fiendishartist2 · 1 year
guilty of your innocence– mp100
“It’s very nice to finally meet you, Ms. Serizawa!”
The man on her doorstep was holding out a very sweaty hand. When she took it, she was treated to the clammiest handshake she had ever experienced.
Her boy– lovely, sweet, naive Katsuya– was smiling at her, eyes wide and imploring. Despite the grin pulling at his lips, his hands were shaking where they were clasped in front of his chest. Poor Katsuya looked like he was on the brink of collapse. The nervous tilt of his eyebrows were screaming at her to accept the man.
She didn’t know whether to spare his feelings or tell the truth.
Katsuya had called her earlier in the day, asking if she was free for a visit after work. For her son, she would always be free, she told him– but she accepted anyway. Despite their previously strained relationship, Katsuya was one of her favourite people. She loved when he swung by her residential area, coming for lunch or dinner whenever he made time in his busy schedule.
He told her he had a surprise for her– someone he wanted her to meet. She was ecstatic, of course; still overwhelmingly proud of her son for getting out into the world. And now, he was meeting people and making friends! She baked snacks with vigour, fueled by the need to impress whoever their guest would be.
Now she wished she hadn’t broken her back over those little cakes.
The man Katsuya presented her with was incredibly underwhelming– if not downright concerning. He spoke with a certain degree of smarminess, like he was trying to sell her something. His smile glinted– sharp and intelligent, but much too disarming. The man’s arms pinwheeled around as he spoke at a mile a minute; the lack of self-awareness was another red-flag raised with the others. Adding to his persona, the man’s hair was an unnatural shade of blond, the colour of box bleach done in the middle of the night in a cramped bathroom. On his strung-out frame, he wore an oversized– yet puzzlingly too-small– suit. It crinkled, thin fabric bunching up around his waist and shoulders. The pant legs didn’t quite reach his ankles, revealing unprofessional magenta socks. He was trying to distract her with his big, showy smiles and empty niceties– and she was already suspicious.
With narrowed eyes, she sized him up. She instilled as much distrust into her glare as her 5’3” stature could manage. Judging by the beads of sweat gathering under his bangs, the man was rightfully intimidated.
Katsuya led them into the house, passing by his mother to plant the man in her living room. He left him alone with a squeeze of his shoulder. The man looked like he was trying desperately to not throw up on her carpet. He smiled around his clear nausea– she wanted to laugh at the way his face was nearly green, like a cartoon character, but alarms were going off in her ears. She didn't like this disingenuous man who had swept up her Katsuya at all.
As Katsuya puttered around the kitchen, collecting mugs and tea bags as he set water boiling in the kettle with his powers, she sat on the armchair opposite the man, cornering him.
She levelled him with another icy look, crossing her arms. The man straightened, steeling himself like he was getting ready for an argument.
"Who are you?" She asked bluntly. He barely faltered, crossing his legs and leaning in. He still had that sickly-sweet customer service smile plastered on his face.
"Reigen Arataka," he stopped, like he was about to continue that sentence, but decided against it at the last minute. Pink dusted his cheeks and he cleared his throat, "I'm Katsuya's… business partner. It's nice to meet you Ms…?" He reiterated. She didn't return the sentiment.
She hummed, brushing him off, "And how do you know my son?"
Clanging sounded from the kitchen, causing her to startle– Katsuya must have dropped something. Concern flashed across Reigen's face as he peered into the kitchen, eyebrows drawn in a look that conveyed worry where she expected fear. It had been a long time since the sound of something hitting the floor in her home was cause for light concern instead of anxiety. Reigen relaxed when a bright "I'm okay!" floated in from the kitchen.
"Well, that's actually a funny story," he started, uncrossing and crossing his legs again the opposite way. It was like he couldn't stop moving, "Katsuya and I actually met at his old uh– 'job'."
Her heart stopped beating.
The last time a man in a suit with a fake smile and hollow words took her Katsuya, she lost him for three years. To hear that they met through the abusive man her son had just barely escaped from was a punch to the gut.
