#cuz i spent hours on this theme
mayordea · 11 months
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hold my hand even if i cry
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sen-ya · 5 months
Life After Info Post
[Click here to access the Life After Digital Comic Book]
Summary: Two years ago, a viral outbreak rose the dead. Considering how his life had gone up to this point, surgeon Trafalgar Law figured this might as well happen too. When a supply run into the nearby city gets intercepted by a seemingly reckless and impulsive former patient, the dependable routine Law had settled into in this new life shatters. He finds himself exposed — his body out in the infected landscape, his conscious clawing to define what he believes is right, his heart begrudgingly deciding to find a new home on his sleeve. Maybe there’s more than a virus roaming the new world that can bring a dead man back to life.
Content Warnings: Canon typical violence, zombies/body horror (but lbr I am not good at making scary things look scary)
Relationships: Luffy x Law
Update Schedule: New page every Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Page Count: [37 posted | 55 drawn]
Latest Update: [7/21/24] WOWEE did I get myself carried away this morning. I just spent 5 hours organizing my comics and creating the digital comic book pages. I could have spent that time drawing or idk not doing what I do for my job, but I cannot be stopped. Anyway I blocked out 30 pages of this comic last week and they include the most intense action sequence I've ever done in my gotdang life. Wish me luck because I am nervous about tying down all my drawings lmao.
[6/29/24] HULLO! I'm doing so bad at keeping my masterposts updated lately I am sorry. All pages of life after are tagged life after if you're ever looking between masterpost updates! Also exciting update, I finally have figured out all the different plot points i'm gonna be hitting (yay!). I got hung up on something for awhile that made me not wanna work on this project, but I'm back at it. I think we'll end up with 6-7 parts! I have probably another 80-100 pages to draw lol. Also i got the app Magic Poser and it's AWESOME and I immediately used it to block out sets cuz MAN I hate backgrounds.
[6/10/24] HELLO. I'm sorry I've been shit at updating my masterposts lately. It's easiest to do from my computer, which I rarely use, and life has been happening. I also can't believe I bungled the queue and posted pg19 before pg18 i am very sorry 🤦 Eventually I'll have to turn this into an airtable base I'm sure, but until that day comes where I have like 100 pages of this comic we're stickin to the regular post lmao
[5/26/23] I got real caught up in doing summer of lawlu comics this week and this is the first week since the first week of April I haven't drawn new Life After pages and it feels weird 🙊
[5/19/24] More Luffy backstory comin' this week! :^)
[5/12/24] Updating now so get myself on schedule to update on Sundays like I had been with my other comic master post!
[5/8/24] Thank you to everyone who's liked/reblogged/comment on the first few pages!! It means the world to me that anyone's reading my silly little comics.
[4/28/24] HULLO. It’s happeninnng. I’ve spent the last few weeks working on this comic, and I gotta make this post so I can start queuing pages & link this in them! This is the most like….legit? Comic endeavor I’ve undertaken perhaps….ever. I’m very nervous about committing to how long it will need to be lol. This story is dear to my heart — zombie content is kind of my very favorite. I’ve always found it to be a great backdrop for exploring themes like grief, coping with change, community, and learning to live again. It’ll be a long haul but I hope you’ll ride it out with me!! Tomorrow I’ll be posting the first two pages. After that a page will post every Monday/Wednesday/Friday. As of this post I’ve completed over 20 pages so that I have a good lead on what’s posting and continuing to write, so I’m hopeful that’s a cadence I’ll be able to maintain. I’ll update this post weekly to include the most recent pages the way I do with my main comics master post. All pages will be tagged 'Life After' and I'll tag any pages with zombies in them with 'zombie' for blacklisting etc.
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latinasforace · 3 months
Hidden feelings
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A/N: update!!! ngl i hate being the reader & having to wait for an update haha so i’ll try to be quick with it. Also cuz i enjoy writing this. FORGOT TO MENTION. THIS AU & SOME OF ITS IDEAS ARE HEAVILY INSPIRED BY ARTIST @/_ceceru ON TWITTER. So definitely check your their school au one piece art to get a visual of the story :D it’s so cute. also ignore the shit editing i’m not use this tumblr stuff…
warnings: none as of yet..?
pairing: Luffy x Fem Reader
WC: 4.8k
part 1 here!!!!!
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Chapter 2: Flow
The morning sun rays went through the curtains of your room, gently waking you from her sleep. You rubbed eyes and stretched, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Today was Friday, and it was the day you planned to return Luffy’s hat.
You got out of bed and started with your usual morning routine. You brushed your teeth, washed your face, applied your usual makeup, and dressed in your school uniform. As you fixed up your hair for today, you glanced at Luffy’s yellow hat resting on your desk. You had spent a good part of the previous evening mending it, making sure it looked as good as new.
With a deep breath, you picked up the hat and placed it carefully in your bag. You went downstairs, had a quick breakfast, said goodbye to your family and headed out the door to catch the bus to school. The streets were bustling with students and commuters, and the atmosphere was lively, everyone excited for the weekend ahead.
At school, you went through your usual day. You attended her classes, took notes, and did your best to focus, but your mind kept drifting to the certain yellow hat in your bag. During lunch, the cafeteria was buzzing with activity. You spotted Luffy sitting with his friends, the Straw Hats club, their table lively and full of laughter.
You took a deep breath and started walking towards them, but as you got closer, your anxiety took over. The thought of approaching Luffy in front of all his friends felt overwhelming. You turned around and went to by your lunch mate’s table instead. They greeted you with kind gestures but didn’t bother you throughout the period, sensing your feelings of frustration and irritation.
Throughout the day, you tried to find the right moment to approach him, but he was always surrounded by people. Each time you gathered the courage to walk up to him, your nerves got the better of you.
Finally, the last bell of the day rang, signaling the end of school. Students started to disperse, eager to begin their weekend. You gathered you belongings and decided to make one last attempt. You walked through the emptying hallways, your heart pounding.
Near the bathrooms, you saw Luffy standing alone, adjusting his backpack. This was your chance. You took a deep breath and approached him, your hands nervously trembling slightly.
"Uh, Luffy?" you called out softly.
He turned around, his usual grin lighting up his face. "Oh, hey, Y/N! What’s up?"
You reached into your bag and pulled out his signature yellow hat. "I, um, found this yesterday. It was under a bench in the courtyard, so I took it home and fixed it up for you. It was really teared up from the cap part.”
Luffy’s eyes widened in surprise and delight. "No way! You found it? Thank you so much!" He took the hat from your hands, examining it closely. "Wow, it looks brand new!"
You smiled, feeling a sense of relief. "I’m glad you like it."
Luffy looked at you with genuine gratitude. "You’re really amazing, Y/N. Hey, how about I get you a drink from the vending machine as a thank you?"
Before you could respond, he continued, "Actually, you know what? Let’s go grab something to eat. There’s a small restaurant near the school, you know the pirate seafood themed one. My friends kinda busy right now, so it’ll be just us."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Um, that sounds great, but—"
Luffy didn’t wait for you to even finish. "Awesome! Meet me there in about an hour, okay?" He gave you a quick wave and jogged off, leaving you standing there, stunned.
As you made her way home to drop off your bag, change out your uniform and freshen up, you couldn’t believe what had just happened. You are going to have dinner with Luffy, alone. A mix of excitement and nervousness filled you, but you knew this was a chance to get to know him better and maybe even become friends.
The sun was setting as you walked to the restaurant, a tiny spark of hope igniting in your heart.
You arrived at the small seafood restaurant near the school a little early. It was a cozy place with a warm, welcoming atmosphere. The soft hum of conversation and the scent of delicious food filled the air, making you feel slightly more at ease. You chose a table by the window and sat down, nervously fidgeting with your hands.
After a few minutes, the door swung open, and Luffy walked in, his usual bright smile on his face. He spotted you and made his way over, waving enthusiastically. "Hey, Y/N! Thanks for waiting."
You smiled shyly. "No problem, Luffy. I just got here myself."
Luffy plopped down in the seat across from you, looking around the restaurant with curiosity. "This place looks great! I’ve always wanted to try it."
You nodded. "Mhm, it’s really nice. I’ve heard their food is amazing."
A waiter came by to take their orders, and Luffy, with his usual enthusiasm, ordered a variety of dishes, making you chuckle. You opted for something simple, feeling a bit more relaxed as she watched Luffy’s excitement.
As you both waited for their food, Luffy leaned forward, his eyes shining with curiosity. "So, Y/N, tell me about yourself. I mean, I see you around school, but we’ve never talked at all.”
You felt a bit nervous but was glad for the opportunity to share. "Well, there’s not much to tell. I like reading and studying. I like to hang out with my friends after school, uh.” You slightly lied, not finding the correct answers that will please him so you made something up.
