#damien x dadsona
bunnymi1k · 4 months
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i'm very normal about damien bloodmarch
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this is years old, but i absolutely am going to draw my dadsona x dames again very soon. i used to redraw my first drawing of them every year after the game's release, for like three years. time to bring it back. i'm goin hyperfixation mode!!!!
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A monster made of clay
Um hi, this sucks and I’m losing my mind over it, so I’m gonna post whatever the fuck this is anyway because I’m not a coward. English is not my first language and you can tell. Open to criticism, but please don't be mean lol
Robert x Dadsona
Dadsona: Hector Amanti.
enjoy (or don’t idk)
pss pss every dumb mistake you can find, take it on grammarly. that bitch is so useful so useless I hate it
It was weird. Really weird. Why did it have that shape? Why was it so long? Why was it so big?
"Robert, my very dear friend, I hope you'll pardon me for asking in such manners, but what the fuck are you doing?"
"Language, Hector. Language. You'd not want to scandalize a poor little innocent boy like me, would you?" Hector raised an eyebrow, still eyeing the weird statue.
"I would never. It's not like said poor little innocent boy is creating a giant di-"
"You lack artistic vision", he replied, interrupting the younger man. Hector clutched his chest dramatically, pretending to be mortally wounded.
The memory of him, Damien, Joseph and Hugo at the museum was still very present. He was a changed man after that: he finally understood art after many years of his relatively long but actually short life. Everything, everything, in art - and it didn't matter from where and when a piece was - revolved around butts. That's how it was. That's how it should have been. Amen to butts, one of Mother Nature's most lovely creations.
"Lacking artistic vision? Moi? That's it, cruel world. I'm ready to go." Hector hurriedly touched his throat as if he was suffocating, one hand still on his chest to stop the imaginary bleeding. Robert went back to smooth the surface of his, ehm, anatomically bizarre work.
"There has to be someone funnier than the other between us, and I happen to know who is who." Robert didn't bat an eye, apparently focused on his project.  
"Hghkk... Robert, I'm dying." The other man exhaled hard through his nose, annoyed by the distraction from his masterpiece. He was trying to create a vein with a stick for the fourth time in ten minutes. Hector stopped his theatrics then and rolled his eyes, bored by the minimal reaction. He blew a lock of curly hair away from his face, his own hands covered in green clay.
They both had stains here and there because they kept trying to make the other fuck up. Hector had to completely start again whatever he was trying to do at least three times, Robert just two. That vein not coming out right had absolutely nothing to do with Hector.
"I don't find clowns funny" was his calm reply, a second later. Hector gasped, pretending to be hurt.
"You bitch!" he whispered, getting closer to Robert with an exaggerated angry face. 
When Robert eventually appeared to give him attention, he stuck his tongue out at him and went back to his work with a raised chin.
"You don't deserve me. I'm gonna stop talking to you."
"Thank God, finally. Another word and I was going to toss this at you", joked Robert, showing the enormous dick of clay he had been working on the whole time. Hector laughed at the vision, though when the handsome older man went to fake-throw the thing, Hector almost fell out of his chair, attempting to dodge it. At that vision, it was Robert's turn to laugh, trying to hit a giggling Hector with his clay dick. 
He, Mary and Robert had become a good trio with time, they always met for drinks essentially every weekend. Sometimes one of the other dads was invited too, but it was mostly the three of them. Mind you, Hector had some veeeery embarrassing moments he’d like to bury in the back of his mind, but with the two he also created some of the best memories in his life.
Yet, this week Mary and Joseph were out of town visiting her parents with their children.
For the first time in a while, it would have been just Hector and Robert. 
When Hector heard the news, his heart skipped a few beats. It felt nice, knowing it was just the two of them for once. Really nice. And also extremely fucking stressful.
There was no need to make things weird, right? It wasn’t even the first time they hung out alone. Deep breaths, no touching, and acting like an adult would have done the trick. He was awkard already on his own, no need to overthink it and make things worse for the both of them.
So, Hector tried his best to search for something relaxing or at least, um, not too weird? 
Hector had found the course by accident, wasting precious time of his life that would've never come back - basically, he was scrolling on the internet - when puff! There was this small announcement on the online news of their town: it was a sculpting class that, coincidently, started on their usual 'drinking' night. It could have been fun, different from their typical nights at the bar, especially considering that Robert had stopped drinking months ago anyways. 
He proposed the idea, already waiting for a no, when Robert pleasantly surprised him. Hector half suspected it was because they had more than enough time to hunt cryptids later since the class wouldn't have ended too late.
And there they were now, fighting like kids who happened to be waaayyy too old.
When Robert shoved the gigantic clay dick near his face again, Hector, laughing hysterically, grabbed the upper half and attempted to move it away. Robert, grinning like an idiot, tried to make him lose his grip by pulling that monstrosity towards him holding the lower half. With the poor thing being pushed hard in two different directions, the dick tore in the middle, and both the men fell out of their seats. Two very explosive laughs echoed around the big room, capturing everyone's attention.
Hector was the first to be back on his feet, while Robert sat up, still holding the rest of his creation.  The curly-haired man fixed the glasses on his nose and went to help the bearded man with a smile.
Hector was pretty sure he had a dick-shaped spot of clay on the back of his t-shirt. He held his hand out to help Robert get up, but a mischievous grin suspiciously appeared on the older man's face. He suddenly pulled his wrist, testing his balance, trying to make him tumble. Hector miraculously resisted.
"Hah!" exulted Hector, actually helping a chuckling Robert to stand on his feet now.
He had already fallen for Robert, it was unnecessary to fall on him too.
When Robert's deep brown eyes were finally on his same level, if not a bit higher, they met Hector's gaze with an amused warmth. Robert was still smiling and the younger man couldn't help but reciprocate with enthusiasm. 
