#daemon and his brothel idea
jadepearl · 16 days
I cannot bring myself to like (show) Rhaenys. Here are the reasons:
1. She, much like Alicent, seems to take all the negative emotions she feels towards Viserys and directs them towards Rhaenyra- there were better ways to tell Rhaenyra that her claim would be contested (in fact, im of the opinion that show! Rhaenys started disliking Nyra a little more after Viserys refused to disinherit her after after having his precious [sarcasm] son.) I’ve got more thoughts on this but that’s for later.
2. Her (lovely, but extremely pathetic) gay son. The GAY son that she knew was gay. The GAY son that she suspected would not be able to fuck/ impregnate a woman. The GAY son she knew would ABSOLUTELY be destroyed by the game. THE GAY SON THAT SHE WED TO THE WOMAN SHE KNEW WOULD NEED CHILDREN!!!! The entire situation with the (alleged/rumored) bastards of Nyra is a situation that Rhaenys and Coryls themselves had a hand in- they knowingly married their very gay son to Nyra knowing that she would need heirs and that it was entirely (re:extremely) possible that Laenor would not be able to bed/fuck her. Like how is she going to wake up and be like “oh my hod, my son was cuckolded” as if her son also hadn’t been cuckolding Nyra??? Like if she was going to turn a blind to Laenor sleeping w/ Qarl she could’ve afforded Nyra that same willful ignorance. Instead she chose to be mad at Nyra for making the best out of situation that Rhaenys and Corlys and her father, and even fucking Laenor put her in!!!!
3. Her attitude w/ the Velaryon Boys( see point above) those boys exist because her son could not do his duty !!! It is not a Nyra problem- it is not as simple as Nyra deciding to cuckold her husband. Nyra needed children- she TRIED with Laenor, both of them were extremely uncomfortable and it didn’t work- and Laenor apologized for being unable to his duty and instead it was decided upon that they ( the boys) would be granted the Velaryon name upon birth. He did not sire those boys (allegedly) but he did love them!!! This is the crux of my issue w/ Rhaenys- if Laenor hated those boys, I could justify her anger, excuse it maybe- but he didn’t. He didn’t hate them, didn’t cure their existence (was he a good father? No. Absolutely not. Very absent at best. But he loved them, and he cared for Nyra and so he took them as his own and gave them his family name) Rhaenys being angry/upset/etc over the outcome of a situation that she/corlys/Viserys all pushed those two into is fucking annoying and really- pardon my speak- grinds my fucking gears. You don’t get to force your gay son and your little cousin into a marriage and get shocked when your GAY son can’t fuck a woman. Especially not when you suspected that your GAY SON WOULDNT BE ABLE TO FUCK A WOMAN??? because those are the vibes show! Rhaenys gives off (yes my son is gay, no I don’t think he’ll ever be able to fuck a woman, but how dare his wife not simply live a childless life- who cares if she needed children, doesn’t she know how those looks?) why did Rhaenys not think about how it would look before marrying them?? Did she really expect the HEIR TO THE IRON THRONE TO LIVE A CHILDLESS LIFE ALL BECAUSE HER (again lovely, but rather pathetic) GAY SON COULD NOT FUCK ANYONE NOT IN POSSESION OF A COCK??!!!
What angers me the most is that, even after that conversation where she told Nyra how unstable her position was, and how she’d eventually be supplanted in favor of a male heir- this bitch, along w/ her husband put Nyra in a situation where she’d have to make a difficult choice. Live the rest of her life being called barren, cursed, all the things that they all called her late mother- all things that would endanger both her, her title as heir, and probs even Laenor too, or seek someone else to sire children? They put her in that situation and the got pissed when she didn’t choose the route of eternal suffering- they put her in that situation and got pissed that she didn’t simply accept it??? Show!Rhaenys, Viserys, Corlys, Daemon, fucking Alicent- if you have no enemies I am dead.
Anyway! These are all MY opinions, you are welcome to have your own but yours will not make me change mine. Have a good day!!
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blakeswritingimagines · 10 months
“Take me to the...” Daemon Targaryen x Reader
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Summary: The rouge prince has met his match not just in a person but in kinks as well, and when word gets around that he’s been to the brothel with another what happens when it reaches word to his brother the king.
Word Count: 6.4K
Warnings: She/Her pronouns used, Hair pulling, Spanking, Choking, Degradation, Nipple play, Dom/Sub, Orgasm denial, Overstimulation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
After a few rounds of sex, both you and Daemon were covered in marks and panted heavily as you cuddled close to each other as everything settled back down much like every night did since you both had gotten married.Enjoying how his strong body was against yours but noticed how delicious his pale skin looked with the marks you had left on him then looked up at him as you kissed his jaw before leaning up to kiss him again just much more tenderly then just mere more ago acting as if you were ready to go again but spoke softly having had this idea on your mind for a while since the blonde male had told you stories about it but didn't know how to bring it up to him "Daemon? I have something else I'd like to try with you."
“Hmm, what would that be my dear?” Daemon smiled as you lay in bed together. His arms wrapped around you tightly as you clung to him. Thinking you were beautiful when you were like this; soft, loving, and full of desire. It was as if you were still young again. “Tell me, Y/n. I would listen to anything you suggest,” he whispered in your ear as he leaned close to kissing you lightly. You moved around and sat down on his lap as you both were still bare and saw no problem letting your body just simply be especially since he had made it a rule that when alone in your private chambers you both weren't going to be wearing clothes which made it all the more easier to have sex whenever and however. Placing your hands down on his chest that had nail marks due to you holding him closer during the intimate act and bit down on your lower lip before meeting his beautiful violet eyes that were still dark with desire as you seductively whispered out the words "I want to see the brothel you've spoken about for myself."
“You want to visit the Street of Silk?” Daemon raised an eyebrow in slight surprise. The Street of Silk was filled with brothels and was a famous spot for those who sought the company of women… But why would you want to visit? He had never thought to bring you there before. Did you somehow enjoy the stories he had told of the women that awaited there? Did you simply want to see what it was like yourself?. Daemon’s breath caught in his throat for a moment, but he quickly smiled and kissed you again. “Why you little minx. I did make that promise to you, did I not?” He kissed you again just more teasingly. “I’m sure the ladies there will be more than happy to pleasure such a pretty thing like you.” Daemon smiled as he caressed your face. “And me as well….” He added, his voice trailing off.
You grinned to yourself at his reaction before nodding your head at his words having heard it enough times that he would take you only for it to be pushed off enough times that you finally brought it up to go, feeling the fire in your belly once at his words that other ladies wouldn't miss a chance with you even if you only had him in mind for when you both went to the brothel but leaned down as you brushed your lips against his "What will you do to me my love? tell me." Daemon took you into his arms as he kissed you passionately. You knew how to touch him when you wanted, and it made his body blaze with desire even at the most inopportune times. He moved his lips from your mouth to your neck kissing over the marks he left on your colored skin finding you even more beautiful like this. "I will do things to you that the gods did not mean for a woman to ever experience," he teased, his voice full of playful mischief. "My love, you will beg for more. But you will only have me, only me. You are mine alone."
Softly moaning into the kiss as you shifted your body against his feeling his excitement rise again which only caused you to move more, tilting your head to the side feeling his lips move down your neck knowing most marks he left on you wouldn't be noticeable unless you were naked causing more eagerness to happen since most couldn't tell what he put you through only knowing when they noticed the marks on the pale prince. Sighing softly at his words as you rested your head against his own lightly looking into his eyes as your hands moved up and down his chest until they started going lower and lower having talked that if neither of you had such duties that you most likely would never leave the room "Show me and the others...prove it."
Daemon’s breathing grew harder and harder as you moved your hands farther down his chest. “Oh, you want to go now?” He whispered seductively into your ear. The air around you both seemed to be filled with the aroma of pleasure and desire, and Daemon could feel himself growing impatient. He would need you, soon. But he would not rush this moment. He would take his time and enjoy you as long as he could with this idea you presented to him. “Do not tempt me, my love,” he whispered as he kissed your neck again. You tossed your head back as your eyes closed at his words feeling as if there was never enough of the prince to touch or taste on your tongue even as your body shuddered at just the mere thought of going again, moving your hands up to his broad shoulders as you held onto him holding him and closed your eyes slowly opened but smiled innocently as if you knew what you were doing to him and spoke as his lips were on your throat again "If it gets me my way I'll do as I please....Especially once we're at the brothel but you'll just have to wait and see."
Daemon chuckled at your words, but he knew you were right. He needed to be careful or you would drive him mad with your beauty. He leaned down and kissed you again, this time softly and slowly, his tongue exploring your mouth and his hands caressing your body. You were right; you both would have to wait until the time came to go to the brothel, and only then would he truly let loose. Until then, he would enjoy this moment, and all the pleasure he could wring from it. After a few more days and waiting until the dead of night to leave most asleep except for you and Daemon both of which were dressed as you both left the castle and into the busy streets of King's landing, holding Daemon's hand as he lead the way to the brothel that you both would be enjoying for the night only stopping once inside as you looked around seeing most already naked and pleasuring each other and took it all in. Until you looked up at him with desire in your eyes as you pulled him closer letting your warm breath hit his face as you spoke hungrily toward him "Take me."
Daemon grinned as he looked at you, a devilish sparkle in his eyes. He felt as if he could not have you soon enough. “You are an impatient girl, Y/n,” Daemon whispered, “Do you trust me?” He leaned close to you, his breath just as warm as yours. “Close your eyes, precious. Then I will show you.” Daemon whispered, his voice filled with a desire both primal and forbidden. You wrapped your arms around him knowing this was not time to play around and be a brat like you usually would but even as he started to act more like the dominant toward you, nodding your head as if you didn't even need to think over his question before you let your eyes flutter shut without a problem as you bit down on your lower lip out of anticipation for what he would do to you with all these other people around watching. Daemon moved in closer to you and lifted you up in his arms, his lips moving down your neck. He kissed you softly, his tongue tasting your flesh once again. He turned with you in his arms and laid you down on a bed that was in the middle of the space so whoever was around or would come in could easily see, still in his embrace. “Be ready,” Daemon whispered, “I am about to show you things few humans were ever meant to see." Daemon kissed you again, his body pressing firmly against yours as he moved closer and closer towards letting loose. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest.
You let out a soft gasp as you no longer felt the floor beneath you only for the softness of the mattress now under you along with Daemon's strong arms still holding you close, kissing him back roughly as you felt the heat in your body become nothing but hotter at his words and moved your hips against his teasingly as your hands moved the hood around him down so your fingers could go through his hair as you tugged on the blonde locks "Show me." Daemon’s heart continued to pound in his chest. His body felt as if it was on fire. He smiled, knowing that your patience had finally come to an end. And he was going to enjoy every moment of it. “Are you sure you’re ready?” he whispered seductively. He moved his fingers through your hair as your lips met again. There was a heat between you, a desire that just had to let go. But you both were here, now, and could take things as slow or as fast as you wanted.
Demon groaned as your tugging on his hair brought his breath even higher. He kissed back even harder, his tongue searching for your own as you tumbled on each other, your bodies coming closer and closer to finally fulfilling the desire you both felt. He leaned forward and kissed your neck, slowly, lingering, tasting all of you. The air was filled with a mix of sensations as Daemon moved his mouth to explore every part of you, his lips making love to you every inch. His hips pressed forward to yours as you both finally gave in to the desire in your bodies. You moaned as you felt his tongue enter your mouth which only caused your fingers to tug on his locks again out of habit, moving your hips against his as your head tilted back letting him kiss your neck as much as he wanted as your hands moved lower starting to undo his pants but moaned as you felt just how hard he was about all this "Use me like you always do...Sir."
Demon moved his lips against your neck with as much power as he could muster. He could feel his heartbeat pounding in his ears as he finally got what he was waiting for. He breathed into your ear and said: “Yes, my love, I will.” Then he moved even closer. And everything he had been waiting for came true. And then he gave in to all his fantasies. He took you and loved you like a beast, until he could no longer move. Daemon groaned as he felt your hands moving his trousers lower, his breath turning to groans and his heart pounding so loud he could hear it in his head. His mind was filled with the sensation of being on fire, and he was about to be burned. The prince’s lips covered your neck, kissing you softly before sucking on your flesh before moving over to your chest and doing the same. It would be the greatest sensation of your life, he was sure of it even more so as he pinched and pulled on your nipples before taking one in his mouth choosing to take his time and tease you the more you moaned for him.
Panting softly as he continued to mark up your neck again knowing it was just another way he could claim you as his which you would never shy away from, wrapping your arms around him as his lips started to move lower and moaned loudly at the feeling of his lips on you "More please, I don't want to wait any longer." Daemon’s body was on fire. He felt his heart nearly explode as your hot breath whispered in his ear. Every part of you was begging to be filled, to be satisfied, to help release the stress that was filling him. “Then don’t, my lady.”, Daemon whispered seductively, his voice low and full of desire. “We are away from the world. Away from duty. Away from the worries of life.” He leaned in close and bit your lower lip, his breath coming in pants as he did. “You are mine,” he gasped out.
Feeling him push your legs up around his waist as you softly gasped at the feeling before moaning loudly at the feeling of his hips snapping against yours feeling his hard cock thrust deep inside of you, nodding your head quickly at his words wanting nothing more than to be owned by him as you started to drag your nails down his back moaning his name loudly throughout the brothel as he did more to you and gave you his absolute all even as you felt one of his hands wrap around your throat and the other smack against your ass a few times. Daemon moaned as your nails dragged down his back, your name filling his head as he pleased your body. It felt as if the world was moving too fast and too slow, the feeling of life overwhelming his senses. He moved to hold your throat tighter, his fingers squeezing your flesh and his other hand spanked your rear harder leaving a harsh sting. The sensation seemed to fill him with more energy as he pulled you close to him, his breath heavy and warm in your ear. “I will use this slutty pussy over and over like the dirty little whore you are, since you enjoy being my little cock holder don't you.”
Feeling your eyes roll into the back of your head as you moaned loudly at the feeling of Daemon's cock only drove deeper into your warm walls while he kept using and abusing you in a way you enjoyed like always, feeling everything in ten fold due to the eyes that were on you both as your eyes locked on his own when he pulled you even closer which caused you to groan in pleasure until you felt him roughly pull on your hair for an answer to his degrading words which made you nod just so he would keep going "Yes yes I love it so much, just please keep going it feels so good." Daemon moaned out loud as your body reacted to his cock which caused him to have a devilish grin. He continued to tug on your hair, moving back down to your throat. The feeling of your body being his was something he craved, and he would have it. Your voice was music to his ears. He pulled your hair again, and his hand slapped against your ass once more and much harder. He moved his mouth over to your ear and whispered seductively. “What? Does that feel good? being my good little slut?. I will enjoy you and this pussy until I'm done and spent.”
You couldn't stop the noises from falling past your lips as Daemon continued using you like it was nothing as if you were just a personal toy made just for him even as you looked up seeing the hunger in his eyes as he pounded away into you, moaning loudly as he spanked you again before softly gasping at his words as you nodded your head wanting nothing more than for him to keep going even as you whimpered out the words "Please let me finish." Feeling like the coil was about to snap like never before, Daemon continued to pound his cock into you, his eyes filled with the desire for you. His voice was a quiet rasp, his breathing heavy, and his hands moving all over your body. The prince took your words as you asked permission like you had been taught to, but he had another idea. He leaned down his breath soft and warm against your warm and sweaty flesh. “No, my love. Not yet,” Daemon whispered into your ear, “I’m enjoying this too much. You are not finished yet, Y/n.”
Whining as you tossed your head back at the rough treatment you were getting as your back arched and couldn't help shifting your hips along with his moaning loudly due to how deep he was inside of you as if you could feel him in your stomach, whimpering again at how roughly he pulled your hair back making you look up at him. Daemon moaned louder at your words his breath coming quickly. His hips moved faster and faster as you clawed at him, begging for more of him. “Not yet, my cute little slut,” Daemon whispered into your ear. “I am not quite done using your warm little pussy,” he moaned out as he moved his hand up to your throat and squeezed tightly, his hand moving slowly and seductively down your body as he started to rub your clit giving you extra pleasure which added on to the fire of you wanting to cum, he pulled away from you and leaned in close again to whisper into your ear. “No you don’t.” He smiled cruelly, the prince knowing he was driving you crazy and loving how desperate you became under him. Watching as your eyes rolled back into your head moving your hands up to his sides raking your nails down his pale skin "Please please I need it I wanna cum around your cock."
