#daenerys tagaryen
sabrabox · 2 years
What Game of thrones stars think of House of the dragon 🐉🐲🔥🔥
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mrsgojosatoru · 2 years
Wrt woc Daenerys, I’ve pictured her as not-white since book 1 because with Khal Drogo she rides in the hot desert sun everyday, yet there’s never any mention of a sun burn or any damage to her skin. The only description of her skin after riding through the Dothraki desert and Red Waste calls her ‘pale.’ I’m mixed but light skinned, and even I’d get sunburnt if I was riding through a desert everyday with no shade. Imo Dany is definitely a woman of color, plus her story just makes more sense that way.
Actually there's a description of her in book one that describes her as so tanned she's mistaken for Dothraki! Let me trot out my copy of AGOT real quick.
“The merchant must have taken her for Dothraki, with her clothes and her oiled hair and sun-browned skin.”
So there is actually our first description of Daenerys after traveling in the sun for days on end.
And her story does make more sense. She's a refugee, a daughter of a diaspora, a slave who rises to power, who lifts others up along the way, she given the exotic / erotic treatment through the text AND the author. Her childhood is absent from the start of the series unlike other girls close to her age in the books (Sansa/Arya both loose their childhood in book one but Dany never had it.)
I'm mixed, I'd also get burned unless I built up my time in the sun gradually like I used to when I was a little kid. (Where I was definitely sun-browned.) It could be part of Dany's "I don't get burned" mythos, but also the text describes her skin as sun-browned. And this description of her skin is I believe the first one the text includes.
Other descriptions often call Daenerys "fair and lovely" and fair can of course mean having a light complexion, but it can also mean just which Daenerys certainly is.
Also at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what GRRM wrote, if enough women of color feel a connection to her story and want to perform a subversive reading to include themselves in a narrative where our only other characters are either not POV characters, killed for the sake of white narratives, and/or subjected to racist writing then we as people of color get to do that. It's not death of the author, it's audience reception theory, and we are allowed to make things ours because we want to.
She's ours. Haters can deal with it.
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damn-stark · 2 years
Chapter 10 Dance of the Dragons
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Chapter 10 of Sandstorm
A/N- 😏
Warning- Y/N has a son, swearing, incest, ANGST, talks of pregnancy, violence, death and destruction, ALSO THERES CHANGES THAT DRIFT AWAY FROM THE SHOW (not big, but there is)
Pairing- Jon Snow x Targaryen!fem-reader
Episode- 8x05
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
Home, King’s Landing is home. Today is the day that you finally get it back. Today is the day you finally take back what was stolen. Today.
Due to certain blessings, Daenerys left you out of joining her in burning what remains of the Iron Fleet, it’s too risky she said—can’t be that risky though, considering you’ll be on your dragon.
But Jon backed that up too so instead you’re left in charge of overseeing your plan to have Jaime betray his lover/sister, with the Sandsnakes.
It’s an overly easy task, but it gives you time to reunite with your sisters you haven’t seen in too long. Yet in this wait, in the eerie silence that was built as the city below waited for your team to attack, your mind ran with worry over Jon’s life, over hope Jaime wouldn’t betray you, and over her, Daenerys.
You’ve tried not to think of what Jon said, you keep trying to believe in her, but as you’re up in the sky waiting for her and Rhaegal to attack the remaining fleet below, that’s all that fills your mind.
She can’t be that person they paint her out to be. She can’t let them win. Most importantly what happens if that fear flourishes?
No. You can’t let them get to you.
Just wait in silence, listen past the howling wind, and look down past the clouds. You see the shadow of her dragon, the shadow of Rhaegal nearby waiting to burn down the crossbows on the walls. You wait.
Wait, and…
That eerie silence is broken by the sound of ships exploding, by shrieks as Rhaegal catches them off guard and burns down the crossbows. Rocks and debris slamming everywhere fill the air with dust, and that’s your cue to fly in undetected.
While the ships burned, and part of the walls fell, you nudge your handles forward and part your lips to speak to Eraxis. “<Fly, girl>”
Without a second of hesitation, without needing to be told again, Eraxis tilts down, flaps her wings once to gain momentum, and then tucks them back to shoot down like a flying arrow.
The speed she travels in when she dives as such once would’ve made your stomach upset, but now that feeling as if your heart is coming out of your throat, and your stomach is floating up your body is actually thrilling and makes you grin.
“WHOO!” You let the rushing wind blasting past you carry out your excited cry. Which may seem inappropriate, but you’ve missed flying, you can’t help it. And well that joy only lasts until Eraxis slows down and now skids above the waters near the cove below the Redkeep, so as to not be seen by anyone who remains inside.
The sound of the top of the walls being blow up still rings so they’ll be distracted with that, letting Eraxis and you maneuver by the cove until you turn in a corner that has a cave, and a boat docked on the sand; it carries no banner, no other flag, and as Eraxis gets closer there's an orange and red sheets over it—this is it, it’s them!
