#da secret sant
santmat · 9 months
The Master's Message To Humanity: Know Thyself - Spiritual Awakening Radio - Sant Mat Satsang Podcast
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Sant Kirpal Singh: "Although awake from without, you are asleep within, and by greedily envying the goods of others, your Inner Eye has gone deeper and deeper into this slumber... Every human being has a Secret Chamber within himself which is called the 'closet of the body.' [Within the human body is the True Temple of the Spirit.] That is higher than the mind and heart both, and provides mind with understanding to a certain extent, and the heart with feelings of love. This Chamber is the Kingdom of God Within Us. This is the Crest Jewel, The Pearl of Great Price. The Saints, when we come in contact with them, open this Chamber by withdrawing all our attention from outside. The test of a true Master is the fact that in his company, the smallest realm opens up within us, and the Light, Divine Light, the expression of the God-into-Expression Power, is seen... So the God-into-Expression Power is called Word, Naam, Kalma; He is the Creator of all, and has two aspects: Light and Sound. And when Masters come, they contact us with that Power within us, you see? They open our Inner Eye by raising us to some extent above the physical body and outgoing faculties; we begin to see... Guru Amar Das says, 'Everyone does worship but on the sensual plane only; so they get no results which end in salvation. But absorption in the Naam purifies the mind and bears fruit in abundance.' You follow? Words are words; but what those words denote is a different thing; that is the Controlling Power of all creation, permeating all creation, and controlling us in the body too. So, the body is the True Temple of God, in which we dwell, and also that Power which keeps us in the body... You see, unless a man rises above the life of senses, the Inner Way is not open. It is you who have to see. That is why it is said, 'Know Thyself O Man, Know Thyself -- Who You Are, What You Are'... The Master's message is for embodied souls caught in the web of mind and senses, unable to release themselves. Masters make no distinction between religions and sects. Their message is for the whole human race." (Kirpal Singh, excerpted from, The Coming Spiritual Revolution, Sant Bani Books)
The Master's Message To Humanity: Know Thyself - The Coming Spiritual Revolution - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Listen or Download MP3 @
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In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Sant Mat Radhasoami
A Satsang Without Walls
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Solving the Mystery of Tulsi Sahib's Guru (Origins of Sant Mat Series)
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"Listen, O Phool Das, I have given out the same true secrets which Sants like Kabir Saheb, Dadu Saheb, Rai Das Ji, Dariya Sahib, Guru Nanak, Soor Das Ji, Nabha Ji and Mira Bai have spoken of. They, too, have composed similar hymns describing the bliss of the highest spiritual region, whose glory I also have sung, blessed by the grace and the dust of the holy feet of Sants." (Ghat Ramayan section of, "Param Sant Tulsi Sahib", Agra, page 148, 1979)
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: Solving the Mystery of Tulsi Sahib's Guru (Origins of Sant Mat Series) - Listen, Download, Subscribe @ the Podcast Website:
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Tulsi Sahib (1763-1843) is viewed as being the adi-guru or founding spiritual master, the "great grandfather" of modern-day Sant Mat and Radhasoami. Most all recent Santmat sects trace their lineages directly back to him. Some believe that Tulsi Sahib, the great Saint of Hathras, never mentioned the name of his satguru in the writings that have survived. For them there is no answer to this question of who his initiating Sant Mat guru might have been. In recent years I have established my own view on this subject and have observed that Sant Tulsi did indeed mention the name of his guru on numerous occasions in the way that most disciples typically have done in their banis and bhajans (devotional hymns, mystic poetry). This name has been there the whole time in the English translations of his writings, and there are many more such references to the identity of this spiritual master if one can access and read all of the Sant Tulsi writings available in Hindi. All we need do is notice this particular guru's name as it appears in the various books attributed to Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India (Shabdavali, Ratan Sagar, Ghat Ramayan and, Padma Sagar).
In Divine Love, Light, and Sound, Sat Naam Saheb,
James Bean
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Spiritual Awakening Radio
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objecteiespai · 7 months
la conversación, el eje civilizador.
Benedetta Craveri ofrece en este libro, tan riguroso y sugerente como ameno y erudito, un periplo literario apasionante en el que da voz a figuras femeninas emblemáticas que hicieron posible una cultura basada en el poder de la palabra, germen de la sociedad civil moderna y de la opinión pública.
Antes de la Revolución de 1789, Francia conoció dos siglos convulsos. Este largo periodo de transformaciones tiene como hilo conductor el salón literario, donde la mujer es la figura central y la conversación, el eje civilizador.
El arte de la conversación, que en principio era un juego destinado al placer y a la distracción, se nutrió de la literatura para dar lugar a la introspección, a la historia, a la reflexión científica, filosófica y política. En ese ambiente estrictamente laico las mujeres de la época, carentes de derechos civiles y jurídicos, establecieron las reglas del juego: rechazaron las injerencias del poder en la vida privada para crear y fomentar así un espacio de libertad que se les negaba en el exterior.  
A través de anécdotas, de dichos memorables, de retratos, de descripciones de ambientes y lugares, la autora reconstruye un mundo en el que términos como sociabilidad, ingenio o gracia expresan un ideal de civilización que pretende plasmarse a través de la palabra, una palabra que Benedetta Craveri analiza y recrea de una manera magistral.
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Cubierta en alta resolución
El programa de Manifesta 15 s'estructura mitjançant tres clústers que uneixen projectes al voltant de tres temes principals: “Imaginant futurs”, “Cuidar i ser cuidats” i “Equilibrant conflictes”.
Sant Cugat del Vallès: Monestir de Sant Cugat 
Clúster: Cuidar i ser cuidats
El Monestir de Sant Cugat és una abadia benedictina fundada el segle IX. Acabat al segle XIV, el monestir, un dels més importants de la regió, té elements gòtics, renaixentistes i barrocs. El Monestir de Sant Cugat està ubicat a la serra de Collserola. L’espiritualitat del monestir és un reflex del tema Cuidar i ser cuidats, que aborda la importància de cuidar-nos a nosaltres mateixos, els uns als altres i el medi natural.
El colectivo radio SLUMBER explorará actividades participativas para ayudar a las generaciones más jóvenes en cuanto a bienestar y atención plena.
En relación al tema de la curación y el cuidado, se pondrán en contacto con la diáspora asiática de la zona del Besòs. 
radio SLUMBER: Zoénie Liwen Deng (NL/CN), Elaine W. Ho (HK/EE.UU.), Clara Jo (EE.UU./DE/KR), Amy Suo Wu (AU/NL/CN) y Hui Ye (CN/AT)
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via Manifiesta
Ayesha Tan Jones, Into the Eartheart: Walk, conversation, exchange– The Understory of the Understory
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indrabalakhanna · 1 year
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Sant Garib das ji says,
"Those who Eat Meat as well as who Drink Alcohol, And Practice Adultery, Bear The Punishment Of Their Sinful Deeds. They are Beheaded For Seventy Births.
Learn Amazing Secrets In The Holy Book_Gyan Ganga
@SatlokAshram 👇
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scottysloth · 7 years
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Merry christmas, @rowynsn 👀 I was your secret santa for the wintersend gift exchange this year!! You said Morrigan was one of your favorites and I couldn’t resist gifting you with a Morrigan in very nice lingerie all dressed up for her lover u 3 u I hope you enjoy and have an amazing holiday!  (thanks to @the-queen-of-thedas and @right-in-the-vhenan for organizing)
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jamesbeanblog · 5 years
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Merged Into the Ocean of Oneness
The Bhakta devotee Sant Tukarama saw God everywhere and within everyone. The viewer and the image, the lover and the object of worship, the drop and the ocean have become one:
"All of humanity has become God; My virtues and defects have both been removed. Sublime beyond words, it is indeed a blessing; In this great triumph, my heart is at peace. The reflection in the mirror appears a separate being, But the viewer and his image are one and the same. When it merges into the Ocean, O Tuka, The streamlet becomes the Ocean itself."
-- Sant Tukarama, Gatha 3132
"When Beauty shows itself, all the essences of life converge in it as a center, and it therefore has as a tributary the entire universe." (Nina Gitana)
"The center-most part of your being -- THERE is the Supreme Region. It is the sacred temple of the Spirit -- the place where God delights to abide. It is there He manifests Himself to the one He created. He gives Himself in a way that transcends both senses and all human understanding." (Miguel de Molinos, Spanish Mystic, in, "The Spiritual Guide")
"All bliss, peace and glory lie within you, on the Holy Road upon which you are traveling. So please carry on with your meditations with love, faith and devotion, and you will progress within from day to day and enjoy in ever increasing measures the great love and peace that inner spiritual development affords. Master-Power is working overhead and is your ever benign companion giving all feasible help and grace." (Kirpal Singh, Spiritual Elixir, Volume One)
The Art of true living in which the mind and the body reflect the soul more and more deeply is a high and elegant art. The words of Leonardo da Vinci to an aspiring young artist hold true equally for the art of living and the art and science of spirituality.
"If thou wouldst be an artist, leave off all sadness and care save for thy art. Let thy soul be as a mirror, reflecting all objects, all colors and movements, itself remaining unmoved and clear."
Leonardo's advice is the essence of interior solitude and seclusion, and also of meditation and true living (meditation in action). It points to a synthesis, bringing stillness and action together in an appropriate way.
We are leaving the Age of Separation and entering the Age of Synthesis.
(excerpt from a letter written by Nina Gitana to a Satsangi)
"Another common misconception is that prophets, saints and mystics search for 'new' truth. Rather, what they do is to simply remove the layers of dirt -- of accumulated misinterpretations -- that have corrupted the truth. Then the living teacher will bring forth the very same truth in a new light. The original truth must repeatedly be presented to suit the current age." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)
"I was being crushed like seeds in an oil-press -- but the True Guru set me free. Love, old as all my births, flickered once again." (Songs of Kabir in the Adi Granth, Nirmal Dass, SUNY Press, NY)
Making Spiritual Progress During This Life -- This Time Through
Huzur Baba Sawan Singh: "When the Sant Satguru incarnates on this earth to release the souls from the material covers, he first teaches them that this place is not their permanent abode and that their chief function here is to find the means to return to their own home, whence they came in the beginning. Those who accept his teachings and act upon them with love, gradually return to the purely spiritual region under his guidance. Therefore you need not be anxious and you should continually perform the spiritual practice with firm faith and trust in the mercy of the Holy Father, who has kindly disclosed to you the secrets of the true Holy Name, and you will certainly reach the goal one day.
"Should you hear the Sound when retiring to sleep after getting through the daily meditation, you should continue to listen to it while lying in your bed. At that time you must not think of getting up to adopt the sitting position, as it will draw your attention aside and you may not hear the Sound for some time until you work hard again to concentrate your attention.
"You should also try to hear the Holy Sound in your wakeful state for as long as possible, while attending to the daily meditation, because the more time you allow to this work, the more progress you will make."
