#cw // pregnancy implication
khrused-archived · 8 months
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every limb feels tangled in a taunt knot of nerves ────── her leg bouncing, teeth chewing at her lip... fidgeting fingers lay restlessly in her lap, finally turning to @immobiliter with a frustrated sigh ― impatient. " how long did the box say again? " hera looks at aimee with wide, frightened eyes ― jade greens expanding to reveal a brief glimpse to her history and future, a constant state of dread and distress...
" aimee...? " voice catches upon the claws of doubt, digging into her throat as if to stifle her very breath. a small and pitiful tone. " ― what if it says yes? "
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auroradicit · 2 years
@evermxre​ said: territorial: How dare someone look at what belongs to you? You'll have to make things right.  // heat+rut starters // selectively accepting
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Once upon a time, Adam’s growl would have made her freeze. It’s inhuman. The kind of noise you hear late at night deep in the woods and pray you’re hearing things. Too scared to unzip the tent and make sure you’re alone.
Now it soothes something in her. Makes a matching purr want build in the base of her throat. Kalma holds it back, for now. Looking up at him from under her lashes, green eyes flashing, she toys with him in all the ways he’d had to swear to her she’d be capable of. Once upon a time...
“Don’t be like that. He was only trying to protect me.” Her gaze drops, hiding her amusement as she delivers the killing blow with a brush of her hand against her still-taut abdomen. “Protect us.”
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merakiui · 9 months
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yandere!malleus draconia x (female) reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, pregnancy, implied baby-trapping, captivity, very vague and slight implications of codependency, angst note - your mobile phone was at 100% when he took you away. with time, the percentage has diminished. so, too, does your hope for a brighter future.
The windowpane is spattered with rain.
Sitting cozy in a cushioned alcove, you watch the droplets slide down in regal rivulets, consolidating to form single streaks. The scenery beyond the window is bleak and dreary—a despondent landscape of gnarled, leafless trees and scratchy brambles stretching towards a dark, dismal sky. Sometimes you liken the rain to tears, wondering if Mother Nature weeps for all creatures or simply for you and your situation. Rare are the days in which the sun shines upon the craggy stone façade of your captor’s castle, and she is as benevolent as she is cruel.
For all of its sumptuous splendor, generational wealth filling the interior with priceless heirlooms and relics, it is an empty, cold structure. You’ve taken to enveloping yourself in thick furs, if only because these furs do not speak like the monster who so humbly offers his embrace. Though you’ve always considered yourself of strong, sturdy mind, your restraint is thinning. As the days pass and you shed clothing sizes like they’re second skins, you find yourself drawn to warmth.
Which is, ironically enough, contradictory to your current temperament. The windows, frigid like the grave, provide solace you cannot find anywhere else—for it is only tender warmth you receive from him. Had he not been so merciful, perhaps it would have been easier to shrink away and truly loathe him with every ounce of your being.
And yet, in order to escape the warmth which enshrouds, you seek the cold, bitter windows and their rain-weary countenance.
Lying beside you on the pillows, snoozing the afternoon away, a calico cat snores idly. She was a gift from him. You were neglectful of your mental health and thus, as per his guard’s suggestion, he sought to find a cat to cure your loneliness and inspire some form of happiness. You appreciate Silver—genuinely, you do—but the good luck a calico brings is not nearly enough to rescue you from captivity.
She was a stray, a scrawny thing with a limp and one bad eye. You took to her right away, scooping her up in your arms and lovingly naming her Cotton. Similarly, she returned your affections, rubbing her head against your palm and purring pleasantly.
Now she likes to nudge the dome that is your stomach, a great, round thing at only six months. Sometimes you think she’s more motherly than you are. You’ve never been able to care for much of anything. Plants wither under your touch, recipes spoil even when you follow them to the letter, and your electronics crack.
Your phone, more fractured than your very heart, is cold in your hands. The screen is blank; it’s dying. It was at 100% before. Now it’s been reduced to a sad 7%. There is no reception or connection to be had in Briar Valley. Your phone, once so powerful and all-knowing, is but a hollow shell. Useless. A digital photo album will expire at its final hour, and there’s no charger. He offered to use his magic to charge it, but he has never known his own strength and you couldn’t risk losing the treasured memories stored within.
Sometimes you’d return to old message logs and read through them. Now you can’t do that, lest you drain the battery quicker than intended.
“So this is where you’ve retreated,” Malleus notes, poking his head around the corner of a towering bookcase. Concern settles on his features. “Are you well? Sebek tells me you were absent for breakfast.” “I wasn’t hungry,” you mutter, watching his reflection through the stormy glass.
Malleus glances at Cotton and then at your phone as it rests in your clasp. “May I trouble you to eat just a little, if only some fruit?”
“I’m not hungry.” He nods, stalling. “Will you join me for lunch?”
“If I must.”
A small smile lifts his lips. “Are you cold? It can’t be very comfortable to sit there for such a long time. You’ll catch your death.”
“I hope.”
He tuts in disapproval and shrugs out of his cloak, draping it over you even though you’re already wearing a fleece robe. Malleus assesses you with a fleeting once-over.
“It doesn’t hurt to layer. You must understand where I’m coming from, dearest. Extreme temperatures serve to weaken those who are already so fragile.”
“I’m not fragile,” you snap, turning to scowl.
He doesn’t flinch at the heat smoldering in your eyes. “You’re human.”
“How many times did you have to practice that to come to terms with it?”
Malleus’s verdant stare narrows; his frown tightens. “It’s the truth.”
“I didn’t think you’d confront it.”
“I must if I’m to understand…” He exhales through his nose, deflating somewhat. “You’re in fine health. The physician tells me so. There’s no need to worry ourselves with ineffectual what-ifs.”
You turn your gaze on the sprawling forest next, unwilling to discuss the report and its subsequent conclusion: If she remains in good health and follows the recommended diet for an expecting mother, she’ll carry to term.
“My phone is dying, Malleus.”
“Is that not life? Lilia once said so.”
“My pictures… My everything is stored in this phone. It means so much to me.”
“Truly? Is there not a way to make physical copies of these photographs?”
“Unless Briar Valley has the technology to do so…”
“I’m afraid not.”
Malleus takes a daring step closer, endeavoring to comfort you. Cotton cracks her good eye open to peer at him. She hisses low in her throat, a protector standing small against something so tall. Pouting, clearly disheartened, Malleus heeds her warning and chooses to linger just within the bounds she deems acceptable.
“Yeah, that’s what I assumed.”
You heave a dejected sigh, your shoulders drooping. Seeking to cleanse your visual palate, you power the device on. 5% blinks back at you, an insignificant number sitting in a corner that you normally wouldn’t have paid much mind to. Now it weighs heavy, a reminder that the end is encroaching.
“I would’ve liked to keep these photos forever,” you whisper, mostly to yourself. Malleus hums his acknowledgement; you think he knows the feeling—or some variant of it, at least. “If I lose these pictures…”
“Do you not have memories?”
“I do, but it isn’t the same. One day I’ll grow old and my memory will be frail. I won’t remember nearly as much as I do now. Those memories will become ghosts and eventually I’ll—”
“You will not.” There’s a finality to the declaration—you won’t leave me; you won’t drain or die like this mobile device.
You rest your head against the window. The cool glass soothes your soul. I wonder what the others are up to right now… You place your hand upon your belly. I wonder if they’d have any good ideas for a name. I’m terrible at naming things. I can never pick something that feels right.
“I’d like to have a funeral for my phone.”
But maybe there is no right thing.
“Of course,” he agrees, perfectly serious. You will have that phone funeral, just as you will have every other request you make—however patently absurd it may seem. (Every other request except for freedom, of course.) “Materials may not have the same worth as a loved one, but the experiences they provide are just as valuable. Surely, no? Otherwise I would not feel so troubled when Roaring Drago…” Pausing to search for the placeholder, Malleus glances at your phone. “Perhaps there is no greater tragedy than existence itself.”
“It’s the most bittersweet burden,” you echo, scrolling through each picture with wistful remembrance. “But then I’d rather know the fleeting frivolity of life than endure hundreds of years of solitude. It makes me appreciate everything that much more.”
You stop at a picture of you and Malleus, a photo snapped by Lilia himself. Part of you often wonders why he chose you—why he adores you to such a degree when you, like everyone else, will inevitably perish. But therein lies the allure: That which is unobtainable is even more tempting. And because there is only one of you, a human destined to one day return to her home world, your very presence is more fleeting than a dream.
To Malleus, who has always dreamt, fond and fervent, of the unobtainable mundanity of normal life, you are a sweet, tangible blessing.
“Horns, do you think I’ll ever get another chance to have my phone at 100%?”
He softens under the nickname. It means more to him than his lofty station. “Would you like to know that joy?”
“It would be nice, yes, but then I’d just get sad when it reaches zero. I guess I should be grateful it’s stayed alive for this long. Sorry, it’s a stupid question. Just forget it.”
“Nonsense. There is no such thing.” He reaches to touch your cheek, but Cotton hisses again and so he refrains. She stands on unsteady legs and climbs into your lap, perching awkwardly in spite of your rounded belly. The sight draws a deep chuckle from him. “Your feline friend is quite taken with you.”
“It’s probably because I’m warm. She likes my belly a lot.”
“As do I.”
You roll your eyes.
“Your beauty is most beguiling. There’s a certain radiance to your person. It’s very charming. Do you not agree?”
“Flattery will get you nowhere—definitely not in Cotton’s good graces.”
“I’m simply voicing a fact.”
Your hand slides down from your stomach to pat Cotton. She purrs under your touch, and a weak approximation of a smile tugs at your lips. Amidst all of this sorrow, she is a glimmer of hope. In a way, she’s like you—a stray without a place in this world, snatched from the cobbles she once wandered and confined in a cage of royal opulence. Your similarities are striking, if not immensely devastating.
“Fact or not, I don’t care if I look pretty. It means nothing to me.”
“To be impartial towards appearances… Quite a noble mindset.”
I never once thought you were scary or strange, Horns. Even now.
You look at your phone once more. 3% flickers back.
You’re just lost, and in being lost you found me. But I was also lost. I never even belonged in this world to begin with…
“I’m not going to be a good mother.”
“You can’t know that.” 
“I can’t even take care of myself.”
“I shall care for you when you find yourself unable to.”
“I’d rather you not.”
With Cotton having curled on your lap, slumbering peacefully, Malleus chances to close the gap. His broad frame leans to make up for the difference in height, and he runs cold fingers along your cheek. He brushes away the tears you weren’t even aware you were shedding.
You grip your phone in shaky hands, your shoulders hunched. There’s a piercing ache in your chest, pain stabbing all the way through to your heart. It persists when you power it off, unable to delight in pictorial reminiscence for a moment longer. Silent like death, you sob; seismic dismay shudders through you in waves. Distantly, in a forgotten corner of your brain, you suspect this may be the last time you’ll ever use your phone. The last time you’ll ever look upon the photos you’ve amassed. Photos of friends, class notes, food. Photos snapped by mistake, blurry and unfocused. Photos taken when Ace and Grim stole your phone. Precious memories are preserved within the permanence of a photo album—an album that only remains everlasting so long as you keep your phone charged.