Everything was warmer with Robert. From the rays of the sun to the heat in his cheekbones when he looked at him a second too much, or even to whatever charge of electricity he could feel buzzing in his fingertips when they happened to be so close that their hands could touch; not to mention the boiling liquid in his chest when Robert allowed himself to show how tired he was, and how vulnerable, delicate and hard his new approach to his mental health and addiction was to maintain.
Those were times when he told Hector stories about his life, his daughter, and (very rarely) even his wife. Hector, in exchange, confessed his own struggles, his fight against depression, and his social anxiety. He offered comfort in grieving those who they had both lost and reassurance about how good he was doing.  
They also shared the good parts, the happy memories. They revealed themselves to the other, piece by piece.
Hector was simply honoured that Robert had learned to trust him so much. Sure, he still tried to sneak in some bullshit one way or another, but by now he had learned to call his bluffs.
They had learnt to know each other and, at this point, they seemed to be joined at the hips. There was a special bond between them, one Hector would have treasured with his whole being. 
It didn't matter that he had to fight the urge, always more often, to kiss him senselessly. Hector made a promise that day, and he intended to respect it, even 'til his last dying breath.
Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic, but yeah, he had a lot of patience and didn't make promises lightly, so...
Besides, things were great. Hector was genuinely proud of how far Robert had come. He'd been there on some of Robert's most difficult nights, and seeing him like that made him even prouder of how he was now.
Still looking at him, Hector noticed how much more relaxed he appeared. There weren't those deep, dark circles anymore, his eyes shined a bit more of their own light, and he was taking care of his hair and beard more. He seemed happier, too. He had a better relationship with his daughter, their monthly calls slowly turned weekly, and by now they called or texted each other almost daily.
He dared to glance down, where he met Robert's soft smile again. Hector was very satisfied with himself: he was the one who put that smile on those very, very kissable lips. Robert was happy because of him. They were a bit chapped, but Hector never gave a flying fuck about those things. As if such small detail could have stopped him from totally devouring him, body and soul, never letting him go and-- ah, for fuck's sake. Hector, stop right now. 
"Hey, you two! Are you done acting like middle schoolers? I'm talking here!" Hector jumped out of his skin, having honestly forgotten where they were. A man with a red sweatshirt and sunglasses was clearly scowling at them, even if Hector couldn't see his eyes.
"Who the fuck wears sunglasses inside?" 
"The moon probably hits too hard for him." Robert snickered at that and Hector felt like he won a prize. 
"Since you're being so active, why don't you show the class what you made?" the tutor continued, heading to their table. The problem was that after a few steps closer, he recognised the duo. Hector also had the same realization, freezing in horror.
Robert, instead, was more than ready.
"Hey, I know you! You were-"
"Listen here, dude", started Robert in a low voice, to be heard just by the two of them, "we are doing a very important job here, we are undercover. Tell people to turn their attention elsewhere immediately." The tour guide-art teacher looked around angsty at the worried tone, noticing how everyone was watching them. He gulped and cleared his voice.
"Just get back to your work y'all." Robert gave him a grateful look while Hector let out a sigh of relief, immediately on with the plan. When someone had a best friend like Robert, one had to learn how to improvise quickly. 
"Good. But now our positions might be compromised", said the older man, his face turned towards Hector, seeming tense. Hector sighed again. 
"It's not said the last word. We could still be able to continue with our plans." Robert didn't look too convinced. Hector tried to reassure him by placing a hand on his arm - and felt the muscles bulge under the leather jacket - but before he could speak, the third man lowered his head, whispering his worries so fast that he almost resulted uncomprehensible.
"Is everything alright? Am I in danger? Should I end the class now? I don't want to die this way! Wait, no, maybe I do. Do I? Am I s-" Robert quietly shushed him, stopping his bumbling. The tour guide, poor soul, practically smelled of anxiety. He squeezed himself into his old sweatshirt with a shiver.
"First, you need to stay calm. You are the one in charge here. If you are nervous, people will detect it, and you might create more trouble." The other man nodded, his shoulders still too tense
“Yeah dude, be the alpha we know you are” added Hector, feeling bad for the guy.  At the words, the man in sunglasses straightened his back, with a bit more confidence. Robert kicked him under the table, Hector hit him back with a moan of pain.
"It would be better if you stayed away from us", Hector said again, without getting hit in the process.
"Second, we just need you to keep doing what you are doing. Watch the others, tell people what they should be doing and how to do it, stuff like that." The art teacher-tour guide... didn't he also work as a quiz host? seemed a bit unsure of himself, though he nodded again.
"We are trying to monitor the whole room, it's not as easy as it looks. It would be a huge help if no one disturbs either of us. Subtly. We don't need to get attention." What was his name? Quinn? He listened attentively to his words before hugging himself.
“But, uh, why are you here? What is your mission?” Robert clicked his tongue at that. Hector rested his forearms on the workbench, in a conspiratory tone.
“We can’t reveal anything, it’s for your own good” murmured the curly-haired man, tucking a curl behind his ear and staining his cheekbone green.
“B-but I’m the alpha, I need to know if-”
“All you need to know”, interrupted Robert, rolling his eyes, “is that you shouldn’t play too much with this material.” A flash of pure panic crossed the teacher’s face.
“We have been testing it the whole time, it’s very bizarre” revealed his partner in crime.
“I-I have no idea where this is from, it was already here! I-” Hector gently gestured for him to lower his voice.
“Just pretend nothing is happening, we’ll take care of the rest” ordered Robert, with a spooky look in his eyes, one of a man who was ready to go on a battle. Hector loved this type of theatrics.
