#dance of the country nymphs
operafantomet · 1 month
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"The Blonde" AKA the solo dancer in the Il Muto ballet
Not all productions feature her with a blonde or pink wig. Just as often she simply wears the same brown wig as the rest of the ballerinas. But in West End, on Broadway and some international productions they pimp her wig just a tiny hint. I wonder if the original reason was to make her remind of blonde Meg, as this solo part is now and then danced by Megs? Most common for this wig is vanilla blonde or pink with or without metallic stripes. Another take is a more "pasty" look, as if a brown wig was powdered down. Here's some:
Christina Gibbs, Oberhausen
Unidentified, Hamburg revival
Kelly Turner and unidentified, Hamburg revival
Anna Shircliff and Layla Harrison, West End
Alicia Beck, West End
Victoria Paine, Copenhagen revival
Victoria Paine, Copenhagen revival
Catherine Leppingwell and Caroline Scott, Copenhagen
Eilish Harmon-Beglan, West End revival
Unidentified, original West End
Carly Blake Sebouhian, Broadway
Kara Klein, Broadway
Carly Blake Sebouhian, Broadway
Unidentified, Broadway
Wig for Jessi Erlich, Broadway
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lolitafan1997 · 9 months
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salty-accords · 2 months
Aphrodite Intro Pages
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Let us delve into the realm of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, known as the Smile-Loving. She is a divine beauty, Her radiance rivaling that of the heavens, yet Her wrath can be as fierce as the sea She was born from. Emerging from the sea froth of Ouranos' castration, She is hailed as the daughter of Zeus. While She may be a minor deity of the sea, particularly associated with sea foam and creatures like tortoises, turtles, and clams, Her influence extends far beyond, shaping numerous myths and narratives as the Goddess of Passion.
These pages will give you a glimpse into my understanding and reverence of Aphrodite. The content, largely drawn from my grimoire, is a testament to my unique perception and worship of this goddess. However, it's important to note that the altar concept, while significant to me, is a conceptual representation and not a direct reflection of my daily worship. These visuals are crafted with the internet in mind and are highly aesthetic.
55. To Aphrodite (The Orphic Hymns, Athanassakis and Wolkow translation; excerpt)
Heavenly, smiling Aphrodite, praised in many hymns, sea-born revered goddess of generation, you like the night-long revel, you couple lovers at night, O scheming mother of Necessity. Everything comes from you: you have yoked the world, you control all three realms, you give birth to all, to everything in heaven, to everything upon the fruitful earth, to everything in the depths of the sea, O venerable companion of Bacchos. You delight in festivities, O bride-like mother of the Erotes, O Persuasion, whose joy is in the bed of love, secretive giver of grace, visible and invisible, lovely-tressed daughter of a noble father, bridal feast companion of the gods, sceptered, she-wolf, beloved and man-loving, giver of birth and life. Your maddening love-charms yoke mortals, they yoke the many races of beasts to unbridled passion. Come, O goddess born in Kypros: you may be on Olympos, O queen, exulting in the beauty of your face, you may be in Syria, country of fine frankincense you may be driving your golden chariot in the plain, you may lord it over Egypt's fertile river bed. Come, whether you ride your swan-drawn chariot over the sea's billows, joining the creatures of the deep, as they dance in circles, or on the land in the company of the dark-faced nymphs as light-footed they frisk over the sandy beaches, Come lady, even if you are in Kypros that cherishes you, where fair maidens and chaste brides throughout the year sing of you, O blessed one, as they sing of immortal, pure Adonis. Come, O beautiful, O comely goddess, I summon you with holy words, I summon you with a pious soul.
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artemis-potnia-theron · 11 months
Artemis + her relationships with other Theoi 🌙🏹🦌
One of the amazing things about Lady Artemis is how versatile her domain is. Here are just some of the prominent theoi she is connected to.
Artemis + Ares 💥
- These two were celebrated together during Kharisteria/Charisteria ('thanksgiving'), which took place on the sixth day of Boedromion.
- Goats were sacrificed jointly to Artemis and Ares for their roles in battle and war.
- Even though Artemis is not technically a 'goddess of war', her role as the (sometimes brutal) hunter gave her an association with battle and death. They were also both patron deities of the Amazons.
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Diana of Versailles (original attributed to Leochares)
Artemis + Apollon 🎼
- Perhaps her most famous connection is to that of her twin brother. They are opposites but are also, in a certain sense, two sides of the same coin.
- Apollon is the warmth of the sun, Artemis is the light of the moon. (They also shared the epithet 'light-bringer') They compliment each other while contrasting.
- They are day and night, city and country. They complete a cycle, making them almost inextricably interconnected in myth. Yet they also share domain over hunting, healing, death, and even music.
- The muses, who were led by Apollon, were often seen accompanying Artemis and her nymphs as she danced through the forest. Dance and music were also vitally important in her rituals.
Artemis Hymnia=Of the Hymns
Artemis Hegemone=Leader of Dance/Choir
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Diana awakening Apollo (Carl Bertling)
Artemis + Dionysus 🐆
- Artemis and Dionysus are both deities of the thin line between us and animals/'beasts.' They symbolize our own wild nature and what it means to succumb to it.
- They historically shared in rituals of 'frenzy', release, and estastic dance. Both are deities of revolutionary liberation and freedom.
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Artemis as 'Potnia Theron' on the François Vase
Artemis + Hekate 🔥
- These two goddesses are so heavily connected that many conflate/synchronize them. They are both deities associated with the night, the moon, and for their roles in protecting the young/children.
- The Roman goddess Diana Trivia is sometimes thought to be a syncretism of Luna/Selene, Artemis/Diana, and Hekate/Trivia.
- They were both known to hold torches and snakes, and some say that it was Artemis instead of Hekate who used her light to guide Demeter to Persephone during her search. Although most still contribute this part of the story to Hekate, it shows how conflated the two goddesses are.
- In some versions of their stories, Iphigenia was 'turned into' Hekate by Artemis. In others, Artemis 'became' Hekate as a companion of Persephone after her descent into the Underworld. Variations of Hekate's name were also epithets of Artemis.
Artemis Hekatê/Hekate = Far-Shooting, Shooter from Afar, or Worker from Afar
Artemis Hekatêbolos/Hecatebolus = Far-Shooting, Far-Darting, or Hundred-Shots
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Artemis, Hekate, and Leto from the Pergamon Altar
Artemis + Persephone 🥀
- It is said that these two were raised together, perhaps with Athena, prior to her descent into the Underworld. They also share domain over nature and vegetation.
- In the Homeric Hymn II to Demeter, (and many other sources) it is said that Artemis and Persephone were picking flowers (sometimes with Athena) when she was taken.
- When Persephone returns from the Underworld, we can only assume that the two sisters and childhood friends are reunited just as she is reunited with Demeter.
