catmintrose · 5 months
🌸BIRTHDAY CONTESTT!! (Art prizes)🌸
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okay so it’s my birthday is on the 14th of may so i wanted to host a little art competition freaturing art prizes from your’s truely
🌺How to enter?
draw any of my fursonas with a birthday theme , and post it with the hastag “ #kats bday art comp “ and @ me!
🍂What are the prizes?
Art from me!!! >:]
first place: animated tail wag, icon, fullbody, and a fullbody custom ;)
second place: fullybody ,a icon and a icon custom
third place:  a icon
participation: a doodle 
Notes: if we get more entries i’m more then willing to up to prizes (to first place including a refsheet) 
they are simple, please do NOT draw gore ,fetish or nsfw of my fursonas like ever! Thx :3
you may draw you fursona with mine (sfw)!
🌱My fursonas:
the ocs you can draw to enter!: (you don’t have to draw both!) 
kat (main sona/true sona)  ,indigo (mascot)
The links will send you directly to their refs!
💦How many entries can you get?
you can enter as many time as you want i guess but you can not win all top spots! If you already got second you can not also get 3rd, 4th ect as i want everyone to have a chance 
☔️What will be judged?
-effort: how much effort did you put in? Throwing something up really quickly will get you less of a chance of winning then something that had effort and love put into it!
-what it is, is it a icon? a fullbody? A sketch? Rough colors? Clean colors?  Yeah! very similar to the last one the more of a oc is visible the higher the change of winning (BUT this dosent always apply! Just a rough rule of thumb!^^)
-and lastly if i personally just like it, i can’t really explain this one.. i just like certain art styles more then others
15th of may! if you need a extension let me know ^^
the prizes may take up to multiple weeks as i am a busy person and will be working on the prizes pretty simultaneously ^^”
this is also cross posted on toyhouse
Art examplesss:
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thisischicagomusic · 6 months
King D2E - EYES
King D2E Just dropped a dope new visual Eyes on his Vevo channel check it out above. King D2E will be dropping all new music soon so if you like what you hear make sure to give him a follow on instagram below and help a dope up and coming artist grow. Dont hesitate to leave some real comments in the sections below let him know how he is doing with his…
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ebonylatashasworld · 6 months
King D2E - EYES
King D2E Just dropped a dope new visual Eyes on his Vevo channel check it out above. King D2E will be dropping all new music soon so if you like what you hear make sure to give him a follow on instagram below and help a dope up and coming artist grow. Dont hesitate to leave some real comments in the sections below let him know how he is doing with his…
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connie93 · 6 months
King D2E - EYES
King D2E Just dropped a dope new visual Eyes on his Vevo channel check it out above. King D2E will be dropping all new music soon so if you like what you hear make sure to give him a follow on instagram below and help a dope up and coming artist grow. Dont hesitate to leave some real comments in the sections below let him know how he is doing with his…
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realentertainmentnews · 6 months
King D2E - EYES
King D2E Just dropped a dope new visual Eyes on his Vevo channel check it out above. King D2E will be dropping all new music soon so if you like what you hear make sure to give him a follow on instagram below and help a dope up and coming artist grow. Dont hesitate to leave some real comments in the sections below let him know how he is doing with his…
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520promotions · 6 months
King D2E - EYES
King D2E Just dropped a dope new visual Eyes on his Vevo channel check it out above. King D2E will be dropping all new music soon so if you like what you hear make sure to give him a follow on instagram below and help a dope up and coming artist grow. Dont hesitate to leave some real comments in the sections below let him know how he is doing with his…
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bigandtalltales · 7 months
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Hunter Black Page 82 - Boldo's Teeth
It’s been too long since we introduced a new locale, and it might be a little while before we introduce the next one. Will and I love finding new personalities for new places. Boldo’s Teeth is named for the pair of mountains that curve over the town, and that name comes from a D&D campaign that I played in from the bygone 1990s. The reference to “Al’Dahani” slavers is taken from the name of one of the PCs in that campaign, who was an al-Qadim character, if anyone remembers that 2nd Edition setting, the rules of which we folded into our own.
