was better than telling right?
So following Jeno’s advice, Jaemin became determined to prove (Y/n) wrong. His official plan to pursue her was formed.
He practically had to beg their manager, Johnny, to put him and (Y/n) together for more shifts. It took some convincing, but the tall male eventually gave in.
“(Y/n)-ah!” He called, standing by the espresso machine.
He picked up the slip of receipt paper with a customer’s order on it and scratched his head. “I forgot how to make a matcha frappe. Can you show me?”
(Y/n) sighed and shook her head before grabbing the bottle of matcha from the fridge. 
“Haven’t you been working here longer than me? How did you forget?” She lightly scolded.
In response, Jaemin smiled brightly at her. “Luckily, I have a beautiful, smart coworker to help me out.”
He didn’t miss the shade of pink that was dusted across her cheeks. But she tried to play it off and cleared her throat before asking him to hand her a measuring cup. 
After that day, there were several other occurrences where (Y/n) would find herself in a flustered state. Na Jaemin was seriously driving her crazy. Receiving compliments from him wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. But recently, (Y/n) felt like he was doing it on a different level.
After closing, Johnny would say “Good job today, guys!” 
Jaemin would then add, “Especially our (Y/n)-i~!”
The days passed and Jaemin’s flirtations continued. 
One day he would be like, “That sweater looks nice on you, (Y/n)-ssi. The color compliments your skin!”
Another time he said, “I like the way you styled your hair today! You should wear it like that more often.”
Every day they worked together, he somehow managed to say something to make her blush profusely. But the more he did it, the more (Y/n) found herself appreciating his kind words. For someone who was constantly overthinking, Jaemin’s encouragement was reassuring.
“(Y/n), try this!” He handed her a glass containing a red-colored beverage. 
Business was slow today, and only two customers were here. So Jaemin was fooling around, making random drinks.
She raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t you try it?”
“I don’t like strawberries,” He said plainly.
Convinced by his excuse, (Y/n) reluctantly took a sip of the smoothie. He watched as her eyes widened with delight.
“It’s good!” She gave him a thumbs up in approval.
(Y/n) placed the beverage down and glanced over to the people sitting near the window. Her smile slowly began to fade as she watched the girl feed the guy a piece of cake. They looked at each other with so much endearment. 
“They look cute, don’t you think?” She gestured to their table. “The couple over there.”
  “Why do you sound so sad when saying that?” Jaemin asked.
She shrugged. “I don’t know…I kinda wish I had what they had. But I know that could never happen to me.”
He tilted his head in confusion.“What do you mean?”
(Y/n)’s gaze shifted over to Jaemin, looking at him with slight hesitation. She bit her lip, contemplating whether to be truthful. It was Jaemin at the end of the day. He wouldn’t judge her, right?
“I’ve struggled with anxiety all of my life.” Her eyes rested on her folded hands on the counter. It sounded as if she was embarrassed by this confession. Jaemin could tell this was a hard topic for her to talk about. 
“And it stops me from doing a lot of things,” (Y/n) continued, “I’ve never been in a relationship. But if I were, I fear I’d just end up becoming a burden to that person.”
What she said next made Jaemin’s heart hurt. She turned to look at him, wearing a sad smile. “Honestly, I can’t imagine why a person would love me.”
This was probably the most real she’s ever been with someone. She wasn’t exactly sure why she was telling Jaemin all this. It felt scary, after being used to hiding this part of herself.
Jaemin went silent, pondering on what to say. She began to worry, afraid she had overshared.
“I’m sorry for telling you this—”
“A person doesn't need a reason to love, they just do,” Jaemin then said. 
He took a step closer, where the two faced each other. Their shoes almost touched. The compassion pouring from his eyes made her heart beat faster.
“You deserve to be loved, Kim (Y/n),” He spoke softly. “Even if you don’t think so.”
That moment with Jaemin kept replaying in (Y/n)’s head. She couldn’t stop thinking about his words, and it was slowly driving her insane.
“It seems like he likes you,” Hyejin said after hearing what happened.
The idea immediately caused (Y/n) to shake her head in denial. “What? No, it can’t be—”
But Hyejin cut her off. “You seriously don’t know guys, (Y/n)-ah. Giving compliments, making drinks for you, and saying sappy sweet stuff? Those are all signs that he likes you!”
Was she that oblivious? The possibility of Jaemin actually liking her never crossed her mind. This whole time, (Y/n) thought he was just being a nice senior. 
“You really think so?” (Y/n) asked, still a little unsure.
Hyejin nodded, “But the real question is, do you like him too?”
Thinking back to what her coworker said, (Y/n) recalled all the time she experienced this strange feeling whenever she was around Jaemin. He truly was a kindhearted person. She didn’t think she'd ever met a man as sincere as him.
But just as (Y/n) was slowly accepting her feelings for Jaemin, the boy’s sweet acts toward her stopped. He barely talked during shifts and kept to himself. (Y/n) started to think that maybe Hyejin was wrong. Maybe he was just playing with her.
However, (Y/n) suspected that wasn’t it when he started missing days of work. And she began to understand the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
Unable to sleep one night, (Y/n) left her apartment and dropped by the convenience store. Having a drink sounded like a good idea to get her mind off things. She didn’t expect to see the very boy occupying her thoughts, sitting outside downing a shot of soju.
Instantly his head turned to (Y/n) who cautiously approached his table. She noticed his eyes were slightly red. Had he been crying?
“Oh (Y/n) sorry, I didn’t see you there.” He swiped his eyes, pretending as if everything was normal.
But (Y/n) wasn’t fooled by the fake smile he wore. She sat down in the empty chair beside him. He reached for the green bottle to pour another glass for himself. But she placed her hand over his, stopping him.
“Jaemin-ssi…what’s wrong?” She asked gently.
He sucked in a breath and looked down. He didn’t want to bother (Y/n) with his problems. But he had been holding so much in, that he was on the verge of exploding if he didn’t tell someone.
“My mom has stomach cancer, stage four,” Jaemin swallowed.
Her jaw dropped slightly at this. She didn’t know what to say. “Jaemin, I…I’m so sorry.”
“I’m such a bad son,” He lamented, pressing his knuckles against his temple. “I should’ve known something was wrong. I should’ve been taking more care of her.”
Seeing Jaemin look so utterly broken made (Y/n) want to take away all his pain. She could only imagine what he was going through.
“Jaemin, your mom being sick isn’t your fault. It was out of your control,” She said, squeezing his hand.
The boy shook his head. “It’s not just that though.”
He started to tell her about how throughout his childhood, his mom worked as a single parent and had a tteokbokki stand. She spent so many years, earning money to send her only son off to college. But he didn’t even last a week and instead was working a part-time job.
“Gosh, I’m so worthless!” He clenched the shot glass in his hand, as more tears spilled out of his eyes.
(Y/n) frowned and countered, “Na Jaemin, you are not worthless. So many people think you’re lovely and wonderful. Anyone who has you in their lives is lucky and loves you.”
“Do you?” He glanced up at her with teary eyes.
She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, thinking about his question.
“Honestly, I was worried when you suddenly disappeared,” She quietly admitted. “I guess I got used to you always cheering me on. When I’m with you, I feel like I can be myself without judgment.”
(Y/n) gathered all the courage to meet his eyes once more. “You’ve become the most precious person in my life. So yes…I think I’m in love with you.”
Those three words that just left her mouth were frightening. But they felt that much real. Her heartbeat sped up uncontrollably, and her face was hot. She searched Jaemin’s eyes for a response, wondering if she made a mistake.
But then he leaned over to pull her into a hug, startling her. “Thank you (Y/n) For being the one person in my life that doesn’t mind my flaws.”
Touched by his words, (Y/n) slowly smiled and hugged him back. By the way, he held her tightly, she knew that her feelings were not one-sided.