Eraxis gets as close as she can get to the beach, letting you unsaddle rapidly.
“Y/N!” You hear a familiar female voice call.
You snap your head to the other side as you keep unstrapping yourself and immediately grin as you notice the pretty face of Elia as she runs out from the cave. And running after her is Sarella, scolding her it seems like. So once you manage to untie yourself you hastily climb off your dragon, and only take a moment longer to talk to her.
“<Go, distract them.>” You tell her so they wouldn't suspect your disappearance from battle. “<Come back.>” You pat her once more and then step back to let her fly away, letting you then turn and face Elia; who’s now grown taller, her face has matured a bit more, and her dark black braid is only longer now.
“Elia,” you call out happily and run through the water, not caring if water splashed all over you.
She meets you halfway, just at shore and you both immediately wrap in an embrace.
“Sister,” she mutters and slaps her hands on your back with more strength than before.
You grin and glance up, seeing Sarella remain hidden under the shadows of the caves. And behind her, hidden in the shadows as well is someone else, someone tall and thin…can it be, Ellaria?
“Look how you’ve grown,” Elia remarks to you as she pulls back to look down at your swollen belly.
You smile at her and cup her face. “Look at you,” you redirect. “You’re a woman now. Last I saw you, you were only a little girl.”
“Happens,” she quips and steps aside to let you walk to the cave. “Tell me, are we fighting soon?”
You sigh and meet Sarella’s dark eyes with an eager grin. “With luck all you’ll see of battle is what happened just now.”
Elia groans and lets your arm go so you can run to Sarella.
In the middle of a battle it seems wrong to be so happy, but you cannot help it with your joy that grows over seeing your family.
“Oh how I’ve missed you,” you tell Sarella as you both wrap each other in an embrace. “I hope the waters weren’t too rough.”
Sarella gives you a gentle squeeze before pulling back and facing you, blocking the view of the woman behind her. “I’ve missed you too, sister. It’s been too long.” She shoots you a smile and looks you up and down to study your armor. “Nice. A little too shiny for your liking, no?”
You roll your eyes and sigh dramatically. “Tell me about it. But it keeps me and my children safe. Besides, my husband is insistent.” You smirk.
She smiles and then glances behind you. “Where’s the young prince?” She asks.
You step back and answer her. “Dragonstone. I can’t risk his life in such a big battle. He’s upset he couldn’t come and see you both. He’s missed you.”
Sarella grins. “And we him, especially the youngest three.”
“Soon!” Elia cuts in from behind Sarella. “We’ll reunite at the Queen's coronation, or when the babes are born. Dorne will celebrate for an entire moon cycle!”
You glance past Sarella’s shoulder, and instead of looking to your sister, your eyes land on the woman she’s by, Ellaria, safe and very well; just as Cersei had promised.
“Ellaria,” you greet softly and walk past Sarella to reach her.
Said woman sits up from the rock she was resting on and walks to you. “Princess,” she greets in a raspy voice.
You offer her an apologetic look and take her hands in yours to assure her. “I’m glad you’re okay. Did the escape go with ease?”
Ellaria nods. “Yes…Elia and Sarella were swift and quick. No harm was done to us.”
You smile softly and nod. “Good….” You pause and let out a small breath as the grief of your sisters heightens and becomes hard to ignore. “I’m sorry for your loss, Ellaria. I’m sorry I failed you and her. Them.”
Ellaria's gaze hardens and she shakes her head stiffly. “I’ll know peace when I see that whore of a Queen burn alive.”
You smirk at her. “You will soon enough.”
Ellaria raises her chin and doesn’t fail from expressing her doubt. “The girls told me about the plan, do you really trust that Lannister man?”
You let her hands go and glance deeper in the cave, catching the entrance that Jaime needs to come out of. “Not fully no, but I have to have some faith in him in hopes that he will do what’s right for the people.” You meet Ellaria’s gaze. “He made promises that he cannot break again. I trust he’ll do what’s right even if it hurts. He knows what happens if he doesn’t.”
Ellaria hums and steps back to the rock she had been resting on. “I hope you’re right,” she mutters.
You sigh and nod. “I hope I am too.” Now slowly worry creeps to you, worry you didn’t want to feel but are sort of glad you do to be able to come up with what you need to tell them.
“Once,” you continue to say. “Ser Jaime comes out and you take him to the ship…” you pause and turn to watch the sky. “If you see things change….” You begin to fiddle with your rings and look down to watch the waves roll in. “Go pick up Rhaenar at Dragonstone, but change courses to White Harbor.”
“Why is that?” Elia questions.
You slowly turn around and face the girls. “There’s a worry….something might shift. You see it and do as I said. I’ll catch up while you’re all in the ocean when I can.”
Sarella notices the fear you couldn’t hide and steps forward to probe. Yet she can’t ask her question because hurried footsteps begin to echo from the staircase at the end of the cave. Is this him?
