#cw scratches
perseuus · 8 days
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Radioapple Week Day Three; Blood 🩸
(Uncropped version semi-nsfw on my 18+ Twitter)
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antikr1sta · 19 days
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smother me :)
two words: ear biting
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00queasy00 · 3 months
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im cursing eczema 1000+ upon tom >: ) flaky skin and shedding. due to his snake-y heritage >:3 talks of tom's eczema + scratching under the 'read more'
maybe tom can't help but scratch and itch when he is thinking hard or anxious about something. he quit the habit of giving in to the urge by his second year in hogwarts with much much self-restraint and also helpful skin health spells. but when the new student arrived, well tom just can't help himself with falling into his obsessive tendencies -- and after 3 years of not scratching, his has a eczema attack the first week Hadrian was put under his guidance as a Prefect.
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tikurrdurr · 6 months
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sleepy peak containment breach
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xx-pretty-toy-xx · 1 month
Can I get a nice serving of scratches on my legs/back, with a heap of neck biting, a sprinkle of making out and a fuck ton of grinding and pulling me into you?
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uh! yeah.
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shrimpsuru · 2 months
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more oc art! woo look at them go
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holyhounddog · 2 months
Drew this while high as shit the other night, enjoy.
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Dabi & Hawks both being possessive >>>
(If Google translate didn't lie to me, the Kanji should say "Property of Pro Hero Hawks", if it's wrong, feel free to tell me ^^)
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ligovskaya · 21 days
i had the scariest fucking dream???
i was waiting for a childhood friend to bring me a book i lent to her sister, and for some reason, she drove into a parking lot where she slammed into two other cars and it left huge dents in them. and somehow, i wound up in a building that had a spiral staircase, and all of my friends were on the first floor, and i rushed up to them. they were searching for something. me and my friend K were on the other side of the room when suddenly police entered??? and we started rushing downstairs, but K hid behind something to continue looking. and so my friends and i were on the stairs, one of us on each stair. and the police was looking at us and screaming at us to get down. they moved, but i didn't because i know i had to protect K. and the policeman was yelling at me, had his gun raised at me. and suddenly there was a crash from upstairs and the police lost it. they threw oil at me, and suddenly, i was on fire and burning?? like burning at the stake. and i just lost it. i threw myself at the policeman and started scratching at his face, and blood was dripping everywhere. and somehow, they all got away while i was left there burning.
im genuinely so fucking terrified because what the fuck was that
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tarraxahum · 5 months
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I shot myself in the foot again And I can't feel, can't feel anything I'm waiting for the falling rain to end So far, so good I guess
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syn0vial · 8 months
BG3 Companions' Reactions Following Scratch's Permadeath
The following lines are triggered when a character throws Scratch's ball after he's been permakilled (AKA, killed at camp rather than just as a summon).
Good riddance to the dog. Who'd miss that waggy little tail... (devnote: Pretending not to be sad and failing)
Does it have a sad squeak now? Is that even possible?
I suppose I'll just pick it up myself.
Can't believe the stupid dog isn't here to get the stupid ball. (devnote: Pretending not to be sad and failing)
You were an excellent friend, Scratch - and that's coming from a cat-lover.
I hope there's balls and bones galore, wherever you are...
Poor Scratch. I'm lucky to have met you.
I hope Scratch doesn't miss his ball, wherever he is...
I miss my dog.
Here, pup. (devnote: Sadly. The dog is dead and she knows this.)
Why am I doing this to myself?
Scratch should be here. With his family.
It's not much fun alone.
I really don't know what I thought would happen.
Solo fetch. A miserable pastime.
Can't believe I'm going to say this, but - I miss Scratch.
I need to stop doing this to myself...
I didn't do this enough, when I had the chance.
I hope Scratch has a new ball to play with, wherever he is...
It's silly... part of me felt like Scratch might still show up for his ball.
Fetch isn't much of a solo game.
Damn. I miss the furry fellow.
For old times' sake.
I miss you, Scratch.
I hope you are happy, wherever you are.
I am sorry, Scratch
I torment myself - Scratch is not going to come
Poor Scratch. I hope he is at peace.
Enough. This isn't helping anyone.
You deserved better, boy
Gods, but you'd miss the fuss. The noise. Gods above, even the smell.
Pointless, without a pup to chase it.
Scratch, come and... oh. How could I forget he was gone, Boo?
No game of fetch will bring Scratch back from death.
I know he is gone, Boo, but... perhaps this is a way of keeping him alive, no?
I miss him, Boo.
