#daily allergy meds
galaxywarp · 3 months
if you’re 21 or younger and never had allergies yet pls treasure this time. I long to be a punk ass teenager again asking my mom what’s the big deal about pollen. what’s the big deal about pet hair? what do you mean your nose gets stuffed up when the flowers bloom? I was so young. So naive. I had it so good. My eyes are itchy.
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Thank the Gods, it's cooled down enough that I can hug a plushie. So I'm hugging Cayde. :3 I feel comfort and I desperately need that since I'm likely going for a nebulizer tomorrow morning... :(
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mejomonster · 9 months
Goodbye 2023. Wrote 30,000 words of my Danny story, 20,000 words of my Freyna story, 25,000 words of my Khan story, 13,000 words of my Celest story, 48,000 words of fanfiction, and including notes and scraps I wrote 211,007 words in 2023! >o<)/ a lot of fucking words!!!
(Also future me, now you can find this next year to find out how much more u wrote)
I did not hit last years goal of finishing one of my original stories. But on the bright side, I did write over one novel's Worth of words. So here's to hoping this new year I focus more on One story at a time so I can start finishing things. I'll count this as a kind of win. (I'd still like to finish at least one of my original stories before January ends just so I can say I've finally finished one asap lol)
In other news. This past year, sunday, I had italian bread with butter. I had lemon cake this year. I had pizza, the last two days in a row. I have had a waffle almost every day of the week. I still have to take benedryl if I overdo it, or more gi medicine if I really screw up. But this time last year I couldn't touch bread, pasta, waffles, any wheat. This time last year I was dreaming and hoping miserably I'd get to have toast and pizza again. That I'd be able to risk any dairy. Any wheat. My only severe allergy left now is potato. I'm still a ways away from being able to stop needing my gi meds to eat. But rhe fact I simply CAN eat, most days, relaibly without worrying I won't be able to the next day? Awesome. I had a bad flare in August and was on a liquid diet and feared I'd never eat yummy food again. And all of 2022 was awful mush. I'm so so grateful I can eat a waffle, and will probably still be able to eat the next day. I'm going to sincerely hope now this is the year I'll be able to transition off of needing gi meds.
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transkholins · 3 months
the nature of allergy medications is that every day i get to choose between being itchy or tired AND itchy 👍
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The ADHD experience is forgetting where you set you cup down five minutes ago, but being able to pick up where you end off in a conversation you had 10 years ago. It's remembering the fine details of a book but forgetting who gave it to you, or if you bought it yourself. It's remembering a thing your best friend mentioned an interest in, but forgetting their birthday even though you've been best friends for 10+ years.
When we are bored, we become the equivalent of a husky in a cubicle. When the boredom gets bad, we break down, crying, and fall into a deep depression.
It's randomly getting the intense and overwhelming craving for a bowl of plain rice or a slice of bread with a little butter on it, and craving nothing else. Just this dose of carbs that brings absolute satisfaction.
It's fighting to convince your body to move and acquire food and water, but you remain trapped on the sofa, your brain and body will not move even though you haven't eaten or had anything to drink in 12 hours. You need to use the bathroom, your bladder is raging, and the only thing that finally gets your brain to behave is the pain.
ADHD isn't just some cute thing of being distracted with a case of the zoomies. It's a nightmare that results in losing jobs, poor eating habits, insomnia so bad you're awake for three days and fall asleep only because you're exhausted, and your home is filthy even though you desperately want to clean it up. There's nothing enjoyable about this fuckery.
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bunnyb34r · 5 months
Allergies finally hit and god I'm suffering
I take 3 different allergy medications DAILY, I shouldn't be like this 😭
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screambirdscreaming · 6 months
ok this is a long fucking shot but does anyone out here know anything about. Allergies but rather than having itchy runny-nose symptoms you just feel systemically like shit. Like fatigue, nausea, vague headache, moderate-to-severe excercise intolerance, that sort of thing. But correlated to like, pollen exposure. Or just air quality in general?
The best ballpark diagnosis I have is asthma, but I've never actually had An Asthma Attack so I don't know if that's.... right. And even if it is, I can't really find good research or resources on managing systematic effects of asthma at this like... non-acute, non life-threatening severity.
Sometimes with weird medical shit like this, there's information that exists if only you can find the right keyword to search.... maybe somebody's got something?