“Maybe because I have a lot of flaws myself,” She murmured. 
Jaemin slightly pulled out of the hug and smiled at her brightly. He leaned over to place a soft kiss on her forehead.
“And they are perfect.”
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malebellyworld · 2 years
1.) To Be Young and In Love
Chubby!Ramiverse!Peter Parker x Male!Reader
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⚠️TW ⚠️: The following mentions E.D., Depression, and S.A.
(Anything italicized is referring to the past.)
Spiderman Swings Into Action
You sighed as you walked away from reading the latest on the newsstand on your way to work. Ever since you moved from Connecticut to New York City things changed drastically. You and your family moved in last summer, but for the wrong reasons. Your dad was caught drinking on the job, and after they fired him his friend called him about an open spot in the ship yards and your mom worked at the dry cleaners. But now that you turned sixteen, your parents sort of pressure you into getting a job.
You were on your way to work at the Atlantic Diner. Everyday you would go right after school, dressed in your uniform and ready for another grueling shift dealing with noisy screeching children, rude elderly people, and the occasional Karen raging about the wrong order.
However, one thing that stood out from the rest of the customers was that Peter Parker - the guy who was not even considered to be on the food chain - was sitting there at the bar lazily stirring a melted chocolate milkshake, a sullen look on his face as he was lost in his thoughts, disconnected from it all.
Ever since his uncle Ben died three days ago, Peter has not been the same. Just yesterday, Flash Thomson was trying to apologize to Peter, but then he immediately responded by slamming the taller boy into the lockers. It was shocking to see someone so gentle and calm as Peter flip in a split second.
After you put your apron and name tag on, you began taking orders from other tables and going back and forth with drinks and plates. As you did this, though, you could not help but glance over at Peter as he remained still in the same position you saw him.
You could not help but feel bad for him.
A few minutes had passed, yet Peter still stayed in the same spot as before, gazing into nothing. You sighed as you walked up behind the counter, putting on a small but warm smile on your face.
“Hey, Peter.”
The boy jerked back into reality, glancing up at you with crystal blue eyes as he smiled softly at you. “Oh, hey, Y/n.” He said awkwardly.
“How’s everything going?.” You asked as you handed the chef the ticket order.
“Uh, I-I don’t know, it’s alright I guess.” Peter said, still staring at his melted milkshake.
You sighed heavily as you refilled a few drinks. “And how’s your aunt doing?.”
“She’s okay, still hasn’t gotten much sleep lately.” Peter said glumly.
“And what about Mary Jane, how’s she doing?.” You asked.
“W-We… haven’t spoke much in a while.” Peter said, a trace of sadness was in his tone.
“Oh… I’m sorry to hear that.” You said, cringing.
“It’s okay…” Peter mumbled.
You could see his eyes growing even more red with each passing second, his face pinching and contorting in deep-seeded agony. Peter was usually great at hiding his emotions, even after being beat by Flash, not a single tear would leave his eyes.
But now, it is a full view and for the first time ever, the nerd boy everyone seems to treat like nothing, is now taking off his shield and letting the whole world know that he too can hurt just as much as anyone else.
You immediately laid your hand over his, your thumb rubbing the side of his fist. “I know how it all feels like,” You said, earning a tearful look from Peter. “I know what it feels like when seemingly everyone is leaving you and nothing is working as the way it should be.”
Peter only nodded, placing his hand over yours. “Thanks, Y/n, but I think I should go home now.”
You hesitated as the brunette got up from his seat, pulling a ten dollar bill from his wallet and tossing it on the counter. You immediately grabbed Peter by his arm, causing him to jerk his head back to you in shock as he gazes at you with wide blue eyes, causing you to let go.
“Uh, maybe we could hang some time, go see what’s in the movies probably?.” You asked, biting down on the inside of your cheek.
Peter stood there for a moment, thinking of whether or not this was a prank, until he finally nodded his head. “Yeah, sure sounds good.”
“O-okay, I’ll call you. Bye.” You said shyly. Peter smiled a little before walking out the door.
To say the least, things between you two were slow; Peter mostly going on about how he was applying for a job at The Daily Bugle as a photographer, or how he and Aunt May were handling the entirety of the death of Uncle Ben. But what killed your spirit the most, was how he was insistent on dating Mary Jane.
Despite her being a genuinely good person, she still had left Peter in this space of uncertainty as she was still with Harry Osborn, while at the same time she would build Peter up into thinking he could have his chance with her. And it hurt you to see that even though they were good for each other, they still had their flaws that were left unattended like untreated infections.
You, on the other hand, would devote as much time to the lovable nerd as much as you could, mostly meeting him at the diner for some fires and a milkshake.
Sometimes he would eat more than that, sometimes it was a whole two plates worth of food, and yet Peter would still look the same as before, blaming it on how he was always running after the school bus every morning.
It was not until the homecoming dance came around when Peter had finally worked up the courage to ask out Mary Jane. Sadly, she declined, opting for going with Harry to go see a showing of Wicked the same night. This meant that you had your chance to ask Peter, regardless of whatever anyone thought.
“Hey, Peter. I gotta ask you something,” You asked as you both worked on your Physics experiment.
“What is it?.” He asked softly.
“… I-I was wondering if you were free this Saturday?.” You asked.
“Uh, I think so, why?.” Peter asked as he looked at you quizzically.
“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to go with me to the movies this Saturday?.” You asked, rubbing the back of your neck.
He stayed quiet for a moment. Peter did not know what exactly to think about all this; getting asked out, let alone by a guy. He usually spent his Saturdays inside either working on his homework or a new assignment for The Daily Bugle, or secretly doing night patrol in his spidersuit.
“Uh, I-I don’t know…” Peter said awkwardly. “Besides I have some stuff to do for work and if I miss that then my boss’ll kill me.”
“We can go in the early afternoon and I’ll have you back home by four.” You said.
Peter hesitated for a bit, biting his bottom lip. “Okay.”
You smiled. “Great, I’ll see you then.”
You knew Peter Parker was an awkward nervous wreck half of the time. As you both sat through the previews, you could see from the corner of your eye Peter biting his nails as he stared intensely at the screen, and since Peter hardly had any nails left to chew off, you passed the large tub of popcorn over to him causing him to jump from his trance.
You smiled, shaking the tub. “It’s always nice to share.”
Peter smiled sheepishly. “Thanks.” He said, taking a handful of popcorn and shoving it in his mouth.
This went on for the first half of the movie. You would be mainly glued to the screen watching all the action go down as Peter continuously ate popcorn without even stopping for a drink. You knew everyone had their ways of coping with anxiety, nail biting being one of the main mechanics, but never did you see constant eating as one of them. Yes you’ve heard of stress eating, but never seen it in person.
After the movie had ended, You were expecting Peter to immediately go back home, but to your surprise, he insisted that you both go out to eat.
After ordering your favorite item from the menu, Peter was still picking out a few things as you sat there, awkwardly taking a few sips from your cup as Peter went on, ignoring the surprised expressions from the elderly waitress.
You didn’t know what exactly to think of it. Peter was always hardly eating and he’d mostly be seen eating bits of his food like a bird. Maybe he was just really hungry today? Maybe he’s trying to bulk up? Maybe he skipped breakfast this morning?
("What if it’s something else?.")You thought. After all, tomorrow marks three weeks since his uncle had died. ("What if it’s just that, what if he’s stressed out?.")
You were brought back to reality when Peter was calling your name from beyond your mind, causing You to slightly flinch as Peter reached to touch your hand. “I’m sorry, I must’ve blanked out.”
“It’s okay, I was just asking if your come here often.” Peter said in his typical soft tone.
“Uh, not really, I usually go to school and work and then home.” You said with a small giggle.
