#custume fitting
rubarb69 · 7 months
My FUCKING ribs hurt so badly
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Random Codywan headcanon:
After many complains and some pressing by the Jedi for some more gear for the clones than only the bare essentials, every clone is reluctantly equipped with one sweatshirt-like black by the kaminoans. Officially for "colder temperatures", inofficially (intended by the Jedi) for comfort and to give the clones at least a tiny little opurtinity to custumize their outfits. (Let's just pretend they have time for that in the midde of a war)
And after the complains that the standard-blacks aren't distinctable enough to actually belong to one clone, because they get all mixed up after the next wash anyway, each of these sweatshirts comes with a embroidery reading "Property of insert Clone's number".
Of course the Clones are not having that. In the 212th, a small group of dedicated Clones make it their mission to redo every single one of these embroiderys and replace the number with the clone's name before the sweatshirts are delivered.
Anyway, Cody doesn't end up really wearing his. Not because he doen't like sweatshirts, but because it's just a little to tight to his taste. It does, however, perfectly fit Obi Wan, who's a bit leaner than Cody, so he ends up frequently stealing it. (It gets cold when they're doing paperwork together until late at night and he's not going to walk all the way back to his own room just to get one of his).
Cue, emergency council meeting on one of these evenings and Obi Wan's called to give a quick report, so he's standing there in the middle of the meeting, "Property of Cody" embrodied on his back and chest. Mace is just staring him down in true "Are you f*ing serious? I'm so f*ing done" fashion and the other masters can hardly hold back their giggling. Cody, who's standing in the background of the call, is embarrassed and blushing like crazy when he gets what's going on. Obi Wan is beaming. He thinks it's hilarious. He wears the sweatshirt to every single council meeting from now on.
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thinkingjasico · 4 months
Ok so I don't have other mutuals into PJO but I must confess I've been thinking about a scenario. Gender bend Jasico with Nico as the scary goth girl and Jason/Julia being the local prom queen and they maybe are roommates and fall in love. Have I watched the wicked trailer 200 times? Mayhaps. But I just think it kinda fits them, and I love to make my faves lesbians so. Yeah.
I love this! It also makes me think of an coffee shop AU!
Nico is a barista at this very charming café on campus. She's always very quiet; studying or reading on the other side of the counter when the café is not very busy. Julia always has a million things to do during the day, so she lives off coffee and has been a regular custumer there since her first year in college, until now, in Julia's second year, Nico starts working there and Julia not only becomes terrifyingly fascinated by her, but also obsessed with the playlists Nico puts on during her shift. Julia seems very confident to others, but in reality she's not at all confident about these things; which means that for the entire first semester that year all she said to Nico was: “good afternoon”, “an espresso, please” and “thank you” . She ventured to comment on the rain once, but Nico didn't hear with the noise of the coffee machine, so Julia didn't venture to say anything more.
But when the winter break arrives, Julia's roommate tells her that from January she won't be able to live with her anymore because she's moving in with her girlfriend (Piper and Annabeth? Who knows…).
The problem is: Julia has to share the rent. The person who helps her with the bills, since she has a full scholarship to college, is her older sister Thalia--- who never went to college but has her own business, and neither of the girls has any relationship with their parents. Also, Julia hates the college dorms because she had a horrible experience living there in her first month of college. Her roommate was always taking boys there and ignored her requests to stop doing that, so Thalia said she could pay half of a cheap rent for her, so she could concentrate on her studies (I don't even need to say that for Thalia, Julia is the most perfect creature ever to walk the earth and she would kill and die for her sister to have a good life and not have to go through the things she went through).
Anyway, she's desperate and put up notices all over the college buildings, because if she doesn't find someone to share her apartment, she'll have to move out at the beginning of January. But the campus is practically empty, it's unbearably cold and she should have gone to California to spend the end of the year with her sister already. She goes to the café, upset and anxious, and for the first time she doesn't think about Nico as soon as she walks through the door. Instead of going straight to the counter, she sits down at a table in the corner of the empty café, takes off her wet coat and beanie and leaves her flyers on the table. She's reaching for her cell phone to text Thalia and tell her she won't be able to travel until she's sorted this out; when a cup is placed on the table. She looks up and sees that it's an espresso. She looks up more and sees that Nico is standing there, with her long, black, wavy, voluminous hair tucked behind her pierced ears, and her painted black lips with a piercing in the middle say: “I saw this flyer in the English building today.”
