#damon x female reader
littlewriters-posts · 4 months
Phoenix - Damon Salvatore
Part two of the request I got the other day
part one is here
Plot: Y/N comes to mystic falls as a foster kid, knowing nothing of the supernatural world. The catch? Y/N lost all her memories, of the past 150 years.
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Stefan had sworn both Elena and Damon to secrecy.
Damon had come storming in, his usual stony expression riddled with worry, interrupting Stefan and Elena, announcing the arrival of his old love - that somehow she had come back to life.
Elena was sceptical at first "Are you sure it's not just another doppelganger curse?" she asked, a frown on her face. The name rang bells in her head but she couldn't quite place why.
Stefan shook his head "No, she told Damon she had the Phoenix curse. Not too unsimilar from your one actually, apparently she when she dies she gets reborn again from the ashes, all memories wiped,"
"Except when she wore that necklace," Damon interjected "If we could just find it, we could get her memories back!"
And she would remember me, went unspoken.
Stefan sucked his teeth slightly. Part of him wanted to dismiss Damon's hope, but the other half recognized that this was the first ounce of humanity Damon had shown in years.
"What did you say her name was again?" Elena asked
"Y/N, L/N," Damon said "Apparently she's now living with your friend, the Bonnie," he raised his eyebrows at her, as if demanding an explanation.
Elena's eyes widened "Oh my god," she muttered to herself before turning back to Stefan "Bonnie said that her Grams had signed the papers to adopt this girl, Bonnie said it came out of nowhere. But then she died, and demanded that Bonnie's dad do it instead,"
"Y/N, from my time anyway, was very close to the Bennet witches," Stefan mused silently.
"Yeah they spent years looking for her, and failing," Damon added
Stefan then turned very serious "Damon if she is Y/N you cannot go near her. Remember she doesn't know you, and you don't want to scare her away,"
"I won't scare her away," Damon said looking mildly offended "I am the eternal stud, everyone loves me,"
Stefan rolled his eyes "We really need to find out if it is her first, or just some weird coincidence,"
"What so she can fall in love with some boring human?" Damon asked snidely.
Elena stood up, looking sympathetically at Damon, which he hated.
"Look she loved you once right? I'm sure she'll love you again," she reassured and Damon scoffed so she continued. "She'll be with Bonnie on Monday, I'll become friends with her first, then we can go from there,"
Damon grumbled, but seemed satisfied with that answer, and disappeared upstairs without another word.
Stefan walked up to Elena, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"As much as I hate to say it, he's not the same person he was when he first met her, and chances are she's exactly the same,"
Elena sighed "We'll see what she's like on Monday,"
Y/N was terrified. Dressed in her flares and green top that Bonnie had kindly bought for her, she faced herself in the mirror.
The thought of being in the same room as people she didn't know made her feel rather sick.
"You'll be fine," Bonnie reassured, leaning on the door "Come on, I'll drive you,"
Y/N nodded, brushing all negative thoughts out of her head as she followed her new friend out of the door.
She tried to focus on Bonnie's voice as she chatted at her, telling her all the school drama as if knowing that would help her fit in more with the rest of the group.
But all she could focus on was the outside world, and how different yet familiar it seemed to her.
"We're here," Bonnie announced "Come on, Elena and Caroline are meeting us inside,"
Y/N nodded, giving the other girl a grateful smile. Bonnie had already told her everything about the two others girls, Elena was the sweet one who's parents died in a car crash, and Caroline was slightly outspoken, but lovely when you got to know her.
Elena hadn't told her friends about Damon's history with the new girl, for some reason it didn't seem right. She didn't want to taint anyone's view of the girl before they met her.
Y/N hid behind Bonnie slightly, as they approached the two girls who were waving excitedly at them.
Caroline was quick to embrace Y/N in a hug "Oh I am so excited you're here! It's about time we got some new people in this town,"
Elena rolled her eyes with a smile "It's nice to meet you," she said
As Elena studied Y/N she couldn't help but think that she was nothing like she imagined. She pictured someone meddlesome, someone stony faced and cold hearted like Damon not - not this.
Elena watched as Y/N gave a shy smile, her head held high but fidgeting fingers giving away her nerves.
She reminded her of a baby deer...or lamb...or maybe an otter. Something vulnerable.
"How are you finding it? Have you ever been to school before?" Caroline asked. Elena smacked her arm
"Caroline!" she exclaimed and Caroline looked sheepish.
Y/N shook her head with a smile "It's okay, I don't mind answering questions. I - I actually have amnesia, I don't remember anything until I reached about sixteen? Then I was home-schooled by my foster mom,"
Caroline stared at her with wide eyes "So you've never been to a party?"
Y/N shrugged "I mean I might have done, I just won't remember it,"
"Well you're in luck, the founders ball is soon!" Caroline practically squealed "I won Miss Mystic Falls last year, so I can help pick out your dress!"
Y/N hesitated, the thought of entering the hall with yet more people was giving her heart palpations, but she also wanted to make friends.
"Sure, when?" she asked with a smile
"How about Saturday?" Caroline asked and Y/N looked to Bonnie for help.
"We'll be there," Bonnie reassured and Y/N sighed with relief, at least there would be somebody she knew.
"What class have you got first?" Caroline asked, reading Y/N scheduled over her shoulder "Oh no fair! You'll be with Elena and Bonnie," she sighed dramatically.
"ooo History with Mr Tanner, good luck," Elena said, giving Y/N a smile "He's evil,"
Y/N laughed "Surely he can't be that bad,"
Y/N was wrong.
Not only did Mr Tanner sit her at the back in between a boy called Matt Donavon, he also sat her behind another boy called Stefan Salvatore, who was so tall she had very little hope to see the board in-front of the class.
And then he had the audacity to ask her question's in-front of the entire class.
She was quite sure he face was utterly red, and Stefan turned round to face her, making the redness worse.
"It's okay, he did that to me the first time as well, he's a dick," he reassured and Y/N felt the sudden urge to hide under her desk.
"Thankyou," she whispered, her eyes lowering to her paper and Stefan gave her a soft smile, trying not to show his concern.
If he had any doubts now they were sealed. He only knew one person who looked that panicked when talking to people, and he could recognize that face anywhere.
Unfortunate it meant she was still the same person that she was before, and Damon wasn't.
After history Y/N was grateful to Caroline, who talked her ear off on who was hot and who was not, although she found herself growing weary of the constant chatter and found her gaze wandering across the courtyard.
A large crow caught her eye, as it stared at her unblinkingly.
"We're going to the Grill after school wanna come?" Bonnie asked, cutting Caroline off her rant as she did so.
"I'd love that," Y/N said softly, breaking her gaze from the bird.
"What have you got next?" Elena asked
"Er - maths," Y/N replied, checking her schedule.
"Ah shoot, we've all got Biology," Bonnie said sympathetically
"It's okay, Stefan has maths, he can show you the way!" Elena interjected, smiling at her friend.
Y/N grimaced, as much as she didn't have anything against the boy, she'd take getting lost as appose to having to strike up a conversation with a stranger.
"I don't want to bother him," she said quietly.
Elena shook her head, before waving Stefan over from where he sat on the bench.
"You'll like him, he's quiet like you," Caroline reassured and Bonnie rolled her eyes.
"Ignore her," she said smiling apologetically.
"What did I say?" Caroline frowned, but Y/N smiled.
"It's okay, I get what she meant."
Caroline smiled from ear to ear. She often felt out of place, constantly saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or saying it the wrong way and getting reprimanded. But Y/N made her feel understood.
"Do you mind walking Y/N to maths?" Elena asked Stefan as he approached.
"Sure," he shrugged "I'll make sure you don't get lost,"
Y/N smiled gratefully, not quite meeting his eyes before waving goodbye to her friends and following alongside him.
"How are you finding your first day?" he asked eventually, noticing her fidgeting hands immediately.
"It's okay, just a lot of people," she shrugged, glancing around at the people shoving past her and she shrank a little.
"Must be overwhelming," he mused thinking slightly "You know there's a graveyard not far from here - sounds dark but I find it's the only place you can really get some peace and quiet,"
Y/N looked up at him, for the first time meeting his eyes. "Thankyou," she said earnestly. "I've only got a half day today, something about adjusting to school life, so I might go after then - where is it?"
"Turn right out of school, go down the road to the old bridge and turn left," Stefan said simply as Y/N hurried to jot it down.
Someone with her sense of direction had to be prepared.
"Great and er - how do I get to the Grill from there?" she asked nervously.
Stefan didn't judge "Follow the middle path into the woods, keep going and then go left at the second turning. Turn right when you get to the old building. Just follow that path and it'll lead you back to the street,"
She thanked him again, feeling slightly relieved that she wouldn't have to navigate it without help, nor would she have to ask a complete stranger.
After Maths, Y/N bid goodbye to the younger Salvatore brother, before texting the girls where she was going, and that she would meet them at the grill later. With Stefan's direction's written down, she was sure she wouldn't get lost, and too her relief she didn't.
So there she sat, next to a random grave, her head resting against the cool stone.
In her hands lay a notebook, the date marked clearly at the top as she jotted her thoughts down.
Her doctor had suggested a diary, after losing your memory for no apparent reason there was no evidence to suggest it wouldn't happen again.
She didn't notice Damon watched her from the shadows, a pained look on his face. He hated the way she looked so tense, her fingers often pulling at the strands of hair that had escaped the messy braid. He could even smell the blood that came from her bitten lips.
But what he hated most was how she was exactly the same. The same slight crease between the brows, the same nervous fidget patten, the same soft hum as she wrote.
It was like she had never changed, like nothing had ever changed her.
He wanted to speak to her, even for a moment but he stopped himself. She hadn't changed, but he had. Even if she did, even if she could, remember him, would she still love him after learning everything he had done? Everyone he had killed?
Would she be able to see past the scars he's obtained and his bloody hands and still be able to see him?
He didn't know. And that killed him.
So there in the shadows he stayed, watching and praying that she would be kept safe.
Y/N shut her book with a sigh, stuffing it back in her bag. She glanced at her phone and saw that it was time to go, surprised that she had been this long.
But it was nice, the quiet, it made her feel whole again.
"Right, to the Grill we go," she muttered, biting her lip slightly.
She slung her bag over her shoulder and started walking down the middle path. She was unaware the Damon was still watching her with the same pained expression.
She came to the turning and abruptly turning, feeling rather pleased with herself as she did so for not getting lost.
As she walked she took out the slip of paper she had jotted the directions down in, and to her absolute horror the ink had smudged.
"Oh no. Oh nononono," she muttered, looking around herself in horror. She remembered something about turning near a building but what building was that?
She turned, telling herself she would just go back the way she came and ask for help, before realising the path she was walking down was a forked path and she couldn't remember which one she had taken.
"Oh crap crap crap," she whispered.
She felt the air around her grow colder, her lungs fighting for air as she tried not to panic. She'd been lost before, she'd be fine. It's not like Mystic Falls was dangerous.
Behind his hiding place, Damon cursed himself. He looked at her panic stricken face, the face he'd seen a thousand times before when she was forced into social situations, and felt his heart tug slightly.
"You lost?"
Y/N whirled around, her eyes wide and heart pounding, before coming face to face with the man she met her first night of Mystic Falls.
"Damon?" she questioned, frowning slightly "What are you doing here?"
He shrugged, walking towards her trying to look as non threatening as possible. "I like it here, it's quiet,"
Y/N relaxed slightly "Stefan said the same thing - you're related aren't you? Same last name and all,"
Damon smirked slightly "Brothers," he responded. "So are you lost?"
Y/N's cheeks reddened slightly, a slight pout on her lower lip "If I say no, will you save me my dignity but help me anyway?"
Damon laughed "So you've got an abysmal sense of direction, it's not the worst thing to be bad at - come on, it's this way,"
"How do you know where I'm going?" she asked
Damon froze for a second before recovering "Stefan's going to the Grill too, I just assumed,"
Y/N shrugged, falling comfortably into step besides him. She couldn't tell what it was, but she felt more at ease with him than anyone she'd met so far at Mystic Falls. Like she already knew him.
"They go out a lot, I don't know how they do it," she mused, covering up a yawn.
Damon eyed her carefully, not wanting to come off like he was staring but also unable to tear his gaze away from her.
"You could just not go?" he offered but she shook her head.
"I can't, I need to go to the Grill anyway to ask about any jobs they've got going there," she sighed "These girls love shopping,"
Damon frowned "Job? Aren't you a little young to have to work? You should be out their partying," he smirked.
Y/N wrinkled her nose "Plenty people my age work Damon, I'm not a child. Besides, I don't have any family money...or any family and once I turn eighteen I don't get any support anymore,"
Damon said nothing at first. Money had never been an issue for him, he was a Salvatore after all, and his powers of persuasion meant he could get anything he wanted if he was smart about it. But she was just playing a human over and over again, with nothing to fall back on.
"Well I'm sure you'll find something," he said finally "Mystic Falls is fully of rich people, which mean nobody wants to work," he said amusedly and Y/N laughed.
"Alright Miss Y/N, you're here," Damon announced waving his hand in-front of his as if she would miss The Grill building right in-front of her.
"Thankyou so much Damon, that's twice you've helped me out now - I can't thank you enough," Y/N said sweetly, smiling up at him.
Damon swore he felt his dead heart stop.
"It's no problem - just do me a favour and don't tell my brother. He doesn't like me much,"
Y/N didn't question it as she waved goodbye to him and stepped into the restaurant to meet her friends.
Damon watched her through the window, still not wanting to tear his eyes away from her. His attention soon diverted to the bar manager coming out the store for his smoke break.
Within a flash Damon was next to him, forcing the man to look him dead in the eye as he did so.
"You are going to accept Y/N L/N into whatever job she wants, with whatever hours she requires and pay her double for working weekends," he said lowly.
Compulsion really was handy.
In the bar, Y/N was laughing with Caroline, the other two not appearing yet.
"So who's your date going to be?" Caroline asked gleefully, "I mean you don't have to have one, but you also kinda do if you want to go for Miss Mystic Falls," she added.
Y/N shrugged "I don't really know anyone Caroline, I'm quite happy just to watch and support you,"
Caroline's features softened slightly "You're so sweet," she gushed "Elena and Bonnie don't really like it, they think it's old fashioned,"
"Well it is," Y/N pointed out "But just because something is traditionally feminine doesn't mean you can't enjoy it,"
Caroline smiled "See this is why I like you, you just get it. So tell me, any cute guys caught your eyes yet?"
Y/N shook her head with a smile "Is that all that goes on through your head?" she asked.
Caroline shrugged "You'd only say that if you were deflecting!" she pointed out "Spill,"
"There isn't! I've met like, three guys since I've been here, one of the is Elena's boyfriend and the other is her ex!"
"So who's the third?" Caroline asked, her eyes widening.
Y/N blinked - she hadn't expected Caroline to catch onto that little detail. She gulped slightly, the feeling of tightness returning to her chest. Damon hadn't wanted Stefan to know about him helping her - and Caroline would surely tell him. But she also didn't want to lie.
"Oh erm...I met him on my first day. I got lost finding Bonnie's house and he helped me,"
Caroline clapped her hands together "Oh my goodness! What did he look like, was he hot? What was his name?"
Y/N laughed slightly, amused by the blonde's actions "I don't know, he was tall, dark hair. Really sweet,"
"Oh I bet it was Tyler! You know he's been staring at you all day," Caroline gushed and Y/N blinked.
"Tyler?" she questioned the name foreign on her tongue.
Caroline nodded "Yeah he's on the football team! A bit of a douche but when he likes you he's just the sweetest,"
Y/N nodded slightly, her gaze shifting round the bar "Does anyone at school work?" she asked nervously and Caroline's gaze shifted into one of sympathy.
"Yeah, Matt actually works here. And Tyler sometimes helps his dad with Mayor stuff,"
Y/N nodded, the gnawing pit in her stomach growing slightly. She hadn't even considered that people would look down on her for having a job before Damon's tone of voice told her otherwise.
"But don't worry, no one will care. A girl called Vicky used to work here, and nobody picked on her for having a job," Caroline reassured
Y/N then spotted the manager who was heading back to the bar. "Oop - there he is - wish me luck!"
"Good luck sweetie, hope you get it!"
As Y/N walked over, she mustered the courage to actually look the man in the eyes as she spoke to him, hoping that forcing herself to make eye contact would help.
