#dan bang
philyuri · 19 days
being a phannie is about winning the rpf lottery at the cost of your mental health
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dnpbeats · 4 months
how many times do you think phil lester clumsiest person alive has smacked the back of his head on the bondage bar 😔
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jays-bookmarks · 1 year
There was only one bed, but... (Dan Heng x gn!reader)
It's basically this picture. You're both nerds who don't know how to flirt and continually dance around your feelings.
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Summary: March tries her best to set you up with the man you've been pining after since you first joined the Express, but her best-laid plans are foiled because both you and Dan Heng are socially incompetent. Words: 2.5k Warnings: secondhand embarrassment, awkward pining, reader is "short" (tiptoes to reach the top shelf lol), reader has some skimpy nightclothes
It had been a long day for you, March, and Dan Heng. After what happened during your mission, all you wanted was to flop down on a bed and sleep. As your group made its way to the inn, a very sheepish receptionist came to greet you. He apologized and explained that there were only two rooms left available.
“Oh, that's okay,” you said, glancing over at your teammates with a shrug. “I can share with March.”
March, however, quickly declined.
“No, uh—you should go with Dan Heng!” she said.
Your eyes widened at her words. “What? Why?”
You couldn’t hide the small blush on your face as you glanced over at Dan Heng. Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice your nervousness, having been equally surprised by March’s sudden proposition. He tilted his head, waiting for March to explain.
“Well…” March looked a little nervous under Dan Heng’s scrutiny. She gave you a meaningful look. “Since you’re so new to this, wouldn't it be safest to stay with Dan Heng? Don’t forget he’s the guard of the Astral Express! Besides, I, uh… snore pretty loud!”
She ended her sentence with an awkward giggle. You narrowed your eyes at her. You knew March was only taking this opportunity to set you up with Dan Heng, but you tried to play it cool and let him have the final say. There was no way he'd agree… right?
“...I suppose that makes sense,” Dan Heng said, turning to you. “Are you alright with that?”
“Huh? Uh—yeah!” You froze up under his gaze, then quickly glanced away. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and your face was so hot that you were sure Dan Heng didn’t miss your blush this time. You weren’t expecting him to agree so easily… but then again, why would he refuse? Despite the shiftiness of her delivery, March did make a sound argument. And Dan Heng clearly didn’t have any feelings he needed to keep hidden…
From the corner of your eye, you saw March pumping her first in victory before quickly hiding her hands behind her back. She bit her lip to suppress a grin. You shot her a glare, but she only giggled in response before ushering you all down the hall.
Once you saw the room you were staying in, your heart dropped. Of course, there was only one bed.
Dan Heng seemed completely unfazed, immediately moving to set his stuff down on the floor.
“You can have the bed,” he said, glancing back to where you stood frozen in the doorway. His gaze lingered on you for a moment. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but then he turned away and began taking off his coat.
You tentatively stepped into the room.
“A-are you sure? I… think there's enough room on the bed for both of us…” you said, but you could already feel yourself combusting at the thought of sharing a bed with Dan Heng. Sure, the bed was technically big enough for two people, but just barely. Trying to share this bed would definitely result in you two being squished uncomfortably close together.
You glanced over at Dan Heng, who shook his head and set his coat on the floor as a makeshift bedroll.
“I’ll be more comfortable on the floor," he said. Then, after a pause, he added in a quieter voice. "It would be best to keep a distance…"
Your face fell at his subtle rejection. Or, maybe you were just reading too much into it. He was probably just used to sleeping on the floor like he did in the archives. Or maybe he saw your awkwardness around him as you being uncomfortable with his presence. Or perhaps he just meant it would be easier for him to jump into action if the two of you weren’t tangled up together in bed. Oh gods, why did you word it like that? You shook the thought from your head and took a deep breath.
“Right, well… do you want an extra pillow or anything? A blanket?” You gestured to the bed.
Dan Heng shook his head again. “Don’t worry about me,” he said.
You sighed and turned to the closet anyway to look for an extra blanket. You had to stand on your toes to take it from the top shelf, but you managed without having to grab a stool. With that small victory spurring you on, you held the blanket out to him. But Dan Heng shook his head once more.
“You should take it,” he said. “It’ll be cold tonight.”
“And what are you gonna do? Just freeze?” you retorted.
He chuckled. “I’m used to sleeping in all sorts of conditions. I’ll be fine.”