Peter nodded. “Is there anywhere else you go to?.”
“Not really, I don’t have much of a social life.” You gazed back down at your drink, swirling the ice around.
“I know how it feels,” Peter said solemnly.
Before You could say anything else, the waitress came back with your food first. You waited a bit for Peter's to come, and when it did your eyes grew wide. The other boy had ordered four large plates of food, along with two desserts.
You didn't say much, weary if you'd hurt Peter's feelings. Instead, You just ate quietly, glancing over at Peter every now and then to see him scarfing down his food like he hasn't eaten in weeks.
"So, what are your plans for homecoming next week?." You asked.
Peter barely paused from his eating. "Not really," He said with a mouthful of Salisbury steak. "Probably just staying in at home."
You nodded, watching as he finished the first plate within four minutes, moving on to the next without taking a break, not even to drink his coke.
("He probably skipped out on breakfast today,") You thought as You saw Peter begin on his second plate - a BLT with a side of fries.
"What about you?." Peter asked.
You sighed, "Uh, I guess I might pick up an extra shift, maybe pick up drawing again."
Peter nodded before finishing off the rest of his sandwich and eating whatever was left with the fries.
("What if he could be binging?.") You thought. ("Maybe some kind of disorder?.")
But You didn't know what exactly he was dealing with. After all, he never was one to show any emotion, let alone any disorders he may be facing. It was almost like he wasn't even human at times. Like he was a creature from a different place, and he was trying to survive every day.
By the time he finished his third plate, Peter has let out a long sigh as he rested his hand above his stomach. You could not help but gaze at him, your heart fluttered a little as he gently rubbed his stomach, letting out a short burp before opening his eyes and going to finish off the fourth plate - shepherd’s pie with beef.
The two of you sat in silence and you’re gaze never left Peter as he ate and ate until there was nothing left on his plate. Peter glanced over at your plate and noticed that You hardly made a dent.
“Are you okay?.” He asked.
“Uh, yeah, I’m just not that hungry.” You said with a little smile.
Peter swallowed. “Um, do you want a to-go box?.”
You shook your head. “No, that’s okay, thanks anyway.”
Peter began to blush as he stared at your unfinished plate, his mouth agape as his eyes looked distant and glassy. He was almost in some odd trance-like state, completely enamored by the food You had ordered, his mouth growing watery.
“Uh, do you want some of it?.” You asked shyly.
Peter snapped his eyes up at You, giving a short nod with a small innocent smile, those blue eyes gleaming with joy, and your heart was driven madly into adoration.
Once You gave Peter your plate he immediately began to consume every single thing left until there was nothing else left but whatever little garnishment the cook had put there.
He leaned back against the booth, his shirt resting tightly around his fully bloated stomach. You tried so desperately not to look, not to touch, but it was a very difficult task You somehow managed to pull off.
• • •
A few weeks had passed since that day. You and Peter were still talking but you haven’t seen him that often, and if You did, he’d be secretly snacking on something during class, or eating everything he had on his tray at lunch.
You started to notice that he was beginning to don an oversized sweatshirt in the beginning of spring. You always knew Peter was self-conscious but it was never this bad. Everyday he would be on the bus wearing the same navy blue hoodie, never once would he take it off, only rolling the sleeves up to his elbows to reveal more defined and thicker arms than their regular spindly figure. You wanted to ask something, but once again You thought it just wasn’t in your place to do so.
One night, You were walking back home from work. You had taken the bus and it was already starting to drizzle, so You picked up the pace a little bit. As You were walking, however, a loud smash had caused You to look behind to see what was happening.
Three tall men were stalking their way towards You, their voices were slurred as the scent of booze wafted off themselves. The began to crowd You and slowly began backing You into the corner of a dark alleyway. You looked for any chance of an exit, but one of them had placed their arms beside You, practically trapping You from the world.
The man was big and bald, a large scar on his left eye, a demonic smile that made You shiver in the now pouring rain. He leaned in closer, his mouth grazing your neck.
You looked around with wide eyes, hoping for anyone who could help, but during this time of night, your chances were slim and nothing was going to stop these guys from doing whatever they wanted to You.
As the taller man forcefully pulled You into him, You felt every ounce of dread flood your body. Dysphoria was took over full time once the man reached down your pants, his large rough hand fondling You as he gripped your waist, his mouth tasted that of cigarettes and cheap alcohol.
“Hey save some for us too, Mitchie.” Said one of the assailants.
The man - Mitchie - simply grunted in your mouth as he continued to forcefully smash your lips against his.
You let out a shrill and muffled scream before the man slammed You against the wall and knocked the wind out of You.
However, before the man could do anything else, a loud “Hey!” caused everyone to jolt from what they were doing, glancing all around to find who was disrupting them.
You never thought you’d be seeing THE Spider-Man right in front of You, but low and behold, there he was standing there behind everyone, almost analyzing the situation going on.
“Now what’s gonna happen here is that either you guys leave him alone, or I’m gonna have to do everything my way.” He said.
“And what the fuck are you gonna do about it if we say no?.” Said the other assailant.
Without warning, Spider-Man launched a web at one of the guy’s face, causing him to stumble back into a pile of wet cardboard boxes. The other guy charged after Spider-Man, narrowly avoiding the punch that was sent flying in his direction.
“Okay, I see how it’ll be.” Spider-Man said.
He threw the first punch with success, causing the goon to nearly fall back as blood began to flow down his nose. However, before the man could even throw his next punch, a web wrapped his fist up before the rest of his body was wrapped up in webbing.
You gazed into the annoyed eyes of Mitchie as turned to face off against the superhero. He popped his knuckles and neck before charging at Spider-Man, who simply dodged out of the way. This aggravated Mitchie, and so the bald man started wildly throwing his fists at the hero, missing his face completely before his arms were bound to his sides with webbing.
Spider-Man glanced over to You, gently walking up to see if You were okay. “Do you need any help?.”
You shivered as you gazed into those large blank white eyes. You nodded, “Please, I just want to go home.”
Spider-Man carefully lifted You off the ground, your body leaning against his. “Just hold on tight, okay?.”
You nodded, wrapping your arms and legs around him before this sudden jolt made your whole body become weightless for a split second. He was swinging from building to building as You buried your face into the curve of his neck, squeezing your eyes shut as your grasp on him tighten even more. As the rain began to go into a full-on downpour, the air around you was cold and wild.
You nestled in closer to the vigilante, desperate for any form of heat as you both swing through block to block. He had no particular scent to him, just the rubbery smell of his costume and the wet industrial surroundings, but his presence alone brought this form of comfort to You after what happened before.
By the time he reached your house, Spider-Man gently landed his feet on the ground, his arms still holding You close to his body as he walked up to the stoop. He bent his head down, gently running his gloved hand over your hair.
“We’re here,” he announced in a low but soft voice.
You lifted your head up from his shoulder and glanced around in amazement. You knew that Spider-Man must’ve been all around town, but it surprised You how accurate he knew where You lived without the need for asking the address. It shook it off before unwrapping your legs from his waist, the stinging numbness causing You to momentarily loose balance and slump forward onto the hero’s chest. You let out a small “uhf” as You collided with the muscular and rough surface, your face blushing madly as You tried to lift yourself up.
“I’m sorry about that,” You mumbled, pushing yourself off of the masked man. “My legs kinda lost feeling for a moment.”
“It’s okay, it happens to everyone,” Spider-Man stated with a hint of warmth in his tone.
You smiled a little before glancing down. “Uh, thank you for saving me back there,”
“You’re welcome, just promise me that you’ll be careful next time, and if you ever need help, just call out for me.” Spider-Man stated.
You nodded before walking up the stoop, taking one last glance at your savior, who nodded to You, before launching a web before swinging off into the dreary night sky.