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 year
Clearing Up Some Confusion: Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is Not Powered by the Apocalypse
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There has been a little confusion cropping up here and there regarding our game Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and its relationship to the Powered by the Apocalypse system, A.K.A. PbtA, which we would like to hopefully clear up in this post.
PbtA is a very popular system for indie RPGs lately, it’s safe to say most of the indie RPGs we see cross our dashboard use it, in fact, and since Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is an indie RPG that also happens to use 2D6+Modifier dice rolls, we can see where this assumption might come from. However, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is not a PbtA game, nor is it a ‘hack’ of any other game. It is an original from-the-ground-up system that uses 2D6+Modifier because 2D6+Modifier is just a very good way to roll dice. It’s very predictable, and dice results that are randomized yet still predictable are beneficial both for players playing the game and for us designing the game.
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy actually does take inspiration from other games, even PbtA games like Monster of the Week—though in Monster of the Week’s case, that “inspiration” often took the form of doing the opposite of what Monster of the Week does, because we actually found MotW far too restrictive and limiting in its character creation and other elements for the kind of game we wanted to play—but also Call of Cthulhu, Trail of Cthulhu, Gumshoe, Shadowrun, AD&D2e, etc, both in the “do what they do” and “do the opposite of what they do” sense. In fact, if your TTRPG doesn’t take inspiration from a good number of other TTRPGs, that’s probably a pretty bad sign.
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy also takes a great deal of inspiration from non-TTRPG sources, some of which are probably pretty obvious and some of which might surprise you, such as Blood(1997) and Warhammer 40,000(the tabletop wargame specifically, not so much the lore). Other inspirations include but are not limited to: Kolchak: The Nightstalker, The X-Files, XCOM(the reboots, not so much the originals), Columbo, Hardboiled, Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, Scooby-doo, too many horror movies to list, etc.
That got a little off-topic, but this is supposed to be a promotional post for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy as well, after all—plus, I get excited.
Anyway, the point of this post is that the 2D6+Modifier dice system is where the similarities between Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and the PbtA system end.
To elaborate, here are some—but not all—of the biggest differences:
No “Classes” or “Playbooks”
All PCs in Eureka draw from the same list of Skills, and spread their skillpoints around them how they see fit; as well as a collection of 3 gameplay-altering Traits that can be mixed and matched in any way, rather than being a set collection of “moves” or “class features”. This does not mean that all PCs are the same, Traits can make them vary wildly in how they play mechanically.
There are what could be considered two or three “categories” of PC in Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy(Mundane, Mage, and Monster), but these are not “classes” or “playbooks” in any way, they mostly determine what lists of Traits the PC gets to draw from, and due to the wildly gameplay-altering nature of these Traits, two Monster PCs in Eureka are likely to be far less similar to each other than two PCs both using The Monstrous playbook in Monster of the Week, and far less similar to each other than two Fighters in D&D.
Making Multiple Rolls per Scene
In PbtA games, it is fairly common for a single dice roll and a single “move” to dictate the outcome of an entire “scene”. In Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, this is not the case. PCs may make multiple rolls of different Skills or multiple subsequent rolls of the same Skill within a single “encounter” or “scene”.
NPCs Make Rolls Too
That brings us to our third big difference for this post, the fact that NPCs also make rolls. In most PbtA games, NPCs do not make rolls, only the PCs do, but in Eureka, that is not the case. NPC stat blocks are not as robust as PC stat blocks, but they do still make rolls in the same manner the PCs do, especially in combat, which brings us to the last point I’m going to make in this post because I’m running out of time.
Deep, Intricate Combat Rules
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is not a combat-focused game by any means, the party will probably only get into 1-2 skirmishes across an entire mystery, but when those skirmishes do happen, they will be played out using deep, tactical combat rules with multiple types of attacks and combat moves, including mechanical crunch for things like positioning and cover, multiple types of damage, environmental damage and effects, etc.