Already, Reigen was trying to explain himself. His hands flailed around like restless hummingbirds and if she hadn't been lost in her own fear and anger, she would want to bat them away.
"Not- I mean, it was after his old boss was arrested and- and I am not part of Claw or anything like that-!" He swiped a sweaty hand across his sweaty face, laughing shrilly, "You see, my kids– well, they're not really my kids but- but anyways!"
Was Katsuya in a bad place again?
It seemed like he was getting better– he had his own apartment that he paid for with his own money. She thought he had a real job, since he earned a consistent wage and spoke highly of his new boss– even quite affectionately at times. Katsuya went to school, he had friends; he was finally experiencing the world in a way she never thought possible. Nothing like the closed off, frightened boy she had known his whole life.
But, had he just been passed from one controlling force to another? Did she fail to see her son was struggling again?
Katsuya returned from the kitchen. His bubbly presence cut off Reigen's flustered ramblings, attention drawn solely to him. In his hands, Katsuya carried two steaming mugs of tea; behind him, a third cup bobbed lazily in the air, suspended in a shimmering cloud of magenta and black. She tried not to stare at the obvious and carefree display of psychic powers– but after so many years of it being just a depressing background hum in her home, it was still surprising to see it expressed so openly.
He handed them each a mug, sitting next to Reigen and letting his own settle gracefully into his cupped hands.
"Watch out, it's still hot," he murmured, earning an unimpressed pout from Reigen. Katsuya giggled into his tea and she nearly choked on her own– it had to have been years since she heard him sound so happy.
"So, what were you guys talking about?" Katsuya asked innocently. Reigen winced, turning away and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Just- ah… how we met." He confessed sullenly. In the tense silence, Reigen sipped his tea at an obnoxious volume. He set it down seconds later with a yelp.
Katsuya pursed his lips, carefully avoiding eye contact with his mother.
She cut in with a stern tone, "Katsuya," worry settled just under her words, "I thought you were done with that whole organisation. Are you…" She cleared her throat, but her voice still came out as nothing more than a whisper, "Do you need help, sweetheart?"
Her son looked absolutely stricken.
"Wh- Mama, what do you mean? Of course I'm not part of Claw anymore. I told you, they disbanded," his hands hugged his cup tighter as they started trembling, "A-and… um, I like where I am now."
His free hand wrapped around Reigen's arm, wrinkling the cheap fabric. A blotchy red blush spread across Reigen's entire face– just the sight of it gave her second hand embarrassment. Then her son's words caught up with her.
This is the man her son chose? This annoying, two-faced, car-salesman-esque man? A man who had power over him as his boss– and wasn't that just like his old 'employer'? Wasn't Suzuki just another person with too much control over her Katsuya– her poor son who would flock to anyone who could point him in the direction of normalcy–
Beeping filled the air; her cakes were done in the oven.
She set her mug down harshly. Tea splashed over the edges, staining her nearly spotless coffee table.
Ms. Serizawa stomped into her kitchen, breathing angrily through the tightness in her chest. Her heart spasmed with each intake, sending her head spinning. She propped herself up against the counter.
She balled her fists at her sides; her shoulders hunched as she squeezed her eyes shut. The tightness in her chest spread to her throat.
She failed again. Katsuya was going to be taken away from her again and it would be her fault for not noticing again. What was wrong with her? How could she be such a horrible mother? Was she just that negligent that he felt like he couldn't come to her for help? Was she not reaching out enough? It had to be her– there had to be a reason that her Katsuya kept falling into the hands of so many controlling men– it was a clear pattern and all signs pointed to her failure as a parent.
Soft footsteps shuffled up to her. He held his breath in anticipation, but didn't try to start the conversation.
"Why?" She mumbled, voice strangled. Katsuya sighed, shuffling closer to her side. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted him lift his arm– as if he was going to snake it around her shoulders– and then let it drop as he averted his eyes.
"Is it me?" She asked, again with no explanation, "Am I a bad mother, Katsuya?"
He startled, looking up from his feet to stare at her in disbelief.