"I'll do my best to let you go under the radar." He was going to say something else, probably wondering if to give them an earful since they probably were the loudest angle in the room. Hector was aware of that, at least. He couldn't see his eyes, he was still wearing sunglasses (why? Just why?), but the frown he was reading on his face didn't please either of the fake-ass-ghost-hunters.
"If you see us behaving like idiots..." began the younger idiot in question, "... just know that it's part of the plan. We can't act like we are constantly studying people, it'd be too suspicious", ended Robert, throwing a glance at the man on his side. Hector immediately caught it.
"Obviously. Duh." Their tutor for the night smacked his hand on his forehead at their words. He bit his lip, unsure, and lowered his head.
"I, uh, would thank you but... ehm, I forgot your names..." he admitted shyly, shoving his hands in his pocket, his black lens shining under the white lights.
"You have forgotten them?" Hector asked, sounding truly hurt. 
"You know what? Maybe it's better this way" intervened Robert, apparently trying to console Hector. 
"Tell people you don't know us and we've never met", commanded Robert gravely, a serious look on his face. The teacher threw them a glance from over his glasses. He opened his mouth, thought better of it, then simply turned around and left, going back to his station. 
Hector bit his lip, trying not to laugh. He elbowed Robert gently.
"What even was my name that night?"
"Fuck me if I could remember", Robert simply stated, immediately working to create a new dick, even bigger than the one he previously made. Hector looked sympathetically at the cute, little panda he had shaped.
I'm gonna call it Po.
It didn't take much more time for the class to end. Hector gave Po to Robert as gift a few minutes later, already knowing the poor guy would get lost in the woods. He liked it though, and that was enough.
Surprisingly, it wasn't Po the one they had to let go, but Greenzilla (the name Robert chose for his mastodontic work), when Hector, a proud coward, took it to protect them from God knows what. 
He had to make the rational choice of throwing it at something hiding in the trees. Because there was something in the trees, right? Right, Robert?
They both started running back to the car, scared shitless, and cracked up from the adrenaline rush once on the road.
Sure, Hector had to listen to Robert scolding him when things calmed down - he had spent so much time on Greenzilla, and now he was just gone. They had a moment of silence, to commemorate the friend they failed so soon - but it was worth it. The whole night had been worth it.
And for Robert? He'd have thrown as many gigantic dicks as needed, if not more.
Hector went to sleep with a warm laugh still in his mind.
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karinyosa · 4 years
not for me (not if it’s you) - damien bloodmarch x trans!reader
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23799571
wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/221979789-not-to-me-not-if-it%27s-you-ddadds
you help damien as he recovers from top surgery
there’s something about the way you sound it out that makes him listen. damien. day-mee-yan. damien damien damien. something in it is healing. 
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multi-lia · 6 years
If it's not too much trouble, could I request date night headcanons with the lovely Mr. Damien Bloodmarch?
You wouldn’t believe how much I slept on Damien’s character when DDADDS first came out, but now I’m giving him the appreciation he needs!
Gender Neutral
Date Night HC w/Damien Bloodmarch
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~ I mean have you seen Damien’s dadbook profile
~“It's night. We are at an industrial darkwave club in Berlin. The music drums to the beat of our hearts.”
~But seriously, he actually doesn’t mind a more simple date night with you
~If you don’t currently live with him, then he loves to invite you over to his house for a date night
~In this case, you could have it in variety of places within his home (I mean have you seen his house)
~Damien prefers to have dates in his library
~His library brings both of you comfort. He loves to hold you and read your favorite book to you.
~If you do it for him, he’ll lay his head in your lap and purr if play with his hair
~Just play with his hair, it feels so good for him and it makes him feel great to be complimented on his hair
~“Damien, you must tell me your secrets, how do you make it shine like this? And it’s so incredibly smooth...”
~“I’d have to kill you if I were to tell you the secrets of my hair.”
~“Death is nothing to fear, if I can go to my grave having soft, silky hair like yours.”
~“You got me there.”
~He also likes dates in his garden if the weather is a little warmer
~Sipping on some tea and listening to slow music
~You’re going to find yourself dancing with Damien, his arm draped around your lower waist with your body pressed against his.
~Surprisingly really good at the waltz and swing dancing
~If you’re not too good at it, he’ll be happy to assist you in getting better at it
~“You’re footwork is... not very desirable, but that’s why I’m here to help.”
~“Way to ruin the moment, Damien.”
~“My love, I’m only being honest. If it makes you feel better your spin turns are beautifully graceful.”
~Also, you will make flower crowns for each other which brings another opportunity to play in his hair
~He loves his hair being braided, add in some flowers, and you got yourself a formula for the cutest goth dad you’ve ever seen
~Damien also thinks you look rather dashing with a flower crown
~“You look breathtaking, My Dear y/n.”
~On the chance that you do live with Damien, you’ll both probably want to get out
~Not saying that dates in the house are offlimits now, but he’s more likely wanting to take you out
~Damien will take you out to the fanciest restaurant he can find that still serves... “meals”
~I’m not sure if y’all have ever been to a fancy ass restaurant, but I swear some of them have very tiny portions of food like... what am I supposed to do with this ?
~Don’t even bother looking at the check, he will not allow you to pay for the meal. Ever.
~You may be able to tip, but he doesn’t really want you to pay for a thing.
~For him this was something that he’s doing for you to show how special you are to him.
~If it really does bother you, he’ll allow you to go half with him, but that’s it
~After a date, Damien loves to take long strolls through the town and hopefully to the cemetery
~It makes sense if you’re a little hesitant at first to walk through a cemetery, but he’ll assure you you’ll be fine
~He’ll hold onto your hand if that makes you feel any better
~It ends up being more romantic than you might’ve thought so
~If you get cold he’ll wrap his cape cloak around you and make sure to hold onto you a little tighter to ensure that you stay warm
~Damien loves making poems for you and reading them to you during these late night strolls
~“My dearest of love, you are to me what peanut butter is to jelly.”