• • •
Two weeks had passed since your encounter with the guys in the alley, and with Spider-Man. You decided not to tell anyone else because not everyone would’ve believed you in the first place, since a lot of people will make up stories about being saved by Spider-Man for their fifteen minutes of fame. But your encounter made feel somewhat safe when it came to working night shifts, as though someone out there really cared about your well-being.
Aside from the whole Spider-Man thing, You noticed that Peter hadn’t shown up to school for a week. You didn’t see him around the halls, in lunch, nor in physics class.
Ben Parker’s funeral was last week and You decided to go for Peter. You were standing far behind everyone as they surrounded the gravesite as a frigid gust of wind blew the dead leaves passed the casket, causing You to shiver before sinking into your coat. You couldn’t see Peter from where you stood, glancing around gravestones and mourners to see how Peter was doing. You gave up, ultimately deciding to just wait and pay your respects to the man who lost his life in such a senseless and horrific way.
By the time the service was over, everybody began to disperse as You stood there, watching the casket come into full view. You licked your lips nervously as You carefully walked up holding a white flower in your hand. You gently laid it down over the plethora of white flowers on the casket, a immense wave of emotions rushed through your body.
Peter and Mary Jane were standing just a few feet away from you. She was comforting him as Harry Osborn watched at the sidelines, his gaze on the ground as he shoved his hands in his pockets. You noticed something different about Peter, his overall attitude was closed off from the world, almost like his real self was shut off momentarily.
Another thing You noticed was his overall appearance. He wasn’t as lanky as he was before, his shoulders were no longer frail and were more broad in his ill-fitting suit. His face seemed to have more definition to it, his jawline was still there and it made him look a little older, but his face seemed to be chubbier than the last time You saw him.
After an awkward exchange between them, Mary Jane walked over to Harry, taking her arm in his as they walked to the front entrance of the cemetery. You hesitantly walked over to where Peter stood, not taking his glance away from the casket.
“P-Peter?.” You said in a soft tone.
Peter snapped his head in your direction, offering a short smile, “Oh, hey, how’ve you been?.”
“I uh, I’ve been okay, I missed you,” You said.
Peter smiled before glanced over at himself. “I haven’t been feeling too good lately, you know with work and everything going on,”
“Yeah,” You said. “Listen, if you ever feel like talking, don’t be a stranger, I’m always free.”
Peter nodded before glancing back down. “I uh, I gotta go, the service is happening at one of the diners Ben used to visit, maybe you should come by?.”
“I wish I could but I have to go to work in an hour, so I’m in a bit of a time crunch,”
Peter nodded before walking off to the front gates of the cemetery leaving You all alone with the groundskeepers who began to lower the casket.
• • •
It was another night coming back home from work, thankfully, though, it wasn’t pouring down like before.
It was a cold night, but a night that was nonetheless, filled with terror. A night that You, and all of New York would never forget.
What was once a peaceful walk home listening to music, had soon changed to a night of survival and fear. The last thing You remembered was being tackled into the air by something (someone) coming at you like a freight train. At first You thought it was Spider-Man coming to visit you again, but the gravelly cackling made You snap your head at none other than the Green Goblin gazing back at you behind reflective orange eyes, that permanent grin just an inch away from You.
“I hope you can finally catch his attention,” the masked villain said devilishly as he soared throughout the night sky to the roof of an abandoned smallpox hospital on Roosevelt Island.
The Green Goblin grabbed you by the hair, “Now scream for your spider,”
You did nothing but glare at the mask, earning another hard yank at the hair and a warning screamed from the villain. You did nothing but hiss in pain, grabbing at the hand of the villain to try and fend yourself off as much as you could, but this only aggravated the menace even more as he dragged You over the side of the building.
You screamed in pain and fear until your throat was sore and your voice gave out as you were dangled over eight stories above ground. Just as you were close to giving into dying, you and the Green Goblin were pushed down on the roof, the Green Goblin’s grip on your hair came loose and you rolled away from the green figure. You glanced up to see Spider-Man standing over you, but the Green Goblin got back on his glider and swoop around the two of you tossing a pumpkin grenade.
Spider-Man pushed You out of the way just before the bomb detonated in front of his face sending him screaming as he flew right through a brick wall, hitting his back on a beam and falling to the ground with a loud groan. You were about to stand up before the Green Goblin came flying back around, grabbing you and throwing you into another wall, the sounds of popping and snapping echoed through the air.
The Green Goblin flies back around and stops where Spider-Man struggles to get up. “Misery, misery, misery, that’s what you’ve chosen,” he begins to step toward the stumbling hero. “I offer you friendship, and you spat in my face.”
The Green Goblin begins hitting Spider-Man, with one punch sending him back a few feet. Once he gets up, Spider-Man dodges a punch by swinging from a web, but is knocked back down and thrown onto the ground.
Webs begin to form a barrier between the two, but the Green Goblin is able to tear through it with ease and slams Spider-Man into a pillar, knocking him around a little more before finally kicking him into a wall. Just as Spider-Man launches a web strand, his hand is crushed under a metallic green boot.
“You’ve spun your last web, Spider-Man. Have you not been so selfish your little girlfriend’s death would’ve been quick and painless, and that boy over there wouldn’t have to suffer so much, but now that you pissed me off… I’m gonna finish them both, nice and slow.”
Enraged, Spider-Man gets up as the Green Goblin readies his pitch-fork and tries to take a stab at the superhero, but is knocked back and crushed by a wall that Spider-Man uses his webs to pull. Just as the Green Goblin gets back up, he is once again slammed into a wall by Spider-Man, and is repeatedly punched until the Green Goblin surrenders.
The villain takes off his mask revealing himself as Norman Osborn. You were shocked, but what shocked you the most was the fact that he called Spider-Man “Peter”. You squinted further and could see a few features that belonged to Peter, but something else about him threw you off entirely. His large body seemed to be jam packed into that bodysuit, highlighting his rotund belly and semi big pecks. You couldn’t help but blush at the sight of the newly added weight on his ass as well.
As the Green Goblin was speaking, his hoverboard was sent flying behind Peter, luckily his spidey senses knew it was coming, and he was able to jump out of the way just in time before the Norman Osborn was impaled and utter out his last words.
“Don’t tell Harry,” he said weakly, his torso falling down on the hoverboard.
You slowly stood up on uneasy feet, stumbling back against a wall. Peter walked over to you, eyes wide in shock as he touched the mask, realizing now that his cover is blown.
You held your ribcage as you looked at him straight in the eyes.
“Don’t worry,” You said in a hoarse voice. “I won’t say anything.”
Peter walks over to You, his fingertips peeking out of the ripped gloves as they brushed against your cut and bloodied face. He pulls You into his heavyset body, the warmth and weight of his belly pressed up against you was enough to make You stifle a moan, but given the current situation and location now wouldn’t probably be the time to mention anything to him.
“Please… just take me home,” You muttered in his ear.
Peter only nodded, holding You closer to his body before swinging on a newly projected web strand.
• • •
Queens, along with all of New York, wasn’t the same after the reign of the Green Goblin. Some compared it to the likes of the September 11th attacks, some compared it to something out of a Batman comic book villain, and some just wanted to forget about the whole thing ever happening.
Curfews were set by the police department upon students ranging from high school to below. You were stuck inside longer than usual, since your boss cut off some of your hours, and You had more time on your hands, and spending more time at home has already become a tedious task.
It was nearly thirty minutes before curfew when You came walking back from the bus stop. You had come back from another day worth of talk about the Green Goblin, but nothing about Spider-Man saving all those people in the Roosevelt gondola, or even saving Mary-Jane. And then the thought of Peter crept back into your mind, something you’ve been trying hard to fight off.