"What? Why would you say that, of course you're- what makes you think that?" He stumbled over his words but she could see the genuine worry on his face. She could have laughed at how relieved that made her. Katsuya believed in everyone in his life, despite the ways he had been burned by that same trust. Whether anyone actually deserved that earnest support, though, was something she often doubted.
The green number on the digital display of her oven flashed '0:00' over and over. Every few seconds, it let out a piercing shriek, reminding her that her cakes would be ruined soon if she didn't do something about it. She didn't move turn the oven off.
"I let all of this happen to you and now look!" He tensed, "You're being taken advantage of again-"
"I am not being taken advantage of." The low rumble of his voice made her finally look up at him. Her son's face was set into a disillusioned scowl; eyebrows set low and mouth puckered into a frown.
Some part of her– buried deep down since her son left for Claw– wanted to hide from that angry face. Anger meant powers and powers always meant bad things in her home.
She could never be afraid of her lovely Katsuya, but psychic powers? Her stomach roiled for the first time in a while.
Slowly, his face smoothed back into worry. A wry smile pulled at his lips.
"I'm not as naive as you think I am," he chuckled without any humour, gaze fixed on his hands as he picked at his thumbnail, "Is that what you're worried about?"
She couldn't bring herself answer him. Shame flooded her stomach.
"Reigen is nothing like Suzuki," he continued resolutely. Fondness creased his eyes, "He's helped me become someone I can be proud of. I'm grateful for all of the opportunities he's given me, but…"
Katsuya looked up at her, face sharp with determination.
"But, I'm also helping myself. Reigen is different because– well, because he makes me feel different," she wanted to argue with him, but he steamrolled over her in a way she never would have expected, "I have my own life– I set boundaries and have friends outside of the office. Suzuki…" Katsuya blinked rapidly, face darkening again, "He didn't want me going to school or-or seeing you like I do now. He didn't want me to know anything except what he told me."
"I like when Reigen's proud of me," he admitted, hand finding a perch on his neck as he smiled abashedly, "But I don't need his approval like I needed Suzuki's. I don't need him to make me feel… uhm– feel like I'm worth something."
He stared down at her, eyes glittering with untapped emotion. Hope danced between the gentle tilt of his eyebrows and pooled in the upturned corners of his mouth. All she could do was nod her head in acknowledgement.
He spoke softer now, pressing a light hand on her back, "I can take care of myself now. You don't have to worry so much about me, Mama."
"Yes I do!" She choked out, tears springing to her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back consolingly.
"Trust me? Please?" He asked, meeker than his grandiose speech, but just as earnest. She shook her head.
"I don't know how to do that…" She admitted into his shoulder, speaking so softly she couldn't be sure he heard her. She didn't know if she wanted him to.
He pulled away and her heart twisted.
"Why not start now?" Another voice joined from the doorway. Reigen waved at her ruefully. Quickly, she dried her damp cheeks on a tea towel.
Katsuya huffed out a content laugh, shaking his head at Reigen's incredibly well-timed (and definitely calculated) entrance. She joined in, a little hysterically, after a while. She shook with the weight of her tumultuous emotions, anchoring herself with a hand on Katsuya's shoulder.
The oven timer beeped again and she jumped out of her skin.
"My cakes!" She shouted, horror wiping away all traces of the sorrow that had made its home in the creases of her face.
Armed with a pair of oven mitts and two men trying to mask their mirth with sympathy, she fished out the mini cakes she spent all afternoon baking.
They were blackened with char.
She ran a hand through her hair, tossing them out swiftly before her guest could get a good look at them. Katsuya rubbed her shoulder, still chucking a little under his breath.
"It's okay, Mama, don't worry about it." He smiled reassuringly.
"Thank you, honey, it's just… I don't have anything else to give you two other than tea."
"Oh!" Reigen dashed out of the room, rustling around the front hall. He came back with a sheepish smile on his face, brandishing a plate of cookies to her.
"They're not perfect, but I wanted to make something for you– and y'know, Teru really needed help with this baking assignment so I thought, why not, right? You don't have to take them, obviously, I made them at like midnight yesterday– and they probably have all kinds of grubby kid germs since Teru couldn't stop tasting the frosting no matter how many times I–"
"God, does this one ever shut up? Give those here." She swiped at her eyes subtly, taking the plate from a dumbstruck Reigen.
