#dang what I supposed to read on my phone when this is over
llycaons · 2 years
omg I just realized I'm so close to being done with my pinned long fics...I took a break this week and did some rereading instead so I just have a few short chapters of that reread fic left, a fairly substantial multi-work series from a jin ling pov im excited for, a sunshot AU where wwx was hired by the wens, the very end of the cssr backstory fic, and that's IT! afterwards there are still 24 pages of my mfl but we really are winding down with this
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chrrywvea · 16 days
poolverine + sensory overload while grocery shopping anyone? taken from personal experience and the mountain of poolverine fics i've consumed already
disclaimer: if any of the aspects i've written for logan being autistic (it isn't mentioned but this was my intention here) are offensive or falsely written tell me immediately! i am undiagnosed but after quite a lot of my friends (both on the spectrum and not) telling me multiple times to get checked and TONS of research i'm pretty sure i'm on the spectrum as well. soooo this is basically what i've gathered from research, other fics and my own experiences with stuff like this. thanks! also minimal use of slightly stronger language (the f word, hurray :-D)
this is so bad i'm sorry
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They were in the sweets aisle, trying to pick out various snacks for their movie night later on. It was bustling all around them, the small supermarket full with families and screaming kids and chatty old ladies and noise, so much fucking noise-
Logan flinched when something touched his cheek, belatedly realizing that Wade stood in front of him, their half-filled cart discarded by their side and one of his hands raised to his face.
"Sorry sweetums," Wade smiled sheepishly, "Didn't wanna scare you. You looked a little out of it. Breathing a little heavy and all"
Logan harrumphed, looking at the floor between them. Wade was wearing his bright neon pink converse again, the laces red on one side and yellow on the other, which was admittedly... cute. He remembered how proud Wade had been as he stumbled out of the bedroom with poorly conceiled excitement, shoving his shoes in his face because look peanut, our suits-
Once again he was forced out of his head and back into the disgustingly loud supermarket as Wade took his hand, gently stroking over his knuckles.
Logan managed to rip his gaze back to Wade's face, finding such genuine understanding in those lovely eyes that he felt even more queasy than he already did. Damn you, Wilson.
His head spun from the onslaught of everything, noise and lights and embarrassment forcing a very unwelcome wetness to gather in his eyes. The hand Wade was holding shook lightly. His whole body trembled. Fuck, he wanted to say something, wanted to assure his boyfriend that he was okay, but his throat worked, his mouth opened, yet nothing came out.
"Hey" Wade's voice was so soft. He didn't flinch this time as his hand came to rest on his cheek, the touch featherlight and warm.
An embarrassingly high whimper left him as some shrieking children passed by and his eyes screwed shut, trusting Wade to handle the rest.
And suddenly...
Madonna quietly played in his ears?
Confused, he cracked his eyes open and saw Wade watching him, holding his phone up for him to see.
"Don't worry your pretty head Wolvie, you've got noise cancelling headphones on. Courtesy of moi, if you please, buuut you gotta suffer through my shower playlist for the time being. It's the only one I have downloaded."
An opened note read. Wade mouthed a "sorry" at him, but the sheepish grin told him he wasn't. At all. Though Logan knew him well enough, so very well, that if he even mentioned that it was too much Wade would immediately switch it all off.
Logan had to admit, the music dialed the incessant chattering and shouting around him pretty much down to zero.
The wonders of technology, he supposed.
Wade held his hand and waited patiently as Logan just breathed for a bit, trying to calm his racing heartbeat. One jerky motion to the phone and the mercenary handed it over, watching as Logan typed with unsteady hands.
"Can we leave please? S too much"
The note was so timid, so careful in fear of rejection that Wade felt his poor heart squeeze in his chest - gosh dang it if only people knew how gentle and loving the man in front of him was.
"Sure hun we were pretty much finished anyway. You good if we go check out real quick? Al's gonna cook us instead if we don't bring something back home, and while you taste pretty good I can't promise that for myself ;-D... we can use the self check out, it's quicker"
Logan surprised both of them with the huff of amusement that left him as he nodded.
The focus he needed to use to read Wade's rambling in note form kept him safe from getting lost in his head again. His boyfriend’s ability to talk forever beyond might be pretty annoying at times, but Logan had long since found it to be comforting.
Wade carefully guided both of them through the maze of food aisles and too many people, keeping their hands intertwined while he pushed their cart until they found a free self checkout.
Logan zoned out a bit to the mindless music that played over the headphones as Wade went through their groceries, bagging them quickly. He payed before turning around to face him, motioning to the exit with his head.
They stopped just outside the store in a small secluded corner and Wade put the bags down at their feet, stepping closer and smiling again.
Logan smiled back, hoping it could convey the relief and love he felt without having to use words. He leaned closer, a little shyly, and with a quick look around he pressed a kiss to Wade's lips, reveling in the vibrations of a slight whine he could feel from his boyfriend. They parted and Logan took a deep breath in, pushing the air out of his lungs a lot more calmly than he had done mere minutes ago.
The headphones came off next and Logan sighed, shaking off the last bit of the sensory overload he'd just experienced as he scrubbed over his eyes. It was far more quiet outside, and his head felt a little fuzzy at most instead of the stinging buzz from before.
Cars honked in the distance, a light breeze drifted past him and the man he loved stood right in front of him, Logan's supernatural hearing picking up the steady thud of his heartbeat almost immediately.
"Love you bub."
Thank you.
"I love you too peanut! So much. More than Puppins too, but don't tell her that. She's already peed in my shoes once and I can tell you, that golden shower was not pleasant."
Logan snorted and both of them giggled, sharing another soft kiss before they hoisted the grocery bags back up.
The way home was filled with banter, clumsy kisses and bumping shoulders. Maybe one or two spilled milk cartoons as well, but that was a secret between them.
(Oh hello! Wade here! Deadpool, merc with a mouth, your personal wet dream, whatever pleases you perverted little readers - if you even attempt to tell Al about that last bit I'll torture this one with a little more writer's block! /Oh thanks Wade, so nice of you/ Shush you, this is my side note! So many ideas yet so little words... you decide pookies. Bye for now! I've got 400 pounds of sleepy kitty in my bed who likes me as his personal pillow. See ya!)
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torialefay · 9 months
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☀️ Everyday Idol 🌙 (Chapter 3)
✨ head on over to my masterlist if you haven’t read chapters 1 & 2!
✨possible bangchan x reader (f), possible jungkook x reader (f)
✨wc: 4.3k
✨ friends to lovers? possible love triangle? future angst and smut??? definitely fluff.
✨ summary: JYP Entertainment launches a new show and y/n somehow gets recruited. Even though she doesn’t particularly care about the outcome of the show, she does particularly care about one of the artists she met: Chris from Stray Kids. Does Chris feel the same or will a potential relationship with one of his friends overcome what y/n feels for him?
✨ author’s notes: pls pls pls let me know if you’d prefer shorter, more frequent chapters like this one, OR longer chapters posted about once per week. i’m heavily debating lol
✨ warnings: cursing from time to time.
Previous Chapter Recap:
Dang, another instagram notification. Maybe Jungkook WAS really into you. You tapped to open the chat again.
gnabnahc: Hey! I know this is random, but if you have any time tomorrow, could you meet me in my studio? I’ll be around in the morning and at lunch after hair & makeup. If you have time of course, I understand if not. I just wanted to talk to you about something.
‘Good fucking God,’ your heart dropped. “Anna… I need you. NOW!” you screamed.
Y/n’s POV:
Anna quickly bolted into the bathroom, thinking you’d accidentally cut yourself shaving or something. She was determined not to let you bleed out. Med student to the rescue!
When she arrived, she was surprised to see you totally fine, but also totally naked, sitting on the lid of the toilet.
“Okay… WHY?” She looked down at you, eyebrows raised.
“Just come here,” you motioned for her with your arm. You extended your phone out for her to grab it.
“This is some Hollywood movie shit,” she laughed, handing the phone back to you.
“This isn’t funny!” you exclaimed. “What in the hell am I supposed to do?”
“Well do you want to see him?”
“Then you’re going to find a way to see him. Just tell him you can’t in the morning and that you can late into lunch.”
“Yeah, only one problem. I’m supposed to be meeting Jungkook for lunch,” you rolled your eyes, now wondering if she had paid attention at all to your prior conversation.
“Okay, so tell Jungkook beforehand that you don’t have much time because of your schedule, and then go meet Chan. Who says you can’t have it all?” she grinned, raising one eyebrow.
‘Okay, good plan. Solid plan,’ you thought. ‘Unless…’
“Okay but I don’t know how close Chan & JK are. What if JK is telling him that we’re getting lunch together? Then I just look like a two-timing bitch.”
“Alright, and how do you know that JK hasn’t already told him and Chan is going behind his back?” ‘Ain’t no way he’d do that,’ you thought. “I’m just saying, in all of your time with Chan, he never once mentioned JK. In all of our time with Changbin and Felix, they never brought him up either. I honestly don’t think they’re that close. Both of their fandoms would have figured it out by now if they are.”
‘Alright, let’s look,’ you thought, pulling your phone in front of your face again. You went to “X” (you still couldn’t get used to calling it that instead of Twitter) and typed in “jungkook bangchan”. Surely the detectives on here would know a thing or two. You scrolled and scrolled. A few tweets about the same thing- the 97 liners grabbing dinner together, but it was more than just the two of them. Not a single picture of them together otherwise. Not a story about seeing them together either. Maybe Anna had a point.
“Fuck it, I’m gonna do it,” you said, not knowing where your newfound confidence came from. Anna started giggling and took a quick seat beside you on the edge of the hotel’s bathtub.
Your fingers began to type quickly, not allowing yourself time to think. Or rather, overthink.
Hey Chris! I could stop by late after lunch? I’m not sure of a specific time yet, but I can text you later when I find out?
“Okay, it’s done,” you breathed out… You sat there for a moment, absorbing all of the feelings and trying to get the nerves out.
“Pinch me,” you said to Anna with a huff coming out from your bottom lip.
She reached over, laughing, nipping you in the arm. “I’m so happy for you I could cry,” she continued, keeping that same big smile on her face. “Butttt,” she leaned in closer and began to whisper, “whoever you don’t take, just remember I’m single.” She winked and you started to laugh, pushing her away.
“Whatever,” you said jokingly. “BUT I have to shower. Now I have two guys to impress.”
Chan’s POV:
‘It’s alright Chris, don’t be nervous,’ he thought to himself, still planted in his studio chair. ‘The worst she can say is no. Well I guess she could laugh at it and tell all of her friends that you’re whipped. In which case, you’re fucked. But she wouldn’t do that, right?’
Chan’s mind got the best of him and he decided to start pacing. He needed to get his mind on something else… but what? His new song! Yes, his new song. He had been working on a hook and just couldn’t figure out where he wanted to go with it. ‘I need Jisung,’ he thought. He sent a quick text his way to see if he was busy. He couldn’t help but to re-read the message he had sent you. He clicked on your profile to view all of the pictures. Your dogs, your friends, your birthday party. He pictured what he would look like included in each photo. He let his mind wonder, looking at one photo in particular. You had been at the beach. He didn’t stick to that photo because of anything you were wearing. You were fully clothed. There was just something about it. The way your smile was lit up like you had not a worry in the world. The way the sun cast a golden color all over your beautiful face. The fact that the beach was Chan’s favorite. He thought about what it would be like to be there with you. Walking along the shore, getting to know you better. What was your family like? How did you like your eggs cooked? Where was your favorite place in the world? He let himself get lost in the scenario.
Your instagram username flashed across the top of his screen. He clicked as soon as he possibly could.
Y/n’s Instagram username:
Hey Chris! I could stop by late after lunch? I’m not sure of a specific time yet, but I can text you later when I find out?
‘Yes Chris, Yes! See, it was just a rumor. A dumb rumor. I mean JK would have told you since you were the reason they had met. He couldn’t possibly be that into her after meeting her for 2 minutes. You worried for no reason.’ He was elated. Ecstatic even. He looked down to his phone, stupid grin on his face.
‘Felix, you’re fucking dead for giving me a heart attack like that,’ he thought.
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The little shit quit responding. ‘He’s got about 4 hours to text back before I get home and jump him.’ Chan thought. He sunk down into his chair. All of his excitement was now replaced with confusion. This was gonna be a longggg night in the studio.
Felix’s POV:
“SUCK ON THAT!” Felix screamed sarcastically. He had spent the last 2 hours plopped on the couch next to Changbin. They made it a point to get together once a week, no matter how busy, to play a few video games together. Today’s choice: League. Felix lowkey kinda sucked, and he knew that. But he didn’t care because Binnie sucked even more.
“No, you suck on this,” Changbin yelled back, putting Felix in a headlock and giving him a noogie.
“Ah! Ah! Ahhhhh!” Felix screamed for help, trying not to die laughing. “Someone help me!” he yelled, while grabbing at Changbin’s arms to rip him off. It was no use. No matter how much Felix flailed his body and thrashed left and right, Changbin’s hold was even tighter. Eventually, he ran out of energy and decided to just lie there. Changbin released him right after.
“So you admit defeat,” Changbin raised his eyebrow. Felix had a dazed look on his face, hair fluffed up from Bin’s relentless hand movements. He was just grappling for his breath back at this point.
“I’ll take that as a yes! Yay, next round!” Changbin said enthusiastically, turning back around to the tv.
‘Brain need oxygen. Can’t form word,’ Felix thought to himself. ‘Lol I can’t believe I just thought that. Felix you so silly.’ He smiled and focused his attention on the tv now too. Well, for a split second. Until Chan came barging in.
“Felix!” he called, like he was a tornado coming through the front door. He walked a few paces before setting foot into the living room. Felix just looked up with a puzzled expression on his face.
“Mate! Why did you do that?!” He walked over and snatched Felix’s controller from his hand.
“Damn, if you wanted to play, you just had to ask!” Felix said back seriously. You could see the annoyance growing louder on Chan’s face.
“Oh my gosh Felix. Your text, cunt!”
“My… OHHH my text,” he smirked while (horribly) trying to look inconspicuous.
“You better tell me what you know right now,” Chan threw his fist down. He was trying to “act” mad, but honestly he was really bad at acting. He actually was mad.