Your final shred of the world beyond Briar Valley vanishes in a blip, leaving you with the dark void that is an empty screen. Brutal is the agony, contorting your face, and you bawl like you’ve just witnessed the end of a life.
In a way, you have. You held it in the palm of your hands, and you watched it wither. Watched the percentages drop through numbers, double digits easing into singles. Watched every week and tried to spare your beloved phone of its fate. Watched and attempted to stall the impossible—a foolish undertaking. This was inevitable; you knew this, and yet you’re still mourning.
Perhaps that is the most tragic facet of existence. From the moment one is born, they are mourning. Humans mourn losing time—of allowing it to slip through their fingers when they should have put it to better use. Humans mourn aging even though it is celebrated yearly. Humans mourn for things that are inhuman—for robots stuck in an endless cycle of some menial task while gears grow rusted and systems shut down or trapped on a distant planet, never to return home. For the fruit that falls from trees and rots, trampled and forgotten. For the endings, good and bad, of novels. For art that will never see the light of day because it has been destroyed or stolen or silenced. For the friends they meet, have met, and will meet.
You mourn because you know it’s impending, and you spend all of your life coming to terms with it, only to break down when it finally happens because the truth of the matter is that you will never be prepared no matter how much you prepare yourself. You mourn because you’re a complex human with complex emotions, surviving in a complex world with millions of intricacies, and the only way to weather misery is to mourn.
To the little life cradled in your womb, who knows not of these difficulties yet, they cannot fathom the anguish that accompanies loss. And right now that is all you can hope for—a life without loss.
But that is impossible because loss is true to everyone’s experience. It is part of existence, and existence is inescapable.
Malleus does not gather you in his arms. He will do so if you ask, and he knows you want to ask, which is precisely why he waits. But you’re stubborn and you refuse to give in to the temptation, let alone grant him the satisfaction. It doesn’t offend him.
The windowpane is spattered with rain. So, too, is your phone, spotted with tears and snot.
Briefly, you wonder if you still look beautiful to Malleus.
Even at your ugliest, he would still cherish you. Desperately, as if he might lose you.
Knowing this does not soften the gutting grief.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 3 months
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[5:51 pm]
(cw: accidental/unexpected pregnancy, pregnant reader, implications of past sex, "fucked")
Stupid, stupid, stupid. You have never felt more stupid than you have in this moment. You feel sick, anxious, overwhelmed, sweaty, and maybe just a tiny hint of excitement. And what a horrible mix of emotions to feel while sitting on the toilet.
The tiny plus was very bold but barely visible with how much your hands were shaking and the tears gathering in your lash line. Oh, you were going to be sick. More sick than you had been for last 2 weeks. You were able to explain maybe 3 days of it, since you'd gotten some food from a really sketchy stand, but then the sick feeling lasted longer than you could blame food poisoning for. On top of the fact that the sickness persisted after you'd only eaten crackers and water for a couple days.
It really should have been some kind of indicator when your friends told you that the food they had eaten didn't make them sick, but you weren't ready to face any other possibilities at that time. 3 weeks later, here you were
There's a knock on the bathroom door and you hear Jisung call out, "uhhh are you ok?"
You wipe your tears and clear your throat, "y-yeah I'm fine."
"Can I come in? That last round sounded pretty bad," Jisung asks and you can hear his nerves. Nerves because for 3 weeks you've been sick everyday and refuse to go to the doctor when he asks you too.
You must have stayed silent for too long, too busy overthinking like you had been for the last 10 minutes, because he comes in. You scramble to hide the pregnancy test behind your back, the worst hiding place ever, and he sends you a look as if to ask you what you're hiding.
You smile and you hope it comes off reassuringly but your heartbeat is pounding in your ears, "it's nothing!"
"I didn't say anything so now I know you're hiding something. You can tell me or I can start digging," he retorts with a subtle squint of his eyes.
That's all it takes to break the dam. You start sobbing and hyperventilating, telling him you don't even know how it could have happened, that you're sorry, and you beg him not to leave you. Jisung can barely understand you through all your sobbing and his focus right now is getting you to take deep breaths. He pays no mind to the pregnancy test in your hand while he sets it on the counter beside you. He pulls you into his hold and rubs a calming hand up and down your back, "breathe with me."
Listening to the sound of his heartbeat and feeling of his chest rising and falling, you eventually calm down. He cups your face and wipes away your tears before passing you a tissue to wipe your face. He sends you a soft smile, "do you want to tell me what happened now?"
Your voice sounds weak and breaks as you gesture to the stick he set on the counter, "just look for yourself. We fucked up."
Jisung grabs the stick and almost drops it when he realized what it is and more importantly what it shows. It shows a bold, tiny blue plus sign. A tiny sign that means so much but looks so little. His voice is caught in his throat, "b-but how did this happen? We're so careful."
You let out a wail and he realizes maybe he shouldn't have said that. He clears his throat, "I just mean we use condoms! We always use condoms..." Then he thinks back on all your various passionate encounters and his face unintentionally blushes while thinking back on you great moments together in bed, only interrupted when you smack him because you know him well enough to know what he's thinking about.
He shakes his head and coughs, "I guess there was that time like six weeks ago when you were very excited and we did more than usual."
"Oh? Just me?! Mr. Dancing is good for my stamina, baby," you ask sarcastically while mocking his voice.
Jisung laughs, it's laugh of relief and even happiness, "Baby," he presses his forehead to yours and looks you right in the eye, "we're going to be just fine. I'm not leaving you. Ever."
a/n: I honestly always feel so iffy about writing for Jisung bc in my head he's like a baby (he's 2 years younger than me) but I love how this came out
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gladiatorcunt · 6 months
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summary: leto atreides x afab concubine!reader
cw: daddy kink, pregnancy, power imbalance, dark fic coded, implication that the other concubines “disappeared”, overstimulation, body worship, i would do anything to be in reader’s position here i’m being so real, not included but got reader pregnant in the full nelson position, the smut is in a flashback, mention of the reader having hip dips, mention of leto with others but he realizes you’re the one after lmao, probably dune world/lore inaccuracies, reader’s a member of the duke’s breeding program, mention of choking, intended age gap but you can read it as otherwise
wc: 1k+
block & move on if uncomfortable !!!
do not repost, translate, or give ai my work
kinktober masterlist
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“It’s to wake up, my love.”
Your eyes flutter open to see Duke Leto Atreides standing over your bed, one of his hands brushing back some of your hair away from your face. He smiles warmly when you tiredly meet his gaze, and holds out an open palm. You take it and let him help you sit up, though that’s as far as he’s willing to let you go. Leto hovers his hands over your baby bump, borderline paranoid about you doing anything that could jeopardize the health of the baby.
“I thought my appointment with the doctor wasn’t until next week, my lord…” You yawn, resting your hands on your belly as you fight off sleep. Being heavily pregnant was no easy task, and most days it feels like you have as much energy as a corpse.
“It is, I simply wanted to see you.” Leto answers, petting your hair and curling one arm around your lower back to support it. “When we’re alone, get rid of the ‘my lord’, what we have is more than the results of an obligation.”
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You sigh, leaning into his touch as you consider his words. Months ago, you were just another member of the Duke’s harem. One of many meant to produce heirs until your body shriveled up. Your family was noteworthy but not noble enough to stay afloat, you heard that the Duke was looking for breeders and you left without looking back. Though you will admit that Leto Atreides is not the worst man you could’ve taken inside you. He was gentle and the way he kissed you suggested that he felt more than just gratitude.
You pretended to not mind the sounds and stories you heard from the other concubines in the beginning. You knew perfectly well what you were signing up for, the feelings came from nowhere, you swear.
Leto’s mannerisms during sex were impossibly adoring and intimate, and he would tell you were special every time in the midst of the afterglow. You stopped hearing heart dropping noises and nauseating stories, and the day after you found out you were pregnant you heard nothing at all. The Duke took longer than usual to meet with you that night.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” Leto calls out, wrapping his arms around you from behind as you get ready for bed.
You finish tying the strings of your nightgown and turn around to face him. There are strange little flecks of red in the wrinkles on his face, but they could be a trick of the light so you brush the curiosity off.
“I am always waiting for you, my lord.” You repeat the same thing you say everyday, noting the way the corners of his smile flatten in displeasure.
He cups your face and walks the both of you backwards towards the bed, shooting his hands out to keep himself from crushing you when you inevitably fall on it.
Time passes by in a blur, every moment filled with cries of “Daddy” and overzealous movement from him that punches the breath of your lungs. He’s not incredibly rough, just passionate enough to have tears dot your lashes and his thumb buried in your mouth. Every kiss is a hot swirling mess of saliva and tongues colliding that gets you so wet, you really believe it could kill you.
“Mm, your tongue feels amazing, clumsily chasing after mine.” Leto grunts at some point, rutting and slamming his balls against your ass with no rhyme or reason. “The tightest cunt i’ve ever had, fuck-“
You hum around his thumb, suckling on it like he’s your god and his thick fingers in your mouth are your only reason to live. He grinds his teeth together when you make eye contact, and you struggle to keep it up as you hollow out your cheeks around his coarse digits.
“Wanna make you proud, Daddy, gonna be so good for you.” The words are muffled past the point of comprehension, but your eyes allow him to get the gist.
If you were not already pregnant, the flood of fresh cum in your pussy would’ve done the trick. You clench around your lord’s fat cock and let yourself break, squirting all over yourself.
When you come to, Leto’s busying himself with latching onto your tits like a leech and bullying your battered pussy.
“These are already so sensitive, aren’t they? And to think that I made them that way…” Leto trails off, licking a broad stripe over your nipple and pinching your clit.
You jolt and throw your head back, “Yes, Daddy, you did.”
He groans at the frequently used name, pinching your clit harder and digging his fingers in deeper. You’ve had more orgasms than you ever thought possible in the last hour alone, but your lord was insatiable like this. His head is too high in the clouds with visions of his future family to calm down.
Your legs shake but he takes his hand away from your clit and smooths his palm over your thigh to steady you.
“It’s alright, you know i won’t be too rough honey, you can take it. You’ve already taken my seed beautifully, growing my son in your womb.”
You know there’s no chance of stopping until Leto’s sure that he’s kissed and lavished every inch of your delectable body in Daddy’s attention. He gives each of your buds a ‘Goodbye for now’ kiss and wipes down the dips in your hips with his tongue, soothing the love bites and caressing the necklace of bruises around your neck he left when he lost control.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The bed sinks with Leto’s added weight, and your cheeks warm as you come back to the present. You look down at your joined hands to see a box clenched tightly in his free one. Like he’s scared of dropping it. You gaze up at him questioningly and he smiles once again before softly kissing the skin between your eyes.
Next thing you know, Duke Leto Atreides is kneeling before you and opening the box to reveal a large ring. It’s magnificently crafted and all the details align with your taste perfectly.
