#cuz that is my thiiing
ilikethequiet · 1 year
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Todd Stashwick in Star Trek: Picard 3x01 - The Next Generation (Set 2)
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sylferino · 6 months
idolmaster oshis 765- makoto kikuchi cg- fumika sagisawa ml- roco handa sc- mamimi tanaka sm- haruna
love live oshis muses- nozomi tojo aquors- dia kurosawa nijigaku- ai miyashita liella- mei yoneme (idk them) hasunosora- rurino osawa (i know more about her than any leilla character cuz i read a paragraph on her)
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wackpedion · 1 month
violent homoerotic yaoi!!! putting thiis under a readmore cuz good lord . warning for blood an dsuggestive content
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i have nothing to say . except that i have more of this type of knife yaoi on the way cuz my imagination never rests, uhh heres some doodles n a shitpost god this is embarassing to post but fuck it we ball
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random-conspiracy · 1 year
IIf II wꜵs ꜵ Hœmœstuck trœll, thiis wœuld bœ my typpiing quiirk. Ꜵnd ꜴH, BꜴY! YꜴU WꜴULD HꜴTŒ IIT! Hꜵhꜵhꜵhꜵ
II lœvœ hœw mœssy iit lœœks liikœ, iit iis sœ œbnœxiiœus and ꜵwful. Wœ dœn't œvœn hꜵvœ thiis lœttœrs iin spꜵniish sœ thiis iis just fœr thœ sꜵkœ œf bœiing ꜵn hœrriiblœ piiœcœ œf trœll shiit, hꜵhꜵhꜵ. My cœlœr wœuld bœ ꜵ briight œrꜵngœ (mꜵybœ liikœ thiis œnœ) ꜵnd my nꜵmœ iis ꜵlrœꜵdy prœtty trœlliiꜵniish(?) II guœss. RꜵndꜵmCꜵnspiirꜵtꜵr ꜵr sœmœthiing liikœ thꜵt
IIt wꜵuld sꜵund liikœ multiiplœ vœiicœs spœꜵkiing ꜵt œncœ. Nœ, œvœn bœttœr! Liikœ ꜵn œchœ!!!
Rœplꜵciing the lœttœrs "A", "E" ꜵnd "O" ꜵnd dupliicꜵtiing thœ "I"s
II wꜵnt yꜵu tꜵ fœœl liikœ yœu'rœ hꜵviing ꜵ strœkœ hꜵhꜵhꜵ
Readable version (cuz I don't hate you):
If I was a Homestuck troll, this would be my typping quirk. And OH, BOY! YOU WOULD HATE IT! Hahaha
I love how messy it looks like, it is so obnoxious and awful. We don't even have this letters in spanish so this is just for the sake of being an horrible piece of troll shit, hahaha. My color would be a bright orange (maybe like this one) and my name is already pretty trollianish(?) I guess. RandomConspirator or something like that
It would sound like multiple voices speaking at once. No, even better! Like an echo!!!
Replacing the letters "A", "E" and "O" and duplicating the "I"s.
I want you to feel like you're having a stroke hahaha
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neverchecking · 10 months
Ok it me 🪷 I had to do this before it closed cuz I read you loftwing reader and I had a thought
I hope it ok to send two requests before it close if not just thiis one please
Can I have yandere platonic sky Time twilight and of course sage and wild x hatchling loftwing chick reader.
Like they found a Dead loftwing and nest but there one egg and when it yacht's it truns out to be a hybrid and of course crimson color. I love crimson from sky words sowrd that game was amazing
And they take care of the reader has there own and she ages slower
Please and thank you
Im so glad people like the loftwing bit bc i loved it sm-
However, as much as I would love to fill this request, bestie, unfortunately Platonic stuff isn't quite up my alley. HOWEVER- if you go to my lovely wife Moss (@wayfayrr) She'd love to do them! (She told me herself <3)
Sorry to disappoint 🪷anon!