“I don’t know anything,” Felix smirked again. “I swearrrr. Don’t you trust me?” He smiled, squinting his eyes up at Chan with a suggestive look on his face.
“No I don’t, you little shit! Now tell me what you know!”
“Never!” Felix pouted.
“Tell me!”
“Tell me!”
“I will break this controller, don’t try me!”
“No you won’t.”
“Yes I will.”
“No you won’ttttt.”
“Yes I will.”
“Bet, do it then.”
Chan lifted the controller in the air and huffed out... “You’re right, I won’t.” He reached it back down to Felix.
Felix, now satisfied, took the controller and happily bobbed his head from side to side. “Thanks Channie-hyung!” he teased.
“Fuck off,” Chan retorted. ‘I hate being a father,’ Chan thought as he turned around to storm out. Once he was out the door, Changbin turned his body around to Felix.
“What don’t you know anything about?” Chanbin laughed.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Felix said with a flirty smile. “All I’m saying is it involved your mentee. That’s all, can’t talk about it anymore! New game, let’s go!” Felix avoided Changbin’s stares at all cost, fixating on the tv. Eventually Bin turned around to face it too, continuing on like nothing ever happened.
‘Fuck, that was close. Felix baby, you’ve gotta stop being so messy… Lmao who am I kidding, I love this shit.’
Y/n’s POV: The next day
You arrived to the JYP building 10 minutes early to your professionalism training. You knew you would be able to see the finalized schedule first thing when you got there. All you knew so far was professionalism training at 9, hair and makeup, lunch, and begin shooting intros for the show. You had no clue how long each would take though.
You ran up in front of the big bulletin board posted outside of the conference room. You saw the agenda:
• 9:00 AM- Professionalism Training; Level 5 conference room
• 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM- Hair and Makeup; Level 7 shooting room; See list below for names and scheduled times
• 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM- Lunch break
• 2:00 PM- Shooting program material with mentors; Level 10 shooting rooms #1-5
• 8:00 PM- Dinner and drinks at Nine Mile Restaurant (see email for location and directions)
You quickly scrolled through the list of names below to see when you’d be scheduled for hair & makeup:
• Y/l/n, y/f/n: 11:00 AM
‘Fuck yeah,’ you thought. ‘Getting hair and makeup done first. It shouldn’t take over an hour, right? Surely not. They have new people scheduled for 12 and 1, so yeah, you’re good. No more than an hour.’ You quickly took your phone out to send a message to the 2 boys waiting to hear back from you.
To: abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz
Hey, I should be good to go around noon today. Do you still want to meet me outside the JYP building?
To: gnabnahc
I could meet you around 1-1:30 today? Does that work for you?
You let out a hot breath and headed into the conference room. There, you found Anna who had already walked in while you told her you’d check for both your names on the bulletin board. You saw a couple of other girls you had met as well through the night with Stray Kids. They were Seungmin and Han’s mentees. You had all instantly connected that night and you were excited to spend more time with them.
Once you were settled in, you gave into the gossip that everyone was discussing.
“Yeah, I heard her dad works for JYPE high up in marketing and that’s how she got in,” Sunnie whispered to the group.
“OMG I heard that too!” Anna bounced up and down. “I’m not even sure where I heard it from.”
“Literally same. I also heard that one of the new cast members was,” Kara leaned down low, “hooking up with Jungkook,” she giggled. You had to physically stop yourself from your jaw dropping on the floor. You were not SLEEPING with Jungkook. You hadn’t even had fucking lunch with him yet!
“OMG who?!” Sunnie questioned.
“I don’t know, it’s just what I heard some of the other girls saying. I don’t think anyone knows,” Kara added. “Which meanssss, we’re gonna have to keep an eye out for Jeon Jungkook ladies. See who the culprit is,” she laughed.
You and Anna looked at each other, trying to fake a laugh right along with them. You were sure she could see the panic in your eyes.
Suddenly, you heard a voice come over the speakers and the lights began to dim. ‘Let’s get this training over with.’
———— 3 hours later ————
Abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz: Out front waiting on you :) I’ve got on a black mask and baseball cap in case you don’t recognize me. That’s kind of the point haha
y/n: On my way down!
Your nerves were starting to get to you, but you tied them down. This was just two people getting lunch after all. That’s literally it. Plus, why would you be nervous anyway? You were the one that made a great first impression anyway. He was the one who had something to prove.
Plus, not to brag, but you looked damn good. The hair and and makeup department definitely knows what they’re doing.
You arrived at the ground floor and quickly made your way out of the main exit. You scanned your head first to the right, looking for a black cap, then to the left. The problem was… There were like 10 of them.
‘Fucking hell, why does everyone have to dress the same?’ you thought. You wondered off to the left, seeing if you could get a better look. Suddenly, a black figure appeared next to you. You turned to see a bright-eyed Jungkook, mask covering the lower half of his face, stood straight and proud with the most beautiful bouquet you’d ever seen. Pinks, purples, blues, greens. All of your favorite colors incorporated into one. Was this a sign?
“Y/n! Hi! I brought these for you,” you couldn’t see his mouth, but by how scrunched up his eyes got, you assumed he was smiling.
“Oh my goodness, they’re beautiful! You didn’t have to do that!” You smiled up at him and went in for a side hug. Surprisingly, it wasn’t even awkward. Jungkook just gave off such a charming, confident vibe.
“I wanted to. I saw them and automatically thought of you.” You blushed down into the bouquet you were now holding.
“You’re too sweet,” you flashed the biggest grin. ‘Okay, so maybe he’s better than I thought.’ “Where do you want to go?”
“How do you feel about bibimbap?”
“I love it!” You’d only had it once, but you assumed you’d still love it. “But just so you know, I really don’t have that much time today. I need to try to be back in an hour or so.”
“I completely understand. I’m just happy you could pencil some time in for me,” his hand grazed the side of yours, sending a shock up your arm. “I was gonna say that my favorite bibimbap place is right around the corner and I’d love to take you there.”
“Sounds good to me! Let’s go!”
He had a smile painted across his face looking down at you with the pretty flowers in your hand. You were just as beautiful as he remembered. “Follow me. And hold on to me if you need to. Wouldn’t want you getting lost in this crowd,” he chuckled, giving you a wink.
Your heart fluttered. Why was it fluttering?
Jungkook turned to lead you around the street. It was pretty packed, but what else would you expect in the middle of Seoul at lunch time. You could tell that JK was looking down slightly, making sure he didn’t get recognized. You ended up actually reaching to hold onto the back of his coat to make sure you didn’t get separated. You weren’t about to fight your way through the crowd to get a view of every Korean man currently wearing a black coat, hat, and mask. It would take all day.
You both made your way down the busy street, finally able to squeeze next to each other and talk about how your day was going so far. You know, all the basic boring stuff that you had to get out of the way. You soon reached a set of narrow, tall stairs almost hidden away.
“This way,” Jungkook said, taking the first step up. You looked down to see how tall the stairs were and mannnn you thought you were going to have to catapult yourself up.
Jungkook saw the hesitancy in your eyes and quickly leaned the upper half of his body down, holding one hand out for you to grab onto. You graciously took it, as he slowly ascended, making sure you followed him every step of the way. Once you reached the top, you finally jumped up onto the platform of the restaurant, now pressed right up to JK. He still had your hand in his.
“Nice job for a first timer,” he joked, squeezing your hand before he gently put it down and let it go. It was one of the most tender things you’d ever felt. He was handling you with such care.
You followed him as he walked a few steps to the door. He opened it for you and let you step inside first. Your eyes took a moment to focus as you acclimated to the new atmosphere. ‘It’s dark…’ you thought to yourself, eyes now tuning in. ‘And damn, it’s NICE.’ You looked around the the swanky bar to the left, wall topped off with liquors you kne you’d never afford in your lifetime- even on a doctor’s salary. Black tablecloths covered each table, with booths being tucked away into walls. Candles were the main source of the lighting and made for a seductive atmosphere.
“Hello, I had a reservation for Jeon Jungkook,” JK told the host at the stand on the right. She was beautiful, in formal all black attire and long, black hair.
“Of course. Right this way,” she stepped out from behind her podium and led you both to a booth at the far back of the restaurant. It was tucked out of the way, no other tables reaching beyond it. No one would have a reason to walk this way unless delivering food to the table directly.
“Will this do?” she looked to Jungkook.
“It’s perfect, thank you,” he smiled as she left.
“Here, let me help you,” he reached out to you, gently taking your flowers and setting them on the far side of one of the booth’s benches. He walked behind you to grab onto one arm of your coat, allowing you to slip out easily. He held onto the coat and placed it next to the flowers.
“Watch out, it’s a step up,” he said, reaching for your hand. What is up with all these steps?
You looked into his eyes, silently thanking him for the thoughtfulness, while taking his hand. He led you over the two steps to the table and held tightly as you took the step up and over. Once you were settled in, he looked satisfied and took his place on the opposite side.
The rest of the meal was a whirlwind. You learned so many things about him. First, that he is an absolute devourer of bibimbap. Second, that he was actually really funny and down to earth… Charming too, but were you really going to admit that? Third, he actually had a super cute, bunny-like smile that popped up every time he caught you staring at him for too long.
You actually got along very well. ‘What a pleasant surprise,’ you thought. Conversation was just so easy with him. Maybe you didn’t get into the deep stuff with him like you did with Chan, but so what? This was only lunch. What did you expect him to do, give you his entire life story? He oozed confidence and playfulness, something you were envious of. Maybe, after more time with him, you thought you could learn to have those qualities as well.
You were both laughing over a story of how you accidentally cursed at someone in Korean on your second day here when all of a sudden, your phone lit up. 1:02 PM. Dang, it went by that fast?
“I think I’m running out of time,” you looked down with puppy dog eyes, motioning him to look at your phone.
“Awww, it’s alright. We better get you back on time though. The last thing I need is someone from JYP on my ass,” he laughed.
A small laugh left your mouth too as you both moved to exit the booth. He helped you put your coat back on and placed the flowers back into your hands. He grabbed 3 bills of 50,000 won out of his wallet, and placed it on top of the bill on the table. ‘Damn, this man’s a good tipper.’
“Here,” you scrambled to grab your own wallet out of your coat pocket. “At least let me pay half,” you started to take some money out.
“No, no y/n,” he grasped onto your forearm for a short moment. “Put your money up. Please. It’s on me.”
“Are you sure? I promise I don’t mind one bit to pay. Let me just-“ you stopped talking as you watched his eyebrows lift and his eyes get wide, small grin on his face as if saying “watch yourself now.” He was still holding tightly to your arm, not letting you lift it.
“Okay, okay,” you smiled, putting your wallet away. “But I owe you!”
He smiled at that. “Come on, let’s get you back.”
Chan’s POV:
He had been a nervous wreck thinking about seeing you. Thinking about what he should say in order for you to be interested in him. He knew through your messages to him that you’d be there closer to 1:15, so he made sure he’d get back in time.
He tried to calm his nerves by going out to grab an iced tea really quickly at a local shop. He couldn’t stomach any food- not right now. Once he finally got the chilly beverage in his hands, he walked his way back out into the cold. Only a couple minute walk from the company building.
‘Alright Chris, pull yourself together. Whatever you say, she’s gonna understand. She’s great, so of course she’s gonna understand. She may even be just as nervous as you, you never know.’ He let his mind wonder. He started to picture a scenario. One of you seated next to him in his studio. He had finally worked up the courage to ask you on a date- a proper date. Maybe he jumbled up the words a little bit, but you found it endearing. You nodded your head excitedly, saying how you’d love to go on a date with him. He would take you somewhere nice, somewhere you would get dressed up for him. You’d drink red wine and talk about anything and everything- what you loved and what your passions were. Your eyes would have a certain sparkle that only happened when you looked at him. By the end of the date, you’d be asking when you could see him again. He’d hold your hand, your warm little hand, as you left to say your goodbyes.
As wonderful as the daydream was, Chan suddenly snapped out of it. He froze, standing rigid, then almost tumbling back. There’s no way.
There you stood in front of him. With all the beauty that you were. But you were with someone. A man. Chan squinted to see what he could make out. Jungkook? Fuck, that was definitely Jungkook.
You were smiling up at him and clung onto him for a long hug. He gave in, leaning his head down to plant a small kiss on the top of your forehead. You giggled, waved goodbye, then ran inside the company building.
With that, Chan felt his heart shatter for the very first time.
Through the building’s glass walls, he watched as you made your way a little further, then stopped to bring your phone out. 10 seconds later, he felt a buzz from his phone
From: y/n’s instagram
Hey, I’m here :) Should I head on up to you?
He wanted to cry.
✨ Continue to ➡️ Chapter 4
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saladmix · 1 month
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@shyalia sent me another amazing piece and I had to share it. Look at the lad! The attention to detail is so sweet, and 2012 Leo looks so good look at this turtle, suddenly realizing he's got to guide four versions of him and his brothers that got to live a normal life and therefore have no ninja training through a whole dang apocalypse. She captured everything SO perfectly, I love it!
This is a scene from Chapter Four of The Day the World Broke, and you can check out an excerpt below the cut!
“My room, welcome,” Mikey jumped in, and then he jumped up, giving a classic butler bow and spreading his arm wide to gesture to the glory that was their simple but definitely awesome room. “Pleasure to host you. If I knew you were coming I would have straightened up.” 
He wouldn’t have. But it was a nice thing to say, right?
“You live in a house?” Leonardo asked, and for the first time he seemed to look around a little more closely. Mikey saw his eyes linger on their photo board, which was mostly Mikey’s because their dad had gotten him a polaroid camera for his birthday last year and he definitely went a little overboard with it. But it was so cool, you know, and the retro vibes were awesome. He liked having actual photos that lived somewhere other than his phone because one time he’d lost his phone and all his photos and had to listen to what was basically an hour-long lecture from Donnie about proper cloud storage. 
“Where else would we live?” Donnie asked, sounding dismissive. Mikey didn’t take offense, sometimes Donnie just sounded that way, especially when he was overwhelmed. Did Leonardo know that? He definitely had his own Donnie by the sounds of it. How similar were they? Did he have a Mikey? Did he want to meet himself?
What was he saying, of course he did. 