Daemon’s breath came quickly as he kissed your neck, moving his fingers to your breast again. The air was filled with your sweet moans and his. His hands moved down your legs, teasingly, slowly, as he moved his body closer to you having his chest pressed against yours. He placed his mouth next to your ear and whispered. “Not yet.” He grinned and moved his free hand down to grip your rear, making you moan as he squeezed your flesh. He bit down again then traced the new marks with his tongue as his eyes shut, as he heard your whines and moans. He moved his hands down further, closer to your hips and thighs. He couldn’t wait any longer anymore.
Daemon moaned out loud at the feeling of you around him with a grunted moan, he pulled your hair back, keeping it there as he held himself at a steady and rough pace, not caring anymore about the surroundings or the stares he saw on the faces of the others around you both. All that mattered was you. He bit down on your ear, enjoying the feeling of your hair in his hand still. Finally, after making you wait with pleasure for too long, Daemon let go of your hair and slapped your ass once more. You moved your hands across his back as he pressed his body against yours and hooked your legs around his waist before whining again at his words as tears stung your eyes, closing your eyes tightly as you placed your head up against his shoulder moaning into his ear before you kissed and licked at his sweaty skin enjoying the salty taste of him on your tongue feeling his hips lose some momentum as his cock pulsed "Fuck you feel so good...I can't wait any longer please let me cum, I wanna feel you fill me up please."
Daemon groaned at your words, his heart racing and his breath quickening still. He felt his heart nearly explode out of his chest at your begging, your pleading. His voice was hoarse as he whispered to you. “Your wish is my command, my lady”, Daemon smirked. “Be a good little slut and come for me.” You pressed your lips against his own intensely when you heard the tall royal finally give into what you wanted and loudly moaned his name as you came around his cock, keeping him close as your nails dug into his back and your thighs started to shake from how powerful everything was as your breath came out in heavy pants feeling him slow down as you felt his hot cum spurt into you. Whimpering into his ear as you felt his hips pick up the pace again and shook your head feeling like it was too much since you were still coming down "T-too much."
Daemon grunted heavily as you came for him, his own body experiencing pleasure he thought it could not feel again. He smiled as his hips began to push forward, slowly at first but picking up pace. He could only laugh as you trembled under him. “Yes, I think I’ve found exactly what drives you mad.”, he whispered, his voice low and almost primal. “I will never stop using this sweet cunt.” Daemon kissed your lips again, moaning into your mouth as his hips sped up. His hand gripped your ass again and pulled you closer to him, the heat of your body driving him insane. “You wanted to cum...so you'll cum as many times as I decide for you, My Lady”, he whispered, “Shall I go on?”
You bit down on his lower lip feeling even more hot at the moans he let out before you moaned out loudly at the rough grip he held onto you with, moving your hand up to his face panting softly as you looked into his eyes as you tried to keep your noises down but couldn't help your head tilting back as you quickly nodded your head knowing it wasn't worth saying no since you loved how much he pushed you into the pain and pleasure of everything "Yes please yes don't stop." Daemon moaned at the force that you bit on his lip with, as he continued to slam into your body, harder and harder feeling his balls slap against your ass. The noises that came from the two of you were unlike anything the brothel had ever heard, the workers stopping their own business to listen. Daemon didn’t care, he enjoyed the attention. “I’m not going to stop”, he whispered seductively, his voice deep and full of lust. “I’m going to give you all I have and your going to be good and take it all without spilling a single drop or we'll go again.”
After hours of pleasure and torment of Daemon teasing you before giving you what you wanted as he made you beg for it just to add to the experience for you, the both of you slowly and tiredly made your way back to the castle and into your shared private chambers while a new day was starting as you giggled while you both undressed each other before laying down with him in the overly large bed holding onto each other as you placed a kiss on his chest and hoarsely whispered still completely spent from how the night went "Thank you my love, it was amazing." Daemon moved his hand up and down your bare back, and felt your bare skin against him under the blankets as your faces remained close to each other. It had been a long and lustful night, and he was exhausted in the best way possible. The prince sighed and kissed your cheek softly, before moving his head so his lips met yours. He kept the kiss gentle and quiet for a few moments, before gently pushing your head back down onto his chest, his eyes meeting your eyes. “The pleasure was all mine.”
Letting out a soft hum of pleasure at the feeling of his large hand rubbing your back before you softly kissed him again enjoying the slow and tender moment that could be shared after everything, knowing you would be requesting to go again if it got him to let loose that much as he took you in such a way that you would want to see and feel again. Giving him a small smile before you closed your eyes thinking the both of you could rest even if for a small hour until there was knocking on the door hearing a servant speak through the door that Viserys wanted to see you both causing you to look up at him confused "What happened that he needs to see us both?". Daemon grumbled slightly at the sound of a servant knocking and calling him. He moved his head back and sighed, his eyes meeting yours. “It must be an urgent problem if he desires me this early in the morning.”
He kissed you again before moving his body away from yours, but not before he took your hand in his own. Daemon moved his legs out from under the bed sheets and slid off of the bed, not taking his eyes away from you but he was already beginning to put his clothes back on as he got dressed. You playfully pouted at his words before letting your eyes trail over his naked form as you bit down on your lower lip taking a few moments to watch his body move and flex before you also got up and started to dress for the day, pulling on a dress that complimented your skin tone but was also Daemon's favorite since it showed off your cleavage so much than moved closer as you helped him finished getting dressed before turning as you looked over your shoulder up at him wanting him to tighten your dress for you as you asked in a playful way "Do me, would you?".
Daemon looked at you with a smirk as your pout seemed quite adorable. He walked up to you and stood behind you, moving your hair to the side so he could reach your dresses buttons much quicker. “As my lady wishes", Daemon whispered, his voice low and quiet into your ear. Daemon slowly tied the buttons of the dress so that when it was closed, it hugged your curves and accentuated your cleavage. Daemon’s hands were gentle as he finished tying the dress. “Is that good enough, my lady?” You shivered at the tone used next to your ear before turning around when he was done as you placed your hand on his chest and reached up giving him a slow kiss, placing your free hand on his shoulder as you looked up at him giving him a soft nod of your head as you smiled up at him "From you? always" Taking his large hand in your own before you started leaving the room with him as you both made your way to King Viserys.
Daemon kissed your forehead affectionately as you took his hand, his eyes meeting yours as you did. Daemon smiled at you as you both left the room where you had spent your time together. He was happy. For a moment, the rest of the world was a distant thought. It was only him and you in the world. Daemon wrapped his arm around you as both went to speak with his older brother before finally you both were in front of him bowing as Daemon spoke as him and you acted like nothing was wrong which was a tip off for him "So what's this all about?". You smiled at his affection as you laced your fingers together and leaned into his side taking in the moment before sighing softly once you both stood in front of Viserys, Viserys' eyes narrowed as Daemon asked what all the commotion was about. He studied the two of you for a moment, unsure of how to proceed noticing you both seemed fine. Eventually, he spoke up wanting answers. "I have heard word that you were with another woman last night. Is this true?".
Daemon laughed as if he was being accused of something absolutely awful but spoke with a grin on his face. “Yes Viserys, it is indeed true. I was with a woman last night. Y/n, here.” Daemon’s arm remained wrapped around your side noticing you were trying to keep it together, his fingers intertwined with yours. The dragon prince had no shame in the fact that he had bedded his own wife, and would gladly admit to it whenever he could at least before he could brag about it. Viserys stared in disbelief and a deafening silence. So Daemon had not broken his marriage vows after all. The King couldn't help but crack a small smile of approval. "well then, good news is in fact that you have not dishonored your wife. I do believe the whispers were implying something else...something more vulgar." Viserys nodded approvingly, and his expression changed. "So you were with your wife...and this is the source of all the whispers amongst the smallfolk?".
Daemon remained calm as he listened to Viserys, waiting until he finished to speak. He smiled slightly when his brother approved of him spending the night with you. Though, it was surprising to Daemon still that it had made the news throughout the Keep so quickly. The young prince raised an eyebrow and sighed. “This rumor is of me and Y/n?” Daemon paused, and looked at you, then back at his brother. “I cannot deny that it is true. Does this really cause so much commotion? Is our love as husband and wife such a taboo?”. Viserys shook his head in bewilderment as Daemon spoke about how quickly word of his and Y/n's activities had spread throughout the Keep. The king knew that the Smallfolk liked to gossip, but he had not thought that word of his own brother's actions would reach him so quickly. It seemed that Daemon was not bothered too much by the news, which Viserys found somewhat amusing.
"Your marriage is no taboo," Viserys answered. "I'm simply concerned that some of the Smallfolk may not understand or support your actions." Viserys laughed softly at Daemon's comment, amused by the way he spoke of his love with Y/n. "I don't think it is the fact that you are married. Rather, it is that you are so public about your love for Y/n." The king took a breath, his face now thoughtful instead of amused. "The people of the Seven Kingdoms have always been curious of matters concerning House Targaryen," he explained. "They look up to us... expect us... to be extraordinary. So I must ask you, Daemon, to be more discreet of your love." Daemon nodded. For him, he saw nothing wrong with loving you even if it was out in the open such as a brothel. It was how things were meant to be. Yet he was still a prince and expected to act as such. Viserys was his King and his older brother, so he would listen to him. Daemon took his hand away from Y/n’s and looked at his older brother with a serious look. “Very well, Viserys”, Daemon spoke with a firmness not heard before from him, “It shall be kept secret then, from now on. We can be more discreet with our love.”
"Not amongst us," Viserys replied. "But I fear that some may not be so open-minded." Viserys shrugged and shook his head slightly. It seemed odd to him that such a thing would make the rounds within the Keep, and he wondered how much truth there was to the rumor. "In any case, try not to cause too much of a stir," he advised his brother. "Some people may interpret your actions as disrespectful since it was a brothel you were seen at with a woman we now know is your wife... why are you at a brothel with her of all places?." Daemon nodded slowly, understanding the words that Viserys had spoken to him. Daemon was a young man, still, and he was impulsive at this point in his life, but he understood the importance of what his brother said to him. “I understand, Viserys.”
The young prince looked a little embarrassed when his brother brought up the brothel. His face flushed a little. “I have my reasons”, Daemon said quickly trying to think of something, his voice now more quiet compared to moments ago. “She and I do not always do our business in my chambers.” Daemon thought about the best way to explain the situation, but thought that it would likely seem like an excuse if he explained it to Viserys. “I shall be as discreet as I can”, Daemon reassured his king and brother. “As for the brothel, well, she… wanted me to take her there.” Daemon’s tone made it sound as if Y/n had asked to be at the brothel. “I just wanted to give my wife exactly what she desired. And I was willing to make that sacrifice if that is what she wanted.”
Viserys couldn't help but smile at his brother's explanation. Daemon had a reputation for being wild and unpredictable, but deep down, he was a kind, caring man who wanted to make his wife happy. "That is admirable behavior," he responded warmly. "Your wife is a lucky woman to have a husband like you." The king nodded in acknowledgment. Perhaps it wasn't a bad thing that Daemon was spending more time with his wife; maybe it would help restore their marriage and strengthen the bond between them Viserys nodded along as Daemon spoke, his brow furrowing in thought. "I see." The king was surprised to hear that Y/n had insisted on going to the brothel not able to help himself as he asked since he didn't know you two were like rabbits, "But why? Why did she desire to go?"
Daemon shrugged. “What reason did I have to argue? She wanted to enjoy her time with me, and it was an experience she had never had before. Why should I deny her something so simple?” Daemon looked back up to Viserys with a small smug smile. “Perhaps she desired to see me act as I used to before I was married. But still, whatever the reason, I think it made her feel closer to me too, and that is ultimately what matters to me.” Daemon’s gaze once again looked back at you and smiled. Daemon thought about it for a moment “She… desires to be in such places with me.” Daemon paused and let the words sit in the air for a moment. “She finds it to be...an exciting thing in our relationship as do I. I know it sounds strange, but she enjoys it. I cannot deny my wife’s wishes.”  He sighed and moved his hand up to touch his neck. “And so I indulge her. That is why I took her to a brothel. For her.”
Viserys was surprised by Daemon's answer, though he could not deny that he might have enjoyed such things himself if he had been in a similar situation. "And... what happened after you and your wife were in this place?" The king inquired, almost afraid of the answer. Daemon let out a small laugh and raised his hands to indicate that he was completely innocent, even though he and Y/n both knew they weren’t but couldn't help but answer in a joking manner. “We just talked, is all. About our thoughts on our family, our marriage, our future. And the bed? Yes, we did more than just talk, brother.” Daemon spoke as plainly as he could, but also with a subtle smile that almost showed he was teasing Viserys and wanted him to think something else.
After hearing the answers he wanted Viserys allowed Daemon and you to leave finally, biting down on your lower lip trying to contain your grin waiting until you both weren't in front of Viserys and Otto for your laughter to take place as you wrapped your arms around Daemon and looked up at him with a playful look in your eye "You let me take the blame? all for what? not being able to help myself for wanting you so much?". Daemon laughed with Y/n. His arm was wrapped back around her body, his fingers interlaced with hers. Daemon leaned down close to her so that he might whisper in her ear.
“The less my brother knows, the better. Let us not let him know all of those intimate details.” Daemon smirked as he finished speaking, his tone suggesting that he would not mind telling Viserys a thing or two. He enjoyed teasing his king and eldest brother. That was something he could not deny. Daemon kissed your forehead affectionately before chuckling in response to your words. “You seem very happy about having been the reason for the rumors my dear. Should I be jealous of your fame?” He asked with a light chuckle, “Or of the other men who now know about your desire for me? It’s alright, don’t worry about it any longer my lady. I won’t allow you to get blamed for anything that wasn’t your doing.” Daemon kissed your forehead once more, keeping his voice soft which he only did around you and only you.
Closing your eyes as you took in the tender affection from the tall prince having heard about how much of a brute he often was and had only seen it a few times outside of the bedroom, rolling your eyes at his words as you playfully pulled away from him started to walk away as you swayed your hips and looked over your shoulder "Or we could go make others more jealous and take more blame...just a thought." Daemon’s mouth became a smirk as you turned around, and watched as your hips moved in such a way as you walked away. The man liked the view, and what you suggested was even better.
He put an arm around your waist and spoke in a playful voice, “Oh, that is not something I reject. Maybe we shall go and… take more blame as you say.” Daemon’s tone was low, and playful.
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bietchz · 1 year
Why don't you just kill me? - Daemon Targaryen x reader
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Why don't you just kill me?
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x reader
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: slight smut and allusions to it, jealousy, violence, mentions of a previous envolvement between Daemon and Rhaenyra.
Note: Ok, this is it, the first thing I write here. I'm nervous and English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes to begin with. I was challenged by a friend to write under the prompt "why don't you just kill me?" and this was the result.
Living at the Red Keep was a lot to deal with. Between enormous meals that never ended and political talks back and forward, me and my big sister, Rhaenyra, had our hands full. Especially her, though. Being the little Targaryen has always left me a bit overshadowed because Nyra would have the focus of being the Realm’s heir, leaving me to be the Realm’s Dove. People said that my silver hair and my soft features always remembered them of innocence and purity, and I absolutely hated that.
All my childhood, me and Nyra were obsessed with Uncle Daemon, he used to be a role model to us, even though everyone told us that he was rogue. And indeed, he was. Many years later, there were rumors that he defiled my sister in a brothel and that’s why she was so urgently married to Sir Laenor. He wanted her, like everyone also prefers Rhaenyra.
I only noticed his eyes on me on Laena’s funeral. After twenty years of living, finally I earned his attention. Maybe, his eyes only wondered for a bit time longer than they used to, but for me that made my day. Daemon was finally free again and his eyes were on me. What I did not notice was the hateful look I received from my sister. For the first time in my life, Rhaenyra was jealous of me, and I had no idea. After some kind words the Velaryons had to say about Laena, her body was thrown into the sea, and I watched the coffin sink. For some reason, I felt chills all over my body and then I felt his breath near my ear.
“Dear niece. You’ve grown.”
His voice was deep, and it touched my insides, leaving them on fire. I couldn’t bring myself to lift my chin, to turn around, to face him. I was afraid I was going to melt.
“Uncle. It’s been a long time. I’m a woman now.”