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moviereviewstation · 4 years
The Movie List
Hi all, 
As promised, here’s the list. Once a movie has been reviewed, I’ll turn the movie into a link to the review on this list. Any movie we can’t find will be marked with a cross through. There were double ups in the categories, movies being listed twice, so I’ve only let them be in the first category they show up in (Hence why there isn’t 100 movies in the fourth category). The list is below: 
The Mark of Zorro (Fred Niblo, 1920)
The Adventures of Robin Hood (Michael Curtiz and William Keighley, 1938)
The Seven Samurai (Akira Kurosawa, 1954)
Top Gun (Tony Scott, 1986)
Lethal Weapon (Richard Donner, 1987)
Thelma and Louise (Ridley Scott, 1991)
Mission: Impossible (Brian De Palma, 1996)
Kill Bill: Volume 1 (Quentin Tarantino, 2003)
Steamboat Willie (Ub Iwerks, 1928)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (David Hand and William Cottrell, 1937)
Pinocchio (Ben Sharpsteen and Hamilton Luske, 1940)
Yellow Submarine (George Dunning, 1968)
Akira (Katsuhiro Otomo, 1988)
Toy Story (John Lasseter, 1995)
Spirited Away (Hayat Miyazaki, 2001)
Belleville Rendez-vous (Sylvain Chomet, 2003)
Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Steve Box and Nick Park, 2005)
Wall-E (Andrew Stanton, 2008)
Up (Pete Docter and Bob Peterson, 2009)
How To Train Your Dragon (Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, 2010)
L’Inhumaine (Marcel L’Herbier, 1924)
Un Chien Andalou (Luis Bunuel, 1929)
L’Age d’Or (Luis Bunuel, 1930)
Young Mr. Lincoln (John Ford, 1939)
Gandhi (Richard Attenborough, 1982)
A Beautiful Mind (Ron Howard, 2001)
The Aviator (Martin Scorsese, 2004)
Ray (Taylor Hackford, 2004)
The Last King of Scotland (Kevin Macdonald, 2006)
Milk (Gus Van Sant, 2008)
The General (Clyde Bruckman and Buster Keaton, 1927)
Duck Soup (Leo McCarey, 1933)
His Girl Friday (Howard Hawks, 1940)
The Ladykillers (Alexander Mackendrick, 1955)
The Pink Panther (Blake Edwards, 1963)
Annie Hall (Woody Allen, 1977)
Airplane! (Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Jerry Zucker, 1980)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (Mike Newell, 1994)
The Full Monty (Peter Cattaneo, 1997)
Meet the Parents (Jay Roach, 2000)
Bridget Jone’s Diary (Sharon Maguire, 2001)
The Devil Wears Prada (David Frankel, 2006)
Costume Drama
Jezebel (William Wyler, 1938)
Les Enfants du Paradis (Marcel Carne, 1945)
Senso (Luchino Visconti, 1954)
Barry Lyndon (Stanley Kubrick, 1975)
Dangerous Liaisons (Stephen Frears, 1988)
Howards End (James Ivory, 1992)
Sense and Sensibility (Ang Lee, 1995)
Bright Star (Jane Campion, 2009)
Plan 9 from Outer Space (Edward D. Wood, 1958)
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (Russ Meyer, 1965)
Pink Flamingos (John Waters, 1972)
The Wicker Man (Robin Hardy, 1973)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Jim Sharman, 1975)
Withnail and I (Bruce Robinson, 1987)
Fight Club (David Finch, 1999)
Airport (George Seaton, 1970)
The Poseidon Adventure (Ronald Neame, 1972)
The Towering Inferno (John Guillermin, 1974)
Independence Day (Roland Emmerich, 1996)
Titanic (James Cameron, 1997)
Man with a Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929)
Night and Fog (Alain Resnais, 1955)
Don’t Look Back (D.A. Pennebaker, 1967)
The Sorrow and the Pity (Marcel Ophuls, 1969)
Bowling for Columbine (Michael Moore, 2002)
Capturing the Friedmans (Andrew Jarecki, 2003)
The Story of the Weeping Camel (Byambasuren, Dava and Luigi Falorini, 2003)
March of the Penguins (Luc Jacquet, 2005)
An Inconvenient Truth (Davis Guggenheim, 2006)
The Birth of a Nation (D.W. Griffith, 1915)
Alexander Nevsky (Sergei M. Eisenstein and Dmitri Vasilyev, 1938)
The Robe (Henry Koster, 1953)
The Ten Commandments (Cecil B. DeMille, 1956)
Ben-Hur (William Wyler, 1959)
Spartacus (Stanley Kubrick, 1960)
Doctor Zhivago (David Lean, 1965)
Gladiator (Ridley Scott, 2000)
Kingdom of Heaven (Ridley Scott, 2005)
Film Noir
Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, 1944)
Fallen Angel (Otto Preminger, 1945)
The Big Sleep (Howard Hawks, 1946)
Kiss Me Deadly (Robert Aldrich, 1955)
Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958)
Chinatown (Roman Polanski, 1974)
L.A. Confidential (Curtis Hanson, 1997)
Sin City (Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez, 2005)
Little Caesar (Mervyn Leroy, 1931)
Public Enemy (William Wellman, 1931)
Angels with Dirty Faces (Michael Curtiz, 1938)
Bonnie and Clyde (Arthur Penn, 1967)
The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972)
GoodFellas (Martin Scorsese, 1990)
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino, 1994)
Snatch (Guy Ritchie, 2000)
Gangs of New York (Martin Scorsese, 2002)
Road to Perdition (Sam Mendes, 2002)
Nosferatu (F.W. Murnau, 1922)
The Bride of Frankenstein (James Whale, 1935)
Cat People (Jacques Tourneur, 1942)
The Night of the Living Dead (George A. Romero, 1968)
The Exorcist (William Friedkin, 1973)
Halloween (John Carpenter, 1978)
Ring (Hideo Nakata, 1998)
The Blair Witch Project (Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez, 1999)
Martial Arts
Fists of Fury (Wei Lo, 1971)
The Chinese Connection (Wei Lo, 1972)
Enter the Dragon (Robert Clouse, 1973)
The Karate Kid (John G. Avildsen, 1984)
Once Upon a Time in China (Tsui Hark, 1991)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Ang Lee, 2000)
Hero (Zhang Yimou, 2002)
Imitation of Life (John M. Stahl, 1934)
Stella Dallas (King Vidor, 1937)
Now, Voyager (Irving Rapper, 1942)
Mildred Pierce (Michael Curtiz, 1945)
Brief Encounter (David Lean, 1945)
The Life of Oharu (Kenji Mizoguchi, 1952)
Le Million (Rene Clair, 1931)
42nd Street (Lloyd Bacon, 1933)
The Merry Widow (Ernst Lubitsch, 1934)
Top Hat (Mark Sandrich, 1935)
Meet Me in St. Louis (Vincente Minnelli, 1944)
Singin’ in the Rain (Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, 1952)
Gigi (Vincente Minnelli, 1958)
West Side Story (Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins, 1961)
Cabaret (Bob Fosse, 1972)
Grease (Randal Kleiser, 1978)
Dirty Dancing (Emile Ardolina, 1987)
Moulin Rouge! (Baz Luhrmann, 2001)
Hairspray (Adam Shankman, 2007)
The Triumph of the Will (Leni Riefenstahl, 1935)
The Plow that Broke the Plains (Pare Lorentz, 1936)
Der Fuehrer’s Face (Jack Kinney, 1943)
Science Fiction and Fantasy
Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1927)
The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming, 1939)
The Time Machine (George Pal, 1960)
2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968)
Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972)
Star Wars (George Lucas, 1977)
The Matrix (Larry and Andy Wachowski, 1999)
Avatar (James Cameron, 2009)
Inception (Christopher Nolan, 2010)
The Perils of Pauline (Louis Gasnier, 1914)
Flash Gordon (Frederick Stephani, 1936)
The Lone Ranger (John English and William Witney, 1938)
Charlie Chan (Various, 1931-49)
Don Camillo (Various, 1951-65)
Zatoichi (Various, 1962-2003)
The Lord of the Rings (Peter Jackson, 2001-03)
Harry Potter (Various, 2001-11)
The Chronicles of Narnia (Various, 2005-)
Rebel Without a Cause (Nicholas Ray, 1955)
American Graffiti (George Lucas, 1973)
The Breakfast Club (John Hughes, 1985)
Mean Girls (Mark Waters, 2004)
The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1949)
Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock, 1960)
The Silence of the Lambs (Jonathan Demme, 1991)
The Constant Gardener (Fernando Meirelles, 2005)
The Girl Who Played with Fire (Daniel Alfredson, 2009)
Meshes of the Afternoon (Maya Deren, 1943)
Wavelength (Michael Snow, 1967)
Flesh (Paul Morrissey, 1968)
J’Accuse (Abel Gance, 1919)
Paths of Glory (Stanley Kubrick, 1957)
Apocalypse Now (Francis Ford Coppola, 1979)
Das Boot (Wolfgang Peterson, 1981)
Full Metal Jacket (Stanley Kubrick, 1987)
Saving Private Ryan (Steven Spielberg, 1998)
No Man’s Land (Danis Tanovic, 2001)
The Hurt Locker (Kathryn Bigelow, 2008)
Stagecoach (John Ford, 1939)
The Man from Laramie (Anthony Mann, 1955)
The Searchers (John Ford, 1956)
The Magnificent Seven (John Sturges, 1960)
The Man who Shot Liberty Valance (John Ford, 1962)
The Wild Bunch (Sam Peckinpah, 1969)
Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone, 1968)
Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood, 1992)
True Grit (Joel and Ethan Coen, 2010)
The Money Order (Ousmane Sembene, Senegal, 1968)
The Night of Counting the Years (Shadi Abdelsalam, Egypt, 1969)
Xala (Ousmane Sembene, Senegal, 1975)
Chronicle of the Burning Years (Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina, Algeria, 1975)
Alexandria… Why? (Youssef Chahine, Egypt, 1978)
Man of Ashes (Nouri Bouzid, Tunisia, 1986)
Yeelen (Souleymane Cisse, Mali, 1987)
The Silences of the Palace (Moufida Tlatli, Tunisia, 1994)
Waiting for Happiness (Abderrahmane Sissako, Mauritania, 2002)
The Middle East
Divine Intervention (Elia Suleiman, Palestine, 2002)
The Syrian Bride (Eran Riklis, Palestine, 2004)
Thirst (Tawfik Abu Wael, Palestine, 2004)
Paradise Now (Hand Abu-Assad, Palestine, 2005)
The Cow (Dariush Mehrjui, 1968)
The White Balloon (Jafar Panahi, 1995)
Taste of Cherry (Abbas Kiarostami, 1997)
The Children of Heaven (Majid Majidi, 1997)
Blackboards (Samira Makmalbaf, 2000)
The Day I Became a Woman (Marzieh Meshkini, 2000)
Secret Ballot (Babek Payami, 2001)
Kandahar (Mohsen Makmalbaf, 2001)
Turtles Can Fly (Bahman Ghobadi, 2004)
Eastern Europe
Knife in the Water (Roman Polanski, Poland, 1962)
The Shop on the High Street (Jan Kadar, Czechoslovakia, 1965)
The Round-Up (Miklos Jansco, Hungary, 1965)
Loves of a Blonde (Milos Foreman, Czechoslovakia, 1965)
Daisies (Vera Chytilova, Czechoslovakia, 1966)
Closely Observed Trains (Jiri Menzel, Czechoslovakia, 1966)
Man of Marble (Andrzej Wajda, Poland, 1976)
The Three Colours trilogy (Krzysztof Kieslowski, Poland, 1993-94)
Divided We Fall (Jan Hrebejk, Czech Republic, 2000)
The Turin Horse (Bela Tarr, Hungary, 2011)
The Balkans
A Matter of Dignity (Michael Cacoyannis, Greece, 1957)
I Even Met Happy Gypsies (Aleksandar Petrovic, Yugoslavia, 1967)
The Goat Horn (Metodi Andonov, Bulgaria, 1972)
Yol (Yilmaz Güney and Serif Goren, Turkey, 1982)