- Hekate is also considered to be Persephone's companion in the Underworld. So if one syncretises the two, Artemis-Hekate would be her companion year round!
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Diana's Bath (Louis Devedeux)
Artemis + Demeter 🌾
- As well as being deities of vegetation, Artemis is connected to both Persephone and Demeter in their roles in the Eleusinian Mysteries (Hekate also had a prominent role in this tradition).
- The mysterious goddess Despoine, also central to the Eleusinian Mysteries, is thought to be Persephone, Hekate, Artemis, or some syncretism of them.
- The sanctuary of Despoine, which was vital to the tradition of the Eleusinian Mysteries, was in Arcadia. At this sanctuary, Pausanias stated that multiple representations of Artemis could be found; including a 'six foot tall bronze statue' which stood guardian in front of the entrance to the mystery cult.
- A theory states that Demeter is actually the mother of Artemis, while Leto is her 'sister' or 'nurse.' Pausanias claims that "Artemis was the daughter, not of Leto but of Demeter, which is the Egyptian account."
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Artemis with a Dog (Munich)
Artemis + Selene 🌕
- It is traditionly stated that Selene is the personification of the moon itself while Artemis is a goddess of the moon.
- At some point, the two were congealed/synchronized as Artemis became more and more heavily associated with the moon. The Roman goddess Diana almost certainly involved syncretism between the two.
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Diana and Endymion (Jérôme-Martin Langlois)
Artemis + Pan 🌿
- Artemis and Pan are both deities of the wild, pastures, woodland, animals, and the country. Rural deities with connections to dance and music, these two have a similar untamed persona.
- Pan gave Artemis a pack of seven hunting dogs as a gift, showing their companionship. Pan also famously had a love affair with Selene, so syncretism between Artemis and Selene also connects her to Pan.
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Diana the Huntress (Gaston Casimir Saint-Pierre)
Artemis + Zeus ⛈️
- Artemis has always been a favored daughter of her father. Perhaps their most famous interaction occurs from Callimachus when Artemis, still a child, presents Zeus with a list of requests - including her 'eternal virginity'.
- Zeus is happy to oblige and gives her all that she desired and more. This unconditional love and acceptance illustrates Zeus' affection for his feral daugher of the forest.
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Diana the Huntress by Guilluame Seignac
Artemis + Athena 🦉
- Artemis and Athena share many similar qualities, including their 'chasity' and their choice to remain 'virgins' (in the historical sense of the word).
- As mentioned above, Persephone, Athena, and Artemis are said to have grown up together and were seen picking flowers together.
- As with Artemis' connection to Ares, Athena's domain of war, battle, and death are also connected to Artemis. Their sterness, intensity, and ability to commit violence when deemed necessary connect the two deities.
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Diana as Huntress by Bernardino Cametti
Artemis + Hera 👑
- While these two were often in conflict with each other in myth, they still share connections. In historical celebration and ritual, women/girls progressing to adulthood and/or entering into marriage were ceremoniously passed from Artemis' protection to Hera's. They shared space in the context of transitions.
- In addition, Artemis has been heavily conflated with Eileithyia, a goddess of childbirth and daugher of Hera. 'Eileithyia' has even served as an epithet of Artemis.
(From The Theoi Project - theoi.com)
(From She Who Hunts: Artemis: The Goddess Who Changed the World by Carla Ionescu)
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a-french-coconut · 27 days
Protector of Youth
Chapter 1 : Troilus (Athena)
There are whispers in the great halls of Olympus.
Quiet rumours travelling the streets of the golden city, about the greek army getting closer to the city's walls.
Apollo pays them no mind, it won't change the inevitable.
The future of Troy is already written and he cannot change it for all he wishes to.
His beloved Ilium shall fall in the monstrous hands of the Achaeans in less than ten winters.
His heart clenches at the thought of the royal family.
Wise king Priam and beautiful queen Hecuba.
Brave Hector and faithful Andromache, holding protectively against her breast young Scamandrius.
And Troilus, his precious son whose fate is unclear, his string not yet etched in the tapestry of Fate.
He could survive and depart with Aeneas, help him found Rome.
He could reach his twentieth birthday and save his city as it is prophesied. He is merely twelve now but he would grow into an amazing warrior.
He could die when the Greeks plunder Ilium and its wealths.
Endless possibilities, all ensuring a dark future for his son.
There is no world where Troy stands strong and his beloved Troilus doesn't loose all his family.
But he can help him survive the slaughter, guide him to Aeneas so that he may live.
He watches fondly his son and Polyxena sneak away from the city into the country land, laughing quietly in order not to get caught.
He doesn't interfere, they are far from the battlefield, no harm will come to them.
And if danger there is, Troilus knows to pray to him for he will always protect a young boy, especially his son.
Terpsichore calls him, the Muse happily dancing with nymphs and satyrs and offering to join.
With one last look to his son, Apollo lets himself get lost in the dance and the music, his golden tunics and gleaming long hair swirling around him as he leaves in awe all the onlookers.
As he sings alongside the Muses, he doesn't notice Athena leaving Mount Olympus in direction of the Achaean camp.
A temple is a god's most sacred place.
A place of refuge of his devotees, a place where no harm can be done or human blood can be shed.
No mortal in their right mind would ever dare desecrating such a sacral place.
And yet, Apollo can feel his temple has been corrupted.
He abruptly stops dancing, eyes a molten golden as the crowd parts it two to let him pass.
Whoever prideful mortal thought he would get away with is unscathed is awfully wrong.
Apollo is the Sun.
He sees all, knows all.
Nothing, and no one, can hope escape his divine justice.
When he arrives at the temple, everything is silent.
No wind swaying in the trees.
No birds chirping on the branches.
Eery silence.
On the temple's marches are laid the bloody corpses of his priests, stomach gutted open and white milky eyes frozen in terror.
Disrespecting his temple is already a punishable offence.
Killing his followers is an act worthy of a painful death.
He's going to burn them alive, to hear their scream echoing in the heavens and turn it into a melodious harmony.
Their death is recent, their bodies still soft and not rigid.
He frowns, why would they have been killed outside the building ?
He climbs the marches, passing through the already open gates.
At first he doesn't understand.
Then, his grief echoes like the howling of a wolf, deafening every creatures having not fled fast enough.
At the Greek camp, Achilles quietly joins his tent, ignoring Patroclus' curious gaze.
On Olympus, Athena requires an audience with the King.
He crumbles on his knees, his mouth producing a shrilling sound of discord, despair and rage.
In front of him, his Troilus watches him with horror, mouth open in a silent scream.
He carefully lift his head's son and cradles it, the rest of the body scattered in limbs across the room.
Polyxena is there too, but Apollo only cares about Troilus.
"Oh, my beloved son ! How have I failed you !"