He hadn’t been to school in nearly a week, and maybe it’s for the best. After what Peter had went through these past few weeks is something nobody should go through, but there he was saving New York City with all the strength he could put into it, and thankfully it was all worth it.
You were shocked to see Peter standing outside of your apartment building. The only way You could make him out, however, was by the facial features on the plump face. Another thing that caught You off guard was how much weight he had gained, overgrowing the last time You saw him.
“Hey, Peter,” You said with a smile. “What are you doing here?.”
Peter smiled back, his chubby cheeks causing his eyes to squint a little. “I just came here to talk to you, about everything that’s been going on, with us, with me, with this.”
He gestured his tightly packed belly under his shirt. You tried to hide the blush creeping in.
“Listen, Peter, I know that things haven’t been easy lately, but you know I’m not the type of person who goes around gossiping just for the attention of it.”
“I know, but it’s not about that, it’s about keeping my loved ones safe from ever getting hurt by my enemies-”
“Spider-Man’s enemies,” You interjected. “Peter I don’t think you’re understanding what’s been happening with me and I don’t think I can hide it anymore. Ever since that night we went out, I developed some feelings for you, feelings I know that we will get shunned by, but I gotta tell you that meeting you was probably the best thing to happen to me all year.”
Peter stayed quiet for a moment, his confused eyes looking for a response.
“But I’m not the same person you fell in love with before,” Peter said.
“I don’t care if you’re secretly Spider-Man, and I don’t care if you weigh three hundred pounds, I’m still gonna be in love with the guy that’s different from all the rest,” You said, staring Peter straight in the eye as to drive you point across. “I love you, Peter.”
Peter’s breath hitched as soon as You said that. His belly heaved up and down as he was breathing rapidly. You stepped closer, your hand snaking around his soft waist, his belly pressed up against your stomach as You pulled him in for a kiss, pressing his belly even further towards your body.
Peter’s chubby hand brushes through your (h/c) hair as he leans into the kiss. His hands wrap around your shoulders as your other hand gently brushes against his belly, coming to rest on those lush love handles. Both of your tongues battled for dominance, with yours sliding into his mouth with ease. Peter’s hands gently glide down your back, coming to rest just inches above your ass.
You two separate, gasping for air as Peter smiles.
“I didn’t think you’d still love me being this way, I tried to control it, but the hunger and the dart got the better of me and-”
“Wait a minute, what dart?.” You asked.
Peter sighed heavily. “Well, before I… killed… Norman - the Green Goblin? - I was hit by a dart filled with a strange green fluid. I figured it was from the Green Goblin, because of how familiar it looked like those grenades. At first I didn’t know what it was exactly, but later on I guessed it affected my metabolism in a huge way.”
He glances down at his belly, his hand rested at the top. You gently laid your hand on his belly, the warmth coming off him like a radiator, and gently rubbed a small circle on it.
“I never thought of you as a chubby chaser,” Peter teased, grabbing your other hand to rest on his belly. “Then again, I’ve had my fair share of secrets too.” He said in a cocky tone.
Your face was now cherry red. “Shut up,” You chuckled. “And I never knew it took gaining weight to drive you wild.”
“Maybe we should take this upstairs?.” Peter said in a flirty voice.
“Maybe Thursday, my parents come home late and the curfew is almost here, don’t want to get in trouble with the cops, especially when everyone needs their Spider-Man to save the day.” You said, kissing his forehead.
“It’s a date then,” Peter said, kissing You back.
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Hello Val! (brings set of pineapple dresses) I like that this event gives a fresh dimension to the season and the expansive customization is a nice addition 💙 May I ask for Law x fem!reader + Costumes + children/vampire AU? Thank you and have fun writing! 💙🌹
Hello Michelle love! Ahhhh thank you for the beautiful dress!!! 😭😭😭💜💜💜, yes and i think the elements fits perfectly in here!!!!! 😊😊Of course you can!! I hope you enjoy daddy Law! 💜💙😊
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Pulling back the curtains in the den displayed the full moon on the outside. The family rose from their slumber a few hours ago and the little ones were excited, today was a special day. The ideas of what they wanted to be tonight was a big deal for them. You finally finished sewing the small patch onto the costume. “I think that should do it.” holding up the costume seeing her eyes light up. “Go try it on and see how it fits.” speaking as the small child excitedly took the costume and ran to their room to try it on.  After a few mins she and her eldest sister came in, getting into the Halloween spirit both of them wanted to be different jack-o-lanterns faces. Inside the costumes they stuff the inside with their pillows to give them the round jack-o-lantern effect. Both kids designed to watch facial expressions they wanted and you were going to make the costumes. “Mama, you think papa will like the costumes?” The eldest daughter asked. They wanted to be surprised when Law saw their costumes. 
“He will love them, maybe we should go show him.” Taking both girls by the hand you all proceeded to go towards his study. The door cracked open and you could see Law at his desk writing away. Looking down at the girls you placed your finger to your lips telling them to ‘shhhhh’ before you knocked on the door. “Hey honey.” you smiled. 
His golden orbs traveled to you as he saw you at the doorway. “Everything alright ya?” Law looked at you before placing the quail feather inside the ink container. “Everything is fine, the girls wanted to show you their costumes. Now close your eyes.” you smiled sweetly at your husband. 
His tongue ran across his teeth passing his sharp fang then nodded. Closing his eyes motivates the girls to come in. He could hear the little one giggling as they were shuffling their feet towards him. “Open papa!” both girls exclaimed. 
When Law opened his eyes he saw both of the girls with big smiles on their faces. ‘The are going to kill me with cuteness instead of a stake to the heart ya’ he said to himself.  Law was trying to take in all the cuteness before he could respond. “Those are really cute costumes.” He got up from his chair and was a bit curious about what was keeping them so round. When poking their tummies he could feel the plushness of the pillows. “So that's how you guys are staying perfectly round ya.” the corner of his mouth curled up.
“Mhmm!!!” the youngest chuckled. “Do you like them papa??” she asked him.
“I do, remind me of how round and squishy your cheeks are.” playfully teasing the girls pinching their cheeks gently.
“Also mama has a surprise for you.”  his eldest spoke.
Law looked over at you giving him a sly smile. “What is it ________?” he asked
“The girls also made two more designs, one for you and one for me.” you spoke. “So this Halloween we are all dressing up this time.”
Before Law could speak his eldest spoke “It's going to be fun papa! We all get to be Jack-O-lanterns!”  seeing the gleam in their eyes as you handed them the costume. The smalled ones were excitedly chatting away and wanted to have Law put it on. “Come on papa go try it on!”
“Yes papa go try it on.” you giggle responding as the little ones took him by the hand taking him to his room to change.
“Wait, where's your costume at?” Law squinted his eyes at you.
“I will put it on after you put yours on my darling husband.” you smiled before he turned the corner his daughters still holding his hands escorting him to his room
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lulubelle814 · 7 months
Regards, Loki - Chapter 29
Master List
On Sunday, the charity gala details had reached Louisa.  “It sounds incredible!”
Cora was just as excited.  “I wonder if anyone can go?  Does it say how much tickets are?”
She looked at the news article and did some googling before coming up defeated.  “It’s by invitation only.”  They groaned collectively.  Rather than sit about and sulk, they decided to host their own Labyrinth night that evening and would invite Chad and Brad.  Louisa would bake a few things.  Chad and Brad said they’d come and bring the food, and Cora would bring the drinks.  The movie part was set to start at 6 that evening.  
Louisa decided to make a couple different things: lemon bars and millionaire bars.  Getting an early start, they were done by 3 pm.  As she was putting them in containers, she had an idea.
Louisa:  Hey Bruno!  How’s your day going?
Bruno: It’s going well, Ms. Louisa.  How are you?