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bitsauur · 1 year
quick questions lol
how/why did the ‘pretty’ couple breakup in the first place?
in what situation or how was hyunjin able to bring her back to bed cuz it’s implied (to my understanding) that they where apart for long and since she left him, she was probably not intending for a reconciliation amiright?
here's the link for the pretty fic that anon is asking about :)
this is going to be long, just a heads up
first question: oc feels that hyunjin has been putting their relationship in the backburner. he misses dates and cancels plans. hyunjin lets oc know that he always feels bad about it, though. since oc is soft for hyunjin, just as hyunjin is soft for reader, oc always consoles him for feeling terrible.
it becomes a pattern though, and whenever oc tells hyunjin how upset she is, hyunjin would apologize but also express how he's a bad boyfriend, how he doesn't deserve her (i characterized hyunjin as a manipulative/toxic bf in my fic, this in no way represents hyunjin, this is only fiction). so, oc ends up feeling guilty whenever she addresses this. oc starts to feel terrible--towards hyunjin and towards herself, bc she could never seem to prioritize how she feels in front of hyunjin + the problem never gets addressed
its also because of this that i'd like to think that a heated argument never occurred. instead, oc broke up with hyunjin over a quick phone call, not giving him a chance to speak, leaving their shared flat hurriedly when he was out with friends, just because she thought that she'd never have the heart to break up with him personally (+reader probably knew that hyunjin always knew what to say for her to give in)
before i answer the next q, i'd like to establish that (1) oc has cut of all contact with hyunjin and (2) hyunjin went crazy when reader broke up w him over phone call + not being able to contact oc, but eventually he thought reader would come back after a few days, thinking he'd conditioned her enough to think that she needed him (and his dick) but he soon finds out he was wrong, or so he thought.
second question: few months after the break up, reader finally musters up the courage to contact hyunjin (thinking she's spent enough time w/o him to not give in) and that she'd come by to get the things she left in their flat. hyunjin tries to look his best, but oc notices the change in his demeanor, and also notices the state of their flat--just gloomy vibes overall. she starts feeling a little sorry, and just when she enters their shared bedroom, hyunjin breaks down because he's been missing oc like crazy, and seeing her back in their shared bedroom, thinking that she was no longer his, and that she's probably no longer as in love with him to give in to his words, and that this could be the last time she'd ever be there was his breaking point. oc comforts hyunjin, and everything goes downhill from there.. reader still gives in to hyunjin afterall lol
sorry this was long! the fic would've been longer if i added this and i had something due that time, so that's why thiis didn't make the cut. i'm glad you asked about this, though ♡
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blueberry-pride · 2 years
dude. i'm the anon btw who requested about deuce and gn! reader who's hesitant to get into a relationship with him, and oh my gosh what you wrote is so GOOD. I'm weeping and crying but also awwing and cooing. there's no in between, I'm trapped in limbo and i don't want to get out. you managed to strike such a delicate balance between fluff and angst, from the constant back and forth of deuce and s/o, to ace's support, to the overall wholesomeness but still somewhat bitter undertones of their relationship. it's just bittersweet as hell and i love it. i might be rambling at this point on but you honestly really brought to life on how my whole request would play out. I also really like how you characterized deuce, it feels accurate to how he is in canon. thank you so much for doing my request, it really helped especially since I had a rough day yesterday. now i shall go and bang my fist on the table as I ruminate on your headcanons ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ. (also please excuse how long this is, I apologize if it annoys you greatly)
Kicking, screaming and crying AAAAAAAA
THANK YOU FOR THIIS 😭😭 ngl I was hesitant if the headcanons I did for Deuce did his character and your request justice. It was technically my first time doing headcanons since I’m used to writing scenarios for this blog. Im really glad my writing made you feel this way *sniffles* idk looping a song made me zone out and shi. I really didnt mind how long your rambling was cuz I like reading your guys' comments. In general, I react like this as well when I read a good fic so i get ya✨
What really got to me was that it helped you get out of a rough day cuz honestly same, this message got me in such a surprise so now I’m emotional 🥹
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secretcolorvoid · 7 months
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as a vent account for when I am not doing too well thiis is very much a slay. cus I started it earlier this year when my mental health was SHIT to say the least and I didn't see myself living to next year.
