#dad bakugo x wife reader
pinkykats-place · 30 days
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader Inserts Ⅱ
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None of the stories linked are mine.
Mostly female reader inserts.
Some contain mature content.
Gif not mine.
Note: if you read and enjoy any of these stories - please like, leave a comment and/or reblog original post!
All Mine
Bakugo x fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS: Bakugou decides to put his delusional secretary in their place.
Pumpkin Patch with the Pups
Werewolf! Bakugou x reader and their litter of puppies
needy but prideful bakugou
Katsuki x afab!Reader
summary: bakugou wants your attention but can't tell you that
Bragging Rights
katsuki bakugou x senpai! fem! reader
summary: building up skills can also lead to built up feelings
Bakugou’s best friend from 2-A
Bone Appetit
ProHero!DynaMight | Katsuki Bakugo x Puppygirl!Reader
Summary: bakugou katsuki was one of the few people who experienced very lucid, very life-like dreams. usually, he was pretty good at telling when he was dreaming and when he was awake. usually.
summary: with a quirk allowing you to change others emotions, you decide to free class 1a member bakugou katsuki from the ongoing warzone in his head
taken care of
wolf hybrid Bakugo x fem reader
sub!bakugou x reader
bakugo x fem!reader
reader and the 1-A girls are having a girl’s night in one of their rooms and they talk about the boys and relationships. the girls ask reader if it isn’t hard dating bakugo. Bakugo kinda heard this question when he was going to get a drink and eavesdrops to your talk.
Headcannons on Clingy!Bakugou Katsuki
When he first realizes he loves you
Bakugou never wants to do matching Halloween costumes with you, but maybe this year will be different.
Katsuki’s s/o and usually pretty chill but when she gets pregnant she gets really explosive like him and everyone, especially his mom thinks it’s hilarious to watch
Young bakugo x reader
Two Weeks Notice.
Bakugo x reader
You’ve been Dynamight’s secretary for one year, two months, six days and four hours. You’re the best secretary he’s ever had, but now you’ve given him your two weeks notice. Bakugou can’t hide his disappointment at losing you, and wonders why you’re leaving him to go and work for another hero— Pro-Hero Manual. But you can’t give him the real answer.
It’s been the best job you’ve ever had, but it’s slowly become the worst because you just can’t avoid the feelings you harbour for your boss. Working beneath him has a dull ache continuing to grow in your chest, and you’ve decided to do what you think is best for yourself and leave. So you’ve handed in your notice, but Dynamight isn’t going to let you go that easily, he’s determined to remind you why he loves you working here, and why he wants you to stay— because he’s just as in love with you.
Teach You A Lesson
Pro Hero!Bakugou x Elementary School Teacher!Reader
You were sunshine you temptress
summary - smut, heavy comfort, FLUFF, when divorced dad/pro hero bakugou’s aquarium trip is ruined by intrusive fans, you offer to let them come back after hours so his daughter can see the belugas.
bakugo katsuki vs physical intimacy
Bakugo x gf!reader
Summary: You know in my mind I was kinda picturing doing Chicken Shop Dates with him and other Pro-Heroes? And Bakugou sees your date/interview with Sero and he’s pouty and jealous because he wants to do one with you.
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lilissmut · 6 months
Dad bakugo x Mom reader
“Cmon Sumi, you’ve gotta eat, take at least two bites? Pleasee?”Sighing to yourself as your four year old is refusing to eat, again.
“but mama, i don’t wanna eat this” Sumi, your daughter, is a very picky eater.
“please baby? You can’t just eat French fries and chicken nuggets.” You’re starting to get frustrated when you hear your 8 month old, Hatsuki, start to cry.
“Eat half, or else dada is getting involved.” Sumi sighed in frustration, but was a mamas girl, and didn’t like her dad as much as you, her mom. So she started to take a couple bites of her food, knowing how angry her dad gets at her for giving her mom a hard time.
smiling at your daughter, you walk upstairs to your eight month old son, Hatsuki. He wasn’t much of a crier, but when he did cry, it was hard to get him to quiet down.
You picked up your son, and rocked him back and fourth in a soothing motion, praying he’d go back to sleep. Or else he’d be up all night.
“s’okay, mamas right here baby” you sat down on the bed, holding him in your arms. You couldn’t get over the fact that Hatsuki looked so much like your husband, Bakugo. The feeling of relief washed over you when you finally got Hatsuki to quiet down, and fall back asleep.
Walking down the stairs with your baby in your arms, you see Sumi still eating her food.
“thank you baby. You ate so much of it.” Smiling at her, you gave her a kiss on the forehead.
It was around two hours later you Heard the door open, and you knew those steps so well, they were katsukis.
You overheard your husband asking “where’s mama, sumi?” You were half asleep and didn’t even both to listen in any further.
“babe I’m in the living room!!” You stated loud enough for him to hear, but hopefully not loud enough to wake up the baby.
smiling as you heard him walk towards you.
“Hey babe how was work?” He smiled and gave you a kiss on the lips.
“it was good. Stupid wanna be villains, but you know how it is babe.” Sumi ran over to her dad and gave him grabby hands, wanting him to pick her up.
Grunting a little as he picked her up, and sat on the couch beside his gorgeous wife.
You leaned into bakugos shoulder, tired and stressed, but those emotions were shared between you two.
You were just finally happy to have your husband home.
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reallyromealone · 1 month
How about part 4 to bakugos brother. The plot has thicken. 🙃🫰🏼
Title: bakugos brother
Fandom: bnha
Characters: bnha ensemble
Fic type: series
Chapter: 4
Pairings: kirishima x male reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, angst, reader is awkward, broken sibling relationship, reader is siblings to Katsuki, hurt to comfort, neglectful parents
(Name) And Kirishima went upstairs as Aizawa sat in the livingroom with the Bakugo parents, (name) looking surprisingly nervous as he went to his room.
"Whatever he did we will pay for" Mrs. Bakugo started and Aizawa raised his hand to stop her "I'm actually here on behalf of U.A to extend an invitation for your son to attend the general studies program as we have recently opened a spot in that class post sports festival" Aizawa began and watched their reactions carefully, Mr. Bakugo seemed curious and a bit excited at the concept of his son having the experience but Mrs Bakugo seemed... Less thrilled "would that affect Katsuki?" She asked simply and Aizawa raised an eyebrow at her statement.
"The two would be in completely different programs, how on earth would that affect Katsuki?" Mr Bakugo said simply and the blond woman glared without any bite at her husband "Principal Nedzu is particularly interested in his intelligence quirk and would like to talk about it when we do the transfer if you are willing to agree"
And the color drained from their faces.
(Name) And Kirishima cuddled on (name)s beanbag chair, a massive thing that was (name)s first purchase as (name) watched kirishima play a phone game "so you're just building and adventuring?" (Name) Seemed intrigued but also deeply confused at the game "yeah, it's a sandbox game-- you can do basically anything"
"Are there animals?"
"Oh a bunch, they actually just updated the dogs so they have more variety"
"Show me"
"And how would he be able to afford it?" Mrs Bakugo said coldly and Aizawa resisted the urge to roll his eyes "U.A has offered (name) a full scholarship" Mr Bakugo seemed excited at this "really?!" The man seemed over the moon at this but his wife less thrilled "I told you to let him apply!" He said almost angrily and Aizawa looked between them "but the chances of katsu--"" you need one parents approval right?" He cut her off to look at Aizawa who nodded "then you have my approval"
"Masaru!" Mrs Bakugo said angrily and the man looked at her seriously "if we don't do this for our son, we will fail more than we already have"
"Kirishima, time to go" Aizawa said simply and looked at (name) "I expect to see you at U.A Monday with your things packed" the pro said and it took the teens a second to process it all before kirishima grinned at his boyfriend "Yo! We get to hang out all the time now!"
"I get to go?"
"Yup, now better pack, you got a week before you start, Nedzu wants a meeting first thing tomorrow"
"YOU GUYS ARENT GONNA BELEIVE THIS!" Kirishima shouted as he walked into the livingroom area and the others looked confused "my boyfriend got into U.A!" He boasted and Bakugo turned to look at his best friend confused "what." Bakugo said flatly and Kirishima grinned "yeah man! Your brother's gonna be in gen Ed!" Everyone looked at bakugos reaction curiously as many emotions passed his face before just grunting and turning back to his phone.
(Name)s week at home was tense with his mom but his dad always had his back, always making sure he was cared for and the parent who made an effort, he was (name)s rock.
"Just don't get in your brother's way"
Words he heard constantly up until his dad drove him to U.A, giving him an envelope with money "I'll be sending you weekly allowances... I know you have money of your own but that's your money, this is for any emergency things you need" he said softly and (name) took the envelope quietly "I'm sorry that I haven't been enough for you, I know I could do more"
"Mom's a hard person, I know you feel guilt but I know that she doesn't make it easy and you have been there when it counts and stuck up for me so I could be here... I love you dad"
"I love you too kid, now go be stronger than I am"
The two embraced before the man helped (name) get everything into his dorm, kirishima showing up to help "so you're the boy my son's seeing! A pleasure to meet you" (name) smiled as the two greeted and got along very well "yeah! I'm also bakubros best friend!" He said excitedly and Mr. Bakugo had a small sliver of hope that this young man could bridge the two siblings... It was wishful thinking but he always had hope.
Hope that somehow the relationship his wife ruined would be fixed.
(Name) Didn't sleep well the first night, awkward in the new environment and the sudden shift from what he was used to.
Tomorrow he would get an introduction course under Nedzu, the rat wanted to do some tests to truly know what level he was at to gauge where they should move towards education wise.
Things were awkward during lunch as (name) sat alone, everyone hearing about Nedzu's private student and avoided him as such but (name) just played chess on his little travel chess set in the corner, periodically eating his food.
He had an hour to kill, might as well look for any weaknesses in his plays.
