#cyan always sus
respectthepetty · 17 days
For a show that is so simple as Live in Love, I sure do have a lot of wild ass theories about these color-coded folks (in love?) after only two episodes.
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First Theory: Boss Likes Kla
Kla, the main character, is a Blue Boy.
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And last week, the series showed that Kla seemed to have had a crush on his friend Boss in high school, so when they met in the present, it was awkward, but Boss is now dating the female friend he liked from before, so . . . why does Boss have blue over his heart when he meets Kla again, ALONE, and offers him a job?
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Sus, Boss!
Second Theory: GL Sides
Cake, the main love interest, is a Pink Person.
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He has a lovely family comprised of a color-coded brother, an adorable mom, and the dad from the Thai Addicted Heroin.
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Kla likes this Pink Person.
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He likes him so much that he wasn't even terrified of Cake showing up to the live looking like this.
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And he gets jealous when Cake goes out with his friends since he knows Cake is so adorable and will catch all the attention.
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Because Kla wants to eat Cake.
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Which is why Khing tries to be like Cake.
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She wears pink.
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And she makes treats for Kla.
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But because I want a GL side couple, I think Khing doesn't go well with Kla since she isn't really a Pink Person.
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Because, often, she seems to actually balance out Gina!
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So . . . they're already in bed together. How much effort would it be to kiss?
Third Theory: Tim & Amp
Cake's little brother, Tim, is a Green Guy.
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And he has been shown to be kinda . . . rude. Even when Gam was having a crisis in his house about his feelings for Pon, Tim basically told him to get over it and (appropriately) believed eating would be the remedy.
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So although he should be a chill guy, he has shown he has some aggression in him, which could be why the red appears with the green on him.
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Like even his sweater with "Pancakes" written on it in green has red text underneath it.
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But maybe the red isn't just for him, but for the Red Rascal who he is supposed to berate for hassling his brother then eventually fall in love with!
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Tim already bumped into Amp at orientation when Tim made Amp apologize to him, so give me this couple where the smaller one is the mean one and the taller one is the gentle one RIGHT NOW!
Not a Theory: I hate the live streams!
I like Gam and Pon, and I like that they showed up together in Kla's dream.
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So when Pon showed up in real life with Dol, I was kinda pissed!
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Because even if Yellow Yal Dol is there, Orange Oddity Pon must always have Cyan Cutie Gam (thanks @twig-tea) by his side like the fairy godparents they are.
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And Pon finds all these small ways to constantly touch Gam and be near him.
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So I thought it was hilarious that Kla consistently called out his friend for being oblivious.
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And both Cake and Kla talked smack about Pon being ridiculous (because couples who gossip together, stay together).
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So I was thrilled when Pon started getting jealous that Gam's entire existence doesn't revolve around him.
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And I was even more excited that Pon lost his color while Gam lost his temper!
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But I hated that Pon decided to start his confession ON A LIVE STREAM!
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I know the name of this show, so I know I'll continue to get live streams, but if Cake and Kla's first encounter IRL is magically live streamed next week, I'm gonna riot!
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Put the phones and musical instruments down!
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kunikukitty · 1 year
☆ Always An Artist, Never The Muse
Scaramouche/Wanderer x Fem!reader
v. assitance
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You paced through the hallway of the literature department, trying to catch a glimpse of a hair in the hue of cyan.
You feel impatient watching the students exit their classrooms, walking down the stairway, and talking to each other.
You feel someone accidentally bump in your shoulder but you pay no heed to their immediate apology since your focus is towards finding Faruzan.
You heaved an irritated sigh, it gets really crowded at the time of dismissal.
Well honestly, you wouldn't be in this spot if you were so patient to wait for her at the usual place where you two meet up after class ends. But almost half on an hour had passed and she still hasn't showed up, so you chose to look for her. You don't even know if you're in the right floor where classes under the same major as hers are located.
Another irritated sigh escaped your lips. Maybe she's on her way now to meet you on the usual spot or she's already there waiting for you— you opt to go back.
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You took out your phone to check if she has any response to your messages, but there's nothing.