~I didn’t say the poems were good btw...
~But they still make you smile no matter how cheesy they can be
~That’s really all Damien cares about, is making sure you’re the happiest you could ever be with him
~Last but not least, ending the night with a deep, passionate kiss
~Possibly it could lead to more exciting adventures in the bedroom, but that’s to be told another time...
That’s all I have folks
I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you for the request. I feel like I’m not the best at writing Damien, but I still hope this was satisfactory.
Requests are open ✨🌈
~Lia’s Work
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ao3-bookmarks · 3 years
“I apologize, for I have not been entirely honest with you as to why I invited you out this evening,” Damien began, feeling his mouth grow dry.
“Oh?” Michael asked. “Why did you invite me out?”
“I…” Damien cast his gaze off to the side. “I must inform you of another one of my eccentricities.”
“Oh, is this it?” Michael asked, placing his free hand over his heart. “Is this when you finally tell me you’re a vampire?”
Damien laughed at that; leave it to Michael to make him laugh, even when he was so nervous.
“I hate to disappoint, but no,” Damien said, smile slowly fading. “I am…”
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dejavidetc · 7 years
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aruyuxbl-blog · 7 years
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A clumsy dadsona
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legoprime · 7 years
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~*~Dream Trans Daddies~*~
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chibimultishipper · 7 years
Yo legit all day is gonna be me fawning over different mat and Damien scenarios.
So like Dadsona tries really hard to look after both Carmensita and Lucien like his own kids but like Lucien is nice, but really distant from him. He’s basically like “Yeah thanks for being nice to my dad but don’t think you can tell me what to do.” Which Dadsona totally gets because he’s not Lucien’s father but he wishes he can become close with him.
But what if Dadsona was like a rebel+bad kid in high school and college who listened to moody music etc (Whenever i think of my personal Dadsona world, Dadsona was born in the 80′s and the current Dad Universe is actually a few years in the future. (Like 15 to 20 Years)) Anyway he still does on his off time listen to like the newer moody music like Panic at the Disco, MCR, etc, but he PRETENDS he doesn’t because he had a good dad reputation.
And then one day Craig just straight up rats him out because hes like “oh remember when you were in the band that would play and sing other peoples music.” and Dadsona is like “What band” and then hes like “OH NO” Because he remembers and he begs Craig to not show the video because oh my god there’s a VIDEO and Matt and Damien give a kinda weak “No Craig. . . don’t do it. . . “ Because they don’t want to make their boyfriend feel uncomfortable but they also NEED TO WITNESS THIS. And Robert(Who is bffs with Dadsona) is straight up like “SHOW THE VID SHOW THE VID SHOW THE VID” And what they see just blows their minds like Dadsona was WILD and the lyrics he sang were definiatly not PG13 and Robert is DECEASED and won’t stop making jokes about how Dadsona is now the bad dad of the cul-de-sac and Dadsona is like “No my reputation is ruined” and Damien comforts him and informs him that he is still good dad and that he understands having two sides and that he also thinks his other ‘punk rock’ side is really cool and he shouldn’t be afraid to show it. Meanwhile Mat is SHOOK. Like Mat just kinda grabs onto Dadsona like “That was amazing like really cool, you use to be so cool- i mean not that your not cool now your still cool just dad cool which is really cool, if I knew you 20 years ago we could have formed a band that would have been really cool- shoot, I’m rambling sorry but thats really cool Your outfit was really really cute your really cute” And Lucien is also SHOOK. And he just looks at Dadsona accusingly and is just like “I KNEW I HEARD YOU SINGING MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE IN THE BATHROOM YOU LIAR!” 
Later Lucien and Dadsona bond over music.
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leisurelypanda · 7 years
Jonathan Fisher walked through the cemetery hand-in-hand with Damien with his heart in his throat. Logically, he knew that there was nothing to be scared of. It was the anniversary, though, and he was feeling a bit emotional. It wasn’t as though this cemetery was any different from the others they sometimes walked through on their dates. The only difference now was that it was in the daytime. And that this wasn’t a date, per se. And this time, it was Damien with him instead of his usual company, though if it had to be anyone, Jonathan would have wanted it to be Damien.
 They reached the destination, a solitary tombstone. Most tombstones were placed with family. Spouses, parents, children, siblings. Not this one. This one was alone, like the family that bought this section of the cemetery still only had one person in it that had died. Jonathan approached the tombstone, the flowers from that past Christmas had been cleaned away. He never brought the fake flowers that you shoved in styrofoam molds. He always brought real ones. He knelt before the tombstone labelled “Alex Fisher”.
 “Hi Alex,” he whispered. 9 years now and it still wasn’t any easier. “Been a while.”
 He took a steadying breath. It was never easy. “A lot has changed, Alex. We moved to the other side of town. You remember how you always talked about never wanting a house too big for your needs? Well, we downsized. It’s a cozy little house, you’d like it. The neighbors are amazing. You remember Craig from college? He’s our neighbor now. I’ve been going on runs with him. Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either, but the dude got ripped. He has three daughters now, I guess that changed him. A lot.
 “Amanda isn’t here today. She’s in college. But she sends her love. She’s studying photography. The school has a really amazing program. You should have seen her face when she read the acceptance letter. She always had your love of the arts. She inherited your rebellious streak too. She runs around town spray painting stop signs and setting fire to dumpsters. You know, normal teenage stuff. Well, she used to. Now she’s in college, maybe doing less of that. You’d be so proud of her.
