#daesung smut
purpleyoonn · 1 year
enchanted 2
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C H A P T E R   T W O 
“I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you.”
summary: The realm under King Min’s rule had been under war for over thirty years, a war within the inhuman species with origins no one knows. Your presence was brought into awareness when found by the king under the rubble of your home. You are plunged into a world you had only ever seen from the outside, and don’t know how long you can last.
genre: soulmate au, fantasy au, dragon au,
pairing: Dragon King Yoongi x Human MC
status: ongoing (random updates)
warnings: starts in the middle of war, violence, angst, death, supernatural creatures, smut, dragon customs, dragon instincts, more to come
chapter warnings: mc wakes up, inner questioning, inner worth issues, yoongi is a simp, love at first sight(duh), mc struggles at first, slight agoraphobia, major fluff at end, 
beta'd/edited by the lovely @babyarmybias​​
taglist: @avadakadabra93​ @littlebaby-bunbun​ @veronawrites​ @taempress​ @queen-in-the-shadows​ @suckerforv​ @weepingpickle​ @sugasbultornebae7​ @stupendousliteraturewritingoaf​  @lizzymizzy-blogg​ @bittersweetbaylee​ @sashs-posts​ @rialikesbts​ 
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp @yourleftsock @skyys-universe @cryingpages@strxwbloody @drissteele @dustyinkpages @iamkookiesforyou@crushedblackroses @fluffy-canada-pancakes @blaaiissee  @iiitsmaria @carolinexkpop  @azazel-nyx@strawberry-moonpies @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i@knjkitten @foreverweareyoung7@lachimolala22019 @namuficxs @94z-93@kimgmzmc @thenaverse@dahliasbouqet @black-rose-29 @tinyoonsblog@take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d@stellauniverse @stupendouscookiehumanmug@tinyoonsblog @veronawrites@tatyhend @singukieee @m0v3m3ntsblog@exfolitae @butterymin @queen-in-the-shadows @anaspectoflife@welcometomyworld13​ @slinekyu​ @ghostlyworld @svnbangtansworld @loisje123 @i-have-no-life-charlie @danielle143 @jcrml @softieyn @kyuupidwrites @friedlollipop @lulu-83​ @tokiodori​ 
masterlist // chapter 1 // chapter 3
Previously on Enchanted: 
The healer worked slowly under the watchful eye of Yoongi, wrapping up the cuts and bruising on your legs and the bruising on your arm before letting Yoongi know that you would need your legs rebandaged in the morning so he can make sure there was no infections but that you could go.
Yoongi relented, not liking the fact that this male was this close to his mate while she was unmarked. His dragon didn’t recognize the healer as safe, so he was on edge and practically flew you back to his room.
Once you were safe in his room, laying in his bed surrounded by his scent, only then could he begin to relax.
Warmth was an incredible motivator when used correctly. It could and would be frequently be used against you when you were punished. The servant’s quarters in Lord Ahn’s manor weren’t warm, in any way what-so-ever, but they were warmer than sleeping on the hay outside of the building.
Cheorin was located on the southern border of the Min Kingdom and was a major trading and fishing port for the kingdom. The Ahn Estate was on the outside of the city and was a well known boarding house for the Lords and sometimes their families when traveling. It held all of the luxuries that the Lords were used to and far enough away from the bustling city that the “activities” the Lords participated in while visiting were hidden from their wives when traveling alone.
We, the servants, were sworn to secrecy, threatened with things far worse than no food for a week or being assigned to the Lord Daesung for the night. Freezing to death by the cold winds seeping into the servant’s quarters was a far worse death than starvation.
That’s how you knew you were not dreaming: the warmth that surrounded you as your eyelids began to flutter with your slow awakening. It was not unwelcomed, despite the shock to your bones. You almost wanted to curl back into the soft bedding beneath you, pulling the even softer blankets over your head and hiding from the memories that seemed trapped behind your eyes.
You try to recall what had happened to land you in this comfortable warmth that encased you. You remember the pain in your legs, the desperation to get the beam off of you, the way the ghoul climbed its way slowly to you. You remember your savior, his red eyes and the way he clung to you as he picked you up, as if you were precious to him. It didn’t make sense, until you remembered the word he growled out when he realized who you were.
The words were not foreign to you, despite being a human who grew up thinking only the creatures from your father’s stories could have mates fated to them. You couldn’t believe what the King had said, even now as you guessed where you were. You thought you were in one of the lower rooms of the palace, the servant quarters, maybe.
A servant belonged on the floor, below everyone else.
After a couple more minutes cuddled into the warmth you are not accustomed to, you slowly lift your head, sitting up in a large bed. Looking around, you notice the dark handcrafted furniture, carved with ornate details across from you. It had a large mirror rested on it with a couple other things you couldn’t make out scattered on the top. You noticed the sunlight peaking it which had you doing a double take. The servant’s quarters usually didn’t have windows.
Your eyes immediately catch on the large window and through it, a balcony covered in plants looking out over the grounds. You wanted to open the doors, bask in the sunlight and fade away by the smell of the beautiful plants. But you knew that would not be your future.
The rest of the room was covered in soft purple and gold silks, sleek furniture, and something even more daunting; the King himself.
You gasp as you pull the blankets from your legs and practically throwing yourself off the bed. A cry tore through your lips at the sudden pain in your legs, your body almost crumbling to the floor if someone hadn’t caught you.
The King moving faster than you could see, caught you in his embrace before you hit the ground. You tried to push him away, not wanting the King to have to touch something as low as you. Your fight was lost as soon as he growled lowly, your body becoming tense as you freeze in fear.
“Please, I’m sorry.” You don’t know what you were apologizing for, but you couldn’t help it when the words tumbled from your mouth. Your voice was hoarse from disuse. You had no clue how long you had been out.
Yoongi wanted to cry from the blatant fear you had of him. He could smell it on you, like a black swirl of smoke impeding all of his senses. It made the back of his throat itch and his eyes burn. He could feel his dragon wanting to take over again but that was the last thing you or he needed.
He picked you up in his arms, softly placing you back onto the bed as if you were made of glass. His touch was so very warm, a tingle spread through your body. It was such a wonderful feeling that you had to fight yourself to keep from whimpering at the loss of his touch as he moved away from you, now standing a few feet away. Your cheeks burned in embarrassment. You were wanting to cry at the loss of the King’s touch?! How much more insolent could you be?! He was a King!
You were too preoccupied with your own thoughts to notice when Yoongi returned and sat by your side on the bed, the cream his healer had given him in his hands. He put the cream onto his palm, rubbing the cream between his hands until it had warmed up, and began to massage it into your calves, making sure to be gentle around some of the deeper, scabbed over wounds.
Startled, you jolt at the feeling of his hands on your legs, biting back a groan of contentment you wish to let out. His hands felt like they belonged on you, warm and gentle despite the callouses on his palms. You hadn’t expected, well, any of this to happen when you opened your eyes, let alone watching in surprise as the King rubbed some kind of cream onto your legs.
“Your Majesty…” You try to protest but your words are cut off when he looks up at you, his eyes challenging you to try and stop him.
When he sees the fight die down, Yoongi feels a content grumble begin in his chest, loud enough for you to hear as his features soften. You watch his eyes brighten with happiness as he smiles softly at you.
By the fates above, you knew you would do anything to keep that smile on his lips. Like that was your one reason for being; you needed nothing else in your life. Well, maybe besides the air that you forgot to breathe in when he smiled at you.
When he was done, you believe he had to have used some kind of magical cream, as the pain you felt upon standing was no longer there, a certain numbness to your legs but you could tell that you weren’t really numb. You could still feel your legs and could feel the movement within them as you shifted on the bed (coincidentally closer to the King who smiled at you, momentarily distracting you).
You were about to ask why the King himself was by your side, helping you, when a knock sounded on the door causing your courage to dry up and your question to wither away in your mind.
Yoongi saw this and grinned a little at your shyness before getting off the bed and turning to the door to see who was there. He specifically ordered everyone to leave his wing as he wanted to have alone time with you when you woke up. He didn’t want his Queen to be bombarded by excited dragons eager to meet their King’s mate.
When he opened the door, he wasn’t expecting to be greeted by his oldest friend, the dragoness who took care of him when his parents were busy with their duties. He tried to hide his blush of embarrassment, knowing he was about to get his neck rung.
“Min Yoongi! I thought I taught you better than this? Hiding your soulmate from the world is not the way to go about things. I should have been the first to meet her, and now I hear that one of the healers got to see her before me?” The woman scolded the King, reminding you of how your mother used to talk to you when you got in trouble. Yoongi only moved out of the way, letting his dragoness enter his space.
You watch the smaller plump woman practically grab the King by his ears and drag him back into the room, eyes wide at the display of power against the King. You were shocked that he just let her maneuver him, wondering just who this woman was to be able to get away with acting like this.
“Shinhye, I promise I was going to let you meet her. I just wanted alone time with my mate before we were swarmed.” Yoongi tried to explain his actions, but only got a raised eyebrow in response.
Hearing the King call you his mate again had you in a blushing mess. It felt different to hear it now, the circumstances being drastically different from the first time you heard it; you weren’t distracted by pain and panic, you could feel the affection and pride in his voice.
When the woman, Shinhye, turned to the bed, she was pleased to see you blushing at her boy’s words.