All of this should be telling you that Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is not only entirely different in its core systems, but also an overall crunchier and less improvisational-ruling system than PbtA, with tons of freedom in its character creation as well as plenty of rules and guidelines to help GMs make fair and realistic resolutions on the fly. That is not to say that Eureka is a complicated TTRPG, nearly everything in the game runs off the same core 2D6 system, making it very easy to learn and memorize—the rules crunch just means that if the outcome or appropriate modifier of a roll is not immediately obvious, you can rest assured that you can find a solid answer or at least a guideline with just a quick flip through the rulebook, either during or after the session, whatever is your preference.
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it's happening again.. fuck FUCK FUCK WHY IS MY LIFE LIKE THI? +++???
I get bullied to LITERALLY WANTING TO D2E and my family can't act normal for a SECOND and I literally don't feel human anymore what is the joy in this this whole thing is bs bs bs bs bs bs bs bs bs bs bs
the moment my mom leaves me alone in this fucking hell of a rock I will be hanging jumping od and everything just to dispose this shameful body.
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fantasyfantasygames · 7 months
Dark Hammer
Dark Hammer Core Rulebooks 1-3, Darker Games, 1998
No connections to the Dark Hammer stores in the UK, or the dozen-ish Warhammer-inspired characters or games out there.
Dark Hammer (DH) is a fantasy RPG that takes its influence from some unusual sources. They mix to make something that, for all its interesting facets, ends up reading and running like a set of D&D2e house rules.
From Battlelords of the 23rd Century, DH gets its Aggression stat, the Ram Pythons (which inspire their Lizardmen), the Phentari (which inspire their Octomen), and the Arachnids (who inspire their, uh, Arachnids) as the main faceless horde of high-level villains.
From the Silhouette system, they got the idea of bounded effectiveness - your bonuses came in the form of additional d20s rather than just numbers, and you took the highest, with additional rolls of 15+ adding +1 to the result.
From MERP / Rolemaster they picked up the idea of restricted spell lists, with small numbers of thematic spells. Werewolf: the Apocalypse probably got them the Rage ability that was tied into BL23C's Aggression stat. Amber Diceless is the clear source for the item creation rules. (They were not a good fit.) And more, and more, and more.
All of this was merged into a class-and-level system with Health (hit points) rolled on d4 through d10 per level, and Defense (armor class), and an attack table with some very specific ideas about how long specific classes or races should plateau. There were some nice changes that cleaned up the D&D2e core, like having a single Magic Defense rather than saving throws, but in general everything got either bolted onto the same chassis or stuck out as a weird minigame, or both. It runs a great amount like D&D.
The setting is not well-detailed, and mostly shows up in monster and class descriptions. DH embodied the phrase, "Stealing from one is plagiarism; stealing from many is research." Art is ok for an early-90s book, which is unfortunate because this was the late 90s.
There are three corebooks, which are actually not broken out into the usual PHB/DMG/MM set. Instead, the first book is for levels 1-6, the second is for 7-13, and the last one is for 14-20. The monsters are generally borrowed from other games, but at least they picked a reasonably consistent set of them.
All in all, Dark Hammer is a reasonably decent kitchen-sink fantasy setting that there's no real reason to play.
Darker Games published Dark Hammer through the end of 2001, at which point their college loans came due. You might be thinking "Why would you stop publishing a game when you need money?" If you're thinking that: Welcome to the gaming business, I see it's your first time here! Remaining copies were pulped as a tax writeoff.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 8 months
Hey, sorry, I saw 2e and voted for it, not realizing it was Pathfinder, and not the AD&D2e Monstrous Compendium, so if that one wins by one vote, I'm sorry.
Oh shit I thought I responded to this, my bad. Didn't come down to it, but I'll try to remember to put that on the next poll since there's interest. I've seen a good amount of the art in it, and it's got some good stuff. Probably going to be a while before it wins, but can't hurt to start trying.
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itsks · 27 days
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D2E K$ (seeker of darkness)
🌍Down 2 Earth🌕
(🔥Live 4 Fun🔥)
(Follow fa more)
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lejellabsxd2e · 10 months
Banyak Uang? Koin D2E Solusinya!
