#dang it bobby
widebruh · 1 year
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skillzyo · 1 year
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Hank ran into a guy with the exact same truck as him who knew about construction stuff, and he came into the kitchen with a big ol’ smile on his face, talking about how he met a guy.
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royalarchivist · 2 months
This bit from Jaiden's Miku video reminds me of an old conversation (and a funny / sweet moment) she had with Roier and Mariana on QSMP.
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[ Full Clip + Transcript ]
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kadextra · 10 months
Thinking about pachalo yesterday
q!Pac… he was so so concerned. worried that if Dapper was really missing, q!Bad would change colors again (he uh. kinda wasn’t wrong? *stares at the green* o_o) Then when he found out q!Bad is having memory issues…? ough
He ranted about how everytime things are settled & back on the right track again, something happens. and got upset saying how q!Bad has been through a lot and doesn’t deserve this to happen to him- not right when everything is finally looking good again. that even though today is a good day because of the eggs, q!Pac can’t help feeling sad and very worried for his friend and wants to help him. He gave the flower of the day too :(
Though I think what’s most interesting to me is how q!Pac started to get angry. saying he should kidnap, lock q!Bad up to ask questions and find out what the heck happened to him when leaving purgatory. how he got frustrated at q!Bad forgetting him 5 times, backed away saying he’ll kill him, and had to take deep breaths and count to ten to calm down.
anger…. for q!Bad’s sake. angry at the unfairness of this condition happening to his friend, who he’s already watched suffer for months. q!Bad should be healthy, happy- the eggs are back! there’s new eggs! why can’t he just be happy now, why did he have to be hurt more? he doesn’t deserve this.
anger for q!Pac’s own sake, angry at the distant look in q!Bad’s eyes when they meet his. they fought and bled, ran for their lives and protected each other on the purgatory battlefield for so long. watching the friendship he’s come to treasure over this time slip away right in front of him… he won’t let it.
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yabagofmilfs · 8 months
Fave Night of Assists theme ever and why
Idk I’ve only been around for the last two, but uh. this one seems neat
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lonely-space-ace · 5 months
I was just starting to like the idea of Adaine/Oisin fuck me I guess
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kingoftheburger · 2 months
Wait a minute, Bobby's middle name is Jeffrey...is he named after Boomhauer?? Boomhauer's first name is Jeffrey and Hank says that Boomhauer has known Peggy longer than Hank has, so it would make sense if both of them have a strong relationship with him they'd want to give his name to Bobby
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legolasghosty · 9 months
"i hate you" "there's people coming" and now they're making out
for Boggie cuz... y'know. :D please?
Ooooo okayyyy! Hehe I love these two, I don't get an excuse to write them nearly enough!
Bobby ducked into an alcove and let himself fall back against the wall, trying to get his breathing under control. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. Nothing about tonight was going right.
In, 2, 3, 4, out, 2, 3, 4...
Having someone on his arm tonight was supposed to get people to leave him alone. Sure, Bobby had known it wasn't a permanent solution to the constant nagging over his upcoming ascension to the throne and his lack of a partner to sit beside him. But he'd expected his family and the court to be too relieved that he was showing serious interest in anyone to tear into any issues about who his 'partner' was.
In, 2, 3, 4, out, 2, 3, 4...
"Hey, you okay?"
Bobby flinched away from the voice, one fist clenching around the edge of his tunic. "I'm fine," he said, tone flat.
"Well I guess I'll just come be 'fine' with you then," Reggie said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he slid into the alcove across from Bobby.
Bobby forced himself to meet the eyes of his friend and 'partner'. Reggie was sweet, too sweet to be dealing with this disaster of an evening. Bobby should never have dragged him into this. He'd barely known the man for two months, for heaven's sake!
"Sorry, I figured you were someone else," he forced out. "Are you okay?"
Reggie shrugged. "I'm alright, nothing I haven't heard before."
Bobby felt his shoulders tensing all over again at the thought of anyone talking down to Reggie like that at all, let alone often enough for him to be so accustomed to it. He wondered just how far away Reggie was from. It must be within the country. Bobby could likely have a whole squadron of guards there in under 48 hours, ready to destroy anyone who dared to hurt the angel of a man before him.
"I'm sorry," he said. No reason to voice any of his true thoughts. "For my family and for dragging you into this."
Reggie inched closer, fingers brushing against Bobby's knuckles. "Hey, I knew what I was getting myself into. It's all good."
"No, it's not!" Bobby snapped. "No one should be saying those sorts of things about anyone, but I knew they would and I still brought you here."
"They're just careful because they care about y-" Reggie began.
"No they don't!" Bobby interrupted. "They tear into everyone they see as 'lesser', regardless of how good that person is or isn't. They enjoy it. They don't care about me, they just care that I'm the one who's going to be sitting on that throne next year."