“Will you marry me?”
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adelheidvonschicksal · 9 months
hey! Was just wondering, could you do a part 2 for puppy! Yuji x reader, where Yuji successfully breeds reader, (don’t ask how it’s possible lol) and reader doesn’t know she’s pregnant, so Yuji tries to tell her she is by rubbing her belly, or laying on it and always holding it. Also some smut if you still do that kinda stuff! I understand if you wouldn’t want to do it! But I would really appreciate it! Live your work btw! <3
Based off I Love Yu
Kind of a what-if since originally there was an implication that he couldn't breed Reader, but let's do it! <3 Thank you to Avy for beta-ing for me again.
AN: It's been a while since I wrote non-solo smut I think. I love Itadori he's already really sweet and cute like a pup! I tried to fit some smut in there so I hope this is something like you were thinking.
CW: NSFW, Smut, Oral (F!Receiving), Interspecies (Puppy Hybrid), pregnancy✨
Filter tags Notsfw, Adelssmut, tw: hybrids, tw: pregnancy
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You didn’t understand what was wrong with you.
You’ve been feeling so rundown. No matter how much you sleep, the fatigue doesn’t break. It didn’t help that you could barely keep anything down either, surviving off nothing but toast over the last three days.
The only bright spot in your day recently is your precious puppy boy. Yuji is so sweet to you nowadays, well, he’s always sweet but even more so as of late. He constantly stares at you with big brown eyes and holds his arms around your waist while resting his head against your belly. The warmth of his full weight on you did wonders for the random waves of cramps that hit you after a long day on your feet.
This time when you get home from work, immediately collapsing on your bed with nothing but a towel on after a long shower, he’s there. His fingers tiptoe along your shoulder, a curious set of pokes against your steaming skin.
In a small burst of energy, you plant your hand between two furry ears and briefly pet his head before passing back out into the sheets, sparing no care that you were making them damp. The coolness of them felt too good right now.
Yuji presses a hand to the back of your head, mimicking your actions as he lays on his side to try to catch a glimpse of your face.
“Mad?” he asks.
“I’m not mad, sweetheart.” You work the energy to turn your head to face him. It isn’t the first time you collapsed into the bed in the same fashion. Usually, it meant you were burnt out at work by an assignment or a stupid co-worker. “I just don’t feel good today.”
Big eyes going soft in an apology, he frowns at you before having the excellent idea to squeeze the back of your ankles and shuffle you around. You never understand exactly where he finds this strength, even with all the muscles, but you don’t fight it as he wiggles you around to flip you onto your back.
His hands slide up the side of your legs, shifting your towel to expose one thigh before wrapping around your torso. He scrambles on top of you. His head pushes to your stomach, and he muffles a soft “love you” against it.
“Love me?” he asks, and it makes you wince. He never really asks that unless he did something that he thought would get him in trouble. He learned to get really good at asking once he figured out that buttering you up was an easy way to slip out of scolding.
This time, it concerns you that he might’ve taken your tiredness as something he did wrong, so you run a hand along his upper back. “Of course, I do.”
His tail wags and his face shines again with that smile you love as he cuddles against your belly again. It’s enough to make you ignore it when another cramp seizes, all save for a small whimper and wince that causes his ears to twitch.
Your puppy moves on his own before you can request him to get off your stomach. Warm, big hands hold down your hips and pull at your towel enough so he can pepper your lower belly with kisses. They progress slowly down the center of your stomach, crossing the border to ghost between your legs.
“Are you trying to make me feel better?” you breathe out. With how his tail increases its pace, swinging back and forth fast enough to create a light swishing sound, and how his smooth wide tongue flattens against your mound, you take it as a yes.
And oh boy does it work to make you forget everything when he sets to work. His nails scratch against your skin, biting into the meat of your thighs as his tongue laps at your clit.
You moan eagerly, gripping at your sheets and lifting your hips to greet his sloppy mouth. He makes out with your cunt, almost like he’s trying to devour it as his tongue slides between your folds and his upper lip brushes your bead.
“Sweetheart, do you still know how to use your fingers?”
Yuuji growls and places a kiss on your thigh, smiling against your skin at the wet stain he marks you with. He brings two fingers at your entrance, glancing back up to watch your crumbling expression as he curls them into you.
“That’s it. G-Good boy,” you praise, and he knows he’s struck the right spot that’ll have your pretty moans vibrating in his sensitive ears.
You smell heavenly when he finally flattens his tongue back out over your clit. He knows you’re his, all his, when your walls flutter and suck his fingers deeper into their spongy hold.
He sucks in a breath through his nose. Your scent makes his cock twitch and the swollen and firm feel of your clit tells him you’re feeling good now, and he’s so happy to return the feeling you give him when you constantly float around with the pheromone of his pups.
Yuuji wraps his arms tighter around you, holding you closer. It makes you force a hand down into his hair, praises of “good boy”, “keep going”, ”almost there, sweetheart” panting wetly from your lips until your legs quiver in his strong hold.
When he pulls away, his face is coated in your release, from his nose down, far beyond where his tongue can reach but he wastes no time sucking your taste from his fingers with a smile as he stares at your spent form.
You may be sweaty and out of breath, but you look much happier now. Yuuji crawls over you, sliding his hips between your legs. His hard length presses against your stomach as he presses kisses to the center of your neck, his soft ginger ears tickling the underside of your chin.
Your heart could almost hold the world when he forces his full weight against you to cuddle you.
“I love you.”
You coo at him, scratching fingers through the back of his hair. “I love you too, Yu Yu.”
When he hears your voice, his cock aches. He whines against your skin, wishing that this time would go faster so he could breed you again already. He guesses it doesn’t matter this time, he knows you’ll still at least feel better after he knots you, even if your body is already occupied.
And the whimper you make when he parts you with his cock proves him right.
When the morning comes, you don’t want to get out of bed. You’d rather spend all day cuddling Yuuji and smothering yourself into the sweet strength of his muscles. Alas, you force yourself to get up and go to the doctor’s appointment you made for yourself otherwise you’d never feel better.
You let Yuuji sleep, sliding out from under him, throwing on the first thing you see in your closet, and heading to the clinic.
You enter the building with the expectation of getting some antibiotics or confirmation of stomach flu at worst. Instead, you’re given a list of vitamins to take, a note with a list of symptoms at the bottom all culminating in a diagnosis that reads: pregnant, and a little baby badge to attach to your bag so people won’t hassle you for using the special seats on the subway.
You’re scowling the entire way back home, stopping briefly at a drug store to pick out a couple of different pregnancy tests. There’s no way those stupid doctors had it right.
When you return home, you slam the door behind you, spooking your puppy as you rush to the bathroom. You take the first test that morning and the second one that afternoon, and they both come back with the same result: positive.
Your heart is racing the entire rest of the evening as you sit on the couch and stare at that dumb stick for what seems like forever, thinking that maybe if you stare at it enough your result will change. The only thing that keeps you from going ballistic is Yuuji sitting underneath you, one leg shuffled between yours and the other on the outside of your right. His chin rests right on your knee as he watches you talk with your friend on the phone.
“Is it someone you met on that app?”
“I haven’t even gone on more than a first date.”
Yuuji starts to get impatient the longer your conversation goes on, and you ignore him. He shuffles up onto the couch and collapses his head against your shoulder, making you grimace and shift, so he doesn’t knock the phone out your hand.
“You don’t think that maybe—"
“No, it was only two, and one was for coffee and the other we didn’t ride together,” you add on, and you never drunk enough to where you think someone could have taken advantage of you. “Yuuji cut it out,” you scold when he starts to whine and pull at your waist. Sensing he wasn’t going to stop any time soon, you decide to hang up. “I’ll call you back.”
You put down the phone, turning to your pup to ask him what was wrong. He snuggles against you, rubbing his head against your shoulder and sliding an arm around your stomach.
He mumbles out your name and starts to weigh you back, just enough so your lower back presses against the arm of the couch and he can scoot down to place his head on your stomach and breathe in deep.
“Love you,” he mumbles and looks as though he could almost fall asleep against you. You almost repeat it before the unsettling realization crashes down on you.
That’s impossible, isn’t it? You’re not even the same species!
“Yuuji,” he snaps his head up, pinning his ears back at the rough sound of your voice, “Did you do this?” you ask him, showing him the pregnancy stick. He doesn’t seem to understand so you put it in words he can. “Breed?” you ask.
He senses that you finally get it and gives you the widest smile you think you’ve ever seen him wear. It’s almost enough to make you laugh. Almost.
“You’re downright proud of yourself, aren’t you?”
Happily, he buries his forehead against your stomach. “Good boy?”
You sigh but pet him anyway, seeing that this is very much your fault in the first place. Besides you can’t stay mad at that face. “Very good boy.”
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Bet you there's gonna be another kid (or at least a scare) after that win today! Lando Norris is a race winner, babyyyyy!
Note: I was all over this the minute you sent it in! 👀 I'm leaving the ball in your corner because I'm a sucker for dad!driver (and dad!Lando has been keeping my mind busy), so I want your input too! Lando is one of four...
Cw: pregnancy symptoms, implications of smut
"Behave well for Nana, okay?", you gave the kids your best attempt at a smile as you watched them go with Cisca for the afternoon.
You woke up feeling a lot worse than you were yesterday, which wasn't a great place to begin with. Lando insisted he wanted to fully take care of you, and when his parents offered to look after the kids, he couldn't refuse it.
"Lovie, I really think you should get checked by a doctor", Lando offered as he run his fingers through your hair, "this is not looking good".
"I have never felt like this, even when I was pregnant, it wasn't this bad, I-", you stopped yourself, making the math on your head and checking the date on your watch, "it has been more than six weeks since Miami, hasn't it?", you gulped.
"Yes, it has, nearing seven actually", Lando stated, "Oh!".
The frenzy of the celebrations and the fact that the kids were with Lando's parents for the night, allowing you to go out and enjoy yourselves, crawled its way up for both you and Lando, and on the way, it may have left you to your own devices without any protection.
"Do you think you're pregnant?", Lando bit his lip, "because I spotted a test when I was tidying the bathroom the other day", he nudged your arm.
"We did it a couple of times that night, plus that one in the car and the one in your room that morning", you mused, "there were a lot of times where it could've happened", you reasoned, "Let me go and take the test", you offered, getting up and heading to the bathroom to do your business.
"Just a couple of minutes left", you said, letting your husband hold your body against his, kissing your forehead multiple times, "are you okay?", he asked.
"Yes", you replied, "are you okay?".
"I am, yes", he said, sealing it with a kiss on your lips as his hands rubbed your sides.
The timer beeped and you grabbed the plastic test, "Lando, look!", as you showed him.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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a-killer-obsession · 15 days
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Pirate's Pet [Wire x Reader]
Pirates come to your town, and one decides you look too nice to leave behind.