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1. Desentralisasi dan Keamanan
Koin kripto, seperti Bitcoin dan Ethereum, beroperasi di dalam jaringan desentralisasi yang memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain. Desentralisasi berarti tidak ada pihak tunggal yang mengendalikan mata uang digital ini, yang dapat meningkatkan keamanan dan mengurangi risiko manipulasi atau kebijakan pemerintah yang berlebihan.
2. Potensi Pertumbuhan Nilai yang Cepat
Sebagai aset baru, koin kripto memiliki potensi pertumbuhan nilai yang cepat. Meskipun fluktuasi nilainya dapat signifikan, banyak investor yang melihatnya sebagai peluang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang besar dalam jangka panjang. Keberhasilan beberapa koin kripto dalam meningkatkan nilai mereka secara dramatis telah menarik perhatian banyak pelaku pasar.
3. Inovasi Teknologi Blockchain
Teknologi blockchain yang mendasari koin kripto menyediakan basis untuk inovasi dalam berbagai sektor, bukan hanya keuangan. Konsep kontrak pintar (smart contracts) yang dapat dieksekusi otomatis dan transparansi yang tinggi dapat mendukung berbagai aplikasi seperti supply chain, logistik, dan identitas digital.
4. Akses Global dan Inklusif
Koin kripto memberikan akses global tanpa batasan geografis. Ini dapat menjadi solusi yang inklusif untuk masyarakat yang tidak memiliki akses ke sistem keuangan tradisional. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain, transfer nilai internasional dapat menjadi lebih cepat dan lebih murah dibandingkan dengan metode tradisional.
5. Diversifikasi Portofolio
Investor yang mencari diversifikasi portofolio sering mencari aset yang berkorelasi rendah dengan kelas aset lainnya. Koin kripto, karena sifatnya yang independen dari faktor ekonomi dan kebijakan moneter, dapat menjadi pilihan menarik untuk diversifikasi portofolio, membantu mengurangi risiko keseluruhan.
Meskipun koin kripto tidak tanpa risiko, banyak ahli keuangan dan investor melihatnya sebagai bagian yang menarik dari masa depan keuangan. Dengan teknologi blockchain yang terus berkembang, koin kripto memiliki potensi untuk merubah cara kita berinteraksi dengan keuangan dan membuka peluang baru yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya. Bagi mereka yang memahami risikonya dan bersedia menjelajah dalam pasar yang dinamis ini, koin kripto bisa menjadi aset digital yang menjanjikan untuk masa depan.
Token yang digunakan dalam proyek ini adalah Drive To Earn (simbol token: DTE), yang merupakan token ERC-20 yang berjalan di atas solusi lapisan 2 Polygon pada blockchain Ethereum. Token DTE digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran barang dan jasa dalam proyek. Jika pengguna memiliki token DTE, mereka dapat menggunakannya untuk melakukan pertukaran dan pembayaran bersama dalam platform. 
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Proyek ini memberikan penghargaan dan insentif kepada peserta atas kontribusi mereka dengan membayar token DTE sebagai hadiah. Peserta akan menerima token DTE berdasarkan aktivitas dan kontribusi mereka dalam platform, dan jika mereka memegangnya, mereka berhak mendapatkan manfaat dan hak istimewa tambahan.
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flying-machine07 · 4 months
Got an F-22 Raptor adopt
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They are D2E, so you draw them to enter the raffle.