Good, she thought, maybe our King won’t be so alone anymore.
The warmth from your smile and cheeks was enough to warm even the Dragon King’s seemingly cold exterior.
“Well, alone time will have to be done later. It is breakfast time and I can tell that your little mate needs some food in her belly.” Shinhye declared once she noticed your bones peeking through the clothes you had been changed into. You were nearing dangerously thin and she (nor Yoongi) wasn’t happy about it. She could tell that your background was not a good one from that alone. She wanted to do what she could to help you, that meant getting something nutritious in you quickly.
“You will bring her down for breakfast. Everyone is well aware of your wishes and only two staff will be serving the meal. She needs to see more than just your room, your Majesty.” You vaguely hear her mention the King’s brother and other people who will be eating with you both. You would have protested to her concern, truly not wishing to be around so many new people at once but just then the last part of her sentence struck you..
You were in the King’s room. You were laying in the King’s bed!
I really am the King’s mate, you realized! You knew that it was against the dragon code to bring anyone to your bed who wasn’t your mate.  If you were in the King’s room, his den, and in his bed with a dress covering your shape, you had to be his mate! There was no way for your mind to twist this or misunderstand it anymore.
You were the Dragon King’s soulmate.
You, a measly human servant girl!
“I think my room is just fine.” Yoongi mumbled under his breath but still promised that he would be bringing you down to the dining hall for breakfast.
He turned to you and noticed you were frozen, just staring at him with your big doe eyes. He melted under your gaze, working hard to push against your spell as he moved to his wardrobe to find something suitable for you. He had already commissioned a wardrobe to be made for you with the finest silks and colors but they wouldn’t be coming for another few days.
So, he guessed that his own clothes would have to do. He didn’t even feel his own lips turn up into a proud and possessive grin at his thoughts. The thought of you in his clothing fed into his own protective nature, coupled with his dragon’s desire to keep you close, this was the perfect solution to the problem at hand. You would smell like him and be shown to the world in his clothes, the ultimate display of courtship and mating within dragon culture, well, besides you wearing his mating mark.
He grabbed a simple button shirt and some pants with a belt for you, hoping it would fit somewhat until your wardrobe showed up. Turning around, he couldn’t help but to deflate a little with the way you looked at him, wide eyed and almost curious, like you couldn’t believe your situation. In hindsight, he knew you were probably questioning everything, but he hoped he could prove himself to you sooner rather than later. To help guide you and adjust to your life in the palace and with him. He knew there was some darkness and mistreatment in your past, and he wanted you to feel safe with him.
“Here, you can wear these.” He hands the clothing to you before leaving the room, giving you space to change in private. The last thing he wanted was for you to feel uncomfortable with him. The distance between the two of you was already making his dragon antsy, but he needed you to accept him before he could allow his dragon to do anything.
You watched the King leave his den before staring down at the clothes he handed you. The fabric felt so soft in your hands; very delicate as you turned them over and examined them. It had been years since you last wore trousers, the staple of your childhood in the forest outside of your home. It felt weird wearing them as an adult.
They were a little big, and long, you were grateful the King had thought to give you a belt so they wouldn’t fall down. The shirt was like a dress to you, long enough that the fabric fell to your knees and you struggled to tuck the bottom into the pants. By the time you were done getting dressed, you were afraid that breakfast was already over and a little anxious believing that you had kept the King from eating.
“I apologize, your Majesty. I did not mean to take so long.” You bow your head, not exactly knowing how to address your soulmate as you stepped out of the den, closing the door behind you. You did not know if he would treat you like your father treated your mother, or if you would be reminded of the distant relationship between the Lord and Lady Ahn.
When he didn’t immediately say anything, you hazarded a peek at him while keeping your head bowed. You saw him bring his hand up, agonizingly slow, towards your face. You quickly screwed your eyes closed, flinching, waiting for the blow you knew was coming. You definitely offended him, taking so long to get dressed! How could you mess up so quickly? But the slap you expected never came, instead his touch was soft; sweet even as he gently cupped your chin, slowly bringing your head up.
You opened your eyes again, brows furrowed in confusion as you noticed the small smile gracing his lips.
“You never need to bow your head to me, my Queen.” Your confusion transformed into awe as he rubbed his thumb across your jaw before dropping his hand to grab onto your, lacing his fingers with your own.
Never before had you felt so safe or comfortable with a man. Not even with your own father, who had had taught you to be patient by helping you gather flowers and water for paint. He showed you what it meant to be kind, always helping our neighbors and talking courteously to everyone he passed by. You wanted to trust your heart, your mind even dreaming of bonding with your future partner; wanting to fulfill the dreams of your childhood.
Dreams of walking with your own partner in the forests behind your childhood home. Collecting berries for paint and forging new paths with each other. You loved the story your father told you of early life with your mother, of how they first met and recognized their lives were better together. You wanted to experience that love with your partner. You wanted to lay amongst the flowers with them, looking up at the clouds and making shapes out of them.
You decided if this was a dream, you might as well go along with it.
You nod your head at the King’s words, letting him bring you down the long corridors and hallways, his words captivating as he tells you about the castle itself. He tells you stories of his childhood, how his father had rescued a boy who would later become one of his best friends.
You were entranced by him, by the way he walked and talked. You loved the smile he wore when he seemed happiest, his gums shining brightly as if sharing his own happiness with the world around him.
So entranced, in fact, you didn’t realize you had arrived at the room where breakfast was served, startled by the herald, announcing the King’s presence and consequently your own.
“Their Royal Majesties, King Min and his Queen.” The Herald, Seokmin, yelled to the large room once the doors opened, causing you to jump in place and the King to grin. You were shocked to say the least when everyone in the room bowed at your arrival.
The room itself was grand, something you could imagine large parties being held in. There were paintings depicting the Dragon history along the walls, the colors bringing a certain enchantment to the room. The large table in the middle held what seemed like twenty chairs with two larger chairs sitting at one end. The biggest of the two right at the head of the table, and the second one to the right of the table.
You looked at the King but he just smiled and walked forward, hand still holding yours the entire way to the head of the table where the two ornate, high back chairs sat. The King only released your hand in order to pull out the smaller of the two chairs, on the right, before gesturing for you to sit. You tried to shake your head no, moving quickly forward to tell him that he should never pull out a chair for someone lower than him, but you fall flat, seeing the warning look he gave you.
Instead, you slowly sit down on the small throne, noticing the floral engravings and etchings in the dark wood. You ran your fingers along the leaves on the arms as the large chair next to you was pulled out and the King sat down, pulling his own chair in despite one of the runner boys rushing to push it in for him.
Once he was seated, the server standing at the walls came forward and started filling the table with the food on the trays they had stacked on a pushcart. You saw foods that you didn’t recognize being placed in front of you, colors like the paints you used to make sitting on the plates of food.
When he moved back to the wall, the King on your left began reaching for the plates in front of you both, grabbing the colorful food and even sweeter looking pastries and placing them on his plate. Once his plate was filled, he placed it in front of you, taking your plate and then filling that up for himself.
“These are all my favorites. Better to grab them before the others.” He whispered to you, a slight smirk on his face as he gestures his head to one of the men a couple of chairs down, his cheeks filled with food, reminding you of a chipmunk. You giggle a little making Yoongi’s eyes light up with adoration.
“Thank you, your Majesty.” You bow your head again, before remembering that he asked you not to bow your head to him again.
“Please, call me Yoongi. As my mate, you should feel free to address me by my name.” The last sentence he said with decisiveness, as if demonstrating that he was serious about it. That you were his mate and he was determined that you understand what that meant.
You awkwardly nodded your head, repeating his name over and over again in your mind. The many years you spent serving Lord Ahn had drilled etiquette, proper forms of addressing your betters and displaying proper subservient manners into your barin. You couldn’t be sure how quickly you could unlearn this type of behavior or even if you could adapt to your new role. It would take you some time but you hoped you could. You would hate for the King, Yoongi, to have to keep reminding you, saving his breath for more important things.
“Or, you could call him Yoongles.” The person he gestured earlier speaks up, an amused lilt to his voice as he speaks to you. “Or kitty. He looks like a cat if you look at him long enough.”
“He also likes to be called ho—” The man was cut off by a pastry hitting his face, right in the cheek.
You covered your mouth at the scene, your mouth open wide as the man turns and glares at the Ki—Yoongi. Yoongi was looking right back at the man, a smirk on his lips.
“Why must you through a pastry at my face? I was only telling her the truth.”
“Why must you tell my mate these ridiculous stories, Jin?” Yoongi countered. The man, who you now know is named Jin, only gasped.
“Ridiculous stories?! I’ll have you know—” Yoongi ignored him, leaning towards you.
“This is my advisor—”
“And bestest friend in the entire world!”
“And one of my close friends, Kim Seokjin, but I call him Jin.” You turn to Jin, giving him a shy smile as you introduce yourself.
“Of course. I think the entire castle has heard about you by now. The whispers are not as quiet as they wish to be.” Jin told you, making you freeze. You did not know how long you had been out cold, but you didn’t think the entire castle would have known about your presence. It made you nervous to be on everyone’s radar. This usually meant you had done something wrong at Lord Ahn’s manor, which was never a good thing.
Maybe you underestimated the workers within the castle. You knew that secrets were never secrets with the servants. You were a servant yourself.