CW: NON-CON, yandere!Wire, chubby afab reader, she/her reader pronouns, kidnapping, bondage, breeding kink, forced pregnancy, use of ‘daddy’, panty kink, slapping, spitting, oral (reader receiving), vaginal fingering, p in v sex, forced orgasms, forced creampie, Stockholm syndrome, golden birdcage
WC: 2.6k
Masterlist || A03
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You should have known better when the bell to indicate incoming pirates rang out over your small town. With no marines close enough to defend it, your town was at their mercy whenever pirates landed, and the bell was supposed to be the call to evacuate to the woods. You, stupidly, hadn't done so. You hated having to go to the woods, often having to stay there for hours, sometimes even days, until the all clear was given. Cold, wet, uncomfortable, getting pickled by sticks and small sharp stones whenever you tried to sit down. You thought that maybe this time you could just hide in the comfort of your home, instead of braving the heavy weather that had forced the pirates to dock in the first place. Big fucking mistake.
The pirates had broken down your door to search for goods, and when a tall man wielding a trident pulled you from under your bed and held you upside-down by your ankle, you knew you'd fucked up. He looked at you like a piece of meat, throwing you on the bed, ripping your blouse open to expose your bra, gagging you with strips he tore from your clothes, and throwing you over his shoulder like a slaughtered pig. Your relentless kicking and punching barely phased him, you may as well have been a fruit fly as he carried you back to the imposing ship he called home. You recognised his captain as Eustass Kid of the worst generation as the tall man carried you up the gangplank, the redhead merely laughing in amusement as you passed.
“Found yourself a toy, ey Wire?” Eustass laughed, “maybe this one will last a little longer.”
“Nice wide hips,” Wire reported, like he'd found a good sale at the market, and spanking your ass hard, “might be worth trying to get this one knocked up, she's got a good build for carrying a baby.” You screamed around your gag at the implication, Wire undeterred as you tried to fight your way off his shoulder.
“Aye, nice fat ass too,” another man, with pale blue dreadlocks and thorn like tattoos commented, “send her my way if you get bored aye?”
“Get your own, Heat,” Wire growled, carrying you up two sets of external stairs and through the door to the stern castle. He carried you through the short hall to his room, where he dumped you on his bed unceremoniously. Before you could scurry away he was grabbing your wrist and dragging it to the edge, where he cuffed it to a chain attached to a strong bracket on the wall. Before you had a chance to protest, he grabbed the other wrist and did the same with the opposite side, leaving you on your back in the middle of the bed, your arms spread out. It was clear he was set up for this, he'd obviously been planning to take a prisoner, and you'd been the only dumb bitch stupid enough to get caught. You kicked your legs at him, catching his face before he pinned your ankles against the mattress with his large hands.
“Do I have to chain your legs too,” Wire said flatly, removing your gag so you could answer him, “or are you going to behave?”
“BITE ME!” you shouted, spitting in his face.
“I will, later,” he purred as he wiped the glob of saliva from his face, “unfortunately I have shit to do before we can play, so you need to stay here and be a good girl.”
“Don't fucking touch me!” You screamed, trying to kick him again until he gave an exasperated sigh and chained you ankles as well, leaving you spread like a starfish. You tried to bite him as he pushed the gag back into your mouth, which earned you a hard slap that made your eyes water and quickly broke your spirit.
“You'll see soon that you belong here,” he cooed, running his hand down your front and breezing it over your breast, “perfect little thing, Daddy is gonna take such good care of you, and you're gonna look so pretty with my baby in you. Be good now sweetheart, or I'll have to skip bringing you dinner tonight, and we can't have that, can we? Gotta keep you nice and chubby so you're in good condition to grow my baby.”
You tried to scream but it was muffled by the gag, as Wire bent down and pressed kisses all over your face and down your neck, finishing at your breasts before he sighed contently and stood. “I'll see you in a few hours, then we're gonna have such fun,” he smiled before leaving you alone in the room, hearing the lock click into place as the door shut behind him. You fought against the restraints, testing for weaknesses, and when you found none there was nothing left to do but sob, hyperventilating as the gag made it hard to breathe until you ran out of air and passed out, your hindbrain taking over breathing for you now that you weren't awake and panicking.
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You wake up to the sound of tearing fabric and a cold blade pressing against your skin as Wire cut and tore away your clothes, stripping you entirely until you had nothing but your panties on. He didn't want to waste your pretty lace panties yet, he could have a little fun with them before he tore them off too. “You're so beautiful,” Wire cooed as he pressed his thumb against your cunt to push the fabric between your folds, admiring how fat your labia were. He liked a girl with a bit of softness to her, what was the point of a girl if she wasn't lovely and soft and squishy? “I knew as soon as I saw you that you belong with me,” he smiled cruelly, “daddy's gonna make you feel so good. Such a lucky girl, you don't have to worry about anything anymore. No job or chores or other pirates, just gotta focus on getting nice and bred.”
You shook your head frantically, and he pinched your face hard in his hand, squishing your cheeks and making your lips purse. “No need to be shy about it,” he growled, “you belong here, you belong to me, you're not going anywhere so you can get rid of any silly notions of escaping. There's nowhere to go, we're out at sea and your town is nothing but ash.”
You whimpered as tears welled in your eyes, and Wire made soft shushes as he wiped the tears that escaped. “Shhh, shhh, daddy's got you now,” he cooed, “you're gonna be such a good mama, I know it.”
Wire settled himself to kneel between your legs, palming himself through his leather shorts, a noticeably large tent making your eyes widen. He unbuckled his pants and pulled out his long, thick cock, and you whimpered at the size. Wire noticed your fear and rubbed the head of his cock against your panty covered core. “Shhhh, don't worry mama, gonna be real gentle with you,” he soothed, “gonna get you nice and wet and begging for it first.”
Wire lent over you, caging you under his massive body and kissing you over the gag, before moving to your neck, groaning against it as he licked and nipped at your sensitive skin and relished your whimpers. Every little whine you let out made his cock throb, he couldn't wait to fuck your brains out. The head of his erection pressed against your panties, smearing precum over the fabric, the thin satin the only protection to keep his cock from forcing its way inside you. He trapped his length between your pussy and his hand, fucking the space between, rubbing against your covered clit. Your body began to betray you, clit swelling as arousal built from the friction, tears rolling down your cheeks as you struggled to refuse the stimulation.
Wire was quick to notice as the gusset of your panties grew wet, pulling them aside so he could run a finger between your folds to feel the slick you were making against your will. “Good girl!” Wire praised, “see, your body knows you belong here! Your pussy is so eager for me to breed you! Don't worry sweetheart, daddy is gonna give you what you need.”
The cuffs on your ankles dug into your skin as you fought to get away from him, unable to stop him as he tore the panties from your body, leaving you completely naked. He slid his shaft between your folds a few more times before deciding on something else, kissing and licking his way down your body until he was flat on his belly between your legs, his legs hanging off the end of the bed as he nosed against your pussy. “You smell so lovely,” he cooed, before licking a fat stripe up your cunt, chains rattling at your body went taut, “so sweet as well, mmm. I think I'll give you a reward before I fuck my baby into you.”
It felt like his tongue was trying to memorise every inch of your cunt, exploring every part of it, rolling against your clit and prodding at your entrance. You did what you could to pull tight the muscles there, but his strong tongue bullied its way inside you regardless of your efforts, lapping at your walls and making you produce more slick. There was nothing you could do to stop your body's natural processes when he was using his tongue so skillfully, if he hadn't taken you by force you would have been having a good time, but instead all you could do was whimper and struggle to bite back unwanted moans. You couldn't suppress the pleasured sounds forever though, especially not as he started sucking on your clit and pushing two fingers inside you, curling them to put pressure on your g-spot. The single moan you failed to hold back made him grin against you, knowing he had won, and quickly forcing a harsh orgasm from you.
You laid deadly still as your peak passed, making sad, defeated whimpers as he pulled his fingers from you. He crowded back over you, pulling down your gag and replacing it with his juice covered digits. “Taste how bad you want me,” he teased, “desperate little slut, begging to be bred. I'm gonna pump you full of so much cum it'll have nowhere to go but your womb.”
He gagged you with his long fingers before pulling away, focusing on lining his cock up with your entrance. “No!” You screamed, coughing from your strained throat, “please don't, please don't!”
“You mouth is saying no, but your soaked cunt is saying otherwise,” he grinned, grinding his length against you and letting his shaft get coated in your fluids, “don't worry, daddy will just give you the tip for now, until you can be a good girl and take all of it. We've got all night to mould your pussy to fit me.”
He pushed just the head of his cock inside you, slipping in easily thanks to his preparation, making short thrusts while you cried out for him to leave you be. He alternated between stretching you with the fat head of his cock, and rubbing it between your labia, each time giving you hope that he wouldn't put it back in before dashing those hopes away. Suddenly he sunk all the way in with a grunt, your warm wet hole being too much for him to resist, making you scream as he fully hilted his thick length in your tight cunt.
“You- you said you wouldn't!” You stuttered.
“I lied,” he grunted, “but look at you, you're doing so well sweetheart! You've got my whole cock inside you, I bet that feels nice huh?”
“No!” You spat back. He grabbed your face harshly and pinched it.
“Don't lie to daddy,” he growled, giving you a harsh thrust that forced a breathy moan from you. “See, it's good, huh? Nice and full! You'll be full of cum soon too.”
“No, don't!” You cried out as he started pumping you with his cock, your pussy making wet squelches as he fucked you. “No- hnng- s-stop, l-leave me alone! Hnng, fuck.”
“There it is,” Wire cooed, letting go of your face as you relented to his fucking, making soft moans as you failed to refuse how good it felt any longer, “there you go baby, I told you daddy would make you feel good. Let go sweetheart, you belong here, speared on my cock, taking all of me like you were made for me. Your pussy is fluttering around me, you're gonna cum on my cock soon huh?”
“No!” You denied, but your body was giving you away. The coil in your stomach was pulling tight, and you made heavy pants between moans as Wire gripped your hips and fucked you harder than you'd ever been fucked before, no doubt having the biggest cock you'd ever taken. You started feeling like maybe it wasn't so bad, being trapped here to be fucked and bred by a pirate, he said he'd keep you safe, right? Fuck, how long does Stockholm Syndrome usually take to kick in? Maybe you were just insane, or he really was actually fucking your brains out, so much that you no longer had the ability to think straight.
His thumb drawing circles on your clit pulled you from your thoughts, giving you the last push you needed to clamp down around him, coming with a scream and a gush of fluid neither of you expected. The not unwelcomed surprise made Wire groan and unload inside you, filling you till your overstuffed cunt was leaking. He took a few moments to rest against you, warming his cock and keeping his cum plugged up inside you. Eventually he pulled away, tutting softly as he saw the way his sheets were drenched.
“Oh sweetheart, you've made such a mess,” Wire cooed, “it's okay, daddy will take care of you. You've been such a good girl. Are you gonna behave if I unchain you?”
