#d&d derivatives
immoren · 1 year
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Fun Finnish localization for "dragonborn" (I assume) from local d&d 5th edition version.
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merakiui · 1 year
Seeing your tier lists got me thinking.... do you happen to have one on who's a top, who's a bottom and who's a switch? 👉👈 Asking for myself cause I have theories but I'm curious on your opinion.
:O omg!!!!! I have so many thoughts!! I'd also love to hear your thoughts as well, but as for mine they are noted below! Although truthfully I feel like this list is very flexible and can be arranged in so many ways depending on the context and the dynamic with darling and so many other variables. ^^;;; in no way is it concrete.
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shokupanko · 1 year
Meet Cerulean :D my pals Piko derivative (・。・ )
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Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves was a better prequel/sidequel to the Lord of the Rings movies than Rings of Power, despite not even taking place in the same universe.
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shredsandpatches · 1 year
broke: Faustus sells his soul for power
woke: Faustus genuinely does sell his soul for knowledge
bespoke: Faustus mostly just wants Mephistopheles
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bumblebeebats · 11 months
Getting vague anon hate when you haven't even posted anything controversial lately is actually so funny. Some wordsmith this morning sent me "Kill yourself" and i was like aww, buddy, what's wrong? What was your final straw? Was it the post about DIY jeans repair? The small ceramic pumpkin i got for 2.99? Are you jealous that i got a small ceramic pumpkin for 2.99 and you didn't?
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Watched ‘Charades’ - The Vulcan/Human stuff wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be tbh. Typical Star Trek bioessentialism which I expected. (EXCEPT THE BACON BULLSHIT. WHY DID THEY HAVE HIM EAT BACON? AND THEN PLAY IT FOR LAUGHS??? Of ALL things they had him eat Bacon. It leaves a really bad taste in my mouth since Leonard Nimoy was jewish and seems to have put a lot of that into Spock.) Love T’Pring no notes for T’Pring you were so sweet the whole time. Her holding his hand and subtly giving him tips to make the ritual go smoothly...AAA!! Christine/Spock things sooo boring on their own but as angst for T’Pring? Very good. She wasn’t even gone a DAY before they made out. DUMP! HIS! ASS <3 The phone operator please-hold aliens were very cute to me, I liked them!  Also it introduced the concept of a sacred Vulcan familial roast sesh which is honestly so fucking funny and I adore it. Five minutes on the clock to devastate your future son-in-law, better make it count. The mother-in-law-is-a-bitch and ‘henpecked husband’ thing is SOOOOOO boring though. Boomer comics. The funnier and more interesting option is that they are both equally pretentious but T’Pril is just more committed/has a better eye for things to complain about. 
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dykeseinfeld · 10 months
actually not trying to get involved in controversial political discussions or anything but from an objective academic standpoint religion's inherent relation to nation building..................fascinating
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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“Blood Moon Rising,” Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #19.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Federico Sabbatini; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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jimothy-g-brooks · 8 months
My D&Derivative [Alignment]
Part I
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Instead of the normal 3x3 grid, I have this, a circle that implies a morality system that loops back in on itself. The primary "pure" alignments are the labelled colors there along the cardinal points, Blue, Green, Red and Purple, roughly coordinating with Good, Neutral, Evil and Complicated. However, I'll be sticking with the color names, as the normal alignment names are rather loaded. Using color names lets me control the narrative. There are no truly "in-between" alignments, but each "pure" alignment has a pair of border alignments: Cyan(<-Blue->)Indigo, Lavender(<-Purple->)Rose, Pink(<-Red->)Orange & Yellow(<-Green->)Aqua.
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The colored labels in the corner are the ends of axis used for the alignment system that when mapped out may form a 2x2 grid turned on its side. I preferred a circle, because it accomplished a few things. I thought it was prettier and more unique compared to the grid. I thought it made the idea of each alignment blending into one another easier to visualize, going around in a circle. It brough home an idea that there is no middle ground in the center of an empty circle, you have to pick a side or, more succinctly, a point at the edge of this circle.
Selfless vs Selfish represent motivations, goals and drives, are you trying to broadly help all others or are you only interested in helping you and yours. Competence, capability and comprehension aren't accounted for in this system: It's broadly assumed that the goals you are pursuing are being achieved and your purported selflessness or lack thereof isn't just wishful thinking.
Callous vs Careful isn't disengaged from motivation but it is concerned more with action. Another if somewhat extreme way to put it is Maximizing Harm vs Minimizing Harm. Though the exact form that will take will differ, especially with "Careful", on whether you mean to help others beyond your own connections or just help yourself and your own. If you're of a Callous variety, someone who carelessly or purposefully leaves pain and suffering in your wake, whether your intentions were good or were selfish might be purely academic, or they might make all the difference.
When you go about trying to selflessly help others, do you care about collateral? Are you the type to ruthlessly slaughter every bandit and bandit-adjacent person in the forest to keep a region full of strangers safe? When you capture the slavers' collaborator, do you skip straight to torture to get him to tell you where the children are? What awful things are you willing to do some people to help some other people? And do you do it all because you genuinely trying help, genuinely believe this evil will result in a better good for the world?
While the other alignments can be self-explanatory, the Purple alignment can be harder to pin down but hopefully the above question-prompts help sell the mindset. It should be not outside the realm of possibility for a Blue aligned and Purple aligned character to work together towards a common goal, possibly even operate in the same group long term, albeit with some friction. They both want to help people.
Purple and Red might work together for a little while, if Red can focus on hurting the right people and not attract Purple's ire. Otherwise, Red is exactly the sort of person Purple is looking to hurt. Green and Purple are exact opposites and possibly have the most friction, the least reason to interact. At best, Purple might think of Green as a bystander and, at worst, a small minded petty cowards. Green would consider Purple to be a sanctimonious lunatic who's great crusade is rivalled only by the great body count that crusade leaves behind.
