#cyoa: inked
inkstory · 7 months
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It has been a handful of days since you had left your small town, and in that time, you estimate that you have traveled about halfway across the countryside. But your destination is now in sight, and you let out a sigh of relief once you take a moment to appreciate the great industrial city of QURNA laying at the base of the mountain from which your path is winding downwards. The last few rays of sunlight gleam through the trees and cover the sight in an orange glow. Faint rustling of leaves in a nearby indicates the cold winds coming soon, so you can't wait to get to the city by tonight.
You recall the purpose for your long journey as you continue down the worn path. You are paying a visit to your grandfather, a Chronicler of great renown. Of course, you haven't seen him in decades, but you couldn't say no to a letter that invited you for free food and lodging during your visit. You smugly imagine a calming night sheltered from the elements, and maybe even an inheritance that would change everything.
All that leaf rustling is kind of ruining the moment, though.
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smwhr · 1 year
The inkJam is an annual community organised jam focused on storytelling and narrative games written in ink.
When does it begin? The jam begins on Friday, October 20th, 9PM CEST.
Who can enter? Everyone is more than welcome, either alone or as part of a team.
Is there a theme? Yes, and it will be announced as soon as the jam begins.
What tools can I use? As long as you are using ink in a way or another, you can use absolutely anything! You can find a (probably incomplete) list of engines and integrations here.
Should I write my game in English? You can write in any language you like. Though, keep in mind that fewer people will probably be able to try a game only available in French or Czech than one available in English.
Where can I find help? You can join the community on inkle's Discord server, where a dedicated channel has been created.
How does the voting work? Once the jam is over (on Monday, October 23rd, 9PM CEST), the public will have a twelve-days period to review the games.⁣
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yubriamakesart · 2 years
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You smell a stranger.
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The scent they left strikes you as odd, but you can't figure out why. The bad smoke smell is stronger here, as if the stranger had brought it with them, and it invades your senses along with traces of blood and guns. It's hard to think. You widen your search through the area but find no other sign of the stranger; this also strikes you as odd. It seems as though they flew here, stood on the ground for a bit, and then flew away, but most people you've seen prefer to walk or ride in cars and trucks instead of fly.
Uneasy, you circle around again, and again find nothing. You eventually continue on with your patrol of the forest, thinking maybe you'll find their scent again, but everything else is ordinary. Tired, frustrated, and eager to be back with your people, you head back to the house. King, now hiding in a different plant, takes a couple more swipes at you when you pass by, but you aren't in a mood to play and quickly dodge through the doggy door.
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Inside, the house is warm and smells of cooked vegetables, chicken broth, and chai. You already feel happier. Normally you'd also hear the sounds of conversation, of someone laughing at the telephone, or of voices coming from the radio, but right now the only noise is Greatma singing as she finishes dinner in the next room. Ser sits by the silent phone while Ishaan stands at the window- both are quiet, their thoughts bleeding fear and worry.
You go to greet Ishaan first, as usual. It's only been an hour or so since you last saw him, but you still missed him because he's your favorite person in the whole world! He gives you SO many pats and ALWAYS says you're such a good girl! When he asks you to do things his thoughts are clear and simple and very easy to understand, and he never gets upset even if you do something wrong. You love him so SO much!! Normally at night he talks with Ser and Greatma, or plays with you, or looks at papers, but tonight he tensely watches the out the window.
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You lick Ishaan's hand so he knows that you're here with him. As if on instinct, he pats your head, and you can feel him relax a little. Perhaps there's something you can say that will make him happier? Maybe he'd like to know what a good job you've been doing taking care of the animals! Or, should you tell him about the stranger?
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theunusuallyferret · 1 year
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These are some dragon designs. The first is a crude depiction of a human dragon. The second is a dragon with mouth on its hands, feet, tail and shoulders. The third is a design from a choose your own adventure dragon story. Trying to remember what I used to make this. Prismacolors markers, pencil (of course), ink pen?, and some color pencils too.
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catandthewell-if · 7 months
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There is an ichor creeping its way through Wonderland, devouring residents never to be seen again. That's how you got your "promotion" to the Role of the Cheshire Cat. You thought things would be okay until an Ink Well appeared right in the middle of the Red Queen's garden and took out half of the court gathered there. Now you're tasked with finding the source of the ichor and stopping it before it consumes all of Wonderland.