It was just those words.
The flyer had many ways of contacting Julia, with all her social media accounts there so you could see the image of perfection that everyone had of her. Maybe all the problems that would ruin her end of the year and her next semester would be solved now, but all Julia could think was: She knows my order?!
Julia nods, “Yes, I'm looking for someone to share my apartment with. It's right near the campus entrance. The building is pretty old, and I live on the sixth floor, with no elevator, but the apartment is nice, I promise. I'm not noisy or messy and I don't have any pets.” She could have shut up after explaining the location of the building, which was already in the flyer, instead of saying it all in one breath like that, but anyway… “Do you know anyone who would be interested?” Please be you, please be you…
Nico glances to the counter, “I lived in the dorms at first, but my roomate was the most shitty person I've ever met. So I moved into the second floor of the café; not exactly with Luke's permission at first, but when he found me there he let me stay until New Year's.” She turns back to Julia and says nothing more, so Julia assumes that the person interested in the place is Nico herself.
There was a possibility that Julia would fall in love and spend the rest of her college years suffering in silence for that girl, but even if she only got to be friends with Nico, that would be enough for her.
Julia smiles and holds out her hand to Nico to close the deal. "It seems we were fated for each other then." And that was precisely why usually Julia only said the same things to Nico. "I-I mean, destined to be roommates, you know? And solve our housing problems."
But, thank God, the girl didn't seem to pay much attention to what Julia said, because she seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't take Julia's hand. “Hm, I kind of adopted a stray cat that kept eating the café's garbage.”
Julia smiles more broadly; her hand still held out. “Great! Take the cat with you.” And then Nico gives what Julia would later learn is the beginning of a smile, and takes her hand. Julia is actually allergic to cats, but at the moment she couldn't even see it as a problem.
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toxictac · 5 months
So been a bit, kinda laze around to upload this drawing but yeah
so i been playing fallout new vegas and having fun with it so i decided to draw my character (and weirdly put her an actual name, very unlike me fr)
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so here she is miss scar, gonna make a little section of her lore
So a little backstory, she was a small child from one of the trives caesar legion took over, she was taking very early from her mother (who would be used as slave) through out her young years her younger years, she struggle to fit into the legion, however with time she learn her natural way to lead people and her good luck in some scavenger runs she was foced into by the legion, gain her some favor with her legionare captors she usually was help and help people the legion may have consider weak or a waste of reasurces, like the sick, the old and the disable; often times taking reserves discritely from legioners to give to them or making sure to keep the legionare captors out of their bad side however even with what is far more "cozier" life than other slaves like her, she always took herself the desire to liberate her and her found family out of the reaches of their captors, often distracting the legionares as the more mecanicaly minded figured out how to take their collars off (eventually finding ways of turing them off) it however not be untill the battle of hoover damn with a far less guarded legionare camp, she and fellow slaves would resolute into a escape attempt, in which many slaves died but a small group with her was able to escape running off the legions reach they would find the remaince of what once was a circus, there they would burn their physical and mental ties with the legion, taking on new roles and names, becoming a caravan of traveling merchance with a circous astetic to protect their identeties and distance themself from the atrocities they linger while on the captivity of the legion after a long while they would travel toward west establishing many parnering trades with other caravans, as they eventually return many year after to the mohave dessert
so after all that backstory some final notes
most of my new vegas characters exist after the events of new vegas (around 20 year or so after), so similar to this scar would have been 14 or so when she fled the legion so she is a lot more older than my other characters
another thing, she calls herself scar but her original name with her captors "jokingly" called her was "Femela", mostly to ridiculise her, however she decided the name miss scar for two reasons, first because they are taking on roles she decided on a far more intemidating name than her companions that would also lead to intrigue for custumers (so like an easy conversation starter) but also secondly (and secretly) because the scars that she hides under her distint dress, almost as a reminder of what the legion did to her
distincly she would have a .44 pistol, and while not a fighter she is suprisingly lucky and even more charismatic often using her talk to command and missdirect others with little difficulty
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jennibeultimate · 2 years
Personal recap Skate Canada 2022 - Women SP
I think this SP was much better than that at Skate America, more clean skates! This is quite an open GP on who will win because many skater have good chances. It's still anyone's win here somehow...
