#da wheel has spoken!
kits-shrine · 1 year
‘Oh, um...I think it's still there,’ Meeka replied.
He opened his now empty palms. Tsukuyomi chuckled "Sorry little one... I am out of... practice."
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littlxpxtal · 6 months
Little Dove | Chapter 1
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You sat in the fitting room, picking at your fingers, legs bobbing up and down waiting for Tigris to bring out the dress she hand sewn for the ceremony.
“Ta-da!” she announced pleased with herself as she wheeled the gown out on a mannequin carved to your measurements.
You gasped in awe. It was a deep red with a provocative sweetheart neckline. The length was past the floor, sprawling out. A good excuse to use the new platform heels you bought a few weeks ago. 
Immediately undressing, Tigris helped you step into the dress, fitting perfectly to your curves as always. The fabric was a soft crushed velvet, lined with a slippery satin that made it comfortable to move around in.
“You’ve outdone yourself this time, Tigris”
“It was nothing! All I could think about was you on that stage wearing it.”
You blushed and kissed her cheek. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you exclaimed. “Do you think he will like it?”
“He’s already seen it.” she winked. You stared at her quizzically. 
“He wanted me to raise the neckline. I told him I would but”
“But you didnt” you laughed
“He just doesn’t get it. He’ll forgive me someday”
You watched yourself in the mirror, heart starting to race at the thought of actually winning this award.
She showed you the different hairstyles and accessories she envisioned with her dress and you let her do her magic, saying yes to almost everything she proposed due to excitement and the inability to actually think straight from the nervousness. 
You were against 3 other candidates, 2 from the gamemaker committee and one from the presidents cabinet. You constantly ridiculed your mind with doubts, these other people had far more important jobs and positions in Panem. Plus you were the only female nominee. 
“Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?” She asked as she removed the last necklace option. 
“Do you really think I can win?”
Her face immediately crossed at your silly inquiry.
“Are you joking? No women in Panem has had the balls to do what you’ve done. You’ve gone out of your way to get these billionaires to donate to your campaign. You went to the districts personally to see the televisions installed. You designed the campaign ads yourself and gave dozens of speeches infronts of hundreds of people to support your initiative. You did all of that ideating and creating by yourself and made it happen. None of those other losers came close to the amount of work you put in this year to make a name for yourself. If you lose this award to one of them I’ll make their wives lives hell.”
You looked down and smiled at her outburst, grabbing her hand over your shoulder and squeezing it. 
“I couldn’t do this without you.”
There was a knock at the door 
“Miss Y/L/N, your driver is here.” One of Tigris’s assistants announced through the door.
“That’s my cue” you said standing up preparing to have Tigris unzip the dress off of you. 
“Tell Coriolanus I said hello.” she said flatly. 
It was the day of the awards ceremony and you woke up to an empty bed. Coryo had mentioned he had some duties to attend before the ceremony, but you were not expecting to him to leave so early. You hadn’t been very vocal about your anxiety surrounding the event that night, in fact you rarely spoke about it with him. 
It was only spoken about once during dinner with some of Coriolanus’s old peers that he would occasionally have over. Keeping them in good spirits in case he needed their support down the road. 
“So did Y/N tell you about her nomination?” Clemensia asked across the table at Coriolanus, sitting at the head of the table.
His eyebrow quirked up.
“Nomination for what?”
“Innovator of the year!” She cheered, tipping her wine glass at you. You politely dabbed your mouth from the spoonful of soup you just swallowed. A blush creeping up your neck to your face you sat as still as possible, not moving your eyes away from Clemmie. 
“I nominated her.” Festus chimed in. “The work shes done at the firm has been stupendous” He added. 
You finally gained the courage to look over at your boyfriend and his jaw was clenched. The room was silent before he forced a smile. 
“That’s lovely, congratulations Y/N” you smiled softly back at him and placed a hand over his. He didnt move, or acknowledge the touch, he kept his forced smile and used his other hand to raise his glass. 
“To Y/N”
“TO Y/N” Everyone exclaimed. 
It was previously planned before the dinner that you would be staying at Coryo’s that night, but after dinner you wished there had been a car waiting to take you home. The silence in the apartment after the guests left was suffocating. The clinks of glasses and dishes as you and Coryo cleaned up the table were the only sounds to be heard. 
You were wiping the counter as he starting to losen his tie and uncuff his links. 
“Why didn’t you tell me about this award?” He asked with no emotion. 
Without turning to face him you sighed. 
“It’s not really that big of a deal, it’s just a nomination. I doubt I’ll even get it.”
He huffed and walked over, standing inches infront of you. 
“Tell me about it.” He looked hard at you, furrowing his brows, eyes piercing into yours. 
“It’s one of the newer ones they’ve come up with for this years ceremony before the reapings begin. Its a way to celebrate everyone who’s played a part, they’re making them bigger and bigger every year.”
“Yes I know about this ceremony, we’re invited to it and I’ve gone every year since University. I’m asking you about your nomination and how you qualified.”
“I was nominated for Innovator of the year -” he interrupted “By Festus Creed” stating annoyed. He walked over to the fridge to get a glass of water.
“Well yes, I didn’t ask him to, if thats what your thinking.” He let out a dark laugh. 
“No thats not what im thinking. Im thinking he did it to get under my skin. He’s always trying to find ways to undermine me, he probably knew I wasnt nominated for anything.” He sat the cup down forcefully.
That’s when you realized this anger was not from you not telling him, perhaps he even knew. He didn’t seem surprised when it was announced at dinner, he seemed annoyed if anything. The attention turning from him hosting his guests to them toasting to you. He was jealous.
“I was nominated for my implementation of the Hunger Games being televised in the homes of every district resident, and my hardwork at campaigning to get people to advertise and put money behind the games.” You simply stated. Turning to finish wiping off the counter and walking to the sink to rinse your hands.
“I don’t think I’m even going to win Coriolanus.” you sighed wiping your hands on a towel. “Im against 3 other strong candidates who have done much more important and serious jobs than this. Plus I’m a woman, there has never been a female winner in any of the categories since the beginning of the games and these ceremonies. In all honesty, I think it was Festus who was trying to get under my skin and humiliate me infront of all of Panem. For me to think I even have a chance to have my name on a screen among those who have a bigger legacy in the history of our country. I just made some flyers and put up some TVs in the districts.” Tears brimmed your eyes at the reality of it all. The shame you felt from getting your hopes up.
You heard his footsteps creep behind you, quickly wiping your tears before he could see how pathetically emotional you were getting over this. He touched the back of your arm and kissed the top of your head.
“You’re going to win.” He stated plainly, then left the room. 
An Avox brought breakfast to your bedside as requested. Unable to get most of it down, you slowly sipped the tea as you flicked through the TV, finally settling on a kids cartoon just to have some background noise as you tried to calm your nerves before having to start tonights preparations. 
“I can’t believe you made me come here” Tigris whispered, annoyed. 
“I’m sorry he wanted us to arrive together and I couldn’t convince him to get ready at my apartment.” you shrugged. 
Tigris and her crew of makeup artists got to work, putting heat on your hair and moisturizing your face. 
The sun was beginning to set, and you had about a full bottle of champagne down the hatch by the time they were done. Slipping on the gold strappy platform heels you’ve been daydreaming about, you walked over to the full body mirror Coryo had hanging in the guest bedroom. 
“WOW” you exclaimed. “I can’t believe you made me this pretty”
Tigris shushed you with her hands and picked up the train of your dress to lay around you, as designed. She handed you the box of the final necklace that was decided upon before whisking her assistants and tools away. 
“See you at the ceremony Y/N” she cheered before shutting the door. 
Taking the next few minutes of silence to admire yourself in the mirror, you were so absorbed in your own beauty that you didn’t even hear the door open, or his footsteps walking toward you. 
Only until you heard his voice did you notice his presence. 
“Need some help with that?” He motioned towards the jewlery box set on the stand by the mirror. 
You nodded your head excitedly and he opened it, smirking at the large piece of jewlery.
You eyed the exquisite gold necklace, lined with small diamonds around the base. 
“Tigris has a taste for the extravagant doesn’t she” you laughed sheepishly, not remembering it being an option she provided during your last visit. 
“I actually picked this one out.” he whispered in your ear. He motioned for you to lift your hair, and he placed it gently against your collarbones, fingers tracing lightly around your neck as he clasped it. 
You turned to face him, your nerves easing looking into his familiar eyes. “Thank you, I love it.”
He placed a small kiss on your cheek, avoiding the lipgloss that was applied a few moments before the team left. 
“The car is here” he said standing back up straight and eyeing himself in the mirror, making sure he was in check for the event. Sweeping a hand over the side of his hair to calm a strayaway that had popped out. 
“Coryo I’m nervous” you squeaked out.
He didn’t react, still staring at himself in the mirror to make sure all was put together. 
“Don’t be love, you’re going to win.”
His eyes flickered over to you for a second before placing a hand on your waist. 
“C’mon now, don’t work yourself up over this. Let’s just have a good time.”
Coryo wasn’t always the best at comforting your ailments, but tonight he was being particularly insensitive. Now no longer nervous, but frustrated you huffed, grabbing your purse and pulling up the train of your own dress to the car. Fiddling with your idle hands again, since he wasnt holding them, burrowing into deep thought of the morbid embarrassment you feel if you didn’t win. How sad it would be for Coriolanus to be seen with someone who was a loser. Your throat tightened, letting out a sob you had been holding the whole car ride.
“Pull over.” he demanded to the driver. 
“Dove, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t think I can do this, I can’t bare to humiliate you like this. Can we please go home and forget this. If anyone should be winning anything its you. Im so silly to think-”
“I need you to listen to me right now. You will not humiliate me, you should be proud of yourself for being nominated. Its an honor, one that you have rightfully been nominated for. You wouldn’t be here if there werent people behind those doors who didnt believe that. Please pull yourself together, for me?” He held your hand, fingers tracing the side of your face as you stared into his eyes, searching for more. You wanted him to be proud of you, to be more open. About anything. 
“Okay.” you whispered. “I’m ready”
“Go on.” Coryo instructed the driver. He held onto your hand until the car came to a stop again infornt of the parade of photographers outside of the building. He released your hand to step out, waving the cameras away so he could come around to your side of the car. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and flashes blinding you slightly, making you forget where you were, what you were there for and what you were wearing. Immediately becoming self conscious, you gave a small smile to the cameras before grabbing Coryo’s hand to lift yourself from the car seat.
After regaining your composure, you put on the performance you usually gave to those outside of your close circle, a radiating confidence that had people swooning at the sight. You gave a smirk at the cameras before leaning over to give Coryo a kiss on the cheek. He rolled his eyes, only slight enough for you to see. The camera men cheered, begging for more. 
This was what originally attracted Coriolanus to you. Your confidence and way with people. You couldn manipulate people with your smile, sarcasm and humour. People would fight for your attention in conversation, dying for you to hear what they have to say. You were such a people person it made him sick. You were also better at networking than him, which would make his blood boil if you took it too far. 
Your flirtatious manners have gotten you into trouble a few times with him. Taking just a little too far for his liking, but he could never stay mad at you, since he knew it was all an act. All a performance. Behind closed doors your were doubtful, over thinking every interaction you had. An intense anxiety over every decision you made. On the outside you were so sure of yourself. But on the inside you were always second guessing and frightened. 
That was the difference between you two. 
As for Coriolanus, his confidence outside was just an expression of how he felt inside. He was more sure of himself than anyone you had ever met, which is what attracted you to him. 
Together you were a force to be reckoned with. 
He let you have your time with the cameras, letting them get shots of all angles of your dress and accessories. 
“Who designed your outfit this evening Y/N”
“Tigris Snow of course, who else?” You smiled brightly, placing your hands on your hips and winking at the camera man the question had been asked from. 
“But this necklace is from my lover, Coriolanus.” You gesture over to the man standing to the side. The cameras began to flash and point at him. They began shouting questions at him, except they weren’t the normal questions he’s usually asked at these events. 
Like what new laws hes proposing, or when he will run for president. 
Tonight they were all questions about you. 
You tried reading his face to see what he was thinking, but just like you, Coryo put on an act for the cameras. 
“Do you think Y/N is going to win Innovator of the year?” One shouted.
Unable to read his expression as you guys strode up the stairs, him holding onto your train for you this time, he stops and turns to look over his shoulder
“Hell yes she is.”
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bewilderedbunny · 2 years
Objection! (Eddie x reader smut) 18+ only!
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Author's note and content warnings:
2.6k words of silly smut. minors DNI!
I thought that a meet cute between a court stenographer and defendant would be fun. Please keep in mind that I know nothing about the judicial system and my only point of references are Better Call Saul and Legally Blonde. (I also found out that the dancing inflatable tubeman wasn't invented until the mid-late 90s. Please forgive me for my ignorance.)
Fem!reader along with use of she/her pronouns. No use of Y/N, just honey, ma'am and sweetheart. Mechanic!Eddie (it isn't touched on much in the story but that is his job in this world) slightly sub!Eddie, vigilante!Eddie, Eddie has a little bit of a stocking fetish, Eddie is a thigh man in this fic, mentions of drugs, oral sex (f receiving) unprotected piv sex (don't do that IRL) strangers to lovers.
Credit to @firefly-graphics for the divider ❄️ not tagging anyone since this isn't my usual fluff 💗
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It's a gray, snowy morning as you step off the city bus and walk to Hawkins courthouse. You check your watch as you enter the building. The first case of the day is at 8am and you've got 45 minutes to get your coffee and set up your station.
Most days are pretty much the same with your work. Scribing every word spoken during a case, then later editing and finalizing the transcript. Every once in a while you speak when you need someone to repeat themselves or when you are called upon to read a portion of the transcripts. Other than those instances, your job is to turn off your brain and type as fast and accurately as you possibly can. It can be a monotonous, boring job but it works for you.
You hang up your coat, grab a paper cup of coffee and sit at your station as you wait for the first case of the day.
The prosecutor enters, you see it's Leonard Mitchell. He's one of the older DAs and he has a reputation for being stubborn and irritable.
Next to enter the room is the defendant accompanied by his attorney. The defendant is wearing a slightly wrinkled white button-up shirt, black jeans, and boots, and his long brown curls are tied back into a bun. He whispers something to his lawyer as they take a seat.
The defense attorney looks vaguely familiar to you, but you can't place his name. He's in his mid-forties and has the cadence of an overworked and under-resourced public defender.
The bailiff enters the room and announces,
All of you rise as the judge enters the room.
"Court is now in session. The honorable Judge Steward is presiding."
Judge Steward is one of your favorites. She's mastered the art of being patient yet firm and she's always been kind to you. You're scheduled to work beside her all day today.
"Good morning, everyone. Calling the case of the State of Indiana versus Edward Munson. The charge is petty theft. Mr. Munson, how do you plead?"
Eddie pleads not guilty and the proceedings begin.
The prosecutor starts his argument.
"On the evening of November 12th, an air dancer was stolen from Wheels and Deals car dealership. That air dancer was then seen at one of the defendants' rock shows."
Judge Steward interjects, "What is an "air dancer" exactly?"
"Your honor, an air dancer is an inflatable figure that, when attached to a fan, dances and flails around. They are mostly used for advertising, which was what Wheels and Deals Auto purchased this item for until it was stolen by Mr. Munson. The loss of potential profits from losing this item is substantial."
Eddie scoffs and his defense attorney rebuts with,
"They aren't exactly Superbowl commercials. They could bring in what, an extra sale or two?"
"Yes- of a car. Of which the average sale price for this establishment is for one single vehicle is $14,000."
Eddie's eyes go wide, he can't seriously be expected to pay 14 grand for a balloon, right?
The judge asks, "Mr. Mitchell, how much did Wheels & Deals purchase the air dancer for?"
The arguments continue for a while, once they are finalized, Judge Steward makes her ruling.
"On the charge of petty theft, I find Mr. Munson guilty. He is ordered to pay $20 in restitution and work 12 hours of community service. The court is now adjourned."
As everyone leaves the room, you're approached by Regina, Judge Steward's clerk.
"You're the court reporter today, right?"
"Yes, I am."
"You can go. Judge Steward had something come up so the rest of the cases today are being postponed."
You grab your coat and walk outside. The ground is covered in slushy snow and as you walk down the courthouse steps, you lose your footing and start to slip. Just as you do, a hand reaches out to hold your elbow and steady you.
You look up and see the balloon thief smiling down at you from a step above. Now he's added a hoodie, leather jacket, and a denim vest over his button-up.
"Careful there, sweetheart. You could've fallen and landed on your money makers." He nods to your hands as he says "money makers" which makes you laugh.
"That would have been awful. Thanks, Mr. Munson."
"No problem. Let's make sure you make it the rest of the way in one piece, 'kay?"
He holds onto you the rest of the way down the stairs. Once you're on the sidewalk, he lets go, you miss his touch instantly.
