wellark · 9 months
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average day on the Old City People Mover.
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lycanfang · 2 years
This is the follow-up to my last story/post "Reunion", with my high-elf order of the lycan bloodhunter Daemyr! I'll add links later, but for now, you'll find the first part right below this one on my blog page, and I'd highly suggest reading it before this one!
Content Warnings (let me know if I missed something):
Dehumanization, physical restraints (chains), "it" as a pronoun, confinement, impending execution, existential crisis, su*c*dal ideation (not acted upon), betrayal, brief possible gaslighting, fire, storm, mention of murder
Be safe, and enjoy!
Deeper and deeper into the depths of the Castle Silanar the guards dragged Daemyr. The werewolf was in a frenzy again, struggling uselessly against his chains both to try to escape and just to get away from the constant burning of the silver. By the time they reached the area in the dungeon where Daemyr would spend the night, he was drained of energy and forced to simply accept the pain and humiliation of his circumstances, and he began to shift back to his elven form.
The cell door creaked open. Daemyr froze for a second, instincts kicking in, wanting to go anywhere but inside that cell. "No!-"
"Move, beast!" one of the guards shouted in Daemyr's ear, hitting him between the shoulder blades with the pommel of his sword.
Daemyr stumbled forward into the cell and looked back to glare at the guard, and was taken aback by the face he saw.
"Thelassar? What- It's Kiath! Let me go!" Daemyr, grimacing in pain, pulled against his chains again, but was yanked back as the other soldiers started securing the chains to a ring on the floor.
Thelassar had been one of the closer attendants to the young prince and princess since they were born. They had been good friends. And now the man had his sword pointed at Daemyr's chest.
"The prince is long dead. Officially, it was an owlbear attack," said Thelassar, looking Daemyr straight in the eyes. "You are merely a monster that bears his face. And it's time you were put down. Killing your own parents in cold blood..." He shook his head, and came forward to help his comrades finish the job. He took the chain attached to Daemyr's collar, and two other guards tried to force the man down onto his knees, ending in one of them kicking him hard in the back of the knee.
"Argh!" Daemyr fell, and Thelassar attached the final chain to the ring. "I didn't kill them," Daemyr growled. "I didn't even know they were dead, I haven't been back to Silanar since I left!"
"And I suppose you also weren't responsible for the claw wounds and broken ribs a handful of castle guards sustained just minutes ago?" the older man retorted, deadpan.
"If only the muzzle kept it quiet in this form too," joked another guard, before sheepishly taking a step back after the looks of irritation he received from the others.
Satisfied with Daemyr's restraints, the guards filed back out of the cell door.
"We will be back at dawn for your execution. Best make amends with Malar now." With that, Thelassar shut the door and locked it.
Daemyr waited until the footsteps receded before releasing his breath and slumping down on the stone floor. He groaned in pain, trying to distance himself from it so he wouldn’t scream, and looked at his wrists to see that the silvered manacles were already starting to eat through his skin. He reached for the muzzle next, finding it humiliating, but discovered that it was, unfortunately, locked in place behind his head.
His mind was torn between panic, heartbreak, and anger, and pure exhaustion was all that was preventing him from acting on any of those emotions. But that didn't stop the thoughts from coming as he processed all that had just happened.
Wanting to avoid the two elephants in the room, he first allowed himself to mull over the news of his parents' deaths and the accusations made against him. When did this happen? Surely news would have travelled to some degree if some time had passed since the rulers of a prominent elven kingdom had been murdered, or had he just missed it? Ally had seemed too used to her role as queen for it to have been too recent. And they seemed like they had already decided he was responsible before he even showed up… Why? He wished he could ask someone. If he had been framed, he wanted to know that he had someone else to kill. But it could have been any assassin, or any woodland animal, depending on the manner of death. He wondered if they even conducted a formal investigation, or if they had just gone with what they wanted to believe. This was one reason to either fight or try to talk to Ally in the morning. He may have absolutely despised them for how they treated him after he and they found out he was a werewolf, but he had decided against killing them; they weren't worth it, and he didn't want to be what they thought he was. And he thought Ally would understand that…
How could she do this? He and Ally had been thick as thieves for their whole childhood together. Even after he had been locked in the dungeon, she would sneak down to keep him company and bring him extra food. What had changed her mind so definitively? Daemyr supposed it was due at least in part to the pressure of being a royal of this kingdom. But he had thought that no matter how many people cursed, attacked, spat at, or otherwise harassed him, he still had Ally, that Ally still loved him, and that was enough.