You meet each of your sisters gazes to share a pressing look that sends them to a fight ready stance, Ellaria gets up from her seat, and you lose the fear and concern to tighten your jaw and harden your gaze.
Eraxis isn’t here, but you now hope she comes soon.
Nevertheless, the footsteps get louder and the sound of heavy breathing soon travels out. The louder they get the more nervous you feel over this entire situation.
What if he turns on you at the last minute? It’d be stupid, really, you have Eraxis, you can hear the gate crumbling down from here, it’d be stupid, but well…people do stupid things for love.
Seconds pass until finally Jaime comes to view as he reaches the last few steps; he meets your gaze with a hardened gaze, but you can notice the flicker of fear over what he’s doing.
“Come,” he directs behind him as he steps down the last steps. When his feet touch the ground Cersei comes to view now, and she immediately stops in her steps as she spots you, your sisters, and Ellaria.
She doesn’t say anything, she tries to look nonchalant, but you see her fear. She looks to her brother expecting a fight, but he gets near her and takes her wrists.
“I’m sorry,” he mutters to her.
And as if on cue, or called by the drama, you begin to hear the flapping of wings before you feel Eraxis breathing behind you—you also notice the horror on Cersei's face now as she sees the dragon.
“No,” she argues and tries to yank her arms back. “No! What are you doing?! Jaime!” She yells and tries to fight back by hitting him on the chest, by pushing him away, so Elia strides over and uses the force Jaime can’t bring himself to use.
“I am so sorry, My Lady,” Elia mutters and yanks her down the steps. “But you will be coming with us. It seems your lover turned against you.” She snickers and throws her forward, letting Ellaria catch her before Cersei can fall.
“I should thank you,” Ellaria tells her as she grabs her jaw to squeeze it. “You let me live to see this.” She scoffs. “You aren't as smart as you thought you were, huh?” She looks her up and down before she lets her face go to instead grab her arm and pull her towards Sarella.
“You can’t do this,” Cersei snaps back at Jaime as Sarella slaps chains around her wrists. “You can’t do this to me! Let me go! Let me go, you fucking whore!”
You click your tongue and shake your head. “Quiet, you’ve lost now, Queen Cersei, we got the upper hand.” You begin to walk towards her, and she shoots you a burning glare.
“It’s over.” You finish saying.
Cersei yanks her arm away from Sarella and walks towards you, making Eraxis begin to growl. “I may have lost, but your battle is only just beginning,” she begins to smirk. “I know your Queen well…”she trails off and glances down at your belly. “Protect what’s yours before she takes them. It’s her you should really fear.”
You swallow thickly and simply look at her with unbothered gaze before stepping aside and letting her face Eraxis. Now her cockiness falls and horror returns. “No,” she mutters and walks back. “No, no, please.” She looks back and cries out. “Jaime, please, I don’t want to die. Please…please.” She walks to him, and you let her grab his collar and beg. “Please don’t hand me to these people. Please…I love you.”
At the sound of her words Jaime takes her hands and glances at them with a saddened gaze as he draws in a small breath.
“Only we matter, only us,” she keeps saying to him. “Please.”
Jaime lets out a deep breath and looks at Cersei with tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he says. “But they have to matter more.” He lets her hands go and takes her arm to begin walking her to the boat, whilst she still squirms and fights back.
Your sisters follow after him and you walk to Eraxis, but watch Jaime help her on the boat, while Ellaria stops by you.
“I’ve stopped letting vengeance consume me,” she says. “It took too much away from me. But I will follow you.”
You pull your eyes away from Jaime getting Cersei on the boat and meet Ellaria’s gaze.
“It’s you your uncles believed in, not her, it’s you that we will follow,” she assures you. “You’ve done good Little Sunspot, I’m sure your uncle Oberyn is smiling wherever he may be.”
You offer her a small smile and whisper back. “Thank you. If you wish to return to Sunspear, you may. Return to your daughters, they need their mother.”
She nods. “Yes. They do. I will go home. Just swear to me you won’t forget who you are.”
You nod to assure her. “I swear.”
She caresses your cheek once before turning to climb on the boat, while Jaime gets out and walks to you.
“You won’t be traveling with them?” You ask.
He shakes his head. “No. I don’t think I can. If..if it’s no trouble may you take me to my brother?”
You nod. “Of course. And thank you…I know it must be hard, but…” you trail off as then at that moment bells begin to ring, letting you know that they’ve surrendered. The city surrendered.
“Hear that?” Elia taunts Cersei. “That’s the sound of victory.”
You smile up at the sky in relief and can’t help but grin at Jaime. “It’s over. We’ve done it. Let’s go and meet the others.” You walk to Eraxis and begin to climb on the saddle as your sisters drift away.
“And!” Jaime exclaims from the ground. “Do I just climb on it?!”
“Her!” You correct him as you sit on the saddle. “And yes, climb on! She won’t hurt you…unless you have bad intentions. Do you?”
