#dana delany shows
down-in-dixie · 1 year
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Dana Delany as  First Lieutenant Colleen McMurphy in China Beach (1988-1991).
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thebadphilosopher · 9 days
Body of Proof of Existence???
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Am I the only person who watched this show? It feels like am I sometimes and I can't believe it got cancelled.
Well, actually I kinda can see it just because they kept giving Hunt the same storyline every episode only for them to then scrub it and start over the next episode.
Watching it weekly it was probably fine but binging it now on streaming makes this problem crystal clear.
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buriedalienfma · 1 year
With the release of the first few episodes of ‘My Adventures with Superman’, there’s going to be a lot of people who are going to compare the new cartoon to the older cartoon, namely the 90s DCAU ‘Superman: The Animated Series’. For now, I don’t think that’s a fair comparison, since STAS is a cartoon that has had 68 episodes, while MAWS has only had three. It’s a little frustrating that some people are immediately dismissing MAWS because they don’t believe it will live up to the original, but I also wanted to talk about Superman: The Animated Series and why I don’t put it on the same pedestal as a lot of Superman fans tend to do.
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Now to be fair, STAS has a lot going for it. It is a very competent and streamlined adaptation of the Superman comics. The show is primarily based on the John Byrne reboot of the Superman comics, and while I’ve previously expressed my disdain of those comics, the cartoon itself actually fixes a lot of my problems with Byrne Superman. For one, the STAS portrayal of Krypton is much more idealized compared to the Byrne portrayal of Krypton as a dying dystopia which means that while Byrne’s Superman completely dismissed his connection to Krypton, the STAS Superman has a natural curiosity and fondness for the planet and its people.
But when you put aside the comparisons to the comics, the show still holds up on its own merits. The animation is pretty solid, if a little stiff in some episodes. The character designs are also pretty good - I especially love the design for Lois in this show. It may have been the first Superman adaptation to give her a purple color scheme, and that color just works so well for her.
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But the characters are also well written for the most part. Superman as the main character is smart and competent as he should be, but he also has a little bit of a cheeky side, which I really like. Tim Daly was the voice actor for Superman in this show, and he does an excellent job portraying both the Superman persona and the Clark Kent persona. As Superman, he is appropriately cool and confident. As Clark Kent, he’s a little more reserved and laid-back, and that works for this adaptation where there isn’t a huge divide between the two personas. The other voice actors are also perfect for the roles that they’re given. Dana Delany perfectly captures the snarky, yet warm nature of Lois Lane, while Clancy Brown nails the cold, calculating and charismatic nature of Lex Luthor. These voice actors are often considered to be the definitive voices of the characters, and there’s a good reason for that. They’re really, really good.
The show does suffer a bit in the supporting cast, as characters like Perry White, Jimmy Olsen and the Kents are mostly unmemorable outside of a couple of scenes, but it’s not too bad. It does have some fun takes on characters like John Henry Irons and especially Supergirl - I much prefer this take on Supergirl compared to the convoluted mess of the comics Supergirl at the time.
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The villains are well done for the most part. The standout is off course, Lex Luthor, the rich, charismatic businessman who manages to keep his sinister deeds hidden from the public eye. He’s the overarching villain of the show and he always manages to keep the heroes on their toes. But on the other hand you also have revamps of characters like Brainiac, Toyman and Metallo which were mostly solid. The show also invents new characters like Livewire and Volcana. I don’t much care for Livewire as I thought she was a bit one note, but I love Volcana.
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I think she’s very underrated as the ‘Catwoman’ archetype for this version of Superman, and I wish she would make in more appearances in other Superman stories. Even the comics haven’t done anything with her. Fingers crossed that ‘My Adventures with Superman’ brings the character back.
Superman The Animated Series really cemented Darkseid as a Superman villain. He makes sporadic appearances throughout the show, but his episodes are easily the best in the entire show, as he almost always manages to raise the stakes to a nigh-apocalyptic level. Micheal Ironside is the perfect voice actor for Darkseid, as he perfectly captures the ruthless and cunning nature of the character. I especially love how subtle and nuanced his portrayal of Darkseid is - he’s very quiet and restrained, but that does not in any way take away from his menacing presence.