"Thanks again, Mr. Munson. Take care."
"You too, sweetheart."
He gives you a nod before walking to the parking garage. You wait at the bus stop and check the schedule. The next bus isn't due for another 15 minutes. You would normally head back inside to wait but you don't want to risk embarrassing yourself again with the stairs.
You're shivering and breathing into your hands as a beat-up van approaches. Eddie reaches over and rolls down his passenger window to talk to you.
"You're gonna freeze out here, y'know?"
"Oh, I'm fine Mr. Munson. Really, don't worry about it."
"C'mon, let me drive you home."
You take a moment before getting in the van. It smells like cigarettes and some type of woodsy air freshener or cologne.
You buckle your seatbelt and thank him.
"Of course. Can't leave a fair maiden such as yourself to freeze. Where to?"
You smile at him and give him your address.
There's a comfortable silence between the two of you as he drives.
You look over at him and say, "Can I ask you something?" He looks at you from the corner of his eye.
"Why did I steal the air dancer?"
"Why did you steal the air dancer?"
"I didn't, he just came to my show. Can't help it that he has great music taste. Nice guy, actually. Named him Ozzy.
You laugh and he then says,
"That dealership is the worst, scamming people into buying shitty used cars for well over what they're worth. I work at Thacher Tire and we have so many people come in after being scammed by that place. I just had enough."
God, he stole something so stupid for such a sweet reason.
"That makes sense. A little payback for the people."
He looks at you and smiles, a beautiful dimpled smile "Exactly."
"How do you feel about the verdict?"
"Well, I'm still disappointed that my original trial by combat request was denied."
Your laughter fills the van, delighting Eddie as he continues,
"I'm glad I only have to pay $20, wish it was $0 but it's much more ideal than 14k."
"Very true."
"And the community service is fine. I mean, I was doing service for the community by stealing the damn thing in the first place but whatever." You nod in agreement as he continues,
"I'll be honest, one of the reasons I stole Ozzy is that I thought he'd be fun for shows. And for business."
"At the tire shop?"
"No, I deal on the side."
"Deal… cars?"
He laughs, "No, uh, other stuff."
Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline and scold him,
"Eddie! Don't tell someone you met at the courthouse that you're a drug dealer!"
"Aw, I'm not Mr. Munson anymore? I liked when you called me that." You roll your eyes as he pulls up to your home. You're disappointed the drive was so short.
"I'm mostly just sad that I had to give Ozzy back to those dickheads. He belongs on stage with the real Ozzy, y'know?"
Your heart hurts at his personification of the inflatable man. You place your hand on his arm and say,
"Maybe they sent him to a farm where he can dance to Black Sabbath all day with others just like him."
He looks at your hand and bites his lip as he smiles.
"That's the dream. What, uh, what do you have going on the rest of the day?"
"Well, they sent me home early so I have no plans. I'm all free."
"Yeah? I'm kind of a free man too, in a way. Avoided some serious prison time today."
"Yeah? What are you gonna do with your newly found freedom, Mr. Munson?"
He looks at you for a moment before leaning in to kiss you. It's soft at first, your lips are barely touching as warm breath fans over you. He holds the back of your head with one hand and rubs your thigh with the other as he deepens the kiss. You give a tentative swipe at his lips with your tongue. He opens his mouth and repeats the action to you. You have your hands pressed against his chest as you lick into each other's mouths.
You pull back and invite him to come inside, he smiles a big toothy grin before jumping out of the van and sprinting (and sliding) to the passenger side to open your door. You giggle at him, he holds your waist as you walk up to your front door. You hesitate before opening it, realizing you should make sure he isn't some notorious drug kingpin.
"What do you deal?"
"Just weed. Sometimes other stuff but it's usually just weed."
"Other stuff? Like what?" Once the door is unlocked take off your shoes and he follows suit.
"Well, it's rare that anyone wants it, but every once in a while I sell ketamine."
"The horse tranquilizer?"
"What's a girl like you know about special k?" He asks.
You chuckle, "A girl like me spent 60 hours last week transcribing in drug court. Probably recording some of your clients, now that I think about it."
You lead him to your bedroom. Once you're inside, he slips off your coat and cardigan, then begins unbuttoning your shirt.
"Well with customer confidentiality I couldn't possibly say." He removes your shirt once it's unbuttoned and leans down to plant kisses along your breasts. You moan and tug at the many layers covering his torso, he takes the hint and removes them.
"Of course. You're a professional, after all." You kiss his neck and trace the tattoos that decorate his chest with your fingers.
"But, the next time one of my customers gets picked up, I may have to show up to their arraignment if it means I get to see you again."
You laugh and lay back on your bed before replying, "You think that would be good for their case? Their dealer showing up with a stolen air dancer?"
He climbs on top of you, a couple of loose curls hang by your face as he leans in.
"Who knows? I may just woo you into accidentally writing the transcript as not guilty."
You roll your eyes and kiss him.
He runs his hand up your stocking-covered leg. Once he reaches the top of your thigh where the fabric ends, he lets out a groan.
"Fuck, these don't go all the way up? You're killing me here. Let's get this skirt out of the way so I can get a better look."
He unzips your skirt and rolls it down your legs. Once it reaches your ankles, he stops and rests his head against your calf.
"Honey, you are something else." He kisses his way along your leg. He looks into your eyes as he lightly bites the fabric of your stockings and pulls. Your thighs go to close on instinct but he pulls them apart.
"Y-you tear those and you're buying me another pair."
"That's fine. Got a deal set up later today with Arod for some Ket."
"Arod? Legolas' horse in Lord of the Rings? He- y'know nevermind. It's not important right now. I'll tell you after."
You laugh at him and he returns his focus to kissing up your thigh. He lays smooches and licks in the area where your mound and thigh meet.
Your hips buck, he holds them down and says, "Woah, down girl."
"You're ridicu-"
He cuts you off by pressing his mouth to your clothed pussy.
You gasp and hold onto his hair.
He pulls back to slide off your panties and says, "Keep talking, sweetheart. Tell me how ridiculous I am while I lick you out." your face heats up as he uses his pointer and middle finger to spread your lips, inspecting you.
"Fuck. Isn't she pretty?"
He spits directly on your clit which makes you squirm. He licks a flat stripe up your folds before eagerly lapping at your clit. It sends little shocks through your whole body. His big hands keep your thighs spread as he devours you.
The slick, wet sounds combined with both of your moans is, quite frankly, obscene.
He moves down to your entrance and gives it a few licks before shoving his tongue in as far as it will go. You gasp and shudder as he presses in and out, fucking you with his tongue. He switches from keeping your thighs spread to squeezing them against his head. You're a bit worried about hurting him, but he's having the time of his life.
The vibration from the little pleasured noises he is making, the feeling of his tongue inside you, and his nose nudging against your clit has you nearly sobbing.
You feel his eyes bore into you and when you finally give in and look down at him, he's a mess. Red cheeks, ruffled hair, and a twinkle in his eyes as he watches you come undone.
He shakes his head back and forth desperately for a moment before moving up to focus on your clit. Having his pretty pink lips eagerly suck at your oversensitive clit is almost painful. As you feel the pressure in your belly build, you tug on his hair and whisper that you're close. He continues sucking, working for your orgasm like it's a prize to be won.
When your release hits, you're seeing stars. He doesn't stop sucking and lapping until you push him away, twitching and teary-eyed. He moves up your body and kisses you. He's more gentle with your mouth than he was with your cunt and the taste of him mixed with your own slick is mouthwatering.
You reach down and fumble with his belt. You tug down his pants and boxers just enough for his cock to spring out. It's a bit longer than average and thick with a reddened, leaky tip. You stroke it softly as he kisses your neck.
"Gotta be inside of you, honey. Please?" He practically whimpers.
"Mhmm, put in me."
You feel him smile against you before saying,
"Yes ma'am. Here, let me help." Reaching down, he covers your hand that's holding his cock with his own and guides your hands up and down your folds before prodding at your entrance.
He enters you slowly, inch by inch, until he's buried all the way in.
"Jesus Christ, I'm not gonna last long. She's squeezin' me so tight. I nearly creamed my pants from eating you out."
"It's okay, Eddie. Take your time."
He holds still for a moment before grinding into you. You moan and hold onto his shoulders. Once he has control over himself, he finds a rhythm. The patch of curly hair surrounding his cock tickles your clit with every thrust. He reaches down to grip your thighs as he fucks you. He lasts for a few moments before pulling back to look at you with a pained expression on his face.
"You okay?"
"Fuck, I'm so close. Where c-can I cum?"
"Wh-where do you want to cum?"
"Your thighs, fuck. Want to cum on your thighs so bad."
"Please, paint my stockings, Mr. Munson."
Your words send him over the edge, he curses and pulls out, covering your stocking and skin with his release. He lays down beside you and pulls you to his chest. You listen to his heartbeat while he takes a moment to catch his breath. Once he does, he says,
"So, as I was saying, Arod is Legolas' horse and-"
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championofapollo · 2 years
I'm just starting to think that my family are just a bunch of DnD characters irl. We all have Tragic Backstories TM and an absurd amount of feats/skills
My mom is an Elf Ranger who went to cosmetology school, had her own radio show in Uni, graduated with an English degree, yet now has a job as an Engineer?? Plus, she used to speak 3 languages, but she hasn't spoken French or Spanish in a while, so she's forgotten vocab (I vividly remember her holding full conversations in Spanish when I was little). She's the reason we live out in the middle of nowhere, beside a pond, with many horses.
My dad is a Human Paladin (I guess). He's been GMing since High School, used to play precussion, and is now part-time Engineer part-time Writer. Don't ask me how, but in 24 hours, he can give you detailed records of just about any city. Original maps, who lived there, and pretty much general information about the town history n some fun facts. Also, when he dies, he insists that he wants to be thrown in a volcano that's about to errupt so that his ashes will travel the globe. Oh! And he throws axes.
Idrk what my older sister would be? She's certainly an elf like my mom, but I can't decide if she would be a caster or barbarian... Eh, multiclass! She grew up in my household, so obviously, she's a witch. She knows at least 20 ways to kill a person and can summon storms with her emotions. When she was younger, she decided she was going to learn Swahili, so ta da! She wanted to go to school for architecture but then picked up streaming, and now she has an internship for coding ._.
Iiii am somehow a Fae Rogue? All my life, I've vibrated at an odd frequency, so I'm never clear in photos. I don't know how many knives I have anymore, I'm an op pick-pocket, then give me 30 seconds so I can hide in plain sight (true story, they were looking for half an hour). I speak 5 languages (none fluently), play 3 instruments, draw, know how to make pottery on the lil wheel thingy, do embroidery, and am working on my sewing. I also write and am descent at photography. But I'm going to Uni for Marine Science!
Last but not least, my younger twin brother. He has to be at least part elf because of how extra he is, but he's not quite a half elf. 1/4 Elf Fighter! This is my goofy sibling that insists on having a sword collection, has an armoire full of legos, used to think he was a Monster Truck, and works part time as a Fencing Instructor. He was the one that got dad into throwing axes. His life goal is to own a castle somewhere in France to be a safehaven for gays, as well as to direct his own movies.
How did we end up like this-??
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give me 2 lifelines
Loki Laufeyson x female reader x Nuada (SMUT)
Anon asked: I don’t know if you’re familiar with Prince Nuada from Hellboy but I was wondering if you could do a piece that’s Prince Loki and Prince Nuada fighting over Fem Reader but end up sharing her. Lots of angst and NSFW content. I love a good sub/Dom dynamic. It would be AMAZING if you could whip something up 😊🥰❤️
SMUT AHEAD, 18+, sir/king kink, threesome MMF, dominant vibes,ah, you know the drill
I am not the best at grammar so if there are any mistakes, sorry! Now, enjoy!
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"Tell me about him."
"About who, Loki?"
"Your past lover with the fairly peculiar name."
"Nuada? Why?"
"You said his name yesterday in your sleep, dove."
"Why for? Now, was he comparable to me?"
She giggles "A little. He held himself to the same elevated royal regard like you."
"But that was his downfall."
"That was years ago. I am certain he forgot about me. I love you."
"I love you too, princess. However, you are untrue about one thing."
"About what?"
"Whoever you cross paths with, you leave an irreplaceable print on their lives. I am sure that Nu-a-da feels the same."
"Nuada..." her words echoed off the magical glass and into his ears picking up the sad tone his eyes picking up only the cold wall he faced. "I am leaving. I need to go back Hellboy told me that being in this world is bad for me I need to go back to MY home. I will NOT see you again."
He stands up seeing the form of his former lover disappear in gold flakes with his hand raised. "Y/n.'"her desperate name befalls off his lips.
Nuada stands up walking towards his today's visitor, his twin sister. Nuala. "Brother." he retorted "Sister."
Her hand reaches her chest. The thin fabric mashing into her narrow fingers. "I feel a tremendous distress from you."
"Ha, that gloom followed me when you betrayed me for the big red rock." he argued his attitude spiteful.
Nuala shakes her head "No, this sadness is beyond comparison. Unexplainable." she refuted moving closer to the shield her hand on the magical glass."This is heartbreak. For a certain being." Nuada's eyes gazing at her eyeing her mouth "For a human girl." His eyes twitched.
"That is forgone now. My actions are-" she cuts him off "-Are empty. Wanting nothing more than to have her back your arms wanting to do to everything and comprise everything to be with her. Since no price is too imperial for her."
His turmoil echoed in the cell his kin standing her hand moving through the glass, his eyes cleared in shock.
"You could have run but you didn't, your powers exceed far more than mine. But you stayed for her, to pay the dues and to show in front of her a new creature. A new man how the humans would say."
Nuada walks striding out of the cell inquiring her with a breathless "Why?"
Nuala only cackles giving a minor shudder "Go... Find her."
Nuada steps off the stairs and moves out of the prison. His silver hair lifting off in the air that breezed through the long stands she caressed each night before they slept. His eyes that Y/n swore were made from molten gold searched into the area searching for his swords. His steps falling silent as he hears a small swish of magic, he turns to find a portal laced with green hues. He looks at the portal seeing no one only hearing the faint whisper of someone he yeared for.
"I am telling you. Bruce would manage to lift the hammer if he was in the elevator. No one can change my mind."
With no attending thoughts in his brain, his legs strode in front of him and into the portal that lured him so deceivingly in. The thick air that resided in his lungs was no more as he saw the same room he used to sneak in. The same cabinet he stubs his toe too many times and the small long mirror that was placed on the wall in front of the bed. He was here. Nuada was present in Y/N's room. The door opens and he sees her... and she sees him as the loud clang of swords fall from his pale blue hands. Y/n's steps coming to a halt. In front of her stood the former lover, the hair she kissed and braided was now much longer almost touching his buttcheeks the high cheekbones still current as ever the same markings on his skin stayed.
"Nuada? Wh-what are you doing here?"
She doesn't know how to acknowledge knowing that her present lover will come by any time soon. Her mind belonged to Loki. But what about her heart? Was there still room for Nuada to stand proud in?
"She told me to see you. She felt my eternal heartbreak that was left between us."
He steps closer, his hands reaching for her, her holding hands daily not yet remembering how rough he was. Y/N froze. There was no better way to explain it. Her brain worked overtime like a hamster in a wheel while her heart thudded in her ears and throat.
"I don't know what to say. We broke up. ever since you went to prison."
"I want to remove that, that memory. Seeing your face in vast anguish was something never I desired for."
Y/n flinches as her hands move away from his. Retorting with a small sigh "Still, we can not be together, Nuada, I am from a different world. Remember what Abe said:
"If you say here for too long your body will not manage to live here. It will kill itself slowly and who knows maybe that portal which you travel through will not open one day and you will lose all your loved ones."
"You can not stay here Nuada. You need to go back."
She wanted to shift away but his warmth and his authentic hands gradually and agonizingly pulled her in, her head resting on his shoulder. They stayed like that in silence while Nuada explains himself "My jewel, will you let me rewrite the wrongs of my life? Will you let me come back in and try to find the peace that you carry within you. I am lost without you?"
Y/n derides as her hand nudges against his chest tears probing outside of her eyes "What do you think felt like? When I came back after you were taken I had to rebuild myself, my job which I lost as I was traveling too much between realms and had to mask it. I had very bad thoughts that took a toll on me. you cannot ask for me to 'open my heart and welcome you with open arms. If it wasn't for Loki-"
"-Who is Loki?"
"My current BOYFRIEND. My lover."
Nuada footed back not even thinking that maybe she moved on with her life and found love with another. He didn't think how much damage he did to her heart that was already harmed.
"And who are you, stranger?" Loki's voice stirs through Y/n's ears and Nuada's, as well as both of them, turn to the god himself.
"Loki!" Y/n moved towards him already fearing what he thought "Nothing happened, I swear."