"There you are!" (Name) Looked up to see his boyfriend and other 1A students who looked curiously "Aizawa said we got to have lunch at the same time!" The Bakugo siblings locked eyes and (name) offered a seat to his boyfriend who plopped beside him with a grin "so you play chess, what's that like?" The pink girl named Mina asked excitedly and (name) was shy as he responded "a lot of travelling, I been throughout Japan for openings" he said softly "how many have you won?" A blond boy named denki asked and (name) looked a little more confident "I haven't lost, so maybe 50, I have been playing professionally since I was 9"
"Whoa... What do you get if you win?" He asked and (name) thought "the U.A open won me about 100k... But that was the open to let me qualify to international opens but my dad worries I might be too young for that" he said simply and the others looked shocked at the price and did the math "damn you're rich"
Katsuki didn't know this, how many games his brother went to between school and such or how good he was at it, he didn't think about it much but now...
... He kind of felt envious that his best friend knew more about his brother than he did.
The bakusquad asked all sorts of questions throughout lunch and eventually a few more 1A students joined and Momo even planned a chess match between her and (name) for fun.
And for the first time, Katsuki saw his brother look genuinely happy talking to people, typically he didn't talk to people.
It was nice to see.
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
"Age doesn't matter" 8
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
"So." Eijiro started as they both exited Y/n's apartment. 
Katsuki stayed silent while carrying the sleeping Kazui in his arms along with his things for school.
"She seems nice." Eijiro grinned. "And very helpful." He added as he clicked his car keys unlocking his car.
"Straight to the point," Katsuki mumbled carefully getting in the car.
"Well, you both look close to each other, especially after the news," Eijiro said getting in the driver's seat.
"The news is nothing. They're spouting lies. That's all they fucking do." Katsuki mumbled once again, trying not to wake Kazui.
He's not ready. Not yet. But he sees you fitting to be Kazui's mom knowing how close you were with his son. Of course, he knows him being a single father is fine, but he also knows Kazui will be looking for a mom. Now that he can see other kids being picked up by their mothers.
"What do you think will happen if she saw the news?" Starting the engine, Eijiro slowly drove off of the parking lot.
"The fuck do I care," Katsuki growled lowly. "For all I know she's fucking banging any other guy in every bar she goes to." 
He doesn't care.
He doesn't care that they're not officially divorced. He won't accept her back. Not after what she did. 
"Hey, that's not how you talk about your-
"She's not my fucking wife. Not ever." Katsuki scowled deepened, but soon disappear when he shifted his eyes to Kazui's peaceful face.
He'll do everything for his son. He'll risk his life if he has to just keep him safe.
"Okay, okay. Sorry." Eijiro apologizes.
"Kazui doesn't deserve to know her." 
After Eijiro dropped Katsuki at their home, he drove to a secluded area. 
His eyes were serious while he focuses on driving. No one knows he's here. Not even Katsuki.
Suddenly, he stopped in front of a dark alleyway and roll the passenger seat's window down. 
"Get in." He said.
When the person got in, Eijirou started driving once again. 
"You'd be surprised by my intel." 
"Tell me," Eijiro said quietly while his eyes focuses ahead.
"Didn't I say she's in the city?" 
"Surprisingly. She got her own home."
Eijiro side glances at him after he what he heard. "We're you able to track her house?"
"Give it to me."
“Good morning, class.”
Friday finally arrive. That means tomorrow, Y/n can finally rest.
“Good morning, Miss Y/n.”
But deep inside Y/n, no matter how tiring her job is, she loves children. Maybe it's because of a quirk? Pft. Of course not. Was it? Seeing the children smile after she mends their booboos away makes her feel warm. So maybe it was indeed her quirk.
“Alright everybody, today we’ll do arts!” Miss Y/n smiled cheerfully.
A loud cheer of small voices engulfed the room.
“Be quiet everyone.” Miss Y/n spoke up clapping her hands to settle the children down. “Take out the art materials that I advised you to bring. If someone needs more art materials, come to my table, okay?”
“Yes, Miss Y/n!”
“Okay! Draw your favorite hero and you will show it to everyone.” Miss Y/n said.
She was about to make her way to her table when suddenly, a loud crash was heard from the other side of the room alerting Miss Y/n. The children began crying due to being frightened.
“Everyone, please evacuate the premises. Everyone, please evacuate immediately.”
Y/n’s eyes widen. What is an attack? No. This is not the right time to think about it. She needs to take the children outside. Then another loud crash was heard.
Then a laugh.
Terror and fright were getting ahead of her. She couldn't think straight. Seeing the children crying around her makes her heart clench.
Y/n let her eyes roam around her classroom. There must’ve been something she can use.
Her eyes suddenly focused on the windows. So without any reluctance, she rushed towards it opening it wide enough for the children to fit.
“Children. Come to teacher, we need to leave.” Miss Y/n said as gently as she could say. “Everything will be okay. The heroes will arrive. They will save us.”
One by one, she held the children and pass them through the classroom window with another teacher outside waiting for the children. But her eyes went wide when she was missing one.
“Kazui!” She shouted. “Where are you, come here, baby!”
“Miss Y/n. You need to get out!”
“No no! I’m missing one student.”
Y/n was now panicking. Her eyes were scanning the classroom repeatedly. He was nowhere.
“Kazui, baby!”
Then another crash was heard. But this time, it was the classroom door she was in.
She yelped in terror and surprise.
“Miss Y/n.”
Miss Y/n turned her head to her left. There she saw Kazui hiding under her table.
“Kazui!” Instantly she took him in her arms protecting him. “It's okay. Don't cry.” She needs to be strong for him. She needs to protect him. Y/n was frightened as he is but right at this moment, she was willing to give her life to protect Kazui.
“Isn't that the number 2 hero’s son? Well well, ain't I lucky?”
“Ugh. This is so boring!” Eijiro complained as he walk to the pavement with his buddy.
“That just means the crime rate was decreasing, idiot. Be glad.” Katsuki crosses his arms saying this.
“Oh yeah-
Their communicator suddenly started making a buzzing noise. Someone’s trying to communicate.
“Dynamight! The daycare from ***** is under attack!”
Not letting the person on the other line finish, Katsuki blasts his way to where the daycare.
Kazui was all he can think of. He can't lose him.
“Back off!” Y/n yelled at the villain while carrying the crying Kazui in her arms.
“Ya know. You can just show me where the money is. Every money in this establishment then will be all over. You’ll save the heroes from work.” the villain smirked.
“As if I’d tell you! Heroes will come here and they will arrest you!”
Where was this courage coming from?
“Suit yourself,” The villain suddenly launched itself into her but Y/n was quick to dodge and move away. Although, that movement made her catch her breath.
“Aha. You’re fast.” The villain smirked evilly as they slowly pull a knife out of where.
Y/n watches in fear. She doesn't know what to do.
“Oy? Where's that brave face you were wearing? Although I have to say, that look suits you more.” After what the villain said, they once again launched themselves at Y/n.
Y/n manages to run away though. Why hasn't she thought of running away before?
“Miss Y/n I’m scared!!” Kazui cried out loud.
“I know baby, but we’ll be safe. Your papa will protect us!” You said between breaths.
“Where do you think you're going, doll!?” The villain suddenly appeared behind her.
“Papa!” Kazui cried.
Her lungs felt like burning. She's starting to lack oxygen due to running. But she needs to keep both of them safe. She needs to protect Kazui.
All of a sudden she felt immense pain in her back and it made her slow down.
“Miss Y/n!!”
Was all she heard when she felt another. But this time, she knelt, still holding Kazui tightly in her arms.
You were now panting. Every breath you take hurts you.
“Miss Y/n, no!” Kazui was still crying. He slightly pulls himself away from you to look at you.
You were hurt.
“Miss Y/n heal yourself like what you did to Papa and Uncle Kiri!” Kazui cried as he held your face with his small hands.
“Not so tough now, aren't you?” the Villain sneered watching them. “If only you gave me what I want-
“You! Villain! Just wait until Papa came here!” Kazui cried staring angrily at the villain.
“So I was right. You are indeed the no. 2 son!” The villain laughed. “Where was he now though?”
Kazui was sobbing. He shifted his eyes back to you when you suddenly tried to stand up.
You were facing the villain now. You kept Kazui behind you as you stare at the villain. “I will n-never give you want you to want.” You manage to say.
“Come on now. Less the hassle. But eh. It's not like you can fight me. I can just end you right here.” With that, knives were thrown and stabbed right at your shoulder, stomach, and legs.
Everything hurts. Y/n couldn't believe her life will end like this. She always thought she’ll grow old and just die peacefully. Her thoughts are slowly slipping away. Her vision was darkening and her body was numb. She couldn't feel anything.
Y/n’s body just fell on the floor.
“Maybe I wouldn't mind touching you while this kid watches us, eh?”
“Don’t fucking touch my wife.” 
Took me a while to do part 8. I'm sorry!
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Comforting night || Bakugo Katsuki
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Dad! Bakugo x Mom! Reader
Summary: A common night between your little family.
Note: Sorry for spelling and grammatical errors, English is not my first language. <3
Your daughter Niki's soft hands ran all over your face, as if she was trying to memorize every part of it by tracing it.
You tried to move her hands so you could continue to rock her, as you found yourself sitting on one of the comfortable couches in your and your husband's apartment, while Niki was held by your arms.
Your sleepy eyes drifted to the clock, which read 4:00 am. You had become partly accustomed to this change in routine since your baby arrived, specifically 6 months ago.
Letting out a tired sigh you look over to Niki who has her eyes closed, but she's not sleeping yet and you know it as you run your finger across her lips eliciting a giggle from your baby that distracts you from Bakugou's soft footsteps towards you.
"Go back to bed, it's my turn" Your husband's sleepy voice came from the living room startling you a little for being off guard.
"It's okay" Was the only thing that came out of your mouth, you were so tired that Bakugou understood and proceeded to give you a kiss and then took his daughter from your arms only for her little hands to cling to your shirt.
"Come on, baby. Mommy needs to rest" Was what Bakugou said when she refused to let go of you. He frowned as he realized that the baby, wanted to be with you and not him. "Tsk, Niki wants you."
You let out a chuckle as you saw him jealous that she prefers you, even though it was common for you her attitude towards you. You were like a magnet and she was like metal.