So with all that said, what are problems with this show, aside from the nitpicks that I mentioned above ? Well, I think that there is three fundamental problems with the show. The first is its strict adherence of the status quo. Superman: The Animated Series is a very status quo driven show and as a result it doesn’t have a lot of rewatch value. A lot of the episodes fall into the simple villain-of-the-week formula, and there’s not a lot about those episodes that make it stand out from other superhero shows. The show never resolves the romantic tension between Lois and Clark - the two characters have a will-they-won’t-they dynamic that never changes until the literal final episode. This is a very big problem, since the romance between Lois and Clark is one of the best things in most Superman stories. You can make some very compelling stories about the progression of the romance between Clark and Lois, and if you need proof of that, just look at Jeff Loveness’ “Glasses”, a short comic that thoroughly explores the nuances of the romance.
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But ‘Superman: The Animated Series’ never actually tries to develop the romance, it never has the characters get into a relationship and deal with the complications of being in a relationship. Hell, I don’t even know if this version of Lois Lane ever managed to figure out Superman’s secret identity in this show and its sequels.
The adherence of the status quo also hurts the dynamic between Superman and Lex Luthor. You’ll notice that Superman never manages to earn a definitive victory against Luthor. He gets a few victories here and there, but he never manages to expose Luthor’s misdeeds to the public and put him away in prison. This is because the show wants to maintain the status quo of Luthor as the villain with good publicity, but it also means that this version of Superman comes across as incredibly ineffectual for never managing to actually defeat his greatest rival.
The second problem with this show is its portrayal of Superman. Now, I praised this show for getting a lot right with the character, but the problem is that this version of Superman is a very static character. He never actually changes or undergoes any major character development for the majority of the show. As such, this version of Superman isn’t a particularly engaging character to follow. He’s very plain and dare I say, kinda boring ? I know that a lot of Superman fans might cringe at that, because they’ve had to constantly deal with casual fans calling Superman boring, but it’s unfortunately true for this version of Superman. Now to be fair, this version of the character does get a lot of character development in the Justice League cartoon which is a direct successor to this show, but isn’t it damning that every interesting thing that happens to this character happens in a show where he isn’t even the main character ? And honestly, I’m not a huge fan of his time in the Justice League show either. That show goes too far in how it portrays Superman as a extremely flawed character. To be frank, he just comes across as a stubborn asshole rather than the sympathetic character that the writers wanted him to be.
And finally, the third problem with this show is that, well - it’s unambitious. When you compare it to the other DC shows at the time - Batman the Animated Series, Justice League and Justice League Unlimited - the show is just middle of the road. It’s not a bad show by any means, but it doesn’t do a lot to stand out from other, better superhero shows. There is nothing in ‘Superman: The Animated Series’ that can hold a candle to the ‘Batman: The Animated Series’ episodes such as ‘Heart of Ice’, ‘Mad Love’, or ‘Two-Face’. Those episodes are still pretty groundbreaking for how well they handle serious and mature topics for what was ultimately a kids cartoon. Even the best episodes of ‘Superman: The Animated Series’ don’t come close to that level of quality.
If you want a good idea of just how unambitious ‘Superman: The Animated Series’ is, just take a look at “Battle of the Superheroes”, a Superman centric episode in the ‘Batman: Brave and the Bold’ cartoon.
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That single, 20 minute episode captures the charm, the fun and the creativity of the Superman comics and characters way better than all 68 episodes of ‘Superman: The Animated Series’. You can tell that the creators behind “Battle of the Superheroes” truly loved Superman and his world, while the creators behind ‘Superman: The Animated Series’...well, let’s just say that both Paul Dini and especially Bruce Timm are way bigger fanboys of Batman instead of Superman, and it shows in how they’ve written the character over the years.
So that’s my thoughts on Superman: The Animated Series. Needless to say, I don’t think that it holds up quite as much as the fanboys would insist and I say that ‘My Adventures with Superman’ has more than enough potential to surpass it.
Now the tie-in comic though is an underrated gem of a series, and every Superman fan should check it out. In many ways it’s better than the show that it’s based on.
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flutter2deceive · 7 months
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Gonna be thinking about this show for a long while. My best friend and I have seen a lot of shows together and discuss them afterwards, but I don't think we've ever had such an in-depth and lengthy post-show convo. One that kept picking back up again once we sat down somewhere new, each of us going "....oh and another thing...."