He shakes his head immediately. “I can feed her my weapons if she’d like!”
You chuckle and shake your head. “No need, just grab onto her, it won’t hurt her, and climb on. You can sit behind me.”
Jaime hesitates, but slowly grabs onto everything you had and struggles to climb on with one hand. But he does, and also eventually throws himself over the saddle.
“Hang on,” you let him know and turn the handles, making Eraxis begin to turn away from the cave, and causing the knight behind you to grip onto your arm.
You snicker and nudge your handles forward to make her begin to ascend to the sky. At the feeling of the dragon lifting off, and at the sight of the waters looking smaller, Ser Jaime gasps.
“How in the seven hells do you do this?!” He yells.
“It gets easier!” You assure him, and feel your amused grin fade as the sight of the city comes to view, it’s untouched, besides the gate and the top of the walls it was all unscathed. That knowledge brings you joy, satisfaction and most importantly relief.
Finally. Finally, after years you can finally return to the ancestral seat your family held for centuries. Dragons will once again rule the sky’s of Kings Landing. At long last you can finally return home—
As you fly to Daenerys, towards the gate where Jon will be close by, Daenerys and Drogon suddenly depart from where they were perched. And she’s flying away from the gate, away from where everyone is. She’s flying deeper into the city….
And it’s now that you hear it. In between the silence the bells leave every few seconds you hear the cries for help, the cries for their Queen Cersei. They know that the city has surrendered but the people keep crying out for Cersei. And Daenerys keeps flying away.
She’s just going to the Red Keep….right?
Eraxis turns without command, letting you watch Daenerys, making you catch as Drogon suddenly shoots fire down on the people, destroying everything in his path.
“No,” you whisper. “No, no.”
Jaime lets out a shocked gasp, reminding you of his presence. Tears then begin to roll down your eyes as slowly realization creeps.
“HELP US!!!”
“The city has surrendered—”
“I’m taking you to your brother,” you cut off Jaime and make Eraxis turn away to head towards the gate.
The sound of fire slamming into houses, the sound of screaming now rings out, tuning out the bells, and your realization only heightens.
“What will you do?” Jaime asks you.
“So swear to me that you won’t fight her. I can’t lose you.”
Jon’s words echo in your head, they warn you, and only add fire to that heart shattering realization that….Sansa, Arya, and Lord Varys was right. They all were. And you…you blinded yourself by hope. By the promise of family. You pushed away all your instincts, all your own warnings out of hope she’d do what’s right. And now she’s burning it all away, she’s burning all the people, she’s…killing them.
“Save as many people as you can, Ser,” you ignore his question. “Have the armies retreat and only help who they can. Don’t fight.”
Eraxis gets close to the ground and hovers above to let him down.
“I will,” he says while he climbs off the saddle to begin to climb down. But he stops just before he can get further down to interject once more. “You’re smarter than your father, Princess. I hope you can make the right choice, not for you, or her, but for the lives you want to protect. They may be shit, but they don’t deserve this.”
He’s using your words against you. Smart.
“Don't die,” you redirect.
He shoots you a smirk and begins to climb down, once you hear his feet hit the ground Eraxis ascends again. The moment she’s above the city, all the serenity is replaced by terror, by blazing flames, and black smoke. The air that was once filled with the sounds of bells is now filled with shrieks, pained and dying cries, all over a whim.
No matter how much pain you’re in over what life has thrown at you, you know that they don’t deserve this. Not after they surrendered.
But yet…she’s your aunt, she’s the last bit of family you have left. You love her. Her—
But all those innocents dying, all the burning, all that devastation, it tortures you.
Why? Why does it have to be her?
Why does it have to be you?
Forgive me Jon for breaking the promise.
Without needing to say anything Eraxis flies faster towards Drogon, past the battle that is now happening below. You tighten your grip around your handles and hold back tears. You narrow your gaze on Daenerys and catch Rhaegal join Eraxis' side without Jon on him.
The green dragon follows you, but will he join you in fighting against his mother and her scorn? Or will he fight you?
Doesn’t matter, you have to stand as long as you can and make her stop.
So once you’re finally close, just as you approach her and she thinks you’ll join her by raining down fire, instead you lean forward, and Eraxis quickly slams her head into Drogon, causing him to stop blowing out fire and get thrown to the side, while Daenerys quickly snaps her head over and meets your gaze with bewilderment.
You try not to look hurt, but that pain is shown by the tears that gleam over your eyes and the shaky frown on your face. You don’t say anything either, but she doesn’t need to hear anything, she knows what you want her to do. She holds your gaze actually as if debating; she doesn’t scowl, or move to attack with fire, she holds your gaze with a hint of curiosity.
Yet it’s in that stillness that suddenly Drogon blows out fire against Eraxis’s neck, making her screech out in pain and thrash away from the flames. And due to the sudden attack you don’t get to catch Daenerys reaction; you don’t know if she’s surprised or smug about it.