What did he have left if he didn't have Ally?
No! No, surely she had a plan in mind and was just playing the part expected of her.
Then why did she call the guards at all?
She called him "dog", "beast", "monster"... She spat those words with such conviction, she had to have meant them.
She seemed sad to have to have them take him though?
"For a while I had held onto hope for you.... I suppose I was an idiot for thinking an animal could learn to be a man..."
"Rrrrgghhaaa!" Daemyr roared in rage and anguish.
He was alone. Completely alone. Without Ally, he had no one, nothing. And if his own sister couldn't love him, who could?
He tried so hard to do good and show the world he could be something other than the monster they saw him as. He tried so hard to keep himself under control, something most with his curse didn't even have the choice to attempt. And for what? To try to stay alive and prove to himself that he could someday go back home to his sister and live a normal life without putting the kingdom in danger?
What reason did he have now to keep from shifting and killing the guards in the morning?
What reason did he have now to try to escape death this time?
It would be so much easier to just lay down and die. He was so tired. It could all be over in just a few hours. He could be done with this pointlessly convoluted existence.
Ally's words still hurt him like a silver blade to the heart, while his silver chains burnt him from the outside in, and the emotion of it all set his mind ablaze. Breathing faster and faster, and desperate to be able to stand up and pace, Daemyr instinctively fought the desire to shift, before simply shaking his head and punching the ground, and just letting go, giving way to the simpler mind of an animal.
Echoing through the dungeon halls came howl after howl of anger, sadness, fear, resignation, and hunger.
Morning came with no light and no ceremony.  The guards found Daemyr asleep on his side on the ground, back to the wall.
One stepped forward and rapped on the bars of the cell, while another set about unlocking the door.
Daemyr slowly opened his eyes with a growl.
"Time for your curtain call, wolf,"
As the elves gathered his chains from the ring in the floor, Daemyr did not offer any protest. Nor did he as they led him back up the stairs and out into the early morning light, where out in front of the castle a wooden platform awaited him. 
Where Ally awaited him.
She was dressed in a beautiful dark green gown and her hair lay over her shoulder in a long braid. Looking very regal and put-together, for the most part. Her eyes gave away that she had slept probably about as well as Daemyr had. But, she put on a good show of hiding that fact.
Daemyr was marched up onto the platform and made to fall to his knees once again, facing out toward the soon-to-be-packed field. Directly in front of him was a narrow wooden block, with a divot set into the middle. A soldier stood on either side of him, with the rest forming a wall behind.
Allyranyn took a breath and strode over to her brother.
"So, what is it you're calling yourself now? Daemyr?"
Daemyr did not respond.
She huffed in irritation. "The people believe the prince is dead, and that's how it's going to stay, so that's what you'll be called."
There was palpable silence, before Allyranyn shifted and broke it again, but a bit softer this time.
"Are you ready to admit to it? Clear your conscience somewhat before... the end?"
This got Daemyr to break his silence, but he still did not meet her gaze. "I did not kill them," he growled.
"Look, even if you really didn't kill our parents, you still have to die." Her voice broke a bit. "You know that, right? Your curse is too dangerous to let you live."
"I've been living with it for over 150 years, and haven't given in to it yet."
"So what do you call last night, then? And you can't tell me you haven't hurt or killed anyone else in that time. I can see it in your eyes, the bloodlust. It's only natural."
Daemyr considered retorting back, telling her that he spent those years hunting and killing those that would prey on the innocent. But she wasn't wrong, and even if she was, there was no point anymore in bothering to try to convince her otherwise. So he went back to silence.
Allyranyn shook her head and took a deep breath before turning around again and heading back to the other side of the platform to speak with a few castle staff.
The time passed slowly, regardless of how long it actually was, while Daemyr sat through the jeers and jabs of some of the younger guards and early arrivals to the event. On such short notice, they had to allow some time for people to decide if they wanted to attend and to make their way towards the castle.
The sun rose in the sky, but not without partial obscuration by dark clouds, and a chill breeze blew through the field. Eventually though, a royal servant blew a horn and called the attention of all to the queen.
"People of Silanar, thank you all for coming. Last night, we had the great fortune of apprehending the creature that murdered our beloved late king and queen. This morning, it shall be put to death as payment for those lives it so callously took," Allyranyn began, with rehearsed confidence, but also an undeniable natural charisma.
As a roll of nearby thunder punctuated her words, she turned to gesture towards her brother. "This is the werewolf Daemyr. It was caught foolishly sneaking around the castle premises, perhaps to take the lives of more innocent Silanarians."
