#cw it pronoun
stil-lindigo · 1 year
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the calamity.
a comic about being seen.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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bhramarii · 8 months
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409 notes · View notes
godofautism · 5 months
"How do you talk to people with no pronouns"
Option A: Hey fuckshit / (Insult of choice) [Allows for positive connotation and desensitization to insults!]
Option B: Hey [Name]
"How do I talk to someone with it/it's pronouns, that's dehumanizing"
Did you not talk to your plushies as a child?
Apply the same logic but with a person
"I'm upset there the A in lgbtqia+ doesn't mean Ally"
Well, we can include you in the plus because I'm about to force you to become non-binary! Say goodbye to your genitals! <3
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wowa-bublord · 3 months
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im finally getting somewhere i like with my end game genesis design..
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callofdudes · 11 months
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Don't go there.
Summary: When you and your friends take a summer trip out to the woods you are unaware of just what you've disturbed from it's slumber deep inside.
Cw: Serial Killer Simon, gore, blood, wounds, angst, death, childhood trauma. Mention of dissociation, abuse. Dark themes, animal death, Simon has a bit of a psychotic obsession over you in the end.
Word count: 6.8K+
A/N: Please don't let this flop, I spent way too much time staying up and writing this. So I do apologize for my dry-eye editing mistakes. I didn't want to super edit it all but I worked so hard on this. I was tempted to make the end kinky, but he just really, really likes chasing. Italics means a flashback/something in the past.
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"How much longer until we get there??" You asked, looking out the window of the car, seeing the long road of trees. Stretching out for miles deep into the unknown where shadows lingered.
"Shouldn't be much longer." Your friend, Adam replied, checking the gas level in the truck.
You had stopped at a gas station nearly an hour ago. You had been going down this road for almost half an hour with nothing to see for miles.
Two of your other friends sat in the back, distracted by their boredom. You look in the rearview mirror, seeing them making out.
Crystal and Peter couldn't get off each other for five minutes... You had to be in the car with them. Why couldn't you have been with the others following in the car behind you?
You sigh softly in exhaustion, fixing your headphones again.
You all had taken up the opportunity for a summer job out at a camp for the extra money. Having just gotten out of school, you were looking for somewhere to start fresh, away from your parents' clings. And this felt right.
"Hey, looks like we've got something," Adam points out.
You look up, clicking off your phone to see the road split off. An old sign at the crossroads directs you down another road.
"That's the camp's name." You sit up, your whole body feeling relief that you are almost there.
"Thank goodness."
You looked at the backseat, leaning over to gently hit Peter. "Hey, stop it, there are others in the car you two."
"Sorry y/n."
Hah, you knew they weren't. At least you'd be at the camp soon...
You arrived at the camp, pulling up on the road to the large cabins just across from a lake spanning out into the thick forest grove.
You got out, stretching your limbs. Hands high above your head, yawning and working your legs.
You grabbed your bags from the car, meeting up with your other two friends Phillip and Stacy, pulling up in the car behind you.
"Geez, I'd have to make that trip every summer." Phillip fixed his hat, slinging his duffle bag over his shoulder.
"Well, hopefully, the drive back won't be as painful." You playfully glared at Peter and Crystal, taking your bags up the walk to the cabin lodge.
The warm late afternoon sun came through the trees, the breeze blowing softly across the open land. Seeing some of the other campers and counsellors wandering about.
The main office was where you met up with the head counsellor. He smiled upon seeing you. "Y/n, glad you made it."
"Thanks, it was quite the trip."
"Well, we're glad to have you here. Sign your name, and we'll get you all the keys to your cabins."
You nod, write down your name on the paper, and then take the cabin key from him, "Thanks!"
He nods, setting up your friends as well.
Taking your bags, you head down to your cabin. You walk through the main grounds, across the road and over to the thick backwooded area. You paused, looking out into the woods.
The trees were growing and darkening as you looked in, hiding the other side from what lay there.
You shook it off, heading to the cabin and unlocking it. You were sharing your room with Adam, two beds set up and a window at the back of the cabin wall as well.
"Not bad..." You muttered.
As you and Adam start to unpack, you couldn't help but feel a little excited about spending the summer here. The camp was beautiful, with its lake and surrounded by lush forest. It was going to be the perfect escape from the stress of school and family drama.
As you were unpacking, you noticed that Adam had left the cabin without saying anything. You shrugged, thinking he had gone to explore as well.
After organizing your clothes and items in the drawers, you grab your sunglasses and head out to explore the camp. The sun was setting, casting a beautiful golden hue on the entire area. You walked towards the lake, admiring the serene beauty of the water.
As you sit on the dock, dipping your feet in the water, you feel off. Feeling that weird sense that someone was watching you.
You looked out across the lake, attempting to spot anyone, but the forest looked all the same. You were startled a little when you heard footsteps approaching. You look up to see Adam walking towards you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Hey there," he says, sitting beside you on the dock. "Enjoying the view?"
You roll your eyes but can't help but laugh at his antics. "Yeah, it's beautiful."
"Well, I was talking with some others and we're setting up dinner for everyone, then it's swimsuit time~"
You scoffed, shoving him away. "We're to relax, not stick our pieces in random places."
"Oh, say you," He grinned, but you just shrugged him off.
"Meet you at the cabin then?"
You hummed in agreement, and Adam left you alone to join some of the others. You looked back out at the lake, sighing before getting up and following after him.
As you walk back towards the main grounds, you can't shake off the feeling of being watched. The shadows of the trees seemed to elongate and twist, as though they were reaching out to grab you. You shivered, feeling as though you were being watched by something lurking in the forest.
But you shook it off, reassuring yourself that it was just your imagination running wild in unfamiliar territory. You arrive at the campfire just as dinner is being served, the smell of grilled meat and vegetables making your mouth water. You grab a plate and sit down next to Philip, who was chatting animatedly with one of the other counsellors.