His finger reaches up to her cheek caressing the supple skin as she leans into his warm touch momentary closing her eyes. Not going unnoticed by the long-haired creature himself. "I know, lover. It is alright." he strides past her walking towards Nuada his green suit being slightly knowledgeable to Nuada.
"Have you-" "I assure you stranger, we are meeting for the first time. What is your name? What are you called?"
"Prince Nuada."
Loki swivels to Y/n "So that is him. dove? Perplexing..." Loki gazes at the creature noticing his marks on his body while his hand points to the marks "Are you a warrior? A bad one?" he grins seeing the small twitch in Nuada's eyebrow.
"I have spoken before my title is that of a prince. And what are you?"
"I am a God."
Loki walks back to Y/n holding her hand in his own bringing it up to his lips giving it the small peck she needs to zone back into reality and feel the gravity of this situation.
"Shall we?" "Yes..."
Nuada gazes and he feels the words jump out "I WILL DO ANYTHING TO BE WITH YOU, MY JEWEL!" they both halt turning to look at the elf "My pride is nothing compared to that to be kissed by your lips and to be filled by your love."
"Nuada, please... Stop this."
Nuada was a dominant creature of pride his name was not to be said without a shiver running down the spine of the person who said his name. The dangerous exterior and the harsh demeanor changed as Nuada kneeled, his pride stowed away not to see the light of this day.
"I still love her. She STILL possesses my heart."
Loki chuckles while he resolves, holding Y/n's hand
"What can we do about it? She has my heart as well."
Y/n subsisted in surprise staying between two of the same coin not already feeling the familiar tinge of arousal going through her body. Loki turns to Nuada indicating with a grin.
"Let us share her."
He turns back to her kissing her lips saying in a bare hum "What else do you want me to do dove? You can see who much he IS willing to go through just to have a taste of your nectar. We can stop if that is what you wish for."
Y/n gasped out feeling Nuada pressed flush against her backside his hand traveling across her back.
"Then it's determined."
Loki looked at Y/n flushed eyes her iris almost despairing while she felt Nuada's long lost lips on her neck kissing and attending to her every carnal need she was deprived of. Loki took no more than a second to unbutton her shirt as she moaned at his cold fingers "No, use your magic." she barely managed to say it.
Loki takes it into account snapping his fingers as Y/n's, Nuada's, and Loki's clothes despair off of them leaving them naked. Nuada snatched her back onto the bed letting her softly sit down as Loki went behind her letting her rest her head on his abs. Nuada one more kneels looking solely at Y/n's
"May, I taste you, my jewel?" she nods as Nuada lets his lips open his tongue coming out and landing softly at the bottom of her folds tracing slowly up hearing her moans that he missed dearly. Loki kept an eye on her seeing her head drop against his stomach her eyes shut closed while her nipples begged for him to attend to them. His hands glided down giving her a message turning the nubs softly following the rhythm of Nuada's pace. As Nuada went up he found the one thing that gave her the nickname she carries for him his finger gently removing the fold and showing her clit "My only jewel." he mused seeing the deep red blush on her cheeks her eyes squinting not wanting to show her full-blown eyes his lips land around her clit sucking the delicate nerve bundle pulling slowly back giving her more depth to her passion. As her moans filled the room, Nuada HAD to rut his hips into the edge of the mattress wishing for just some sort of friction he craved for. Loki was nothing different either.
Y/n could feel his tip at the bottom of her head hard and quivering in rhythm with her moans each of the being anguish.
"I am close."
Loki answers sternly "Nuada, stop."
Nuada obediently ends peeking at the God, knowing he needs to play nice or otherwise he won't feel Y/n around him. "Let's fill her. Would you like that my beautiful Queen?"
"Yes." she rasped out "Yes, what?" "Yes, My King."
"Now, turn on your stomach. Nuada, we will swap our positions."
Nuada asks trying to hold still some ropes of authority "When will I feel her?"
Loki walks to him grabbing his chin forcefully "You, prince, will have your turn but for now, you will get her sacred mouth. Do you mind that Y/n?"
Y/n shakes her head between the power play that was in front of her "No."
Nuada kneels on the bed seeing Y/n beneath him, his cock twitched wanting nothing more than to take her and kill the god that was playing the power play over his royal birthright. Loki stood at the bed seeing her slick wet and pulling, taking his member into his hand pushing in, giving Nuada the head nod as Nuada places his cock in Y/n's mouth feeling her tongue beneath his cock while he slid further down listening to the audible gag reflex.
Y/n didn't know how to explain being throat fucked by a former King of Elf's and being fucked by a God of Mischief, feeling her both holes stretched with no remorse... And thriving in the fantasy.
"Can I move, pet?" Loki begged as he hears the audible Mhh from the bottom of her mouth. Jerking back from her pussy the tight walls would want nothing more than to hold him inside as Nuada continued to feel every inch of her mouth.
"Now, ah, Y/n your rule. You are not to cum until myself and Nuada cum inside you. You understand?"
At the command, she felt a powerful shiver in her body as rather of her voice her body replied as she became wetter at the demand. Loki chuckles as he looks at Nuada seeing his hand in Y/n's hair griping guiding her to a pace he knew she could take.
"Are you alright with that, Nuada? Having her being filled by mine and your seed."
"Yes. I can't wait to see her filled with our milk."
A few more thrusts and the men that were subdued at her body came. Y/n trying to hold in her orgasm. Loki pulls out feeling the cold air on his warm cock. While Nuada pulled slowly seeing her mouth full with his cum her eyes teary.
"Thank you... Sir," she said as a small smile was on Y/n's face. Loki looks at the two of them chuckling "She is all yours, Nuada." Loki and Nuada once more switch places as Loki attentively wipes the mix of drool and saliva pushing it back into her mouth giving her a sloppy kiss.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, my King." she smiled. Nuada feels inching his cock to her folds pushing in. Her walls clutching at the tip he halts feeling the mix of Loki's cum and her own giving him silenced in. Closing her eyes she feels Loki's hand travel past her breasts, stomach and halting at her clit playfully flicking it.
"Loki!" she cries as the nerves shock her. "Do you like it, while play with your jewel while Nuada is thrusting in you, hopefully breeding a child in your womb, Y/n? Do you like it? To have a child and to share it with me and Nuada as fathers?"
"Yes!!! Nuada, fill me up well! Places!" the level she stooped to screen to out she didn't know she had it in her. Nuada thrust feeling her pull him only further in her walls clutching him for all she is worth. Loki pulls his hand back seeing the tears stream down Y/n's cheek.
"Do you wish to cum pet?" "Yes!"
Loki looks at Nuada seeing him give a nod and he responds "Then cum."
One more time and y/n doesn't see her lover only a white light as her orgasm rolled out of her. Talia felt Nuada ruts his hips into hers and as he slowly pulled out she felt full and replenished with their cum something filthy felt so powerful.
Wow, need holy water on my eyes. thanks for reading. tell me what you think. Hope you liked it.
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laurensprentiss · 3 years
Jouska [Hotch x Reader]
Chapter 14:
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Gif credit: @dudeitiskarev
Warnings: None really, minor mentions of injuries, major trauma bonding, Emily and reader are true soulmates, Hotch drops a bombshell.
“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” - Laurell K. Hamilton
Relief is a strange thing. 
Hotch has been by your bedside for the two days you’ve been in the hospital recovering from your injuries. He switches periodically between your room and Emily’s, checking in, grabbing a stale cup of coffee and stuffing himself into a chair that’s much too small. He’d met Ambassador Prentiss on the night you’d been brought into the hospital, all hard lines and pointy corners packed into her petite, perfectly postured frame. 
Emily looks unsettlingly like her, he thinks. Just warmer. 
It was Elizabeth who’d finally managed to get a hold of your father in the early hours after you’d been brought in, after which he’d ordered the plane to be turned around immediately. He’d narrowly escaped his fate too. Unbeknownst to him, Jordan had arranged for somebody to have him taken care of as well.
He was debriefed on his way to the hospital, convoy in tow and had taken the time to handle his emotions en route. A few stray tears had rolled down his cheek when he’d seen you, the angry bruising on your face piercing his chest. 
He’d spoken with Elizabeth then, hushed voices that agreed to finally take care of this. 
“It’s the Fitzgerald boy?” He’d asked Hotch. 
“Yes, Sir. He’s in our custody at HQ. Senator Fitzgerald is waiting to see him.” 
“I think maybe we should pay them both a visit.” Your father had said evenly. 
It’s the most stoic Hotch had ever seen him and it was entirely unsettling. Hotch had always known him as a powerful man, but he was kind, affable, humble. He could see now the side to him that he hadn’t before, the side that controlled DC, pulled strings and cashed in favours and had a powerful, reputational political standing. 
He’d take care of it. 
And he had. 
Calls had been made to law firms - now any lawyer who valued their career refused to take on the case, despite Senator Fitzgerald’s own old-money influence. A public defender would try to get him out on bail the following day but a well-placed call to Chief Justice Archibald and the DA would ensure that wouldn’t happen. 
A seething threat delivered in your father’s expert, neutral and unwavering tone had been made to the Senator himself when he’d tried to cash in his own favours. That had sealed the fate for the Senator, his son and his legacy. 
“Try something like that again, Senator, and I won’t need my security to take care of you. After you let your dog off his leash, after what your boy did to my daughter - I’ll make sure you’re done here. Forever.” 
In the meanwhile, Hotch studies the marbling bruises on your face, the stitches above your eyebrow, remnants of your harrowing ordeal. He watches you exhale in short shallow breaths, slipping in and out of sleep but frowns when a stray strand of hair obscures your face. He reaches out and moves it gently, his finger brushing the jagged skin of your cheek. 
His breath hitches. 
He’s now developed a sort of tic, runs his fingers over the cool gold of your pendant that he still has a hold of, finds it’s the only thing that’ll fight off thoughts of a very possible different ending. He keeps reminding himself he needs to return it to you as soon as he can - can’t promise he’ll want to part with it, though. 
Relief is a strange thing. 
You’re alive and recovering but would anything alleviate the guilt that’s settled in his chest? He doesn’t think so.
Guilt that he’d allowed for Jordan to get close enough, that he hadn’t worked it out sooner. Guilt that his increasing involvement with you was what drove Jordan’s obsession to such a point. He still has to fight the thoughts in his head, all what ifs and imagine ifs, the only thing that grounds him now is the fact that you’re here. 
Safe and sound. 
He succumbs to his sleep with the intention of telling you that. 
You eventually wake up in the sterile hospital room, the sounds of the various machines you’re hooked up to annoyingly monotonous. As you blink your eyes open, you slowly become accustomed to the daylight outside, the reality of the past however many days settling in. 
Your eyes fall to the 6’2 man curled into a chair next to your bed. His arm rests on his forehead, small breaths escaping his mouth. You stir just slightly, exceedingly careful not to wake him but he jolts awake at the sound of the sheets rustling anyway. 
“You’re awake.” He whispers, blinking his eyes open. He immediately places a gentle, reassuring hand over yours. 
You chuckle, wincing a little from the pain in your ribs. “Hi.” You whisper with a smile. 
“Hi.” He replies with glassy eyes. “It’s good to have you back.” He says, fondly. “How do you feel?” 
“Sore.” Your voice is hoarse. “How long’s it been?”
“Two days. They sedated you to make sure there was no swelling in your brain from the accident after you passed out. You’ve got some bruised ribs and your face needed some stitches, but you’re going to be okay.” His voice is barely above a whisper. “Listen, I have some news.” He pauses, not sure how to phrase the rest.
You feel like you’re missing a limb, a sore pull at your chest when you remember Jordan’s words. He’d killed the two most important people in your life. 
“Yeah. They’re dead.” You whisper. 
His eyes widen in alarm and he takes a seat on the bed next to your legs, a reassuring hand on your shin. “What? Who?”
You fight the tears pricking your eyes and the heaviness in your chest. “My father. Emily.”
“What? No. No, no! They’re both alive.” He cups your face gently. 
“-But he told me…” 
“He tried to kill Emily after the accident. Your dad… he had the plane turned around before he got to Paris. Emily was in pretty bad shape after the accident, but she’s in recovery - they’re absolutely fine. The rest I’ll tell you another day.”  
It’s like the feeling returns to your chest. Your tears spill over. “They’re really okay?” You reach for his hand that cups your cheek. 
He nods. “And so are you.” He delicately wipes a stray tear off your cheek, a small chuckle escaping his lips. He soothes you quietly but his face lights up, an idea seemingly occurring to him. 
He shoots up from his chair to head outside. He holds out a finger, “I’ll be right back.” He says from the door. 
He returns around ten minutes later, with McCall in tow and the tension and turmoil of the last week all but melts away when he wheels in Emily, your dad following behind. Two security guards stand watch at the doors. 
You immediately sit up in your bed, letting out a shaky laugh, in disbelief that you’re all really okay. The state of Emily’s face throws you off first, angry hues of blue, purple and red bleed into each other, stitches and scars adorn her face and she’s sporting a neck stabiliser. A nasty gash on her lip and cheek make it hard for her to smile fully but she still squeals when she sees you. 
Your father almost crushes you in his embrace, quickly retreating when you wince but you laugh them both off, reaching for their hands. Your desire to hold them close is just as much affection as it is to make sure they wouldn’t dissipate as a figment of your imagination. 
The sure enough contact is something that you would’ve ordinarily taken for granted, but this time, it almost reduces you to tears. You silently thank Hotch who gives you some privacy and waits outside. He does keep you in his eye line though, watching you fondly from the glass on the other side. 
McCall pointedly clears his throat next to Hotch causing him to snap out of his stupor. “You know we can see you?” 
“I’m sorry?”
“You’re staring, Aaron.” 
Hotch rolls his eyes in response and wanders over to the coffee machine at the end of the hall, McCall trailing behind him. He hands McCall a piping styrofoam cup, taking one for himself, immersing himself in trying to cool the hot liquid but McCall sees right through him.
“Aaron. You remember what I told you the day we went to the Fitzgerald house?”
“If it wasn’t clear to you then, it must be now. You don’t spend two days squashed into a stiff chair for an assignment. I saw the look on your face when you saw the wreck, I see the way you hold her.”
Hotch says nothing, just stares into his reflection in the black coffee. 
He places a sturdy hand on his shoulder. “Everyone can.” 
It’s true. 
Everybody can. 
While Hotch had spent the best part of the last two days by your bedside, McCall had been by Emily’s side, striking up an unlikely friendship. Topics change, things are said, speculations are made, and within it all, the topic of you and Hotch has come up several times. 
Emily had never been one to sugarcoat things, neither had McCall. Both of them had a degree of distance, and could see what neither of you could. 
“It’s now or never, man.” McCall tells him with a pat on his shoulder. 
You’d waved your dad out of the room after 45 minutes, his incessant yawning revealing his fatigue. He’d objected, of course, but after some persuasion from you and Emily, he’d said goodbye with a kiss atop both of your heads. 
Your father isn’t even out of earshot before Emily wheels herself in closer to you, a wry grin spreading on her face in spite of her split lip. 
“So,” she whispers, rubbing her hands together. “Tell me!”
You frown in confusion. “Tell you what?” 
She rolls her eyes. “You! And Hotch. Did you guys talk?” 
You use your hands to sign between the two of you. “Well, I don’t really know if you noticed, but I haven’t really had a lot of time to figure out crushes.” 
“So you admit it? You have a crush on him?” She cackles.
“Emily, for God’s sake. Stop. You’re incorrigible. Shouldn’t you be focused on yourself, didn't you, like, break your neck?”
“No, it��s a soft tissue injury-”
“For now.” You warn her. 
“You’re not funny. But seriously, have you given any more thought to what we talked about?”
“Emily, I will wheel you out of this room myself.”  
“Answer the question!” 
You had. 
It was one of the only things that had occupied your brain when you were stuck in that cabin. You still feel the effects of the grief you’d felt when you’d thought you’d lost him deep in your chest. Like a lingering ache. The regret was all-consuming, regret that you’d never been able to figure out what you felt for him while he was still around. Regret that you’d never been able to tell him. 
You’ve been given a second chance, you’d be an idiot not to take it, right? The feeling had been so chilling, you’d sworn in that moment you’d never put yourself in a position like that again. But fear and vulnerability still play a part in your decision. 
“Hey!” She snaps her fingers in your face with her good arm. Her eyes soften though, when she sees the faraway look on your face. “Oh, honey.” She takes your hand and takes a cursory glance around the room before turning back to you. “For what it’s worth - I think it’s a really good idea. You. Hotch.” 
You shake your head dismissively but she grips your hand tighter in spite of her injuries. 
“Really. I know you don’t see it, but he’d do anything for you, he killed that dirty cop y’know? You should’ve seen what a wreck he was after the crash, I made him promise he’d find you.” Her voice turns thick.
“You did?”