With this, there was an uproar of shouting and booing, to which Daemyr could only growl in frustration and humiliation. 
"It was given a chance to speak for itself, but refused to admit to anything. One last chance shall be given, however. Daemyr, do you have any last words?" she said, looking her brother in the eye, but only for a moment as she quickly found somewhere else in his general direction to stare. 
Daemyr, however, met her eyes wherever they wandered, and just stared for a moment, before he turned away again to glare straight ahead.
"V-Very well." Her calm and cool demeanor faltered for a moment, but just a moment. She nodded at a soldier behind the platform, and knelt down behind her podium, before rising again, holding a silvered axe with both hands.
"Daemyr, for the crimes of conspiracy against the royal family and regicide, you are hereby sentenced to... death."
With the cheers of the crowd, the soldier approached her, and prepared to take the axe.
A flash of white accompanied a deafening crash, and with a few assorted screams and shouts, orange tendrils began to dance from the tips of the dry grass.
Another strike followed, this one felling and igniting a tree that stood behind the platform. Half of the trunk crashed into the stage, and the other appeared to impact Allyranyn on its way down.
All hell began to break loose as flames took the field and the platform, and the storm raged on. Citizens fled. Some guards ran to the aid of both the queen and the citizens injured by the first strike while others ran to figure out how to quell the fire before it began to take any buildings.
Daemyr was left alone in the chaos. Pure instinct drove him to his feet, and to grab the axe and to cleave his chains in half, and it was by instinct alone that he shifted to his wolf form and ran as fast as he could.
This would make the second time that Daemyr's execution was foiled by a storm. Unnerving, to say the least.
But regardless, he eventually found himself deep in the forest a safe distance away from Silanar, and collapsed.
He lived to die another day, it seemed.
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aingeal98 · 2 months
The thing about house of the dragon this season is that they understood from season 1 that their general audience was both dense and misogynistic so this season they tried spelling things out more clearly in hopes of more people understanding what they're trying to do. (Jace's insecurities, Daemon at Harrenhall, Alicent's entire arc, Rhaenyra and what drives her and the bond between her and Alicent and her and Daemon.) But they underestimated the general audience being capable of anything more than team fights and trying to dress grooming up as empowering and a fluffy romance even when the show is clearly showing how fucked up it is. So my hope for S3 is that they just go fuck it and go back to s1 level writing. The lesbians and sapphic girls will get it and everyone else will suffer and that's just the way it's gotta be until schools improve their media literacy curriculum and fandoms become less obsessed with men.
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coffincoitus · 3 months
the way it's playing out on the show, daemon fighting aemond to the death will for shizzle be out of love for rhaenyra and that's sooo *kicks feet in the air*
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velcryons · 10 months
Man the way some people talk about Laena is. Not good lmao.
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darklinaforever · 2 months
Can nuanced speeches exist, people ?
Should you calm down ?
Between the extreme antis in general and the extreme antis of the show, I don't know who is worse ?
The extremely anti HOTD who ardently refuses any type of positive argument is killing me.
Going to say that because I defend certain things about Daemyra in the show that I validate the kiss with Mysaria and the dream about Alyssa ? That I take all the shit Sara Hess and Ryan Condal give me ?
Seriously, wtf ? Basically, either you hate everything about the show or you love everything about these people ? Nuance cannot exist ?
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Why ?
To the point of saying that Rhaenyra has been a shitty friend and daughter on the show ? But when ?!
Or, another type of argument from another universe, from those who supposedly love Rhaenyra from F&B or HOTD, or even both, to say that she was never forced to marry Laenor ? I mean... Wtf ?
The conversations I've had with these people prove to me that they are no better than other types of antis :
And yes, I may have started this whole post, but in my opinion I was not being disrespectful (unless you consider the What the hell pressure to be disrespectful ?). I came across this comment on a post I visited and wanted to give my opinion on it, that's all.