“Who did your father promised you to?” His voice was quick to keep the conversation going. He clearly had a motive to talk to me and I was starting to understand it.
“Jason Lannister.” I whispered, with disgust in my voice. I still didn’t believe what I was saying, but Viserys was convinced he was the best match.
“That old cunt? He could be your father. And that smug look on his face is utterly disgusting.” His tone was mocking, but did I find a hint of jealousy in it? Maybe.
“It’s the King’s perfect match. Not even my doe eyes could dissuade him. I’m doomed.” The last part was said in a murmur. I could not question the King’s decisions out loud, what would everyone think…?
A loud noise was heard, and everyone looked back. Everyone but Daemon, whose eyes remained on me. I gulped when I realized the proximity between us, but when I looked at Rhaenyra and saw that she had hurt herself with a mug, I ran to her to stop de bleeding with my bare hands. In my spare time, I usually hid in the library and red some of the maesters’ books on medicine. That made me more ready to these kinds of situations than almost everyone around me, so I was the one who helped Rhaenyra to get inside and to bandage her wound. I lost Daemon from my sight with all this chaos.
After dinner with the Velaryons and a weirdly passive-aggressive Rhaenyra, I went to my chambers, ready for a good night of sleep so I could ride on Vermithor tomorrow without the risk of falling because of being tired. Well, I couldn’t be more wrong. Daemon was right there, siting on the armchair near the bathtub I used that morning.
“I was in doubt if I should show myself before or after you undressed, but I just couldn’t resist seeing you again.” He said as he stood up, walking in my direction. Those words caught me off guard and I could only observe as he got near, and his hand caressed my cheek. “The most beautiful woman should not end up with that fucking lion. You are a dragon, you deserve a dragon. Do you want one, sweet girl?”
“Yes.” The words could barely escape my mouth, but the answer was certain, I felt sure of that. I wanted that, I wanted him, Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince. “But I only want you.”
And that was enough to get his hands all over me. When I noticed, his hands were on my thighs and forcing me to jump to him. My dress rode up my legs with this movement and when he threw me onto my bed, I was practically exposed. I understand the Rogue part of him now: his fierceness, his bruteness, it was exhilarating, and I didn’t mind burning with his fire. We made love all night and any secrecy we might wanted to have, was thrown out of the roof the moment he delved between my legs and made me see stars with his tongue. When I woke up the morning after, I could still feel his seed that he pumped continuously into me the night before. I was utterly and completely ruined by Daemon Targaryen, and I enjoyed the feeling. I woke him up with kisses and his tight hug pulling me against him was the key to know that he had awaken.
“Good morning, sweet thing. Did you sleep well?” He asked, burying his nose on my neck, and spoiling me with little and stern kisses. “I shall speak with your father today. Our wedding will be in a fortnight if everything goes to plan.”
“In a fortnight? Were you already planning this before you even spoke with me?” I had to laugh because that was really a Daemon thing to do. He always had things his way.
We took a long time getting up and getting ready. I needed another bath before breakfast and Daemon took the blankets in my room to burn and hide the evidence of what happened. As I was exiting the bathtub, Rhaenyra entered my chambers in a rush, slamming the door behind her and leaving us both alone.
“What do you think you’re doing, sister?” Nyra’s words were laced with venom and breathing got a little harder for me. She never talked to me like that, she didn’t even sound like my sister. “Daemon is out of reach. He is mine.”
“Rhaenyra, I-” She stopped me before I could even continue.
“No. He was my first. He saw me first. He had me first. He chose me first. Who the hell do you think you are to try and rob me of all that. You had to pick that skimpy dress, almost shoving your tits on his face so you would notice you. And for what? Did he come here, promised sweet nothings and some good fucking and then leave? Guess what? It wasn’t a first. It happened to me, too.”
“He didn’t promise. He delivered. He spent the night, and he is now speaking with dad so we can marry in a fortnight. He came here, to Driftmark, wanting me. He is over you, Rhaenyra. You should get over him.” And after those words I just said, I could see the fire burning in her eyes.
“You don’t know what you’re getting into. He won’t marry you, not on my watch. I shall repeat so it is very clear to you: he is mine and you will not be in the middle of my future with him.” She said louder, so sure of her words, that she ignited some kind of emotion on me that I can’t really describe.
“And what are you going to do, Rhaenyra? Why don’t you just kill me? Surely, that would give you the happy ending you so desire.”
“Well, maybe that’s what I’m going to do.” She said as she pulled a dagger from her tight beneath her dress and left me in shock.
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maryonaccross · 1 year
I hate the juxtaposition the writers try to make by painting Alicent as the sexually repressed patriarchy abiding woman and then try to show RHAENYRA as the sexually liberated one.
Are you… are you being serious? Rhaenyra who was groomed and manipulated by her UNCLE her whole life is supposed to be somehow more sexually liberated than Alicent who is stuck in an arranged marriage to a way older man? That’s the dream of sexual liberation? Being groomed by a close relative?
I mean at least Alicent and Viserys aren’t related. But apart from that their marriage is every bit as problematic as Rhaenyra’s relationship with her groomer.
The age gap between Rhaenyra and Daemon can’t be more than a couple years smaller than that of Alicent and Viserys. And the fact that he is her relative that took advantage of her vulnerability after the death of her mother to coerce her into sexual acts to ruin her reputation in order to gain political advantage is vomit inducing.
The thing that baffles me is how many people actually look at the scene where we we’re simultaneously shown Viserys maritally raping Alicent and Daemon coercing his niece to sexual acts in the brothel and don’t see this scene as the clear parallel it is.
People who don’t realize that remind me of Colleen Hoover fans that are only able to recognize abusive relationships when the abuse is explicitly shoved in their face in the form of physical violence and cannot recognize it when it is shown in a more subtle form like grooming, manipulation, dubious consent, and deception.
We could clearly see throughout the show how much Daemon’s grooming has had a long lasting effect on Rhaenyra’s life and personality. She isn’t able to build profound romantic relationships with anyone other than her uncle (remember how she forgot Harwin cough the father of her children cough even existed the moment Daemon showed up?) and we see her regress to an uncertain teenage girl at the moment he returns to her life ( she spills all her secrets to him the minute they’re alone without even thinking of possible consequences )
In Emma D’Arcy’s words:
"This is essentially a grooming scenario. The idea that a teenage girl is in any way able to consent to that sexual interaction is a mess. There is no way that power can be equally distributed in that relationship."
- Emma D’Arcy
( And please, do not come screaming in the comments about how things were different the books. I’m talking about THE SHOW and basing this on what we saw in the show, such as for example Daemon admitting that Rhaenyra was a child when he left to go into exile, and what the actors have to say about this relationship. I can understand why it can be frustrating that some things were adapted differently but using the book as an argument doesn’t hold any weight because there have been many notable changes in the adaptation.)
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Runaway || D. Targaryen x Targaryen!reader
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GIF by @hopemikaelsongf DIVIDERS by @straywords
Summary: In which you visit your uncle in the brothel after he disrespected your late baby brother, you propose something that shocks him.
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With a roll of your eyes, you manoeuvre your body around the near naked ones scattered around the brothel. The sight of the a silver haired lady in black and red was quite the shock to the crowds.
What in Gods name was the Princess doing in a brothel late at night? Nearing the steps to go deeper in the bowels, a young boy points to a direction giving you a nod as you nod back.
You hated this place, the obnoxious sounds of over-exaggerated moans were making your ears bleed. You walked with confidence, knowing your only purpose is to confront the idiot who disrespected your late baby brother.
Walking into a more secluded area, you scoff at the sight before you. Daemon laid resting on the floor, his shirt half unbuttoned as two girls sat around him. Their giggling stops once they spot you.
You cross your arms as the two whores quickly get up and walk away, leaving you and Daemon. Your uncle has yet to open his eyes, in his hand, a goblet of wine.
Frustrated by his ignorance, you take the goblet in your hand before splashing the contents on Daemon’s pretty face. He immediately sits up, coughing as he glares at you.
“Hello to you too, Princess” He snarls, wiping his face. “Have you no self-control of what you say, dear uncle?” You spit, alluding to the words he spoke earlier on in the night.
“I have no idea what you are talking about, speak plainly, niece” Daemon rolls his eyes as you stay crouched infront of him. “Heir for the day? Does that a ring a bell? or is your head too fucked up by the idea that you still have a chance to sit on the throne” You search his eyes, he glances at you before looking away.
“Some grieve in different ways y/n-“ You cut him with a slap across his face; your hand stung at the contact. His face swung to the side, he rolls his tongue against his cheek as he slowly nods.
“Are you fucking spying on me now?” He bitterly chuckles, “No,” You shake your head, “But Otto Hightower is, it was unfortunate how I had to hear it from that-“
“Cunt.” Daemon finishes for you as you pause, his eyes staring boring into yours. “We both know he’s the bane of most our problems, y/n.” Your uncle was right. Most people around you knew, but your father is too weak to notice.
“Don’t divert this conversation to that old hag,” You scoff, “That cunt had nothing to do with the words that rolled off your tongue” You press your finger on his chest as he leans his head on the wall.
“It was in the moment, I was drunk and upset, upset about fucking crispin or whatever his name is embarrassing me infront of our family!” He ranted, his voice getting louder by the second.
“Please, don’t blame your misfortunes, uncle-“ You were cut off by Daemons hand coming to the back of your head, pushing you towards him.
“I am speaking the truth dear niece, you out of everyone know I only do, don’t come barging into my only place of peace” “You have been given chance after chance Daemon, but I don’t think my father will forgive you for this time” You whisper, your voice slightly breaking as tears weld up in your eyes.
Seeing the tears threatening to come out, Daemon cradles your face in his hands as he places a kiss on your cheek lovingly. “I’m sorry. I truly am. If I could go back and change it, I would” He quietly says, his breathe smelt like alcohol.
“Leave King’s landing, let this all cool off, and maybe then, will my father forgive you” You insist, taking his hands from your face. Daemon sighs, “You want me to leave?” He furrows his eyebrows at you.
You stay still for a moment, trying to think of something to say. “Not without me” Your words shocked Daemon, “Princess-“ “I’ve always thought about this moment Daemon. Us running away together to Dragonstone, away from King’s Landing, away from all the politics. So let’s do it, and be done with all this bother” You rant to your uncle.
Daemon studies your face before rubbing your bottom lip with his thumb. “Are you sure ñuha jorrāelagon?” His voice soft, with a nod of your head, he presses his lips onto yours. (my love)
Your lips moved on their own and you smile at the familiarity of his tender lips that would spend hours on end peppering every inch of your body. “Let’s leave” You pull back, your forehead resting on his as he smirks.
“To Dragonstone then.”
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pterodactylterrace · 2 months
Why exactly did they decide to make Aegon SA the maid? In the books he never assaults anyone. He is known to have a “large carnal appetite” but it’s never mentioned that these women were forced in anyway. The closest we get is when we hear that he won the virginities of two maidens at an auction in flea bottom. Which, by my understanding, means he paid extra to be a whore’s first customer. It wasn’t some sweet innocent girl like we see in the show. The girls already worked in the brothel learning their trade. They don’t just yoink girls off the street and out their virginity up for sale.
So why include it in the show? Was it because they realized Aegon wasn’t nearly as horrible as Rhaenyra, so they had to do something?
Rhaenyra has 3 bastards that everyone knows about, but can’t say anything. Just committing open treason and no one is allowed to point it out.
She had beef with a literal 2 year old. She had multiple tantrums at her little brothers second name day hunt. Also looked right at him and compared the death squeals of a boar to the crying to children.
Suspected of killing her first husband. In the show, she shows Laenor mercy, but has no problem killing off one of his servants because they needed a body. You don’t understand! She reconnected with her uncle by fucking him on the beach at his late wife’s funeral! She just HAD to marry Daemon instead! Who cares that Laenor was in the process of recommitting himself to their marriage when she sprung this idea on him? He gets to live penniless with his boyfriend in Pentos or something! All he had to do was give up his family, his inheritance, his power, his place at court and all his wealth, along with the life of one of his father’s servants. Sure, he could have kept all those things, but then Daemon would get all broody about how he can’t openly fuck his niece!
Her second eldest is adamant he doesn’t want the Driftwood throne. She forces him to fight for it anyway rather than just quietly sending word that Luke is willing to allow Vaemond to inherit in his place.
Suggesting Aemond be tortured to learn where he heard her sons being called bastards after Luke just slashed out his eye. Not to mention that snobby “Thank you, father” that was totally inappropriate, unnecessary and sent Alicent over the edge.
In comparison, Aegon is a teenage boy who… likes drinking and jerking it. The worst thing he has done was mock his brother with a pig. Alicent corrects this behavior, and from what I can tell, the two boys were friendly towards each other after the time jump. Aemond and Aegon are chatting before dinner. Aemond stands to defend Aegon when Jace acts like he may try something. When Aemond gets punched by Jace and then pushes him to the ground, Aegon grabs Luke before he can do anythjng. Clearly they have grown close.
We see the twins at the fighting pit where Aegon allegedly goes often. How can they know that, though? Earlier in that episode Otto asks his personal guard (either Erryk or Arryk. Their names sound the same and they have the same face, I don’t know who is who) where he is and his guard admits that Aegon exploits his authority to order him away and then evades him. He admits he doesn’t have a clue what he gets up to. Then, later we see a boy with blonde hair and purple eyes, and it’s Aegon’s. No doubt in anyone’s mind. Clearly Aegon is knowingly breeding child fighters for the pit. Weird how he wasn’t there, though.
Matter of fact, the white worm just found him drunk off his ass and stashed him in the sept. That’s what he was getting up to. Getting drunk and likely paying for sex.
Now let’s analyze the scene where Alicent confronts Aegon.
Alicent is IRATE and Aegon is half asleep. Looks like he hasn’t moved in a while, tbh. Aegon asks if something happened. Don’t you think he would know if he did something? His mother reminds him about Dyana, and he seems very nonchalant about it. Not the kind of reaction you would expect from someone that just forced himself on a struggling servants. He saw it as just a bit of fun. His reaction just seems… off.
Now, we know GRRM likes to repeat plot points. One in the original series was Cersei only laying with Robert when he was drunk so she could finish him off some other way, and he wouldn’t remember. Aegon is a known drunk. There were no witnesses. Who’s to say Dyana isn’t a spy or a mole sent to fuck shit up?
She is in season 2. Why bring back an SA victim in season 2 if she doesn’t have more to add to the story? Sure, there could be a revenge arc, but from my understanding, Dyana is at a brothel in season 2. Now, did she wind up there after the Aegon incident (hard to believe considering she was given a pouch of coin to start a new life and she only made it to the end of the palace driveway) OR she went back to where she came from. Back to her mistress, the White Worm. We see she employs young women in her service. Who’s to say they didn’t make the whole thing up to try and sway more people towards Rhaenyra’s cause? Nothing makes a man look worse than SA.
So all the horrible things Aegon has done so far, has been hearsay. We don’t see anything other than him bullying Aemond when they were kids. So either the writers had to do something totally awful with his character, or it wouldn’t be such a landslide siding for Rhaenyra.
You know if they hadn’t decided to assassinate his character, it would be much closer to a 50/50 split. They also had to whitewash the hell out of Rhaenyra to make her more likable. In the books, SHE orders Vaemond’s death and feeds him to her dragon. So in the same episode they blackwashed Aegon and whitewashed Rhaenyra so the audience would root for her. Then they had the balls to say WITH THEIR WHOLE CHEST that they aren’t biased in their writing.
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spacerockfloater · 2 months
"He thinks it's shocking to her. But she doesn't just get shocked, she gets excited by it. …I think what it's saying there is that young women want sex as much as young men." — Clare Kilner, House of the Dragon, S1 E4 "King of the Narrow Sea" Director on Daemyra’s sex scene in the brothel
I feel the need to address this statement because the liberal feminist undertones it contains upset me.
Like, what? Rhaenyra is obviously his victim. The fact that the director said this scene is meant to show us that young women want sex is so insane, because 1. Daemon is no fucking young man, he’s 34 and 2. this is the same fucked up rhetoric rapists have been using since the dawn of time, the “she wanted this officer!” card if you will. Daemon is not trying to teach Rhaenyra about bodily autonomy and agency, he’s using her and shaping her to what he wants. Removing the blame from Daemon, the known killmonger and abuser who is coercing this young girl and wants to damage her reputation so he can get the throne, and promoting it as empowerment and freedom for the young woman, is peak liberal feminism.