“We live underground but I suppose…there’s a first for everything,” Leonardo said, and Mikey watched him take a few steps forward to take a closer look at the pictures. He saw him linger over one he’d taken of Raph and their dad at the dinner table. Nothing special, it had been Mikey’s candid phase where he was trying to capture the essence of life but Raph messed it up and looked at him mid-noodle slurp. 
“Underground? Like a cave?” Mikey asked. He didn’t know anyone who lived underground, aside from the wild fancy rich people houses he sometimes saw on HGTV. Man, he bet those guys were sitting pretty now, in their underground furnished bunkers with backup generators and an indoor vegetable farm. They didn’t have to worry about anything. Oh, to be a billionaire with a crazy house. 
Leonardo stepped back from the photo wall and tilted his head, a half-yes. “Sewers, technically.” 
Oh no. That was the exact opposite of a billionaire bunker. The sewers? Mikey was about to ask some extremely important follow-ups but Leo cut him off. 
“You live in the sewers?” Leo asked, voice still high and stringy. He let out a strangled sounding whine and Mikey saw his fingers grip harder around his head. “Oh my god why?”
Can you just ask people why they live in the sewers? You probably can’t just ask people why they live in the sewers. Technically Mikey didn’t know the answer to that question but it felt like a real Mean Girls moment. Oh my god, Leo, you can’t just ask people why they live in the sewers. He almost said it, but the joke fell flat on his tongue, like the weight of the situation burdened his humor too much. 
Read more here! Pay attention to the tags and warnings!
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readyforthegarden · 10 months
Breakable Heaven - Part Three
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x Female Reader
Synopsis: Being the maid of honor in your best friends wedding is already stressful enough without the best man being the ex-boyfriend who tore your heart to shreds. Stumbling across a dating app with dates for hire, you take a chance, inviting a perfect stranger to pretend to be your boyfriend for the weeklong celebrations. But how long can the charade last when the champagne starts pouring and feelings start growing?
AN: posting early for my lovely @gretavanfleetposts and because danny posted today while I was writing part four so it’s meant to be 😌
Warnings: Conversations alluding to sex, mentions of drinking 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
WC: 3495
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“Did you see this itinerary?” Danny asked you as you yawned the next morning, walking back into the living room after brushing your teeth. There had been an early wake up by room service with coffee and pastries. You watched from the bed as Danny had brought the tray back into the living room, and for a brief moment, you thought you fell in love with the sight of the tall man, curls disheveled and holding an apple danish. 
Sitting next to him on the couch, you glanced over his shoulder at his phone screen, watching him scroll through the imported calendar. Monday, today, was low-key, as more people arrived at the vineyard. There was nothing for the bridesmaids as some were missing still, while the groomsmen went golfing at a nearby course, and then another dinner at the vineyard restaurant. 
“Mike invited me out to golf with the guys today,” Danny picked up a note on the tray with the coffee and handed it to you.
“That’s really nice.” you leaned forward, setting it down after reading it and pouring some coffee into a mug from the fancy carafe. You poured in your cream and sugar, stirring it and taking a long sip. “Do you like golf?”
“I actually love golf.” Danny smiled, biting into a danish.  “I may have done a little research about the area and was planning on going to play while you were busy with wedding stuff.“ you set your mug down and reached over, grabbing a danish of your own. As you chewed, you pulled up the itinerary on your own phone, looking through the days. 
“Uh, we have a field day??” you asked rhetorically, furrowing your brow. “A campout? Olivia didn’t say anything about camping.”
“It’s just one night, and look, the next day you’re at a spa all day getting pampered.” Danny mentioned, tapping the side of your phone with his long pinky finger. You did feel a small sense of relief that it would only be one night. “Dang, that massage sounds really nice.”
“Mm, hot stones, I cannot wait.” you nearly moaned at the idea, your body already feeling a little melty. “What time do you have to be downstairs?”
“‘Bout an hour.” Danny sipped on his coffee, leaning back in his seat. “Enough time to shower, get dressed and kiss my honey goodbye.” you froze for a moment, until the nickname conversation replayed in your head. Then you realized what he said and near-stammered.
“Oh, you want me to go with you down to the lobby?” Shrugging, Danny gave you a small smile.
“You don’t have to,” he began. “But it may make us look as hopelessly in love as we proclaimed to be last night.” you nodded and thought about it. In all your worries, you hadn’t realized that you and Danny had shared a kiss already. And in front of Gavin, no less. It felt like it was supposed to happen, once your surprise had worn off. His lips had been warm and soft, the memory of the faint trace of beer on them made you lick your own subconsciously. 
“No, that’s a good idea.” you nodded. “We’re still in the honeymoon phase, after all. Do you mind if I go get dressed before you hop in the shower?” Danny shook his head and you got up, going into the bedroom and shutting the doors.  You dressed quickly, throwing on a light, soft sweater and some jeans before slipping on a pair of socks and going into the bathroom, running your brush through your hair. The green of your sweater was one of your favorite colors; it made your eyes pop and your skin glow.  The color boosted your confidence in a way that gave you a little more bounce in your step as you walked back into the living room.
“Oh, you look nice.” Danny complimented when his eyes raised from his phone screen to you. Smiling, you gave a little spin as he stood up and walked closer to you. 
“Thanks, I love this sweater.” you replied. Danny was close enough now, he reached out, gently pinching the fabric on your upper arm and rubbing it between his fingers, feeling the softness of it. “Olive green is one of my favorite colors.” Danny’s eyes raised to yours, a tender smirk playing on his lips.
“Well, I don’t like olives,” he said softly. “But I do like this sweater.” as he departed to go get ready himself, it felt like he had finished his sentence early. If he had continued, he would’ve let slip that he possibly only liked it because it was on you. 
While he stood under the steaming water of the shower, Danny questioned why he had just done that. He felt a quick friendship budding with you, that was for sure, but to flirt like that with no audience wasn’t a part of his job description. It just happened, he hadn’t even realized he was touching your sweater or standing that close until he was walking away, leaving you to stare at his retreating back.
You were doing your best to busy yourself in the living room, putting the empty coffee mugs back onto the tray, wiping up any crumbs of the table, even though you knew housekeeping would be in to straighten up. Danny was a very, very good actor, you decided. A method actor, who had to stay in some form of character in order to properly perform when the time came.
When he was ready, you and Danny headed out, his hand sliding into yours in the hallway swinging slightly between the both of you as you walked. There was no need for assistance down the stone steps in your sneakers, but he made sure to slow his gait as you both descended. 
Mike, Gavin, and the other groomsmen were already downstairs, a small, black van idling in front of the doors. Olivia was standing next to Mike, doing her best not to glare at Gavin as the two men spoke.  
“Hey! Glad you could make it!” Mike grinned, waving Danny over. Danny let go of your hand as Olivia cut through them, coming to stand by you. 
“Thanks for inviting me, this will be more fun than playing by myself.” Danny thanked Mike, before being introduced to a few groomsmen he didn’t get to meet at the dinner before. 
“I was thinking we could go into town while they’re out golfing.” Olivia turned to you. “I need a few things I forgot back home and my mom is already driving me insane.”
“Sure, I just have to run upstairs and grab my bag.” you replied, motioning back towards the room. 
“Danny, did you do this on purpose?” Tom, one of the groomsmen, laughed. “Your socks match her sweater!” Looking down, you realized Danny had adorned his long legs with argyle socks, patches of olive green in the pattern. 
“It’s for good luck,” Danny wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You leaned into his side, looking up at his grin. His crooked smile charmed everyone around him, and you found yourself included under its spell. “Matching my girl makes me play better.”
“Sure it does.” Mike patted Danny’s arm with a laugh. “We should get going, our tee time is in an hour.” Danny squeezed you closer before pulling back a little. 
“A kiss for even better luck?” his hazel green eyes sparkled down at you and you couldn’t help the small smile and nod you gave him back. You hopped up onto your tiptoes, pressing your lips against Danny’s before he pressed back, holding your cheek to keep you in place a few seconds longer. 
“C’mon lover boy!” Danny pulled away with a laugh, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. 
“Thanks, honey.” he winked back at you as he walked out the front doors, leaving you standing there with a breathless feeling. 
“Damn, he’s good.” you murmured to yourself, forgetting Olivia was right next to you. 
“Yeah he is,” she agreed, a smirk on her face as she watched you.. “Go get your bag and drink some water, babe. We’ll leave in ten.” nodding, you went back upstairs to grab your purse. Meeting Olivia back downstairs, she ushered you into Mike’s sports car, and whisked you off to town. The small town was straight out of a hallmark movie, the street lamps done up for the nearing autumnal season with warm white lights and fall leaf garlands wrapped around them. Everyone on the streets seemed to know one another, stopping for a chat or smiling pleasantly. 
You and Olivia popped in and out of a few stores, gathering some last minute items, various spools of white threads in case something tore on her dress or veil, inserts for her heels she’d be in most of the day, anything and everything Olivia was starting to panic about. Stopping off at one of the small diners for lunch, you recounted the items on the list she rattled off in the car, trying to see what was left.
“I wonder how the boys are doing,” Olivia cut you off, pushing the grilled chicken from her salad around the plate with her fork. 
“Well, they’re probably a few beers in and having trouble seeing the tees.” you laughed under your breath, remembering the time Mike and Gavin came back from a golf day with the guys plastered. “If that group makes all eighteen holes, I’d be impressed.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” Olivia giggled. “But I was talking more in terms of getting along.”
“Why wouldn’t they get along?” you turned up from your phone, marking off one of the last items you knew you had gotten on the notes app. Olivia narrowed her eyes at you, pursing her lips to keep from smiling.
“Because, Mike told me Gavin thinks Danny is a prick.” 
“What?!” your mouth fell open in shock. “They’ve spoken to each other once!”
“Well apparently, Gavin tried to talk to Danny at the bar last night, and he completely ignored him.” Olivia shrugged. “Said he was trying to congratulate him on getting a girl like you.” you rolled your eyes so hard, you nearly severed your optic nerve. “I know, I don’t believe it at all.”
“Gavin went up to Danny and tried giving him advice about me,” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “Told him that he was surprised we lasted as long, that I was boring and to try and cut his losses early.”
“I swear to god,” Olivia was fuming across the table. “When I get my hands on that piece of shit-”
“Danny took care of it.” you told her. “He told him to drop it and from the looks on their faces when I came up, I’m pretty sure Danny scared him a little.”
“Good, that bastard deserves to be scared.” Olivia stabbed the piece of chicken now. “I don’t know what Mike sees in that man.”
“Beats me,” shrugging you picked up a fry from the plate you were sharing with Olivia, dragging it through the ketchup on your plate. “I’m sure nostalgia is clouding how different they’ve become.”
“Oh for sure,” Olivia agreed, finally eating more of her salad. “Speaking of Danny, I want to know more.” you froze internally. Olivia was never one for simple, non-invasive questions. No, she was a true interrogator. If she could waterboard answers out of people, you felt that she fully would.
“Like what?” Now it was Olivia who rolled her eyes.
“Everything! What’s he really like? He’s in a band, are they any good? You’ve kept me in the dark and I need to know everything!!” you felt a pang of guilt twist your stomach when Olivia said that. Lying to her was hard, she was your best friend, the biggest secret you’d ever kept from her was her birthday and Christmas presents.
“His band is really good,” you nodded, the fibs starting to flow through your teeth. “They’re a rock band, so talented.”
“You’ll have to send me their stuff, I’d love to hear it.” Olivia smiled, her eyes wide and sparkling. “Oh! We should go to one of their shows together! When I get back from my honeymoon!”
“That’d be great!” you faked a grin. You wouldn’t know Danny anymore after the wedding, there was no chance of that. “Um, I mean I don’t know what to say, he’s just…he’s really great, Liv.” your friend leaned forward, lowering her voice.
“Okay, but how is he?” she wiggled her eyebrows at you.
“Oh come on, I know all about Gavin’s dick and how that was, give me something good!” she whined. “I’m about to be with the same penis for the rest of my life, I need to live vicariously through you!” Blushing, you sighed. What Olivia took as you trying to decide where to start first, was you trying wrap your head around talking about sex with a man that you had only kissed twice, and were never going to go farther with.
“He’s incredibly…attentive.” you finally answered. “I have no complaints.”
“Oh come on!” Olivia pressed, stomping one of her feet under the table. “You have to give me more than that!”
“Liv, really, I…” you pursed your lips together. “He’s different…he cares, and he’s good. I’ve never been with anyone like him.” Olivia grinned, seemingly satisfied with your answer. 
“One day I will get a full play-by-play out of you.” she replied, snatching a fry off the shared plate. “He must really be something if you of all people aren’t giving me every sinful detail.”
“He is,” you smiled softly. The two of you finished your lunches, heading back out to the shops for the afternoon, finishing off the list and shopping for fun. The ride back to the vineyard was filled with anticipation. You were excited and nervous to see Danny, not knowing how he’d take the conversation you and Olivia had at lunch, but hoping he would laugh, especially at the way you blew it off.
You and Olivia had just started walking from the car back to the stone manor when the van with the men pulled up. They were loud, as soon as the doors opened to let them out, and they spilled out, laughing and talking excitedly with one another. You saw Danny, who looked to have a new hat from the golf course on his head, with his arm around Thomas’ shoulders as they spoke to one another, and you smiled, glad he was getting along with them. 
“Baby!” Mike waved at Olivia once he spotted her. At his voice, Danny looked over, an excited grin on his face. Before you could register it, Danny sprinted across the parking lot to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up off the ground.
“I played the best game I’ve played in years!” he cheered. Your hands clasped his strong shoulders as he spun you around in circles. 
“I’m glad!” you laughed, your legs wrapped around his waist as he stopped turning, adjusting his hold on you. Reaching up, he took the hat off of his head, plopping it on you. It smelled of new materials and a little bit of sweat, mixed with the shampoo and conditioner Danny used that morning.
“All because of that good luck kiss, honey.” he said softer, before turning to the guys. “You all made fun of me, but who got the best score?” The guys all waved him off, but Danny had turned back to you before he even saw. “I need one before every round from now on.”
“I think you’re a little tipsy, Danny.” you laughed softly as he hoisted you up, feeling you fall a little. 
“Maybe, I had a few rounds to celebrate my win.” he shrugged. 
