#now styx idia is a top >:)
merakiui · 9 months
Seeing your tier lists got me thinking.... do you happen to have one on who's a top, who's a bottom and who's a switch? 👉👈 Asking for myself cause I have theories but I'm curious on your opinion.
:O omg!!!!! I have so many thoughts!! I'd also love to hear your thoughts as well, but as for mine they are noted below! Although truthfully I feel like this list is very flexible and can be arranged in so many ways depending on the context and the dynamic with darling and so many other variables. ^^;;; in no way is it concrete.
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Reverse Proposal ~ *Idia Shroud*
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Summary: Ortho informs you of Idia's idea to propose to you. As sweet as the thought is, you thought you would be the one to propose first. So you decide to put your plan into action that night...
Pairing: Idia Shroud X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1311
Warning: Post-Graduation
Taglist: @savanaclaw1996 @goseew
Ortho was concerned about his big brother, which was never a good sign. You knew he was worried when he asked you to meet with him on short notice. Your concern grew when you saw him pacing his room and trying to find the right words to say to you.
“Look, Ortho, dear, if it’s bad news, just tell me fast, like ripping off a band-aid.” You tried to assure him, though you weren’t sure you could handle bad news.
He paused. “I think Idia wants to propose to you.”
You blinked in shock. Well this was certainly an unexpected turn of events. Sure, you and Idia had been dating for several years, both at Night Raven and post-graduation. But you didn't think he'd be the one to want to propose. You kind of just figured that would fall to you, which you were more than okay with. 
As you sat there thinking over Ortho's words, your silence only elevated his sense of worry.
"At least that's what I think." He explained. "But with how he's been acting recently, I'm almost certain he wants to propose. He's been talking about his love for you more often and I've seen him look at jewelry store websites. From my research, those are all sign's that someone wants to propose to their significant other."
“Ortho.” You say with a soft smile. “I planned on proposing to him.”
His eyes widened with shock before crinkling in the corners as he smiled. "Really?! Oh, that makes me so happy to hear! You and big brother Idia deserve each other!"
You giggled at his excitement and pulled a small box out of your pocket to show him the engagement band you  purchased a couple days ago. “See? I picked it out myself. Do you think he'll like it?”
He nodded eagerly. "Oh, he'll love it! It's very pretty! I'm so excited to have you as my sister-in-law!"
With warm cheeks, you nodded. “That is, if you’ll have me.”
“Of course! Big Brother Idia really cares for you and never stops talking about you!” He explained before quickly adding, “And I like you too, of course.”
You chuckled and patted the top of his head, much to his pleasure. “That's good to hear, Ortho. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go propose to your brother.”
“Be prepared for tears.” Ortho nodded all matter-of-fact like. "He is sure to cry a river as long as the River Styx from your proposal."
You laughed and nodded. You had no doubt Idia was going to cry. But you didn't mind. You were just excited to finally propose to him.
It surprisingly didn’t take you long to get a plan together on how to go about your proposal. You wanted to keep things simple, sweet, and all about him. You didn't want to overwhelm him more when was already going to be emotional. A nice dinner at home with all his favorite foods sounded like just the way to go. And then you would slide the ring across the table, pop the question, and boom! You two would be engaged!
You got butterflies just thinking about it!
As you were cooking in the kitchen, you heard a soft knock on the wall. There was Idia, smiling sweetly at you. "I'm home."
You returned his smile. "How was your day, dearest?"
He shrugged and watched you cook. "It was fine. And yours?"
"Not too bad."
"What are you making?"
You smile at the food on the stove, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. “Your favorite.”
"Oh, really?" He sounded surprised. "Is today a special occasion? Did I forget an anniversary?!"
You chuckle and shake your head. "No, I just felt like doing something special for you. Is that alright?"
He smiled widely and nodded. "That's more than alright. Thank you, my love. Thank you very much."
"You're very welcome." You press a kiss to his cheek, making his hair burn red. "Do you mind setting the table? I'm almost done here."
He nodded and before too long, you were both eating and enjoying each other’s company at your little dining table. Of course Idia complimented your cooking, saying it was the best thing he’s ever eaten in his entire life. You listened to him talk about his day and he listened to you talk about yours. In the back of your head, you were squealing about the sweet domesticity of the moment and how the two of you would soon be doing this for the rest of your lives.
You couldn’t wait, but you planned to pop the question during dessert, so you had to be patient for just a little bit longer.
When you were done with the main meal, you mentioned dessert, and while you prepared it, he did the dishes. This was the perfect opportunity to check your pocket to make sure you still had the ring. It would be super embarrassing if you had to quickly sneak into your room to grab it. However, you had the ring. You were set and ready to put this plan into action.
You let him take a couple of bites of dessert before you took a deep breath and grabbed the ring from your pocket. Setting it on the table, you slowly slid it in between the two of you. Your eyes never left his face, gauging his reaction.
Idia’s eyes widened as he followed your hand. He had stopped chewing and stared at the ring before him. You had no idea what he was running through his head, but you wished you did. He looked thoroughly freaked out and that was the last thing you wanted. But you were too far to turn back now.
Taking a deep breath, you said, “Idia, dearest, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and I finally came to a conclusion. I love you so much, I can’t imagine spending even a single day apart. So I want to ensure we will never have to. Will you marry me?”
There was a pause. 
You held your breath.
“You-” He breathed. “You really want to marry me?”
Nodding, you answered him, “Yes, I really do. And, in case you were worried, Ortho gave me his blessing. He was practically bouncing off the walls when I told him my plan.”
He shook his head as tears welled in his eyes. “I’m not all that worried about Ortho. He already loves you. I’m just shocked about this proposal. I don’t know what to say.”
Before you could reply, he pulled a ring of his own and handed it to you sheepishly. You gasped at the simple but elegant band studded with little sparkly sapphires. It was perfect. You couldn’t have picked a better ring if you had gone with him when he purchased it.
“I’ve wanted to propose to you for the longest time, but I was just so scared. I thought you'd say no and I'd lose you forever. But now, I'm not scared anymore. You make it so that I’m not scared of anything. You have stood by me during my lowest point and continue to push me when I’m at the top of my game. You’re everything I could want and more. I would love to spend the rest of our lives together.”
Tears pricked your eyes and you whispered, “I would love to marry you too, Idia.”