“Yeah. It wasn't fair to him at all, I never should’ve put him in that position. But he stayed with me when they brought me in, he thought I was asleep but I was watching him. He was distraught when he thought he’d lost you.”
That sparks something in you, a kind of warmth that spreads. It’s heady. 
“I don’t know, Em. What do I even say?”
“Doesn’t matter. Just matters that you say it. And quick. You need to tell him before he leaves for good.”
That stings. You hadn’t even thought about that. You’d been so used to having him around and him being a part of your daily routine, you hadn’t really thought about him not being a part of your life anymore. 
This was an assignment and it was over. You could just as easily part ways with the hope that you’ll forget him and the effect he had on you. That you’ll eventually stop thinking about him but there’s something in you that tells you he’ll linger deep in your soul long after you part ways. 
“I’ll think about it.” You whisper. 
“Red or green?” He holds up two Jell-O pots, one red and one green. 
“Red.” You sigh.
“Damn.” He mutters under his breath with a laugh. He takes his assigned seat next to you, handing you a spoon and pulling your table out in the process. He winces when he sits, digging two fingers into his back, just under his ribs. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Ah it’s nothing, I think I’m a little sore.” 
Shit. You’d been so caught up in your own thoughts you hadn’t even realised he’d been sitting there in that tiny seat, squashed together for the past two days. 
“I’m sorry. You have to squash yourself into that seat for me.”
“I’m not.” He says, almost instinctively. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” 
You both sit in silence for a moment, contemplating both of your earlier revelations. 
He breaks the silence first. “Well, I guess I should probably debrief you on the details-” He turns to catch you staring at him, a faraway look on your face. He frowns, “Hey. You okay?” 
“What? Oh yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, continue.” 
And that’s when he takes you through the night you were taken. He recalls how he came home after visiting Jordan when McCall called him to give him the news. He tells you that two of the cops that were on duty were killed in the crash and that Lawrence was Jordan’s inside man. He takes you through every harrowing detail from finding Emily barely conscious to being shot at, to finally finding you. 
Emily was right, the anxiety is etched on his face as though he’s reliving it. 
But there’s still something you don’t understand.
“How did you know it was Jordan?” You ask him. 
He sucks in a breath, eyes darkening for just a moment. “It’s complicated.”
“I think I deserve to know. Don’t you?” 
He clenches his jaw, the anger still fresh. It’s the strangest thing though, he’s not as angry about being cheated on as he is about the fact that it put you in danger. 
He inhales sharply. “Haley.”
“You know?” He asks, alarmed.
“He told me when I was in that place. That he’d used her for information.” 
He averts his gaze, running a hand over his beard. “Yeah. Remember a couple of months ago when I told you we were having problems - the day I took you to the firing range for the first time?” You nod. “Well, that was the day she decided that she’d had enough, and she left. For two weeks.”
The same two weeks he’d avoided you for.
You disguise your hurt when you recall that period and he goes on, “I guess in those two weeks, she found somebody else to help her through her issues. Not that I blame her, I think it was a long time coming, we hadn’t been happy for a while. I admit I checked out of that relationship king before she did.” He swallows thickly before he reveals too much. “She didn’t know who Jordan was, but he knew she was my girlfriend - he took advantage of that, I guess.” He shakes his head. I’m sorry.” 
You frown. “Sorry? For what?”
“For putting you in danger. If I’d just kept my distance or given Haley more attention, maybe none of this would’ve happened.” 
Your heart sinks when you see the wounded expression on his face and you place a hand over his. “You have nothing to be sorry about.” You whisper. He scoffs, but you press on with a squeeze of his hand, “He still would’ve found a way to get to me. Haley, you - it doesn’t matter - he wouldn’t have stopped until he got to me. So I need you to listen to me when I say it isn’t your fault, it isn’t Haley’s fault. Nobody is to blame. Okay?” 
You need him to know that you don’t blame him, far from it, in fact. You revere him, you rely on him, you’re falling for him. 
You’re falling for him. 
He shakes his head, standing up. He refuses to allow you to make him feel better about the situation. 
He stands at the window now, gazing out at the parking lot. You drag yourself out of your bed for the first time that day, IV in tow and place a reassuring hand on his built shoulder. 
“Hey. Can you look at me?” He steels for a moment before finally turning after a minute. You close the distance between you. “Really. Hotch, you saved my life. The things you taught me, the self-defence, the weapons training? I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for you. I don’t think I ever thanked you for that.” 
Your proximity to one another drives you dangerously close to losing your willpower and spilling the secrets that lie on the tip of your tongue. 
He hates to admit it, but your words lighten the load on his shoulders exponentially. He was ready to fight this guilt for a long time to come, a fitting punishment for taking his eye off the ball. But your words seem to wash the blood on his hands away. 
He says nothing but smiles gently, watching you. He marvels at your heart, doesn’t understand how somebody could be so gracious even after everything that had happened. Your closeness, your warmth, it takes everything in him to not reach out and show you what you mean to him.  
He knows as well as you do that after this, he may never see you again. There’s no reason for him to. He didn’t want to give you the impression that he was using his leverage as an FBI agent to pursue something more with you, especially after everything you’d been through. 
It didn’t matter what his true intentions were. 
It didn’t matter that he was falling for you. 
You’re discharged three days and a deep shower later, and despite your dad pleading with you to return back to his estate, you’re adamant that you want to go home. Besides, you have a pit stop to make on the way. 
“No way.” Hotch’s voice wavers when you make the request. “I won’t allow it. Your father would kill me.” 
“You’re not in a position to allow anything.” You reply defiantly. “I’m not asking. You can either take me now, or you can take me home and I’ll go later. Either way - I’m going.” 
“Why? Give me one good reason you want to see him and I’ll take you.” 
“I don’t need to give you a reason!” But he doesn’t budge. You sigh. “I want to show him that I won. I want him to see that I’m going to be okay and he’s not. I just need to speak to him.”
He just grips the steering wheel tighter, the leather squeaking under his grip. He inhales sharply, taking some time to weigh your words. “Fine.” He says after a pause. “But I’m going in with you. He’s behind bars, but I’m still not letting you go in alone.” 
“I can handle myself.” 
“Damnit.” He mutters. “I know you can, but for God’s sake - I’m not letting him anywhere near you without someone else present.”
The guard leads you and Hotch to an interview room, and the telltale hue of an orange jumpsuit catches your eyes through the tiny window of the door. He has a sling on one arm, the other kept secure by handcuffs to the table, yellowing bruises on his face. 
You’re completely safe and secure, yet you shiver. You feel Hotch’s warm, large hand slink into yours, squeezing reassuringly. 
“Are you sure you want to do this? You say the word, I’ll take you home.” 
You take a steadying breath, your hand flexing in Hotch’s. “Thanks. But I’m okay. I’m ready.” 
You nod to the guard to let you in, taking the last few seconds to brace yourself. 
The door creaks open, Jordan’s eyes fall to you. The atmosphere is thick enough to choke on and the air is heavy, lingering with unfinished business. Your mind fills with cracked memories of a dark dingy cabin, the smell of his breath on your skin - you swear you can still feel his hands around your throat.
You steady yourself.
He shifts in his chair when you take a seat opposite him, nostrils flaring. “Well, well, well. Hey, Princess,” he scoffs. You shudder at his pet name, his jarring words abrasive against your skin. The reaction doesn’t go amiss by him, so he takes the moment of weakness to reel you in, snare you back into his trap. “Miss me already?” He look wounded when he sees Hotch follow behind you. “You brought him with you? This-” he lifts his cuffed hand as far as it’ll go without pulling on his arm, “Wasn’t bad enough? You had to bring the fed?” 
You don’t dignify his words with a reply. You opt instead to just watch him with narrow eyes, a play straight out of your father’s handbook. He squirms under your gaze, visibly uncomfortable when he sees the look on your face, unwavering, focused. 
“How’s jail?” You ask.
“Peachy. ’Course I’d much rather be with you.”
“Watch your mouth.” Hotch replies, anger simmering under his skin. 
“Bail?” You ask him. 
“No dice.” 
“Wonder why.” You hum with a wry smile. 
“No doubt you had your daddy pay off the tri-state area to keep me rotting in here. Always have been a pampered little bitch.” Hotch’s hands flex into fists but he continues. “What do you want? You’re not here to make small talk, I know that much.”
You observe him slowly, before answering. “How does it feel?” 
“How does it feel to be a failure, Jordan?” That stings, you can tell, because as soon as the words leave your mouth, he shifts positions, hunching his shoulders like a dog about to attack. 
Except he’s handcuffed. 
You continue, “You tried to kill me, you missed. You tried to kill Emily, you missed. You tried to have my father killed, you missed, you even tried to have Aaron killed. Still, nothing.” 
“Aaron?” He hisses. “What, you guys are on a first name basis now?” 
He’s deflecting. 
“Answer me. You’ve done nothing but disappoint your father, he tolerates you. You had everything you could possibly need, you could’ve done so much with your life, Jordan - I actually pity you.” 
He blinks rapidly, desperately thinking of a way to attack you. 
“You think this is going to go away for you?” He snarls. “You don’t think I’m going to haunt your dreams? Everywhere you look, you’re going to think it’s me. Every time you get a letter, a package, your first reaction is going to be fear.” He chuckles. “I’m gonna stay with you, it doesn't matter if I’m doing life in here.” 
“I can handle that. I will handle that. But you - you’re gonna spend the rest of your life in a 6x8, with nothing to do except to think about all the ways in which you’re a fucking disappointment. A coward.” You force your voice to remain steady despite your entire body shaking. 
The chair scrapes against the floor when you go to get up, your hands clenched in fists, willing them not to shake. Hotch follows behind you and you’re already out of the door when Hotch is called back into the interview room by Jordan. 
A cold smile makes his way onto his face, an attempt to deliver one last blow. “You know I fucked your girl, Aaron?” He delivers his line calmly, his tongue in his cheek. 
What Hotch says will stay with him, long after he walks out of the doors. “Did you get what you wanted?” He nods over to the doors you’d just walked out of, a fond smile on his face. “Because I did.” 
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bookofjin · 3 years
Commentary on the Water Classic: Congling
[The commentary now turns far west to the rivers flowing westward from the Congling (Pamir) Mountains. A lot of this material seems to derive from the Hanshu which is a bit disappointing. You would think there would have been more later and up to date material the commentator could have used.
Jibin is probably Gandhara, if so its capital Xiuxun might be identical to the capital of Gandhara visited by Faxian, presumably Puskalavati.
Dayuezhi, or Da Yuezhi, is the Kushan Empire and Anxi is Persia (the name could derived from the Arsacids, the ruling dynasty of the Parthian Empire). This should make the great river flowing through these lands the Amu Darya, and the sea it flows into the Leizhu Sea, the Arial Sea.
The account of the four stupas derive from Faxian (he visited them in the opposite order, from west to east), and the main places described can be pretty reliably identified as Purusapura, the Gandharan capital Puskalavati, and Taksasila. However the river Niluoqidi which is supposed to flow westward past these places into the Leizhu sea is puzzling. Purusapura and Puskalavati are located on the Kabul River which flows west to east, and Taksasila is east of the Indus. Either accounts of different rivers have been conflated together, or the commentator (or his sources) has been led astray by the Hanshu's statement that west of Congling the rivers flows westward. The Buddha's alms bowl was a famous relic that shows up in the art from the times. (According to Google it is now located at Kabul Museum?)
Lijian and Tiaozhi are too far west to include on the map. Lijian the Hanshuconsiders an alternative name of Daqin, which is usually thought to be the Roman Empire. Tiaozhi could be Susiana or at least was located in that general region.
Finished with the really faraway western lands, the commentator can turn to the merely faraway western lands, the oasis states of the Tarim basin. First is that branch of the He (really the Tarim River) flowing east from Congling, and the places along it. Unfortunately several of the places mentioned are otherwise unrecorded.]
Again south it enters Congling Mountain蔥嶺山. Again from Congling Mountain蔥嶺山 its set out and then flows north-eastward.[1]
(Congling, Xiuxun)
[1]Of the He River's河水 multiple sources there are three, not only two. One sources in the west sets out in the state of Juandu捐毒國, from up in Congling蔥嶺. The distance west to Xiuxun休循 is more than 200 li. Both where formerly of the Sai塞 kind. To the south it attaches to Congling蔥嶺,which are 1 000 li tall.
The Old Affairs of Xihe says: Congling蔥嶺 is 8 000 li west of Dunhuang敦煌, Its mountains are high and great, and upon them grows spring onions. For that reason it is called Congling蔥嶺[Lit. the “Spring Onion Peaks”].
The He's河 source issues underground from their peaks, divides and becomes two rivers. One river goes west to pass south of the state of Xiuxun休循, which is located west of Congling蔥嶺.
Guo Yigong's Broad Treatise says: The state of Xiuxun休循國 resides in Congling蔥嶺. In its mountains are many great onions.
Again it passes north of the state of Nandou難兜國 which to the north is connected with Xiuxun休循. The distance south-west to the state of Jibin罽賓國 is 340 li. The He River again goes west to pass north of the state of Jibin罽賓國. At the breaking of the Yuezhi月氏, the king of the Sai塞 went south to lord over Jibin罽賓, he was seated at Xunxian City循鮮城. The soil and earth is level and harmonious, there is nothing which it does not have. Its gold, silver, and precious treasure, strange livestock and unusual things, are discussed among the Middle Xia, and it is a great state. Among the mountain passes there are the mountains of Datoutong大頭痛 [Lit. “Great Headache”], and Xiaotoutong小頭痛 [“Small Headache”], and the slopes of Chitu 赤土 [“Red Soil”] and Shenre身熱. The people's livestock are similar however.
He River河水 again goes west to pass south of the state of Yuezhi月氏國, seated at Jianshi City監氏城. Their customs are similar to Anxi安息. The Xiongnu's Modun Shanyu routed the Yuezhi月氏, killed their king, and used his head as a drinking cup. The state thereupon divided. They who went far away beyond Dayuan大宛, and went west to reside in Daxia大夏, became the Dayuezhi大月氏 [“Great Yuezhi”]. Their remnant small multitudes who were unable to leave, together guarded the Southern Mountains南山 among the Qiang, and are titled the Xiaoyuezhi小月氏 [“Small Yuezhi”]. For that reason there are the names of Dayeuzhi and Xiaoyuezhi.
Again west it passes by south of the state of Anxi安息國. The city overlooks Gui River嬀水, and their territory is several thousand li square, an exceedingly great state. There are traders and merchants that travel by cart and boat sideways through the state. They draw on leather during theyr sideways travels to make books and records. The He River河水 and the Niluoqidi River蜺羅跂禘水 similarly pour into the Leizhu Sea雷翥海.
(Niluoqidi River and the four great stupas)
Mr. Shi's Records of the Western Regions says: The Niluoqidi蜺羅跂禘 sets out from north of Anavatapta Mountian阿耨達山, going west it passes by the state of Yutian于闐.
The Book of Han, Account of the Western Regions, says: West of Yutian于闐, the rivers all flow west, and pour into the Western Sea西海.
Again west it passes by north of four great stupas, the place Shi Faxian speaks of as the state of Jiushuluo糺尸羅國[Takshasila], in Han speech “Cut off Head”. At the time when the Buddha was a bodhisattva, he used his head to bestow it on a person, for that reason they afterwards named the state. East of the state there is the place where he threw down his body to feed the hungry tiger. At both places they erected stupas.
Again west it passes north of the state of Qiantuowei揵陀衛國[Gandhara], this is the town where King Ashoka's son Fayi [Dharma-vivardhana] governed from. At the time when the Buddha was a bodhisattva, he likewise in this state used his eyes to bestow on a person. At that place they likewise erected a great stupa.
Also there is the state of Fulousha弗樓沙國[Purushapura], where the Heavenly Deity, Sakra, changed to be a little boy who herded cows, and gathered earth to make stupa for the Budda. A king of the Law following that then completed a great stupa. They are spoken of as the four great stupas.
(The Buddha's alms bowl)
Faxian's Account says: The state has the Buddha's alms bowl. The King of the Yuezhi月氏 greatly fostered a multitude of troops, and came to invade this state. He wished to take hold of the alms-bowl and leave, and put the alms-bowl on top of his elephant. The elephant was unable to advance. He once more built a four-wheeled chariot to transport the alms-bowl, with eight elephants pulling together, again they were not able to advance. The king knew his affinity with the alms-bowl had not yet arrived, and hence there erected a stupa keep the alms-bowl, and supply and provide for it.
The alms-bowl rooms two dou and is of mixed colour, but mostly black. The division into four junctures is clear. Its thickness could be two fen, and it has considerable shine and lustre. A poor person uses a few flowers to throw into it and readily fills it. A rich person uses many flowers to supply and provide, properly again hundreds, thousands, ten thousands of hu, in the end it also will not fill.