“You guys are back in just enough time to sober up for dinner.” Olivia laughed as Mike swayed her back and forth. Danny set you down, sliding his hand into yours as you both walked into the building. “Let’s go, you smell like beer and sweat.”
“A day well spent!” Mike cheered, causing the other guys to cheer in agreement. You laughed as Danny joined in, his eyes glimmering. You and Danny parted ways with the others and headed to your room, where he immediately kicked off his golf shoes.
“That was so fun,” Danny laughed, sitting on the arm of the couch, letting himself fall back. His long legs dangled over the arm, and you shook your head. “Gavin sucks at golf, if it’s any consolation.”
“You know what? It is.” you came around the back of the couch, looking down at Danny, who had his eyes closed, hands laid flat over his chest and abdomen, thumping out a beat that was in his head. “You’ll never guess what Olivia and I talked about today.”
“Our sex life.”
“Hmm?” Danny sounded confused for a moment, then laughed.”
“Did you tell her I was huge?”
“No! I tried to stay away from that.” you shook your head. “I did tell her I was completely satisfied and had no complaints.” Danny’s eyes opened as he gave you a goofy grin. The green in his eyes melted in with the browns, reminding you of something you couldn’t quite place.
“Glad to hear it,” Danny laughed slightly. “For the record, I’m amazing.”
“Oh you are?”
“Yeah.” Danny closed his eyes and nodded confidently. 
“I’ll take your word for it.”  moving away from the couch, you went to the bedroom getting your outfit together for dinner. You listened to Danny start to lightly snore from the couch, and you stilled. Mostly so you could slow your movements, not wanting to wake him as he slept off the sun and alcohol. But also because it reminded you of how you’d woken up in the night. You found out you and Danny both tended to sleep on your sides and stomachs, arms under the pillows supporting. You had felt something touch your hand, and jolted out of sleep, though not enough to rouse your bedmate. Danny’s fingers had been grazing yours in his sleep, twitching like he would hold them if not for his unconscious state.
Something about that memory made your stomach flutter, thinking of Danny’s sharp features having been softened by sleep. You were becoming fond of the young man snoozing on the couch. You hoped that the two of you could stay friends after this ruse was over, pretend to break up, maybe even use the band and his traveling as an excuse, and then just be friends. 
You were taking the last hot roller out of your hair when Danny entered the bathroom, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
“What time is it?”
“Almost half past six,” you answered. “I’m almost done, and then you can hop in the shower before dinner.” Danny nodded, leaning against the doorframe, watching you turn your attention back to your hair. He watched as your fingers gently fixed and primped the smooth, loose curls before you grabbed a can of hairspray and set them in place. 
“You look beautiful,” he smiled, watching your cheeks turn pink under the soft blush that was resting on them already.
“Thank you,” your eyes flickered from his reflection in the mirror back to your hair. “I…”
“Yes?” Danny looked at you curiously after you stopped yourself. Taking a breath, you looked back up at his reflection sheepishly.
“I get that you’re here to pretend to be my boyfriend and to be in love with me, but you compliment me even when we're alone.” Danny felt something bubble up in his throat, trying to clear it before he spoke again.
“Is that a problem?”
“No,” you shook your head quickly, and Danny watched as your hair bounced from the movement. “But it’s just….I don’t know, it’s nice, I guess.”
“Well, knowing how Gavin talked about you, I can’t imagine he was doling them out very often.” Danny near-sneered at the mention of Gavin. He had refused to acknowledge the man during the golf outing, opting to get to know the other groomsmen and Mike a bit more. Danny felt his heart sink as your face told him he was right. “Just because this is fake, doesn’t mean my compliments always have to be. You deserve to be told you’re as beautiful as you are, as many times as possible.” 
There was a change in Danny’s eyes that you noted, though what it was you couldn’t guess. He stood there for a few more seconds, locking eyes with you before pushing himself off the door frame and walking back out to the living room. You quickly finished your hair and makeup and left the bathroom letting him pass by you to get ready.
“I’ll be done in fifteen, wait for me?”
“Of course.”
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Taglist: (feel free to add yourself!)
@joshsindigostreak @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @lvnterninthenight @allieisacrybaby @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @shutupdevvie @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @gardensgatedaisy @demonrat444 @dannyandthekiszkas @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @gvfpal
@allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @highladyofasgard @sammysvanfeet @gold-mines-melting @earthgrlsreasy @mountain-in-springtime @forcebond301 @stardust-and-shadows @llightmyllovee @gretavangroupie @comesofarsomehow @infinisonicosm @indigofallingsky @hellowgoodbye @hearts-hunger @fwzco @dharma-divine33 @lightsofthe-living-gvf @ascendingtothestarsasone @klarxtr @ofthecaravel @musicspeaks @radmads-gvf @madneedshelp @the-starcatcher
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Aight. So about my crazy idea- I’m making a fanfic about it. I can’t help it. So now y’all gotta suffer with it lol. Enjoy!
⚠️TW⚠️: swearing, possession, fighting, knife being held to someone’s throat, and i don’t really know what else-
6:00 am
It was a cold-ish rainy morning. Massachusetts was laying curled up on his side with a book, his headphones and phone, and a blanket over him. Yep. He stayed up all night reading again. He really needs to stop doing that, and the other states make sure to tell him that, but it ain’t like he’s gonna listen to them. How ironic is it that he’s the one that knows all about medical stuff and what could happen if you don’t sleep, and a bunch of other sh*t, yet is probably the most reckless and risk-taking state there? Anygays- we’re getting off topic.
Mass slowly sat up, his back popping a little as he sat up, and checked the time on his phone. He sighed and decided to just get up and start his day. His cat, Mayflower, that was sitting at the edge of his bed meowed disapprovingly at being woken up and disturbed, walked over to where he was sitting, and hopped onto his lap, startling the Bay State. He giggled slightly and started petting her, Mayflower purring as he did so.
"I’m so sorry for disturbing you, your Majesty. I didn’t realize that I couldn’t get out of bed without disrupting your slumber. I shall in fact burn for crimes." He said, faux apologetically, but not being able to stifle the giggle at the end. Mayflower meowed at him and turned around, hopping up and putting her front paws on his shoulders. She rubbed her face all over his face, neck and ears affectionately (idk I’ve seen videos of cats rubbing their faces on their owners and apparently that’s supposed to be affectionate-).
He smiled and gently pushed her off. "Stahahap that you gohohof! (Stop that you goof!)"
Mass got up and walked to his bathroom so he could get dressed when heard a deeper voice in his head. ‘Ughhhhh not you again…" he thought.
‘Yes it’s me again! Good morning dumba$$.’ Satan’s Kingdom responded.
‘What do you want…?’ Mass responded mentally.
‘What do you mean….. Who says I want anything?~’ S.K. answered with faux confusion and sadness.
‘Whenever you decide to speak to me, it’s either because you want something, or you wanna make my life a living-f(speaks Boston) hell.’ The Bay State answered, clearly not wanting to this sh** today (it be like that sometimes 😔✊).
‘Ok fine…. I just wanted to if-‘
‘No NO you may not. I know what you’re about to say, my answer is f(speaks Boston) no.’ Mass said as he brushed his hair in front of his mirror
"Awwwww why not?~ It’ll be fun~" The village(Satan’s Kingdom) whined.
‘No means no, jacka$$.’
Mass heard a slight chuckle from the other being in his mind. Well that can’t be good.
‘Well you see, Massachusetts…. You don’t exactly have a choice in the matter~’ Mass’s eyes widened as he was forced out of control and sent into the mind-space.
S.K. was now in full control of Mass’s body. "Ohoho now THIS- is gonna be fun~" He said to himself, ignoring Mass’s attempts to get control again. He grabbed Mass’s hoodie that Mass had chosen to wear that day and put it on, surprised when he saw how big the hoodie was on him. "Dang. Is the hoodie that big or this thing really THAT thin.-" he said under his breath. He grabbed Mass’s hat and put it on, pulling his hood over it. Next was the eyeliner. Ok, done. S.K. looked in the mirror and grinned, flashing his fangs that went all the way to the back of his mouth, and flicking his forked tongue a bit. Nobody’ll notice the teeth, slit pupils, and tongue right? Naw. Probably not.
S.K. walked downstairs to where a couple other states were and poured himself a cup of coffee. He was about to take a sip of coffee when he felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around to see New Jersey. ‘Quick how does Mass act towards him?!- Insanely aggressive right? Yea I think this is the one.’
"Mornin’ sleeping beauty." NJ said with a small smirk as he poured himself a glass of milk.
"Stfu." S.K. responded coldly. He noticed the slightly offended look on Jersey’s face.
"Well d*nm somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, huh?" Jersey said.
"Perhaps so. Now shut it and let me drink my coffee." S.K. said, and then taking a sip of coffee. Except the thing is, he didn’t add creamer or sugar or literally anything. He just drank it straight up. Which Mass never does. And unfortunately, Jersey caught that small detail, seeing as how often he goes to Dunkin with Mass.
Jersey chuckled a bit and took a sip of his milk. "Well that’s new."
"Whaddya mean?" S.K. questioned, glaring at the state in front of him.
"Ya never drink yer coffee black, so I was just stating that that was new." The Garden State said.
"O-oh. Yea. Um. Whatever." S.K. said, silently cursing himself for stuttering.
Jersey looked at the smaller with a bit of confused expression. "Are ya doin’ alright? Ya seem to be a bit off. Are ya sick or smth?" He said. He reached his hand to the other’s forehead and feeling the side of his face (well it’s more like closer to under the ear/around the jaw-), only to have his hand swatted away.
"I’m fine. I ain’t sick." Said the smaller of the two.
"Ok then…? I’ll see ya later at the meetin’ I guess." Jersey said and started to walk off.
"The what?!" S.K. shouted, spitting out his coffee into the mug.
Jersey turned around confused. "Yea…? Didn’t ya get the email bout’ the meetin’ at 3?"
"Oh.. OH- that meeting! Oh yea, it probably just slipped my d*nm mind I guess. See ya later." And with that he walked away, leaving Jersey in mild confusion.
Later at the meeting:
S.K. could now understand why Mass hated these meetings so much. It was sooooooo f(technical glitch)in’ boring… He put his hood up, pulled it down as much as he could, and then just stopped listening to everybody else. What he did notice, however, was Louisiana staring at him, seemingly studying him. Watching his every movement. Satan’s Kingdom tried to remember ANYTHING about Loui, and then it him. He forgot 2 things. 1:Loui is one of Massachusetts’s best friends, and 2: Loui is in fact capable of sensing bad energy or different energies and spirits, ghosts, demons, ect…. Sh*t he hoped that Louisiana wouldn’t say anything or sense anything. Unfortunately for him though, Loui did sense something was wrong.
From across the Table, Loui felt that something was a bit… off, to say the least. He could feel a new type of negative or even demonic energy in the room. Well there weren’t any apparitions in the room, seeing as Loui had already checked for any and found none. He was about to give up trying to figure out what it was, but it bothered him too much. He looked around the room and looked at the energy of the other states (+Gov), checking off each one after he checked. Florida… The Fed… Texas… Cali… York…… and all the rest seemed somewhat normal. That was until he got to "Massachusetts". There was something that felt incredibly wrong, and he was kinda worried for his friend. He hadn’t even noticed Gov calling his name until he heard someone shout "Louisiana!!"
He snapped his head towards Gov, who had been the one who called him. "Huh?"
Gov just sighed. "I’ve been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes."
Loui rubbed the back of his neck with a slight chuckle. "Whoops- Uh- Whatcha need, sha?"
Gov rolled his eyes fondly. Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, is ever really able to hate or be mad at Loui. "I just wanted to know if you had any updates about anything going on in your state that I might need to know about?" He said.
"O-oh. Uh- no. Nothin’ dat comes to mind, sha." Loui said with a smile.
"*sigh* Alright then. New York?" Gov said, then continued.
"F(speaks New York) you." NY said with a slight glare.
"As always you’re such a pleasure to speak to."
"Piss off."
Louisiana had pretty much gone back to what he was doing in the first place. He noticed that "Mass" seemed to be fidgeting with something with something under the table. So, purely out of curiosity, he slid down in his seat a bit so he could see under the table. His eyes widened a bit as he saw what “Mass" was holding in his hands. It seemed to be a small double-bladed thing with weird designs on it.
He sat back up and looked at "Mass" who hadn’t seemed to notice the fact that he saw the blades.
"H-hey sorry fo’ interruptin’,- um hey Mass you doin’ aight sha?" Louisiana said, sending a slightly apologetic look Gov’s way.
‘Sh*t-‘ Satan’s Kingdom thought as he panicked for a second. "Uh- yea why do ya ask?" He said, giving the younger a slight glare.
"Well- you seem a bit… off, today. I’m sensin’ a very negative energy comin’ from ya, it ain’t like yer usual moody sleep-deprived energy." Loui said.
"I’m fine."
"Are ya sure sha?"
"Yes. Shut it."
"Again. Are you sure? Cuz if there is somethin’ wrong I can h-" Loui started but cut off by “Mass" grabbing a random vase and throwing it at him. The vase hit Loui directly in the side of his head and shattered, knocking him out of his chair and onto the ground where he curled up holding his head. Chaos only arose from the table.
"LOUI-!" Florida screamed as he got from his chair and kneeled down at Loui’s side, Texas following.
"WHAT THE HE// MASS?! What is wrong with you?! He was trying to he help!?!" Texas shouted while glaring at "Mass" and trying to get Loui to uncurl himself.
"Yea wtf?!" New York shouted turning to Mass and standing up, glaring at him. He was shocked when he saw "Mass" with a sick-evil grin on his face and glowing red eyes staring back at him through his hood. His face fell when the realization hit him. "You’re not my brother…"
"It took you f(technical glitch)in’ morons THAT long to figure it out?! Ha." Satan’s Kingdom said with an insane look in his eyes that sent shivers down the spine of the usually stoic New York.
"I thought we got rid of you a while ago!?!" Connie (Connecticut) shouted.