He gently took your hand and slid the ring onto your finger. You put your ring on his finger, keeping hold of his hand and rubbing a thumb over his knuckles. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“It’s like we just got married with this exchange of rings.”
Idia chuckled as he said, “Well, I guess there’s only one thing left to do.”
“And that is?”
“I may now kiss the bride.”
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zinfindoll · 6 months
Swan Song | M. Draconia — 02. campus visit
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[ previous chapter | index | next chapter (coming soon!) ]
Rating: T CW: use of [Y/n], she/her pronouns for reader, swearing, mild violence
Author's Note: so much happens in this chapter! i really hope you all enjoy it, and apologies for the delay! ♥♥ finally get to be reunited with malleus next chapter !
Earlier that day....
There weren't many things that surprised Lilia Vanrouge nowadays.  Part of it was just his age — 700+ years of living would do that to anybody.  The other part was that, in his last year at Night Raven College, he had pretty much seen it all, thanks to an otherworldly traveler who, despite being magicless, had fought off a plethora of overblots and managed to practically unite the school.
Leave it to this little human to be the one to surprise him once more.
Lilia Vanrouge had been enjoying his retirement, living a cozy life away from all the chaos and spending his days picking up new hobbies, improving his cooking, and playing video games.  Today was gaming day since a new event was starting in the co-op him and Idia were currently playing, but as he was setting up his computer, he decided to check his phone.  There was no reason to, but something in him was compelled to pick it up and open up Magicam...
Only to see that one person he thought would never be seen again was online.
Lilia's eyebrows raised.  Nobody had her account information, but the account was kept up for classmates to look back and reminisce.
Before he could even do anything, a text came through from Idia, talking about how he was still caught up in something and might not be able to play today.  Naturally, Lilia immediately asked if it was about the former Ramshackle prefect's sudden online presence, only to earn a 'what???????'.
The old fae hadn't planned on spending his day on the phone with Idia trying to figure out what was going on, but that's how it ended up.
"IDK how this is happening... ugh, terrible timing, too..." Idia grumbled over the phone.
"Ahh, that's right.  You're still working on those missing persons cases, right?"  That... was another worrisome thing.
Idia was silent for a moment.  "Yeah...  Nobody has been found yet."
Lilia couldn't offer any reassurances, but he did know that their previous classmates going missing was certainly worrisome.  Among other things going on in the world...  He wondered if it was related to the prefect's return.
Idia clearly thought the same thing.  "Ortho's running a scan now.  Are we having a sequel or something..?" 
"Big Brother!  The signal is gone!"
Sure enough, the prefect was no longer online.  Lilia could hear Idia's groaning over the line, and after a bit more talking, the two hung up with Lilia mentioning he would tell Idia if it happened again.
With this on top of three former NRC students missing...  Lilia couldn't help the foreboding feeling in his chest that he may be having to come out of retirement.
Idia Shroud couldn't stop thinking about the earlier phone call with Lilia and the fact that the former Ramshackle prefect had been online.  Even if it was only for moments, it was still bugging him.  He didn't need this added stress — and as cool as the prefect was, there was trouble wherever she went.  Not that she wanted said trouble, but she unfortunately had that main character energy that naturally attracted it.  Cool, but completely overwhelming for Idia at times.
Pouring over the files in front of him, Idia kept on going over the security footages of the latest disappearance.  Due to the nature of the disappearances, STYX had been tasked to look into them — and since Idia had gone to school with the victims, they were hoping to get added insight.
So of course, this meant more work for Idia.  And he would complain that it dug into his video game time (especially since Project Idol came out with a new installment), but deep down he was worried.  Not just for the ones who disappeared, but if things kept up...  He had a feeling it wasn't going to stop.
"Big Brother!  The prefect is online again!"
This caught Idia's attention.
Immediately switching monitors, Idia had started to try and track the location signal.  Moments later, his phone started ringing, and Idia picked it up.
"I know, I'm on it," Idia told Lilia curtly.
The signal was weak — but it was there.  Idia could hear conversation in the background on the phone, but he didn't pay much attention to it as he continued to trace the signal.
"Got it!"  Idia cheered a bit too loudly, cringing at himself immediately.  Thankfully, Lilia didn't comment on his voice and instead asked Idia to send the location.  Idia did moments later — better Lilia than him.  He did not want to travel and see what the hell was going on over there.
"Wait— Malleus!"
Idia cringed as he heard Lilia's stern voice call out to him, using his first name rather than his newly-appointed title.  After a few moments, Lilia sighed.  "That child...  I suppose I'll follow him.  Maybe it's for the best.  I was getting outta practice as it is!"  Despite the bravado of cheer, Lilia sounded bone-weary.
"Um..  yeah.  GL, HF," Idia told Lilia, who chortled and thanked him before hanging up.
And Idia couldn't help to think once more about how everything happening was probably connected right now.
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Keeping an eye on the signal to make sure it didn't disappear once more, Idia went back to work, rapidly typing away at his keyboard.
Even through the bad resolution that was no doubt the product of terrible service, you would recognize the two faces anywhere.  Six years had passed since you had last seen them, but they still looked more-or-less the same, if not more mature.  Just by a bit, though.
"YO it's actually you!" Ace exclaimed, the audio cutting out a bit.  You could see Deuce attempting to shove more of himself into the frame.
"Dude, move over!"
You were quick to cut them off before they started bickering.  "How... Shit, I mean— what the fuck is going on?!"
It was hard to get your thoughts together.  So much was happening, between the mirror and the earthquakes and now this!  You struggled to wrap your head around it all, and you knew it was all connected somehow.  There was no way it wasn't.
"We don't know either," Deuce responded.  "But it's bad over here!"  The audio started to glitch out worse.  "Riddle is — ing!"
"Wait, what?  I can barely hear you!"
"Riddle is missing!" Ace said louder, static still crackling.
"Wait, what?!" You repeated, although this time you did hear them, you just couldn't believe it.  Riddle was missing?!  How the hell was that possible?
They started to say something else just as the ground began to shake again.  It started out gentle before it seemed to get worse.  You vaguely heard Yuna call your name as you toppled onto the grass, your phone nearly flying out of your grasp as you waited for the tremors to stop.  Almost distantly you could hear people screaming, car alarms going off violently at the earthquake.
You weren't sure how long this one lasted.  Between Ace and Deuce yelling for you, Yuna yelling by your ear, the screaming and the car alarms...  It was overwhelming.  You squeezed your eyes shut, fists clenching at the grass as you waited for it to stop.