“But do not worry about them. Everyone wishes to get to know the little human who was able to finally gain our little King’s affection. He has been waiting for you for a long time.” Jin waved his hand at you, trying to dispel your worries. He could feel your emotions radiating off you, could see how truly nervous you were despite Yoongi doing his best to push his pheromones out to comfort you.
Your aura was a dark green and swirling blue. Jin could see your deep connection to the earth and the sadness swelling within. He could see how hard and traumatic your life has been, the blue almost matching the King’s.
Jin had a gift that gave him an advantage over the other dragons from his hoard. He could see the auras of the soul. His father had shared the same gift, making him a special advisor to the late King Geumjae. A job that now resided with him. He was the left hand to the king, especially important when trying to decipher friend from foe.
“A long time indeed.” The other man spoke up from besides you. His features were soft, but you could tell they would cut you in an instant. He had been watching you, observing you the entire time. He felt oddly familiar with you, as if he had seen you somewhere before.
Jimin didn’t feel anything bad from you, his sixth sense had never been wrong before. He could tell you were as innocent as you seemed, but he knew he should keep an eye on you. If his suspicions were correct, you would need it.
“My name is Jimin, and I am Yoongi’s younger, adopted brother.” Jimin smiled at you, holding his hand out to shake your hand. You did so, gaining a large smile from Jimin, his eyes creasing closed as he did so, and from Yoongi, watching the interaction of the two most important people to him.
Jimin had grown up in the Witches realm, but during one of the initial attacks on the Min Kingdom, he had been found under the rubble of one of the towers, blown to pieces and stacked on top of the little boy. Min Geumjae, the Dragon King and Yoongi’s father, had found him after hearing the cries of the dying boy. He saved him and adopted him to be raised as Yoongi’s younger brother.
“It is very nice to meet you Jimin.” You smile back at him, loving the energy you feel coming from the man. He seemed very polite and nice, something you weren’t expecting.
“Has our lovely King taken you to the gardens yet?” Jimin asked you after a couple seconds, giving you time to eat some of the fruit Yoongi had put on your plate. His tone was sarcastic but his eyes held sincerity. They all could see how much you needed the nutrients and to have the sun on you, the vitamin much needed given the pallor to your skin.
When Yoongi had first changed your clothes, not allowing anyone else to come near you in your state, he had become enraged, thrashing the east wing office in his fit. You were practically skin and bones, and he had found more bruises on you than just the ones visible ones on your arm and legs.
It had taken both Jin and Jimin, along with Namjoon and one of the personal guards, Jungkook, to hold the King down so that Jimin and Hoseok, the chef, could calm him down. Taehyung, the royal florist, being called in from Jungkook. The six men had to sit with him and talk him down. They were his closest friends and were the only people Yoongi would allow near him in such a state.
“No, he has not. I had just woken up only moments before being brought down here.” You replied back, leaving out the fact that Yoongi’s mother figure had practically demanded your presence at breakfast.
“Well, I think a stroll in the gardens is in order after breakfast. You should really see all the wonderful colors Taehyung has brought into the courtyard.” Jimin looked at Yoongi, nodding his head the slightest bit, making sure he would take his mate outside.
They wanted you to know you were not a prisoner. This was your home now. Plus, Jimin had the feeling that his mate would be able to help you open up, even the tiniest bit. Taehyung seemed to have a way with people that even he would never be able to understand.
Plus, they all noticed the way your eyes light up at the mention of the gardens, Jimin knew that his brother would now be spending most of his time within the outer walls, picking flowers for his lovely mate.
“That would be wonderful, if it is okay with you?” You turn your head to Yoongi at the end, hoping and praying to the gods that your soulmate would let you out into the gardens. It had been a long time since you were surrounded by flowers, and you had sorely missed blending in with all the colors.
“Of course, my Queen.” The tilt of his head had your heart fluttering.
Unbeknownst to you, Yoongi’s own heart fluttered at the way your doe eyes shined with hope at his words. He would give you the world as long as you continued to look at him like this.
He would do anything for his Queen.
Yoongi knew he was in love with you at first sight.
The way you tried with all your might to free yourself from underneath the column on top of you, the raw emotions flowing from your skin as you cried in anguish, not thinking of quitting in the slightest. You were incredibly strong, a warrior in your own right.
Yoongi fell for you again as he watched the amazement and wonder cross your features once the doors to the garden were opened. He watched as your mouth subconsciously turned into a smile; eyes alit as you reached for one of the wildflowers that was encroaching on one of the fences at the start of one of the paths through the garden.
It was as if you had never seen such beauty before. Yoongi wasn’t sure what sort of expression he was making, watching every emotion you were feeling flutter across your face, rather like an open book. He imagined the goofy grin Jin would tease him about was out in full force, wide across his face.
You continued to surprise him at every turn. He had thought you would be terrified of him, by what he was. He almost expected you to be trying to get away from him, looking for an escape while calling him all sorts of nasty names any time he came near. His experience with humans had given him such expectations. Even his high status as the ruler of this kingdom did not exempt him from the fear and contempt the other dragons faced from humans. He was blown away by the way you seemed to move closer to him instead of using this opportunity to scale the garden wall. For all the good it would do you.
It seemed like you gravitated towards each other. When he moved, you moved. When you reached out for a flower with particular thorns, he moved, as if to try and shield you from the pain he knew would come. But it never did. You were familiar with the flowers, another thing he was happy to learn.
Yoongi wanted to know everything he could about you. He wanted even the tiniest of details of who you were at your core.
He wanted to know your favorite color, what time of day was your favorite to gaze up at the sky. He wished to know what made you smile, what would make you laugh uproariously, holding your belly as you tried to contain the joy that would spill forth.
He watched how you practically floated down the path that led to the large fountain, reaching out and caressing the petals of each flower you saw. He listened as you listed off every detail you could remember about each flower, even flowers that weren’t in the garden.
He learned that the chef, Hoseok, could be using the Tulip bulbs as a substitute for onions within the castle’s recipes. The lotus flower, a symbol of life and resurrection, can stay dormant for years and then rise again with the return of water. Sunflowers can be used to find direction, as the flowers themselves seemed to respond to the movement of the sun, from east to west.
He also learned that you had a love for lavender and sunflowers. You always seemed to return back to the two plants, happiness and nostalgia turning your scent into a sweet honey, making his mouth water and his lips turn up into a smile. He wasn’t entirely sure that he knew what a sunflower was, but it sounded like something he should speak to Taehyung about.
However, your wonder dialed up once you caught sight of the large fountain his father had erected for his mother before he was born. It was one of his courting gifts, one that had his mother accepting the courting and led to their mating.
You didn’t know that, though. You were caught up in the image created within the marble. A large dragon in a protective stance over a small female, tail curled in front of her as if warning away all who would dare harm her. A wild grass filled with flowers sat upon the floor, a path created by the marbled flowers that the water from the fountain sprouted from. The other waterfall came from the dragon’s open mouth, a more powerful run as the water fell.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Yoongi seemed to catch you off guard; you had completely forgotten that the dragon was with you.
“It is.” You responded back in awe. “I wish I could stay here forever.” You turn around in a slow circle, looking at your surroundings and moving slower until you stood back in front of Yoongi.
“I would never keep you locked in my chambers.” Yoongi could hear the wishful tone in your words. He could also smell the nerves tampering with your sweet honey.
Yoongi moved closer until he was only inches away from you, his hands moving to hold yours, bringing them up to his lips so he could plant soft kisses on your knuckles.
“I have been waiting years for you. I have had dreams of you for as long as I could remember, your laughter caught in my head, keeping me alive even when I might have wished otherwise. You will never be hidden from the world. You are my treasure, and I will treat you as such.” You looked up at him, eyes glistening with unshed tears as your soulmate seemed to read every thought and fear you had of your union.
Of the minimal things you had heard of dragon mates, none of them were very kind. You feared that you would be kept in his hoard, never allowed to leave. It seemed that your previous teachings were wrong, and it had you wondering what being a dragon’s mate entailed, the courting rituals, and what the future would look like if you accepted.
“You are the Queen of my realm, and you will have full access to everything your heart desires. As long as you are happy, my heart and dragon will be satisfied.” His words have you turning your hands to grip his own.
“What if you are the cause of my happiness?” Your lips turn up, gazing into his eyes as he seems shocked. “Will you be satisfied with that?”
“Then I shall be the happiest dragon alive, my Queen. I wish nothing more than to be the cause of your smile for the rest of my days.” His words make you blush, now shy as you look down at the ground.
If this is what fate had in mind for you, dreams be damned, you would never question her intentions again.
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marslovesdaisies · 2 years
Look what you made me do || P.S.H
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Minors do not interact.
WC: 2.6k
Pairing: Mafia! Seonghwa x Mafia!OC
Warnings: Death, murder, violence, gaslighting, manipulation, mafia themes, weapons, angst, gore, eventual smut.
A/N: The question isn't am I late or am I late. It's what are you gonna do about it?
Chapter 3
2 years ago:
I had blood on my hands.
I could vaguely feel its stickiness gently running down my fingertips, like some sort of forgotten, korean version of lady macbeth. Though I didn't know who hated it more, me or her. A small voice inside me said it had to be her, she most likely did not know just how heavy the price of a life is. As if I did, I mused. I had thought I had. I had paid it regardless.