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en8y · 4 months
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daemyrui - from daem(on) + myr(rh) + (aka)rui(japanese for bright)
an umbrella term for identities centered around arisen demons, snapped off or shaved down horns, broken leathery or bat-like wings, one's ascent into something lighter, a chance to be reborn, one's horns forming their own new halo, slowly growing feathers, the smell of myrrh, feeling hopeful but still hurt, and possibly the wish to shed previously violent ways.
daemyruity - equivalent to masculinity/femininity rismon - an daemyrui person DAEMYRiN - daemyrui-in-nature daemyr - gender alignment paradaikoc - (daemyrui4daemyrui; rismon4rismon) an daemyrui person being attracted to another daemyrui person. transdaemyr - transitioning into daemyruity myruit - an daemyr gender
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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ride-thedragon · 5 months
Speaking on how Nettles should be introduced , I do have a specific vision because of how her lore is being established . (Post on the topic by @alicenttully, follow for Nettles content)
They've casted Silver Denys, the wild dragons would at the very least be on screen, the war and issues in the Vale of Arryn, Dameon at Harrenhall and Viserys conversation with Rhaenyra season one to compile examples.
But one screen I hope they call back too with her introduction is Daemyrs with her introduction scen in Game Of Thrones.
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My personal plan would be that Rhaenyra is repeating the words of Viserys to Jace in a new context after the Dragonseeds are claiming Dragons and being dragons. At this point, no one has come close to claiming any wild dragon, and Corlys would've almost lost Alyn in the process.
The idea that they control dragons is that an illusion is being reinforced. Jace doesn't believe her because a big part of why the Velaryon boys aren't outright called bastards other than Viserys is their claim over dragons, something they are carrying on with Rhaena.
All of that set up to show our first glimpse of that girl stealing sheep and making it up the mountain. Maybe addam is paying attention, and we hear the first mention of her name,
and no one expects her to survive her first of many encounters with Sheepstealer.
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mejcinta · 1 year
No, Helaena & Aemond didn't die at the same day. That's misinformation that certain cult had put on the wiki. They also had put the helaemond children headcanon in the wiki... very manipulative group. All false informations has been removed in the meantime.
Thanks for the reminder!
As for the show, we're yet to see how Helaena's death will be handled.
Remember how they fucked with the timeline of Laena's funeral, invented a Daemyrs sex scene on the beach, removed Daemon meeting Laena on Driftmark to squeeze all that in Rhaenyra's wedding etc?
The writers can resort to condensing when they feel like they're out of time so a change like that, much as it makes no sense, could be possible.
Oh, but those wiki changes is just weird behaviour. Especially since season 2 is not out yet and the helaem0nd bastard children thing is fanon at the moment. 😣
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lycanfang · 2 years
Note: Hello tumblr, I have crawled out of the shadows to actually contribute something to the hellsite for once. I had written some things for some of my D&D characters, and while browsing some of the whump tags, realized "hey, maybe this would provide the whumperflies for someone", so here I am. Note that I am a computer science major, and not an author, so I make no claims about being particularly good, lol, but I am a dedicated player and DM, and have enjoyed writing these things. Knowledge of Dungeons & Dragons not required! Content Warnings (let me know if I missed something):
family drama, dehumanization, "it" as a pronoun, physical restraints (chains and spells), gaslighting (maybe?..), mentions of murder, mention of blood (not graphic), brief mention of execution, explicit language
Context: PC for D&D campaign set in Ravenloft (Barovia to start with)
Daemyr Iathrana (child name "Kiath") is the rightful heir to the throne of Silanar, a high elven kingdom in the southwest of the High Forest in the Forgotten Realms. However, whether by some distant blood connection or just by fate, Daemyr was born with the curse of lycanthropy. It didn't show until he was 14, when he first transformed. Thankfully, he only killed some livestock, but it did not escape the notice of the owners of the livestock, who found him covered in blood and laying in a pile of hay in the morning. His parents were alarmed and appalled and paid them off to keep quiet about Daemyr. It of course wouldn't look good for the royal family to have a werewolf in its midst.
Daemyr was to be killed, but he managed to escape and ran off, leaving his family to fake his death and to place his younger sister Allyranyn (child name "Ally") next in line for the throne. Daemyr was tracked down and trained by an order of blood hunters. He eventually left and has been traveling and making a living as a monster hunter for hire, hiding his true identity.
So sorry for the long post! Story below the cut.
Under the cover of night, Daemyr snuck through the courtyards of his childhood home (well-practiced at dodging the eyes of watchful guards, keen-eyed elves or otherwise), until he came to the base of one of the sleek towers of the castle, where he began to climb. The windows were dimly lit with candlelight, and soft singing drifted through an open one. Daemyr reached the window and peered inside. There she was, his sister Ally, sitting at her desk, singing as she scrawled away at something. Daemyr smiled; it had been so long since he had left Silanar and his sister.
He took a breath, and then knocked gently on the windowsill. "Hey Ally."