We came such a long way and fought so fucking hard for women to claim their positions in society as leaders and to become emancipated, only for patriarchy to use our own thirst for liberation against us and lure us beneath the boots of men again under the pretence that sex/ sex work/ plastic surgery and every other activity that benefits mostly men will set us free, when in fact it is slowly ruining us and guiding us back to our own prisons, just like it ruined Rhaenyra and the chances she was given. And we’re not even batting an eye! In fact, 90% of the fandom is wholeheartedly applauding her for it and this is so embarrassing!
I personally find it really important to recognise manipulation when we see it. Hollywood is a patriarchal construction. There is nothing liberating about sleeping around with men and this is not to slut-shame anyone. As women, we simply can’t thrive in a society that men run by giving them everything they want, while knowing that we are still not gonna be respected afterwards, even if this act is as pleasurable for us as it is for them. You do not become powerful by riding a dick while feeling that you do it for yourself, because frankly, men do not care about your feelings, they only care that you’re riding their dick. The idea that sex with men can be empowering for women is wrong. You can never gain power in a situation where you have to sacrifice something or satisfy someone else, because this means that your power is granted to you by the person who receives the pleasure and therefore goes as far as that person is willing to allow it to go. We can’t win that way. Rhaenyra didn’t win that way.
Rhaenyra being introduced to a world of carnal lust, infidelity and selfishness is neither empowering nor liberating. She is Daemon’s victim who is manipulating her so that he can get everything she has. This relationship is not consensual because the imbalanced power dynamic between them does not allow it to be. Rhaenyra is just a young impressionable woman, wooed by a much older man who is manipulating her, so she follows the path he’s showing her in hopes that he’ll love her back, only to find him years later waiting for her to die in childbirth while she calls out his name, pressuring her to go to war even if she doesn’t want to and grabbing her by the throat when she tells him that the fate of the world is more important than what Daemon really desires: power.
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elizabethtudors · 2 years
I have a lot of thoughts about episode four and gender/sexuality
from the opening of the latest episode of house of the dragon, we are primed for a story about marriage.  rhaenyra begins the episode in a sort of christina rossetti’s goblin market where eligible suitors are paraded out in front of her.  she rejects them all.  we then see a shot of daemon flying back home.  during his welcome home reception we are reminded that rhaenyra is now 18 and mature (almost old for westerosi standards, GRRM I AM IN YOUR WALLS).  we have a scene between alicent and rhaenyra where rhaenyra says she wishes to not end up in the situation that alicent is in: a glorified breeding mare for a king.  alicent laments her loneliness and how all everyone sees is her role, the queen. rhaenyra’s conversation with alicent is then repeated in her conversation with daemon.  she expresses her fear of ending up like her mother and her desire to be more than just a political pawn in her father’s game, that men won’t want her for herself but who she represents (an ironic parallel to the beginning where she is offered protection but what good is protection if you have a dragon?).  
it’s when rhaenyra and daemon leave the castle that the show really starts to get interesting when it comes to gender, class, and expectations of sex and sexuality.
disguised as a man, rhaenyra wanders the streets with daemon.  intercut with scenes of her looking in awe at the magic tricks, sexual freedom, and common plays are scenes of alicent tending to viserys’ wounds.  viserys believes she has a gentler touch than those treating him, a reinforcement of traditional gender roles of wife as nurturer.  rhaenyra and daemon watch a play where the common folk recount her being named heir to great disappointment (a chorus of boos repeat) while aegon, who the play explicitly reminds us is named after a conqueror, is met with cheers because he has what rhaenyra does not: a cock.  rhaenyra tries to gain control of the narrative cheering when her name is mentioned but it is no good.  when she asks daemon why should she care about what they think, he reminds her that she will be queen of them one day.  it serves as another reminder to the message the show has been building since episode one: can a woman be accepted on the iron throne?  even disguised and given the authority of a man, rhaenyra is powerless to change the tide.  
once we get to the brothel is where things get very interesting.  We get cuts of daemon and rhaenyra journeying deeper into the depths like a sort of journey to the underworld.  They are interspersed with alicent being called to perform her wifely duties with viserys.  we get a shot of alicent below viserys (both literally and in terms of the power play in this sex scene), her eyes vacant as if no pleasure can be derived from the activity but only duty.  meanwhile, we see daemon telling rhaenyra that chamber in the brothel is a place where people come to take what they want.  we see many people of varying ages and sexualities in the throes of pleasure.  and daemon and rhaenyra join them.  the scene is deliberately vague.  did they have sex?  rhaenyra ends the scene with her pants down.  one thing is very clear, the encounter was purely driven by pleasure and lust, something lacking in alicent/viserys scenes.  for now, it seems rhaenyra has access to that kind of power, in spite of her sex, something she takes full advantage of when she returns home and sleeps with cristian cole.  in that sex scene, rhaenyra is the one who initiates it and she assumes the top position her father had, the position of power.  we have two ideas at play here: sex as duty and sex as pleasure.  and in this moment, it seems like maybe rhaenyra will be able to overcome her gender’s fate to genuinely enjoy sex for what it is both in disguise as a man and with someone who calls her princess and sees her for what she is.
of course, as the second half of the episode shows, that kind of power is an illusion.  otto hears from his spies that rhaenyra and daemon went to a brothel and tells viserys.  while viserys puts on a show not believing him (we will later learn that this is a farce), it becomes very clear that there is no power to be had for women when it comes to sex in this world.  alicent confronts rhaenyra and here is where we reach ultimate Gender Fuckery™️ in this episode.  rhaenyra denies anything happened.  however as the conversation progresses, rhaenyra realizes that her protests are not enough on their own.  so rhaenyra takes the gender expectation and roles in her denials.  daemon was her escort.  she could not leave without him and he took advantage of that and her.  she swears on her mother that she is a maiden, the same mother who quite literally bled out for the westeros gender expectations and roles.  it works.  alicent believes her and will even go to bat for her with viserys.
meanwhile, viserys confronts daemon.  this is perhaps the show at its most blunt and least subtextual (I know writers who use subtext and they are all cowards!).  daemon rightfully points out that at viserys’ age, they both making their way through the brothels and in response, viserys says, “we were boys, she is a girl.” (or something to that effect).  unlike rhaenyra, daemon does not have to hide what they did.  he is proud of it.  viserys rightly points out that he has ruined her and daemon plays his card: he was promised anything for his service in the stepstones, and what he wants is to marry rhaenyra.  yes he is married (will the artist known as rhea royce please stand up, girl we need to see you) but it doesn’t matter.  aegon had two wives after all, why shouldn’t he?  again, the callback to the conqueror but this time, despite having a cock, he is denied for a different reason.  viserys thinks this is a play for the throne that daemon has coveted.  is it? we don’t know.  we have certainly seen that he cares for her and she him (again when daemon tells viserys it was better he fuck her than another man, the idea that it be someone she desires rather than politicking).  
finally, viserys and rhaenyra have a conversation.  again, the prince that is promised prophecy makes an appearance, something that viserys uses to remind her that what is at stake is greater than the throne.  the word blood in the prophecy takes a new meaning when we consider how many times we have seen women bleed for the targaryen legacy and the ways pregnancy and blood have been linked throughout the episode.  viserys says that she will marry leanor, bringing together the two houses and conveniently fixing his sea snake problem.  rhaenyra rightfully calls this out as the political play.  once again, we are back to where we were at the beginning of the episode with rhaenyra being used as nothing more than a pawn.  she has done all this learning about sex and pleasure and her gender still traps her.  daemon can find sex freeing and empowering but she has had power taken away from her throughout this second half.  she does manage to eek out a minor victory in getting otto hightower out by rightfully pointing out his ambition but the victory ultimately feels hollow, especially when in the final scene, rhaenyra is brought a tea with abortive properties.  daemon may be able to walk away from their experience (quite literally) but rhaenyra is left with nothing but consequences.  women may get pleasure from sex as men do but cost is always great.
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themotherofblood · 1 year
Dear author, you don't know how happy I am to see that your ad requests are open. That said can I get an extremely romantic, overwhelming, passionate and rough smut with Daemon x Martell fem reader inspired by the song "Ang laga de", please?
you have no fucking idea how happy this ask made me, like kicking my legs and smiling like a lunatic happy. I have envisioned this very smut scene at least a hundred times. It is a little dark, both Daemon and Y/N are kinda crazy in this. Madly in love, literally
smut, talks of murder, blood, loss of virginity, oral (f), more blood, fingering and evil daemon being a softie.
Daemon Targaryen x fem!Martell Reader
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“I refuse to be your mistress!”
That is the last thing you had said to your beloved dragon prince.
The Dornish were said to be a shameless lot regardless, and here you fell for a married man.
The Rhoynish gods were laughing at your stupidity, there wasn’t even a lure placed for you to catch. You simply fell for him, hard.
What had been a month long endeavour to see your younger sister wed a distant Targaryen cousin. Turned to your own nightmare. You had never craved for something as much as you had Daemon Targaryen. His flirtatious deeds, bringing your flowers and trinkets had bouncing like a little girl. It was frustrating, you had tried courting before and yet it felt flat, you truly believed that men simply were not capable of pleasing you. Until he came along, him and that stupid red dragon that made you want Daemon even more
He became the thing you wanted to cry to the gods about, the sweets yours parents wouldn’t let you have or that fine silk dress that was far too big for you to wear. His niece Rhaenyra, also egged this fire further and not once had either of them mentioned that he was married! It was painful, really fucking painful, learning that his loyalty was sworn to another.
You’d spent nights unable to sleep on foreign beds, awake in the royal gardens of the Red Keep, where the prince kept you company till the sun graced the horizon and you had succumbed to slumber with your head in his lap. There was serenity, shared comfort that dwelled between the two of you. You had heard stories, counted first hand of the nights he’d spend in brothels with his whores. You didn’t care, you wanted him.
“I refuse to be your mistress.”
It was a lie, you would happily become his salacious secret should he have asked a second time. There was no dignity, no obligations or customs, to you there was just him and the one truth that boiled your blood hot. You had already given him a piece of you heart as you boarded the ship to return home. You wanted him to ask again, to whisk you away on his dragon and yet he allowed you the curtesy to return home with your honour intact.
“If there is anything the crown can provide for Dorne, do not hesitate.” Viserys coughed his words out as he presented his farewells to you in a crowded court
“Should I ask, you wouldn’t be able to provide it your grace.” You wandered, keeping your head low in respect for the man and your wants
“What is it that a king cannot provide,” Otto Hightower questioned, taking offence to your wording.
“Daemon Targaryen.” You stated, gasps echoed across the throne room. You had committed a crime, stained your honour for good. You didn’t care nor did you give Daemon a last look before boarding your ship.
Honour- what was it compared to feel of being in his arms? What was devotion if not sound of his voice relaying Valyrian poetry? What was love, if not your heart that drowned in his blood?
What was love- if not the letter of his wife’s untimely injury?
Rhea Royce, bedridden of her paralysis, remained frozen and useless to her husband.
There was much that Daemon Targaryen was capable of, much that you were capable of. The sheer fire that burned your passions would have soaked your own hands in Rhae Royce’s blood.
She didn’t love him.
You did.
Then came your brother, his stupid alliance and vengeance against the Targaryen’s was costing you your sanity, you had pleaded with him for weeks and then you succumbed to the insanity that perhaps there was venom in your heart for whoever kept you from your dragon prince.
It festered for days, the mirrors in your room painted with clay. Refusing to look at yourself until he laid eyes upon you as his wife.
You had sat at supper with your brother, his disappointment was clear. You wanted to lay with the enemy, if loving Daemon was treachery then you would happily lay your hands forwards retribution. There should have been sorrow, a searing burn of guilt- he was your family, your blood. You shared a cradle and a mother; nothing more. Your sweet brother, for now was thorn digging into your palm as you admired the flourishing bud of devotion. He had to be plucked out.
The forbidden subject was brought up once more, there wasn’t a request in sight but a demand from his brazen sister.
“Let me be his, let him have me.” A prayer, Qoren grew irate over your insolent behaviour.
He loved you dearly, his sweet sister who was blinded by the rage of love. He wouldn't allow it, claiming to chain you to your chamber if you made an attempt to contact him. You said nothing as you nibbled on your food, spatters of blood dripped onto your pie. You could feel your throat constricting and yet it was nothing compared to the agony you had been in without Daemon.
Qoren coughed profusely, blood dripping from his nose as his eyes widened at your betrayal. In truth he had betrayed you first, choosing to keep you away from the one thing you had ever truly wanted. You could taste the copper on your lips, corners of your eyes welling with tears as you ripped the small pendant from your neck; even with the antidote to the poison in your system. The despair never stopped.
An unpleasant event truly, yet what was anyone to do, Qoren had no heirs and your blood-bled mustard. In the true picture of your house’s words, you remained unbent; raging on in sheer will for one man.
Even tainted in blood, you wore white for him; to remain pure, awaiting him to paint you in the colours of his house
He will return for me, for my love
There was no assurance that he would fly to you, no evidence that Rhae Royce’s accident wasn’t a mere coincidence; yet your arrogance had you rubbing rose oil onto your skin.
My dragon would return to me, you were sure of it.
For days the men sworn to the Martells had sighted the skies day and night, all in hopes of seeing a red dragon looming over the palace. The very ladies that had dressed you since you were a child urged for you to see reason, men often toyed with naive noble ladies for their amusement. He hadn't toyed with you, you were his cherished doll, one he stole because he simply could.
“Princess,” A young squire heaved, a folded parchment in between his fingers. Sealed with a three-headed dragon.
Your wish was my command princess.
Even without a name, the curls on his lettering were indicative enough an answer for you.
He had indeed harmed Rhea Royce for you, just as you had killed your brother Qoren for him. In your heart, you knew he would find you soon; just as your orders for exotic flowers and wines were distributed to merchants, people in your household began to whisper of your delusions.
Then the black skies graced your hopes, almost taunting all those who questioned your faith in him. The moon, full as is lit the ocean in its milky glow, from those very black skies came your faith. Loud whistles of a dragon echoed through Old Palace. Yet another young squire mumbled out in laboured breaths.
You smiled to yourself as your ladies sat in silent shock, their efforts in dressing you in white and gold would bear fruit tonight. Their feet sprung to action, the jangles from their anklets were muffled in your ears, and you just smiled to yourself. You hiked you skirts up as you skipped down the corridor, the jangles on your gold anklets seemed to have been cursing everybody who questioned you.
The doors to the Old Palace opened as Daemon Targaryen rode in on horseback, and along with him came a small entourage. He sat tall atop his horse, finally a Targaryen worthy of conquering Dorne. You were sure your ancestors were screaming bloody murder, shunning you and wishing you ill will, and yet as you stood at the enterance of the Old Palace, your father’s name meant nothing infront of the man you loved.
“In a bustling court you asked for me, may all see; I have arrived.” Daemon proclaimed as he stood with his arms out. You feet hurried down the steps, hoping to grace him with an eternal embrace and yet he raised his hand to stop you dead in your tracks
“I applaud you, for a devotion even I was unknown to. You stripped yourself bare of your honour and dignity for a relationship you had no right over.” He retorted, you couldn’t understand was her perturbed? Is that what he was here for, to lecture you?
“What reasoning do you have for this madness?”
“Love.” You stated, even the word in itself felt lacking for the true tempest that swirled in your environs. It had to be bigger, all consuming.
“The one revolts against the mightiest of dragons, that love,” You walked towards him “The one that fearlessly professes her devotion at court, that love.”
“When she sees her beloved and forgets her family, that love.” You eyes glossed over, consuming your skin in wild fire, begging him to claim you already
His hands harshly grasped your forearms, shaking sense into your as he spoke.
“The Faith and my brother’s court will never see you as one of theirs,” He warned.
“I accept.” You smiled.
“Marrying me would have you walking on fire!” He reasoned, hoping you would back away; a flower far to delicate for him to touch. He would give his life for you to not wither.
“I accept.” You nodded.
“I have a wife, Rhea.” He grimaced at the thought of his bronze bitch “I shall never be able to provide you the title of my first wife.” His hand trailed up to hold your cheek, stroking away the moisture that had looked below your eyes.
“Taking my name as yours will bring nothing but notoriety.” He kissed you cheek.
“I accept.”