"Hi," she gave a small awkward wave "I'm Y/N L/N, I was just wondering if you had any waitressing jobs going,"
The Managers eyes seem to shift a little, before he responded with a great smile on his face "Of course! Someone just left today so we have an opening. We can fit the hours around you, and you get double when you work on weekends,"
"Oh!" exclaimed Y/N, not expecting it to be that easy. In fact she was kind of upset since she had a whole speech written on how she would be a great worker. "Oh great, when can I start?" she asked.
"How about next Wednesday? Wednesdays are the quietist days, so we'll have plenty of time to show you the ropes,"
Y/N tried to hide her excitement "Great - thankyou so much!" she called over her shoulder as she practically raced back to the table.
Bonnie and Elena had arrived, sitting down in the vacant seats.
"Did you get it?" Caroline asked and Y/N nodded happily. The girls applauded her, giving her hugs and for the first time Y/N felt truly in place.
"What you can still come shopping with us right?" Elena asked worriedly and Y/N nodded,
"Yeah he said I start on Wednesday and I can pick my hours," Y/N said, taking a sip of her drink.
"Nice," Elena said approvingly "Well done Y/N,"
Y/N blushed a little "Thank Elena,"
Non of them noticed Damon, sat in the corner facing away from them, a small smile on his face.
Saturday rolled around sooner than Y/N had expected and she found herself slightly dreading it. As much as she loved her friends, they were richer than she was and whilst they would be looking at the prettiest dress, she would be looking at the price tag that came with it.
But as she entered the dress shop with her friends, all thoughts soon vanished as she laughed at Caroline's dramatics.
"I wish we could of found you a date - you would have had such a great shot at winning," Caroline said sadly but Y/N shrugged.
"I'd rather just sit and watch then have to dance with somebody I don't know," she replied.
"Well still...I'm going to try this dress on!" she announced picking up a blue number.
Elena patted Y/N shoulder "Ignore her, it doesn't really matter," she reassured. "Which one should I try on?" she then asked, holding up two almost identical dresses.
"Both of them," Y/N replied simply "We've got all day haven't we - and Bonnie why don't you try that green one over there, you'd look stunning!"
Bonnie smiled, grabbing the green dress to change.
It was then a dress in the corner corner caught Y/N's eye, it was a dusty purple, the slight jewels encrusting the top. It was beautiful.
She glanced at the tag.
Way out of her price range.
"Would you like to try it on?" The shopkeeper asked gently but Y/N shook her head.
"No it's okay, it's way out of my budget anyway,"
The shopkeeper bit her lip, "You can try it on anyways, no harm in a little dress up,"
Y/N looked at her hopefully.
The shopkeeper nodded with a smile and Y/N's smile brightened, as she rushed into the changing room.
The dress fit her perfectly, hugging her figure in all the right places before flaring at the bottom. The colour seemed to make her skin glow.
Too bad it was too expensive.
"Come on, let us see!" Caroline begged and Y/N sighed, opening the curtain and letting the girls squeal over it.
"Oh it fit's you perfectly!" Bonnie remarked "You need to get it,"
Y/N shook her head with a smile "And buy the first dress I try on?" she responded, not wanting to tell them that it was simply too expensive.
"See - she get's it," Caroline said with a laugh "No go change so we can try more stuff on," she pulled the curtain back over her friend.
She sighed, wriggling out of the dress with difficulty before placing it back on the hanger.
She handed it to the shopkeeper with a smile.
"It was beautiful but I just can't afford it," she said sadly.
The shopkeeper nodded understandingly "We have a sale section over there if you'd like?"
Y/N nodded, before spotting Caroline sorting through many dresses in her arms.
"Got enough there Caroline?" she asked amusedly and the blonde sighed in exasperation.
"I just don't know which one to pick, I wore blue when I won last year, but I've already worn blue," she tutted putting the blue dress back on the rails. "You found anything yet?" she asked.
Y/N thought back to the purple dress, but didn't want her friend to pity her.
"No, I might come back another day," she said softly. Or to another cheaper shop she added in her head.
"I'm starving, shall we go to the grill?" Bonnie asked.
"We go there all the time, I'm sick of chips and the smell of beer," Caroline whined. "Can't we go back the the Salvatore house, they always have great snacks,"
Elena hesitated. Her and Stefan were trying everything they could to keep Damon from doing something rash, and that meant trying to keep Y/N away from him.
"I'm actually kind of tired," Elena said, yawning. "Why don't we go to that smoothie place downtown and then we can all go home?"
That seemed to go down well with the rest of the group, and Caroline quickly bought Y/N's smoothie before the other two could notice, and before she could protest.
"Don't worry about it," she brushed off when Y/N tried to pay her back, so the girl just sipped her smoothie in peace.
When Y/N arrived home, she was utterly exhausted from the full day, and was about to collapse on the bed when she noticed a parcel on it.
She frowned, wondering who on earth would have put it there. She's been with the girls all day and Bonnie's dad was away on business.
Perhaps Elena had Stefan drop it off, or maybe Bonnie had snuck in whilst Y/N was downstairs.
She opened the box carefully and gasped.
Inside it was the same dusty purple dress she had tried on in the shop.
She gingerly took it from the box, looking everywhere for some kind of tag to say who it was from but there was nothing.
"Bonnie?" she called uncertainly, not knowing whether or not to be excited about it.
Bonnie came in, fresh out the shower and drying her hair. "You o - oh you bought it!" she gushed remarking at the dress.
But Y/N shook her head.
"No I couldn't afford it, it was just here when I got back,"
Bonnie frowned "Oh...maybe Caroline bought it for you then? You know what she's like,"
"Yeah," Y/N echoed staring at the mystery dress "Do you think I should wear it?"
Bonnie nodded "I mean it would be rude not to, and it is a beautiful dress. Besides what harm could a dress do?"
Y/N shrugged, putting the dress on the hanger and hanging it outside her wardrobe, admiring it in the light, before a tap on the window startled her.
She whirled around, only to see a crow staring at her unblinking through the glass pane.
"Oh shit," Bonnie muttered, her eyes wide "Y/N I'm just gonna make a phone call okay?" she said quickly, before practically running out of the room.
But Y/N attention was on the bird as she opened her window for it.
"You hungry?" she asked and threw the bird a bit of bread. It just stared at her some more, before flying away. She shrugged, closing the window.
Back at the Salvatore household, Elena and Stefan rounded on Damon with narrowed eyes.
"Tell me why Y/N has just received a dress that she didn't buy, but was trying on earlier today?" she asked with raised eyebrows.
Damon scoffed "I don't owe you an explanation," he said snidely.
Elena shook her head "You need to stay away from her Damon, she doesn't remember you. You're just going to end up hurting yourself,"
Damon shook his head "I didn't go near her did I? I bought her a dress that she wanted, and she doesn't even know it was me. Tell her Caroline bought it, she's always doing stuff like that,"
Stefan had so far said nothing, not even when Elena turned to him for backup. Instead he was looking at his brother with a saddened expression.
"It's okay," he finally said with a sigh "I mean, it's not like he's hurting her,"
Elena pursed her lips, not wanting to admit that she simply just didn't trust Damon around her new friend. But she had to admit, she met Damon when he was at his worst, and Y/N originally met him when he was still human.
Damon said nothing, but carried his bottle of bourbon up to his room.
"Maybe they should meet," Stefan said lowly "I mean, he's not going to kill her,"
Elena shook her head "So he can take his pain out on other people when she doesn't fall in love with him? You said so yourself, Damon's a monster - and Y/N just doesn't seem like the type to deal with that,"
Stefan stared into the fire, a thoughtful expression on his face. "What if they met here? That way we could keep an eye on Damon, make sure he doesn't do anything too rash, but at least he wouldn't be secretly trying to see her without us knowing,"
"Okay," Elena nodded, "But after the founder's ball next week, I can only focus on so many things at once,"
Y/N found herself in two minds over the founders ball. On the one hand, it was quite exciting to be getting dressed up and ready with her new found friends, but on the other hand, it was a long day to be around people.
She tried to push that thought out of her mind until Bonnie said,
"We're all having an after party at the Salvatore's, so I'll drive you there after,"
Y/N tried not to show her grimace "Do I need to bring spare clothes?" she asked and Bonnie shrugged.
"I'm pretty sure Caroline will change into another dress, but me and Elena will be going casual so it's up to you,"
Y/N then crammed a skirt and jumper into her bag, with some joggers in case it got too cold.
After Bonnie helped her tie the corset laces on her dress, the sudden restriction of breath was noticeable but not uncomfortable.
"You look stunning," Bonnie reassured, seeing the fleeting look o nerves overtake her friends face. "Now listen, I'm driving but me and Elena and Caroline all have to go upstairs because of the Miss Mystic Falls thingy, but we'll come find you as soon as we can okay?"
Y/N nodded, deciding against speaking for the fear that the nerves would make her be sick. She was nervous, and she didn't even have a part to play.
She was grateful for the three girls as they all chatted in the car, meaning that she didn't have too, and even as they left to go upstairs, Y/N gave them a small smile and wished them good luck.
Now what.
She glanced around the room, feeling suddenly very small as she realised she didn't really know anybody in there. She settled by grabbing a glass of champagne that she knew she wouldn't drink and settling in the corner, watching everyone go by in their dresses.
She watched and clapped as one by one the elected girls descended the stairs, each one getting an applause before moving to the middle of the room.
"That's a beautiful dress," Came a voice, and Y/N jumped slightly, turning towards the sound of the voice. Her demeanour relaxed slightly as she realised who it was.
"Hello Damon," she said, her smile more genuine. "And thankyou, I'm not entirely sure who got it for me, but I love it,"
Damon said nothing, but a small smile played on his lips.
"You don't look to be enjoying yourself," he acknowledged and she sighed.
"I know, I'm just...I hate crowds," she admitted "I'm so glad you're here, finally a face I recognize,"
Damon stared at her a little, the want to let all of his emotions tumble off his tongue was great, but he knew that it would be a disaster if he did so.
"You owe me a favour, Since I have rescued you what - twice now?" he asked teasingly.
Y/N rolled her eyes "Alright Mr Salvatore, what do you want?" she went along playfully.
"A dance," he replied simply, extending his hand and she laughed nervously.
"I'm a terrible dancer, I don't think I've ever even learnt!" she exclaimed but Damon's blue eyes met her wide ones and she relented a little.
"I'll lead you," he replied gently, taking her hand in his own. "Come on,"
Y/N accepted his hand, gracefully walking to the middle where more couples were now dancing with the original girls.
"This is going to be so embarrassing," she muttered, her eyes darting around as she saw that other people were watching her.
"Hey - look at me," Damon commanded, his tone soft. So she did, his blue eyes staring into her own and she felt her breath hitch slightly. There was something ever so familiar about them, like a safeness that she couldn't quite place, like somewhere she had been before but couldn't quite remember.
And they were dancing, in sync and ever so graceful, neither one of them ever breaking eye-contact with each other.
"Oh my god, is that Y/N with Damon?" Caroline ran up to Elena, horrified and Elena nodded with a grimace.
"It's complicated," Elena whispered back to her friend. "We think Y/N used to be an old friend of his - well old girlfriend - back when Damon was human. But she disappeared, and now she's back. And here's the catch - she doesn't remember any of it,"
Caroline's eyes widened "Y/N a vampire?" she whispered in shock but Elena shook her head.
"No she's cursed, every time she dies she get's born back into the same body, with no memory of the life before,"
Caroline looked at Damon, narrowing her eyes "If I didn't hate him so much I'd feel sorry for him - do you think he still loves her?"
Elena nodded with a sigh "Stefan said he never stopped looking for her after she disappeared,"
Bonnie grimaced "Can we please stop feeling sorry for Mr Killer over there, he's literally killed people Elena. We can't let him have Y/N, we both know he's end up hurting her,"
But as the trio watched Y/N and Stefan dance, even Caroline who hated Damon the most, couldn't help but admit the softness in his eyes when he looked at Y/N. Like a humanity that wasn't there before.
"You're an excellent dancer," Damon remarked, pulling her to the side after the song ended.
"I was only following you," she laughed, "Also why do all these drinks have alcohol in, what's wrong with something that actually taste nice," she said bitterly, setting down a champagne glass with a wrinkled nose.
"I'll get you something," Damon reassured "Wait here,"
Y/N didn't have chance to tell him that he didn't have to, he was already gone.
"I do hope my brother wasn't bothering you," Came the voice of Stefan Salvatore as he walked over to her.
She shook her head "No, he's actually really sweet," she said with a soft smile, glancing back to where he had gone too. "He's actually gone to get me drink since I don't like champagne,"
Stefan raised his eyebrows but didn't comment further on the matter, not daring to spoil her image of his brother.
"Where's Elena?" she asked.
"Gone to find her brother I think," Stefan glanced around to spot his girlfriend who was indeed chatting to her little brother. "I'm driving you all to the afterparty now, but I'm coming back for him because there's no room in the car,"
"I thought Bon was driving?" Y/N asked with a frown but Stefan shook his head.
"She's already drinking," he said amusedly
"No worried Brother, I'll take her," Damon had come back, standing besides Y/N and staring at his brother with an emotion Y/N couldn't quite place. "Got you some orange juice," he said, giving her a slightly smile. She thanked him.
Stefan hesitated, not wanting to start a scene, but also not having an excuse ready.
"Alright," he finally said after staring his brother back some more "We're leaving in ten minutes,"
Stefan then left, and Y/N eyed the que to the toilets with distaste. She didn't fancy waiting in the line just to get changed like many of the other girls were.
"Can we go back sooner?" Y/N asked, and Damon turned back to her with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
"And why would you want that?" he asked and Y/N's cheeks burned.
"No - I didn't mean-" she stuttered slightly before gathering her thought's and frowning at him "I just want to get changed," she said defiantly.
Damon laughed "Relax I'm just messing with you, come on before Stefan think's I'm kidnapping you,"
Y/N rolled her eyes, put picked up her skirts so they wouldn't trail on the floor, before picking up her bags that she had left in the cloakroom. Or tried to, before Damon took them from her.
"And who would I be if I let a lady carry her own bags," he asked, raising his eyebrows.
She curtseyed playfully "Well thankyou Mr Salvatore," she said mockingly, a slight blush blossoming her cheeks.
She didn't understand why, but she felt more comfortable around Damon than anyone else she had met so far, except perhaps Elena, and she had been around him the least.
But there was something utterly familiar about him.
He gave her a cocky grin before opening the car door for her.
"How long are you going to keep up this gentleman act?" she asked as he got in the drivers seat. He put a hand on his chest in mock offense.
"What makes you think it's an act?" he asked, and Y/N laughed, which was quickly followed by a yawn. "You're sure you're up for a party?" he asked.
Y/N nodded, her head resting against the window watching the scenery drive by.
"Thank-you for being so kind to me," she said, glancing at him. His fingers tightened one the wheel slightly.
"You're welcome," was all he said. As she turned away, he tried desperately not to look at her, not to wear his heart on his sleeve like she wore hers.
"Welcome to the Salvatore party," he said when he arrived "Bathrooms down the hall, go right then wa-I'll show you," he said, realising that she would probably get lost.
He then noticed the slight frown on her face "What's wrong," he asked, concerned.
She shook her head "Nothing, It just looks really familiar,"
Damon shrugged "Looks like any old museum I guess,"
She smiled at him as he opened the door to the bathroom, shutting it behind her as she entered.
"Be quick, or I'll miss you too much," he called out and smiled to himself when he heard her laugh.
In the bathroom, Y/N was quick to get dressed, the only problem being she couldn't quite reach the laced up corset and she groaned.
Stepping timidly out of the bathroom she spotted Damon who was leaning against the wall, staring into space.
"Damon?" she asked, and he turned to her with raised eyebrows. "Ca you help untie me please?"
He froze for a second as she lifted her hair, turning her back to him.
His fingers danced carefully over her skin, the temptation to hold her almost overwhelming but he cleared his throat and pushed that thought out of his head.
He carefully undid all the silk ties, letting him fall beneath his fingers. Y/N clasped the front of the dress tightly, so not to let it fall down.
"There you go," Damon said quietly, almost whispering. Y/N turned to him, almost bumping noses with how close they were.
"Thankyou," she replied softly, glancing into his blue eyes as they studied her own, before clearing her throat and returning to the bathroom to get dressed once more.
Damon leant on the wall his hands rubbing his head.
He needed to get a grip he decided.
Y/N changed into the miniskirt that Elena had leant her, with an oversized jumper that barely brushed the bottom of the skirt.