Or even just, it'd be nice to hear if anyone elae deals with this and I'm not, like, completely insane*
*for this. other insanity unspecified.
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owlispls · 6 months
maybe… JUST MAYBE my allergy shit and hayfever got a little worse this year.
does anyone feel the same?
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curiosity-killed · 11 months
i watched one (1) movie about big pharma and now am researching the allergy meds i've been on for 18-13 years and connecting unexpected dots
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lupismaris · 1 year
Sometimes you just have to "Good boy" yourself through it
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roseyboy · 1 year
the pollen and allergies is actually making me lose my mind
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toastily · 28 days
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beast-of-the-void · 1 month
#Been taking my meds as prescribed and have been on the edge of a panic attack for nearly 2 weeks now#My body is in a tremendous amount of pain#but I gotta pretend I am okay just to have people quit asking if I am okay. I am not but there is nothing to be done about it#the pain docs dgaf the bone docs dgaf the specialists dgaf#I can't even take mj to feel better because I am so allergic#and speaking of allergies I have been having what look like HIVES starting to appear randomly over my face and chest for these 2 weeks#istg if this is another fucking reaction to allergens I am just going to go meet the hatman and claim squatter's rights in his house#woke up from another passing out episode to be ravenous and had to make myself some eggs and rice#I added kimchi because there needs to be more daily veggies in this diet#Most days the meals have been a tsp of peanut butter; an applesauce or string cheese; whatever noodle; and eggs or tuna...sometimes chicken#But still they want to tell me I am eating too much daily somehow#I do also drink a fuckton of water daily#I am just so tired of these 8year experts seeing a short fat thing and immediately equating all my problems to fucking weight#something is wrong and nobody wants to look further into it#In the meantime I am going to be mentally unwell because my body feels like shattering glass under electrified water every waking moment#But sure! let me take on the responsibility of teaching 44 other households how to open an rtf file in a damn word processor#HOW TF do you get over 50 and have all problem solving skills drop out of your ass. God forbid I write simple instructions#and some asshole put out fliers on ageism near my apartment#Telling someone that they need to actually have the correct information before moving forward to do something is apparently disrespectful#I literally don't have to do anything for any of these people but they feel entitled to my time and energy because I am 30+ years younger#And they've been having kvetch sessions about who knows what in a room literally on the other side of my bedroom wall#I got shit to do in the morning so I hope to wake up somebody else tomorrow#wish me luck
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praiseinchains · 2 months
Gratitude Journal Entry (7/18/24)
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Today I'm Grateful For:
*I finished my two books today :-) The first one (Cat of Many Tails) has put me off Ellery Queen books in the future, but the second (Suicide Med) has made me a tentative lover of Freida McFadden. I say 'tentative' because while I've really enjoyed the two books I have of hers, I don't want to become a full-out fan and risk being disappointed. Save for a few special series and Simone St. James, I don't typically read books by the same author.
*Despite feeling kind of rotten tonight (allergies and my antibiotic) I had a nice night. MY parents went to a movie with some church friends (Disciples in the Moonlight) so I had the house to myself for about 7 hours and I spent that time reading and watching movies. I watched 'Bait' but didn't really care for it (for some reason I really like shark movies as well as disaster movies) as well as 'Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves', which I've been wanting to watch for a while and which I really enjoyed.
*That my days are basically back to normal. I no longer spend hours on a single poem, so my day is more open, which I'm very pleased about.
Something I'm Proud Of:
It's really hard finding something I'm proud of every day, but I always try to find something, no matter how small. Today, I'm proud that I got my desk cleaned off and relatively organized. I hate a messy desk, but I've not felt well enough to clean it off.
Tomorrow I'm Looking Forward To:
Finishing my last 2 books and catching up on my reading.
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captivemuses · 4 months
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Not sure how much IC stuff I'll get done on here this weekend since I'll be over at a friends house for most of it to do in person D&D, but I'll still get done what I can on Sunday night after we've wrapped up and am back home for the remainder. My Discord door is open like usual for rp'ing on there bc as usual I have plenty of muse, but I'm deff not gonna be able to focus on drafts (esp longer things) when I've got seven or eight other people around me. That goes for tonight too, more than happy to do some writing on Discord while I wrap up some Tighnari icons for a friend and do my usual daily Genshin and Honkai farming!
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