 “She misses you. We found some old pictures when we were moving. She keeps the picture of you holding her as a baby, the one that says ‘I love you, Amanda!’ at the bottom, in her wallet. She wears your jacket everywhere now, too. She added some pins and stuff to it. It makes her feel close to you, I think.”
 He felt the tears stream down his face and he placed a hand over his eyes and tried to wipe the tears away. “I miss you, too, Alex. I miss you more than you’ll ever know.” He sobbed into his hands. He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. He looked through bleary eyes at Damien, who had knelt down on the grass beside him. He didn’t say anything. He knew. He understood. There was no need for apology or explanation. He held up the bouquet they had prepared for the occasion. Knowing Damien, he’d probably guessed the reason for this particular flower. They were forget-me-nots. Coincidentally, they were also Alex’s favorite flowers.
 Jonathan solemnly put the flowers in the brass vase over the tombstone. No matter how many years it had been, he was always emotional for a week or two this time of year. Amanda was too. It was one of the things that they usually bonded over every year, but now she was away. He was grateful, though, to have Damien with him today.
 “Alex, this is Damien. He’s one of the neighbors. And he’s my… boyfriend. You’d like him. He dresses in Victorian style Goth clothing and lives in this big, Victorian styled house. It’s beautiful. The flowers this year are from his own garden, which is full of so many different kinds of flowers it’s honestly mind blowing. He also volunteers at an animal shelter and he works in IT. He has a son, too. Lucien. He’s a bit more modern Goth, but he’s a good kid.” He’s rambling, he knows, but he can’t stop. He tells Alex about the other neighbors. About his perpetual and perhaps somewhat irrational rivalry with Brian. About Joseph and Mary and their strange (creepy) children. About Mat and his coffee shop and all the music puns he gave his drinks and recipes. About Hugo and the trivia nights he and Damien competed in over cheese boards. About Robert, the local cryptid hunter. He told him about the picture Amanda gave him at her graduation party of the two of them, that he keeps a copy of it at his work office, that he worries about her every day, but knows that she’s doing just fine.
 When he was done, he stood back and Damien took out the picnic blanket and placed the basket down. He produced a bottle of wine and two glasses and noticed a bottle of beer from a local brewery. “Who’s the beer for?” he asked, laying a hand on Jonathan’s when he didn’t answer.
 Jonathan shook out of his reverie and squeezed the hand in appreciation. “It’s for Alex,” he said. “He was always a fan of good beer. Never really cared much for wine, though.”
 Damien nodded in understanding, and poured two glasses and handed one to his lover. He raised his glass in a toast. “To Alex.”
 Jonathan smiled, his eyes still a little teary. “To Alex.” He took a long, fortifying drink. It was a good vintage.
 Damien sipped his wine. “Alex was your husband?” he asked.
 Jonathan thought for a moment. He’d talked a bit about Alex with Damien, but never in much detail. “No, not technically,” he said. “He took my last name and we always talked about getting married as soon as it was legal, but he died before it was legalized in this state.”
 “This isn’t your family’s section, then?” Damien asked.
 “It’s ours. I bought it with the life insurance money as part of his company’s health insurance plan. My extended family lives in Florida, but I wanted to be able to visit him more than just at Christmas,” he said. “His family… disowned him when he came out. Hence the reason he took my name. So it’s our section.”
 “My condolences,” Damien said.
 The rest of the picnic was spent on more pleasant topics. Jonathan told Damien about how he and Alex met in college, how one of their friends volunteered to be the surrogate for Amanda. He told him about Alex’s artistic pursuits and how he always complained that he had to work for a living so he could afford to be artistic. He told him about how much joy they had together, their adventures, how he had helped Alex come out to his family and the fallout afterwards. When Amanda entered their lives and the shenanigans Alex and she would get up to when left alone for more than five minutes. How Alex started focusing more on photography when she was born and filled albums with pictures of their little family. Damien listened intently, occasionally asking questions.
 Eventually the sun began to set. Damien packed up the remains of their picnic. Jonathan took the bottle of beer and opened it, pouring it over the grave where his partner was buried. Damien reached into a sleeve and produced a single red tea rose and placed in the center of the bouquet on the grave.
 “It was good to meet you, Alex,” he said. “I wish I had had the pleasure of making your acquaintance in this life. I shall instead look forward to meeting you in the next.”
 Jonathan took Damien’s hand and looked into his eyes. “Thank you,” he said. “It means a lot to hear you say that.”
 Damien lifted his hand and kissed it. “For you, my love, anything.”
 Jonathan closed the distance and pressed a gentle kiss to Damien’s lips. “I love you, Damien.”
 Damien blushed slightly. “I love you, too,” he replied. They walked back home, hand in hand.
 He wouldn’t say that he’d have it any other way. He had loved Alex too much to want that. He would have much preferred that Alex never died, that Amanda could have grown up with two fathers instead of one. But he was grateful for the way things had turned out in the past year. As they left the cemetery, he couldn’t help but feel as though Alex approved. It made him smile.
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desastreuxartifices · 5 years
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I'm trying a new art style with some big fat lines. I'm still kind of struggling with, but I love it at the same time.
Now this is my OC Muller at breakfast and at his wedding with Robert Small don't judge me
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cynergy-laughter · 7 years
Something has been bothering me... (spoilers)
In Dream Daddy... How do you keep your money flowing? Like, when do all of the dates take place? Like the weekends? What is your Dadsona’s job? Heck I think I forgot what Robert’s job was... Mat works at the coffee shop, Craig works to sell fitness gear the little entrepreneur, Hugo is a teacher, Joseph is a minister, Brian is a contractor, Damien is practically a member of Geek Squad, but... what is your Dad’s income earning living? Because the burritos, cakes, and fancy cheese boards aren’t paying for themselves over here?!?!?!?! Is this the start of a new headcanon?! I think it is!!!