"Let's go to bed, I'm so tired I wouldn't mind if she slept with us." You said carefully standing up not wanting to disturb your daughter's tranquility.
Bakugou silently followed you, just as you didn't want to disturb your baby's peace and quiet either. He watched you turn on the small light you had for when your daughter slept with you, the lamp lit up the sky in the room with stars.
"Ma." Was what came out of Niki's mouth which pointed to the sky of the room with a smile.
Carefully you laid her down in the middle of the bed, making her lie down in the shape of stars just like the drawings that were projected in the room, followed by that you lay down next to her and with your hand you made a beckoning gesture for Katsuki to lie down with you.
Without hesitation he was the next one to lie down on the bed, on his side just like you since your baby with the way she was lying took up quite a bit of space.
"Tsk, it's my bed and I'm almost falling off." Bakugou grumbled. Clearly she wasn't bothering him and was just saying that out of wanting to annoy.
"Well, she doesn't really care that it's your bed." you told him, moving a little closer to him being careful not to squash your daughter who was reaching towards your body out of attention.
Bakugou simply rolled his eyes and moved closer to kiss your forehead and murmur a goodnight, proceeding to do the same to your daughter, but she simply stayed close with her eyes closed, and now she was indeed sleeping.
Copying her action you also closed your eyes, falling asleep instantly without noticing that Bakugou was still looking at both of you.
His gaze fell on his little daughter who had small blonde locks just like his, her little body was covered by one of her pajamas that belonged to his Merch. As he always did, he proceeded to look at you.
His wife, and the love of his life.
He had met you when he was in the U.A. and you were in a regular high school at age 16. You had both taken the same train and sat together, he hadn't noticed you but when you kindly offered him a candy because you were eating and you felt sorry for him not giving it to him, that's when his heart skipped a beat.
A year later you were both engaged, 5 years later you were both married, two years after the wedding and you had your first daughter.
The blessing and happiness of both of them.
And bakugou slept happily that night, because seeing his little family warmed his heart more and more.
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Tamaki, Shoji and Bakugo:
Domestic Life with Their Wives
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Tamaki Amajiki x wife! Reader; Mezou Shoji x wife! Reader; Katsuki Bakugo x Wife! Reader
Warnings: pure fluff
A/N: This is a request from tendou anon!
Tamaki Amajiki
Most insecure husband award goes to 🏆
Seriously this man does not understand how he pulled a beauty like you
But he legit thanks the heavens above every single day he gets to be in your presence
You don't have to ask this man to help you with anything
Dishes ✔️
Laundry ✔️
If you have kids ✔️ ✔️
As a pro-hero he works alot of nights so he knows you shoulder alot of the responsibilities in the home
For instance, you've just given birth to your second baby and you're exhausted
Your two yesr old toddler is also teething which means that not only are your nights miserable but your days as well
You've been texting Tamaki all night because you are just exhausted
Man feels awful having to return to work so soon after the baby came but unfortunately crime doesn't wait for paternity leave 🥺
However, as his sift comes to an end at 5am, he will drive through your favorite coffee place, pick up your beverage and bring it home
He walks in to hear the TV on and you sound asleep with your newborn on your chest
Your toddler is happily watching cartoons while mom rests her eyes
First thing he does, takes a picture 📱
New wallpaper 🥰
You're toddler is so excited to see your husband
They scream and you jolt awake, full mom style
Your husband just laughs as he lifts your newborn from your chest and kiss you
"Go grab a shower baby, I bought you some coffee! Then I figured I'd make breakfast and we could eat then all take a nap"- he said
You 👉🏻😐😳🥺😫 marry me!!!!
Tamaki 👉🏻 we are already married by ight 🤨
Seriously 10/10 husband material 😘
Mezou Shoji
Literally such an angel I can't
He drinks women's respect juice on the daily and he's an all star husband
Having multiple appendages is so helpful around the house let me tell you 👏🏻
Mans is cooking and washing dishes at the same time
He's vacuuming and dusting
And let me just say, when your first baby comes... UGH
He's an all star dad!
It's the middle of the night and you've been struggling to get your little one to sleep for hours
You've gone into the living room because your husband works the next day
And you are an amazing wife 🥰
You are dead tired and you've all but worn a hole in the floor walking the baby back and forth
Your husband has been laying in bed awake for a while, he wants to help but he also knows you are capable
However after an hour he's done
Mans has been patent for too long
"Honey let me rock the baby, you go to sleep"- Shoji
"Love its OK! You have to work! And baby is almost asleep"- you, lying to yourself and everyone 🙄
Shoji doesn't listen to you, he just walks up, grabs the baby in one of his arms and stars rocking
Baby 👉🏻 instantly asleep 😴
You 👉🏻👁👄👁
Your husband 👉🏻🥰🥰🥰
Please YN that's all it takes sometimes
"Go to sleep babe, I got them"- Shoji, now sitting on the couch and cuddling your baby
You 👉🏻 running 🏃‍♂️ to bed
YN get all the sleep you can
Your emaculate husband has got your back 😍
Katsuki Bakugo
Oof- you pulled this YN 🥵
I'm so freaking jealous
Honestly tho, I'm sure you deal with enough of Bakugo's crap on the daily to sometimes think twice about your decision 🤣
He's a great husband but sometimes he's an actual child himself 🙄
For instance, you have a 3 year old son who looks and acts exactly like your husband
You and currently pregnant with your second baby and ready to go any day now
Your husband works his butt off but he always has time for you and your son 🥰
However, there is never a lack of entertainment in the Bakugo household
Oh no no no
"Daddy! Did you get any bad guys?"- your son yells
"Hey buddy! Not tonight, I was doing paperwork most of the day"- Bakugo says ruffling your sons hair
You are cooking supper and getting it ready when your son sayd the unthinkable
"Uncle Deku got some bad guys today"- your son
You 👉🏻😳😅 crap-
Bakugo 👉🏻😃 whet-
"Uncle Deku came to my school and told me about how he put a bad guy in jail this morning!"- Your son
"Well Uncle Deku can stick it-" Bakugo ready to lay down the law
"KATSUKI"- You, yelling at your husband
Your husband rn 👉🏻😠
You 👉🏻😐😑
Your husband sighs, coming up to you and giving you a kiss
"We need to transfer our kid to a different school. I don't want that nerd influencing him!"- Bakugo
"Katsuki really?"- You 🙄
Please YN, your husband had never been more serious in his entire life 😅
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xsaiya · 7 months
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"Just like THAT." <3
-tags: 18+ MDNI, needy! toji, gn! reader, pet names (slut, mamas, princess, etc.), fingering, big dick toji :3, over-stimulation, titty-play, pussy eating bc yes, dick sucking bc yes, pussy slaps, HEAVY cumming (reader's doing), slight-choking, +more filth, (pls lmk if i miss anything)
-future work: (uppermoon hc's + muzan) (kny) (sfw and nsfw)
-plot: no plot tbh. todays my birthday though :0
-quick notice! : i js wanna note i write for multiple fandoms (ex: kny, bnha, jjk, etc+)
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toji is KNOWN for not being gentle in bed, but when he met you, istg he would be so gentle towards you bc he saw you as a piece of shattering glass, but sometimes, just sometimes, he'll be rough with you, and tonight is one of those nights.
toji had came home from work and saw you cooking dinner, you greeted him with a quick 'hello love!' and a beautiful smile, just your face though made him hard. he went behind you, turned off the stove and carried you to the bed, smothering you in neck kisses, his hands roamed all over your body.
and so he could get a better view of your body, he took ALL of your clothes off, revealing your naked body, but he had to give those titties some love before he goes down to ruin your pussy, so he started to pepper some kisses and sucks along your tits, he eventually started to suck and nibble on your nipples, making you whimper.
"M-mmh! S-so goood!" you managed to moan and whimper that out, but after a few minutes, he stopped, which made you complain, but toji had another idea. "hey, since you made me hard, why not suck my dick, hm?" he said while unzipping his pants, taking off his boxers and unleashing that humongous monster shaft of his, "b-but baby, i won't be able to do so-" that was until toji shoved his dick into your mouth, so you kinda had to suck him off, so you did. he let out some occasional whimpers and groans there and there. "mmm, mamas- i'm cumming!" he gripped your hair as he finishes in your mouth, you swallowing it all.
"thanks love, but now I think your beautiful pussy deserves some sucking." after he had said that, he spread your legs wide open before diving his face into your pussy, that's when he started to eat you out, tongue lapping around your pussy, his teeth nibbling on the sweet flesh. a couple of minutes later, maybe around 5-8 mins, you cummed straight into his mouth, he licked off the extra on his lips before he cleaned off his face, then dived his index & middle finger into your sweet drenching hole. you let out a series of moans and moans until you were practically begging for his dick inside of you. "p-please toji! i neeeed your big dick inside a' me, i don't give two fuuckss about your fingers, just dive your dick in, please!"
thats what makes him remove his fingers from your pussy before he flipped you over on your stomach and slamming his humongous shaft into you, you let out a series of 'uhhuhhh's, a-ahhh's!, f-fuck's!' before you were practically screaming it was too much for you. "t-too much a-ahhhh! i-i'm gonna c-cummmm~!" then thats when you cummed, your cum started to even leak out of your pussy and onto your knees about. a couple of minutes later, he cummed hard inside a' you, then he put back his clothes on and continued to make dinner so you didn't have to get up.
but why the fuck did he walk out of the bedroom like it was nothing...
if u can't tell, i love writing fluff.
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ayasuki · 2 years
2nd Bakugou x Reader Fanfic Recs!
> • 𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒕
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Title: “ No Title ” by bakugous-sandbag on tumblr
A/B/O, (O) Bakugo x (A) Reader
Genre: nsfw & smut, gn?reader
Title: “ Late Night ” by simpliheavenli on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Short Dad!Baku x Pregnant Reader thingy, fluff & sfw
Title: “ No Title ” by aikugo on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Prince!Bakugo x Maid!GN!reader, angst to comfort
Summary: The barbaric and infamous prince has returned victorious from war, and as the only maid he ever lets get near him, you’re the one who gets to tend to him now that he’s back home.