You gave a weak nod, your spirit entirely broken, disgusted at yourself for cumming not once, but twice, by your captor. You didn't move as Wire unclipped your shackles, pressing soft kisses to each limb where the cuffs had bit into your skin. He picked you up in a gentle bridal hold, carrying you to his bathroom and keeping you in his lap as he filled the tub, before lowering both you and himself into the water. He washed you slowly and methodically with luxurious smelling products, massaging your aching joints and your scalp as he worked shampoo into it. At some point you dozed off, waking in his bed, laid with fresh sheets, dressed in an expensive feeling satin nighty and tucked under mountains of blankets and furs. Next to you on the side table was a tray of food, not just scraps like you expected but good, tasty smelling food. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. He only wanted a baby right? You knew you wanted kids anyway. Maybe being the pet of some pirate who treats you well, spoils you and makes you cum hard wasn't the worst thing that could happen. Maybe you really did belong here.
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Oneshots Taglist: @daydreamer-in-training @chairmanraph @florcxo @luvnisstuff @nocturnalrorobin @fanaticsnail
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swampstew · 3 months
Ok so I am basing this ask off this post:
Could you do this with Law, Kid, and/ or Zoro please? You guys have some fun, but have to go your separate ways for a little bit, but end up in the same place again just a few months later. You've been so busy, you haven't noticed the changes to your body, only that you're more tired, but you think it's just because of everything you've had to accomplish. But he notices right away, because he remembered every little detail about you. Maybe your shirt lifts up and he notices? Or you have a tight fitting shirt on? Idk I'm so in love with this concept I NEED to read it!
Hebi the way I had to be on life support for this....the way my uterus was like ok time to be a problem since my womb is empty from this...I could only knock out (HAHAHAHAHA) one for Kid but I plan to repost it along with Law and Zoro's POVs at a later time. Brain only light up for Punk tonight.
Summary: You have a casual relationship with Eustass Kid, a here and there type of thing. At least that's how it felt on your end. You didn't know he felt about you, the way he sees you, the way he wants you. No matter what. No bumps in the road can sway him. CW: Eustass Kid x F Reader, accidental pregnancy scenario - something short and sweet based off this post | no actual smut, all fluff and tenderness from someone so brash and violent
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Kid clocks it right away. He’s so eager when he sees you, finding you on the dock instantly, and the first thing he notices are the dark circles under your eyes and your breasts look particularly perky in your top. He makes himself known, to your surprise, pulling you into a giant hug and asks you if you’re ok.
You tell him you’re just tired from work and your social battery was pretty much drained all the time, but you are happy to see him again. His hand traces your sallow cheeks as you tell him what you’ve been up to before he decides he’s going to carry you to the nearest food stall to get you both something to eat. He holds you while you hold the bags of food, cradled against his muscular chest as he takes long, impatient strides to your home. He’s going to get to the bottom of this and he wants to do it without his crew hovering.
He tells you about his adventures while you eat, if it can be called eating since you a few bites before you looked queasy, abandoning your plate and drinking ginger ale instead. Kid pushes his plate away and brings you to your feet, bringing you to his chest as he his hands gently caress your hips.
“I’ve been gone for a while now. Has anything happened?”
“Hm? Aside from taking on more work to pass the time, not really.”
“Nothing at all? Its been three months since we saw each other.”
“What are you getting at?” you ask irately, not liking the implication of his question.
Kid turns your body so your back is resting against his torso, metal hand holding you in place while his flesh fingers spread across your lower belly. The slow strokes made goosebumps erupt along your soft skin.
“You definitely didn’t have this last time…”
“ARE YOU CALLING ME F—?!” your yell is cut off as he covered your mouth.
“Y/N! Do the math!”
When your body starts trembling, he knows you made the connection and swiftly picks you up and takes you to your bed. Waiting to see if you would start the conversation.
“We never talked about an accident like this,” you whisper.
“No, so what are we going to do?”
“Well…yeah. Unless you don’t want me involved…”
“I-I think I want too…but…sigh…I wouldn’t expect you to stay,” you whisper.
“You’re right I wouldn’t” he snorts, “Cause I’m taking you with me, idiot. No way in hell I’m letting you do this alone.”
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starburts-addict · 9 months
Never Again
Pairing: Yandere!Vil x afab!Reader
CW: Pregnancy ment., Dead beat Vil, implied accusations of tampering with pretoection, kidnapping, parents being shitty and disowning their pregnant kid, heavily implications of some actually tampering with protection, just not talked about, Reader is not Yuu, not proof read, drugging(?) But it's just Vil using a handkerchief he cast a curse on beforehand
[S/N] = Son's Name
[Y/HC] = Your hair color
[Y/N] = Your name
Honestly this was based off a dream sorta, so it's probably shitty and ooc. It was a late night writing practice tbh.
This wasn't supposed to happen. Not at all. It is your graduation day and right now you're panicking in the bathroom. Two weeks ago, you and Vil decided to spend a night with each other to destress. You both even went extra lengths to make sure nothing would arise from that night. Now here you were, having a breakdown over the fact you were pregnant with his child. He would never let this slide. You can't keep it from him though. After the ceremony was done with, you approached Vil and asked to talk to him in private. You told him about your pregnancy to which he scoffed at and said that he wanted to do nothing with that thing. He called the baby a thing. A thing! You held back tears. You didn't really have any strong emotions towards Vil, he was your friend, you thought he would at least help. He wanted nothing to do with you and the baby. Even accused you of having to do something with it. You both argued, but in the end you stormed off crying.
It's been eight years. You gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. With Vil's eye color, but with [y/hc] hair. When you initially told your parents, they left you at the ceremony. You ended up not telling anyone and you didn't have any means to get back to your hometown. What did you end up doing? Staying at Sage Isle. You started to work at two jobs, one at a restaurant and another at the local library. You did everything you could do to ensure [S/N] had a good life. You didn't need any help from Vil. You were both happy and at some point, you met a guy named Leo who lived In the isle. He moved for school and he was back a year after you had graduated as he had stayed an extra year for a longer education. He helped you out for seven years and in the fifth, you both ended up falling for each other and started to date. 
It may not be perfect, but it was perfect to you. This life was perfect. Even with all the blemishes it has. You would do nothing to change anything… So why did everything have to take a turn for the worse? You heard Vil was shooting part of a movie in the Isle. You avoided him. You made sure you avoided any setting he was at. You made sure that Vil didn't see you at all so as to not upset him, you and especially [S/N]. One day, Leo and your son were shopping for groceries for your shared home. Leo had to step away to answer a call from wor, and you were keeping your son entertained until you heard your name being called out by a familiar voice you'd hope to never hear in person again. Your fear raised as turned to see Vil. Your expression was fearful for a split second before you had to keep a straight face.
“Hello Schoenheit.” You said to him nonchalantly. “What are you doing here?” Vil asked coldly. All your fear washed away and was replaced by rage, but you kept it hidden. “I live here, I'm shopping with my kid and partner.” “Aren't you supposed to be in [H/C]?” He doesn’t know, nor do you care if he did or not, but  you did if [S/N] knew. You turned to him and smiled. “Go with Leo, I'll be there.” You said, hesitantly he followed your request and you turned to face the man who practically shared the blame of ruining your life. “If you must know, they disowned me. If you're here to mock me, you're better off leaving me alone. Especially since you constantly have paparazzi. You wouldn't want to ruin your reputation would you?” Vil sneered and came close to you. “It's better if we talk in private then. Meet me at the docks at ten at night.” You rolled your eyes as he walked away. You wouldn't end up going.
How foolish were you?! It's almost ten and you ended up going to the docks. You told Leo beforehand as he took care of [S/N]. You both were hesitant about this decision, but you ended up arriving like an idiot. “You did arrive.” You turned to see Vil with a smirk. “Wipe that off your face. What do you want? I want to get this over with.” Vil approached you and came closer. “I did some investigation… I know you aren't happy, let me propose this. Let's get married. Don't you want a good life for [S/N]?” He said. Your blood boiled as he put a hand on your shoulder. You swatted it as he finished speaking. “Don't you fucking speak to me as if you care. You know nothing about me. I am very happy with my life. If anything I'll be happier than you ever will be.” You both argued for a long while before in the heat of the moment, Vil couldn't keep the facade up he held. “You aren't supposed to be happy! You're supposed to be sad and come running to me!” He yelled. You were confused was an understatement. “What's that supposed to mean Schoenheit?” 
There you go again referring to him as his last name. He hated that, but he had spilled a piece of information he wasn't supposed to. He was furious at himself, but he can't dwell on that. “I rejected [S/N] so you could depend on me. I wanted you to know you needed me. You weren't supposed to have a good life. I was supposed to rescue you. Leo came into your life and ruined everything.” You were pissed off by this revelation. It can't be true he's bullshitting. “Stop fucking around Vil.” “I'm not messing around my dear. I never forgot about you nor my son. I love you [Y/N].” You were pissed off. He isn't telling you the truth, or at least the full truth. You were lost in your thoughts and anger that you failed to realize Vil getting closer. You snapped out of it as soon as you felt his arms wrap around your waist as he covered your mouth. With a cloth. It wasn't chloroform. He used something completely different. You passed out almost immediately. “We'll live happily as intended… just the three of us…” Those were the last words you heard before your consciousness slipped away. 
You will live as intended, happily with him. 
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kissingkiszka · 3 months
I think we need some more dad jake
Father’s Day - dad!Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Words: 450+
Summary: On Father’s Day, you surprise Jake with a very special gift, making it his first Father’s Day.
CW: MDNI, 18+, fluff, pregnancy, surprises, cursing, talks of anxiety, implications of sex, suggestive talks
Happy Father’s Day!
“Goodmorning, love.” You giggled into Jake’s shoulder. He was buried under the covers, it was still pretty early in the morning.
He groans, rolling over to his other side. “Hi beautiful.” He manages to mumble.
“It’s Father’s Day.” You tell him.
He shoots up and looks at you, rubbing his eyes. “Oh shit. Is my dad coming over?” He asks, trying to blink the sleep away.
You casually shake your head, in no rush. “He’ll be here in a few hours.”
“Okay.” He accepts, he stands up and saunters over to his closet.
You sneak into the other room while he’s getting dressed and grab the gift bag you had put aside for safe keeping. You wait a few minutes until he’s fully ready to give it to him.
“Hey, Jake.” You smile, hiding the gift bag behind your back. You’re feeling all the feelings of anxiety to excitement running through you.
“What’s up?” He asks, putting the finishing touches on his outfit. He’s wearing a striped button up and light colored jeans.
“Happy Father’s Day.” You giggle.
“What?” He chuckles, not understanding what’s going on.
“Happy Father’s Day.” You repeat, becoming more nervous.
“I’m not a dad, but, thanks.” He laughs. “I mean, shit, I’ll be your daddy.”
You giggle and then shake your head. “No, Jake.”
You hand him the gift bag. His eyebrows furrow with confusion as he takes the bag from you.
He scans the bag curiously before carefully pulling the tissue paper out.
“Love…what is this?” He questions softly. “You know I don’t like surprises.” He smiles, opening the bag further.
