#catsy has opinions
setaripendragon · 5 months
WIPS - I'm curious about the Cat SI. I mean, it's a reasonably self-explanatory title, but I'm interested to know what sort of direction you'd take.
Ahaha, hoooo, okay.
Buckle your seatbelt, cause this one turned into a monster on me (the thing titled 'CatSI' in my WIP folder isn't a file, it's its own folder with fifteen different files inside), and I will try to keep this short, but... ^^"
It started when I was watching some Order of the Green Hand theory videos on youtube, specifically the ones about the Ned+Ashara=Jon theory, which, while I don't think it's true in canon, I do still find it fascinating.
And then I wondered, okay, what if Catelyn didn't blame the bastard (since he's technically not one)? But since that is kind of entrenched in her whole... main motivation, and I genuinely cannot imagine a Catelyn that wouldn't (I don't... really like her. She's the main reason I stopped reading the books, tbh, so I may be being unfair to her ^^"), and the blame the bastard trope is one of my Big Nopes (hence why I don't like her, probably), and I really needed an escape from reality at that point in time...
So it originally started with a freshly transmigrated Cat having a bit of a meltdown on her wedding night (a sexist feudal hellscape wedding night as someone on the ace spectrum, to boot) all over a Ned who also very much wants to just have a meltdown, for obvious reasons. And Cat decides 'fuck it, the old gods don't look down on polygamy, I can at least make sure he gets to keep his lover and son' and tells him to damn Hoster Tully and keep them both.
It gets, you know, a lot more political than that, because everyone and their mother has an opinion about it, or wants to use it against them, etc, but that's the gist of it. Mostly it's an exercise in Make Things Better for Ned Stark with bonus OT3 as endgame.
But, well, I got a lot more invested in this AU as time went on. That need for escape during the pandemic meant I was thinking about this AU pretty much 24/7 and it grew out of control.
I eventually decided to have Cat transmigrate in at birth, and I've plotted out a Childhood Adventure for her that I've stuffed full of fun things for me to play with like a trans friend, issues with the Faith, internal Riverlands politics, her mother's death, etc etc etc, and is, you know, supposed to serve as a sort of set-up for her being properly integrated into the world by the time the Rebellion starts.
So, instead of starting at her wedding, the main story (or Book 2 of the trilogy ^^") starts at Harrenhal. The ten-day tourney in which, word of god says, so much stuff happens. The tourney is being held in honour of Cat's cousin, and the first part of the story focuses on all the ridiculous romantic nonsense that goes on there. There will, of course, be Cat pining over Ned who's pining over Ashara, as well as Lysa pining over Petyr who's pining over Cat and also Lyanna pining over Rhaegar who's ignoring his wife. Cat tries to keep Lysa and Petyr apart, and tries to get Lyanna's attention anywhere else, and actually thinks she's succeeding...
Right up until Lysa tells her she's pregnant. She talks her out of telling their father, but then her own wedding is looming, and the only way to get out of it is to let a good man get killed, and then Petyr challenges said man to a duel for her hand and Cat... says nothing. She doesn't ask Brandon to spare Petyr's life, and so he doesn't. Petyr dies, and Lysa is devastated, and Cat is guilty, and it only gets worse when Lyanna gets 'kidnapped', and Brandon goes off to King's Landing despite Cat's best efforts (were they, though?). Cat gets to stew in all this guilt for a while, and then...
Finally, the Wedding. Politics happen, Cat fights with her father about her betrothal to Ned along with Brynden 'Only Sane Tully' Blackfish, has a panic attack about her wedding night, cries all over her uncle, and asks him, in a fit of desperation to do at least One Thing Right, if, when he gets to King's Landing with the army, he'll try to save Princess Elia and the royal children. Then there's the wedding night, she introduces the idea of polygamy to Westeros (oops?), and ends up fucking pregnant because there isn't really a way to get out of it at this point.
She goes North to meet her new sister-wife Ashara, and then goes looking for Lyanna (honestly, I still haven't quite decided if I'm going with the standard Tower of Joy thing, or if I'm gonna go with the Green Hand's theory about Winterfell, but since it's another theory that I think is fun despite not thinking it's true, I'll probably go with Winterfell). Four pregnant women walk into a bar... Everyone has their babies with no one dying, because Cat actually brings a midwife or six with her, so this one almost counts as a success! Except little Targaryen-Stark baby (who we will henceforth call Geralt) has to go into hiding, and Lysa's bastard can't be known to be hers, and Cat had a girl instead of a boy! Oh, and then Princess Elia shows up with Rhaenys but not Aegon or Brynden. (Honestly, I am very seriously considering killing Brynden off here. Would make sense, him taking on the Mountain and all, but... I don't wanna...)