Underground (Emir Kusturica, Yugoslavia, 1995)
Eternity and a Day (Theo Angelopoulos, Greece, 1998)
Uzak (Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Turkey, 2002)
The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (Cristi Puiu, Romania, 2005)
4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days (Cristian Mungiu, Romania, 2007)
The Battleship Potemkin (Sergei Eisenstein, 1925)
Storm Over Asia (Vsevolod Pudovkin, 1928)
Earth (Alexander Dovzhenko, 1930)
Ivan the Terrible Parts I and II (Sergei Eisenstein, 1944/58)
The Cranes are Flying (Mikhail Kalatozov, 1957)
Ballad of a Soldier (Grigori Chukhrai, 1959)
The Colour of Pomegranates (Sergei Parajanov, 1969)
Come and See (Elem Klimov, 1985)
Russian Ark (Aleksandr Sokurov, 2002)
The Nordic Countries
The Phantom Carriage (Victor Sjostrom, Sweden, 1921)
Day of Wrath (Carl Dreyer, Denmark, 1943)
Persona (Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 1966)
Babette’s Feast (Gabriel Axel, Denmark, 1987)
Festen (Thomas Vinterberg, Denmark, 1998)
Songs from the Second Floor (Roy Andersson, Sweden, 2000)
O’Horten (Bent Hamer, Norway, 2007)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Niels Arden Oplev, Sweden/Denmark/Germany/Norway, 2009)
The Last Laugh (F.W. Murnau, 1924)
Pandora’s Box (G.W. Pabst, 1929)
The Blue Angel (Josef von Sternberg, 1930)
M (Fritz Lang, 1931)
The Bridge (Bernhard Wicki, 1959)
Kings of the Road (Wim Wenders, 1976)
The Marriage of Maria Braun (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1978)
The Tin Drum (Volker Schlöndorff, 1979)
Run Lola Run (Tom Tykwer, 1998)
Napoleon (Abel Gance, 1927)
L’Atalante (Jean Vigo, 1934)
La Grande Illusion (Jean Renoir, 1937)
Le Jour se Leve (Marcel Carne, 1939)
Diary of a Country Priest (Robert Bresson, 1951)
Hiroshima Mon Amour (Alain Resnais, 1959)
Jules et Jim (Francois Truffaut, 1962)
Weekend (Jean-Luc Godard, 1967)
La Haine (Mathieu Kassovitz, 1995)
The Taste of Other (Agnes Jaoui, 2000)
The Class (Laurent Cantet, 2008)
A Prophet (Jacques Audiard, 2009)
Of Gods and Men (Xavier Beauvois, 2010)
The Flowers of St. Francis (Roberto Rossellini, 1950)
Umberto D. (Vittorio De Sica, 1952)
La Notte (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1961)
The Leopard (Luchino Visconti, 1963)
The Gospel According to St. Matthew (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1964)
Amarcord (Federico Fellini, 1973)
1900 (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1976)
Cinema Pardiso (Giuseppe Tornatore, 1988)
Il Postino (Michael Radford, 1994)
The Best of Youth (Marco Tullio Giordana, 2003)
Gomorrah (Matteo Garrone, 2008)
Vincere (Marco Bellocchio, 2009)
United Kingdom
The Lady Vanishes (Alfred Hitchcock, 1938)
Odd Man Out (Carol Reed, 1947)
Black Narcissus (Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, 1947)
Whiskey Galore (Alexander Mackendrick, 1949)
The Servant (Joseph Losey, 1963)
If… (Lindsay Anderson, 1968)
Local Hero (Bill Forsyth, 1983)
Brazil (Terry Gilliam, 1985)
Billy Elliot (Stephen Daldry, 2000)
Touching the Void (Kevin Macdonald, 2003)
The King’s Speech (Tom Hooper, 2010)
Welcome Mr. Marshall! (Luis Garcia Berlanga, 1953)
Death of a Cyclist (Juan Antonio Bardem, 1955)
Viridiana (Luis Bunuel, 1961)
The Spirit of the Beehive (Victor Erice, 1973)
Cria Cuervos (Carlos Saura, 1976)
Tierra (Julio Medem, 1996)
Talk to Her (Pedro Almodovar, 2002)
The Sea Inside (Alejandro Amenabar, 2004)
Hard Times (Joao Botelho, 19880
Abraham’s Valley (Manoel de Oliveira, 1993)
God’s comedy (Joao Cesar Monteiro, 1995)
River of Gold (Paulo Rocha, 1998)
O Delfim (Fernando Lopes, 2002)
My Uncle Antoine (Claude Jutra, 1971)
The True Nature of Bernadette (Gilles Carles, 1972)
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (Ted Kotcheff, 1974)
The Decline of the American Empire (Denys Arcand, 1986)
I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing (Patricia Rozema, 1987)
Dead Ringers (David Cronenberg, 1988)
Jesus of Montreal (Denys Arcand, 1989)
Exotica (Atom Egoyan, 1994)
The Sweet Hereafter (Atom Egoyan, 1997)
The Barbarian Invasions (Denys Arcand, 2003)
Twist (Jacob Tierney, 2003)
Central America
Maria Candelaria (Emilio Fernandez, Mexico, 1944)
La Perla (Emilio Fernandez, Mexico, 1947)
Los Olvidados (Luis Bunuel, Mexico, 1950)
I am Cuba (Mikhail Kalatozov, Soviet Union/Cuba, 1964)
Memories of Underdevelopment (Tomas Gutierrez Area, Cuba, 1968)
Lucia (Humberto Solas, Cuba, 1968)
Like Water for Chocolate (Alfonso Area, Mexico, 1992)
Amores Perros (Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu, Mexico, 2000)
Y Tu Mama También (Alfonso Cuaron, Mexico, 2001)
Pan’s Labyrinth (Guillermo del Toro, Mexico, 2006)
South America
The Hand in the Trap (Leopoldo Torre Nilsson, Argentina, 1961)
Barren Lives (Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Brazil, 1963)
Antonio das Mortes (Glauber Rocha, Brazil, 1969)
The Hour of the Furnaces (Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino, Argentina, 1970)
The Battle of Chile (Patricio Guzman, Chile, 1975/79)
The Official Story (Luis Puenzo, Argentina, 1985)
Central Station (Walter Salles, Brazil, 1998)
City of God (Fernando Meirelles, Brazil, 2002)
The Secret in Their Eyes (Juan Jose Campanella, Argentina, 2010)
China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
Two Stage Sisters (Xie Jin, China, 1965)
A Touch of Zen (King Hu, Taiwan, 1969)
The Way of the Dragon (Bruce Lee, Hong Kong, 1972)
Yellow Earth (Chen Kaige, China, 1984)
City of Sadness (Hsiou-Hsein Hou, Taiwan, 1989)
Ju Dou (Zhang Yimou and Yang Fengliang, Japan/China, 1990)
Raise the Red Lantern (Zhang Yimou, China, 1991)
Yi Yi (Edward Yang, Taiwan, 2000)
Still Life (Jia Zhang Ke, China, 2006)
The Day a Pig Fell into the Well (Hong Sang-Soo, 1996)
Shiri (Kang Je-Gyu, 1999)
Chihwaseon (Im Kwon-Taek, 2002)
The Way Home (Lee Jong-Hyang, 2002)
Oasis (Lee Chang-dong, 2002)
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring (Kim Ki-Duk, 2003)
Secret Sunshine (Lee Chang-Dong, 2007)
Equinox Flower (Yasujiro Ozu, 1958)
An Actor’s Revenge (Kon Ichikawa, 1963)
Boy (Nagisa Oshima, 1969)
Vengeance is Mine (Shohei Imamura, 1979)
Hana-Bi (Takeshi Kitano, 1997)
After Life (Hirokazu Koreeda, 1998)
Still Walking (Hirokazu Koreeda, 2008)
Catepillar (Koji Wakamatsu, 2010)
Devdas (Bimal Roy, 1955)
Rather Panchali (Satyajit Ray, 1955)
Mother India (Mehboob Khan, 1957)
Charulata (Satyajit Ray, 1964)
Bhuvan Shome (Mrinal Sen, 1969)
Sholay (Ramesh Sippy, 1975)
Nayagan (Mani Ratnam, 1987)
Salaam Bombay! (Mira Nair, 1988)
Bandit Queen (Shekhar Kapur, 1994)
Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge (Aditya Chopra, 1995)
Kannathil Muthamittal (Mani Ratnam, 2002)
Shwaas (Sandeep Sawant, 2004)
Harishchandrachi Factory (Paresh Mokashi, 2009)
People Live (Anusha Rizvi, 2010)
Australia and New Zealand
Picnic at the Hanging Rock (Peter Weir, Australia, 1975)
The Getting of Wisdom (Bruce Beresford, Australia, 1977)
Newsfront (Phillip Noyce, Australia, 1978)
My Brilliant Career (Gillian Armstrong, Australia, 1979)
Mad Max (George Millar, Australia, 1979)
Crocodile Dundee (Peter Faiman, Australia, 1986)
An Angel at My Table (Jane Campion, New Zealand, 1990)
Heavenly Creatures (Peter Jackson, New Zealand, 1994)
Happy Feet (George Millar, Australia, 2006)
Australia (Bax Luhrmann, Australia, 2008)
Woody Allen
Sleeper (1973)
Love and Death (1976)
Manhattan (1979)
Broadway Danny Rose (1984)
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989)
Husbands and Wives (1992)
Match Point (2005)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
Pedro Almodovar
What Have I Done to Deserve This (1984)
Law of Desire (1987)
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988)
High Heels (1991)
All About My Mother (1999)
Bad Education (2004)
Volver (2006)
Robert Altman
M*A*S*H* (1970)
McCabe and Mrs. Miller (1971)
Nashville (1975)
The Player (1992)
Short Cuts (1993)
Gosford Park (2001)
A Prairie Home Companion (2006)
Theo Angelopoulos
The Traveling Players (1975)
Landscape in the Mist (1988)
The Weeping Meadow (2004)
Michelangelo Antonioni
L’Avventua (1960)
L’Eclisse (1962)
Il Deserto Rosso (1964)
Blow-Up (1966)
The Passenger (1975)
Ingmar Bergman
Summer Interlude (1951)
Smiles of a Summer Night (1955)
The Seventh Seal (1957)
Wild Strawberries (1957)
The Face (1958)
Cries and Whispers (1972)
Autumn Sonata (1978)
Fanny and Alexander (1982)
Bernardo Bertolucci
Before the Revolution (1964)
The Conformist (1970)
Last Tango in Paris (1972)
The Last Emporero (1987)
The Dreamers (2003)
Luc Besson
The Big Blue (1988)
Nikita (1990)
Leon (1995)
The Fifth Element (1997)
Robert Bresson
Ladies of the Park (1945)
A Man Escaped (1956)
Balthazar (1966)
L’Argent (1983)
Tod Browning
The Unholy Three (1925)
The Blackbird (1926)
The Unknown (1927)
West of Zanzibar (1928)
Dracula (1931)
Freaks (1932)
The Devil-Doll (1936)
Luis Bunuel
An Andalusian Dog (1929)
Age of Gold (1930)
The Young and the Damned (1950)
Nazarin (1958)
The Exterminating Angel (1962)
Diary of a Chambermaid (1964)
Belle de Jour (1967)
Tristana (1970)
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)
Frank Capra
Platinum Blonde (1931)
The Bitter Tea of General Yen (1933)
Lady for a Day (1933)
It Happened One Night (1934)
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
You Can’t Take It with You (1938)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
Marcel Carne
Bizarre Bizarre (1937)
Port of Shadows (1938)
The Devil’s Envoys (1942)
John Cassavetes
Shadows (1959)
Faces (1968)
Minnie and Maskowitz (1971)
Gloria (1980)
Claude Chabrol
The Cousins (1959)
The Good Time Girls (1960)
The Unfaithful Wife (1969)
The Hatter’s Ghost (1982)
The Ceremony (1995)
Nightcap (2000)
Charlie Chaplin
The Kid (1921)
A Woman of Paris (1923)
The Gold Rush (1925)
The Circus (1928)
City Lights (1931)
Modern Times (1936)
The Great Dictator (1940)
Rene Clair
The Italian Straw Hat (1928)
Under the Roofs of Paris (1930)
The Million (1931)
Freedom for Us (1931)
The Last Billionaire (1934)
The Ghost Goes West (1935)
It Happened Tomorrow (1944)
Night Beauties (1952)
Summer Manoeuvres (1955)
Henri-Geoges Clouzot
The Raven (1943)
Quay of the Goldsmiths (1947)
The Wages of Fear (1953)
Diabolique (1955)
The Picasso Mystery (1956)
Jean Cocteau