He is the Protector of Youth, the one young boys pray to and cut their hair for him.
How ?
Why didn't he hear his prayers ?
"I'm sorry for your suffering", he whispers in a broken voice, "but I find small comfort in knowing you in Elysium, a place I'm sure you'll find to your liking."
He slowly gathers the body's pieces and takes them out the temple to burn them.
He places two drachmas of his son's eyes, and Polyxena's too, before lightning the fire.
That's when he notices two small things on the ground next to him.
A string of blond hair, coated with blood.
A owl's feather gleaming golden.
Pure hot white rage boils the ichor within his veins, his divinity pulsing against his human form, cracking it and deforming it.
The air around him becomes unbearably hot, sizzling against his skin.
In a flash, his bow is drawn, an arrow ready to pierce that arrogant demigod's talon.
But when he tries to release the string, invisible chains bind him, not letting him shoot his arrow.
Hector will die before Achilles
He screams again, in frustration this time, sending the arrow in the nearby tree, combusting in flames.
Lightning strikes next to him despite the blue sky.
A summon, one he can't ignore.
He bids one last goodbye to his son's ashes resting on the burning pyre before disappearing in a flash of burning light.
He bows slightly to Zeus, "may I ask why you summon me in my time of grieving ?"
"Such emotions for a mere mortal. You should know better than that brother, you are after all the all who prophesied his death."
A beat passes.
Inhale, calm the inferno growing.
Oxygen flood its blood, the boiling flames greedily inhaling the air to grow only stronger.
Skin cracks, ichor drips from the tight closed fits.
Divine essence seeps from cracks, pure heat dripping on his body.
Exhale, don't make harsh decisions.
"We are gods, Apollo. You will get over his death, don't burden us with all that misplaced sentiment."
With the howling of a wolf, form barely human, Apollo lunges himself at Athena, snarling and scratching her with his bare hands.
He feels like a supernova, like a star ready to explode.
He attacks her without any strategy, all he wants is to hurt her, to claw right into her essence and making it burn.
"Apollo, stop this madness at once !", she orders him, conjuring her spear to block his attacks.
He screams in return, a piercing sound, a screech really as he relentlessly lungs himself at her.
He is going to kill her, to send her to Tartarus.
Athena is a warrior but Apollo is a hunter.
And she is his prey.
Terrible bright light blinds the whole room, she winces, her grip on her weapon weakens.
He rips the spear out her arms and she is left defenceless for mere seconds.
It's all he needs.
He sees her throat, her unguarded throat. The only weak spot of her armour.
He can already feel the taste of ichor in his mouth, taste the fear and pain of the prideful goddess.
He bares his teeth, fully ready to plunge them in the bare flesh when familiar pain hits him, sending him tumbling on the ground.
Athena looks at him with wide eyes, his skin charred black from the lightning bolt their father just hit him with.
"Enough !", the King thunders, "Control yourself Apollo ! You are no minor god, you are an Olympian. Don't cover us with shame with such irresponsible attitude."
"She killed my son ! In my temple." he roars back, struggling to get back up.
"If I may Lord Father," Athena intervenes, "I had planned for Achilles to kill Troilus out in the wild. I did not expect the child to put up such fight."
Only the tingling of ozone in the air prevents him from conjuring a knife and gut her open.
"It doesn't matter what you intentions were, daughter. Apollo has suffered a great offence in the profanation of his temple."
He clenches his fist, trembling.
His son is dead, killed in the most gruesome way, and all Zeus cares about is that he was killed in the temple.
Should have Achilles killed Troilus when Athena intended him to, his father wouldn't even bother making this meeting.
"I ask for rightful punishment Father."
"I shall grant you the right to act as you wishes Apollo."
"When Achilles' time comes, I want to be the one to kill him.", he growls.
"As you wish my son. Now that this quarrel his deal with, I shall leave you. I have more urgent matters to take care of."
Zeus vanishes in a flash, leaving him alone with Athena in the throne room.
He sees her conjuring her shield, fearsome Aegis, and take a defensive stance but Apollo is too tired to attack her again.
A quarrel, a bickering between Athena and him. That's how his father views Troilus' death.
"If you don't agree with my actions brother, then at least understand them. Troy is fated to fall, but your son presented a chance of salvation." Athena's gaze hardens, "I will not have Ilium standing, not after the offence that pitiful prince caused me."
"That is your justification then, pride ?", he chuckles bitterly, "Will you not apologise for leading that murdered to my son ."
She bristles at the mention of it but nonetheless obliges.
"If it brings comfort then yes, I apologise for you son's brutal death. I agree that was no need for him to die in pain."
"You favour a mortal, don't you ?", he asks her, "what is his name again ?"
Her eyes narrow, "what are your intentions with Odysseus ?"
"Aha ! That's his name. Odysseus. I ought to right the crime done against me, against Achilles but also the whole greek army. They did plunder my temples and enslaved my priestesses."
"Don't tempt my patience Apollo, what do you want with Odysseus ?"
"I think I want to kill him", he snarls, looking right in Athena's eyes, "I want to strike him with one of my most despicable plagues, to see him suffer. I want him to see his dear Penelope and Telemachus in his dreams, knowing he won't ever see them again."
He gets closer to Athena, whispering right in front of her.
"What I want, Athena, is to see you suffer."
Before he can blink, the tip of her spear rests on his throat, her grey eyes radiation divine power.
"You will do no such thing," she hisses, "Odysseus is destined to become a great hero, I will not allow you to tamper with his fate."
"Like you did with my son's", he hisses back, yanking the spear away.
'Tell me, Wise One, what gives the right to kill Troilus because you felt like it but I cannot touch Odysseus ?"
"Troilus was fated to die", she says more calmly, "by one of your own prophecies."
"Troilus was fated to save Troy !", he shoots, "He was fated to sail with Aeneas on the wide sea ! Death was not the only option awaiting him. Death was the one you chose because you feared him."
He's panting heavily, eyes surely glowing golden.
"I'm going to kill Odysseus in front of you sister, you will watch as life leaves his eyes and you will watch it all because no prophecy protects him."
To his frustration, Athena smirks.
"Odysseus will not die by your hand Phoebus. I guarantee so."
It's her turn to get closer, confidence swaying around her.
"He is Hermes' great grandson. One he likes for reasons I care not to know. Which one do you value more, revenge against me or your friendship with our brother ?"
He doesn't say anything, fury growing as her smiles does too.
"We both the answer, do we not ? Then it's settled, Odysseus will live through this war and come back to Ithaca and his wife and son."
He stubbornly stays silent.
"That is the problem with emotional attachments Apollo," she says kindly, "they are so easily manipulated. I can only advise you to stop succumbing to them."
"I am emotions Athena, art is not something you can create without them."
She shrugs, clearly not interested in this debate.
