#dance of kali
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ituneskisses · 5 months
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bridgeportbritt · 3 months
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Creeksbrey Ballroom | Umbrage, SimDonia
After a quick cocktail hour in the hall, the guests returned to the ballroom which was transformed into a beautiful reception. Guests enjoyed dinner, dancing, and of course more wedding festivities. The newlywed couple had their first dance, cut their cake, and enjoyed time with family.
@trentonsimblr @whitmoreroyals @atreanroyals @ladybugsimblr @storiesbyjes2g
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
Dancing: Domestic Bees?
Blake, Yang, Kali, and Ghira are all out on a double date in Vacuo, enjoying a celebratory dinner for team RWBY's return and the much anticipated Bumbleby relationship.
Kali: Oh, I'm so excited for you two!
Ghira: As am I. Blake, I like this one much better than the other boys you've brought home.
Yang: (to Blake) Other boys???
Blake: Adam and he also thought Sun was trying to get with me when he followed me home.
Yang: I mean. He probably was.
Blake: And ending the conversation.
Ghira: So, Yang, Blake mentioned that you're quite the dancer.
Blake: (spits her tea)
Yang: I wouldn't say I'm great, but I can hold my own. (smiles) Blake's got some good footwork of her own when she feels like it.
Blake: Yang, I literally tripped off the dance floor back in Atlas. I have terrible footwork.
Ghira: You get that from me, I'm afraid. Two left feet. Kali is actually quite the dancer. She was considered one of the best in Menagerie back before we were married.
Blake: Really? You never told me that.
Kali: Oh, it was a lifetime ago. I haven't danced in so long. I don't think I could keep a beat if my life depended on it. (sighs) It would be nice to shake off some of the rust though.
Blake: (glances at Yang) I noticed there's a little dancefloor in here. Do you think you could ask my mom for a dance?
Yang: You sure, Babe? Not going to be too jealous?
Blake: I'm positive. I'm sure she'd appreciate it. (walks her fingers up Yang's thigh under the table) Who knows? It might get you some brownie points.
Yang: (accidentally kicks the leg of the table and gets the attention of everyone at the table) Ahem! U-Uh, Mrs. B! Uh, Kali... Would you like to dance on the next song?
Kali: (stars in her eyes) Oh, I would love to! Ghira, are you alright with that?
Ghira: Of course, dear. It's not like you're dancing with some stranger who's going to feel you up or anything like that.
-Price Royce - Lao' a Lao' starts to play over the speakers-
Yang & Kali: (gasp) I love this song! (glance at each other) You know how to dance to this? Yes! LET'S GO!!!
Yang: (offers Kali her hand and the two rush down to the dancefloor excitedly)
Blake & Ghira: (watch as their partners take the dancefloor)
Blake: Wow. It's been a while since I've seen Mom get so excited.
Ghira: Should we be concerned about what kind of song this is based on that tremolo?
Yang & Kali: (I'm to damn lazy to write up the dance number and this is already long, so watch this to see what they do)
Blake & Ghira:
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Yang & Kali: (return to the table when the song ends)
Yang: That was a blast!
Kali: I haven't danced like that in years!
Ghira: (throws lien on the table, picks up Kali and throws her over his shoulder, and makes a bee line for the exit) Yoink!
Kali: Oh, my!
Blake: (grabs Yang's tie and follows Ghira) Yoink!
Yang: Whoa!
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xxjellygirlxx · 17 days
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dancin in my rewwwm :3
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fornpt1 · 3 months
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molkolsdal · 10 months
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"During the month of Muharram - the first month of the Islamic calendar - in regions of Central and South India, people dress up as tigers as part of a cultural practice that goes back centuries. They wear masks, paint tiger stripes on their bodies, and move and act like a tiger. There is even a "tiger dance." Some sources say that, within the context of Muharram, the purpose of imitating a tiger is to show that Imam Hussein’s bravery and strength can be comparable to that of a tiger. (During Muharram, Shia Muslims mourn the death and sacrifice of the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, Imam Hussein ibn Ali, in the battle of Kerbala).
This practice of imitating tigers is also seen in other rituals in different regions of India, such as in Kerala, where people are dressed as tigers to celebrate the harvest each year. It's known as Puli kali (tiger dance). In Tamil Nadu, it's known as Puliyattam. In Andhra Pradesh, it's called Pulivesham.
It is unclear where the cultural practice of imitating tigers began from and how it spread and blended into different communities around India."
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justanlagirl · 1 year
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Mena Sevari, American Beauty (1999)
Pink, "You Make Me Sick" (2000)
Kali Uchis, "I Wish You Roses" (2023)
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lithiumandsushi · 4 months
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sangummeo · 8 months
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As a regular gym goer, Kali treats her workouts very seriously...
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...at least until she sees one of her loved ones.
Something something, biceptember, something.
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freakbleeds · 1 month
my absolutely lovely, patient, wonderful West African Dance teacher watching me do my best impression of a bobblehead during class: Kali! ReLAX your body, let's see more hips!
me, with ten years of dance experience and 0 coordination, crying: my ASS is FLAT and I am ANXIOUS I have never relaxed anything a day in my life plEASE 😭😭😭😭
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ituneskisses · 5 months
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kashmirichaiwithmehr · 5 months
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hibiscusbabyboy · 5 months
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Nando Gallardo & Virginia Ruiz (🕊)
(Dividers by @v6que )
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Pulikali Tiger dance from Kerala
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xoxoannimuxoxo · 4 months
What do you think would've been Bagoas' "dancer playlist"?
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