The Curious Case of the Cat and the Well is a WIP and interactive CYOA novel. It is a fantasy adventure romance story with heavy focus on plot, romance, and stats. It is inspired by Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. It's being written in Twine.
Note: Because this is a WIP the name of some places or people may change between now and the final version.
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Rating: Not rated as of right now.
Tracked Tag: #cat and the well
Status: In Development (Writing/Slow Coding)
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In The Curious Case of the Cat and the Well, you play as a Wonderland resident who's been "promoted" to the position of the Cheshire Cat. You were simply minding your own business one day when you were ripped from your original Role and put into the Role of the Cheshire Cat. You've been in the Role for a little bit now. As for who put you in the role? Wonderland, itself did that. A bit bizarre, but it does have a mind of its own.
Without the interference of an "Alice" figure, life is pretty normal. Odd but normal. It's not always wacky and nonsensical in Wonderland, believe it or not. When an "Alice" appears, Wonderland moves all of its pieces to tell the story again and again like a play. That's how its supposed to work anyways. But ever since this strange ink-like substance appeared the story hasn't been running smoothly like it should.
When an Ink Well appears during a tea party in the Red Queen's garden and consumes half of the court, you decide it's time to do something about this. With a group of pretty unlikely allies, you set off to find what's causing the ichor to appear and stop it.
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Play as a male, female, or nonbinary Cheshire Cat
Customize the way you look, including your ears and tail and your cat form! Your normal form is humanoid with cat ears and a tail
Choose what your Role was before Wonderland made you the Cheshire Cat. Your previous Role will give you exclusive abilities not available to other roles
Choose to romance 1 of 5 options or none at all
Figure out what's going on with the ichor and why it's appearing and where do the residents it absorbs go
Make a decision with the fate of Wonderland in your hands
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The Cheshire Cat - You (he/him), (she/her), or (they/them)
You play as the Cheshire Cat. You possess all the typical things associated with the cat, such as disappearing and reappearing and your iconic grin. Your previous Role will also give you specific abilities. Being put in a Main Role made you functionally immortal so you don't know how old you really are, but physically, you appear to be in your mid-twenties (24-26).
The people of Wonderland sometimes call you Chess/Chessie.
Appearance: Player Determined, although your base figure is humanoid with cat ears and a tail
The Alice - Alice/Alex Liddle (she/her) or (he/him)
A is the newest "Alice" to Wonderland. The 103rd "Alice" to be exact. Because of the ichor, their story broke apart pretty early on leaving them basically stranded in Wonderland with no direction. It's good that they're a precocious person and found their own way to the Red Queen's garden. They're a bit naive but are earnest and kind and was one of the first people to volunteer to go with you. Their only stipulation: to go home when it's done.
Appearance: A is on the shorter side of average in terms of height. Alice is 5'3 and Alex is 5'8. They both have fair skin with freckles and loosely curly blonde hair. Alice has long hair while Alex's is about medium-length. Their eyes are light blue and their frame is lithe and thin. They appear to be in their early twenties (20-23).
The Mad Hatter - Olivia/Oliver (she/her) or (he/him)
O is the Mad Hatter. They aren't the "original" Mad Hatter, but they've been in their Role longer than you've been the Cheshire Cat. They are eccentric and a bit unpredictable. That's probably why they were the second person to volunteer to go with you to figure out what's going on, after Alice/Alex. You two don't really get along, bickering often when not in your Roles, so you're surprised when they volunteered. Being a Main Role, like you, they also are functionally immortal, but appear to be in their mid-twenties (24-26), as well.
Appearance: O is pretty tall with Olivia being around 5'9 and Oliver being about 6'1. They both have clear tanned skin and orange-red hair. Their hair is mixed textures with some strands being straight and others wavy. They always keep their hair down, even if it's inconvenient. They have brown eyes and a lanky frame.
The Red Queen/The Queen of Hearts - Isabelle (she/her)
Isabelle is the Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts. You find her Role varies from "Alice" to "Alice". She's fairly new to the Role, having acquired her position around the same time you became the Cheshire Cat. She's a bit stiff and serious, trying to figure out where her role stops and where she begins. She, like her predecessors, has a passion for roses and it was her garden that was destroyed by the Ink Well. You aren't surprised when she says she's coming with you "for her rose garden". As a Main Role, she is also functionally immortal. She physically appears to be in her early thirties (30-33).