“Then let it be known, the world would remember us as one,” He moved backwards gesturing towards the priest in his entourage.
“The Watergardens,” You stated, gesturing your servants to lead the priest to the location.
Daemon had allowed you moments alone, your household torn over what was happening. While many sighed in relief, perhaps you would finally eat; let life make your skin glow yet again. The storm gave away and your lamp was still burning bright. He presented you with a head piece made of khaki cloth, amber and rubies with stray pieces of shells. You handmaidens were quick with it, pinning it onto your hair as Daemon made his arrangements. Caraxes looked over the Watergardens, whistling just as ecstatically as his rider as he perched himself on the beach mount.
The universe seemed to have been in agreement of your emotions, the wind on the beach picked up; cooling your overwhelmed and hot skin. The skies were clear, twinkling in stars and the full moon as the complimented the low tided waves crashing ashore. Your own servants had been quick, decorating the gardens with yellow and red candles and exotic Bravosi flower arrangements placed on vases. Daemon awaited you by the shore line.
Your hands held a dhanuchi, clay burners that held sizzling coal pieces accompanied with sandalwood. You hiked your skirts up, walking towards Daemon, counting your steps as your bare feet hit the sand, you were trying your hardest to breathe; he stood their awaiting you looking as galant as the day he received you at the Blackwater ports, it was from that day you knew your fate would be painted black in his name.
Daemon turned, toying with a black obsidian dagger as his eyes softened the second he saw you. He held his hand out for you take as you stopped next to him, placing the dhanuchi at the alter.
“This will hurt,” He whispered, gesturing to the dragon glass daggers. You shook your head, no pain would compare to the three moons you had spent without him. He lifted the edge against your bottom lip, drawing blood as he gently slashed a cut, he guided your hands to do the same. The taste of copper filled your mouth, a stinging sensation ran through your lips; one you knew would only soothe once you felt his lips on yours.
Blood of two, joined as one
You cut a gash on your palm, wincing as blood trickled to the surface; Daemon did the same with his before grasping your bloodied palm within his. The priest wrapped a silk across your palms, your lover’s lilac eyes held concern for your pains and yet wild adoration. You were to be his. Blood began to trickle into the cup of wine placed under you as the priest continued.
Ghostly flame and a song of shadows
Daemon marked your forehead with his blood, you followed his lead as the priest instructed the symbol you drew, he then offered you the cup of wine laced with your blood. You eyes never once left Daemon’s as you sipped on the strong wine before giving him the cup to do the same.
Two hearts as embers, forged in the fourteen fires
His hands came to rest at your cheek, both growing restless of the vows as he wiped the dripping blood from your lips.
A future promised in glass, the stars stand witness.
You pulled yourself closer to him, one might say you were dazed from the blood loss, in truth it was Daemon’s lilac eyes, how his hands caressed your skin. The wanting fires that engulfed the alter seeming leave everything in ashes but the two of you.
The vows spoken through time, of light and darkness.
He whispered along with the priest.
There was no shame in the way your lips crashed against one another, you tasted his blood on your tongue and yet his hands scorched your skin, almost consuming your body whole as his hands wandered everywhere as his lips claimed you. A stray tear fell from your eyes as your held onto his face, letting his tongue explore yours. You couldn’t breathe from the passion of it all, not that you cared; you life was now his to do with as he pleased.
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You rested on Daemon’s lap as he lounged on your window bed, working a healers poultice on the cut of his palm, still lingering in the after effects of wedding. His hands gently returned the favour as he wrapped yours in gauze, you prayed that it would scar; it was a testament for your devotion.
“There- all fixed sweet wife.” Daemon whispered, nudging his nose against your cheek. Heat immediately rose to you cheek as you looked away, you were his wife.
You shuffled off of him, you walked to the steaming dhanuchi that you had carried back to your bed chambers, you bed chambers smelled sweet from it aroma. You had lit in hopes of being blessed by the fertitly goddess, that your marriage remaind pure and secure for eternity. You pushed you skirts always as you climbed onto your bed, letting the steam grace and bless your bed with your unconditional wish.
You dropped the burner on the floor after, letting it submerge the room in its sweet smoke. You awaited your husband as he rid himself of his tunic, you shuffled closer as you sat on your knees. Admiring his toned body and taking account for every battle scar on his skin that you would spend the rest of your life healing with your love.
“Will- will you bed me now, husband?” You whispered, your lips dangerously closer to his, begging for another kiss.
“Oh, I plan to do more than just bedding you.” His lips moulded against yours once more as his hands tugged on the ties of your blouse.
“I conquer Dorne tonight,” He teased, peppering kisses to your temple down to you cheek. He pushed you back on the bed, almost immediately pouncing on top.
He grasped your wrists with one hand, pushing them above your head as he laid siege upon your neck. Laying warm- wet kisses and bruising nips at your neck; his hair tickling at your bare skin as your squirmed underneath him. There was no reasoning to the gentle throb that began pulsing at your core- you rubbed your thigh closer to make it halt. He pushed aside your unlaced blouse, your chest heaved as he suckled on your breast, pulling and licking the hardening pebble in his mouth.
You back arched if the bed, pushing your chest into his mouth, small open mouthed gasps left your mouth as his fingers danced past your navel; yanking on the fastening strings of skirts. His hands pushing your skirts and small clothes down at once, unwrapping you like present as your laid in his ordered positioning.
You succumbed to your exposure, you moved your head in shame, opting to look out at the glaring moon as it witnessed your de-flowerinng. Daemon took offence to your actions, using his fingers to guide your chin towards him as he groaned in disapproval.
“Three moons apart and you dare look away from me?” Daemon cocked his brow at you, freeing your hands as he ventured lower on your body.
“I- forgive me, my prince.” You whispered, your lungs refraining you from speaking any louder
“Husband,” He corrected as he pushed you legs apart.
“Husband.” You mewled in shame as his fingers stroked your folds that looked by the minute. His lips latched onto your inner left thigh, sucking and nipping at the skin.
All the while his eyes remained devious yet absurdly comforting, the two fingers that drew circles on your thighs or a small groans he left against your skin, indicative of how much he was truly enjoying himself. Just for his own satisfaction he marked your thighs at several spots, leaving darkening marks for you to reminisce over in the coming fortnight.
You felt intoxicated, revelling in the way his tongue wet your outer folds before indulging in the saccharine delight that was your cunt, a shameless moan echoed through your bed chambers as you felt his tongue flicking at a much sensitive spot. He moaned against your mound the second your taste hit his tongue.
His palm, large enough to lay flat over your soft belly to hold you flush a against the bed as he took his liberties, lapping at your like his last meal had been consumed days before. His eyes bore into yours, his own demeanour turning to command, strumming the pleasures of your body to his own rhythm.
“Such a sweet delight,” He complimented, mostly to distract you from his finger easing into your tightness. You immediately clenched down on the intrusion. “This shall ease the discomfort.” He elaborated before spitting onto your folds
Your head fell backwards in shame, focusing on the comforting caresses in your torso as Daemon plunged his finger in knuckle deep. You couldn't take the prolonging tasks no longer. You whined, pawing at Daemon’s trousers.
“Please, please have me already.” You begged, you wanted to feel him within you. You could careless of the pain or discomfort, you just wanted to be one
“Take them off,” He instructed, your hands immediately worked on unbuttoning his pants, before digging your fingers into her rear to pull them down. His cock- that thing hung pliant between his legs. Part of you looked up at him curiously, and the other half wondered how your envious would engulf such a monstrosity. Your eyes silently asked for permission, to which Daemon simply stroked your hair as your wrapped your hand around the warm appendage. You were unsure of what to do.
“Stroke it, gently.” He guided you as you followed, feeling his cock twitch in your hands as you moved your hands back and forth. His tip soon glistened in moisture leaking from within. All Daemon could think of were your sweet lips wrapped around his cock and yet there was an eternity to teach you of the pleasures of the flesh. “Good girl,” He cooed.
He urged you to lay back against the pillows, working his length to harden to its full potential. He hesitated, having taken many maiden heads before, he needed this to be delicate as he tore through yours. He circled his tip at your sensitive rose bud before pushing at your entrance. You gasped out loud, letting you arms wrap around his shoulders as he inched forwards.
The stretch of his efforts shot a stinging sche through your pelvis, and he halted. Kissing your cheek and cooing at you in an attempt to alleviate even a fraction of the discomfort you were in. He advanced all the way in, hoping to let your ride out the waves of pain; you cried out louder and yet there was a little more left to go
“Look at me, just me. I shall make it better.” He groaned, hoping to suppress his own pleasures that coursed through his body, your tightness strangling his cock with threats of nearly milking him dry before anything had even begun. He felt selfish for feeling bliss as you silently wept underneath him, he caressed your cheek, the thing he held onto as his lips kissed your face. Peppering kisses to your forehead and your lips, over and over again as he inched forward
“Dae-” You shrieked as he finally bottomed out within you, the pressure of the stretch making your eyes well in more tears. You pulled yourself closer to him, trying to muffle your weeps on the crook of his neck. His arm reaches under you to support your neck. His deeper voice whispered encouragements as he awaited you to adjust to the pain.
“Look at how well you take me,” He whispered in between kisses that he pressed in your temples “Made just for me, aren't you? My sweet little wife.”
“Just for you,” You sniffled, letting yourself rest back against the pillows.
There was a humiliating familiarity in the way your aches encouraged your actions, you shuffled underneath him. Hoping to get him to move and yet he solely focused on doting on your body.
“Husband-” You whimpered, making his eyes shoot to you as they were focused on where the two of you were connected just moments before. He hummed in acknowledgement
“Can you- um please.” You stuttered, almost frustrated at yourself for losing your wording this easy.
“You have to tell me sweet wife, show me what you need.” He asked, urging his will into your answer.
“Please move- I need you to move.” You requested, he smiled before angling his hips backwards; hissing wantonly in the process and you mewled under him. There was pain within the first few thrusts and yet the deranged tendencies of your blood milked pleasure from the pain that subsided to a subtle pressure in your belly.
Daemon lost his composure, uttering vulgarities in your ear; the most obscene of sentences paired with the sweets of names he had picked for you.
“Perfect little hole, taking me so well,” He’d compliment one minute.
“Should have fucked this cunt the first day I laid eyes on you sweet girl,” The next he’d complain of the things he’d regretted.
He held your jaw, a feral smirk adoring his lips as he took your apart, your bangles clicking as your body bounced with his determined thrusts.
“Daemon!” You shrieked, such hurtful pleasure causing you to bed for such sinful things
“Just like that, scream your husband’s name.” He grunted, “Let all of Dorne know who owns this pretty body. Go on tell me.”
“You do, you do.” Cries poured from your lips as you held onto his forearms. “My Daemon,” You moaned as pulled yourself up to kiss his lips.
“Yes, yes sweet girl. All yours.” His deviant smile widened. Your cunt began to flutter around him, such flattery could mean just one thing as Daemon pushed his pelvis against yours, his thrusts grinding at your nub.
“That’s it, just lay there and take my seed,” He growled, his playing again harshly grasping your jaw to make you look at him.
“Dae- Daemon!” The ever impending storm began to paw at your insides,
Not long now- “I want it, I want babes and so much more. Please, please.” You begged to hope that itch would finally give way, and so it did. With no warning and only a scream of your husband’s name, your body erupted in ecstasy.
Daemon groaned out loud, muttering praises of your name, good girl, his sweet girl. Yes, you were. All for him as you loomed on a cloud perched high above the ground, you only registered Daemon’s thrusts faltering and warm filling your core, and then you felt Daemon’s caresses on your skin as you coaxed your heaving body to stability.
“Still with me?” He whispered against your hair and all you could muster was a lazy nod against his chest. You hissed feeling his cock leave your opening, he pushed you through it all. Letting his body weight do the work for you as he pulled himself to sit up along with you.
You finally opened your eyes, blinking away stray tears as he wiped at the trails of moisture on your cheeks. He bundled your exhausted body against his as he lifted you off your bed, walking you along to your chaise before wrapping a spare blanket against both your bodies, almost rocking your vulnerable body to a humming under his breath.
Maids poured into the clear martial bed, they all frowned at the image of their beloved Lady Martell curled against a dragon without a care as you nuzzled against him. Daemon snapped his fingers at them as they began to carry the bloodied sheets away, gesturing to the corner of the room for them to leave it behind. He planned to gift it to his brother’s council, as a warning.
There was nothing anybody could refuse Daemon Targaryen from- that and that he had a new wife. A wife of his choice, a wife he intended on loving until his death bed.
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Daemon fucking his little sister in a brothel!!
Everyone seeing the Rogue Prince get mounted and dominated by his tiny baby sister who shamelessly pursues her brother.
Refusing to get off his cock until he finishes inside her!
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
“We can’t keep doing this.” Daemon whispered into your ear; the rogue Prince was breathless as his hands reached for your hips. His words hardly registered to you as your soft, beautiful body rocked against his. Your delicate fingers brushed through his locks before you tugged them; his head falling back as he gasped.
“Is that what you want?” You purred, brushing your noses together as your bouncing slowed down but your soaked pussy still fluttered around his fat cock. Daemon could only groan; those bright eyes of his locking on your own matching ones. A smirk tugged on your bottom lip before you leaned in and passionately captured his soft lips.
Any answer the Prince was about to give was lost. “I thought not.” You hummed; your tongue slipping inside his hot mouth to dance with his own. Your soft, ample breasts brushing against his chest as you began to take your pleasure. His hands moved to your arse now; palming you as he tried to focus. Not that he got far with that.
Your own head fell back with your bright locks cascading freely down your back; free from the royal braids that usually decorated your head. The sound of your body falling back against his whilst you bounce echoes around the room. The idea of those watching eyes of the whores surrounding the room only had you more aroused.
You gently reached for his hands and brought them to your sweet, ample breasts that were dancing in front of him. Slowly you guided him to palm your breasts; your praises for Daemon easily falling from your lips. You could feel the Prince melting beneath you and you couldn’t stop the smirk coming over your face now.
You had him just where you wanted him; where you needed him, you thought to yourself as your stomach began to tighten. Gently, you cupped his face. “I love you.” You whispered truthfully even if you used it as a manipulative technique. You brushed your noses together before your eyes fell shut. His response was a whisper too.
“It’s just you and me - forever.” You whispered your promises. “We are the only ones that matter.” Your words were like beautiful poison. Daemon could only drink it up. You continued to whisper sweet nothings into his ear. His hands returned to your arse now as his involvement in the act increased. The smirk on your face only widened. 
Thankfully, it was hidden as you burrowed into his neck. You began to press soft, open mouthed kisses on his soft skin. His moans were louder now, much to your enjoyment as his hips began to pick up their speed. “Yes..oh, gods…” Your cries were louder than they needed; but you enjoyed putting on a show more than you should.
His free hand moved up your body, softly trailing until he was palming your breasts once more. Your soft nipples pebbled in arousal. Daemon leaned in and hotly captured them. His tongue begins to circle your nipple. A moan escaped the rogue Prince as your soaked pussy clamped around his already throbbing cock.
Your hands delicately moved onto his shoulders as you used him to steady yourself. Your hips rocking with his own. Sweet moans from the both of you echoed around the room with ease as you spelled his name with your hips. His cock pushing deeper; his fat head pushing against your spongy spot had you shaking.
Your toes curled in pleasure as you whined out his name; your eyes welling up in pleasure as you kept control of the situation. Your bouncing only quickened as you completely let yourself go and enjoyed the moment. Daemon still sucked on your breasts; his free hand reaching to palm the other as you quickened your movements.
Your head fell back with pleasure as his thrusts only became quicker now; his desire for you growing with ease. Your body hummed as Daemon seemed to fall into your trap once more. The rogue Prince was a puddle at your touch. The power that instilled inside you was addictive; just like the pleasure he could give you.
“So close..” You babbled out; his name falling loudly from your lips once more as you clung to his shoulders. His hands moved up and down your sides now as you leaned closer; his head now in between your breasts. Daemon began to softly mouth at you; his own moans now muffled as you whined out. Your soaked pussy fluttering around his cock.
Your stomach was tightening even more now as his hold on you only tightened. His arms wrapping around your bare body; keeping you impossibly closer. Your hips quickened. “Oh..gods..I.” Your climax ripped through you before the last words fell from your lips. You squirted around his throbbing cock as your cries of his name echoed.