Title: “ Moonlit Madness ” by kasukikitten on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Werewolf!Bakugo x Fem!Reader NON CON, prey predator stalking, and NSFW
Summary: Hunger forces you to leave the comfort of your apartment just before rain in hopes to find something that will satisfy you but you'll soon find out that hunger comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Quickly at that as an ancient beast stalks you for part of the night hoping to satiate what you've awakened in him.
Title: “ Liquid Courage ” by her-words-her-stories on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Bakugou Katsuki x Female, Mild Smut, Angst, Alcohol
Summary: Your a pro hero who’s been working her ass off to be in the top picks. To maintain that, you train at a Hero’s Only Training Ground to hone your Quirk alongside mentor Aizawa who’s bees helping you ever since you graduated high and college, but you’ve become a bit distracted by the most unlikely person to your friends… and of course, you drunk text him.
Title: “ Cheat ” by oh-katsuki on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Bakugo x Fem!Reader ft. Bakucamie, Cheating, breeding, creampie, exhibitionism, praise, dubcon (alcohol), drugs (alcohol), slight size kink, multiple orgasms, angst for Camie, heartbreak for Camie, reader breaks Camie and Bakugou up, comparison to another person during sex, reader is kinda a pos oops. 
Summary: Bakugou is a regular at the upscale restaurant you work at and he’s just started dating Pro-Hero Maboromacamie, but it’s not her that he wants. No, he’s infatuated with the pretty waitress and Camie suspects it.
“You were ruining her sheets with sex and she was crying about how worried she was. The power was incredible, Bakugou driving his hips further into you, moaning and grunting your name while his beautiful girlfriend slowly had her worries quelled by people who had no idea what he was up to, who he was in.”
Title: “ Baby Explosion Murder ” by hxwks-gf on tumblr
Genre/Warning: Bakugo x GN?Reader, kids, fluff & sfw.
Summary: Bakugo gets hit with a de-aging quirk and it’s up to you to take care of him until it wears off.
Title: “ No Title ” by bluefuckboy on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Bakugo x Fem!Reader, Nsfw, Smut, Pecs..., Kinks
Title: “ No Title ” by x-chubby-reader
Genre/Warnings: Toddler!Bakugo x PlusSized!Reader, Kids, Fluff, Sfw
Summary: Baku gets hit by a quirk which makes him a toddler.
Title: “ Ass, Tits, Or Thighs ” by weluvsosa on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Bakugo x Reader, Nsfw, Mentions of sex.
Title: “ All His Attention ” by gglitch1dd on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Yandere!Bully!Bakugou x Fem!Reader,. Reader is Best Friends with Izuzu, and sfw.
Summary: Bully Bakugou is obsessed with you no matter how little interest you show in him, but is in for the shock of his life at the sports festival when you reveal you aren't as passive as you seem.
Title: “ You, My Queen ” by gglitch1dd on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Barbarian!King!Bakugo x Queen!Wife!GN!Reader, Bakubottom (Reader Is top), teasing, slight nsfw
Summary: Barbarian Warrior Bakugou who comes back from a war with the Todorokis to his darling amazing little wife who's been keeping the clan safe and everything in order. He absolutely adores her and can not think of anyone better at being his Chieftess. He is literally a big baby for her and can't live without her praise and reassurance that he is the best man in the land (minus his manly dragon of course, who adores you too)
Title: “ Conquered ” by bluefuckboy on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Minotaur!Bakugo x Fem!Reader, nsfw, smut, monster fucking, non con, breeding(ish), creampie.
Title: “ When they read self-insert fanfictions of themselves ” by bukojuiice on tumblr
Genre/Warnings: Katsuki x Gn!Reader, sfw, fluff?
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seonne · 22 days
Hey! I'm glad you're doing song fics! I've had an idea in my head but can't put it in words. I'd be happy for you to give it a go 🙃
So the song is Lullaby for A Soldier (Arms of the Angels), sung by Maggie Siff.
Reader is Bakugos wife and is woken up by their newborn son. Bakugo wakes up shortly after and finds her singing to him ♡ feel free to include BigSis Erica ^.^
Thank youuu
Thank you loads for the request, I hope you don't mind me making some modifications to your request. I heard the song for the first time after your request and I just HAD to include certain stuff (BY THE WAY WHAT AN AMAZING SONG?????) I hope you like it and let me know if you do or not. I hope to see more requests from you in the future! (BECAUSE MY GOD ANON THE SONG!! THE SONG!!!!)
And without further ado, let's begin the Song Fics series!
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Song Fics Pt.1
Song of choice: Lullaby For A Soldier
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
Disclaimers: Kids. A whole lot of fluff, and very cutu Dad!Bakugou, not proofread because it's 1 AM.
(Mention of gender of reader is minimum)
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"May your dreams bring you peace in the darkness May you always rise over the rain May the light from above always lead you to love May you stay in the arms of the angels"
The words of a familiar song drifted into his inner mind as Bakugou slowly slipped into consciousness. The familiar song, familiar voice, familiar lilt of it all working their way through the walls of his conscience, begging him to wake up. The one thing unfamiliar was the lack of strength in the voice, sounding as if the person knows they should give up but their heart says no. Their mind says "just wait" and their love says "hold on". The ache it brought him flooded his chest before pulsing into a singularity in his heart, or where it should have been, as his eyes fluttered open, wincing against the fluorescent lights.
As the song faded away, he turned his face slightly towards its source, letting his eyes roam over your wide-eyed disheveled form. The war. All For One. Shigaraki. His death. His revival. One For All. The end of the war. His collapsing. All of it etched into the dark circles, eye bags on your face and the hollowness of your cheeks.
They say eyes are the mirrors of one's soul.
And yours looked absolutely crushed.
Bakugou weakly brought up a bandaged hand to wipe the streaming tears down your face.
"Your dark circles make you look dumb as hell."
You laughed through the tears as you grabbed onto his hand.
"Yeah. I probably look dumb as hell."
"May you always be brave in the shadows 'Til the sun shines upon you again Hear this prayer in my heart, and we'll ne'er be apart May you stay in the arms of the angels"
You wake up in the middle of the night around the time you'd usually wake up to check on your 6 month old daughter. You turn to check on your husband, only to find his side of the bed empty but warm.
You get up from the bed and shuffle slowly towards your daughter's nursery, where the lights are on and the door slightly ajar. A familiar tune flows through the air and into your ears as you walk closer, standing against the wall to peek inside. You watch with a soft smile as your so rough, so loud husband gently rocks your daughter back and forth as she lays on his chest, drool soaking his shirt.
He paces around the room slowly, while singing to her the song that you sang to him that one day in UA, that one day in the hospital, that one day on your star gazing date, the day he proposed, the night you got married, and the days that followed your pregnancy.
It was your song. The song that belonged to the both of you.
Now belonging to your family.
"May you hear every song in the forest And if ever you lose your own way Hear my voice like a breeze, whisper soft through the trees May you stay in the arms of the angels"
Your newborn, Akio, was less fussy of a baby than his big sister Erica was. He slept long hours and mostly slept through the night.
However, he woke up quite early in the morning.
One such morning, you're awoken by your beautiful 4 year old daughter Erica at 5:30 AM.
"Mummy! Akio's awake and he's whining!"
"Shhh darling!"
Your grumpy husband who's extra grumpy in the mornings, especially early mornings, grunted beside you in his sleep as a frown formed on his face before it slipped back into its pretty peaceful rest.
Your daughter slapped her hand on her mouth and giggled softly, putting her own finger up to her lips before grabbing your hand and ushering you out the door of your bedroom and to your newborn's nursery.
As you walked in, you saw Akio crying in his crib and you walked over to pick him up and rock him back and forth, your toddler watching you handle him. You checked his diaper, tried feeding him, tried burping him, but he just wouldn't stop crying.
"Hm, he seems very restless but nothing seems to be wrong..."
Your 4 year old quipped, her hair a tangly mess from sleeping but her fiery red eyes sharp as ever.
"Maybe he can't sleep! Let's put him to sleep!"
"Oh good idea! How do we put him to sleep though, Erica?"
"Let's sing to him! The- the lullaby song! The one you and papa always sing!"
You laughed as you nodded and placed Akio on your chest, carefully supporting his neck as you paced back and forth. Your daughter started singing and you soon joined her, both your voices mingling together in a peaceful harmony as your son started growing quieter. You swayed along to the tune with him in your arms when you heard a soft huff at the door.
Your husband, hair tousled and face puffy from sleep, stepped into the nursery, watching you and your daughter sing with a dopey smile on his face. He walked up to you and kissed your son on the forehead, giving you a kiss, before moving to Erica and placing her on his lap, kissing her forehead as well. He soon joined in on the singing, voice gruffy and hoarse but perfect nonetheless.
The room enveloped in the perfect warmth as the tune of the lullaby floated and glided along the walls, along the crib, along the penhouse, along the baby toys and flowed through each of you as your son quieted down and slipped into a deep slumber, warm smile on his tiny lips.
"May you grow up to stand as a man, love With the pride of your family and name When you lay your head, or to rest in your bed May you stay in the arms of the angels"
As slow as time felt in agony, twice as fast did it feel in contentment. Bakugou had become the number one hero, on and off the number one spot with Izuku for years, Erica had grown up and gotten into UA, you had gotten into the top 8 heroes in Japan, Erica had graduated UA and was ready to move abroad for her first few years as a pro hero and now Akio was going to join UA and move into the dorms.
Everything had gone by so fast yet so slow. Bakugou certainly lived every moment but they definitely passed by quite fast. Too fast. And now his babies were moving away from him. Letting go of Erica even though only to the UA dorms had been hard enough for him. Now Erica was moving out of Japan and Akio was not going to be home either.
He should be happy that his kids are doing well, that both him and you did your roles well enough for your kids to experience all this. Besides, now both him and you can live without constant worry over your kids whilst they're at home.
Yet something nags at his heart strings and he hates it.
What is it? Nostalgia? Pshh that's so stupid.
It's so stupid. Maybe he's stupid.