Even when it did, you felt as if the world was still trembling around you.  You were barely aware as Yuna helped you to your feet.  She looked disheveled and frazzled; no doubt you matched her appearance.
"Are you okay?" Yuna asked, her glasses askew.  You nodded.
She gave you a shaky nod, before her eyes widened, looking behind you.
You turned around to see what she was looking at, only to feel the blood leave your face.
The mirror wasn't just leaking blot — it was now bubbling, hitting the grass in acidic splashes that killed the plant life.
"Guys..."  You turned to face the phone camera at the mirror, hearing broken up exclamations from your friends at the sight.
"Is that blot?!"
Deuce spoke up over Ace.  "I thought your world didn't have magic!"
"It doesn't!"  But even despite the irrefutable fact that magic didn't exist in your world, the blot kept pouring fourth, covering the entire surface of the mirror and pooling dangerously on the ground around it.  You dragged Yuna back with you as you noticed the pool of blot getting closer and closer to your feet.
What were you even supposed to do in this situation?!  It's not like you could just magic it away!
"You have more of those magic friends, right?"  Yuna asked, grabbing at your arm without tearing her gaze away from the mirror.  You nodded, your mouth dry.
"Uh... yeah."
"Can you Instalive it?  Or whatever their version of Instagram is called?"
That was...  Actually a good idea.
"Guys, I'm hanging up to live stream this in hopes others will see this," you told them.
You hung up before they could say 'goodbye'.  Unfortunately, you didn't have a lot of time right now.  Fumbling with the Magicam app, you managed to get to the livestream feature, immediately making sure the camera was facing the mirror as you hurriedly began to try and explain the situation.  You noticed a couple of usernames, but tried to ignore the comments as Cater immediately started to bombard you.
"What the hell is that."
You looked over your phone at the mirror, only to see in horror what was rising up from it.
A blot creature.
Well, sort of.
It was clearly fashioned out of blot, but it didn't look like the previous blot monsters you had faced off again.  It was a lot smaller, with a dripping, goopy head rather than a glass bulb.  It almost looked like a Kingdom Hearts villain, but more...  Malleable?  Liquid?
Either way, it definitely didn't bring forth any positive feelings.
And of course, because life really liked testing you, more of these mini blot monsters started to form.
"Oh fuck me," you muttered under your breath.  Before you could even say anything in the live stream to see if somebody had an idea to help, your phone powered off, dead.  Probably for the best — you were going to need both hands for whatever shit this was about to be.
Yuna called out your name in a panic as you both backed up.  Those who were outside immediately noticed the monsters appearing, phone cameras popping out to video this when all you wanted to do was to yell at them to fucking run!  
But... the monsters didn't seem to care much about you or anybody else around.  They all started to crawl towards your dorm.  Exchanging confused glances at Yuna, you tried to think of what the hell could be important in the dorm unless something was hidden in there.
Like, say, a shoebox under your bed.
You swore again.  "Yuna, we have to get back to the room."
"Are you out of your mind?!"
"I think they're after something I brought back from Twisted Wonderland!"
"Then let them have it!"
You gave her an exasperated look before sighing.  You didn't have time to argue this right now!  Shaking your head and gritting your teeth, you started to run towards the dorm, ignoring the burn in your legs and lungs.  Yuna cried out in frustration behind you before following you.
It was nice to know that your current roomie was apparently a ride or die at the very least.
"If we get killed, I'm going to kill you!" she shouted at you as the two of you ran into the building, avoiding the monsters as if they were the plague.  You skidded to a stop by the door, grabbing the fire extinguisher mounted crookedly on the wall.  It wasn't a great weapon... But it was better than trying to square up with a blot monster with your bare hands and wet noodle arms.
The weird thing about these monsters was that they didn't have the helmet heads.  Without hesitation, you swung the fire extinguisher down on one that got too close to you and Yuna, only for it to immediately splatter into harmless ink all over you both and the walls.  Some got in your mouth, tasting like dirt and ash.  Ew.
Ignoring Yuna's commentary, you continued to run up the stairs, mind racing.  The blot didn't sting — not that you were complaining, of course.  Not to mention there were so many, and as long as you didn't get in their way, they didn't seem aggressive.  And that made you wonder...
Was it actually blot?  Or was it the product of somebody's unique magic?
Maybe you were overthinking it.  You tended to do that a lot, paranoia being one of your best friends, but there was a hell of a good reason for that.  Your time in Twisted Wonderland had unfortunately taught you to be wary and cautious of everybody you met, to suspect everybody had ulterior motives.
Besides — how else could this all be happening?  Somebody had to be behind it.  But if they were, were they behind the earthquakes and other disasters happening?
Ugh.  You wished you had more time to think, but time was of the essence.
"There's so many...!"
Yuna was kicking at them, and a part of you feared of her after you saw her splatter three without breaking a sweat.
Note to self: don't ever get kicked by Yuna.
Thankfully, there were none of these monsters in your dorm room yet.  Shutting the door behind yourselves, you immediately went to pull the shoebox out from under your bed, trying to sift through the items.
"Um?!  Do we have time to go through everything right now?!"
. . . Yuna had a point.  Grabbing your backpack, you started to dump all of the items inside, one of them catching your attention.  Without thinking twice, you caught it, gazing at the shimmering green gem stone.
It was a simple necklace, with a silver chain and what was apparently green sapphire.  It looked simple, but considering the gift giver, it no doubt cost more than your college tuition.
"Come on!"
Slipping the necklace on, you grabbed the backpack and started to leave the dorm room — only to get swarmed.  Yuna shrieked, kicking one away from you and stomping on it as you two traversed the narrow hallways once more to leave the dorm.  Now the monsters seemed to be targeting you, which proved your theory right.  Something in that shoebox was attracting them.  But what the hell was it?
Progress was annoyingly slow but eventually you and Yuna made it out in the fresh air again.  There seemed to be no end of the small monsters, and you could feel yourself getting winded.  Yuna didn't look much better.
"What now?" she asked.  You didn't have an answer, grimacing as one got you with sharp claws through your jeans.
"Hell if I know," you responded breathlessly.  Wait until the cops show up?  What could they even do?
The ground started to shake again.  It hindered the monsters as much as it hindered you, and you and Yuna held onto each other, attempting to stay upright to no avail.  It didn't take long for both of you to topple like dominos — the pavement you were standing on was less forgiving than the grass you fell on earlier, but you could barely focus on the numbing pain as you saw the ground cracking a few feet away from where you and Yuna were.