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ademonandherbentley · 7 years
Post Craig’s Good Ending. Smashley accepts an invite to a cul-de-sac get together, eager to finally meet the person who’s taken her vacated spot in Craig’s heart. Craig x Dadsona ft. Hugo x Damien. ~2k.
A/N: The mildest of spoilers for Craig’s route. Entirely inspired by @mythicalmodernity‘s theories about college!Craig-MC-Ashley.
D/N = Dadsona’s Name
Joseph’s yard was already bustling by the time Ashley pulled up at the end of the drive. As soon as she climbed out of the car Briar and Hazel came bounding up to her; each was gabbling over the other as they jumped into her arms and she tried not to drop them.
“Woah woah, girls! Come on, you know I’m not your father, I can’t bench press you both.”
They let go, and she knelt down to pull them into a bear hug. It had barely been two weeks since she’d seen them last, but they were still in that stage where they were growing almost before her eyes.
“Now girls, mom’s had a long drive and needs to take advantage of Mr. Christansen’s excellent grillmanship, but after that you gotta catch me up on all the gossip, yeah?”
“Ernest’s dad and Lucien’s dad have been going on dates!” Hazel burst out. Clearly she’d been waiting a long time to break that news to someone new.
Briar hit her sister on the arm, “Shhh, we’re not supposed to know about that!”
“But they’re so obvious about it!” Hazel said indignantly. Ashley scanned the crowd and spotted Hugo and Damien by the food table. They were, indeed, cosied up rather more intimately than she was used to seeing from them.
She grinned and ruffled Hazel’s hair, “If they tell me I’ll act surprised. Maybe you should too, huh? Now where’s your dad and your sister? I should say hi before I dive into the snacks.”
Briar pointed over the opposite side of the yard where Craig was deep in conversation with another man. They were laughing about something, but even from a distance Ashley could see something in Craig’s smile that went deeper than some funny joke.
She pulled her girls in close, “So is that him? Your dad’s new friend?”
“He’s his boyfriend,” said Hazel.
“Not yet he isn’t. They’re just hanging out together,” Briar said.
Hazel scoffed, “Yeah. That’s what dad says.“
"Ah, you know girls,” Ashley said, “You’ll find when you get older sometimes the difference between friend and boyfriend isn’t as obvious as you once thought.”
“Amanda says she saw them kissing,” Hazel offered.
Briar wrinkled her nose, “Eeeewww!”
Ashley laughed and stood back up, “Go on girls; run along and we can talk properly later.”
They twins dashed off across the yard and Ashley made a beeline for Craig, saying hellos and exchanging pleasantries as she went. It had been almost two decades since she’d last seen D/N. God, where had the time gone? It felt like not even last year she’d been running rings around frat boys and watching her boyfriend eat his body-weight in tacos. Now here they all were – responsible adults and parents.
Craig spotted her as she drew closer and waved her over with a grin. D/N turned to her with a slightly less confident smile.
“Smashley! How you doing?” Craig pulled her in for a one-armed hug and she felt herself squish against his rock-solid chest. She’d never gone for the jock types back in college but man, Craig worked it.
“I’m good bro. And how’s my little darling?” She reached out and took River from Craig’s other arm. River gurgled happily. “Oh, you just get bigger ever day don’t you? Your gonna take after your daddy and be huge when you grow up!”
River giggled. God, she could stare at this kid for hours. “You’re not allowed to grow up, you hear me? I couldn’t stop your sisters, but your going to stay my little bean forever. Deal?” She took Rivers tiny hand and shook it. There – no take backs.
Craig cleared his throat, “So Ashley, you uh… you remember D/N right?”
Ashley finally turned her attention away from River. “Course I do. It’s been too long, man, how’ve you been?” She landed a friendly punch on his arm. He held his ground, but he had the look of a hedgehog caught in an unexpected blast of noise. She bit back a smile. Poor kid had never been great with people.
“I’ve been good,” he smiled, recovering slightly, “what about you? I hear the business is really taking off.”
“We were talking about signing D/N on as a model for us,” Craig told her, “Figure we’d pull in more customers if we went down the dad bod angle.”
Ashley barked a laugh, “You gonna let him insult you like that, bro?”
D/N chuckled, “I mean he’s not wrong.”
“See?” Craig said, “Self-awareness. Something you always sucked at.”
“Nothing wrong with a little bit of healthy denial, my dude.”
“Yeah, denial. Not delusion.” Craig reached out to poke her belly and she swatted his hand away. “How do you think I got custody of the girls? Who knows what you’d fill their heads with.”
Ashley looked at D/N, “Hope he’s not this rude to you.”
D/N’s look of bewildered panic was starting to creep back in. She decided to take pity on him, and handed River back to Craig with a kiss to her forehead, “Go check on the girls for me?”
Craig nodded and left, and Ashley took D/N’s elbow. “Walk with me dude.”
They walked around the side of the house and through the passage to the back garden. Everyone was still socializing out front so they had the Christiansen’s beautifully tended flowerbeds to themselves.
Ashley was the first to break the silence. “Do you think they hire a gardener or is this their handiwork?”
“It’s the kind of thing Joseph would be good at,” D/N said, “doesn’t seem Mary’s style. But… well, she’s surprised me before.”
“She pull the drunken floozy act on you too, huh?”
D/N looked at her in surprise, “You too?”
“Believe it bro.”
“Couple of years back, when Craig and the girls first moved here. Poor woman, she seems to have a lot going on.”