The Blood of a Poet (1930)
Beauty and the Beast (1946)
Orpheus (1950)
The Testament of Orpheus (1960)
Joel and Ethan Coen
Blood Simple (1984)
Raising Arizona (1987)
Barton Fink (1991)
Fargo (1996)
The Big Lebowski (1998)
No Country for Old Men (2007)
A Serious Man (2009)
Francis Ford Coppola
The Conversation
The Outsiders
Tucker: The Man and His Dreams
George Cukor
Dinner at Eight (1933)
Little Women (1933)
Sylvia Scarlett (1935)
David Copperfield (1935)
Camille (1936)
Holiday (1938)
The Women (1939)
The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Adam’s Rib (1949)
A Star is Born (1954)
My Fair Lady (1964)
Michael Curtiz
Kid Galahad (19370
Casablanca (1942)
Cecil B. DeMille
The Cheat (1915)
The Ten Commandments (1923)
Cleopatra (1934)
The Plainsman (1936)
Union Pacific (1939)
Reap with Wild Wind (1942)
Unconquered (1947)
Samson and Delilah (1949)
The Greatest Show on Earth (1952)
Vittorio De Sica
Shoeshine (1946)
Bicycle Thieves (1948)
Miracle in Milan (1951)
Two Women (1960)
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis (1970)
Carl Dreyer
Master of the House (1925)
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
The Vampire (1932)
The Word (1955)
Gertrud (1964)
Clint Eastwood
Play Misty for Me
The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
Bird (1988)
Mystic River (2003)
Million Dollar Baby (2004)
Flags of Our Fathers (2006)
Letters From Iwo Jima (2006)
Invictus (2009)
Sergei Eisenstein
Strike (1924)
October (1927)
The General Line (1928)
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
The Merchant of Four Seasons (1971)
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972)
Fear Eats the Soul (19740
Effi Briest (1974)
Fox (1975)
Mother Kusters’ Trip to Heaven (1975)
In aYear of 13 Moons (1978)
Lola (1981)
Veronika Voss (1982)
Federico Fellini
I Vitelloni (1953)
La Strada (1954)
La Dolce Vita (1960)
8 1/2 (1963)
Juiletta of the Spirits (1945)
Roma (1972)
Fellini’s Casanova (1976)
Robert J. Flaherty
Nanook of the North (1922)
Moana (1926)
Man of Aran (1934)
Louisianna Story (1948)
John Ford
The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
Fort Apache (1948)
Milos Forman
The Firemen’s Ball (1967)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
Amadeus (1984)
Man on the Moon (1999)
Abel Gance
The Tenth Symphony (1918)
The Wheel (1923)
The Life and Loves of Beethoven (1936)
Jean-Luc Godard
Breathless (1960)
My Life to Live (1962)
Contempt (1963)
Band of Outsiders (1964)
Alphaville (1965)
Two or Three Things I Know About Her (1967)
New Wave (1990)
In Praise of Love (2001)
Our Music (2004)
D.W. Griffith
Intolerance (1916)
True Heart Susie (1919)
Broken Blossoms (1919)
Way Down East (1920)
Orphans of the Storm (1921)
Howard Hanks
Scarface (1932)
Twentieth Century (1934)
Bringing Up Baby (1938)
Only Angels Have Wings (1939)
To Have and Have Not (1944)
Red River (1948)
Rio Bravo (1959)
Werner Herzog
Signs of Life (1967)
Fata Morgana (1971)
Aguirre, Wrath of God (1972)
Enigma of Kasper Hauser (1974)
Fitzcarraldo (1982)
My Best Friend (1999)
Grizzly Man (2005)
Encounters at the End of the World (2007)
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans (2009)
Alfred Hitchcock
The 39 Steps (1935)
Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
Strangers on a Train (1951)
Rear Window (1954)
Vertigo (1958)
North by Northwest (1959)
The Birds (1963)
Marnie (1964)
John Huston
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
Key Largo (1948)
The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
The African Queen (1951)
Beat the Devil (1953)
The Misfits (1961)
Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967)
Fat City (1972)
The Dead (1987)
Miklos Jancso
My Way Home (1965)
The Red and the White (1968)
The Confrontation (1969)
Agnus Dei (1971)
Red Psalm (1972)
Beloved Electra (1974)
Elia Kazan
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
On the Waterfront (1954)
East of Eden (1955)
A Face in the Crowd (1957)
Wild River (1960)
Splendor in the Grass (1961)
Abbas Kiarostami
Where is the Friend’s Home? (1987)
And Life Goes On… (1992)
Through the Olive Trees (1994)
The Wind Will Carry Us (1999)
Ten (2002)
Krzysztof Kieslowski
- Blind Chance (1981)
- A Short Film About Killing (1988)
- A Short Film About Love (1988)
- The Double Life of Veronique (1991)
Stanley Kubrick
Lolita (1962)
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Akira Kurosawa
Rashomon (1950)
To Live (1952)
Throne of Blood (1957)
The Hidden Fortress (1958)
The Bodyguard (1961)
Sanjuro (1962)
Dersu Uzala (1975)
Kagemusha (1980)
Ran (1985)
Fritz Lang
Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler (1922)
Fury (1936)
Hangmen Also Die! (1943)
The Woman in the Window (1944)
Scarlet Street (1945)
Clash by Night (1952)
The Big Heat (1953)
Human Desire (1954)
David Lean
In Which We Serve (1942)
Great Expectations (1946)
Oliver Twist (1948)
Hobson’s Choice (1954)
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
A Passage to India (1984)
Spike Lee
She’s Gotta Have It (1986)
Do the Right Thing (1989)
Jungle Fever (1991)
Malcolm X (1992)
Crooklyn (1994)
Clockers (1995)
Ernst Lubitsch
Trouble in Paradise (1932)
Design for Living (1933)
Desire (1936)
Angel (1937)
Ninotchka (1939)
The Shop Around the Corner (1940)
To Be or Not to Be (1942)
David Lynch
Eraserhead (1977)
The Elephant Man (1980)
Blue Velvet (1986)
Twin Peaks (1992)
The Straight Story (1999)
Mulholland Drive (2001)
Louis Malle
The Lovers (1958)
Murmur of the Heart (1971)
Lacombe Lucien (1974)
Pretty Baby (1978)
Atlantic City (1980)
Au Revoir Les Enfants (1987)
Joseph L. Mankiewicz
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)
A Letter to Three Wives (1949)
All About Eve (1950)
5 Fingers (1952)
Julius Caesar (1953)
The Barefoot Contessa (1954)
Guys and Dolls (1955)
Suddenly, Last Summer (1959)
Leo McCarey
Ruggles of Red Gap (1935)
Make Way for Tomorrow (1937)
The Awful Truth (1937)
Love Affair (1939)
Going My Way (1944)
The Bells of St. Mary’s (1945)
An Affair to Remember (1957)
Jean-Pierre Melville
The Strange Ones (1950)
Bob the Gambler (1956)
Doulos: The Finger Man (1962)
Magnet of Doom (1963)
Second Breath (1966)
The Samurai (1967)
Army of Shadows (1969)
Vincente Minnelli
The Pirate (1948)
An American in Paris (1951)
The Bad and the Beautiful (1953)
The Band Wagon (1953)
Lust for Life (1956)
Some Came Running (1959)
Kenji Mizoguchi
Osaka Elegy (1936)
Sister of the Gion (1936)
The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums (1939)
Utamaro and his Five Women (1946)
Ugetsu Monogatari (1953)
Sansho the Bailiff (1954)
Street of Shame (1956)
F.W. Murnau
Faust (1926)
Sunrise (1927)
Tabu (1931)
Manoel de Oliveira
Aniki Bobo (1942)
Doomed Love (1979)
Francisca (1981)
The Cannibals (1988)
The Convent (1995)
I’m Going Home (2001)
A Talking Picture (2003)
O Estranho Caso de Angelica (2010)
Max Ophuls
Leiberlei (1933)
Mayerling to Sarajevo (1940)
Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)
La Ronde (1950)
House of Pleasure (1952)
Madame de… (1953)
Lola Montes (1955)
Nagisa Oshima
The Sun’s Burial (1960)
Death by Hanging (1968)
Diary of Shinjuku Thief (1969)
The Ceremony (1971)
In the Realm of the Sense (1976)
Empire of Passion (1978)
Taboo (1999)
Yasujiro Ozu
Record of a Tenement Gentleman (1947)
Late Spring (1949)
Early Summer (1951)
Tokyo Story (1953)
Early Spring (1956)
Good Morning (1959)
Late Autumn (1960)
The End of Summer (1961)
An Autumn Afternoon (1962)
Georg Wilhelm Pabst
The Love of Jeanne Ney (1927)
Diary of a Lost Girl (1929)
The Threepenny Opera (1931)
Comradeship (1931)
Sergei Parajanov
The Stone Flower (1962)
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1964)
Ashik Kerib (1988)
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Accatone (1961)
Oedipus Rex (1967)
Theorem (1968)
The Decameron (1971)
The Canterbury Tales (1972)
The Arabian Nights (1974)
Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
Sam Peckinpah
Ride the High Country (1962)
Major Dundee (1965)
The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970)
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973)
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974)
Roman Polanski
Repulsion (1965)
Cul-de-Sac (1965)
Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
The Tenant (1976)
The Pianist (2002)
The Ghost Writer (2010)
Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)
A Canterbury Tale (1944)
I Know Where I’m Going (1945)
A Matter of Life and Death (1946)
The Red Shoes (1948)
The Small Back Room (1948)
The Tales of Hoffman (1951)
Otto Preminger
Laura (1944)
Daisy Kenyon (1947)
The Man with the Golden Arm (1955)
Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Exodus (1960)
Advise and Consent (1962)
Vsevolod Pudovkin
Mother (1926)
The End of St. Petersburg (1927)
Nicholas Ray
They Live By Night (1949)
In a Lonely Place (1950)
Johnny Guitar (1954)
Bigger Than Life (1956)
Wind Across the Everglades (1958)
Satyajit Ray
Pather Panchali (1955)
The Unvanquished (1956)
The Music Room (1959)
The World of Apu (1959)
The Big City (1964)
The Lonely Wife (1964)
Days and Nights in the Forest (1970)
Distant Thunder (1973)
The Middleman (1976)
The Chess Players (1977)
Jean Renoir
Boudu Saved from Drowning (1932)
The Crime of Monsieur Lange (1936)
Grand Illusion (1937)
The Human Beast (1938)
The Rulers of the Game (1939)
The Southerner (1945)
The Golden Coach (1952)
French Can-Can (1954)
Elena and Her Men (1956)
Alain Resnais
Last Year at Marienbad (1961)
Muriel (1963)
The War is Over (1966)
Stavisky (1974)
Providence (1977)
Same Old Song (1997)
Les Herbes Folles (2009)
Jacques Rivette
Paris Belongs to Us (1961)
The Nun (1966)
Mad Love (1969)
Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974)
La Belle Noiseuse (1991)
Jeanne la Pucelle I - Les Batailles (1994)
Va Savior (2001)
The Duchess of Langeais (2007)
Eric Rohmer
My Night at Maud’s (1969)
Claire’s Knee (1970)
The Aviator’s Wife (1981)
Pauline at the Beach (1983)
The Green Ray (1986)
A Tale of Springtime (1990)
A Tale of Winter (1992)
A Summer’s Tale (1996)
An Autumn Tale (1998)
Les Amours d’astres et de Celadon (2007)
Roberto Rossellini
Rome, Open City (1945)
Paisan (1946)
Germany Year Zero (1948)
Stromboli (1950)
The Greatest Love (1952)
Voyage to Italy (1953)