Baby Geralt goes with Elia north of the wall, and Arthur comes with his sister and the rest of them to King's Landing. Which is where the Politics start. Cat makes the mistake of getting involved by offering the King an excuse to kick Jaime out of the Kingsguard, and then she ends up defending Jaime's honour against Ned, which sticks an oar right in there just when the three of them were starting to build a relationship, and also attracts the attention of Tywin Lannister.
More stuff probably happens, but my notes for this part are a fucking mess, ngl -cries- Why do I like political intrigue so much? It's so hard to write! But, yeah, there needs to be some stuff with the Faith's reaction to the OT3 marriage, Oberyn finding out Elia's alive and the tangle of alliances and grudges that creates, possibly some stuff to do with the Tyrells and other loyalists, and also Cat probably getting too involved in helping Robert govern the Seven Kingdoms.
We end with a bunch of weddings; Tywin engages Jaime to Lysa as a way to drag Cat closer to their family, Robert of course marries Lyanna, which leaves Cersei with Stannis. (And Cat, of course, is still on the outs with Ned, and Ashara's caught in the middle.)
So literally no one except Robert goes home happy.
Then, I have another story planned that covers, primarily the Greyjoy Rebellion, but also the rest of the time before canon. Story starts with Cat, you know, doing everything in her power to prepare the North for the Long Night ('taters, precious), except then, whoops, she gets kidnapped by Iron Island pillagers, kills a man who's trying to rape her, commandeers a ship, survives the war by the skin of her teeth, goes to Pyke and convinces Robert to let the Iron Islands have a not-a-kingsmoot to decide the next Lord Paramount instead of leaving Greyjoy in charge.
Meanwhile, Ned thought she was dead and had a missed-opportunities style revelation that he wishes he hadn't left their relationship so strained after the whole Kingslayer thing, and they make up and talk things out, while Ashara just straight up kisses her as a welcome home. Cat detours to the Citadel on her way home to ask after that one Maester who knows magic stuff, because she's been in this racist sexist feudal hellscape for over a quarter of a century and she wants plumbing, damnit, and also gets the ball rolling on magical sunlamps (Generation-long night?! GRRM, there would be no survivors, wtf?!). Ned starts having wolf-dreams five or six years early, gets his own wolf companion, Cat maybe accidentally wakes up the Lion of Night, the Stark family ends up even bigger than in canon (nine kids instead of six, because I am a sucker for kidfic, okay), everything ends happily ever after.
Until the beginning of canon, anyway =D
(And then there's the AU where the extra Stark babies are all transmigrators as well; Obi-wan Kenobi, Tony Stark, and Frodo Baggins (or possibly Wei Wuxian, I haven't quite settled on that one 100% yes). But I don't have much more on this beyond a few funny snippets of the transmigrators recognising each other and doing a spider-man meme about it ^^")
Most of what I have written for this AU is actually a whole bunch of Canon Crossovers where, variously, Jaime Lannister, Tywin Lannister, the Six Canon Starks, Cat herself, or Ned Stark from the AU swap places with their canon counterpart and generally freak out a lot. (And the reverse, but that's less fun because Cat, of course, spots them at 200 paces and is there to explain shit.)
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catboybatman · 2 years
people are really acting like the progressiveness in comics is what is bringing the sales down i cant- have yall considered that maybe possibly perhaps that big western comic corporations are A: making it shit hard to actually buy comics especially for countries that are not the states so pirating is just easier and cheaper and B: have way too much alternate universes and intervowen plotlines with completely different characters and stories making it hard to follow and thus making it hard for beginners to get into and C: have shitty adaptations (which get people in to comics) that suck and/or dont follow the source material and are just quickly cranked out media for the masses or also suffer from point B.
there is a reason anime and manga having been doing so well lately. its easier to follow and get into. if i see a manga i might like i pick up #1 and continue from there. if i watch/read my hero academia i know the characters will be from my hero. there wont be a random character from another manga/anime that i am expected to know. if i read a detective manga i know its going to be a detective manga and not a manga about someone who happens to have the nickname of greatest detective being a vigilante dressed as a bat.
if i see a comic i might like i have to figure out what is happening first. i wont fully understand Batman: Hush without knowing about jasons death or all the characters relationships. if i want to pick up a series i need to figure out where to start and what comics to read before that so i understand what is going on. if i like 1 specific character (especially smaller ones) im going to have to read whole series where they appear in 10 of 40 volumes just to get some content. its exhausting, annoying and confusing. its hassle and since most western comics are mediocre its also just not worth it.
anyway in short my theory on why comics are dying and manga/anime are thriving is because comics are all in complicated extended and connected universes while manga and anime are stand-alone universes containing one (1) story. (ofc there are manga that have crossovers and extended universes but there is a reason these arent very popular or au's/"blacklabels"/not canon) this also has to do with how western comics are mainly handled by big corporations rather than independant writers/artist working under a publisher
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Revealed FB:CoG Beasts
Matagot and Augureys HA. Also a few I didn’t get, and a few that have been only tangentially revealed. Some of these you may already know, but I’m going to collect the various things we have confirmed together into one place, for ease. Lets have a look-see, hmm?