"Aaahh!" she yelped, leaping up from her chair and whirling around to face the window, a ball of arcane energy already forming in her hand. She took a good look at the intruder, squinting through the dimness, and her mouth slowly fell agape. The energy started to fizzle away a bit, and a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "…Kiath?..."
Once it seemed she had calmed a bit, Daemyr pulled himself up and through the window. "It's been a while, huh," he chuckled. Looking his sister in the eyes for the first time in around 150 years, he was stunned by the uncanny resemblance to their mother that Ally had grown into. She was beautiful, so grown and regal and strong. "Wow, you've grown so much, you look great!"
After a moment of continued staring in disbelief, she shook her head a bit, as to clear the thoughts inside it, and hardened her gaze. "What are you doing here, Kiath?" questioned Ally, returning to staring at Daemyr.
Daemyr, a little confused at her not matching his energy around their reunion, shifted awkwardly, and broke the engagement, turning to look around the room and back out the window as he spoke. "Well, I missed you. It's been a long time, I wanted to see how you were doing, hang out again for a bit like we used to… Is everything okay, Ally?" Daemyr approached his sister, now concerned.
"It's Allyranyn now. Queen Allyranyn." she said matter-of-factly, taking a step backwards.
Daemyr stopped, brow furrowed. "Oh, right. That's a beautiful name. Mine's Daemyr. You didn't answer me though, what's wro-"
"You shouldn't be here. You should never have come back." Allyranyn was now backing towards the door, never once taking her eyes off of her brother.
"I mean, I knew it was a risk, but no one has to know I was ever here. I thought you'd be happy to see me,"
"Hah- Happy to see you?!" the elven queen laughed in disbelief. She was beginning to shake, and Daemyr thought he would've been able to smell the adrenaline even without his lupine senses. She was losing her composure, as if the sight of her brother had broken through the emotional dam she had been building all those years.
"Allyranyn, tell me what's wrong!" Daemyr strode towards her, aiming to put an arm around her protectively.
"You stay right fucking there!" she roared shakily, her eyes flaring blue, and suddenly, Daemyr could no longer move.
The werewolf let out a growl/yelp of surprise. "What-?!"
"Oh, drop the act, would you! You're supposed to be dead, for the safety of the people of this kingdom! You managed to cheat death, and then you dare to come back?!" Allyranyn was seething.
Daemyr would have stumbled backwards had he not been held in place. Taken aback by her attitude, he stuttered, "Wha- You bought into Mom and Dad's bullshit? I thought you were on my side?..."
"Silence, dog! I'm not finished!"
Daemyr was silent, more out of shock than anything. But his body was already beginning to react for him. He could feel himself beginning to shift.
"Don't you dare talk about Mom and Dad when you're the monster who slaughtered them! I know you were upset about the way things played out years ago, understandably so, but how cold-hearted do you have to be to not only murder your parents but also then saunter back into their home like nothing happened?!"
Daemyr's eyes went wide. "What?! You think I killed our parents?! How could you think I would do that? Besides, I haven't even been anywhere near Silanar since I left! Come on, Ally, really?"
"And why should I believe anything a conniving creature like a werewolf says?!" she shouted in response, before shaking her head slowly. "For a while, I had held onto hope for you, but do you really have no remorse, no control? … I suppose I was an idiot for thinking an animal could learn to be a man…."
Daemyr was caught between rage and heartbreak as her words sunk in.
"Ally…" He was distinctly wolfish now, his words coming out as husky growls.
Boots thudding against stone steps could be heard now, and shouting. "Queen Allyranyn! - Get out of there! - Hold on! We're almost there!"
Daemyr's ears perked up, and his breathing accelerated. "Ally, please, believe me. I didn't kill them! I'm the same "Ki" you chased through the woods, who used to braid your hair, and stole your stuffed toys for a joke! Nothing's changed, you loved and trusted me then!" He struggled against the spell, but Allyranyn was a strong mage; she had always had a knack for magic, the way Daemyr had for swordplay.
"I was young; I had no notion of the concept of distrust. Then, it was only a matter of time before you showed your true colors. I guess learning that the hard way is just a part of growing up," she spat with a dismissive chuckle. Her rage appeared to have diluted into a churning mixture of anger, fear, and sadness.
The door flew open with a crash, and a dozen guards poured into the queen's room, and while some took protective stances in front of Allyranyn, most charged straight for the paralyzed Daemyr.
"We came as soon as we got your message, though it took longer than anticipated to find the chains. My apologies, majesty. I am glad to see it has not yet hurt you," said one of the soldiers standing with Allyranyn.