I numbly walked out of the hotel room and brought myself to find the bathroom ensuite. Purely mechanical movements got the water running. I washed the pigment off, rubbing my skin till it was redder than the blood. I registered feet shuffling outside the door and a knock. "Boss, should we clear out? The work here is done." I let a second pass. "Yes." "As you wish." With that, he walked off and muffled orders were now audible, no doubt to the others outside. The words as you wish kept playing in my head like a broken record, an irony that refused to leave me alone. As you wish. It really was as I wished it in this city, wasn't it? I had always loved to play god. I got off on the thrill of infallibility it brought me. Of course, my fall was long. And if matters were any indication, I was yet to hit the ground. I hardly tried to stop the shudder that went through me at the thought. Images of crashed skulls and swollen bones kept flashing through my mind, but the face wasn't mine. I retracted my hands, the automatic tap turning off. I dried them and opened the door.
The room was empty save for the smell of disinfectant. I walked to the entrance, my uncle's men all waiting for me to exit. None of them spoke a word to each other as I marched on and out of the suite, them following some distance behind. "Jihun." I called out his name without looking back. "Keep this under the covers. Exclude it out of your report to my uncle or father. If he asks, I was out moping." "Whatever you say." And there it was again. Words that usually stroked my fragile ego into contentment had the opposite effect today. They made my hackles rise, if anything. "Leave the twins behind with me." Jihun, the man this group of people answered to grunted his acknowledgement. We parted ways at the main foyer of the hotel, Jihun's group heading to the parking lot and my steps turning towards the main entrance, the twins following.
I threaded through the throng silently, the buzzing nightlife of the city greeting me and the two men accompanying behind. The twins, Daesung and Daewon tailed me often, so my asking for them to stay wouldn't increase my father's already uncountable worries. They were both lithe, dressed casually to blend in.
"Get two cars. I'm driving myself back later." I got along well with the twins. They were battle hardened, years of military service and habit of discipline obvious. Both specialized in close range combat, but were decent marksmen too. Physically, they were in their late twenties but death had aged their mind. They moved silently, didn't ask questions and had no issue omitting things I asked from their reports to my family. Unlike Jihun, who I was sure would last a week before his sense of loyalty made him confess everything he previously hadn't once shit hit the roof. The twins moved as a unit, and anyone hardly ever used their individual names. They were simply the twins.
Two minutes later, I heard heard two cars coming towards me. I got into the first without looking. It was Daesung. He kept his eyes on the road, the radio connected to his younger brother's car 2 metres behind. "Where to?" Daewon asked, the red blink of the radio coming to life. I thought the question over. Where did I want to be now? Definitely not home. Not in my penthouse either. Currently silence scared me more than my mother did. "Wherever there's life." I sighed.
Twenty minutes later, I was standing in front of a party. Some daddy's princess was having her 21st birthday bash, and the noise was almost deafening. I knew this bar and I knew the girl, though only barely. I had no intentions of gatecrashing, so I entered the gates without attaching my tab to her bill. I didn't drink either way.
The lone chairs were scarce, and lone tables nonexistent. The twins followed suit, getting to keep their weapons after a hushed discussion with the security and pointing a finger at me. Understanding the situation, he let them in.
The bar, Perles D'argent was a rare french investment on this road otherwise lined up with buildings owned by various Korean families from the underworld. The investors and owners both had formal relations with all of us, which made it a neutral venue. Both Daesung and Daewon took their places in the crowd, seemingly deciding to enjoy their nights because I sure as hell wasn't in the mood. They immediately turned heads in their direction as they went, their height and build drawing attention to them. I gave Daewon a knowing look, and he just shrugged with a half smile. I shook my head in return. My mother had always liked the twins, especially the younger one. She had once tried to set us up. Daewon had been horrified, not used to my mother's matchmaking endeavors. He had avoided me for a week later. I hardly felt sorry for him though.
In reality, I had asked the twins to follow only because I knew that would buy me more time till Jihun ran his mouth. He trusted his two subordinates and probably thought I was sleeping with one of the brothers. It usually played into my favor as people didn't enquire further when I asked for the twins, and both of them knew it.
I snagged an empty stool from a leaving patron and dumped myself unceremoniously on it. My mind had stopped registering my surroundings hours ago, the static of numbness the only sound I heard. My head was pounding. A lone shake of my head had the bartender look elsewhere. The day had been tough and my body ached without actually feeling pain. I was completely content with silently shutting every thought out and ignoring everything going wrong in my life, when I took a fleeting glance at the bar's occupants.
I saw him then.
Lee Jong In, sitting at a corner table, surrounded by two blondes and a brunette with his head resting in the blonde's lap. Completely oblivious to what was taking place in our city. There must have been a world record for the speed with which one could see red, and it must have had my name on it.
I was off the stool and walking in his direction without second thought. A hand grabbed me from nowhere and my temper soared, already having slipped twice in eight hours. It was one of the twins, who had followed my gaze and figured out where I was going.
"Leave me." I seethed at Daewon. His grip only tightened in response, dragging me out of the noise and into a less crowded place. " Let me go, soldier. You do not call the shots here." The younger twin didn't even blink.
"Iseul. You're far from in your right mind. Don't do something you'll regret in a week." A laugh escaped my throat at that, cruel and mirthless. "We're 72 hours too late for that, don't you agree?" His jaw tightened and he let go of my hand.
"Will it make you feel better?"
His expression said he knew I was lying, but he didn't say it. Instead, a snap of his fingers and Daesung was with us, looking at his brother and then at me, then back to his brother and finally towards the man that had started this conversation, now lapping at the brunette's shoulder. It clearly disgusted Daesung as well, because his expression soured instantly.
"What do you want to do?" "I want him to suffer," I looked at my hand, ghosts of the blood I had washed off still making it feel warm. "And I want him gone."
"That is hardly a call in your paygrade, Iseul." "Gone." I repeated with finality. The twins sighed in exasperation, Daewon running a hand through his dark hair. Daesung pulled his brother aside, clearing a path for me. "You know we have your back, right?" I nodded my head. What people didn't know was that I was friends with these two. Their loyalty was primarily with me, and my uncle or father second.
"We'll clean up after you. Just don't dig a bigger hole than you already have, Lin." He didn't need to remind me just how big a mess I had orchestrated, I wasn't forgetting it anytime soon. Still, with that warning echoing between the three of us, I made my way towards the shitty excuse of a man and a shittier father whose innocent son's blood I could still feel on my hands even hours later. And it was all his fault.
My mess could be dealt with tomorrow.
4 hours later:
I unlocked my car and got in. The party had long since finished, and I was far from the city. Lee Jong In was gone, a wet, soggy bed he had made for himself. The twins were gearing up to leave, their shared car behind mine.
A screen lighting up had me reaching inside the cup holder, my phone showing a power low reminder. I hadn't checked it for more than a day, I realized. I unlocked it, simply because I had nothing else to do. I had a series of texts that I ignored, but the latest two names were the only ones that actually mattered.
Wooyoung: Iseul call me back. [today, 2:02pm]
Wooyoung: WHAT THE HELL LIN [today, 1:32pm]
Wooyoung: Lin this better be a fucking joke [today, 1:29pm]
Few from San, minutes prior to his friend's texts.
San: You're. fucking. dead. [today, 1:23pm]
San: SHOW YOUR FACE. I DARE YOU. [today, 1:23pm]
San: Iseul, I am going to ask once. Where is she. [today, 1:17pm]
San: You're sick in the head. Fucking sick. You and your fucking need to control everything like the self-absorbed shit you act like [yesterday, 11:30pm]
Wooyoung: WHAT KIND OF A SHITTY PERSON ARE YOU??!!? [yesterday, 3:45pm]
Wooyoung: YOU BURIED HER??? [yesterday, 3:44pm]
Wooyoung: You have 23 missed call(s) from this user [received yesterday, 12:24pm]
San: You have 87 missed call(s) from this user [received today, 9:40 pm]
Wooyoung: Last call(s)- today, 6:14pm
San: Last call(s)-today, 9:00am
Every text was more desperate than the last, and my heart ached some more with every word I read. I didn't know if she would have forgiven me. The one person I had done all of this for. Someone whose secret I would die protecting, especially from Choi San. And someone she had now left behind, someone I would love enough for both of us.
Distractedly, I scrolled up some more. The older messages didn't even make sense, gibberish strung together by no doubt shaking hands. I closed the chat midway, not wanting to read further. It was no use anyway. Choi San may have loved my best friend, but this was my call to make. I switched the device off and threw it back in the cup holder. The gates of the cemetery outside glinted like a sharp knife, and I was tempted to get out of my car to see if it actually did draw blood. I deserved that pain at least. It would serve as a good reminder of my mortality.
My head leaned against the steering wheel, eyes closing for some time. The thought of the incident which had started these three days of absolute horror refusing to now stay suppressed in my head. My hands had started shaking on the sides of the steering wheel and I could feel the salty tears lining my eyelids as I opened them again, now freely flowing which I had held in for a long time.
Mirah was my gentle half. My closest friend. My confidante. The only one who kept me in line, my everything. And now she was gone.
I had buried my now dead best friend less than 24 hours ago.
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"Then why don't we start by you telling us what exactly happened between you and Lee Jong In's son two years ago?"