Luffy nodded, listening intently. "That’s cool. I like hanging out with my friends too. We have a LOT of fun together. Hmm do you have any hobbies?"
You thought about it for a moment. "I like drawing and painting. It’s a nice way to relax and express myself."
Luffy’s eyes lit up. "That’s awesome! You should show me your drawings sometime. I bet they’re really good."
Your face slightly warmed at the replied, feeling flattered. "Maybe I will."
Your conversation flowed naturally, with Luffy sharing funny stories about his friends and their adventures, making you laugh. You found yourself feeling more comfortable, enjoying his company and the way made you feel at ease.
When your food arrived, you both dug in with enthusiasm. Luffy’s excitement over the dishes was contagious, and you couldn’t help but smile at his reactions. You shared bites of your meals, laughing and talking about their favorite foods.
As you finished your meals, Luffy leaned back in his chair, looking content. "This was really fun, Y/N. I’m glad we did this. And we ate really really good.”
You nodded, feeling a warm sense of happiness. "Me too, Luffy. Thank you for inviting me."
Luffy grinned. "Hey, anytime! We should hang out more often. You’re really cool, Y/N.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. "I’d like that."
You both split and paid the bill and then left the restaurant, walking side by side under the evening sky. The streets were quiet, and the stars were just slightly starting to appear, creating a scenery.
As you walked, Luffy turned to you. “Thanks again for finding my hat and fixing it up. It really means a lot to me. Like a lot. It’s from a special someone, you know.”
You smiled. "It was my pleasure, Luffy. I’m glad I could help."
You reached the corner where you guys would part ways, and Luffy stopped, looking at you with a sincere expression. “You know, you’re kinda cute, Y/N.”
Luffy gave you a quick, friendly hug, catching you even more off guard and rushing to this way. Before you could even respond, he turned and sprinted towards the bus stop that was different from yours, waving as he went. “See you tomorrow, Y/N! Oh wait— Cya Monday!”
“And don’t forget to meet my friends soon!” He yelled out from the distance before slowing down and riding on his bus home.”
You watched him run off, feeling warmness in your chest. This evening had been more than you could have hoped for. You had spent time with Luffy, shared laughs and stories, and felt a connection growing between you both.
As you made your way home, you couldn’t stop smiling. This was probably just the beginning, and you looked forward to what the future held. For now, you cherished the memories of your first little dinner together.
The weekend flew by in a blur of activity. You spent Saturday shopping with your siblings, trying to find clothes that suited your style. You had experienced a small crisis last time, picking out an outfit when you went out with Luffy, and wanted to be more prepared in the future. As you browsed through racks of clothes, she visualized different outfits, hoping to make it easier to plan ahead. You also were in need of some makeup products to try out new looks and enhance it. Your siblings also offered their opinions, turning the shopping trip into a fun bonding experience.
Sunday was a mix of chores, homework, and relaxation. You tackled your assignments in the evening, making sure everything was ready for the upcoming week. Despite the busyness, you still felt a warm, happy glow from Friday’s dinner with Luffy. The memory of your time together lingered, making you smile every time you thought about it.
Monday morning arrived, and you went through your usual routine. You got dressed in your uniform, and applied your makeup, doing a little more than usual going out for a different makeup style. You felt more confident about your appearance. The school day began like any other, and you headed to your locker to gather your things for class.
As you were busy organizing your books, you heard commotion down the hall. It was Luffy was running around, fooling with his friends Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji. Their laughter echoed through the corridor, and you chuckled at their antics.
Suddenly, Luffy came barreling towards you. Before you could react, he ran into you, knocking you to the ground. Your books scattered across the floor, and you looked up in shock. He had clearly seen you in the hallways so you didn’t think you would get caught up in the commotion or be in the way, and left completely caught off guard.
Sanji immediately rushed over to you, scolding Luffy. “Oi, Luffy! Watch where you’re going! You can’t just run into a lady like that!”
He offered his hand to help you up, his expression full of concern. “Are you okay, Miss? That was quite a tumble.”
You nodded, accepting his hand and getting you to your feet. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.”
Luffy scratched his head, looking sheepish. “Sorry about that, Y/N. I didn’t mean to knock you over.”
Sanji continued to fuss over her, making sure she wasn’t hurt. “You need to be more careful, Luffy. You could’ve seriously harmed such a beautiful girl.”
Luffy grinned, seemingly unfazed by the scolding. “Hey, guys, this is Y/N. She’s the girl I told you about from Friday.”
Usopp’s eyes widened, and he elbowed Luffy playfully. “Oh, so this is the girl you went on a date with?”
Luffy laughed, waving off the comment. “It wasn’t a date, Usopp. We just had dinner together.”
Usopp smirked. “Sure, sure. Whatever you say, Luffy.”
Luffy turned back to you, introducing you to his friends. “Y/N, this is Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji. Guys, this is Y/N.”
They all greeted you warmly. Usopp gave you a friendly wave, Chopper smiled shyly, and Sanji bowed slightly, his demeanor polite. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
Usopp grinned. “You should sit with us at lunch, Y/N. It’ll be fun.”
Chopper nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, you should! We’d love to get to know you better.”
Luffy didn’t wait for her to respond. “Yeah, come sit with us! Uh you usually sit with Vivi right?? She’ll be okay with it.”
You felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. You had always admired the close-knit group of friends from afar and now had the chance to join them. “Okay, I’d like that.”
Luffy’s grin widened. “Great! See you at lunch then.”
As they went their separate ways to class, you couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement. You had just been pulled into Luffy’s world, and the prospect of getting to know his friends better made your heart race. The morning had started with a bit of chaos, but it was turning out to be an unexpectedly wonderful day.
The day flew by and when lunchtime finally arrived you made your way to the cafeteria, your heart pounding with anticipation. You spotted the usual table where Luffy and his friends gathered, filled with laughter and lively conversation. Taking a deep breath, she approached the table.
Luffy waved over at you enthusiastically. “Y/N! Over here!”
You walked over, feeling a mix of shyness and excitement. The group made room for you, and you sat down next to Luffy. “Hi, everyone.”
Most of them greeting you with the kind smiles.
The table was full of energy and chaos. Luffy and Usopp were animatedly discussing their latest adventure, while Chopper listened with wide-eyed wonder. Sanji was busy serving the cafeteria line, his duty as a volunteered chief in the school.
Y/N also noticed Nami and Robin sitting together, engaged in conversation. Franky was tinkering with something, his mechanical hand making small adjustments, while Brook strummed a soft tune on his guitar. Zoro, as usual, was napping in his seat, his head resting on his folded arms.
Nami looked up and smiled warmly at Y/N. “Hi, Y/N. I’m Nami. I’ve heard from you before from Vivi.”
Robin nodded in agreement. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Robin. You seem like a very interesting person.”
You felt herself light up under their attention. “Nice to meet you both.”
Sanji, ever the gentleman, made his way to the table and placed an organized and appetizing plate in front of you. “Here you go, Y/N. Enjoy!” While motioning over
to Nami and Robin’s side and also placing their plates down with utensils.
“Hmph. No fair Sanji only bothers to serve the girls.” Usopp grumbled while getting up to line up for a plate.
Luffy and Chopper running behind him as well while chanting “food! food!”
As lunch continued, you felt herself becoming more comfortable. The infamous friend group included you in their conversations, making you feel like part of the group. You laughed at Usopp’s exaggerated stories, listened to Chopper’s excitement about his latest medical class studies, and even joined in when they talked about their favorite foods.
Luffy was his usual cheerful self, making sure you felt included and comfortable. He talked about his friends and the soccer team, explaining how much he loved the sport. “Soccer’s the best! You should come watch our game sometime.”
You smiled. “I might just do that then.”
Luffy’s eyes lit up. “Ahaha. You should meet the rest of the team too.”
The bell ring and as they all got up to head to their next classes, Luffy turned to you with a grin. “See? Told you it’d be fun. You should sit with us every day.”
You smiled back, feeling grateful for his kindness. “Yeah, it was. Thanks, Luffy.”
You headed to class and continued on with your day. Even if before you had noticed some of Luffy’s friends in your classes, you had never approached them. Since you didn’t know them and they didn’t know you, they were just any other classmate although you observed them more than others.
However, now that you were introduced to his gang, some of them now approached you in class. Starting with Nami, whom you have majority of classes with.
It was during AP Geography and Human Studies, that she approached you first. “Hey Y/N. Let’s sit together from now on. I don’t really like the people I sit with in this class.” She mentioned while taking a seat to the always empty chair next to you in class.
“Ah okay,” You replied softly. You didn’t mind her sitting with you at all, infact you hoped she would now that you both know each other. You always had a feeling you would get along with Nami, you were intrigued and inspired by her fashion and her beauty. Alongside her leadership skills and her intelligence. She’s the smartest student in this class, geography being her strongest subject probably.