Is her phone out of battery or something?
You walked down the stairs and let out an exasperated sigh. You have a very, very poor sense of direction which is why you're depending on Faruzan to get to the dormitory building for the time being until you grow accustomed with the directions. Plus, you both shares the same room anyway.
As you descend downstairs, you see your phone lit up.
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Oh well, what an inconvenience.
You're legs are now tired from the constant walking and use of stairs. The whole university is wide and your current location is far from the dormitory, and knowing you are likely to get lost on the way— you're aware that you would just get even more exhausted before you could even find it.
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No matter, you need to get back on your independence anyway.
You finally exited the building and your focus is on Faruzan's guide. All you have to do is follow it, not hard, right?
Turn right... head straight then turn left...
At times like this, you overthink if right is indeed right and left is indeed left. You scratched your head when in Faruzan's message, you're supposed to be able to see the lawn from the distance after the third turn.
Well now, you're standing between two buildings.
No matter how you tried to keep your focus on directions, you find yourself zoning out. Have you pass through this building before? You're not sure.
You heaved an irritated sigh.
Okay, you're lost again and you don't know how to get back on the track Faruzan instructed. Time to use your intuition!
You turned left, more walking and then left again...
You checked your phone to type a message to Faruzan, but before you could hit the send button, you bumped into someone.
It was a voice of a male that you recognized. It was said sardonically with an obvious hint of annoyance lacing his tone.
You looked up at him to give him a glare in which he responded with a snort.
"Do you have a habit on bumping into people?" He rolled his eyes in disdain. "As much as 'no phone while driving' is being advocate, you must know it should be also applied to walking."
"Oh, I'm so sorry." You said sarcastically, giving him a false apologetic look. "That was on purpose."
"Thanks, I greatly appreciate the gesture."
You sighed exasperatedly.
You have no energy to entertain another argument with him. It's obviously your fault, you're aware, since you were using your phone while walking. But that doesn't mean you'd apologize, not towards him as you held your pride high. He's also being rude about it anyway, you only say sorry to those deserving.
Well, since you're obviously tired, you decided to make use of him.
"Peasant," You called, and his brows immediately furrowed. He doesn't like the way you addressed him, but he didn't bother to react to it. "The dormitory."
"Take me to the dormitory." You demanded, hiding the shame that surged within you.
You are naturally independent, yes. But when it comes to directions... you don't really know why your memory becomes similar to a gold fish when tracking down your destination.
You don't like asking for help especially by the likes of him; a man— but you desperately want to take a rest on your soft bed as soon as possible.
"Is that how you treat someone you bumped into? How amusing." He spoke in an unamused tone, eyeing you from head to toe as if disgusted.
"Yeah, yeah, it is how. Whatever." You rolled your eyes as you flipped your hair. "Just do as I say, will you?"
"Why, you want me to keep you company? What an obvious attempt."
You wanted to slap his face for his audacity, but you merely gave a huff. "I just need you to lead the way."
"Oh? Do you not know how to get there, even though it's been like what, two weeks?" His voice is filled with mockery that a chuckle even escaped his lips.
His eyes didn't fail to catch a glimpse of your reddening ears, the way a flicker of embarrassment passed through your eyes. He found it funny that you still remained with your act of indifference.
"Of course, I know! And it has been three weeks, I must correct you. I'm obviously just making you pay for the inconveniences you've caused me."
You reasoning made him let out another derisive chuckle, as if he find the situation entertaining in an insulting way.
It made you realize that him leading the way would be much more exhausting than you getting lost.
"Alright, sure. Since you so desperately need my assistance."
Oh, how you immensely regret your decision.
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taglist. @veekoko @aeongiies @featuredtofu @kodzusmiles @magica-ren @feiherp @beriiov @hiraethhv @kleej
can't tag those in bold;(
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revelforevermore · 5 months
The Ministry Playing Among Us
I had way too much fun with the Minecraft prompt, so this one was in order!
Prompt: During lockdown a few years ago when boredom began to set in, the Ministry discovered a new game to pass the time called Among Us.