Just a really great performance, done in a way I've never seen before, about a very thought-provoking and wild true story. So glad I randomly decided to rewatch Desperate Housewives last month and renew my appreciation for Dana Delany, right at the same time she happened to be doing a limited run of a play. Good job, timing of things!
(Also that pic of her was taken during the like 10 min before the start of the show where she sits on stage as if she's really just chilling in the makeup trailer; we didn't take pics during the show lol)
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aspirationalbrand · 2 years
tv shows used to have dana delany in them
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icepixie · 1 year
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I finally figured out who Simon Baker reminds me of!
It's Nicholas Bishop, known (to me) for Body of Proof, a truly terrible show that wasted its fantastic cast, especially Dana Delany and Jeri Ryan.
The resemblance is even more apparent when Jane's in his scruffy stage in the last two seasons of The Mentalist. (As an aside--I'm sorry, I know the scruffy beard is very popular, but IMO blond guys should stay away from it. My first thought is always that they have somehow smeared food on their chin.)
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myckicade · 1 year
Mayans M.C. - 05x03
Hey! I didn't mind this one!
Minimal bitching ahead, but prepare for many a random thought.
First off, right out of the gate, I am doubling-down on the idea that Angel and Marcus are not making it out of this season alive. Angel is coming around to the same formula as Early Jax. He has his boy. He's re-evaluating his choices. Every time I think of how much development his character is (finally) receiving, I cringe, because that just isn't a good thing...
NOW. How awesome was it to see and hear Marcus laugh, huh? That was so sweet. I know it comes on the heels of watching his relationship with his family take a tumble (and good on his little girl for voicing it), but... The man is clearly battling some demons, maybe even depression. He hasn't done anything so terrible (family-wise) that he can't turn it around.
Unless, y'know, he gets shot.
On that note, a pre-emptive 'Fuck you, EZ'.
It's nice to see Dana Delany on a show I watch, again. (I don't think it's happened since Desperate Housewives, to be perfectly honest). She brings a certain grace and strength to the screen, someone who I think could actually tangle with Potter and come out victorious. I'm intrigued. Very intrigued.
I'm glad Felipe brought the letters to Miguel. If nothing else, he can verify the truth, even if he chooses to ignore it. This is either going to lead to him swearing EZ and Angel off as pure enemies (again), or he's going to fuck himself over trying to keep them safe. In his own way. (This is my favorite storyline in the entire show, and I spend entirely too much time thinking about how this could all go so very, very wrong for all those involved).
Oooh. Miguel and Angel together to stop Baby Brother would be what I'd want, more than anything. (It won't happen, but let a broad dream, 'uh?). It's that picture of the two of them, and baby Maverick together. It's getting to me, dudes.
Yeah. Fuck you, EZ.
Speaking of. I hope Emily gets out. As in, out of my face. I know she's a mother, but the idea of her being able to get away with her kid is... laughable, certainly after what became of her sister. So. The sooner she goes - be it by her own choice(s), or not - the happier this chick will be.
I feel no sympathy for her. No apologies.
There was something that made me laugh during the episode, and I'll be damned if I can remember what it was now. -_-. As usual...
Bishop about broke my heart. I was kind of surprised when he spilled his guts, instead of telling Angel to 'Fuck Off' at the very beginning of the question. Pleased, but surprised. It's encouraging to think that maybe, just maybe, he doesn't want another father making the same mistakes he feels he did, himself. *whimpers*. I'm telling you, I've been trying to write Bottom of the Bottle, Pt. 2 for over a year now, and I had a breakthrough with something that was said in this episode.
Speaking of whimpers... Yup. Isaac is making grown men cry. Way to go, dude. >XD.
And. Well. Fucking Butterfly. Now, I can figure how Thelma and Louise Letty and Hope are (potentially) going to go out. I'm rooting for them, though. All the way. ALL the way. Hope is right. They are fucked six ways to Sunday, but... Omigosh... The happy squees when SHE DIDN'T LEAVE LETTY. My heart. MY HEART.