Louisa: It’s going well!  I just made a few things and was wondering if you could take a container of them to Loki?
Bruno:  I can come by in about an hour.
Louisa: You are the best!  And I will have your payment as well: your own container of treats.
Bruno: Ms. Louisa, you spoil me.
She spent the next 20 minutes or so figuring out the best way to package them so they wouldn’t end up smashing into each other during their transit.  Eventually, she decided to use a larger container and place wax paper between each treat.  She still had some spritz left (and they were still soft and tasty) and included a few of those.
When Bruno came knocking, she was ready for him and gave him a bright smile.  “I have one for you, and one for Loki.”  
Bruno was always happy to help her.  Even with everything that’s happened since he met her, she was still a sweet lady which he found was a rare find these days, and he wanted to help protect her from those who’d try to change that.
“You are too kind, Ms. Louisa.”  He opened his container to find not 1 but 3 different treats.  He pulled out one of the biscuits as it’d be the least messy and took a bite, humming with delight.  “You’ve outdone yourself!”
“I’m glad you like them!”
“I have some free time.  So I’ll take these over to him now.  You two are lucky I like you.  Otherwise, I’d just keep this second container for myself.”  They laughed together.  “I had a similar issue with my friend Chad last night.  I texted his hubs about the treats he was bringing home to make sure they actually made it home.”
“I can’t say I blame the guy.  You are an incredible baker.  You should think about finding somewhere to sell these, like a farmer’s market or something.”
She laughed.  “You’re too kind, but no one would want to buy this.  Plus, it’s just something I do for fun.  I start back to my job soon, and this has been a great stress relief.”
“If you ever decide to, consider me your first customer.”  He smiled at her.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
It was almost an hour later (thanks to awful traffic) when he arrived at James’ door where he was already expected but had let him know he’d be a bit delayed.  When James welcomed him in, Bruno handed him the container of treats.  “Compliments of Ms. Sigyn, sir.”
James took the proffered container and opened it, smelling the delicious treats. He instantly recognized the biscuits as the same ones she’d sent him a picture of a couple days ago.  Not wasting a moment, he picked one up and took a bite.  His eyes went big as he tasted them, quickly eating the rest of it.  
“I told her she should consider selling her baked goods, but she doesn’t think anyone would buy them.  You and I both know she’d be a big hit.”
James couldn’t agree more.  Before he could say anything, Bruno spoke up again.  “She did mention something in passing that I thought you’d like to know.”
“Oh?”  He was curious.
“That man she went to the movie with?  Chad?”
“Yes?  What about him?”  He was hoping for some good news when it came to that man.
“You’ll be delighted to know that he’s married.”  He could see the smile appearing on James’ face but then dropped.
“If he’s married, why is he going out with her to a movie?”
Bruno grinned.  “She told me that she gave Chad some treats to take home…….to his husband.”
James laughed, obvious relief spreading through him.  Bruno was glad he could cheer him up.  “You said you had an errand you’d like me to run?  I’m assuming it has to do with Ms. Sigyn.”
James thought for a moment, lost in the flood of relief.  “Oh yes!”  He ran to his office and came back with an elegant envelope.  “Would you mind, terribly, taking this to her?”
Back at her place, Louisa changed into clean comfy clothes as her previous clothes were covered in sugar and flour.  She made a mental note to get an apron.  
Everyone started arriving early around 5:30, and of course, Cora brought up the upcoming gala.  The guys were stunned and asked about tickets but quickly became jealous when Cora and Louisa told them it was a charity event by invite only.  “Who do we have to bribe to get an invite?”  They laughed knowing they’d never get to go.
Louisa queued the movie while the others brought the food and drinks to the living room, placing them on the table.  As expected, everyone sang along with the songs throughout the movie; however, when it came to the ballroom sequence dream, they all watched in awe.
“I wish I could go to a ball like that,” Louisa said.  “It’s been a dream of mine since I was little.”
At the very moment when Jareth starts to dance with Sarah, there was a knock at the door.  Looking at each other, no one had any idea who it could be.
Cora suggested it was probably someone going door to door selling magazines or something like that, but Louisa was curious enough to go check.  Looking through the peephole, she was surprised to see Bruno was back and opened the door.  “Is everything ok?”
Bruno smiled and held out the envelope.  “For you from Mr. Loki.”  She was confused as she took the envelope.  Bruno bid his farewells and left.
“Who was that, sweetie?”  Brad was nosey.  Cora filled him in on the details about Bruno being a go-between for her and Loki.  Louisa made her way back to the couch, staring at the invitation.
“Are you going to open that?  Or do you have x-ray vision and are reading it through the envelope?”  Chad smacked Brad on the arm.  “What?  If she’s not going to open it, I will.”  He made the motion to swipe the envelope from her but stopped when she flipped it over, starting to open it.
Pulling out the elegant paper, she read it and was stunned to silence.  Cora looked over her shoulder trying to see what it was.  Since neither spoke, Brad snatched it, and the envelope, away to take a look before Chad could stop him (not that Chad would have because he was dying to know what was in the envelope as well).
“You are hereby invited to the Labyrinth themed Charity Ball.”  The invitation included the time, date, and location.  “Honey, I don’t care what plans you might have for that night, but consider them canceled!  You have to go!”
Chad took the invitation to look at it, but Brad held it away.  The only thing he got in the attempt was the envelope.  It didn’t take him long to notice there was still something in there.  Opening the envelope back up, he saw there was a folded note.  Taking it out, he unfolded it and read aloud.
Dear Sigyn,
I hope you will do me the honor of joining me at the ball?  I know our arrangement was set for anonymity, but I would very much like to meet you if you are comfortable doing so.  I will not be offended if you say no.  You are welcome to use the invitation either way.  
While the theme is Labyrinth (which I know is your favorite movie), it is also a masquerade ball.  So there will be no need to worry about revealing yourself should you not wish to.
I hope you choose to attend.  I believe it will be a magical night for everyone attending.
Cora grinned, secretly knowing that Loki was planning something like this, but she didn’t know the extent of it.  
Louisa was even more stunned, if that was possible, and Cora could see she was becoming overwhelmed.  “It’s okay if you’re not ready to meet him.  You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
“But she……” Cora glared at Chad which shut him right up.
“And you don’t have to decide it right now.  It’s not happening for a month.  If you decide to go, we’ll help you look for a dress.  If you don’t want to go, we’ll all forget about it.”
Louisa looked at Cora, grateful for her best friend.  At this moment, she had no idea where she’d be without her.  Deep down, she knew she wanted to go.  Amidst their texts, she felt a bond with this man and was curious as to his identity but wanted to respect his wishes.  Now that he revealed he wanted to meet her, too?
“I don’t know, Cor.  What if he finds me disappointing?”  
Cora wrapped her arm around her friend.  “I think the question should be will you find him disappointing.  You are an amazing woman.  Any man would be lucky to know you.”  Brad and Chad wholeheartedly agreed.  They all thought she should go, but no one wanted to pressure her into doing something if she didn’t want to do it.
Taglist: @huntress-artemiss @jaidenhawke
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awkwardauthorwrites · 2 years
End of the World - Part Two
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: swearing, fluff, like one line of angst. Previously on awkward-author
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“…have a nice day!” Y/N smiled at the customer as they turned to leave and faced her co-worker at the opposite till. “Please tell me it’s home time,” she groaned and leant against the counter so that she could drop her head in her hands. “Are people being particularly stupid because its closer to Christmas? Or is it just me?” 
“You did say you had a bad night,” Joyce Byers smiled at the younger girl and emptied some of the notes from her till. “Did the kids wear you out last night? I did warn Steve about what they’re like at the Arcade, and Johnathan was willing to go.”
