#danbert hcs
reaninateor · 1 year
can you imagine herbert and dan on the way to peru,, sharing a 10 hour flight losing their minds
dan freaking out because they're gonna be late- he's definitely the dad who arrives at the airport 4 hours early out of pure paranoia
herbert having plane sickness and a fear of heights (fuckin basement dweller)
dan having to bring gum because herbert's ears keep popping
them arguing about what to watch on the little airplane screens (they didnt have those bad boys in the 80s but just thinking about it)
herbert taking dan's little airplane blanket from him because it's too cold and dan "doesn't need it" because he "has more natural bodily mass and insulation"
herb and/or dan getting lost in the airport (bonus points for sticking a kid leash on him)
fighting for the window seat
"dan please close the window." "it's so nice" "it's too bright and i am trying to sleep. the light is coming through the eye mask." "look how small everything is man..." "close the window or so help me god-"
fuckin.. herbert being picky about the airplane food and snacks and dan having to hold him back from blaming the in-flight staff like
herbert opening his mouth about to say some shit:
dan: (slaps a hand over his face, gritting his teeth in a nervous smile) "sorry about him haha we think the service is great thankyou"
herbert: (spits on his hand)
dan: AUEHG-
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katamite-cinaedus · 11 months
Because my brain is rotting with it.
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Thank you for your attention.
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nigesakis · 9 months
dan is so closeted trans/bi... him pretending to be all cool and "normal" but once hes alone with herbert (or meg) where he feels comfortable he becomes a little silly and unhinged... loke hes letting the walls down... can just be himself... the way he looks at herbert who just does however he pleases without worry of judgement....
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periwinklefemur · 7 months
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hubriswest · 10 months
here are all of my re-animator playlists btw. if you even care.
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cyeayt · 1 year
You know what they say about characters who are two sides of the same coin ;)
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castiels-slinky · 2 months
Danbert HCs!!!
Dan is the only person who can actually convince Herbert to take a break. Even then, it's almost impossible, but hey.
Herbert isn't the best with PDA, but he's a big fan of holding hands or snuggling at home.
Dan, on the other hand, loves PDA, but he's super understanding of Herbert not being a fan!!!!
Quality time, acts of service, and gifts are Herbert's love languages.
Quality time, words, physical affection, and acts of service are Dan's!
Being very tactile, Herbert enjoys just touching Dan, though he'd never admit to this. He gets very embarrassed when it's brought up.
Both Herb and Dan kind of see the Bride as their kid, but don't treat her like one. They try to treat her like a normal person, albeit with some obvious differences.
Herbert gets jealous rather easily. He'll see Dan being so caring with a patient and get upset, but Dan's always there to remind him that he's the one he loves.
On top of being the only one to convince Herbert to take a break, Dan's also the only one that Herbert lets his guard down for. Herbert has a bit more emotion than he shows, and Dan's honored to be able to see the more vulnerable part of him.
Herbert is also easily flustered. He will never admit it. Dan knows, though. He loves to tease Herb about it.
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intricate-ritualz · 10 months
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lesbian couple? nope! teenage danbert
(threw trans herbert in there bc i go back and forth on if i subscribe to the hc or not)
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sawtrappedirl · 3 months
I'm so normal abt re-animator, can y'all drop your Herbert, Dan or Danbert hcs. I'm so sick abt them pleeaase.
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nofoundboy · 2 years
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(in ao3 I just work with my ships)
I write only for male/nonbinary/gender non conforming readers. Transfem readers are welcome too if they want representation.
All the hcs and imagines and stuff are female and as a trans dude myself, I want to write for the ones who struggle to find things with male/gn pronouns.