He pulls out a black box from inside the gift bag and inspects it thoroughly. You chuckle out of nervousness. He wastes no time opening the box, and pulls out a onesie with a pattern of guitars scattered all over it. Followed by a pregnancy test. A positive one.
“No.” He gasps, his free hand flying to cover his mouth. Your heart sinks before he uncontrollably breaks out into a smile, which is then followed by laughter.
“Oh my god! You’re-” he asks through giggles.
“Yes!” You nod with a chuckle. Finally over the moon to reveal your secret with him. You wanted to make it the most special day and also tell him the news in the most special way, and figured Father’s Day was coming up, so you had to plan it out perfectly. Although the past few days were near impossible, making sure not to accidentally let it slip.
He holds you for what feels like eternity, and you wish it had been.
“Oh my god!” He repeats, in complete shock. “My love! We’re having a little love!” He exclaims, his voice breaking.
You lean in and plant a kiss on his lips. “Happy first Father’s Day, Jake.”
“My first Father’s Day.” He repeats to himself, making him beam with pride.
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love-toxin · 1 year
“Don’t even look at me, I’m already thinking about Leon getting in on the process-“ BITCH SPILL
ok but......hear me out <33
(cws: fem!reader, established marriage + friendship, m/m/f threeway, friends to lovers, cuckholdry(?), pregnancy sex, breeding kink, teasing, facesitting, spit + cum = lube, leon's a boob guy, this is just filth trust me)
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So maybe Leon doesn't realize it until after Luis spills the beans that you're expecting. It's not until he sees you with that little curve of a bump in your belly that he thinks "How cute.....I kind of want that, too." and starts guiltily fantasizing about your baby being his. About you having a bump that he can fawn over and coo at, instead of having to watch Luis kiss your belly and touch it and manhandle you into his arms as he praises your newfound motherhood. It gets him so hard and he feels so ashamed of it he starts to distance himself from you, because far be it from him to ruin two friendships with people who actually like him.
And maybe you two notice this. You realize Leon's a lot clingier but he's also stepping away more often, and you clue in to what might be happening when Luis playfully teases bits of information out of him, like "So how do you feel about babies now, Leon? You gonna hurry it up so our kid has someone to play with?" spoken just sweetly enough that it has Leon struggling for an answer.
So you do the only rational thing in that situation: you invite him for an evening of board games and drinks (non-alcoholic for you of course) and when he sleeps over in your guest room as per usual, you and your sweetheart make things just a touch louder than usual when you fuck each other to sleep. The pillow gets taken out from behind the headboard so Leon can hear it squeak, can feel it thudding against the wall as Luis rails you like he hasn't already knocked you up good. You honestly get so lost in making a big show of it all that you genuinely lose your sense a little, and Luis gets a few deliciously sore scratches down his back as you grip him tight and beg him not to stop.
Leon's so observant, you knew he'd show up soon--just not so quietly, he would've scared the pants off Luis if he had any when he glanced over his shoulder and saw your friend standing in the room. Arms crossed over his buff chest, stare cold and stoic like you're in trouble, he's kind of scary....but that obvious bulge straining at his sleep pants proves that it's not annoyance but jealousy.
It's all kind of a blur when Luis acknowledges his presence, but doesn't even stop thrusting into you slowly--Leon's climbing into your bed in one moment and in the next he's been stripped bare, Luis' hand guiding his to rub your bump and an endless string of teasing spilling off his lips at how hot in the face he is. His palms are so warm and sweaty when he finally graces your belly, his touch almost possessive as he gets used to the feeling and sucks in a breath when he grazes the spot just below your breast.
"Maybe you can get the next one, eh?" Luis whispers into his ear, and Leon shudders both at the implication and the sight of you easing his hand higher to grope your tits properly. And he obeys like the good boy he is, using both hands to massage your chest and kneading the soft flesh like dough in a way that he doesn't even realize is so relaxing--having your boobs gain mass even so early in your pregnancy is pretty painful, and he seems to rub the right spots without even trying that makes that aching soreness a thing of the past.
And while he's distracted, Luis pulls himself away from that deliciously wet heat, and slides his fingers through your folds like a professional to get them as slick as he can--just so he can reach over and grab Leon's cock in his hand, your American hero grunting in response but not daring to let go of your tits once he's got them in his grasp. In fact, he latches his mouth on to one of them and gets in a taste while he can, all while your darling strokes him off with your own arousal and coats him from shaft to tip...with a little extra fondling involved, because c'mon, you can't blame him for getting in his licks where he can. Leon is gorgeous, and he's big enough that Luis feels the need to spit into his palm and add a little extra elbow grease to really make sure he's lubed up. All that twitching he gets out of it too definitely makes the kiss they share even hotter when Leon finally breaks his spit-slick mouth off of your boobs.
It's so cute when he finally shifts around to enter you, his thighs trembling the second Luis guides the tip towards your folds and pushes on him to part you around his swollen cock. Only now is he babbling those questions of "I-Is this okay?" and "I don't want to hurt you-" but they all get kissed off his mouth or straight up ignored, because both you and Luis moan much too loudly when Leon's sliding deeper and deeper into your guts. Earlier today you and your closest friend were exchanging jokes over a deck of cards, and mere hours later he's sweating and panting over your body as he fucks you with your husband watching. Not at all where you thought your friendship would go, but you're happy to see that you're not the only one satisfied with it.
"Luis," Leon moans in such a gentle way, yet grabs for your lover hard while he's sitting back to watch the show. Clearly he's not intent on letting him be a voyeur--he pulls the Spaniard close until he's practically pressed up against his back, and drags you down further on his cock until you're bucking and whining and leaking Luis' cum all over his thick shaft. "Watch me. Stop me if it hurts her."
He says as much, and Luis chuckles at his over-enthusiastic concern, but you can see from here that it's not the only reason he wanted him closer. With every tight thrust of his own hips, Leon rocks back to meet Luis'--and you can feel him getting even harder with your husband prodding him from behind, knocking up his pace even faster right up until Luis shifts forward with a groan and Leon halts, suddenly frozen and trembling with his eyes screwed shut.
"Oops," He chuckles into your friends ear, blowing on it softly to ease that tightness in his chest as he heaves for breath, slowly trying to relax himself enough to take it. "Just slipped in. You're a little too wet for me to resist, amor." He croons so mockingly, yet it only seems to turn Leon on more as he grinds those shaky hips into short, sharp thrusts inside you, each one propelled forward harder when Luis deigns to give him a buck that drags a pathetically high moan out of the agent's throat.
"Imagine a baby with his eyes, mija. Wouldn't that just be so cute?" He murmurs over Leon's shoulder, hands sliding up from their place on his hips to grope at his chest, darkly-coloured nipples lazily tweaked between his callused fingers like it's something he does every day. Neither man can take his eyes off your bump for too long though, Leon's literally drooling over it as saliva dribbles down his chin and splatters all over your soft, cute little belly.
"P-Promise me you'll give me a baby, Lee? After this one?" You mewl, holding up your pinky finger as an offering despite his hands being occupied with fondling your tits once again. "Hafta promise me. Say 'I wanna give you my baby', say it for me."
"I'm gonna breed you," He groans, eyes dark and lustful as he squeezes you hard enough for you to squeal. "You're gonna be a mom for me the second you pop."
"You're wild, Leon." Luis purrs over his shoulder, pecking a kiss to his neck that swiftly turns into a love bite suckled into the skin. "You can fuck my wife anytime. Right, sweetheart?"
"And my husband. Anytime." You giggle, though your adorable jubilance is soon cut off by a deeper moan as you start to hit your stride, fingers digging into the sheets below you before moving to brace against Leon's forearms. This time, when he spits, he dips his head to dribble it right on your clit and spares the thumb from his left hand to rub it right in, watching for the way your hips swivel in response so he knows just how to work his fingers into it.
"Princess likes her pussy eaten, too. Loves it. Let's try it when we're done, hm?" Luis' encouraging tone smoothes the thoughts away from your head, his voice blanketing your mind in nothing but a fuzzy haze that has you mindlessly humping every pair of hands and hips in your vicinity--you're just barely on the cusp of cumming, and a loopy grin splits your lips at the idea that Leon still doesn't know how hard you're gonna do it.
"Get on top of me, and I'll do it all damn night. Both of you."
"I-I'm heavy, Lee-"
"Don't care. I'll do it when you're full-term. You're never too heavy to sit this gorgeous pussy on my fucking face."
At that low, lusty growl of a compliment, Luis has finally met his match--you look on in awe as your husband cries out and frantically speeds up his pace, locks of dark hair sticking to his face with sweat as he pumps his last few ounces of energy into several deep, hard thrusts against Leon's backside that rock him into you and have you both crying out his name in a fit of pleasure that completely dominates your senses. Your hips jerk suddenly and he moans from his chest at how hard you're clamping down on him, but it doesn't stop his own thrusts until you're leaking and splashing him with jets of liquidy cum that totally soak him right down to his thighs. And from behind, Luis has his waist in a death grip as he spurts ropes upon ropes inside your friend, making him so slick he slides out with ease yet whines softly as his thoughts fizzle out and he mindlessly tries to push his sloppy cock back inside.
Stuck firmly in the middle, Leon's got nowhere else to go--when he cums, he drags you all the way down by the hips and forces his cock deep, pushing it snug and warm against your womb so he can spill into you relentlessly. It's as if Luis is cumming through him to add to the thick, creamy mess he leaves dripping out of your pussy, but pulling back and seeing that it's all him switches something in his brain that he had been desperate to keep locked away. Now that you've invited him into your marriage bed, however, it seems there's no better time to exercise it.
Before you can leak too much, Leon's sliding his hands under your hips and lifting you off the bed, shuffling back to lay down and incidentally splattering himself from thigh to chest with the cum he's left spilling out of you. But once he's lowered you quickly and comfortably on his face, mouth instantly sealed around the puffy lips of your cunt, there's no hurry at all and Leon blindly sucks away at the mess you three have made. And having been nudged aside, Luis clambers over Leon's body to reach his lap, eyes gentle and adoring as he watches your pretty, pregnant body writhe on the tip of his closest friend's skilled tongue.
"Oye--I don't think you can fit, caballero." He grins, reaching back to swipe up the cum between Leon's own thighs and rubbing his soaked fingers carefully inside himself. And just when he's managed to stretch himself open the smallest bit, one of those massive hands comes blindly groping down his chest, and upon reaching his hip Leon yanks it down and bucks his hips at the same time, spearing your husband so swiftly and suddenly that he braces himself against his chest in a fit of hot, stuttered gasps.
"A-And you thought it would be easy," You tease, taking hold of your husband's hands to lift him back up and kiss that dazed expression off his face.
"I think he's in my guts, mi amor--is he part horse? Dios mio-" Leon responds with another buck, this one harder and punctuated with a deep jab of his tongue into your spongy, gummy walls, and both of you are left whinging and moaning at his teasing but never quit riding him on either end. It's a different experience to rub your husband's sticky, half-soft cock while he grinds that impossibly tight ass against someone else--but with it being Leon, it feels as normal and safe as when you're doing it together. It feels right.