And, if I haven't said it already, FUCK YOU, EZ. You're going to get everyone killed, at this freaking rate. Everyone, their families, their (Forbid, Please) pets... It just won't be pretty. Dragging Angel along on a beg job negotiation after the motherfucker they're visiting already threatened murder?! I've had it with this douchebag motherfucker.
Oh, yeah. Creeper. That poor bastard, left to hold his own against a whole fucking prison. Uh-huh. I'm glad it was Hank that he called, for whatever reason, even if he's just the one in charge of fielding calls from prison. I'm glad it was Hank, because Hank is about as pure as they come. All heart. No bullshit. He'll weed it out, one way or another. I have that faith. (I fucking love Hank).
Dude. I wish I could remember why I was laughing last night. Sheesh.
All said, while a touch boring, 05x03 was a pretty decent episode.
P.S. This heroin thing is going to blow up in their faces. Terrible pun intended.
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causewhywouldnti · 1 year
My thoughts as I’m watching 24 seasons of law & order svu:
Season 6
6x02 seems to show the worst and best of Elliot. Compassion for the victims, doing whatever it takes to save them. As well as, doing whatever it takes and anger management issues…
Not really a svu observation. But Lea Thompson saying: “a mother knows her child” and then playing a mother in switched at birth, where she did not in fact know her child, is kinda ironic.
6x04 is probably my favorite episode yet. The chase was done really well. The interrogation showed Stabler, changing strategies several times. Also, Munch got to shine a bit, feel like that hasn‘t happened in a while. Great attention to detail, that they all wore the same clothes over three days.
6x05 definitely started off interestingly, you have Benson lying to a victim's family and then Stabler being under IAB scrutiny.
6x07: I know the team hates it, but I love it when they have psych evaluations. Fin actually knowing when it’s time to step away is probably the most sane thing any one of the group has been in these cases. Also, it’s most likely for the best that Stabler was taken off the case. However, I would have liked to see his religion play into this. Loved that the girl realized the perp was lying due to his words and not because of something Olivia said.
6x08: Kinda annoyed that the Victim was so fixated on her portfolio, and then she just leaves it at the hospital… I knew she would accuse Stabler as soon as she “fainted”. And that was a harsh revelation about his family. I honestly don’t know whether to believe the vic or the perp. That’s why I actually love that it was open-ended, even though I usually hate when stories aren‘t wrapped up.
Benson and Stablers blank looks in 6x09 when they interviewed Ray-Ray are just priceless! Amanda Plummer plays schizophrenic really well. Jealous Benson is quite fun to watch.
Stabler just being done with it all in 6x11 makes a lot of sense. Also, him comforting Benson the episode before and now her being his voice of reason is quite nice. And of course, her organizing his kids to see him.
Halfway through the season, I gotta say, this first half was really strong. Good stories, nice personal insights, good acting, what’s not to like.
Someone having to explain “LMAO”, makes one realize just how long this show has been on.
Benson and Stabler are like kids getting scolded by their dad (Cragen) in 6x16. I know it’s supposed to be serious, but I just thought it was funny. Also, Alex is back!! (At least for one episode)
I like how they changed it up in 6x17, with most of the episode taking part in the interrogation room.
Loved getting some backstory on Benson in 6x19. And I’m on Cragens side when it comes to the DUI charges in 6x21.
So overall, really strong first half, felt like the second half was a bit lower in quality, but that night have just been my set of mind whilst I was watching it.
Familiar Faces: Abigail Breslin, Ned Bellamy (Scrubs), Lea Thompson, Dana Delany (Body of Proof), Maggie Grace (Twilight), Lewis Black (Accepted), Jason Antoon (NCIS Hawai‘i), Amanda Seyfried, Joseph Lyle Taylor (9-1-1), Kyle MacLachlan (The Captain, HIMYM), Amanda Plummer (Wiress, The Hunger Games), Zach Gilford (Friday Night Lights), Geoffrey Arend (Madam Secretary), Seth Gabel (Fringe), Hayden Panettiere (again), Martin Short, Danielle Panabaker (Sky High), Angela Lansbury, Bradley Cooper, Bebe Neuwrith (again) and Kirk Acevedo (Fringe).