“Nah, the kids were great,” Y/N shook her head and finally moved her hands away from her face. “Actually, I’m pretty sure if they hadn’t worn me out I wouldn’t have slept at all.”
“Yeah,” she nodded awkwardly and avoided the older woman’s gaze as she tidied the leaflets around her till. “Does it get better?”
“It will,” Joyce spoke softly as another customer walked into the market. “Having Bob around helped me a lot the first time...I’m sure Steve would be more than willing if you let him in.”
“What?” Y/N’s eyes shot up to look at the woman in surprise. “Steve and I aren’t...did Will...?”
“And Jonathan,” Joyce chuckled as the girl groaned once more and slumped down to rest her head on the counter. Joyce couldn’t hear exactly what she was muttering to herself, but she definitely caught the words shithead kids and no respect for anyone’s privacy. “For the record, I think you two look good together – I always have. He’s always been so protective over you, even as kids. It was adorable to watch him take care of you on the playground.”
“Should I be jealous?” The easily recognisable voice of Steve Harrington drifted down the aisle, diverting both of the women’s attention. “Mrs Byers, you look as lovely as ever.”
“Hi Steve.” She looked like she wanted to roll her eyes at his behaviour, but instead excused herself and she caught sight of the top of her youngest son’s head.
“Hey, stranger,” Steve ran a hand through his hair casually and shot Y/N a charming grin as he leant forward to rest on the counter. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure no one was behind him before he darted forward and pressed a kiss on her cheek.
“You literally dropped me off for work a few hours ago.” Y/N shook her head at his antics and hoped he didn’t catch the light blush that crossed her face (he did). “What are you doing here? I thought you were babysitting the kids?” 
“I am.” She pretended not to notice as he snuck his fingers across the counter slowly while he spoke so that he could reach for her hand. “They insisted on needing more supplies for their game. Said something about how El would want Eggos?” He glanced over his shoulder once more to watch as Dustin and Lucas attempted to act like they weren’t eavesdropping as Joyce walked by them to stand behind her till again. “When do you get off?”
“Well,” Y/N shot him a wicked grin and rested her own forearms on the counter, narrowing the gap between them considerably. Steve was too distracted by the mischief sparkling in her eyes to notice the sinful smile that graced her lips. “That’s a bit of a loaded question, don’t you think?” 
“What? Oh – oh! Not – I didn’t…oh, come on!” he pouted as she threw her head back and laughed at his embarrassment. Even though he honestly hadn’t meant to phrase his sentence that way (although, a very inappropriate thought did cross his mind) he was glad that his humiliation had given Y/N a chance to laugh freely. He knew that she had been struggling over the past few weeks, so every laugh or biting remark she shot his way was like a blessing to him.
“You’re too easy, Stevie,” she leant forward and pecked his cheek before pulling away as the kids neared the counter. She grinned as the kids teased him about his red cheeks while she scanned their items, and she could even hear Joyce mutter on the other side about how happy she was for them both. That comment earned her an exasperated sigh from the oldest male, but Y/N could see the almost shy smile playing on the corner of his mouth every time he caught her eye.
“Don’t be home too late,” Joyce kissed the top of Will’s head and looked up at Steve. “Are you sure you don’t mind bringing him home after the eclipse? I can easily pick him up.”
“Its alright Mrs Byers, honestly,” Steve sent her a reassuring smile. “I don’t mind doing it, Will will be safe.” 
“Yeah, and if anything happens we have Y/N there to protect us!” Dustin spoke up and sent the girl a wide toothy smile. “Nothing is stupid enough to get in her way.” Steve looked mildly offended as all the children agreed, causing the young adult female to laugh and lean over to pinch her best friend’s cheeks. 
“This is why I like the kids better than you Stevie. They’re smart enough to know I’m a badass who shouldn’t be trifled with.”
“I think I got the message when we were thirteen and you broke my arm, thanks,” Steve rolled his eyes at her and swatted her fingers away.
“I remember that,” Joyce nodded, a sly smile plying on the corner of her lips. “He screamed so loud when he hit the ground that we all thought he had been injured a lot worst than a broken bone.”
“What did you do?” Lucas blinked up at Y/N, an expression akin to awe on his features.
“Absolutely nothing,” she smirked. “I still maintain that Steve fell out of that tree through his own volition.”
“You pushed him out of a tree?” Max repeated, and looked between the pair before laughing with the boys. “I knew there was a reason you were my favourite, Y/N/N.”
“He fell, but thanks Mad Max,” she winked at the younger girl as Steve began to usher all the kids out of the shop. 
“Five!” Joyce called out to him, catching his attention before he left. He whirled around the face her in confusion and took a few steps closer as the kids got resettled into his car.
“What was that?”
“Y/N finishes work at five today,” Joyce repeated, shooting the younger girl a coy smile. “It’s been slow all day, there’s no need for us both to stay on until closing time.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N shot the older woman a grateful smile. “I don’t mind staying.”
“Go have fun, I’ll be okay on my own.”
“Well, that’s settled then,” Steve walked up to Y/N’s till again and leant across to plant a loud kiss on her cheek. “Bye, beautiful.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“Like a date?” she smiled wryly.
“Yes, like a date,” he rolled his eyes playfully. “Just like the last five we’ve been on.”
“Um, three? Babysitting your children does not count as a date.”
“Our children,” he winked at her and turned to finally leave the shop. “I’ll be here at five to take you home!”
“Do I get to know where we’re going?”
“Of course not,” he shook his head with a grin. “I’ll see you later, gorgeous.” Y/N watched as he walked out of the doors, and followed his figure until he got in the car, winked at her one last time, and drove away.
“...tell me again how there’s nothing happening there?” Joyce chuckled as Y/N’s face flamed.
“Shut up.”
True to his word, Steve was waiting outside at five to pick Y/N up from work. He greeted her with a tight hug after catching the disgruntled expression on her face and held the passenger door open for her to climb in. The drive back to her house was short, and filled with her complaints on asinine customers, and it wasn’t long before she was rushing out of her house in an attempt to escape her questioning parents.
“Looking good, Y/L/N,” Steve gave Y/N an appreciative glance as she slid into the car once more. She rolled her eyes at him playfully and leant forward to fiddle with the radio.
“Wish I could say the same to you, Harrington,” she shot back. 
“Rude,” he pretended to look wounded, which only earned a laugh from her as he drove towards the junkyard so that they would meet up with the kids, who all greeted her with cheers when they saw the pair approaching. Steve rolled his eyes as El moved forward to hug the older girl and pushed his way through the crowd of pre-teens to grab a blanket from the small pile they had collected from all the houses. He settled down onto the makeshift bench of tires and a plank of wood and waited patiently until Y/N walked over to him, a flask of hot coffee in her hands.
“So, not that I’m complaining or anything,” Y/N wrapped her hands tightly around the thermos she was holding and pulled her knees to her chest for extra warmth. “But why aren’t we watching this eclipse from the comforts of a nice and warm house?”
“Well, I was going to have everyone round mine.” Steve shook out the thick blanket as he spoke and wrapped the material around both of their shoulders while placing an arm around Y/N. “But, I figured my parents wouldn’t really appreciate a bunch of middle school kids running around the house.” He shrugged and pulled her closer when he realised just how cold she was. 
“Your parents are back?”
“They walked through the door when I was leaving to get you.”
“Why didn’t you stay at home with them? I would have understood.” Y/N knew, although he didn’t really like to admit it, that Steve loved to spend time with his mother when she was around. She adored and doted on him, and it was clear how much he cared about her in return. Mr Harrington, on the other hand, was a bit of a dick. Y/N didn’t have any direct issues with the man, but there were definitely a few things she didn’t particularly like about him, all of which revolved around the way he treated his son.
“They were tired,” he tried to play it off casually, but she could see that he was hiding some additional information from her. 