Appearance: Isabelle is a woman of about average height, standing at 5'5. She has soft brown skin and straight black hair. She has red eyes and a fuller figure.
The Jabberwocky - Fenrir (he/him)
Fenrir is the Jabberwocky. He is the second Jabberwocky ever in Wonderland. His role, like Isabelle's, varies from "Alice" to "Alice". Some "Alices" don't ever go near him while others face him. He's solemn and fairly stoic and serious. He's the last person you expected to volunteer since he prefers to be solitary, although you suspect it's because he just wants to get this over with and go back to minding his own business. As a Main Role, he is functionally immortal, but physically appears in his late twenties (27-29).
Appearance: Fenrir is pretty tall, standing at a wild 6'5. He has tanned olive skin and black hair with streaks/highlights of dull blue and green. His eyes are grey and he has an fit figure, not too muscular but not lanky either. He has a few light scars on his face.
Wonderland - ??? (it/its)
Wonderland is... Wonderland. It has a personality of its own and is the one who moves you and the others around when there's an "Alice". It's in charge of making sure the "Alice's" story runs smoothly and to get them in and out quickly. Due to the ichor appearing, it's no longer running smoothly, often forgetting to move pieces around causing a disruption of the cycle. When the Ink Well appeared in the Red Queen's garden, it seems to have stopped "working" all together.
Appearance: It's a land, so far. Notable chessboard fields?
Mysterious Figure - ??? (they/them)
What's Wonderland without one mysterious figure? After the latest Ink Well in the Red Queen's garden, you've been seeing them around Wonderland. You aren't sure if they're following you or if you're indirectly following them, but you seen them quite often. Even odder, every time you see them, they look confused. How strange...
Appearance: You haven't gotten close enough to fully look at them, but you think they at least have blue hair? Or was it purple? Maybe green or even pink? You swear it was white one time. Their skin is very pale, nearly paper white. They're tall from what you can tell. Probably around 6'2. They're clothed in a long black robe with a hood. It's a bit on the nose, don't you think?
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askcometcare · 9 months
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(This is not a CYOA or interactive comic, it’s just being uploaded here for accessibility!)
Sketches by Kittycorn, inks and colors by Nick and RJ and Kittycorn
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snakebites-and-ink · 5 months
🐍 Snakebites-and-Ink Master Masterlist 🖋️
About me + my blog
My old masterpost
My whump-writing-focused sideblog: @snakewrites-and-ink
My Cohost
My Ko-fi
⚡ Technically Not Human (working title) Nolan signs away his freedom and goes to an institution that trains superhumans to serve the highest bidder.
🖱️ Asher the IT Pet What if someone who was legally a pet were allowed to have a life like a free person?
🤕 Whumper-turned-Caretaker CYOA What it says on the tin. Updates every Monday assuming I can stay on top of it.
Miniseries & Collections
♒ Living Weapon Aquarius
🔊 Hero Brainwashed to Villain's Living Weapon
🦹 Hero Villain Amnesia interactive
❄️ Whumpuary 2024
🎄 Whumpmas in July 2024
☀️ Augusnippets 2024
✒️ 5 sentence fics + May 2024 challenges
✒ Pet Whumpee + Broken Dish
✒ Recovering Clone Whumpee
✒ Already-trained Pet
✒ Reluctant Whumper Whumpee
✒ Irresistible
✒ The Psychic's Revenge
✒ Hypnotic Caretaker
My blog’s main tags
My original posts other than my writing
Events hosted here
Seven Songs of Suffering
Ongoing games/events
Writing hiatus
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moons-cozy-corner · 1 month
Bodyswap Whump CYOA Part 1
Since I’ve ended my ‘rescued’ series, I’d like to jump on the CYOA whump thing that some other writers are doing! This is the main intro, the actual whumpy part will be in the next part, promise!
I got the idea of doing a CYOA by @snakebites-and-ink but I know others have been doing it as well, so here I am!
Part 2
You feel like you’ve been hit by a train.
The figure in the glass mimics your movements, mocking your shock, hands hovered over your mouth. All you can do is stare at it, wondering who this person is that you’re staring at.
Because it sure as hell isn’t you.