Favorite Episodes: 6x04, 6x07 and 6x08
Favorite lines:
"You’re just looking for the right girl. And one day you’ll rape her and live happily ever after." - Stabler 6x09 (well, that went dark fast)
"Look how great you turned out. It’s not all about the genes, Liv." - Stabler 6x13
"Denise Eldridge is a fruitcake." - Benson 6x19
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jedivoodoochile · 2 years
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On Christmas Day in Batman’s cinematic history, 1993’s animated film “Batman: Mask of the Phantasm” was released in theaters.
The movie, part of the new DC Animated Universe and the tv show ‘Batman: The Animated Series’ recounts Bruce Wayne’s (Kevin Conroy) whirlwind love affair with young Andrea Beaumont (Dana Delany), wealthy daughter of Carl and Victoria Beaumont. Meeting at Gotham University, Andrea and Bruce fell in love and Bruce proposed marriage, deciding to give up his new life of crime fighting. But the idea of a normal life was shattered when Andrea returned the engagement ring to Bruce and went away with her father, resulting in Bruce transforming into the Batman. It turned out that her father had been stealing money from his criminal associates, which lead to Andrea and her father having to flee to Europe and lived in secret. Consequently, the mafia tracked down Carl Beaumont in Europe and hired a hit man, now known as the Joker (Mark Hamill), and killed him. After this tragedy, Andrea Beaumont descended into darkness and adopted the costumed vigilante guise of the Phantasm to get her revenge by killing the old mob bosses. Once Batman learns of Andrea’s dark secret, in the end she tells him they can’t be together and disappears into the night, leaving the Dark Knight to realize his heart and his cowl cannot co-exist.
A brilliantly drawn film noir and considered one of the best interpretations of the character on the big screen, “Batman: Mask of the Phantasm” still captivates new and nostalgic audiences 29 years later. #OnThisDay
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s2e19 folsom prison blues
now this is a deep cut from my childhood, hey i know you, from china beach! frankly had completely forgotten about this show. and all i can really remember now is that it was sad and i was probably too young to be watching it.
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In fact, it was the music rights for China Beach’s pop-hit soundtrack that delayed its DVD release: Time Life finally released a complete-series DVD set in 2013, with more than 10 hours of bonus material, after securing the rights to 268 songs.
not surprisingly, it is not available for streaming anywhere.
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True Lies, Blockbuster, Velma Big Silver Garbage 2023 Winners
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Blockbuster, True Lies, and Velma were the big winners at the 2023 Silver Garbage Awards, winning for Worst Comedy Series, Worst Drama Series, and Worst New Series, respectively.
Blockbuster, a Netflix flop, centered around one of the last Blockbuster stores, won the most awards with five wins, Worst Comedy Series, Supporting Actor (J.B. Smoove), Guest Performer (Bobby Moynihan), Writing and Directing.
True Lies, the CBS flop, which was a reboot of the 1994 James Cameron film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis won four awards - Worst Drama Series, Worst Actor (Steve Howey), Worst Supporting Actor (Omar Benson Miller), and Worst Guest Performer (Tom Arnold).
Velma, the HBO animated spin-off of Scooby Doo, won for Worst New Series, as well for Worst Actress in a Comedy Series for Mindy Kaling.
The recently ended Magnum P.I. reboot and the Fox Country Soap Monarch were tied for 11 nominations each, the most for any program. Monarch was completely shut out, while Magnum P.I. only won for Worst Couple in a Television Program for their controversial Magnum/Higgins pairing.