"Okay I'm all ready," she announced and Damon smiled lazily at her.
"About time, the party is about to get started." he said, leading her away and to where numerous people were already standing and Y/N felt herself shrink behind him slightly.
"Y/N!" Elena announced, grabbing her friend by the arm and leading her away from Damon with a glare to the man. Damon watched, biting the urge to follow her down.
Y/N looked back to him, looking slightly regretful and giving him a soft smile, which he raised his glass too.
"So you and Damon?" Bonnie questioned, raising her eyebrows.
Y/N felt her skin burn slightly "He's really sweet," she said quietly
Caroline screwed her nose up "But-Damon seriously? He's such a dick,"
Elena rolled her eyes "Maybe he just really likes Y/N," she said pointedly to Caroline, who pursed her lips slightly.
For the rest of the night the girls kept a close eye on Y/N, not wanting her to see Damon but also not wanting her too suspect anything. However as the night drew on, the girls got more drunk, and Y/N remained sober allowing her to slip away.
It's not that she wanted away from them in particular, but the crowds were getting far too much for her.
So she found herself wandering the halls of the Salvatore building, the vague familiarity of it making her head spin a little. Her fingers ran down the walls as she walked, feeling the old wallpaper beneath her fingers.
She came to the double doors, and something in the back of her mind was begging her to open it, so she did and gasped.
A library.
It was beautiful, with even a seating area near an old fireplace and rows and rows of books.
She marvelled at the sheer amount, before picking a random one and collapsing on the sofa that was there. It didn't take her long to get comfy, curling up against the arm, the book on her lap.
Back at the party, Damon was looking for her, the slight worry settling in his heart.
He cornered Elena, frowning at her "Where's Y/N?" he demanded "I thought you wanted to keep her safe,"
Elena looked around "I thought she went to find you," she said, the worry edging into her voice, barely audible over the slurring of her words as she danced with an empty cup in her hands.
Damon glowered at her, if it was anybody else she would have had her throat ripped out, but he stopped himself.
"Guess I'll go find her," he said sharply.
It was then the thought occurred to him that Y/N said she found the place familiar, and he was sure that apart from in 1864, she had never stepped foot in the building.
And where did she go whenever there was a party?
The library.
He almost laughed when he saw her, curled up against the arm of the sofa, a book in her lap and utterly oblivious to the world around her.
"We were worried about you," he said smoothly, trying to mask the dying worry in his voice.
Y/N looked up with wide eyes, quickly shutting the book and scrambling to her feet. "Oh God I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. It's just...you have a library in your house," she said weakly, looking embarrassed.
Damon waved her off "You're welcome to use it any time you like, the door is always open,"
Y/N smiled gratefully at him, sitting back down in the seat.
Damon watched as she read, the uncanny similarity between now and when he first met her almost to real to bare. Yet she didn't know him now, just like she didn't know him then.
But maybe she didn't need to remember him, maybe he could get her to fall in love with him a second time.
Y/N shivered slightly, even her thin jumper not quite enough to protect her from the coldness of the large house, especially since the room itself was so big.
Damon eyed her "You look exhausted, want me to take you home?" he asked sincerely.
Y/N shook her head "I can't, Bonnie has the house keys and god knows where she is,"
"You're more than welcome to stay here," Damon said softly and Y/N looked up at him in surprise.
"I wouldn't want to intrude," she declined but Damon shook his head at her.
"It's a boarding house Y/N, we have tons of spare bedrooms for exactly that reason,"
Y/N bit her lip, her eyes downcast as she considered her options. "Only if you're sure," she said finally and Damon resisted the urge to celebrate.
"Come on then sleepy, up to bed," Damon said smirking slightly, helping out of her cozy position on the sofa. She groaned softly as she felt her joints click, but the warmth of Damon's hand in her own made it all worth it.
"Do we have to go through the party?" she whispered as she exited the library.
"God no, Elena would kill me," Damon said mindlessly.
"Why?" Y/N asked curiously and Damon froze, realising what he just said.
"I can be a dick," he responded after a beat. He didn't want to go any further, unsure on what she already knew, and the fear that she would then hate him was evident.
Y/N shrugged "Well, at least you admit it," she said a smile "First step to recovery I guess,"
Damon scoffed "I do not need to recover,"
Y/N bit her lip to stop herself from laughing, which Damon noticed with a slight smile. He opened one of the doors, allowing her to step inside.
"You should find everything you need in here, there's an en-suite so you won't get lost trying to find the bathroom, and there will be some clothes you can sleep in," he said in mischievous tone, a suggestive joke on the tip of his tongue but for some reason he stopped himself before he could say it.
"Thankyou Damon, really," Y/N said sincerely, after marvelling at the room.
Damon nodded at her with a smile, before going to close the door as he left.
"Damon?" Y/N asked, and he popped his head round the door lazily, his blue eyes never leaving hers. "For what it's worth, I like you,"
Damon felt his heart leap into his chest. It wasn't a love confession, he knew that, but she liked him. She wanted to be his friend, and that was a step in the right direction.
"I like you too sleepy, now get some sleep,"
Y/N nodded with a smile, staring at the door as he closed it behind him.
Part of her wanted him to stay, but the other part was content knowing she'd see him in the morning.
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mdnightlvr · 2 months
people need to stop tagging their ‘x oc stories‘ as ‘x reader‘. it’s so ANNOYING bc I’m searching for ‘x reader‘ and all I get is the „reader“ having a first name and blonde hair with blue eyes. like I don’t want to read that shit. just fucking tag your oc stories as ‘x oc‘.
and don’t get me startet on them just tagging random characters that aren’t even mentioned in the fanfic. When I search up fics for a specific character I do NOT want to find fics of a different character. just let me read that ‘character x reader‘ and leave me alone
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katz-rambles · 2 months
Imagine Damon Salvatore drinking your blood during sex 🫣
I hope he's not ooc!
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(blood drinking (both Damon and reader), blood kink ig?, vampirism, gn!reader, readers a human, unprotected sex, I think this is it!)
"Holy fuck.. the things you do to me," he sighs, his voice wavering as your walls squeeze around him. He groans something about how tight you are, but you're too lost in the pleasure to understand him. All that comes out of your mouth is moans and whines. He takes one of his hands off your thigh and wraps his fingers around your neck, and he squeezes. The feeling has your eyes rolling back. His finger traces your pulse point, and he leans down to kiss it. The tips of his fangs brush against your soft skin. He kisses the spot just under your pulse and bites down. The feeling of being fucked stupid, and him drinking your blood is all too much and you aren't able to get a word about before your orgasm hits you. He takes a few more nice drinks of you before he pulls off your neck. His pace never faltered once, through the whole ordeal. When he's looking down at you, his eyes follow the drops of blood that drip down onto the bed beneath you both. He leans down once more to lick it and get one more taste of you.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰
His hips quickly snap into yours with inhuman speed. You know what he is, but it still shocks you just how fast he is. Each thrust the tip of his cock brushes against that one spot inside you that you've never been able to get with your fingers. He leans down to kiss you, a deep growl vibrates in his chest when his lips touch yours. He lifts your thighs up to wrap them around his hips, letting him get deeper than before.
"Hah... Damon, nghh," you whine and your muscles twitch, you're sensitive, and he just keeps on pounding you. "Shh... I know, I'm right here," he breathes and kisses you once more, his hips moving a big slower now, and he bites his wrist and presses it against your lips, and you quickly drink. He groans, and you can feel him twitch inside of you. It's not long before his orgasm hits him, emptying himself inside of you.
He pulls out of you, and you whimper. He lays beside you and gently strokes your face, pulling you close to kiss you. You can taste the metallic tang of your blood on his tongue, and it's the best thing you ever tasted, and from the growl he lets out into your mouth, you know he can taste his own blood on you. He litters kisses down your jaw and neck, and he kisses your pulse point once more before moving away. "You did so good for me. Now come on, let's get cleaned up, and maybe if I'm feeling nice, we'll have some shower sex," he smirks and kisses you again, effortlessly lifting you up into his arms and into the bathroom.
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d4yl1ghts · 6 months
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damon salvatore x shy, fem!reader
summary: amidst a bustling atmosphere, the one thing that catches damon’s eye is the silent girl
Damon sat down beside Alaric as he ordered bourbon. “Hello, Ric.”, he said with his signature smirk. “What do you want now?”, Alaric asked with an annoyed expression. “Can I not spend some time with my friend?”, Damon questioned as he pouted like a baby. Alaric fake laughed. “Whatever.”
Gazing around the grill, Damon’s eyes strayed over to a veer corner where he noticed you with Elena and Bonnie. He watched as you laughed along with them but you remained quiet. He couldn’t move his eyes away from you. He was captivated by you. He was curious about you. Alaric moved his hand in front of his vision to distract him. “Hello?”, he asked dramatically.
“Hello. Move your hand.”, Damon muttered with venom laced in his tone. Ric followed his eye-line and saw you. “Damon, she is far too innocent to have to suffer with the presence of Damon Salvatore.”
“Hmm, we’ll find out.”, he mumbled as he smirked to himself. He gulped down his bourbon and elegantly made his way over to your table. “Hello, ladies.”, he said as he sat in the empty seat which was fortunately next to you.
“What do you want?”, Bonnie asked protectively. “Relax. I was just wondering why I haven’t seen her around before.”, he pointed to you. Your cheeks flushed. “Umm, Damon she’s been here for like her whole life.”, Elena rolled her eyes. “You’re just too arrogant to notice her.”, she added. “What’s your name?”, he turned to look at you. You were stunned by his eyes that were the perfect shade of ocean blue and the way his eyes crinkled as he smirked at you. No man had ever looked at you in such a way. “Y/N.”, you simply answered.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”, Damon replied charmingly. “Damon, can you leave us alone now?”, Elena mumbled angrily. Bonnie nodded in agreement. You didn’t understand why they disliked Damon so much like obviously he could be very irritating but he was tolerable and he was nice to talk to.
“Well, I’d better get a move on since some people don’t want me here.”, he glared at Bonnie and Elena. He smiled at you. “Can I give you a call later?”, he asked softly. “Yeah, sure.”, you answered automatically.
It was currently six in the afternoon and your phone started buzzing. You looked at the screen and saw Damon’s contact flashing across it. You decided to pick up. “Hey, Y/N.”, he said. “Hi.”
“Would you like to go to the grill with me? I’m bored and I know you already went today but…”, he continued. “It’s fine, I’ll be on my way.”, you ended the call as you freshened yourself up before leaving a note on the fridge telling your parents where you were.
You cautiously walked into the grill and you saw Damon waving you over. “How are you?”, he asked. “Fine, what about you?”, you reciprocated after ordering a Diet Coke. “Great.”, he answered. “Do you know what I like about you?”, he questioned as he gazed into your eyes. “I love how quiet you are. It’s so alluring.”, he added with a genuine expression. You smiled at him. “Really?”, you asked. “Yes, why would I make that up?”
“I don’t know, I’m just used to being picked on for how quiet I am, to be honest.”, you stated as you played with your fingers, avoiding his intense eyes. “Don’t feel like that. That’s what makes you… you.”, he said. “I never thought someone like you could be so wise.”, you responded. “Well… I am over a hundred years old so you could say I’ve gained some experience.”, he smirked at you. “Fair enough.”, you simply stated as you proceeded to talk with him for another hour.
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Y/n: Congratulations, you three have won gold, silver, and bronze in the morons’ Olympics.
Kai: who won gold?
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Can you do a tvd x teenage Salvatore reader
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Female teenage Salvatore reader x Stefan Salvatore x Damon Salvatore (+others)
Warnings: swearing?
"Come on you have to get up" Stefan says sitting on your bed beside where your laying.
"Go away it's too early for this shit" you mumbled into your pillow.
Stefan sighed and took the blanket off of you, solving the mystery of where one of his favorite sweaters went, you're wearing it.
"Come on its either the easy way or the hard way" He said knowing full well you can hear him.
You didn't respond and he reached over to you and pulled your body into his lap. "The hard way it is then."
He stood up carrying you and went downstairs where Damon was sitting. By the time he got there, you were almost fully dozed off again if it wasn't for Damon throwing a pillow at your face to wake you up again. You just responded by holding up a middle finger at your older brother and then snuggling into your other older brother, going back into the comfortable position you were in before.
"You realize you do have to change before we leave the house, right?" Damon raised an eyebrow while smirking.
"Who said I was leaving?" You groaned, not wanting to leave and get out of your comfy clothes.
"We are. Everyone is meeting at Elena's house, we need to talk about the problem on our hands" Stefan says, putting you down on the armchair next to a stack of books that needed to be put back, on the ground.
"Whyyyy, so what? there's another doppelganger, big whoopty-doo" You rolled your eyes, actually not minding Silas because he was entertaining at least.
"Too bad, you're going" Damon said, putting his drink down.
You begrudgingly walk up the steps to Elena's house. You still have Stefan's sweater on, only changing from your sleep pants to dark wash, flared jeans.
When you walked in, you immediaetly make you're way down the hallway and to the left where Jeremy is playing video games. You sat down next to him after you grabbed a controller from the coffee table.
The two of you quickly immersed into the shooting game, completely forgetting the point of the whole friend group meet-up.
"Where are Jeremy and Y/n?" Caroline asked, looking around the room, not seeing the two sixteen year olds (you, biologically). "Playing video games in the next room" Elena sighed. She tried to get you guys to stop, but failed and walked away, not in the mood to fight with two moody teenagers who both don't want to socialize except with each other for some reason.
"Then I'll be right back" Caroline said.
She walked down the hall and over to the both of you. She stood in front of the tv, but before either of you could say anything, she grabbed both your guys' left ears.
She pulled you guys by your ears to the living room. "Hey!" you both exclaimed at the same time, not happy about being pulled away from your secluded area.
The next three hours are the most boring and long hours both you and Jeremy have ever had to endure. Well, before you fell asleep on top of each other and no one noticed after those couple of hours.
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tweedlydumbtweedlydoo · 2 months
Admit it | Damon Salvatore x reader
Summary: Damon doesn’t like that you’re talking to another guy. 
A/N: This has been in my drafts for a while. Hope you guys enjoy it! x 
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} closed
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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“Who is that clown?” Damon asked Alaric from his seat at the bar, nodding toward you and some guy sitting at booth, a little too close for his liking. 
Alaric twists the stool, shrugging, “Don’t know,” he twists it back to the bar, sipping on his bourbon, “new guy?” 
He narrows eyes at the two of you, “Never seen him around here. Maybe I should go introduce myself.”
Alaric grabs his shoulder, as he steps off the stool, “You’re already on thin ice with her. I wouldn’t.” 
Damon gives him his signature smile, “When am I never on thin ice with her?” He shakes off Alaric’s hand and struts on over to your booth. 
You roll your eyes as you see him approach, sliding away from your date, “Damon.” 
“y/n.” He gives you a quick smile and then turns to your date, “And you are?” He places an intimating hand on his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze.
“u-uh Luke-” 
“Damon, don’t you have somewhere else to be? I don’t know, drowning in a bottle full of bourbon? Instead of bothering me and my date.” 
You place a hand on your dates arm, “sorry about him-he’s just that annoying itch you can’t get rid of.” You smile, “What were you saying?” 
Luke glances up at Damon, “Is he like your brother or something?” 
“No, I’m just her handsome and very sexy ex she can’t get rid of.” 
You roll your eyes, “We dated for maybe a week. If that.” 
“best week of your life if I remember correctly,” Damon says. 
“you know I think it would be best if I go-” Luke starts to slide out of the booth. 
You put a hand on his arm stopping him, “No it’s fine, you don’t have to go.” 
“I think that would be a GREAT idea.” Damon grins, stepping away so he can exit the booth, an arm toward the door. 
Luke is intimated, hurrying out of the restaurant. He doesn’t even stop to look back. 
“Damn it Damon!” You huff, gathering your stuff. “What the hell is wrong with you?” You start to slide out the booth and when you stand, Damon steps in front of you so you’re chest to chest. 
His smell is intoxicating. It takes you back to the week you two did date. There wasn’t a moment the two of you weren’t touching on each other. It ended in a fight because he wouldn’t admit his true feelings for you. Throughout the week together, he’d made you feel special but once you began talking more serious, it was like he got spooked. He turned everything around, making you believe the week was a temporary thing, never would be serious and you two would only go as far as messing around. It broke your heart because you saw a different Damon that week. You’d fallen in love with him and fallen hard. Your opened up to Damon, let him in and then to find out he didn’t feel the same? It destroyed you. 