They have soft features that meld together less than gently, as if this person has spent their entire life with their nose scrunched in the air. The shocked expression staring back at you looks eery on their face. It doesn’t look like anything could surprise them, or catch them off guard. Very unlike you at this very moment.
You reach up to touch your hair, watching as the mirror copies you, because of course it is - it’s a goddamn mirror! Your hand lands on a mop of messy hair that doesn’t belong to you, on a scalp that isn’t yours, in a body that you don’t belong in! 
With shaking hands you walk closer to the mirror and turn it towards the wall. Maybe if you don’t have to look at it, it doesn’t exist. Then you turn around, facing the rest of the room. It’s neat and bland, white walls and dark wood and black and gray decor.
The room itself is big, but mostly empty. It had its necessities; bed, desk, dresser, shelves, vanity. The computer that sat atop the desk looked expensive and new, unused. The utter spotlessness of the room was eerie, it seemed unlived in, soulless. The only thing that looked the least bit normal was the bed you woke in is the only thing disturbed in the still room, the comforter half on the floor from your panic.
At least you hadn’t been kidnapped, right?
Maybe in that situation you would have some idea of what to do, but you can’t just leave - the police will think you’re crazy, and where are you even? You could be miles away from your home, in a different state, a different country, even.
Try to calm down. Baby steps, right? If you just get yourself grounded, maybe you can figure out what's going on - or at least stop panicking about it.
Another sweep of the room and you see a phone on the nightstand, you see some clothes folded on the dresser to your right, and three different doors, all closed. One is probably to the bathroom, and the other is probably to a closet.
Taglist: @bleeding_letters @nicopascaline @whumped_inc @subval01 @whumpkinz @littlespacecastle @hollowgast1 @aswallowimprisoned @edkore @vermillion-emerald
Im pretty sure the above taglist is my general taglist (which I realized I had been neglecting Im so sorry!) Let me know if you want off of it, thankyou!!
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ink-splotch · 1 year
Hi!!! I just wanted to tell you that seeing your new game reminded me that Stay? exists and that it's soooo good. It's been a while since I played it, so I don't remember the details, but I do remember being amazed at how much variation there was, how every detail was perfectly woven into the story, and how human the characters felt despite us not getting that much time to know them. Plus, I personally love war plots, and yours DID NOT disappoint. I also really loved how the different "career paths" impacted your story, and just how many different details and paths you could get depending on what you did at every step of the way. I don't know, I just remember liking it a lot and feeling really accomplished once I managed to beat it.
Also, out of curiosity, who are all the LIs? In my lifetimes, I remained pretty faithful to Myka (love of my life, she was so great!!!), but I imagine Esteban, Jo, Suzette and Gemma to be romanceable. Did I miss someone else?
Another question I have is: how did you get the idea for the game? And by that I mean, what was the inspiration for the plot and all the different characters + why did you even decide to make a CYOA in the first place?
Because, again, it was incredibly good and I'd like to know which stars do I have to thank for it existing.
Anyways, once I'm really excited to play More a Haunting than a History, and I just know it's gonna be as great as Stay? was!
Thank you so much and have a nice day! ~ 🍪
Hello there! Thanks for writing me. There are five major romanceable characters in Stay?: Myka, Esteban, Jo, Gemma, and Suzette. Technically, there are some minor romanceable NPCs (ex. the different folks you can live your life with in the "fuck off into the hills" ending), but those five are the main gist of it. The main five can also also each be platonic life partners for you, rather than traditional romantic partners, if that's more your style.
Myka is my wife's favorite love interest in Stay? by far, so great taste.
Stay? actually has a very clear origin story for me. My friends and I played Outer Wilds, which I highly highly recommend, and I was so delighted by its balance and structure that I wanted to see if I could make something built on the same bones. I drafted up my @sortinghatchats quiz to get used to the ink system, and then dove into Stay?. It was the most fast/obsessed I've ever put a story on paper (so to speak) and I admit I may still be chasing that high.
I built the basic structure first, and then added on the setting, characters, plot macguffins, details, etc. on top, trying to interweave and connect them. I like how it turned out. The plotline with the southern lands, to be vague for spoilers reasons, was actually a very late addition and I think it, in many ways, is what made the game work for me.