Fotutiao says: The Buddha's alms bowl is of blue-green jade, and allows three dou, that state treasures it. At the time when it is supplied and provided for, [if one] wishes for a whole day for fragrant flowers not to fill it, then it is like he said. [If one] wishes to fill it with a single handful, then it likewise readily will be like he said.
Also relying on the explanation by the person of the Way, Zhu Fawei, the Buddha's alms bowl is in the state of Dayuezhi大月支. They have erected a Buddhist temple, 30 zhang tall, and seven storeys, the alms bowl is located on the second storey. Gold-wrapped chains suspend the alms bowl, and the alms bowl is in blue-green stone. Some state they suspend the alms bowl in an empty hollow.
Subhuti set up the alms bowl on a golden desk. The footprint of one of the Buddha's feet and the alms bowl both are in the same place. The king of the state and the subject people altogether wield sacred fragrance, the seven treasures, and jade discs to supply and provide for it. The stupa's vesitges are the relics of the Buddha's tooth, kasaya and head protuberance altogether are in the state of Fulousha弗樓沙國.
Mr. Shi's Records of the Western Regions says: North of Qiantuoyue Royal City揵陀越王城 is Butuluoye City鉢吐羅越城, Fujiasha Royal City佛袈裟王城. East of it there is a shrine. Multiple times tracing back streams and rivers [?], ten li north-west there is the Hebuluolong Deep Pool河步羅龍淵, the place where the Buddha came and by the deep pool washed his clothes. The washing stone still exists. Its river arrives in Anxi安息 and pour into the Leizhu Sea雷翥海.
(Further on Anxi and other far western lands)
He also says: West of Qiantuoyue犍陀越, within the Western Sea there is the state of Anxi安息國.
Zhu Zhi's Records of Funan says: The distance from the state of Anxi安息國 to the state of Sihetiao私訶條國 is 20 000 li. The lands of the state overlooks the shores of the sea, it is precisely the Book of Han's Tianzhu's天竺 state of Anxi安息國. Their households is near to 1 000 000, an exceedingly great state.
The Book of Han's Account of the Western Regions also states: Lijian 棃靬 and Tiaozhi條支 overlooks the Western Sea. [According to] the old and elderly's transmitted knowledge, Tiaozhi條支 has the Ruo River弱水 [“Weak River], [where] the Queen Mother of the West also never has been seen. From Tiaozhi條支, sailing the river and travelling west, possibly for more than a hundred days, [you come] near the place where the sun enters.
According to some, where is the He River's河水 passage to the Western Sea.
For that reason the Treatise on the Lands of Liang's Unusual Things says: The rivers of Congling蔥嶺 divide to flow east or west, to the west they enter the Great Sea, to the east they become the sources of the He河, it is what the Records of Yu speaks of as Kunlun崑崙. Zhang Qian was sent to Dayuan大宛, but was stranded at the sources of the He河. He spoke of the pinnacle being there, but he did not get to Kunlun崑崙.
(The He's source in the Congling Mountains, and the states it flows past)
The He River河水 from Kunlun蔥嶺 divides its sources, and goes east to pass the state of Jiasheluo迦舍羅國.
Mr. Shi's Records of the Western Regions says: there is a state named Qiesheluoshi伽舍羅逝. This state is confined and small, but by controlling the strategic roads of ten thousand states nothing is impossible.
South of the city there is a river, it flows north-east to set out from the mountains west of Luoshi羅逝, the mountains are precisely Congling蔥嶺. It passes Qisha Valley岐沙谷, setting out from the valley it divides to become two rivers. One river flows east, and passes north of the state of Wulei無雷國 which is seated at Lu City盧城. Their customs are similar to Xiye西夜 and Zihe子合. Again it flows east to pass north of the state of Yinai依耐國. The distance to Wulei無雷 is 540 li, their customs are similar to Zihe子合.
The He River河水 again goes east to pass north of the state of Puli蒲犂國, which is seated in Puli Valley蒲犂谷. The distance north to Shule疏勒 is 550 li, their customs are similar to Zihe子合. The He River河水 again goes east to pass north of the state of Pishan皮山國, which is seated at Pishan City皮山城. The distance north-west to Suoju莎車 is 380 li.
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whump-tr0pes · 4 years
Honor Bound 4 - 18
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Honor Bound 4 - 18 (Undeserved Reputation) @badthingshappenbingo​​​​
Requested by @whumps-the-word​​​​
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3.
Cw: past captivity, implied whump of a minor, PTSD, dissoci@tion, death mention
Gray smiled gently as they drove, avoiding potholes in the road caused not by violence, but by the simple, innocent freeze and thaw of the ground. The sun was already high in the sky after more than three hours of driving. The sky was clear, the air clean and cool with the northern summer that was already well under way.
Edrissa sat in the passenger seat, almost completely turned around, chattering happily to Vera in the back seat. Every now and then, Gray and Vera met eyes in the rear view, and Gray could read something like gratitude in her gaze.
“…and there’s this store in Crayton that sells three different kinds of lace!” Edrissa said, the wispy blonde bun at the top of her head bobbing along as she spoke. “And there’s a lot of cotton, I mean, obvious, but they also sometimes have some nice linen and I think that’s what I’ll make Sam’s sling out of, so it breathes. Because it gets hotter up here than I thought it would, because I thought it wouldn’t get very hot at all and it’s already May and it’s been pretty warm, and the winter was so cold so I just kind of assumed it would stay cold. I mean, it’s been nice outside. Maybe when it gets a little warmer we can go hang out at the lake, maybe do a picnic, I mean it’s not very far from the house but it’s really pretty and I’ve already been in it and it doesn’t go that deep, but it is really cold. Before that I hadn’t been swimming in so long. But yeah, I think I’ll do the sling out of linen, and I hope they have blue because that’s Sam’s favorite color.”
She paused to take a breath. Vera grinned at her.
“It is Sam’s favorite color,” Vera said, and Gray was tempted to give Vera a conspiratory nudge. “What else have you been up to while we’ve b-been—” Her voice wavered for just a moment. “—gone?”
“Um…” Edrissa’s mouth twisted and she leaned towards Vera. “Yeah, um, a lot. Gray said, Gray said I could paint my room if I wanted, but I haven’t found the right color. They’re all so… so garish.” Edrissa flipped the stray wisps of hair out of her face and looked to Vera, eyebrows raised, as if she was waiting for something.
It was so good to see Edrissa looking for Vera to assure her not that she was safe, but that she was… cool.
“Absolutely,” Vera said with fervor. “Sometimes walls just need to look sophisticated.” Edrissa lifted her chin, and her mouth pulled into a wider smile at the word.
“Exactly,” she said with an emphatic nod. “Sophisticated. I was thinking I could do a whole thing with a mirror on the wall and, and maybe a nice painting if I can find one that captures the… the…” Edrissa stumbled for a moment, her eyes still fixed on Vera. “…the atmosphere I want.”
Sadness dragged at Gray’s heart. She hasn’t been allowed to make her own choices, any choices for two years. And I remember how much I just wanted to be me when I was eighteen.
They pressed their lips into a line to stop the corners of their mouth from falling.
“That sounds like such a great idea,” Vera said, her face breaking into a smile again. “And… Tori and I wanted to start a garden out back. It’s a little late for planting, but… if we get seedlings, would you want something?”
“Yes!” Edrissa cried, and distractedly tapped Gray on the shoulder. For a moment Vera looked at Gray in delighted surprise. Edrissa hadn’t let anyone but Tori and Vera touch her since she’d been rescued almost five months ago. Gray knew the easy touch on their shoulder spoke volumes of the healing she’d done just in the past three weeks.
I wonder how much of that is time away from Gavin. Gray pushed the thought out of their head.  
“Oh, my god, I totally forgot. Last time I was in Burmingham, they had little mint plants. Gray said they wanted some, and I forgot!” She turned to Gray with an unsteady smile. “I’m sorry, I—” Edrissa shivered. Her eyes went distant. She curled into herself slightly, shrinking back against the door of the car.
“It’s alright, Edrissa,” Gray said gently, never taking their eyes off the road. “I’m not hurt. I’m not angry. It’s just a mistake, right? Mistakes are alright.”
“Mm-hm,” Edrissa said uncertainly. She relaxed slightly.
“Remember your counting?” Gray said, low and calm.
Edrissa jerked her head in a nod. She took in a deep breath. “One two three four five,” she muttered, and shook out her hands at the wrists with each number.
“Good. Let’s do it again, together.” Gray’s hands were steady on the wheel, never faltering. Watching the pavement of the road disappear under their car.
Edrissa drew in another deep breath. “One two three four five,” she and Gray said together as she shook out her hands, her quavering voice mixing with Gray’s steady one.
“One more time. Deep breath, one two three four five.” This time, Edrissa, Vera, and Gray said it together.
Gray glanced at Edrissa, at how her shoulders hunched just a little more than they had before, at the dullness in her eyes that reminded them so much of… of Vera, when she was under. Their mouth made a hard line.
“S-sorry,” Edrissa murmured. “I j-just…”
“It’s alright, Edrissa,” Gray said evenly, passing the first few houses on the north outskirts of Crayton. “Everyone has moments, and you were just having a moment.”
“Having a moment,” Edrissa said softly. “Just having a moment.” She smiled tightly at Vera, the corners of her mouth twisting in embarrassment.
Gray’s heart ached for Edrissa, for the girl who had just been going on and on about her room and her fabrics not thirty seconds ago and was now trembling, embarrassed, frightened. Vera leaned forward and put her hand palm up on the center console. An invitation, not a demand. Edrissa fit her hand into Vera’s, and Vera squeezed.
“Tell me more about what plants you want.”
Edrissa offered a wider smile. “Um, I like osteospermum,” she said, her eyes shifting down. “And sunflowers. I like the tall kinds of flowers.” She looked up at Vera. “I had to get a book on plants that do okay with the, the climate up here, because down south it was always—” She cut herself off and swallowed hard. “I like the colorful tall kinds of plants. I’d try for a rosebush but I think it’s too hard for this year.”
“Hm.” Vera nodded. “Well, I’d like to try some raspberry and strawberry bushes. And we could build a shade for the garden, in case the sun is too much.”
“Y-yeah,” Edrissa said softly. She sat back slightly in her seat until Gray pulled onto the main street of shops. They eased the car into a spot along the sidewalk. When Gray stopped, Edrissa shook herself slightly and looked up.
Gray put the car in park. “I was thinking you two could get out here,” they said, indicating with their hand the store that had regular deliveries of fabrics. “I should go to the town hall and check in with Daniel Schiester. I understand your check-in was… rushed.”
“And good fucking thing, too,” Vera said quietly, her jaw clenching shut.
Gray dipped their head. “I don’t exactly appreciate the way he’s spoken to you in the past, so I thought I would make this visit alone. Make sure he feels in control of the situation. Stroke his comically over-inflated ego.”
“I swear to god, he’d make a great fucking syndicate leader,” Vera said, rolling her eyes. She opened the door and climbed out, moving stiffly. Edrissa got out, too, and drifted to Vera’s side.
Gray rolled the passenger window down and leaned towards it. “Shouldn’t take longer than twenty minutes. If you move on from here and I don’t catch you, I’ll meet you in the square in an hour, and we can get lunch. Sound like a plan?”
Vera nodded and cocked her eyebrow. “Have fun with DFS,” she said, snidely.
Gray’s brow furrowed. “DFS?”
Vera bent forward and leaned into the car. “Daniel. Fucking. Schiester,” she said, her voice nearly gleeful with contempt.
Gray snorted and leaned back. “Ah. I’ll have to try not to call him that to his face.”
Vera straightened and shrugged. “If you do, get pictures of his reaction.”
Gray laughed and put the car in drive. “See you soon,” they said, and pulled away.
As Gray got closer to the town hall, their hands tightened on the wheel. Something itched in the back of their mind, something about how Daniel looked at Vera with fascination, with humor. As if he was watching a dog performing tricks. Saccharine. Amused.
Something in the back of their mind stirred at how Daniel looked at Gavin.
There was something there, between them. Gray doubted they had ever actually met. Perhaps it was just morbid, spiteful fascination on Daniel’s part, fascination with the syndicates who ruined the lives of the victims he saw every day. Perhaps it was buried rage, resentment that people like Gavin’s family were the reason Crayton had to exist at all.
Perhaps it was something else, though Gray wasn’t sure what.
Gray pulled in front of the town hall and parked the car. They sat quiet in the seat, staring at the front door, already feeling the tension headache starting. They breathed a sigh, turned off the car, and got out.
Inside the atrium it was cool, dark, and empty, just like it almost always was when refugees weren’t being processed. Gray’s hands tightened into fists and they began to climb the stairs to Daniel’s office.
The stairs creaked under Gray’s feet, their footsteps muffled by the dark green carpet. They made their way to the landing and turned in the direction of Daniel’s office. They almost hoped he wasn’t in today. Their hands clenched tighter as they walked down the hallway, almost feeling the urge to tiptoe, to not make any noise.
Gray grimaced. I’m being ridiculous.
They stopped in front of the door to Daniel’s office. They knocked.
“Come in,” came the deep, even voice. Gray’s face fell. They turned the handle and pushed the door open.
Daniel glanced up from his work on his computer, then looked up and pushed himself away from his desk. “Mx. Uriah,” he said, standing, and held out his hand. “Always good to see you.”
Gray’s skin felt cold as they shook Daniel’s hand once.
“Mr. Mayor,” they said stiffly.
“Ah,” Daniel said with a smile. “I suppose if I wanted you to call me by my first name, I should have begun with that courtesy. Forgive me.”
“Old habits, on my end,” Gray said, and forced their mouth into a smile.
“Right.” Daniel sat back into his chair and leaned his elbows on the desk. “What can I help you with?”
Gray had to stop themself from staring at the pictures of refugees on the walls. Those pictures definitely weren’t of every single refugee Daniel had saved, they couldn’t be. There couldn’t have been more than forty or fifty people in those pictures, and Gray knew Crayton could see that many in a busy week. Maybe those refugees held some meaning for Daniel. Gray didn’t want to pry.
If they were perfectly honest with themself, they didn’t want to ask.
“I’m sure at this point that you are aware that my family has returned from the south?” Gray said, meeting Daniel’s eyes.
Daniel grinned. “Ah. Yes. The triumphant heroes return, quite successful, I’m given to understand. Colleen Stormbeck is dead, and the region is destabilized.”
“That’s right,” Gray said. “They were successful, although at great cost to themselves.”
Daniel’s mouth turned down. “You don’t mean that any of them died…?” He turned to rifle through some papers on his desk. “When my people checked them in, all six were—”
“They all came back alive, yes,” Gray said, their heart twinging. Their gaze fell. “But they all came back with some sort of… permanent… mental or physical scarring.”
“Hm.” Daniel leaned back and folded his hands in his lap. “When you say they all came back alive, I’m assuming you’re not including the Stormbeck boy in your count.”
Gray blew out a slow breath. “When he left here, his name was Gavin Uriah.” They raised their gaze to meet Daniel’s, his eyes a cold blue that always seemed to pierce through Gray. “But yes. He is dead.”
Daniel huffed out a silent laugh. “Generous of you to allow him to take your name, considering everything he’s d—”
“I don’t wish to discuss the rehabilitation of Gavin Uriah,” Gray said softly, their cheeks reddening. “I am fully aware of your opinion of him, and of redemption in general. The fact is when he left here, I had become rather fond of him. And I’d like to let his memory remain for me what he was: a broken boy who died trying to set things right.” Gray’s stomach churned.
Daniel was silent for a moment, regarding Gray coolly across his desk. After a long moment he nodded and said, “Just more evidence for the syndicates’ cruelty, then. I’m sorry your family was the target.”
“So am I,” Gray murmured. They glanced around the office and returned their gaze to Daniel. “But they had to check in with your people in the dead of night and move on without proper processing, as one of them was gravely injured. I wanted to make sure nothing was missed, and answer any questions you had.”
“No, nothing was missed,” Daniel said with a winning smile, waving his hand. “I know that your team arrived in no condition to follow protocol, and the people who checked them in are very thorough.”
“Good,” Gray murmured. The hair on the back of their neck tingled. “Did you need anything from me?”
“Actually, I could use your assistance,” Daniel said with a smile. “Due to the instability of the western region, we are already seeing an increase in the frequency and number of refugees, and am very certain that will only continue to increase. Summer is always a busy season for us, but I am anticipating unprecedented numbers. At the moment, I currently don’t have the people to handle this efficiently. Your family is particularly suited to assisting with refugees, given the nature of your work. I was hoping to recruit you in the processing, if you’re able.”
Gray nodded. “Of course. I can’t speak for the others as they are all convalescing, but I would be happy to help. I will pass on the request. I have no doubt they will offer what they can, as soon as they are able to travel. A few of them may be ready now.”