Seonghwa's question echoed through the room as he himself lounged on the chair, relaxed and looking totally in control.
"Why do you care?"
"Answer the question, Lin. I am not a patient man."
I gritted my teeth. Who did he think he was? "Listen, Park. I don't know what you want. I don't want to know what you want. I don't know what Lee Jong In wanted when he sent me that invitation. I have no idea what happened to his son," I took a look at everyone in the room. "And I am not going to speak a single word or answer any further questions before I get out of this chair. So spare me this stupid display of power. I want no part in whatever game you are trying to start."
He stared me dead in the eye for what felt like an eternity. "Twenty minutes. I will give you twenty minutes to gather your bearings before my man escorts you."
"The way I see it, you want information that only I can provide. So, Mr. Park," I leaned forward, tone completely serious. "I would be far more accommodating to me than you are currently being. "
He didn't even dignify my outburst with a response, he gracefully got up from his chair like it was some throne, buttoned his suit and left the room without a glance in long strides. I watched him go with hooded eyes, massaging my wrists and running my hands through my hair in an effort to civilize them. Yunho and Mingi left next, the latter saying something in a hushed voice.
I got up on shaky legs, steadying myself against the chair as I buttoned my shirt, the hints of a tattoo on my torso that Seonghwa had been staring at vanishing underneath as I finished dressing. San's furious expression had turned into unreadable, Wooyoung nudging him to move with his own jaw clenched. Kang's face was closed off as usual as he averted his eyes to give me privacy. I scoffed internally. He had my phone casually in his pocket while he offered slivers of mercy to me, acting like some Victorian gentleman.
Kim Hongjoong was still inside, his expression one of contemplation. I raised my brow at him.
"Have you met Seonghwa before?" Huh. I met his question with silence as I started to walk out. His extended hand stopped me, but his expression was what made me want to find out more. "I know who he is." I said to him after a pause, not understanding what he meant by his question. He nodded, making way for me to leave.
Hongjoong fell into some silent discussion with Yeosang, and I took the opportunity to get out of the room. The guard near the door immediately fell into step ahead of me.
With a forlorn sigh and resignation in my bones, I followed the man to whatever grave I had dug for myself with this man.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
A/N: This is shorter than I would have liked, but I didn't want to end it on some lame note. Happy reading!
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satzumosupremacy · 1 year
Might be off topic from smuts and all, but can you recommend me some songs of the older generation? I want to explore how much has changed.
I don’t know what genre you like so..
D-Lite (Daesung of Bigbang)- Anymore (Japanese song) *it’s better if you see his live performance*
Taeyang- Wedding Dress is such a classic
Taeyang- Only look at me (don’t read the lyrics first, do it after hearing it, you’ll be surprised)
Zion T- Yanghwa Bridge (if you like rnb)
Nu’est- Hello
Bobby- Raise your guard and bounce, YGGR (smtm3)
Got7- Fly
TVXQ- Mirotic
BTOB- Pray
MOBB (Mino & Bobby duo)- Full House
Mino- Fiancé
Day6- Love Me Or Leave Me
G-Dragon- Bullshit
T.O.P- Doom Dada
Epik High- Born Hater, Rosario, Acceptance Speech
Baekhyun- Bambi
Lee Hong Gi- Still Love You
EXO- Love Shot
Sik K- Rendezvous
f(x)- 4 Walls
Bigbang- Lies, Haru Haru (any song honesty)
Zico- Bermuda Triangle
IKON- Love Scenario
Davichi- This Love
Swings- Villian
Dynamic Duo- Aeao (after 9 years, it blows up on TikTok lol)
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btsqualityy · 2 years
I’m trying to share the love! So Isla meeting Junghyun officially meeting and they end up later on pulling a Min/Yoongi ‘entanglement’. Isla give me big mama Min vibes besides Brooklyn!
Warnings: smut, public sex, creampie
"You sure it's ok if I tag along to the rehearsal?" Isla asked as Brooklyn guided her out of the elevator and onto the seventh floor in the JWA building.
"Of course," Brooklyn smiled. "Besides, I get bored waiting for Daesung by myself because he gets so absorbed into work so it'd be nice to have company."
"Whatever," Isla chuckled as they made it to the rehearsal room, Brooklyn pushing open the door before they stepped inside. The Pulse members were in the midst of dancing but when Daesung saw Brooklyn, he instantly went over to the sound system and cut the song off.
"Hey!" Hojin exclaimed, watching with a glare as Daesung made a beeline for his girlfriend.
"Hi Ji," he smiled, leaning forward and kissing Brooklyn firmly.
"Mmm, hi," she replied. "How's rehearsal?"
"Much better until you interrupted us," Kyumin joked as he walked over to them, giving Brooklyn a quick hug.
"Not my fault that my man loves me," she joked.
"Who's your friend Brooklyn?" Jaewon wondered, giving Isla a flirty smile.
"This is my best friend Isla," she introduced them. "Isla, this is Jaewon, Kyumin, Hojin, and Junghyun."
"Nice to meet you gorgeous," Hojin smiled.
"The pleasure is certainly all ours," Jaewon smirked.
"Well, you see who the hoes of the group are," Daesung chuckled.
"Hey!" Both of them shouted in protest.
"I assume we're taking a break since Brooklyn's here?" Kyumin wondered.
"You know it," Brooklyn smiled.
"So much for you being soooo bored," Isla muttered with a roll of her eyes. As everyone dispersed to do their own thing, Junghyun stepped up to Isla, smiling shyly.
"Hi," he said.
"I didn't know Brook had a best friend," Junghyun murmured. "When she's with Daesung, she doesn't say much because they're too busy making goo goo eyes at each other."
"Ugh, tell me about it," Isla laughed. "Feels like I've lost my best friend to some dick and then a baby."
"Same here," Junghyun agreed. "So, how old are you?"
"Same age as Brook, 19."
"I'm 20."
"So you're my oppa then?" Isla smiled and Junghyun nodded his head.
"Maybe we can get to know each other better then," he offered. "Since our best friends are together and they share a baby."
"Maybe," she smiled softly. "Maybe."
"Fuck baby, just like that," Isla whimpered, her hands scrambling for purchase as Junghyun thrusted into her roughly. They were tucked together in a bathroom stall in the JWA building, Isla's legs wrapped around Junghyun's waist as he fucked her.
It had been a month since their first meeting and three weeks since they had sex for the first time and though Isla hated to admit it, she was falling fast. Junghyun was sweet, caring, sensitive, and so damn attentive. She had never dated a man like him and even though it hadn't been long, she definitely felt like she could spend a long time with him.
"You're so fucking tight around me baby, fuck," Junghyun groaned as he pushed his face into her neck. "You're gonna make me come."
"Want you to come inside me," she purred into his ear. "Come inside of my pussy baby."
"God...damn it!" He literally growled, one of his hands moving away from where it had been stationed on her hip and slamming against the stall as he came inside of her. Isla came as well, her nails digging into his back as they rode out their highs together.
"Holy fuck," she giggled once they had recovered, unwrapping her legs from his waist and setting herself back onto the ground. "The sex is as good as always."
"I'm glad you think so baby," he chuckled, buttoning his pants back up as Isla fixed her skirt. "You know, I think we should make this a little more official."
"What do you mean?"
"Isla, I really like you," Junghyun stated seriously. "I want to be with you."
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend in a stall in the men's room, with your cum coming out of me?" Isla wondered with a smile.
"I guess I am," he chuckled.
"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend," Isla nodded.
"Good," Junghyun grinned, leaning down and kissing her firmly.
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apcomplexhq · 10 months
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✦ Nome do personagem: Kang Chunso. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Jung Haein - Ator. ✦ Data de nascimento: 01/04/1988. ✦ Idade: 35 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreano, sul-coreano. ✦ Qualidades: Leal, Corajoso e determinado. ✦ Defeitos: Enxerido, teimoso, impaciente. ✦ Moradia: Elysian Fields. ✦ Ocupação: Coordenador Pedagógico - Divine Children’s Academy. ✦ Twitter: @EF88KC ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE/SHIPPING, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Vive de cabelos em pé com as travessuras de seus filhos, mas sempre tenta compensar isso ajudando como pode.
TW’s na bio: Citação de morte, suicídio e assassinato
Kang! Um sobrenome que carregava poder, compartilhado por um casal de uma professora e um diretor talentoso que tinham um forte matrimônio. Este amor logo gerou duas crianças que, mesmo tão jovens, se espelharam nos pais e resolveram seguir seus passos no rumo da arte.
Todos esperavam que aquela família fosse eternamente feliz, como em um conto de fadas com seu 'Felizes para sempre'. No entanto, a vida é feita de pés na bunda ou até mesmo um empurrão da escada.
Daesung era um cara dedicado à família e apaixonado pelo seu trabalho. Ele sempre tentou conciliar os dois e nunca deixar faltar em qualquer um dos lados. Casou cedo com a mulher que amava, a coreana capturara facilmente o coração do jovem diretor, e com ela construiu uma linda família. Seus filhos foram seu maior sonho, o coreano sempre quis ser pai e ter seus pequenos em seus braços, foi, com toda certeza, uma das suas maiores realizações.