It's the night before Erica and Akio leave. The whole week was spent packing their things for them to move out. They wiped their rooms fairly empty, save for the bookshelf that Bakugou built for them after they inherited your reading and book obsession traits. Yet, even the bookshelf seemed empty.
The only books that remained on said shelf were ones that they had since they were able to read and ones they had read multiple times over, so much that Erica at 8 years old would follow him around the house reciting a whole book from index to epilogue. Bakugou chuckled at the memory as he walked past the bookshelf, past the books he'd read them many times as bedtime stories, past the book nooks that the four of you made as a family bonding activity when Akio was 7 and past Erica's first pre-school art project.
Bakugou walks into the hall where you, Erica and Akio are sat, talking and laughing, trying to not think of the fact that your family as a unit was about to take a huge leap into the future the very next day.
Bakugou sits at his unverbalised designated spot and picks up his guitar from the side. Erica and Akio share glances at the unexpected melancholy oozing from their father while you watched him with a soft smile and adored the silvering strands framing his face.
Bakugou struck chord after chord leisurely, softly, determinedly as he refused to look up from the fretboard. His lips slowly formed words as his voice echoed through the emptier halls, emptier rooms and heavier hearts. Your voice followed, much like the nights spent in your kids' rooms when they couldn't sleep at night. Erica joined, much like the nights Akio had panic attacks and didn't want to be alone. Akio chimed in, much like the nights spent on these very sofas with board games and snacks, tv running in the background.
Laughter, yelling, tears, pain, joy, anxiety, panic, relief, fun, pranks, jokes, debates, discussions, confessions... everything that made these four walls feel like home packed into the harmony of the four voices.
The voices trailed off at the end of the song, a new smile etched into the windows and doors. The end of another chapter and the beginning of a new one.
Whenever your babies want a piece of comfort and familiarity, Bakugou and you leave your arms open for them to run into. That's what parents are for, aren't they?
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Wowie that was a long and draining one and it's really late at night. Hope you guys enjoyed this and let me know what you thought of it. I mentioned in another post earlier that I am unable to really listen to music right now but after my doctor's appointment on Monday I should be fine so, if you have any more requests please do send them but I ask of you to be patient with me T-T.
Anyway, that's all for today and I need to fucking sleep.
Lots of love! 💚
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sky-casino · 11 months
== haikyuu!! ==
growing pains - oikawa x fem!reader loving him. losing yourself in loving him. drifting apart. getting back together?
childhood friends to lovers… with a twist - atsumu x fem!reader not your typical childhood friends to lovers story
dancing ‘round the kitchen in the refrigerator light - osamu x fem!reader college classmates turned interviewer and interviewee turned colleagues… turned lovers?
stranger danger - kuroo x alisa / kurolisa drug lord!kuroo x detective!alisa
== my hero academia / boku no hero academia ==
she was sunshine, he was midnight rain - dabi x fem!reader you’re a doctor hired by LOV to take care of the blueflame and covered-in-scars villain called dabi
off the beaten path - pro hero!bakugo x journalist!reader wherein you persuade your very busy pro hero boyfriend to take a break
== blue lock ==
this love - teenage dad!itoshi sae x fem!reader sweet love turned into bitterness when you could no longer recognize your favorite person after he came back from spain.
caught up in his web - spiderman!nagi & dark!nagi x fem!reader supporting nagi in his spiderman endeavors is amazing. dealing with his dark-side-manifested isn’t.
entanglement - spiderman!sae x fem!reader the embarrassment you felt once you find out the identity of the man behind the mask was through the roof
weaving through leads to you - spiderman!rin x fem!reader sure, rin has spider-like superpowers. but at the end of the day, it will always be you.
== bungo stray dogs ==
just a headcanon on fukuzawa’s past love - fukuzawa x kin based on a few panels from the manga. kin is inspired by the real-life wife of fukuzawa named okin.
== kpop / nct ==  not a fan anymore so i no longer write this kind of fics
saving grace - doctor!jaehyun x pregnant single mom!reader you’re pregnant and single because your ex doesn’t want to take responsibility. then with some weird twist of fate, you get transferred to a new ob-gyn. here comes your charming and disarming doctor.
ink-tainted hands - jaehyun x fem!reader i was into brush pen calligraphy 3 years ago and got inspired to write this. jaehyun is your only classmate in a calligraphy workshop lol. 
morning after - fuckboi!jaehyun x fem!reader what transpired the morning after your night with jaehyun
competitive as hell -  jaehyun x fem!reader wrote this fic based on two facts about jaehyun lol: he can drink 3-4 soju bottles and he’s competitive as hell. (drinking) shots fired.
vigilante - vigilante!jaehyun x syndicate victim!reader jaehyun saved you from human traffickers. inspired by the korean movie Midnight Runners. 
take my hand - nomad/runaway!jaehyun x fem!reader you were having the worst night of your life when you found a mysterious and cute runaway boy sitting beside you.
try again - jaehyun x fem!reader he changed for the worse, but he also wants to try again.
fight for you - jaehyun x fem!reader someone found a way to break you up but jaehyun will relentlessly fight for you
savior - jaehyun x fem!reader inspired by taylor swift’s song Call It What You Want
comfort & coffee - jaehyun x fem!reader just a simple and cute comfort fic 
ride or die - biker!winwin x city girl!reader you were sent to the countryside as a punishment. however, you didn’t expect to meet an intriguing handsome biker boy.
hold your breath - swimmer!winwin x fem!reader you offer to tutor winwin in physics in exchange for him teaching you how to swim.. and overcome a tragic event from the past.
ice cream - ice cream vendor!winwin x fem!reader meet-cute story featuring ice cream, your pet, and the cute ice cream vendor.
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There’s another fic I was reading but the page refreshed and I can no longer find it but I was reading a bakugou x reader quirkless au and bakugo is a cop dad to his 4 year old son and Y/n is his sons caretaker and his ex wife is ochaco and she forgets to pay y/n so bakugou goes to y/n and they transfer his bank information and he pays them and then there’s a bunch of drama but he drops his son at his moms house and sees ochaco pregnant with izukus kid and then some more drama and then eventually he realizes his feelings for y/n goes to her in home day care and invites her to his son’s birthday party in which she goes wearing a red dress and plays with the kids and once they settle down and eat cake she’s taking to mitsuki and laughing and having fun and she also meets his ex wife for the first time and as everyone is leaving ochaco goes “it was nice meeting you I had fun” and bakugou just mocks her and goes “bitch” after she left and y/n stood there shocked like 🧍‍♀️and then there’s talk abt how messy the house is and how they’ll have to clean it and that’s all I remember before the page got refreshed so if anyone could help me that would be appreciated
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Tumblr Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please like, comment and/or reblog their work!
Female Reader
bakugou speaks in actions, not words, but sometimes he'll give in and reassure you with sweet nothings
natural beauty 
katsuki bakugou x fem!reader 
Bakugou gets a haircut
The Language of Flowers
Stay with Me
Summary: Bakugo thinks his gf is losing interest in him.
say so.
Summary: Bakugou can't roller skate so he sulks while watching his friends have fun without him. That's when he sees a very beautiful girl called y/n and just can't stop staring at her.
I won’t say I’m in love
katsuki bakugou x idol!fem!reader
SUMMARY: s/n y/n is a popular idol in japan, but there is just one important thing worth mentioning… she is still in high school! but she doesn’t go to any school— she is a student at u.a. high where she has captured the special attention of the arrogant and short-tempered bakugou
Husband!Bakugo x Wife!Reader
Fluff w/ slight angst
Secretly Spying
Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Summary: No one suspects you and Bakugou have anything going on, until you both go on a date and three of your other classmates are there and two decide to follow you and Bakugou around.
Happy Father’s Day
Bakugou x wife!reader
Katsuki “asking” you to move in with him
First ‘I love you’ from Katsuki
here, just for you
bakugou x fem!reader
summary: you give bakugo flowers, and he can’t figure out why
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ↣ bakugo becomes sleepy and asks you to shave his face for him.
Boxer! Bakugou x Sports Journalist! Reader
SFW ft. Female Reader
oh baby!
warnings — fluff, suggestive but no smut, minors dni, mentions of trying for a baby, love-sick!bakugou can’t resist your baby fever
bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
synopsis: pro-hero dynamight likes to do one (1) type of pr event, and that's going to schools and talking with kids. when dynamight visits your twins' school, the twins hatch a "perfect" plan between dynamight—bakugou katsuki and you—their mother
Dragon hybrid!Bakugou x Reader
Synopsis: You find an injured dragon hybrid in the middle of the forest and began taking care of it. Little did you know it would become attached to you.
“YOURE SWEET, so you seem like you’d like sweet things like this.”
Katsuki Bakugou x shy!fem!reader
summary: in which katsuki figures out he is not the only student in class 1A that likes a certain, sweet food every once in a while.
Khal Bakugo x female Reader
Bakugo x fem!dom
Summary: In which Bakugou is turned into a child, and you have to take care of him. 
werewolf!Katsuki and bunny!Reader
Bakugo x fem!Reader 
daddy katsuki x bunny reader
sub!bakugou x dom!gn!reader
ft. Restraints & Praise
ProHero Bakugo x fem!reader
Summary: sending naughty vids while he’s working has its risks and rewards
truth or
Bakugo x fem!Reader
Summary: after being dared to call a sex hotline, bakugo can’t believe his luck when it is you who answers
Daddy Lessons
Step-Dad!Katsuki x Reader
Smutty Fic … Warnings: Step-cest, age-gap, daddy kink, quirk-play, spanking, implied power/authority dynamics, implied cheating, rough sex, bruising, biting, marking, possessive actions, light degradation, lots of praise, creampie, aftercare
Call Me Daddy
Dilf!Katsuki x Reader
Smutty Fic - Warnings: daddy kink, breeding, age gap, authority/power dynamics, praise with a dash of degradation, rough sex, mention of bruising, claiming, belly bulge, size difference, creampie
Smut ft. Mommy Kink
Bakugou x fem!Reader
Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader w/ implied Sero x f!reader, Kaminari x f!reader & Kirishima x f!reader
Summary: It’s no secret to Bakugou that his friends think you’re hot, but he’s never allowed them to act on it before. Until they catch him using a remote controlled vibrator on you—
Smut ft. Bath Sex
dom!Katsuki Bakugou x sub!fem!reader
Katsuki fucks like he can’t live w out you
Bakugo x fem!Reader
CW:unprotected sex, spitting in mouth, cum eating, pussy licking, creampie, squirting, reader has acrylics, biting
Bakugo x fem!reader + kirishima
summary: kiri is staying at bakugo and his girlfriend’s house when he catches them having sex through the crack of their bedroom door. kiri discovers he’s into voyeurism.
phone calls from far away
Bakugo x fiancé!reader
synopsis — katsuki get's grumpy when he's away from you - but luckily his groomsmen know just who to call to make him feel better
katsuki sending voice messages of him masturbating
Headcanons ft. DILF!Bakugo
Shower Sex
Succubus in Training
Summary: Class 1A has a Sex-Ed class that teaches them about a new species of humans that have sexual quirks and can be summoned. The Bakusquad decides it would be funny to test it out on an unsuspecting Bakugou. However, after you show up and rock his world, Bakugou is the one who will have the last laugh.