Daemon groaned into your ear; his hand harshly palming your arse as you shook against him. “Please…please cum inside me.” You purred. His head moved from side to side, much to the Princess’ annoyance. “Dae…” You whined out the familiar nickname and you felt his hips snap. You knew there would be marks against your soft skin in the morning.
A thought you enjoyed a little too much. The idea of being marked by Daemon had you purring some more. The shuffling of feet was seemingly louder as you looked to the side; your eyes glazed in pleasure. “I can’t.” Daemon mumbled into your ear even as his thrusts continued. His fat cock throbbing some more.
Your own bouncing continued now as you thought to overwhelm him with pleasure. “I want it, please..” You whispered prettily into his ear. “Give me a son..” Your smirk was back in place now as you tugged onto his hair. Those eyes of his locked onto your own as you gently stroked his cheek; the act something he leaned into.
“You can do this.” Your whispering continued. Your lips soon lovingly captured his own as your bouncing quickened. His own stomach was tightening now but he still shook his head. “Shh, let me have it.” You hummed. His fat head once again bullying your spongy spot that had you squirting with each thrust of his cock.
Your smirk only widened as you hid into his neck once more; your teasing words escaping you. Your soaked pussy clamping down and before he knew it; his own release was ripping through him. Daemon couldn’t move even if he wanted to as his cum flooded your pussy. “Yes..so good, good boy.” You moaned and purred.
Your own wetness was falling down his length as you still moved. His hands had slowly moved to your hips now; his hold no longer tight as he rested back against the cold wall. “Fuck…” Daemon groaned out as you began to milk him. His own legs shook for a moment as your soaked pussy fluttered around him, taking all he could give.
“Hmm, thank you.” You purred, brushing your noses together as your lips twitched if only for a moment. Daemon was still completely out of it as you slowly moved your hips. A moment later you gently removed yourself. The slick sound of him falling from your still weeping pussy echoed around the room as the audience continued to watch.
“I will see you soon.” You promised; leaning closer to press a soft kiss to his forehead. Daemon could only stare; wondering what he had just done as he watched his cum drip down your legs. The silk gown wrapped around you perfectly as you tied it. “I have a husband to see.”  You hummed; looking over your shoulder once more.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 month
seeing how some greens act like rhaenyra being groomed by her uncle, and subsequently being unable to let go of him, is HER personal failure turned me into a rhaenyra extremist when i simply enjoyed her character beforehand.
im really glad you're speaking about it because even though it's fiction, it still perpetuates a very dangerous rhetoric
wait this gives me an excuse to ramble, pls excuse me if i phrase things maybe a little crassly here, it’s a delicate topic i’m speaking indelicately about but also, i think i should be allowed bc [redacted] BUT-
obviously i don’t like, love, some of the changes to the show but i think the first half does a great job of setting it up to where you can see both alicent and rhaenyra are surrounded exclusively by much older men who want to fuck them, and have just no way of knowing who is being genuine with them. because no one is really! so you have episode 4, where alicent is sleeping in a room with pornographic art on the wall and being called to her husband’s bed and she can’t say no, and he’s not going to do anything to make the whole thing even marginally easier for her. and then you have rhaenyra, pulled from her bed by her uncle to a brothel, and she’s completely exposed, and she’s experiencing new things, and he’s purposefully trying to make this feel good but also overwhelming for her, then abandons her drunk & confused & half naked. this is The Same Thing - they’re both being used and manipulated by a much older man, but because that manipulation looks different, they react different. but it’s still manipulation.
yes, the type of abuse is different when it’s like, your ugly ancient grandpa grooming you vs a handsome 30 year old stranger you met online that you tell all your high school friends is your boyfriend, but ultimately, both the grandpa and the 30 year old boyfriend are abusers but more importantly, the granddaughter and the high schooler are both victims!!! i think a lot of people when analyzing this whole thing, will pin daemon as a groomer but then completely forget that this also makes rhaenyra a victim. some people will even hee hee haw haw over it because “oh your feminist icon would rather marry her groomer uncle than her gay cousin in the book” DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF. could it possibly be that rhaenyra prefers daemon to laenor because daemon has manipulated her into thinking she is only free with him? she is only safe with him?? could it possibly be that he has been giving her gifts and taking physical liberties with her for her whole life, and being the Good Cop, Sweet Confidant to her parents Bad Cop her whole life, that she feels taken in by him because he is all she knows???? in the same vein that alicent just swallows all the poison and bullshit from otto because that’s her father, and his protection is all she knows????
honestly part of like ~the discourse~ that’s most frustrating is that most greens just refuse to see rhaenyra’s pov or see that she’s also a grooming victim grasping for power to protect her own children, again just like alicent, but on the flip side, most of the analysis from the blacks side is like “if you think nyra is a victim of grooming you are just as bad as the people calling her a whore for having children out of wedlock” and like, how do you even engage with that. with either of those opinions. you can’t wksjd so if youre, ya know, like a normal fucking person who can see how both girls are being manipulated, but you have like a fondness for nyra specifically, it’s just constant bad takes. there’s nowhere to go to escape the bad takes.
i thought we had already hashed out this idea that being aware or unaware of your victimhood doesn’t suddenly mean you’re not being oppressed during the main show with arya and sansa but no, we’ve actually just taken this exact same annoying fandom discourse about which teenage girl is dealing with being abused in the most acceptable way and made it a thousand times worse.
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His Love
|Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader|
Part Six
Master List of Series
Summary: Being a bastard born in the slums of Flea Bottom was all you were known for. Not the streak of white you had in your dark hair, the violet ring around your pupils, or how your sharp tongue and skills with the blade resembled your father, Daemon Targaryen. You were just a bastard, nothing more, but to him, to Aegon Targaryen, you were everything. You were his love.
Author's Note: I want to thank everyone for their patience with these updates every two weeks. This schedule works out perfectly for me, and I don't have to disappoint anyone with delays! I've gotten a couple questions regarding everyone's age for this story which I figured would happen. I kept the ages of everyone vague on purpose. Aegon is between 14-17, Aemond is 11-14, Halaena is 9-11, and the reader is 10-14. No matter what age you pick, they're all still minors. I hope that helped a bit!
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Chapter Warnings: Traditional Targaryen family dinner, canon typical violence.
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You had a sense of Deja Vu before the wide entrance of the dining hall, only this time, you were not alone. Next to you was your supposed father. You chewed on your lip nervously, pulling the thin scab that covered your marks from earlier.
So many things were left unanswered you had no idea where to begin. Were you truly his daughter?
Your mother was a prostitute; how could he be sure? How did he not know she was pregnant? That is not an easy thing to hide. How many brothers and sisters did you potentially have, was Daemon the monster Ma believed him to be, and who was watching you now, ready to report back to her?
"This is unnerving," you decided to say, not brave enough to voice your questions yet. He snorted, his eyebrows raising for a moment before he shifted his weight and took your arm in his.
"It is unnecessary, but is that not all customs to those unaware?" You mimicked his expressions but turned your gaze down, retaking your lip between your teeth. "Stop that," he chided as a father would, and you obeyed. You couldn't help it; the feeling came as an instinct.
Two guards opened the doors, and another from inside the dining room announced your presence to the family sitting at the great table. As you walked arm-in-arm with Daemon, you became even more ridged than the crown's sworn protectors.
Six sets of brown and violet eyes turned your way. An urge to channel your anxiety overcame you, but you stopped, remembering your father's -Prince Daemon's- words. You squeezed his thick black sleeve instead, and he glanced down at you, his eyes the same as the others.
Aegon was the first to stand in your presence, almost making your blank expression change, the other five soon following. No longer was his short platinum hair stringy, curls sticking to one another, but were clean, nearly a shade lighter with all the dirt gone. His rags had changed into a dark, emerald green tunic, a golden chain decorated with the same colored gems, and the sigil of House Targaryen embroidered on the chest.
Now that the alcohol had wholly left your system, heat filled your limbs, realizing just how handsome he was. His pouted lips stained a light red from wine, and he had a lively pale face with clear eyes. You were still upset with him. This was all his fault. You could have avoided this if he had kept to himself and gone straight to Madam's brothel instead of stealing you away.
As you and Daemon approached the table, you saw Aegon move from his seat, nearly sprinting to an empty one as he pulled it out. You looked to your father -Daemon- questioning whether or not you should accept Aegon's chivalry. He did not indicate what you should do, so you did the only thing you could do in that situation. Take Aegon's hand.
He kissed the top of it, his violet orbs boring into your slightly panicked ones as a grin graced his lips, helping you into your seat. Though Aegon wanted to sit next to you, he thought better of it, returning to the spot next to his sister wife as he took a swig of his drink.
Everyone sat tense. An older woman around Lyra's age with chestnut brown hair stared at you, her gaze like ice, trying to wither away a fresh sprout of spring crops with a layer of frost. Queen Alicent, you realized, the dark green gown and seven-pointed star giving her identity as if she said it herself. It looked as if she hated you simply for being in her presence.
You should have bowed and scolded yourself for not, your eyes wide as the anxiety bubbled into your mouth. You ignored Daemon's earlier warning as you tugged at the loose skin on your lip.
"Prince Daemon," the young Queen spoke, finally breaking her stare from you. "How pleased am I to have heard the news of your arrival. I had presumed you, the Princess Rhaenyra, and her sons would travel together, not one to stray far from your nest."
You looked at Daemon, worried and confused, your gaze traveling between them. The hostility and passive aggressiveness were as plain as the soup the servants brought out, quietly placing the bowl in front of you.
"I saw no need for the Princess to travel in her condition. As you know, pregnancy is such a precarious condition." Daemon did not react to the hidden animosity behind her words, answering as if he was talking about the weather.
The Queen hummed, nodding and pursing her lips as she gathered some soup on her silver spoon. You did the same, imitating her actions so as not to cause more attention to yourself. You have dressed the part of a royal but felt anything like it, accidentally slurping the broth from your spoon.
Muffled laughter came from the left of you, your eyes pausing on the empty seat between Queen Alicent and a man that shared her looks. Aegon was leaning back in his chair with a chalice of wine in his hand. She gave her son a glare opening her mouth before the large dining hall doors did the same.
"King Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name," a guard announced, his accent prominent as everyone rose from the table."King of the Andals, the Roynar, and The First of Men."
Four men carried the King on a decorative chair, leaning slightly on his ivory cane and dressed in a magnificent pile of red, gold, and black robes, a small wound on his face. Everyone was staring, their faces somber with a hint of disgust and pity. It almost felt disrespectful to gaze upon a man who held the Seven Kingdoms in his now frail hand, a man who sat upon the Iron Throne, a seat stained with blood and ash. You looked everywhere but him.
The men carried him straight to you, sitting his makeshift throne on the stone floor with a thud. Your gaze was downcast out of fear and respect for this man's position.
"My child," he rasped, his chest heaving with the effort it took to speak, "look at me."
"Come," he ordered, and you stepped closer, a servant to the King. The shadows of the candlelight danced on your skin, hiding your face. He stared into your eyes, his gaze searching for something. His expression was like a maester studying an object from old Valyria, looking at the hidden story behind every crack and dent.
Alicent glanced at a man dressed in the Kingsguard armor, his hair as black as coal, sharing a questioning but frustrated look. Aegon stood like the well-behaved Prince his mother wanted him to be, hands clasped at the front, attempting to hide an ever-growing grin.
How fun this is, he thought, swaying his body like a child waiting for sweets. He finally found something his mother loathed more than him, a kinship forming in his heart. It made him want you more-- made him want to take you to the full-length window in his room and fuck you for all King's Landing to see. It would be you and him, he realized, you and him for the end of time.
"How it gladens me to finally meet my brothers first born," the King said, shocking everyone in the room as he softly stroked your cheek.
Alicent could not hide her scowl from her father, crossing her arms and looking away. Though Rhaena and Baela were not there, she felt pity for them. Prince Aemond, silent for this interaction, quietly scoffed, not enough for his old father to hear but for his young mother to scold him.
"You are a dragon now." King Viserys wanted to say more, mumbling about how he forgot his words as you looked at Daemon warily.
You didn't trust this. Everything was going too smoothly. Even being raised as part of the small folk, you knew it was not customary to give bastards the same position as a trueborn child, especially when it involved the Iron Throne. Perhaps the time had softened the man, no longer a firm believer in tradition. Rhaenyra remained the heir even after Prince Aegon was born, sure to confirm it. King Viserys just wanted a family bound by love for one another.
Unease was all you could feel as you curtsied, imagining what the women at court would look like as Viserys tapped his cane on the ground, signaling his guards for his next destination between the Hand and his wife.
You returned to your seat Prince Daemon nodding once to assure that you did well, a light graze crossing your lower back in comfort.
No eyes were on the King as he told everyone to be seated well into the meal's first course. You couldn't bring yourself to look at anyone, focused on the new plate in front of you and shakily picking up your fork. A male servant topped off the drink you had yet to touch. Its beautifully designed engravings were too precious for your flea-ridden hands.
One stare you could sense above the rest, assuming it was Aegon, you glanced up only to find him throwing back his fifth goblet of wine. It was the other Prince, recognizing his long snowy hair and leather eyepatch as the boy who ran out of Madam's brothel in tears. The same boy who pushed you to the sandstone ground and called you a whore. You knew he remembered you also, twirling a table knife with his nimble fingers, the silver glinting in the candlelight.
You returned his stare, the intensity of a dragon's flame searing into him as he, too, received a plate in front of him. It was a silent battle of wills, waiting for one to inevitably fault and the other to reign victorious. You knew not why Prince Aemond seemed to hate you so. Perhaps catching him in such a weakened state of vulnerability was why, but you saw the same emotions in the Queen. Maybe it was simply because his mother disliked you.
"I am very much excited to have another woman in the family," the small blonde-haired girl said next to you. She looked much younger than you, her purple eyes soft as she smiled kindly.
It was you who lost the battle, giving the Princess your attention as she spoke to you with such sweet words. "I am afraid there are too many boys running around in this castle, and it has become very isolating."
She twirled her thumbs. You noted that nervous habits seemingly run within the family as you searched for a piece of skin on your lips.
"Nobody wants to play with me," she whispered, ensuring her family did not overhear her complaints. "Aegon calls be strange, and Aemond focuses on his studies, but you will play with me? Will you not?"
You felt pity for her, a frown forming slightly in sympathy as you agreed.
"Of course, Your Grace," you nodded, and she smiled brightly.
"Please, you must call me Halaena. We are family now." She grabbed your hands, intertwining them with yours as she lifted them with glee, happy to finally have a friend.
Yes, she had her bugs, the tiny creatures that crawled on her arms as she giggled with delight, speaking to them as if they were human, but they never talked back. She was glad to find something that would finally. You could share her love of the creatures.
The screech of wood against stone echoed in the dim room, the King standing with new confidence as he looked upon his family. He was not blind to the hatred among his kin, but his heart led him, wanting them to love one another as a family bound by fire and blood.
"It lifts this old mans spirits," he began, staring at the children in front of him, "to see my House united. Seeing them sit next to one another as a family should. Bound by their duty for each other." Viserys picked up his goblet, splashing some red drink over the rim with his shaking grip. "Let us drain our cups in honor of House Targaryen's power. The most Dragonriders Westeros has ever seen! And the coming legitimization of Prince Daemon's first born! " He looked over to you, "Perhaps, in some time, young one, you too will know what it is to saddle the beast and claim the skies."
He raised his drink higher, toasting to your future. A future you had not known possible until now. You mimicked his action, as did everyone else, ignoring the burning of your mouth as you downed your wine.
Prince Aemond was red with fury, balling his free hand into a fist, nails biting crescents into his palm. He had never gotten such uplifting words while struggling to claim a dragon. He was the forgotten second son of the King, not good enough even to be a spare, yet this... bastard was receiving the attention he had longed for since he was a small child. Aegon's seemingly glad demeanor only served to worsen his anger.
They had not been close as young children. Aegon constantly taunted him for not having a dragon, even going so far as to give him a pig with the help of his nephews. But ever since that fateful night in Driftmark, the night where Aemond claimed the most enormous dragon in history and had his eye taken as penance. Their father had done nothing to rectify the situation, going as far as to have Aemond threaten to be questioned about where he heard the rumor that ended in losing an eye. 