“<Eraxis!” You yell out as she flies away from Drogon. “Only defend!>” You can’t control Rhaegal, and he hasn’t attacked you nor counter attacked, so you hope he knows that Jon wouldn’t go against you.
“<Only defend!>” You repeat in Valyrian.
You look back and see Drogon open his mouth to throw fire again, so you make Eraxis swoop down and accidently skim over roofs. And now rather than turning to come attack Eraxis and you, Drogon and Daenerys continue to rain fire down on the city, forcing you to direct Eraxis to fly after her and chomp down on his tail when she gets close.
He screeches out, and due to the sudden cry, Rheagal cries too and begins to circle above in confusion on what to do.
It’s okay though, apparently now this fight is you against her: the woman you once wanted to make happy, the woman you once wanted to make laugh, the woman you once wanted join in victory of your family’s return to the throne. As much as it hurts, you have to fight her. And she doesn’t hold back either, Drogon turns around swiftly and snaps at Eraxis. She luckily parries out of the way and hits some tall building nearby, making it crumble.
Drogon continues and blows out fire and flies through it to catch her and you off guard, but Eraxis is lower so she flies up and rams into his throat.
Drogon gurgles, but then counters by gasheing his claws in her chest, causing her to cry out but not attack back. However, that leaves her vulnerable, letting him snap his jaw at you.
Luckily you catch his action in time and let go of your handles to jerk back, missing the clamp of his entire jaw. But, you do manage to get slashed from the bottom of your left eye down to your shoulder
You cry out sharply in pain and throw yourself forward to grab at your bleeding face. Fuck…fuck.
“FUCK!” You bellow. “Fuck,” you pant and snap your head up to glare up at Daenerys looking down at you. No retreat.
You grimace in reaction to what happened, to her inability to stop, but just as you want Eraxis to counter, Rhaegal comes flying by and slams into Drogon, letting his claws scrape off Eraxis’s chest.
You scoot forward and lift off your seat to watch, and catch Drogon slam back into houses. Yet he gains his momentum back quickly by shooting out fire at his brother.
Rhaegal albeit swoops down and misses getting hit, and rather than chasing after him, Drogon faces you and Eraxis, and flies towards you. But this time rather than turning, you fly head on, Eraxis opens her mouth to make him think that she’s going to shoot fire, making him move down. Instead she turns down too mirroring his action, and manages to shoot down and instead hook her claws around his jaw and his neck.
You can see Daenerys holding on for dear life, but you continue to have Eraxis push him down towards the ground so they can stop.
Yet, it’s while you do that, that Drogon swings his tail up and hits Eraxis in the eye, causing her to let go and letting him instead sink his teeth into her throat. Eraxis quickly retaliates by hooking her claws in his chest.
You can’t see Daenerys from here, but you hope she knows to give up this fight. You won’t stop until she gives up or….she’s dead.
But no, she doesn’t make her dragon back up, so you don’t back up either, they both hold onto each other and begin to spin around the sky, managing to crash into some buildings as they do. Rheagal still follows, he keeps on being conflicted by who to fight with, so he watches the dragons dance instead.
And they don’t stop until Eraxis slams Drogon into the wall, that’s when he finally lets her go and lets her fly away over the wall towards the water so you can get away from the city.
Of course Drogon followsand counter attacks by blasting out fire and by flying towards you faster. Just as he gets near her tail, you have her swing around and fly directly towards them.
Yet just as they're going to crash, Eraxis dips down and heads towards the water. Right before she can crash she swoops up and skims her body over the water. You quickly snap your head up and think you might have a minute to catch your breath, but you catch Drogon flying towards you, so after a frustrated groan, you direct Eraxis to fly up. She proceeds to slam into him, throwing him up.
You look down thinking Daenerys will fall, but somehow she keeps holding on. She really must have some grips of steel.
She’s also fucking preinsistent.
Whatever the case, you make Eraxis fly up a bit before drifting to the side to try and fly towards the army’s, so she’d leave you alone.
However, as Eraxis is drifting in the sky, Drogon catches up and just as he’s flying past you he scrapes his claws down, cutting the restraints of your saddle…You aren’t hooked on so as the saddle falls, you fall down too, towards the water. You can only watch Drogon grow smaller, you spot Daenerys silver-white hair above, you catch her turn her head but can’t read her reaction again, you just see her grow smaller until all you see is water when you crash in it.
All you feel is disbelief and fear for your life. For your children’s life. You see darkness, below the surface is covered in it. The only light you see is the flash of memories as your life flashes; every moment, your childhood, your father singing to you, Rhaenys and her cat, your mother, Dorne, adventures with your cousins, Rhaenar being born, meeting her for the first time, meeting Jon, being with him, and this moment.
How did you end up here? Drowning in the waters that surround what was once your home. How?
It’s hard to breathe now, it’s hard to keep your eyes open any longer so whatever amount of light that does break through the waters surface fades.