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Sister Imperator: She doesn’t partake…though there’s a “PimpMomma69” that will randomly appear in the group game at random intervals that’s sus.
Papa Nihil: He’s fucking useless in this game. Everyone knows when he’s the Impostor because he either: 1) asks in the chat why he can kill others or 2) he gets stuck clicking on the vent repeatedly so he’s doing a wack-a-mole type thing. 
Copia: He gets scared by the music of Among Us so he usually has the volume down. His favorite task is shooting meteors; least favorite is electrical, since that’s where he ALWAYS gets killed. Dew always convinces everyone else that he’s the Impostor and gets his ass booted early on. Copia gets upset when no one listens to him; he can’t lie, he’s always honest in the chat, and no one ever believes him. His little dude has the rat companion. 
Aether: Doesn’t play often, but when he does, he’s typically a crewmate. He oversees the discussion over finding out who is the Impostor (even on the off chance it’s him). He helps with the buddy system when there’s fewer left. He usually gets killed first though by the boys. He’s never been voted out of the round before. He’s the yellow crewmate and goes by “Banana”. Dew stole his phone and changed it to “BananaBitch”.
Dew/Sodo: Complete menace. He will burn every bridge and destroy every bloodline if it means he wins. Everyone automatically assumes he’s the Impostor because he will chase others around while they do tasks. He’s freaked Aether out doing this a lot. He gets a lot of false votes for this which pisses him off ENDLESSLY—and has led to him actually leaving the games every once in a while. As the Impostor, he vents really well. Goes for Aether first. Always leaves Cumulus as the survivor (he feels bad). Hates being a crewmate. Hates being a ghost more (though he likes to haunt Copia). He and Swiss have a separate chat outside of the game to cheat.
Sunshine: She’s in it to witness the smackdown fights in the chat. She likes letting the boys fight when she’s Impostor and targets them first; somehow always ends up winning the round or gets discovered very early, no in-between. She likes to fix the power in the game, but gets pissed when everyone else tries flipping the switches at the same time. She claims the orange crewmate. Refuses the other colors. She added a sprout to her head and sometimes goes by “Carrot”. 
Rain: He spends more time running around hyper fixated on the companion running with him than actually doing anything (his companion is the little dog). He doesn’t like to be Impostor since he feels it’s too much pressure and he enjoys doing the tasks. The type to accidentally vote himself out of the game, and usually he says “it was blue” while he’s cyan (Dew and Swiss can’t tell the difference, “blue is fucking blue” has been said more than once). When he gets killed, his ghost stays planted next to where his companion is sitting. When he suggests someone is sus, everyone jumps that person since Rain is usually right.
Cirrus: She’s silent but deadly. She’s excellent at pretending to do her tasks and often only kills a crew mate if there’s absolutely no chance of getting caught; she waits. She strikes quickly towards the end and gets a high kill count—often someone will find a body and suddenly four other players are OUT. Can often be heard giggling in real life while playing completely innocent.
Mountain: He’s a magnet for the harder tasks in the game, which is good since he can do them easily. He’s one of the first to get sniped since he’s good at catching Impostors and calling a meeting before he gets killed. He’s typically the scapegoat. As Impostor, he’s good at being sly—but usually gets found out before he gets more than three kills. His little crewmate is green with a sprout out of his head.
Cumulus: Nobody likes to kill her in the game since she’s more focused on completing tasks. She's in her own little world most of the time. Carefully crafts what she wants her crewmate to look like. Will actively mourn when the ghoulettes get killed. Her as Impostor is a different story; everyone dreads that. She’s always the least suspect since everyone’s so used to her doing tasks and being honest about it. It helps that she uses that innocence to be like “hey i didn’t know we could vent but i saw green doing it!”. She is the type to befriend a crewmate and quickly snipe them, then giggle and say “sorry but it’s the rules”. Her first target is always Dew. 