You laughed at the funny stories and jokes that were shared, feeling yourself relaxed for the first time in a long while.
But as the night wore on, the atmosphere changed. You noticed the people around you becoming louder, more intoxicated. The crude jokes turned into innuendos and the flirting became more aggressive.
Your typical night with a bunch of people barely older than the drinking age and taking it to their advantage to flirt with any young mind like themselves.
After dinner, you all head back to your cabins to change into your swimsuits. You grab your towel and head towards the lake, joining the others who are already swimming and playing around in the water. You dip your toes into the cool water and shiver slightly, but soon adjust to the temperature and join in the fun.
As you were swimming around, you suddenly felt someone grab your waist from behind. You gasp and turn around to see Adam, grinning cheekily at you. "Gotcha."
You continued to splash around in the water as the sunset. Across the dock, dark eyes stared into the stirring waters. Watching from behind the darkness of the tree line Peter and Crystal made out against one of the firm dock legs. Others laugh and touch too closely to not be called flirtatious.
Their laughter stung his ears. The sounds of shrill joy twisting his stomach in a way that made him angry. One more year where he'd have to do all the dirty work. Where these kids would have to learn.
He'd hear their screams and see the looks of horror on their faces. That's what he wanted.
He moved back into the shadows, slinking down the old house of a family doomed from the start...
"Simon! Get your ass down here right now you little shit!!"
"Hang on." The young boy looked in the mirror, whining as he fiddled with his belt, desperately pulling it and looping it back through. Shaky hands working hard when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
His father angrily pushed through the bathroom door, grabbing his wrist. "I said get over here. You're going to make us late again and I don't want your excuses."
Simon wriggled, whining again as he was pulled down the stairs.
His older brother sat with his bags on the couch, chuckling. "Hah, look who got caught with his pants down again." He smirked.
"Shut up Tommy!" Simon retorted, his father yanking him forward and slapping him across the face.
"He's right. Now you shut your mouth."
Simon looked over at his mother who remained quiet as the boys' father led them to the door, getting them into the car.
"If I hear any shit from your counsellors' I'm going to be through with you. You understand me!?"
Simon looked out the window, watching the trees blur by in a mess of green as they drove. He saw his brother look over at him and smirk.
"Don't be a pussy, Simon. You're going to love it."
Simon shook his head and looked away, thinking about all the wonderful things he could be doing if his brother was the one going away to camp.
Simon couldn't help but feel the knot of worry in his stomach. He wasn't looking forward to the summer camp, but his father threatened him with more than was needed to scare the young guy.
"Simon. Simon! What the fuck are you whining about?" His brother punched his arm, and Simon looked over at him.
"Don't try to lie to me. I can hear it in your fucking voice."
"I'm just nervous is all."
"Yeah, about that..." Tommy laughed, reaching into the glove compartment and pulling out a small tin. "I got you something to take the edge off."
Simon looked at him, eyes wide. "What the fuck is that?" He asked, Tommy, grinning and popping open the lid, a snake popping out and making Simon jump.
"Tommy, stop!!"
Tommy laughed, tucking the fake snake away.
The stairs of the old house creaked. He took it to the bathroom where the mirror took in his frame, eyes showing out from behind the skull mask he wore. Something he'd taken on after his brother's death.
He bent down, opening the sink drawer doors and grabbing his set of knives and his hatchet. Tracing his gloved fingers over the sharp edge, a twist of evil excitement stirred inside him.
Another year of spilling blood. All for himself.
You were back at your cabin at the end of the night, slipping into a sweater as the chill of the summer air set through the interior.
"What's up, y/n?" Adam asked as he noticed you staring out the window for the hundredth time.
"I don't know, I just have this weird feeling like we're being watched." You turn from the window to face him.
Adam let out a chuckle. "Don't tell me you believe in all those ghost stories they tell around the campfire?"
"No, it's not that. It's just a feeling. Nothing more." You tried to brush it off, but you were unconvinced.
"Yeah, but it can be fun to believe you know? Peace of mind." He offered his hand, and you took it.
Adam pulled you outside, and the two of you walked to the cabins beside yours.
"Do you believe in ghosts or spirits?" You asked, feeling a little braver around him.
"Not really. I've seen some crazy shit and it's hard to believe there's more out there. But why not? I'll believe anything if it's from you."
"You're uncontrollable."
"I know." He grinned but then stopped in his tracks. "Wait, hold up. What was that?"
You stop, cocking your head to the side to listen. "I don't hear anything."
"Shh. Listen."
You sit there for a tense moment, scanning the dark tree line, fists clenching in your pockets.
You listened closer, and what you heard was a heavy thumping from one of the cabins. You both seemed to exhale softly upon realizing it wasn't anything to be scared of.
"Whatever, I'm going to the bathroom." You kept walking, heading down the path to the bathrooms. Heading inside and flicking on the small light, locking the door.
Adam smirked, hearing you as you left down the path. He's been trying to get into your pants for months. And yet you brushed him off every time. He partly hoped that this time around, the summer camp and the alcohol will loosen you, literally.
He waits around for you to be done, looking out down toward the dock and the cool waters. Hearing footsteps behind him, he chuckled. "That was quick." He turned, facing someone who definitely wasn't you.
His eyes widened, looking up at the imposing figure.
The mask bore holes into his skin, the darkness hiding the grotesque glint in his eyes.
"Woah man, easy." Adam backed up, but it did little to save him as the large man's hand clasped tightly around his throat, his hatchet slashing into his abdomen.
He had to die first.
Adam's eyes went wide. He attempted to scream, heels digging into the dirt as the blade retracted from his stomach and he was dragged across the open grounds. Blood splattered from the torn skin and clothes onto the rocks and dirt. Dragged back into the woods, trying to scream or scramble for anything to help him.