Katsuya laughed the hardest she had ever heard him.
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I respond…with a song! @miranova23
shocker, right? 😁
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awigglycultist · 8 months
I miss the old Hatchetfield fandom days
Not that I don't like how it is currently, I love how it is currently, I'm just also nostalgic
Like y'all remember Dadgens and the sniggle Union?
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infectedpaul · 7 months
i believe in dadgens only . slightly. in the context of i think hidgens sees a lot of his younger self in emma and he sees a lot of his older self in her too, shes been through A lot already and so young and just to make it worse its in fucking hatchetfield. she Is his favorite student, she gives it her all even when she struggles and gets frustrated but still ends up surviving in the end because she just wont quit . which he mad respects. however if he WAS asked to kill her for whatever he wanted in return i think hed give it a second thought before going Alright
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shima-draws · 2 years
If ur back on tts bullshit welcome back, and may I humbly request team awesome if you are willing
I think I might be, yes 😳 My fandom obsessions are so fleeting nowadays so hopefully the hyperfixation will last for more than two weeks this time. LOL
And yes omg!! I've been reading a lot of Dadgene fics lately and his relationship with Varian makes me so soft. I hope to draw them together some time soon <3
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arabaka · 9 months
hi i have more food
-dadgen taking his kid(s) to an arcade and they struggle to win a prize in a claw machine and get all sad, but reigen just decides to go at it until he wins. he basically ends up spending double the money on the prize than he would just buying it elsewhere, but he keeps that to himself. he likes watching them smile and hug the toy like it’s a life source.
-dadgen who makes you stay in bed and leaves to go deal with a crying baby late at night (i mean, unless you wanna like, breastfeed? but i never wanted to have kids so i never bothered to look into the inter workings of…that stuff)
-yk how reigen cut serizawa’s hair? you think he would cut the kids’ hair?
-i’d like to revisit the reigen using a body baby carrier hc from one of your older posts. i’m so in love with it….imagine y’all can’t get a baby sitter so he has to take the kid to work one day. him leaning in his chair, one arm cradling the carrier, and his other typing away at his computer
-dadgen teaching child how to commit tax fraud/j
thx 4 listeninggggg<<<<3333
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,sdjgslkdfgskdg the baby carrier post... wow that takes me back . ; w ; yes he definitely is the dad to multi-task and actually succeed wearing his baby on his chest or back AHAHA....
ahh reigen cutting his baby's hair for the first time... eeeee.... i think he would. he tries so hard too, eyes narrowed in complete concentration while baby is just squirming. so it takes forever but then he emerges from the bathroom proud as can be, literally holding your child up like a gift to the heavens.
reigen would be such a good, loving father. the kind he never had
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
I've only seen like five minutes of the new Night at the Museum, and literally all I can hear is tired Dadgene.
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flxshy · 2 years
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Like this for a gentle starter, maybe you will get some dadgen advice
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ao3feed-esperboys · 2 years
Let Me Sing You to Sleep
Let Me Sing You to Sleep by VegasVoltage
Reigen and Mob stay out way past Shigeo's bedtime while doing an exorcism. Mob gets tired and Reigen takes him home, singing a lullaby to him on the walk there.
Words: 1248, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Reigen Arataka, Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo, Kageyama Siblings' Parents
Relationships: Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo & Reigen Arataka
Additional Tags: THIS IS NOT REIMOB GTFO IF YOU SHIP THAT GROSS SHIT, dadgen, Protective Reigen Arataka, Reigen is a true dad, Baby Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo, Mob is baby and Reigen goes dad mode, I just want more platonic or familial Reigen and Mob okay, TAKE THIS AS AN IOU CUZ I'M WORKING ON LIKE A GAZILLION OTHER FICS, idk if Regein would even like the Beatles but whatever, /I/ DON'T EVEN LIKE THEM BUT THIS FIC CALLS FOR A NICE SONG SO WHATEVER
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19134343
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reigensalty · 2 years
got into mob psycho 100
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grandmasterreigen · 5 years
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“It’s okay to ask for help.”
