punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
can i ask why you're not a percabeth shipper? It's okay that you don't like them obviously I'm just curious because I don't think I've ever seen anyone else hate them.
Yeah sure!!!It all comes down to four reasons:
Cisheteronormativity dripping from every inch of it-Their genders are constantly emphasized their dynamic,they perpetuate the toxic 'it's feminist when girls bully their bfs' mentality,it masculinizes Percy and feminizes Annabeth,etc
Extremely unhealthy because Annabeth hits Percy a lot and forces her feelings on him without getting permission-I understand that Rick wrote him as liking her back but Percy didn't actually know that and she'd never actually told him she likes him so he had no way of knowing considering he had zero romance experience beforehand and well,he dated Rachel,but never actually asked Annabeth out so like.Rick really made both of them look bad with this but Annabeth got it way worse because she's a girl
The whole 'destined to be together' schtick is deeply insulting Percy seeing as his whole life he's never gotten to choose and that includes who he wanted to be with considering what led to him dating Annabeth.Like i'm sorry but the poor guy was so miserable the whole time he was trying to figure her out,that's not right,it's just gross
And Percy shouldn't been with any canon characters because he's not NEARLY done healing even now and Annabeth actively drags him down away from that and she deserves better than that to-Imo,the better thing is she date Piper seeing as she's actually openly nice to her
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qveenpoppy · 2 years
the tension in portwell reminds me of troyella in hsm 2 (when he was more focused on his basketball scholarship and future than Gabriella) so I hope Mr Federle is doing this for a reason and won't break them up just for r*cky. R*cky is my favorite character and I want him to be happy but I just prefer portwell to r*na, you know? plus it would kind of just suck if we barely got any of portwell being happy together and they just gave us another ship immediately after a break up.
oh i see that 100%. i think some people even kinda wanted a "gotta go my own way" scene with them? which i doubt will happen, at this point, unless it's like the roles are reversed and ej isn't able to stand up to his dad, thus kinda forcing him to break up with gina. i just don't think there's time left in the season for that
i definitely think any sort of troyella parallels in this show are, in fact, done intentionally. first ricky & nini were probably supposed to be the new troyella but that fell through so tim gave those roles to ej & gina instead. i would hope that, with the hsm 2 parallels, ricky is just the ryan of the group and therefore not an actual threat to ej & gina's relationship. i mean, we know he likes gina, but hopefully he can get over her by the time the summer's done. or the season, bc it's apparently only two weeks at camp in canon.
i love ricky a lot too but i hate this whole r!na shit. it really ruins my love for ricky, the way he's trying to get between them. i just want him to move on to someone else, i don't really care who.
portwell deserves an entire season of nothing but love and happiness and i don't trust tim to do that but i hope he knows i will drop the show if he breaks them up in favor of r!na
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redlenai · 2 years
a wild castiel is on the loose
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sunglassesmish · 1 year
look at him 😍
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i just love his face
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@dadstielkline's post sent me on a littel godstiel spiral which made me want to kill the winchesters myself.
and there is this post which about a resurrected cas gets help from godstiel when jack is god and I want to expand that in my way because a lot of fics show jack as sort of a god that basically works for winchesters
Jack is a child and he has seen and experienced a lot more bad than good. there is this little part that wants approvel from people he loved,and there is a understanding that somewhere they hurt him and used him and then there is the power and understanding that comes with beiing God that jack can't comprehend
Also, his relationship with Castiel is frayed because cas is heartbroken over almost everything that happened. he loved tha winchesters and his angel breathen and his father and now he feels like everything has been destroyed and jack feels responsible and he wahts to make it right for cas but he has no idea what to so
and to start rebuilding, you have to clear the debries first
both jack and castiel love eachother and want to pertect eachother and cas understands what being God is and he knows how lonely it is
when castiel had his god arc he was alone, the angels he asked for help,to stand with him betrayed him and his father ingnored him and winchesters did both and guilted him.
with Godstiel his actions are not a problem, he said he won't hurt innocents in his reign, also rember that angel cas begged stop and he killed her when she didn't(like jack with mary) , we don't know if tha's what happened with other angels too. the peoblem was cas's mental state he was hurt and scared and alone and he had nothing
the fact that he persued power is rather obvious he is an angel and he was fighting someone stronger than him and he hardly have anyone in his cornor
so for cas to sit with his god self and for them to validate all they feel and make sense of it and him to reminded that his mistakes do not have to define him that maybe cas wasn't as bad as he belives himself to be
Every saint has a past and Every sinner has a future
just because you did something wrong dosen't mean you are bad, your actions and intentions matter you can't always control consequences of them
castiel walking jack through his life will propably be more helpful for cas but it will also let jack know that cas understands and that he is there
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silkchiffoner · 2 years
a list of things that make me happy | queer/sapphic edition
inspired by @bennistudies <3
"silk chiffon" by muna
talking to other queer people
seeing pride pins on stranger's jackets, bags, etc.