Swiss: Is the type to write “Red is sus” when he’s Red—or “guys I was in the vent it wasn’t me”. He’s the boy who cried wolf and is the type to get into serious arguments about who’s the Impostor. He thinks he’s Sherlock Holmes when he’s Officer Doofy. He’s a lot like Dew in the game, and they have a buddy system where they work together. Once when Swiss was the only Impostor, he killed Dew and they fought in real life about it for a few minutes. Once they calmed down, they started a new round. The same thing happened again and Among Us was barred from the Den for the evening.
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duckprintspress · 1 year
Celebrate Romance Month, and Romance All Year, with 25 Queer Books!
August has been romance month, and we’ve used the time to gather a list of our 25 favorite romantic queer stories! These may not be books you’d literally find shelved in the romance section, but they’re tales, in whatever genre, that feature strong romantic plots or subplots, and that people in the Press felt were appropriate for this list. The stories were suggested by Adrian Harley, Alessa Riel, boneturtle, D. V. Morse, ilgaksu, Nina Waters (unforth), ramblingandpie, Shadaras, Tris Lawrence (tryslora), and an anonymous contributor. Now that August is coming to a close, we wanted to share the list with you, and keep the romance going as the seasons turn and the days pass.
Read on…
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25 Queer Books for Romance Month
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
The Magpie Lord by K. J. Charles
Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
After Our Divorce, I Still Wore Your Jacket by Bu Wen San Jiu
You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi
The Spare Man by Mary Robinette Kowal
More Me with You by Alex Bertie
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Silent Reading by priest
Mrs. Martin’s Incomparable Adventure by Courtney Milan
The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay
The Ruin of Angels by Max Gladstone
Fire Logic by Laurie J. Marks
The Cloud Roads by Martha Wells
The Red Scholar’s Wake by Aliette de Bodard
Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life by Cyan Wings
Black or White by Sachimo
Like Real People Do by E. L. Massey
Golden Stage by Cang Wu Bin Bai
Heaven Official’s Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Those Years in Quest of Honor Mine by Man Man He Qi Duo
Your Distance by Gong Zi You
Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner
Global University Entrance Examination by Mu Su Li
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
What are YOUR favorite queer stories with romantic plots or subplots? Tell us in the comments! We’d love to hear your recs!
Who We Are: Duck Prints Press LLC is an independent publisher based in New York State. We help fancreators publish their original (mostly queer) work! Want to always hear the latest? Sign up for our monthly newsletter!
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sunny6677 · 2 months
Careless Whisper.
A Kevin x Eyes crackfic.
Kevin can't stop thinking about a certain eldiritch entity he saw the first time the kids brought him trouble.
Kevin was an ordinary man, with an ordinary love life. He had a few partners here and there. Some boyfriends, some girlfriends. Though all of which ended up in some sort of break-up. Sometimes because they made him feel too overwhelmed, and he couldn't handle them anymore. Or because he was causing issues they didn't want to put up with.
But.. none of them were like a certain thing he had on his mind. An entity to be exact.
A while ago, he had been waiting for those stupid kids in Halloween costumes to come in again and ask for candy cans. They always came at the same exact time, so he had sort of been just standing there watching the clock until it struck about 8:40.
He lifted his head up, sighing, "Here we go."
As if right on time, the artificial doors came open, and the two kids had rushed in once more with eager smiles on their faces. They rushed in so fast they practically ran right into the tall white counter sitting before him. Their faces pressed against the glass of it.
He just looked down at them in confusion, before grunting out, "What do you two kids want?"
They both lifted their heads in return, grinning, "Three candy cans please!"
He was more than willing to give them candy cans. After all he had given some out to them before. But... they never exactly asked for three before.
Curiously, he asked, "Where's the third one?"
And then, he heard a sound. It was spontaneous, as if to answer him. It.. sounded like grass breaking. When he looked in its direction though, he saw not the potentially broken automatic doors or not the potentially shattered windows. But several little round cyan eyes glowing, staring into his own.
It was large. Dark red in its flesh, with beautiful locks of poofy mush for its head. It's eyes were bright. Gorgeous even as they looked down at him. It's mouth had several layers of sharp teeth. White, pristine. Sharp enough to bite down and sink into any flesh it touched. He could have sworn he saw unbelievably long pairs of tentacles stretched from the lower half of its body. Visible from the view of the windows, swirling and wondering around.