"Help!" His words were mumbled and barely made it out as he was dragged back into the darkness behind the cabins. Thrust into a tree, the knife sinking back into his flesh. Adam choked, blood spilling from his mouth as the knife carved up through him. Blood splattered into the dirt and leaves.
His eyes stared upward; his face twisted in fright as the man began to brutal him with the knife. The blade tore into his flesh, slicing open as the man took his time to toy with the young man.
Adam's struggles weakened by the minute. Until the knife dug into his throat, and life escaped his body.
He dropped Adam, flicking the blood from his knife and tucked it back into his vest.
The man turned back to the cabin, the sound of footsteps approaching.
Adam was left slumped on the ground, blood oozing from his wounds.
The man slipped back behind the cabin, his hand grasping the hilt of his knife as he listened intently for your return.
You were coming out of the bathrooms, heading back to your cabin when you noticed Adam wasn't around. "Adam?" You looked around, watching the darkness. When you heard nothing, you shrugged. He probably just headed back to the cabin then. So, with that you headed back, but when you returned, still no Adam.
"Alright then."
You left the cabin door unlocked, just in case he'd take a while to get back. Setting up your bed and crawling in, flicking out your lamp. You lay in the darkness, snuggling into the bed and closing your eyes.
You listened to the sounds of the cricket outside and the occasional small rustle of a critter along the wilderness edge. Your breathing slows, exhaling softly as you feel yourself slipping away into sleep.
Footsteps crunch against the pebbled ground. You aren't entirely sure how long you've been asleep when you feel your eyelids fluttering open again. Not moving when you hear the heavy footfalls coming up the side of the cabin. They come around the front of the cabin, stopping at the door.
"Adam?" You finally whisper, shifting a little in your bed, squinting into the darkness.
Still silent.
You sat up slowly, looking out the window to see if the coast was clear. You couldn't see anything. You listened for a few moments more, and when you still didn't hear anything, you laid back down.
You watched the door, your heart picking up in pace slightly. The door handle of the cabin finally twists. Your heart leaps as the door opens with an ominous creak.
The steps follow into the cabin, and in the moonlight, you can clearly see that the figure is not Adam.
Your heart spasms in your chest. Your body goes into freeze mode. You try to keep your breathing low in the darkness. The figure shifts its weight slightly, and you feel a pair of eyes on you. Whatever or whoever it was said nothing.
Boots moving across the cabin floor. You close your eyes, feeling fear overtake you when the person reaches your bedside. The glint of the moonlight revealed the sharp hatchet, yet your eyes were closed. Unaware of just what danger you were in.
The figure leans over, warm breath fanning from the mask, leaning down near your cheek, the blade caressing over the skin of your shoulder. You can't stop your whimper, feeling another hot puff of air against your skin, the tip of the blade digging into your shoulder.
You flinch, gasping. The figure stops, the blade drawing away from your skin. Your eyes finally open, wide with fear.
The figure is looming over you, and you can't make out their features in the dark, but the knife glints in the moonlight.
"Please." You whimpered. "I won't tell anyone, I promise."
"Shhh..." The figure shushed, bringing the knife down slowly, trailing the cold metal across your exposed stomach.
Your bottom lip quivers, shying away, whimpering. "Please- Please I won't-" Your voice dies out with another small whimper as he toys with you. Your body is a nervous wreck.
The blade drags across your skin, slowly sinking into your flesh. Your body throbbing in pain, your eyes so wide that they sting.
You try to look down to see the blade, but the figure moves away, and your eyes follow the figure. You see the glint of the moonlight upon the blade as it comes into view. Your body is trembling violently, your skin stained with a light coating of sweat.
You're going to die. You're fully prepared for whatever is happening to end you.
"Oh, Crystal, come on!" You hear Peter's voice in the darkness. The thick silence pierced like shards of glass. Their breathing pauses, blade stilling against your skin.
"No! I told you not to look!" Crystal hollered back. You could hear her coming closer, walking down toward the docks probably.
The figure leans away from you. You feel your heart throbbing inside your chest. The blade leaves your skin, boots heavily walking back across the floorboards. You remain there, hearing the stride stop, eyes back on you. Then the door creaks shut, and the steps are moving away.
You exhale shakily, opening your eyes, half expecting him to still be there.
You thought he was going to kill you. And then it hit you. Crystal... He must have been going after one of them. You were about to rush out of bed on adrenaline, but the fear immediately had you lying back down. You couldn't move, pulling your blankets back up.
It was morning when you got up, finding Adam not at the cabin. You were surprised. You thought he'd come back eventually, but it seems he'd disappeared. You tried to clear your head. Getting dressed and stepping outside to brush your teeth. You looked around, trying to see any signs of what had happened last night. But it seemed all was still. You spat into the dirt, shrugging on your camp sweater and headed over to the main cabin.
There you saw everyone, Peter sitting alone and looking a little bummed out. "Hey." You walked over, getting his attention. "Hey... sleep ok?"
"Yeah, you? Heard a scuffle last night."
Peter sighed, looking into his half-full cup of iced tea. "Found some old photos in a bag she brought with her... Her and her ex."
You cringed a little, but nodded, hearing him out.
"She stormed off and didn't come back last night."
"She did seem the type to be dramatic." You shrugged but gave him a side hug. "Look, it'll be alright. I'm sure she'll come back, and you can sort this out."
Breakfast was passed around and you slowly got to thinking about Crystal. She had no ride back unless she were to take Adam's car or Phil's truck... And where was Adam? Oh well... She was probably off brooding about how she would have to come back and apologize. She was always a tad dramatic for your type.
But the day shifted on, afternoon setting and you all headed to get changed into your swimsuits.
Grabbing your towel you headed outside to meet up with Phil who was chatting up one of the other male counsellors. He had that sly look in his eyes. You patted his arm, motioning him to go get it somewhere else and you headed for the dock.