“And,” he paused to chuckle and bumped her shoulder gently. “They may or may not have pushed me out of the door when they heard I was taking you on a date.” He glanced down at her, his smile softening when he took note of how red her cheeks had gotten, and he half-hoped it wasn’t just from the cold. “They love you.”
“Of course they do,” Y/N laughed and took a sip of her drink. “They’ve known me for my whole life.”
“No, like, they actually love you. I’ve never seen my mom so happy about any other girl I’ve taken out. She was ecstatic and kept talking about wedding decorations.” They shared a brief glance at how completely characteristic that was for the older woman.
“And your dad?” 
“Clapped me on the shoulder and said good luck if I end up hurting you because he sure as hell won’t stand in the way of your warpath.”
“Classic Mr H,” Y/N scoffed. “So heartfelt.” They both fell silent for a second before she turned her head up to watch him carefully. He was too absorbed in making sure the kids didn’t do anything stupid to notice her at first, although he soon caught on to her unwavering stare.
“You told your parents about us.”
“Yeah…” he looked down at her curiously, wondering where she was going with her train of thought. “Have you not told yours?”
“Why, what?”
“Why did you tell them?”
“I mean, I figured while it would be fun not having to sneak you into my room it would be better to let them know about this thing that we have…” Steve trailed off as he caught a glance at the look on Y/N’s face. “Yeah, I said it, we’re a thing.” 
“I don’t remember agreeing to being a thing,” she tapped on her chin thoughtfully. “Were you planning on letting me have a choice in this?”
“Blame the kids,” he waved his hand in the direction of the now-occupied children who were sat a little way away from them. “They said something about making an executive decision on wanting their parents to be together.”
“…what now?” Steve pretended to groan, although there was a smile playing on the corner of his mouth. 
“Nothing it’s just…are you saying if the kids didn’t make an executive decision then we wouldn’t be a thing?” Y/N was trying to bug Steve, and he knew it, which is why he rolled his eyes in response and pulled her closer. 
“Don’t let them know,” he leant down to whisper in her ear, fully aware of how he was affecting her as she took in a shaky breath. “They think the decision was all theirs, and they seemed pretty glad about it, but I made the choice myself a while back. Although, I would definitely call what we have more than a thing.”
“Smooth,” Y/N let out a breathy laugh to play off her reaction to Steve’s sudden proximity and leant into his body to steal some of his warmth. The pair stayed silent for a little while, just watching the children and the stars before Y/N spoke up again quietly. “I told them.”
“Hm?” Steve titled his head down to look at her questioningly.
“My parents, I told them. My mom can’t seem to make her mind up on whether she’s happy or not and my dad played out his tough man act and said he doesn’t care that you’re like a son to him, he will shoot you if you hurt me in any way.”
“You didn’t tell your parents about any of the other guys you dated.”
“Yeah, well…” It was Y/N’s turn to try and shrug casually as she looked up at him with a shy smile. “The others weren’t…worth it.” She watched as several different emotions flickered across his face, before finally settling on slight awe as he looked down at her. After everything that had gone down with Nancy, Y/N knew that Steve didn’t think he was good enough. She had almost wanted to strangle him when he called himself a shitty boyfriend, and then she wanted to strangle Nancy for not disagreeing with him. Sure, he had messed up, especially in the beginnings of their relationship – she would never forget the look of absolute terror and regret on Steve’s face when she confronted him on how he had slut-shamed Nancy – but he was human, he made mistakes, and more importantly he had learned from them and bettered himself. Y/N couldn’t bring herself to say that she missed Carol and Tommy H. “So, we’re not at yours because your parents are home. That doesn’t explain why we’re here, in the junkyard.”
“I, uh, figured that the sky would be clear enough out here to watch the eclipse.” He stumbled over his words and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Y/N narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion and pinched his arm so he would stop avoiding her gaze.
“You’re not telling me something.”
“Says who?”
“Says me,” she flicked his reddening ear gently. “That’s not from the cold, Harrington. Spill it.”
“How do you know it’s not from the cold?” he shot her a charming smile in an attempt to disarm her, but unfortunately for him, she had seen it more times than she could bother to count. “I didn’t realise you were watching me that closely, Y/L/N.”
“You’re cute when you blush, what can I say?” she shot him a wicked grin, the same one that had all but knocked him off his feet and left him speechless a few hours ago. “Do I have to resort to bribing you like when we were kids? I’ll do anything.”
“Anything?” He tried hard to imitate her impish smile, although he knew it was nowhere near as devious as hers. “Well, that’s a loaded offer, don’t you think?” he repeated her words from earlier, hoping it would throw her off course.
“I said anything, didn’t I, Harrington?” Y/N leant in slowly, her features contorted into a devilish mirth Steve had only seen once before. The look meant trouble, and he knew it, but he was enraptured nonetheless as her lips brushed against his ear as she spoke in hushed tones. “I promise to make it worth your while, Harrington. But first…” Her lips were curled into a smile at how easily she was affecting the boy by her side. 
“First?” he muttered, his voice coming out a little hoarse.
“First…” she paused to press a gentle kiss to the corner of his jaw. “First, you gotta stop deflecting and tell me, you piece of shit.”
“I…” he let out a groan and pulled away from her half-heartedly. “You’re cruel.”
“You’d think you would be used to it by now,” Y/N laughed. “But it’s okay, you have a lifetime, considering you won’t let me out of getting married to you.”
“You’re off the hook. I don’t want to marry you anymore.”
“Nope, too late, Harrington. I made an executive decision. You’re stuck with me.”
“I’d rather face the demodogs again.”
“Now that’s just rude,” she pouted playfully, earning a laugh from Steve as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close.
“You know I’m kidding,” he pressed a lingering kiss to her cheek. “I don’t know what I would do without you, Y/L/N. You’re my best girl.”
“I know,” she hummed and laced her fingers through his slowly. “You’re alright too, I guess.”
“Thanks,” he let out a sarcastic sounding chuckle, which died down when she pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “You can’t do shit like that.”
“Like what?” she grinned and pecked him once more.
“Be all cute when I’m not supposed to kiss you yet.”
“Are you trying to say you still want to kiss me, Harrington?”
“You do realise that I like you, right?” he glanced down at Y/N, a shy smile playing on the corners of his mouth. “Was I not making that obvious enough? Do I need to try harder?”
“All this has been you trying?” Y/N asked sarcastically and flicked the back of his hand. “I wasn’t aware.”
“Cute,” he flicked her hand in retaliation and quickly retracted his when she tried to pinch him.
“I try,” she stuck her tongue out at him and laughed as he tugged her closer and poked her side. He grinned when she tried to pry herself out of his grasp, and tightened his arms around her as she struggled playfully against him. Y/N tilted her head to look up at him, a biting remark on the tip of her tongue that soon died down as her as she realised just how close her face was to his. Steve’s gaze dropped lower, glancing quickly at her lips before looking back up to her eyes. Every nerve in his body was begging him to close the gap between them and kiss her, regardless of the month not being over yet. He watched as she leant in towards him slowly, her eyes darting across his face nervously as they both narrowed the gap between them at a torturously slow pace.
“Are they going to kiss or not?” Dustin huffed, quite loudly. The rest of the children shushed him and the small yelp that followed let Y/N and Steve know that one of them had smacked the boy for interrupting their moment. Y/N’s money was on Max. Steve hid the frustration and disappointed on his face, but shot the kid a glare that Y/N missed as she dropped her forehead to rest on his shoulder in mild embarrassment.
“Two more weeks,” Steve muttered to himself, his grip tightening slightly around Y/N’s shoulders. She didn’t think she was meant to hear him, but repeated his words nonetheless as they looked up to watch the beginnings of the eclipse.
“Two more weeks.”
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