Mas como falei anteriormente, a vida gosta de nos empurrar da escada. Quando seu filho mais velho tinha 14 anos, resolveram fazer uma viagem juntos. Daesung queria mostrar a Chunso como era a experiência de dirigir um filme de perto. Foi um momento bastante divertido entre pai e filho, mas o garoto queria mesmo era seguir os passos da mãe. Na volta para casa, no entanto, não foram tão bem recebidos com a notícia de que Sooyoung teria tirado a vida de sua filha mais nova e, logo depois, a própria vida. Não se foi deixada uma carta ou sequer uma explicação do porquê a mulher havia feito aquilo. Podia ser culpa sua? De seu filho? Ou até mesmo algo forjado? Não tinha como saber ao certo, mas esse acontecimento acabou mudando todo o relacionamento que tinham.
Chunso se distanciou de Daesung de forma que achou que seria melhor para si, pois doía toda vez que passavam tempo juntos e sentia estar deixando o restante da família no esquecimento. Já Daesung apenas deixou seu filho fazer o que queria. Ele não sabia como conter a dor do menino, sentia-se inútil e culpado por não conseguir consolá-lo. Ele queria poder consertar tudo, mas parecia que só se quebravam mais a cada encontro.
A carreira de Daesung parecia começar a cair em declínio. Ele não conseguia mais se concentrar no trabalho e sentia que, a qualquer momento, teria que parar. Mas ele sabia que não podia ficar assim; ainda tinha seu filho, mesmo que as coisas estivessem ruins entre eles. O diretor conseguiu se reerguer em meio a tanta coisa ruim e voltar ao topo, onde nunca devia ter saído.
Os anos se passaram, e Chunso conseguiu finalmente construir sua própria família. Casou-se com uma japonesa e com ela teve dois filhos, os grandes amores de sua vida. Infelizmente, o casamento não foi para frente, talvez por Chunso ainda carregar um sentimento obscuro dentro de si, ou por incompatibilidade do casal. Mesmo com o término, eles continuaram amigos pelo bem dos dois filhos e juntos tentam criar os pequenos, mesmo com as adversidades do divórcio.
A mudança para Acropolis veio como um recomeço para Chunso. Sua antiga moradia os tornava visados como vizinhos ruins, por conta das travessuras de seus filhos. Diziam que as crianças não eram educadas da forma certa, e isso só aumentava a pressão sobre os ombros do coreano, que optou pela mudança para além de ficar próximo ao trabalho, também tentar viver um pouco mais em paz.
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j-a-nuary · 1 year
Date Roulette: Big Bang
Summary: When Luna lets her best friend talk her into joining a sweepstake contest, she doesn't even consider that she might win. When she wins, she has trouble considering what that might mean for her life. Written somewhat in a daily journal style - chronicles the creation of a The Bachelorette style reality TV show.
Genre: Reverse harem, I guess???
Warnings: Discussion of old traumas, barely avoided SA attempt, a lot of toxic behaviors by just about everyone, tons of alcohol, lots of new trauma, no explicit smut - but a fair amount of implied smut
Week One - Introductions: | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | 일 |
Week Two - Seungri: | 월 | 화 | 수 pt.1 | 수 pt.2 | 목 | 금 | 토 | 일 |
Week Three - Daesung: | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | 일 |
Week Four - Taeyang: | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | 일 |
Week Five - T.O.P: | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | 일 |
Week Six - GD: | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | 일 |
Week Seven - Top Three: | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | 일 |
Supplemental - Same day, different POV :
Week Two, 목, Jiyong POV
Week Two, 목, Jiho POV
Week Six, 화, Seunghyun POV
Big Bang Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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kimkiyum · 4 years
Hi there, could you please write what you think Bigbang’s kinks are? Thanks x
Sensory deprivation.
Hair pulling.
Oral sex.
Dirty talk.
Filming the two of you.
Cum play.
Marking (biting, scratching, etc...).
Breath play.
Role playing.
Mirror sex.
Overstimulation (giving).
Grinding (dry humping).
Bondage (giving).
Degradation (giving).
Orgasm control (giving).
Impact play (giving).
Pet play.
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BigBang “You’re cuddly after sex”
Ask:  could you do a bigbang reaction to you being cuddly after sex please? 💞💕💕 (no seungri)
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Seunghyun had gotten up to grab some water as you caught your breath. It was so odd, feeling like someone was with you the whole time only for them to get up and leave. You knew he was going to come back, but you still felt odd. 
He came back, handing you the water and pet your hair. You looked up at him and smiled softly. “Please don’t leave me so fast after sex.” You said and he looked at you with a slight frown. “Hmm?” He questioned and you but your water down on the nightstand. “I like to be held after sex and cuddled. I don’t like being left right away. So please come back and come cuddle with me.” You said and Seunghyun smiled apologetically. 
“I’m sorry my dear, I’ll cuddle you for as long as you want. I promise you.” 
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His breath was heavy, laying next to you and pushing his hair out of his face. You looked over to him and turned into his side. Your face rested in the crook of his neck, lacing kisses there before cuddling into him fully. You loved sex, but the cuddling afterwards was always even better. 
Jiyong started laughing before wrapping an arm around you. “I forgot you got so cuddly after sex.” He said and you just smiled against his bare skin. You could feel his fingers trace patterns over your skin. “It’s not a bad thing though, right?” You asked with a small pout. 
“No, it’s definitely not a bad thing.” 
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Your fingers ran through his hair as you both came down from your highs. Youngbae laying on top of you and slowly pushing off. “Nooo.” You whined and tightened your grip on his hair. Youngbae’s laugh filled the room, before laying back on top of you and wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Sorry, I forgot how cuddly you are.” He said, looking at you with a warm smile. You blushed, feeling his fingers move to your sides to tickle you. You pushed him off of you before he could do anything. “Noo, only cuddling. No tickling.” You said and pinned his arms down. 
“Fine, only the finest of cuddles for you.” 
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Sex with Daesung was always a workout, leaving you breathless and exhausted. This time wasn’t any different. Your head sank into the pillow and Daesung’s fingers ran over your thigh soothingly. “I need to go grab something real quick.” Daesung said, sitting up and going to leave the bed. 
Your hand caught his, pulling him back before he could even leave the bed. Daesung crawled back and pulled you into his chest. “Don’t leave me, not yet.” You mumbled and he started laughing. You smiled at him sleepily, triggering him to pet your hair. 
“I won’t ever leave you dear. I just forgot how much you love to cuddle.” 
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youxidol · 7 years
heyo could you do aftercare with dom!bigbang pretty please?? thank u sm!!
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★always makes you have a bath after sex
★so your body can relax
★sometimes he joins you in the water
★sometimes he just sits at the side of the tub reading to you
★you have matching pyjamas 
★if you’re too tired to bath before you sleep 
★he’ll clean you up the best he can with a warm flannel
★puts your hair up before bed so it’s out of your way
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★cuddle monster
★you won’t be able to move
★’are you alright husband/wifey?’
★he’ll pull you close and nuzzle into you
★when you’re wrapped under the covers
★he’ll sing you to sleep
★between each line
★he’ll press a kiss to your skin  
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★full cling mode 
★’are you okay?’
★’was everything good?’
★’you’re not hurt, are you?’
★he’ll help you put on your pyjamas
★tuck you into the bed    
★and slide in next to you
★if you’re not too sore
★he’ll cuddle you close to him
★and whisper words of praise to you
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★one whole puppy
★when you’ve both calmed down
★he’ll quickly clean the both of you 
★then get back into bed
★naked is best
★he always ends up being the little spoon
★but his hair smells nice so it’s okay
★he’ll lock his fingers with yours
★and start lazy chit chat about anything and everything
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★soft boy
★he’ll collapse over you  
★and nuzzle his face into your neck  
★that’s how he’ll stay 
★he asks if you’re okay alot
★let him rest
★bc tomorrow he’ll run around after you  
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sleepingdoyoungie · 7 years
Big Bang reacting to S/O wanting to get spanked
And here’s another version of kpop boy groups reacting to their s/o wanting to get spanked.. Episode 3 xD
Bts version
Monsta x version
"Why? Have you been naughty?"
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*gets shy*
"Oh okay"
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"You've been a very naughty girl.."
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"Well.. then.. okay i guess."
*intense stare*
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"You're so needy babygirl..."
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bigbangimagines · 7 years
Daesung x you - Wet
Hey all!! Uhm.. so this is my first ever Daesung scenario! And my first Daesung smut as well. Now, this was a request so, I honestly just hope you like it :’) xo
Request:  Hiya! Could you do a smut with Daesung? ((Ofc whenever y'all have time))) One where he’s usually very calm and sweet but you get him really turned on and he takes you roughly 🙈🙈 I LOVE YOUR WRITING!!!
Warning: Smut
- Admin B xoxo
You were sitting at the kitchentable drinking your normal morning coffee, so interracted with your thoughts that you didn’t sense nor hear Daesung sneak up on you. His hands touched your nude shoulders softly and you smiled to yourself.
«Good morning beautiful» he whispered before placing soft and wet kisses on your warm neck. You stretched a little as the pleasure slid over you, causing you to shiver.
You’d been living with Daesung for only around a month, and you loved every single day with him. Though the previous weeks had been a bit stressfull with the both of you having to move your stuff to his place, and also buying some new stuff – It had now finally begun to fall into place.