“Hmm.” D/N fell silent. Ashley couldn’t tell if it was the silence of someone with nothing to say, or someone who didn’t know how to start. She observed him out of the corner of her eye: he was older (weren’t they all?) but she could still see the guy who had impulsively stolen a goldfish for Craig when they were teenagers.
He cleared his throat, “So… how are… things? With you?”
She stopped walking, and turned him round to fully face her, “D/N, things don’t need to be weird between us ‘cause you’re dating my ex-husband.”
His brow furrowed, “Really? Seems like that’s exactly the kind of thing two people who haven’t seen each other since college would wanna be weird about.”
“If things were different with me and Craig, maybe. What’s he told you about our situation?”
“He’s used the word copacetic,” D/N said.
Ashley chuckled, “He’s a smart boy these days.”
“No kidding.”
“He wasn’t lying to make you fell better or anything like that. We really are fine.”
“Are you sure?” The frown is back, “Craig said you only divorced last year.”
“Officially,” Ashley said, “but it was one of those, you know? Relationship was over way before the marriage. Honestly no one was more surprised than us when we had River.”
D/N smiled wryly, “Last throws of a dying relationship, huh?”
"Pretty much. But in the end it’s all about the girls, isn’t it? River’s too young to remember any of this, but Hazel and Briar… They’re the priority.”
“Of course. They’re lucky to have two such loving parents.”
Ashley felt herself blush. “Thanks. We do our best. And hey, the more the merrier, right?”
She clapped D/N on the back and he squeaked in surprise.
“Uh,” he stammered, “we’re, we’re not really – I mean – It… it’s only been a few weeks. And Craig’s been trying to focus more on himself for once.”
Ashley nodded thoughtfully, “I thought he looked more relaxed. Good for him. And you, though I dunno how you talked him into it. Lord knows I never could.” To tell the truth she hadn’t been much better when they were married. The girls came before everything, but occasionally work had come before Craig.
D/N said, “I think a missing sleeping bag played a part somehow.”
Ashley roared with laughter. “That sly little shit. Don’t tell me, he hikes you out into the middle of nowhere and then it’s all 'woah looks like you forgot your sleeping bag bro! Guess we’ll have to snuggle for warmth bro! Oh gosh bro, is that my tongue in your mouth?’”
“He do that to you too?” D/N sounded scandalized, but amusement was tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Nah, but it is one of the oldest in the book.” She carried on laughing. “Our boy’s never been great at just saying how he feels, has he? Took him months to work up the guts to ask me out.”
“It is pretty obvious in hindsight.” He allowed himself a small, fond smile.
“He ever totally accidentally spill water on himself, forcing him to take his shirt off in front of you?”
“No. I’ll be on my guard for it.”
“Good man.”
They both calmed themselves as they wandered round the far end of the garden. Ashley coughed and looked over at D/N.
“Seriously, man. I’ve spoken to Craig a couple of times over the past few weeks. He’s happier than I’ve seen him in a long time. Briar and Hazel have noticed it too. The two of you might not be serious yet, but… If Craig has any say in it then you will be.”
D/N blushed and smiled. “Obviously Craig is his own person, but… I’m sure the Smashley Seal of Approval would mean a lot to him.”
“Well you got it. It’s been a long time man, but you were a great friend to Craig back in the day. I’ve not forgotten that. All I ask is you be good to him like that again. And you be good to the girls.”
“Oh, I think the girls are more than a match for me.”
“Damn straight. I raise 'em hardy, you know.”
D/N laughed, then became serious. “I… I like Craig a lot. I just want him to be happy. Whatever he needs to find that.”
“Then you and me are gonna be just fine.” Ashley held out her fist. D/N hesitated, then reached out and returned the fistbump with a grin.
Up the other end of the garden the other guests were milling in from the yard and forming a loose scrum around the grill. The smell of cooking meat tinged with lighter fluid reached them, and Ashley’s stomach rumbled as if abruptly remembering the long drive.
Craig came into view chatting to a small ginger child, River on one hip. He glanced over and spotted them, and a second later a radiant smile was spilling across his face as he beckoned D/N over. Something almost like wistfulness curled in Ashley’s chest. He’d never looked at her quite like that – which, on reflection, should perhaps have been their first clue.
“Come on,” she looped an arm around D/N, “let’s go get our burger on. Oh, and I meant to ask, how’s Amanda? She settling in to college alright?”
“She and a group of friends crashed a fancy art event,” D/N said, “they ate a whole bunch of food and tried to pass themselves off as critics before getting kicked out.”
“She takes after her father then?”
“Yes, which unfortunately means I have no authority to tell her off for anything she might do.”
“Could you tell her off for anything anyway? That’s not my experience of teenagers.”
He’s shrugged in acknowledgment, “I can at least say that for a while I tried.”
“Ha! Whatever makes you happy. So aside from being a public nuisance how’s she doing? Craig said she was a photography major?”
D/N told her all about Amanda’s college exploits as they headed back up the garden. Talking about his daughter seemed to light something up in him – the last of his awkwardness was smothered by his evident pride, and Ashley smiled to herself. Her family was in good hands. He might not even need the 'hurt them and I’ll kill you’ talk, though she was sure that once she had a few whiskeys in her he’d be getting it anyway.
They reached the others, and she let D/N peel off and rejoin Craig while she helped herself to a burger and tracked down Briar and Hazel. She found them on the grass with Mat’s kid (Carmensita? Or something? Man, she really needed to get all these names straight) and sat with them.
“So, girls, mom’s ready to hear all the gossip. And then I wanna know about school and softball and everything else, yeah?”
“Is D/N dad’s boyfriend then?” asked Hazel.
“Oh, it’s ’D/N’ is it? Whatever happened to 'Amanda’s Dad’?”
“He’s told us to call him that,” Briar insisted. Hazel nodded.
“Does he tell all the kids to call him that?”