The raffle closes on May 18th
Also check out my friends adopts on there too! This is a shared account between me and a few friends
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mothwingedmyths · 2 years
I decided I wanted to share a bunch of my Wobbledogs for people to import (or even just gaze upon) so I am
Feel free to show me dogs descended from them!!! Actual post under the cut because it's long
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This is Cabbage Stem, one of my favorites. His snout is extremely floppy so he might prove useful if you're aiming for dogs like that
His code is b6:2AcE:^cCEFD:a0883b91F0^1C^a3B10F0Ce:138F0a553E9a5B;ECFE6a2F2:mCFtBA69042BFFB125FC0c^FB1FB72=01mEc;56=C:7FBc35FC3^002Fbb32b;th06=Bbb1;=:ac0E8:89C:20F4:9FE::7B31F6=^F5788bAD6^FD^Fa;.a1FF03F^b3FF58FbFF6DT:a:F;g4658LU.1^00121D1621AF=^11b:7Fb31e 5SCCe2b70ca2E4AbB18FF4c8c88D31449CcD4264AC1:BCF12F57183C0DA3FA70E4:a82F
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This is Dread, whose snout was originally even floppier than Cabbage Stem but then it changed and I'm still a bit sad about it but at least his stripes are cool
His code is 55FAE0a:FCBF5FF6F:8<9:F^210211102;50C1F3414F000.5hAaa;AF:F<D0290et81CD0BC0B8C32688F8aF1k04941D6C3bF36:A80;Ea<^4:4B=235<c026b<3b45:cc=;ba92^ca<b8E0;<:11FE6A:356b843AFF7;2:1FF3BAC6b^FC338FFF3F0aFC133DF^3:21^L^4A0EF7FFCDUF63b1916^T8^19.5b10B3=d181a05^E02F0F2bA<9r8098B8880FbbDbF4aAbCC39F30269ea1D5a03^99800B2F:C408
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This is Shirt, who was originally pretty generic but he changed a lot as he got older and he looks pretty cool tbh
His code is 403D01ba:9a50:A1:C2:Fh80Ac5:^bd566^000c130788FE9L03tE680240c0:0149E^3:0F8A00t8c4c10:0c51418:iFcb119a03;;F3;:c04aehFa;381:c:::2aA:0192aAAcA:dda306^B;:<1a:A9U<9CD867.cDEm^aC96Ec3EE61DFF0:0FF119CF137cC:^0^70DA80a^80Fs041air^4376800chf18^b18FSC8n0D0CC^409780F0837Eh03BF0A000D.t2b0C318::1cTf8c8cc
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This is Noodle Jessica, easily the longest dog I've ever gotten (not even counting her tail) and descended from my favorite dog, whom I will show later. Also she has vulture wings
Her code is ^E25880314F2:3400:.6=50^iC0FC3C070Aa21d1038:;^F^21id40Ts8987690409s8000F1Cq00c488d141;DA7=EC4301a002^F6bc;:8F8s67:c00=7F9=7:A;c=1:b33^48<:DC0:50b1b4B132EF:87:1:c1<0bC1937c84b6^1F5FaFFaF.0d7783C7<1^F1UFF1FoC9FlFaCLFi949A==770b^7238a9290boE2931e4a8cd1a1^069eC903CcE0B31a3;002b0D6012Ca94a8CB085E6818h:b=0^N040418am 8Je
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This is Gatekeep, who has very very small wings and very very long back legs
His code is D6<13DF68DF;a8AA67e6aCA79708ab.76304C05F90B0:^98B1F0D12TC0050.GDeFFCCF377EbE1CFBD7FF0800F:FA:a19Bkg3:CeF5Fcma2:c:F53aD973:c^2ab=4;3:=cbC8<bc86a;7^;;F;CF61A3014F:c<32F:16A:D4C=2:;C893Db0^9983F8CFF3F;EFAF3U^FG0_ACL6CEOaDFAe:aaU8460361004^9^0116E^6td21204bp0A59C6BC141Ab802A0=9hNYD1342498FEFCc93BE7D^07^4F77ED;F7BF9^bFB1ABe
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This is Lemon Peel, who was originally almost completely yellow but now she's only partially yellow but that's okay the because name still kinda works. Also she's descended from one of the dogs you get for an achievement