“Hmm” you moaned slightly as he didn’t stop. He let his hands slide down your arms and you loved the good feeling that occurred. The butterflies in your stomach never failed to appear when he was near.
“Someone is having a good morning”
“Well, I love waking up to seeing you here with me”
“I do the same”
He then hugged you from behind and gave you a slow peck on your cheek before taking a seat on the chair next to you.
You looked at his perfect handsome face and smiled. “I made pancakes, it’s over on the counter”
He smiled too. “Aw,Y/N you’re amazing”
You grinned as you loved putting a smile on his face, though he was normally just happy seeing nor hearing from you. He got up from the chair to get his breakfast and you sat still.
“Do you have any plans today?” You asked from he table.
“No, do you?”
Soon, he came back and sat down again. “What do you want to do?” he asked while eating his breakfast. You smirked a little watching him eat. He looked so cute. You could think of a few things you could be doing. Not being too subtle. “We’ll figure it out”. You took a sip from your coffee still enjoying the sweet sight of him. He chuckled when he still noticed you looking.
“Do I have something on my face?”
You laughed. “No. You’re just so handsome” you blushed a little. Even though you’d been dating for a while, a new day with him always made you fall in love with him all over again.
You finished your coffee , while he wasn’t quite finished with his breakfast. You got up, stepping aside of him. He looked up at you, and you bend down to seal your lips with is. Your one hand brushed slightly against his crotch, while you brought your other hand up to his hair to drag your fingers through the soft texture. He jumped a little by your gesture, and you felt like you left him speechless. “I’m going to hop in the shower” You said in a seductive way while licking your lips sensually after parting him to taste him yet again. And he watched every little movement with big eyes. You took your coffee cup and put it away in the sink before walking towards your bathroom. “Enjoy your breakfast” You finished off witout turning around. You could just feel him eyening you.
The way he’d greeted you this morning had made you lust for something more. And you weren’t all too sure at first the intension for it. But from how he set the mood already by his kisses, you figured he might.
You undressed, putting your nightgown on the heated bathroom floor before turning on the shower, waiting for it to heat. Then, you stepped into the shower and closed the door. The warm water poured against your naked body and you closed your eyes, taking in the steam. You shampoed your hair first, then ended up standing there for minutes just taking in the still existing feeling Daesung had created. You were aching for him right now.
And only just then, you were interrupted by the glassdoor open and close in a second. Along with two arms encircling your waist from behind.
“Hello there” You murmured.
“I thought we could safe some water and shower together” “I love that you are thinking so much about the environment” You flirted back.
He begun like he did earlier, kissing your neck. But now, his kisses felt more intense. He moved his hands up to your hair and started rinsing out the shampoo for you. His soft touch was like a breath of fresh air. You loved when he was playing with your hair, bu2t this felt even  better. You tilted your head backwards until hitting his chest. You felt his heart beating arousing. He massaged slowly your scalp getting everything out. He then took conditioner and put it in.
You didn’t have to thank him, you knew he knew that you were so pleased with him doing this.
Withtout much of a warning, he spinned you around to face him, pushed you against the wall, holding your arms up against the cold tiles . You gasped, both from his action and the coldness. But you quickly forgot about it. He used his other hand to seductively touch down until he reached your bum. He caressed it first, but then out of the blue he squeezed it making you gasp. You lips quickly turned into a smirk and you loved just thinking about where this was heading.
He once again captured your lips, harder this time. Deeper. And you met him with as much power. His tongue battling for domination. And you let him.
You pressed your hips against his, feeling him harden against your thigh. And you were soaking wet. He used both his hand to roughly rub your buttcheeks. The feeling of lust increased, and the want for him to have him inside of you was too high to bare. You needed him now.
“Fuck me” you moaned against his lips, not breaking the kiss.
“With pleasure”
He lifted you up, still pressing you against the wall. You wrapped your legs around his waist. The hot water running down the both of you. His strong arms holding you just beneath your bum. This wasn’t a usual morning. You’d not seen him so turned on in a while. But you loved every second of it.
His mouth covered your neck with harsh wet kisses and love bites that you knew would leave a lot of marks tomorrow. You didn’t mind cause you liked him claiming that you were his. You whined unpatiently as he was teasing your entrance, and he smirked at your mood.
“Stop teasing me” You let out a thrilling laugh.
“I love seeing you so… unpatient”
Then he shoved himself into you making you shriek by the suddeness. His hands gripped your waist tightly pulling you closer to him with every thrust he took. You moaned reluctantly. Your fingernails digging into his skin. He didn’t fail with one thrust, hitting your sweet spot every single time.
“Oh my god!” you whimpered.
“You’re so good” He breathed.
Once he felt you tense around him, he stopped, and you opened your eyes to see him. He still held you close, and your legst still wrapped around him. He turned off the shower and stepped out with you.
“Why’d you stop?”
Without replying, he only gave you a wink before putting you down for only a second while getting a towel to dry the both of you off. Then he swooped you off of your feet again, carrying you into your bedroom. He kissed you once before looking into your eyes.
“I’m not done with you honey”
You smirked. “I was hoping you’d say that”
He put you down on the bed, threw away the towel, and kneeled in between your legs. He bit his lips in sadisfaction, looking at you laying there in eager to have him inside again. You were still soaking from the previous action that it was so easy picking up were you left. And he didn’t waste any time, shoving into you before picking up the pace once you both felt fully settled. Every thrust of his was perfect. He held your legs apart, his eyes on you, enjoying the very sight of how he made you feel. He brought down his one hand and begun rubbing your clit wih his thumb. You arched your back in pleasure. Your mouth halfopen from the panting. He bend down capturing your lips. The both of you moaning into each others mouth in between.
He thrusted harder. So hard the bed practically slammed against the wall. You couldn’t keep from being quiet, screaming at every thrust he gave. Your skin clasped against each other. “Fuck Y/N. Come for me” He groaned as your walls begun clenching around him. You felt him reaching his high soon, his movements became slower, yet still contained the same strenght. You helped, moving against him for the two of you to finish together.
“My god!” You screamed from the ecstacy that filled your entire body.
Only a second after, you felt him him filling you up inside. Your chest moved in higher speed. He got out of you, his body still shaking. He laid down beside you, and you snuggled close to him.
You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down, resting your entire body on his. His heart beated violently against you and heavy breaths escaped from his lips too, fanning against your still wet hair.
“That was amazing” He stated. You looked up at him and he met your gaze while smiling.
“Up for more?” You asked teasingly grazing your fingertips easily on his well toned abs.
He smirked. “I could fuck you all day”
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gotfuckingseven · 7 years
Daesung as your boyfriend
-it was love at first sight
-you two locked eyes with each other and then that was it
-he understands you like no one else
-romantic as fuck
-you two would travel to the most beautiful places
-like that “little fun date” on the Eiffel Tower 
-dinner on that restaurant in Venice 
-night on the hotel room in Hawaii
-he loves to take pictures with you
-and keeps on his phone so when he misses you on the tour he could look at it
-make fun of each other 
-back hugs
-when he’s back from tour you guys do a marathon 
-sex marathon of course (who wouldn’t)
-sex toys? maybe a vibrator sometimes
-loves when you go to his show to support the band 
-you two are completely drunk in love 
-makes your heath flutter
-loves you unconditionally  
-respect and honesty is your primary rules on the relationship 
-you can count on your fingers how many times you argued 
-love each other till the end of times
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xxdarkangelqueenxx · 7 years
Just The away You Are
Pairing: Taeyang x Reader 
 Genre: fluff/angst 
Warning: A LOT OF TALK ABOUT SUIDIE AND BULLYING STRONG LANGUAGE! READ AT YOUR RISK; I am not stating that bullying or suicide is funny or anything. I am also not making fun of people with a disabilities, this story is really special to me so please enjoy. ^^ 
And a big thanks to @loveandturmoil87 for supporting me with this story
 You hear your phone go off, probably another text from your boyfriend or one of your friends talking about Youngbae comeback. You grab your phone it was a notification that your boyfriend tagged you into a picture which you smiled to yourself while clicking on it. The picture was of you and him at Jiyong's concert last month, you were wearing a red dress showing off your legs; well your one good leg and the other shows a realistic look, but you can clearing tell it is a prosthetic leg. You usually don't go out wearing dresses, shorts, or skirts because you never actually felt confident enough to wear them. Just the thought of everyone 'staring' at you didn't sit well with you. Youngbae and Daesung with a little help from Chae-rin to convince you to wear that dress you had for three years. You're heart skipped the beat as you read what his wrote under it: 'She is unique, beautiful, and brave so proud to have you on my arm. I love you _____' 
You looked at the comments already was it at 401k comments; you wanted to know what they were saying you knew you shouldn't look, but your curiosity took the best of you. As you were looking you seen some comments talking about how beautiful and brace you are some even wanted to meet you. As you kept scrolling you started to see the hate comments and they weren't that pretty.
  "Oh god she is fucking hideous! Why did see even leave the house in that dress?" 
 "He is only with her because he feels so fucking sorry for that whore!" 
"Why don't you just go fucking die he doesn't really love you!" 
"Robot ass bitch did a fucking shark bite it off?" 
 "No I think she got hit by a bus, she needs to jump in front of it again so it can finish the job!" 
 "Soon as Taeyang makes his comeback the little bitch will be bye bye!!!!!!" 