Some others were already talking and breaking out the kayaks to take on the lake.
You once again sat down, dipping your toes into the water. You looked down into the water, noticing it seemed slightly darker than you remember. Playing it off to be the sunlight and you continued to gently swish your toes through.
One of the girls waved off as she pushed her kayak out into the lake. Rowing out a small bit enough that she comfortably floated along. Until her paddle hit something in the water, rippling up the lake.
You raised an eyebrow, looking down, noticing a chain tied to the leg of the dock. That hadn't been there the other day. The girl seemed to come to the same conclusion, pulling on the chain, something scraping along the bottom floor of the lake bed.
She grunted, pulling a little harder, one of the guys swimming out to steady the kayak.
You all watched as she pulled the chain up, struggling with it until finally. She screamed. You were startled, immediately pulling your feet out of the water. The girl dropped the chain and started desperately attempting to get out of the water and out of the kayak. There wasn't any mistaking her blonde hair, Crystal's body tied by the neck around the chain, her body gutted and hollowed so she'd sink.
You were horrified. Everyone was horrified. Peter and Phillip grab the chain and tug it, dragging her back to shore. They pulled her body onto the dock, seeing her lifeless eyes. The chain digging into her throat, stomach and chest completely hollowed out, her rib cage sticking up like fangs from her peeling, mutilated skin.
You backed up, hitting Phillip's arms. Covering your mouth as you saw what it was. Someone had murdered Crystal. And he was in your cabin last night. You hadn't imagined it.
Someone was hunting you...
"What do we do??" Phillip asked.
"We call the police!" Stacy cried.
"No! They'll shut us down. We'll be responsible."
"What if he comes after the rest of us?"
Your heart pounded a million miles an hour. What were you going to do!?
Some of the boys simply pushed her body back into the water. Vouching that they should just keep a lookout for anything that comes up. They wanted to make the rescue that it was probably just animals. Yeah, because animals were the ones to skillfully skin the organs and carve out around the sharp bone of her ribcage.
But no one could convince them otherwise, so you let it go. It still terrifies you, keeping an eye out as you walk the grounds. Every noise around you sounds like aggression.
Dark eyes watched from the cabin door as Crystal stalked across the camp. Muttering angrily to herself, pulling her shirt fully on, and heading for the docks to get some fresh air. He watched her head down, footsteps following after her once she was far enough away.
The twisted sense of hunting prey filled his mind. Smelling the blood before it was spilt and the delicious scream he'd tear from her lungs.
She sat on the dock, huddled against the small sloshes of the lake against the dock legs. Staring out into the starry night. Footfalls make her brow wrinkle. "Peter, I told you to leave me alone."
He stared down at her, his hatchet glinting in the light, hand tightening on the blade in anticipation. He could almost get off to it. Grabbing her by the throat, hearing her gasp and choke, feet scraping against the wood of the dock. She tried to scream, grabbing his forearm, and looking up at him.
He stared down at her, eyes glimmering with excitement as he watched her thrash. A predator toying with its prey. She squirmed desperately, attempting to kick or bite her way out. Her nails dug into his forearm, drawing a light trickle of blood from his skin.
He frowned, gripping the hatchet and piercing it up through her back, the blade squelching through organs and blood, spilling across the dock and flicking into the cool water.
Her face was frozen in an endless scream, bloodletting out across the wood, falling limp after a moment.
He dropped her body, walked back up the dock and grabbed one of the boat chains from the grass. Unthreading it from the post, he came back over. He tied the chain around her throat, making sure it stayed.
The blade tore into her stomach and gutted her before picking up her organless body and throwing her into the lake. Blood seeps into the water like a bleeding-out animal. Like she'd just been mauled by a shark and was left as scraps.
Seeing blood flood and bubble along her flesh as she sank down to the bottom, the current moving her slightly, throat tugging on the chain that kept her secure to the dock.
He flicked out his blade, looking down at his forearm, wiping the blood from the scratches away. And he left silently.
Simon stood at the edge of the tree line. His brother sneered from the porch, watching him investigate the noise that had rustled the bushes. He stood there, looking down at the small fox, blood splattered across the leaves, stomach torn open, caught in the barbed wire fence of the property and ultimately caught by whatever it had been running from.
Simon reached out to touch it but quickly pulled away and backed up. He walked back over to the porch, nose scrunching when he smelled the putrid smell of cigarette smoke from his brother.
"Go tell Dad, he'll want someone to pick the guts out of the fence." He sneers.
Simon kept his head down, heading inside where his father was muttering away angrily about his mother again, another bottle in his hand. Drinking it back while he went on and on over the phone.
Simon hesitantly went over to him, standing there patiently and waiting. His father noticed him and frowned angrily. "What do you want, boy!?"
Simon gulped, finding his voice. "There's a fox in the fence..."
"Is it dead?"
Simon nodded. "It's dead."
His father huffed, chugging back more alcohol. "Get the tools and go clean it then. You know what to do."
Simon felt his stomach twist painfully, digging under the sink in the kitchen to grab the gloves and cleaner, heading back outside onto the porch.
As he worked to remove the fox from the fence, Simon couldn't help but think about how much death he had been exposed to lately.
He finished cleaning the fence, but his mind was elsewhere.
As he buries the fox gently, Simon can't help but feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. He knows that there are cruel people out there who are capable of senseless violence, and it makes him angry. He wants to do something, to make a difference, but he doesn't know how.
As he walked back towards the house, he heard his father's voice. "You know, Simon, you can't be a sissy your whole life. You gotta learn to face things head-on. That's what real men do."
Simon felt his blood boil with anger. His father had no idea what he had gone through, the trauma he had endured. And yet, he was still expected to be a "man". He was only twelve by that point.
