#cynthia's family is so fucking funny
cassioppenny · 2 years
i really really want cynthia's grandma to be retconned into being cogita so bad it would be so cool to me
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raisans-art · 8 months
Dhjfjffj I’m adoring the softwreck comics . they are newfound levels of stupid (affectionate)
I love how volo calls cynthia up after meeting emmet. He even calls her “sweetie” :)
cynthia having to hear the ramblings of volo’s newfound crush: I think I have a rough approximation of what he’d used to sound like back in hisui
cogita, still bouncing around: *pats Cynthia’s back*
I think it’ll be funny if volo’s team is getting increasingly worried over their lovesick human and is Staring (tm) at Emmet ‘cept sprittomb who has been by Volo’s side since forever and knows that this man is just being stupid
meanwhile emmet’s is just. nudging their humans towards this weird guy since it’s been so long since emmet actually had like. A date. Or someone to fawn over.
they’re hissing at volo since chandelure sense that this guy is incredibly old and There’s Something Up With Him
1/2 (separating to not make it too jank)
Im glad you’re enjoying them! (Even if I am answering this a whole lot late)
I really wanna push the “Volo is Cynthia’s weird lil great great great grandfather whatever” because it’s so funny to me. She’s so busy and he just keeps calling but he’s family so she picks up anyway and one day he calls and starts swooning over a man he just met like a love-sick starly. By Arceus it was the weirdest day of her life
And I imagine their respective teams are like’:
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His togekiss, which is from the same nest as Cynthia’s, is just kinda tired and unamused at the whole shebang. She didn’t sign up for this.
Volo got a Unovan team to fill out his roster once he actually started battling (he only had togekiss before) consisting of Haxorus, Excadrill, Cofagrigus, Heatmor, and Amoongus. All of those fellas joined knowing full well that the goal is to get this man HITCHED and they are SO FUCKING STOKED
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Emmet’s team is a mixed bag of “I don’t trust this man with a kalos fry” and “well???? When are you getting married?????? Come on what’s the tea????????”
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
something i came up for the self aware!pla au. so, you know how the game shows us the ancestors of current day pokemon characters (kamado > rowan and all that)? so, what if the characters ingame knew about that, and went to you to figure out just who and what their descendant will be like. decided to drop a few dribbles for that:
cyllene was the first person to ask you about what will become of her legacy, and who will be the next person to carry the torch. the whole idea that someone will be there after her fascinates her, but unfortunately for you and her.. you played pokemon platinum before. you know you gotta tell her. after a long explanation about who cyrus is, his motivation and what will he do to sinnoh scares her, to say the least. truly, how one like HIM gets to carry the family name is a disgrace, but.. she feels sorry for him, in a way. judging by the way he grew up, it's no wonder he turned out the way he did. maybe cyllene won't be able to do much now, but she will try her hardest to prevent that mistake from happening again.
while you always had a bone to pick with the guy, you were quite surprised to see him ask you about just WHO his future great-great-great-great-great grandson is gonna be. will he stay honorable? will he learn from kamado's mistakes and stay off the path he carved to himself? maybe. surprisingly enough, he was more than delighted to hear that his grandson was gonna be a pokemon professor. beats being a war monger, at least.. and who knows, maybe he'll even be like laventon! wouldn't hurt to have a brilliant mind in the bloodline.
volo & cogita:
another curious pair who heard about the ancestry thing. with both of them already recognizing you for your "true, godly powers", they figured out you could give them the answers. you ARE all-knowing, after all. of course, they bicker with each other before you can finally give them the answer. volo wishes that HIS descendant got HIS smarts and didn't cogita's attitude, while cogita wishes that HER descendant got HER manners, and not volo's ego. luckily, you tell them that their descendant, cynthia, got the best of both worlds and none of the worst. you continue telling them about her, and you can't help but see cogita perk up when she hears the word "champion". oh, what a grandiose title! truly, only one of her bloodline can afford one as such! but volo finds more excitement when you tell him that cynthia is just as interested in history and ruins as he is, while sharing a team thats ALMOST identical to his. a garchomp AND a spiritomb? yeah, she's his descendant, no word about it.
It would be such a funny experience fksjfj
“Oh great god, what are my descendants like? Do you know?”
And your face varies over who asks.
Cyllene asks and you just 😬
“Um… I respect you too much to lie but… he kinda tries to commit universal genocide and attempts to become a god of a new universe??”
Cyllene is deathly still.
“He what.”
You are frantically moving you hands.
“No worries! The hero stopped them in their time too!”
Cyllene slumps back in her chair.
“Is… that why they always seemed so nervous around me at first?”
“If it’s any consultation, someone here tried to do the same thing, when ironically his descendant helped the hero stop your descendant??”
She rubs her temples, clearly getting a migraine.
“Please, could you elaborate?”
“On what?”
You could probably tell others too about their descendants with various reactions.
“Oh yeah, Beni’s descendant almost became champion. Dude became a powerful trainer in the future, rivaled by the eventual champion themself.”
“Was the real underdog. Sweet kid too.”
You could also do this to fuck with random people, should you desire it.
“Oh yeah! Your descendants do great thing! Until the accident.”
“The what.”
“I have to go.”
I love these ideas though 💕💕 especially telling Volo or Cogita about Cynthia, explaining she is one of the strongest, most ruthless champions across the world.
They would have an ego about it.
And I feel Komado would find some peace with his descendant being a professor. When you tell him about how the hero even knows him, he feels a bit worse though.
No wonder the hero trusted him so easily, if they knew his descendant. His act of banishing them probably hurt even more now that he knows that.