Through the earthquake, you could shakily make out something larger leaving the mirror, squeezing through and ballooning out.  Yuna watched it with wide, horrified eyes; you were sure your expression mirrored hers.
It was nothing like the small menaces from before.  This thing was the size of your dorm, with large, bat-like, inky wings that dripped blot threateningly.  On it's head was the signature black helmet of a blot monster, and its talons tore up the grass as it stepped out of the mirror.
It was horrifying.
And it was the exact same creature from your nightmares.
As the ground stopped shaking, you pulled yourself and Yuna up, your legs feeling both like jelly and lead at the same time.
"Run," you breathed, tapping Yuna's arm without looking at her.  "RUN!"
The two of you started to bolt just as the blot monster swooped down, cleaving through the pavement and causing you and Yuna to dive in separate directions.  You barely registered the stinging scrape of pavement against your flesh, scrambling to your feet as the monster instantly turned to you.
Welp...  At least Yuna will hopefully be safe, because there was absolutely no chance you could dodge this one.
Flinching as the monster dove straight at you, you couldn't help but call out the one person you needed most, wishing for one last time to have been able to see him.
And if you opened your eyes, you would have noticed the fireflies appearing around you.
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Vil, Jade: Wanting to Shine
Schoenheit mama lore 👁️ Mmm, somehow TWST keeps managing to impress me with just how diverse its families are. There are characters with bad relationships with their guardians, characters with good relationships with their guardians, and then… non-existent relationships altogether. Ruggie is one such example (since his mom died before he had the chance to know her), and now we have Vil as well… I wonder why he feels so impersonal toward his mother?? 🤔I hope we can find out more details someday.
Aaanyway, sorry that this is so late, I got super busy with irl things 😅 but happy belated birthday, Vil!! (xbjsvsjwnz Right as Ruggie’s Broomquet art was revealed too lol) ***WARNING: spoilers for episode 6 of the main story!!***
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What would you like to do this next year?”
Jade glanced up from his clipboard. “If the answer is to come from someone as tenacious as yourself, Vil-san… Your goals must be ambitious indeed.”
“Ara, is that so? Sharp, aren’t you?” Vil tucked a finger under his chin. “You would be correct in your assumption.”
“You’re but 18 years of age, and one age my senior—yet you’ve already accomplished a great many things, much of which the common man can only dream of. “Modeling for the top fashion brands, playing the lead roles in a number of feature films… Many, many accolades,” Jade chuckled, his voice dropping to a gentle purr. “What more do you hope to do?”
“My, you’ve got quite the grasp on my resume.” Vil’s brows pinched slightly. “However, you misunderstand one key point.”
“Oya? And what might that be?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Vil laughed, tipping his head back with a smirk. “This is nowhere near the pinnacle of my career. No—there is much more that I will achieve.
“For starters, I wish to expand the scope of my presence on set. I’ve dabbled in directing and producing my own modest works through my Film Research Club, but there is still much more for me to learn. Before I graduate, I would like to leave my mark in that area.”
His lips pulled into a smile—small but proud and genuine. “At present, we are working on a short film. The plan is to submit it to a contest and to take home the grand prize.
“Everyone is putting forth their best effort to make that dream into reality." Vil's deep-set amethyst eyes twinkled with fire. "Life makes no promises, so we must seize our stories and write our own fates."
"Spoken like a true leader--how commendable. We underclassmen truly have a wonderful senpai to look up to."
Vil allowed his broom to lean into the crook of an elbow. "I'm no stranger to compliments, but I shudder to hear it coming from you. It's far more benign coming from Rook or Ortho."
"Ah, that reminds me. Ortho-san recently joined the Film Research Club, yes? How does he fare under your tutelage?"
“Need you even ask? Of course I've welcomed him with open arms. He is proving himself to be an excellent asset for our productions. There are many things that only Ortho is capable of doing, from special effects and audio to getting clear aerial shots.
"His acting has also improved considerably. A bit clumsy at first, but with time and observation he has quickly learned. It's impressive just how much Ortho's 'heart' comes through in his performances."
"Oya, such high praise. Idia-san must be a proud big brother."
"Indeed, Ortho is a star on set." Vil tossed his hair over a shoulder. He still smiled, but there was now a cold, lethal beauty edging his lips. "He's setting a high bar for the other spudlings--but I won't be outdone by him, nor by anyone else.
There was a hesitance, the soft sucking of breath through teeth, and then... "Do you recall when I returned from Styx? The state that I was in?"
"How could I forget? Why, you were so old and withered, we barely recognized you as the same glamorous Vil Schoenheit that graces magazine covers and TV screens. It was very memorable, fufufu."
"Stop that grinning before I smack that smirk right off of your face," Vil snapped. (Jade immediately obliged.) "As I was saying, that experience... it opened my eyes to a great number of realizations."
"Oh? You don't say."
Vil nodded. "It was like my life was flashing before my eyes. A full 18 years of memories and feelings colliding at once, and the chilling thought that I would soon be robbed of what little life I had remaining, my future stolen from me... It was terrifying.
"But you know what? I'm glad for having gone through it. Unpleasant as it was... I looked into that mirror and walked away with a glimpse of what lies far ahead for me--and I am here now, able to make the most of the present.
Vil lifted a hand, cupping the stars above in his fingers. "When I live, I want to shine. I want to put my best effort into every piece, every production, that I am a part of. With my name and face out to the public, I can reach more hearts, inspire more people. Then..."
He lowered his hand, fingers closed in a fist--as though he had fished a precious piece of starlight right out of the sky. Vil's lashes were heavy, fluttering like petals in the wind upon his cheeks.
"... That would most definitely carry on into the future. Not just into my future, but into the futures of all I have impacted through my acting. My spirit has become a part of them--and through the lives I have touched, my spirit is alive, and I will continue to shine. That is the power of art and media: it persists long after the creators are no longer with us."
“I see." Jade spoke delicately, as though he, too, were bewitched by the beauty before him.
Such raw, overwhelming charisma and determination. Such… power.
The eel suppressed his mirth.
“In that way, you would be leaving a piece of yourself with the organization. Long after you have graduated, your legacy will still live on in the Film Research Club and through your countless fans."
"You understand."