I created this when I felt I had ranted to my 2 friends too much and needed them to rest cuz let's be honest having people constantly checking your wrist isn't fun and it is probably worse for them knowing that that is the major way to ensure you are doing well.
I lost then need to constantly rant until recently but that is because I noticed one of them was being toxic and I got new things to rant about and the other is going through shit.
it feels good to know I hadn't needed this so much when I started my journey to improvement. I will still use it to rant from time to time.
also I am very introverted and planning on leaving my current country if you are wondering why I haven't gotten new friends as part of my self-improvement plan. I just feel a new start away from my childhood would be good.
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redrorums · 10 months
Alice in Neo Orleans
Alice Winchester- “Plucky” generally upbeat, but quick to anger and aggressive action/reaction. Also quick to forgive. A tomboy that got that winning, dimpled smile and powerful eyebrows that are constantly in motion as she IS super expressive. Talks with her hands. Talks more when she’s anxious or flabbergasted. Got all that and a boatload of wanderlust from mum. She sees everything as a grand adventure in a very Peter Pan-esque way, as that was her favorite childhood story and the one her mum used to read to her the most. Genuinely wants to “befriend” everyone and thinks only of satisfying her curiosity when approaching a stranger (so she has little to no bias or prejudices going into discourse/relationships…to the point of naivety). On the downside, her seeing potential for friendship in places and people that she lacks the tact/wisdom to interact with can go south real quick. Her brash audacity and careless bantering sometimes gets her and her real friends in a touch of trouble. A dark shade of caramel is how I would describe her skin. She had always been tallish AND stocky, too big for her age. “A bit girthy”, as her tactless father would always say, but now she was buff for some reason. All topped off with a massive, frizzy cloud of unkempt hair (when she initially wakes up from hibernation, at least) raining down and engulfing her pale green left eye, the stark contrast making it shine all the brighter. “Looks kinda like an Envy Zinnia blossom. A fresh one!” pops had once commented offhandedly. When she asked what that was, he just smiled in that irritating *pushes up glasses smugly* kinda way and said she should do the research herself. Her other eye was mechanical and still refusing to open as it’s system was still recovering from the cold, or it would’ve shone a bright golden hue straight through her dense, draping hair. She had specifically requested that her synthetic eye be golden, “cuz it would be badass!” The sterilized stasis maintenance jumpsuit she was wearing looked like something an actor from the 60’s would wear when pretending to be a futuristic cosmonaut. It was a light shade of sky blue, just like the dress of the character her father had demanded she be named after, Alice in Wonderland. She had always disliked Alice, commenting as a child “If it was me, I I I’d just beat up tha FAT-headed Queen and rule wondrousland maself!” with a harUMPH and crossed arms.
“A very Pan-esque thing to say.” Her mum would comment, smiling wryly.
That being taken into account, her favorite color was still sky blue. Thus, pops had colored her stasis suit that way, with a little Thor badge on her right shoulder and a Samurai fighting a Cowboy sticker on the left.
“…A few of my faaav-or-ite thiiings…” she whispered whimsically, continuing to hum the only song from Sound of Music she could ever remember. She stumbled about hazily, still adjusting to the dark laboratory/makeshift stasis chamber her father had built. She slowly realized her suit was way more tight-fitted than when she had went under, and her body felt waaaaaaaaay heavier. Bulkier. She looked down at her forearm and exclaimed,
“OH DAMN!” Pale eye bulging as she saw her now massive biceps stretching the material to its limits. It felt like each individual part of her she moved weighed twenty pounds more. She vaguely remembered her father describing some sort of rejuvenation oooor simulation process built into their pod’s functionality. “To keep us mentally and physically stimulated while we sleep” pops had said before she stopped listening all together, paying more attention to her PlayStation. Then she remembered.