He probably now has caused his descendant strife if the hero eve returns to their time. He knows he caused damage, he just silently hopes and prays his descendant is spared from the hero’s pain.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 months
speaking of hair do you think there is any symbolism to the characters who have one eye covered by their hair like lusamine and gladion for example
Oh yeah definitively.
The typical trope of characters having one eye covering their is usually used to evoke shyness, simply not being a very social person, a hidden personality or past, or, you guessed it, ✨trauma✨. And of the characters that have these bangs, they are kinda fit the bill.
Lusamine is the most interesing to me, bc it tells us so much, both before and after we know her story. Before, Lusamine looks like a generally trust worthy person. She seems kind, parental, and incredibly devoted. But then you look at her hair, and how it interacts with her face. For the sake of this post, let's just talk about her bangs. Lusamine's bangs doesn't fully cover her eye. You can see it ever so slightly peeking out. It kinda acts like this...hood, i guess, leaving an overcast shadow around her face. It helps make her otherwise more kind face feel more.....ominous. Her smile doesn't exactly look kind anymore, and her eyes don't seem that welcoming. Like there's something more that your missing. And then you actually get to know her, both in her actions throughout the main game, and what you learn from Lillie and Gladion. Going with what I said before, I do think Lusamine is a woman defined by trauma ( honestly, as he rest of the aether family is), but also someone who is still very cruel to those around her, a stark contrast to how she appeared before. And all of that is still conveyed through her bangs. Hiding one eye, but not fully, her bangs acting as a hood that cast a shadow over her face....it's really good!
Gladion is a similar story: a kid who has been traumatized by the loss of his father and the cruelty of his mother bc of that loss. Unlike Lusamine, his hair fully covers his eye, with you only being able to see it from the side. Again, it's a good way of showing his personality: someone who has something to hide, someone who more than what you think, someone who is possibly hurting. But what makes his hair special to me, is that it really cements the idea that Gladion is an emo ass teen who wants to look cool. If I'm remembering correctly, Gladion's rips in his clothes where done himself? And between the posing and the clothes, you cannot tell me that Gladion thought the hair covering one eye wouldn't be the coolest thing ever. That he would look so cool and mysterious. But, to not bully him too much, I can also see his hair as a slight defiance towards his mom? I dunno how he used to look when he was young, but given how Lusamine pretty much controlled how he and Lillie used to dress, I can imahine the freedom of Gladion being able to do fuck all with his own hair. Though, ironically, if his hair wasn't always covering his eye ( quickly checked the pokeani to see if that was the case and it wasn't! both of his eyes where visible), it would have made him and his mom more similar design wise.
What I said about Gladion, can be said for Arven too, tbh. Hidden past, hidden personality ( as in he's a sweetheart), lot's of trauma- the whole package. I will say, it's particularly funnier with Arven, bc at least Gladion tries to look intimidating and still kinda acts like how you would expect him too. But Arven is so insistent that he isn't sweet and nice even though he very much is. His tough guy act is actively failing lmao. Fucking dork.
And I know, I know there's Cynthia and Volo, but I think you guys would get the point already lol. Though I think Cynthia is pretty funny too. Her bangs are definitely there to make her look mysterious, and she is, but what's hidden is that she's actually a lil goofy. At least in the anime she is. And she's pretty disorganized, which is something you don't expect a woman like her to be at first glance. Honestly, she's a very funny subversion of expectations here lol.
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theinfiknight · 2 months
Something that's really funny to me about every single player-character in the pokemon franchise is how none of them have any sort of narrative backing to them being the protagonist. Every single player-trainer is just some guy, no traumatic backstory no extraordinary motivation no nothing. In every single game without fail the other people you meet, especially your rivals, have infinitely more protagonist energy, right from the first game. Blue is the Professor's grandson and a Pokemon prodigy, if anyone would be narratively advantaged in becoming the champion it would be him rather than this random other kid with no narrative significance other than being Blue's rival. Silver is the son of goddamn Giovanni, his whole story, his angst and his resentment all scream main character way way way louder than regular everyman gold and kris, who have loving parents and nothing to prove. Barry is literally the son of a Frontier Brain! If anyone's gonna beat the elite four it's him! But no, instead it's just some nobody from twinleaf who saves the universe, befriends the Devil and defeats Cynthia besides.
N's backstory and quest could be the plot of a shounen. He's LITERALLY the Chosen One and Legendary Hero who can Talk to Pokemon. He has green hair for fucks sake!! Doesn't get much more main character than brightly colored hair!! But no, some kid from nuvema is also recognised by the other dragon and steals the center stage from him.
Hau is the grandson of a Kahuna and struggles to leave his shadow, Gladion is an emo boy with eighth grader syndrome except he's actually on the run from a massive evil organisation out to get him, and Lillie is a desperate child struggling to create an identity for herself outside of what her abusive parent forced on her, all the while hiding an infant god. All three of them could be Naruto characters in terms of their backstories but no. The random new kid from Kanto somehow sweeps them all away, solves all their problems, defeats the multiversal star dragon and saves the world. It would be like meeting Izuku in MHA and hearing everyone's stories and dreams and watching them struggle and out of nowhere some random black haired background guy swoops in and defeats All for One.
Granted, gen 3 makes you the kid of a gym leader but his name is LITERALLY Norman. He's mister normal. He even looks like an npc. Plus your rival is the Professor's kid so in terms of narrative significance they outrank you. And THAT'S not even mentioning miss Scion of a long line of dragon masters Zinnia, who for some reason is ignored by Rayquaza in favour of this random other kid who comes from a loving family, lacking nothing and facing no major difficulties in life.