General della Rovere (1959)
The Rise of Louis XIV (1966)
Martin Scorsese
Mean Streets (1973)
Taxi Driver (1976)
New York, New York (1977)
Raging Bull (1980)
After Hours (1985)
The Colour of Money (1986)
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
The Age of Innocence (1993)
The Departed (2006)
Shutter Island (2010)
Ousmane Sembene
God of Thunder (1971)
The Camp of Thiaroye (1989)
Moolaade (2004)
Douglas Sirk
Has Anybody Seen My Gal? (1952)
Take Me to Town (1953)
All I Desire (1953)
Magnificent Obsession (1954)
All That Heaven Allows (1955)
Written on the Wind (1956)
The Tarnished Angels (1957)
Imitation of Life (1959)
Steven Spielberg
Jaws (1975)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Schindler’s List (1993)
Munich (2005)
Indiana Jones (2008)
Josef von Sternberg
Morocco (1930)
Dishonored (1931)
Shanghai Express (1932)
Blonde Venus (1932)
The Scarlet Express (1934)
The Devil is a Woman (1935)
The Saga of Anatahan (1953)
Erich von Sternheim
Blind Husbands (1919)
Foolish Wives (1922)
Greed (1924)
The Merry Widow (1925)
The Wedding March (1928)
Queen Kelly (1929)
Preston Sturges
The Lady Eve (1941)
Sullivan’s Travels (1941)
The Palm Beach Story (1942)
The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek (1944)
Hail the Conquering Hero (1944)
Andrei Tarkovsky
Ivan’s Childhood (1962)
Andrei Rublev (1966)
The Mirror (1975)
Stalker (1979)
The Sacrifice (1986)
Jacques Tati
Jour de fete (1949)
Mr. Hulot’s Holiday (1953)
Mon Oncle (1958)
Playtime (1967)
Lars von Trier
Epidemic (1987)
Europa (1991)
Breaking the Waves (1996)
The Idiots (1998)
Dancer in the Dark (2000)
Dogville (2003)
Antichrist (2009)
François Truffaut
The 400 Blows (1959)
Shoot the Piano Player (1960)
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
The Bride Wore Black (1968)
The Wild Child (1970)
Bed & Board (1970)
Day for Night (1973)
The Green Room (1978)
Agnes Varda
Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962)
Happiness (1965)
One Sings, the Other Doesn’t (1977)
Vagabond (1985)
Jacquot da Nantes (1991)
The Gleaners & I (2000)
Les plagues d’Agnes (2008)
King Vidor
The Big Parade (1925)
The Crowd (1928)
Hallelujah! (1929)
The Champ (1931)
Our Daily Bread (1934)
Duel in the Sun (1946)
The Fountainhead (1949)
War and Peace (1956)
Jean Vigo
A Propos de Nice (1930)
Zero for Conduct (1933)
Luchino Visconti
Ossessione (1942)
La Terra Trema (1948)
Rocco and his Brothers (1960)
Death in Venice (1971)
Andrzej Wajda
A Generation (1954)
Canal (1957)
Ashes and Diamonds (1958)
Innocent Sorcerers (1960)
Siberian Lady Macbeth (1961)
Landscape After Battle (1970)
Man of Iron (1981)
Danton (1983)
Katyn (2007)
Tatarak (2009)
Orson Welles
Citizen Kane (1941)
The Magnificent Ambesons (1942)
The Lady from Shanghai (1947)
Macbeth (1948)
Othello (1952)
Confidential Report (1955)
Chimes at Midnight (1965)
William Wellman
Wings (1927)
Wild Boys of the Road (1933)
The Call of the Wind (1935)
Nothing Sacred (1937)
Beau Geste (1939)
Roxie Hart (1942)
The Ox-Bow Incident (1943)
The Story of G.I. Joe (1945)
The High and the Mighty (1954)
Wim Wenders
Alice in the Cities (1973)
The American Friend (1977)
Paris, Texas (1984)
Wings of Desire (1987)
Buena Vista Social Club (1999)
Don’t Come Knocking (2005)
James Whale
Frankenstein (1931)
The Old Dark Horse (1932)
The Invisible Man (1933)
Show Boat (1936)
Billy Wilder
The Major and the Minor
The Lost Weekend (1945)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Ace in the Hole (1951)
Stalag 17 (1953)
Some Like It Hot (1959)
The Apartment (1960)
One, Two, Three (1961)
Wong Kar Wai
Ashes of Time (1994)
Chungking Express (1994)
Fallen Angels (1995)
Happy Together (1997)
In the Mood for Love (2000)
2046 (2004)
My Blueberry Nights (2007)
William Wyler
The Little Foxes (1941)
Mrs. Miniver (1942)
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
Roman Holiday (1953)
Friendly Persuasion (1956)
The Big Country (1958)
Funny Girl (1968)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Robert Wiene, 1920)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Lewis Milestone, 1930)
King Kong (Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, 1933)
A Star is Born (William A. Wellman, 1937)
Olympia (Lena Reifenstahl, 1938)
The Rules of the Game (Jean Renoir, 1939)
Gone with the Wind (Victor Fleming, 1939)
Passport to Pimlico (Henry Cornelius, 1949)
Panther Panchali (Satyajit Ray, 1955)
The Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Karel Reisz, 1960)
Lawrence of Arabia (David Lean, 1962)
The Sound of Music (Robert Wise, 1965)
The Battle of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)
The Chelsea Girls (Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey, 1966)
Easy Rider (Dennis Hopper, 1969)
The Deer Hunter (Michael Cimino, 1978)
Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982)
Heimat (Edgar Reitz, 1984/1992/2004)
Shoah (Claude Lanzmann, 1985)
A Room with a View (James Ivory, 1985)
Reservoir Dogs (Quentin Tarantino, 1992)
Traffic (Steven Soderbergh, 2000)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004)
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artofcinema · 5 years
all movies watched in JUNE 2019
bold: rewatch
99 Homes (2014, Ramin Bahrani) A Fish Called Wanda (1988, Charles Crichton) A Single Man (2009, Tom Ford) Act da Fool (2010, Harmony Korine) (Short) Addams Family Values (1993, Barry Sonnenfeld) Anna (2019, Luc Besson) Breakfast on Pluto (2005, Neil Jordan) Carrie (1976, Brian De Palma) Closer (2004, Mike Nichols) Collateral (2004, Michael Mann) Cosmos (2015, Andrzej Żuławski) eXistenZ (1999, David Cronenberg) Eyes Do Not Want to Close at All Times, or Perhaps One Day Rome Will Allow Herself to Choose in Her Turn (1970, Jean-Marie Straub & Danièle Huillet) Fish Tank (2009, Andrea Arnold) Gattaca (1997, Andrew Niccol) High Life (2018, Claire Denis) I Love You Phillip Morris (2009, Glenn Ficarra & John Requa) Immortals (2011, Tarsem Singh) Interview with the Vampire (1994, Neil Jordan) Jerry Maguire (1996, Cameron Crowe) Kenneth Williams: Fantabulosa! (2006, Andy de Emmony) Lost Highway (1997, David Lynch) Ma (2019, Tate Taylor) Magic in the Moonlight (2014, Woody Allen) Milk (2008, Gus van Sant) Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018, Christopher McQuarrie) Murder Mystery (2019, Kyle Newacheck) Not Reconciled, or Only Violence Helps Where Violence Rules (1965, Jean-Marie Straub & Danièle Huillet) Other People (2016, Chris Kelly) Rock of Ages (2012, Adam Shankman) Saint Laurent (2014, Bertrand Bonello) Starship Troopers (1997, Paul Verhoeven) The Bigamist (1953, Ida Lupino) The Blob (1958, Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr.) The Damned United (2009, Tom Hooper) The Deal (2003, Stephen Frears) The Edge of Democracy (2019, Petra Costa) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011, David Fincher) The Gleaners & I (2000, Agnès Varda) The Lair of the White Worm (1988, Ken Russell) The Lobster (2015, Yorgos Lanthimos) The Meaning of Life (1983, Terry Jones & Terry Gilliam) The Secret of Kells (2009, Tomm Moore & Nora Twomey) There Will Be Blood (2007, Paul Thomas Anderson) Top Gun (1986, Tony Scott) Tropic Thunder (2008, Ben Stiller) Underworld (2003, Len Wiseman) Wild Things (1998, John McNaughton) Young Törless (1966, Volker Schlöndorff)
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santmat · 4 months
Sant Tulsi Sahib’s Spiritual Master Was Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, by James Bean
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As has been mentioned by scholars contributing to that great book, The Sants, Studies in a Devotional Tradition of India, published in 1987 by Motilal Banarsidass, Radhasoami Reality by Mark Juergensmeyer, and, Tulsi Sahib - Saint of Hathras, Tulsi Sahib's teachings and those of Radhasoami are most compatible with the earlier Dharamdasis (the Sant Dharam Das line of Satgurus), a branch of the Kabir Panth, a guru lineage that also used the Five Names and held the Anurag Sagar to be a central sacred text.
Both Dariya Sahib and Tulsi Sahib had a beef with the Dharamdasis over spiritual practice, believing that they and the other earlier Sant Panths and Sikhs had gone off course no longer fully imparting the complete teachings of Kabir, Dharam Das and the other Sants. With the old format initiation was divided into two initiations: the first into the names, contemplation upon the form of the satguru, and inner Light. After satsangis reported being established in the Light, they then could move on to the second initiation into the Sound Current. I've confirmed this myself from my discussions with people in the Dharam Das Kabir group and other Panthis. Most people in those Panths never get to the second initiation into Surat Shabd Yoga. This was crossing a red line for Dariya Sahib's guru, Darya, and Tulsi Sahib. Too many chauka (chowka) coconut rituals, not enough Shabd Yoga. See page 85 of the book, Param Sant Tulsi Sahib, the chapter titled, Sant Mat and its Secrets, Dialogue Between Tulsi Sahib and Phool Das of the Kabir Sect.
The Dariya Sahib sangat was a schism branching off of the Dharamdais. Dariya Sahib is even portrayed by his followers as another reincarnation of Kabir come to reboot Sant Mat during this part of Kali Yuga. This rift with the Dharamdasis shouldn't be overlooked, as it's an important part of the history just prior to the time of Tulsi Sahib. 
“How long will this line of succession continue? Kindly relate it to us in your own words, asks Fakkar Das. ‘Listen mindfully, 0 Fakkar Das, I explain this to you, says Dariya:
"As long as the discipline of the Sound Current
is preserved unadulterated,
The line of succession will truly continue.
But when it is mixed with outer rituals
and display of external garbs,
My Sound Current will part company.
My Divine essence will depart,
And the souls will go into the mouth of Kal.
I shall then come to this world,
And shall proclaim the teaching
of the Sound Current again.
Proclaiming the teaching,
I shall found the line of succession [again].
And emancipating the souls,
I shall take them to my Abode….
For aeons I have been coming,
And imparting the teaching
of the true Sound Current."