Aged Up!Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Summary: your kids walk in on you and your husband’s mommy and daddy time
Pillow Humping
AgedUp!Bakugo x Wife!Reader
Just thinking about soft and loving sex with Bakugou
Bakugo x afab!Reader
College AU
Bakugo x afab!Reader
Bad Enough for You
Bakugo x fem!Reader
Summary: the bathrooms at house parties are really only used for one thing    
Old man Bakugou
Warnings: 18+, retired!Pro-Hero Dynamight, Bakugou is 50, reader is like half his age or more or less
Age Doesn't Matter
Dad!Bakugo x Teacher!Babysitter!Reader
Sleep Schedules
Bakugo falling for a 'popular' girl
Katsuki x fem!Reader
Katsuki loves sex with his mask on
Bakugo x fem!Reader  
Say My Name
Bakugo Katsuki x afab!Reader
werewolf!Bakugo x fem!reader
how do you imagine bkg’s first bj went
Masterlist of BK fics
Virgin Bakugo
Bakusquad g*ngbang
fem!reader x Kirishima x Bakugo x Kaminari (all aged up 21+ in a college frat party setting)
summary: your drunk friend Mina calls for you to come get her at a frat party, but instead you run into the star football players and they have other plans in mind for you.
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venny-the-mha-writer · 8 months
Sorry for the hold up my phone was broken it’s fixed now 😁
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
“Age doesn’t matter” 9
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
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Y/n lost consciousness as soon as Katsuki came in.
“Don’t touch my wife.” A low intense voice was unexpectedly heard in the destroyed vicinity making Kazui and the villain look for where it came from.
“Papa!” Yelled Kazui with a glint in his eyes.
Kazui left Y/n’s unconscious body and scrambles to where his father is.
As if on cue, Katsuki took a big step and seized Kazui off the ground embracing him tightly in his arms. His eyes were closed for he was glad nothing bad happened to him. But as he slowly opened them, his gaze focused on your cold body lying on the floor. Blood oozing from where you were wounded.
This sight made his gaze harden. How dare this goddamn villain hurt you.
“Papa! Please save Miss Y/n! Please!” Kazui was sobbing as he plead.
“Dynamight!” Red Riot came rushing. The view in front of them made him halt. “Y-y/n-”
“Red Riot..”
Hearing his hero's name made him awaken from his trance. His scowl deepened when he took notice of how intense Katsuki’s voice was.
Eijiro knew this tone.
“Take Kazui and Y/n,” Dynamight said handing Kazui to him.
In his mind, his goal was to keep you safe. Away from here, away from this villain. God he hoped he could retain himself back from slaughtering him. As soon as Kazui was in Red Riot’s arms, he took his second step, raising his arm to where the villain was.
“Why so quiet all of a sudden, huh?” Dynamight growled. “You were so cocky earlier.” He continued as he step again.
His eyes. His bloody red eyes were now locked on his target who was trying hard not to quiver under his intimidating gaze.
“God knows what I wanted to do with you right now. But that’ll be against the law, ain't it?” Dynamight lips gradually turn into a smirk. A deadly evil smirk. “But who says I can't torture you? Like how you did to her?”
The villain suddenly took a small step back. “N-no. You can't do that!”
“Huh? Who said that I can't?”
After his final remarks, Dynamight launched himself at the villain.
The villain was ready to attack. He was trying to form a plan on how he will increase his attack. But his mind was too preoccupied that he didn't notice the set of explosions coming his way.
Was the last thing the villain heard before he could even dodge.
From outside where the teachers were watching, loud explosions were heard making them gasp both in terror and relief.
The police and ambulance finally came and start attending to those who got wounded in the attack. Luckily there are only a few. Parents started appearing as well looking for their children.
Red Riot was the first one to come out of the destroyed establishment.
“Don’t worry, kiddo. Your papa will be fine!” Red riot smiled down at Kazui who was staring at the building. “For now. Let the medics take care of you okay?”
Due to the set of explosions Dynamight released, he can finally see the villain lying on the floor when the smoke fades away. Half grateful that the villain was too terrified of him to even fight.
Once everything calmed down, Katsuki darted to where Y/n is. Eijiro insisted to take you with him on his way out but Katsuki was too stubborn and wanted to take you by himself.
It hurts him to see you like this. His heart was throbbing painfully as he slowly got closer to your body. Why was he feeling this way anyway? Deciding now is not the right time to think about feelings, he knelt and carefully scooped you up in his arms.
You were still breathing. That's a good sign. As much as he wanted to torture the villain out of his liking, he needed to make sure you were still alive.
“Thank you. For protecting my son.” Katsuki whispered to himself before standing up and heading out of the building.
The attack was announced on television as soon as you woke up. You can hear a beeping sound which signifies you were at the hospital. Boy, you were glad that you're alive. Everything suddenly flooded your mind, what happened, what you did, and how you acted. Hell even you don't know where all that came from. But you were glad you were able to help someone.
Kazui Your eyes widened. Kazui! Was he okay?! Where is he?! She needs to find him! All of these thoughts made you sit up on your hospital bed but the shooting pain in your back made you stop.
Huh? Who's with you?
“You’ll hurt yourself, dumbass.”
Right in front of your bed where the oh-so-handsome Bakugo was sitting. You were lucky he wasn't aware of how you like Dynamight.
Well, now that you thought about it. It's been a while since you last ogle to your favorite hero. You didn't even notice before how you both started getting closer and closer. You were too focused on Kazui.
“The doctor had to give you stitches. You got a lot of open wounds around your body.” Katsuki said not moving from his seat.
You were staring at him and you know it. Why couldn't you take your eyes away from him?
“Oi.” Katsuki scowled once he shifted his away from the tv to you. “Fuck are you staring at?”
Was it maybe because you couldn't believe that he was there with you? This is not the Dnymight stuff toy merch you bought online. It's really him.
“Tch. Did the villain smack you on your head or something?” Katsuki stood up this time and sat in the chair beside you.
Realizing you were indeed staring, you looked away embarrassed. “S-sorry, Bakugo.” Y/n apologize.
Katsuki rolled his eyes in response though but deep down, he too, was pondering. He recalled naming you his wife which he didn't know where it came from. Why would he say that unconsciously? Did he really see you as a wife material that's why he said that. He didn't know.
"Thank you."
When you heard his words, it made you look at him with eyes wide. Did you hear him right? Did he thank you?
"I'm sorry?" Y/n blinked while keeping her eyes on him. Of course, this made her surprise. It's not always you experience a hero thank you since it's always the other way around. Especially if it's Dynamight.
"Why're you looking at me like that, hah? Are you looking down on me!?" Katsuki abruptly stood up pushing the chair he was sitting on falling.
"W-what? No." Y/n said now looking up at him. " I was just confused about why you were thanking me. What for?"
Your look was genuinely baffled to Katsuki as he stare at your face. He felt his cheeks blush barely which made him divert his face away from her.
"Don't you have any idea what you did, hah?" Katsuki said face directed away from you. When he received no response, it made him sigh.
But before he could tell her, he first arranged the chair that fell over then sat back on it. "You saved Kazui, didn't you?" He said resting both his elbows on his knees.
"I did.." Y/n responded quietly.
"And that was very fucking idiotic of you, ya know," Katsuki stated slowly leaning back.
"I know." Y/n once again responded quietly. "But as a teacher, Kazui's teacher, I have to do my job as well." Y/n paused for a moment before continuing, "I honestly didn't know where that boldness came from. When I saw Kazui cry, it hurts me. So much." As she said her thoughts, she gradually shift her gaze to Katsuki who was now looking back at her showing her he was listening.
Katsuki can see a lot of emotions in her eyes. But the one that stands out the most was fear.
"I don't want to lose Kazui. I don't want you to lose Kazui. Because I too, love him as much as you do." Y/n declared. "I do not know what came over me. I am not his mother but sometimes I wish I was." She chuckled. "But I know it is wishful thinking."
Katsuki was speechless. He didn't even expect her to say that to him so casually. Calmly perhaps. But instead of replying to what she said, he decided to just change the topic.
"The school released a statement." Katsuki started.
Maybe this might help him get to know her more.
"What is it?"
"Since the school was under construction. I heard they decided to suspend a month of teaching since they were dealing with the aftermath of the attack." Katsuki said. He listened to this on the television while you were still unconscious. "They were concerned that students might be shaken as well."
"When was this announced?" You asked.
"Earlier." Katsuki crossed his arms and looks back at you. " What I'm trying to say. No one will take care of Kazui. I can't always rely on my parents. My friends are heroes as well. Since you mentioned you used to be a babysitter. I would like to hire you."
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
"Age doesn't matter" 16
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
There was an awkward quietness as Katsuki drove you to your home. It was more on your part though, or so you thought. After what Katsuki had done a few hours ago, it made you want to question him. But knowing him, he’ll deny it as much as he can, or just ignore you. So, you just chose to keep your mouth shut.