I hope you enjoyed MAHTAH! It's a very different game than Stay?, in some ways; and I'm proud of myself in different ways in terms of what I tried to build there.
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chickenparm · 9 months
wip wednesday..... reader’s choice round-up edition
tagged by @adelaidedrubman my beloved... my darling... mi amor...
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS.
i copy-pasted this from liz and i also thought about copying her WIPs too just to see if she'd notice but then i'd have to make stuff up about them and that's so much work so... actual titles are under the cut
Active WIPS: - alhaitham conditioning - like a virgin………..touched for da very 2nd time……… - tradition 9 - spirited away scara
Inactive WIPS: - days in the sun (Wrio/OC stuff) - a CYOA text-based game i'd planned for NaNoWriMo and benched - emotional support bracken
tags: @sweatandwoe @magicalbats @insult-2-injury @vasiktomis @ink-and-dagger @henbased @xanamnesis
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inkstory · 7 months
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When the wind slows but the rustling remains, you follow the source of the noise just a little ways off the path.
You hear the voice just as soon as you part a short shrub. You don't immediately find her, but when your eyes adjust to the dimness of the underbrush, a petite, young girl with green skin and bulging yellow eyes whips her head to stare at you.
"Whuh-- Piss off!" she snaps. She couldn't have been older than 10, so her language was a little off-putting. Her hands clasp tighter and she holds them closer to her chest. You can faintly see dark splotches of some thick liquid over her fingers and scraped knees, but it's hard to make out if it's blood from an injury. Seeing your held interest, the girl looks between you and her hands.
She frowns. "Ears don't work or something? Leave already!"
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thewhumpcaretaker · 26 days
I have some ideas I’ve been kicking around for a choose-your-own-adventure poll game (inspired by @snakebites-and-ink so definitely go check out the CYOA going on over there). I think it would be fun to incorporate a “hearts” system that functions as a trust level with the whumpee, and maybe I can write a special “cutscene” each time the audience builds up enough hearts. I’d want to make it fairly difficult to figure out what’s the right action/dialogue option so that hearts don’t build up too quickly. Maybe we have to juggle resources between helping multiple whumpees, or face two seemingly bad option. I’d also like to try adding in-game combat or other checks via something like a dice roll. Do you patch up whumpee’s wound successfully? Well, you can select the option to try, but I have to make a success roll afterwards if that’s the poll option that wins.
I think that kind of thing would increase the stakes a bit. But it also sounds complicated. So I’m still in the brainstorming stages for now, and thinking aloud.
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yubriamakesart · 2 years
You decide to tell the herd they are good girls.
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It's not very difficult for you because it's your best trick! You focus very hard, projecting both the words and the happy feeling you get when someone says them to you. The herd seems pleased, and you can feel them relaxing more.
It's getting a bit dark, but there's still time to do more before going inside for the night.
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ink-and-dagger · 1 year
I had the strangest dream just now.
I dreamt that I saw you had updated the virgin Silco fic with another part. But the way I found that out was I was in a classroom that had a magic chalkboard that was showing the last part of the fic (where the CYOA poll options were) and then I had to scroll the post on the chalkboard to get to the top so I could read the chapter. But as I was scrolling on this chalkboard (????) It was showing spots that had been erased and rewritten, almost like a Google doc with edits. But again, it's a chalkboard lmao so the edits just looked like that chalk texture when you erase something and write over it. And it had spots that had previously said "ink-and-dagger" but they were now changed to "ink-gangsta." 🤣
So anyway TLDR I'm now dubbing you ink-gangsta.
You dreamin about me bby UwU?
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castershellwrites · 1 year
Ghost of Tsushima CYOA Part 5
This now officially a Jin/Tenzo fic. Rated Teen.
Link to part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
Part 5 of the fic and the poll for part 6 are below the cut.
“We’re going to scout the camp,” Jin whispered. He’d let go of Tenzo’s hand as soon as they’d left the camp, but Tenzo had continued to follow silently in his wake.
Upon hearing Jin’s plan he made a strangled noise of protest. “I thought you knew their defenses!” He scolded.
“I know my uncle’s plans, and how I was trained on Tsushima. It’s possible the Oga Clan samurai have slightly different tactics. Though I doubt that, or that my uncle learned anything after our first failure to take this island.”
“Excuse you, samurai.”