“You know, you don’t have to be so tense with me. You’re always so quiet and keeping replies short. You can losen up around me. I promise I won’t judge. I want to be your good friend as well.” She motioned, with a gentle smile on her. Her pretty and expressive brown eyes gazing, seemingly analyzing you.
You shy away from her stare and replied, “Mhm okay. Thank you Nami. I want to be your good friend as well. I really admire you, especially your looks.” You hummed softly.
“Aw really? Thanks. I try you know. If you need any tips just let me know like…” She listed some out and you listened attentively. Afterwards, Mr. Cobra, Vivi’s father, made his way to his desk and settled down the class to begin the lesson. Nami and you stopped your conversation and quickly opened your notes to begin.
After the bell rung and the class period ended, you said your goodbyes to Nami for the day since you won’t be seeing her in your last few classes and rushed out to reach the PE locker room before the warning bell rings.
After changing out of your regular uniform and on top your PE one, you made your way to the gymnasium.
You usually just wandered off, never really grouping with other students and letting Mr Shanks just group you in with anybody.
You were standing there, distanced away from others as Mr Shanks explained the rules of the game you’ll be playing today.
You heard noise behind you and look back to see Zoro slowly walking to the circle formed of students in the middle of the gym. He nodded at your direction, his way of greeting and got back to listening to Shank’s instructions.
Zoro was in this class as well, however he was often very late, due to getting “lost” on the way here. You had no clue how he would get lost, sure, the school was fairly big but there was clear signs everywhere of where everything was and directions given out. It was almost halfway through the school year already. Either way. Mr Shanks always left him off the hook and consequence of getting a tardy since Zoro has a defense position on the soccer team, which Shanks coaches.
You hoped you both can get along later on so you won’t feel as alone as you feel in this class, having no companions to practice with and in general, talk while working out. You have observed Zore before and he isn’t really one to talk unless he feels comfortable around you like you seen when he walks with Luffy and Nami in the hallways, fooling around and bickering.
Shank’s whistle broke your train though and signified to get in positions for the game for today. You joined your classmates on the side of the gym, ready to give your best effort. Shanks had a way of making every activity feel like an adventure, his laughter echoing across the gym building as he encouraged everyone to push their limits and have fun.
The day flew by in a blur of lectures, assignments, and fleeting interactions. You navigated your classes with a focused determination.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, you mentally reviewed your upcoming challenges. Tomorrow was going to be a kinda busy day, with a presentation for Biology with Mr. Jinbei and a chemistry quiz for Mr. Caesar Clown. You felt a familiar twinge of nervousness but also a sense of readiness. You had prepared thoroughly, and while the thought of presenting in front of the class made you stomach flutter, you knew she could handle it.Gathering your things, you made your way to her locker and then we’re ready to go home.
You exited the school building, your backpack feeling heavier than usual with the chem book in there needed for future later today. The day had been long and stressful, filled with classes and looming quizzes. You put on your headphones, scrolling through your playlist and settled for a soothing track to calm your mind. While you like to observe your surroundings and take in all visual and sound, you also often needed music playing in your ears to ease you up.
Lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice the group of your newly made friends gathered near the school entrance until you heard your name being called.
“Y/N!” Luffy’s voice was unmistakable, full of enthusiasm. You turned to see him jogging towards you, his friends following closely behind.
“Hey, Y/N!” Nami waved, her brown eyes sparkling with excitement. “We’re going to get boba drinks. Wanna join us?”
“It’s all last minute,” Luffy added, grinning widely. “Nami was craving it, and now we’re all going together.”
You hesitated for a moment, your initial instinct to retreat into your comfort zone fighting with the opportunity to spend more time with them. But the inviting smiles on their faces made the decision easier.
“Okay, I’d love to,” you replied, a small smile tugging at your plumped lips.
The group walked to the nearby boba shop, the lively chatter making you feel a part of something special, again. You noticed Zoro trailing behind, looking half-sleepy, while Sanji animatedly discussing some food recipes with Robin, who listened with her usual calm and attentive demeanor, with Franky’s hand in hers. Brook and him engaged in a playful debate about music, and Usopp was excitedly talking about a new gadget he was working on.
Your back also felt lighter than before. Before making the sightly distanced walk to the boba shop, Sanji had offered to carry your backpack, carrying his and Nami’s as well. You were about to declined until Luffy just snatched it off your back and carried it for you, grinning cutely at you.
Continuing, he walked alongside you, chatting about his upcoming soccer match this weekend. “Shouldn’t you be practicing today? I thought practices was required every day after school.” You asked curiously.
“Oh yeah, we did but Shanks had something after school. So practice was cancelled today.” Luffy replied.
“You should come watch us practice tomorrow tho! And come to our game this weekend. Shanks always takes us out to eat if we win, and i’m sure we will so i’ll sneak you in with us.” Luffy added on, with his signature mischievous grin on his face and a little twinkle in his eyes.
“Mhm, i’ll be there. I’ll have to ask my parents for permission if it’s during the weekend tho.” You replied back, with more confidence than usual that ignited from his invitation. Your heart felt light and bubbly.
At the boba shop, you all crowded around the counter, each of them choosing their favorite flavors. You, feeling a bit overwhelmed, let them decide for you.
“Get her the taro milk tea,” Nami suggested. “It’s a safe choice.”
When their drinks arrived, they found a large table to accommodate everyone. The conversation flowed effortlessly, with Nami and Robin making sure you felt included. The group’s dynamic shone through. Luffy, being his usual playful self, grabbed a handful of boba balls and stuck them to his teeth, making silly faces. Nami and Usopp laughed, quickly snapping pictures with their phones.
“Hey, Y/N, you’re gonna love this,” Luffy said, his voice slightly muffled by the boba balls.
You chuckled softly, feeling a warm sense of belonging. Despite the chaos, there was a sense of harmony among them, and you felt yourself relax.
“So, Y/N, what do you think?” Nami asked, gesturing to the taro milk tea.
You took a sip, the creamy sweetness spreading across your tongue. “It’s really good,” you said, smiling.
As you continued to chat and enjoy the drinks, Luffy and Usopp started a mini food fight with the boba balls, much to Sanji’s chagrin. Zoro, who had snapped off his sleepy mode joined in, adding to the chaos. Franky laughed, encouraging their antics while Robin watched with an amused smile and Brook laughing with his silly ‘Yohoho’ echoing throughout the shop.
You found yourself laughing along, your earlier stress melting away. The group vibrant energy and camaraderie were infectious, and you felt grateful to be a part of it.
You noticed Chopper beside you had pulled out his chemistry notes, flipping through them with a determined look. You seeing this, decided to join him, grabbing some of your notes and reviewing for the quiz.
“You’re really serious about this,” You remarked, impressed.
“Of course! I want to do well,” Chopper said, his eyes shining with determination.
You nodded, feeling a kinship with the little brown haired guy. As you both studied, the others continued their lively conversations, occasionally glancing over and offering their good-lucks for tomorrow’s quiz.
After a while, Usopp pulled out his phone, scrolling through the pictures they had taken. “HA, send me that one. Luffy looks so stupid.”Nami laughed, while pulling out her phone, which you noticed had a clear case and a small polaroid of Vivi decorated with hearts.
“Hey, Y/N, wanna be in your group chat?” Usopp asked, turning to you.
“um yeah,” you softly replied, nodding your head.
“Give me your account info then ,” Usopp said, grinning. “I’ll add you to it. We use it a lot to keep in touch and plan stuff.”
Feeling a bit overwhelmed but touched by their inclusiveness, you gave Usopp her details. He quickly added you to the chat, and soon enough, her phone buzzed with new notifications.
“Welcome to the crew!” Usopp announced, giving you a thumbs up.
As the evening progressed, the boba drinks were finished amidst laughter and animated conversations. Nearly three hours had passed in the cozy boba shop, and outside, the sun had begun its descent, casting a warm glow over the autumn-colored trees.
With the daylight fading, the group started to gather their things, mindful of the time. Nami and Robin, ever the nurturing duo, insisted that you don’t take the bus home with the evening growing late.
“It’s not safe,” Nami stated firmly, her concern evident in her expression.
“I agree. Let us get you an Uber,” Sanji chimed in, offering his phone.
Luffy, who had offered to walk with you part of the way to the bus station, looked slightly disappointed at the plan changing.
“Aw, c’mon guys, she’ll be fine,” Luffy protested, though his concern was genuine.
“It’s better this way, Luffy,” Robin reassured him with a gentle smile. “We’ll make sure she gets home safely.”
Reluctantly, Luffy nodded, understanding their point. Sanji ordered an Uber for you, ensuring the destination was set correctly before you handled the phone back.