“Whatever you can do will be appreciated,” Daniel said, and stood, offering Gray his hand. Gray took it. “Always a pleasure, Gray. When you and your family are ready we will orient you with our process.”
Gray nodded. “I’ll keep you posted. Until then, stay well, Daniel.”
“Thank you.” Daniel smiled and sat down. He turned back to his work.
Gray turned and left the office, closing the door behind them. They walked down the hall, their steps quickening, their shoulders tightening. They made their way down the stairs and across the atrium. By the time they pushed through the doors out into the sun, they were nearly jogging.
Continued here
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caxsthetic · 4 years
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PHANTASM BLUES • Suna Rintarou x Reader x Kita Shinsuke
Episode 4: Memory Lane
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Type: TV Series (Multiple Chapters)
Cast: Suna Rintarou, Kita Shinsuke
Storyline: There was no good ending when your heart was bound to love more than one. And up until now, you still asked the universe why you have been given such curse.
Genre: Slice of Life, Drama
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"Rin, just cry..." You whispered in his ear oh so softly, "It's alright, Rin." He wrapped his arms around you, nails digging on your back, clinging as if he would fall into a pit of darkness if he let you go, "Here, just you and me. Go on... Cry."
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He could only see the darkness, even with all the street lights that illuminated his vision. He could only hear silences, even with all the blaring honks of the cars outside. He could only feel nothing, nothing at all, even with the cold air that surrounded him inside of this little space.
From the warm afternoon after practice, he still remembered the gentle touch of your skin, the feeling of being home every time he rested his head on your shoulders. He never asked for you to greet him right at 4 pm, with his high school jacket wrapped around your figure, waiting for his car to roll on the garage.
You were there, with a gentle smile on your face that turned into a wide grin when he finally filled your vision. For years of his life he never really tasted what home felt like, but you gave it to him, even before the two of you realised the feelings that were being held for each other.
So why after he had you for possibly forever, he decided to run away?
It had been the most torturous minutes of his life, way worse than when he got the call about you having a relationship with someone else — someone that he wished was not so perfect in his eyes (and possibly yours).
There was nothing going on with you and his captain when all of you were in high school, only a few banter and usually the topic would be all about him. After all, the whole universe knew that you belonged to him. Even if there were no words being spoken.
Some people would hate your existence just because you were close with him — always said things about how you only pursued the clouds. One thing that they didn't know, was the fact he was the one who searched for your company, the one who waited in front of the classroom, every single day.
No one actually expected him to get attached to someone. Especially someone that was not his teammates. Even with the guys, he would be the one who still gave a proper distance—except maybe to his captain, the perfect man in his eyes, someone that sometimes he wished he could be.
"Seriously?" You chuckled when you heard him muttering under his breath, rambling about the twins. Again, "Let me guess, it needed the coach to break them off from the quarrel?"
"What? No," He rolled his eyes a little, fixing his position so he didn't fall off to the side, "Kita-san! It's Kita-san." The way he blurted out the name always made you feel some kind of joy. Because every time he mentioned his captain, he always had this giddy and proud look on his face, like a proud brother who wanted to get noticed.
"I know, I know~" You cooed at him and booped his nose, "Of course it would be Kita-senpai. Every single thing that you told me — once you have this little glimmer in your eyes, I know that you are going to mention him."
"My eyes didn't glimmer."
"I am the one who sees it."
"... Fair enough."
Silence once again, but not the kind that you wanted to run away from. It was a comfort silence that engulfed the atmosphere. He needed to be careful as he put his head on your lap. Since the bench was too small for his liking, long enough for his feet not to dangle, but if he moved a little, he would tumble to the ground.
"Hey, Rin?" You called out to him, and like usual, he answered it with a low hum, "Who are you going to be obsessed with once Kita-senpai graduates?"
Today was the graduation day for the third year, meaning that after this, you and him would spend the last high school year. Last. When he thought about it, he felt like he didn't want the day to end. Because not long from now, he had to be the senior, he would be the one who graduated from school.
Graduation means separation, and he was not ready to say goodbye.
"I am not obsessed with him, mind you." He flicked your forehead, gently of course, but you still winched since you didn't expect that.
"You are obsessed with him, Rin." You did the same to him, and he let out a yelp because now his sleepiness started to go away, "I count it, how many times you mentioned his name today."
"Yeah? Spill," Maybe it would be around nine or ten, he thought, since today he felt more sentimental than usual with how it was probably the last time he saw his upperclassmen.
"Thirty one," He choked on air when he heard your statement, making you chuckle with how dumbfounded he looked at the moment, "And it's not even past 1 pm, Rin." You always loved to make fun of his 'little' obsession for the stoic captain, "I am not going to be surprised if someday you wanted to propose to him."
"Ngh, no." You raised one of your eyebrows from his fast response, "I wanted him to be my best man, I think."
"You think?"
"Okay, I am sure of it."
You snickered a little and ran your fingers through his locks, eyes looking up to gaze at the quiet place where the two of you were right now. The secluded part of the school, one place that used to become a rendezvous spot for the hormonal teenagers.
But one day he dragged you here, claimed this place to be his nap territory. And you? You were his pillow, the lullaby that he needed. The mere existence that he had to bring anywhere, like a lucky charm that always made him feel so safe.
As you gazed at the scenery in front of you, you didn't realise as a pair of green orbs looked at your face with a grateful look on his facade. You were a miracle in his eyes, someone that he never thought would find this early.
"I want that," He spoke up, making you look down to face him, "I want him to be my best man." And you to be my bride.
You have this soft look right now, and he wondered what was possibly inside your mind at this point. Your gaze always filled with peace and comfort every time your vision fell to his figure, sometimes he wished he could understand the meaning of all that.
"Alright," He raised one of his eyebrows when he heard your simple answer, "I will be there to make sure the two of you stay in touch."
How tragic. He wanted to scoff when his mind brought him back to that day. The time when life was so simple, as the only thing that he needed to think of was just what he had for lunch or how much stamina he should muster for volleyball practice.
Why there is no time machine or something. He pondered as his hand gripped the steering wheel with so much force, whole body tensed as he kept replaying the scenario from minutes before. That would be so much easier.
At this time he just wanted to curl up in the bed with you, listening to your whine about work while he gave you all of his attention. With his head laying on your chest, and a chuupet clamped on his teeth — a perfect night.
He never wanted to grow up, he loved everything that happened in his high school year. To have great friends that actually care for him, some upperclassmen that he always looks up to, and to have you. More importantly, to be the only one who has your heart.
Shaking his head, he needed to do something in this one way trip or else he would go insane by the time he reached his destination. With green orbs still focused on the road, he rummaged through the compartment box, searching for one item that he never used since you told him not to.
It was right when the car stopped at the intersection that he opened up the side window. Still contemplating as he stared into the poison that you always scold him not to use anymore.
"I didn't know that you smoke." You spat the word as if he would be in jail by lighting up the cigarettes. He just shrugged as both of you hung out in a parking lot, too late for the movie that the two of you were supposed to watch around an hour ago, "Rin?"
"What?" He looked frustrated ever since he suddenly popped out in front of your house, minutes late from when he was supposed to pick you up, "You didn't like it?"
"You know well I always complain about smokers." It pained you to see him like this, eyes never leave the scenery outside as he held the fire on his right hand, "And to know my best friend did not even ask if am I okay with it—"
"For god sake, I am sorry, okay?!" He finally turned to face you, "You don't need to throw all of those sarcasm on me! I get it!" But you didn't expect to see him like this, "Shit, I thought you could be a little more understanding."
He scoffed one more time before slamming his head to the car seat, throwing the cigarette outside. Never once you saw him like this for two years knowing him, and you felt helpless as you could only gawk for the first few seconds.
There were tears at the corner of his eyes, begging for him to just let it all out. You took off your seatbelts and held out your hand carefully, gently, as if you were afraid that he would gone if you were too forceful.
Once your hand rested on his back, he relaxed in a matter of seconds. Gulping down, he faced you once again, with guilt and misery inside his usually lazy eyes.
"I am sorry,"
"It's okay, Rin..."
"Da cheat on Ma, and I just—"
You didn't need any other syllable from him to pull his trembling body into your embrace. From all the things that could happen to him, he just had to receive such hurtful reality, a week before the two of you graduate.
A week before the two of you would be apart from each other.
He bit his lips, swallowing a huge lump as he tried so hard not to break down in front of you. There was no use; crying. Even when Inarizaki lost a game in Nationals, he never shed a tear, always thinking that it was just a waste of time.
But right now, he really wanted to. The pain that he felt when he woke up and saw another woman in his parent's bedroom, it was all too much. Even him that always success to bottle everything, he couldn't even hold this one back.
"Rin, just cry..." You whispered in his ear oh so softly, "It's alright, Rin." He wrapped his arms around you, nails digging on your back, clinging as if he would fall into a pit of darkness if he let you go, "Here, just you and me. Go on... Cry."
The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down his face. He could feel the muscles of his chin tremble like a small child. There was a static voice inside his head, the shout and scream that belonged to his parents—a side effect that followed him even after hours went by.
But he tried to focus on your voice, reassurement and company that he always went to. Something that he never got from his house. He wouldn't even call that place a home. It was just a shelter for him, eighteen years he lived there it was just a transit for him that he had to go back to for sleep and eat.
With parents that rarely there, empty spaces filled with souvenirs from around the world, it felt like he was in some kind of museum. And their parents only went back to collect some stuff, drop money, and leave him to go on their own journey.
Treating him like he was just a mere infestation that needed to be taken care of.
"I shouldn't have been surprised." He voiced out what lingered inside his mind, "They are never there for each other. They are never there for me." A painful cry from someone who always tried to hide everything, "What did I do wrong? I never even asked to be born from the first place."
You clenched your hand into a fist, trying to calm yourself down as anger started to creep inside your heart. Now you knew the reason why he never wanted you to visit him, or why he wanted to stay longer when he was in your house.
Inside someone that looked like he never gave a shit about what happened in this world, was just one broken man that longed for tenderness.
"I want to leave."
"W-What?" You choked out a little, surprised by the sudden needs that he threw, "What do you mean leave, Rin?" No, it couldn't be that. He was a lot stronger, even stronger than you, "Rin...?"
"I want to die, (Y/n)."
"I am tired, it's not like I will have a successful future ahead anyway."
You will be a successful person,
"It's not like someone will miss me. No one wanted me."
I want you.
"I want you." You whispered softly, voicing out the feelings that you have been buried since you saw him in the gymnasium that day, "I want you, Rin."
His eyes widened, didn't expect to hear such words from you. It was just a simple sentence, a sentence that he could hear from some random TV shows. But when it slipped between your lips, it filled his life with something that he had lost for a long time. Hope.
"Stay with me, okay?" It was you who asked for that, "Let see tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that." The proposition of life, "Let's race to see who would be the successful person first. You and me, how about that? "
What was it? Why the sadness that he felt before was replaced by these unknown feelings? So fast that it ignited a fire within his soul.
It burned him, but not a destructive kind of burn. It was more like the kind that made him want to see forwards, the one that created a goal, the one that made him want to see the light of another day. But this time, it was not because he felt that he was obligated to live.
Instead, it became something that he wanted to do.
You were like a gasoline for him, the one that made him feel alive, the one that he needed to see another light. Yet too much of you and it could turn him into ashes.
His orbs flickered back and forth to the cigarette in his hand, driving mindlessly with a slow speed as his mind wandered to every word that you said. Throw it away, Rintarou. He repeated it to himself, knowing that this little evil thing could bring some addiction — one that was not good for a professional volleyball player like him.
But he shrugged it off, trying to bury the remnants of you that lingered every time he inhaled the grey stench. It was as if he could see your glare, as you sat on the passenger seat with both hands folded in front of your chest.
He swallowed a huge lump, feeling the intense gaze like it was real. Then again, it was just a hallucination, you were not here. You were probably happy that he left, finally gave you the chance so you could be with his upperclassmen instead of him.
Static noise blaring inside his ears, making him drop the cigarette into the street. He felt like someone just knocked the air out of his lungs when he remembered the state you were in when he left you like a coward.
"I don't like small spaces." You muttered one day as you put your head on his chest, absorbing the gentle affection that he radiated, "It always makes me feel anxious somehow."
He knew that. He knew too well every single thing about you. His orbs glanced towards the clock,
It had been thirty minutes since he left you, since he left the home that he was begging to have. You were his everything, the reason why he was still breathing today. So why would he let you go that easily? Why would he surrender and throw his insecurity to your face?
"Fuck," Was it too late? Would you be okay if he came back now? "God, I am sorry." His hands were trembling by now, feeling like the worst human alive. Who in the right mind left someone that he loved, trapped inside a small space?
His heart beats so much faster as he swerves the steering wheel, turning around in hope that you would still there, at least safe and sound. He could feel the sweat drenched his skin and how his eyes throbbed when his mind branched to some dark possibilities.
It was as if he was in this empty house, and your existence was there to warm all of the empty room that he thought would be impossible to be filled. You were the only person that could give him the reason to keep breathing, so if he left you, wouldn't it mean that one day he would run out of oxygen?
There was no reason for him by choosing to go away. With all of the places that he passed for the past minutes, he just realised that with you he was perfect. He didn't have to be the perfect man that he thought he needed to be.
At the end of the day, you would be the only home that he would come back to. And you would open up your arms to welcome him.
Bzzt bzzt! Bzzt bzzt!
He shook his head to focus on the road once again, hands gripping tight on the steering wheel as the only thing that he wanted to just parked the car in front of the house that he shared with you for the past year.
His orbs peek on his phone screen, wondering who would call him this late at night. Grabbing the phone that was laid on the passenger seat, his lips pursed when he saw the name that flickered on the screen.
Shouldn't he be excited? He always had these giddy feelings bubbling up every time his upperclassmen called him. But ever since the break up that you had (which until now you still avoided the topic), the excitement that he used to feel now turned into jittery.
He swallowed a huge lump, debating whether to either pick up the call or just let it be until it turned off on its own. Fear crept into the back of his head, scared that his upperclassmen that he always thought highly of would want you back.
Then again, maybe it was time for him to man up. You were his, he was yours. He wouldn't let anyone have you, not when you gave so much to him and chose him to be your lover while you could actually take another path two years ago.
Starting from now, he was ready to let everyone know that he was the only person that you would open up your arms to, and you were the only home he would go back to.
But before he could answer the call, his vision went black.
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Lula vs Bolsonaro: A clash of titans in Brazil
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If ever there were a knock-down, drag-out, heavyweight clash of populist titans brewing — this is going to be it.
A Brazilian court on Monday overturned a 2018 corruption conviction against former president Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva, clearing the way for the polarizing but immensely popular leftist to run in the 2022 presidential election. If he does, he'll almost certainly be the main challenger for current president Jair Bolsonaro, a bomb-throwing far right populist.
Let's get ready to rumble.
Who is Lula again? The rough-spoken former union boss was president from 2003 to 2011, when a commodities boom enabled him to massively expand state support for the poor while also enjoying one of the headiest periods of economic growth in Brazil's history. His critics, however, accused his Workers Party of graft and incompetence. After he left office the wheels came off — his successor Dilma Rousseff was impeached amid massive protests over corruption, and Lula himself was convicted of graft in a polarizing and politicized trial that occurred just before the 2018 presidential election, preventing him from competing.
Lula is still the most popular politician in Brazil. According to a poll published by the daily O Estado de São Paulo, 50 percent of likely voters would choose Lula, against just 38 percent for Bolsonaro (Portuguese, paywall). But Lula also has a very high rate of disapproval, meaning that, just like with Bolsonaro, people love or hate him in equal measure — there's no middle ground (Spanish).
Brazilians are fed up and deeply polarized. After all the upheavals of the past ten years, Brazilians in general still feel alienated from their leaders, and divisions are deep: a 2019 IPSOS/BBC study found that a third of Brazilians say it's not even worth having a conversation with people who hold opposing political views — only India and South Africa had higher rates of intolerance on that score.
But Bolsonaro has some cards to play. His pandemic relief checks have started to eat into Lula's once rock-solid base in the poorer reaches of Brazil's Northeast, Chacra told us.
And more than anything, Bolsonaro is a politician who loves to have enemies, and Lula is his — and his supporters' — greatest political nemesis. A Bolsonaro-Lula matchup would quickly become an ideological and cultural war reflecting deep rifts within Brazilian society.
Continue reading.
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kits-shrine · 11 months
"I will always stay with you no matter what, Miss Victoria. You need only name me, and I am yours until the end of time," the blond shuck spoke warmly, resting his head in her lap.
The car drew closer and unable to resist she whispered to him as she leaned over his head. "Ok... but only as long as you want to." she didn't want him to be trapped forever if he hated living in that house as much as she did.