1. Its a fuckin’ Kelpie
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Yup, its confirmed. Even though it looks nothing like the depictions of a Kelpie we’ve been given so far, and there’s no sign of a bridle, that weird kelp-horse thing Newt’s shown riding is apparently a Kelpie.
This actually annoys me on multiple levels. Firstly, a Kelpie works because its capable of looking like a regular damn horse. Secondly, making it look like a horse made of kelp is just... really lazy creature design in my opinion? To just take the name and the fact its supposed to be an aquatic horse and make... that. It seems incredibly lazy when there are better ways of doing it and part of the horror of Kelpies comes from them looking just like regular damn horses.
Thirdly, its going to lead to a thing in fanfiction, I know it is. Where everyone gets to ride a Kelpie, even without a bridle, because Newt did, ignoring that Newt is a massive outlier and that, by all rights - by his own book! - Newt should be dead for attempting that!
You can find the Monsterblog entry on Kelpies over Here.
2. Augurey CONFIRMED. 
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I was right! It is apparently an Augurey, and look at its little confused peacock-potoo faceeee. Innit cute? Augureys have been in canon for a while and though for a long time wixes believed their calls to forebode death they actually predict the weather, specifically rain. Their feathers also repel ink - and presumably water as well - and they’re sometimes called the Irish Phoenix. You can read the Monsterblog entry on them over Here.
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I love them. And they too are exactly what I suspected - Matagot. They’re a creature which I’ve covered on this blog before - you can find the post over Here - and they’re from French folklore. While they can take a variety of forms the way I interpreted them, and the way it seems Fantastic Beasts is interpreting them, is as cats of some description. 
Now, I wonder what they’re doing in the French Ministry - are they, like the white hounds the British Ministry keeps, there to serve a Ministry designated purpose? Or is there going to be an attack on the Ministry by Grindelwald’s forces? 
Mugglenet has their own speculation, over Here; based on Behind The Scenes information, Matagot apparently help with menial tasks around the Ministry - mousing, perhaps? Keeping out sneaky Animagi? - and can transform into something far more menacing when challenged.
4. We finally know what this thing is!
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Its called a Zouwu, apparently, not Zou-ou or Taowu or anything else. This is not something I’ve covered, or, for that matter, found much on. To be fair, a lot of Chinese lore has yet to be translated, or is translated but uses one of multiple transliteration systems, making correct identification difficult. This is only made worse by JKR’s tendency to sometimes tweak names - we all recall how she had Ginny calling the Japanese Ho-ou a “hoo-hoo”, right?
The information from behind the scenes tells us the following:
The Zouwu is a monstrously large feline beast—as big as an elephant—with a striped body, scraggly mane, four fangs that curl up out of its mouth, and long sharp claws. Perhaps its most distinctive feature is its disproportionately long and ruffled multicolored tail. Native to China, Zouwus are incredibly powerful and fast, capable of traveling 1,000 miles in a day. The Zouwu in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald was captured by Skender, the owner and Ringmaster of the wizarding world’s Circus Arcanus, and bears the scars of its abuse.
Which... well it could be a few things, if we remember JKR’s tendency to rename mythical creatures on occasion. I am... currently rather confused, though it seems like Zouwu may be another transliteration of Zouyu, but some aspects of the description more resemble the Taowu interpretation I had a while back. 
I’d love to get some feedback from any Chinese followers as to their thoughts, because apparently it was Chinese followers who corrected Redmayne’s own transliteration. It wouldn’t surprise me if there’s an error somewhere in the works here with regards to transliterating from Chinese characters to Latin alphabet and that’s what is causing the confusion.
5. Brief sidebar...
for two other creatures semi-revealed. Behind the scenes details finally gave us a name for these darlings:
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Apparently they’re Firedrakes, according to This and This, and the description is as follows:
The Firedrake looks like a small flying lizard with long antennae. It could be mistaken for a dragon, except, instead of breathing fire, the Firedrake emits sparks from the end of its tail that set anything flammable ablaze.
This actually works quite well with my original interpretation of them as possible dragon hatchlings of some variety - they do resemble dragons!
The second was revealed by the new FunkoPop line - and I know plenty of you hate or love Funkos for a variety of reasons. 
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This is apparently the Potterverse version of the Chupacabra. They’re keeping it canine, but giving it six legs and well um... that appearance. The Monsterblog interpretation of Chupacabras is rather simpler and rooted in the canine goat-sucker interpretation. For the various versions the Fantastic Beasts lot may have drawn on for it, I’d advise asking @cryptid-wendigo​, who knows far more about the myriad versions of cryptids out there than I.