“Make sure you get home safe, okay?” Luffy said earnestly, his usual carefree demeanor momentarily replaced by a more serious tone.
You nodded, touched by his concern. “Thank you, Luffy. I had a great time today.”
“Me too!” Luffy grinned, his usual cheerfulness returning. “You better come next time we go out again.”
With a wave to the others and a final thank you, you stepped into the waiting Uber. The ride home was quiet, the events of the day replaying in your mind. You felt a warmth in your chest, a mix of happiness and gratitude for the new friendships that was forming.
Arriving home, you settled into her room, feeling content. changing to your pijamas and climbing to your bed. You just layed down, enjoying the silence that your home offered as late night approached. Until you felt vibrations coming from your phone, notifications from the LINE app popping up. It was the group chat Usopp had added you to.
You browsed through the messages, saving the silly pictures Usopp took of Luffy earlier. Giggling at some of their funny remarks and insults to one other. You sent Sanji a quick thank you text for the uber he ordered for you earlier, and receiving a corny reply, ‘Anytime Y/N gorgeous 😍!’ followed by a long lines full of hearts and more romantic emojis.
Then Nami complained to shut up because she needs to sleep. You turned off your phone and settled it down, while going to the washroom and starting your night routine of skin care and brushing your teeth. Afterwards, you tugged into your bed and attempted to close your eyes and fall into sleep.
Your mind drifting back to the whirlwind of events that had recently brought you closer to Luffy and his friends. Reflecting on the day, it had been filled with laughter, camaraderie, and unexpected moments—a day you will fondly recall as you drifted into dreams of your subconscious.
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a/n: is this too corny or too slow? 😣 Feedback pls except don’t be too mean yall. Also will try to have more longer updates!!! just cuz. Thank you!
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monakisu · 2 months
rating oil paintings i did in high school based on their likability (to Me) ⊙▂⊙
light study 💡 - the earliest one out of all of these bcuz i technically painted it in middle school but then went back in HS to add the seagulls and boat so i could fit it into the theme of my AP art portfolio LMAOOO but still one of my favorites, which is sorta sad cuz it’s so old… 9/10
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filial love - honestly didn’t care for this one very much because it was meant to just be more fodder for my AP portfolio but turns out my mom likes it a lot!! she says it reminds her of “the lion of judah ✝️” (whoever that is) so i was happy to give it to her! she displays it in her room so her fondness really carries this one’s rating: 10/10
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play nice with your brother!! 🐻‍❄️ - i like this one a lot! because it’s one of the only paintings my hardass art teacher let me use neon colors on (or at least as neon as u can get with oil paint). usually he just paints over my colors to make them grayer. that guy… otherwise this one is just not very interesting. 8/10
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koi pond 🎏 - PRIME EXAMPLE OF WHAT I MEAN when he paints over my stuff with gray!!! i was so excited to paint this one and added all sorts of flair that i like—pink dots as leaf highlights, super detailed colorful water—AND THEN HE JUST WENT AND SMEARED ALL MY DETAILS 💀💀💀 so i Hate this one and avoid looking at it as much as possible. 0/10 below it is a version from a diff angle that i did in an hour with shitty free acrylic verrryyy recently in college, and u can just see how i went ham on the colors right?! eugh. what could’ve been… 🪦
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with heavy heart ❤️ - a pretty big old lady (18x24”). i feel obligated to like her because she won me the congressional competition for my district so i got to go to the capitol to see her framed there and briefly meet my stale white bread representative but HONESTLY all i can think about is how hideous my makeup was at the time and i get upset. 🙁 i do think this granny is very pretty though!! 7/10
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my ocean blue 🪼 - this one im not sure if i like it or only tolerate it. i just wanted to paint a super colorful coral reef!! "🐠🪸🫧" you know?? but my mom and teacher said it Needed a message for ~intrigue~ so they brainstormed together (without me) and made me add this random ass child with a VR headset smack dab in the middle… something about cyberreality? IDK i just want her ass gone so badly. i also never got around to finishing the stripes on that fish in the front but nobody calls me out on it so it's whatever 🤷‍♂️ LOL 4/10
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radial self portrait 🎯 - HUGE DEVIATION IN STYLE not only bcuz this one’s gouache instead of oil but also because i got to paint without an old man (art teacher) hovering over my shoulder!!! 😸 it was my first time painting something super stylized and i realized that painting can actually be Not Agonizing!!! 😸😸 this was at my summer camp where we had to come up with a radial pattern using a compass (i hate that little pointy shit) and then combine it with our self portrait. it’s me having a headache! i painted this in a single stressful sleepless night because i have HORRIFIC time management when i’m left alone so it’s pretty sloppy. also at the time i had those blonde e-girl bangs hahaha… i still like this one a lot!! i was just SO happy i didn't have to go photorealistic AND i could use my favorite colors (mainly hot pink)!!! 10/10 😸
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overall my high school painting in experience was spent beefing with my art teacher and inhaling paint fumes. sort of miserable honestly -_-
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gascreates · 9 months
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them :) dino refs finally complete, so now i can make all the joke comics i want
design thoughts under the cut
aang- second hardest design to ge through. at first i couldn't decide on a species, and then i couldn't get the colors to work. believe it or not, bright yellow right next to bright blue is painful to look at. so instead i opted for an all orange color pallette. does he look like a candy corn? yes. and we love him for it. puny lil candy corn avatar
katara- sweet baby so easy, love her, perfect design, no tears shed except for joy. also GIGANTIC. non negotiable part of her design tbh. and aquatic dino!! spinosaurus was the only choice. the sail is meant to look like her necklace! isnt that cool. im so cool and talented.
sokka- nanuqsaurus is! maybe a cold weather dino. possibly. so we did that. he's smaller than his sister and he's mad about it :) also, him face is warriors paint!! and i know that atla water tribes didn't really have anything to do with orcas, but I love orcas and i wanted to give sokka some recognizably hunter-y pattern. so, orca white markings.
toPH- i am ENDLESSLY SUGFERING. do you know how many times i flip flopped on toph's species. do you understand how many hours i spent debating over the benefits of triceratops vs protoceratops?? ankylosaurus vs. pachysephalosaurus???? my agony is unending. im still unsure. sacrificing the concept that toph could take down a t rex (trike) for the small n unassuming character theme (proto). also the badgermole looking markings are cool i guess
zuko- this is where you pretend that im bot playing favorites when it comes to dino species. why is he a deinonychus? cuz i like big raptors, that's why. go away. dont look at me. he's cute. he looks like a bird and i love that for him. also something something aang and zuko similar species that specialize differently based on how their environments changed them, zuko an echo of the potential of flight and aang an echo of the potential to hunt. flock bird vs pack hunter. same but different.
height chart:
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i really cant say if it's accurate at all to the real dinos, but i was lazy and didnt want to do math, so it's just eyeballed heights. the important part is that we understand how tiny aang is and how massive katara is
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🦅Russell Adler Headcanons
{Author's Note} Since I'm literally obsessed with this man, I thought I'd post my headcanons for him. All of these are based off of his canon backstory and character with bits of my own speculation thrown in so nothing should be too out of left field here. I may end up posting more of my thoughts on him soon so we shall see. Hope y'all like it and I'd love to hear what you think, as well as any headcanons you guys might have! Tagging @littlemissclandestine for this since she's an Adler fan. Let me know if I did this man justice lol🤭
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‼️Content Warning: swearing, suggestive themes‼️
~ ~ ~
-Badass asshole
-Takes awhile for him to soften enough to really love someone
-Flirtatious jerk when he has a crush
-Shows he cares through small actions that can be hard to notice, as well as vague, rather backhanded compliments
-Shamelessly stares from behind those glasses of his
-Thinks it’s really cute when you wear his shades but would never admit it
-Stylish with heavy 70s influence
-Probably modeled for a male fashion magazine at some point LMAO
-Definitely knows how to dance
-Seems like the type to meme a bit on British people (specifically Park lol)
-Very sarcastic, sometimes to the point that you don’t realize he’s actually joking because he's always so monotone
-Secretly loves Belgian waffles (this is a reference to that one Bruce Thomas TikTok lol)
-Has a soft spot for the Beach Boys (I mean, look at that 🎶bushy, bushy blonde hairdo🎶 of his)
-Since so many people have asked and teased him about it (I see y'all in the fandom and I will not accept this slander lol) -> his hair isn’t fake, it’s actually pretty soft, very bouncy, he likes styling it
-Very particular about his appearance as it is one of the few things that he can truly control
-Prefers cats over dogs
-Can get obsessive about certain things and lose himself to them (i.e. his search for Perseus) -> Mason quote: “He spent so long searching for Perseus, he didn’t notice when he lost himself.”