He felt like he was going to tear his clothes with how tightly his fingers gripped them, but he couldn't seem to stop. The words kept slipping from his mouth. He couldn't turn it off.
"I mean, why the heck do you think I haven't dated anyone? There's never been anyone that I cared about enough to make it worth the pain my family would cause them. Sure I'm interested in someone every once in a while, but 'interested' isn't enough to keep anyone around after them. I might as well just die alone and childless and let the kingdom pass to someone who isn't as polluted as I am."
He finally stopped, breathing hard. Reggie was just staring at him. Bobby waited for him to run. That was the only logical thing to do. But the young knight didn't budge.
"What would it take for you to let someone in?" Reggie asked finally.
Bobby blinked hard, trying to make sense of the question. Hadn't he just said that was what he would never do? What he shouldn't do? But Reggie's face is so open and curious, how can Bobby deny him an answer?
"I guess I would have to love them," Bobby responded.
"Then what does that mean you feel for me?" Reggie asked, voice soft. "If you would have to love someone to bring them here, what does that mean for us?"
I love you, Bobby wanted to say. But he couldn't. He couldn't subject Reggie to the pain that was the life he was trapped in. The people he was surrounded with. The constant nagging and prodding and needling to make everyone else happy. Reggie was good. He should be free. And this was never real to begin with.
"I hate you," Bobby said, the words catching on his lips like the jagged lies they were.
Reggie's eyes flashed with something Bobby knew he despised, though he couldn't fully read it before it was gone. Then Reggie's gaze darted past Bobby's shoulder and panic took over his expression.
"People coming," was all the explanation Bobby got before Reggie was crowding into his space, hands cupping his jaw as the knight's mouth met his.
Bobby tried not to melt into the kiss. It was just a performance after all. But Reggie's lips were warm and his hands were gentle and Bobby couldn't resist the urge to twine his own arms around the other's waist, pulling him closer. Reggie let out a pleased sound and Bobby was helpless against the desire to run his tongue over the knight's lower lip. And when he was allowed entry into his mouth, there was no stopping him.
He knew it was wrong. But it felt so good, so easy, so freeing to kiss Reggie. The guiding motions of the hand sliding up into his hair reminded him of riding through the fields, both of them spurring their horses to go faster and faster as the wind yanked at their clothes. The soft moans that passed between their joined mouths were sweeter than any symphony Bobby had been forced to sit through as a child. The steady weight pressing him against the wall was the best kind of drowning. It urged him to let go, to sink, to forget the world of before.
And then it was gone. Bobby couldn't breathe. Reggie leaned back, glancing past him.
"They're gone, sorry about that," the knight said, his voice hoarse.
"Don't you dare apologize," Bobby managed, still struggling for air.
"You said you hated me," Reggie pointed out softly. "And then I kissed you."
Oh yeah. Bobby said that. He should say it again. For Reggie's sake. But he couldn't. Not with all the memories if their adventures together at his fingertips. Not with his gentle words rolling over him like the tides. Not with the phantom feeling of their bodies entwined consuming his thoughts.
"I don't," Bobby admitted before he could stop himself. "I don't hate you. I should, but I don't."
A smile lit up Reggie's face, small as it was. "Yeah?"
"I want you to be safe," Bobby sighed, "and safest would be away from me. But I don't know if I can be okay with that."
"You don't have to be," Reggie promised, grabbing his hand. "We can make this work."
"It's not going to be easy," Bobby warned. But the war was already lost. They both knew it.
"I love a challenge," Reggie joked, like he had the first time they met.
This time, it was Bobby who kissed him first. It was softer than before, more honest. A promise to try. And Reggie kissed him right back, sealing the deal. Well this was a terrible idea. But Bobby couldn't bring himself to care.
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princessmo · 1 year
ok. i wanna hear everyone's beavis and butthead/king of the hill crossover ideas. go
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dawntainbobbynash · 1 year
I'm 14 eps into Station 19 and ngl I'm starting to need Bobby in a crossover with them so those writers can finally convince this man to go to therapy
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
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Keep saying “I need to draw again”, so I forced myself to draw MechWarrior Bobbie (3024 edition)
3028 Bobbie, along with both versions of Jimbo, will come at a later date
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skillzyo · 1 year
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yveni · 1 year
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June 1 prompt - favorite still
Heehee, I will not be elaborating on my reasonings.
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muffintonic · 1 year
The way Bobby’s face begins falling here kills me.
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thebeautifullgame · 2 years
Bobby i saw you for so little time. but in those few times i saw magic i saw joy and i fell in love. now he's going and it is killing me. im feeling such intensely deep sense of loss. you really are ripping a piece of liverpool's heart apart.
Truly the Heart and Soul of liverpool
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But also, for me, The Joy of Liverpool ❤❤❤
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
im tired as shit, idk how im gonna get myself out of bed in six hours again lol, but that was so worth it tho
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