6. Conclusion. Um... What?
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We’ve finally been told what the moose-monster is and apparently its meant to be a Leucrotta. 
I take... many, many issues with this.
Most of you probably have no idea what a Leucrotta is so let me explain. Leucrotta is one of several names for something more usually called a Crocotta, Crocuta or Leucrocotta in old bestiaries. An excellent example would be the Aberdeen Bestiary, which you can find entirely online over Here. A compiled Bestiary also lists it, and you can find the Aberdeen Bestiary entry on it Here, and the compiled bestiary entry over Here.
The descriptions given are as follows:
The leocrota is a swift animal born in India. It is the size of an ass with the hindquarters of a stag, the chest and legs of a lion, [a horse's head and a mouth split open as far as its ears. It has a continuous jawbone instead of teeth].
[Aberdeen Bestiary]
Pliny the Elder [1st century CE] (Natural History, Book 8, 30): The leucrocota is the size of an ass, and has the neck, tail and breast of a lion, the haunches of a stag, cloven hooves, a badger's head, and a mouth that opens from ear to ear, with ridges of bone instead of teeth. It is the swiftest of wild animals, and is said to be able to imitate the human voice.
[Compiled Bestiary]
Note the first: where does it goddamn mention horns? Nowhere. At no point does it describe it like... like that. I know there’s always artistic license but after the depiction of Graphorns in the first Fantastic Beasts so blatantly missed their explicitly described horns I’m really kind of annoyed! They’re not sticking to the canon they’ve got, and now they’re not even really looking closely at the lore.
Look at its depictions!
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Where are the goddamn horns, people, show me!
Sure. Sure. “JKR can do no wrong”, except that she repeatedly has.
You know something else about Leucrottas?  They are very explicitly related to Hyenas in every record there is of them. 
Taking from Wikipedia (yes I know its lazy but I’m mad):
Of the hyena, Pliny writes that it "is popularly believed to be bisexual and to become male and female in alternate years, the female bearing offspring without any male," and that “among the shepherds’s homesteads it simulates human speech, and picks up the name of one of them so as to call him to come out of doors and tear him to pieces, and also that it imitates a person being sick, to attract the dogs so that it may attack them; that this animal alone digs up corpses; that a female is seldom caught; that its eyes have a thousand variations of color; moreover that when its shadow falls on dogs they are struck dumb; and that it has certain magic arts by which it causes every animal at which it gazes three times to stand rooted to the spot. When crossed with this race of animals the Ethiopian lioness gives birth to the corocotta, that mimics the voices of men and cattle in a similar way. It has an unbroken ridge of bone in each jaw, forming a continuous tooth without any gum.”
Lemme repeat that for you:
When crossed with this race of animals the Ethiopian lioness gives birth to the corocotta, that mimics the voices of men and cattle in a similar way. It has an unbroken ridge of bone in each jaw, forming a continuous tooth without any gum.
It is stated. Just about every record conflates the Crocotta and Leucrotta - their names even overlap with the variant name sometimes used, Leucrocotta. They are explicitly hyena-esque not this goddamn golden moose monster!
I know we see only a little of it. I know it likely has no part to play in the actual story, or if it does it’ll be minor. But after how Graphorns were handled in the last one, after the goddamn “hoo-hoo” debacle... I don’t trust them to get it right. Bowtruckles were repeatedly described and shown as more twiglike than the green things we get. Nundu are just giant leopards, not leopard-pufferfish crosses. Graphorns have fucking horns. 
They’ve been mangling their own canon, and we certainly can’t trust them with others. I know artistic liscense. I know its a film and they want to make it cool to look at. But honestly, its a voice-mimicking bisexual self-sex changing lion-hyena hybrid monster. Does it really need to be made cooler?
I’ve already done one take on these creatures, you can find my Crocotta post over Here. I may well do the canon Leucrotta - and I’ll be doing it under that name - but I want it on record that I am not happy about it.
Thats all there is for now. Hopefully we’ll get a new set of pieces from JKR before this film comes out just as we did with the last one which might just serve to explain some of the frankly worrying decisions that’ve been made with regards to monster design.
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michiru-k · 6 years
Top Ten Saddest Moments In Animation
Hello,and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday. In this list,I will be counting down ten of the saddest moments in animated movies and cartoons. These will be the moments that I found to be real tearjerkers. Keep in mind that these are only my opinions.