Jin turned to look at Tenzo in confusion. Oh… shit… he’d implied… “I didn’t mean it like that.”
Tenzo groaned and rubbed his face, “I know. I know. I’m working on little sleep here Saki, give me a damn minute.”
They reached the edge of the forest. Jin cursed. The samurai had set up camp in the middle of a field. There were no rocky outcroppings to perch on. There was a river to the south, the woods to the northwest, and yet more plains and a few burnt out husks of houses to the east. Absolutely no cover within bowshot distance. “Fuck,” jin swore aloud.
“We could muster all our forces, try and pin them against the river.”
Jin shook his head, “There’s too much open ground between. They have more horses so they’ll have the advantage in the field.”
“The houses? They’d provide plenty of cover,” Tenzo offered.
“True, but hard to get out of, the samurai again have more horses and would surround whoever used it as cover.”
“Then how do we beat them?” Tenzo asked. His breath clicked. Jin turned to see Tenzo’s hand raised and his mouth opened in exclamation, but he quickly closed it and shook his head.
“You had an idea?” Jin prompted.
“A bad one. You wouldn’t like it…”
Jin sighed. He knew. “Lure them into the gorge, divide their numbers, and pick off the leader.”
“Yeah,” Tenzo groaned.
“I don’t think Shimura would be stupid enough to fall for it.”
Tenzo groaned. “There must be another way.”
“I could walk up to the front gate and announce myself,” Jin said with a quiet laugh.
The expression on Tenzo’s face was clear. It said ‘don’t you dare’.
Jin raised both hands in a placating gesture, “Not the time for jokes. Right. Alright.”
Tenzo frowned and went back to staring out over the field at the well-fortified samurai camp.
Jin joined him in once more surveying the place. Their walls were much sturdier and better defended than the Mongol camps he’d slunk into on Tsushima. He let his eyes roam and counted their numbers. Though it was difficult in the gloom with only starlight to see by he managed to make out Shimura and Oga banners and armor. Considering Tsushima he knew the Oga’s were the bigger threat. Anyone in Shimura garb would be less trained.
His thoughts turned to planning once more. Confronting Shimura alone would get himself killed. Luring them into the gorge was the next best plan, but with the ghost of his father looming over the island it was doubtful anyone would follow the raiders in. Though… ghosts… Jin could—        
Tenzo leaned in and gave Jin a quick peck on the cheek.
“What was that for?!” Jin whispered sharply.
“Well, I didn’t get any action when we slept together, and since we’re going to report back at Fune’s refuce for reinforcements it’ll be a while before I get another chance. Don’t want anyone to think you’re sleeping with a raider.” Tenzo winked and elbowed Jin’s armored side.
Jin scoffed. “Don’t joke about such things. It wouldn’t be such a bad thing… would it?”
“It wouldn’t? … The sleeping or people thinking?”
“Nevermind,” Jin interrupted, “We need to focus on the camp and I—”   
Tenzo kissed him.
Jin’s mind went blank. It was like ink spilled on parchment, thick and heavy, blotting out all words and thoughts that had previously existed. All the neatness and orderliness of tidy calligraphy was replaced with “Black.”
“Black?” Tenzo parroted back.
“Your hair. Your eyes.” Jin paused, town between continuing to cover for his mental slip by blurting out stupid imagery or just giving in and kissing Tenzo again.
“And my pirate heart?” He joked.
“Yes. All of it,” Jin admitted, perhaps a bit too honestly. He leaned forward to steal his own kiss.
Tenzo jerked away, pushing Jin and putting distance between them. “We don’t have time, Jin.”
“R-right.” Jin blushed and rubed a hand across his face, as if scrubbing away the kiss. Tenzo was right. They had to focus. “I was going to say I have an idea. We could bring back The Ghost.”
“Of Tsushima?”
“Iki,” Jin declared. “Kazumasa Saki will ride again.”
“Tell me everything.” Tenzo demanded.
Jin explained his plan, using the Sakai clan armor and the horse’s armor to impersonate his father and his steed. Then, with Jin playing ghost and the raiders support, they could scare or lure the samurai where they wanted them.
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askcometcare · 9 months
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(This is not a CYOA or interactive comic, it’s just being uploaded here for accessibility!)
Sketches by Kittycorn, inks and colors by RJ, Emsody, and Nick
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