It's almost ridiculous how all these anime protags end up as side characters to this generic npc looking ass dude. Hop's entire life revolves around one day becoming stronger than his brother who is also the strongest trainer in the world, Bede is an orphan from nothing who was taken in by Bill gates and then abandoned by him, Marnie literally has her hometown peeps cheering for her at every match. Arven's parents are world renowned researchers who vanished on him while his beloved partner languishes on death's door, Penny was bullied out of school and went through a whole anime arc about bonds and friends and unavoidable goodbyes and Nemona is struggling with finding a kindred spirit while being a Goku in a world full of Yamchas. Any one of them could be the main characters of a generic highschool or sports anime, but it's this random new kid who JUST got their first pokemon who solves all of their problems and saves the world. Barely in the first year of highschool and already lived through the plot of Jurassic Park and Terminator. It's like generic black haired isekai protag syndrome except it's your player character in every game.
Of course there is one notable exception to this list, which is Legends Arceus, where you are literally the heaven sent saviour, chosen by God, replete with hax isekai powers that allow you to trivialise the things that others balk to even think about. Full credits to that game though for making the entire thing very believable and more importantly, super fun.
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Ranking the Sinnoh League members on how well they could sing:
13. Flint
Tone-deaf. Completely tone deaf. I don’t think I need to explain further.
12. Roark
Not tone deaf, but more out of tune than in tune. It doesn’t help that sometimes he hums when he’s at the mines, and because he’s the one in charge his subordinates can’t tell him to shut the fuck up. Also, his father did the same thing so they’re used to it by now. Which leads…
11. Byron
Better than Roark, at least – a teeny, tiny smidge better than Roark. Let’s just say that singing abilities do not run in the family. In reality it’s probably because they’ve screamed at each other in the past over those damn fossils and it’s strained their voices.
10. Maylene
If she had proper training, she could be steady - but she hates singing. Fucking hates it. She would rather stick a fork in her eye than go Christmas caroling or to karaoke night.
9. Wake
Loves karaoke nights, not a great singer, but it’s the effort that counts.
8. Aaron
He’s… fine. It is what it is. He has the vocal range of a tenor, which is going to catch the attention of many people since it’s not that common in boys his age.
7. Bertha
Here’s where things get interesting. She used to sing a lot when she was younger, and has had experience in choir as a young girl. But… y’know… aging. But she’ll hum around the league, and no one stops her because “unlike you, Flint, she sounds great – so shut up.”
6. Cynthia
I was toying with Cynthia either being really shitty or really good, so I kind of decided that she would be sort of good. She can carry a tune.
5. Lucian
I feel like it'd be really funny if Lucian was actually a fairly good singer. Not like, the master of singing, but I HC that Will from Johto is Lucian's younger brother by 15 years, so it'd be funny if Will would randomly say one day, "Lucy is a good singer! He'd sing lullabies to me all the time when I was little!" And Lucian is fucking embarrassed.
4. Volkner
This is another one in which Volkner is really shy about his talent. He can also play a guitar, because let's face it, he looks like one of those douches with a guitar that would sing about how depressed he is. But he'd sound really good doing it though.
3. Gardenia
Gardenia would be one of those girls that would sing absentmindedly while watering her plants but unlike Roark and Byron, her voice is pretty clear, pretty nice to listen to, and people around her don't think when she'll shut the fuck up because she sounds decent.
2. Candice
Not only can she sing very, very well - but she can yodel. Her yodeling is far better than her singing, but her singing is still really fucking good.
She could've been a singer. She loves opera. One time, Fantina belts out the highest note she can per Flint's request, and it shatters a glass. Flint has the same effect, but as you know for an opposite reason.
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ophelliate · 1 year
even MORE turtle thoughts (just watched the movie again)
here's the last post and ofc, spoilers under the cut –
god where do i even begin
okay i forgot to shout her out last time but april was great !! i find it super interesting that her locker being fixed is the final shot of the movie before the mid-credits. i feel like that shot confirms this idea that april is kind of part of the turtle family and their theme of acceptance. they were both rejected by the people around them but through bonding and helping each other out, they were able to be viewed in a newer light, together
i think the theme/act of helping people is actually super crucial to the story, april revived her reputation because the turtles helped give her a story, the turtles are helped by humans to save the day because april saved their image, the turtles were saved by splinter because he cares about his boys and the mutants helped them with the mutagen ray because they realized there was more to family and belonging than any sort of violence, the entire pattern is super neat to me since well...
i feel like a lot of turtle iterations end up with the turtles thinking "we're the only ones who can do this" and it always weighs a heavy and isolating burden on them, so to see them actually receive this support and have them realize that they aren't alone in this, it seems like these guys are gonna have a much healthier upbringing than in the past!
speaking of support though, all of the mutants are in the sewers now??? they just have one big-ass cousin family?!?! bro i know at least one person will make some sort of The Family Madrigal-like parody with them, i don't know why that was the first thing i thought of but the potential is there
oh yeah and mondo had at least one rainbow bracelet i think, all of his bracelets are probably multicolored but i saw a pattern and just giggled with it
something else kinda funny was that aside from the shell-cracking, almost every turtle had a near death moment but was saved by family
like, mikey was about to be ran over TWICE (one during the Splinter flashback and again at the car mechanic fight, forgot who saved him after splinter), raph about about to get shot in the same fight before i think donnie intercepted it, and donnie was about to get completely crushed by a car before raph caught him
the only one who didn't almost fucking die (at least that i didn't notice) is leo and honestly considering past iterations, that's somehow scarier for him
during the movie, the boy i ended up focusing on the most was raph to my surprise (since tbh he was my least fav beforehand) but really i was able to grasp a lot more into each of the four this time around (which i'm sectioning because god these bullet points are long)
my gut's telling me that mikey has a lot of potential conflict when it comes to a human life, since i think he's sort of shown as the most vulnerable of the turtles, he's always the one who wants to interact with the human world, to have a real connection to it and the people
but he's also the one who gets hurt the most often, from almost being run over, being the first one drained of blood by cynthia, and getting those black eyes. we see very clearly that he keeps getting hurt despite his goal and ideals being– basically the exact opposite.