"That ladder is continued through me, says Dariya. Fakkar Das, Basti Das, and Guna Das are the ladders proceeding from me. Whomsoever they appoint as their successors would also be known as ladders. Thus will my line of succession continue." (Dariya Sahib - Saint of Bihar, by  Dr. Kashi Nath Upadhyaya) 
The True Identity of Sant Tulsi Sahib's Guru, Ratnagar Rao Revealed
If in the 1930's someone saying that Sant Mat was their spiritual path wrote that Hazur Baba Sawan Singh was one of the greatest masters of all time, on the same level as Kabir, Nanak, Dadu Dayal, Ravidas, Surdas, etc... you just know that person was extremely likely to have been a Radhasoami! Given that Dariya Sahib and Tulsi Sahib were contemporaries, the same observation can be made, the same logic can be applied to Tulsi Sahib's intriguing references to Dariya Sahib of Bihar, mentioning him in his various writings and incorporating some of the bhajans of Dariya Sahib into his writings. It's very plausible, very likely even that Tulsi Sahib was initiated by Dariya Sahib at a younger age, or that Tulsi Sahib was initiated later in life by one of the above-mentioned spiritual successors of Sant Dariya Sahib. No Cirque du Soleil mental gymnastics attempt at massaging the history or tea leaf reading is required. It's a rather straightforward observation based solely upon Tulsi Sahib's own words. Glad I'm not the only one to notice this: 
"Among the saints whom Tulsi Sahib himself singles out in Ghat Ramayan as Satgurus (true masters) are Bu-Ali Qalandar, Jalaluddin Rumi, Kabir Sahib, Dadu Dayal, Rai Das Ji, Dariya Sahib (who may have been Tulsi Sahib's own Guru), Guru Nanak, Surdas Ji, Nabha Das Ji, Mansur, Mirabai, Sarmad and Shams-e Tabrizi." (Tulsi Sahib - Saint of Hathras, new expanded 2017 edition, Puri, Sethi, along with a new editor by the name of Dr. T.R. Shangari, page xiii)
Even after centuries, evidence for the existence of past Sants and the sangats, panths or organizations associated with a past Sant remain: the samadh where a Sant was buried, sacred sites where some saint spent much time in meditation, and the ashram of the Sant. These are maintained by satsangs, panths, usually somebody, even in the poorest and smallest of satsangs in rural India. Another reason why Sants are not typically unknown missing link mystery gurus is that people claim succession from them! and lineages live on. As with the Kabir Panth, as with Radhasoami with all those guru lineage charts, the same multiple guru lineage situation applies to the sangat of Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar. So his meditation spot, his nineteen books, his samadh (tomb) and various ashrams are preserved, are still with us now. 
Videos and Websites of the Sant Dariya Sahib Satsang:
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momo-de-avis · 6 years
hey sou a anon dos filmes! qualquer coisa meio romântica, ou histórica, ou suspense ou ação também :) confio no teu gosto. tentei ver 1986 e três mulheres e sinceramente não gostei, não sei bem por que
eu consigo imaginar porquê ksdjfskfjes eu também não gostei muito, não me pegou sinceramente.
histórico posso já recomendar a série da Isabel da TVE, eu acho que o site tem disponível online. O El Ministerio del Tiempo vale a pena, tem muito carisma do que o nosso, as personagens são mais interessantes e a Aura Garrido faz uma amélia bem mais interessante.
Se gostas da onda de Outlander (eu deixei de ver na primeira temporada) Poldark é bom, mas da segunda season pra frente prepara-te que vais querer arrancar a cabeça do Aiden Turner lmao
Eu nunca acabei de ver (mais por preguiça que outra coisa) Last Kingdom mas se gostas de Vikings, gostas dessa de certeza. Mm mood, mas é passeado na Bretanha. também tenho Knightfall na mira, não faço ideia se é bom ou mau, mas é sobre o reino de Navarra… its got my attention…
Há sempre Black Sails que é só bom. Gostas de Piratas, gostarias de ver uma cena de piratas muita gay e por um momento cagar na história como ela foi? Black Sails é a resposta
Uma serie que estou para ver há imenso tempo e que só me falaram bem (e quem me recomendou confio 100% no gosto) é Sharp Objects. Tem a Amy Adams, se isso for indicador de qualidade (pra mim é lmao)
Btw, na onda de thrillers/policial, a ÚNICA série de investigação criminal que aconselho sempre (embora toda a gente referencie True Detective como tipo, de topo, mas eu nunca vi) é The Killing. É MUITO bom, tem 4 temporadas e eu acho sinceramente que a qualidade tem a ver com o facto de ser originalmente dinamarquesa (é com a Mireille Enos e o Joel Kinnaman que têm a melhor e mais carismática dinâmica que já vi neste tipo de séries. A química deles é fantástica). Mais ou menos na mesma onda, Mind Hunters é muita bom. É do Fincher, se isso te diz alguma coisa, mas é baseado nos gajos que fundaram basicamente a criminologia nos EUA e é meio tarado mas nada com aquele fetishismo típico destas merdas de serial killers. É preciso estômago mas não no sentido de grafismo (não é nada grafico, mas os gajos descrevem a taradice ao detalhe). Ah e também estava a curtir um molhe de Dirk Gently, Hollistic Detective mas isso é tipo comédia super bizarra.
Eu não tenho visto muitas séries nem filmes confesso mas uhhh, assim de cabeça, por exemplo se gostas de drama The Affair é inesperadamente muita bom. AH, foda-se, esta não sei sinceramente onde consegues arranjar (eu eventualmente saquei não me lembro de onde) ms há uma série francesa chamada Les Révenants que é tão bom crl mas MANTÉM-TE AFASTADO DA VERSÃO AMERICANA (the returned) é merda pura. É sobre uma cidade onde, do nada, o pessoal que morreu regressa. Tipo aparece, simplesmente. E a banda sonora é de Mogwai fds
Dps há as séries do momento. Se gostas de comédia, One Day at a Time para mim é o ideal a tar a dar de fundo enquanto faço as lides da casa. Brooklyn 99 e Good Place é sempre bom. Eu adorei Umbrella Academy como já tenho vindo a falar (se quiseres ir na mesma onda e ver qqer coia parecida, Heroes mas só a primeira temporada. O resto foi um navio que se afundou lentamente e fomos todos com ele. Epa ainda ando pra ganhar forças pra ver The Americans que me parece muita bom (sobre espiões da URSS nos EUA) só ainda não peguei por causa do número absurdo de temporadas (sao prai so 4 mas pronto lmao). 
Se gostas de ficção Científica, pode ser q gostes do Carbono Alterado, eu não gostei particularmente. Mas para essa secção, direcciono-te o @tuxedosaiyan
e claro………….Galavant…….. se queres rir, por amor de deus, vê galavant
De filmes… Os meus preferidos são: Children of Men (Alfonso Cuarón), The Fountain (Darren Aronofsky, aliás tudo o q ele faz–SIM MESMO O MOTHER!–particularmente o que referi, o Pi e o Requiem for a Dream, mas atenção que este último é muita pesado), Wings of Desire (Wim Wenders), Arrival (Dennis Villeneuve), os dois Blade Runners (do Ridley Scott e Dennis Villeneuve), ETERNAMENTE O VAN HELSING (do grande Stephen Sommers), The Square (é um sueco sobre arte contemporânea e é DE CAGAR A RIR), Atomic Blonde, todos os filmes do Tom Moore: Song of the Sea e Secret of Kells particularmente, sao de animação, Finding Forrester (Gus van Sant), o A Royal Affair é muita bom e é histórico (Mads Mikklesen e Alicia Vikander na sua língua original), Never Let Me Go é o ÚNICO filme sobre clonagem que é genuinamente bom pra mim (lembras-te do The Island do Michael Bay? Aquela merda de explosões e clones? Mesmo conceito, mas bem executado, com o andre garfield e a keira knightley e mais uns q nao me lembro). 
500 Days of Summer pra mim vai ser sempre eterno, e o Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, se gostas de romance esses são bons mas não são propriamente happy-ending romance, são mais cautinary tale (MUITO mal interpretados pelos fanboys desse mundo fora mas tipo, confia em mim. O Eternal Sunshine é do Michel Gondry e o gajo é estupidamente bom. Foi ele que realizou quase todos os video clips dos White Stripes, vai vê-los primeiro pra decidires se vês ou não). Vê tbm o Paris Je T’aime, é uma compilação de várias curtas tipo acho q 12 histórias de amor em Paris e é TÃO BOM. O New York I Love You é o mesmo princípio mas a meu ver não é tão bom, mas vale a pena ser visto tbm
Vê uma curta chamada 2081 crl juro-te que vão ser os melhores 25 minutos da tua vida.
Animação, Tom Moore como já disse, tudo o que é do Henry Sellick (CORALINE! CORALINE! CORALINE!), o Isle of Dogs, os Incríveis, Fantastic Mr Fox uhhhh Paprika e Perfect Blue do Satoshi Kon (o perfect blue é TÃO BOM)
Portugueses… Pah, tudo o que é Marco Martins. O Alice está sempre no topo pra mim. O São Jorge é mais duro e mais lento, mas é tão bom. Florbela do Vicente Alves do Ó é uma beca bizarro (ao estilo do vicente) mas é bom. Vê um filme chamado Dot Com que é de comédia e é de cagar a rir crl. O Amália é meio esquisito mas tbm é bom.
Os do Steve McQueen são todos bons… O meu preferido é o Fome mas é pq é sobre o Bobby Sands (irish troubles, basicamente). 
Assassination of Jessie James by the coward Robert Ford acho que é um gema perdida no tempo. 
O Perfume do Tykwer é uma obra de arte crl.
Os do Tarrence Mallick sao dificeis de ver pq são lentos como o crl e aborrecidos sinceramente mas eu gosto. O New World é uma versão BEM sugar coated da Pocahontas mas é uma experiencia visual. O Tree of Life… bem, manda um ácido antes lmao mas eu gostei muito
Há um filme super giro que também caiu um bocado no esquecimento chamado Everything is Illuminated que é sobre um puto americano que vai buscar uma herança ou conhecer familia ou q é à Ucrânia entao é a aventura do Elijah Wood a coleccionar merdas em sacos de plástico com um squatting slav, é muita bom
Vê o meu letterboxd, dá uma olhadela se quiseres. Claro q tudo o q tá ai, nem tudo gostei, mas tipo se quiseres saber de algum em particular, pergunta-me!
Edit: o Satoshi Kon é animação fds enganei-me!
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Two saints :- #nundreshi Sheikh Noor-ud-Din is popularly known as the #alamdar or the torch bearer of #Kashmir. He was a reformer poet ascetic and a protege of Lala Ded. His sayings are in the form of shruk which means knots. These knots/shruk have a lot of wisdom and worldly advice for the world hereafter. He remains popular and revered to this day. One of his shruk I quote, 'grat'ae chu phaeraan zyirey ziyrey, okhuy zaani gratuk tsal, grati yeli pher'i te zaevyul nyrirey, gyuh vaati paanay graat'ae bal Meaning: The grinding mill rotates with small pushes, The swivel alone knows the secret of the mill; The stone keeps moving and yielding fine flour, Wheat of itself keeps coming to the mill". #kabir or Sant Kabir Das was weaver poet of Benaras and a disciple of ascetic Ramananda. Kabir's powerful cult of spirituality and devotion impassioned his poetry. The qawals have sung and include his poetry in many forms. I quote, parmatam guru nikat virajain jaag jaag man mere dhaay ke pritam charanan lagye saayin khadaa sir tere jugan jugan tohi sobat beeta ajahun na jaag sabere". Meaning: O my heart, the supreme spirit the Master is near you, wake, oh wake! Run to the feet of your beloved: for your Loved stands near your head You have slept for unnumbered ages, this morning will you not wake?" Recommended both translations 100 poems of Kabir by Literary legend #Rabindranath #Tagore and Nundi Reshi by Kashmiri Sahitya Academy Award winner Prof Shafi Shauq. https://www.instagram.com/p/CiXxRXwvMW0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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norwegiatlas · 6 years
norwegian word of the day
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inter. April fools!
“Jeg fant ut av at jeg har en hemmelig tvilling en eller annen plass i verden.” “I found out that I have a secret twin somewhere in the world.”
“Hæ? Seriøst?” “Huh? Seriously?”
“Ja. Hun bor visst i Luxembuorg.” “Yeah. Apparently she lives in Luxembourg.”