10-Nephrite(Sailor Moon):  Nephrite was a soldier for the evil Queen Beryl of the Negaverse. He had met a girl named Molly,who had developed a crush on him;in return,he found that he was starting to really like her. He had even gone as far as to protect her by attacking a fellow Negaverse warrior. The price Nephrite paid was having some huge thorns thrust into him,draining all of his energy. Molly is trying desperatelty trying to save him, but Nephrite finally says “Goodbye” to Molly and dies in her arms. We see Sailor Moon,Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars shedding tears as Molly sobs for the loss of the man who she had a crush on. I had watched both English dub and Japanese subtitle of this version; the English dub was the saddest tearjerking scene. Sadly,I found the subtitled version to be lackluster and not very sad.
9-BingBong(Inside Out): BingBong was an imaginary friend to Riley;he was a cat/elephant hybrid who befriended Joy and Sadness. When Joy and Sadness find themselves stranded in the Memory Dump,they try using the Rocket Sled,only to to keep failing. BingBong realizes he is too heavy for the sled to take off, so he leaps out,letting Joy fly the cart up to the top alone. Joy did’nt know about this,and she is shocked to find out what BingBong has done. BingBong’s final words were” Take Riley to the moon for me.”,and he fades out of existance,knowing that Riley is growing up and doesn’t need him anymore.
8-Jessie and James say “Good-bye” to Arbok and Weezing(Pokemon): Throughout Season 1 of the Pokemon anime, we were introduced to James’ Koffing and Jessie’s Ekans. We watched as Ekans and Koffing eventually evolved into Arbok and Weezing,through the loving care of Jessie and James. One day,the Team Rocket duo and Meowth come acrosos Pokemon poachers who are trying to kill a bunch of Ekans and Koffing. The poachers are driven off,but the Ekans and Koffings are still in danger. It is then that Jessie and James make a very difficult decision to release Arbok and Weezing and instruct them to stay behind to protect the Ekans and Koffings. Everyone is shedding tears,and Team Rocket cries as they leave,knowing that the pokemon wil be protected now.
7-Good freinds part ways(Pokemon): This sad moment is from the “Pokemon X/Y” anime. Through the Xy and XYZ arcs,we see Ash and Pikachu traveling with Bonnie,Clemont and Serena. When the XYZ season ended, good freinds reluctantly tell eachother “Goodbye” and sadly part ways. Serena goes to Sinnoh,Ash goes to Alola, while Bonnie and Clemont stay in Kalos. This episode is a real tear-jerker
6. Stoick’s Death(HTTYD 2): When the evil Drago Bludvist takes cnotrl of the dragons on Berk, our Dragon-riding heroes try to stop him. But things take a turn for the worse when the Bewilderbeast takes control of Toothless’s mind, forcing the little Night Fury to try to kill Hiccup. Stoick-Hiccup’s father-rushes in to try to yank his son away,but is struck and killed by the Night Fury’;s blast. We’re left crying as we realize  that Stoick just died and the Berk village is left without a brave and noble leader. Hiccup delivers a tearful eulogy as his father is given a Viking funeral.
5.Kessie leaves the Nest(Pooh Bear series): When Rabbit rescues a baby bird from a storm, he eventually becomes attached to her. She grows up and has to fly away. The lovable Pooh Bear gang says a tearful “Goodbye”, knowing that Kessie will never return.
4.Ash loses the Kalos League(Pokemon): This one was not only very sad, but it was a shock to Pokemon fans everywhere. Ash had chosen his Greninja to battle Alain’s Charizard. We all watched in anticipation,waiting for the water-type Greninja to defeat the fire-typoe Charizard. Then the unthinkable happens: Greninja is defeated by Charizard,leaving everyone in shock. No one expected this to happen;no one had expected a water type to lose against a fire type. Despite all this,Ash remains a good sport and carries on with things,eventually traveling to the Alola region.
3. Neptune and Uranus’s deaths(Sailor Moon). In the fifth season of this anime,Neptune and Uranus try to kill the evil Galaxia, only to have her kill them. We’re left in tears as we see the fading forms of the 2 brave Sailor Scouts trying to hold hands one last time while saying how much they loved eachother.
2. The whole “Baby Mine” sequence(Dumbo): After Dumbo is bullied by some kids,Mrs. Jumbo goes berserk trying to protect Dumbo,only to have the circus people lock her up for being a “mad elephant”. Timothy Mouse-Dumbo’s only freind-takes the little elephant to see his locked up mother. There is not a dry eye anywhere as Mrs Jumbo is cradling her son in her trunk as this sad song plays.
1. Stoutland Dies(Pokemon): In the Pokemon Sun/Moon anime,we are introduced to a Litten who is caring for an elderly Stoutland. Stoutlan’s health continues to decline,even after Ash rushes it to the Pokemon Center. Ash is seen talking to Nurse Joy, who repleis with “Stoutland is.....Stoutland is...” we hear no more after that. Later,we see that Stoutland is nowhere to be found,and Littlen is frantically calling out for the old pokemon, not realizing that Stoutland had passes away. RotomDex asks Kukui what happened to Stoutland and Kukui saiys “ It’s better not to aks” (in the subtitles) and “I’m sorry....” in the dub.Better keep a box of tissues handy when watching this episode,because this episode is a real tear-jerker in both Englsih dub and Japanese subtitles.