Why she was the only one here.
Why she was alone.
Sven, her godfather and best friend, had murdered her dad.
Right in front of her.
Then he looked her dead in the eyes.
He had smiled as her father’s fresh blood still trickled down her horrified face.
Just smiled and laughed.
The panic hit her full force then, bringing her to her knees.
The focuses would be developing Alice’s Evolution, gaining Archetypical Perks based on environmental and character interactions as well as plentiful resource gathering and an absurd number of crafting options.
* The overworld would function like a point and click adventure with Alice being able to highlight more or less objects/creatures based on how Observant her current Archetype is. When hovering over a highlighted object with the cursor, a translucent thought bubble will pop up above Alice’s head and a number of selectable options would appear inside. Combat could be called turn-based, where all engaged will decide their moves in advance. However, all choices made in the individuals’ decision phase will play out SIMULTANEOUSLY in the action phase. Example as follows:
Alice chooses to Attack with Fist (Bludgeon). When done with decision making, you simply wait for the other non-player decisions to be made. The Weakest Sewersauce also chooses to Attack, but with Spewed Blob (bludgeon)(ranged)(status). In the ensuing action phase, they both start to attack one another at the same time, but W. Sewersauce has higher action speed and it’s attack is ranged. This means it’s attack will hit Alice as she moves towards the W. Sewersauce and if her impact resistant is too low, SHE’LL HAVE TO BACKPEDAL *gasp*, ending her action prematurely so she won’t get to attack. All weapons combined with wielder strength have their own Stopping Power. Additionally, forward momentum decreases impact resistance, meaning Alice will be easier to pierce and ultimately take more damage.
Alice chooses to React, planning a leftward dodge roll if the enemy attacks her. She has enough leftover Action Points to also plan Pick Up on nearby rock(object) and Attack with rock (bludgeon)(ranged). The Action Phase begins and the W. Sewersauce fires a Spewed Blob, which Alice successfully dodges. She also carries through with the rest of her planned counter, and since she is too far away for a melee with the rock, she’ll AUTOMATICALLY throw it at the target. With her ridiculous strength, the Weakest Sewersauce would not be able to resist impact and Die Immediately.
* AS YOU CAN SEE, planning ahead and awareness of Alice’s surroundings are the keys to victory in these combat engagements (but of course, it is possible to commit to the Barbaric Archetype, greatly increasing your impact resistance and allowing you to steamroll most normal opponents without much forethought at all).
* The overarching aesthetic of Neo Orleans is a bit intentionally confused, as there are a number of cultural and dimensional rifts forming in Orleans society when Alice arrives on scene. Overall, most of the surroundings would look like something out of the 20’s-50’s. The 20’s side of town would be the wealthier, Al’Terran side with more presence/reliance on magic in daily life. The 50’s side would be the “wrong side o’ the tracks”, tracing it’s origin to the Beastblooded Empire. More racially diverse and more technologically advanced, but also more ever present crime and more steeped in poverty (a large immigrant population from all different Realms on that side as well). The two sides would be divided by a literal wall down the middle of the city (yes. The Berlin Wall. Again), with tensions rising on both sides. Some examples of aesthetic…
There are MANY offworlders, though, and people/places/things from off world will have have their own unique styles and vibes. There would be the occasional medieval knight walking right next to a cyberish/steamish punkish goth. An alien tentacular beast floating right next to a wooden ship, itself flying about on magical, fluffy wings. A Norse mead hall right next to an Art Deco style skyscraper. Neo Orleans is meant to be chaotic and unpredictable, a character in and of itself.
All objects in game should be fusion capable, with at least one other basic or complex object.