“Å herregud. Dette hadde jeg aldri forventet!” “Oh my god. This I would never have expected!”
“Ja, ikke sant. Det er helt utrolig.” “Yeah, I know right. It’s totally unbelievable.”
“Hva heter hun da?” “What’s her name though?”
"Tror det var Abrëllgack. Tydeligvis betyr det noe spesielt på Luxembourgsk.” “(I) think it was Abrëllgack. Apparently it means something special in Luxembourgish.”
“Jeg kan jo sjekke det opp på Google Oversetter.” “I can (though) check it on Google Translate.”
“Ja, gjør det du.” “Yeah, you do that.”
noen sekunder senere ... a few seconds later ...
“Du din lille ...!” “You little ...!”
“Aprilsnarr!” “April fools!”
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lemaupertus · 5 years
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Livres : Cours de Praticien en Ayurveda Module 2 : le Diagnostic Ayurvedique
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Ayurvéda Guy Trédaniel. 2018 Vieux de plus de 5 000 ans, l’Ayurvéda est certainement le plus ancien système thérapeutique indien du monde. Sa force ? S’appuyer sur la sagesse innée de notre corps pour restaurer notre équilibre mental et physique. Ce guide complet et pratique, déjà une référence dans le … Lire plus…Livres : Cours de Praticien en Ayurveda Module 2 : le Diagnostic Ayurvedique Ayurvéda Guy Trédaniel. 2018 Vieux de plus de 5 000 ans, l'Ayurvéda est certainement le plus ancien système thérapeutique indien du monde. Sa force ? S'appuyer sur la sagesse innée de notre corps pour restaurer notre équilibre mental et physique. Ce guide complet et pratique, déjà une référence dans le monde anglo-saxon, permet de comprendre les origines de l'Ayurvéda et surtout, d'améliorer jour après jour sa santé et son bien-être par l'alimentation ayurvédique et la détoxification, mais aussi par le yoga, la méditation, l'harmonisation des chakras et les autres aspects spirituels de cette science millénaire. Grâce à ce livre, vous découvrirez : • Votre dosha dominant (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) et sa manifestation dans votre physiologie, votre métabolisme, votre digestion, votre personnalité et même vos rêves ; • L'importance de suivre votre chronobiologie au rythme des saisons ; • Des recettes faciles à réaliser adaptées à chaque élément, ainsi que des indications sur l'utilisation des herbes et épices ayurvédiques pour guérir les problèmes digestifs, de peau, les déséquilibres hormonaux... ; • Des rituels ayurvédiques matin et soir pour un bien-être optimal ; • Le système des chakras en fonction de votre dosha. L'Ayurveda pour les Nuls, grand format First. 2018 Trouvez l'harmonie et améliorez votre santé Médecine et philosophie, l'ayurveda est né en Inde il y a plus de 5000 ans. Cette science de la vie envisage l'homme dans sa globalité, selon les saisons, son environnement et ses humeurs, ou sa constitution. Cet ouvrage vous invite à déterminer votre dosha, votre profil ayurvédique, pour trouver votre harmonie personnelle, physique et émotionnelle. Il vous guide sur le chemin du bien-être grâce à des conseils simples et immédiatement applicables. De la respiration à la digestion, il vous livre les clés pour reconnaître les problèmes dès qu'ils se manifestent et les traiter par l'alimentation, des remèdes naturels, la méditation, les massages ou le yoga. La médecine indienne Editions Eyrolles. 2011 Médecine du corps et de l'âme, la médecine indienne définit et règle l'harmonie intérieure. Conçu par une spécialiste, ce guide constitue une introduction complète et pratique aux principes, méthodes et applications de la médecine âyurvédique. Chaque substance (plante, épice...) fait l'objet d'une fiche détaillée indiquant propriétés et recettes. Un auteur expert Un texte de référence Des recettes de phytothérapie Des conseils de diététique Ouvrage publié avec le concours du Centre national du livre. Ayurvéda Le Courrier du Livre. 2017 L'Ayurvéda (« la science de la vie ») puise ses sources dans le Véda, ensemble des textes sacrés de l'Inde antique. Cet ouvrage expose de manière moderne et accessible les principes de santé ayurvédiques. De nombreux conseils pratiques vous permettront d'adapter cette philosophie de vie à votre quotidien. Des conseils de nutrition et d'alimentation adaptés à votre organisme. Des habitudes journalières qui réduisent le stress. Des méthodes qui favorisent énergie, vitalité et longévité. Des remèdes à base de plantes, sans danger et d'utilisation simple, pour le traitement des maladies courantes. Des techniques permettant d'optimiser la santé physique, mentale et spirituelle. Un glossaire complet de sanscrit, ainsi que des annexes donnent de précieuses informations pour quiconque s'intéresse aux facteurs naturels de guérison, à la santé holistique du corps et de l'âme. Cours de Praticien en Ayurveda Module 2 : le Diagnostic Ayurvedique Apr�s le tome 1, qui permet une compr�hension d�taill�e de l'anatomie et de la physiologie selon l'Ayurv�da, le tome 2 s'attache � d�crire comment le praticien pose son diagnostic.Lorsqu'on parle de diagnostic, on sous-entend la notion de maladie. Ce deuxi�me tome nous explique pr�cis�ment ce qu'est la maladie selon l'Ayurv�da. Comment elle na�t, comment elle se d�veloppe...Cet ouvrage permet de savoir comment d�terminer la constitution de base d'une personne (Prakritti) ainsi que ses d�s�quilibres (Vrikritti). Quelles sont les questions � poser ? Que regarder ? Comment prendre le pouls ? Quelles informations nous apporte un examen de la langue ? C'est ce � quoi r�pond, entre autres, cet ouvrage.Sans vouloir remplacer un avis m�dical, le tome 2 du Praticien en Ayurv�da donnera un avis particulier sur la sant� et sur la maladie. De nouvelles pistes � explorer pour soigner...Comme le tome 1, il s'agit ici d'un support de cours, sans image, compos� uniquement d'informations indispensables � une bonne pratique de l'Ayurv�da. Aucun traitement n'y est propos�.Chapitres :1. Analyse Constitutionnelle d'une PersonneSavoir d�finir la constitution doshique de base d'une personne (Prakritti), connaitre les diff�rentes constitutions.2. La Maladie selon l'Ayurv�daComprendre ce qu'est la maladie selon l'Ayurv�da, comment elle na�t, comment elle �volue, comment les doshas sont impliqu�s dans les diff�rents signes cliniques d'une maladie.Les maladies avec et sans pr�sence de toxines (Ama).3. Diagnostic et Examen du Patient Malade (Savoir d�finir le Vrikritti)Savoir d�finir le d�s�quilibre constitutionnel d'une personne (Vrikritti), savoir analyser les renseignements que nous fournissent le pouls, la langue et l'abdomen. Mon coach ayurveda Editions Eyrolles. 2018 Adoptez enfin un nouveau mode de vie grâce à ce programme de prévention 100 % bien-être et santé ! L'ayurvéda, médecine traditionnelle indienne, permet d'atteindre un réel équilibre entre le corps, le mental et l'esprit car elle prend en compte l'être humain dans sa totalité. Fort de sa longue expérience de professeur de yoga et de thérapeute ayurvédique, Samuel Ganes va vous faire découvrir dans ce livre sa méthode de la triade védique héritée de l'ayurvéda. Basée sur le dosage des énergies doshiques propres à chacun, cette méthode vous permettra, selon votre profil (vata, pitta ou kapha), d'adopter un véritable "savoir-vivre" adapté à votre nature et d'améliorer considérablement et en quelques semaines votre santé et votre bien-être. Découvrez dans ce guide très pratique : Un panorama complet de l'ayurvéda : les concepts de base, les énergies doshiques, l'alimentation, les rites de nettoyage, les influences du yoga, la méditation, la pharmacopée ayurvédique... Un test approfondi pour déterminer la constitution ayurvédique (prakriti) qui vous est propre selon les doshas (vata, pitta ou kapha). Votre programme personnalisé sur 5 semaines en fonction de vos besoins précis et de votre profil, avec des rituels quotidiens, des méditations et autosuggestions, des postures de yoga et des conseils diététiques. De nombreuses fiches pratiques illustrées pour vous aider à adopter de bonnes habitudes pour votre santé. Guide de poche de l'ayurveda santé Éditions Leduc.s. 2019 L’ayurvéda, médecine traditionnelle indienne vieille de plus de 5000 ans, est connue à travers le monde pour ses vertus préventives et curatives. Tout au long de cet ouvrage complet et clair, l’auteur détaille les secrets de cette médecine qui allie régime alimentaire, plantes médicinales, massages ou encore méditation. Dans ce livre : - Les grands principes ayurvédiques : les Doshas (humeurs), les Gunas (humeurs psychiques), les Dathus (tissus) et leur rôle, l’hygiène de vie ayurvédique... - L’alimentation selon l’ayurvéda : le système digestif en ayurvéda, les règles diététiques ayurvédiques, les aliments et boissons à privilégier ou éviter, des recettes de cuisine... - Les différents soins ayurvédiques de détoxification : soins corporels (purvakorma) et thérapies de détoxifications naturelles (panchakorma). - Les plantes ayurvédiques et les soins ayurvédiques adaptés aux maux les plus courants : troubles digestifs, problèmes de peau, fatigue, allergies... Fabien Correch, praticien français, dispense ses soins ayurvédiques en cabinet à Paris. Il a reçu une formation approfondie en ayurvéda. Diplômé de l’institut Européen des Etudes Védiques, il est certifié praticien d’ayurvéda spécialisé en panchakarma et a suivi une formation au Nisarga-Gram Institut à Pune (Inde). Il est l'auteur chez Leduc.s du Grand livre de l'ayurveda (5 000 ex. ). L'Âyurveda Editions Eyrolles. 2015 Science du corps et de l'âme, la science indienne, ou âyurveda, définit et règle l'harmonie intérieure. Conçu par une spécialiste, ce guide constitue une introduction complète et pratique aux principes, méthodes et applications de la médecine ayurvédique. Chaque substance (plante, épice...) fait l'objet d'une fiche détaillée qui décrit ses propriétés et qui donne des recettes de phytothérapie. Des conseils diététiques et des propositions de massage en font un guide complet de bien-être. Les plantes L'alimentation Les soins du corps
0 notes
tatauini-blog · 8 years
what i'm interested according to facebook ads topics
Feb 19th
i’ve downloaded my facebook data today and it was very interesting to kind of go back in time while looking at things i’ve done on my digital/social life since i’ve created an account (nov 2006).
These are the ads topics that i’m interested in according to my facebook data:
Youth Lagoon
Athletics at the Summer Olympics
Home video game console
Escape pod
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Public broadcasting
60 metres
Vivo (telecommunications)
Guto Requena
Parsons School of Design
Joan Cornellà
Table tennis at the Summer Olympics
Amazon Student
Hammer throw
Exame (magazine)
AIESEC in Brazil
jerome jarre
A Mighty Girl
Baroque pop
Fernanda Lima
Trama (mycology)
Simon & Garfunkel discography
Miles Davis
Observatório da Imprensa
Antônio Carlos Jobim
Tiny Furniture
Morgan Library & Museum
Weta Workshop
Le Lis Blanc
Frank Ocean
Amy Poehler's Smart Girls
Cutty Sark (whisky)
Independent record label
Panda (band)
Aion (Japanese band)
Jinx (DC Comics)
Hugo Weaving
The Creators Project
Hostel (2005 film)
Mystery film
Planá (Tachov District)
Simon & Garfunkel
Launch vehicle
Secret NYC
Nerds (candy)
childish gambino
Braun (company)
Deception Point
médicos sem fronteiras
H2 (TV network)
Workers' Party (Brazil)
Tisch School of the Arts
Governors Ball Music Festival
Printed Matter, Inc
HuffPost Women
Andre (band)
Smot (chanting)
Vine (service)
Garance Doré
Meta, Campania
MIT Media Lab
Taste of Cinema
New York University School of Law
Pole vault
Anthology film
Coconut Records (musician)
Special effect
Bananal, São Paulo
States of Brazil
1900 Summer Olympics
Steering wheel
IEEE Standards Association
revista piauí
Pro Evolution Soccer
romantic comedies
the cool hunter
Getty Images
HuffPost Brasil
René Aubry
Knot (unit)
Palestine Liberation Organization
King Krule
New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA)
Thread (computing)
News magazine
Lincoln Center
Sigur Rós
Steeplechase (athletics)
Gilberto Gil
Museum of the Moving Image (New York City)
Olympic medal
2016 Summer Olympics
Dream pop
Opala .