You sat around the fire with a blanket over your shoulders. The warm afternoon was rather quiet as you all attempted to get over what you'd seen earlier. Why the hell were you sitting here instead of calling the cops? Someone was murdered and you just had to be stuck with the people worried about the camp's reputation.
The boys continued to work, trying to forget about the corpse in the lake and the ramifications that would come with it. The girls all sat in the cabin, trying to distract the younger campers from the grim day.
Phillips came over, handing you a flask of scotch. "Drink this. It'll help."
You took it from him, looking away. "Why'd she have to die?"
"I don't know."
"Where's Peter?"
"He's outside, making s'mores with the other kids."
You nodded, taking a sip of the liquor. It warmed you up and you sighed in relief.
Phillips sat down beside you, looking like his mind was miles away. "You seen that prick, Adam?"
You shake your head. "Nope. Disappeared last night hasn't come back." Saying it out loud really solidifies it for you and Phil. Looking at each other, simultaneously coming to one conclusion.
He was probably dead too...
"We need to get the fuck out of here. We can take his car, leave and go get help."
You agreed, nodding your head. "Yeah, yeah. We should leave now."
Phil wasn't gonna fight it. He may like to do his own thing but the idea of getting killed wasn't on his MO. Not this pretty boy face, no, no.
So, you packed back up, Phil convincing Stacy to go back with you. With your bags, you loaded into Phil's truck. Some of the counsellors seemed a little upset at the idea of you leaving so early. Or going to the cops at all.
But you weren't going to sit there and wait to be next.
Within another hour or so you were all packed up and getting in the truck. Phil pulled you out of the road, clicking his tongue as he turned the truck around.
You stared out the window, looking at the trees and the stretch of empty road as if they were watching back. Mocking you, laughing.
It was silent for a large portion of the drive, your foot tapping along the car.
"What of the others?" Stacy asked from the backseat. "Their fault for being stupid. Although that one counsellor was pretty cute..."
You remain quiet, watching the road as you drive. Tires picking up down the road. You looked down at your phone, distracting yourself with one of your games, Phil eventually filling the silence with the sound of the radio.
The thick tension in the air was palpable through the drive.
There was a thunk under the truck. You looked up, eyes widening as Phil brought the truck to a stop.
"What was that?" You looked out the side mirror but couldn't see anything.
"It's probably some dumb rocks." Phil takes off his seatbelt and opens the door. "Phil-" You reached out for him, and he shrugged it off. "I'm just gonna check it."
He left the door open, heading back around the truck, seeing something lying in the road. A clump of fur stuck on the tread of his tire, a fox in the road.
Phil approached it, looking around. "Geez... talk about dumb." He mutters, spitting into the dirt and scuffing his shoe. Looked like there wasn't any damage done to his truck though. That's what mattered.
He bent down to look at the fox again, hearing footsteps. Just as he looked up the sharp glint of a blade glared into his eyes. His heart lurched, backing up as the blade retracted, swinging again.
Phil gasped, continuing to dodge and trying to move, the large skull-masked figure intending to strike good with the hatchet.
You heard the scrape and thunk when the blade hit the side of the truck, seeing the large figure.
"Phil!" You cried, Stacy getting out of the car before you could stop her.
Your eyes widened, seeing the figure. He dwarfed both Stacy and Phil.
How did he get out here!?
The figure turns towards Stacy, raising the hatchet. She screams, but before he can strike, Phil tackles the figure from behind, knocking him down onto the ground.
You quickly get out of the car, running towards them. "Phil, are you okay?!"
"I'm alright, but we need to get out of here!" Phil grabs your arm, pulling you back to the truck.
The figure stands up, body looming in the dim light. You get a good look at him now. He was wearing a skull mask, with the rest of his face hidden in shadow. He was wearing a black jacket with a hood, and black gloves. You couldn't see anything else.
He starts coming towards you, but Phil quickly gets back into the truck, starting its engine. You all drive away quickly, leaving the figure behind.
You're breathing heavily, heart pounding as you look out the back window. The figure is standing in the same spot, watching as you drive away.
"We're getting the police..." You whisper, unable to take your eyes off the man as he gets smaller in the mirror.
"Agreed," Phil says, continuing down the open road.
Ghost lifts his mask, putting a lit cigarette between his scarred lips, exhaling smoke out into the open road. Turning back toward the camp. He'd gone too far anyway, back to his stomping grounds.
He takes another drag of smoke, dropping the cigarette and shoving his heel into it.
Tommy smeared the dirt with his shoe, exhaling the last of the smoke from his lungs, spitting into the freshly shuffled dirt.
Simon watched him, holding the shotgun his father had shoved in his arms. "Tommy-"
"Shut it. You'll scare 'em off." He looks around, scanning the forest grounds, into the darker parts of the trees and across the bushes.
"They always run back to where they think they're safe." Tommy picks up a rock and throws it at the lake. Birds stir in the water, flicking and scattering, some rushing back toward the trees.
Simon gulps, raising the shotgun, and aiming upward at one of the birds. He shot, missing the thing by a mile.
Tommy scoffs, shaking his head. "You're not gonna hit anything like that, kid."
Simon lowers the gun, feeling embarrassed. He had never shot a gun before, let alone at a moving target. "Sorry, I-I didn't mean to-"
Simon can feel his cheeks flushing. He hates it when Tommy treats him like a little kid. But he knows better than to argue. Tommy's been doing this for years, and Simon's only been brought into this recently.
"What are we even doing out here?" Simon asks, shifting the gun in his hands.
Tommy turns to him, squinting in the sunlight. "We're hunting, Simon. Hunting for something that's been bothering the camp for too damn long."
A couple days later you and the others returned. It was only you and Phil this time, along with a couple officers and a K9 unit. You'd been nervous about returning for the entire time up until finally going back.
Getting there you open the door, looking around. The camp was quiet, the trees still, bushes bristling as the breeze flowed steadily.