“Oh come on, he was a loser. He wasn’t your type. A blonde accountant working a 9-5? He was pathetic. He probably couldn’t even figure out how to get your bra off-” 
“He was a nice guy!” You defend, “He was kind. Thoughtful. He was willing to be in a serious relationship. The absolute opposite of you.” You push past him, heading toward the exit of the bar. 
Damon watches as you leave, a content smile on his face. He’d won this time. Again. 
“Why can’t you you admit you love her?” Alaric asks, “instead of ruining every relationship she’s in.” 
Damon glares at Alaric, narrowing his eyes, “I’ll kill you. Again.” 
Alaric rolls his eyes, “Grow up Damon. She’s not going to be around for forever. She’s eventually going to grow tired of Mystic Falls, grow tired of you being around and move away. Especially if you keep ruining every relationship she’s in.”  He gives his shoulder a rough squeeze, before heading back to the bar, leaving Damon with his thoughts. 
(listened to All I Need by Within Temptation while I wrote this. feeling all the emotions) 
You angrily wipe at the tears rolling down your cheeks. Why did he have to be this way? He was the one who didn’t feel the same way as you. He was the one who ruined the relationship with you and now it seems like he’s made it his personal mission to ruin your life and any chance of happiness. 
Damon stalks you from the shadows, watching you walk to your car. Maybe Alaric was right. He couldn’t keep doing this. He could see it was hurting you. And for what reason? Because he was too chicken to admit he loved you?
You slammed your car door and placed your forehead against the steering wheel, letting the emotions take over; your body shook with the sobs.
He clinched his eyes as in pain as he heard your sobs. He couldn’t let this go on any longer. You needed to know the truth.
You jumped and clutched a hand to your chest when someone knocked on the window, “Jesus Christ Damon! You scared the shit out of me!”
“Open the door.” He tugs on the handle.
“Just leave me alone,” you plead wiping at your eyes, “I can’t do this anymore.”
“Y/n, please,” he begs, “open the door.”
You do as he asks and open the door. He holds out his hand for you, “what?”
“Take my damn hand.”
You reluctantly take it, stepping out of the car. “Damon seriously, I really don’t have the energy to deal with whatever you’ve got-
His large hands cup your cheeks forcing your eyes to meet his, “I love you. Ok?” He pauses for a moment, his thumb subconsciously caressing your cheek, “I was scared to admit it. It scared me to feel such.. love for you. The last time this happened I was left with my heart broken. I didn’t want it to happen again. My heart burns for you-” his eyes are full of desperation as they stare down at you, “I can’t imagine living this life without you.” He uses one hand to clutch at his chest, “it physically pains me to not be near you. To know all I’ve done is hurt you and for my own selfish reasons. Because I was too scared to admit the truth.”
There’s a heavy silence between you. He can hear your heart racing.
Your small hand reaches up to cup his face and he leans into your touch, desperate for it.
Another tense moment passes and in the heat of passion, your fingers are laced in his dark brown locks, crashing your lips against his.
Comments, likes and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! I finished this on my phone, forgive me for any mistakes
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cains-daughters · 2 months
dating stefan salvatore headcannon (pt 1?)
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needed to start my own fanfict page to scratch my own nasty, daydreaming mind because i'm rewatching my fave shows/movies n im obsessed (sorry for typos its 2am n i dont care)
warning: some nsfw shit, minors go away
he's literally the type of guy that your grandma wants you to marry
he feeds the sapiosexual bitches; conversations with him are so fucking intellectually stimulating and while he's talking about a topic/explaining it, you're just staring at him like "this man is so damn smart... I need to ride him" (lol)
has history teacher vibes/has teacher kink vibes sorry but he would def see how turned on you get while he's talking and use it to his advantage
slow mornings with stefan>>>>>>
hearing "good morning baby" as he's stretching/getting closer/putting his arm under your tits to hug you while you're still in bed😵‍💫😵‍💫
he will def love to spend alone time with you, just being in each others solitude while being in the same room reading, writing, drinking coffee or just thinking
you basically give him the opportunity to create more peace and silence in his life in between all crazy shit
because you're not in the supernatural world, he would try so fucking hard to protect you from even knowing of it. will even compel you without thinking at the beginning if you find out and would confess everything if it puts you in a life threatening situation
people will use this to their advantage but somehow he got Damon to be protective over you and you will have both of their protection
Damon can't stand how you complement each other, he feels like having two Stefans giving him advice but he mostly listens to you because you're hot to him lmao
When you first met Damon all he could do is disrespectfully flirt with you just to make Stefan mad
Stefan writing you poems, novels and dedicating journals for you in which he writes love letters (I NEED HIMMM)
he loves slow, deep, intimate makeout sessions. having you on his lap or sitting infront of him while he's holding you with one hand on the lower back and another one on the back of your head guiding you while he grips your hair not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to want him to face fuck you <3
he's dominant, he truly enjoys leading you and not just sexually, he will always be giving you non-sexual dominance like guiding you in crowded spaces, makes decisions for you if you need assistance, will be watching you/making eye contact with you if not together in the same room
he loves having you sit on his feet while your head rests on his lap and he caresses your face and plays with your hair (I NEEEED HIIIMMMMMUGHHHHH) (also this gives me Klaus/Elijah Mikaelson vibes im dead)
im so tired, but i will sleep thinking about our daddy Stefan Salvatore AMEN and i wanna write more shit PEACE
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Day Ten: Damon Salvatore + Praising
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Damon pushed you down to the bed. The back of your knees had only hit the bed sheets for a moment. Your clothes are thrown in a mixture on the floor. A heated agruement had turned into this and that was just a normal for the two of you.
Damon loved you. He really did but he only knew how to show it in a few ways. This way, the aqressive love making way was always the best. Jeans, shirts, and panties laid on the hardwood floor. A trail of your hot and messy kisses that had led both you to the bed.
Your chest was heavy as your tried to catch your breath. The hot make-out session that guided the two of you up the stairs was still in the back of your head.
Damon kissed up your thighs sweetly. Murmuring words into your skin that you couldn't hear, nor understand. The once cold sheets grew hot underneath your body, and as your tired to get comfortable agasint the bed.
Damon pulled you to the edge of the bed. Your knees hanging over Damons shoulders. The direct eye contact with Damon sending you over an edge you almost always forgot happened. "You gonna look at me the entire time sweet pea."
His words were less question, and more demand. You swallowed hard, and nodded your head. "Good girl." Damon murmured agasint your hot skin, as he took the first dive into your wet pussy.
He was slow at first. Giving kitten licks to your entrance, and then sucking gently on your clit. All while his hands held down your hips to keep you from trying to get more friction.
"Such a good girl," Damon murmured as he pressed wet, sloppy kisses into your thighs. "You always taste so fucking good baby." Damon says as his thumbs rubs soft circles into your hip bone.
Your hands gripped the sheets tightly, and no matter how much you wanted to take your eyes off of Damon. Squeeze them tightly, you didn't
Blue lustfilled eyes staring right back at you. It did something to you. No matter where you were. Here in the bedroom, at a special event for the town of Mystic Falls, or just at home. Damons eyes were always on you, and it always made your knees weak.
A long, whiney moan left your lips as you felt Damons tongue flick over your clit, and play at your pussy. Head falling back onto the soft pillows. Damon tortured you for what felt like forever.
His nose nudging into your clit ever so softly. "Look at me baby… you gotta look at me if you want me to continue." He says his lips are red, and swollen.
"Fuck… I'll look at you… just don't stop… Please Damon just don't…" Your prayers were answered when Damon slipped his tongue back in to devour you some more.
One of your hands leaving the sheets of the bed, and gripping in his short black hair. Youu wanted the friction desperatly and as long as you kept looking he'd give it to you. He'd give you anything you wanted.
"That's it use me baby, use my face to make you cum." Damon words were slurred ever so slightly. "Fuck!" You screamed out, your voice echoing in the empty room. Your grip grew tighter and then you relased him. You were on clound nine, and as Damon contiuned to give soft kitten licks to your clit. "Such a pretty girl when you come all over my face." Damon muttered before climbing up your body and kissing you deeply.
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Completed on: 06/27/23
Posted on: 10/10/23
Kinktober 23- @lanad3lreyscokewhor3 @homelanderscumdump @hummusxx@chvnsdimple @vvitzvafflezvv @lokisivy @claud-blood0703 @iliketoreads-stuff @all-that-glitters-is-treasure@clearscissorsbonkgiant-blog @lxonix--ac @piecesofx @mortallyswimmingpainter @playwithfire99 @fucak @everythingneytiri @lovetheos @xxxxxoseungxoooo @durazopato @hotpead42069 @oddseabiscuit @capoda @witching-hour @viviwows @lover103 @alexlovesfiction @katiecat10 @electricfans @jianasmind @max-505 @powerbun21o @the-horny-simp @missy420-0 @jaq-dav @arescosplays
The Vampires Diaries // Kinktober '23
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seriesxwriting · 2 months
Hey sweetie! Can I request a Damon Salvatore x female reader where the reader, like Elena in season 6, gets injured at Alaric and Jo's wedding and Damon tries to give her his blood but she doesn't drink it and he takes her to the hospital? (The reader wakes up in the hospital and you can decide whether Jo will survive or not)
Thank you for your request, I apologise for the time it took to write it <3
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It’s you or no one for me
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Series- The vampire diaries
Pairing- Damon Salvatore x female reader
Summary- Request x
Warnings- Description of wounds and injuries/ deaths. Kissing, maybe some swearing.
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“Oh look how gorgeous it is Damon” I whispered as he opened my car door. “Well how can I do that when I’m looking at how gorgeous you are” he whispered, pulling me to his body. “Stop it” I giggled pushing him away. “What? were at a wedding, it symbolises love” he smirked putting his arm out for me to take to walk into the building.
I raised my hand to my mouth and giggled, watching him as if I was a little child again. His eyes glistened in the lights put up for the special day. “So you love me now?” I raised an eyebrow, deep down hoping so very much that he’d say yes. Instead his face dropped with his arm.
“What?” Damon jerked his head backwards scrunching up his eyebrows, this confused expression spread quickly across his face. “You said it symbolises love” I repeated for him, a bit upset at his reaction. I swallowed standing up straight and tucked my hair behind my ear. “It doesn’t matter” I shrugged putting on a fake smile.
While my heart ripped. We’d been together for two months now and I was ready to tell him I loved him. But I needed him to say it first incase he didn’t feel the same way. I suppose I fell for him long before we got together and maybe that’s why I fell in love so quickly. Or maybe it was the fact he was so loveable. But from that reaction I thought it best to keep it a secret for now.
Damon still hadn’t moved. “Come on, we don’t have long until it starts” I nodded to the building with my head and with my right hand I stanched up his left. Making him walk to the doors with me. There was still a few people filtering in and finding their seats, but the majority of people had sat down by now.
“Y/n, over here” Caroline frantically waved at us. I smiled and made my way over there, pulling Damon with me. “Oh you look stunning” I grinned at her as she hugged me. “As do you obviously” “I don’t know what too you so long though” she whispered being nasty. “Oh we were just talking- got distracted” I patted his hand which was in mine.
The music quickly began after I finished my sentence and Alaric came out on stage. “Good luck” I kissed Damon on the cheek. “Thanks gorgeous” as I turned around Elena walked in with the brightest smile I’d seen from her in a long time. We waved at each other as we passed and I went to find my seat next to Bonnie in the crowd.
Damon and Elena soon came down the aisle to meet Alaric on the stage. He breathed out nervously, playing with his fingers behind his back. As Damon came up the two steps him and Alaric started whispering and smiling about something together. My heart beat against my chest. I loved watching my boyfriend in his natural element. Just him doing nothing still makes me smile.
Everyone’s heads swivel round as the doors open up for Jo to walk down with her father. “Oh she looks amazing” Bonnie whispered to me as we saw her striding down the aisle confidently and excitedly. “Oh she really does” I nodded, feeling my eyes fill up. We all watched as her father put Jo’s hand in Alaric’s.
They both gave the other a loving smile and I saw Alaric’s lips mouth “wow” at his soon to be wife. They held each other’s hands and the pastor began to talk while the audience took a seat. We all watched in awe as the couple looked and spoke to each other. “Now I believe you both have prepared your vows” she looked to Alaric suggesting he went first. “Of course” he nodded without removing eye contact with jo.
“Jo, we spent our lives dodging fate but because we did, I got to meet you. Thee most beautiful, hilarious, intimidatingly brilliant woman I have ever known. You inspire me. You showed me that happiness is actually something I could have in my life. And so, I promise to be with you. And love you. And to dodge fate with you. For the rest of our lives.”
I noticed Damon’s eyes flick across to me a few times throughout the speech. We exchanged smiles which made me picture us up there one day. Hopefully. “Jo?” The lady smiled at her. She’d been so mesmerised at Alaric’s speech she didn’t even realise it was her go. “Oh god- that’s a tough act to follow” she giggled wiping her eyes and making the whole crowd laugh. “Here goes” she beamed squeezing his hands excitedly. “Alaric saltzman- you are…”
Jo’s face dropped. She winced in pain as her body jolted. “Jo?” Alaric blinked as she fell towards him. The family and friends all gasps as she now faced us. Her white dress stained a dark red colour. “Jo?” Alaric shouted as they fell to the floor over her screams. In front of the whole audience on the stage where Jo had previously been standing, Kai appeared. Holding a knife dripping with his sister’s blood. Everyone’s mouths hung open.
Our hearts dropped at the sight of him. “Well wasn’t that sweet” Kai grinned at what he had done. He loved the attention we were giving him. “Kai” I heard Damon growl, with his head he looked him up and down. “Nice to see you again Damon” Kai smirked. My boyfriend snarled at him and made a run for it. “Damon no!” I yelled jumping up. Kai flicked both his wrists and me and Damon both flew backwards as far as the walls would let us.
Now Damon being a vampire could have shrugged it off. Me being a human resulted in everything going fuzzy and not being able to move a muscle in my body. I felt the magic of Kai once again as the screams from everyone filled the room. They held their heads before all the windows caved in shooting glass from every direction into the skin of the guests. And with that my vision left and all I saw was black.
Damon’s pov
My first priority was to find y/n once I could hear my own thoughts again. But there was so many people. So many bodies on the floor. So much blood. I scanned the room, scanned the people on the floor. Until I finally found where she had ended up. My heart broke into thousands of pieces. And if i didn’t have a job to do then i would have broken down to my knees.
Her limbs were out of place from the force she had hit the wall. Her legs and one of her arms was definitely broken. There was loads of glass stuck in her skin and her face was stained with blood and tears. She lied on her side with her head on her arm, her gorgeous face so damaged. Please don’t be dead. I had hesitated but in the next second I was next to her holding her to my chest. She had a heartbeat, she was alive but barely. It was faint.
I bit into my wrist and let the blood trickle down my wrist. My heart pounding against my chest as I put it to her lips. But she couldn’t drink it. She was completely out cold. Carolin and Stefan vamp ran towards us. “Is she…” Caroline began. “No” I cut her off shaking my head, a million thoughts going through it. “She can’t drink my blood” I looked up with tears in my eyes at my brother. He nodded putting aside his fear. “Get her to the hospital” Stefan nodded once.
“It’ll be okay brother” he stated before I lifted her up in my arms. “Okay” I whispered before vamp running off quicker than I ever have done before. We got to the hospital and I’d compelled three doctors and a nurse to see to her instantly. I was outside pacing for hours, but it felt like days. Up down up down up down. “Damon” Bonnie called out. I looked up to see Stefan, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie all at the end of the corridor. The worry on their faces felt like I was looking into a mirror.
“Have you heard anything?” Elena hissed getting closer. “Nothing” I answered shaking my head. “How longs she been in there” “three hours- and a bit” I replied after looking up at the clock. “She’ll be okay, she’s a fighter” Stefan told the group. “She’s human Stefan” Caroline teared up. Everyone’s phones dinged at the same time. We all rushed to grab them. The message was from Alaric. “Jo’s here- in critical condition” Elena read out.
She looked to Stefan and he swallowed. “Well go find Alaric” he nodded putting a hand on her back. “No- you should stay here with your brother” she shook her head and whispered what she had to say. “We’re staying with Damon and y/n” Bonnie put a hand on my back and rubbed it gently. “Yeah- go find Rick I don’t want him on his own” I agreed nodding my head, but I felt my heart sink knowing how many people I cared about had been hurt.