Worst New Series: Blockbuster (Netflix) First Kill (Netflix) Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies (Paramount Plus) Monarch (FOX) True Lies (CBS) Velma (HBO)
Worst Comedy Series: Blockbuster (Netflix) Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies (Paramount Plus) How I Met Your Father (Hulu) Maggie (Hulu) Velma (HBO) Young Rock (NBC)
Worst Drama Series: Fantasy Island (FOX) First Kill (Netflix) Magnum P.I. (NBC) Monarch (FOX) The Time Traveler’s Wife (HBO) True Lies (CBS)
Worst Special Class Program: Beavis and Butthead Do The Universe (Paramount Plus) The 2023 College Football Playoff National Championship - Georgia vs. TCU (ESPN) Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (Netflix) Flowers In The Attic: The Origin (Lifetime) Harry & Meghan (Netflix)
Worst Reality Program: Chrisley Knows Best (USA) Dancing With Myself (NBC) The Family Stallone (Paramount Plus) Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) The Kardashians (Hulu) The Real Love Boat (CBS/Paramount Plus) 
Worst Spin-Off, Reboot, or Revival: Fatal Attraction (Paramount Plus) - Reboot of the 1987 Movie Flowers In The Attic: The Origin (Lifetime) - Prequel to the “Flowers In The Attic” Series Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies (Paramount Plus) - Prequel to the Musical/Movie The Real Love Boat (CBS) - Reality Reboot of the 1970s Series True Lies (CBS) - Reboot of the 1994 Movie Velma (HBO) - Spin-Off of the Scooby Doo Franchise
Worst Performance by a Cast of a Program*: Blockbuster (Netflix) How I Met Your Father (Hulu) Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) The Kardashians (Hulu) Magnum P.I. (NBC) Monarch (FOX) * - Only actors that are over 18 and have appeared in 50 percent of the eligibility period episodes are included in this category.
Worst Lead Actress in a Comedy Series: Hilary Duff - How I Met Your Father (Hulu) Melissa Fumero - Blockbuster (Netflix) Mindy Kaling - Velma (HBO) Elizabeth Mitchell - The Santa Clauses (Disney Plus) Rebecca Rittenhouse - Maggie (Hulu)
Worst Lead Actor in a Comedy Series: Tim Allen - The Santa Clauses (Disney Plus) James Corden - Mammals (Prime Video) Dwayne Johnson - Young Rock (NBC) Randall Park - Blockbuster (Netflix) Sylvester Stallone - Tulsa King (Paramount Plus) 
Worst Lead Actress in a Drama Series: Lizzy Caplan - Fatal Attraction (Paramount Plus) Sarah Catherine Hook - First Kill (Netflix) Rose Leslie - The Time Traveler’s Wife (HBO) Imani Lewis - First Kill (Netflix) Susan Sarandon - Monarch (FOX)
Worst Lead Actor in a Drama Series: Trace Adkins - Monarch (FOX) Steve Howey - True Lies (CBS) Joshua Jackson - Fatal Attraction (Paramount Plus) Theo James - The Time Traveler’s Wife (HBO) Jay Rodriguez - Magnum P.I. (NBC)
Worst Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series: Andrea Anders - That ‘90s Show (Netflix) Kim Cattrall - How I Met Your Father (Hulu) India de Beaufort - Night Court (NBC) Dana Delany - Tulsa King (Paramount Plus) Renee Elise Goldsberry - She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Disney Plus) Sally Hawkins - Mammals (Prime Video)
Worst Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series: Tom Ainsley - How I Met Your Father (Hulu) Garrett Hedlund - Tulsa King (Paramount Plus) Christopher Lowell - How I Met Your Father (Hulu) Kal Penn - The Santa Clauses (Disney Plus) Surej Sharma - How I Met Your Father (Hulu) J.B. Smoove - Blockbuster (Netflix)
Worst Supporting Actress in a Drama Series: Kiara Barnes - Fantasy Island (FOX) Beth Ditto - Monarch (FOX) Anna Friel - Monarch (FOX) Rosie O’Donnell - American Gigolo (Showtime) Amanda Peet - Fatal Attraction (Paramount Plus) Perdita Weeks - Magnum P.I. (NBC)
Worst Supporting Actor in a Drama Series: Stephen Hill - Magnum P.I. (NBC) Tim Kang - Magnum P.I. (NBC) Zachary Knighton - Magnum P.I. (NBC) Omar Benson Miller - True Lies (CBS) John Gabriel Rodriguez - Fantasy Island (FOX) Joshua Sasse - Monarch (FOX)
Worst Guest Performer in a Comedy Series: David Krumholtz - The Santa Clauses (Disney Plus) Peyton Manning - The Santa Clauses (Disney Plus) Leighton Meester - How I Met Your Father (Hulu) Bobby Moynihan - Blockbuster (Netflix) Keegan Connor Tracy - Blockbuster (Netflix)