He seemed adamant about letting you take the extra blanket. Unfortunately for Dan Heng, you also knew how to be stubborn. You frowned, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Come on… Just take it,” you said.
Dan Heng didn’t budge. You huffed, pouting a little.
He simply raised an eyebrow in response. You pursed your lips, trying to find another angle.
“Okay… how about this? If I get too cold tonight I’ll come and steal it from you. Deal?”
After a pause, he sighed and took the blanket. You grinned as you watched him lay the blanket down next to him. Grabbing your bag, you went to the bathroom to change and get ready for bed.
By the time you returned, Dan Heng was settled on the floor. He had Cloud-Piercer in his lap and was polishing the tip of the spear. You gestured to the bathroom as you passed.
“It’s all yours,” you said.
He looked up and you noticed his gaze briefly flick over your body. You blushed as you realized how little your sleepwear actually covered. Dan Heng quickly looked away, placing Cloud-Piercer against the wall as he stood.
“Thank you,” he said. He paused when you didn’t move from where you stood. “…You don’t have to wait for me. Rest.”
“Right… um, goodnight!”
Despite the way your heart still hammered in your chest, you fell asleep surprisingly quickly. But not long after, you awoke to the sound of movement from the floor beside your bed.
As you blinked the sleep from your eyes, you heard Dan Heng mumbling something in his sleep. Concerned, you leaned over the bed to check on him. His brows were furrowed, and he was covered in a cold sweat while he tossed and turned. Was he having a nightmare? You stared at him for a moment longer, pondering whether you should try to wake him up. He was always such a private person… would he appreciate you butting into his personal life like this?
Still, you thought it would be best not to leave him to suffer. Sliding out from under the covers, you crouched down next to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. You called his name, trying to gently wake him up.
“Dan Heng…”
In a flash, you were pinned to the floor, your wrist held at a painful angle behind your back while Dan Heng’s other hand gripped the back of your neck. You sucked in a breath, too shocked to even say anything. A beat passed.
You heard Dan Heng quietly say your name in a surprised voice. He seemed to realize what had happened and quickly released you. His hands hovered uncertainly around you as you pushed yourself back into a sitting position with a groan.
“A-are you alright?” he asked. “I’m sorry, I thought—”
“I know,” you said, trying to give him a reassuring smile. “I’m sorry for waking you up. I was just—”
You shrugged and rubbed at your wrist to ease the pain. A look of guilt flashed over Dan Heng’s face.
“Anyway,” you continued. “I should be asking you that. Are you okay? Were… you having a nightmare?"
Dan Heng opened his mouth to reply, before closing it again. He seemed hesitant to say anything. You could tell he was still shaken up by his nightmare, whatever it was. Eventually, he let out a sigh.
“...No. It’s fine. Forget it happened,” he said.
You paused for a moment, biting your lip. If he didn’t want to talk, then you couldn’t exactly force him to open up. You nodded.
“As long as you're feeling okay…” You began to stand, but paused halfway to look back at him. “Um, but if you want to stay up and chat about other stuff… just as a distraction… I wouldn't mind.”
Though you were making the offer for him, part of you secretly wanted this late-night conversation. It was a way to get to know him better. As a friend, of course. You looked at Dan Heng, hoping he would accept.
“...I suppose I wouldn't mind a distraction at the moment.”
You let out a small sigh of relief. Flashing a smile, you returned to sit down beside him on the floor. After a brief pause, you realized that Dan Heng had expected you to start the conversation.
"Um. Okay, well…" you floundered for something to say. You were never good at holding a conversation, and the fact that Dan Heng was sitting so close to you wasn’t helping you in the slightest. You tried to tell yourself not to think about it—he had already rejected you, anyway, you could take a hint—but your body was reacting on its own. You hoped that he didn’t notice the flush on your cheeks in the dark room.
Dan Heng remained silent for a while longer, waiting for you to finish your thought, but when it became clear you had nothing to say, he let out a quiet chuckle.
“It seems we’re both quite bad at conversation, aren’t we?” he said.
You laughed as well, feeling a bit of the tension between you dissipating.
"Yeah… I guess I should've thought of that when I offered…"
The two of you fell into silence once more. Since you were so preoccupied with searching for a topic of conversation, you were unaware of how Dan Heng was struggling not to stare at you in your sleepwear. The chill in the room seeped into your exposed skin, and you shivered slightly, bringing your knees up to your chest.