Vil held his interviewer's gaze. There was a solidarity to their silence, a knowingness, a mutual agreement, between the two. The night, its moon, and the stars, were their audience upon that shared stage.
"My 'beauty' will be eternal, no matter the age I am. I'm certain of it."
His declaration was loud and resolute against the night.
Above the duo, the hands of a grand clock tower turned, locking them--and Vil's promise--into place. Bells roared to life, ringing in a new hour with their deep, reverberating song.
Bing-bong, ding-dong! Ding-dong, bing-bong!
The time of reckoning had arrived.
"I believe that's my signal to exit stage left." Vil swept his broom in an elegant arc. Pink, violet, and maroon particles fell from the bouquet affixed to one end.
"Yes, we wouldn’t want you to keep your beloved fanbase waiting.” Jade took a step back and dipped into a bow. His eyes humbly lowered to the ground, he said, “I wish you safe travels—and the best of luck with your endeavors.”
“Hmph, just who do you take me for?” Vil planted himself on the handle of his broom. He folded his arms, assuming a haughty stance. “I don’t need luck, I’m confident in my own abilities to see my goal through to the very end.
“Now then… Be sure to sear this image into your memories. There won’t be many opportunities for you to witness me at the height of bloom.”
“As you wish.”
With that, Vil departed, his broom rising steadily before sailing off into the darkened sky. Poised, and as close to perfection as he could manage.
A wayward spring breeze tousled his flaxen locks. Silver moonlight wove itself into the gold of his hair, seeping into the cream of his skin.
Petals scattered around him, swarming the birthday boy in a storm of flowers. Vil caught one between his thumb and forefinger—a petal so rose-red it was like blood upon freshly fallen snow. He planted a tender kiss upon it before releasing it back to the wind.
The illuminated face of the clock tower cast him in a heavenly glow. His silhouette, sharp.
A beautiful promise for the future.
Jade smiled after him. Not warmly, but not coldly either.
I’ve learned many things about Vil-san today. Yes… many, many interesting things.
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cheerleaderman · 2 months
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Iris Valor
A innocent looking boy with a love for machinery, despite his more friendly  appearance his rumored unique magic that has some steering clear .
Twst-The Moral potion(Hercules)
Mischievous, ambitious , private , observant, intelligent,stubborn, can just into new things quickly, more on the energetic side, quick learner, likes to find work arounds , gossip not one to go around saying things but can’t deny they’ll listen in.
Basic info
Age: 17
Voice claim: Eng- Shikanoin Heizou -Genshin impact JP- Manjiro sano - Tokyo revengers
Height: 166cm
Birthday: November 14
Class: 2-D
Dominant hand: Left
Hometown: ???-Island of woe in the care of STYX
Family: Travis Valor (father-deceased) Violet Stone (Mother-????)
Nickname: Axolotl(Floyd) Monsieur observateur (Rook) super villain (Idia) Rainbow/rain(Nora, Elara, Dion,Idia+other friends) Ortho only calls him by his first name
Favorite food/drink: cheese burgers, slushies , cheesecake
Hobbies/likes: tinkering with machines , mystery/stealth games, collecting items, studying ancient texts , fun earrings, stickers, lab coats, rainbows , sheep , cute stuff, trying new things
Dislike: Needles, being asked about his unique magic, sour candy, broccoli, the feeling of lipstick on his lips
Best subject: Ancient magic
Club: Flim appreciation 
Talent: deciphering Ancient text, typing/ writing quickly without making mistakes
Unique magic: Every last drop
Can drain the life energy out of any living thing he touches. When in use Iris will see a bottle slowly draining than represents how much energy is left in that person. Once it’s completely empty they person will die if not said person will feel extremely tired and weak depending how much was drained recovery is also dependent on this.If Iris is upset he can speed up the process.
He can also use it to just see how much life energy someone has left.
Iris hasn’t used his unique magic since he was 8 and refuses to use it. He will have to be heavily triggered into using it.
Now make haste
This must not waste
To say on top
You must drink
Till the very last drop  
More info
-Iris is mute so he communicates from a tablet, writing or sign language (In the game sense the voice would be coming out of the tablet, what he’s thinking/signing, If Iris is writing the other person will be reading what he wrote)
-deathly afraid of needles
-Has a great memory
-Has meet Og!Ortho before his death
- Idia and Ortho view Iris as a cousin and Elara sees him as a brother.
- Is referred to as cute and pretty ( Don’t fall for that innocent looking face-Idia)
- Their table was broken by people in an attempt to bully them during his first year and Iris got incredibly sad because the Shroud parents gifted it to him for getting into NRC. The others were pissed hearing what had happened but first they repaired the table with a bunch of new upgrades.
- started taking a liking to machines while look at some of Idia’s old blue prints and was given some of the unfinished or failed projects to tinker with. When Ms. Shroud learned about this she hoped on the opportunity to teach them.
- Their mother taught him how to read ancient texts and different languages before her disappearance
- His mom went on a work trip and never came back no one knows what happened to her
- Lab coats reminds him of his parents
-Meet Idia , Og!Ortho and Elara while they were sneaking to see the new kid and Iris ran into Idia sobbing because they were trying to give him shots.
-Iris always has some kind of snacks on them which Floyd will probably take if in the mood
-Since Iris is mute Vil changed up the audition for him a bit and asked Iris to reenact on of his scene through movement and facial expressions- A show don’t tell
- Iris was mainly interested in the behind the scenes of film production while joining the club
- Has a big collection due to dorm mates giving him their duplicates from blind boxes and things like that because they know he’ll take it.
- Idia calls Iris a super villain for how mischievous they can be. Like Idia called them a pet one time and the next day  Iris is playing his pre-teen playlist that he had deleted from a existence 
- Doesn’t take it to heart when others stay away from him
- One of his friends is from Pomefiore is named Yvonne and she basically just claimed them on site. She does his nails using them as a guinea pig for new designs but Iris likes them so doesn’t really care as long as she keeps them short.
-Bit of a Jack of all trades because they like trying new things
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Iris was born in a research facility kinda like STYX. His father was teacher in charge of the other kids in the facility and his mother was a researcher studying ancient materials. He was known to be an intelligent child growing in interest in ancient texts like his mother.
When Iris was 5 he developed his unique magic while holding a plant seeing some kind of bottle that was draining. Telling his parents they were shocked and did their best to help Iris understand his magic given that their both magic less. During that time Iris caught the interest of the doctor who is in a different facility   offering to study Iris abilities. The parents refused getting a weird feeling from said doctors.