The door to y/ns room opened and the doctor came out with a very neutral expression. We all looked up apart from Stefan and Elena who hadn’t seen him come out, they were half way down the hall way now. “Damon?” He looked to me. I tilted my head getting ready for the news. “You’ll be pleased to know that y/n is alive and stable, we had to operate on her body in multiple areas due to the broken- spine, leg, ankle, wrist, elbow and shoulder” he explained.
But I still felt sad. Sad about the pain she was going through, i definitely felt relief but it was over come by the sadness. “So what I’m trying to say is she’s alive- but we don’t know if she’ll ever be the same again- if she even wakes up” he stated. I had no response. But luckily I had two best friends here to support me. “Can we see her?” Caroline begged with her big, sad eyes. “Of course, right this way”.
Two weeks later- y/n’s pov
Bright, white, hospital lights wasn’t unfamiliar for me to wake up to. I blinked them in slowly before moving my head around. Damon was in the corner of the room sleeping on the chair. I looked at my body to see the damage done. I wasn’t surprised to see myself completely casted up with all sorts of wires, tubes and stickers across my body. I wouldn’t be able to move so I tried to shout for my boyfriend but my voice was hardly coming out. It was so strained. So I looked to my right to see what I could throw at him.
Someone had left me a get well soon teddy which I grabbed with my right arm, which seemed to be the only part of my body which wasn’t harmed. I launched it at Damon and it hit his head. I let out a raspy giggle as he woke up baffled at what had happened. “That was quite a good shot” I softly spoke, but he was still in shock. I think the shock had moved from being hit in the head with a bear to how was I awake. “Y/n” he ran across the room to the side of my bed.
His hand touching my face. I held it with my working hand. “Hey gorgeous” I croaked with my dry mouth. “They weren’t sure you’d wake up, I weren’t sure you’d wake up” he whispered grasping my hand as a tear fell out his eye. “Damon, come on- I was always coming back to you” I whispered smiling before all the happiness drained from my eyes. “Damon- how long has it been since the wedding” “…two weeks” he told me. And now for the big question.
“Jo?” I swallowed feeling the tears floating in my eyes. “She made it y/n” he nodded stroking my knuckles. “Her and the babies they pushed through” he laughed while a tear rolled down his face. “So everyone’s okay” i cried out with a wide smile on my face. “Everyone’s okay- apart from you” he swallowed looking me up and down. “I’m alive” I shook my head reaching for his face. “Barely” he breathed out. “Damon I’m okay- thank you for getting me here so quickly”.
“You’re going to drink now, so I can get you out of here”. I nodded watching him bring his wrist up to his face. I watched the blood drip down onto the bed sheet and he lifted my head and he put his wrist to my lips. As soon as I swallowed the first drop I felt life come back to me. I felt it flow through veins. And most of all, I felt my bones snap back into place and heal. I gasped out when pulling away and sat up. Blood was trickling down my chin.
Damon wiped it away and took a seat on the bed. “You’re Okay” he whispered holding my face. I nodded, slightly disoriented. “Y/n” Damon turned my face towards his by my chin. “Y/n I was so scared you wouldn’t come back to me and I felt so guilty because i haven’t told you the truth” “told me the truth? About what?” I asked frowning hard at him. God what had he done. “I kept avoiding telling you because I was so scared but I thought I was never going to get the chance and that was scarier” he explained.
“Tell me Damon” I squeaked out, becoming really scared of what he had to say. “I love you and I want you forever, I do want to marry you some day”. My heart knocked on my chest to remind me I had to answer him. But i couldn’t help my big smile and exhale of relief. “Damon I love you too” I smiled finally being able to hear those words come out of his mouth. “It’s always been you since I met you- but It’s nice to finally hear those words” I giggled behind my hand.
“I should have said them a lot sooner but I’ve never felt like this- and it scares me- I’ve never only wanted one person in my life but now I’ve met you- it’s you or no one for me”. I nodded my head in complete agreement with him. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, I’m not leaving, you don’t have to be scared” I whispered in his ear reaching up his neck for his hair.
“You’re so perfect y/n, I’m so glad you’re okay” he rested his head on my forehead, he watched me smile before leaning in to kiss me. Gently. Finally.
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theconstantsidekick · 3 months
Lit Cigarettes (Part 2)
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester x BestFriend!Reader, Damon Salvatore x Stefan Salvatore x Sister!Reader (these are the main ones, there are too many others to tag) Genre: Fluffy angst
Summary: While Sam berates Dean for his choice of very pathetic reply, Y/n tells her brothers about said pathetic reply.
(Set after the events of Supernatural season 4 and yes, Y/n's dated a bunch of TVD characters.)
a/n: The two conversations are happening parallel-y, hope that makes sense?
Warnings: Smoking, mentions of smoking, more romanticisation of smoking, a lot of that yes, sorry. Don't smoke kids. Semi-explicit content? IDK, there's kissing.
Part 1 is here.
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It’s only when they’ve crossed the Mystic Falls border does the silence in the Impala break.
“You’re an idiot,” Sam tells him. 
The car stops abruptly. “How long have you been awake?” Dean asks, taken completely off guard.
“Long enough to call you an idiot,” Sam answers before he opens the door to the back seat, exiting the vehicle. Dean takes a second to realize that Sam’s making the walk towards the passenger seat. 
Dean pokes his head out of the window just to be petulant and screams, “THAT WAS A PRIVATE CONVERSATION, you sneaky son of a bitch!”
Rolling his eyes, Sam opens the passenger seat door and gets inside., “You really think I didn’t know about it?.”
“Know about what?” Dean asks as the dumbest dumb person to ever exist as he starts the car back up again.
Sam looks towards him, and his eyes are louder than any words can ever be. His eyes are screaming at him, calling him the dumbest guy to have ever walked the earth. But then he says, “She’s been in love with you for 15 years, and I’ve been her best friend for 14 of them. You really think I’d need to eavesdrop on your conversation to figure it out?”
Dean opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it and instead asks, “14?” He’s facing the road now, too embarrassed to face his brother.
“The first year was rough, we got off on the wrong foot,” Sam explains. “I think I was mostly just pissed at her for fawning over you like you hung the moon. Not the point. The point is, I don’t need to overhear a conversation to know that she loves you. Everyone and their mother knows that she’s in love with you.”
Dean stays silent for a second, because he doesn’t know what to say. What the fuck is he supposed to say to that? He… He doesn’t know what to say to that. 
“It was still rude, bitch,” Dean says lamely, because like he said, he doesn’t know what the fuck else to say.
Sam just laughs, without any humor but all the passive aggression in the world. “What was rude was saying—”
“He’ll pick you up on tuesday!?” Damon yells, mouth agape, hands covered in flour and sugar. 
“And what did you say to that?!” Stefan asks from where he sits on the kitchen counter, watching his brother and his adopted sister try (and fail) baking a cake for his birthday. 
“I said I’ll see him Tuesday,” Y/n answers with a magnificent amount of shame. She can see both her brothers are about to launch into an all out assault of questions, but she is categorically not in the mood. She cuts them off before they can even start. “He didn’t really give me a chance to say anything else, he just got in the car and drove off, okay?”
“Honestly, I don’t even think I can blame him,” Damon retorts, urging a cocked eyebrow from the other two Salvatores. “I blame you,” he says pointing his goop drenched whisk at her. “It’s your fault for falling in love with a NSYC reject.”
She just rolls her eyes and goes back to cleaning up the mess Damon’s creating at every step of his cake making process. “Do you really think you should be saying that? When you look like you could enter a Gerard Way Look-Alike Contest and win?”
While Damon makes the most absurd voices known to mankind (and vampire kind), Stefan just lets out a soft chuckle. “Okay, okay,” Stefan tries to calm them down. “Let’s just go over the events of the night again, shall we?”
“Can we please not?” She pleads.
Stefan carries on unfettered. “So you told Dean Winchester, the man of your dreams that you love him and he said he’ll see you Tuesday?”
She exhales audibly, “Yes… more or less. Yes. That’s how it went.”
“The fucker doesn’t deserve an announcement of love, if you ask me,” Damon counters, hands back at work, mixing the goopy and frankly probably unsalvagable cake mixture.
“That’s probably why no one asked you!” She throws back, throwing away the paper towel in the dustbin. “AAH! I just needed to say it, okay? Fifteen years is a very fucking long time to keep something like this to yourself. I needed him to know.”
“But you’d told him already, didn’t you?” Stefan counters. “Before he got dragged to hell?” She flinches at the mention of the incident—the memories are far from pleasant—but nods in agreement. “What did he say back then?”
“I know,” she tells them.
“You know what?” Damon asks, face souring at the sludge in his hands. Then he sneakily (not sneakily at all) grabs a bottle of Bourbon and empties almost half of it into the cake batter, mixing in the liquid.
“No, he said that,” she replies.
“Said what?” Stefan questions.
“He said, ‘I know’!” 
A look passes between Stefan and Damon and then Damon does the honors, “If nothing else, you gotta hand it to that Timberlake-wannabe, he’s got a great track record of having the shittiest responses to someone professing their love to him.”
“What the fuck else was I supposed to say?! I was about to be dragged to Hell!” Dean defends. “It’s not like I had the ability to focus on anything else.” He’s a fucking liar—his focus was definitely not on being dragged to hell when she said what she did. But Sam doesn’t have to know that.
“Anything, man! Literally anything else!” Sam countered, frustration evident in every single inch of his movement. And it’s always times like these, when Dean begins to think if Sam would side with him if he were to actually have a fight with her. Would Sam keep hunting with him if she decided to part way? “You are such a fucking dick!” Sam remarks. So no, probably not. He’d pick her over his brother for sure.
Dean can’t help but cower a bit at the strength of Sam’s annoyance. “I wasn’t trying to be,” he tries. “I just thought… when in doubt, Han Solo that shit, you know?”
And that apparently is the worst thing to say. “What is wrong with you, Dean? You know, you really are Dad’s son! ‘Cause my God. There’s only one other man who is so incapable of handling their emotions, and somehow, you’re even worse than him.”
Dean doesn’t appreciate the insult to their father but he lets it slide on account of Sam being really fucking angry. “Fine! If you’re so great at this chick-flick shit then tell me what should I say to her. You tell me and I’ll say it to her on Tuesday?”
“Tues—seriously?!” Sam’s veins are about to pop out, Dean thinks. The man is so fucking angry with Dean right now that he’s genuinely worried that he;s about to bust the vein on his temple. 
“What?” Dean throws back, cause actually he has no other fucking response.
“You know, I don’t even get what she sees in you. She’s crazy smart, and talented and funny. She’s so freakin’ funny!” Sam says, and Dean has to agree with all that. She really is. “There’s so many amazing people who’re just dying to get even one shot with her, and yet, she’s stuck on you!”
Dean’s jaw clenches. “Then why doesn’t she go after one of those amazing people?” 
“I don’t have a single clue,” Sam answers.
“What do you mean? She did give it a shot with one of them, didn’t she? Derek What's His Face?” Hale. Derek Hale. Dean knows his name by heart.
“Derek Hale. Yeah, Derek was pretty great,” Sam agrees, leaning back on his seat.
“Then what happened?” Dean is trying not to sound too curious about it. And if his grip tightens on the wheel, enough for his knuckles to go white, no one has to know about it.
“I’m not sure. I thought it was going great with him but she broke it off with him when we were at Stanford,” Sam tells him, eyes out on the barren road, looking so puzzled, you’d think he was talking about the mysterious phenomenon of raining toads. 
“When she dragged you to Stanford,” Dean corrects him, because as much as he'd like to know, the topic is so not his favorite. Neither is this one but it’s… It’s older and the wounds have since healed, become scars.
At his words, Sam’s confusion is gone in an instant. He sits up straighter—as straight as a giant can in a ‘67 chevy Impala. He turns to Dean with something like defense burning in his eyes. “She didn’t drag me to Stanford, Dean!”
“Yeah, right,” Dean brushes it off. “You and I both know, that’s some horseshit. She went there and you wanted to follow her, like you always did.”
“No. Dean,” Sam calls his name in a way that urges him to turn. Once he does, Sam continues, “I didn’t follow her to Stanford. I—I didn’t go to Stanford for her, she went to Stanford for me!”
“Dude, she was the valedictorian. She got into 20 different Pre-Med programs, and at least 12 of them were better than Stanford. She just went there cause she knew I wanted to go,” Sam word hit Dean like a tonne of bricks. “And well,” Sam turns back to look at the road again. “She also kinda went there for you.”
“For me?” The fuck is that supposed to mean?
Sam sighs before he says, “She thought that maybe if she were there it would be easier on you cause you’d know that she was there to look out for me.” He smiles then, a small sweet thing. “She went there for you.” What the actual fucking fuck?
Sam turns to him again, and somehow “Don’t get me wrong, she went there for me, but she went there for you too. Everything she does, she does for you.”
“That is—and I say this with all the love I have ‘cause you’re the only Salvatore left other than that dick over there—that is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard,” Damon comments. 
She pushes a buttered up cake tin towards him and says, “Must be a genetic trait then, passed down from generations. Seeing as the only other Salvatores I know are still, to this day, hopelessly chasing after a girl who looks exactly like one Katherine Pierce.”
“ELENA IS NOTHING LIKE KATHERINE!” Both her brothers shout out in unison.
She has to smile at that. “Not even the—” she points at her own face as a demonstration.
Both of them just pass her a look filled with ire. She smiles wider. 
“At least we have hope,” Damon defends, pouring the ungodly mixture into the cake tin. “What’s your fucking excuse?” 
“I don’t have one!” She really doesn’t. “I just—I just feel the way I do, I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Move on!” Damon tells her.
“For once I agree with him,” Stefan says from the counter behind them. His words are softer than Damon’s, they always are. Stefan’s always understood her dilemma just a little bit better than Damon. She thinks it might just be because Stefan understands the feeling of helplessness a little bit better than their brother ever can. “You really should move on.”
“I want to,” she tells him, with all honesty. “I really, really want to. Don’t you think I’ve tried? I tried! With Derek, with Alaric… and it was working. It really was, until he rejected me.”
“Rejected you?” Damon mocks. “I think it was barely 4 months ago that Alaric died in your arms confessing his undying love for you.”
“Damon,” Stefan reprimands. 
“What?” Damon counters, clearly annoyed as he turns to look at Stefan. Stefan, however, just shakes his head, telling him in his small gesture to stop it. The wound is still too fresh, don’t touch it yet. And that’s exactly why despite being fond of Damon a little bit more, Stefan will always be her favorite brother.
“I am not ready to touch that topic with a ten-foot pole so I’ll side step that and tell you that I have tried, extremely hard to move on, and if I could do it. I would. It’s not like any of this is fun for me,” she tries to make them understand.
“It’s not as hard as you make it out to be either,” Damon comments and his voice is somehow softer than before because this isn’t a jab. This is more wishful thinking, she thinks. Damon, for all his nonchalance, hates seeing her pining for Dean. Not just because he doesn’t like Dean but also because he’s seen the most of it. He has always been her drinking companion on endless  nights. Pouring her one drink after the other, knowing no other way to sooth the pain on her features. He loves her differently than Stefan does. He would’ve killed Dean by now if he thought that could be a legitimate solution. He’s way more violent in his protection of her than anyone else.
Taking the cake tin from Damon, she opens the oven and shoves it in. She sighs audibly before she says, “Look, I have made my distaste for the Elena situation quite clear already—”
“And it’s still fucking unreasonable,” Damon retorts.
“You’re making me agree with him twice on the night before my birthday, now you’re just being rude,” Stefan chides, smiling.
“She pulls you both in opposite directions, which leaves me in the middle where I’m stuck and neglected!” She can see that both the boys are ready to fight her off on the matter all night but she doesn’t want to. “BUT that’s not the point I’m trying to make here. What I am trying to say is that, with Elena, you both feel what you feel. It’s undeniable and inescapable. You could let go of it even if you tried. You both know what it feels like to be hopelessly in love with someone with your entire being.” When both men stay silent, she knows they agree. So she continues, “Can you at least both do me the courtesy to try to understand that that’s how I feel about Dean? That maybe—”
“—She doesn’t know how not to be in love with you, you know?” Sam says it like it’s the simplest thing in the world. Like he isn’t breaking Dean’s world apart in half. “I mean, it’s definitely not easy for her.”