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wasserikosaeder · 4 years
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this is uh kinda bad but i'll post it anyways,, because,
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mookybear12404 · 5 years
So here’s a little background for the Sims!MP100 AU for those who are curious
 [Part 2] [Fanart for pt 1: x x] [Comic 1] [Comic 2] [My Doodles: x x] [Videos - Still to come] [New Server]
So long story short I started a sims game with the discord chat where we all played by taking votes on what we wanted the characters to do. Here are a few important bullet points: 
-We got stuck in character creation for a while bc the chat spent a good half-hour arguing over the size of Reigen’s ass. Photo references were used in the debate.
-Mob has no parents for *reasons* and gets adopted by Reigen.
-There’s a lot of Dad!Reigen fluff involved in this.
-Dimple is the ugliest neon green cat you’ve ever seen. He likes to piss on Reigen’s bed.
-Reigen is trying his best to be a successful single dad but is utterly failing
-He’s currently unemployed and trying his best to make ends meet, but he’d rather die then let Mob know that.
-almost everything they own is second hand or a piece of junk
-They got their apartment for dirt cheap and found out later that they got the deal because the place is haunted. So now ghosts like to chill around sometimes and stuff
-There’s also a creepy plaque that they just can’t remove for some reason.
-One time a ghost stole Mob’s milk and the chat went absolute apeshit
-Mob was so scared by said Ghost that he had to sleep in Reigen’s room that night
-Pretty much Reigen is just a general disaster. He’s burned everything he’s tried to cook so far. He ate a bite of a neighbor’s fruit cake and puked it up. At this point he has no idea how to adult and desperately hopes nobody else can tell he’s faking it
-At one point one of the neighbors breaks into their apartment and refers to Reigen as “good-looking”. He calls reigen every few hours and stands outside his door to creeply sniff it. Everytime Reigen leaves the house the guy is just magically there. We don’t know his name so we just call him “creepy stalker dude”
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-Mob, who’s the only one in the family slightly functional, makes a friend at school. 
-Her name is Billie. she's very odd and has a very strong interest in vampires. 
-For Halloween the chat decided to throw a halloween party with Billie. They also decided to dress Mob up in a giraffe costume, Dimple in a taco costume, and Reigen in a clown costume. 
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-The clown costume was so ugly that Mob, and all the trick-or-treaters burst into tears upon seeing Reigen. And no I’m not making this shit up. For Mob’s sake we finally decide to change him into a pirate costume. 
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-Mob’s already disastrous Halloween is completely and utterly ruined when Dimple runs away
-He spends the entire night crying himself to sleep
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-Cue the most stressful in-game 24hours of Reigen running around San Myshuno trying to find the bastard in -10 F degree weather. The chat almost gives up on him, and tries to convince each other that we should just try and spray-paint another cat green and hope mob doesn’t notice.
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-Dimple is finally found and reunited with the family. Tears are shed as Mob runs to give him a hug. Its so wholesome that you could jus- AAAaand he’s got fleas.
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-oh well. At least Mob’s happy now
-We finally decided that Reigen, who is deeply in debt (and starving himself just so that Mob can eat), should get a job. He’s currently job hunting. (We’ll see how that goes.) 
-there’s more to come but for now here’s some photos:
The Fam
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rat man
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edit by @arumi-mangotroid
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The Valentines day outfit
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The windbreaker
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The outfit that a certain few people in the group you know who you are found highly attractive for some reason
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homeless man Reigen looking for stuff to sell
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Rat man trying to help his son on a school project
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Reigen tries to comfort his son after Dimple runs away
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And a leggy for @physical-manifestation-of-spite ;)
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radio-static · 5 years
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A father who cares
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roseworth · 4 years
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“not really about kids” okay eugene
bonus: dad lance, who is also definitely “about kids”
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finnoky · 4 years
I see all these bro team awesome and I love it but consider: au where varian is 5 during the show and Eugene adopts him
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...... I’m listening
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