As your eyes begin to flutter shut, there is a flash of white. Death maybe?
No. Something sweeter because you feel air in your lungs again when you feel water escape out of your mouth. You feel your eyes burn for a moment, and see glimpses of the smoke littered sky, and of….Eraxis?
Yes, it's her. And a darker dragon above. Drogon! You try to react, but you can hardly move.
Alas, when your consciousness does return you realize it’s only Rhaegal. Which is good, you feel weak and just in horrible sharp burning pain. It’s aching. It makes Eraxis flying feel like an eternity, when it’s not, it’s short since she lands where the armies, and you had camped last night. She drops you off just on the shore, in the water, causing your wounds to sting as the salt water hits them.
You groan out, but get on your hands and knees even if it hurts to add pressure to your left arm.
“Someone!” You hear the sound of a familiar voice. “Get a maester, get a healer!”
You hear the sound of approaching footsteps, you feel Eraxis try to help you by nudging you to your feet with her snout. “<Thank you, girl.>” You mumble and straighten up.
Your feet wobble, but you remain up and see Jon running to you, you see Ser Jaime and others running to you, you see the soot covered army looking at you barely standing on the shore.
“It’s the Princess!” You hear.
“She’s alive!”
“Get her!”
Those men who were running to you suddenly stop though as Eraxis lifts up and stretches out her wings behind you. She roars out, making some gasp. Jon though doesn’t stop, he comes to you, he reaches you just as you can’t hold up anymore, just as you close your eyes and pass out.
A ruined Red Keep returns to your dreams. Two cradles stand in the middle. You see the snow fall through the gaps on the ceiling. And fire begins to grow around the floor, but that’s it, it always ends the same way, so abruptly. Just like now.
When you wake up albeit, it’s slow, you take in the brightness slowly as you’re actually blinded by the clarity that shines over your eyes. Pain is the first thing that greets you, really bad, sharp and aching pain that radiates from your face down to your shoulder. And it’s when you’re overwhelmed by that same pain that your memory is triggered and passes you like a flash, reminding you of every moment of the battle against…Daenerys, up until you passed out on the shore after seeing Jon.
That means that…the babies….
No you can’t muster that possibility so you sit up to call for someone, only spotting Jon sitting right by you on a chair rather than the bed. He’s passed out so peacefully so you take this moment to study him, make sure that he isn’t hurt.
Which he isn’t. It’d be a shame to wake him though. He looks quite beautiful sleeping.
Yet as if he can feel your stare his eyes soon flutter open, and the moment he realizes you’re awake he jolts up and rushes to your side to cup your cheeks.
“Did you just wake up? Why didn’t you wake me?”
You grin softly and grab his hands. “I enjoyed watching you sleep. You looked quite beautiful.”
He scoffs and shakes his head softly before he fills with concern once more “Are you okay?” He asks.
You nod stiffly. “In pain, but yes I’m fine.” You try to offer him an assuring smile, but your worry plagues you. “Jon…what about the babies?”
Jon lips tug to a faint smile. “The maester says they’re fine, they’ve been moving like usual, they’re fine. You just need to be at bed rest for a few weeks to make sure that you don’t come under more strain until your body is healed.”
You sigh with relief and pull his hands in front of you to press your forehead against his hands. “I’m sorry Jon, forgive me for breaking the promise, for putting the babies in danger. I’m sorry.” You mumble with a quivering tone as tears are quick to fill your eyes.
Nevertheless, Jon being the man he is is gentle as he cups your jaw and tilts your head up so you can meet his soft and assuring gaze.
“There’s nothing to forgive, my love,” he assures you softly. “I…didn’t like that you put your life in danger but it was necessary. Thanks to your counter attack, thousands of innocents lived.”
You blink in surprise and feel speechless.
“The city was left alone after Daenerys returned to the city. All she destroyed after was the Red Keep,” he continues to share the news with you. “We were able to retreat. All our armies. Of course the Unsullied and the Dothraki stayed, they’ve taken the city now….”
That was always the plan.
“Rhaenar,” Jon mentions with a smile. “He was picked up from Dragonstone before Daenerys could send word to the army that remained there.”
You smile softly and look around for him but he isn’t here. “Where is he?” You ask.
“Traveling with your sisters. We can’t risk stopping until we reach White Harbor. But I’ve made Rhaegal protect him and the rest of the Dornish fleet from the skies, they’re only a few hours behind. Cersei is also still with them, that’s the best place she’ll be.”
You scoff. “My sisters would never let her out of their sight.” You glance down and sigh. “Ser Jaime?” You ask now that you’re speaking of the Lannisters.
“Here,” Jon answers. “He’s on the boat. He helped us bring you in actually.”
You glance up at Jon and whisper. “Good. See…he did his part.”
Jon scoffs and nods slowly. “I never doubted you.”
You grin softly and caress his cheek. “The others?”
Jon nods. “Hurt, but they’ll be okay.”