“Watching him flirt with a girl at the bar while I sit in a shady corner, drowning myself in Bourbon,” she says.
“Watching you come back to the motel, covered in hickeys, and sometimes watching you not come back at all,” Sam says with so much pain, Dean thinks maybe he sat with her on those nights. And then it clicks for Dean why he’d see his brother with bags under his eyes in the mornings after.
Her jaw clenches, she fidgets with the “It's always someone else. Either it’s a cheerleader or—”
“—A receptionist at a motel or anything with a pulse at a bar,” Sam says.
“It’s always someone else and it’s never me,” she notes solemnly.
“And it is so fucking painful to watch,” Sam notes.
“It feels like someone’s tearing my heart out and stabbing it in front of me with a fork just to play with it.” She can’t help but smile sadly at the accuracy of that description. “He smiles those smiles that charms the pants off of everyone. And I have to see it, because try as I might, I can never look away. I can never look away from the way he touches them because I can’t help but imagine how it would feel like to be touched like that… touched like that by him. I can never look away when he smiles like that. Which just ends up hurting a little bit more.”
“I’ve had to watch it over and over again for a decade and if it hurts me this much I can’t even imagine how much it hurts her,” Sam tsks so simply. As if he isn’t burning Dean from the inside out. 
“I just wish he—”
“Weren’t so loud about it. If you weren’t so loud about it I think it would be easier maybe?” Sam muses. “But then again, maybe it wouldn’t be. Not that she’d ask that of you, she knows it’s not fair to you so she would never ask you to be any other way than you…” And then he sits up again, facing Dean, and Dean has to try his best to keep his poker face intact, “But I can! So, I’ll do it for her—Dean, please can you be just a little less loud about it?” Dean turns to Sam at that and somehow the action is mistaken by Sam as an offended one. “I’m not asking you to change, just… I don’t know, just don’t do it in front of her. Don’t flirt with the cheerleaders while she’s sitting right next to you, you know?”
And man, Dean might be the one whose vein is about to pop now. “What is up with this cheerleader bullshit? She said it too? I wasn’t that fucking back in high-school!”
Sam just sighs in annoyance, “You ignored her Dean.” Dean’s about to protest, but Sam cuts him off. “And I don’t think it was intentional on your part. It was the first time you weren’t an outcast and it was so much fun to fit in, I felt that way too. But she… She was two years ahead of people her age. And that really doesn’t fly well in a small town like Mystic Falls, you know that. I mean, you were in her class, man! You know that the only person who ever talked to her was you but then you got so lost in the high-school of it all that you just ignored her.” Sam shakes his head. “It wasn’t your fault, you were young but it really wasn’t fun to watch either.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Dean defends very very lamely. “I never meant to hurt her, ever.”
“That’s what sucks about all of this. I know he never does any of it to hurt me, but…”
“But it still hurts anyway?” Damon provides, comforting and gentle. 
She nods with a sad broken smile as she says, "To be in love—”
“—And to be hurt, is to be made perfect,” Sam quotes.
“Shakespear, As You Like It,” Dean notes, to Sam’s utter surprise. Which, wow! He reads! And besides, it’s… it’s Y/n’s favorite of the Shakespear plays. Of course, he knows what it’s from.
“Sucks that it has to be this way,” Sam notes calmly, now looking out the window at the passing trees. “I know it’s not your fault, I really do. I also know you really care about her. I know that too. But I just wish I didn’t have to watch my best friend be in love with someone who doesn’t love her back.”
Dean’s had enough. He sees red. “WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?”
“What?” Sam almost balks at Dean’s sudden outburst.
“You and Y/n keep saying that, again and again, and for all that is un-fucking-holy, I can’t fucking figure out who the fuck said that? Who in the name of fuck told you that?”
“Dean—Dude! What are you talking about?” Sam’s eyes are wide and confused.
Goddamn it, Dean thinks. “Who the fuck told you, EITHER OF YOU, that I don’t feel the same way?”
There is silence then.
It stretches on for a minute but it feels like an hour to Dean.
“Are—are you serious?” Sam finally questions.
Dean clenches his jaw. “You don’t think I have better things to lie about than this?” He’s being snarky but he can’t help it. It’s been a long fucking drive.
“Then—” Suddenly Sam’s excitement level shoot the fuck up. “THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING DRIVING AWAY FROM MYSTIC FALLS?”
There are reasons. Dean knows that there are. There was a solid reason why Dean decided to drive away after dropping her off without saying a (meaningful) word. But try as he might, Dean Winchester, cannot for the life of him remember what the fuck it was. 
He clicks his tongue, “Good question,” Dean comments before his hand finds the gear shift, and he swerves the car around.
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“I am just saying that you cannot ignore it. It’s not a fictional concept. There have been countless tests on the subject matter,” Y/n argues. They’re at the Salvatore Boarding House and the party is in full swing. She’s got a glass of Bourbon in one hand and an unlit cigarette on the other.
“On rats,” Bonnie throws back, smiling.
“Dogs too,” Matt adds from behind her. She smiles at him for the support.
“That doesn’t mean it works on humans,” Tyler cuts in from the couch.
“Of course it does. It’s not a baseless theory. It’s the core facet of every training, ever. You do something good, you’re rewarded, you do something bad, you’re punished,” she explains. “Some people even go as far as to call it parenting.”
Everyone lets out a soft laugh. 
“But it doesn’t stick, not always at least,” Caroline counters.
Y/n nods, “Fair enough, it doesn’t. But doesn’t negate the fact that the pavlovian response is quite a real phenomenon. I mean, it’s well known. It’s quite literally used in conversion camps—mind you I do not approve of the abhorrent abuse of it—but that’s what they do. They show you something very straight, that according to their disturbing homophobic beliefs should make you feel aroused and don’t shock you. Then they show you something very gay, that makes you feel aroused and then they shock you. It tells your brain that somehow feeling aroused at this particular thing is dangerous. Then they do it again and again and eventually the entire process just trains your brain to be scared shitless of even thinking of being aroused, because well if you do, you’ll get—”
“Electrocuted,” Elena finishes.
Y/n clicks her finger and points at her. “Doesn’t work though,” she states, as someone plucks the cigarette out of her hand but her point is almost at the end of being made. “Doesn’t stop you from being queer, nothing ever can stop you from being queer.” The cigarette is placed back into her hands. “Queer is who you are, and queer is who you fucking should be.”
She takes a drag.
Y/n turns instantly at the sound of that voice. 
“Dean,” she breathes out.
Dean Winchester and her lit fucking cigarettes.
It’ll be the death of her. 
“I thought you had a quota of like 5 cuss words a day,” Dean says with a smirk. Somewhere behind him she can see Sam but her world doesn’t really know how to focus on anyone else when Dean is standing so close to her—barely a couple inches between the two. “I thought you would’ve used them all up… after the conversation in the car.”
“It’s past 12,” she tells him dumbly. She can’t be blamed. WHY IS DEAN BACK HERE? It’s not Tuesday, is it?
There’s a few seconds there, which are just silent. He’s looking at her and she’s looking at him and it’s just silent. Sure, there must be a party in the background but she doesn’t really remember it. His eyes are so beautifully green, she can’t think of anything but The Great Gatsby. She can’t think of anything but the green light at the end of Daisy Buchanan's dock across the bay from Gatsby's mansion. The green light which represented Gatsby's hopes and dreams, particularly his longing for a future with Daisy.
“What are you—” she begins at the same time as he says, “I wanted to—”
Their words get jumbled up.
“You go first,” Dean suggests.
She gulps, quite noticeably apparently because Dean follows the motion of her throat with his eyes. “What are you doing here?”
He smiles then, unabashed and wide. “I should have gone first. Would have saved us time. I was gonna say that I wanted to talk to you…” he answers her question. 
“Oh,” is all she can muster.
“Can we do that somewhere… not here?” He nods over to the audience they have gathered.
She wants to look at what he’s motioning towards but she can’t really pull her eyes off of him right now. Instead she just says, “Yes… The courtyard.”
Dean nods and looks at her waiting.
What’s he waiting for? 
Until Dean just raises his brows with a soft smile and then she remembers. 
“Oh yes, courtyard, let’s go,” she says. And she’s about to grab his arm to drag him off but realizes that both of them are full. She looks from the cigarette to the beer. Thinks for a second—decision made, she downs the beer and places the bottle on the closest flat surface.
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“What are you doing here?” She asks again once they’re at the courtyard. They are face to face again, but she has actively decided to put a couple of steps worth of distance between herself and the man of her dreams. For precaution.
“I had to see you,” Dean replies.
“Thought you were gonna see me Tuesday,” she chastises with very little heat, taking a drag of her cigarette.
But apparently Dean takes it to heart. “That—yes! That’s what I am here for. That is the stupidest thing I have ever said. Actually, no scratch that, that’s the second dumbest thing I’ve ever said, ‘I know’ is first.” Confused, she scrunches her forehead. So he explains, “When I was being dragged to hell?”
“Oh,” makes sense, she muses. She shrugs then another puff before she says, “When in doubt, go with Han Solo.”
Dean shakes his head but he’s wearing a smile which she can’t really place. “Yes but it—it was dumb, and I’m sorry.”
“No, no, Dean. No. I am sorry. I put you in a very weird position at a very, very wrong time. It was my fault,” she tells him, and she means it. “Even today, I dropped a whole freakin’ bomb on you without any preamble. Your response made sense considering the condition. I’m sorry to have put you in that position to begin with.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Dean says and his words carry so much determination it makes her shiver.
She waves it off or well, tries to. She has to take a couple steps back, pulling her arms across her chest, she leans on the steps just behind her. She takes a long drag before she asks, “Is that what you were here to do? Say sorry for your response?”
Dean nods. “Yes, and to ask you,” he takes a few steps towards her, “I had to ask you…”
“Ask me?” She urges.
“Did you mean it?”
And she has to roll her eyes at that, drawing on her cigarette again. “What kinda question is that?” 
“A serious one,” Dean says evenly.
“Fine, yes. Of course, I meant it.”
“You don’t regret it?” Dean questions.
“What?! No!” The idea seems so silly to her she can’t even come up with a sarcastic remark for it.
“And you still feel that way?” Dean asks, with a hint of… is that fear in his voice? “Do you still…?”
The night is quite forgiving to them. The moon is out but not in full force, otherwise there would be one less party guest and one extra dog in the boarding house. Her birthday party fell on a full moon night, sadly the patent group werewolf, Tyler, had to skip that one. 
But tonight’s not a full moon, it’s a crescent moon. Shining quite bright, bathing Dean in its light. That along with the warm yellow of the garden lights makes him look ethereal, she thinks.
“15 years I’ve loved you, you think I’ll be able to get over it in three hours?” She throws back.
“A yes or no would do,” Dean rebukes.
“Yes,” she says, sighing. “I still feel that way… but…”
“But I think… I think I’ll try to move on…” she acquiesces, a long inhale of smoke, a shorter exhale of the same.
“Why?” Dean bites.
She pulls back a bit before answering, “I understand that the position I put you in isn’t entirely fair. And well, it isn’t great for me either, is it? It would be better for both of us if I just tried to move on… for good this time.”
“Don’t move on, damn it!”
And that just pisses her off, she throws the cigarette on the ground, butts it with all her fury. “What? Is this some sort of fucking ego trip for you? Look at the hopeless girl in love with me?”
“2 out of 5 cuss words already used. The day’s barely started and you’re left with only 3,” Dean comments with a smile that makes her want to punch his lights out.
“Quit it!” She yells. “You just making fun of me now? That’s just fucking cruel, Dean.”
“2 left,” Dean states but at her glare he takes another step towards her. “I don’t want you to move on.”
“Why the fuck not?!” She’ll probably punch this guy very soon.
“Cause I don’t want you to.”
“Why not? You just want me to stay madly in love with you, keep watching you chase after girls at bars and keep letting my heart break? You want me to keep dying bit by bit, is that it?” Her voice breaks a little at the end.
“No. Of course not! But if you moved on, it would kill me, so I can’t let you do that, Y/n. I can’t.” Dean tells her. 
She doesn’t understand any of this. What even is happening.
“I think you’ve finally lost your mind. Hell has clearly gotten to you. You’ve gone mad! What do you want me to do, keep falling deeper and deeper in love with you, torment myself day in and day out when I know that you will never love me back. What is wrong with you, Dean? What the f—”
“Listen to me,” he cuts her off. “You really need to listen to me cause you’ve got just one cuss word left for the day and what I’m gonna say you might need it for that.” He breathes in, slow and deep. “I never said that.”
“Never said what?”
“I never said that I didn’t love you back.”
She… What?
Wait what?
“What do you mea—?”
He cuts her off again. “I saw you 15 minutes before you saw me.” She’s so confused she thinks she might just cry. And it’s all made worse because Dean takes a few steps closer to her. The gap is nowhere near as secure as it was when this conversation began. “I was getting out of the car and you were…” He smiles, so beautifully that her heart aches. “You were smoking, of all things. At the ripe old age of 13, by the way.”
“My parents had just died like, 6 months ago,” she defends like it matters at all.
Dean smiles all the same. “Smoking your first cigarette. That’s how I saw you, and you were—you were smoking that like a champ, honestly. I think you took four drags, before you decided it was too much and then butt the entire thing. You then began your mission to hide it like they were porno mags under your bed that Stefan and Damon could discover any moment.”
“Porno mags would’ve caused less trouble,” she comments absentmindedly.
He smiles wider then. “Fair enough.” He nods almost to himself. “But yeah. I saw you 15 minutes before you ever saw me. So, I’ve been in love with you 15 minutes longer than your 15 years.”
She doesn’t think she remembers how breathing works.
“I have been in love with you since the moment I saw you. And every single day I wake up and I think I could not love you more but then something happens, you laugh at some joke or you talk about how democracy is a concept built on the idea of inequality, or you sing karaoke at some bar or you just are, you just be and I just… I fall harder in love with you. Every moment I spend with you, is another moment where I find out that I can love you more than I already did.” Dean laughs then. “I was stupid, I was so stupid. I kept thinking that I couldn’t have you. I kept thinking that I shouldn’t even try because what would be the point? I was never gonna quit hunting and this life—it’s filled with so much shit. I thought there was something really bad around the corner, so how could I drag you into that mess with me? So I just—I never thought that I could have you but then I died! I fucking died, Y/n. And now apparently there is a goddamn apocalypse around the corner so clearly bad things will happen no matter what! Then why the fuck should I have to go through all of that alone? Why should I have to go through that without you? I can’t do it. I don’t fucking want to.”
He doesn’t want to.
She’s dreaming, isn’t she?
“I didn’t know, though,” Dean says sheepishly, with apologies all over his face. “I never fucking knew how you felt. Of course I didn’t know. I wouldn’t have—All the girls, all the bars, they were just—I didn’t think I could have you, I didn’t think you’d ever want someone like me so I wanted to numb the pain, I never thought I was hurting you in return. I wouldn’t have—”
She takes a step towards him. They are now standing too close, chest pressed into chest. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” Dean argues, still feeling so guilty that it’s almost painful to watch.
“It’s okay now,” she clarifies. “Do I get to have you now?”
“Obviously! Of course! I’m yours. I’ve always been yours, Y/n. Only yours—”
She cuts him off by pressing her lips on his. It’s a small, tentative thing, mostly to try it out, but also to shut him up. And shut up, he does. 
She pulls away, not too far, never too far, just enough to look up at him. 
Then Dean Winchester smiles. Wide, and cocky, and flirty and beautiful.
He pulls her back in, hands on caressing her jaw so gently that a part of her thinks maybe she was made of porcelain all along and everyone forgot to inform her. Because he is being so soft with her, his lips on hers are tender but there is so much love in every movement that she can taste it. 
Her hands find his hair, and she plays with the soft spikes, pulling him closer, and perhaps it’s her hunger for him or maybe his for her, but tenderness gives way to passion. They are all hands and lips and desperation. He’s grabbing onto her for dear life, pulling her closer and closer as he wants her whole and maybe he does. She understands though, because she’s holding onto his leather jacket like if she lets go he’ll vanish and urging him closer too. It’s mindless and mindful at once.
Lips slotted together seaking out all that they’d been wanting for, for the last 15 years.