"I'll see you soon brother, my soldiers await me on the battlefield. I need to show Ares that he's brutal force is nothing compared to my strategy."
She flashes away in the flock of feathers.
Years are less than the blink of an eye for a god.
He is standing on Troy's walls, looking at the man climbing them.
He is wearing Achilles' armour but Apollo is Truth, no disguisement can deceive him.
He kicks down Patroclus three times but the boy is persistent.
When he set foot on the wall for the fourth time, he sends him down with divine force, the blow hurting Patroclus when he touches the ground.
For an instant, he lays unmoving.
Enough time for him to get swarmed by Trojans, but still he puts up a impressive defence.
But he is no match for Hector, whose face when he discovers the trickery falls.
Hector will die before Achilles
When Achilles pierces Hector's throat, Apollo watches mournfully and horrified the treatment reserved of the prince of Troy.
Truly, Achilles has no respect in the gods.
But Hector is dead, which means Achilles will be soon.
There is no mistaking the wish of the son of Thetys to die. He lunges himself on the battlefield but no opponent is strong enough to face him and win.
He repeats a name constantly, his voice yearning for him.
Patroclus, Patroclus, Patroclus, Patroclus
Apollo hates Achilles for killing his son.
But he understands the loss of a lover.
Hyacinthus, Hyacinthus, Hyacinthus, Hyacinthus
So, he gently takes Paris' trembling arms, strings the bow who releases Achilles from his torment.
When the warrior falls, an arrow embedded in his talon, a smile adorns his face.
After his death, the war continues as it was fated.
Illium falls.
And Apollo watches.
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holly-natnicole · 4 months
Here's (a part of) the canon info on the Hunters of Artemis:
Artemis said: "My Hunters follow me on my adventures. They are my maidservants, my companions, my sisters-in-arms. Once they swear loyalty to me, they are indeed immortal… unless they fall in battle, which is unlikely. Or break their oath."
"What oath?" I said.
"To forswear romantic love forever," Artemis said.
"So you just go around the country recruiting half-bloods–"
"Not just half-bloods," Zoe interrupted. "Lady Artemis does not discriminate by birth. All who honour the goddess may join. Half-bloods, nymphs, mortals–"
"Bianca, this is crazy," I said. "What about your brother? Nico can't be a Hunter."
"Certainly not," Artemis agreed. "He will go to camp. Unfortunately, that's the best boys can do."
"Hey!" I protested.
"You can see him from time to time," Artemis assured Bianca. "But you will be free of responsibility. He will have the camp counsellors to take care of him. And you will have a new family. Us."
"I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the hunt."
For the Hunters, all romance is a nope coz of their oath (dating a fellow Hunter is implied to not be allowed). However, the way that the oath is worded in canon is foolishly heteronormative. I think it should be:
"I pledge myself to the God of Chastity, Ártemis. I turn my back on romantic and sexual companions, accept eternal celibacy, and join the hunt."
That way, there'd be no ambiguity over whether the Hunters of Artemis can date and/or have sex with people who are female or in some way gender nonbinary.
Additionally, Hippolytus existed; the hunt should allow people of any gender and sex instead of being limited to cisgender girls (although, most members would probably still be cis girls coz that's the democratic that has the most motivation to be celibate with a cis female God as their teacher, leader, & protector). Hence me replacing the word maidenhood with the word celibacy.
In my Alternate Multiverse rewrite of the Percy Jackson franchise, Nico would get the chance to join same as Bianca instead of being dismissed solely coz he's a cis boy (actually, my version of Ártemis doesn't assume anyone's gender based on appearance coz she has for centuries corrected people assume her to be cis male solely coz of her masculinity & Apollo to be cis female coz of his femininity and has met plenty of Gods, demigods, mortal humans, nymphs, etc. who are agender or genderfluid or in some other way transgender).
In my version of P.J. 'verse, it's the (okay with romance and sex) Amazons who are the ones who have a "gals only" policy whilst the Hunters of Ártemis have a "stay celibate" policy.
(Obviously, not every cis girl, trans girl, trans lady, and cis lady joins the Amazons plus not every celibate person joins the Hunters of Ártemis. People can be female without being an Amazon and choose celibacy without being a Hunter of Ártemis.)
Plus Ártemis herself is a cis aro ace masculine female Greek God who enjoys archery, hunting, dancing, seeing vegetation, running around in the wilderness, and seeing wild animals (especially bears a.k.a. Ursidae and hinds a.k.a. does a.k.a. cis female deer which is a broad term for red deer a.k.a. Cervus elaphus, fallow deer a.k.a. Dama of Cervinae, roe deer a.k.a. Capreolus capreolus,white-tailed deer a.k.a. Odocoileus virginianus , & reindeer a.k.a. caribou a.k.a. Rangifer tarandus). Besides the Hunt, Vegetation, the Wilderness, and Wild Animals (especially bears and does) being her domains, Ártemis' domains also include the moon, chastity, childbirth, and care for children.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 10 months
Untitled Fantasy WIP
What it says in the title, this is a rough draft for a piece I'm working on. I already know that there will be things changed in the final piece but I'm hoping putting a little of it into the world will be enough to motivate me to keep working.
Start (you are here!) | Next
Chapter 1
The path through the Valchill Woods is well-worn. It serves as the only connection between the main road that takes one on towards Aranorin and further towards the major trade routes that wind through the southwestern half of the country. But well-worn does not mean that it is without danger. 
Jasper moves along the path, stopping periodically to prod lightly at the wards that have been meticulously carved into trees and set into stones every few dozen feet, making note of ones that show any sign of damage in his journal. Things he will have to see to after he's settled in. The late autumn air is cool enough for his cloak to not feel sufficient without a warming charm, but he refrains, will not risk disrupting the balance of the woods before he has been properly introduced, and simply picks up his pace. He breaks off of the main path at ward thirty-two, following a thinner trail that goes into the thick forest rather than through it. The wards here are stronger, pressing against his intrusion and trying to halt his progress forward. He imagines that it's only the seal stamped into the letter in his bag that is allowing him to make his way through the woods like wading through a thick syrup. He's not surprised that his foreign presence attracts the attention of a nymph. 
"Oh, are you the new Scholar?" The voice is lilting and high and the air is immediately filled with the smell of lilies as he turns his attention to the source. This nymph is small, though he isn't sure if that's because of the changing of the seasons or if it's because she's young. Her skin is the pale silvery-gray of a poplar tree, her hair a messy halo of leaves and lilies, luminous pale green eyes set into a heart-shaped face. Beautiful, as all nymphs are, and clearly old enough to be able to uproot herself from her tree as she follows him along the path. She glides over the roots and underbrush, dancing almost on her tip-toes. He acknowledges her only with a glance before continuing on his way. "Aw, you're no fun. Promise I just want to say 'hello'. Vigil has been telling us you were coming for weeks."