Some officers looked around, the K9 sniffing along the ground as you headed into the camp.
It was completely dead. Abandoned beer cans, a filled pool, and Kayaks still down at the beach unchained.
You latched onto Phil nervously as you followed the officers. Searching everywhere. The main office was empty, and cabins were abandoned. You gulped, the officers scratching their heads, but you knew it was too late. He had gotten to them.
"And what did you say he looked like again?"
"Tall- over six feet, skull mask, wore all black?"
The officer nodded, looking around. The K9's ears perked up, staring into the bushes. Barking into the darkness.
Your insides tensed up, watching the officer with the K9 move forward, others readying their guns in case.
You were shaking and your knees felt weak. the officer moved the K9 forward, waving it further in.
The K9 stopped, barking as it tugged on its leash. The officer stepped forward, pointing his gun into the woods.
The noise quieted, and the dog calmed down. The officer sighed, walking back over. "It's a deer. Want us to keep searching?"
You look around, sighing. "No, nobody's here. Nobody was here."
"Alright, well, we're going to be here for a while still. You can head back to town, we'll keep searching." The officer shrugged. You pocketed your hands, heading back to the car with Phil.
You get into the passenger seat; Phil leans forward and turns on the radio. You look in the rearview mirror and your body freezes. You look back, going cold in horror, a silent scream building in your throat. The hatchet reached up between the seats, grabbing Phil and choking him.
You attempt to tear the man off but he's too strong, blood slashing through Phil's throat as he angrily fights.
You finally manage to scream, getting the door open quickly getting out of the truck, your heart hammering in your chest. The figure turned towards you, his mask hiding any emotion he may have felt. You couldn't make out any details in the darkness, but you could tell that he was tall, muscular, and had a menacing aura about him.
Your feet carry you, thudding across the ground, the back door of the car opening and heavier footsteps following.
You try to call for help, bloody glove wrapping around your mouth, pulling you back, back pressed to the strong chest of a bloody killer.
You wanted to thrash but thought better, remaining still. His hand tightened over your mouth, leaning in so his warm breath fanned over your face. You whimpered, feeling weak, shaking as the edge of his weapon grazed your stomach. Tracing up your sternum, across your chest. Edge of the blade nipping your clothes.
You breathe in heavily through your nose, hands clasping on his forearm, wriggling around.
He enjoyed it. Seeing the pure fear in your eyes, watching you struggle and shake.
Your eyes water, looking into the bushes, knowing the officers were just right there...
He leaned closer to you, whispering into your ear, "Now, now." He was right up against your ear, breath hot and damp.
You try to kick him in the knee, but he's too strong. He grabs your leg, squeezing, bruising as he pulls it up, causing you to fall to your knees.
He moans in your ear, lips pulling into a smirk against the shell of your ear.
You gag, struggling, hearing the heavy thunk of his hatchet against the ground.
His hands were big enough to cover your face. One wrapped around your throat, the other on your mouth, thumb and fingers digging into the meat of your cheeks, squeezing.
Your hands scrambled against his arm, nails digging into his flesh as you desperately tried to claw him away.
There's barking and a sharp whine of the K9. You struggle, attempting to wriggle away as you hear the officers yelling. There's another loud bark, claws digging into the ground, the man letting you go.
You don't have a moment to think longer, taking off down the old road. The canine returns to Simon's side, a tussle of fur in her mouth, and he gives her the signal to wait. He smirks under the mask, watching you run as fast as you can. His stomach twisted in excitement. He couldn't wait to watch your blood spill…
He wants to watch the anguish before the pain. He wants to see your insides. Do they look as good as you do? He swings the blade wiping some of the blood off, running it along the white truck stopped along the road.
Tears fill your eyes, your heart pounding. Your legs shake as you run with everything you have in you. He could have just killed you, but you couldn’t give up. You had to get out. You had to run. You had to survive. This twisted game of cat and mouse, feeling the cats claws ready to sink into your tail and drag you back for a meal.
For now, you were prey, and he was predator.
(Please do let me know what you thought if you read this. I worked hard and haven't a true slasher fic before. I tried my best and want to give you guys more of this.)
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lichenbug · 2 months
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their typical work attire
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friendlyengie · 1 year
May I request a t4t engiespy? 🥺👉👈 Whichever way you wanna trans their genders works
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They’re going to pride. Don’t ask me about engineers outfit . I don’t have a good reason for it.
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mx24 · 18 days
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and this is my little Seap. of horrors. ha ha ha ha...
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deluxewhump · 5 months
cw: nonhuman whumpee, hunters of nonhumans, torture, burning as torture, fire-induced temporary blindness, mentioned digit crushing, self healing whumpee, it as a pronoun, restraints, muzzle, purchased for research
note: I've taken great liberties with this little german mythological creature. As you will see, its physical appearance is about ninety percent human in this story.
one: hunter's camp
The creature was in the worst shape Arthur had ever seen anything alive in. The fact that it looked so unnervingly human, especially from a distance, unsettled him even more.
Once they heard what it allegedly was, Stephan said it should have big paws and the short golden fur of a lion. Francis said that wasn’t right at all— it should have a human head and torso, legs like a calf with cloven hooves, and soft brown, white or black ears like a calf too… Stephan eventually elbowed Francis into silence as they approached a muddy paddock where the ill-fated things were corralled after being caught. 
It was mostly vampires in the hunter’s camp. Vampires were such a problem in the region that Arthur himself had been nearly recruited as a hunter this spring past. He’d been intrigued by the commission bonuses, the idea of travel and sleeping under the stars. He’d eyed the weapons and tools the hunters wore at their belts and tucked in their boots with admiration and envy. But he’d lost his stomach for it after seeing what he would have to do to the vampires he caught.