And as you clutch at your bump with one hand while the other clings tightly to your husband's, you let the rest of your weight sink down slowly to finally, completely relax, and both he and Leon look and feel so grateful for the gift. They both look at you like it's a blessing just to be in your presence, and to have that from two of your closest friends is just an indescribable feeling--maybe it's part of what makes this kind of intimacy feel so damn good, even while you're going through the early stages of what will certainly be a long pregnancy.
"You're going to be such a good papi," You whisper with a smile, nuzzling your nose into your husband's. "Both of you will, I know it." And from below, Leon pauses his fervent assault to lift you up and lave his tongue slowly over your clit--just enough that the warm, wet kiss he places on it lets you feel the curve of his grin against your skin before he goes right back to urging you into another hot, deep, spine-tingling orgasm.
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g1deonthefirst · 6 months
cw for reproductive coercion and violence: i feel like we should talk more about the implications surrounding reproductive coercion re the heirs: in a no lyctor trials au, i feel like pal & ianthe & maybe harrow would really be pushed into having kids to keep those necromantic lines going
(i say ianthe and not coronabeth here b/c it's probably less likely that corona would have a necromantic child/she needs to run ida, which a pregnancy would make much harder) but we know that there are at least a few ppl on the sixth who pal is genetically compatible with
YES ANON!! ugh this is SUCH a good point. my thing is like, i don't understand how people can argue that the nine houses are post-sexism, post-homophobia, post-gender roles, etc. when you have seven of eight houses relying on a hereditary system of governance that by definition values heirs based on their reproductive capacity. the scene where harrow uses her father's corpse to shoot down the suggestion that she marry and have kids with ortus is honestly horrifying. regardless of whether she's even attracted to men (something nobody seems to care about), she's a child in that scene and already the adults around her are discussing her reproductive capacity. not to mention ortus is, what, eighteen? years older than her. in a world where harrow's parents killed 200 children for one necromantic heir, there is no way all the scions aren't being forced to reproduce whether they like it or not. considering how the themes of the horror of pregnancy/birth and reproductive violence come up again and again, i can't see this detail as anything but intentional, either.
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evita-shelby · 7 months
Juli! For your celebration I just had an idea 🤭
Can I request a story with this idea?
🥖 🔪 Eva is pissed at Tommy (whatever you want) and for some reason Tommy finds it amusing so she first throws him a baguette and then she threatens to throw a knife next if he doesn’t stop.
Omg i love this, thanks for sending the request Mar 💕
The Pond
Cute Eva x Tommy fic set after s2
Cw: nudity, implications of sex, pregnancy mood swings
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She’s adorable in her anger, well, now that she’s out of sorts because of the baby and everything is going great.
They take a picnic in the new house, their house boasting of gardens and woods as far as the eye could see. It had started great, them pretending to be just another dime a dozen young couple having a peaceful time enjoying a hot summer in a cool pond.
Tommy had said he was going for a swim and stripped out of his clothes as he did when he and his brothers would steal away with the other boys to the Cut. This his wife knew and he assumed she knew they swam in the nude to avoid having to wear wet briefs under the trousers they could barely afford.
“Tommy, someone could see you!” she had said as he tossed his underwear at her with a wink.
“Then they’ll know how I stole you away from all the other young men.” He was proud of his cock, what man wouldn’t be? Besides no one would come here and if Eva was game, he could make use of the privacy and of his cock in a mutually beneficial way.
“Really ,Tommy?” she tears a chunk of the baguette in her hands and tosses it his head in annoyance.
His swim is forgotten at this new idea he’s gotten. He could swim later, there was plenty of time for that.
They have all the time of the world now.
“Yeah, you look so beautiful all fat with our baby, I can’t even look at you without wanting to fuck you, Mrs. Shelby.” He laughs and she rolls her eyes at his words.
“Tommy if you weren’t my husband, I would’ve stabbed you for calling me fat.” His witch admits in between kisses.
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gladiatorcunt · 8 months
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summary: the apparent end of an era
cw: implication of infant death, canon typical violence and canon major character death (if that’s how you read it), unnecessary oc children (mention of pregnancy), reader’s in lucy grays place (chosen to be in the games and etc. not as a substitute for coryo) but if she went back to capitol with him, old man snow loses his marbles, open to interpretation ending, canon typical district citizens slander (and katniss slander but it’s snow’s pov), og timeline reader in this story died in between thg and catching fire, treating this as dark content due to vagueness regarding how willing the reader is
wc: 1.3k
requests are open (read the rules first <3)
block & move on if uncomfortable
do not repost or translate!!
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“Boys, workin' on empty
Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?
I just think about my baby
I'm so full of love I could barely eat
There's nothing sweeter than my baby
I'd never want once from the cherry tree
'Cause my baby's sweet as can be
She give me toothaches just from kissin' me.”
- Work Song // Hozier
Caecilia Snow can hardly stomach what she is about to witness. Her oldest sister, Iovita, stands stoned faced behind her. One of her svelte hands clasped around her left shoulder. A mask, she’s sure. Vita always did have troubles with expressing her emotions. The middle sister, Agrippina, is a complicated mix of both. Her hand is warmer on Caecilia’s right shoulder, but the blisters make it uncomfortable. Cato, the steadfast and tough oldest son, does not look at all. One can only wonder how he felt about that tribute from two, poor souls. Little Ignacius (she will always see him as such even though he's grown a head taller than her) brow is furrowed so terribly, she fears it might get stuck.
And strange Silvanus, the second son, he isn’t even on the balcony with his beloved siblings. Perhaps he is lost in his thoughts again. He wonders now if when his father smells the wood of the gallows, he thinks of a forest out in twelve that he haunted decades ago. The handkercheif he uses to hastily wipe his tears before he can gather the courage to join his family possess drops of blood every time he pulls it away. From his nose or drug up from his lungs, who can say? The wall outside the library his father had made especially for their mother on their wedding anniversary takes several blows from his aching clenched fist. So much blood, like father like son. Silvanus feels comforted by the persistent thought.
Ignacius eyes his brother with open concern as he saunters into view beside him. He barely manages to hide his wobble and his rush to stuff a stained cloth into his pocket does nothing to ease Ignacius’s worries. Silvanus has been one of the more sensitive ones in their parade, though that has never meant that he has not fought for his family. It is because of that that when Silvanus relents to the beseeching stare of his younger brother, Ignacius nods with utmost determination. The second son softens minutely and eventually returns it.
“Snow lands on top.” Six voices whisper in chorus.
Somewhere in an alabaster mausoleum, resides an ornate urn containing what would have been a seventh voice.
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At the end of it all, President Coriolanus Snow smiles and he laughs with his entire chest like you’ve told him your funniest joke. Blood pours from his mouth like hot wax. His forked tongue doggy paddles in the little sea of crimson. A weathered hand with hard to spot cracks in the skin and light purple spots clasps itself firmly around the rose pinned to his suit. The wind seems to circle around Coriolanus Snow and he heaves a hearty chuckle when it ruffles through his hair. You’re with him even now as the foundations of your dynasty crumble and scatter over a stormy cliffside. A most welcomed and yearned for torment. His dearest specter.
It seems even a Mockingjay’s tiny brain can manage.
It brings to mind the memory of another unfortunate like her. An Angel of Death from 11, tall and hunkered over. A flag being ripped from its rightful place and being pulled over rotting corpses. They were laid so closely together, they might as well have been a pack of sardines. There was ample meaning in his rustic burial, and there were snakes that suffocated it in their multicolored den. A precious rainbow after a great flood.
He’s not the only boy she reminds him of, but he’s unable to recall the second one’s name. A ghost that hovers on the edge of his mind.
Nevermind how useless her brief moment of assumed triumph will be. The games may be locked in a box in the minds of Panem and shoved away so they can be blissfully ignorant, but there will always be those in favor of them. What they represent will remain just as their purpose will prove itself once again when the people are governed by the rabid cannibals that ate them. Dogs can’t be trusted to be left to their own devices and off their leashes. Such deranged creatures were far better suited for being submerged in the violence of their own making.
Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever.
The soft dulcet tones of silenced voices ring out, something he once knew about a man who murdered three. The white fog fades away and Coriolanus wakes with a muffled shout to find himself in a raggedy bunk in an all too familiar building. his hands tremble but they look no different. with a disbelieving laugh he realizes that nothing has changed yet, that he has been rewarded for decades of dedication and devotion to Panem. That his herculean task others once thought of as sisyphean had been irrevocably realized.
3 daughters, 3 sons. Countless grandchildren. A legacy that will no doubt be remembered no matter the connotations associated with it.
Coryo’s heart is thundering like it did back then on that fateful day, and it does not slow by the time he’s shoved his things into a sack and hidden in the back of a truck. He could sway from the dizziness of deja vu. The truck soon comes to a stop and he clamors out of it, jumping out and racing however many yards he has to until he can spot his heart doing a terrible job of hiding behind a pillar. Anyone with a working set of eyes could discern the scarlet edges of your skirt swishing from side to side. They would have an unchallenging time seeing you suppress the urge to pick at the skin around your nails.
For the first time in over a year, Coriolanus Snow is utterly consumed by the urge to burst into tears. His beautiful beautiful dryad. The blood red dress he had ran himself ragged to buy clung to you like a lover as you twirled around nervously looking for him. Never in his life had a decision been so easy, so with a grateful chuckle and an embarrassingly giddy grin he bounds over to you. The light splintered through the trees nearby, the way it raked through your eyes and made them sparkle brought him fantastic grief. To him, they have never once lost that illustrious shine.
“I thought you’d never show up, Coryo. I was startin’ to worry a bit.”
Your hand feels like a delicious brand when it slips into his, impossibly soft and his cock throbs in his pants at the countless memories it elicits. In an apparent recreation of Pygmalion gazing upon the stone turned flesh form of Galatea, his love spills from him like a reopened wound. his Aphrodite on earth, his goddess with a never-ending number of rose petals in her hair.
“Not even a bullet in my back could keep me from you, dove.”
A garter snake slithers by between the two of you and before you can notice, Coryo swiftly crushes its head under the heel of his boot. The forest is blessedly silent. His world is kept from cleaving in two by the invisible string you’ve looped around his neck.
The putrid smell of the woods around you forces you to attempt to hide yourself gagging behind your hand. His lips twitch but he suppresses the urge to smile in that smug but infuriatingly hot way he knows you secretly love.
You’d better make quick work of getting over the mountains, you’re pregnant after all.
a/n: I’m sick and on bed rest (the cold is kicking my immune system’s ass) so wip progress has stopped but I had this in the drafts. call me Suzanne Collins because I tried with the naming symbolism. Please reblog if you liked it and yell at me about him if you want <3
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hanmaitani · 3 months
Irrevocably Yours
PAIRING - Faerie Prince!Kita Shinsuke x Wingless Faerie!Reader WC - 2.6K GENRE - smut, light angst CW - riding, mentions of oral, insecurities, mentions or pregnancy, creampies, overstimulation
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Shinsuke got one single taste of you, one endless night of nothing but you and him and nothing else under the stars, and he couldn't stand staying away for too long any more.