You begin to snicker as your worry about them passes and refer to his other sister now. “Sansa? Has she gotten word about what happened? She’ll be happy when she hears who we captured.”
“Yes, she’s heard. Yet all I have read have been concerns and scoldings about you.”
You giggle. “As expected. I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“I’m sure she’ll tie you down to the bed once you get home.” He adds with a soft grin.
You scoff softly and nod. “Oh I'm counting on it.” You then proceed to meet his gaze and begin to frown since you know that this is only the happy news, you can also see dread in his eyes, it’s not hard to miss.
“What?” You probe in a serious manner. “Tell me. Is it Eraxis?”
Jon frowns and averts his gaze. “No, she’s wounded but she’s fine. She just needs rest. It’s….Daenerys. She’s now considered us traitors. All of us, The North, Dorne, The Reach, The Vale.”
“Okay,” you nod in comprehension and sit back. “That’s expected, I attacked her in front of thousands. Even if it was to save the people she will never see it as anything but betrayal.” You drift your eyes back to him and see only more discontent that now makes your heart pound, and your stomach sink and twist. “What?”
“When the Lords heard what happened,” Jon begins to explain hesitantly. “They suggested we continue to fight against Daenerys for what she did against Kings Landing, and press your claim. So far the Kingdoms that were named as traitors against her and her crown are the ones sided with us, the others are still to be determined.”
Wait….wait? If so much was shared that means that it hasn’t been one day that passed. You were so caught up with everything else that that thought never crossed your mind until now.
“Jon,” you mutter. “How many days has it been since the attack?”
Jon swallows thickly. “A couple weeks. You’ve been in and out. We’re a week away from arriving at White Harbor.”
“And Daenerys?” You probe. “Besides declaring us traitors, has there been a word from her?”
Jon shakes his head. “No. She just named herself Queen. But she has said nothing else. She’s probably waiting for your next move.”
Next move? You didn’t declare war, you just defended the people she said she wouldn’t hurt, the people that had no fault in this war. You only kept her from having her be hated even more by the people. And! She attacked you back first, after that you only defended yourself.
And of course Dorne, and the North weren’t going to like her attacking you, nor were the other Kingdoms apparently who are now siding in a war you still don’t want.
“No,” you interject bluntly. “I won’t declare war or name myself Queen.” You narrow your gaze on Jon and shake your head. “That’s not what I wanted. I don’t want to be her foe, I won’t.” You sit up straight and clench your jaw. “If they want a war they can do it themselves, but I’ll exhaust all my chances to have her forgive me, I still believe in her—”
“She attacked you,” Jon cuts you off . “You, her niece, after keeping her from raining down fire on innocent people. Of course the lords are going to take that as an act of betrayal on her part.”
“You agree?” You press in confusion.
Jon blinks and sighs. “I don’t agree with seeking war, but I know that sometimes there’s no other choice, we have to know when to give up even if it comes to her. I know you care for her, but you need to think about it, y/n. Really think about it.”
The answer is still the same. “I won’t fight against her. That’s my word. And if they want to follow me then they’ll listen. They don’t know what war with dragons means, I’m trying to spare them from tragedy.”
Jon remains quiet, he seems as if he wants to add more, but if that’s what you want then he’ll trust you.
“Alright,” Jon interjects. “We won’t declare war or press your claim. We will try to mend the relationship then.”
You smile finally and nod. “Just give her one more chance,” you say. “Just one more.”
Tagged: @watercolorskyy @jessimay89 @cecespizza01 @theroyalbrownbarbie @crybabyatthediscooffandoms @neenieweenie @midnightpantherxo @ashleyforeverareject
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midnightostara · 8 months
Had another Kratos x Heimdall AU in my head. I was thinking about Game Of Thrones for no reason and it came to Daenerys Tagaryen being sold to Khal Drogo.
But it is Odin who sells Heimdall to the King of Sparta, Kratos.
That's what came into my head. I especially had Calliope alive in this AU, even adding BG3 cast in it.
As for Freya, she's an ally to Kratos along with her brother & his army.
I may have thought about having Heimdall & Astarion being friends with each other.
Still gotta think of a title of it.
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fastlikealambo · 2 months
so much wasted fucking time in this finale, i'm more annoyed than pissed .
spoilers ahead below
this tyland annister plot was unnecessary and wasted minutes, this took away from so much. I don't know if it was in the book, I don't really care but going from making him a joke to giving him half the fucking screentime of the episode in tortuga was frustrating.
so much talking for a finale, there was no big finish worthy enough for the wait that is coming. we are in exactly the same place as we were at the start of the season.
rhaena should have claimed sheepstealer, we should have gotten to see that. we had to sit through ulf being a halfwit multiple times and all we get is rhaena struggling and staring at sheepstealer. they are putting emphasis on the wrong fucking characters and if they are going to fuse two black characters together than a least give the one character a fucking storyline. how did we spend so much time watching ulf and hugh claim and not rhaena, the last dragon rider of her generation? Jesus fucking Christ.
emma and olivia were great in that scene but again, we wasted time with alicent's long walk, that was not needed, there is just so much wasted moments that should have been here and knowing that it is going to take upwards of three years for the next season this was just so disappointing.
and lastly, puting daenerys in daemon's vision was just sad seeing as we all know what happens to daenerys and what doesn't happen to her killer and the house that doesn't hold their fucking oath to house tagaryen. it also cements why the targaryens are the ones the shows focus on but also why it's so hard sometimes to watch house of the dragon knowing how game of thrones ends.
im just disappointed.