Over the next 3 years the doctor would continue to offer taking Iris in even trying to talk to Iris when his parents were away.  This scared Iris making him refusing to leave his parents side. Even after his mother’s disappearance he was basically glued to his father.
The day of his father death is something he’ll always remember.
Iris killed two people that day the Doctor and his father.
Father said that there would be some people visiting and that they needed to pack up some things. When they were leaving Iris saw the doctor come up behind his father.
The doctor stabbed his father with some needle and tried to drag him away. He used his unique magic, he had to get away from that man. Iris just wanted to weaken the man but from the distress he didn’t pay attention to the bottle draining quickly. Once the doctor let go he ran back to his father
With his father what ever the doctor injected into had his dad in pain. They tried to get to the place where they needed to go but Father couldn’t make it. The pain was unbearable , he was coughing up blood and he couldn’t move anymore so Iris used his unique magic so that his dad wouldn’t die in pain. The bottle was less than half full and was draining without Iris even doing anything.
Iris was later found by STXY.
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m34gs · 13 days
You asked me earlier and now I want to aks you! What are your top five favourite scenes (main plot, event, etc) from Twisted Wonderland?
Hi friend! Thank you so much for this ask, I'm happy to share my answers as well 🥰💜 Sorry I took so long, I was waiting for my day off and then I had to think about it quite a bit because there's some really really good scenes that I love in a lot of the game! But I think I have it narrowed down! (for the sake of simplicity, I did NOT include vignettes, and I haven't played all that is available for Book 7 yet so I didn't include it either)
Let's count it down!!!
5: Book 6, when Crewel is helping manage the infirmary after STYX attacks the campus. For obvious reasons, you know. (And for those who don't know, it's because I'm crushing on Crewel real hard and I find a man taking care of others, especially when he's taking care of kids, incredibly hot)
4: Book 3, when Jade and Floyd go to comfort Azul after his overblot. I just love those three so much. Book 3 is my second-favourite (current fave being book 6 because IDIA MY SON) and their friendship just makes my heart melt so much. Also, one of the major scenes that cemented me shipping Jade and Azul together, because of the level of concern that seemed to come across from Jade in that scene. I just loved it.
3: Glorious Masquerade event, when Idia confronts Rollo Flamme. Ugh, it hurt my heart so much. And I could feel Idia reliving his own pain while he was talking to Rollo. I just about started crying. It was so emotional. Also, I just adored that entire event because, as you know friend, The Hunchback of Notre Dame is one of my absolute favourite Disney films. The art and the music are amazing. I really think this event did justice to both the animation and the soundtrack of the original film. I truly loved it so much.
2: Book 4, when Yuu and Grim fall into the Octavinelle dorm while running from Scarabia. Listen, I absolutely *love* when a character goes to someone they helped in the past, desperate and scared, and that person reacts like "who scared you :) I just wanna *talk*". And that is *exactly* what happened in that scene. You cannot convince me otherwise. It was so beautiful. I was giggling so much.
Honourable mentions: Book 5 Malleus reveal for Yuu (and the reveal to the other cast of Yuu's nickname for him); Book 6 Rook, Epel, and Yuu finding the Island of Woe and confusing the shit out of Idia; Book 3 finding out Yuu and Grim stayed up all night to scream outside Leona's door until he caved in and agreed to help them; Book 3 reveal of the twins' eel forms; Phantom Bride event Idia getting fucking kidnapped; Book 6 Rook and Vil revealing how they met and sounding exactly like a married couple telling their children how they fell in love; Wish Upon a Star event Idia showing up because he wants Ortho to be happy.
1: And the number one spot goes to: BOOK 6 IDIA'S OVERBLOT. Ok, I know, this scene isn't happy. And his overblot extends for more than just a scene, it's a pretty significant chunk of the story in Book 6, but still. If it isn't fucking cathartic. I live for that shit. I could feel his heartache. I find I identify a lot with Idia's desire to protect and care for his younger brother. Finding out what happened to him, and finding out where his brother was tugged at my heart so much. Seeing him basically descend into madness for the sake of his brother? Relatable. 10/10 I would do the same for either of my siblings. If they were trapped in basically hell and wanted to unleash destruction on the world? Who am I to say no??? So I get it. Plus, I really enjoy the overblot designs. I think they're so pretty, and I love Idia's. Also, I just love the imagery of him opening Tartarus. Of him falling into it. This is my personal bias but I think the inky overblot style looks the best on his colour palette 💜
Hope my answers satisfied your curiousity, my friend!
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kimium · 2 months
Based on our conversation the other day, because I love hearing what things you love, please list and describe your top 5 favourite moments in Twisted Wonderland so far (from the main plot or side events💜)
I am so excited to answer this, friend! I loved having our conversation together earlier this week as I am always ready to discuss Twisted Wonderland.
To clarify to everyone: I only play on the English server so I will only talk about those events. I'm also going to stick to the main story/events. Vignettes are an entirely separate list.
Also, spoilers for Twisted Wonderland!
My Top Five Favourite Moments in Twisted Wonderland
5. Leona being "volun-told" to help - Fairy Tale Gala
We start this list with an event story! Fairy Tale Gala is one of my favourite events, mostly due to aesthetic and story. Leona is also one of my favourite housewardens! So, naturally, this scene had to end up on my list!
What makes this scene so memorable to me is not just the humour of the situation. Of course, one aspect of Twisted Wonderland that is endlessly funny is how the housewardens (minus Kalim) don't jump to help others. This is especially funny in the Fairy Tale Gala as Leona is "volun-told" that he's the one picked to walk on the runway. I loved his grumpiness upon realizing that he has to go through with the plan.
4. How Yuu persuades Leona to help - Book 3
Another Leona centred scene! I love Yuu, post Leona's overblot, deciding "Yes, I'm not scared of Leona. Yes, this means I'm going to be the biggest, loudest nuisance possible until he agrees to help" is priceless. It also WORKS?? I can't even imagine what the rest of the dorm was thinking. They're recovering from Leona's overblot and now this? I bet everyone's relief that Leona agreed to help was palpable the following day. Though, Leona is a bit of a tsundere, so he was bound to help out anyways ahaha.