He doesn't say anything. She huffs, but she doesn't leave, following him for the final thirty minutes it takes for him to reach his destination. The cabin sits in a small clearing, only thirty feet of empty grass on any side of the structure, arcanely created, he guesses, based on how perfect of a circle it is, with eight stone pillars set equidistant from each other, etched with even more intricate wards. It's a small building, modest and rustic, but he knows well enough that means nothing to people like them. He steps into the circle and feels the thick air hum again. The nymph stays on the other side, finding a pile of leaves to her liking and settling onto it, legs crossed, waiting. 
He's not even halfway to the door before it is swinging open, revealing his predecessor. He was expecting a human, not an elemental-born. The man is earthen, with skin the rich color of fresh clay, molded into the shape of a human, dark hair carefully arranged in neat dreads and tied back away from a kind, patient face. Taller than him, towering at probably around six and a half feet tall compared to his five foot ten inches, and much more muscular as well where he is thin with lean muscle that comes from travel and practicing his spellforms. 
"Hello, please come in, I have everything set up." He smiles, ushers him inside. Jasper does not speak, simply nods and steps over the threshold. Inside is a much warmer, larger interior than what he was given glimpse of from the outside. He finds himself walking into a small front room, staircase ahead of him, what appears to be a study off to the right hand side, and a living area with a roaring hearth to the left. He pauses, steps out of his muddy boots and sets them beside the other shoes at the front door, pulling down his hood as the other man seems to have spotted the nymph. 
"Thylia, you know better than to try to tempt conversation from my guests." 
"Can't blame me for wanting to meet him first." 
"I can indeed. Go back to your tree." 
"You're no fun. I hope Grasp gets you on your way out." 
"That is not very nice, I suppose I won't bring you your final offering as I go." 
"What offering?"
"You'll never know now." He says haughtily as he shuts the door and turns his attention back to him. "Right through here." He leads him over to the hearth and from the mantel he pulls down a pewter bowl, a length of twine, a silver dagger, a cutting of root, and a red candle. "And you are prepared for the responsibilities of this station?" He asks. Jasper nods. Wouldn't have come if he didn't plan on following through. 
The ceremony to change the guard of this land is not long nor complicated. The candle is lit and is left to burn until there is a sizable puddle of wax in the bowl, to which he adds a few drops of his blood from the cut he makes with the dagger across his thumb, the skin parting readily for a fresh scar. The twine is swirled through the mixture and he is given the cutting of root. He wraps it in the twine and ties eight careful knots. As the final is set into place the other man blows out the candle and immediately the syrupy feeling to the air dissipates as he becomes welcomed by the wards. 
"I mean no offense, but I had hoped for a Scholar or a Druid." 
"Well you got me." He says flatly, setting the wrapped cutting back on the mantle. 
"Yes, I can see that. Do you have a name?" And his eyes are still dragging over him. He's more than used to that. Knows that his pale skin looks like death against the stark black of his short, spiky hair, and the layers of black leather and cloth of his traveling clothes. With his hood pulled away the other man also has a good view of each grounding iron placed into his skin. A row of four little iron balls placed into his cheeks on each side starting at the very edge of his lips, the one speared high on each nostril with a thin bar linking them, six more running along each ear, two barbells in each eyebrow. There are more set across his entire body to keep his magic channels open as far as they can be while remaining grounded, but the rest are hidden beneath his clothes, save for the dark gray ball behind his teeth. 
The elemental-born looks as exhausted with him as he did with the nymph. "An Order Bringer named 'Discord'?" 
"I have a healthy sense of irony. And you?" 
"Vigil outside of this home, Firmis inside of it." He pauses for a second, but Jasper does not offer his true name. "As I'm sure you were told, the previous high spirit passed on, the new one is... volatile. My skills are ill-suited to cage his moods and limit his influence." 
"What season is he?" 
"Winter." Fan-fucking-tastic. Only a few weeks before the solstice. That's not long to reinforce every ward in the woods to make sure he doesn't end up with free reign of it all. No wonder the pay for this job was so good, if he doesn't do this fast enough he's probably going to be far too dead to collect it. "The house can provide all that you need, and if you would like, I can stay and make introductions to some of the more social spirits--" 
"That's unnecessary." He replies shortly. Has far too much to do to waste at least half a day with the other man around. Can't start his work until he is the only mage tied to the earth. He sees his mouth twist into a sour little frown and doesn’t care. He's a Witch, he's honestly surprised he hadn't gotten that look as soon as he caught sight of him. 
"Very well then. May Kazara's blessings follow your work." 
"There are no gods that watch me, Scholar." The sour expression worsens and he gives a tight nod before he moves from the room. The spell he uses to gather the last of his belongings is not one he's familiar with, but within a matter of minutes he is standing with three modest bags by the front door. He takes a breath and reaches into his pocket. Vigil looks at the cutting for a moment before he lets out a long, deep breath and passes it over. As soon as Jasper's fingers close around it he sends the fire through his veins. It turns to ash in seconds. He sees a muscle in the other's jaw jump as he grits his teeth, but he says nothing. Picks up his bags and exits the house, making his own silent way back along the path Jasper had just walked. The nymph is still waiting, pesters him for the offering, but he is silent and stoic for as long as Jasper can see as he goes. 
He shuts the door. He will be up at dawn tomorrow to begin his work. For now he wants to learn the layout of his new home and start on making something to eat before he rests for the night. 
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krateis · 10 months
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Heavenly, smiling Aphrodite, praised in many hymns,
sea-born, revered goddess of generation, you like the nightlong revel
and you couple lovers at night, O scheming mother of Necessity.
Everything comes from you; you have yoked the world,
and you control all three realms. You give birth to all,
to everything in heaven, upon the fruitful earth
and in the depths of the sea, O venerable companion of Bacchos.
You delight in festivities, O bridelike mother of the Erotes,
O Persuasion whose joy is in the bed of love, secretive, giver of grace,
visible and invisible, lovely-tressed daughter of a noble father,
bridal feast companion of the gods, sceptered she-wolf,
beloved and man-loving giver of birth and of life,
with your maddening love-charms you yoke mortals
and the many races of beasts to unbridled passion.
Come, O goddess born in Cyprus, whether you are on Olympos,
O queen, exulting in the beauty of your face,
or you wander in Syria, country of fine frankincense,
or, yet, driving your golden chariot in the plain,
you lord it over Egypt’s fertile river bed.
Come, whether you ride your swan-drawn chariot over the sea’s billows,
joying in the creatures of the deep as they dance in circles,
or you delight in the company of the dark-faced nymphs on land,
(as, light-footed, they frisk over the sandy beaches).