This thing.. it.. it was..
...beautiful. The moment he set his eyes on the thing, he felt his cheeks growing warm. He should have been horrified. He knew that was the normal human reaction in a situation like this. His heart was racing. Yet.. not anxiously. As he looked up at the thing behind the two kids. He strangely didn't care that it was with them. Or for the kids safety in the moment. He was just.. captivated.
"..what.. what is th—that..?" He stammered out, his hands trembling. Everything around him felt like it was beginning to become slightly tinted pink. And as he slowly blinked, he could have sworn he heard what.. sounded like a faint saxophone? He—he didn't know. Maybe he was just hearing things or seeing things.
In response, he heard the one in the skeleton costume faintly say, "This is our friend!"
"He wants a candy can too!" The one in the pumpkin costume proudly exclaimed.
A candy can..? He didn't even process the words for a moment as he just stared. He was letting out short exhales, breathing in short inhales. When the words finally hit him though, he replied shakily.
"Uh.. o—okay.. su—sure.. heh.."
Slowly, he lowered his hands, letting them reach the two candy cans he already had behind the counter waiting for the kids. He scooped up another he had waiting in his hands. He had originally been planning to save it for one of them the next time they came, but he couldn't resist giving this.. handsome beauty what he wanted.
He set the candy cans on the counter, giggling nervously. "Hah.. ahahah.. uh—do—do you want a box? I—I can get you that if you want."
This gorgeous thing before him didn't respond for a second, before speaking in a beautiful voice which sounded like a thousand voices screaming at once. "..YËS. GIVE MË ALL YÖUŘ CÆNDY, FLËSH."
Flesh? Hah.. the name itself sounded weird, but he didn't mind being called anything by this absolute hunk of a man before him. He grinned nervously, finding himself fidgeting with his hands as he stepped to the side. "Ok—Okay.. le—let me get that for you.."
..and so, he had gone to the back. He had retrieved one of the boxes of candy they had brought in for re-stocking last week, wondering back into the main area as soon as he grabbed it. The moment he stepped back out though.. a tentacle shot out from beneath the thing, wrapping tightly around the fragile box. As quickly as it came, it retracted rather quickly.
Kevin stood there. He found himself giggling again, lifting his hand to the side of his head and twirling his hair.. well, twirling the very little hair he had around his slender finger. The hunk with several eyes looked down at him.
The two kids had turned around though, and in an instant, the thing shot out two more of its tentacles—wrapping it around their bodies and slowly lifting them to the top of his head. And once he had, the two waved to him as they often did before they left.
"Bye, Kevin!" They beamed.
And.. in an instant, the gorgeous thing that spoke to him only once left along with those damn kids, like a lingering whisper in his mind. Ever since then, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He couldn't stop thinking about those.. large sharp sets of teeth it had. That beautiful luxurious hair of dark red mush. Those beautiful eyes that felt like the crystal blue skies in a paradise that existed far away. He wanted to go into the things eyes, and be within its paradise. He wanted to see what it looked like glistening. He wanted to feel it's tentacles wrap around him and hold him close in a romantic embrace.
It's voice was like a lingering melody in his mind, gruff. Rough. He wanted to hear it speak again. He wanted to hear it speak his name. He wanted to hear it speak loving poetry toward him.
He wanted to ask for its name. For its backstory. For its family. He wanted to be with this thing for the rest of his life no matter what it meant he had to do. Did this thing have wealth? Where did this thing get its education? Was it good at dancing? How many people had it kissed? For he wanted to know if he'd be its first kiss. If he'd be the man this.. absolute hunk of a thing would marry. He wanted to ask this thing on a date perhaps.
He wanted to be its love, for it was already his own love just from one meeting. And with his lover, he wanted to be.
And.. anytime the kids came to cause trouble, he wouldn't get irritated. He'd just want to ask about that thing. But.. anytime he tried, they'd always seem to conveniently leave.