"Nope! Now, you’re next, Yorkie!~" S.K. said as he leaped up and swung the blades at York, luckily though York managed to just barely dodge it. (Sh*tty fight scene coming up-)
S.K. snarled and jumped at York with the blades again, this time managing cut York across the cheek and making the other hiss in pain. The smaller of the two had a wicked grin on his face as he licked the blood off the knife and swung again, this time cutting New York’s arm, which made the other yelp (as in the way a dog does). Jersey had gotten up to go assist York, but got pushed back down into his seat by Oklahoma (whom he sat by since I’ve decided that he sits between Texas and Oklahoma). He glared at Oklahoma who just told him to sit tf down and let York deal with it and just reluctantly listened to him.
York eventually managed to somehow grab the blade as S.K. swung again, but unfortunately this meant that the blade cut into his palm. But ofc he didn’t care and managed to twist the knife out of S.K.’s hand by the blade and toss him at the wall with the knife to his throat. He found unnatural joy in the panicked look of his brother’s controller, but quickly shut it out as he came back to reality and the situation at hand. He was about to slit the other’s throat but something S.K. said stopped him.
"W-wait! Now b-before you s-slit my throat, you need to remember one important thing." S.K. said.
"And what the f(speaks New York) is that?!" York half yelled half said normally.
Satan’s Kingdom just chuckled before giving an evil grin and saying, "Well you see Yorkie~ Me and your pathetic excuse of a brother share a body. Meaning… If you kill me, you also kill your useless brother.~"
New York’s face fell slightly as he realized that the stupid man controlling his brother was right. ‘Then how do we get Masshole back without hurtin’ im’….’ While he was lost in his thoughts, he heard a loud voice shout:
"I need the Commonwealth of Massachusetts present at the table right this moment!!"
York turned around, still keeping S.K. pinned on the wall, to see that it had been Gov that shouted that. Gov. Of all people. To say York was surprised to see the usually anxiety-ridden man standing confidently with a stern look on his face is an understatement. He didn’t think Gov had it in him. He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts tho when he felt something give up behind him. York quickly turned back around to see his brother looking at him with tear-glazed eyes and let go, letting Massachusetts slide down the wall and curl up in a little ball.
It quickly dawned on York that Mass was having a panic attack and couldn’t calm down or breathe at all, so he decided to try to do something that Mass used to do with him when he was younger (and smaller cuz now York is 5’10 while Mass is 5’6-). He reached his good hand out in front of Mass so the other could see it and decide whether he wanted to take it or not, and York was secretly hoping and praying that he did. He could see that Mass had seen his hand and was considering whether to take it or not. Aight. So about my crazy idea- I’m making a fanfic about it. I can’t help it. So now y’all gotta suffer with it lol. Enjoy!
⚠️TW⚠️: swearing, possession, fighting, knife being held to someone’s throat, and i don’t really know what else-
6:00 am
It was a cold-ish rainy morning. Massachusetts was laying curled up on his side with a book, his headphones and phone, and a blanket over him. Yep. He stayed up all night reading again. He really needs to stop doing that, and the other states make sure to tell him that, but it ain’t like he’s gonna listen to them. How ironic is it that he’s the one that knows all about medical stuff and what could happen if you don’t sleep, and a bunch of other sh*t, yet is probably the most reckless and risk-taking state there? Anygays- we’re getting off topic.
Mass slowly sat up, his back popping a little as he sat up, and checked the time on his phone. He sighed and decided to just get up and start his day. His cat, Mayflower, that was sitting at the edge of his bed meowed disapprovingly at being woken up and disturbed, walked over to where he was sitting, and hopped onto his lap, startling the Bay State. He giggled slightly and started petting her, Mayflower purring as he did so.
"I’m so sorry for disturbing you, your Majesty. I didn’t realize that I couldn’t get out of bed without disrupting your slumber. I shall in fact burn for crimes." He said, faux apologetically, but not being able to stifle the giggle at the end. Mayflower meowed at him and turned around, hopping up and putting her front paws on his shoulders. She rubbed her face all over his face, neck and ears affectionately (idk I’ve seen videos of cats rubbing their faces on their owners and apparently that’s supposed to be affectionate-).
He smiled and gently pushed her off. "Stahahap that you gohohof! (Stop that you goof!)"
Mass got up and walked to his bathroom so he could get dressed when heard a deeper voice in his head. ‘Ughhhhh not you again…" he thought.
‘Yes it’s me again! Good morning dumba$$.’ Satan’s Kingdom responded.
‘What do you want…?’ Mass responded mentally.
‘What do you mean….. Who says I want anything?~’ S.K. answered with faux confusion and sadness.
‘Whenever you decide to speak to me, it’s either because you want something, or you wanna make my life a living-f(speaks Boston) hell.’ The Bay State answered, clearly not wanting to this sh** today (it be like that sometimes 😔✊).
‘Ok fine…. I just wanted to if-‘
‘No NO you may not. I know what you’re about to say, my answer is f(speaks Boston) no.’ Mass said as he brushed his hair in front of his mirror
"Awwwww why not?~ It’ll be fun~" The village(Satan’s Kingdom) whined.
‘No means no, jacka$$.’
Mass heard a slight chuckle from the other being in his mind. Well that can’t be good.
‘Well you see, Massachusetts…. You don’t exactly have a choice in the matter~’ Mass’s eyes widened as he was forced out of control and sent into the mind-space.
S.K. was now in full control of Mass’s body. "Ohoho now THIS- is gonna be fun~" He said to himself, ignoring Mass’s attempts to get control again. He grabbed Mass’s hoodie that Mass had chosen to wear that day and put it on, surprised when he saw how big the hoodie was on him. "Dang. Is the hoodie that big or this thing really THAT thin.-" he said under his breath. He grabbed Mass’s hat and put it on, pulling his hood over it. Next was the eyeliner. Ok, done. S.K. looked in the mirror and grinned, flashing his fangs that went all the way to the back of his mouth, and flicking his forked tongue a bit. Nobody’ll notice the teeth, slit pupils, and tongue right? Naw. Probably not.
S.K. walked downstairs to where a couple other states were and poured himself a cup of coffee. He was about to take a sip of coffee when he felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around to see New Jersey. ‘Quick how does Mass act towards him?!- Insanely aggressive right? Yea I think this is the one.’
"Mornin’ sleeping beauty." NJ said with a small smirk as he poured himself a glass of milk.
"Stfu." S.K. responded coldly. He noticed the slightly offended look on Jersey’s face.
"Well d*nm somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, huh?" Jersey said.
"Perhaps so. Now shut it and let me drink my coffee." S.K. said, and then taking a sip of coffee. Except the thing is, he didn’t add creamer or sugar or literally anything. He just drank it straight up. Which Mass never does. And unfortunately, Jersey caught that small detail, seeing as how often he goes to Dunkin with Mass.
Jersey chuckled a bit and took a sip of his milk. "Well that’s new."
"Whaddya mean?" S.K. questioned, glaring at the state in front of him.
"Ya never drink yer coffee black, so I was just stating that that was new." The Garden State said.
"O-oh. Yea. Um. Whatever." S.K. said, silently cursing himself for stuttering.
Jersey looked at the smaller with a bit of confused expression. "Are ya doin’ alright? Ya seem to be a bit off. Are ya sick or smth?" He said. He reached his hand to the other’s forehead and feeling the side of his face (well it’s more like closer to under the ear/around the jaw-), only to have his hand swatted away.
"I’m fine. I ain’t sick." Said the smaller of the two.
"Ok then…? I’ll see ya later at the meetin’ I guess." Jersey said and started to walk off.
"The what?!" S.K. shouted, spitting out his coffee into the mug.
Jersey turned around confused. "Yea…? Didn’t ya get the email bout’ the meetin’ at 3?"
"Oh.. OH- that meeting! Oh yea, it probably just slipped my d*nm mind I guess. See ya later." And with that he walked away, leaving Jersey in mild confusion.
Later at the meeting:
S.K. could now understand why Mass hated these meetings so much. It was sooooooo f(technical glitch)in’ boring… He put his hood up, pulled it down as much as he could, and then just stopped listening to everybody else. What he did notice, however, was Louisiana staring at him, seemingly studying him. Watching his every movement. Satan’s Kingdom tried to remember ANYTHING about Loui, and then it him. He forgot 2 things. 1:Loui is one of Massachusetts’s best friends, and 2: Loui is in fact capable of sensing bad energy or different energies and spirits, ghosts, demons, ect…. Sh*t he hoped that Louisiana wouldn’t say anything or sense anything. Unfortunately for him though, Loui did sense something was wrong.
From across the Table, Loui felt that something was a bit… off, to say the least. He could feel a new type of negative or even demonic energy in the room. Well there weren’t any apparitions in the room, seeing as Loui had already checked for any and found none. He was about to give up trying to figure out what it was, but it bothered him too much. He looked around the room and looked at the energy of the other states (+Gov), checking off each one after he checked. Florida… The Fed… Texas… Cali… York…… and all the rest seemed somewhat normal. That was until he got to "Massachusetts". There was something that felt incredibly wrong, and he was kinda worried for his friend. He hadn’t even noticed Gov calling his name until he heard someone shout "Louisiana!!"
He snapped his head towards Gov, who had been the one who called him. "Huh?"
Gov just sighed. "I’ve been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes."
Loui rubbed the back of his neck with a slight chuckle. "Whoops- Uh- Whatcha need, sha?"
Gov rolled his eyes fondly. Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, is ever really able to hate or be mad at Loui. "I just wanted to know if you had any updates about anything going on in your state that I might need to know about?" He said.
"O-oh. Uh- no. Nothin’ dat comes to mind, sha." Loui said with a smile.
"*sigh* Alright then. New York?" Gov said, then continued.
"F(speaks New York) you." NY said with a slight glare.
"As always you’re such a pleasure to speak to."
"Piss off."
Louisiana had pretty much gone back to what he was doing in the first place. He noticed that "Mass" seemed to be fidgeting with something with something under the table. So, purely out of curiosity, he slid down in his seat a bit so he could see under the table. His eyes widened a bit as he saw what “Mass" was holding in his hands. It seemed to be a small double-bladed thing with weird designs on it.
He sat back up and looked at "Mass" who hadn’t seemed to notice the fact that he saw the blades.
"H-hey sorry fo’ interruptin’,- um hey Mass you doin’ aight sha?" Louisiana said, sending a slightly apologetic look Gov’s way.
‘Sh*t-‘ Satan’s Kingdom thought as he panicked for a second. "Uh- yea why do ya ask?" He said, giving the younger a slight glare.
"Well- you seem a bit… off, today. I’m sensin’ a very negative energy comin’ from ya, it ain’t like yer usual moody sleep-deprived energy." Loui said.
"I’m fine."
"Are ya sure sha?"
"Yes. Shut it."
"Again. Are you sure? Cuz if there is somethin’ wrong I can h-" Loui started but cut off by “Mass" grabbing a random vase and throwing it at him. The vase hit Loui directly in the side of his head and shattered, knocking him out of his chair and onto the ground where he curled up holding his head. Chaos only arose from the table.
"LOUI-!" Florida screamed as he got from his chair and kneeled down at Loui’s side, Texas following.
"WHAT THE HE// MASS?! What is wrong with you?! He was trying to he help!?!" Texas shouted while glaring at "Mass" and trying to get Loui to uncurl himself.
"Yea wtf?!" New York shouted turning to Mass and standing up, glaring at him. He was shocked when he saw "Mass" with a sick-evil grin on his face and glowing red eyes staring back at him through his hood. His face fell when the realization hit him. "You’re not my brother…"
"It took you f(technical glitch)in’ morons THAT long to figure it out?! Ha." Satan’s Kingdom said with an insane look in his eyes that sent shivers down the spine of the usually stoic New York.
"I thought we got rid of you a while ago!?!" Connie (Connecticut) shouted.
"Nope! Now, you’re next, Yorkie!~" S.K. said as he leaped up and swung the blades at York, luckily though York managed to just barely dodge it. (Sh*tty fight scene coming up-)
S.K. snarled and jumped at York with the blades again, this time managing cut York across the cheek and making the other hiss in pain. The smaller of the two had a wicked grin on his face as he licked the blood off the knife and swung again, this time cutting New York’s arm, which made the other yelp (as in the way a dog does). Jersey had gotten up to go assist York, but got pushed back down into his seat by Oklahoma (whom he sat by since I’ve decided that he sits between Texas and Oklahoma). He glared at Oklahoma who just told him to sit tf down and let York deal with it and just reluctantly listened to him.
York eventually managed to somehow grab the blade as S.K. swung again, but unfortunately this meant that the blade cut into his palm. But ofc he didn’t care and managed to twist the knife out of S.K.’s hand by the blade and toss him at the wall with the knife to his throat. He found unnatural joy in the panicked look of his brother’s controller, but quickly shut it out as he came back to reality and the situation at hand. He was about to slit the other’s throat but something S.K. said stopped him.
"W-wait! Now b-before you s-slit my throat, you need to remember one important thing." S.K. said.
"And what the f(speaks New York) is that?!" York half yelled half said normally.
Satan’s Kingdom just chuckled before giving an evil grin and saying, "Well you see Yorkie~ Me and your pathetic excuse of a brother share a body. Meaning… If you kill me, you also kill your useless brother.~"
New York’s face fell slightly as he realized that the stupid man controlling his brother was right. ‘Then how do we get Masshole back without hurtin’ im’….’ While he was lost in his thoughts, he heard a loud voice shout:
"I need the Commonwealth of Massachusetts present at the table right this moment!!"
York turned around, still keeping S.K. pinned on the wall, to see that it had been Gov that shouted that. Gov. Of all people. To say York was surprised to see the usually anxiety-ridden man standing confidently with a stern look on his face is an understatement. He didn’t think Gov had it in him. He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts tho when he felt something give up behind him. York quickly turned back around to see his brother looking at him with tear-glazed eyes and let go, letting Massachusetts slide down the wall and curl up in a little ball.
It quickly dawned on York that Mass was having a panic attack and couldn’t calm down or breathe at all, so he decided to try to do something that Mass used to do with him when he was younger (and smaller cuz now York is 5’10 while Mass is 5’6-). He reached his good hand out in front of Mass so the other could see it and decide whether he wanted to take it or not, and York was secretly hoping and praying that he did. He could see that Mass had seen his hand and was considering whether to take it or not.