Since then, it was an unspoken agreement between the brothers always to have each other's back. For Aegon to stand in Aemond's blind spot and for him to always look out for his brother after one too many Arbor Reds. They still did not get along wholly. He was unhappy with how Aegon decided to conduct his daily life as the unspoken heir to the Iron Throne, and Aegon forever wondered how far precisely the stick went up his younger brother's ass.
Daemon's hand patted your knee, reassuring you without needing to be asked. You had not expected a man with the title of "The Rogue Prince" to be so... fatherly, and you could not help but lean into his comfort, smiling at him gratefully.
The feast was finally in full swing, well on its way into the fourth course and waiting for the main to be brought out. A small band played in the corner, the string instruments creating a lively but elegant tune as you swayed to the music slightly. Everyone at the table was tense except for you, your father, and the King; he was too old to be fully aware. If this were how all royal feasts were, you would dread them for the rest of your life.
A hand on your arm stole you from your thoughts, fully expecting it to be Aegon coming to badger you, but saw the dainty fingers of a girl. Halaena was staring at you with a bright smile on her peony lips, asking you for a dance.
You blushed, shying away from her invitation. "I am afraid I do not know how, Princess," you said bashfully. She smiled wider, tilting her head as if she was sharing a secret.
"Do not worry. I don't have much of a knack for it either, but we will be the only two that know, yes?" Halaena looked at you expectantly, holding out the palm of your hand as you stared.
"I suppose so," you grinned, taking the invitation as she whisked you to the open floor.
Neither of you cared about the judgmental looks from the Queen and Prince Aemond, jumping to the upbeat music in no particular order, linking your arms as you skipped together.
It was beautiful to act like your age again, forgetting about the impending future of responsibility that came with being a royal and just having fun. Yes, you were a commoner, but you were never allowed to experience the Festival of the Mother or a celebration of the Harvest Moon. Now, you knew why, but then you saw it as a stupid act of authority by Ma.
You grabbed Halaena's tiny hands, doing a push-and-pull movement while spinning in a circle, your hair loosening from its pinned style. You both made up your choreography on impulse, not worried if it went with the music.
You continued spinning her, laughing as the tempo sped up. Her long golden blonde hair whipped in the air, creating an ethereal look matching her blue dress. Her purple irises sparkled with delight, crinkling with laughter, and she stumbled backward. Halaena stood, dusting off her gown as she returned to you but was cut off by an uninvited, but welcomed participant on Halaena's part.
Prince Aemond stood a few centimeters shorter than you. His hands clasped tightly around his back.
"My apologies for the intrusion," he said to his sweet sister, Halaena blushing and shying away.
"No apologies needed, dear brother," she giggled, "I meant to get a drink." She smiled as she brushed a long strand of golden hair behind her ear, stealing one last dance at her older brother.
You bit your lip, not out of anxiety but from the peculiar interaction between brother and sister. You seemed to be missing something.
"May I have this dance, my lady," he said stiffly, the title forcing its way out of his mouth.
"The song has hardly ended, Your Grace, perhaps the next one," you declined, beginning to take your place next to Daemon, but Prince Aemond grabbed your arm, forcing you to stop.
"I know you have no inclination of manners here in the royal court, seeing as you were raised by..." he trailed off, looking you up and down with distaste, "those of smaller status, I will not take your rejection as insult."
You stared at him, astonished. His words were so proper and sounded so respectful, but they made you feel little, so... small.
"I will ask you again, my lady. Will you dance with me?"
You couldn't refuse, taking his outstretched hand as he led you in dance. You didn't say a word, concentrating on not tripping and keeping up with Prince Aemond's pace.
King Viserys looked on with glee, smiling with his missing teeth as his family danced together. This could be a stepping stone, he thought, to the end of the intermittent squabbling Rhaenyra's children and his own had. If they could extend the olive branch to a bastard of Daemon's, why couldn't they with their true-born kin?
The dance was going smoothly, neither of you talking, serving to your advantage. You knew this was a bad idea to accept Princess Halaena's offer to dance, but now you were interlocked with the One-Eyed Prince, following his move to jump and clap as you switched directions, accidentally landing on his foot.
"Oh, Gods! I am so sorry, my Prince; I did not mean to!" You began, ready to offer a thousand apologies for your misstep, as you saw Aemond's lips purse.
"I am sure it is quite alright." Prince Aegon appeared at your side, wrapping his arm around your hips in a protective manner. "Isn't it, brother?" Aegon practically told his younger brother.
"Of course it is," he said softly.
You glanced at Aegon with discomfort, then back to Aemond, seeing his once pink face shadowed with disappointment and anger as Aegon waved him off. He looked at you with an unreadable expression on his boyish face. He bowed, not making eye contact as he returned to his seat.
It upset Prince Aemond that his dance was cut short. He wanted to spit out all the vile insults he couldn't say to his nephews, but when he saw your nervous face and smelled the calming aroma of your bath oils, he could not find the right words. You were helpless, a mouse cornered by the pursuing tom cat. It simply would not be fair to squash you.
Prince Aemond prided himself on being better than his brother. The son, who studied history and philosophy, kept up on the battle in the Step Stones and was the cupbearer during the council meetings. The throwaway second son, cowering in the first son's shadow.
"May I have this dance, my lady?" Aegon asked, bending at the waist and extending his hand.
You took a breath and steadied yourself, your skin flushed with a light sheen of sweat as you pushed your hair back. You peered past Aegon's shoulder, Daemon's slightly turned figure watching you as a stag was placed on the long oak table. He nodded, and you took Aegon's invitation.
He lifted his arm in an "L" shape, telling you to do the same as you circled each other, the music now a darker sound, but the tempo still upbeat. He smiled. His expression hides a malicious intent, the knowledge of man's sins behind it.
"You look ravishing tonight, little one," he complimented. You quickly glanced at Daemon, ensuring he didn't hear the term of endearment.
"Do not call me that, Your Grace," you whispered pointedly, leaning closer to him. Aegon couldn't help himself as his eyes traveled down your neck, pausing at the necklace your father gifted you and how it complimented your sweat-coated skin.
"Awe, pretty girl, it is just a pet name for you. After all, we are family now," he jabbed, leading you into dance.
"I would hardly call ourselves family," you scoffed, concentrating on not tripping. "I have not been declared as such in the eyes of the Seven or the law. My birth is not yet legitimized." You knew this discussion was futile, like arguing with a child, but you couldn't help it as he continued to bait you.
"My, if only we had an event planned for that very thing," he snickered as you switched directions. Aegon was enjoying this dance, reminding him of the childhood games he played, teasing a donkey with a carrot as he spun you.
"Is this why you brought me here, Aegon? Because you knew I was a bastard?" He shrugged, lifting you by your hips to get you to stop talking. "Why you had me wasted on cups and..." You couldn't finish the sentence, your cheeks heating up from something other than exertion.
Aegon smirked, the candlelight shining on his wet teeth as he grabbed your wrist, pulling you to him with his arm around your waist. This was improper. You could tell from the soft screech of a chair as you saw Daemon give you his full attention, not yet standing but ready to pounce at any moment.
"Aegon," you said softly, your breath hitting his wine-stained lips. You couldn't think straight. He was too close, and you could smell the sweet Arbor Red on his breath. Your whole body became hot, a wave of heat that felt almost icy, rushing between your legs.
"My sweet girl," he whispered against your skin, and you melted, stopping his swaying as the music ended. You were sure it was the alcohol talking, but you didn't stop him. He grabbed your jaw, the dirt under his fingernails gone as they pierced your skin. "You are so kind and different from the rest of us," he confessed. "You feel different, taste different."
You were unsure what he meant by that, distracted as he leaned his forehead on yours, staring into your peculiar eyes. You didn't care how everything was silent nor how all conversation ended with your dance. It was just you and Aegon, the boy who had shown you all that Ma had sheltered you from. The body that made your pulse quicken and knees weak despite all the wrong he had done to you. You closed your eyes as Aegon did, breathing his air as your lips parted.
The sound of chairs screaming and falling to the stone floor made you flinch, pulling away slightly as your eyes opened. Aegon gripped your jaw harder and, in a split second, was pulled away from you, his nails scratching your skin.
Daemon was a fire of black and red, punching Aegon in the cheek as he grabbed his wool tunic and shoved him against a wall. Prince Aemond was up at the same time as your father, his strides significantly smaller and taking more time as he went to defend his brother.
"You believe you can treat my daughter as one of your whores? Dishonor your wife in such a blatant display," Prince Daemon seethed. The King shouted, but he ignored him, his fist clenching around Aegon's neck.
"She didn't seem to mind," Aegon quipped, a smile forming on his red face.
You stood frozen, unsure what to do, if you could do anything. This was why they called Daemon The Rogue Prince, strangling his kin. The violence had thrown you off center, never having seen anything like it. It was odd how pink Aegon's face became, a vein popping out of his forehead as Daemon squeezed his throat. A voice encouraging you to see it to the end.
Halaena whimpered, plugging her ears and turning away as she saw Aemond attempt to pull Daemon from her brother. Queen Alicent screamed at her personal guard, telling him to protect her son. The others took a moment too long before they went to Aegon's rescue. It seemed as if they did not want to, waiting for explicit instructions.
Alicent's guard unsheathed his sword, pointing it at Daemon's neck. Finally, did Daemon listen, removing his hands from the Prince and stepping away, shoving Aemond off him.
Aegon gasped for air, his ragged breaths breaking you from your trace as you hurried over to him, only to be stopped by your father. Everyone followed suit, questioning him.
"You will do well not to attempt to sully my daughter's honor again," Daemon spat, urging you toward the exit.
"What are you doing," Queen Alicent yelled from her place next to her child. "Seize him!"
The Kingsguard with hair as black as night went towards Daemon, his sword placed back into its scabbard.
"Enough," King Viserys shouted, everyone in the room turning to him. "You saw as well as I what Aegon did. The compromising position he put my niece in," he boomed, the weak King from earlier gone. "He dishonors his wife and her with his actions. My brother reacted fairly," he declared. "The matter is finished. We all must retire for the evening for a joyous celebration in coming with the fortnight."
The Queen had seen this situation years ago in Driftmark when Aemond had lost an eye. No repercussions were ever going to come of this, and Alicent's resentment for Rhaenyra grew, though she had nothing to do with this. Her anger was palpable as you gave Aegon one last look. He smiled, his eyes hooded as he made a funny face. You did your best not to giggle as your father rushed you through the dining hall doors. 
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Master List of Series
Thank yooooou for reading! I always feel like I could add a bit more drama to this, but I don't want it to become distasteful. It's only up from here folks!
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Tagged Peeps: @zeennnnnnn, @malfoytargaryen, @targaryencore, @justasmallbean, @alexandra-001, @buckysmainhxe, @omgsuperstarg, @sommornyte, @silverslive, @unclecrunkle, @prettykinkysoul, @duesobabe, @djlexi, @ynbutbetter, @honestlykat, @graykageyama, @legolas017, @iiamthehybrid , @brezzybfan , @dd12004dd, @ladybug0095 , @millies0bsimp , @kalfilit, @sheislonelyalways , @tempt-ress, @bellameshipper , @minttea07 , @trikigirl271 , @esposadomd , @buckylahey , @justarandomflowerchildofthenight, @partypoison00 , @please-buckme , @pastelorangeskies , @joliettes , @existential-echo, @priyajoyy
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vsenyatargaryen · 1 year
Deeper Connection
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Daemon has come to favour you during his visits to the brothel, but maybe the connection runs deeper.
Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader
warnings; incestuous relationship, swearing, smut, mentions choking, spanking, threats, mean relatives, mentions d3ath during childbirth, soft!daemon
“Fuck,” Daemon growled as he nestled his face in the crook of your neck, rutting up against you as you sat in his lap on the bed, crying out in pleasure with every thrust as you held onto his shoulders.
Your neck was marked from his rough kisses and having his hands around your throat. Your bruised skin reminded him just how enamoured he had become with you. The prince didn’t quite know what kept drawing him back to you, but every visit to the brothel recently had begun and ended with him being buried in your cunt.
Not that you minded. You enjoyed it just as much.
You preferred having the prince as company, especially compared to some of the other clientele that frequented the pleasure house when you were working.
It surprised you how much pleasure Daemon Targaryen brought you in the nights he spent with you. You had assumed he’d think only of himself -being royalty, being the infamous rogue prince, but he’d made you feel bliss you could only dream of, made you cum harder than anyone else had. He made you hope his visits would never end, but you knew that was just a foolish fantasy. He was a prince, a Targaryen, and you worked to only bring pleasure to others. You were just a mere plaything from him, and you were sure he would get bored of you sooner or later.
“It’s like you were made for me. My perfect fucking whore. Isn’t that right?” As if to highlight Daemon’s words, you could hear how wet you were around his cock, could feel how deep he was, when you looked between you, you could see the bulge in your tummy with every rise of his hips.
All the other people and sounds through the brothel seemed to be drowned out of focus, leaving solely you and Daemon.
“Fuck - yes, yes, yes,” you whined, fingers gripping into his long silver hair as you felt the undeniable warmth of pleasure hit its crescent.
Your eyes rolled back and you came with a cry as the palm of Daemon’s hand came down against your ass, his thrusts becoming sloppy while his own orgasm racked through him. It always amazes you, getting to see him in a state of bliss - a sight that always left you wanting to have him all over again.
He held you tight as you both caught your breath, his fingers digging into your flesh hard enough to leave more marks.
You were enjoying this post bliss haze between you before a woman’s shout of your name caught your attention.
“Aunt?” Your eyes went wide as your mother’s deranged sister stormed towards you, a scowl over her face.
She was a religious woman with warped ideas that often made her cruel towards you. Especially when it comes to your work life. Not that she cared you didn’t choose this, didn’t choose this life. She barely cared about you at all.
“We’re leaving, right now.”
“What?” You let out an uncomfortable yelp when she grabbed your arm, yanking you off of Daemon and the bed, “Ow! Stop it!”
The prince got up, uncaring about his own nudity as he shoved your Aunt off of you before standing in front of you, effectively shielding you from her grasp.
“She’s not going anywhere. I’ve paid for her time and I intend to use her till I’m satisfied.”
You had never seen your Aunt so outraged. “She - she cannot be with you!” The older woman hissed.
Daemon smirked and tilted his head to the side, mildly amused. “Because I’m the big, bad prince?”
“Come with me,” your Aunt demanded, ignoring Daemon’s remark.
“No! Have you gone fucking mad?” You fumed, stepping around to face her, “You can’t just come in here like this! This is my work- “
“-You're his bastard sister!” She snapped, pointing a finger.
“What?” You blinked before you shook your head. “No. I look nothing like a Targaryen, and I have no siblings. You know my father died just before my mother did.”
“Your mother died in childbirth, but she told me who your father is. Your real father. Baelon Targaryen.”
Time seemed to slow around you but your mind ran at a hundred miles. Why would she say such a thing? And in front of the Prince himself.
You could see Daemon’s jaw tick. “I could have your tongue for such slander, hag,” he threatened, his dangerous gaze finding his sword leaning against the wall.
“Please -“ you darted in front of him, hands raised. “She doesn’t mean it! She’s- she’s sick,” you panicked. As soon as the words left your lips, you knew it was a ridiculous excuse, but you had no other ideas. It was that, or see your Aunt lose her tongue - or worse.
Daemon glanced at you. The brief silence that followed seemed to last a lifetime.
“Leave,” he told your Aunt, “before I change my mind.”
You were more than thankful when she quickly turned and left, not even looking back.
“I - I - I’m sorry. I don’t know why she’d come here, why she’d say that-,” you stumbled back a little as you let out a long breath, your head suddenly feeling light. “Fuck..”
Daemon caught you by the waist, keeping you upright. “Shh,” he ran his hands up and down your sides. “Let’s go back to bed.”
Unlike you, he wasn’t entirely convinced that what your Aunt said was a lie. He didn’t know if you had Targaryen blood or not, but one way or another, he’d find out the truth.
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eddiemadmunson · 1 year
Uncle Aegon
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Ok, I wrote this when I was bored at work... It’s basically porn without plot. And this is obviously targcest, so if you don’t like this kind of stuff don’t read it... 