seeing rainbow flags in public
passing by queer books when i go into the bookstore (one last stop, she gets the girl, rwrb, heartstopper are the ones i see the most)
the glee soundtrack (i dont know either)
the tv show "Dickinson"
Emily Dickinson's poems
this post by @/dadstielkline
tumblr because it's a safe space 4 me <3
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and-stir-the-stars · 2 years
tagged by @stingrayextraordinaire :3
spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url
Hello Seattle- Owl City
Everybody got their Something- Nikka Costa
Aromantic - Reiyo the Giant
Verge- Owl City
Empty Bottles- Bryce Vine
Nightmares- Chameleon Circuit
Everglow- Coldplay
Car Radio- twenty one pilots
Only One- Yellowcard
Love love love - of monsters and men
One Little Slip- Barenaked Ladies
Getaway Green - All Time Low
I'm Not A Vampire- Falling in Reverse
Sober Up- AJR
Traveling Man - chameleon circuit
tagging: @birdgirl1772 @angelfishofthelord @the-gray-ghosty @castiel-kline @dadstielkline @kaira-the-yellow-turtle @chimerazodiac @vaicomcas @musclesandhammering @sylvanfreckles @jazzforthecaptain
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I posted 12,541 times in 2022
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I tagged 3,341 of my posts in 2022
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#ofmd - 376 posts
#supernatural - 359 posts
#our flag means death - 332 posts
#castiel - 224 posts
#black pete - 219 posts
#lucius spriggs - 168 posts
#misha collins - 112 posts
#jack kline - 108 posts
#dean winchester - 102 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#treeeee!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you are literally so funny and so creative and i love interacting with you tooo!!!! i love your chaotic little posts and
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5,989 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
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6,298 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
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7,068 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
not me writing JFK instead of JKR
23,850 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
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@beloved-turtle-lord-kaira tagged me in a tag game! ty for the tag bro:))
Answer 30 Questions and Tag 20 Blogs (ill try lol)
Name: Abi
Sign: Aries
Height: no idea but i can ballpark it between 5'3'' and 5'6''
Birthday: couple weeks into march
Time: 12:37am
Fave band/artists: deftones and mitski are in my top 5 rn
Last movie: I think purple heart?(it sucks dont watch it lmao)
Last show: bobs burgers(im binging mindless stuff haha)
When I created this blog: No idea lmao sometime before 2019. if anyone knows pls tell me im interested
When I post: when dont I lmao
Last thing I googled: tetris
Other blogs: i do not have the coordination for more than this haha. sometimes to pretend im organized ill tag something but then ill give up
Do I get asks: once every blue moon and i cherish each one
following: lets.... keep that locked up tight LMAO
avg hours of sleep: .. we dont need to talk ab it
Instruments: i can slide my greasy fingers on a piano but thats about it
What I'm Wearing: AC/DC back in black tee
Dream job: mechanical engineer i guess yk living in a rinky dink area and fixing cars
Dream trip: everywhere
Nationality: US citizen
Favorite songs: depends on the mood yk but rn it might be Be Quiet and Drive
3 Fictional Universes Id live in: marvel nyc and dc gotham(city not show) are the first two that pop into my mind
@need-that-sastiel-serotonin , @gamelpar , @thequeenofsastiel , @ladywolvesbayne , @bisexual-rebekah , @benevolentsam , @marvel-and-moor , @aiyawwei , @dadstielkline , @sizzlingrebelbarbarian , @aspen-october , @huggablefiresquid, @2005sambitch
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lunardoesfandomart · 2 years
🌈happy pride🌈
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Maker: @dadstielkline​
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Oh Hey, thoughts on ADHD autistic aang by the way? I'm both autistic and have ADHD so I see a lot of myself in his mannerisms and personality.
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cyarskaren52 · 9 months
13m ago
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jasonshoodie · 9 months
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User @dadstielkline had made my day! 🤩
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sunglassesmish · 1 year
Someone wrote a fanfic about the misha picture! His power
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starsandhaloss · 1 year
I was on twitter and got this, it very much feels like a Drarry hp ewe plot line xD
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https://twitter.com/dadstielkline/status/1606886965743419392?t=lcmoYVCx-NmQZbPAHrTlSQ&s=19 link to tweet if you want to do it too :)
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feathersinthesky · 2 years
hey neat, another cas enjoyer who doesn't like deancas!!! how does it feel having the best taste?
Hi friend!! 🤗❤️ How does it feel having superior taste AND the best URL?
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