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lodessa · 2 years
Daenerys for the Chanukah ask game! :)
So, obviously, I wrote Daenerys as part of the Davidic line in Rededication, but generally speaking I think there are some interesting parallels that can be drawn between Jewish experience and both the Tagaryens as a whole and Daenerys specifically.
The Targaryens (and Daenerys) are Chosen™️. The Targaryens are chosen to escape the Doom of Valaryia, to survive in intergenerational exile. They live amongst the Westerosi (rule the Westerosi) but never become truly one with them. They are foreign and strange and their practices and ways are not those of the land they dwell in. They aren't interested in trying to mold their new home and its inhabitants to their family's ways, but neither will they forsake them. And ultimately they are cast out of the home they have helped build over the centuries, their Otherness blamed for the plights of the land. They are murdered and driven out and Daenerys specifically grows up in the shadow of that, waiting for the next time she will have to run and yet unable to let go of being Targaryen, of being a Dragon, no matter the target it puts on her back. She is an outsider, wherever she goes: in Braavos, in Pentos, with the Dothraki, in Qarth, in Slaver's Bay, and ultimately in Westeros.
(Then again, I also feel like you could draw [different] parallels to imagine the Starks/North as allegorically Jewish).
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ivycovehq · 7 months
welcome to ivy cove, h! we can’t wait to meet daenerys tagaryen. please make sure you read through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours.
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( H, she/her, 21+, pst ) woah! was that DAENERYS TARGARYEN walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from GAME OF THRONES. they’re 25 and live in GLEN OAK HEIGHTS but watch out because they can be MERCURIAL + MERCILESS but are actually LOYAL + GREGARIOUS. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of ICY BLONDE BRAIDS, DRAGONS, FLAMES when imagining them. / EMILIA CLARKE, She/Her
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ladiesofcinema · 4 years
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adecila · 5 years
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Stay pressed.
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christophernolan · 5 years
The power they have!
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Jon: So about last night...
Daenerys: Let’s agree last night was a mistake.
Jon: But with the mutual knowledge that it will probably happen again.
Daenerys: It would be a crime not too, right? We were just so good.
Jon: Yeah- yeah, of course. That's why.
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mrsgojosatoru · 4 years
dany haters always try to twist themselves into knots trying to explain why we should hate dany. like imagine openly supporting slavery and thinking that’s the more critically enlightened position to take. 
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glitta · 5 years
Game of Thrones s1: A council of men endorse killing an innocent young pregnant girl because it would be “kinder” to do it then than later.
Game of Thrones s8: Bitches, we told you. Would have been better to kill the innocent young pregnant girl, because we’ve put her through abuse, but then raised her up a little just so we can use her, steal everything from her, take away love and decent respect, de-humanize her and have her killed by family/her lover, all the while making a mockery of her achievements and what she wanted to accomplish.
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guys guys guys, i have a solution!! i know how to save ‘game of thrones’!!
so suppose that everything goes to shit in episode 8x05 and 8x06 (like it will). dany burns down king’s landing, jon kills her, tryrion is executed, maybe we get cleganebowl, i don’t know. point is, everyone dies and the whole show is ruined.
then: smash cut to bran, sitting at the table in winterfell. it’s the beginning of episode 8x01. he is surrounded by everyone (dany, jon, sansa, tyrion, missandei, jorah, arya etc.). they all look horrified.
he goes: “and that’s what happens if we don’t get our shit together.” everyone is like ‘damn, we better start working together and not act completely ooc’. 
so they do. they defeat the night king. they defeat cersei. jon and dany become king and queen of the seven kingdoms, sansa rules the north. missandei and grey worm sail for naath. jaime gets his shit together. bran keeps creeping out everybody at winterfell. everyone is happy.
so yes, what i’m suggesting is that game of thrones literally pulls a 'twilight: breaking dawn - part 2' so we're spared all this stupid fucking nonsense
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geekynerfherder · 5 years
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'Game Of Thrones Ukiyo-e' by Sandra Tirado Mestre (Tirmes)
Fine art prints on 300gr couché paper, in ink and signed on the back, in A5 (8.3 x 5.8") sized editions for €5 and A4 (11.7 x 8.3") sized editions for €7.
On sale now from her website.
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therealcalicali · 5 years
DANY: I won't listen to you Sansa.
SANSA: *hears news from King's Landing*
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