Paring: Aegon x niece!reader Word count: 2, 100 Warnings: dirty talk, incest (uncle/niece), adultery, voyeurism, fingering A/N: English is not my first language
You were Y/N Velaryon, the oldest child of Rhaenyra and Laenor, they were your official parents, but everyone in the Red Keep knew that you were Daemon’s daughter. And maybe your parentage was one of the reasons why your traitorous heart fell in love with Aegon. Just like your mother you fell for your older uncle. But Aegon wasn’t Daemon. He didn’t care about you, he barely noticed your presence at the castle. But you always followed his every move with your violet eyes. You had spent most of your days daydreaming about your future, hoping that your mother would betrothed you to him. It broke your heart when they forced him to marry Helaena. You knew that he wasn’t happy about it, you wanted to comfort him but you didn’t find the courage to do that. He gave Helaena three children but you knew that they were not sleeping together. He spent too many nights in the brothels in Flea Bottom and you would never admit to anyone that you were jealous about all the whores in those establishments.
Your love and lust for him didn’t fade away with time, it was getting worse. You were making excuses to be somehow in his presence, you were sad when he left the castle for few days. Like today. Alicent and Viserys sent Aegon to Dorne to achieve some political goal there and you knew that he won’t be home for a few days. He and Sunfyre left 3 days ago, you watched them fly towards the cloudless sky, his platinum hair shining brightly in the morning sun, his golden dragon looked like a moving gem. You missed his presence so much that you did something very risky and sneaked into his chambers. You knew that he forbid the maids to clean his rooms while he was gone - gods know what he is hiding there - they whispered. So when you slipped inside, you found it very messy, like everything related to Aegon. You took a deep breath and smelled the familiar scent of your uncle. His expensive perfume mixed with wine, dragon fire and fine linens. You sighed happily and you could swear that you just wanted to stay at the door and be somehow closer to him, but his giant messed up bed was calling to you. You slowly walked there and noticed the sheets were   discarded around, his pillows all wrinkly and little bit dirty.
You sat gently on the edge, trying to not move anything, but it was so messy that you doubted that Aegon would notice that you were here.
You hesitantly lied down on his bed and closed your eyes. Aegon's scent enveloped you and you hummed happily. You imagined that he is there with you, holding you gently in his arms, your back against his naked chest. You knew that having these kinds of thoughts about your uncle wasn't right, but you couldn't help yourself. You desired his touch and attention.
You kept your eyes closed and imagined his hands caressing your arm slowly, touching your skin lovingly, starting at your wrist, running his fingers over your shoulder and gently angling your head so he can kiss you. The kiss would be slow and full of passion. You whimpered softly at the idea. You looked around yourself making sure that you were alone. You took one of his pillows and buried your face into it, smelling more of his intoxicating scent. You groaned and felt yourself getting wetter and wetter with every passing second. Your hand sneaked between your legs, rubbing your pussy lightly and moaning at the contact. You were so turned on just by the lingering scent of him, you couldn't imagine what would happen if he was here with you. You would probably explode. Your imagination ran wild and you got a very naughty idea. Sometimes you used your own pillows to give you pleasure. So this time you could use Aegon's pillow to do that. It would be almost as if Aegon touched your pussy himself. No one would know about this, you were here alone and the pillows will dry quickly. You bit your lip nervously, hesitating for a while, but then your horny young brain decided that it's OK. You took off your panties and folded Aegon's pillow into a suitable shape and placed it under you. You sat on it, imagining that it's Aegon's lap. You slowly started rocking your exposed pussy against the soft material of his pillow. You frowned in frustration because it didn’t feel good so you reshaped the pillow again. This time it rubbed against your pussy perfectly and you purred happily. You starred rubbing your dripping cunt against the pillow, your eyes closed again as you imagined riding Aegon's cock like this in his private chambers. You untied the laces of your dress, your breasts spilling out, your own fingers started playing with your hard nipples, imagining that it's Aegon's much bigger palms. You rocked harder against the pillow, your imagination running wild. Aegon was now fucking into you from below while he sucked on your breasts.  "Aegon," you moaned out his name quietly. Almost hearing his deep voice in your head calling you his good little girl, you saw his thumb toying with your clit, teasing you. "Aegon, please," you moaned louder this time, totally lost in your fantasy.
When Aegon arrived back to King's Landing a week earlier than he planned he expected a lot of things. He expected his mother and father yelling at him for fucking that Dornish Princess and getting banished from the Sunspear, he expected Aemond to look disappointed, he expected Rhaenyra to look satisfied with his another failure, he expected Helaena to ignore his presence as usually. But he would never expect to find his little niece in his chambers, with her hands on her perfect tits and her pussy rocking against his own pillow. 
At first he thought that this is some sick prank his stupid nephews are playing on him. Forcing you to ruin his pillow like this for him to sleep on the remnants of your arousal when he arrives back home. He quietly sat on the chair close to his bed and watched you, arguing with himself, if she should startle you or keep watching you, because that view was very arousing. You were beautiful, true Targaryen Princess, he always wanted you, but Daemon and Rhaenyra would have his head if he tried something on you. He was still confused about the whole situation when he heard it. You moaned his name quietly. Was he imagining things?? Did you just moan his name?? "Aegon please," you moaned again louder this time, your needy voice made him hard in his breeches. He smirked and licked his lips. He shifted on the chair and you opened your eyes.
First you just smelled it - the unmistakable stench of a dragon. You thought that it's just a part of your fantasy, but it was followed by a feeling of somebody's presence. You quickly opened your eyes and the last thing you expected to see was a pair of violet eyes staring back at you. Aegon sat on the chair close to his bed, looking at you with cocky smirk on his pretty face.  "Don't stop because of me," he grinned and you panicked. "What are you doing here?" you cried out. "You are in my room, kitten," he chuckled. "Who told you to stop rubbing that wet cunt against my pillow," he looked at you with look full of lust and wickedness. "Aegon, I am sorry, I shouldn't do this. Please forgive me, I will leave and..." you babbled. "Didn't you hear me? DON'T. STOP!" his commanding voice sent a zap of pleasure through your body. You rocked your body against the pillow again the intensity of the pleasure much higher now. "Aegon," you moaned desperately. "Fuck!!" He cursed and his cock was straining against his breeches. “Do you do this often, dear niece? Rubbing your soaked cunt against something, thinking about me?” he asked you and you nodded. “I asked you a question, answer me,” he demanded your words not just your nods. “Yes Aegon, I do this every day,” you admitted and whimpered in frustration. You were so ashamed that he found you like this in his room but at the same time you wanted to cum with him so close to you. But suddenly the pillow wasn’t enough, you were sure that your own fingers won’t be enough, when he was so close to you.  “Naughty girl, thinking about your uncle while you play with your tight virgin pussy,” he gave you a wolfish smile when you blushed. “What is it, kitten?” he asked you with faked concern. “You can’t cum, do you?” he could see right through you. You were rubbing your soaked pussy against his pillow, your delicate fingers were pinching your nipples but you were frowning in frustration. “Nooo,” you whined desperately. “Do you want your good uncle Aegon to help you?” he grinned wolfishly and you felt a new wave of arousal. “Only if you want to,” you said shyly and his violet eyes turned dark. He lazily walked to your bouncing body, the tips of his fingers grazing over your shoulders and you shivered, your nipples tightened almost painfully.  “Tell uncle Aegon where you need him, my sweet niece,” he teased you. He dragged his thumb over your bottom lip. You whimpered at the simple touch and he smirked. “So responsive, little kitten,” he grinned before he captured your lips with his. There was nothing sweet about the kiss, it was possessive, passionate kiss that made you stop the movements of your hips.  “I didn’t tell you to stop moving your needy pussy over my pillow, Y/N,” he scolded you and you started rubbing your cunt over his pillow again. “Good girl,” he purred into your ear and you moaned, obviously happy with his praise. “You have such a gorgeous pair of tits, Y/N,” he groaned into your ear, replacing your small hands with his bigger, rougher ones. “Aegon, fuck, this feels so good,” you whimpered. He cupped your breasts, his fingers pinched your nipples and you tossed your head back against his shoulder letting out a strangled moan. “Do you like feeling my hands on your body, kitten?” he chuckled and suckled the skin between your shoulder and neck. “Yes, more, please,” you whimpered, desperate to cum, your body melting under his touch and gaze. “Do you think you deserve that?” he teased you. “Yes, Aegon, please,” you begged him with tears in your eyes. “Say please, uncle, please make me cum,” he grinned wickedly.  “Please, uncle, please make me cum, please I need it, I will do anything!” you babbled, frustrated tears already running down your face and he loved to see you like this. The only daughter of his “perfect sister” begging him to touch her. He kept teasing your nipples and you reached behind you and your hand found his crotch, rubbing his cock desperately.  “Please,” you whined and he cursed. You were surprised to find him rock hard. He was obviously as aroused as you were. “You little cock slut. Who told you that you can touch me,” he pinched your nipple painfully hard and you moaned harder than before. “Interesting, you like it rough, my dear niece. Good to know,” he smirked and his hand finally moved to your clit. He softly rubbed it and you cried out happily. “Yes, yes, yes,” you kept moaning as he started rubbing your clit in circles. You were so close and he knew it. “Hold it for me, little one, don’t cum yet” he whispered into your ear and you whined desperately.  “Aegon, please, don’t be cruel. I need it, I need you, please,” you begged again. “Oh, Y/N. Who am I to deny you anything,” he sighed and his fingers slipped into your wet pussy. He groaned at how wet and tight you were around his fingers. You moaned loudly, his fingers were much bigger and longer than yours, he was stretching your pussy almost painfully but you loved it. His thumb rubbed your clit firmly and he whispered into your ear. “Cum for me, my niece. Soak your uncle’s fingers!” he ordered and you obeyed, you moaned his name loudly as you cum around his fingers. He silenced your moans with bruising kiss as his fingers slowly thrust in and out your pulsing pussy.  “What a good girl Y/N. You did great, little one,” he praised you and at that moment you would do absolutely anything for him and he knew it. Aegon saw the look in your eyes and he knew that you were in his grasp and he didn’t want to let you go before he will be finished with you.
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fatum679 · 14 days
T/W mention of csa. Please lmk if you want me to stop bothering you w/my questions. I'm so disgusted with ppl calling Aemond a "milf hunter", claiming he was happy to have consensual sex with the brothel madame and pointig out by Wesrerosi standards, a 13 year old is already an adult. Like in spite the "Wesrerosi standards" we call Daenerys, Alicent and Helaena child brides, although by the abovementioned Wesrerosi standards, Drogo was a really decent, protective husband, Viserys I wasn't that terrible (he actually asked Alicent if she was ok), and the book Aegon, who was btw just 2 years older than his sister wife, used to get along with Helaena. I fear, however, that HBO is gonna give "Aemond the milf hunter" enthusiasts what they want, making the madame his lover, confidante and comfort person.
Hello! I'm glad you're interested in my opinion.
I've read these theories about Aemond lying on the brothel madam's lap. Even if this is true, there is no evidence that they had sex, the woman is fully clothed.
I don't support the theory that Aemond is a "milf lover", in the first season, when Aemond recognized her, he was embarrassed, he lowered his head and tried not to draw attention to himself. It's not normal for a 13 year old to have sex with a stranger. Viserys 2, also at the age of 13, had sex with his wife and she became pregnant from him, but they had love, they were happy together.
Only in Westeros! as an exception, this can happen with mutual love, but not when it is a marriage of convenience and the partners do not love each other.
Aegon did not get along with Helaena in the book: “Princess Helaena was breaking her fast with her children when the Kingsguard came to her…but when asked the whereabouts of Prince Aegon, her brother and husband, she said only, “He [Aegon] is not in my bed, you may be sure. Feel free to search beneath the blankets”” “Though the good septon admits Prince Aegon was with a paramour when he was found, he insists the girl was the daughter of a wealthy trader, and well cared for besides”
I was thinking about why they gave this information that Aemond lost his virginity at the age of 13. If the writers went with the idea that Aemond is the father of Helaena's children, this is important information. The age difference between Aemond and Helaena is one year. He, like Viserys 2, could impregnate his sister at the age of 13.
If we consider the version that Aemond is not lying on Helaena’s lap, then I am inclined to the version where Aemond is with a girl who dressed up as Helaena and in her dress. Perhaps they will have sex, after which Aemond will suffer from the fact that he cannot be with his sister.
A person can have sex with anyone, but still love and desire to be with someone else. Daemon had many sexual partners, but he always wanted to be with Rhaenyra. And I compare Daemon to Aemond because it's obvious and there are parallels we see between Daemyra and Helamond.
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I'm not a fan of TB, but if you look at it objectively, Aemond and Daemon died for their queens. All these parallels are like a shot to the head. This shows their connection as characters, that this is one house with similar destinies. The entire Targaryen war is like a snake devouring itself - ouroboros.
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I still believe in Helaemond's theory because all these hints that were obvious in the series. But I understand that everything is in the power of the writers and they can ruin everything.
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darkestspring · 2 years
yandere targaryen pt 2
a/n: i’ve been waiting for write part two for a while but i’ve been busy with other requests and work and my brain has 1000 ideas but i can never focus on one, im starting a yandad daemon series soon so look out for that but part one to this series can be found here. i hope you enjoy!!! as always i dedicate this to @missglaskin​ for always inspiring me and being such an ammazing write like wow!!! we’re pretty blessed to be able to read your amazing content huh. and special dedication to @frankcastleonlyfans​ for listening to my stupid ramblings about maegor and my other targaryen series. enjoy!
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it seemed as though everything had changed the moment that alicent had married your father, rhaenyra’s anger never ceased and she kept you with her at all times
daemon was still exiled and continued to write you letter, promising to take you away. wouldn’t that be fun, he’d write, an adventure for just the two of us.
you did think it was fun but you were careful not to mention the letters to anyone.
alicent had given birth to your younger brother, aegon II and you had adored him from the moment he was born.
rhaenyra hated that you spent so much time away from her. she hated that her father had marrried her friend. she hated that she was expected to marry. all she had was you and even then, alicent was trying to steal you away.
on aegon’s second name day, it all came to a head. rhaenyra ran away after confronting her father over trying to marry her to jason lannister. she had taken you with her into the woods in her rage.
viserys and alicent had both demanded that you be found. even if ser criston cole ran aftet the both of you, it was dangerous. you must be safe.
rhaenyra clung onto you as she walked further in, you were all she cared about.
“sister, do you love me?” she’d ask you, her eyes settled on you with intensity. you had smiled at her. “of course, i do. i love you and alicent and father very much, aegon too.” the answer left her dissatisfied, she wanted you to love her more
in the end of your trip, both she and you were covered in blood, leaving alicent to panic over you. what had happened to her sweet girl, her beloved daughter.
it had all been a blur after that, rhaenyra had gone on tour to choose a husband. it had been suggested that you marry as well but viserys denied it for now. he wished for your happiness above all.
rhaenyra had sobbed into your shoulder when her request for you to come with had been denied. you were her sister not alicent’s, why could you not be with her. rhaenyra left with sorrow as you waved at her from a distance.
you had gotten much closer with alicent and aegon. he followed you everywhere and you thought it was cute. your own little shadow, viserys had remarked playfully once.
alicent had given birth once more, to a girl named Helaena, you adored her even more, always taking her with you when you explored outside. she would watching the animals and bugs as she rested her head on your shoulder. what a lovely thing she was.
months later, rhaenyra returned without a husband, earning ire from your father and daemon returned, leaving you full of joy.
you had flung yourself into his arms when you had caught up to him after your father had hugged him
he had hugged you just as close, his precious girl. he had missed you too much.
maybe that’s why it hurt just as much when he left. alicent had told you that there were rumors that rhaenyra had been with your uncle in a brothel, you refused to believe it. not your sister.
everything seemed to be getting once, you had to say goodbye to otto tearfully as he left his position of hand of the king. rhaenyra was engaged to leanor valeryon
even when rhaenyra returned to prepare for the wedding, alicent clung to you more but wouldn’t tell you why. she would glare at rhaenyra with such intensity and you felt lost at every turn.
you felt like things were getting out of hand, especially when ser criston had killed ser joffrey. you had begged your father to spare him. you could not lose someone you cared for. you had begged rhaenyra to understand. you had held laenor as he sobbed.
why were the winds changing? why was everything going bad? why were your maids changing every day. Alicent clung to you more as everything changed.
Marriage is not a suitable thing for you, she’d tell you when you asked to be married off, to help support your family. I need you here with me, my lovely daughter. I need you most, please don’t think about leaving.
a chill went down your spine at the look in her eyes. had alicent always been this possessive over you? always wanted to keep you so close to her? you wished you had an answer.
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