Her code is 40F23FoDL9kd0A10503cC0F:haB^01FF111001BCDoCEB0cf40cDDF3C0DLD4:00c1::22318;60FADD6Fm6831A1837:;0A1cc4:6:D2E;c:i:a9a1F0:20b1:;:C46Aa8^F3:cc:0F:0c<<004F<FdB^0cT:4c10:2b40^l8FC5FFFcF17^AeBBUFC<84nF;eD60^1l450D18ba0c54.8^a^F; .PC110D^1mEC0:<908ce4t6Ec220230b42388C0c864F6EE8Dg0^81DDf002hF400^c0030d70
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This is Floor, who I've had for a surprisingly long time but he still was about to die way younger than my other dogs
His code is 28E03108b300=E0a:05k:C2aD2d6c2Da9T80DCF8f0^aCD7lCF2c3^D220EcD4F1F008oF255168abFaD^De487F1Fa08889D6070F^F20;030E167c008a400:g0=0000132f<a92a0aF^1c6a7F:773;C;34<C8=4c;B91a;7FA^<3E;:B3=:F:FcccE822CFFaa32E^0:6EFDaFD^;8F0533-F6FFc01=DFFAFF12LD31Fr7F2=AU13A8150.30^3.<71a<FCB0:F:1B1016C83Ab^l88FAo3e737EaE6C00C8C2910^E:5A25CD384F5aE0b3CFDD38cBaB36
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This is Pronouns II, named after my first Wobbledog (Pronouns) because his colors are kinda similar to the default ones. Also he got me the "flat" achievement
His code is EFB0C<31L^D2620FFa7aE3b4a1A4sb01F0cE:P1^84d1F62b0CE6^a10DCE9a2:90710a= 8c491E108A=c02ad8c3n;F03IB2<2AA06d096D83d:4541c5:aA40B68==0:0=1D33403^409ha^::C7b3^b:17<26BE6A09D6b=aBE0:5C0eF7:90545^80CFBE2F^FFa13FCF0A6rA4o0UE8T4;2711.CF27^1C66.00:=63o828^80C<A8u016inaF7C08IE10Aa3221F:d3a38CA229cb:4147e;8897B2AC8080:e:icC02^
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This is Noodle Joe, my absolute favorite. I love him so much (also he was my longest dog before his daughter Noodle Jessica)
I've already shared his code but it's FB:aD0<85cA3881b^c9800B802105d80F8DADFC.^800^;B^b:0a1B4ogN82eD;048=^a931;009991b1108:a60cCb=:18atF<2<08<a7=8J7745b<^g57B9;003490<b8Ba:b03=:b:Fc=F27U9rF3612F9F5Ab230FF8^0a7E.B38^C8B860Ba3E^5A1<1a7CF7d^DF0aT1L273811i2-2651aEFa82oA080892= 8e8E20Cso=44Dl3eB00717270;4101007020a61^a1q0189020<0EE0Aa00A0oE0:;m0
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This is Tally Hall Song. She was too hard for me to care for but maybe you'll have an easier time
Her code is 06F17aB^e4T:CB=4701B8yF0B3910280B0033^243 3^Sd3FBAE0c2BDF601b3Fhl45A66DF7FBF;FFABBTE68aF08F7FE8:7BFF:FEE6FF=FlB881c6Daa6b:32;F1B:3cf8=1b:4a4C8:251dc3b326<A218c3;9Fa8;=aA<E7A:17baD211C0C3:FF^0CFdF0F80FFD13F=F1AbFC3^7;0L7FU68F5^C5;0a<:^.414c2=.11l4^H 1oCgF00C1^^BCln4FDa2B08a4:A105F000<9f:38<0F240FD008AB399F21DaC25^0FcE4aeF0
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And finally, Startentown, named after an inside joke. He has two pairs of wings and I'm very happy about it
His code is 1aD9F10AL1640b03CaBF5;aFa4DA^EF1130:aDE8h1223nBBa6b40C52l2rfD23186anCF2^a9DDB0Cb2B090E8t4BE:0<2wAD14079:5a0:^F65:c;a;6;;25<3A3A58c;D:0b194A6acb222=338<2D031F4i0ca90=F8:a2:894::bTC1EB9cfE02;2F.FDF^80FFCC4B1B3DC^4Fo<1:c8=81^Ac68441^5^:A5AE8e1t085800a1d38B0eF:t6b:1n0CBE^E20<8cF11F0^BCB3A.41866^07E7a6Ub903aCS04045cA2
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sirobvious · 2 years
AD&D2e is so much better than 5e it’s unreal
it is simplier, yet deeper
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