He'd try talking to his friends about it anytime they'd always ask if he was alright or why he was being so quiet. But anytime he told them of this hunk of a creature he met, they'd give him weird looks. Radford arched a brow at him the first time he told him, saying, "..dude.. what are you talking about?". And.. Rick only looked at him with an expression that was a mix of genuine confusion but slight blankness as well.
They never understood no matter how many times they were told to him. They couldn't understand him. Not his love for this thing. Not for his lingering longing to be with this thing. Not the faint saxophone that would begin to play anytime he thought of it or looked up at the sky, with stars that seemed similar to its eyes.
Yet, even without understanding, Radford had given a sigh after Kevin had yelled about it at the bar for the third time or so. And clasped a hand over his shoulder.
"Listen, man. I'm.. not sure if you're joking or not. Or if this is some weird reaction you're having to meeting someone attractive. But—if it's the last one, just go for it! You can probably ask those kids about it.. him the next time you see them. Least you can do is try shooting your shot and talking to him again, right?"
..yeah. Yeah. Radford was right.
He'd ask the kids about it once and for all the next time he saw them. No matter what it meant he had to do. No matter how confused they'd get at his odd determination to see their supposed friend again. He would speak to that thing again if they told him. He'd ask more about it.
He'd see his love again, no matter what.
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shouta-edits · 3 months
Heya could i request a fashion kit for PaRappa Rappa (PaRappa the Rapper)?
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poltergeist-coffee · 11 months
Etoiles in your college au is just so... Etoiles
Yeah, he a Philza are besties
Oh, how about Phil btw? I was wondering but forgot to ask
And maybe foolish and bbh if you have ideas for them
(Oh and Maximus and Quackity too or anyone else if you had any idea)
Unrelated to that
Man, you're lucky, unfortunately I was forced by the brazilian scholar system to study physics on the moment I went to high school
But I went to a museum with my class
On the bus, it looked like it was a class of 11 years old students
It was fun
I have to see them when I find time
The capybara are one of the most random things on the qsmp and I love them for that
However had the ideas of put the capybaras is a genius
I hope I can manage to catch on lore since a lot of the ccs are in Las Vegas and hopefully things are a bit come more calm
Enfasis on the "hopefully"
Because there's already an dead federation employee(on the first day I think)
Btw do you know if they found out who did this? I saw some people talking about how could be federation trying to frame Cellbit but something was confirmed?
- 🍽️
Anon i lied because i 100% i took a physics class last year KNSAKJVNASKJD i nearly failed it tho which is probably why i forgot lmao but still it's the only physics class ive ever done
field trips are always fun!! i hope you had a good time with your class today :DD
qsmp lore + au rambling belowwww
the new capabara is named Alexandre and is played by a new admin who speaks Portugese!! they use teal/cyan signs and Bagi found them at cellbit's castle because they said they forgot the way back to the capabara island :(( i think bagi made them a room in her bunker right after meeting them and they helped her interior decorate all day lol i think you'll like them a lot since they reminded a lot of people of richas's admin at first (this capabaras admin is also the one who's been making all the mystery twins lore recently!! like the cucurucho who spoke to cellbit before he went to sleep and made the enigma bagi solves yesterday on stream)
yee bagi found a dead federation worker like...yesterday i think? or maybe it's been a couple days...i don't remember... (i am very bad with time) everyone is theorizing that it's cellbit but specifically it's f!cell!!! the reason is because bagi got a book she had to decode and all the writing inside sounded like f!cell!! some people think that it's the federation trying to frame cellbit because cucurucho said he'll have to pay the "consequences of his actions" just before cellbit went to sleep so..... it's very sus. if something was confirmed then i don't know? i didn't see anything like that >:00
---- now onto au silliness ----
i haven't thought much about philza in this au but he is 100% there kajnbkja he visits missa who works in the library a lot :DD
Foolish is an architecture major with a minor in sculpture and ceramics!! his current major project is called "The Titan" but he just doesn't want to work on it.... he keeps procrastinating and finding reasons not to work on it because it's frustrating him so much kekw BBh often hangs out in his studio and likes to bug foolish about how much progress he's made (zero progress).