Before you could react, Dan Heng had leaned over you. You froze, your mind going completely blank as you felt his breath fanning over your cheek. His arms trapped you on both sides and you tried not to move lest you accidentally touched him. Your eyes flicked down to his lips…
But then Dan Heng pulled back, and you felt something being draped over your shoulders. He had grabbed the spare blanket from behind you and was now wrapping it around you. His hands, no longer covered by his gloves, grazed your bare skin as he did so, leaving a pleasant tingling in their wake. When you finally managed to snap out of your shock, you reached up to secure the blanket with your own hands, and Dan Heng retreated into his space once again.
You thanked him quietly, hoping your voice didn’t shake too much. He nodded in response before glancing away with a cough. If you weren’t panicking so hard over what had just happened, you would’ve laughed and called him cute.
But you were panicking, and right now teasing him was the last thing on your mind. You tried desperately to think of something, anything, to change the topic and move away from this tension between you two.
You blurted out the first thought that came to your mind.
“Uh... what's your favorite animal?”
You blushed immediately after the words left your mouth.
“Um. Sorry, that was kind of a stupid question…” you said. “I'm... not very good at... talking."
Dan Heng chuckled. You let out a relieved laugh as well, glad that you hadn’t made things more awkward, at least.
“The white tiger,” he said. “They’re quite striking, and very elusive... To the people of the Xianzhou, it is known as the Guardian of the West, representing the season of autumn.”
You nodded as he spoke, trying to indicate that you were paying attention to his words and not the way his lips were currently curled into a smile. He turned his gaze to you and you quickly looked away.
“What about you?” he asked.
You blinked, pleasantly surprised that he was willing to continue the conversation. Glancing up at the ceiling with a hum, you thought about your answer.
"I like dragons,” you said. “Oh, actually—aren’t the Vidyadhara, like, dragon people? Can they turn into dragons?”
“Only some could turn into dragons. The power was a rare inheritance, passed down only to those who could successfully complete numerous rites and challenges.”
“Oh? Like what?”
Dan Heng began to explain. You nodded along, your fatigue beginning to catch up to you as you listened to his soothing voice. After a moment, you yawned and leaned against him with a sigh. Your tired brain had pushed the memory of your awkwardness from just moments ago to the back of your mind. You didn't notice the way Dan Heng stiffened at your touch, nor the way his breath hitched as he stopped mid-sentence.
A moment of silence passed, then your eyes flew open as you realized what you had just done. You quickly withdrew, stammering apologies.
"I'm so sorry! I don’t know what— I'm sorry!" Your face was flushed and you couldn’t meet Dan Heng’s gaze.
"No… it's fine.” Dan Heng’s voice was quiet and seemed to waver slightly. He took a breath before clearing his throat. "Don't worry about it…"
You took a breath as well, willing your heart to calm down. "Right, um..."
You glanced down at the floor as you fidgeted with your hands. That tension was back again. You were acutely aware of how close you came to touching each other every time one of you shifted on the bedroll. The silence stretched on as you once again wracked your brain for something to say.
“It’s getting a bit late…” you finally said. “Should we go to bed?”
You weren’t trying to drop any hints, per se, but you didn’t think your heart could handle any more accidents tonight.
“Yes... let’s try to be well-rested for tomorrow,” Dan Heng said.
He stood and offered you his hand. You paused, a little surprised, before you flashed a nervous smile and took it. You couldn't help but stare at the way his muscles flexed in his arm… You quickly shook the thoughts out of your mind and handed the spare blanket back to Dan Heng. You sat down on the bed, leaving him to settle back on the floor.
“Goodnight, Dan Heng,” you said. “And... thanks for chatting with me.”
“Goodnight. And—” Dan Heng paused for a moment, seemingly debating something in his mind. After a moment, he continued with a faint smile. “It was... nice to talk to you as well.”
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shayberri789 · 3 months
Fuck, all for the game is filled with so many survivors
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makeupafgplayer · 6 months
fighting game player who only mains characters with Dragon Ball costumes
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pkpumpkinn · 6 months
It's been awhile since I've drawn Daniel
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I almost forgot how to draw his hair and was panicking and hoping he wouldn't end up looking like jerma
Oh my god I'm just now realizing my tablet and phone are not matching the colors of the drawings, one is more cool and the other is warmer
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andthatscanon · 1 month
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DAIR TROPES: foe romance subtext
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notsosaucystuff · 7 months
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Is it bad that I knew exactly what ***** **** ****** meant?