If you're female I can't stop you to interact here but please, don't be disrespectful. This profile is a safe space for all the LGBTIQ+
Requests are: OPEN
Current Requests: 5
Kiss Prompt thing
Who I write for:
Jason Vorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Michael Myers
RZ Michael Myers
Bubba Sawyer
Chop Top Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Billy Lenz
Poly Ghostface (Billy and Stu)
Mickey Altieri
Daniel Robitaille (Candyman)
Jesse Chromeans (Chromeskull)
Leslie Vernon
Billy Chapman
Kurt Kunkle
Josef (Creep)
Pennywise (2017 version)
Norman Bates
Tiffany Valentine
Carrie White
Martin (1977)
Ash Williams (I know he's not an slasher stfu)
Star Wars
Obi-wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Lando Carlisian
Qui-Gon Jinn
Jynn Erso
Peter Parker (any version)
Stephen Strange/Dr Strange
Otto Octavius
Arthur Harrow
Bucky Barnes
Pietro Maximoff (any version)
Joker/Arthur Fleck
Joker (Heath Ledger)
Jerome Valeska
Edward Nygma/Nashton (any version)
Oswald Cobblepot (any version)
Jonathan Crane
Abner Krill (Polka Dot Man)
Harley Quinn
Barry Allen (Ezra Miller's, I didn't watch the show)
Ratcatcher 2
Bruce Wayne/Batman (any version)
Clark Kent/Superman (any version except Smallville one)
Other characters I write for
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Eddie Munson
Dewey Riley
Jimmy Mcgill/Saul Goodman
Hutch Mansell
Dewey Finn
Tommy Bomowski (Coach Boomer)
Jareth The Goblin King
Abe Sapiens
Jason Dean
Robert Van Helsing
Dennis Rafkin
Ships I write for
Josef x Aaron
Josef x Sara
What I write
What I don't write
Full fics (only one-shots and headcanons)
Any bathroom kink.
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Pspspspspsps come get your domestic DanBert headcanons pt. 1
Gonna make a spicy part 2
A lot of this is also applicable for uh. The kinda popular hc where Herbert and Dan reunite and live on a little bodyfarm or something.
sgshshsh in which an aro attempts to write romance
Sometimes Herbert takes a quick nap on the floor in the lab when he can't quite fend off sleep any longer. Dan finds him and tries to at least coax him into laying down on the couch.
Herbert has no problem being casually physically affectionate, but once Dan is actually aware of Herbert's feelings, it's a bit more difficult in a 'oh shit now he knows what this means" kind of way.
Dan tends to let Herbert take the lead for this reason. Herbert doesn't do well with surprise affection.
That being said, Dan is a bit more spontaneous, and sometimes Herbert tries to match that energy.
Herbert is a cuddler and tends to be the big spoon, even though he's smaller. He presses his face into Dan's back.
Living with Dan slowly drove Herbert into... More domestic territory. He likes doing things for people he loves. So half the time Dan wakes up to Herbert cooking breakfast.
Herbert isn't entirely sure why he started doing this. He just sort of started one day and didn't stop.
Herbert is usually out of bed well before Dan, but Dan likes waking up to find Herbert is still there sometimes.
When Herbert gets out of jail and they... Reluctantly settle together, Dan has a split second of panic whenever he wakes up alone, only to realize, no, Herbert's just in the kitchen or working in the basement.
...Dan likes it when Herbert cooks, even if he's not very good, and likes to come up behind him and wrap his arms around Herb's waist and rest his chin on his shoulder, sometimes giving Herb a little kiss on the neck.
Herbert still works on the reagent in smaller, more controlled experiments... In a basement or out in a barn. Dan appears with sandwiches whenever he thinks its about time for Herbert to take a break.
...Herbert finds that he actually enjoys taking care of animals. He has favorites. Dan didn't think he'd like growing things as much as he does.
Two dudes on a farm, man.
Herbert loves Dan's pointy nose and likes it when it presses into his cheek whenever they kiss.
Dan ends up calling Herbert "Herb" most of the time. "Herbert" when hes mad, "Herbie" when he's feeling silly.
Herbert calls him Dan most of the time, sometimes Daniel when he feels flirty.
Dan kinda talks Herbert into sort of taking an off day every now and then to just chill, particularly when he thinks Herbert is pushing himself too far.
He justifies this by saying "if anyone deserves to rest, it's the one and only Herbert West."
They like watching old shitty B movies together.
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