At much as Mass would hate to admit it, he was terrified. He had been so weak that S.K. had been able to take control, he hurt his brother and one of his best friends… He flinched a little when he saw his little brother’s hand in front of him. Thoughts of the possibility that York was mad and about to hurt him went racing through his head. Mass then decided that whatever happened to him would probably be well deserved, so he reluctantly took his brother’s hand and expected to be hit or thrown at the wall. What he didn’t expect was for York to pull him into his lap and wrap him in a tight hug and start rubbing his back soothingly. Safe. He felt safe. York wasn’t gonna hurt him. He buried his head in his brother’s shoulder and tried to calm down and slow his breathing.
"Aww-" Florida started but was quickly cut off when Texas used his good hand that wasn’t holding Louisiana to smack him in the back of the neck. Unfortunately Mass got a glimpse of Loui, who was unconscious in Tex’s arms, and that didn’t help with him trying to calm down.
New York could feel Mass getting riled up again and teleported back to his room where he managed to get Mass to calm down completely and get him to sleep.
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Mr Evershed x Student!reader - ghost
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Ouch! My heart is torn in TWO but Mr Evershed being there for R is so dang heartwarming! I did not expect this fic to go this way but I’m super excited to keep reading! Thank you for keeping this series going! 👻 - @the-imitation-blog 💜
Part 8:
Mr Evershed did everything he could do to try and lift your spirits, he’d help you wherever he could but he could see that you were struggling.
Especially when it came to the date your brother was supposed to come home for before things had changed.
You sat on the sofa, staring at the plate of food in front of you, and when Mr Evershed came back in seeing you staring at your food he sighed.
Sitting down, he set his own plate down and picked up yours, holding it out to you.
“You need to eat something (Y/N).” He said softly.
You put the plate on the table again and sat back, shaking your head and he sighed heavily.
“Just a little bit, please.”
“I’m not hungry..”
“You’ve not eaten anything all day, just have a little bit, that’s all I’m asking for, just a little.”
You didn’t reply and he took both the plates, walking to the dining room he set them both in the table and he gestured for you to come over.
You looked at him and got up, trudging your way to the dining room you sat on the chair opposite his, and he handed you your cutlery and you set them back down.
“He’s coming home in a couple of months.”
“He was supposed to come home today…”
“I know. I know he was, but do you really think he’d be okay with you not eating anything?”
You looked up at Mr Evershed and shook your head.
“He’d want you to take care of yourself right?”
You nodded.
“Just eat a little bit, please.”
You sighed, looking at the plate of food.
You knew he was right, Thomas would be furious if he found out you were doing this, and you didn’t want him to find out so you picked up your fork and began to slowly nibble at your food.
Mr Evershed didn’t say anything he silently ate his own dinner, and when you pushed your food away after eating around half of it he smiled softly at you.
“Thank you (Y/N).”
You said nothing, you just got up, taking your plate out and you vanished up the stairs and he sighed, finishing his food he washed everything up.
He didn’t want to disturb you, so Mr Evershed stayed downstairs, reading a book as he had the TV on as background noise.
It had been a few hours, and as he set his book down to go check on you, he noticed you coming through the doorway.
You were wearing the hoodie you had originally stolen from him, and joggers, and you just stood there, not seemingly sure about what you were doing.
Mr Evershed moved his legs, kicking them up on the table instead as he carried on reading, deciding to let you figure out what it was that you wanted.
You looked at him and walked over, sitting down you looked at your phone set it on the table as you stared at the news on the TV.
“Are you okay?”
You said nothing and Mr Evershed set it book aside, turning to look at you.
“Tell me what’s going on (Y/N)? Tell me what you’re feeling or whatever it is that’s bothering you.”
You shook your head, and he watched the tears fall down your face, but you didn’t seem to notice, or if you did you didn’t seem to care.
You just stared at the Tv, tears silently falling down your face.
“Hey, hey what’s wrong? Why’re you crying?”
You looked at him.
“I’m sorry you’re stuck looking after me…”
“I’m not stuck looking after you, I chose to look after you. I’m not stuck doing it. Why would you ever think that?”
“I.. I only agreed because I thought Thomas was coming back today.. I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry…”
Mr Evershed sighed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“Come here. Come here (Y/N), you don’t have to be sorry.”
You cried in his shoulder, constantly apologising again and again and he wrapped his other arm holding you tightly, trying to reassure you.
You gripped his arm, sobs wracking your body.
“You’re not bothering me, I want you to be here. I want you to be here and know you’re safe.” He whispered.
“I.. I just want my brother..” you cried.
“I know. I know. But he’s going to come home real soon, and we’re going to throw him the best party ever and we’ll get you some time off school so you guys can spend some time together, yeah?”
You pulled away from the hug and sniffed a little, wiping your eyes with the sleeves of the hoodie.
“We are?”
Mr Evershed smiled at you.
“Of course we are, we’ll get plenty of food and decorations and if it’s nice we’ll even have a BBQ, how does that sound.”
You sniffled a little, giving him a tiny smile.
“I.. I’d like to do that..”
“Then we’ll do that.” He nodded.
You nodded back and sniffled a little, looking up at him.
“Will you… can you hug me again..?”
“You don’t have to ask for a hug (Y/N), if you want a hug just hug me.”
You hugged Mr Evershed, resting your head on his shoulder and you took a small breath, and he wrapped an arm around you, making sure you had room to leave if you wanted too.
He slowly sat back, and you leant back with him, and he turned his attention to the TV.
You had yourself curled up in his side, and you looked so small and vulnerable and scared.
And he just held you, ready to fight away the whole world if he had to just to make sure you were okay.
He noticed your drifted asleep like that, and he sighed, giving a small shake of his head as he shook your shoulder.
“Go to bed, you’ll be in pain in the morning if you sleep like that.”
You weakly shook your head.
“I.. I don’t want to be alone…” you whispered.
“You’re not alone. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.”
You weakly nodded your head and you stood up, making your way to the stairs and he stayed downstairs for maybe another hour.
When Mr Evershed noticed you left your phone down here, so when he was heading up he made his way to your room where you had left the door and the light on, and he walked to the desk, plugging the phone in charge.
He turned the lamp on and turned the big light out, and when to leave when he heard you call his name.
He turned around and walked over, crouching down in front of you and your tired eyes looked at him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked softly.
“Stay here…?”
“That’s not really appropriate.”
You shook your head and gestured to the floor.
“You want me to sleep on the floor?”
You gave a weak nod of your head.
“Alright then, hold on.”
He left and a few minutes later he came back, setting his pillow on the floor and he laid down and you reached over the edge of the bed, grabbing his arm.
“Get some sleep.” He said softly.
“I can’t..”
Mr Evershed looked up at you.
“I’ll be right here.”
You looked down at him and he gave you a small smile and you nodded, rolling over to face the wall.
But you couldn’t sleep no matter how hard you tried. And you gave up after a while, sitting up, you carefully climbed over Mr Evershed, trying not to trip over him on the floor and to your phone to check the time.
Sighing you padded back over and grabbed your pillow and blanket and set them on the floor by the wall and laid down.
You weren’t sure when or how you fell asleep but you did.
Mr Evershed woke up and he looked up to see you weren’t in your bed anymore, and he frowned, looking around until he spotted you against the wall.
He got up and carefully picked you up, putting you back into bed he covered you up and went to make you both breakfast.
He noticed over the next few weeks how you mood seemed to improve, and you were back to your normal self.
Or so it seemed.
He was so busy with meetings and trying to sort things out with students and the school, Mr Evershed never noticed the fact that you would leave school early to go back, or you would just wouldn’t go to classes.
But today he did notice, because he was reading the weekly attendance report, and the names of those who needed to improve and your name was on that list.
Mr Evershed pulled out his phone and pulled up your contact.
You felt your phone buzz and you looked down at the notification.
Mr Evershed: you’re not in class. Where are you?
Sighing, you sent the headteacher a photo of the school gates, showing that you were sat on the curb in front of them, but still inside the school.
You stared out the gates, not bothering to look up as he sat next to you on the curb.
“I thought we were going to do what we’re supposed to from now on?” Mr Evershed asked.
You didn’t say anything and he looked at what you were looking at, but all he could see was a car parked on the other side of the street from the school.
He looked at you again, frowning. He knew there was something you were looking at so intently.
“What is it?” He asked.
You grabbed your phone and unlocked it, showing him the text thread from an unknown number that went back about a week.
He read through all the texts that went unanswered, then looked to the car.
“It’s my parents Mr Evershed.”
You turned to look at him.
“Please don’t let them take me away…” you whispered.
He handed your phone back over.
“I won’t, come on, come inside I’ll call detective Jones and ask for her help.”
You nodded and got up, looking at the car again as you turned back and ran after him into the school.
Mr Evershed took you through to his office and sat you down.
The messages never specified why you parents were coming here to try and take you away, but he had no doubt in his mind that for whatever the reason may be, it wasn’t going to be a good one.
Your phone kept ringing and buzzing with calls and texts and you just looked at it.
Eventually he reached over and took your phone, turning it off as he set it in his desk draw.
“I don’t want to go back with them Mr Evershed. I.. I don’t..”
“And I won’t let them take you back, alright? As it stands right now, you’re in my care, and I’m responsible for you, not then. The detective is on her way, but I’m not going to let them take you away.”
You looked up at him scared.
“Promise me you won’t let them get me…”
“I promise you’re going to stay in my care and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it that way, alright?”
You nodded your head and he offered you a reassuring smile.
Getting up, he walked over and stood behind you chair, placing his hand in your head as he gestured for Loraine to come into the room.
“You’re not leaving my side I promise.”
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shadowbunnydragon · 1 year
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Here is a special peek into an alternate universe! One where everyone's gender is swapped! It was a lot of fun and kinda a trip to go back and rewrite previous parts of the story. I hope you all like it!
And, I hope you all like the picture WastedTimeEE drew of Marigold (the female version of Marcus) in a family photo with her mom and dad, Zelda (Zach's female alternate version) and Varun (Vanna's male form)! It came out just so gosh dang cute and sweet! You can find it here on my SoFurry page in the link below! You can also find it on Wasted's pages over there and on FurAffinity!
Found (Genderswapped Shenanigans)
"What's the matter, Puppy Love?" Don asked, the diminutive ram reaching up to take the large gray she-wolf's paw in his hooves. Vera looked down at her mate with a smile before letting out a sigh, her ears and tail drooping a bit.
"Sweet sawgrass, Honey Ram," she said, rubbing her temple with her free paw. "That last place... did ya see the way that guy was looking at us? Ya'd think we were drooling, snarling monsters the way he acted!"
"I know, Vera," Don said with a note of sadness in his voice, "that is to be expected. B-between us being a pred/prey couple... and my criminal history... adopting for us was never going to be easy." The ram looked down at his hooves, only to be swept up into a (near) bone crushing hug by his much larger mate.
"Honey Ram, ya've more than made up fer that. Yer a hero! Anyone who holds yer past against ya like this, ta this degree, is just bein' more stubborn than Ma can be." Don let out a surprised OOF, but recovered and started to rub his mate's arms with his hooves. "We're two mammals lookin' to give some pups a lovin' and stable home, and gettin' passed over like that... it just ain't right."
"I know, Puppy," Don said as he was set back down. He adjusted his tie and lime green sweater vest. Rather than a full suit and tie, Don had decided to dress more upscale casual, so as to leave a good impression. Vera was wearing a light blue sundress. Normally a bit more tomboyish, she too had decided that their chances would be helped by dressing up a bit. "I suppose we have no choice but to just keep pressing forward. If it's any consolation, this place seemed much more promising than the previous one when I booked our appointment. And that was after they had completed a full background check on us." Looking up at his mate, Don's heart skipped a beat when he saw the smile that grew on Vera's muzzle. He was reminded daily of just how much he loved this she-wolf. It had been five years since their tithe and the subsequent caprid ceremony, but they still acted like newlyweds.
"I really hope that there's a little pup and lamb in there that we can open our home to," Vera said, standing up straighter and smoothing out her dress.
"I'm sure we will!" Holding his hoof in her much larger paw, Vera and Don walked up the well-maintained sidewalk path, Vera spotting the sign on the manicured front lawn.
"Warm Hearts, Warm Hearth's Children's Center," she read aloud. The red brick building, not being too far from Little Rodentia, was itself a bit on the small side. From the children's drawings taped to the windows to how well-kept the property was, it gave off more of a cozy feeling, as opposed to the more austere feeling the last facility gave off. It was a very welcome contrast to the couple as they entered the front doorway.
"Welcome," said a male kangaroo with a kind smile as he entered the reception area, wearing a simple white t-shirt and jeans. Out from a nearby doorway came the excited squeals and happy laughter of children. "How can I help you?"
"W-we're the Hunter-Bellwethers. I believe that we spoke on the phone?" Don said, adjusting his glasses.
"Ah yes," the kangaroo said, heading on over to his desk and motioning for the couple to sit down in the chairs opposite it. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter-Bellwether. I'm Adam Hopper, by the way, director here at Warm Hearts, Warm Hearths. You two are early, by the way."
"We're just that eager ta adopt," Vera said, still holding Don's hoof in her paw. She could feel him give her a reassuring squeeze.
"I like that," Adam said, "and if you two are here, then that means that you have been approved to adopt."
The wolf and ram could hardly believe their ears. They shared a look, both with excited grins on their faces, before looking back to Adam.
"That's wonderful news," Don said. Vera was silent, but her tail thumping her chair spoke volumes to her joy. It was then that Don spotted a small wire picture frame on the desk, containing a picture of the kangaroo before them and a tiger, both wearing white tuxedos, the latter nuzzling the former. Don had to stop himself from cooing at how precious the moment captured was, but Adam seemed to have noticed. There was a certain sparkle in his eye as he continued.
"My mate and I know how hard it can be for pred/prey couples to adopt. But I want to assure you both that you have nothing to worry about moving forward."
"Uhm," Don said, shifting a bit in his seat, "a-are you sure? I mean... y-you must know about my... past."
"Mr. Hunter-Bellwether," Adam said, taking note of how the she-wolf leaned down to hug her smaller mate, "everyone makes mistakes in their past. What is important is that you have not only been able to move past it, but even gone on to become a hero to the entire city, at great risk to yourself no less. I promise you, there is no problem here." Don and Vera both felt assured by that. "Now, moving on, you said on the phone that you would prefer children older than infants or toddlers?"