-Still struggles with PTSD from his time in Vietnam, which, alongside his obsession with finding Perseus, is what led to his divorce
-Carries a lot of guilt and regret that he doesn’t like to acknowledge
-Started smoking to cope with the trauma of war, now has a nicotine addiction; when he’s really stressed, he chain smokes like a chimney
-Gets restless if he doesn’t have a cigarette
-Doesn’t sleep well and when he does, he usually wakes up every few hours
-Scars - Shrapnel? Abuse? Torture? Animal attack? No one knows and he’ll never tell
-Kiss or trace those scars and he WILL melt
-Difficult for him to let his guard down
-Has a tendency to isolate himself -> Mason quote: "You were never alone, Adler. Only in your own stubborn head."
-Always wearing those damn glasses cuz STYLE but also to hide his eyes to remain as a sort of blank, emotionless slate to other people
-Absent parents who never showed him real love or support as he grew up so he struggles to do the same for others -> they were the reason he joined the army as soon as he turned 18
-When it comes to cuddling, he loves holding you against his chest and running his fingers along your arm, cheek, or through your hair; small but intimate actions like that are his favorite
-Doesn’t like to show emotions at all, even during more intimate moments; he needs some coaxing to relax in that way, which takes time
NSFW Below👇🏻 (it's really not too bad tho)
-Sit on his lap👀
-Will pin your wrists during the sexy times🫣
-After his divorce, he's tended to view sex as more of a transaction where both parties are fulfilling needs for each other so he'd be selfish at first but as your relationship progresses, he'd become far more generous
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fallenangels1987 · 1 year
lets face it. the joker sucks as a batman villain. everybody thinks hes good because hes got a cool character design and hes been around since forever and writers keep trying to make him good, but in concept alone he fails to tap into any of the central themes or intrigue of batman, and nor does he reflect any of bruces internal conflict. really, the only use the joker has ever had was creating harley quinn, but now shes an entirely separate character from him so any short-lived relevance he may have had with her is gone. but contrary to what some may think, i dont think the joker should die. that decision would be a big deal and he'd be so dramatic about it, we'd have an entire plotline dedicated to it.... no one wants that. no one wants to see his stupid joker face for longer than physically necessary. it would also be reversed by the next reboot. no, we need a plan to make him irrelevant. more so than he already is, i mean.
first, we have batmans rogues gallery do a drag race. whos judging? poison ivy and the riddler. its green-themed. but see this is genius. cuz who hates the joker more than poison ivy and the riddler? yeah, harley quinn, who is not in attendance cuz she knows whats about to happen. in fact, she planned this, and shes using this as her cover to mess around with selina and try to convince her to be harley and pams third again. it wont work, but the dedication and jakey-haterism is commendable.
the drag race itself is not the focus, however. see, the entire thing has been set up to generate the most drama possible. everyone except for the joker has received invitations that say the show (which is being live broadcast to an unwilling audience of 150,000, all of whom thought they were watching the morning news up until 5 minutes ago, and found themselves unable to switch the broadcast off) will be recording their every move, so they better be on their worst behavior. the joker, unbeknownst to this, is being his usual asshole self, but not even in a fun conniving way, just in the regular asshole way.
at some point, he starts a fight. tensions are already high and hes the fucking joker. just let him dig his own grave here. he starts a fight and his (already shitty, i should add) outfit gets torn. now he has to spend all of his time that should be spent on makeup on fixing the stitching of this dress, and its going awful, and hes been forcibly removed from the makeup/costume making zone so hes just sitting on the stoop outside with a single spool of thread trying to fix this poofy ass dress. soon enough hes got 5 minutes left on the clock and hes still not finished, so hes like fuck it! im just gonna do my makeup and hope for the best. the makeup is atrocious, predictably, he doesnt even get to finish the eyeliner, but he tries to go back inside nonetheless. oops, he got locked out! thank you, tetch. now hes gotta go through the front, all the while trying not to get dirt on this dress which is falling apart on top of him, knowing full well poison ivy and the riddler and the rest of the queens are making fun of him for being late.
he gets back in. by this point, hes sweating like a damn hog, his makeup is running, but hes HERE. he sees amygdala preparing to go down the runway. no no no, the JOKER cant have that. the joker cant have anyone stealing his rightfully earned spotlight. he pushes amygdala out of the way and waits for the go-ahead.
poison ivy and the riddler look confused and disturbed, then whisper to one another for a moment. they turn back toward him.
"didnt we already escort you off the premises like, half an hour ago?" the riddler asks.
"yeah, you weren't supposed to come back," poison ivy says. "that's the point of having henchmen take you out."
they argue about this for a while until joker is thrown out again. the public vote gives him a pitiful 1%.
after that, hes a laughing stock! nobody likes him! hes just the guy who couldnt take a hint even after he was kicked out of a building! he resigns in disgrace and moves to rural ohio where he becomes a gas station attendant. and THAT is how we get rid of the joker.
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doudy-reblog · 10 months
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Helluva Boss - Fizzarozzie Bath
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ENGLISH (Français plus bas)
Here is finally the finished drawing that I started during the Helluva Fandub FR livestream! 😈
I remember that evening. I spent the week thinking of what to draw and telling myself "Quit overthinking for once, you'll see on the spot". As a result, the canvas stayed blank for almost half an hour in the public eye 😭
I knew that I was in a BlitzFizz or Fizzarozzie mood, so I asked the chat, and voilà. Then moment of panic, cuz I had to find a theme. Then I remembered that, as well as many others I think, when we got the episode 2x07 sneak peek, I imagined them taking a bath. It didn't happen, so I did it. (They need it, seriously. Btw, who else think they'll go on vacation, as Ozzie suggested?)
So I start drawing, it looks like nothing. I take pics of myself as refs. Sigh of relief, it gets better. A whole panic attack even tho I had less stress cuz I wasn't on the microphone, because I understood NOTHING about how to set it up lol.
Also, I figured Fizz's prosthetics are waterproof, right.
Voilà enfin le dessin fini que j'ai commencé lors du live Helluva Fandub FR! 😈
J'me souviens de cette soirée. J'ai passé la semaine à réfléchir à quoi dessiner et à me dire "Arrête de trop réfléchir pour une fois, tu verras sur le moment". Résultat: la toile est restée vierge pendant presque 1/2 heure aux yeux du public 😭
Je savais que j'étais dans un mood BlitzFizz ou Fizzarozzie, alors j'ai demandé au chat et voilà. Ensuite moment de panique, parce qu'il fallait trouver un sujet. Puis j'me suis rappelée que comme beaucoup d'autres je pense, quand on a eu le sneak peek de l'épisode 2x07, je les avais imaginés prendre un bain. C'est pas arrivé, alors je l'ai fait. (Ils en ont besoin, sérieux. D'ailleurs, qui d'autre pense qu'ils vont les prendre, leurs fameuses vacances suggérées par Ozzie?)
Donc je commence à dessiner, ça ressemble à rien. Je me prends en photo pour avoir des refs. Soupir de soulagement, ça va mieux. Toute une crise d'angoisse alors que j'avais le stress d'être au micro en moins, parce que j'ai RIEN pigé de comment faire lol.
Sinon, je suis partie sur le principe que les protèses de Fizz sont waterproof, hein.
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galacticleague · 4 months
speaking my truth on npmd because im thinking about this alot. i think the reason it falls flatter than tgwdlm and bf as a musical is that tgwdlm and bf have a running theme — want.
(whole thing undercut)
the cast of tgwdlm want human connection - charlotte wants sam to love her, bill wants alice to love him, mr davidson wants his wife to choke him while he jerks off etc etc, and eventually paul goes from 'i want what anyone wants, money, kids, a partner maybe idk' to - to put it simply - wanting emma (putting it very simply, if i went into detail this post would go off the rails). this switch is what makes him vulnerable to the hive and this want to live and to survive and to be happy with emma is satiated by pokey by giving him the connection he craves via hivemind, this is how it works for everyone. they want to be happy, pokey makes them happy by removing any need to want anything in the first place.
similarly, in bf, the adults of hatchetfield are still miserable and they want to be happy, they have this void within them that they feel they need to fill with products and consumerism. if they buy this stupid fucking doll their kids will love them, they will be happy, etc etc. and this want to be happy is similarly satiated by wiggly via the cult - they have something to worship, or - in lindas case - people who worship them. they have purpose, or at least they think they do, but whether their problems have actually been solved or not - they are still content.
but in npmd, this is less solid. theres that bit where they have to sacrifice what they want the most, but this is near the end. its kind of all over the place, and this wobbliness(?) is sort of just emphasised by the fact that there is no specific lord in black, its all of them. now i loved the summoning when i first watched it because im obviously a huge hatchetfield fan so i like. know who these characters are but as ive seen others say, alot of npmd does rely on knowing hatchetfield lore - understanding injokes. and in hindsight it just... isnt great for the cohesion of the plot.