The terrain, structures, objects (mostly everything) would be divided into invisible cubes that the objects exist inside. Every complex object in the environment, made up of basic objects, applies an impact resistance score to the invisible cube in which they reside. When the appropriate bludgeoning force is applied to trump this score, Alice will be able to theoretically Break pretty much anything and collect some of it’s core components.
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555swag · 1 year
i am a person who has a reaaaaally small heat resistance and climate change is rlly fucking w/ me cuz i can only go outside in summer when it’s getting dark and cool, otherwise i get dizzy and headache and stuff even if i drink a lot. i don’t remember earlier, but my parents said summer wasn’t always thiis hot, kinda sucks
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kelseymichikoart · 2 years
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i‘m late but wanted to do something for @wrightfamilyweek ! this one’s for the vacation prompt. trucy definitely learns to drive someday and then its roadtrip time 🚗
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markets · 2 years
gettiing a masters degree in psychology and doing in depth research on body language and tone . Just so i can figure out if when myy friend asked me how my math test was and i said "easy" and myy stem nerd guy friend who i always feel thinks im stupid responded "easy?" he meant it in a Omg you thought it \wass EASY? way or a Omg YOU thought it was easy? way
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frasersjamieclaire · 5 years
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requested by @nyx4 | 8 favourite jamie/claire kisses: [5/8]
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slimeydeath · 6 years
im doing an interview and the lady speaks so fast i cant even give myself time to think and then shes like do u understand??? AN D IM LIKE IN MY HEAD YES I DO CAN U GIVE ME LIKE A MINUTE TO FIGURE OUT WHAT TO REPLY WITH
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matoitech · 2 years
GALO AND LIO and also peril if u wanna!!!!!
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galo and lio first! they both work rly well in dynamic with each other like the sum of their parts paired together is rly good but i couldnt like check off the box bcuz they CAN both stand on their own but a lot of ppl dont act like that abt galo -_- also i should state: 'everyone but me is wrong about them, except my friends, who also are right' its like, Most ppl r wrong abt them lol. they didnt get enough screen time bcuz i miss them i know theyre the main characters but i MISS THEM. I WANT TO SEE THEM ALWAYS. wasted potential bcuz trigger wrote them even tho theyre very well done some stuffs couldve been done better, it always can be! also i jokingly said id marry them both just cuz like why not. id definitely love hanging out w them irl tho i wouldnt want to get in between their marriage lol i got my own man. also uhh one almost final thing: i do relate to lio a lot too galo and i just share a lot of funny traits n quirks n brand of autism n coughs trauma lol
also i didnt check off the theyve never done anything wrong in their life box for galo just cuz i dont usually say that stuff for characters i like (i go back on thiis immediately with peril) and i like that his character is like Growing as a person but he rly didnt do anything lol, lio rly didnt do anything either, i couldve checked off both boxes i just kind of forgot. theyre both great. PERIL TIME
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peril did nothing wrong. she did but she didnt know so it was ok. also she only rly got done dirty by fans bcuz wof is for kids n a lot of ppl didnt rly grasp that she was abused and Thats Why She Acts Like That. also she should be the main character of every book forever bcuz shes the best. and i do relate to her in a lot of ways but i dont think id say shes Literally Me yknow. i would say her and galo r totally on the same spectrum of character though. also i wouldnt necessarily say she has wasted potential i just think 1) her writing could be better in general, its wof the writing isnt great 2) she didnt get enough screen time so theres wasted potential within that. also shes autistic AND trans and the author was only recently made aware of these things <3
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custer-mp3 · 4 years
Hello!! How's the day treating you so far? I'm trying to convince my friend to go to a concert with me. - Arm Anon
called into work cuz my legs hurt and i don't wanna perform capitalism today but i was gonna go up to the mall anyway to fetch this vintage tshirt to ebay flip but alas, no buses on Sundays, gonna eat dumpster bagel and drink coffee and sing songs to my cat
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also did u see THIIS BULLSHIT i'm gonna die mad tbh
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