Katsuki on the other hand was not in a great position as you are. He doesn’t regret kissing you at all, but he was confused on why he did it. Why did he even follow his impulse? This was the question he kept pondering over and over. He does find you attractive, and how great your relationship with his son is a plus. Overall, he’s admitting to himself that he was indeed drawn to you. But he doesn’t know the reason now, at least not yet.
It was always Kazui who’s helping to lift the mood between them, even though it was unintentional. But both adults are grateful to the kid, alright.
“We’re almost there,” Katsuki suddenly said, trying to break the silence.
“I know, it’s my house.” Y/n responded easily as she looked out the window.
“I’m just saying, idiot.” Katsuki responded as he glanced at her.
“Well, thank you but you don’t’ have to.” Y/n said back, almost in a sassy tone.
“Why do you sound like that?” Katsuki was scowling at he asked this, eyes focused on the road.
“Sound what?” You asked, this time looking at him confusedly.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Bakugo-san.” Y/n smirked looking away from him.
This made Katsuki angry. He doesn’t like it when you’re addressing him formally.
“What did I-
“Say about formality. Blab bla. You’re always saying that you know. It’s starting to get old.” Y/n crossed her arms as she said this.
“Shut up. You kept calling me Bakugo-san. It’s annoying.” Katsuki spatted at Y/n.
“Because you’re old.” Y/n giggled. “Didn’t you know you need to respect the elders?”
“Fuck off. I’m not that old.” Katsuki stares right at you before looking back at the road. “And don’t laugh. Like you’re not an old lady.”
“Excuse me, I’m only 23, thank you very much. Unlike you, grandpa.” Y/n giggled once again and kept teasing.
“I’m only 29, woman. Go away.”
A question suddenly pooped into Y/n’s mind. Obviously connected to the incident earlier.
“Question, Bakugo.” You started.
“If it’s something about my age, then just shut up.”
“It’s something about age though.” Y/n chuckled.
“Fine, whatever.” Katsuki said.
“Would you date someone who’s the same age as me?” Y/n asked. She was confused, okay? And no, she’s not getting her hopes up.
“Huh.” Katsuki was not expecting you to ask this. “Why’d you ask?”
“Well, I’m confused, and since we’re on this topic, just answer my question.”
“To quench your confusion, I might.” Katsuki smirked. “In relationships, age doesn’t matter. That’s what I believe. As long as it’s not lower than 20. I find that phedo-fucking-pile.”
“Thank you for the ride, Bakugo.” Y/n bowed as she said this.
“You’re too kind, you know.” Katsuki smirked at Y/n as he watches you bow in front of him. He was leaning against his car that was parked in front of your apartment.
“What do you mean?” You straightened up looking at him.
“Just an observation.” Katsuki looked away. “Get inside.”
“You can leave now.” You smiled at him.
“I’ll watch you get in first.” Katsuki deadpanned. “A villain might suddenly appear and take you away.”
“Pfft. Of course not.” You giggled. “Goodnight, Bakugo.”
Y/n bid Katsuki a goodnight and turned her heel towards her apartment.
Katsuki stayed by his car as he watched you get in. For some reason, your question made him think. Overthink, to clarify.
You’re causing butterflies, okay? And he hates it. It reminded him how he fell for his ex-wife. You can say he’s still traumatized by that. It’s the same old feeling he wanted to avoid. Even though he knows you’re different, he’s still scared.
He stayed outside for a moment, deep in thought. Should he trust his guts or just avoid everything? Kazui is his main priority right now, his reason why he’s continuing to live despite the pit that’s left in him.
Kazui has needs as well. Katsuki was aware that he wasn’t enough for him. His child still longs for a mother, and Y/n being around helps him.
Ever since Y/n came into their life, Kazui never asked about his mother again. That’s because the child sees you as a mother figure, and you treating him like your own child making Kazui attached to you.
Katsuki was indeed confused.
“Bro what took you so long?” Denki asked as he watched Katsuki come in.
“Fuck off. And for fuck’s sake, you emptied all my drink. Did you even leave some for me?” Katsuki barked at them while closing the door behind, locking it.
He came in noticing most of his canned alcoholic drinks empty on his now messy coffee table.
“Shouldn’t have left you idiots here. Clean that mess before you shitty extras leave.”
“Chill out bro. Why are you extra angsty today?” Eijiro noticed this. He was his best pal, what do you expect.
“I need a drink.” Katsuki mumbled as he scratches his head.
“Here.” Denki handed him one looking concerned. “What’s wrong?”
“As if I’d tell ya, you blabbermouth.” Katsuki snatched the drink out of Denki’s hand and sat right across from Eijiro.
Katsuki immediately popped the can open and almost drank all the liquid in one gulp which made Eijiro and Denki stare at him in disbelief.
“Bro. Are you sure you’re okay?” Denki asked once again.
After drinking all the content, Katsuki wiped his lips with the back of his hand and just placed the can on the coffee table. Leaning his head back against the couch, he let his head fall back making his stare at the ceiling. Still ignoring Denki, Katsuki releases a deep sigh.
“Okay. What’s wrong? Why won't you tell us?” Eijiro was getting distressed just by seeing Katsuki acting like this.
“First,” Katsuki sighed once again, “Pikachu is a fucking blabber mouth. Second, I’m still unsure so I’d rather keep this to myself. And third, this doesn’t concern the both of you, so shut up.” Katsuki said leaning back to the couch.
“No need to get pissed at us, bro.” Denki shakes his head. “It’s fine if you don’t want to tell us. But we’re always here to help ya, ya know?”
After Denki said that, Katsuki suddenly remembered how they used to warn him about his ex-wife which he didn’t give attention to. This might actually help him if he tells them. After all, they have a very keen eye.
“Alright. Fine.” Katsuki straightened up. “If I hear this from someone else, I will hunt you down, got it?” And of course, without threatening the poor electric hero.
“I-i swear.” Denki stuttered while trying to pull away from his glare.
“This is just me being confused; I don’t know.” Katsuki once again scratched the back of his head obviously frustrated about telling this.
“What is it? Geez.” Eijiro slightly smiled.
“Ugh. I fucking don’t know how to start. Go away.” Katsuki said loudly. “Even I don’t know why I felt this way.” His voice suddenly dropped as he said this.
“Bro, we can’t help you if you don’t get straight to the point.” Denki who was also getting frustrated as well.
A sigh escaped Katsuki as he rubs a palm on his face. “Like I said, duncface, I don’t know how to start.” He mumbled. “I’ve felt this way before when I met my ex-wife. Only this time, this feels fucking weird and it’s pissing me off.”
“You mean, to Miss Y/n?” Eijiro raised an eyebrow. He suddenly got interested.
Katsuki didn’t respond.
“I’ll take that as a yes then.” Eijiro smirked at Katsuki’s silence.
“I fucking don’t know, okay. Tsch.” After saying this, Katsuki stood up and stride towards his bedroom.
“Hey, where are you going man?” Denki asked, starting to get concerned at his friend’s behavior.
“I’m going to change, idiot.” Katsuki said not glancing at them.
But before Katsuki went into his room, he entered Kazui’s room. There he saw his kid, sleeping peacefully, all cuddled up in his bed.
The view made him smile. He was glad he was able to give Kazui a good life.
Slowly yet quietly, he went closer to the bed and reached out a hand to caress Kazui’s head. The locks that he was so familiar with tickled against his palm as he softly brushes the strands away from Kazui’s face.
“I’m glad you looked like me, brat.” Katsuki mumbled before leaning down to place a kiss on Kazui’s forehead. “Goodnight, brat.” He whispered and straightened his posture preparing to leave the room.
Katsuki quietly left Kazui’s room. Sighing, he moves towards his room. Once he’s inside, he shrugs his jacket off throwing it on his office chair along with taking his shirt and pants off bringing it to his bathroom where he has his laundry basket.
His mind wasn’t letting him rest.
You were overthinking. You didn’t even know how many times you cursed yourself as you work in your living room.
You were sitting on your living room carpet while your laptop was placed on your small center table. A stack of papers was sitting on your left and an iced coffee was on your right, as well as some snacks you were munching on while you work.
But you know you’re distracted but you would shake your head and try to concentrate only to fail over and over.
As soon as you got home, you went rushing straight to your room to look out the window, not even bothering to turn the lights on. You saw Katsuki still leaning against his vehicle who looks like deep in thought. You were there for a few minutes just watching Katsuki ruffle his hair aggressively, kicking few pebbles away, and just looking around. After what seemed like an hour, he finally left.
Something was troubling him, but you were too afraid to even ask. Heck how are you even so sure he’d tell you. So, you just lightly shake your head and change into much more comfortable clothing before setting up your things to your living room.
Now here you are resting against your sofa as you sit on the floor, drinking your iced coffee and staringly blankly at the bright screen.
You didn’t expect Dynamight to kiss you.
The number two hero just kissed you.
You, a mere kindergarten teacher.
Does he like you?
No, no. It’s too early to think about that. Maybe it’s just an impulse thing? Yeah, that’s probably it. But does that mean he was using you? I mean, after what happened to his ex-wife, does he feel like he can finally date someone?
Again, it’s too early to think about dating and stuff. You’re just getting your hopes up which you don’t want because for sure in the end, you’ll end up suffering and you don’t want to go through that again.
Falling in love was your greatest fear, alright. You’re fine being a fan, but you didn’t expect to get this close to him, you didn’t expect this to happen to your life. This was a huge happening in your life.
But of course, you’re not going to take advantage of this, you’re not that kind of person. He might think you’re just another woman who’ll take advantage of his status after what Kazui told you before.
If you ever get to the point where you start to develop feelings for him, you will never admit it. You’ll only do your role as Kazui’s babysitter, which would be your final decision.
Part 17
Here's part 16. Thank you for your patience!! I love you all.
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
"Age doesn't matter" 14
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
With Y/n carrying Kazui, Katsuki was the one who unlocked the front door for them despite carrying the groceries.
It was impressive for Y/n, of course. Maybe being a hero has its perks after all.
“You can put Kazui in his room. I’ll prepare dinner.” Katsuki said while walking towards the kitchen.