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falling-star-cygnus · 3 months
are you still interested in doing character design analysis?? like what you did for dan heng and boothill
if u are could you perhaps do blade or robin ? or just anyone tbh, i adore seeing ppl analyze photos designs bc they’re so detailed
me when I get asks: 😍🥳♥️💟💞 i love when people request things
things i’ve noticed about HSR characters bc it literally brings me unprecedented amounts of joy
part three: Mr. Immortal Edgelord himself ✨Blade✨
Robin coming soon :D also i don't have Blade as a character and i have not met him in game so most of these came from youtube and his index [very sorry for the low quality of some images!]
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i love his one random cowlick strand of hair- + his confused expression being closer to disgust and gentle expression being genuinely gentle. i love it, i love the range they gave him considering his archetype
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during his first idle animation, Blade has a bandage wrapped around his sword. And you can see he has bandages wrapped around his chest from the gap in his neckline
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and from his sixth eidolon, well, we can see why. His eidolon titles are so hauntingly tragic too, oh my gosh -> the more i look at his character design and his behaviors, the more i really love the simplicity of it all i've talked about this more in a previous post- but all of the Stellaron Hunters have symbolic names. Blade's own alias is a symbol of justice! [post in question]
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Blade is not one of the more decorated characters in HSR, but honestly i think that's a good thing considering how complex his lore is. The gold decal on his coat is half a spider lily, the clasps are eyes [they could also resemble spider lily buds, but it's stretch] -> He has matching jade clasps with Dan Heng :D and when you combine them they make up the emblem on his back!
honestly, the emblem being surrounded by a knotted and crisscrossing red ribbon is a fantastic symbol of how these two are tied together in their fates
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Spider lilies really are the crux of Blade's design, especially in his attacks, which makes a lot of sense considering their symbolism in a non-final death. Rebirth, transformation, reincarnation, etc
Hoyoverse really put a lot of thought into the floriography of this game. Bc- where genshin has a very heavy focus on star symbolism, each character in hsr has a specific flower- or plant- attached to their theme
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ok- this one doesn't have to do with Blade's design at all, but it does tie in with your HC for the Road -> this is a mara struck foe, we all know this, but specifically i mean the design- the ginkgo leaves growing out of them [gingko leaves are a symbol of peace and longevity- and hope in the face of despair]
Blade is also mara struck [again- we all know this] so.... without further ado~
HC for the Road: Blade sprouts spider lilies in the spots where his bandages cover and that adds to the reason he wears them -> ok, imagine Silver Wolf and Firefly [bc let's be real, he's a girl dad] sitting against his sides as he's changing his bandages- and imagine those lilies sprouting up and he kinda stiffens bc he doesn't know how his daughters coworkers are going to react
but these two are star struck [pun intended] they've got a million and two questions, they're holding onto Blade's wrist and arm- Silver Wolf even puts down her console. And Blade relaxes
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dip-the-pip · 15 days
what.... what do we know about the breakfast bar... ?
we’ve learned more than enough about the breakfast bar
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What the fuck is he talking about
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topsonlyybar · 3 months
the hours lengthen unstoppably. i can feel my hopes and dreams turn to ashes in my mouth. the lights dim, flickering feebly. the world extinguishes itself just out of reach of my trembling outstretched hand. i fear, today, we may not be graced by a dan and phil games upload
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thatlosernoonelikes · 7 months
Here is Part 1 of 2 of the wonderful collab I did with the wonderful dregula, u can find her portion here!
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(Part 2 will be a separate post bc it’s kinda long)
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amid-fandoms · 7 months
dan being pissed off the entire video and passive aggressive towards phils luck (and susan) is a very good vibe on valentines day
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moocha-muses · 5 months
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"Ugh, I don't know what's up with me . . . it just feels fucked up? Woohooing right here in the same bed where I sleep with Dol-"
"Baby, if I pushed you into that in any way-"
"No, not - that was fine, I was into it, too, but . . . but you were so chill about it, about me sleeping with someone else right in front of you, and I don't know how to feel about that. I know we're not exclusive, I just-"
"Did you want me to get jealous, baby? Because that's the one thing I can't do for real, but if you wanna play out some kind of cuck scenario maybe we could-"
" . . . I don't know! I'm not feeling this. I'm putting my pants back on."
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wdapteo · 3 months
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funniest thing that ever happened in my activity tab
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