Come, lady, even if you are in Cyprus that cherishes you,
where fair maidens and chaste nymphs throughout the year
sing of you, O blessed one, and of immortal, pure Adonis.
Come, O beautiful and comely goddess;
I summon you with holy words and pious soul.
Translation by A. Athanassakis
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heavensessence111 · 2 years
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Campfires | p.j
Percy Jackson x reader
words 600~
Flames flickered lovingly across the hearth.  The whole camp erupted in a chaotic and glorious cry of joy and song.  The flames hurled towards the gleaming stars as the voices loudend.  You were surrounded by your happy siblings, since you all came right from dinner.  Percy was sitting on the other side of the fire with Grover and the Stoll brothers sitting on either side of him.  He smiled at you, and after all this time you still felt heat creep across your face as you smiled back.  
Today’s campfire seemed to be led by Travis Stoll for some reason.  He announced that today’s music would be his favorite great American classics.  
“Sing with me everyone!”  He yelled, incorrectly waving a guitar around.  An Apollo camper rose out of her seat and fixed it.  “Thank you Kayla!”  He yelled before he began to sing a Springsteen song, doing a truly atrocious impersonation of the man.  You couldn’t help but laugh watching Percy watch him.  He looked at Travis with a shocked grin, awe and amusement painted clearly across his flame illuminated face.  He and Grover cheered on the singer and those who had joined him as they transitioned into the next song.  
Mia, daughter of Apollo, helped Travis lead the camp through the next song.  The flames danced peacefully as the whole camp whisper sung about boys drinking whisky and rye, eight minutes into the song.  You felt your face ache from all the smiling you did, as everyone rose from their seats and started dancing, much to the dismay of Will Solace who warned everyone to stay safe in the fire circle.
You felt a hand gently tap your shoulder.
“Hey,”  said Percy.  “You having fun?” He asked you.  You nodded, smiling at him.
“This is insane,” you mumbled, as two younger campers ran by throwing grass at each other.  
“Agreed.  Do you want to come with me for a moment?”  Your boyfriend asked you.  You looked at him looking at you with that gaze of his that gave you crazy butterflies in your stomach.  The two of you crept discreetly away from the campfire and everyone around it.                
You felt fire in your soul as you gazed so intensely into his sea green eyes.  You giggled as you broke eye contact from him and pressed your forehead to his.  You could never look into his eyes for too long.  He smiled and you could feel him still looking at you.  
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered.  Your eyes flicked up to his.
“Please do,” you breathed.  He pressed his lips to yours so softly and tenderly yet with so much passion your knees knocked together.  He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling your body even closer to his.  You could feel the warmth of his chest as your hands cradled his cheeks.  He brought his other hand into your hair before your kiss was interrupted by Travis Stoll poorly playing the guitar and singing ‘Country Roads’ in the distance.  You both laughed as he sang with so much sentimentality about a state he had never set foot in.  Percy wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you both walked back towards the campfire.  
“Percy! Y/n!” Shouted Grover, beckoning for you to come back, as he and some other satyrs added their flautist twist to the song.  The sight before you was truly incredible with Travis’ inexperienced shredding, the Apollo cabin trying their best to salvage the song with their vocals, the satyrs dancing and playing their flutes, campers and nymphs dancing and singing, and the skyrocketing flames.  You and Percy laughed and sang along as you rejoined the crowd.                
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nanowrimo · 2 years
30 Covers, 30 Days 2022: Day 3
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It’s the third day of 30 Covers, 30 Days! Today, we have a Young Adult take on Greek mythology with Stains of Blood and Guilt by YWP participant, Colleen Leonard! This amazing cover was designed by Leonardo De La Rocha, who generously designed an inner cover as well.
Stains of Blood and Guilt
Kilída Vissiní’s hair wasn’t always red, nor was she always human. Now, she’s a nymph cursed to a form not her own, and scarred for life with blood-red hair. A member of the Alikos Corps, she's among the most honoured people in the country. The Corps are an elite force of soldiers who protect the country of Hellenica from dangerous criminals. But in a world where guilt shows through blood-stained hair, Kilída’s crimson locks prove otherwise. The Corps don’t just protect Hellenica from dangerous criminals. They’re criminals themselves. And she’s the only one who knows it. Then Kilída learns the Corps aren’t as bad as she thought. They're worse. Stripped of everything she loves, she rebels against them. But she's just one person, and they're a whole network of corrupted assassins. With killers, and the guilt of her past haunting her, she begins questioning if her fight is really just.
About the Author
When she’s not writing or procrastinating, Colleen Leonard can be found reading, listening to trailer music, singing and dancing, and trying to avoid baking and gardening at all costs. She hopes to soon overcome her procrastination and insubordinate characters who don’t follow the plots she writes, and finish the bookshelf-full of novels wandering in her head.
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About the Designer
Leonardo is a developer turned designer turned design exec, currently serving as Global Head of Design for Spotify Advertising. Formerly at Intuit, Facebook, and Yahoo, his expertise orbit around commercializing enterprise products and instituting systems for building at scale.
Working from his home in sunny San Jose, California, Leonardo spends his free time illustrating, fidgeting with type, advocating for respectable cocktails, and assisting his partner in raising two beautiful children towards beautiful adults, through and through.
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operafantomet · 12 days
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An ode to the small forehead curls in the Sylvan Glade wigs
Larissa Leao, Sao Paulo
Nahia Gil, Copenhagen
Elizabeth Martinez, Madrid
Isa Morchinelli, Sao Paulo
Larissa Leao, Sao Paulo
Fernanda Muniz, Sao Paulo
Wig backstage, Tokyo
Wigs backstage, Copenhagen
Wig backstage, Broadway
Harriet Chung, Toronto
Paloma Garcia Lee, Broadway
Unidentified, original West End
Unidentified, original Broadway
Natalia Matveeva, Moscow
Cha Ji Huyn, Seoul
Neve Campbell, Toronto
Daisy Hulbert, West End
Carly Blake Sebouhian, Broadway
(original design by Maria Bjørnson)
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mask131 · 10 months
Fantasy sights: Anne-Louis Girodet
Also called Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson, or Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson. A French 19th century painter that was located right between the two great currents of French paintings: the transition from Neo-classic painting to Romantic painting.
Here are some of his works that we can relate to various fantasy-inspiring subjects:
Ossian receiving the ghosts of the French heroes (of its actual original title, "Apotheosis of the French heroes killed for the country during the war of Freedom"). This painting actually depicts the great figures and heroes of the French Revolution, being received in "Odin's heaven" by the bard Ossian. Yeah, quite a mix.