Dean’s hand travels down to her thighs and instinctively she knows to jump up. He grabs her easily as she wraps her legs around him. It’s hungry now, they are so very hungry now. It makes her moan, Dean, ever the man of opportunity, takes that moment to slip his tongue in. Their tongues dance together in a heated embrace. She can’t help herself, she’s seeking some release from the tension building inside her, so she grinds against him, only for both of them to pull away, moaning in sickening pleasure.
And she can’t help it, she laughs. “Fuck.”
Dean laughs too. Pressing his forehead to hers. “That’s all of them, sweetheart. You’re out of cuss words for today.”
“That might be a problem considering the state you’re in,” she grinds against him again, to tease him, to feel him, to have him, cause she can now. 
Dean groans before smiling again. “Fuck me, sweetheart. I can cuss all I want, you’re the one who’ll be in trouble.”
“Maybe I want that?” She smiles.
Dean laughs again. “God, I love you so fucking much.”
She kisses him again, it’s a sweet, loving little thing. “I love you too, Dean.
Find Part 1 here.
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littlewriters-posts · 5 months
Little Lady - Damon Salvatore x female!reader
Plot: Elena's childhood friend comes to Mystic Falls after her mother ships her off there. They think you're human, until they find out you're not
Warnings: Swearing maybe?
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"I'm sorry, who?" Stefan asked with a frown "And why can't they stay with you?"
Elena sighed. Her childhood best friend was moving to Mystic Falls for a year, or was supposed too. The house you were supposed to be staying in had not passed inspection, so was being renovated, which had then been delayed by a year.
"Y/N," Elena said, as if she were speaking to a nine year old "She was my best friend back in elementary, then she was shipped off to England. But her mother is bringing them back here for the year,"
"Why?" Frowned Damon, ever suspicious "And why does she have to live here?"
Elena rounded on him, hands on hips "Because she has already enrolled in school here, and Jenna hasn't got any more room in the house - plus you have like a thousand bedrooms!"
Stefan sighed "Elena, you said she does not even know about the supernatural, you're asking us to keep it a secret in our own home?"
Elena nodded "She'll be with me most of the time, it's really just somewhere to sleep and put stuff,"
Damon scoffed, and Elena frowned at him.
"You are not allowed anywhere near her," she instructed, and his eyebrows raised.
"In my own home?" he asked and Elena rolled her eyes.
Stefan sighed "Alright, when is she supposed to be arriving?"
Suddenly a knock on the door sounded, and Elena bit her lip. Stefan stared at her for a moment, a dawning realisation on his face.
"You didn't," he stated, a disappointed look on his face.
"I couldn't have you saying no!" Elena whined, skipping over to answer the door.
As it opened, both Damon and Stefan stared at you, as if sizing you up for a fight.
You, standing there with two suitcases and a shoulder bag, gave them a large smile, before dropping everything to hug your best friend.
"Elena!" You gasped as she squeezed you "You haven't changed a bit," you teased.
Elena rolled her eyes "And you haven't grown a bit," she shot back and you laughed, before looking up at the taller individuals behind your old friend.
"I'm y/n, it's so nice to meet you," you smile "And thankyou so much for letting me stay here, I won't get in the way I promise,"
Stefan was the first to break, welcoming you in and grabbing both your suitcases. "It's lovely to have you, welcome to the Salvatore home," he said smoothy and you snorted.
"You must be Stefan," you said "Elena said you were sweet - and you must be Damon,"
Damon looked you up and down shamelessly, before offering a wink "Why because I'm the handsome one?" he asked.
Your smile widened "No, because you're the arrogant one,"
"Leave us alone Damon, come on Y/N, I'll show you to your room," Elena said with a smile, grabbing your hand as she showed you where to go. Stefan followed behind, a slight smile on his face.
"This is your room," Elena said "I tried to pick the room as far away to Damon as possible," she added.
You laughed, marvelling at the room slightly "It's beautiful, thankyou so much again," you said, giving a nod to Stefan.
"I'll be downstairs if you need me, just give us a shout," he said as he exited the room.
Elena looked at you excitedly "Come on, you've still got to see Bon-Bon and Caroline,"
The next couple of weeks went rather smoothly, and you had quickly fallen into a routine. You had frowned about how little the boys you lived with ate, (unknowing to why) so had taken it upon yourself to make them both breakfast each morning - which neither of them objected to. You'd then be picked up by Elena, and wouldn't see either of the boys until dinner time, when you would often cook dinner as well.
You saw Stefan quite a lot, since he was dating Elena, but the pair actively tried to keep you away from Damon, something that hadn't gone unnoticed by the pair of you.
Damon had decided he didn't hate you, and he liked you enough not to kill you. You were sweet, in his eyes, and there was something about the way you'd check up on him that made his heart skip just a little bit.
He was sat on the couch that evening, enjoying the peace and quiet without his brother Stefan, when you walked in.
"You eaten honey?" you ask, resting your head on the doorframe.
Damon looked up at you in faint surprise. You'd only ever made food for all three of them, but that may have been because he'd never been alone with you.
"I thought you were with Matt," he said carelessly, flipping through the pages in his book.
You shrug "He bailed, so I stayed in," you say nonchalantly "Now, have you eaten?"
Damon shook his head.
You smile at him slightly, a reassuring smile that he had learnt to mean you would take care of everything. It was comforting, and a difference to be cared about in this way.
"Don't worry, I'll fix you up something - you want burgers or steak?" you ask, calling back as you head into the kitchen.
Damon closed his book, opting to follow you. He didn't know much about you, since every time he spoke to you either Stefan or Elena would find a way to whisk you away.
"Steak," he said.
You jumped slightly, not realising he was now in the kitchen with you.
"Sure," you said sweetly, getting all the ingredients from the cupboard.
"So what brought you to mystic falls little lady?" Damon asked, sitting on the counter top.
You shrug "I don't actually know - my mother said she had a project here, but she's staying in a hotel till the house gets fixed,"
Damon nodded "You liking it so far?"
You pause for a moment, flipping the steak. "The people are lovely," you decided "Though there isn't much to do,"
Damon snorted, and you glanced at him. You hadn't spoken too him much, and were dying to find out why Elena didn't like him.
"What did you do?" you ask. Damon's eyebrow's raised.
"When?" he asked cheekily, a smirk forming on his face "Or who?"
"To make Elena hate you," you say matter of factly "I don't suppose you noticed that she doesn't like to leave me alone with you,"
Damon's smirk widened, the idea of telling you the truth was compelling, just to annoy his brother. But you knowing the truth would put you in danger, and for a reason he couldn't quite place, he didn't want that to happen.
"I'm a notorious womanizer," he drawled lazily.
You snort "Well you ain't got no chance here honey, let me tell you that right now,"
You hand him the plated up steak and fries and he thanks you, heading off into the living room. You look at his retreating figure, a slight smile on your face.
He didn't seem so bad.
Damon didn't know why, but he found himself actively seeking conversation's with you. You were funny, and sweet, and you made him feel human again. Unbeknownst to him, you also enjoyed the little conversations that he would sneak in for, it felt dangerous, and something about that felt so thrilling.
"You seem happier," Stefan commented, eyeing his brother across the table.
"Do I?" Damon asked, unsure of what his brother was implying.
"And to think you didn't want a house guest," Stefan snorted, and his brother glared at him.
"I don't know what you are implying Stefan," he said with a mocking tone, flicking through his book carelessly.
Stefan shrugged "Elena won't let you have her you know, that girl is one of her best friends, and she doesn't like you,"
"Who doesn't like who?" You ask, walking into the room. You were yawning, yet dressed up in a short skirt and heels.
"You sure you're not too tired to go out little lady?" Damon asked teasingly, and you scowled at him.
"Yes," you said defiantly, before frowning at yourself "No?" you then questioned, too tired to know which answer meant going against him.
Stefan snorted, "Come on, Elena's outside," he said, quickly ushering you to the door.
You sighed, knowing full well you were not about to enjoy whatever mayhem Elena was about to throw at you. As much as you adored her, she simply did not understand the word 'introvert'.
You watched Stefan's retreating figure as you glanced back at him. Part of you did want to stay home, and just relax, but the other part was excited to go out with all the people you'd met.
You opened the door, and were greeted with a blonde girl, and a taller more ginger man.
"Oh - hello," you said, blinking up at them in surprise "You friend's of Damon's I take it?"
The man looked down at you, a amused smirk on his face "And who might you be?"
"y/n, I'm Elena's friend. Just moved here a few weeks ago," you say cheerily, swinging your purse over you back "I'd love to stay and chat, but Elena's basically kidnapping me for this party,"
The blonde scoffed.
"Excuse me?" you asked, gesturing for them to move "You can come in if you like, they're just in the living room,"
The man and woman smiled widely, realising that you had absolute no clue who, or what, they were.
"Well thankyou darling," The man drawled, sending you a charming smile "Enjoy your party,"
As you walked past them, you turned, a smile on your face "Sorry, I never got your names?" you ask innocently.
"Klaus," the man replied "And my sister, Rebeka,"
You nodded, "It's nice to meet you," you said, before skipping off to where Elena was waiting for you.
She was dressed in a cute top and miniskirt, and gave a big smile when she saw you. Next to her was Caroline's car, with the two other girls sat in the front seats.
"What took you so long?" she asked teasingly. You rolled your eyes at her,
"These guys wanted to see Damon and Stefan," you said nonchalantly. Elena froze.
"What guys?" she asked nervously, and Bonnie slowly got out the car.
You, utterly oblivious, shrugged "I don't know, they said their names were Rebeka and Klaus," you said, pulling at the handle of the car door.
Elena gripped your wrist "Did you invite them in?" she asked seriously, looking at you dead in the eye.
You suddenly became very nervous, having never seen that fearful look in Elena's eyes. "Er...maybe?" you said smally "I thought they were friends of Damon's!"
"Shit," Caroline said, biting her lip, before looking at her two other friends.
"We gotta go back for them," Elena said, glancing over to where the Salvatore house sat, just a little walk away
"Wait, who were these people?" you asked, looking at your friends for an explanation. They all glanced between each other before nodding in a silent agreement.
"They'll be fine," Caroline said "They can handle themselves,"
But even an you arrived at the party, and Tyler greeted you with a sloppy kiss on the cheek, you couldn't shake the gnawing feeling in your stomach.
So you text damon.
Hey, you okay?
In hindsight, you thought texting Stefan would probably have been best, but Damon always seemed to answer your texts. Maybe you should text Stefan - but what if those people saw it, they would know you were onto them
For good measure you texted Stefan too,
Can you come pick me up, I don't feel well
You bit your lip, checking your watch as the minutes ticked by. Still no sign of them, or call, or text.
Maybe they were asleep?
And who were those people? Were they robbers? Elena had said that there had been a lot of robberies in the area, she'd told you that when she put a lock on your window.
Or maybe it had been gang members. Bonnie had told you there were many that roamed Mystic Falls at night, and that's why you should never be left alone.
But you were alone.
You hadn't even noticed the other girls leave, you hadn't really noticed how you got to the garden, your thoughts too preoccupied with the Salvatore brothers.
"Fuck it," you said.
You kicked off your heels, if they were some sort of gang members, you at least wanted to be able to run away properly, and started the walk back.
It wasn't a long walk, especially since you were basically jogging, and you arrived to the house within the hour.
You checked your phone, still no response.
The Salvatore front door was left open, and you became increasingly aware of the silence in the household.
Was this their idea of a game?
You huff slightly, unsure on whether to be scared or annoyed, when a noise made chills run down your spine. It sounded like a muffled cry, a painful one at that.
You tried to trace the noise, but it seemed to come from everywhere. You cursed your terrible sense of direction.
As you walked, the noise grew louder, and you could hear someone else laughing over the top.
Was it just a video game?
You pushed open the door of the living room and blinked at the scene in-front of you. Damon and Stefan, tied to chairs with ropes that seemed to burn them, and the two people you let into the house standing over them with sickening expressions.
The brothers glanced at you, their faces turning from in pain to horror.
"Oh," you said weakly "Erm...you really shouldn't be doing that," you said glancing between the four people.
The man, Klaus, laughed "And what are you going to do sweetheart?" he asked mockingly, walking closer to you.
You shrug "well...I know Damon's rather annoying sometimes, and Stefan makes some questionable decisions, so I can understand your frustration. But if you try and attack me, I'm going to have to assume you are the primary aggressor,"
Klaus' grin widened, turning to the Salvatore brothers "Is this your new little pet?" he asked, and they glared at him.
"Why don't we show them what happens to pets?" Rebeka asked.
"Don't you dare touch her!" Damon snarled, fighting against his burning restraints.
You stepped back slightly, wondering if now would be a good time to run. But as Klaus drew closer to you, you found yourself frozen to the spot.
"You should have stayed at the party little one," Klaus said, and you watched in curious horror as the veins under his eyes grew darker, his eyes darkening.
"Oh my god," you said, looking at him with wide eyes "Do you need to go to hospital? I can drive you - it's no worry," you added. His eyes looked like they had popped a million blood vessels.
Klaus drew back, a stunned expression on his face, "Excuse me?"
You pointed at his eyes "Mister I know you're like a criminal and all that but you gotta get those looked at. That looks painful,"
Behind him, Damon stared at you with wide eyes, shaking his head slightly.
"Painful-" Klaus started, as if stumped.
"Move out the way," Rebeka snarled, pushing her brother aside "If you're not going to kill her I'm starving,"
You step back uneasily once more, this implication not lost on you.
"Look, I really don't want to hurt you," you warned, lifting your hands slightly.
"I know," Klaus drawled "Let's have the little pet kill her friends - saves us a lot of work,"
You stare at them, before glancing to Damon "Yeah I'm not doing that," you said.
Then all of a sudden Klaus was in-front of you, holding your face in his hands as he forced you to look into his eyes.
"Isn't compulsion a beautiful thing?" Rebeka said snidely to Stefan and Damon.
But all you could focus on was Klaus' eyes as his pupils expanded.
"Kill Damon," he commanded, before letting go of you with a satisfied smirk. Damon stared at you with a mixture of sadness and horror. "See Damon? You should really keep a tighter leash on your pets,"
You glance between them, feeling extremely confused.
"Erm...does that usually work or something?" you asked, hopping onto the desk. If all they were gonna do was tell you to do something, this would be a lot easier than you thought.
Klaus snarled at you, his expression mutinous.
"On second thoughts, I'll just have to kill you," he said.
You squeaked, quickly ducking under the table as he came at you.
"Mister, please I don't wanna hurt you," you begged slightly. It didn't matter how evil this person was, you didn't want to kill them,
"Hurt me?" Klaus laughed. You watched in scared confusion as his eyes darkened once more, and fangs retracted from his mouth.
"Ohhhh what the fuck," you said, your eyes glancing to where a sword stuck to the mantlepiece above him.
The Salvatore brothers were struggling now, but Damon most of all, twisting and pulling against the burning ropes.
You turn to Klaus, a sad expression on your face. "I really don't want to hurt you, but I can't control it when I'm scared," you try to warn and he brushes you off with a grin.
As her runs at you, you hear Damon let out a pained cry. You quickly jump from the table, grabbing the sword above as you hurtle down past the vampire.
You brandish the sword in your hand, the weight of it not unfamiliar.
It would have to do.
Klaus snarled at you again, unsure on how you managed to escape his grasp.
He ran at you a second time, but he was faster, knocking the sword from your grip as he grabbed you by the forearms.
You crossed them, pushing against his strength with your own, desperate to keep control, but also to not die.
"Last chance," you whisper slightly, but the vampire didn't care, still attempting to force your arms apart.
Damon and Stefan almost couldn't watch the scene, your death almost inevitable, but the fact you were holding Klaus off for so long was starting to confuse them.
What confused them ever more, is when your eyes seemed to glow a bright amber, as you used your strength to push Klaus away, causing him to skyrocket into the opposite wall.
You picked up your sword once more, swinging it about carelessly, before brandishing it above your head. As you did so, whisps of flames circled you, making at some sort of creature as your sillohette.
A fox.
"A witch," Rebeka growled, launching herself at you. Your blade met her kneecaps, and she stumbled, knocking over the table in the process.
Klaus stared at you, a look of painted confusion on his face.
"A Kitsune," he realised "A baby one by the looks of it,"
You whipped your head too him, before using your sword to quickly sever the ties that held the Salvatore brothers.
Damon was the first to react, throwing Klaus' slightly burnt body out of the room with a growl.
Rebeka was quick to react, running after her brother before taking off into the night.
The Salvatore brothers stared at you, at the fox like flames that surrounded you, and the sword in your hand. They looked at each other, like unsure of how to react.