even with that though, he's the one who perseveres and ends up being the kind of hope in the team, even if he presents himself as the silly guy, and i feel like that strength will carry throughout the series in the process
donnie is a bit different this time around. people have already noted that he was considered the friendliest one by his brothers, which most versions of the team would give that role to mikey. i imagine that it comes from his fandom background where he may or may not have online friends (his phone had app icon colors that looked similar to twitter, snapchat and line or whatsapp).
though, it's been pointed out that donnie's interest in the human world contrasts to mikey, where he's more interested in the general culture and what is created out of them which is a bit more distant than mikey's interests.
side note but i genuinely thought donnie isn't really a stem kid at first with the problem solving he was giving in the movie, which in my head i thought would be the writer's attempts to avoid any savant syndrome qualities with him. though after thinking about it/looking through some articles, i imagine that his tech-qualities will be explored later and/or after he gets some public education.
raph was pretty interesting now that i really focused on him this time around. where, 1.) he might be the second nerdiest of the group, and 2.) he still might be a foil to leo's character.
when it comes to raph, he ends up being blocked as "anger issues" though it seems like very showmanship kind of aggression, like what you'd see on television than any sort of malice. and then it hit me: these kids were raised on martial arts/actions films. raph's favorite movie was legit confirmed to be bloodsport. i don't think raph is a violent warhammer more-so is he trying to be like the people he may look up to, which are action stars.
he also just views a lot of fiction as fact more than his brothers, like when he's the one to bring up that you're supposed to like school like in the movies. in a way, he's like a jeff winger nerd to donnie's abed.
the second thing to this is that raph seems to be the one who wants to distance himself from his family the most, though he admits to still loving them at the end of the day. he wants to differ himself from his brothers and splinter, so he does that by attempting to rebel and act like only type of "cool guy" he really knows, which luckily it seems like he enjoys doing it at least. this desire to distance himself is also likely what charges his need to be with humans, unlike mikey and donnie.
oh yeah, and something interesting is that raph was actually the first one to go to splinter when scared in the flashback, and it makes me think that something may have happened to change that dynamic to make him act the way he is now, that or its pure teenage rebellion
leo was kind of hard to grasp, maybe it was because i didn't relate to him as much, or he's just starting out, but what i got out of him now is still something that's hard to articulate.
at the start, leo was very distant from his brothers, staying in the shadow and following splinter's rules to a T. it made me wonder why exactly it was april to trigger his rebellious side and start being more in the group thereafter, but it seems like what connects leo to really anything is his own tangible relationships, or things he can really connect to in a non-conceptual way
yeah, he thinks humans are cool and wants to be with them as much as his brothers, but he puts his priorities on his family because he thinks that is all he can realistically have and doesn't strive for more. he looks up to his father since he thinks his wisdom is the best solution for his family's safety and happiness.
BUT, when he meets april, he goes "oh, pretty girl, i'll help her out" (which like, completely fair), and likely the plan was for nothing else in return. But it's when april befriends them does it really click to him that this impossible dream life is actually possible. and THAT'S the moment leo starts rebelling, going behind splinter's back, and getting closer with his brothers.
he acts on what he thinks is best for the people he loves and cares about, and his desires are more based on the people around him than himself or anything conceptual. it contrasts with raph since his desires center more around individuality than anything, so i feel like there's something that might happen between that. that or leo figures himself out before any conflict erupts in the process.
oh yeah and one last thing
in the mid-credits, when the boys are highlighted in cynthia's recordings, the boys end up being numbered out of order, where mikey is 1, leo is 2, donnie 3 and raph 4. this may not mean anything in the end but it feels a bit odd to be something non-important.
aside from that, i'd love to hear y'alls thoughts! i just had a lot in my mind and needed to put it somewhere (and apparently a lot is an understatement holy shi–)
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nerdyvocals · 1 year
Now that Far Away has been published and I'm slightly in-between works (working on the outline for this one but it likely will get interrupted by the Lynthia fic exchange), I've decided to make a post with all the little details/symbolism/funny things that happened while @look-at-those-niceass-rocks and I were working on it. This is very self-indulgent and simply because I put more thought into this fic than I have into any of my writing in a long time, and I want to point out all of the things that still have me, personally, on my knees.
This is a very long info dump, so post under the cut <3
So first and foremost, I originally posted Steady, Steady the day the show was cancelled, just a few hours before the news broke, and I was already planning on rewriting the ending of that one shot (and I did end up doing that), the very idea for Far Away stemmed from my rage at the cancellation (sign the petition if you haven't already!)
The first thing I came up with were two lines from the confrontation scene, "I'm what you were too much of a coward to be," and "Lydia is the goddamn sun." After writing Steady, Steady, I couldn't get the idea out of my head that Cynthia would be so ready to throw down with summer stock girl if she ever got the chance, and all I could think about was what she would say to her.
The original pitch I gave Bee was "it’s roughly 2ish years post season 1, Nancy has a summer job designing for an opera (because why not), and while there, Lydia has a run-in with Kitty Thompson for the first time since that time at summer stock. Featuring Protective!Cynthia cussing her bitch ass out."