 You kept scrolling deeper and deeper you knew you should have stopped but you were in too deep, tears started running down your cheeks. Why were they being mean they didn't know you?! You threw your phone as the tears come down faster and faster. You started thinking about what they were saying "Maybe he doesn't really love me" you said to yourself. The hours passed you heard your phone ring it was him your boyfriend. The love of your life so you thought he was. You shakily reached for the phone and answered it still sobbing.   
Taeyang: Hey princess I was just checking on you  
You: Taeyang *crying harder*
 Taeyang almost dropped his phone when he heard you crying, he always hated that sound. 
 Taeyang: baby what's wrong
 You: The picture 
 Taeyang: what about it baby, you told me you loves that picture.
 You: The comments are so rude I can't believe people could be so cruel. Taeyang: Baby why did you look through the comments, I'm taking a flight home right now I need to be with you.
 You shake your head while on the phone tears rushing even faster. You were about to crush his world into pieces and even your own.
 You: I won't be here when you get here, I'm leaving Youngbae it's over maybe you will be happier with someone with two perfectly good legs.
 As soon as you sad those words you hung up the phone and started crying even harder. You didn't want to break up with him but you just felt he'll be happier with someone better even though it was selfish. 
 2 years later
It has been two years since you and Youngbae have broken up, to be honest it was the worst two years of your life. You heard that he left for the military a month after you two broke up. You been living with Jennie from Blackpink since the break up; she became your best friend.
“Why don’t you just call him, he been home for almost a month now he is worried about you” Jennie  said while looking up from her phone showing you the picture Ji Yong post of their welcome home party.
You let out a sigh while looking at your ex boyfriend he was still handsome as he was two years ago. You would be lying if you said you never thought about calling him, but you couldn’t put yourself to do it even though you miss him a lot more than you ever missed anyone. 
“I can’t I broke up with him then left the house, I never returned any of his calls or his letters” you said tearing up thinking about the last time she talked to him. You later felt your phone vibrate, you pulled it out your pocket and your eyes widen it was Youngbae calling you. You just stared at your phone while it was ringing, you didn’t know if you should answer it or just let it ring. 
Before she could do anything the phone stop ringing “Shit!” she screamed before crying. Jennie looks over at you and hugged you tightly. 
“Call him back ____ have to call him” she said while rocking you.
After awhile you decided to call Youngbae back, he wanted to talk to you he missed you and wanted to see you again. You agreed to meet up with him, because you also missed him.
You and Youngbae decided to meet him at his house, when you walked up to the door and just stare at the door before you collected enough courage to knock on the door. Youngbae opens the door smiling at you “You came” he said before stepping aside to let you in. 
You smiled back at him and walked into the house slowly, before turning around to look at him “Of course I am Youngbae I didn’t want to hurt your feeling if I didn’t show” you said. You looked at him for awhile you could tell he been crying and haven’t been eating, but you could also tell he got a little bit buffer from the military. 
“____ I seen the comment that my fans left on the picture, I know it hurt your feelings, but you have to understand I don’t see you as a girl with one leg” He said while grabbing your hand “I see you as my beautiful girlfriend with a brave heart.” 
You looked at him tears filling your eyes “Youngdae think about it, I have one leg I am not good enough for you” you said while tears fall from your eyes. 
Youngbae wrapped his arms around you “Don’t think that about yourself, your my princess you mean the world to me” he while rocking you side to side. Youngbae kissed your neck softly while humming “I hate that you think less of yourself, my fans shouldn’t have said those words to you, I love you” he added. 
You looked at him “I love you too Youngbae” you said smiling at him. Youngdae wraps his arms around you pulling you close before kissing you softly. 
“Please be my girl again” He said looking in your eyes. 
You smiled at him widely “Yes I’ll be your girl again” You said before hugging him tightly. 
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smuttyfairy · 7 years
Do u know ang sites that have big bang smuts ;)))
Uhmmmm you can go to your nearest search engine and type in “Big Bang smut” and stuff should pop up :o Although I highly suggest checking out ao3, and @waitinginthedarke has really good big bang fics ^^ -Admin Gilfairy
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BigBang “A member walks in on you giving them head”
Ask:  Could you please do a bigbang reaction to a member walking in and you deep throating them? (Separate lol) theres so little good bigbang content, cri.
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Seunghyun thought the comfort of his home was safe. Letting you slide down his body and onto your knees in front of the couch. You were sat inbetween his legs, tongue running over his cock as he sat back and relaxed. Parting his lips, he sighed in relief as you took him all the way into your mouth and his hand rested on the back of your head, forcing you take him all the way. Your nose touching his abdomen. 
“Hey, I texted you and you didn’t respond, what have you been do- Oh.” You could hear Jiyong’s voice coming from the front door. “Aish, fucking leave.” Seunghyun just called and tossed a pillow as you lifted your mouth off of him. You could hear the door shut, before you smiled in embarrassment. Seunghyun shook his head in disbelief, before looking at you. 
“I didn’t say you could stop.” 
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Jiyong needed stress relief and well you loved your man. You didn’t have a problem with him calling you to relieve his stress while he was recording. So there you were, on your knees as he fucked your face. You were taking him all the way back into your throat as, his hands in your hair as he fucked your face.
“Jesus Christ.” He moaned and threw his head back. The door to the studio opening harshly only to hear laughter. Jiyong’s cock to far in your mouth to react. “I see you’re busy. Nevermind.” You heard Seunghyun’s voice and your cheeks turned red before he pulled out.
“You’re embarrassed how cute.” 
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Youngbae was incredibly soft with you. Soft touches and gentle stares as you worshipped him. He loved it and even when you went down on him, he was soft and gentle. You had taken control, taking him all the way into the back of your throat, before coming back up and doing it again. 
You continued your actions, moving down his cock again. You really only heard loud laughter, not really being able to see who it was but you knew. It was that iconic laugh of Daesung. Youngbae pushed you off of him slightly and you started laughing slightly before hearing Daesung walk away. 
“I can’t believe he just walked in.”  
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Daesung never really got super stressed out. But when he did, something he loved to do was fucking your mouth. This was no difference. Something Youngbae had said to him really pissed him off and the second he had gotten home he just wanted you on your knees. 
You didn’t mind, your mouth and throat being fillled by Daesung as he took out some anger. What he wasn’t expecting was for Youngbae to walk in and apologize. “Oh, I- Uh I wanted to apologize.”  Youngbae said, covering his eyes and then turning around. Daesung quickly moved away from you, tucking himself into his jeans. “Just leave, it’s fine!” Daesung said and Youngbae left as fast as he could. 
“I’m sorry, baby. Come here and let me make it up to you.” 
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youxidol · 7 years
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★his role in the bedroom changes with him mood
★can either be bubbly jiyong that makes you giggle through the entire thing
★or the most sadistic mother fucker known to man kind
★’what’s that, kitten? You want me to stop? If you wanted me to stop, you’d have used your safe word’’
★there are a rare few times that he lets you take control
★wants you in lace 24/7
★doesn’t like phone/skype sex
★would rather let all the sexual frustration pile up
★leading to the best sex when you’re reunited
★brings you a gift home from every place he meets
★lowkey sugardaddy
★has a notebook full or your favourite recipes so he can cook for you in the morning
★if you're sore, he'll help you bathe
★You could come to him demanding you bend over the sofa so he can fuck you
★or to him whining for you to tie him up and fuck him senseless
★needs to cuddle you for at least and hour after sex
★then goes to order food
★then comes back to continue the cuddles
★loves when you praise him
★l o v e s h i c k e y s
★feels proud when you give them to him
★probably shows them off
★'look at this one! it’s in the shape of a heart!‘
★'we get it, Seungri, shut up’
★so possessive oh my god
★'don’t let him touch you again’
★'it’s just jiyong'
★'do not let him touch you again.’
★king of aftercare imo
★'you good, baby?’
★always makes you have a bath after sex
★sometimes he joins you in the water
★sometimes he just sits at the side of the tub reading to you
★you have matching pajamas you put on the sleep with
★if you’re too tired to bath before you sleep, he’ll clean you up the best he can with a warm flannel
★puts your hair up before bed so it’s out of the way
★when you’ve been out drinking, you normally end up having at it in the hallway
★both laugh about it when you wake up and see you spent the entire night on the floor
★this guy loves thigh riding
★gets smug how he can make you cum with only a movement of his thigh
★when he’s in charge, he loves having you scratch his back
★’jagiiii~ i look like i’ve been attacked by a cat!’
★could receive oral for days
★high pitched whines when he’s receiving it
★mommy/daddy kink
★loves getting nudes from you
★uses them when he’s needy and away from you
★arguments about who can be the little spoon
★’but i was tied up’
★’but i was doing all the work!’
★he always ends up being the little spoon
★but his hair smells nice so it’s okay
★brings you breakfast in bed the morning after so you can watch tv
★soft dom
★'you don’t need to worry about the neighbors. if i get arrested for hurting you, we can make great use of the conjugal visit room'
★probably shows you some videos he finds funny while you cuddle after sex
★will worship you in the weirdest way possible
★'your butt is so soft. if i were small, i would use it as my bed'
★sees your body as a temple, so he won’t mark it
★loves seeing you in silk
★pet namessss
★lets you sleep on his chest
★plays with your hair while you drift off
★always takes you out for breakfast the morning after
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