I think almost everyone at the school knows bbh because he's so sweet and friendly plus he's like always willing to help if people need it :"))
i don't have many ideas for maxo and quackity.... but maxo would probably do something in programming/coding and quackity is double majoring in linguistics and law? maybe?
I can totally imagine there being a rumor among a lot of quackity's friends about him and wilbut because quackity keeps claiming they're dating but if you ask wilbur he's like "what" MVKADSJ maybe there's a bet on if people think it's really true or not lolol
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royalphantompain · 2 years
Once last character post for tonight haha, I cannot sleep
In Among Us Orpheus always need to be gray no matter what. If she isn't gray she will start biting people.
Maskky used to always be red, but with all the "red sus" memes and how she was always voted out first in her friend group, she decided to be white. She tried to use gray once, but Orpheus would kill her. But now she will refuse to start the game unless she is white.
Charming will spend forever wondering if maybe she should be cyan, yellow, or banana but always choose to be blue.
Vedas likes to constantly change colors for funsies :)
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reddedredemption · 2 years
I did it, ladies and gents...
Among Us, the Player Alignment chart.
See below for credits and 2AM reflections.
By the way. I got a bit tired in the artistic process and aligned some sussy titties for you to spot. Enjoy.
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This post on Reddit (themanhimself13) for breaking down each box in the alignment.
This youtuber (Viral Kingdom) for naming fonts used in Among Us.
Also this Reddit post (JLexoo) for cutting out in-game icons.
That sums it up.
I'm drained. Tumblr decided to give me hard time blurring my hard work in and out, then reveal that, lol hey, did you know if you save it as draft and then review, it'll be as crisp as uncompressed?
Chat illustrations are still foggy for PC users though, so have a go to this link if you want to view & download full:
Business talk ends here, now hear me out.
You know those old Among Us memes where they take bean colors and give player traits based on that? Like "cyan the worst crewmate", "brown never gets it right", "dies first", "accuses everyone", all that spite.
"It Is A mEmE A JOkE" yeah yeah and so horribly not funny because it's not real. Sure, there are patterns in players' behavior. Sure, they can drive you nuts. But they just aren't created by bean colors, it's stupid.
Anyhow, Among Us has brought together quite a crowd, gotta say. That's why I always have my fingers on the hot key to snap a screenshot whenever I realise: "Oooh, now this looks like a tendency."
Over time this game became like an online chat where I get to play games on top of communicating. Remember George Costanza and how he combined his two passions? There you have it.
Now I can finally rest. Even when I drop Among Us like... well, many things get dropped in life, I will feel proud for not wasting my time on nothing. I wasted my time collecting screenshots, making funny notes nobody read, and trying to make up for it by coming back on terms with Photoshop.
Thanks Innersloth and everyone who got webbed into my alignment for providing most of its content. Play well.
Yours, Sus Not Ded
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cantalooprat · 2 years
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
What I Liked
its the first xianxia that doesnt overwhelm me with the worldbuilding... mb bc its a pure xianxia n not part historical? mb bc its relatively short and small-scaled with only a couple key players and sects relevant to the plot? so it was also a lot easier to digest.
qiu congxue is my fave. i want an entire spinoff of qiu congxue, baili mingqiao, zhongli qian, and... the ghost disciple im sry i forgot ur name. but man id love to read their 30 yrs worth of misadventures. shes the greatest. saving he wenzhao: "why should the elixir be given to this useless ass? clearly it should go to me, im stronger." marrying liu xinye to he wenzhao: "they boned? get them to marry. shes prob only gna live another 10 yrs anw, baili mingqiao, if u still want this ass by then, u can take her place."
zhongli qian is my 2nd fave. he's everyones unofficial babysitter. truly the only sane one in the series. 
the 2 leads r also good but like... these 2 rly stole the show for me. i love qiu congxue
that said, the cast is relatively small, which is probably why they're more fleshed out and also easier to follow
i read a review that said sth like cyan wings wrote casually described insanity n that's rly the perfect way to encapsulate this wn. "casually described insanity".