Also special shout out to Bee for taking my off-hand comment about wanting to keep the theme of Crane Wives lyrics for titles to heart and going through their entire discography line by fucking line to write down lyrics that fit the vibes we were going for.
(Side note: New Discovery is a very thesbian coded song. Additionally, Queen of Nothing is Kitty Thompson coded, directly correlating to her telling Lydia that she was nothing.)
The opera they see is La Traviata because that's what my summer stock job was doing at the time I was writing Steady, Steady (the costumes department were all sitting in a room run making a quick change schedule when the news of the cancellation broke) so it was in my head.
The "he fell in love with a hooker?!" line came from a conversation that happened in one of the dressing rooms closing night, when half the cast finally figured out that a courtesan was essentially a high-end prostitute.
I got hung up for a while on the sleeping arrangements of the other Pinks. Personality wise, Jane and Olivia made the most sense as each other's roommates, and Nancy and Hazel did as well. However, in the canon of this fic, Nancy got into fashion school in New York and Hazel was attending Howard University, and thus they would both be gone most of the year, so logic dictated that Jane and Olivia room with either Hazel or Nancy, and have the room to themselves for the rest of the year. In the end, Bee and I decided on the original groups, and that Nancy and Hazels' room would be a guest room when they were not in Cali.
In my original concept, this was going to be more centric on summer stock girl; a character study if you will, like how the previous fic was a study on Lydia. The original title, keeping with the Crane Wives theme, was going to be The Fool in her Wedding Gown, which I had chosen to be symbolic of how Kitty had entered a beard marriage and was trying to convince herself she was straight. She was a fool in a wedding gown. Somewhere along the line, it shifted Cynthia's perspective and became an exploration of love, family, and healing after trauma.
Coming from that point, everything Cynthia and Lydia do in this fic is meant to contrast what Kitty's marriage is like. Cynthia and Lydia have been together for a little over two years at this point and they have settled into a comfortable domesticity with each other. They have their little routines, they're not shy about casual affection, and they know just about everything about each other, including drink orders (Cynthia may not remember the name, but she knows what the drink is and what it looks like) and Lydia knowing when Cynthia's hair is almost long enough to bother her just from how it feels between her fingers. In contrast, Kitty's husband calls her Kathy even though she clearly hates it, he gets her a drink with egg whites despite her telling him (repeatedly) that it sets her stomach off since she's been pregnant, and he is overtly dismissive of her.
We spent a lot of time deliberating over what everyone's drink order would be (and were helped out by some vintage bar menus I found online). Lydia wants to be a red wine girly for the aesthetic, but she simply cannot stand the taste, so her go-to is a white wine. Kitty is more of a martini or just straight whiskey or beer kind of girl, but her husband always gets her whatever is fruity and pink. The husband's drink was Bee's idea. I suggested an Old Fashioned, and Bee told me about a version that drink snobs get particularly offended over, and we decided that that is what this man drinks (Quoting Bee, "I am roasting a fictional man with slightly obscure knowledge, my favorite thing to do"). Cynthia gets a regular one, for contrast.
Also, it's no coincidence that A) Kitty was unable to stomach a Pink Lady drink, just like she wasn't able to stomach her feelings for Lydia, and B) that it was a Pink Lady who swept Lydia off her feet.
And Kitty's husband calls her Kathy or Kath (despite her wanting to go by Katherine at this point), which is just a shortening of her name, not even a nickname. He doesn't care enough to come up with one, doesn't care to say her full name, and doesn't care that it bothers her.
Cynthia blanking on the drink name was purely for in-character humor, as we figured she'd have trouble saying most wine names. Rejected drinks and their pronunciations: sauvignon blanc (pronounced the way it is spelled, inspired by Bee's husband reading the name phonetically) and Moscato D'asti (My personal favorite wine. Pronounced "Muscadine Nasty," which I think was the funniest option, but I didn't know if anyone, Cynthia included, outside the deep American south would know what a muscadine was.)
In the end, Bee chose Dry Sack Sherry from one of the menus I'd found. Quote, "I’ve changed my mind, Lydia needs to get a Dry Sack Sherry so Cynthia can accidentally call it a 'sad sack Sherry'." Further research revealed that 'sack' meant that it was a fortified wine, meaning that it had a higher alcohol content than other wines. Bee pointed out that it was truly a sad sack wine, and I pointed out that Lydia was about to have a sad sack night.
As for Kitty's sexuality, she is a lesbian. She is not bi or pan or anything like that, she is not at all attracted to her husband, she is just unable to accept that in the way Cynthia and Lydia have. As she says, Lydia was not the first girl she took advantage of and she was not the last. She has a fling with a newbie just about every year, and then uses her popularity and clout to scare them away from her theatre when she's done with them. She always ends it explosively so they don't come back and she doesn't have to face what she's done while playing Good Little Straight Girl. I hinted at it a bit in Steady, Steady that some of her friends are aware of her tendencies; they're the ones that look at Lydia with pity when Kitty leads them away from her at lunch.
Potato's nicknames for Nancy came from me asking a dear friend-who-is-like-my-sister that is fluent in Spanish for some pet names that don't sound like pet names. Translations: Mi luz: My light, Mi cebollita: My little onion, Mi perrita: My little bitch. It felt fitting.