3. Rook delivering Vil's moisturizer/lotions - Book 6
I want everyone to know that this encompasses the entire set-up to the punchline of the joke which is "Rook flies halfway across the world to STYX, trespasses, and is nearly killed on sight all to give Vil his moisturizer/lotions." What adds to this punchline is Idia's entire reaction. The sheer humour of Rook going "Oh no, I'm not here to break my housewarden (boyfriend) out of STYX." and proceeds to reveal the truth of his visit? That's comedic gold.
Of course, Vil ends up using it to escape which Rook obviously knew he'd do. However, Rook left the breaking out to Vil and sincerely only came to give the product to Vil.
2. Yuu crashing into Octavinelle - Book 4
I love this scene because it's a stroke of luck/coincidence that Yuu gets Octavinelle involved. There is something about a character desperate for help only to receive it from their prior enemies that makes my happy. Especially when no one expects it. Easily, one of my favourite tropes. I know eventually all dorms help, but Octavinelle is one of the more antagonistic dorms in their book. That makes their decision to help Yuu out all the better for me.
Yuu finding out "Tsunotarou's" identity - Book 5
One of my all-time favourite trope is a dramatic identity reveal. I live for them, especially when the reveal happens in a moment of crisis. So, by far my most favourite scene in Twisted Wonderland is when Yuu finally learns the identity of Malleus.
As someone who loves Malleus, I was waiting with anticipation to how Yuu would discover the truth. Especially when I knew Malleus would arrive to watch the dance competition. The story did not disappoint me. The other's reactions to Yuu casually calling The Crown Prince to Briar Valley "Tsunotarou" lives rent free in my mind. I have replayed that scene multiple times and every time it makes me happy.
And there you have it, friend! I hope you enjoyed my list! I await your own list of top five favourite scenes from Twisted Wonderland! Please, let us know!
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apompkwrites · 10 months
Luka!Asim brainrot, but after they meet Natasha!Vanrouge, they become somewhat more open. Although they’d prefer to stay in the Scalding Sands they do sometimes go with Natasha!Vanrouge when they go out to study more medicine and take care of children on the ‘surface’ (not slums).
Also I feel like slums would be the equivalent to the underground in Scalding Sands.
For NRC, I feel like they’d get along great with another black sheep I thought of, Silver Wolf!Shroud (I actually just ship Luka and Silver Wolf and am indeed projecting this onto the black sheep vers of them lol)
Silver Wolf!Shroud is a technomancy prodigy ofc but it’s mostly on games, like tech magic is their top magic and stuff, anyways imma go now 🗿
YES more hsr black sheep :]]
i can see natasha!vanrouge working in nrc's nurse's office sometimes? like they mainly work during big events and their hands are always super full like omg the students of nrc are reckless
and then luka!asim who tags along with them sometimes but only bc they're visiting nrc
and then maybe silver wolf!shroud who also visits nrc a lot but that's bc they have their hands full with STYX? like maybe they take care of it while idia and ortho are away bc they can easily communicate using tech :]]
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twstedstoryshop · 2 years
Alright, as promised, here comes my EXTREME brainrot over my take on the characters of Mr. and Mrs. Shroud because mystery parents are my specialty, I guess. I do know that technically both of his parents are in charge of STYX to this day but I don’t care! This is my hot take! Caution though as I do mention of Chapter 6 spoilers.
I’m gonna give them the placeholder names of Pluto as Mr. Shroud and Persephone as Mrs. Shroud because yeah, of course I would base them off the original story of Hades and Persephone. So general overview of my takes on their personalities.
Pluto at first seems like an intimidating man on the surface. With his cursed fiery hair, his cold aura, and his dark, dark eyes that seem to not reflect light at all. However, what people don’t realize is that Pluto is actually quite meek and cowardly. He has a brilliant mind though, no doubt about that, having moments where he can be a mad genius and you realize, “Oh yeah, he’s definitely a Shroud.” Yet this gets overshadowed by how easily he can be pushed around and treated like a doormat, especially when it comes to his extended family of Jupiter.
Persephone on the other hand is a cheerful ball of energy that is curious, loving, and friendly. Yet don’t let that deceive you into thinking she’s a pushover like her husband. Persephone can be ferocious when she can, especially for the sake of her loved ones. Besides that, she is also quite the brilliant mind too, having an extensive knowledge on horticulture and environmental science.
Now Pluto and Persephone’s relationship starts off rather innocent and sweet. Pluto adores Persephone more than anything, being hopelessly in love with her and over time, the two were wed. Although under the careful eye of the extended Jupiter family, only allowing this marriage in the first place as it would promise an heir to the Shroud family to keep up the duty of being the Isle of Woe’s guardian. Idia and Ortho are eventually born into the world and of course the parents are thrilled to have them in their lives. But Persephone is no fool, she knows the burden that weighs on her husband and her sons as men born under the Shroud name.
She honestly hates how much STYX has a tight leash on her husband and soon that leash would extend to her boys. She sees the fire in Idia who dreams of freedom, dreams of being something more than a pawn for STYX and she pleads for Pluto to think of their family. Often she would speak of a life better than the life they have here in the lonely Isle of Woe. “Think about it, Pluto. We’d have a cozy home, the boys can make friends their age, have normal, peaceful lives... Please, Pluto, they can’t always be cooped up in here...”
Yet even as his wife begged, Pluto could only do so much under the thumb of his extended family and the duty as a guardian/head of STYX. As much as Persephone pushed, Pluto would not budge, and his presence in their lives began to wane as STYX duties hounded him, especially with preparing Idia and Ortho for their future lives. Persephone’s faith wavered in Pluto and the final nail in the coffin would be the tragic loss of Ortho. Persephone was devastated, not only for her youngest but for her eldest who was so broken over what happened. She never blamed Idia for what happened that day and this only fueled her need to have her family get off this island.
Once again she came to Pluto and pleaded one last time for them to leave. Let them be somewhere healthier to mourn, especially for Idia’s sake but Pluto was at his wits ends. He had just lost his son, STYX had all their eyes on him, questioning what he was gonna do now that they lost an heir, and on top of that, the disapproval of his extended family over his incompetence at losing Ortho. Not knowing any better, a horrible argument would happen between the once loving couple. Things were said that both would regret.
“You’re barely in our lives anymore! For once be a father, especially for Idia, now more than ever! It’s like you’re not even here anymore!!! Do you even care about us anymore!?”