Part II: Greater & Lesser alignments and associated Outsiders
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nehswritesstuffs · 1 year
fly little seagull, the world awaits - [MASTERPOST]
I figure it’s probably a good idea to put all the links in one post, so here we are (though this might be subject to change if AUs of the AU are written). Post subject to change with additional fics.
fly little seagull, the world awaits - 51k words - AU where Law takes in an orphan child during the timeskip and becomes her Cora-san
Chapter One: Bepo finds something on a morning walk that brings massive change to the Polar Tang. [7423 words; Heart Pirates’ Accidental Child Acquisition AU] 
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Chapter Two: With Nauja now a fixture on the ship, Law and the rest of the Hearts adjust to having a child in-tow. [8344 words; AU where Law accidentally lets the adoption cycle continues]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3] 
Chapter Three: Law learns what Cora-san possibly felt thirteen years ago in probably the worst way possible. [9709 words; AU where Law realizes he accidentally became a dad while staring down canon events]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3] 
Chapter Four: Doflamingo is in Impel Down. Strawhat-ya is going to rescue his crewmate. The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance has begun shifting gears. An entire nation is ready to break its shackles and rise. Law just wants to keep his daughter safe through it all. [11,188 words; AU where Trafalgar Law gets forcefully assimilated into the Unconventional Single Dads Club]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3] 
Chapter Five: Onigashima shall rise and fall. A boy shall become a man. Friends shall part ways. A certain legacy shall come full-circle despite the need to be broken. [14,616 words; AU where history repeats itself in the worst way]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Additional storylines under the cut!
little seagull, little seagull, where shall you go? - 95.1k words - combination of fly little seagull, the world awaits and other alternate storylines
fly little seagull, you’re too far from the nest - 24.8k words - alternate Dressrosa events
Chapter One: Just as Law gets a lead on a safe haven for the crew, his reasons for storming Dressrosa become increasingly more personal. [6331 words; AU where Law accidentally becomes a dad and Doflamingo finds himself an heir]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Chapter Two: While the people love a good princess, the princess in question isn’t exactly keen on the idea herself. [7826 words; AU where Doflamingo kidnaps a child and Law is determined to get her back]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Chapter Three: It’s always been about revenge, only now it’s also over the future herself. [10,701 words; AU where Law does for a child what Cora-san did for him and lives to tell the tale]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
fly little seagull, that rock can be home - 18.9k - Law choosing a kinder revenge than suicide-by-Doflamingo, by raising his daughter
Chapter One: Law is about to leave the Polar Tang as he heads to certain Death on Dressrosa. Then he goes to say goodbye to one specific person, only for half a lifetime’s worth of motivation to vanish in an instant. [8568 words]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Chapter Two: With a backwater island located, a father and daughter adjust to their new life. [10,387 words]
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Chapter Three: coming soon
[tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Please remember that comments, reblogs, fun tags, reviews, and general interaction are appreciated!
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thevagueambition · 8 months
My work has an address check that takes info from Google maps right and trying to check anyone outside of continental Europe is Hell. Like even Ireland, what do you mean there is no number? Also as a side note you really learn about colonialism from like, the languages people speak and how the addresses are formatted.
Yeaahhh lol there's a Lot to this sort of thing
What I interact with most is the ways that danish addresses get messed up people unfamiliar with them and/or by software not designed for our address syntax
Addresses for apartments are typically structured like
so something like "Eksempelgade 2, 1. TV"
Meaning "On Eksempelgade number 2, on the first floor, the door to the left"
Which is ofc extremely intuitive to me but when I look at foreign adresses more complicated than just a street name and number, I definitely feel lost XD
What tends to get messed up for danish adresses is the order of the numbers, which makes it dififcult to tell which is the street and which is the floor, or maybe the numbers being misinterpreted as one number rather than two distinct ones (21 rather than 2 and 1st, in the example above)
Which, while obviously different countries have different types of housing with different structures and thus different typical adresses, if there was a universally agreed upon syntax for addresses, you at least wouldn't run into the problem of the order being mangled and thus distorting the inteded meaning!
I'm sure practically every country has something about their addresses that is often misinterpreted by foreigners/software not designed for their types of addresses
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iii-days-grace · 10 months
vampires can only take medicines derived from plants because they were once-living things
(that's actually a LOT of drugs including common ones like aspirin, morphine, some heart medicines, chemotherapy drugs, and of course a lot of the fun recreational ones)
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tomboyfriends · 11 months
saying a bunch of slurs doesn't make those slurs apply to you btw. you just sound like an edgy 10 year old on xbox live
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
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OC-tober: Old
Milo, my SON! my BABY BOY
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Okay SO the professor supervising my research officially made me project leader on one of my pet projects and on one hand I am very honored. But on the other hand I am anxious as hELL because I genuinely really, really struggle with project management. Delegation, communication, sending concise and clear emails on time- all of these are points of weakness that have resulted in me sinking projects I really care about in the past. 
I really don’t want that to happen again. But I’m kinda petrified. I feel like I ruin everything I touch, that I’m really good at starting things but apparently incapable of finishing them, stranding people and ideas and inevitably letting everyone who ever believed in me down. 
Which is not a productive way to think but it is true. In a sense. I have meaningfully, unambiguously fucked up in the past and probably will again. That much is inarguable. But also. I care about my work, and sincerely believe there is something about my idea that is valuable. Worthy of proper exploration. Even if it fails, I want it to fail on its own merits, not because I was so afraid of failing and so paralyzed by executive dysfunction that I didn’t even bother pushing it to see how far it can actually go. 
I guess all that is to say I am excited and scared in equal measure. So... nothing to do at this point but try, right? 
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