tgwdlm and bf both have specific themes, specific lords in black, they have subplots but they have a solid throughline that is easier to follow. to me, npmd feels like its all over the place and it just feels kind of...mid for lack of a better word.
i think there were some moments that were just kind jarring? i guess? like if i loved you coming directly after ruths death was really strange, tonally. i wish they spent more time on ruths death tbh she deserved better. richie got two songs and an opening scene. anyways i digress- i feel like whenever i think about it im always like. i just wanted More. which is weird cuz its already like 2 hours long but idk. IDK!!! if i loved definitely felt unnecessary to me- like just conflict out of nowhere. i would have liked more build up to it. maybe im just salty that it took up stagetime that could have been used to grieve ruth but. sorry for the random if i loved you slander i think my point here is that some moments and some subplots felt more tropey, injokey or like fanservice??but not in a sexual way?? - is that the right word to use idk - than actual compelling plot moments. tgwdlm is an incredible work of theatre and uses subversions of tropes to communicate a great story, bf is a detailed criticism of american consumerism and how capitalistic societies force people to rely on products to make their lives better, npmd is. high school drama with ghosts. it just doesnt hit as hard on its own.
i dont want to be one of those "im a better writer, and THIS is how i would have done it!!!! im going to fix this!!!" people so im not going to do that but i think something i would have liked to see was focus on just one lord in black, probably nibbly because i feel like he fits the most and has the least preexisting story. i mean for gods sake, why does wiggly have the most speech time out of all the lords in black again!!! he already has an entire musical about him!!! greedy bitch- well i guess thats kind of his thing. i think i just want to see more of nibbly tbh, he has one nmt story and he only shows up at the very end. anyways that was kind of a side rant sorry gang. there isnt a problem with having a story featuring all the lords in black, but i think it just doesnt quite work in npmd for like structural reasons as well as plot cohesion.
i did enjoy npmd, im not pretending i didnt, but narratively it is the weakest hatchetfield musical and i just wanted to put my finger on what it is specifically. please dont take this as like hate or slander, i am a huge starkid fan, but i think it is important to consume media critically.
also i am not a professional i am a teenage drama and english lit student who likes media analysis and narrative design so just. take everything i say with a grain of salt :)
if you read all this, thankyou and if you disagree please lmk what you think(civilly.i do not want discourse in my notes)!! i could be hugely wrong about this and just need to think more about npmd and id love to see others' analyses!
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sweetmariihs2 · 5 months
Cedric Masterlist update - and the search for the STF magazines 💫🎂
I have like. A whole notes file full of links I've been collecting to add to the Cedric masterlist, and at the same time I've bought and scanned around what, 7 stf magazines? That I own.
That's a part of the notes file that I have, there are more links (some of the links are from some of you guy's blogs, it's an honor to have them in my masterlist)
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I want to add these links to my masterlist BUT I need to add the links to the magazines first, since we can't know for sure how many links a Tumblr post can support
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That's A LIE since my masterlist has more than 100 links counted and they all still work
So since I'm prioritizing the links to the magazines I'm still going to put on Google drive (and the (money to buy) and hours I spent scanning each one of them), I can't add the links that I have collected my notes app because I don't know what's the link limit
Since not all the magazines that I bought has Cedric in them, some of them logically would be cut out of the masterlist, which would make things really messy cuz the most organized option would be to have all of them in the same place
So I'm thinking about making them a separate post and add a link to it in the Cedric masterlist instead.
All of the magazines in brazillian portuguese that I found to buy on Google... I... already bought them... (they were three) and they're already scanned and in my hands muahaha
So the best places to search for the rest are, obviously, on the internet, and SHOCKINGLY, in person.
Because I live in a small brazillian town, I go to magazine stands since I was a little girl. In my town there were some, and you could find those official and unofficial magazines quarterly made, themed around characters such as Monster High, Strawberry Shortcake, Disney Princesses and of course Sofia The First
In that small town that I live in, unfortunately all the magazine stands changed a lot and they don't sell that stuff like they did some time ago. Now many are just street vendors. There were like, three of them in my town? When I tell you it's small, IT'S BECAUSE IT IS
And because it is small, when we (me and people from my town) want to go to better hospitals, consult with doctors, even shopping with a major variety of shops, we go to the neighboring town that's a little bit bigger than ours
I guess a huge reason behind it is the interest that people are having in buying japanese mangas, and I'm seeing a lot of manga there, and because that town has a little more movement than mine, people are constantly passing through and buying, keeping those sellers' shops and the culture of reading on paper still alive
Whenever I go there, it's because I need to see a doctor, dentist, or rent dresses for a party or wedding, I never go just "to go". I'm autistic so I don't usually leave my town without one of my parents, I'm a little scared actually (help, I can't get used to my age) but I'm thinking about taking courage and trying at least once to being able to shop, without having to follow my parents everywhere they go or hearing complaints about them wanting to go home already. Because when I go with my parents to do something specific there, we can never go to places that I want to visit, like stores for example, except when they are on the way to the place we're going to, and it needs to be fast or else they're gonna start to rush me
The last time I went there, for an eye exam, there was a magazine stand near the doctor I went and I managed to find two STF magazines in the short 10 minutes I was there, with my eyes dilated with eye drops, that is, without seeing almost anything. There are five magazine stands there (I just looked through google maps) that I've never visited, even the one I went to and I couldn't look for the magazines properly because of my parents rushing me and my blurred vision. I actually made a post about my visit there and the magazines that I bought.
Furthermore, a friend of mine visited some stationery stores there and brought me as a gift a card of STF stickers, which I use in my sketchbook, and told me that she went to 5 stores and all of them had STF stuff, including more cards of stickers. I got a card that had some Sofias and a Fauna sticker on it, my friend told me that there are other cards with Flora and Merryweather that complete the set, the same with Amber, but she only brought me one as a gift she knew I would like. I really want to look at these stationery stores too, and find her other sisters to add them to my sketchbook 🥺
But yeah, going back to the subject, I still belive I didn't found all the available STF magazines in my region yet. As shocking as it may be, it's easier for me to find them in person than on the Internet, I'm lucky enough that my region has things like this, magazine stands that sell some really old stuff simply because no one bought them in 2015, and they are still there waiting to be bought.
As soon as I go there and FINALLY look everywhere I can (I'm 100% sure I'll find more magazine issues), and finally scan them, to finally make a post listing them, then I'll be able to add the link to the blog in my Cedric masterlist.
But I can't because I have to wait for a day when one of my parents has to go there, OR MAYBE, have a conversation with them and prepare myself to leave the city alone for the first time, and it would have to be on a day when I don't have classes to go to, plus I want to call a friend so I won't have to go completely alone. WAIT THIS WEEK I HAVE IT, IT'S TOMORROW, SHOULD I?
I think it's very close and I won't be able to prepare properly, plus I would have to talk to my parents first and schedule everything with my friend. I don't think it will happen tomorrow. I think the best thing to do is wait for my parents to have something or work to do there, and take a few minutes out of their visit to go to some magazine stands and stationery stores. I can go alone but I never did this before HELP it's one hour away 😭
I'll ask if my mother if she would like to go there just to do some shopping and spend some time together, she sometimes likes to go and buy some things there, we'll see
Telling you all this may make this masterlist and magazine thing seem like a lot of work, but I actually love doing it, it's therapeutic
live laugh love hyperfocus ❤️
Edit: I forgot to add something to this post so I made a part two.
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karmawonders · 2 years
Zhongli brainrot incoming my lovely little ducklings
Notes: imma call god!reader also known as Creator as Divinity cuz it sounds cute aight? Aight. And it makes sense cuz we are the most divine thing, so like? It works. U can argue with me but I enjoy the name, and as a SAGAU x cult au consumer, that name would just FUEL my God complex.
🌸Also this is probably non comprehensive my adhd n more went nyooom with this one, so you have been warned🌸
Warnings: sagau. Religious themes. Reader is God/ above God. Yandere worshippers. Slight zhongli x childe Lemme know if I should add anything.
Aight bitches we know the drill
Zhongli? The loyalist of our devotees. Also the oldest of all the motherfuckers
My dude got arthritis or smth idk I like to think he goes over to baizhus pharmacy for painkillers occasionally since he is just an old old frail wee peepaw. (Jokes ofc)
Now listen. My man's Morax was an Archon. He may of left that title but the dude is still very much a God. Not like, as high of God as the creator is, but a God nevertheless.
Dude gots a whole ass teapot/ pocket dimension solely for a temple to Divinity.
It continuously is expanding as he finds more books that could be about Divinity / theories about Divinity, etc.
Rip to the poor adeptus who is managing it.