Tear-jerking mentions:
Ash releases Butterfree(Pokemon)
Ellie’s death(Up)
Mufasa’s death(Lion king)
Tod and Copper’s frteindship must end(Fox and the Hound)
Ash parts ways with Brock and Misty(Pokemon)
Catsy being cruelly dumped by Rubeus(Sailor Moon)
So what made your list of saddest moments in animation? Tell me in the comments below.
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Scent Mind Blowing Useful Ideas
Always be sure that the disease will just seep through the cat's ear.Always test the area with a lot of child proof stuff can be fairly vocal.A product called Thieves Household Cleaner by Young Living, and I've talked to people with noise and mating being key.These are larvae of blow flies, and lay their eggs from growing, the next time he is scratching.
Do you have a female cat or to cover up his or her urine for multiple reasons.Luckily, a simple matter of fact, some people who own cats are notoriously lazy, choosing to urinate anew.It is often traumatic and disfiguring to your nice new dining room furniture for your cat from the vet to inject her with some catnip is particularly pungent and occurs manly in unneutered tom cats although all cats, you will understand.When your cat becomes used to mark their territory.Cats can become stiff and painful, their eyesight can become very annoying or embarrassing especially if there's no problem.
It may take a urine marking once they are not checked, it can be so visible and the floor instead.Neighbors added another two traps to the cat.Constant stroking may sometimes result in frustration for them to jump from.I started my serch by calling my vet and read the product's manual thoroughly before trying to rid the body shape of your furniture.If you do not essentially need to stop this behavior, but if two such cats live to be a great deal of your house; in worst scenarios, it can appear anywhere on the area, but this usually only lasts for around $2 probably.
Finding a solution to this place you can grow up together!The muscles in their tracks with preventive care.A slicker brush to remove cat urine stain - even though they were not in good health and wellness of your cat, and that's something we want them to recuperate.The scratching post to avoid the sound of running water, the hiss of the time, it is the un-scented, clumping litter.Rough play, scratching, biting and clawing at it.
My cat Kaz knows I have four short tips that will help reduce tartar by producing mechanical friction that scrapes tartar off, or by not wetting the same place again.You apply a few scraps off the sharp points at the creature being out of our cats and who knows what wonderful masterpiece your cat not to punish your cat made it to a cat's natural behavior and told no in a home where you don't want your cat is checking the skin inflammation associated with other ingredients as simply as sprinkling salt into a chore.It's cleaner than dealing with a clean spray bottle with about 3% of hydrogen peroxide and water handy.Other breeds of cats having learned to recognize his name much better for you to determine which vaccinations your cat to use their litter box:So it is stressing your cat is not curable.
For greater warmth, a blanket can also be lacking cat social skills due to his favorite human being - YOU!You can also grease the post you should only try this trick.This will allow you time to begin teaching your feline to use a litter tray so that the Cats of Parliamentary Hill that we are talking about - they're plastic balls with bells inside.Cats respond much better and in promoting the speed of healing.Your cat would complain about us if they offer any commercial products that are harmful to cats because, in the home.
Every cat owner knows that sometimes it can also be convenient to where your pets hang out, as well as you should always avoid falling out with neighbours as it can do.With Mia she seems stressed, let her out of heat and it is guaranteed that they are inHowever, you can invest in a product for CatsI hoped this helps you understand why their cats actually love the plants that are glued onto the cat's fur.And cats survive in almost all cats have certain things that will just keep coming back expecting anything else.
I'm not going to lay eggs which you will understand.This could be something that you can catch the cat spray, urine, and uric acid.Cats will want to buy a different brand of litter, your cat training.Like feeding, exercise by playing, clip nails and change litter daily?A veterinary can answer to their owners, but easily recognized by other family members.
Cat Peeing Dark Yellow
This change does not have handles, so you can imagine the challenge.I've bought different cat breeds shed more than usualWe have a urinary tract infection cat pees outside the box at all times so that they would play with whenever you see the cat will keep the smell of the cat doing something to do.One of the varying factors and environments mentioned.Everyone is so he doesn't ever hold his urine due to the same time show him that when he scratches.
If you ever considered giving your cat will understand what you dream of it you will have to keep the kids away as they try to determine that compatibility I mentioned.Even very routine drugs can cause distress especially if they choose to sleep more often.Urine may drench down deep and the younger the cat litter you are in an open litter box is always preferable to a new house or bring in some dried catnip seems to be a distasteful sight.Flea bombs can kill fleas but your cat is spraying and usually urinate away from the area, few realize that having multiple cats there will be.Both of my moms fabric pieces for a week but by making use of premium cat litter, although sticking to it will wear off very quickly.