Y/n nodded in response even though she was fully aware he wouldn’t see her. With that, Y/n went upstairs. Carefully holding Kazui with one arm, she twists the knob and pushes the door open allowing herself in. She went nearer to the bed and gently placed Kazui on his mattress.
Of course, her being a babysitter, she knows she couldn't let Kazui sleep like that. Without asking Katsuki, Y/n browsed through Kazui’s closet looking for his pajamas.
The aroma of Katsuki cooking made her pause for a second though. She could smell he’s boiling the chicken with a few spices right there.
Well, she didn't expect Katsuki could even cook. She imagined him ordering food as their meal. Why hasn’t she thought of that when she was in the kitchen? She clearly saw all the spices on the cupboard. Well, she thought those were all for a show. A display? Boy, how wrong she was.
Shrugging her thoughts away, she proceeded to look for pajamas till she found a drawer full of what she had been looking for. What piqued her interest was the Dynamight-themed pajamas he has. Y/n had to stifle a giggle when she picked it up and shut the drawer.
“This will do,” she mumbled smiling to herself.
She went back to Kazui’s side and sat beside him carefully not waking him. Once she put the pajamas down, she slightly lifted Kazui’s body using one arm and took off his clothes using the other. She’s an expert at this, you know. Once done undressing him, she grabs the pajamas and then put them on Kazui who was not even bothered by all her movements.
He must be deeply asleep then. She’ll feel bad if she wakes him up for dinner.
“Took you long enough,” Katsuki said not bothering to look up when you suddenly appear at the kitchen doorway.
“I had to change Kazui into his pajamas since his shirt was a bit sweaty. I don't want him to get sick.” You said whilst holding the said clothes in your hand. “Where should I put this?” You asked.
“There’s a laundry basket in the bathroom.” Katsuki simply answered and watches you disappear from his peripheral vision.
He didn't know you'd be this on hand to Kazui since it is his first time having someone take care of his child in his own home. He gotta admit though, he’s less exhausted compared to when he's the only one taking care of his child.
Was he complaining? Yes. Its draining being a single father. But he knows he needed to do what needs to be done for his son. Heck, he was even thankful whenever his friends came over to visit him, mainly Kazui. They are aware that he's been struggling with being a parent especially now that his Ex-wife is in jail.
Now that he remembered it. He needed to confront her soon. Was he ready though? Hell yeah, he is. That excuse of a woman deserves to spend her entire life behind bars after what she did.
If you ask what Bakugo Katsuki’s regret was. Is that he didn't listen to his friends when they warned him. Did he regret having Kazui in his life though? No. Not even a bit. He was glad Kazui was here with him. Kazui gives him hope to continue with life. He’s the entire reason why he needs to be alive. He’s, his world.
If anything happened to his son, the world would witness the other side of Dynamight.
He was clearly lost in his thoughts cause your voice suddenly jerked him awake.
“The hell do you want, woman.” Obviously pissed since you cut him from his thoughts.
“I was asking if there's something I could help you with. You seem to be taking your time chopping those carrots.” You giggled when Katsuki looked at where you were pointing. Indeed, the carrot was turning into a darker shade due to being exposed to the air.
“Shut up.” Katsuki only tsked and proceeded on chopping. “As if you can cook better than me.”
“I'm pretty sure I can cook. Maybe not as good as you but I can try.” You smiled at him and went beside him to watch him chop.
“Get working with the onions then,” Katsuki smirked. “Better not disappoint me, princess.”
“You’ll be impressed.” You smiled and tied your hair into a messy bun.
Washing your hands was the first thing you did, and Katsuki raised an eyebrow at this as he kept an eye on you while still chopping. The next thing you did was to search for the extra knife and chopping board which you were able to locate with the help of the blondie.
“Onions?” You asked as you placed the things you needed on the counter next to him.
Katsuki pointed to the bags behind him where you took two onions. He was done chopping now though and was watching you.
He gotta admit, the messy hairdo you did make you look hot. He won't say it out loud though.
But then, Katsuki suddenly remembered something that has been bothering him.
“Y/n.” He called out, arms crossed over his chest while his back turned to the counter and leaning against it.
“Yes?” you answered as you peeled the onion.
“Back when Kirishima brought me home all bruised up. You were the one who healed us, didn't you.” Katsuki held his gaze on you.
You on the other hand paused. You remembered Kirishima telling you to be quiet about this but lying to Katsuki would mean losing his trust. She doesn't want that.
“What makes you say that?” Y/n smiled nervously and continued peeling.
“Why won't you answer me? “His suspicion was raised as he watched you.
“I was just asking you what makes you think that?” You smiled at him. “What if I'm quirkless and you just happen to recover quickly?”
“Wait, shit. Are you-
“Haha. I’m not. Don't worry.” You laughed as you covered your lips with the back of your hand.
“Well damn answer my question then.” Katsuki's eye twitched in annoyance. “Don’t play smart with me. I remember what was written in your calling card.” Saying this puts a smirk on his lips while he watches your face turn into a timid reaction all of a sudden. “What? Cat got your tongue, princess?” He teased.
You on the other hand looked away, embarrassed, and at the same time, internally slapping yourself for forgetting about the calling card. Well then, I guess you can never dodge his question.
“Sigh. To answer your question.” You looked up at him, turning serious all of a sudden. “It was me who healed you.” You said calmly. “The reason I don't want to inform you, it's because I recall in one of your interviews, you spoke of hating being used by a quirk you aren't familiar with. Plus, Kirishima advised me not to tell you which I assume was probably the same reason.” You explained.
“Tsk. That idiot,” Katsuki simply mumbled. “Tell me about your quirk.” he added as he closed his eyes ready to listen while still waiting for the chicken to boil.
“T-there’s nothing much to tell, honestly.” Why are you stuttering all of a sudden anyway? Are you shy? Oh hell no.
“Looks to me like there's a lot to tell, now that you used your quirk on me,” Katsuki smirked once again.
He has a point though.
“Fine.” You pouted while continuing to chop the onions. “I’ll activate my quirk which will make my eyes glow and I’ll simply make contact with your skin and concentrate on where you're harmed. Once I managed to find it, a small blue-like light will appear, and carry out under your muscle to where the injury was.”
“When done, I’ll deactivate my quirk.” You illustrated and finished chopping.
“What’s the drawback?” He was curious, what can you do. He had never seen a healer who patches wounds and bruises that swiftly. 
“A-ah. W-well...”
What the hell are you stuttering now? Was it that bad?
“You see, the pain you’re enduring will be passed onto me.” You said diverting your eyes away from him. “If my body couldn't handle it. Bruises will appear.”
“So, you're telling me when you mended us, the bruises began appearing on you?”  Katsuki scowled just thinking about this. He watches you nod in response. “What the hell are you thinking?”
Here we go. To be fair, you were kinda expecting this since Kirishima warned you. Why? Apparently, Dynamight doesn't want to burden anyone because of him. He also didn’t want anyone to do him a favor because he thinks he has to repay them which was very annoying for him.
“Well, you were unconscious, and I feel like I have to.” You looked away a bit sad.
“I appreciate what you did, idiot.” While saying this, Katsuki was removing the lid of the pot where the chicken was, checking if it was cooked. “But with that kind of drawback, I don't think I’ll let you do it again.”
That one word made him blink. Why though? What was his reason? Does he not want you to get hurt or what? Probably because he's a hero and it's his responsibility to not let everyone around him get hurt. Yeah, he’ll stick with that.
“Because the hero must protect everyone from getting hurt, idiot. Now pass me the onion.”
You just shrug off his answer and hand him the chopped onions. Even though you wanted to ask him about the groceries again, you decided to just drop it. Believe it or not, he kind of helped you with your finances. But of course, you’ll pay him back.
Unexpectedly in debt if you ask me.
“So. Uh.” You spoke up trying to break the silence between you two. “Why’d you paid for my groceries?” You said slightly tilting your head to look at his face.
“Ugh. Are you serious? This again?” Katsuki was annoyed, obviously. “How many times do I have to tell you, I just wanted to, okay? Now stop pestering me about it, idiot.”
His outburst didn’t startle you the slightest. In fact, you saw this coming. No matter how many times you asked him, you’ll never get an answer out of him.
“Well then, maybe just tell me how much it was. I wanted to pay you back.” You pouted crossing your arms over your chest while keeping your gaze on him.
“Not a chance, princess.” Katsuki smirked not bathing an eye on you. He was busy cooking the curry you know. Putting spices and everything.
“I don’t want to be in debt.” You groaned throwing your hands. This man is making you feel frustrated, and you hated it.
“You’re not.” Katsuki simply said as he put the last seasoning and starts stirring. “Stop overthinking this. I treated you out and that’s it.” This time, he was looking at you.
You just pouted in response.
It took a few minutes for Katsuki to finally finish the curry.  As he turned the fire off, he took a bowl from his cupboard and poured a bit of the dish in it.
“Oi!” He called out to Y/n. “Time to eat!”
Y/n got tired of talking to Katsuki. She decided to just leave him alone in the kitchen and watch tv as she waited for him to finish cooking. It wouldn’t be pleasant to piss him now knowing his temperament. So, once she heard him call out, Y/n immediately stood up and went to him.
“That smells good.” The scent of the curry filled the house. He really can cook, Y/n thought. “Let’s see if it tastes good, though.” Y/n don’t even know where she’s getting all her courage from teasing him, but one thing she knew is that it was fun.
“We’ll see.” Katsuki smirked and handed her the bowl filled with the curry. “Go wake Kazui.” He said grabbing another bowl.
“He’s deep asleep.” Y/n said before leaving his side.
“Can’t have him sleep on an empty stomach now.” Katsuki simply said as he focused on filling the bowl.
He does have a point.
Katsuki watches Y/n go upstairs once again. He couldn’t help thinking, is this what it felt like to have a wife? A wife who takes care of the family. He knew he kept thinking about his over and over. He couldn’t help it. He never felt this before. This feeling is new to him.
... Okay, I deserve to apologize since I've been away for weeks? I'm sorry. I have been dealing with many mental breakdowns these past few days, and I feel a little better right now. Still, I am sorry for making everyone wait.
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