Worst Guest Performer in a Drama Series: Tom Arnold - True Lies (CBS) Beverly D’Angelo - True Lies (CBS) Cheryl Hines - Fantasy Island (FOX) Judith Scott - Magnum P.I. (NBC) Bradley Whitford - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (NBC) 
Worst Special Class Lead Performer: Prince Harry & Meghan, Duke & Duchess of Sussex - Harry & Meghan (Netflix) Candace Cameron Bure - A Christmas…Present (Pure Flix) Jennifer Lopez - Shotgun Wedding (Prime Video) Evan Peters - Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (Netflix) Sylvester Stallone - Samaritan (Prime Video) The TCU Horned Frogs - The College Football Playoff National Championship (ESPN)
Worst Special Class Supporting Performer: Spencer Grammer - The 12 Days of Christmas Eve (Lifetime) Harry Hamlin - Flowers in the Attic: The Original (Lifetime) Richard Jenkins - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (Netflix) Penelope Ann Miller - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (Netflix) Kate Mulgrew - Flowers in the Attic: The Original (Lifetime) Tyler Perry - Harry & Meghan (Netflix)
Worst Screen Couple: CFP NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP - TCU Horned Frogs & Georgia Bulldogs (ESPN) FATAL ATTRACTION - Joshua Jackson & either Lizzy Caplan or Amanda Peet (Paramount Plus) FIRST KILL - Sarah Catherine Hook & Imani Lewis (Netflix) HARRY & MEGHAN - Prince Harry & Meghan, Duke & Duchess of Sussex (Netflix) MAGNUM P.I. - Jay Rodriguez & Perdita Weeks (NBC) MONARCH - Susan Sarandon & Trace Adkins (FOX) SHOTGUN WEDDING - Jennifer Lopez & Josh Duhamel (Prime Video)
Worst Writing in a Comedy: Blockbuster (Netflix) How I Met Your Father (Hulu) Maggie (HBO) Night Court (NBC) Velma (HBO) Young Rock (NBC)
Worst Directing in a Comedy: American Auto (NBC) Blockbuster (Netflix) Maggie (Hulu) The Santa Clauses (Disney Plus) Velma (HBO) Young Rock (NBC) Worst Writing in a Drama: Fantasy Island (FOX) Law & Order: Organized Crime (NBC) Magnum P.I. (NBC) Monarch (FOX) The Time Traveler’s Wife (HBO) True Lies (CBS) Worst Directing in a Drama: The Company You Keep (ABC) Fantasy Island (FOX) Magnum P.I. (NBC) Monarch (FOX) The Time Traveler’s Wife (HBO) True Lies (CBS)
Worst Special Class Writing: Beavis and Butthead Do The Universe (Paramount Plus) Flowers In The Attic: The Original (Lifetime) Meet Cute (Peacock) Shotgun Wedding (Prime Video) The Witcher: Blood Origin (Netflix)
Worst Special Class Directing: Beavis and Butthead Do The Universe (Paramount Plus) Flowers In The Attic: The Original (Lifetime) Harry & Meghan (Netflix) Shotgun Wedding (Prime Video) The Witcher: Blood Origin (Netflix)
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Dana Delany joins Sylvester Stallone in Tulsa King series
Dana Delany joins Sylvester Stallone in Tulsa King series
Actor Dana Delany has boarded the cast of action icon Sylvester Stallone-led Paramount Plus series Tulsa King. The show also features actors Andrea Savage, Martin Starr, Max Casella, Domenick Lombardozzi, Vincent Piazza, Jay Will, A.C. Peterson, and Garrett Hedlund. According to Variety, the project hails from creator and executive producer Taylor Sheridan. Terrence Winter is showrunning and…
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bonsai-babies · 2 years
so... i watched body of proof
I saw that our baby Mousy played the daughter of the main lady in the show and I was like: I'm looking 👀.
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After checking the synopsis I was sold. I love these kinds of shows. It is very CSI-ish, and CSI was one of the very first tv series I ever got hooked on as a kid. It has a nostalgic weight. Body of Proof not only is like that but has also a great female main cast.
It's a very easy and very fun show to watch. You don't have to binge, but you absolutely can. Each episode stands on its own, after all, each episode is a new case. Maryzinha took a while to show up and was very sparsely present, but eventually, we got more and more of her.
She was so tiny!!
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Dana and Jeri drove me INSANE as the main leads. My lesbian heart was being SO well fed. Sometimes I would fanfic that they would just marry and peck at each other forever.