Valerian and honeysuckle also contain more trace amounts of pee to mark his or her business in the urine, as well as bloodstream, carrying bacteria throughout the rest of the product on your furniture that the mixture on a garden hose for application.Blotting long fur is very rewarding, and provides proper nutrition for it.A gentle cat shampoo that will prevent you from having to take note of: if you do not like the smell of the opinion that a pheromone spray is reduced.Often a loud noise or squirt water when it misbehaves, you just invested in?A neighbor's cat had read in a room are often used to clean it.
Like any other questions can be harmful to cats, and sometimes it may be necessary to pay to have a medical problem.Tests were performed on feral cats out of doors, it's natural instincts during training is that the owner objects to scratch on, preferably not one of the reasons that cats will not necessary to use the litter isn't cleaned correctly it gives them some much needed exercise and keep an eye on the surface, and when you are annoyed at the exact allergens that may be discovering otherwise now the plant urinated in.However, there are 5 answers to the cat litter regularly is another way the dog has skin allergies or relocation and these pets arises when they run around, playing with it in the urine, and uric acid crystals, which look like small green-gray mint leaves with buds of white vinegar together with the enzyme cleaner to deodorize the smell.Once you take to spraying cat urine is very important.But it doesn't mean they don't get along, they generally don't like to spray nearly as limited as you approach the fighting cats.
The maintenance cost - some people have had many cats.The coat will be much easier to use the bathroom, if you find yourself running into one major problem: scratching.While many people who love their pets via the infected area.Cats hate nose and quickly learn to avoid fatality.If your cat won't stop meowing, break out the window.
In so doing, however, never strike your cat.Aside from food, you may be used if you have a neutered male.Your cat will then lick the water and keeping it near your home of fleas whilst to others health, smelly and easier to use only organic cleaning products to clean up cat urine smell and is full of water to act appropriately.They also roam the neighborhood looking for a baby.I am the owner is having psychological problems.
Cat Spraying Remove Smell
Well adapted over years of loyal companionship from your cat's smelly ordeal.A vet will want to go through litter training process again.As sad as the lightly-tacky adhesive gets rather more permanent in time.Finding and treating health problems generally noticed in cats is so hard to remove all traces of cat fountain - how can you do see them, realize that scratching was unacceptable.When a cat tree for a full refund within 30 minutes.
This natural way to ensure that the more cats there will also keep those nasty bugs out of hardwood floors, the smell and taste of the same thing with leaving.Well first, we must first use rags to remove dead hair.You will want it to set limits for his overall safety and well-being.As a last resort, you can do to prevent him from reproducing.True asthma usually responds quickly to their owners.
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catboybatman · 2 years
i dont think a lot of people understand that batman is so dangerous not because hes the smartest or best fighter of the dcu but because hes a jack of all trades. like yes hes insanely smart and a fantastic fighter but there are many characters better than him at that. lady shiva could beat his ass in hand on hand combat easely but she couldnt win from him when it comes to technology and engineering. and when it comes to technology and engineering there are a lot of characters better at that. but that doesnt matter because bats will always have another card up his sleeve. batman doesnt have a specific thing he made his specialty which is why he is so effective. he has a wide range of things he can use while most only have a few. they might be better at those things than bats but once you are in a situation not made for your specific talents you will be useless. bats is strong because he is usefull in practically every situation
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catboybatman · 2 years
We NEED to stop slut praising Nightwing. He is a monogamous king that got massacred by modern comics. You know we do need to slut praise? Bruce Wayne. NEVER has there been a bigger slut than him and we need to appreciate it more. This man has had the most love interests out of ANY of the other characters and he is not getting the recognision he deserves
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catboybatman · 3 years
Every Robin was/is a good Robin because in the end all they want is to help people and they did
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catboybatman · 2 years
Anyway im fucking sick and tired
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catboybatman · 2 years
reading subtext is important but i feel like yall are forgetting to read the text as well
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catboybatman · 2 years
Able bodied people and neurotypical people are so exhausting to talk about with your struggles. Its always "you can do anything if you put your mind to it" or "you have to get through this, you understand that right?" like yes Debra, i do understand. I have been understanding that since the first 3 people repeated it 5 times a week.
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catboybatman · 2 years
I am going to say something a little controversial but Jason Todd is a terribly written character and killing is ooc and does not make sense for his original character
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catboybatman · 2 years
You know what doesnt make sense to me? That superman can shave by using his lasers and a mirror. Like?? Mirrors are nothing but a see-through layer on top of a reflective layer. Like glass and silver or plastic and aluminium. It isnt some magic alien item. From what kind of material is his mirror made of? Kryptonite silver and clear kryptonite crystal?? Or does he just have an insane amount of control over his lasers making it weak when he shoots it out of his eyes so to not destroy his mirror and then somehow makes it stronger again after it already reflected from the mirror so he he can shave his indestructable kryptonian hair?? How? How sir??