The Bahkauv was no exception, it seemed, despite being a rarer and much more regional phenomenon, not at all the infamous menace vampires had become. In fact, it seemed to Arthur that the thing was human as it cowered in the mud, eyes tracking the hunter that circled it. 
“How do they know it's a Bahkauv?” he asked aloud, not expecting his friends to have a response he didn't have himself. 
Meanwhile, the hunter sloshed a bucket of thick, oily substance onto the cowering creature and struck a match. 
“Oh good God,” Francis breathed beside him. All three of them were frozen in place, waiting to see if the hunter would toss the match.
He did. 
The substance now covering the Bahkauv was clearly some sort of accelerant. Pitch, maybe. Immediately, the fire spread over it and leaped three feet high so the creature appeared as a burning ball, invisible inside a wall of orange flame. Though they could not see it very well, they could hear it. Its shrieks of terror turned to screams of pain— agonized and gut wrenching. Francis was gripping Arthur’s forearm without realizing he’d done so, as if to say do you see this?His mouth was open in shock at the scene before them. Arthur glanced about. Some of the people, hunters and civilians alike, had stopped to see what this particular commotion was about, but they went back to their own business once they realized. This was not out of the ordinary. 
“We use the sun on the vamps,” said a hunter who had come up to the fence to watch. “Easy and extremely effective. But that thing doesn’t burn with the sun. They find drunken soldiers and latch onto them until they’re weak enough for them to attack. Vicious, thieving little creatures. And since there’s a lack of drunken soldiers wandering around alone here lately, who do you think we found this one leeching on?”
“A hunter?”
The hunter nodded.  “Unwise little thing, no? Sunlight doesn’t really bother it, but we found it a similar experience…” he nodded at the twisting and writhing flame in the paddock.  Whatever the substance was was finally burning off. The flames dwindled in the wet mud until they could see the creature beneath, now naked and terribly burned, but clearly alive. The screams tapered off to loud, alarming moans, separated by thin breaths drawn with great difficulty. 
“Why?” asked Arthur with an incredulity he later realized must have sounded terribly naive to a hunter. 
The hunter looked at him, deciding how to answer. In the end he just laughed, and clapped Arthur on the shoulder before wandering away toward the north side of the encampment.  
The one in the ring, dressed identically to the one Arthur had just spoken to, approached the Bahkauv. Arthur was now convinced it was not human after all, or it would not have survived that sustained heat for so long, with no oxygen to breathe. Right? Surely.
The hunter watched the thing struggling to breathe for a moment, tilted his head and toed it in the ribs with his boot. It shrieked in pain, eyes blind and white, blood and saliva dripping from its open mouth, its burned lips. The hunter seemed to consider the condition of the skin, which looked from a distance as though it was already changing from charred to red, from red to pink. 
“Is it healing?” Stephan asked in a low voice. He was not sure he wanted to know. 
“So quickly,” Francis muttered, his forehead deeply creased in distress. Even so, Francis could not help but watch. Arthur knew he was sharply observing, forming questions. His curious mind would not allow him to look away. 
Arthur, by no means a scientist or a scholar, wondered why it was he couldn’t stop looking. The hunter splashed more of the pitch-like substance onto the creature, who howled and threw up its hands protectively, uselessly, against the second lit match that was coming. 
“No,” Stephan exhaled in disbelief. “So soon?”
The flames flew to the accelerant faster than their eyes could follow, and the screams began in earnest again, filling the paddock. Arthur winced and looked away. 
“I need it,” Francis said, nodding emphatically. “Not a vampire. I need to take that to the University. Why study what everyone else is studying? Sure they’re rare, but that means my research would be rare, too. Possibly unique.”
“You don’t know what it’s capable of,” Stephan cautioned. 
“It likes to eat drunken soldiers, for God's sake," Francis argued to the backdrop of horrific wailing. “It will be tied up and muzzled, if we have to. And it's so... pathetic. Look at it."
Arthur and Stephan did. The flames had burned off again. The unfortunate creature was attempting to crawl away from the hunter, who was following it slowly. 
“It’s probably less dangerous than a vampire anyway. And it can move in the sunlight without being carried or making a scene.” Francis looked to them for support. Nearby, a shrieking vampire was being dragged into the sunlight. 
“This place is making me a bit ill,” Stephan said.
"I did warn you both." Arthur turned to Francis. “If you really think it’s a good idea, I’ll bargain for you. You’re too excited about it. They’ll realize they can rip you off.”
The Bahkauv was badly burned. This was nothing new, but each time was its own unending Hell. Every inch was agony as it crawled, blindly, across the paddock. The cool mud might have been a relief but for the way it sucked at the skin of its hands and knees, taking much of the ruined flesh with it as it made each slow inch of progress. It didn’t know where it was going. It only knew that staying put would mean more pain, and it could not tolerate any more pain. It was stripped to its barest instincts, and its instinct was to get away.
Dimly, it remembered the hunters didn’t like when it tried to get away from them, even just a few feet to curl up in a corner or against a fence. They’d stake it in place with one of their sharp vampire-sticks, through its hand or the tendons of its foot, grounding it in place to torment until it was mindless, incoherent and screeching like an animal.
Its melted sight began to come back, and it could see the blurry outline of men’s legs standing in front of it. It stopped crawling, paralyzed in fear. It could do nothing but lie on the ground and pant, throat and lungs burned from inhaling fire, but unable to die, just like the vampires in the sun.
A heavy collar was fitted around its neck like a yoke, and someone was yanking it roughly to a standing position. The Bahkauv shook so badly from the recent pain of burning that it collapsed once, twice. It cringed deeply as the hunter who held the leash backhanded its burnt cheek. “Up,” he hissed. “Do you want another round as a parting gift?”
“It’s fine,” said a new man's voice. “Enough. Enough. Here.”