Unfortunately, something happened at the end of season 2 -- or it felt like it. The show underwent some changes and it was very badly explained, so the third and last season suffered. It was really a shame. Body of Proof deserved better. But, again, I don't know what happened at the behind-the-scenes. Maybe there's a very good reason.
Anyhow, I'm glad I watched it. Mary was delightful. Her character's attitude, inherited from her screen mom, was wonderful. The two main figures of this kid's life are two badass powerful women who won't hesitate on standing their ground and taking charge. They are very assertive, clever, mature, and aware of their self-worth. Truly a rarity. Which doesn't mean they are perfect -- I'm tired of having to add this dumb warning because, OF COURSE, no one is perfect, but still, people will cry if I don't.
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By the way, the name of the little girl is Lacey Fleming, which... SO CUTE. Seriously. Lacey? A name can't get sweeter than that.
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A recurring theme between Megan -- the lead --, her daughter, Lacey, and her mother, Joan, is the plot of the absent mother. Which was so cool to follow. I was ON IT. I needed MORE. I wanted them to just get together so bad and just be a fucking family. It is clear when the text starts to show us how Megan is committing a lot of the same mistakes her mother committed with her, and how the cycle is tough to break.
There's much that could be talked about, but I just wanted to give a quick overall take on my experience. In case anyone is interested, you can find it on the internet. Plus, look at this cast of millions:
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cmmndrwidw · 3 years
ok, so it feels like they just shot all episodes of Body of Proof and then randomly set them together.
First Lacey feeling smothered, than the next episode everythings perfectly fine and she loves all the attention (anddecision making) Megan is doing, and then Lacey is complaining again.
Second we have the whole relationship drama with Todd, Kate and Megan. Megan is pissed at Kate for like half a season, then they talk and laugh about it in one episode and are bffs and in the next epispode Megan is back to beeing a bitch to Kate. It makes no fucking sense.
And then there is the thing I'm most baffled about. What happened at the last three episodes of season 2 and the first two episodes of season3?!
Did the writers realise that nothing major has happened to their main characters yet and were trying to make up for it?
First the two-part episode with the virus, Dani dying in the first 3 minutes and Kate beeing on the verge of dying for like 50 minutes. Then the next epispode Megan gets threatened, "kidnapped" and assaulted by a serial killer and Peter just casually dies at the end. AND don't let me start on it beeing an open end episode and the apruptness of the ending.
And then they continue season 3 with another two-part episode in which first Lacey gets kidnapped and then Megan? Sam and Bud are gone and suddenly there's Tommy? Peter gets a honorable mention and that's it? I hate it, what the hell did the writers think?
Oh and let's not forget all the forgotten plot lines. Megans dates/boyfriends? Todd never mentioned again? What's Joan doing now, after she lost her job?
There's probably so much more, but I've binge watched Body of Proof for the last two days and my brian doesn't work anymore.
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icepixie · 1 year
Arrrgh, my current Mentalist obsession led to me looking something up and stumbling on other crime shows of the era, including Body of Proof, which I watched at the time. It made me annoyed all over again at how the people behind that show took a fantastic cast and a pretty interesting set of characters and wasted--nay, outright squandered--them on relentless drivel.
They had a cast that was half female. Two of the female characters comprised most of the power and intelligence of the cast. And they were both over 40! This never happens on TV! And then they made these two characters fight with each other over one of them dating the other's ex-husband. For many, many episodes. Why would you do that when you have such an amazing setup for original, interesting stories?!
(Also, now that I have seen Dana Delany in China Beach, I'm even more annoyed at how utterly wasted she was here.)
I almost never hate-watch, but I hate-watched that for a season and a half before I had to give up. I have a soft spot for blunt, direct female characters who do an end-run around normal human interaction. And it had so much potential.
Since it's up for free online, I rewatched an episode just to see if it was as bad as I remember, and it was. But their medical consultant was very good. The science was the most believable part.
...uh, why do I have fic ideas swirling in my brain now?
(If I were to write something, which I absolutely will not, I think it would involve more of Megan teaching Peter medical stuff in that off-handed way she had. I mean, of course I shipped them, what do you take me for, but those were some of the loveliest little moments of the show.)
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