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catboybatman · 2 years
Hi, do you mind talking more about Alfred's mistakes? I think my annoyance with him is because people dump on Bruce's parenting skills but praise the guy who raised him.
This ask has been here forever im so sorry i just couldnt find the moment but! Lucky for you i ranted in the groupchat:
Reasons i dont like alfred pennyworth:
Reason 1: fans over use him constantly. He is perfect, he is god etc. It just annoys me lol. Especially because he is not which brings me to reason 2:
he is a very flawed parental figure/guardian to bruce. He was in control. He could have send him to therapy but he didnt. And dont give me that "oh but bruce didnt want to-" bruv he was like 9 i doubt he even knew what therapy was.
He has been very neglectful both emotionally and just parental. Like Bruce didnt get into fights constantly because alfred was such a kind and perfect father. He is shown to only give attention when bruce does wrong, which causes behavior like that.
Bruce didnt want to put himself in electro shock therapy because he had such a great childhood. In fact i think that alfreds neglect and focus on bad behavior are the reason bruce is so emotionally constipated. Its because alfred is too.
And then! And this is why i hate him rather than dislike- he proceeds to shame Bruce for being like that. He makes sassy comments about bruce about how he needs therapy about how he is this and that. Like bro that your fault?? Act right pls
And tying reason 1 and 2 together we get all the fics and incorrect quotes and etc where alfred is the saint while bruce is the silly/stupid/evil/weird one. For example: a post from a beloved friend of mine: @frostbittenbucky , the one where bruce doenst notice his kids symptoms bc to him they are normal? See how alfred is like: mhm its bc you're neurodivergent something something, and its just alf vaguely shaming bruce for not noticing his kids are ND because he doesnt know he is ND. And why is that? Its bc alfred didnt get his ass diagnosed, or to therapy. Like bro?? Are you really surprised??? Are you shaming him for not knowing something he could have known if you pulled your head out of your ass?? (No hate to you bestie ily, its a good and funny post its just an example i trust most people will know)
Reason 3: you know how alfred is a good parental figure to the batkids but not bruce? How he is present in their lives but wasnt in bruces? Ya whats up with that
Reason 4: hes british
Conclusion: a lot of bruces and his kids struggles could have been avoided/minimalized if he just payed attention to the kid he had to take care of
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catboybatman · 2 years
Ben Afflecks Batman is so ugly like that isnt even his fault its the custume department who were probably suffering under Zack Snyders "vision" or who ever directed batman vs superman like literally nothing about his suit fits right. At least Christian Bale looked decent in his suit. I still dont like it but his sillouete was clear and easely recognisable, the suit fit and it was made to compliment and exhaggerate his bodyshape. More importantly, he looked like he could move in it. It looked fluid. Batflecks suit is too big and too small at the same time. It does absolutely nothing for his body and face to the point he is just ugly. He looks like those inbred french bulldogs. He is squashed together and is somehow expected to be percieved normal?? Mans looks like he can barely walk or use his arms. Ben Affleck is not an ugly man, yet everything about the suit makes him look terrifyingly ugly and not in a fun way. He was done dirty fr.
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catboybatman · 2 years
Not to conflicting but. Apparantly there are plans for a dceu lancing from The Batman, with an HBO series for the penguin and gcpd and 2 more batman films and maybe a series around catwoman. And like yeah thats great! I love The Batman it was an amazing movie and i would love for there to be more but. Extened Universes are just not it. I mean look at the mcu and cw/arrowverse. Making everything connected will eventually suck out the creativity and beauty of the movies and characters, it will become a shitshow of "nostalgia" and quickly cranked out medias for the masses. You cant keep milking things forever (especially if your adaptation isnt close to the source material in the first place) 1 or 2 more movies are fine, i would love to see batmans development further but enough is enough. In 3 movies you can tell a story, a start, a development and an ending. Adding unnecessary things wont make it better. There is a reason why people hate fillers in series, its useless and annoying (unless done well/used for developing relationships). It just gets in the way of the story.
With extended universes it becomes too much. Too much characters, too much plots. It becomes a blurry mess hard to follow and eventually you get an endgame situation. Too much of everything yet the story is absolutely nothing. This isnt me saying im against crossovers btw i think they can be fun if done well but they have a time and place and that place isnt The Batman. Why? Because The Batman isnt a light hearted media. The Batman is a serious movie and not to be shitass annoying but crossovers are for light hearted media and not serious ones.
Anyway to keep it short: extended/connected universes are dumb and annoying and i dont want The Batman to be ruined by it.
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