mm the not-quite-there connection between shu yanyan and zhongli qian was also delicious. i love how shu yanyan was written, how she's full of logic when it comes to love and knows full well how dangerous it is. how she sees zhongli qian as a man worthy of respect but also knows that loving someone is a risk she isn't sure she wants to take. how zhongli qian mb doesn't seem entirely unopposed to shu yanyan? but he also has a path he's always wanted to follow, and he will follow the path to discover and spread his own dao.
ok i have not said anything much abt the main cp but like. its lowkey hilarious whenever yhj does sth Evil n wre is just like mm yes thats sexy, do it more. truly demonic cultivators, their standards r different.
a belated pro, im amazed at how well-fleshed out the side chars r. the more i read danmei the more i realize that the side chars r rly just… side chars. so far only this n mdzs rly have compelling side chars that make me care abt them even more than the main cp
What I Disliked
its too short /crying i wanted more, 80 chs aren't enough
not enough qiu congxue, is that also a con?
i dont feel for the main cp as much lmao literally my favs r the crazy quartet of qiu congxue, baili qingmiao, zhongli qian, n su huai pls they deserve an entire wn of their own
reading this novel i realize the importance to interweave heavier novels with lighthearted ones, and it's rly a perfect light read to appetize my next longer wn
i actually wanted to read high energy qr code LMAO CRYING but i cant bring myself to read mtl just yet so i opted for this which also has good reviews
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iridescentipede · 4 months
aul anon- wont spam ur stuff, sorry if three times is a bit much
i need to rewatch aul sometime soon honestly. who is/was your favorite? mine is captain, but my favorite from the gametunes stuff was the cyan from sus!
and did you have any ships you liked? the fandom had a decent crackship during its prime and it's still a thing somewhat around, i think.
ngl im a basic bitch ive always liked mr cheese x the gentleman…. also for fav character im gonna be SO real rn i love player a lot
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lovebun-com · 2 years
Aye yo whats the code
I′m bout to go beast mode
Why you looking sussy
You always tryna touch me
I just saw someone vent
Go and hit that button
Now green is dead all of a sudden
Aye yo whats the code
All of your homies they dead
Came in and chopped off their head
Came in and chopped off their head
I had to kill black and red
Couldn't kill green cause he sus
Say your homies suck that′s sus
Turn the homie that homie into a convertible
Cyan do playing off all of the edibles
All your homies talk in the in chat
Snitching homie you a rat
Snitching homie you a rat
I was in admins then cams
Look at your mom she so sus
But she still rocking with us
She in my bed playing among us
Say a bad word ima ban you for a cuss
Aye yo whats the code
I'm bout to go beast mode
Why you looking sussy
You always tryna touch me
I just saw someone vent
Go and hit that button
Now green is dead all of a sudden
We cracking, and cracking, and cracking the codes
We finding the imposter you know he a goat
We killing all night and we dimming the lights
So shit be busin and we doing all right
So sus, so sus
We banging out wins with no one to trust
To trust
We winning this thing and pulling the gun
We winning in space y'all better run
The game is now over and you know I won
Y′all pushing the button so we gonna vent
I am the imposter you know I′m going to win
Killing all colors even all ten
Playing this game you know we not friends
Among us among us
The best game ever
I have not played among us in 2 years but I used pink
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yourlocalmom · 4 years
Only people that have won a round of Among Us as imposter can like
(I’m always either yellow or pink, hbu?)
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noodles-07 · 4 years
Cyan and white are always sus I don’t make the rules
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ihopuhopwehop · 4 years
Did I just suggest to my forensic psychology professor that we play Among Us and then write a report about what happened as our final?
Yes, yes I did bc honestly it describes a lot. Like witness memories, jury think, evidence, etc.
Like I think it’d be fun but he wasn’t buying it.
Tumblr media
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pumpkincalico · 4 years
Love playing among us w friends always get backstabbed 😔😔✌
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