Sure he usually has Childe pay for his shit, but it's not cuz he is broke! He is farr from it
Dude just has
Tendencies to hoard
Curse his dragon nature ig man
All the Mora? Safely in a separate teapot outside of his temple one. You can swim in it scrooge Mcduck style. He probably does take naps in it sometimes in his dragon form ig.
So he has Childe buy a ton of things that He thinks Divinity may even possibly like or acknowledge
It is dangerous when he walks amongst the harbor shops.
Not for the shopkeepers, they quickly learned to put their finest goods out in front when the see the funeral consultant nearing.
Mostly for whoever is gonna be paying for it. Which is usually Childe.
Oh shit man you see that fancy ass tea set that dude is polishing? We gotta look at it.
"Don't drag your feet Childe, we must secure this purchase for Divinity."
Childe can't argue if he knows it's going to Divinity, to you. He's one of your worshippers to ya know, he owes you his life.
He just wishes
Ya know
Zhongli would haggle a little before immediately purchasing whatever it is
He still shudders at the time he spent that much mora for something known as a "Primogem". A solid 5 million.
Just to ya know
Learn that a certain blonde haired traveller basically gets them for free just for being their first vessel / connected to Divinity.
That one hurt a Lil ngl
I mean Learning that Divinity would find a single primogem absolutely useless if not insulting on its own.
Listen man's Divinity is still interacting through Teyvat through a screen at this time, you ain't nowhere near to actually being there physically atm.
Which gives Zhongli a good amount of time to figure out wtf to do with this questionable purchase
Now it's true that Zhongli is a vivid spender
But he knows when something is the real deal, and he won't just let that slip away.
If it happens that his walking wallet at the time doesn't have the cash for whatever item
He will very upsetti spahgetti
Yes he buys tons of things for himself
But when it was something he wanted to get as an offering g for you? Dudes gonna be very upset.
He will begrudgingly procure mora from his more teapot after asking the items owner to have it on hold for a bit, and buy it.
The next few days he works extra hard to replace the mora in his hoard
But on the bright side your temple is just looking so wonderful with that new vase!
He likes decorating a lot. From his own abode, to organizing the mora and gems in his "den", to making sure your personal temple / shrine is absolutely perfect
He really do be like one of those Sim youtubers who spent 30 hours just on the house
If he is to one day show you this, in person, he has to make sure it's absolutely perfect! Everything needs to be the finest of fine!
He sees the rug he bought 20 or so years ago slightly aging?
Bye bitch
Like imma just pawn this off since it's a great rug and I want my money's worth but it's not worth a God possibly walking upon it anymore.
In all his free time dude is in his personal temple to Divinity
Admiring the things he got for you, remembering their history should you ever ask,,, and uh
So much dusting
Like this temple gots TON of shit in it
I mean it's bound to when he has worshipped you for so long
Probably goes on for miles
Might as well make it a public museum at this point
If there isn't like, special anti dust adeptus magic or smthing that is
Oh I just had the funniest fucking idea
You know how in other games (worlds?) Dragons live like hundreds of thousands of years before dying of old age or shit
Zhonglis like 7 thousand I think
Aka he is a baby compared to otherworld dragons
(Yes I know he is technically not a dragon dragon but shhhhhh)
So he goes on about how Erosion will sooner then later do him in and everyone's like
Noo Rex lapis perfect geo Archon nooooo fight the erosion oawr nawr
And he like ofc full heartedly believes that this is the case
Until ofc Divinity gets down there, aka you.
And your just like
"Ya old fart
when was the last time you got proper exercise
500 years ago?
No wonder you feel like shit bro- go hit the gym smh"
If he didn't do regular spars with Childe or any other acolytes before, he definitely does so now.
And then he feels better cuz he wasn't getting enough exercise outside of the vessel commission's he went on. Dude just wasn't getting enough dopamine in his head and fr thought it was erosion like smh
Zhongli built up Liyue for you, ya know. To Be like your favorite nation etc etc.
So I think he would be supppppeer interested in the world you were in previously
Wtf is a car and a highway and wdym they are super dangerous but people are on em regularly all the time? Tf?
What the heck is air condition Divintiy you are making up words I think aksksjrdqsdfhjk
...sun...screen? Never heard of this?
Teyvat not knowing basic medical stuff would be hilarious to me
Like imagine someone is coughing on something
Let's say Itto cuz I feel like he would do that
And you just
Get behind him and heimlech him
And everyone's like
????wtf he was good as dead???
And zhonglis sitting their having war flash backs to all the people he could of saved if he JUST GAVE THEM A BIG OLD HUG FROM BEHIND?
/yes I know that's not how it works but shush aight/
Zhongli wants to know absolutely anything and EVERYTHING about Divinity
You say an off comment about liking a certain smell and dude gots like
Notebooks and sticky notes written down the very second after
And then you go back to your abode or to the shrine he has and it smells overwhelmingly like that
Imagine saying you like the smell of freshly cut grass and he just goes
??? How tf do I get that smell?"
I just realized these brainrots are very fun to write and non stressful you can expect more
Anyways I love my man's Zhongli and I will die for him without hesitiation
🌸Abrupt ending queen right here, do not be surprised akkajsks🌸 and if you are shook it ended, boo!
I think this is getting a bit long and I don't wanna like have a post that makes my thumbs scroll miles before finishing it ifykyk
Anyways hope that was somewhat readable akksksksks
🌸Consider checking out my masterlist?🌸
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eremikas-bby · 1 year
꧁Living With the Fauna and Flora With Your Beloved꧂
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"𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓰𝓸 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂, 𝓘 𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾. 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓼𝓾𝓷𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓸𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓪 𝓻𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓿𝓲𝓮𝔀"
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀●∘◦❀◦∘●˚ ༘
Overview: Headcanons on a cottagecore life with Mikasa Ackerman Theme: Fluff, modern au, rural living, Fem! Reader A/N: This is inspired from one of the many times I shifted realities with her. This is my first time posting my writing and I’m sure I still have a long way to go so pls bear with me 🥲 Looking forward to some feedback, hihi <3
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ꕤ You used to live in the hustle and bustle of the city. Though it was fun, joyful, and lively, it was also etched with selfishness, chaos, and worldliness.
ꕤ The two of you grew up together, admiring each other from the start. She was with you and you were with her. Your hearts are knit together like a puzzle, attached to the hip, always inseparable.
ꕤ You were able to view the majestic city lights, walk in enormous buildings, listen to the jolly chittering and chattering of the crowd. You witnessed pleasure and happiness… 
Deep inside, your heart still willed for home. 
ꕤ Once you were both stable, you wanted to pursue one of your dreams of finding a place with peace, safety, and comfort. Just like how you feel with each other.
ꕤ You traveled west, to find a peaceful place. One that you can handle, sustain, admire, and protect.
ꕤ You spent months, traveling day and night to find this rural place, to build a cottage, and stay with her.
It wasn’t too flashy and elegant, it was what you just needed.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。✿˚ ༘♡ ⋆。
ꕤ She would lie on your chest/ vise versa but most of the time she would wake up first just to adore you 🥺 
ꕤ I’d say she’s a very light sleeper and she usually observes her surroundings and it became subconscious for her to wake up before you.
(There’s just the instinct inside her to protect her babyy <3)
ꕤ She would stroke your hair, adoring how the newly-risen sun shines on your skin. She glances at your body, glad to have found you and to be loved by you. In her thoughts, I’m sure she is down bad frrrrr (And I failed to mention, the sweet nothing she would whisper into your skin 😏)
(and damn, it’s 7am but her heart flutters at the thought of how adorable you look, vulnerable and fragile in her arms !) This takes like 30 minutes cuz idk she just loves you that much
ꕤ She will give you tiny li’l pecks when she thinks that it’s time to get out of bed, kissing you all over your face, greeting you a “Hunny, wake up now! Time for another day~”
You will be all grumpy at first but once you finally adjust your eyes to her, you’re a simp as well. And it gives you the sudden boost of serotonin to get out of bed 🤣
ꕤ Soon enough, you both are gonna feed the animals together. Likely, you guys would have a few chickens, ducks (on a river. yall just randomly give em some), 4 cats, 1 protector dog, 2 big doggos that act like a cat (they're vv lazy), and 2 horses. Mikasa would let them roam around for a while after their meal 
ꕤ Around mid-morning, you finish eating with her and she heads off to the woods to hunt some food and fill in on the supplies. To bargain, you will plant some trees and some plants nearby with whatever seed you have around.
ꕤ Upon waiting for her arrival, you would usually cook her favorite dessert, either cinnamon buns, strawberry cookies/ croissants, apple pie, a cake, etc. 
In your spare time, you'll sew/ crochet/ knit, do a bit of laundry, and/ or read a chapter or two.
ꕤ She arrives, ofc she'll anticipate a li’l kiss on the cheek as she enjoys her treat.