Orquestra Voadora
Forum for Urban Design
Móveis Coloniais de Acaju
History of Europe
800 metres
Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger
Illuminated manuscript
Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência
Financial Times Global 500
Moog Music Inc.
The Intercept
Democratic Labour Party (Brazil)
Bossa nova
Western Europe
Rio, I Love You
Freak folk
Epic film
Psychedelic pop
New York University Graduate School of Arts and Science
Mediterranean Sea
Operating system
El Hormiguero
Swimming at the 2000 Summer Olympics
Araucaria angustifolia
Shot put
Dr. Martens
Extended play
Ariel Pink
do bem™
Breakfast at Tiffany's (film)
Blake Edwards
2020 Summer Olympics
Laurus nobilis
London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Carl Linnaeus
Megaforce Records
Nike Soccer
Giorgio Moroder
Moog synthesizer
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
400 metres hurdles
Prix Ars Electronica
The Awl
Glossary of musical terminology
Jout Jout Prazer
100 metres
Rodrigo Hilbert
Tank (magazine)
Deborah Colker
Fundação Estudar
Música popular brasileira
IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society
Rio (2011 film)
Quentin Tarantino Movies
Brooklyn Museum
100 metres at the Olympics
Lego The Lord of the Rings (video game)
Beach House (album)
Helianthus annuus
Nova (TV series)
Common quail
Woody Allen
Hudson River
The Week
The Proud Family
Bubblegum pop
110 metres hurdles
Guarda, Portugal
2010 Winter Olympics
ARTE Concert
The Party (film)
Ben Gibbard
AD Parla
Christopher Lee
International System of Units
Darcy Ribeiro
Sport Club Internacional
Brooklyn Academy of Music
Frank Ocean discography
Mini (marque)
It's Nice That
Study in Germany
IEEE Communications Society
Victoria Harbour
Acne Studios
Sea of Shoes
Fernando Gabeira
Quartz (publication)
Jornal Meia Hora
Líbano, Tolima
Kings of Convenience
EF Brasil - Intercâmbio
Residency Unlimited
Sagmeister & Walsh
Academy Award for Best Costume Design
The Tallest Man on Earth
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Dark wave
2014 Winter Olympics
Olaria Atlético Clube
Smaller Earth
Kingston upon Hull
Plastic bag
Space Shuttle
One Million Voices Against FARC
Muda (Japanese term)
Lightning strike
Guillermo del Toro
Brazilian science and technology
Silent film
John Mayer Trio
Paste (food)
Ralph Bakshi
Chevrolet Opala
A&E Networks
Levante UD
Brownie (folklore)
Mad Decent Block Party
best vines
Beautiful/Decay Magazine
Anima Mundi (event)
Trip hop
Long jump
Winter Olympic Games
The Dodos
VFX Solidarity International
Green Party (Brazil)
Mobile, Alabama
Roman Forum
Party (role-playing games)
List of Sonic the Hedgehog characters
Moog Music
Discus throw
Gold medal
Ema (Shinto)
Xcaret Park
Sliced bread
Death Cab for Cutie
breakfast at tiffanys
Catcher In The Rye
D3 road (Croatia)
Buga, Valle del Cauca
Loungerie Intimates
Cut, copy, and paste
Binders full of women
Carnival block
Social class
Médecins Sans Frontières
Local Natives
Maxxie Oliver
The Last King of Scotland (film)
End Homophobia
Dazed & Confused (magazine)
Individual Olympic Athletes at the 2000 Summer Olympics
Svetlana Kuznetsova
Toda Criança Pode Aprender
Little Joy
Girls Who Code
Munchies (film)
Robert Moog
Partido alto
New Art Dealers Alliance
Bois de Boulogne
Control key
Cereal Magazine
Diego Ribas da Cunha
Dia Art Foundation
Bolt (2008 film)
Agência Pública
Human Development Index
Z (Aion album)
Power station
Marcelo Freixo
The Antlers (band)
spicy food
(Le) Poisson Rouge
Boiler Room
Unidentified flying object
200 metres
Girls (comics)
Print on demand
That '70s Show (Official)
Sociedade Esportiva do Gama
Psychological thriller
Escola Nacional de Belas Artes
Music Photographers
MTV Europe Music Awards
Vuze Bittorrent Client
Biographical film
Poorly Drawn Lines
Piauí (magazine)
Mac DeMarco
Non-governmental organization
Olympic Games ceremony
Tijuca Forest
Pedro (footballer, born July 1987)
Praia da Vitória
Mandrake the Magician
Vector space
Convenience store
The Beach (film)
Indie folk
Multi-sport event
São Paulo
New York (magazine)
Action Bronson
Jerry Mouse
Philippines at the 2012 Summer Olympics
Vinicius de Moraes
npr music
Link (knot theory)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
British rock
Gaia (mythology)
Italo disco
Skins (UK TV series)
James Blake (musician)
Nord (French department)
Token ring
Comparison of BitTorrent clients
Helianthus annuus
High jump
Cultural diversity
2000 Summer Olympics
Instituto Moreira Salles
2012 Summer Olympics
Alpine skiing at the 2014 Winter Olympics
Anima mundi
Academic journal
Military dictatorship
Dumont, New Jersey
Adaptations of The Lord of the Rings
Glass House
Somos tão Jovens
Domestic worker
Units of measurement
Ars Electronica Center
Bubble wrap
Summer Olympic Games
Atlantic Records
Bon Iver discography
CCBB Rio de Janeiro
Sovereign state
Oriente (Ecuador)
Ministry of Education (Brazil)
Sigur Rós discography
Condé Nast
Emporium (antiquity)
Mark magazine
Thought Catalog
The City of the Sun
Student exchange program
Ciência sem Fronteiras
Grammatical mood
Comic strip
Third Man Records
Collection catalog
Devendra Banhart
Cell nucleus
Blue-eyed soul
Facebook Lite
Carona, Ticino
Celina, Ohio
Residency (medicine)
MGMT (album)
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
La Blogothèque
Public library
Help Kids with Cancer
Trem Desportivo Clube
Cooper Union
Professional wrestling promotion
Opening ceremony
binders full women
Bar da Praia
República (Nepalese newspaper)
Ethnic groups
The New School
Chico Buarque
Smile (band)
The Cure (The Cure album)
List of Girls episodes
Associação Quatro Patinhas
IEEE 1541-2002
Gus Van Sant
Fictional film
400 metres
MIT Technology Review
International Olympic Committee
Fuerza Bruta Wayra
Design Milk
Earth, Wind & Fire
Ian Holm
Middle-distance running
Foster the People discography
European Union
Parque Lage
Jah Wobble
Vox (blogging platform)
John Mayer discography
Middle Ages
Academic publishing
Air (French band)
Grizzly bear
Somos Tão Jovens - O Filme
Urban area
Caetano Veloso
Dirty Projectors
Triple jump
Musical film
Salário digno aos PROFESSORES do Brasil
Code Club
1996 Summer Olympics
O Terno
Rockland County, New York
Public university
FIBA Americas League
Land use
Bronze medal
Video hosting service
3 notes · View notes
Tumblr media
PODCAST: The Origins of Sant Mat, India's Path of the Masters, The Five Names, and the Identity of Tulsi Sahib’s Guru, Part 1 -- Spiritual Awakening Radio with James Bean-- Listen @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/bh1v_mS4W98
Or Click to Listen and/or Download Here: http://download.liveindexer.com/podcasts/HealthyLifeOD/Audio//ECI_AUTO/Jan2017/SPA011717_WMA.mp3
Lately I've been sharing about the Yoga of Sound, which is part of the meditation practice of India's Sant tradition, the Path of the Saints of Love (Bhakti). Today begins the first of five in-depth programs exploring the origins, the history of this Path of the Masters, also known as Sant Mat or Radhasoami (pronounced Ra-Dha-Swam-E), tracing the various lineages of Masters back through the centuries. You will become aware of some research into the origin and usage of the Five Names, the Panch Naam Mantra used by some. This series will even attempt to solve the mystery of who Sant Tulsi Sahib's guru was, and therefore how contemporary Sant Mat interfaces with the earlier Nirguna Bhakti Sant movement founded by Sant Dharam Das and Guru Kabir.
Everyone in contemporary Sant Mat has a clear idea about their own recent history of Masters, at least dating back a few generations. Most trace their lineage of gurus back to Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India. Tulsi Sahib (1763–1843) is viewed as the adi-guru or founding guru, the “great grandfather” of modern-day Sant Mat. The identity of Sant Tulsi Sahib’s guru has understandably been of great interest to many students of Sant Mat history. It’s quite normal for followers of a spiritual path to be curious about “the family tree” of previous masters, wanting to know where their spiritual path comes from. So, who was the guru of Tulsi Sahib? And who was that individual’s guru? Who was the guru before that? And so on.
I've attempted to do with Sant Mat research what I did which Christianity, lost books of the Bible and Gnostic Gospels, tracing things back to the beginning, collecting and making use of all the texts that are available to arrive at the clearest understanding possible, without regard to orthodoxy, doctrinal conformity or tradition, simply out of curiosity and a love for truth wherever that may lead. Anyone dull of heart and mind, not curious about the history of this family tree of Masters and the ocean of devotional literature, granths, sagars, banis, and bhajans they created, might also not necessarily possess a ruling passion for the teachings and meditation practice of contemporary Sant Mat either. For me, history is not a boring or dry thing. Not at all. Rather it is quite exciting, even spiritual and liberating!
"Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints." (New Testament Book of Jude, 1: 3)   “There is no end to the number of Sants [Saints] who appeared in the Yugas [Epochs] of Sat, Treta, Dvapar, and Kali [Yuga]. I sing of the celebrated one I have heard of, and bow my head to all the others.” (Jan Gopal, disciple of Sant Dadu Dayal of Rajasthan)
“Listen, O Phool Das, I have given out the same true secrets which Sants like Kabir Saheb, Dadu Saheb, Rai Das Ji, Darya Saheb, Guru Nanak, Soor Das Ji, Nabha Ji and Mira Bai have spoken of. They, too, have composed similar hymns describing the bliss of the highest spiritual region, whose glory I also have sung, blessed by the grace and the dust of the holy feet of Sants”. (Param Sant Tulsi Sahib)
* Podcast Download Page: A Collection of Current Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts-On-Demand: http://hosted.EarthChannel.com/HealthyLife/spa-od.html
God is the Ocean of Love and All-Consciousness.
In Divine Light and Sound, Gnosis, Peace, Jai Guru, Jai Sat Naam, Satya Raam, Radhasoami, James
* Website: http://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com
* For the Friends of Spiritual Awakening Radio there's a Donate Button on this page: http://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com/announce.html
* Like the Sant Mat Radhaswami Page at Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/SantMatRadhasoami
* Introduction to Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation: http://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com/santmat
* The Sant Mat Radhasoami Blog and Satsang E-Newsletter: https://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com
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erfigh · 5 years
Foto: Pixabay
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