I kept the starting order...
Yuhana Yokoi ❤️ is quite a special personality - full of energy and iconically funny (I had seen her react closeup to her fellow skaters a few years ago and she was just as much fun off ice than on ice) I really have no clue what makes her struggle on her jumps so much. It wasn't a particularly bad program for her, but still she used to lack in PCS not TES when she turned senior and now? I really want her to shine!
I missed Rika Kihira's skating so much. Like Brian Orser said after her program: "It's a start" She jumped 3-3 which is already a success on its own considering her injury and how she is still not fully recovered. I love the program and am glad to see it again. ❤️ Let's stick to the positive here! (I hope she can fully recover and return to her old arsenal of jumps without pain!🙏🙏🙏) (why were there 4 coaches listed? One of them still Mie Hamada? So is she still coached also by Hamada? 🤔)
Gabby Daleman - the most pleasant surprise of the day (night for me) So happy for her! Clean program and I have hardly ever seen her so joyous after a program! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Rinka Watanabe did really well! 👏👏👏 I think she lacks a bit of fire for that program (I mean I compare it to Yuna Kim's from 2007 what probably isn't really fair bc she slayed back then) Poor Rinka waited an eternity for her score 😭 Though I think she has some work to do on her components, the score seemed quite low. I mean Rika with two mistakes and easy jump layout got only 3 points less than her, the TES being only 4 points apart. (I haven't seen the protocol but this seems iffy)
Ava Marie Ziegler - clean program, lovely but generic the program but suits her. I liked her hairpiece to the costume.
Eliska Brezinova - quite the opposite of generic program for Eliska and a cartwheel that looked implemented into the program done effortlessly, that's how I like a cartwheel! Love the program for her. Mistakes on the jumps but still I think it's not too bad for her. Good job! 👏
Starr Andrews - love love love that costume on her ❤️🔥 Superb skate for her! 👏👏👏
Lindsay Van Zundert - I like how she skates and performs her programs, but this program is a bit boring. Good SP for her! Yes there was an UR on the combo but she only started doing 3-3 in competition a while ago. It's amazing how far she has come! 👏
Niina Petronkina - it's a program I like, but the custume I don't. I like the concept, the music and the idea of the arm movements. It's standing out. If she now can show a bit more expression that would turn into one of my fav SPs of the season. And finally a clean skate at her 3rd competition of the season. They have been really harsh on her in the scores. I dunno why her TES dropped that much, the jumps looked rotated. She deserved better. 😤
Madeline Schizas - Swan lake is overused but I love the music so I don't mind it that much. Expression on point for the program and cleanly executed too! 👏👏👏
Linsay Thorngren - the pop was very costly especially in a field were most delivered optical clean programs. She is a lovely skater but I kind of have the same problem with the program as with Isabeau Levito's last week, she can't sell such a difficult music yet. The movements fit but the expression doesn't. I mean in her case it's also the mistakes that made her performance fall flat, but I dunno if this is a good choice for such a young girl. She seemed really sad already during the program.
I would have considered Young You the heavy favorite but with a SP like that she couldn't lead like she could have. I like the attitude in her program and the step sequence was really 🔥 🔥 🔥 I would still consider her the one to beat because she has the highest difficulty with Rinka for the free skate, but she can't afford more mistakes like here.
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I am really interested in the protocol, I don't understand how some scores were so low with the same jump layout as some who had higher scores. The close standings make it all the more exciting but it doesn't seem that equally fair to everyone tbh.