Honorable mention, the many many interludes of us getting distracted by Static updates and screaming
Apparently there's a character limit to tumblr posts??? This is getting too long, possible part two in the future
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gryficowa · 8 days
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I love how Zionists call everyone against genocide "Nazis", you don't look like idiots who don't know what the fuck Nazism was (Because you are one yourself lol)
Now that I have your attention:
The effects of Nazi rule were:
apparatus of terror such as concentration camps and the secret police Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo); development of German eugenics, including introduction of the Nuremberg Laws; intensification of persecution for same-sex relations[25]; alliance with fascist Italy (Steel Pact) and Japan (Anti-Comintern Pact); the later Pact of Three between these countries formalized the Axis bloc; support of Francoists in the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939 [38];annexation of Austria in 1938; the enlarged state was called the Greater German Reich, German: Großdeutsches Reich[39]; mass murders exterminating "life unworthy of life": T4 action on sick and disabled people; genocide - holocaust and post-Rajmos. One of the tools of mass murder were the extermination camps established in the occupied areas to "finally solve the Jewish question"; outbreak of World War II in 1939 - attack on Poland and then other countries"
Yes, many points fit with Zionism (Especially the point about "Life unworthy of life", yes, that's how you see Palestinians)
So yes, classic use of mirror propaganda, who could have expected it, right?
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bg3 spoilers ahead!
aurora (gold dragonborn cleric of mielikki) grew up in the woods, far away from the city. she likes animals and once spent three days chasing a unicorn, just to see what it did. on a diplomatic trip to stop logging that was infringing on a grove once considered sacred to mielikki, she got abducted. pokey sticks and fire breath quickly proved to be the best way to make her way through her new life. on the way she fell head over heels for the two dumbasses who got fucked by the Hells. so they decided to start saving people, hunting things. and now it's wyll and wyll's wife aurora and aurora's wife karlach's family business. yay hell polycule!
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(aurora is the reason i call wyll my wife. he's just. my wife <3)
kassandra (seladrine drow warlock) has never been to the underdark. she has a cousin there, on her mom's side, maybe? she grew up in baldur's gate and made a career for herself as a shrewd businesswoman (she makes jewelry; that's how she got warlockéd). using people's impressions of drow against them is like her primary skill and it works surprisingly often despite the fact that she is 5'3" on a good day and has the face of a disney princess. she also has the animal skills of one. aurora is steve irwin, kassandra is cinderella. karlach and kassandra were instant besties, which evolved in the sapphic tradition of "surely she doesn't mean it like that haha" until kassandra just straight up said she wanted to make out with karlach.
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(i haven't finished her playthrough yet because i'm afraid teehee)
winter (avariel [mod, winged elf] bard) is your manic pixie dream girl. i stole her name and most of her appearance from Winter The Lunar Chronicles because i am a silly little criminal. winter has never met a problem she could not make marvel-esque quips at, much to shadowheart's eternal chagrin. desperately wants karlach to teach her that silly tiktok dance she's always doin So Bad. her adventure is a very strange change of pace for her because she was previously a tavern waitress/occasional entertainer when there was literally no other option. as such, she does not know how to use weapons really at all and makes everyone else protect her (insert pleading face emoji). anyways, she's the golden retriever gf to shart's black cat gf.
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(her wings get in the way of every cutscene but i still love her)
marie (human durge paladin) is like if tinkaton was a person. she hates the murderhobo ps5 in her brain and loves weird little guys (gale). voted most likely to cry at dog food commercials. i really haven't played much of her, so i haven't decided on much backstory for her.
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(i just think she's a little funny)
the one that only sort of counts.
cynthia (tiefling wild magic sorcerer) is literally just my OC who got isekaid to faerun. the only people who know this are the """dream guardian""", the gods, and the three dipshits and their lame goddess. she's there to cause problems and live up to her old nickname: Godkiller. her fake persona, Lady Cynthia Tav, is from a little town on the coast and enjoys the finer things in life. her most fervent desire is to have a spray bottle so she can get astarion to stop that (at any given moment, "that" ranges from mild horniness to wanting to violently murder people). she is beginning to understand what it was like for her brother to raise her.
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(don't have many pics of her, but she's the most frequent subject of my drawings)
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there's a bunch of more in my notebook that i doodle in while playing
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cassioppenny · 2 years
i like to imagine that (if volo is in fact immortal after pla) cogita did not hear shit from volo for like 150+ years and the suddenly volo just shows up in celestic town with baby cynthia and goes "congrats mistress you're a grandma now" and the throws the baby at her and then goes back to hiding in the shadows again
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
my pokemon shera headcanons:
adora and catra are the protagonist and rival. ive contemplated other options but nothing else works. sometimes adora works better as the rival, sometimes catra does. ive drawn adora as N and catra as Hilda before but catra is a good Silver or Blue or, whats his face from gen 5 part 2. Hugh. That asshole.
actually glimmer would make a good Hugh, or Blue, or a gen 8 rival. i feel like Glimmer has a lot in common with both Marnie and Bede from generation 8. she has a bit of Barry in her too. not so much Hop even with their family similarities cos Hop is way too much of a quitter. 
shadow weaver is a member of the elite 4 AND the evil team at the same time. 
scorpia also belongs in the elite 4 but the thing is theyre never there at the same time 
i think the elemental princesses can form the gym leaders and the elite 4 but i can’t see glimmer settling for the position even if she becomes a member, like blue marnie and bede shes always going to be trying against adora/catra for the championship
netossa would make a good champion she reminds me of cynthia
mara would also make for a good champion she reminds me of alder and red and i think thatd be an epic adora vs her mentor battle
hordak is the evil team leader and frankly he is fucking made for the role. he is dark and evil but also socially isolated and misguided and has redeemable qualities and will have a crobat. he already has Imp which is the she-ra equivalent of a crobat. hordak is cyrus but with a redemption arc. 