They both hesitated. Then Briar nodded reluctantly.
“He’s doesn’t kiss the other dads though.”
Ashley stifled a laugh, “I certainly hope not. Well, listen girls, you certainly didn’t hear it from me, but I think dad would very much like D/N to be his boyfriend.”
“I knew it!” Briar exclaimed.
“Shut up, Bri, we all knew it.”
“Now now, girls. Are you going to fill me in on the gossip or not?”
That distracted them sufficiently, and Ashley allowed herself to turn all her focus to her daughters.
D/N would be part of the family in no time.
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berbeluszek · 7 years
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woah! I haven’t drawn a bg in... how long do I exist? nvm I just hope that it doesn’t make your eyes bleed 
I also like the idea of Damien being the dominant one?? (ye my dadsona’s trans so fuck off haters)
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multi-lia · 6 years
Can i ask for fluffy Joseph headcannons ????
Yes, you can! I really like Joseph and his creepy ass kids lol.
This will be in AU where Joseph decides to divorce his wife.
Gender neutral
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~Joseph is honestly the most goofy, adorkable one out of all the dads, so expect a lot of fluffy moments with this guy and facepalming
~Joseph and your relationship is going to be awkward at first after the divorce, but it improves once you both get more comfortable with each other.
~It’s no secret that Joseph loves to bake and he loves to share that passion with you. Baking all sorts of sweets with Joseph is always fun.
~If you happen to burn yourself taking something out the oven, Joseph will immediately help you cool the wound down and kiss you on your burn mark
~Then put a pink princess band aid on it
~Yes, he will draw a smiley face on your cheek with frosting. Yes, you will have a mini flour fight. Yes, he will feed you whatever you guys make together.
~Perferably likes to bake with the kids out of the house because things can get a little “frisky”
~Joseph is a big flirt
~Most of it just makes you want to facepalm because of how much of a dork he is
~But at times he can be really sensual
~Loves to keep in physical contact with you
~Holding your hand while eating dinner, keeping his arm around you when you guys are walking, having you sit in his lap when you watch movies together
~He just loves being with you
~I swear if you ever feel insecure, Joseph will make it his mission to make you feel better about yourself
~He’s going to tell you how much he loves your body and looks every day.
~But will also remember to compliment your personality
~You’re an all around great person and he wants to make sure you feel the same way about yourself as he feels for you
~Of course if you do want to change something about yourself, HE WILL SUPPORT YOU even if he doesn’t fully agree with you!
~You’re going to have his support in everything you do
~“Okay what if I drive my car off a cliff?”
~“I mean if that’s what you want, I’ll support you till the end.”
~“Would the end be me in the car going off the cliff?”
~“... there is Heaven.”
~Okay maybe he won’t support you in ways like that, but you get the point. You can do about everything and he’ll have you’re back on it
~kisses. Kisses.KISSES!!!
~Sweet kisses on the forehead and cheek
~Sensual kisses that leave you seeing stars
~Lazy, sloppy kisses in the morning
~All the kisses are for you and only you.
~Joseph is beyond happy if you get along with his kids and of your kid(s) also gets along with them as well.
~Often taking dates with the all the kids to the park, beach or his yacht
~Picnics are a must with Joseph, like there’s no getting out of it.
~He loves to play cards or do a puzzle with you and the kids during one of these picnics
~It makes Joseph really happy to see all of you guys happy and enjoying yourself together
~Speaking of games, he has tons of board games and will whip them out on rainy day
~The kids may not be that excited for them, but for you and Joseph it brings back some nostalgia
~It can get a bit heated too during these board game sessions
~Joseph constantly telling you how much he loves you
~“Y/N, you know how much I love you right?”
~“You tell me every day, Joseph.”
~“Do you want me to tell you again?”
~“Do you want to tell me again, Joseph?”
~“...Uhh yes??”
~“Have at it.”
~“I really love you, y/n and I want you to know that I’ll always be by your side no matter what. Just remember that okay?”
~Joseph is a cheesy romantic and will do plenty of cheesy things, not to say they aren’t appreciated
~Joseph will run a bubble bath for you, put rose petals in the water, massage your feet, crack open a bottle of wine, the whole nine yards
~If you do something similar for Joseph, he’ll lose it
~He really likes back rubs and scratches, do that for him and he’ll fall in love with you all over again.
~One day, I don’t know what day, but one of these days you’re going to come to find roses in a heart shape with all sorts of gifts in the middle of it
~You’ll ask him why he’d do something like this for you and he’ll be genuinely surprised.
~“Why wouldn’t I spoil the person I love?”
~“Yeah, but Joseph, it’s not a special day like Valentine’s Day or?”
~“It doesn’t need to be a special day to treat you. You’re special to me everyday.”
~He truly means that by the way!! and will do this at least once a month.
That’s all I have. Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoyed it.
Requests are open ✨🌈
~Lia’s work
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ao3-bookmarks · 3 years
“I’ve never tried it,” Damien said, smiling into his teacup. “Not really my style, one might say.”
“My daughter made a Grindr account for me before she left for school,” James said. “Big mistake, dude. There are a lot of transphobes on Grindr.”
“Grindr doesn’t seem like the most elegant choice of dating apps anyway, ” Damien said. “Not that I would know.”
“I got a message from a guy fifteen miles away telling me he wants my boypussy.”
“Your what?” Damien said, his eyebrows skyrocketing and his teacup nearly upsetting itself as he set it down on the saucer.
“Exactly,” James said, rolling his eyes. “I would stick to dating transgender guys, but there aren’t a whole lot of trans dudes my age in this area.”
“There’s me,” Damien said, before taking a very long drink of tea, enjoying the flurry of expressions that crossed James’s face.
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