Victoria sank her fingers into his blonde fur as she tried to think of a name. The golden strands caught the light of the sun and she murmured "I still don't get why you'd want to but I'm happy you want to stay-" she paused with a swallow before finishing "Apollo."
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treatian · 4 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Breaking the Curse
Chapter 37: A Normal Routine
He did what he had to do. He stuck to his schedule and the shadows, trying to make it so that no one would ever know that anything had changed in his life. He tried to make it so that no one would notice he was secretly running what was probably the greatest spy circle that Storybrooke had ever seen. It was something to be proud of, but he was old enough that he had no intention of bragging about it. This game was tenuous enough as it was. There was no need to make it worse. So, the day after making his deal with Jefferson, the day of Miner's Day, he did what he always did.
He got up. He took his shower. He made his breakfast. And he went into the shop.
He doubted that anyone noticed.
Miner's Day was always a small uneventful holiday anyway, and with one of the town currently missing, those he encountered seemed nearly as dreary as the weather. No one was in a festive mood. Except perhaps him.
His plan was working. Call after call informed him of that.
The first calls he received were from the cousins he'd set to watch David and Emma. Kathryn's disappearance had gone public and his little bird friends informed him that David had been released for questioning shortly after Emma brought him in. It didn't surprise him. At the moment, Kathryn was missing, but legally she didn't have anything to hold David on. With no body or physical evidence of Kathryn's death, she could have crashed her car and then wandered out of Storybrooke all on her own. Frankly, right now, even if Emma did think she was dead, she didn't have any clues as to who had done it. Sure, it could have been David, or Mary Margaret, or even Regina. But it could also have been Sara Fischer; it could have been Granny. Hell, for all Emma knew at the moment, Kathryn had crashed her car and been kidnapped by a man who could also turn into a bird. For all Emma knew…
Regina knew more than Emma did, even if she didn't necessarily know better. He hadn't spoken to Regina since all this had happened, but he had a pretty clear indication that she was pleased with his work.
The morning after Miner's Day, he got up, got dressed, made himself breakfast, and went to the shop. Shortly after arriving, he received a call from none other than Emma Swan.
"How is it that in the middle of all this the DA is dropping charges against you?" she shrieked into her phone."
"Oh?" he prompted.
"Moe French suddenly claims that you two were up in the woods, talking about the robbery when he slipped. Spencer doesn't believe it, but without Moe's testimony he says he doesn't have enough to charge you, so he's dropping the case."
"Well, that sounds right," he sighed as if he were bored but far from innocent. "It's not unlike what I told you, if you'll recall."
"That's not what I saw."
"What you saw is irrelevant," he dismissed. "If Mr. French is willing to sign a sworn statement, then you can't really be sure what you saw that night. It was rather dark if memory serves."
"Yeah…funny how Moe's truck appears to be back in front of his shop all of a sudden," she snarked.
He smiled. She was fun to debate with. "Almost as funny as my decision to put a five-year extension on his loan. One of life's mysteries, I suppose."
"Though I do find it odd that we have a woman missing, and you are taking the time to have this conversation. I rather think you've got more on your hands at the moment than I do."
She hadn't responded kindly to that comment but rather hung the phone up without saying good-bye.
The next person he heard from later that afternoon. It was none other than Dove himself, but he called with news that he hadn't quite expected. He thought he'd update him with news on Kathryn or any problems, but it turned out all was quiet on that front.
"She's upset, but she finally stopped pounding at the door, and so far, no one seems to know we're here."
"Good, keep it that way."
"I've got more you might want to know about."
"I'm all ears."
"Ruby Lucas, Widow Lucas' granddaughter-"
"I know her."
"Right, Will called me just after three. He was just starting his shift when Ruby came in. Apparently, she quit last night. Emma's hired her as some sort of assistant; she was fetching lunch. Just thought you might want to know."
Indeed he did, not just because at the end of the day he was paying the boy to look for handy information like that, but also because it was an unexpected change he hadn't prepared for. Immediately he'd called his man watching after Emma, who confirmed that the girl was in fact staying at the office, but he hadn't figured out yet why she'd been there or what capacity she was working. Frankly, it wasn't until Ruby had left the station, come back with food, and then gotten into the bug with Emma again that he realized she was doing more than just "hanging out," as he'd put it.
He grit his teeth together. The news almost made him miss Dove. He wouldn't have thought to not report it to him. But he was the commander of a tiny army at the moment. Dove was his best, most experienced soldier, he had to put him where he was most useful, and right now, that was with Kathryn. Babysitting her might be the easiest of jobs, but it was the most crucial of the jobs as well. He couldn't risk anyone else taking his post. In the end, he simply told Stan to keep an eye on everything and let him know what was happening.
What was happening…that was the question. It was a question that Stan seemed incapable of answering, not while he kept his distance. He'd followed Emma and Ruby out of town only to watch them stop near the woods; two had gone in, three came out. They'd emerged with David. It was only once they were at the hospital that he'd called to inform him of this. In his own words, David had looked "disoriented." Emma had kept a hand on his back as she led him to the car and helped him into the backseat, the pair had exchanged a glance, and then they'd ended up in the hospital. Emma had taken David in, Ruby left in the car, and not long after Regina had arrived. That was all the information that he had at the time. When he hung up the phone, he sat down at his wheel and started to spin because he could think of no other way to relieve his stress.
This was a delicate operation. These first steps were tedious, and while things were going the way he wanted them to right now, there were unexpected wrenches now thrown into the mix. David, disoriented in the woods, that was one. Regina at the hospital, that was another. Ruby was another. He didn't know what she was doing, didn't know why Emma was using her suddenly. Worst of all, he didn't have any eyes on her. This was the most important step in the process. He couldn't afford any problems or things not done properly. But the only person he could think to send to watch Ruby was the cousin watching Sidney. He didn't want to do that. He had plans for Sidney, or rather he knew that eventually, Regina would have plans for Sidney. He wanted an eye on him, especially if Regina was somewhere that she wasn't supposed to be. He tried to think of a way to get himself into the conversation, a way to insert himself early into the middle of all this, but he came up blank. He had to stay where he was. He had to wait for his opportunity to get involved properly. Besides, even if he did send someone out after her, he had no idea where Ruby had gone. Stan had taken eyes off of her once she left the hospital; she could be anywhere, the police station, Granny's, the woods, anywhere.
So he went home, spun at his wheel as Stan reported Emma's return to the station, and then returned to the hospital before going back to the apartment for the night. He went to bed. He woke up the next morning, got dressed, made himself breakfast, and was just about to go into the shop when his cell phone rang, and he took a call from Dove.
"Hey, just letting you know, I think Mary Margaret is about to be arrested for murder," was his greeting. He quickly pulled out his keys and let himself into the quiet shop before responding.
"What makes you think that?"
"Will Scarlet just called. Ruby is back at Granny's as of this morning. She quit working with Emma yesterday after…she found a heart in the woods yesterday. And Will well…he's got a friend, who has a friend, who worked at the mirror, who knows Sidney Glass and…Will says Emma got the heart's DNA tested and the results are pending, but there were fingerprints on the box that the heart was found in and they're a match for Mary Margaret."
Well, of course, her fingerprints were on it. The box belonged to Mary Margaret. He'd had his goons bury it along with something very special. "No sign of anything else?"
"No." So the shovel shard hadn't been discovered yet. Probably because Emma had sent Ruby and not gone herself, that was one of those problems he hadn't accounted for. But he tried not to panic. Ruby wasn't working the case anymore, Emma was, so there was still hope she'd go out there and review the crime scene.
"And the DNA evidence is still pending?" he confirmed once more, trying to manage exactly how much time he could give Emma before he had to push her in the direction of the crime scene.
"Not back yet, but…I called my cousin, he knows what to do."
He breathed a sigh of relief. If he was to be the mob boss, then Dove was his second in command and doing an excellent job at it. He was the only one of his cousins that actually knew the entire of his plan, or at least what he wanted him to know about it. He was suddenly incredibly grateful for the boy.
"That's good work, Mr. Dove. Very good work. I'm appreciative of the work you are doing on this. It's part of that complicated game I mentioned, and so far, everything is happening as it should…more or less." He meant to hang up, but seeing as how Dove seemed to have contacts that his cousins didn't, he sighed. "Call me when you hear the DNA has been processed."
Not long after that, Mary Margaret was arrested. The call came toward the end of the day. Stan reported soon after Dove's call that Emma had gone into the town to the pet store. Mary Margaret had gone there just after school got out, probably to check on how David was coping with his beloved wife's disappearance. When Emma emerged from the store, Mary Margaret had been cuffed. Emma had taken her back to the apartment, surprisingly, not the jail, but Stan reported quickly that it appeared to be a courtesy. When they both emerged, Mary Margaret was wearing comfortable clothes. Furthermore, after they'd stayed in the station for a while, Regina had stopped by, but then Emma had returned to the apartment. Another call came in after she left. It was Stan again.
"She's going back to the station now. She had a big bag with her when she came out. I think she might have found the knife."
Well, it wasn't DNA or a shovel, but it was evidence against her. It was still early, but he was tired of sitting on his hands, waiting for something to happen. It was time for the Dark One to jump into the fray.
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ghchgc · 3 years
Despite the blockbuster order from United
On the inner wall the crossbowman would be reloading, Theon knew. Despite the blockbuster order from United, the airshow's business has been cooler this year. The dogs and small children of the household would sometimes come bottines cloutees femme out to see the customers too, and the latter used to fondle both the children and the dogs. It came from somewhere to his right, where broken chunks of the curtain wall lay half-submerged beneath the bog. There was no one besides this gentleman, and no one else came in all the evening. Kendar Serindag and Ben Lanza will be solid singles players. Anomalous methane on Pluto methane on Mars on Mars we instantly pounce on life as a serious possiblity of the source. She heard the priest say, “Breathe, child. It is said of Abraham that he had “servants bought with money;” but there is no record of his having ever sold one, nor is there any account of its ever having been done by Isaac or 118Jacob. AFTER the memorable evening I had spent with nike jean jacket Prince oneil mellény Valkovsky at the restaurant, I was for some days in continual apprehension on Natasha’s account. P March 15: Cello, flute and piano with a program of trio sonatas. Or hadn't been for a long time," he said in a biciclete rusesti vechi behind the scenes program about the series. Rick Tuza, the head of the Calgary Police Services team called in to investigate, said his officers are in touch with the Crown about once a month to see how the file is progressing. Hero, Jhogo, and Daario. Could her battery be getting weak? It starts fine. He worked on the development of air born radar with the RAF and 8th Air Force B 24 bombers. As Cavendish was embraced by the neotraditional Cuban flared country sounds of the eight piece American band.. Your bodies, you know, are not your own; they are at the disposal of those you belong to; but your precious souls are still your own, which nothing can take from you, if it be not your own fault. Make it worth my while. It would be your wedding gift to Hizdahr and to your loving people, a sign that you had embraced the ancient ways and customs of Meereen.”.. Start. Lewis, is a man who commands the highest respect, for talent and ability in his kimono long femme grande taille position; yet, while he was in America, it hanorace panda barbati is said that, like many other young colored men, he was distinguished only for foppery and frivolity. Representing sin in Christianity, other cultures and religions view snakes more highly. Francon Antiques . My friends call me Yoda now. Department of Administrative Services (DAS) from its current 7th floor haunts at 1 Judiciary Square to the District Building move that would open up space for the council at 1 Judiciary Square. Boeing executives have repeatedly insisted they don't see the business case for a re engined 737 and will almost certainly opt for a new airplane that will aim to enter service in 2019 or 2020. Or to check if anyone has maybe linked to my sleeptest, which now has an insane 5,630 (suddenly the number's dropped to 1,301, maybe because Technorati only charts links from the last six months?) links almost all of them people who have taken the test and posted their results. The Shy Maid moved with the current. This happens in the case of persons who die insolvent, or who become so during lifetime. Let us look at these acknowledged facts. Even when the shout came down the line to make camp for the night, it was no easy thing to warm yourself. Last year the bokacsizma bakancs Centers for Disease Control and Prevention started ranking superbug alert levels. I am not accustomed to such scenes. I warn you, though it will be too late then! Good-bye.”. Jon wanted them to take that fear with them to their new biciclete rusesti vechi homes south of the Wall.. Bruderschaft, too, encouraged her and didn’t think about it. casquette ny kaki mère Until they got bored with its bleating and slaughtered it for supper. This may be overdone, so let not get carried away. “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies,” said Jojen. Grades 6 to 9. I want . The only thing we seen work in the past with Japan is when our government goes public. Cheap jordan shoes, The Air Jordan 11 Velvet Night Maroon colorway is part of the Heiress Collection dropping for the holidays. The news came shortly before the company also decided to halt its staggered scheduling for 787 workers in Everett. (And by no small margin, but I'll spare you the boilerplate.). This generation enjoys having fun at work. Intel's SpeedShift technology has also been tweaked to allow for even faster state changes. He had thought the three-eyed crow would be a sorcerer, a wise old wizard who could fix his legs, but that was some stupid child’s dream, he realized now. Nikolay Sergeyitch was much alarmed and vexed that we had let her talk so much. On the fourth day of her illness, I spent the whole evening with Natasha and stayed long after midnight. Legree stood by him every moment of the time, pressing him to yield, and offering to let him go as soon as he did yield. Natasha looked on the ground and did not answer. There are also the All adidas mariposas Star Edition, Texas Edition and Custom Sport option packages, whose highlights (depending on the package) include 20 inch wheels, one of the available towing groups, remote starting, a power driver seat, a rearview camera and, of course, unique badging.. The cheesemonger spooned up cherries. Admission is $2, and it will be at the Confederation Seniors Centre, 4585 Albert St. Now let see: where will the new residents work or live? Not to worry, we lead the Nation in welfare and are 2 in homelessness.. But, O! what meetings I have had, alone in the corner,—my Saviour and only me!” The smile with which these words were spoken was a thing to be remembered. Evangeline is an image of beauty and goodness which can never be effaced from the mind, whatever may be its prejudices. 60 votes were not needed in the Senate on this, as Democrats watched from the sidelines, while the GOP couldn get 50 votes, plus the tie breaking tally of the Vice President. If you're reimbursed for them in any way including reimbursing you for expenses then the tax free allowances don't apply.. To handle the additional cats and dogs, the organization fixed up two vacant warehouses next to the shelter into air conditioned kennels. The burning is a call to action.". I picked up the snuff-box and exclaimed:. The direction of influence also flows the other way, so it is possible for the position of our bodies to influence our thoughts and feelings. He had kin he might have sent in his stead. Classes will be offered, and students should check with their instructors regarding the status of their classes, university officials said in a statement. Himmelwright chaired the mummer judging for years when it was held on the corner of East First Street and Arch Street under the street light.. But knowing that Natasha and Anna Andreyevna would be worried if they expected me in vain, I decided to let Natasha know by post that I could not be with her that day.
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sheilarice1 · 4 years
Silver Death - Part 18
Cooper and Lila:
About an hour into the drive and neither of us have spoken. We don't have the radio on, and it's beginning to be dusk.
"Widow would you mind turning on the radio?"
She glances at me and turns it on. Country music fills the vehicle speakers.
The next hour we don't talk, but we sing along to the songs we know. I am surprised when Widow sings one of my favourite songs.
About halfway through the song I had joined in but once it ended I was silent again. We reach Winnipeg city limits and find the hotel I booked rooms in.
Walking into the lobby I talk with the woman at the front desk and get our key cards. While I'm the elevator I hand Widow her key card. "Your in 520."
"Did you get us separate rooms?"
"Kinda. They are joined but separate if we shut the doors between them."
"Okay. Your in 522?"
"Yes I am." Reaching the doors we step into our rooms. Setting my bag on the floor near the front door I open my side door that leads to Widows room. If she wants to open hers and come into my room that's fine.
I wait a few minutes before going for a shower because driving for four hours tends to make me feel weird. Especially if I have someone in the vehicle with me.
Turning to see Natasha leaning in the doorway I respond "yes Natasha?"
"I'm going to bed. What time should I get up for?"
"The plane comes at ten. The airport is about a half hour from here. So just try to be up for half past eight please. So we have time for breakfast."
"Alright. Do you want the door shut?"
"Whatever feels best for you."
She nods and turns to her bed, not shutting the door.
I shrug and climb into my own bed set an alarm for seven in the morning and lay down.
It only takes an hour for me to fall asleep. But a memory disguised as a dream consumes my peaceful sleep.
"Now Jessica don't worry, this won't hurt a bit."
"Look mister. I ain't some dumb little seven year old. I know that whatever is in those needles is gonna make me feel a whole lot of pain."
The doctor that was in charge of my experiments back hands me across the left cheek. "That should teach you not to back talk your superiors."
"Even though I continue to back talk after all the times you've done it before?"
"Ungrateful child."
"That I am." He just glares at me. "So you gonna start or should I leave?"
He grunts and grabs the needle that's first in the line of ten.