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madetomeasure · 1 year
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Made To Measure, The Men's Boutique
Wedding Suits at Made To Measure, The Men's Boutique
Custum made suits
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Call and Visit our store
Address : 1976/2, First Floor, Atul Katariya Chowk,Gurgaon-122001
Phone : + (91)-9810076842, 0124-4086205
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Disney Princess Dress Costume Enviamos pra todo Brasil! 🚚Frete gratis! 🎁Faça seu pedido! 💳Dividimos em até 12x 📦We ship it worldwide 🌍! 🚚Free shipping available! 🎁Check out our website! 💳Pay with your credit card up to 12x Fit: Fits smaller than usual. Please check this store’s sizing info Model Number: DK93 Collar: O-neck Built-in Bra: No Sleeve Style: Regular Pattern Type: Floral Sleeve Length(cm): Short Silhouette: A-LINE Decoration: PATTERN Style: Novelty Dresses Length: Mid-Calf Material: Cotton,Polyester,Satin Age Range: 7-12m,13-24m,25-36m,4-6y Origin: Mainland China CN: Guangdong Season: Four Seasons Gender: Girls Department Name: Children 3 year old baby girl clothes: toddler girl christmas outfits Girl Dress Size 8: Elsa and Anna Dress for Girls Girl Dress Up Costume: Anna Dress Suggested US Size: Dress for 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Years Old Princess Cosutme: Queen Anna Dress Little girl mermaid dress: Girl elsa dress Snow Queen costume: Girls birthday party costumes 3-10 year old princess dress: Girl christmas costume kids Elsa dress: girl Elsa dress Elsa dress kids: Elsa dress girl kids Anna dress: girl Anna dress Anna dress kids: Anna dress girl kids Rapunzel dress: girl Rapunzel dress Rapunzel dress kids: Rapunzel dress girl kids Snow White dress: Snow White dress girl Snow White dress kids: girl Snow White dress kids Cinderella dress: girl Cinderella dress Cinderella dress kids: Cinderella dress girl #cinderella #snowwhite #rapunzel #custume https://www.instagram.com/p/CqIvRWBL6Oa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skullkxd · 2 years
@picavecalyx said: " I dun't really need a custume..... "
“aw, cmon, Silva! That’s the fun of it, nobody NEEDS one but you should! It’ll be fun. You’re just a kid like me so take advantage of it!!”
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Ree is busying themself by digging through the haphazard storage in shady house, looking for costumes that could fit Silva.
“you could be a witch or a ghost or anything you want! Grownups give you free candy! This is LITERALLY a holiday for us, you know?”
— they pull out a banana costume and frown.
“There’s free candy, too.”
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bey-life · 2 years
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stylia-au · 5 years
Prisma: Mr. Pastel, how much would it cost for a tuxedo for my wedding? There's gonna be lot of white, blue and purple color involved in decor.... and Michelle's dress.... I don't know what to do. Please help?
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Pastel: This will be my first ever creation that would be used for a real wedding!☆ Of course I would help you!- There no need to pay rather then paying. Can you describe how you both met and what you like?
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kaastargaming · 2 years
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Vera 3.0 (Custom Female Skin Overlay)
A remake of my first skin overlay Vera 1.0. Now in 3.0 it both follows your fitness body type. On top of that I have included a lot of new stuff. A set of tan lines and sun burns, a pore/sparkle face enhancer, A set of pimples for the face, An eye shadow and a collarbone enhancer/highlighter.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERA 3.0 - SKIN OVERLAY
Feature: The ability to see the Sim's fitness condition through the skin overlay.
Swatches: 12 Type: Skin Detail, Forehead Applies to: Female, Teen to Elder     Info: Custum Thumbnail  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Swatches: 1   Type: Tattoo, Upper Chest Applies to: Female, Teen to Elder Info: Custum Thumbnail
Swatches: 6   Type: Acne Applies to: Female, Teen to Elder Info: Custum Thumbnail
Swatches: 3     Type: Occult, Left Cheek Applies to: Female, Teen to Elder   Info: Custum Thumbnail
Swatches: 30       Type: Skin Detail, Dimple Left Applies to: Female, Teen to Elder     Info: Custum Thumbnail
Swatches: 22       Type: Skin Detail, Dimple Right   Applies to: Female, Teen to Elder   Info: Custum Thumbnail
Swatches: 15       Type: Skin Detail, Dimple Left Applies to: Female, Teen to Elder     Info: Custum Thumbnail
Swatches: 11         Type: Skin Detail, Dimple Right     Applies to: Female, Teen to Elder     Info: Custum Thumbnail
Swatches: 8         Type: Eye Shadow     Applies to: Female, Teen to Elder     Info: Custum Thumbnail
Let me know if you encounter any issues. Feedback is always welcome!
Kind regards, Kaastar
Note: Please don't re-upload or share the package file or claim it as your own.
Dowload Tray File on Patreon (Early Acces - CAS+VIP patreon only)
Public acces: 31st July 2022
Thanks for your support!