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Following this we have a series of Greco-Roman paintings:
Minerva between Apollo and Mercury
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Pygmalion and Galatea
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The sleep of Endymion
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Dance of the nymphs by Pan's flute (plus Dance of the Graces by Apollo's lyre)
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And finally not an Ancient Greek, but rather Biblical subject: "Scene of the Flood"
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gabethesquid · 1 year
My favorite albums of 2022 (Part 1)
2022 was a year of changes for me. I graduated High School in the spring, and went to college (SUNY Purchase) in the fall, meeting tons new people and discovering myself.
There was a ton of great music to go along with it it too.
Blackbraid - Blackbraid I
August 26, 2022
Blistering Atmospheric Black Metal with a theme of Indigenous Peoples who live in the Adirondacks. The riffs are great and catchy, vocals understandable, interlude tracks are beautiful. Great musicianship.
Favorite Track - Barefoot Ghost Dance on the Blood Soaked Soil
Bloodywood - Rakshak
February 18, 2022
Indian Folk mixed with Nu-Metal. Tracks switch between angry protest tracks and tracks about mental heath. The folk influences set this band apart from most other Nu-Metal, and are so intertwined the band wouldn’t be the same without it.
Favorite Track - Chakh Le
Chat Pile - God’s Country
July 29, 2022
Sludge metal with vocals that feel very deranged. A perfect soundtrack to this late capitalist hellscape, with great riffs, pounding drums, and amazing atmosphere.
Favorite Track - Why
Death Island - Aeons of Carnage
October 12, 2022
Melodic Death Metal band from my area, formed at the college I go to. With a unique Blackened Death sound with lyrical themes taking from all over, the dual vocalists are fun to listen to. I’m excited to hear more.
Favorite Track - Wolves Are A Feasting
Froglord - Army of Frogs
November 4, 2022
Gimmick sludge metal about a kaiju Frog? The best Froglord album ever with catchy hooks and a fun metaplot? Proceeds going to save the frogs? Count me in. A fun album. (Fun fact: Army is the noun used to describe a group of frogs in science)
Favorite Track - Army of Frogs
Kanonenfieber - Yankee Division
March 23, 2022
The follow up to 2021’s amazing debut, this EP kicks serious ass with heavier melodic songs. The late Trevor Strnard of The Black Dahlia Murder is featured, and it’s just great musicianship.
Favorite Track - The Yankee Division March
Kanonenfieber - Der Fusilier
November 19, 2022
The second EP of this year, this is a concept EP about a single German soldier, featuring one of Kanonenfieber’s saddest songs. This has solidified the band as more than just a one off success.
Favorite Track - Der Fusilier II
Lorna Shore - Pain Remains
October 14, 2022
The first full-length featuring Will Ramos, he solidifies himself as the growling GOAT with emotional tunes and soaring choruses. The symphonic elements make this deathcore great. The breakdowns are brutal af.
Favorite Track - Sun//Eater
Non Est Deus - Impious
March 4,2022
From the guy behind Kanonenfieber, his first project’s third album is awesome, with catchy evil riffs and an anti-Christian theme. The cover art is amazing, and the music just as good. More traditional in it’s black metal, it’s still great musicianship.
Favorite Track - Hexenwahn
Sakis Tolis - Among the Fires of Hell
March 22, 2022
From the frontman of legendary Black Metal band Rotting Christ comes an emotional album about the soul through the lens of Satan. It sounds like 2000s Rotting Christ, but with a different message, and just as good atmosphere. My favorite track has also made me cry.
Favorite Track - The Dawn of a New Age
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cavorta · 2 years
I created a small devotional video for Aphrodite, with her Orphic Hymn. Here is the text of the hymn: Orphic Hymn to Aphrodite Heavenly, smiling Aphrodite, praised in many hymns, sea-born, revered goddess of generation, you like the nightlong revel and you couple lovers at night, O scheming mother of Necessity. Everything comes from you; you have yoked the world, and you control all three realms. You give birth to all, to everything in heaven, upon the fruitful earth and in the depths of the sea, O venerable companion of Bacchos. You delight in festivities, O bridelike mother of the Erotes, O Persuasion whose joy is in the bed of love, secretive, giver of grace, visible and invisible, lovely-tressed daughter of a noble father, bridal feast companion of the gods, sceptered she-wolf, beloved and man-loving giver of birth and of life, with your maddening love-charms you yoke mortals and the many races of beasts to unbridled passion. Come, O goddess born in Cyprus, whether you are on Olympos, O queen, exulting in the beauty of your face, or you wander in Syria, country of fine frankincense, or, yet, driving your golden chariot in the plain, you lord it over Egypt’s fertile river bed. Come, whether you ride your swan-drawn chariot over the sea’s billows, joying in the creatures of the deep as they dance in circles, or you delight in the company of the dark-faced nymphs on land, (as, light-footed, they frisk over the sandy beaches). Come, lady, even if you are in Cyprus that cherishes you, where fair maidens and chaste nymphs throughout the year sing of you, O blessed one, and of immortal, pure Adonis. Come, O beautiful and comely goddess; I summon you with holy words and pious soul. (Translation by A. Athanassakis) Music in the video: Crowander - Don't you leave (Creative Commons License) Rose frame picture: Pixabay video with Aphrodite collage picture, incense and candles: by me
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gurorori · 10 months
The Seed and Queendom were so powerful whwhwbwhsjjdd i'm🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love. Cure for me was also verrry fun i love her choreographies, she's such a skilled and fluid dancer !!!
And exist for life is so🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭 beautifulllll i'm wjqbwnnsns <333 in love. I love. A lot . Mwah thank you for all your recommendations it is. 3:15am and i have to call it a day but !!!!!! Wah
da seed always gimme chills cuz i love da message & its nawt jus a figure of speech either, aurora fun fact is dat shes grown up in very close proximity 2 nature n clearly has so so much love n respect 4 it an i think it show wonderfully nawt only thru her music but thru her entire energy. she bcome one with it!! there a reason every1 calls her a forest nymph / elf n so much more in da comments aha
tho i think 2 call her anythin but human is a bit unfair, i think shes very human in da most beautiful of ways. unironically
queendom is suhc an anthemmmm... n it warms my heart when i see live performances of it cuz it really feel like one big hug with every1 given da lyrics n jus da vibes it creates. luv it so much, n i love da music video n_n women....
cure 4 me is very special 2 me even tho it a bit sillier soundin than most of her songs (along w the chorus blowin up on tt) readin more ab it from aurora herself tho, it turn out da inspiration came from sumthin dats a very loaded topic & after dat i cudn look at it da same & grew even closer 2.. THE SONG? idk why im talkin ab it lik a human but. word from miss aurora:
"Like always, I got inspired by a really huge, dark and horrible thing that happens in the world. The first seed of inspiration came from thinking about the countries where it’s still legal to do conversion therapy for gay people and lesbians. I just thought that’s so pointless. The first idea was me saying, ‘I don’t need a cure for me – just let me live, man!’”