It wasn't just him. It was you, too. Like the taste of a forbidden dessert. Something so sweet and delicious that it called you back for more and more, time and time again.
After the celebration, he came back the next night, and the night after that. The two of you tangled in the sheets of your bed for as long as you'll both last.
The two of you are tangled up in them now. The thin fabric collects around your hips as you bounce in his lap.
He's sat up, wings fluttering behind him as his eyes are trained on the way his hands grip onto your hips, following your movements. The way his fingers dimpled your skin. Your own hands are cupped around his neck, holding onto him as leverage, your head tossed back.
He thinks you look so serene on top of him like this. The small sweat that gathers on your temples as you move shimmers in the light that refracts off of the crystals that hang from your ceiling. The way your lips part as you pant out your sweet soft moans.
His eyes are glued to every inch of you. There are words stuck on the tip of tongue, sticky like honey, promises to call you his future queen that he swallows back down sweetly, holding it in his mind.
He wants to drag your hands from his neck to his wings, to feel you touch them again. He wants to fuck himself up into you until you fall apart and he can cum inside of you.
It's a practice of self-restraint now, as your cunt squeezes around him and he holds himself back, his groans filling the space between the two of you. He holds back, desperately, knowing the implications of what could happen were he to get you pregnant.
It would be an eternal tie to him. One that he would welcome but not sure that it would be one you would.
You've been at it for nearly an hour tonight, holding yourself back from cumming and tiring yourself out as you try to make him cum from your movements.
He's your first and you're trying, wanting to do your best, to make him cum like he's made you cum. You're worried that the way he pulls out to finish across your body is a testament that you've not been good enough to get him off with just how you feel clenching around him.
Your breathing is ragged as you grind your hips into him, your head tipping forward to capture his lips with your own.
Shinsuke can feel the staggered movements of your chest, how desperate your movements are. "My beloved," he coos against your lips, "let me take care of you." He wants nothing more than to flip you over and make you cum, to aid in how your pleasure consumes you.
"N-no." Your breathing is broken by moans as you struggle to not cum, ignorant of him currently struggling in the same way. "Want-" Shinsuke's moan reverberates in your ears as his forehead drops to your shoulder, nails digging crescent shapes into your hips as they bounce in his lap, "want t'make you cum, Shin."
You're whining, it's music to his ears, a symphony when mixing with the way your cunt loudly slides along the length of his cock, sucking him in repeatedly. He adores the sounds your body makes for him.
"Coul- hah- couldn't do it before, let me..." Your voice trails off as your body shudders again, begging for a release you won't give it.
He feels a pang of guilt wrack through him, realization. You've been going on, tiring yourself and refusing his offered help, holding in your own release in wait of his. He doesn't think of the implications of his next words as he speaks, only trying to get you to let him help.
"Can't- oh gods- can't cum inside," his voice clearly filled with strain, "don- don't wanna get- hah- get ya pregnant." His pants are hot against the skin of your shoulder but his words seem to burn straight into your chest, searing your heart.
He's too focused on the way your cunt feels stretched around him that it takes a moment too long for him to realize the movement of your hips slowing. Until, that is, you're pulling yourself off of him. When his eyes flutter open, you're detangling your limbs from his and wrapping yourself in the sheet previously around your hips, hiding your body as you drop to your knees in front of his form on the bed.
"Wha-" Shinsuke's cheeks are flushed with confusion, "what are you doing?" He takes in the way your eyes refuse to meet his, the way your hand, the one not hiding your body with the sheet, reaches from his still soaked cock.
"No reason," your hand is shaky, nerves from never having done this before mixing with your perceived revelation, "no reason you shouldn't be able to feel good." You're licking your lips, preparing to take him into your mouth, to make it up to him. "Could-" your voice is shaky in a different way than how it was shaky when you were consumed in pleasure, "could make you cum with your mouth. Just wanna make you feel good."
"I don't want your mouth." His hand grips your jaw, intent on tilting your head up to face him. He catches a glimpse of the tears in your eyes before you rip yourself away from him again, mumbling apologies.
He shakes his head, trying to disperse the fogginess inside his brain as he takes in your state. Trying to understand what has just clicked into or out of place in your mind to no longer make this enjoyable for you.
Your own mind is running a millions thoughts in a second, insecurities suddenly whirling around the space between your ears. You're still dazed in lust to fully comprehend anything except the way they blare in your head, increasingly obvious to you now.
You're rushing around the room attempting to find your clothes, mixed up in his, before he has the chance to grab you. "I'm sorry." You're mumbling and he can barely hear you, especially as you move things around, turning from him. "I don't know that I was thinking." Your fingers locate your dress and you're pulling it over yourself as you drop the sheet.
He's sure he hears a crack in your voice when you say it. "I don't know why I thought you'd want to be with me."
"What?" The weight of your confession hits him like a tidal wave, drowning his heart in immediate sorrow as he watches your hands shake when trying to tie your dress off.
"Why would anyone want a wingless fairy?" Your whisper feels like a shout in the silence of the room. He's off the bed in less than a second.
His wings propel him forward, his arms landing on either side of you, pinning you to the wall as he lands in front of you. "Stop." You can't help but look at him then, even if he was leaving you a choice from his proximity, his voice holds a command to it that you've yet to hear before and you feel inclined to obey.
His heart shatters at the sight of your eyes trying to hold back your tears, your bottom lip shaking as you try to not let him fully see the depth of your weakness. "You misunderstand me." He whispers the words, thumb brushing your cheek and catching the first tear as it falls.
"Shinsuke," you mutter his name softly, as if saying it any louder might burn your tongue, "it's okay. We come from different worlds."
He doesn't even miss a beat. "I don't care if we come from different galaxies." You're sure your breath freezes in your throat as he speaks.
"If you were to get pregnant, that ties us, you and me, together forever. I know I would want that. I would never let you go. But would you want that? An unbreakable tie to me?"
Your breathing stutters out as his fingers ghost along your cheek, his eyes refusing to let go of yours, bleeding out sincerity from his soul to yours.
"I don't care if you don't have wings. I would cut mind off to walk next to you for just one second longer."
"Shinsuke-" this time, his name feels like breathing. Feels like your tongue has always known how to form the motion, never needing to be told.
"I'm all yours." He mutters the words as his head tips to be closer to yours.
"Really?" You ask for confirmation and he gives it to you.
"Completely," his lips ghost against yours and you can feel the heat of his breath, "irrevocably," you breathe in his words like air, filling your lungs with his love, "truly yours."
You press your lips up to his and let your eyes fall shut. His fingers are quick to press away the tears that stray from your lashes as he envelops you in his arms again, pulling you from the wall.
"There is not a space on your body that doesn't spell love." He whispers the words into your collarbone as his fingers nimbly undo the tie you'd just made on your dress.
His fingers tease at the top of your dress, pulling the fabric lower and letting his lips follow. You gasp as his soft kisses grace your breasts, his lips softly mulling over one nipple before moving to the next.
"You're so incredibly beautiful to me." Your lashes flutter to the same tune of his wings as he looks up to watch you, your hands purchased on his shoulders for stability.
"I didn't want to accidentally give you something you might not want."
His lips press down your sternum, teeth nipping at the skin lightly for your attention. You're dizzy from the emotional whiplash as your dress pools around your ankles at the ground, Shinsuke's lips pressing just below your navel.
“There's not an inch of you that I don't dream of signing my name across. If you give me access to, I don't know if I'll stop."
Your breathing catches in your throat as his mouth dips lower, hooking your knee over his shoulder as he tips your body back onto the bed, his lips finding the crease between your core and your thigh. His fingers join, spreading you open as his kisses trail your inner thigh. Your sighs greet his ears as he begins to ease you open again, focusing only on you and the places that make you twitch.
"Shinsuke," your whisper of his name calls him back up, your fingers pleading with his hair, pulling him back to your mouth to kiss you. He slides back into you easily, swallowing the way you gasp as he does. Your arms wind around his neck again and he rolls his hips into you.
"You're prettier to me than all the stars in the sky, than every flower blooming in spring."
You shutter as his love rolls off him and hits you in waves, every thrust delivering it like a shock into you. His kisses fall upon your cheeks and your jaw when your mouth struggles to keep up with his. His lips find your ear as you pant and squeeze around him.
"I want all of you if you'd only let me have it."
"You have it. All of me." You gasp when his cock nudges against the soft sensitive spot inside of you that has you seeing stars, his fingers coming down to send you over the edge as they fumble against your clit. "I'm all- all yours always."
Shinsuke doesn't think about it this time, doesn't stop himself this time. His hips pick up an irregular rhythm as he feels you cum around his cock, his fingers digging into your thigh, hiking it higher on his hip as he buries himself in you.
You whimper when you feel his cum fill you up, a warmth spreading across your body as you latch onto him, sucking it in, body begging for more. His own moans are stuttered, breathing heavy as he pulls his upper half away from you to glance at the mess he's made between your thighs.
It's relief to fill you up, but not nearly enough.
His stuttered moans turn to mumbled apologies as he fucks his cum deeper into you, his cock still hard and his grip on your hips tightening to match his need. A simple taste of heaven not being enough for him.
His sensitivity is begging him to stop but he can't. The small insatiable part in his mind having, now been fed once, is hungry for more. He wants to do it over and over again.
The moans you release fuel him on, his ears pick up on it, tune into only them and the way you pray his name like he truly is your king. He can feel his own cum being pushed out of you as he keeps fucking you but he doesn't seem to care. He knows he'll replace it and more before the night is over.
Your mind feels hazy as his hands fumble with your thighs, pressing them up to your torso to reach deeper. Your head falls back at the feeling, back arching. He only takes the action as invitation, his lips falling back to your neck.
His mouth is intent on marking you, bruises left in its wake as it trails across any skin reachable, his tongue licks against the salty sheen of sweat on your skin. You can feel your hair tangling as your head thrashes back and forth, your body shaking under the pressure of the man you've let off the leash.
Before you know it, his moans are breaking again, and he's pumping another load into you, to make you full again. You feel heavy as he pulls out, and you whine at the feeling when your cunt clenches in protest of its loss, his cum leaking out between the folds.
He can't take his eyes off the sight, groaning as his forehead leans against the flesh of your thigh. His teeth nip at your skin, a quiet punishment for the way your body pushes out his gift to you.
Both of your chests are heaving, bodies out of breath and sensitive. His eyes are raking over your wrecked body, trying to wait out the overstimulation as his hands refuse to bring down your thighs. His lips are soft against the skin of your thighs and it's like he's in a trance as he looks at you, at his handiwork.
You're barely recovering when it seems that he has. And he's growling at the way your cunt is still trying to push out his cum, clenching at its emptiness.
You grasp his wrists as he pushes his cock back in, stretching you back around him greedily.
"One more, please my love, one more."
You only nod along with his desperation. You won't deny him what you've both been wanting.
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@all-in-the-fandoms @pearl-blue-musings @qichun
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