“Well maybe if you actually kept a closer eye on Idia, made sure he wasn’t messing around with Ortho, we wouldn’t be in this mess, would we Persephone!?”
That would be the final straw for Persephone. Later that night, when no one was looking, she came to Idia and pleaded for her little son to come escape with her to a better place outside of STYX. But the guilt-ridden Idia couldn’t bring himself to as he needed this place to get his little brother back, to get Ortho back... Before she could try to convince him again, Pluto stepped in to see what Persephone was trying to do. Pushed to his limit and forced by Jupter’s hand, Pluto ordered Persephone to be banished for her attempts of kidnapping the sole heir of STYX. Idia could only watch helplessly as he watched his own mother be escorted and sent away on a boat to leave the Isle and never return.
A sizeable rift could be felt between Idia and Pluto as Pluto from then on kept his own son at arm’s length. Though Idia didn’t mind the solitude as he worked tirelessly to create the robot Ortho we know. But what of Persephone? Well... A mother’s work is never done, yeah? She should have been sent through the Lethe River, had her memories of STYX be taken away and implant false memories of her time spent on the Isle. Yet Pluto secretly never allowed that to happen... Persephone from then on kept tabs on anything related to STYX, anything related to her son or even Pluto and lo and behold, she catches wind that a certain school had been dealing with a number of strange incidents, especially with Overblots...
Fast forward after the events of Chapter 6, Idia and Ortho are just settling down with the friends at Ramshackle, and Crowley swiftly comes back with a strange look on his face.
“Idia, Ortho, you are needed urgently at the main entrance. You have an important visitor who wishes to see you...”
The brothers exchange strange looks before they leave Ramshackle to the main street of NRC. They look ahead and shock overcomes them as a memory rears itself. A memory with the scent of flowers, a gentle voice, and a touch filled with warmth.
I will continue this brainrot in another post because I feel like this could go on forever. [wheezes]
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alexglitches · 2 years
I'm lowkey sad Yuubi doesn't have much content. Can I ask how the NRC boys reacted when they realized the sheer chaos Yuubi can chaos by just being themself?
Yuubi + NRC
Just some general Yuubi chaos. Give me the Yuubi sjnfjksncjsnck
At the end of the Scarabia arc, when they all had the party, Yuubi inhaled everything.
Jamil just sighed tiredly while Kalim was all like “WOAH SO COOL!” and hugged them
Yuubi inhaled a bunch of roses in the Heartslabyul garden and got the Leaf ability
Riddle has never felt like a tired parent before and he’s gonna get grey hairs cuz of them
Cater thinks Yuubi is absolutely adorable and took a selfie with them, only for them to run off with it and snap photos of everything
The photos all sucked, but Cater just smiled “at least you tried”
Yuubi flies around campus a lot so there's a bunch of people going like “o-O???” as a grey puffball flies in the air nskjnfkjs
Yuubi can't speak properly, only things like “Hai” or “Poyo” like Kirby, but Gim’s been with them for so long that he pretty much understands them at that point
Some students tried to test on them and gave them a potion, they got the Doctor ability and went around throwing crystals and colourful fake pills at everyone
Rook comes upon them hiding behind a fake, cardboard bush, he looks behind it only for them to pop up with a purple hat with a pink feather on top of them and a tiny bow and arrow in their hands
He didn’t let go of them of the rest of the day
Fusion abilities?
Sebek and Yuubi face off against each other and Yuubi manifests a Double Bladed Laser Sword
Sebek gets chased by a tiny baby black hole and is thoroughly traumatised now o-o
Robobot suit?
Idia crumbles in fear at the smol manning a giant robot suit 10x their size and Ortho is looking at it curiously
You know when Crowley uses his “lash o love” as punishment or smth
Yuubi gets the Whip ability and does the exact same thing
They also try mimicking Trein’s stern face but they're too cute for it to work nskjnfjs
They somehow got the Fire ability and Malleus just looks at them fondly as they show off their fire
They’re too adorable for him sometimes
Yuubi fingerpainted on the campus walls once nfjsnfjsnjskjdjs
They almost cried as a staff member yelled at them but everyone else was like “oh hell no” and took them away before they cried more
Yuubi used the Robobot to fight back against the Charon and flies it to STYX HQ with Rook and Epel
Idia shrinks in fear at seeing the robot suit again
Animal ability Yuubi with their adowable wittle kitty ears djksndjksnksj
Jack is weak
Never give Yuubi the Bell ability they will be a menace
Same with Bomb, Circus, Mirror, UFO and Yoyo
Parasol Yuubi is the cutest just look at their itty bitty umbrella 🥺🥺🥺
Yuubi only goes to sleep with the Sleep ability on soooooo
Good luck guys!
Everyone was shook when Yuubi showed up at the ghost wedding as a ghost
Yuubi: “POYO!”
Floyd calls them Lil' Pufferfish / フグちゃん (Pufferfish-chan)
sorry if the japanese is wrong i used google translate and they suck sometimes dhskas
VDC is not ready for Mike Yuubi
Crowley let them do a performance and they did their little “YEAH!”s twice before their final one
Everyone’s watching them power up
Then they let out the most monstrous roar they could
Everyone be like : O - O
Leona was proud of that
Yuubi rolls up with Landia like- nsjcnskjcnjskncs
Everyone is freaking out because where did they get a three headed dragon???
Landia stays with Malleus now lolol
General chaos all around dnsjdanskjnk
Everyone’s super careful with the abilities they let Yuubi use and not use
Crash was banned after the… incident…
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In Idia's defense, he has no idea that the Ferrymen came to pick up the overblotted students, but he seems calm with it as he told Azul to oblige to their request. His parents were the ones who conduct the abduction and now they assigned Idia to be the one to conduct a research to the students while they were gone. Idia has no choice but to accept it, even if he looks a bit evil in the last part.
Yeah yeah!! I wrote some of my posts when I was still processing the whole chapter, so I’m aware there was misinformation spread 😭 I’m so sorry.
But yeah, that makes things really interesting because it’s showing that Idia is made to do his job, just as Hades was made to be the god of the underworld in the movie (from what I remember 😅). And Hades hated that job, maybe Idia might also have issues with the task he was assigned to do?
There’s also the question on why Charon didn’t inform Idia about the details of the operation regarding the kidnapping of the 5 OB students. If Idia’s a top commander in STYX, then why hide these details from him? 🤡 That part sounded sketchy honestly.
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