ꕤ On golden hour, I could see that as the perfect time for strawberry picking. You both would sometimes have mini picnics there. And go on a mini swing y'all have built in.
ꕤ As you both head back to the cottage, you sit by the waterfalls nearby. Sometimes, you would fetch some water but at times, you'll just be enjoying it, splishing and splashing.
ꕤ Come evening, you will be cooking but now with her. You give the animals some of their food and tidy up their areas.
ꕤ You clean up yourselves, preparing for bed. And you both doze off to sleep, after having a small pillow talk about how the day was.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。✿˚ ༘♡ ⋆。
𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤:
ꕤ Sometimes, you wake up before sunrise just to walk around and explore. 
ꕤ As seen from when you both woke up, she’s very protective. I’m sure that she would literally argue with you over the smallest things, like slicing too near to the knife, going near a thorny bush, running off to a deeper end of the woods before her, and touching random things you’re fascinated with.
ꕤ You named some of your animals rooted from the things that connect you (e.g. a fav character yall share, ship name you previously had off each other, fav food)
ꕤ She dedicates a flower/plant she encounters to you.
ꕤ She may act all tough and stern when she’s serious but she has a soft spot for u
ꕤ She brings you to hunt sometimes, but she’s extra scared and anxious when her hands are full
ꕤ If you do stay home, one thing that she also likes doing is kissing your nape when you’re doing something as she arrives.
ꕤ She oddly likes to sniff you sometimes… But hey, she likes your pheromones !
ꕤ You guys have matching Polaroid cameras and you would sneak pics of each other when given the chance. (And you have 3 albums of them)
ꕤ Overall, it warms her heart to see how happy you are. She appreciates your infatuation with nature.
Creds to the icon, the legend, and the kween, @nightfall-kachiniko for the idea and encouragement.
Anygays, bye. Have a great day :D
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coxvillepussyweed · 1 month
sorry I’m so MAD RN. My storage was struggling cuz I just keep all my jackass clips in my camera roll. AND TO SAVE STORAGE, I spent HOURS, cutting them all and putting them into longer videos (where all the clips are themed/linked) instead of like 200 short clips. BUT ITS TAKING UP MORE STORAGE THAN ORIGINALLY BUT ITS LITERALLY THE SAME VIDS JUST SHORTER AND PUT TOGETHER !!! what a damn waste. Atleast it’s organised tho ig. Could post it on YouTube and be scene packs but don’t wanna get copyrighted or sum lmao.
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agent-darkfest · 1 year
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Finally finished! *dies* Here are the doodles from last night’s DCA Magma session. I spent hours tweaking the brushes and I think I finally got the settings I like! I’m pretty happy about that.
I did another Fall theme for Sun and Moon. I wanted to try out some crosshatching and it was surprisingly meditative. The second drawing is Moon from that Metal/Rock AU thing I have. Moon is in mid concert (I haven’t decided which song he’s playing). I mainly wanted to test out the tweaks I made to the brushes. I’m pretty happy with the way the brushes worked out.
As always, it’s so nice to see everyone working during the sessions, everyone’s work is so good!!! And the chat conversations are always so entertaining (unfortunately I miss a lot cuz my hand covers the chat when I’m drawing). And I’m so zoomed in to the drawing I can’t see all the stuff going on around. It does catch me by surprise when I zoom out, but I always see that as a treat! Thank you everyone for making these sessions so fun! And thank you @venomous-qwille for setting up the boards and the sessions every week! They are really something I look forward to! <3
Now, I’m just gonna put this post in the queue and collapse from exhaustion…
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ghostie-gengar · 7 months
i missed pla's anniversary again but i don't have anything to post anyways, so i'm just gonna list some of my favourite parts of the game cuz it's one of my favourite games ever and i'll take any excuse to talk about it
i love the way the sky is modelled! pla's artstyle didn't do everything perfect but the sky is so pretty i look up at it all the time
the music! pokemon music is always good but pla absolutely nailed it when it came to mixing dppt tracks into new ones to create something atmospheric and nostalgic, or just coming up with new songs. some of my favs are aftermath, crimson mirelands 2, jubilife village, cobalt coastlands 1, ancient retreat, volo's battle theme, professor laventon's theme, the trailer music, palina's theme and caution (legendary)
the part where you walk through the cave with ingo!
professor laventon! he was so nice to me and made me feel loved always <3
kamado's character arc! i will defend kamado until the day i die yes it was not cool of him to kick a child out of the village into the wilderness but like!! he was scared! he wasn't thinking rationally! the village where he used to live got blown up by a pokemon and he didn't want that to happen again so he was trying to get rid of what he thought was the problem! sure he was wrong but-
the pokedex! i absolutely loved reading professor laventon's pokedex entries they're so cute. i really want to make a physical version of the hisui pokedex but i can't find a notebook with enough pages
the gameplay! i've spent so many hours just running around cuz the game itself is fun to play even when you aren't doing much. catching pokemon feels very smooth and seamless
hisuian zorua!
on that note, the animated series hisuian snow! that show deserved way more than 3 episodes man
i didn't necessarily like this part but it was very well executed- being banished from jubilife village. i was so upset i had to put the game down for a while. there were tears
and speaking of tears! i loved the arc with the noble arcanine
the battles against the nobles! they were a good mix of fun and challenging, especially against arceus (mildly related- watching purplecliffe fight electrode was extremely funny)
uh yeah thats all i got
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
Hello, could you write one about the love language like the one with Kit and James but about Kai Anderson please?
warning: tw kai anderson, language, sexual themes
note: i had a fucked the fuck up dream last night. anyways this one isn't as fluffy but its kai anderson what did u expect
words of affirmation: he's fairly into this in like a manipulation kind of way ok so like. if it's your love language he knows what to do to use it for his own gain like just to get what he wants out of you, he'd praise you for certain things that he knows would hold more weight than others. and he's the kind of guy who doesn't need any compliments or verbal reassurance (not that he needs no reassurance, see AHHHH for that) and it hardly makes a difference if you say nice things to him or if you don't, to be honest, your entire relationship could probably survive with no words shared between you at all. and with how rude kai can get sometimes, it would probably be for the best.
quality time: he's really into this. like a lot. like a lot a lot. one thing about being an app developer and a side hustle of leading a cult is that he has flexible hours, and as you met him through being a devoted cult follower, he basically has all the control he wants over your entire life, let alone your schedule. it's an intense thing. it's scary. but luckily, the divine leader is soft for you, being in love, and all. he lets you spend as much time as you want just hanging out at his house, in the basement, wherever you want, and of course, this is all time spent together, but i think he sees it as he's doing you a service by letting you spend so much free time in his presence, so maybe this falls under acts of service. idk. he rarely ever takes you on dates, but when he does, they're simple because they have to be inconspicuous, and he never tells you it's a date he's taking you on, he just tells you to get dressed and get in the car and a few minutes later you're on a romantic stroll in the park after hours.
gift giving: he's not too into giving you fancy shit like james is, no jewelry, no clothes, he likes giving gifts, but in more practical ways. things like food, mostly meals and shit, like if he's out, he'll pick you up some dinner on the way home, maybe a snack from the gas station if he's feeling nice. it's mostly in a 'i wanna take care of you' way, because he has so much control, he knows that it's his job to be the one who pays your bills and whatever. he also is kind of into buying you books, ones that he reads and has some kind of revelation over, he kind of wants to share the knowledge with you, like he wants to be able to have intelligent conversations with you, referencing books that he's read.
acts of service: like he said before, he takes care of you. he pays your bills, keeps you fed, he also gives you money, most of the times, when he knows you need it, but also sometimes just cuz. if you don't accept it during these times, you'll basically have no evidence that kai sees you as any more than a member of the cult, as he'd never leave you a silly little love note with your lunch or anything. he just lays out a wad of cash on your bedstand and that's his unanticipated form of affection for the week. maybe the month. he washes your hair. he claims that it's no big deal, that he was going to take a shower anyways, so you might as well just join him to save time and water but unbeknownst to him, you see right through his nonchalant façade. you know he likes it, the closeness, the nakedness, the messy shower sex it usually leads to.
touch: if you want to touch him, you have to be the one to initiate it, and you have to deal with how he calls you clingy. to be fair, he doesn't mind physical affection like a lot of people think he does, it's just not his favorite. and he's not an idiot, he can tell how much it means to you, being held for a little while after he brutally fucks you, sitting on his lap during a cult meeting, snuggling up to him on the couch after a long day. any time he initiates a form of touch, it's in a protective 'she's mine' kind of way, in times when he feels threatened by another man for your attention, he'll come up and put a hand around your waist, your shoulders, maybe grab a handful of your ass to catch you off guard, but it's not about being close to you, it's just to reinforce the ownership he feels he has over you.
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