With those words, the elven woman faltered. Just for a moment, but it was long enough to lose concentration on the spell holding Daemyr in place.
The soldiers were swarming him, some with weapons at the ready, and others began to clamp silver manacles onto his wrists and ankles. As the metal made contact with his skin, Daemyr screamed and howled with the white-hot searing pain. He snapped. The guards, many of which had been around when he was the young prince of the castle, were no longer old friends or even unfortunate enemies; they were just meat.
The werewolf lashed out in rage, pulling against the chains, trying to draw as much blood as possible, and with each drop of crimson life that hit the floor, the pain seemed to get further away.
Allyranyn, having regathered her composure, sighed, and lifted her shaking hands, beginning to mutter an incantation.
"On your knees," she commanded.
His little sister's voice pierced the fog of bloodlust and raw emotion, and Daemyr felt compelled to obey. He stopped slashing and snarling, and slowly knelt down, chest heaving and nostrils flaring with each breath.
"Stay still."
This was harder to obey, as the burning of the silver began to creep back into his awareness, but for the most part, still he was.
The guards were then able to continue their work, albeit much more cautiously. They finished with the chains, ending with one around his neck, and then forced a silvered muzzle onto him, both evoking further cries of pain from the wolf.
"Ally… please…" Daemyr pleaded through gritted teeth, finding his sister's eyes. "Don't do this…"
After a beat, Allyranyn, staring right back at him, responded flatly.
"There's no place for beasts in the Iathrana royal family."
As that all-too-familiar sentence sent Daemyr reeling back to his last days at home at 14 years old, the soldiers pulled on his chains and hauled him to his feet.
She turns to address her guards, looking right at them but staring through. "Take him- it- to the dungeon. We'll have the execution publicly first thing in the morning. Our people deserve to see the end of the creature that killed our beloved king and queen."
With a collection of murmured variations on "Yes, Your Majesty", the soldiers pushed Daemyr towards and through the door and dragged him down, down, down, to the dungeon once again.
Allyranyn stood stoically by the door as they left, eyes now empty of the fire they had had just minutes ago. She shut the door behind them, shuffled towards her bed with her gaze still set on a very distant nothing, and dropped down with a thump, sitting up against the side. Long after she was sure the footsteps had faded, she let out her breath. And she began to weep.
And there it is! Thanks for reading! There is a second part to this that I'll post right after this. If people actually enjoy these, let me know, and maybe I'll write some stuff with younger Daemyr in addition to the ideas that are important for me to write to build the background for the way current Daemyr will act and think.
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en8y · 3 months
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[IMAGE ID: four rectangular flags with horizontal stripes. the first two have seven evenly-sized stripes, the third one has nine varying sizes. the top three and bottom three stripes are small, the fourth and sixth stripes are medium-sized, and the fifth stripe is large. the last flag has four evenly-sized stripes, with the middlemost stripe being very, very thin. all of them are symmetrical both horizontally and vertically. the first flag's stripes, from outside to inside, are as follows: dark red, warm brown, dull orange, and pastel yellow. the second flag's stripes, from outside to inside, are as follows: dark red, bright purple, pastel yellow, and dull orange. the third flag's stripes, from outside to inside, are as follows: dark red, bright purple, dull purple, dull orange, and pastel yellow. the fourth flag's stripes, from outside to inside, are as follows: warm brown, pastel yellow, and magenta. END ID.]
demirismon: a gender where one is partially a rismon (a daemyrui person), and partially something else.
libradaemyr: a gender where one is partially daemyr (daemyrui gender alignment), but mostly agender.
magirismon: a gender where one is mostly a rismon (a daemyrui person), and partially something else.
nanorismon: a gender where one only has a small attachment to being a rismon (a daemyrui person).
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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wellark · 1 year
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Orcks mixing a vat of galaminaflaxin.
Galaminaflaxin is a psychoactive drug comprised of the spores of the galamalagregoria mushroom and put through various chemical processes. The drug is inhaled via a nasal spray and has a severe depressant effect, though it causes intense withdrawals. overuse of galaminaflaxin turns humans and daemyr into orcks. Orcks suffer such symptoms as weight gain, skin discoloration, hair loss, the growth of hard, horn-like fruiting bodies on various parts of their body, and "cartilage explosion" in which the cartilage in their nose and ears grows and changes shape.
Orcks have been known to possess above-average strength, though their mental faculties are dulled compared to non-orck humans and daemyr.
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