By the fourth needle my arm starts to hurt. By the eighth needle I want to pass out. As the tenth needle comes from my arm a second scientist dude walks in followed by Zemo and Winter.
My eyes shut against my will as Winter picks me up and carries me from the room.
I wake up in the cell I shared with Winter. He's not here. Walking to the door I start beating on it trying to alert someone I was awake.
After a few moments the door is opened and the guards face is pure confusion.
"Wer bist du!" Who are you!
"Wer bist du!"
"Oh German. Whoops."
He raises his gun to his shoulder getting ready to shoot me.
"beruhigen. Die Leute hier nennen mich immer wieder einen kleinen Mörder." Calm down. People here keep calling me small killer.
The guard yells for Zemo.
I just stand in the doorway with a gun pointed at me, waiting for Zemo to come see me.
When he finally comes he has Winter in tow. Winter looks at me like I am a stranger while Z man looks happy.
"Ah, mein Lieber. Ich sehe, dass das Serum bei Ihnen gut funktioniert hat." Ah my dear. I see that the serum worked well on you."
"Yup. I don't like speaking German. It hurts my throat so I'm gonna go with English."
"Who else would it be Winter?"
"You look like your mother."
"Okay. So Doc what did the serum do?"
"You can alter you appearance. That will be great for your missions."
I pull my hair in front of my face. I expect to see my normal frizzy brown hair but instead I see blonde straight and shiny locks.
"Jess can you change it back?"
Cocking my head and concentrate and watch my hair change back to brown. It doesn't go as dark as it normally is but it works. "Better?"
"Yes it is."
The guards shove us into the cell and shut the door with a loud bang that manages to wake me up.
I woke up at 6:55am. Five minutes before my alarm clock was set to go off. Figures.
Waiting the five minutes for my alarm to go off before getting out of bed I look at the ceiling, questioning if that was a dream, or was it a memory?
I get up after turning off my alarm and go for a shower and get dressed in a grey zip-up hoodie, a black tank top, dark jeans and leather heeled boots.
When I walk out of the bathroom with a towel covering my now black hair I wait for Widow.
Ten minutes later the door opens and she comes in. "Tony phoned. He says that Bucky needs to talk to you as soon as we get back."
"Okay. Ready to go get breakfast?"
"Yah. Just gotta make sure I didn't forget anything."
"Okay. I'm going down to the lobby. Meet you there?"
"Yah check out for us while there please."
"For sure."
I walk to the elevator and head to the lobby wondering what Winter needs to talk about. Maybe he got a memory back?
By the time I finish checking out Widow is seated by the front doors waiting for me. When I approach her she stands and follows me out the door.
We decided on getting breakfast wraps and fruit salads at a restaurant that does take out.
After checking the airports schedule we see that the plane is running ten minutes ahead. A rare thing for a plane to do. We arrive at the airport and wait for a few minutes before I go in. Taking down my hood so Widow can see my hair for the first time today she looks at it strangely.
"Did you dye your hair?"
"No. I can change my appearance. Winter told me that I was given powers but they were suppressed. I haven't gotten the suppressant for awhile so it's warring off."
"Strange. Did you get any other powers?"
"Yes. But I would rather not tell you."
"Alright. Better get going."
I nod and head into the airport building. When flight 699 from Janesville comes in and starts to unload. Watching for the face of Laura I spot her and the kids and wait for them to come through the doors from the plane.
I walk up to her and lean down in front of the little boy. "Hi, my name is Silver, but if you want to you can call me Jessica. I got sent to take you and you family to see your Auntie Nat."
He doesn't respond only smile really big. Standing up I smile at Laura. "Hello Silver. It is nice to meet and speak to you I person."
"Same to you. And sorry for the rudeness in some of my emails."
"That's alright."
"Shall we get your bags?"
"That's a good idea."
We walk towards the baggage trolly and as we are walking I can feel a little hand grab hold of mine. "My name is Cooper. How do you know Aunt Nat?"
"We met by accident actually. But now we are friends."
He nods and stays quiet. Reaching the trolly I grab the bags and point towards the right doors. The kids are obviously tired.
"Cooper, Lila come here for a second please."
Laura gives me a confused expression when I lift the kids so that they are sitting on the luggage that has wheels but smiles when I start pulling them along.
We walk out the front doors and to the vehicle. The kids hop into the far back seat while Laura takes the middle bench seat.
I had prepped the back for kids, car seats and a little T.V. for movies to be played on. There were foam noodles for sword fights if they wanted and snacks.
Natasha and Laura talked while the kids yelled in the back.
About an hour into the trip the kids began to nod off. Laura and Natasha were still talking but Natasha had moved seats to sit in the back.
Everyone was occupied and it was semi-quiet.
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
Hello! If you're taking request,can i have a oneshot/scenario of and angsty prince au! dazai where he falls in love with a maid s/o? the ending is up to you but i'll appreciate it if it ends with fluff,thank you 💖
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Secrets and Disbelief
Prince! Dazai
When he first saw the girl dressed in a light blue ankle length dress and a white apron that was clearly dirty, one could say he fell in love at first sight.
He didn’t know her, he had never seen her around the castle, but he knew she was a good soul. He could see it, from his spot in the garden as she walked the path to pass by, he could see the kindness that swirled through her bright orbs and the small smile that decorated her lips.
It was shamed upon for a royal to be with a servant, it was shamed upon for a servant to even speak to a royal unless spoken to. However, Dazai couldn’t seem to find it in himself to care.
After he saw her, he wanted to know so much more about her. He wanted to know her name, her age, her likes and dislikes… everything. She was like a drug to him–he saw her only once and now he’s addicted to her.
The second time he saw her was during dinner. While the royals sat at the table, ready for a luxurious dinner prepared by amazing chefs, she walked out with a tray of expensive glasses filled with a drink requested by the royals.
This time, her white apron was clean and spotless, like dirt had never once touched it. She set the tray on the large table and gently placed a glass in front of everyone. Dazai was last to receive his drink. She set it down in front of him and gave him a gorgeous smile, a smile that had been so bright he felt as is his world had just burst into color, like this was the first time he saw the spontaneous shades of the color wheel.
During dinner, while the rest of the royals spoke carelessly amoung each other, Dazai sat in a stunned silence. He was filled with wonder, she was perfect in his eyes. Those eyes that he thought held kindness really were filled with docile politeness, her smile really gave it all away. He wanted to see it again–see her again.
The third time he saw her was when he officially met her. He walked down the corridor to his bedroom to retire for the night, only to stop when he head a soft, delicate voice echo through the hallway. When he located the voice, he also heard sobs. They came from an open door.
Peeking through the door, silently, he noticed the room was a storage room. Many boxes and crates piled along the walls, the tiles on the floor had been covered in muddy foot prints that seemed to pace around the room.
Off to the side, he finally saw the producers of the voices. A very young maid, who’s dress was almost drenched completely in mud and grime, was sobbing in the arms of… her.
The maid he had fallen in love with was stroking the younger girls hair and speaking softly over her sobs. Her dress that was once clean, but now her sky blue dress and white apron were covered in brown mud from the other maids dress.
She didn’t seem to care she was getting her clothing dirty, all she seemed to care about was the maid who was crying into her chest. Dazai noted that even covered in mud, she looked angelic. Even with a solemn expression, her eyes still held kindness.
Dazai leaned against the wall beside the door, hoping he wouldn’t be noticed as he shamelessly listened to her voice as she spoke calmly to the distressed maid.
Eventually, the sobbing had ceased, the younger maid confessing she must finish her work. He heard soft footsteps walk towards the door and in a panic he had taken his back off the wall and acted nonchalantly, like he was just now passing by.
He saw her step out, his love, with the front of her dress muddy but a smile on her face. She squeaked in surprise when she looked both ways and noticed Dazai standing in the middle of the corridor, with an equally surprised expression.
She bowed respectfully before beginning to walk the opposite way. “Wait!” Dazai finally called after her. He wouldn’t miss this chance to talk to her. She stopped abruptly. Then turned on her heel to face him, looking almost as if she’d seen a ghost. “What’s your name?” He asked, stepping closer to her.
“(First name) (Last name), a maid for the castle, your Royal highness.” She bowed again towards him.
“Is everything ok?” After listening, he knew the concept of what had happened. A young maid had broken a piece of expensive china while cleaning the storage room, causing her to break down crying. To which (First name) had found her and held her for comfort until she was relaxed enough to continue her work. The mud was from her previously working in the garden, to which mud formed after the heavy rainfall earlier in that day.
“Ah, yes, sir.” She spoke in a manner that would seem suspicious to anyone.
Dazai nodded and gave her a smile. “Could you help me with something?”
The maid was glad he didn’t persue the previous question any further, she didn’t have a lie thought up to protect the younger girl from any punishment. She had heard the Prince was extreamly smart, making her wary of ever speaking to him, especially after something like this had happened.
She nodded, “Yes, sir. What is it you need assistance with?”
“I was hoping you could find me a book in the library.” He noticed her shoulder relax, but her eyes never met his. “I don’t remember the name of it, but it has a red cover and a white shape in the middle. I’ve been looking for it but haven’t found it yet.”
The maid nodded again, accepting the task she was given. “I’ll find it for you tomorrow, sir.” He finally saw her smile, but her eyes still never met his.
Dazai thanked her and both walked to opposite ways down the corridor. Dazai felt his heart flutter, he had never felt this way before, but he was more than happy he was able to finally speak to the woman he had fallen in love with.
The following morning, a butler prepared Dazai his bath and helped him get dressed. The butler left the room to attend to something else, but reminded Dazai of breakfast in the dining room for him.
Soon, Dazai opened his door only to be met by her. She quickly bowed her head, a few books stacked in her arms. “Your Royal highness,” she looked towards him, “I’ve found a few books that match your description.”
Dazai felt butterflies fly around in his empty stomach. “That’s great, come in, I’ll look through them.” He was glad his room was clean to avoid embarrassment, though it was normally always clean thanks to the servants. It was large, with a door to a bathroom on the right, a large window and bed, and a desk and dresser off to the left wall.
Dazai led her to the bed, and she hesitantly placed them on the fluffy blanket. Dazai looked through them, a small variety of red and white books. Finally, he found the one that fit his tastes. ‘A Complete Guide To Suicide’. “This is it, thank you, (First name)!” He held the book up, admiring it and giving a side glance to see his love.
She bowed, a smile on her lips that made Dazai feel like he was in Heaven. “I’ll take the rest back to the library, then, Sir.” She gathered the other books in her arms and began walking towards the door.
Dazai panicked, not wanting her to leave so soon. “Wait!” He called out to her. “I have one more thing I need help with.”
She turned around before reaching the door. “What is it, sir?”
His eyes filtered towards his open dresser drawer and quickly ran towards it. He held up a tunic similar to the one he had on at the moment, except with a different color embroidery. “Would I look better with the blue stripes or the green?” He smiled sheepishly.
The tunics were the same except for the three stripes of blue and green on each sleeve. “Uhm…” the maid’s eyes drifted quickly back and forth between the two tunics. “I think the blue, sir.”
Dazai smiled and thanked her. Once she left the room, he quickly changed into the tunic with blue embroidery. He looked in the mirror and smiled before heading out to the dining room for breakfast.
For around a month or so, Dazai has been asking for help front the maid he fell in love with everytime he ran into her. From judging his clothes, to reading for him, to teaching him about the various flora in the garden.
Every moment he spent with her only made him fall deeper in love, but he knew it could never happen. It wouldn’t stop him from trying, though.
Dazai had requested her presence in the morning–like most other mornings–to chose his clothing for the day. Most of the time he’d be fully dressed and ready for the day, but would ask for her opinion on what would look better.
(First name) gently knocked on the door to his chamber. She heard quick footfall before the door opened to reveal Dazai who was smiling brightly. “Good morning, your Royal highness–”
“Dazai.” The prince smiled at her, correcting her. She looked at him confused before he spoke to her again. “You can can call me Dazai now.”
He had wanted to hear her call him by his name, not a royal title, for a while now. “S-Sir, I can’t. It’s against the rules.”
“Then I’ll make a new rule. You, and only you, can call me by my name now.” He smiled brighter and pulled her into his room.
Despite how much Dazai would joke around with (First name), she saw the seriousness in his eyes and and heard it in his voice. He didn’t want her to use formalities with him anymore.
“(First name), I want to ask you something.” Dazai started, staring into those docile eyes of hers. “I’ve been in love with you for a while now, and I wanted to ask if you’d be mine?”
The maid stood there, eyes wide and mouth agape. “I-I…” she stuttered before looking down at her feet. She saw how serious he was. He wasn’t joking around like he’d do most of the time, she could tell.
The month he’s been requesting her presence, she had slowly began to fall in love with the prince as well. She had heard about his joking, odd nature before officially meeting him, which only intrigued her.
And now, here stood a prince confessing his love for a servant. “Dazai…” She thought it felt weird saying his name. “I… feel the same–but we can’t—”
Dazai’s arms had wrapped around her, pulling her close to him. He rest his head on hers. “I don’t care about that. People can hate it all they want, but I won’t care.”
She gave in and relaxed in his arms, her body losing the tense stiffness she always had around him. “We could both get in a lot of trouble.” She whispered to him.
“And that doesn’t matter to me.” Dazai replied. “We can keep it a secret if you’d like. That way I can be with you but no one but us will know.”
(First name) pushes back in Dazai’s arms. “Are you being serious, or are you joking around?” She knew the answer and so did he, but she wanted clarification from him before committing herself to something as risky as this.
“Completely serious.” He smiled before pulling her back into a warm hug.
Although they both knew the consequences for their newfound relationship, neither of them would trade the moments they shared together for anything.
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Hello! I don’t think this turned out very well so apologies if you didn’t like it. I don’t think I portrayed Dazai’s character correctly nor do I think there was enough angst. I’ve never written or read and au’s so I hope this works. Hope you have a wonderful day!
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mogwaei · 4 years
Dragon age ask timeeeee~~~ not sure if you reblogged but 1, 6, 101
LOL I did not reblog it because no one ever asks, but I will answer it from the list anyway 😂 Answers beneath the cut because #1 has a...long answer
1.)How did you get into Dragon Age?
omgthisquestion--LONG ANSWER I’M SORRY. Ah, my SO was actually a huge fan of DA and at the time I think I was into TES or WoW. SO bought DA:I (first mistake) the day it came out, raving about how awesome Origins was and I’m not one to buy into hype, but it was an RPG series I’d never heard of so whatever. One of the nights, turns on the game and I sit on the sofa to watch. SO is playing a Dalish elven mage and I love elves so I thought, ‘hm, this might be all right, I’ll keep watching’. I started solving the Astrariums because I love puzzles and my SO is terrible at them. IIRC, my loveable fool had not spoken to any of the companions back at Haven yet, had just gotten straight to adventuring in the Hinterlands because we’d sorta fucked off in Skyrim the same way😂. Going back to Haven is where I was pulled into the game:
SO: “Oh yea, so we can talk to the companions and like, romance them and stuff.”
Me [almost always plays a belligerent asshole in rpgs]: “Lol, who you gonna talk to first?”
[SO, considering the companions--Solas, Varric, Cass, and Blackwall I think at the time?]
SO: “I think the bald elf is pretty cool.”
Me: “All right, can you piss him off?”
SO, looking at the dialogue wheel > chooses the diplomatic ones
Me, getting angery: “No! Choose the one that makes him mad!”
SO: [flirts instead to spite me] > Solas: “I have yet to see it dominated. I imagine that the sight would be… Fascinating.”
Me, *math lady meme* wtf that was smooth asf: “That’s it, give it over. I’m playing and I’m gonna do it right.”
I never gave the game back.
I made my Dalish mage, beelined it straight back to Solas and tried to piss him off by asking him questions because my logic was ‘asking lots of questions is annoying right?’. My SO is just watching the whole time laughing as [Solas slightly approves] [Solas slightly approves MORE] my plan fell to shambles. Grew to love Solas, started playing more thoughtfully, learned the lore, ended the game, and 1,000 years later am writing fanfiction about Solas and got into drawing so I could draw Solas, and am neck-deep in tinfoil theories/lore/have played all the games multiple times. asdfkjgnjkh
6.) First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)?
Female Dalish Mage...personality was a mix? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
101.) If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say?
To Warden Novferen: “You’re a bastard.” but also, “Please don’t eat me.”
To Hawke, I have no idea, I wasn’t really that into my Hawke.
To my canon Solasmancer Inquisitor: *dissolves into jello* soollllasssss
To Yin Lavellan, my fanfic Inquisitor who is a lover of puns: "So, you feelin’ all right after that meeting with Solas?” *ba dum tiss*Tbh, I don’t actually know how I’d react in front of any of the heroes - JUST TAKE ME TO SOLAS 😂thanks again for the questions, this was fun 💚
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