"Y-yes," Don said, feeling suddenly nervous again.
"We know that most couples tend ta adopt the really little ones more than the older pups," Vera explained, "so we were hopin' ta make a difference fer some pups more in the six ta nine age-range."
"Understandable, and you really will." Adam smiled again, quickly getting back to business. "Now, you also expressed a desire to adopt a wolf and a sheep? May I ask why that is?"
"W-well, we felt that it would probably help us to connect with them and better guide them through certain things and instincts in life. L-like the headbutting phase," Don said with a blush. He received a kiss to his forehead from Vera.
"And o'course, the howling urges," the she-wolf said simply. "But we'll still happily adopt outside our species, so it's not a dealbreaker."
"Absolutely! We just want to be parents!" Don chimed in.
Adam chuckled at that. "That's good to hear," he said, pulling out a file from his desk and opening it. He grabbed a photo and passed it to the couple. "As it just so happens, we have a trio that fits what you're looking for almost perfectly." The ram and she-wolf looked down at the photo to see three young mammals, smiling and hugging in a pose for the camera. One was a black wolf pup, wearing a yellow t-shirt and blue shorts, with bright yellow eyes. Then there was a little black-wooled ewe, in a yellow sundress. And sandwiched in between the two was... a largely furless mammal. He, as Don presumed the child was a boy, was wearing a similar shirt and shorts to the wolf pup. He had a shaggy patch of chestnut brown fur atop his head, but based on the rest of his face and arms and legs, he looked like he was otherwise devoid of any fur.
"This cute little trio think of each other as siblings, and have refused to be separated. The oldest, the little wolf boy, is Alex. He's eight. Tiffany, a sweetheart, is the ewe, and she's seven. And there in the middle is little Leon. He's six."
"Oh my... well, we only discussed having two lambs... but I don't think that three would be a problem, Puppy?" Don looked up at his mate, who was looking between him and the picture. Her tail was still wagging.
"True... three is a bigger commitment than two already was... but I ain't gunna go separatin' siblings from one another, even ones not related by blood. Though, I gotta ask, what species is little Leon? Don't get me wrong, he seems just as adorable as his brother and sister. I just never saw one of... whatever he is before," Vera said.
Adam began to rub the back of his head, looking uncomfortable. "Well, that's the thing. We don't know. We even had a sample of his DNA tested, but all we got back was an Unknown. And he doesn't match any kind of species on any registry we've been able to find. So... he's still an unknown species. And all we have to go on is that he was picked up from the streets at around age three or four."
"Oh," Don said, looking down at the picture again. "The poor little guy. He must've been so scared!"
Vera frowned at the thought of a child that young being all alone without anyone to take care of them, and let out a small whine. "Not knowin' what his species is might make it a bit harder ta relate ta him or some of the things his species goes through as they get older... but whatever he is. He and his brother and sister are more than welcome ta join our little pack... if'n they want. Right, Ramchop?"
Don looked up at his mate and, hopping up in his seat, he reached up to kiss his she-wolf on her nose.
"Of course, Puppy," Don said, handing back the photo to Adam, who kept in a snicker at how cute the couple across from him was together.
"Well, in that case, how about we introduce you two to them, and move on from there?" With an enthusiastic assent from the couple, Adam got up and led them through a short hallway into a room with some couches in it. Vera and Don took a seat on a maroon leather couch across from a navy blue one and waited while the kangaroo exited to go and get the children. Adam returned shortly afterwards, herding three young mammals into the room. Right away, Don and Vera noticed how Alex, who was wearing a red shirt with black shorts, was placing himself in front of the other two protectively, looking over at the two strange mammals with determined yellow eyes. Tiffany, who was wearing a blue dress similar to Vera's with a matching bow on her head floof, and Leon, who was in a green shirt and blue shorts, were both looking over his shoulder, soft hazel and curious deep blue respectively. Leon, despite being the youngest, seemed to be taller than his brother and sister, and was hugging a green stuffed dragon to his chest. Nervously, the three walked to the other couch and took a seat on it, huddling close together. Don and Vera both had to hold back a coo at the cuteness.
"Alex, Tiffany, Leon, this is Mr. and Mrs. Hunter-Bellwether; what do we say when we meet new people?" Adam asked in a gentle voice.
"H-hi," Tiffany spoke first. This was chorused by Leon and Alex.
"Hi there, pups!" Vera said, excited. Her tail was making a thumping sound against the couch where she sat, and that made Leon and Tiffany giggle. Alex turned to look at his siblings, before looking back at the strange couple before them.
"It's a pleasure to meet you three," Don said, beaming at the little lambs. After the initial introductions, the conversation continued, albeit a bit awkwardly at first. Don and Vera learned that Alex loved soccer, Tiffany enjoyed writing, and Leon liked to draw and explore.
"Are you going to adopt us?" Tiffany asked, putting a hoof around Leon and pulling him into a side hug. "'Cause Leon's our baby brother, and where we go, he comes with." The little ewe was polite, but very firm in her statement. Adam looked shocked and a little worriedly at Don and Vera, who both seemed to be holding back chuckles at the brave little lamb.
"Well, if y'all three don't mind the idea of us becommin' yer parents, we really would like ta adopt all three of ya," Vera said. At that, the pups seemed to relax a bit.
"You three do deserve to know that... because we're a predator and prey couple, we sometimes receive harassment for it. And... well, we just wanted to make sure you knew that, before deciding if you would like to come home with us." Don suddenly realized just how nervous he felt at that moment. Vera took his hoof in her paw and gave it another reassuring squeeze. The children huddled together on the couch, whispering to each other. Vera's ears twitched as she heard Leon's voice lightly drift over as he said "I think they're nice." Seeming to have reached a consensus, the three broke apart the huddle and, with Alex acting as the spokemammal for their group, he cleared his throat.
"... So long as me, my brother, and my sister can all stay together... then yes," Alex said, starting off sounding confident and strong, but his voice breaking a little at the end there, his little tail tucking itself as his ears started to droop a bit. Vera felt an urge to go over and give the pup a hug, but restrained herself. Instead, she and Don excitedly grinned and spoke with the children for almost another half an hour. When it was time for them to go, Adam led the children away, returning to see the couple out, and assure them that from that point onward, the adoption process was going to be much quicker. In a few more days, the couple would be able to take their children home with them. Walking back out and towards the minivan they had gotten, the she-wolf stopped and swept her mate up into another hug, which he was of course happy to return.
"This is really happening, Honey Ram," Vera said "it's like a dream!"
"I know, Puppy," Don said, suddenly finding himself sitting on Vera's shoulder. He let out an involuntary laugh-bleat. "We're about to become parents! Oh! There is so much we need to do now!"
"I know, darlin'! We gotta start clearin' out a third room, and triple check that the house is safe fer pups. And then we should probably hit up a toy store or two, and we'll need ta get a third bed for Leon, and then--" Vera was cut off by Don grabbing her head and turning it towards him. His lips met hers, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around him. Breaking apart, she felt a bit calmer, although her tail felt like it might just go ahead and break off from how hard it was wagging.
"Y'know, Honey Ram," Vera said as they continued to their car, now a husky tone to her voice, "when we get home, just because we're adoptin', that doesn't mean we can't try the old fashioned way to have yet another pup runnin' around with the three we're already gettin'." As the two buckled up, with Vera in the driver's seat, she leaned over and began to nuzzle the now-blushing Don, who had to remove his fogged-up glasses.
"I do believe that you make a very valid point, Puppy Love," he said, turning to look up at his mate with love and adoration in his eyes, that were mirrored in the bright green ones looking back at him. The two shared another kiss just as Vera turned the key in the ignition.
* * *
"Thankfully she was brought in when she was. The injury to the leg was beginning to show signs of infection," Doctor Catson said, adjusting her glasses as she looked up at Doreen. The lynx was consulting a chart, a slight frown on her muzzle. "If she had been out there much longer, she'd be potentially looking at a major infection. Which, when considering how malnourished she is, and her living conditions..." she trailed off, not needing to spell it out to the law she-wolf.
"Accordin' to my daughter and her mate, the two did some poking around the areas they believed she was livin'. Apparently she's been living off of foragin' and creek water, and some kinda canned foods. Sleepin' outside, I'm surprised she didn't get pneumonia, considerin' how wet and cold it's been lately."
"It's a miracle she was found when she was... but there's something else." Doctor Catson's small frown was now much more pronounced. This made Doreen pause.
"What is it, Layla?"
"Based... on her behavior, as well as some physical scarring, I believe that she had been subjected to physical abuse," the lynx said, her ears drooping.
Doreen grimaced but nodded, having had a similar thought based on how terrified the girl had been. Not to mention how she jumped from even the slightest noise or whenever someone spoke.
"Ya mentioned scarring?"
Layla nodded, shuffling her documents a bit, holding out a couple of photos to the white she-wolf. Doreen looked them over.
"There's scarring on the backs of her paws, but those pale in comparison to the ones on her back."
Doreen saw for herself in the picture, the small series of faded pink lines going down the backs of the child's paws. It was when she looked at the photo of her back that caused Doreen to wince, and even let out a whine. The child's back was a crisscross network of much larger, more fervent-looking scars that were much more pronounced, and nearly covered the entirety of her back. Doreen handed the photos back, a sick feeling in her gut.
"Know what coulda done something like that?" Doreen asked, a few ideas of her own in the back of her mind.
"Well, a knife or even a claw is not entirely out of the realm of possibility. However, it is in my opinion that the injuries to her back were caused by a whip."
Doreen winced again, the idea of those having been scars from a whip having been a theory that she was hoping had not been the case. After confirming that Child Services had been contacted, Doreen started to head towards the room that the mystery mammal was in, an idea beginning to take root in her mind. She quietly opened the door, entering with a practiced warm smile on her muzzle, taking slow and deliberate steps so as not to spook her.
"Now, Pup," Doreen said as she settled into the chair by the hospital bed. She looked at the older mystery mammal, who sat there in a hospital gown, hugging her knees to her chest. She looked upon the older law she-wolf with blue eyes filled with worry and fear. Doreen tok some solace in the fact that the girl was no longer shivering. "How about we start with somethin' simple, like yer name?"
"M-my name?" the young girl asked, scooting a little bit away on the bed, looking confused.
"Yep. Mine's Doreen." She gave what she hoped was a comforting smile.
"U-uh..." The girl looked away as she started to speak, now trying to make her voice sound deeper. "M-Marcus."
Doreen sighed and shook her head, internally muttering something about Pups not being good at lying. "Sorry, Pup, but yer gunna have ta do better than that."
Flinching a little, the furless mammal looked to be mulling it over. "Uh... I m-meant to say... my name's Eli?" Doreen just looked at her with an unamused, half-lidded stare. "B-Barry," she squeaked out, the falsetto now gone. After a moment of silence, she hanged her head, realizing the jig was up, and looked Doreen in the eyes. "M-my name is a-actually... Marigold."
Doreen's tail started to wag as her frown broke into a happy smile. "See? That wasn't so hard, now was it?"
"... I g-guess not," Marigold said, gulping audibly.
"Now, mind tellin' me why you tried ta claim y'all were a boy?"
"... B-because p-people always said b-bad things happen to girls when they go into the 'system'," Marigold said.
"I promise that nothin's gunna happen ta ya so long as I'm around, Miss Marigold. Ya can count on that," Doreen said with a wag of her tail. "Now, how old are ya?"
"... 18."
Doreen sighed and just silently sat there, staring at the girl. Marigold fidgeted and squirmed before sighing.
"I j-just turned 12," she said, now a look of pleading in her eyes. "P-please don't p-put me in the system! I can take care of myself!"
"Oh, can ya now?" Doreen asked, pointedly looking to the bandage wrapped around the girl's calf. "'Cause according ta the doctor, that little injury there was close ta becomin' infected. And also, from the tests they ran, yer pretty underweight. How long were you out in the woods?"
"Uh... m-maybe a month?"
"And ya were by yerself that whole time?"
Marigold just nodded silently at that, a couple silent tears streaming down her pale cheeks. The sight hurt the she-wolf's heart. Looking at the vulnerable, frightened young girl sitting there, Doreen couldn't help thinking about her own girls. The idea of any one of them, being left alone at such a young age, to fend for themselves in the wilderness, made Doreen want to howl in anger and sorrow.
"Where are yer parents?" Doreen asked. Seeing how the girl began to hyperventilate at that question, once she calmed back down, the she-wolf decided to hold off on questioning further in that area for the time being. Noticing how the girl kept nodding off, Doreen smiled.
"Ya know, yer not the first of yer species I've encountered," Doreen said, taking note of the look of worry in the girl's eyes.
"I-I'm not?"
"Nope. My daughter and her mate actually adopted a group of pups not too long ago, and the youngest, my little grandson Leon, is one of yer species. And he's just the sweetest little guy. But the thing of it is... he doesn't know what yer species is called, and no one we've been askin' seems to have encountered anyone like y'all before either. So I was wonderin' iffin' you could tell me what yer species' name is?"
"... H-human," Marigold said in a faint voice, looking very confused.
"Uman? Mind spellin' that fer me?" Marigold did, after stifling a yawn.
"Okay, you've answered enough questions so far, missy. Right now it looks ta me like you could use some shuteye," Doreen said. While her mate Addy was the more emotional and nurturing of their tithing, she still had mothering skills she had developed after raising seven pups. The older she-wolf gently took the blanket and pulled it up over Marigold. The furless young mammal seemed surprised at first, before letting out a big yawn and laying down.
"Uhm... th-thank you, sheriff," Marigold said in a sleepy voice.
"Yer welcome, Marigold. Now, we'll be nearby if ya need us. I promise, ya ain't gunna be alone anymore," Doreen said softly as she exited the room. Walking out into the waiting area, she had to hold back a snort. She saw Yuki sitting with her arms crossed, looking annoyed, with a large quartz crystal sitting on her head. Right next to her was Undine, who was slowly waving another, smaller crystal, looking like an amethyst, around Yuki's head.