entrapta i cannot make my mind up because shed be a good professor but shes also the same character as colress who was the evil team leader in gen 5 but only because he just really wanted to see what made pokemon strong and once he was satisfied it was love and affection he just fucking left the evil team like it was nothing, while ghetsis (the closest thing to horde prime) screamed at him. in gen 7 colress comes back as a good guy to absolutely fuck over ghetsis, it’s so funny. 
entrapta would also make a good palmer, he is the gen 4 battle frontier leader and has super ADHD like his son, but micah would also make a good palmer in contrast to glimmer’s barry. either way i think entrapta would be one of those surprise battles that kicks your ass after you think youve already beaten the champion and won the game. 
catra would love dark types they have a million cats. catra has a litten. look at it. that’s a catra. 
adora loves normal types but ends up with psychic and fairy types somehow. thats a galarian rapidash. how did it get there? it’s called Swift Wind.  
glimmer IS jigglypuff
bow has rowlett on tap. how can he stop himself from getting more? 
if i made entrapta a gym leader shed be ghost type. you know shed love ghost types. and bugs. i know most people go steel/electric and thats valid but entrapta is ghost. 
as in the last post, hordak is a literal mimikyu, so naturally entrapta has adopted at least one. 
i think scorpia deserves a growlithe. growlithe/arcanine is one of my all time favourite pokemon and the friendliest fuzziest dog in the world and also used as pokemon police but the police are good in pokemon so it’s okay. 
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captainschmoe · 1 year
fav awakening ships??
I hope you prepared yourself for a ramble lol
- f!Robin/Chrom, but I also like her with Lon’qu or Kellam if I feel like switching it up
- Chrom/Maribelle, if he’s not with Robin
- On that note, m!Robin/Chrom is good too
- Lucina/Inigo (in case of Chrom/Olivia timeline, Laurent, Yarne, or Morgan - really, I just want to get Lucina paired with SOMEONE because I did not get your A-supports with your parents just so you could fuck off forever anyway-)
- I have to pair Chrom!Morgan with Kjelle because they both walk in on their girlfriends in the shower lol. Otherwise Morgan/Nah.
- Stahl/Sumia, RIP my hopes and dreams (I’ll pair her with either Frederick or m!Robin in game)
- Other m!Robin goodies include Olivia (yes, my very first m!Robin playthrough resulted in him becoming Lucina’s FIL lol), Cordelia, and Miriel (have you seen f!Morgan with Miriel’s hair color because you should, it’s gorgeous).
- Gaius/Cordelia, partly because of funny Revelation family tree shenanigans. Stahl is a good match too.
- Laurent/Noire (S-support cracked me up too much)
- Henry/Olivia
- Panne/Lon’qu
- Brady/Cynthia
- Yarne/Nah (the taguel can live on as long-lived quarter-dragons, that’s honestly awesome)
Annnnd that maybe covers the ones I tend to stick to the most. I enjoy a variety of other pairings without being highly attached to any of them, I’m an ENORMOUS multishipper.
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euos-the-cat · 2 years
OC drabbles bc yeah
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25 (7/7)
Childhood best friend of Alissa
History teacher
Soft spoken and rare to actually make angry (he's scared to ever get super angry so he tries to keep calm)
Nervous wreck, very skittish
Has several house plants to help him remember to take care of himself (doesn't always work)
Has trouble sleeping. Man runs on coffee no wonder he's jumpy
Likes to color, read, and set up terrariums
Favorite color is blue
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25 (5/25)
Childhood best friend of Alan
Works at a local cafe
Mom of 2
Loves the outdoors, specifically chose a home that was near the woods
Very superstitious
Has back problems that are not helped by her job
Hotheaded and quick to defend those she cares about
Mama bear type of mom
Likes to carve things out of wood using her claws (keeps them sharp)
Favorite color is green
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22 (2/17)
Alan's boyfriend and colleague, Cynthia's best friend
Science teacher
Absolute nerd, loves sci-fi as well as science stuff in general
Loves to collect ties. Also has lots of matching socks to go with them
Cheerful, ray of sunshine
Tutors Alissa's kids on weekends every now and again
Likes to play more action oriented games that are lighthearted in nature (Mario and Splatoon would be ones he likes)
Favorite color is yellow
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5'4 (this varies)
21 (10/30)
Alan's younger sister and Andy's best friend
Works at a store like Hot Topic but will take jobs at haunted houses during the spooky month
Very flexible. No literally, something's fucked up with her body it acts like silly putty (magic shenanigans)
Very energetic and animated. Nearly constantly moving (will puff steam when she overheats)
Also an absolute nerd. Likes edgier things than Andy but they share a lot of interests still
Sad that she can't get piercings since they can very easily fall out
Loves to prank people. Nearly got expelled from school as a kid over this
Favorite color is purple (tries to avoid)
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12 (10/2)
Alissa's firstborn child
Skittish similar to Alan, though more due to general anxiety and not, y'know, trauma
Artsy and really likes to draw. Their paws are big and clumsy though so it's hard
Stutters and has some trouble getting their thoughts out
Cuddlebug, still likes to sleep next to Alissa from time to time
Nervous about their birthday since they were born in an "unlucky month" (according to their mom)
Prefers doing basic crafts over wood carving. Would rather carve foam anyways
Favorite color is Teal
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8 (2/12)
Alissa's younger adopted daughter
Mostly nonverbal and sensitive to sounds. Can chirp or sign to communicate
Has the ability to see and interact with spirits
Absolutely obsessed with a show called "Kuroji the Brave" about a bunny hero
Nervous around Alan at first but bonds with him over Kuroji
Likes to draw with Max
Feels a duty to protect her new family and will go along with Alissa's superstitions to help
Keeps a journal on information she gathers on ghosts
Favorite color is red
Bonus character:
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13 (4/18)
Ghostly friend of Iggy's
Girl who lived in the woods and guided Iggy. Only one she would attempt to speak to
Helped Iggy run away even after her passing
Liked to play tricks on people, though was more careful with Iggy
Taught her survival skills to help her tough it out in the wilderness until she was safe
Acts as Iggy's guardian, helps her recognize what people are feeling when she has trouble with it
Will move things around to spook people because she thinks it's funny
Favorite color is orange
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shinxeysartgallery · 1 year
fuck you, too <3 /lh
I'll leave you alone about a fave list after this but now i'm just curious why you chose the 10 or i guess 12 you did for your list. What makes them special compared to the others? Great list by the way
Cynthia and Sabrina get the special main character treatment. Cynthia's still my main and she was also the first Sonic OC I ever made, so she's special to me. Sabrina's been with me through a lot and is basically kinda a mascot for me at this point, so she's also really special to me.