Buy me coffee <3
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denial-permanente · 3 years
This is an amazing tumbler 👍🏻 I allways thought it just was stories and fantasi People have, Nice to see you are real 😊 i Wood love to try it, but my problem is the chastity cage, i have the problem , my balls Will allways try to get out when it is cold, and im Afraid to have a to thight ring. I hope i am close to find one now, i have a custum made , just need a smaller ring , i hope 🤞🏻, Any tips or trick to help me out ? Keep up the god work 👍🏻😘
Tom here.
Male bodies come in different shapes, sizes, and amount of flexibility. Your genitals did not evolve to be locked into rigid cages. There will always be a small degree of discomfort when locked. Your job is to figured out how to reduce thst to a minimum.
I would suggest visiting a web forum where you can draw on the wide range of experience of men who are wearing cages and who have a good perspective on how to find a good fit.
The Chastity Forums
It's a laid back forum, mainly for vanilla couples exploring being locked up. But you can get your questions answered without a lot of BS.
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catboybatman · 3 years
Ben Afflecks Batman is so ugly like that isnt even his fault its the custume department who were probably suffering under Zack Snyders "vision" or who ever directed batman vs superman like literally nothing about his suit fits right. At least Christian Bale looked decent in his suit. I still dont like it but his sillouete was clear and easely recognisable, the suit fit and it was made to compliment and exhaggerate his bodyshape. More importantly, he looked like he could move in it. It looked fluid. Batflecks suit is too big and too small at the same time. It does absolutely nothing for his body and face to the point he is just ugly. He looks like those inbred french bulldogs. He is squashed together and is somehow expected to be percieved normal?? Mans looks like he can barely walk or use his arms. Ben Affleck is not an ugly man, yet everything about the suit makes him look terrifyingly ugly and not in a fun way. He was done dirty fr.
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jasminechittenden · 3 years
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Got my custum made thigh high boots from Tajna yesterday, are exactly what I expected and fit perfectly 😍
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madetomeasure · 1 year
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Made To Measure, The Men's Boutique Custum made suits Address : 1976/2, First Floor, Atul Katariya Chowk,Gurgaon-122001 Phone : + (91)-9810076842, 0124-4086205 Email : [email protected] http://www.madetomeasures.in/index.html #madetomeasure #tailor #fashion #tailoring #bespoke #tailormade #style #handmade #menswear #mensfashion #sewing #tailored #fashiondesigner #tukangjahit #suit #menstyle #dress #sartorial #designer #dapper #bespoketailoring #madetomeasure #suits #luxury #fashionblogger #custommade #gentleman #wedding #design#madeinindia
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curly-hot-brat · 3 years
Venting alert:
(TW: body talk, body shaming, eating disorder mention)
My graduation party is in November and yesterday I went to a store to try out some dresses and figure out what I liked on my body and what I would look for, cause my mom wants to buy my dress online and I was feeling lost on what to chose.
The dresses they had were all very beautiful, and I picked a few to try on. But none of them fit me.
I was so devasteded about it, and then my mom started to talk to the lady helping us about how I need to loose weight and how lazy I am and assuring the lady that I was gonna loose weight until my party, and what was already a bad experience made me feel awful.
After this I just wanted to go home and cry, but my mom had to keep talking about my weight and my body with one of the owners of the store that she's friends with and the girl was actually very nice and offered to send me some lookbooks of the stores she buys from so that I could choose my dress and she'd order it for my size and even have it custumized with the color I wanted.
I think I stayed in the shop around 40 minutes and I spent only 20 trying on then dresses. After we left I just wanted to be left alone and get home and cry my eyes out cause I was feeling so out of place and so wrong for not fitting in any of the dresses, but of course my mom wanted to talk to me and I ended up lashing out on her.
I was so devasteded with the whole experience that I got home and I started to make plans to starve myself in order to loose weight and look good on the dress I get for my graduation and now I'm honestly worried about developing an eating disorder in order to have a patern body.
I talked to a friend about it and he was honestly amazing in reassuring me that her vision of my body is wrong and that I don't have to follow her hurtfull way of thinking but like I told him, it's hard to break a pattern of self hate when you're still in contact with the very person that taught you that and that keeps encouraging you to do it...
I'm gonna talk about all of this with my therapist, but since my session is Tuesday and I still feel terrible about it, I just needed to let it out some more...
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