"Is it over?" you asked, dropping your sword slightly.
Stefan nodded "They've gone,"
With a sigh, you felt your consciousness slipping, acutely aware of the fact that someone had caught you before you hit the ground.
When you woke, you found yourself blinking through blurred vision at Damon, who was sat next to you, reading a book. Stefan stood behind him, staring into the fire.
"You're awake," he said sullenly, not seeming overly bothered "elena will be thrilled."
He turned to leave but you grabbed his wrist. He glanced down at you with an unamused expression.
"Who were those people?" you asked "And what did they want with you?"
Damon scoffed "I think I should be asking the question's little lady, like how long have you known you were a kitsune,"
"I didn't," you replied back honestly. He looked unconvinced. "I swear I didn't! I knew...I knew I could do something. But I didn't realise that I wasn't..." you trailed off slightly, letting go of his wrist "I'm sorry,"
Damon stared at you, trying to make out what your deal was.
"What happened?" he asked finally.
You sigh, drawing up the blanket that had been thrown on you.
"I can't tell you," you whispered, "I did something, something awful,"
Stefan turned to you, kneeling down in-front "Whatever it is, we won't judge. Whatever you've done, I can assure you we've done worse,"
"But I killed someone," you said weakly, your doe eyes wide as you searched for their reaction.
Damon laughed, and Stefan glared at him.
"I did!" you protested, thinking he didn't believe you "I didn't mean to...but I did,"
Damon looked down at you, kicking your feet off the Sofa so he could sit down besides you.
"And I've killed.." he paused, counting on his fingers, before giving up "At least 500,"
You frown at him "This isn't something to joke about,"
"He's not joking," Stefan said grimly "Me and Damon are 160 years old, give or take a few years, that man you saw, Klaus?"
"The vampire," you said, the word foreign on your tounge.
Damon turned to you, his eyes mirroiring Klaus', his fangs just brushing his bottom lip.
"Welcome to the club little lady," he said with a grin.
Your eye widen, and you took a deep breath "Okay this is a lot to process in an hour," you said, sinking into your seat slightly.
"Why don't you tell us what happened?" Stefan said calmly, giving his brother an annoyed look.
You took a deep breath, playing with your fingers.
"It was last year," you said finally "I was dating this guy and he wanted to take it further, but I didn't - I said I wasn't ready too,"
Damon felt anger bubble in his chest. He wasn't sure why, there was something so vulnerable about you in that moment, and part of him knew exactly where this story was going.
"He...he said it was okay and took me to a party that night. But he got really drunk, and I had to drive him home. I was helping him to his room when he tried to-" you took a deep breath, your face burning slightly as thought about what happened - what you were telling your two male friends "I tried to get away but he wouldn't let me,"
Damon instinctively took one of your shaking hands in his own, an action that didn't go unnoticed by his brother.
"Did he...?" Stefan asked, his face full of sympthy.
You shook your head "That thing - that thing you saw today it came out. It...engulfed him for like a second, one second he was there and the next he was just this charred b-body" you choke slightly and Stefan sighed.
"Klaus says your a Kitsune," Damon explained, realising he was holding your hand and quickly dropping it. "If I remember rightly, they're some kind of fire-fox spirit,"
You bit your lip.
"I'm going to fetch Elena," Stefan said, before patting your head slightly "You should get some sleep."
You were silent as he left, unsure on what to say. You were aware that Damon was looking at your, his icy blue eyes burning holes in your skin.
"Will they be back?" you asked quietly.
He sighed "Most likely,"
There was another pregnant pause before Damon said "Stefan was right you know, you should really go to sleep,"
"I can't walk," you admitted "Kitsune takes a lot out of me, so I'm basically immobile for the next hour,"
Damon rolled his eyes "Well aren't you a princess," he teased and you frowned at him. "Come here,"
Before you could protest he had already scooped you up, and ran Vampire speed to your bedroom, where he carefully place you on the bed.
"Jesus Christ," you groaned, your head spinning "That was not a good feeling,"
Damon smirked "A simple thankyou would suffice,"
He turned to leave, but you called out.
He looked back at you, eyebrows raised.
"Will you stay? Please?" you asked quietly, not quite meeting his gaze. You didn't see his expression soften slightly, but you did watch as he crossed the room, and collapsed next to you with a sigh.
"You scared?" he teased. "Now you know I'm a big bad vampire?"
You shook your head "You get excited when I let you lick the spoon after baking brownies," you said with a yawn.
Damon scoffed "You know I could kill you in a heartbeat," he said.
You shrugged "Yeah and you haven't. So I think it's safe to say I'm pretty safe,"
Damon watched as you snuggled down in the bed, curled on your side and facing him with sleepy eyes.
"Yeah you are," he whispered softly.
That's when he realised, he wouldn't let anybody hurt you, even if you could handle yourself.
You were his girl, even if he hadn't asked you yet.
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halfmoonshines · 3 months
Hello! I saw that you write for TVD so I wonder if I can get a Damon x witch!poc fem reader, in which she, deferential to everyone who only expects the worst from him, sees something good in him, which is why she always chooses him and defends him (only Damon receiving all the love and care he deserves) please? With lots of fluffy and angst
thank you <333
damon salvatore x witch!poc fem reader
summary; you were not blind to everyone's aggression and faults, so why was everyone blind to everything but Damon's?
a note that this is not set anywhere specific in timeline - alsooo... minor Elena hate? She's such a villain to me.
The living room of the boarding house had been destroyed, couch flipped and table turned to scrap by Stefan's outburst. He had stormed out quickly afterward, but not before telling both Elena and Damon that they had made him this way.
You stood near the entrance to the room, the magic in your veins humming as it begged to be released on the retreating, erratic vampire. He had been binging on human blood for so long now, you weren't sure he would ever go back to the mild mannered man you had first met all those years ago. No matter what scheme Elena and Damon concocted in their desperate attempt to save him.
"This is all your fault." Elena's voice wavered, but it was full of venom. Your eyes snapped to find her but she was locked on the eldest Salvatore. "You did this to him."
Damon shook his head, confusion marring his face. "Elena, you know that I've been trying-"
"If you had just cleaned up your act a bit sooner, Damon!" She was angrily gathering her things now, getting ready to storm out after her equally as volatile ex. "He wouldn't be this way if you hadn't influenced him."
Your eyes were only on Damon then, you could see the tell-tale clench of his jaw from across the room. The way his fingers flexed. He was upset, because he cared, but he would lash out because he didn't know how else to stand up for himself.
"That's not very fair, Elena. Stefan is his own person. Damon didn't make him do anything." Your voice was firm as you took the single step down into the living room, inching closer to Damon. Trying to let him know he wasn't alone.
Elena's eyes narrowed, a disbelieving smile gracing her face. "Are you really defending him right now?"
"Yes." No hesitation. "I am." You could feel his gaze burning a hole in your back while you stood like a human shield between him and the Gilbert. "I understand you're upset, we're all worried about Stefan. But it isn't fair to blame everything on Damon."
Her scoff would bother you for the next week. "Whatever you say." And with that she left.
The nervousness was settling in your chest when you finally turned to Damon, offering him a small smile. "Sorry about that."
His eyes searched yours for just a second before he turned around and walked upstairs silently.
"Damon, you're bleeding." You noticed the blood literally pouring from his abdomen when he peeled himself away from you, having shielded you from the explosion that just rocked the gym of the high school. You vaguely noticed your friends pulling themselves to their feet around you, Caroline and Stefan arguing with each other over something. You didn't notice Elena storming over.
Everyone else's yelling voices faded away when you looked up to meet his gaze, noticing his eyes flickering over your dark skin, checking you for any injuries of your own.
You reached a hand out to heal him. You knew he would heal eventually, but it was the least you could do since he most definitely got injured shielding you. You didn't know what was going on with you and Damon lately, but just the thought of him bleeding made you nauseous.
Before your hand could make contact he was yanked away from you, a barely perceptible wince coming from him at the movement. You were angry before you even decided to be.
"How could you not warn us?" Elena's voice was shrill against the pounding in your head from the boom that happened moments ago. You couldn't help but noticed she didn't have a scratch on her but didn't hesitate to hit Damon right in the chest.
"Elena." You stepped forward to wedge yourself between them, not wanting Damon to take the matter into his own hands but not allowing Elena to put a hand on him. Vampire or not.
Everyone was staring now.
"No! Don't Elena me. He full knew that this group of vampires had ex military with them. A warning about potential bombs would have been nice!"
You tried hard to put a cap on your frustration. "Why would he willingly walk into somewhere that could blow him to pieces? Pretty sure there's no coming back from that. Even for a vampire."
Elena seemed to debate her reply for a moment, gaze going from the rigid vampire behind you to your own eyes. "One day, he's going to hurt you so bad, you won't care about his feelings anymore." She left with that, Stefan and Caroline in tow. Caroline was the only one who cast a haphazard glance back at you.
"Thank you." His voice was quiet, and your shock was loud.
"Of course."
"Can you believe him?" You winced as Elena's angry voice sounded after the slam of the front door. You and Caroline had beat her to her own home after the showdown at the grill, hoping to clean up the broken glass you knew was waiting for her.
"I mean, what else do we expect?" Bonnie's reply was sardonic when they both rounded the corner, spying the other women in the kitchen.
"Damon is the most selfish, disgusting idiot that I have ever had the misfortune of knowing." Elena's tone was final as she slammed her purse down on the kitchen counter, pulling up one of the stools to plop into.
You tried to ignore that angry twinge that always started in your chest whenever people set their crosshairs on the older Salvatore. He seemed to be everyone's resident punching bag, despite the recent uncovered issues Stefan also harbored.
"I still say we should get rid of him." Caroline sounded chipper at the idea she presented, ready to have his head on a pike.
That was most definitely all that you could take. The glass you had been cleaning was roughly thrown into the trash can. "So we're going to get rid of Stefan too, right? Cut out the evil right at its root. Maybe Tyler too."
Her friends looked taken aback, each ones eyebrows pulling together while they stole glances at each other.
"Are you okay?" Bonnie was hesitant in her question, her caramel colored eyes focusing on your own.
"I'm fine, Bon. But it doesn't seem like you guys are. For the last year, all I have heard is how Damon is the bane of everyone's existence. How he's evil. How is what happened tonight his fault? Do you blame him for trying to save his mother? You surely wouldn't fault Stefan for doing the same. How can you make him the villain if you wouldn't hesitate to do what he does? If you were put in the same position?" You gripped the kitchen counter, willing your magic to calm from the swirling mess inside of your stomach.
"You can't mean that. He's done terrible things." Elena argued, arms crossing over her chest.
"So have you. So have I. But he's also done amazing things, Elena. He's sacrificed himself time and time again to try and win some kind of favor with you people but you've done nothing but take him for granted, and then demonize him even more when he dares to let your treatment of him hurt his feelings." By the end of your statement, you had your purse hanging off your arm and you were shoving past Bonnie to get out the door.
"Where the hell are you going?" Caroline questioned.
"To go make sure Damon's okay."
You were pretty sure you knew where you were going to find him. Since The Grill was out of commission due to the commotion early in the night, he was definitely drinking at home. That's where you came upon him, sprawled out on the couch in the living room of his home, tumbler of amber liquid dangling from his fingers.
"Shouldn't you be plotting my demise with the Scooby Gang?" The defeat in his voice nearly made you halt, a sadness pulling at the back of your eyes. This man had no venom to him, only defeat.
You came around the couch and gently moved his legs to the ground, taking the seat you just cleared. Those clever blue eyes tracked your movements, something foreign shaded in them.
"I know you don't usually want to, but do you want to talk about tonight? It wasn't an easy decision to make, Damon." You tried to sound understanding without being placating, fearing him holding up behind those walls he so loved to build.
"It wasn't a difficult decision. She had to die. So she did." You would've believed his cold mask if you hadn't heard the cracking in his voice.
You sighed a bit, daring to reach a hand out to rest on his knee. His gaze snapped to yours quickly, hardening slowly like water in winter. "You don't deserve to feel like the villain, Damon. You're put in impossible positions to make terrible decisions, and then shunned for them. Please don't let their hatefulness make you feel any less than you are."
You thought he was going to quip back at you at first, a sardonic smirk on his face - but it dropped quickly, and his voice was almost a breath when he asked his question. "Why do you keep defending me?"
A million answers floated through your mind, because there were so many. But you felt like there was only one that would suffice right now. "Because I care about you."
His lips found yours quickly, fitting together like the last pieces of a puzzle.
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katz-rambles · 3 months
Hi can I request damon salvatore dating hcs?
I JUST SCREAMED OML! My first TVD request 💓💓💓
I'm only on the 3rd season, so I'm not super familiar with his whole character, so I apologize if his ooc.
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(fluff, gn!reader, this is a bit short, sorry anon, blood mentioned, marking, I think this is it!)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰
• Okay, so from what I know.. he can be a bit of a dick, even to the people he cares about. But he tries.
• He would actually do anything for you. You need someone dead, done. You've run out of something, he's already at the store just tell him what you need. He's whipped for you.
• He'll be super soft with you, though. Like, breakfast in bed soft.
• If you're human, you know he's putting vervain in everything and making sure he finds you a good ring so he won't lose you too soon. If you're a vampire, you're in for a wild ride. He's still head over heels for you, but imagine this, you're a vampire, and you're both starving. Take a normal dinner date and turn it. You'll both be out snacking on whoever you can find, and he loves it.
• He gets so possessive over you, not an unbearable amount, but enough that everyone knows you're off limits.
• Speaking of possessiveness, if you're a human and let him, he will gladly bite you. Not enough to drink your blood if you don't want him too, but enough to leave a nice mark so everyone knows your his. He loves seeing them scattered along your pretty body.
• If you're a human and a little weird, in a good way, I promise and later in your relationship offer him your blood. He might just get on one knee and marry you right then. He's super careful about it and might even let you bite him back, he just likes to watch you cringe if you bite a little too deep and break his skin.
• Obviously, he's not going to compell you for anything. No, this is pure love between the both of you, hopefully.
• He likes to take you out and buy (or steal) the most expensive things he can for you. He's a show off. (He might also borrow/steal Stefans old porshe and take you for a nice drive.)
• His phone is full of pictures of you two, mainly just you, though. He might even make one of them his wallpaper. He's just so in love with you.
• Overall, you two probably have an amazing relationship, vampire or not, he loves you all the same. He will make an amazing boyfriend, and hopefully husband.
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babeydollx · 10 months
The Second Day of Kinkmas: Tit Fucking | Damon Salvatore
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Warnings: cursing, smut, sexual themes, tit fucking, minors dni
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Female Vampire Reader
Summary: I really don't know what to put for a summary this time so lmao.
12 Days of Kinkmas Masterlist
© Maybanks-Luver 2023, please do not steal, copy, modify, repost, or translate my work.
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"I know you'd like it, baby." Damon said with a smirk. "Plus, I thought you wanted to try some new things. This way we could try something new and I would be able to see your tits, it's a win win." He said with a grin. You chuckled and shook your head. You always knew that when it came to Damon's preference sexually that he was more of a tit person and you had been waiting for him to bring tit fucking into the bedroom, you were just shocked that he hadn't done it sooner.
"Alright, we can try it out." You said with a chuckle as you looked up at him. "Well then, why don't we get these pesky clothes out of the way then." He said with a smirk as he pulled your shirt over your head before unclasping your bra and taking that off too. His hands reached up to kneed at the soft flesh of your tits before he gently squeezed your nipples, causing you to whimper.
He began to unbuckle his belt as you got onto the bed for him and sat on your knees. He laid his already hardened cock on the valley of your breasts. You used your hands to squeeze your breasts around his cock before he started to slowly begin to thrust. You looked up at him as he let out a soft moan. He began to pick up the pace of his thrusts, the quickened pace causing you to have a little bit of a harder time breathing.
You leaned your head down and started to lick the tip of his dick as he continued to thrust his cock between your squished tits. He looked down at you and watched you lick his tip only brought him closer to his release. You squeezed your tits together more as he thrusted faster. He thrusted a few more times before cumming on your breasts and on your tongue. You giggled and swallowed it before Damon pushed you down onto the bed. "Now it's your turn to cum." He said with a devilish smirk.
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Author's Note: tysm for reading!
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Y/n, coming back from shopping: Well, this has been a great day!
Katherine: Mn, how so?
Y/n: I ran into Damon.
Katherine: How is that great?
Y/n: With my car.
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