The others are just a mix of "holy crap I love the design I gave you" and "holy crap I enjoy writing you". I have so much fun writing all of those characters. :)
I've lately been doing a lot of writing involving Pinchy, Violette, and the otter pirates and I am REALLY enjoying writing them a lot. Pinchy and Violette's dynamic is pretty fun to play around with and they're both fun characters to write anyway. The pirate trio is also really fun to write. I like doing found family stuff. :) Zero and Amber are also really fun to write. Funny risk-taker hothead and voice of reason brother. Writing battle scenes with the two of them in particular is also pretty awesome. I LOVE doing battle scenes with them! I like all my dinosaur characters, but I have a special spot for Scar because he was the first one. Originally going to be the ONLY one, too. Wow, a lot of things have changed since then. For second place, it's kinda a four way tie between Shana, Judy, Delilah, and Yuki because I love the designs I gave them a lot. They're definitely my favorites in terms of dino designs. Out of those, I think I'd go for Judy because she gets the funny plot-relevancy bias. (Well, the other three have some form of relevancy, too, but not to the same degree.) And finally Mecha Cynthia is a pretty fun villain character to write. I also really enjoy doing battle scenes with her. :) Her dynamics with Eggman and other Eggman affiliates (like Starline, Metal Sonic, other robots, etc) are also pretty fun to play around with.
Overall, they're just really fun characters and I love them all. :) I love the ones that didn't make the cut to top 10, too.
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trboyrants · 2 years
First Name: deacon
Middle Name: lyle
Last Name: rogers
Nickname: de, decs, deacy
Gender: male
Age: 25
Birthday: 4/27/1997
Birth Stone: diamond
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Sexual Orientation: straight
Ideal partner? someone who supports him and makes being in every new city fun
What was their first kiss like? honestly doesn’t remember it, he was in like second grade and curious with the girl he had a crush on
Life Story: He grew up in a small town with a single mother and his uncle. His father was never really in the picture due to leaving when his mom was pregnant, but his uncle stepped up and was there for him as a father figure. His uncle loved baseball and it was a bonding experience for them growing up, which turned into him loving it and playing it all through school
Did he have an imaginary friend growing up? yes, a blue squirrel named ruth
Nurtured or neglected growing up? very nurtured
Closest family member? his uncle
Languages spoken at home growing up? english
Financial situation growing up? they had times where they struggled, but always managed to get by
Do they ramble or are they to the point? depends on the situation, he’s known to do both
Does he have any addictions? no
What’s his biggest secret? he’s kept all of the baseball gloves his uncle got him since he was little
What is he obsessed with? his stats and trying to be the best he can
Does he have any pet peeves? people who act like they’re better than anyone else
Does he have any superstitions? he has to wear his lucky hat during games and training camp
What’s his favorite swear word? fuck
One word they would use to describe themselves? determined
Sense of humor? like a teenage boy
What’s his soft spot? his mom
Favorite person? his mom and his uncle
Do they rent or own? own
Do they live in an urban area or rural? suburban
What’s their dream home? a place with land so that his mom and uncle can have a place that they don’t have to pay for
How long can they hold a grudge? depends on what the person did
Eye Color(s): chocolate brown
Hair Color: brown
Hair Style(s): long, slightly unkempt, very “woke up like this”
Height: 5’11
Personality traits: funny, charming, witty, determined
Good Habit(s): has to change his socks constantly because he hates dirty socks, washes his face twice daily
Bad habit(s): lets his hair get out of control and doesn’t take care of it like he should
Like(s): baseball, playing mlb, reading, playing with his dog
Dislike(s): people who think they’re better than everyone, dirty socks, people messing with his stuff
Hobbies: baseball, reading, going for walks around the neighborhood
Allergies: cats, blueberries
Fear(s): disappointing his family
Fun Facts? his dog is named after babe ruth
Ambition/dream: to play for the chicago cubs
Occupation/Job: rookie shortstop for the arizona diamondbacks
Parent(s): cynthia rogers (mother)
Relative(s): charlie rogers (uncle)
Pet(s): babe (blue heeler)
Scent: grass, sweat
Outfit(s): joggers and a t-shirt or jeans and a button up
Scars: one across his hand from when he fell off of his bike, a few on his knees and legs from baseball
Jewelry: a plain gold chain
Favorite Song: crazy train (also his walkout song)
Favorite Food(s): burgers, fries, onion rings
Favorite Drink(s): ice cold water, green gatorade
Favorite Color(s): red and blue
Favorite Animal(s): a squirrel
Favorite Number: 37 (also his baseball number)
Favorite Season(s): summer
Favorite Holiday(s): 4th of july
Favorite Time of Day: late afternoon/early evening
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