“Why is it so difficult for people to just let others be themselves? Then I thought that it could mean many other things. People tend to believe quite quickly that something is wrong with them if they’re not like the people they see in front of them. It’s so sad that it doesn’t take much for us to really doubt ourselves.”
^ lil context 4 dat is, aurora is definitely queer as shes talkd ab her attraction 2 ppl in da past & shes had a girlfriend be4 too. i think she mentions dat she feels different romantically in regards 2 men n women. but also she doesn label herself really, but i think this gives more insight into this song. as well as ive noticed ppl talkin ab her includin some of her own more 'weird' mannerisms n well. the dance is weird n silly too (/affectionate!!! its gettin added 2 sky soon like i talkd abt in dms, n im boutta spam it everywhere) n i think it an incredible move too.
i think cure 4 me can also b related back 2 auroras neurodivergence, which she has talkd ab before. she mentioned bein made fun of @ school 4 bein autistic (altho i don think she was ever diagnosed w it) n also bein put on adhd medication in da past - pretty sure dats her official diagnosis. but yeah. honesly, jus from watchin the way she carries herself n moves n talks in interviews & lives, she was always so clearly different & felt closer than other artists 2 me. like nawt in a 'wow shes so weird' way like sum ppl say. idk theres an inherent sense of belongin w dat person cuz shes so much like us too. man i started cryin but anyway i luv her lots she really mean lots 2 me.
exist 4 love is very beautiful too.. i luv da reference 2 the birth of venus, i love da influence of 1920/30s music too like many mentioned.. it make me melt into a puddle sumtime. we rly do exist 4 it huh.!!!!
but yah n_n thank 4 goin on this aurora journey wit me!!! am glad it was fun & am glad 2 infect ya so @/meowyoi, ya n i can all grow a bit more insane togethr <3
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murshili-ii · 1 year
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May Day special: Old Man of the Forest
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Our eighteenth Spring Vignettes piece celebrates May Day, on May 1st.
Before you read what the piece was intended to portray, share what it portrays to _you_. I’m just the artist; you’re the beholder.
Leave a comment.
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The 1st of May is celebrated across Europe as a special turning-point in the greening of the earth. Some traditions consider it the beginning of summer. Rich May Day traditions exist from west to east.
It is widely considered an ideal time for protective magic, love magic, and other sorts of petty magic and divination. It is said in Romania that one should wash one’s face with dew on May Day morning to preserve health and beauty.
May Eve, the night before May Day, is itself often celebrated with festivities and rituals; known as Walpurgisnacht in Germany, and coinciding with Beltane in the Gaelic countries. Bonfires are often lit on May Eve to ward away evils and misfortunes.
In the Germanic-speaking countries (such as England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia), the "maypole" (in German, "Maibaum"; in Dutch, "meiboom") is a fixture of May Day celebrations; a tall wooden pole or freshly-cut sapling, festively decorated, and erected in a public place to be danced around.
In some areas there is a tradition of competing with other towns to erect the tallest maypole. In Bavaria, towns try to steal each other's maypoles, which I think is very excellent.
Maypoles vary in design and construction. I've noticed that Scandinavian ones tend to be adorned with cross-beams and hanging rings, whereas German ones are often encircled by concentric rings; and maypoles hung with long trailing ribbons seem to be an English and Anglo-American characteristic. In Scandinavia it seems to be popular to wrap them in ivy, while in the mainland they often have barber-pole stripes.
I gave my maypole a mixture of characteristics, just to keep things ambiguous. I gave it a concentric ring, colorful trailing ribbons, and some tufty greenery on top; so there's no telling where the scene takes place.
I find it likely that the maypole is a continuation of the tree-worship practiced by various Germanic pagans, who are known to have venerated many sacred trees and poles as effigies of a great cosmic tree that unites the universe.
The Yggdrasil, just such a cosmic tree, is described in the Norse Eddas. Historians tell of how King Charlemagne, after reconquering the rebelling Saxons, had their sacred tree or pillar, the Irminsul, cut down, and forced them to become Christians. A sacred tree near Hesse called Donar's Oak was supposedly a center of worship for pagans in Germany until it was felled by St. Boniface and his followers. The great temple at Uppsala, Sweden, apparently one of the most holy sites for pagans in Scandinavia, was described as standing next to a great sacred tree of an unknown kind. Sacred trees and pillars are mentioned in quite early Roman accounts about Germanic tribes.
The ceremonial significance of trees, pillars, and poles dates far back in the Germanic traditions, and the continuing practice of raising them in the Germanic-speaking world is not surprising.
Tales are told in many places about some hairy, shaggy, leafy wild-man of the forest who guards the wild lands outside of human settlement; a protector of the wilderness, but also a friend to shepherds and other people of the wilds, if they are friends of the forest.
The Romans and Greeks of antiquity venerated a hairy forest-god who rules the wild creatures, a reclusive friend of herdsmen who frolics with the wood-nymphs in the deep wilds. The Greek god of the woods and wilds is Pan, often portrayed with the horns and legs of a goat. The equivalent Roman god is Faunus, lord of animals, to whom Sylvanus and Inuus were sometimes equated.
In the various Slavic traditions, there is a figure known by many names, one of which is the Leshy ("He of the forest", "Woodsy"; Russian Леший, Polish Leszy, Serbian Лешиј / Lešij). Those who frequent the forest may encounter him; and the result will depend on how one is held in his regard. He guides some, and leads others astray.
The Basques, the last enduring successors of Europe's ancient pre-Indo-European inhabitants, tell of the Basajaunak (singular Basajaun), a race of hairy wild-folk who sometimes aid shepherds in return for offerings of bread. It is said that humankind learned the secrets of farming, smithing, and building from them in ancient times.
The hairy wild woodwose is a figure often found in European heraldry. Such wildmen were a subject of much fascination in the Middle Ages. In the infamous Bal des Ardents, King Charles VI of France nearly burned to death when his highly flammable woodwose costume caught fire. The Green Knight in the tale of Sir Gawain is sometimes interpreted as a great green wild-man. The face or figure of a leafy "green man" can be found carved on a great many old churches, buildings, doorways, and ceiling-bosses.
In some parts of England, an old May Day tradition survives in which a person is dressed up in greenery to act as "Jack o' the Green", counterpart to the May Queen.
In the background of the piece, we see some maidens wreathed in flowers dancing around a maypole; and in the foreground, we see a tense encounter at the edge of the forest between a shepherd and an intimidating sylvan being. The looming forest-creature may look threatening; but are its intentions malevolent or benevolent?
Given how calm the lost sheep seems to be, my guess would be benevolent; but then, sheep aren’t very discerning creatures.
The border consists of ivy and wild roses. Most cultivars of domestic roses are immensely puffy and petally monstrosities, but roses in their wild form have only a single row of five petals. Roses are usually depicted this way in heraldry.
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