Everyone assumes I killed the dog. I liked the dog. (devnote: talking to herself. Comic edge to this.)
Scratch reminded me of my first displacer beast. A noble creature.
Withers! Be a good skeleton and fetch that ball. (devnote: joking—doesn't actually expect Withers to fetch the ball she just threw)
Gah. I miss the damn dog. (devnote: surprised by her own feelings)
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ramshacklefey · 1 year
It's amazing to me just how good the Mormon church has been at hiding just how bad they really are from public view. Even the shit that gets spread around is the relatively harmless bullshit. They had a crazy prophet with magic glasses. They believe in god-mandated polygyny. They think everyone who is good enough will get their very own planet after the world ends. They wear magic underpants. Mormon men are all paladins.
Here's one of the ones you hear less often:
See, like many other Christian sects, the Mormons really do believe that the existence of Christ obviates the existence of Judaism. Judaism was just a placeholder until the "real" church could be established by Jesus.
And the Mormons in particular believe, dead ass, that the entire inheritance of Israel has been given to them, because the Jews failed to recognize the Messiah when he was on Earth. They really do. They have this whole system where people are given a "divine revelation" about which of the Tribes of Israel they're a member of (don't worry, they decided that most people belong to the two tribes that are willing to "adopt" people. Only the most specialest boys and girls are members of the original ten).
Let's sum up so far. The Mormons believe that they are the people of Israel, chosen and protected by God. If Jews want to get back in on that party, they can always repent and convert to Mormonism, the one true church to which God gave all the rights and blessings that were originally bestowed on Abraham's house.
But it doesn't stop there!
The Mormons also believe, in all seriousness, that all Indigenous peoples of the Americas are descended from a small group of Jewish people who left just before the fall of Jerusalem (~600 bc iirc). Their entire weird-ass extra bible is a chronicle of those people's history in [unspecific part of America]. At the very beginning of the book, two brothers in the original family turn away from god, so they and all their descendants are cursed with dark skin, so that the good Nephites (who remain "white and delightsome") will always be able to tell themselves apart from the wicked Lamanites.
So, you've got supposedly Jewish people running around the Americas. And the "good" ones are white, and the "bad" ones are brown. Then, ofc, Jesus comes to visit them (I guess supposedly that's part of what he was doing during his dirt nap? Or possibly after he left again, it's not clear), and they all convert to Christianity, which they think is clearly the natural evolution of Judaism. Well, at the end of the book, all of them become wicked, in a kind of weird pseudo-apocalyptic series of events. They are all cursed with dark skin, until such time as they repent for their ancestors sins and return to the gospel.
But of course, Mormons being the good and kind people they are, they want everyone to receive the blessings of God and be brought into the houses of Israel etc etc. And it isn't the fault of those poor little Indigenous children that their distant ancestors turned away from God and became wicked.
So what's the natural answer? Well, Mormons are real big on missionary work, as we all know. But apparently that wasn't enough in this case.
Because the Mormon church has been one of the big players in abducting as many Indigenous children as possible, in order to indoctrinate them into being good Mormons, so that they can turn white again and be blessed. My mother remembers hearing talks about this in the 70s and 80s. The church literally had a "Lamanite Adoption Program," where families in the church were encouraged to get as many Indigenous children as possible away from their families and not let them be reunited until they were fully assimilated and ready to go back and proselytize about how wonderful the church is.
The church leadership literally talked about how wonderful it was to see these children becoming whiter. Actually whiter. Like, saying that when they finally saw them with their families again, it was beautiful how much paler they were.
I'm pretty sure this program has been officially ended, but it doesn't take a genius to speculate about who might be behind the curtains on the movement in the western US to gut the ICWA....
So yeah. Next time someone tries to tell you that the Mormons are just harmless weirdos, please remember that they're an antisemitic cult that advocates for the forced assimilation of Indigenous children to help them escape the cursed brown skin of their ancestors.
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tikurrdurr · 6 months
well you dont know me,
but i know you.
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mulatto-macchiato · 5 months
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Kinda miss drawing pinups. Plus, I just think this weirdo is neat.
I find it really funny how DCAs are canonically shirtless but if you put a shirt on one of them and have them take it off??-- Scandalous.
GITM -> @venomous-qwille
(Close up under cut)
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gert-the-disaster · 1 month
meanwhile on may 2nd 1974..
stupid idiot cartoon ass thing i slammed together yesterday in about four hours, i originally coded and shared it on scratch but whatever ill put it here too lol.
the “og” link btw (it’s turbowarp) https://turbowarp.org/1011983760
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