Through slowly improving vision, it saw its leash change hands. It was not prepared to look anyone in the eye, even once it could see well enough to distinguish faces again.
It kept its eyes down, trembling violently as ropes were wrapped around its wrists and then looped through the collar so its hands had to stay crossed near its chest. A leather and iron muzzle was fitted over its head and tightened around the back of its neck. The sharp bit went to right the back of its throat, almost far enough to make it gag. The sides bit into the burnt flesh of its face. Once, it would have been ashamed of how it drooled pinkish foam in front of all these humans. Now it neither knew or remembered shame when the threat of more pain was present, which was always.
A man was picking it up. It hurt terribly, but all the Bahkauv dared to do was whimper through frantically grit teeth. Another pair of hands went under its armpits and hauled it higher, up and into the saddle of a chestnut horse. Each point of contact from the saddle was fresh pain, burnt skin and nightmarish friction. It tried to sit up on its own for as long as it could, but lacked the strength. Once the horse began walking in the direction of the road, it had no choice but to slump weakly against the chest of the man sitting directly behind it and holding the reins. 
It received no punishment, except for the way the man's rough clothes touched its skin. As the Bahkauv's sight returned to normal, it looked about to see two more men on horses of their own. Its healing skin itched and burned, but all it could do was twitch helplessly and watch the horse’s bobbing mane in front of it, or the leafy spring forest pass on either side. It shivered intermittently.
"Give it a blanket, Francis," one of the men said.
"Won't that hurt it? Its skin still shines like a burn."
"Remarkable how minor a burn it looks already though," said the man behind it in the saddle. "Considering."
The human voice, so close it could feel the vibration from it in its back, set it to trembling again.
Exhaustion from the days torture soon set in, and it fell into bouts of unconsciousness that only resembled sleep. It woke from one such period of dreamlessness with a startled flinch, unsure where it was or what was happening. The man he was riding with had his arm around its waist, anchoring it so it did not slump to either side and fall from the horse.
Dread and fear pooled in the Bahkauv’s stomach at the human contact, a large gloved hand splayed across its naked belly. Humans were cunning and cruel. They loved fire and tools, like the metal ones they used to crush its fingers and toes in the evenings when the sun was down and the screams of the vampires had quieted. 
It felt one of the others’ gaze on it and turned its foolish head, accidentally locking eyes with one of the men it was now traveling with. He was young, dressed in a jacket of dark green wool. He reminded the Bahkauv of the new recruits the hunters would bring in now and then, to see what they had the stomach for. Heart pounding, it looked away, and did not dare lift its eyes again until nightfall prompted the men to stop and make camp.
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sakosai · 1 year
— a gender connected to horror that seems cute and innocent at first and cannibalism.
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Pronoun suggestions:
Coined by The Presence!
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vexwerewolf · 5 months
Offended at being referred to "it/its" not because I find it dehumanizing but because those are the Special Pronouns that only people I get intimate with are allowed to use and buddy we sure as hell ain't fuckin
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technomanceer · 1 year
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she's very therapeutic to draw . xeyre like an elaborate color by number page
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splattergai · 4 months
PT: Kidcore ID pack /end PT
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Names: Molly, Mollie, Raspberry, Melon, Apple, Kandi, Pebble, Bun, Bunny, Rainbow, Love, Luv, Pepsi, Soda, Bea, Lace, Pumpkin, Pepper, Charlie, Chocolate, Cocoa, Poppy, Blu, Ollie, Gummy, Newt, Ellie, Cookie, Theodore, Duckie, Sam, Strawberry, Berry, Pup, Bug, Bee, Sunshine, Sunny, Candy, Kinder, Kit, Feather, Pop, Mickey
3rdpp: nost/nostalgia, nos/nost, pop/pops, bright/brights, neon/neons, pas/pastel, pastel/pastels, rain/bow, rainbow/rainbows, stuffy/stuffys, sweet/sweets, candy/candys, cotton/cottons, cartoon/cartoons, viv/vivid, tv/tvs, sticker/stickers, kid/kids, toy/toys, bead/beads, kandi/kandis, paint/paints, play/plays, stuffing/stuffings, crayon/crayons, color/colors, chalk/chalks, balloon/balloons, smile/smiles, art/arts, craft/crafts, party/partys, gum/gums, gummy/gummys, cookie/cookies, hug/hugs, 🌈/🌈s, 🎨/🎨s, 🦄/🦄s, 🍫/🍫s, 🍭/🍭s, 🍬/🍬s, 🧃/🧃s, 🧩/🧩s, 🎈/🎈s, 🎉/🎉s
Genders: Vibranite, hyperkidgender, kidcoricmasc, kidcoricfem, kidcoricneutral, kidbraclic, pueolimic, teddybearcomfic, mickeygender, glitighpupgender, donaldduckgender, maginostic, playechocorian, goofygender, bathtubcrayonyic, vanillafunfettic, kidpan, kicandien, femikidcoric, hyperscenefem, toyfoodgender, summerkidgender, strawberrychalkic, kidcorestalgic, pupkidcoric, kidcorecatgender, kiddiedraconic, kidcolovic, kidcrayonix
Titles: prn who is young, prn who loves colors, the childish one, the young one, the colorful one, the sweet one, prn who is sweet, prn who is colorful, prn who loves rainbows, the playful one, the nostalgic one
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slcknasty · 1 month
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turns up to the function with yet another weird fucked up nosferatu.
this is scrivener!! scriv for short. it's an anarch nosferatu who i played in a larp this weekend and have decided to adapt into a full character! they're working to restore an archive of kindred history started by their sire and destroyed bu the camarilla.
it's a little young and naive but it's got the spirit!
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dizzy-lights · 1 year
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more persona 5 finisher gif stamps! once again added blinkines (including an approved phantom thieves message)
these are free to use for whatever
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brainman1987 · 1 month
Yall would not beleive what I have been doing
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