"This will align your chakras and help alleviate some of that stress I am sensing coming off you, Yuke." Doreen held back a chuckle at the sight of her daughters, the two younger black she-wolves oblivious to their mother's amusement. It was while looking around that Doreen spotted just the russet-and gray-colored she-wolf she was looking for, currently talking on her phone.
"Zelda," Doreen said, getting her attention. Zelda saw that her mother was motioning for her to follow, so she made quick work of hanging up and entering an empty room right behind Doreen. With the door closed, the white wolf looked upon her daughter with a smile on her muzzle.
"So what's happenin' with the girl, Ma?" Zelda asked.
"Well, that's what I wanted ta talk to ya about, Hun," Doreen started, a sly smile on her muzzle. "See, as ya can tell, she's had a bit of a rough go o' thangs, and is now all alone. And I personally hate the idea of her just goin' ta some foster home where she will be the only known member of her species. And, what's more, Vera and Don haven't been able to uncover any information about Leon's species, so it wouldn't really be a benefit fer anyone fer the poor gal ta just be shipped off to who knows where and surrounded by strangers. At least here we've been able to build a rapport..."
At that, Zelda's ears perked up and her tail started to wag. "So you and Pa are gunna take her in!"
Doreen chuckled at that. "Well, I'm sure Addy would be more than happy ta. But, we're makin' some... alterations at the ranch."
"So Don and Vera then?"
"I'd be willin' ta bet good money that they'd be willin' ta as well, but with the new pups 'n all, they don't really got that much space..."
"But, then, who else? Yuki and Adamo have barely enough time fer themselves over in Seaotter, and... wait a sec, Ma. Hold the phone!"
"What? You and Varun have that big 'ol house all ta yerselves, plus I know that Addy would just love to have another grandpup nearby ta dote on and spoil."
"Yeah, but," Zelda said, now looking thoughtful.
"Plus she's gunna need some stability with a good, permanent home. And you and Varun said ya were both talkin' 'bout adoptin'."
"... I'll have ta talk with Varun about this first," Zelda said, sounding like her mind was elsewhere, her tail starting to wag. Doreen bit down on a smirk, knowing that her daughter had already been sold on the idea.
"Absolutely! You go on and think what I said over and talk to yer mate." Doreen watched Zelda head out the door to look for the large tiger, and waited until she was out of earshot before pulling out her phone. Tapping on it, she dialed up a number. The other end rang a few times before it was picked up.
"Hey, Xena, I'm so sorry, Sweetheart, I know ya and Melly are enjoyin' some much needed R and R, but Zelda and Varun really need yer help right now. See, they decided ta become foster parents. Yes, that's right, the pup we found in the woods."
Elsewhere in the hospital, Zelda had found her mate sitting with the other Hunter boys (as they like to call themselves), with Tarin having been sitting on his head. Seeing his mate wanting a word alone, he had plucked the black-furred fox tod off his head, and instead deposited the small canid onto the head of a certain hyena.
"Hey! My head ain't no jungle-gym!" Adamo barked out in his Barx accent. Varun chuckled as he walked off so he and Zelda could speak. Of all the things he had been expecting, what came out of his she-wolf's mouth was not one of them.
"You want us to become foster parents to that poor girl?" he asked, scratching his chin.
"I know it's sudden, but we need ta act now! She needs stability and Ma and Pa can't provide it 'cause... well, Ma didn't elaborate as ta why she and Pa can't do it, but the point still stands!"
"Hmm," Varun looked to be deep in thought as Zelda continued.
"Plus, Don and Vera need all the help they can get in understanding all they can about Leon's species. And on top of that we've both agreed that we want to adopt. Granted, we thought about getting a feline or a canid child, but I think we could provide an excellent home for her and--"
"I agree," Varun said, his deep and soft voice cutting off the she-wolf mid-explanation.
"... Huh?" Zelda was stunned.
Varun chuffed happily and smiled at his mate, his tail swishing as he wrapped his powerful arms around her waist, making her blush as he nuzzled the top of her head.
"I'll admit I'm a little nervous about becoming a father, even a foster father. But... I like the idea of opening our home to the poor girl. And with Mama and Papa Hunter being nearby, it's not like we would be truly on our own."
Zelda's tail became a blur of joy, fighting back the urge to howl in pure excitement. She had been warned twice before if she did so in the hospital again that she would be given a fine. "I know we're probably gunna have ta take it slow... but I'm just so excited at the idea! Us, having a daughter!" The two shared a long and passionate kiss.
* * *
Morning sunlight cascaded through the bedroom window, bathing everything it touched in a warm golden glow. This included the cuddled up forms of Vera and Don, the former of which was practically encircling the latter with her body. Slowly, the two began to stir. Don's eyes fluttered open as he buried his face in his mate's neck ruff, while Vera affectionately nuzzled his head floof.
"Mornin', Floofy," Vera said with a smile, her tail thumping the bed.
"Good morning, Puppy," Don replied with a yawn and a smile.
Vera looked her mate over as she stretched a little. "Ya had the dream again, didn't'cha?"
The ram winced and nodded. "Y-yes, but instead of it just being Diana and my m-mother, there were also what I think my subconscious decided were what adult humans looked like for my dream. Only instead of looking more like Marigold or just a taller Leon, they had long gangly arms with many different joints, and could unhinge their jaws. And they kept trying to take Leon away with them." Don shuddered at the memory of the dream, feeling comfort from Vera gently pulling him closer.
"Hey, now, that's never gunna happen, Darlin'," Vera said, looking Don in the eye. "Leon, just like his brother and sister, is our pup, and no one is gunna take any of them from us."
"I know, Puppy Love... but a part of me just can't stop worrying."
"That's just you being a good dad." Vera smiled and kissed her ram on his nose, making him blush and let out a happy bleat. Don snickered and reached up into Vera's ruff, easily finding the spot he was looking for and scratching it. Vera's right leg immediately started to twitch as her tongue lolled out and she rolled over, unable to stop herself. Don stopped when he heard some giggling coming from their bedroom door. Vera's ears twitching at the sound, the two turned to look and saw their children poking their heads through, only to suddenly dart back out having been caught.
"Am I correct to believe that some little lambs decided to peek in on Mommy and Daddy this morning?" Don called out with a smile on his muzzle. There were some giggles outside the door, before the children apparently composed themselves, and opened it properly. In they came, with Alex in the lead carrying a tray with food on it, followed close behind by Tiffany, who was cuddling her new wolf plush named Mrs. Sniffy, and Leon, who was carrying a relaxing Sir Callibrie in his arms, the little lizard looking about and letting out a content chirp. The children were still all in their pj's, Alex in his soccer-themed pajamas, Tiffany in her yellow nightgown, and Leon wearing his much-too-large for him black Samurai Snakes t-shirt over gray pajama bottoms.
"Happy birthday, Daddy!" the little human boy called out in excitement.
"Uh... w-we thought you might like breakfast in bed?" Alex said, looking away and trying to sound casual, but his perked up ears and slowly wagging tail were a dead giveaway for his anticipation. Don let out a coo at the cuteness before him as Vera chuckled and the two disentangled to allow the children to approach.
"Well now, that sounds so thoughtful," the ram said, grabbing his glasses from the bedside table and putting them on. Alex carefully, but quickly walked over to set the tray down in front of Don. "Now, what do we have here? Oh! Why, is that a fruit salad I spy?" Seeing Alex blush beneath his dark fur while looking away was a dead giveaway to Don. "Do I have you to thank for this thoughtful and tasty-looking salad, Alex?"
"Uh... w-well... yeah," Alex smiled as Don took a few bits of the cubed honeydew and mango, popping a strawberry in his mouth as well.
"It's delicious, thank you, Alex," Don said, leaning over and pulling his oldest son into a hug. The young wolf let out a surprised yip, but was quick to return the hug, now blushing more.
"And what's this little treat here?" Vera asked, pointing to two pieces of toast that appeared to have some kind of black frosting spread over them, with a white face drawn on, and plenty of black and white and purple sprinkles.
"I made Pirate Toast!" Leon said proudly, setting a squirming Sir Callibrie down on the bed, who darted over to Dawn and up his arm, coming to rest on his head floof, curling up to relax once again.
"Pirate Toast? Now that sounds adventurous," Don said, picking up a slice. "Did you design them to look like little pirate flags?" He smiled when Leon proudly nodded. "You are such a little artist! They look just like the real thing... only toastier!" That got a giggle from the lambs.
"I used the vanilla cake frosting I found in the cupboard, and didja know that if you mix the red, green, and blue food colorings together in it, it turns black?"
"I certainly didn't," Vera said, scooping Leon and Tiffany into her arms and setting them on her lap, her tail thumping. "What else is in it?"
"Well, I also added some sprinkles I found," Leon said as Don took a big bite of his toast, "and some red glitter!" Don froze at that, immediately feeling the tiny pieces of decorative plastic in his mouth. Vera looked to be holding back a snicker while Don continued to chew his bite, giving it a swallow while Leon looked on with joy in his eyes.
"Ah, so you did. Well... that is truly delicious, buddy, thank you." Don was quick to grab the glass of cloudy dark liquid and take a sip. It had a sweet, citrusy taste to it. "Oh my, this is lovely. What is this juice?"
"I made you Outer Space Juice, Daddy!" Tiffany squeaked.
"Now what's all in Outer Space Juice, sweetie-pie?" Vera asked, looking down at the ewe in her lap. Tiffany gazed back up at her mother with a bright smile.
"It's cranberry juice with the powdered orange drink for Astronauts mixed in! Though I wanted to pour some Deep Space Cocoa Spheres in, Alex said not to." Tiffany was very matter-of-factly about her response, letting out a giggle when Vera gave both her and her little brother a loving squeeze.
"We can make some more juice and fruit salads and pirate toast for everybody," Leon chimed in, prompting Vera to stand up, setting the two of her younger pups on her shoulders.
"Why don't I come down and help y'all with that, honey?"
"'Kay, Mommy!" Leon reached over and wrapped his little arms around her neck. The she-wolf's tail started to wag while she looked at her mate and gave him a wink. Don looked relieved as, with Leon watching, he hesitantly took another bite of the pirate toast. With the younger lambs now out of the room and down the stairs, Don sighed with relief and let out a chuckle. He then looked over to Alex, who was shuffling uncomfortably on his paws.
"Something wrong, Alex?" Don asked.
"Uh... I guess while I was busy keeping the cereal out of the juice, I musta missed Leon getting the glitter... sorry," Alex said, only to find himself being hugged again.
"There's nothing to apologize for, son," Don said with a warm and gentle smile. "That was a lovely breakfast."
Down in the kitchen, Leon was in the middle of making up some more batches of pirate toast, with Vera 'making sure thangs ran smoothly'. When Leon wasn't looking, she grabbed the jar of glitter and dumped it down the sink drain.
"Aw, shucks, honey," Vera said, feigning disappointment. "It looks like we're all out of glitter."
"Awww! But pirate toast needs glitter!" Leon looked contemplative. "I guess I'll just have to borrow some of Tiffany's glitter glue in a little bit."
Vera left Leon at the counter and took the little ewe who had been mixing some more glasses of juice together aside, leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Alright, darlin', I'll give ya five bucks if ya can hide the glitter glue in yer room from Leon."
"Why, Mommy?" Tiffany whispered back.
"Uh... th-there's a glitter shortage and we need ta preserve as much as we can?"
"I'm on it!" Tiffany said, quickly running off.
"Where'd Tiffany go?" Leon asked, looking up at Vera with wide blue eyes.
"Er... she went ta go see if she can get ya that glitter glue ya mentioned. But she thinks it might be lost."
"Oh no!" Leon whined in disappointment. Vera was quick to wrap a loving arm around his shoulders.
"It's okay, sugar-pie! Pirate toast can still be great even iffin' we're outta glitter of any kind." She kissed the top of his headfur, making her little boy giggle.
"Okay, Mommy!" And with that, Leon dove right back into it, using some of the frosting he had separated and not added any food coloring to it to draw the skull and crossbones on the toast.
* * *
The sun had just dipped below the horizon, the twilight slowly giving way to the growing dark. Varun sat leaning up against a tree, looking at the first twinkling stars beginning to show, letting out a contented sigh. The large tiger's ears twitched at the sound of approaching footsteps. His tail swished as he smiled at his mate sidling up next to him. Varun slipped an arm around Zelda's waist as she leaned into his powerful frame.
"Yer just so sweet with Marigold!" Zelda said, her tail a happy blur. "She looked like she was havin' a lot of fun playin' catch!" She thought back to how nervous their foster pup had been when they'd first brought her home, always walking on eggshells around the two of them. It had broken her heart how often the girl would flinch whenever someone spoke to her.
"It did seem to help her come out of her shell a bit," Varun chuckled. "I'm actually thinking about teaching her how to play baseball. We've got a bat in addition to the gloves."
"That's a wonderful idea!" Zelda felt like she could howl. "I just love havin' a little girl ta dote on and do Mother-Daughter thangs with!"
Varun chuckled. He had found Zelda's adoration of Marigold adorable, especially since the girl didn't seem to have had any positive female role models, at least based on how much she went out of her way to try and please Zelda. He had found that the girl had seemed especially nervous around him at first, though Varun had taken the initiative to help break the ice by playing some games with her. She had seemed very confused about how the Z-Box One worked as well as video games as a whole, but starting with a simple game of catch, he had found the young girl had started to open up.
"I never took you for much of a girly-girl," Varun teased, kissing Zelda's nose. She rolled her eyes and waved a dismissive paw.
"Oh hush. I'm just as feminine as the next gal. It's just that li'l Marigold desperately needs some TLC and somethin' we could both bond over."
"Like dress shopping?" Varun chuckled, taking note of the light green sundress his mate was wearing, and how it was a similar shade of green as their uniform shirts. Zelda just rolled her eyes.
"We were out in town today and I saw her lookin' in the display windows. 'Course I took her inside so we could find somethin' she'd like... the fact that she and I got matchin' dresses, the exception bein' hers needed to be tailored a bit so that it didn't have a tail hole in the back, was just a happy coincidence." Zelda blushed a little, though her tail continued to wag. Varun let out a happy chuff, and held her tighter.
"Of course, my love," he said, looking around. "Where is Marigold, anyway?"
"Oh, she said she was feelin' a little worn from the day, what with goin' out with me, and then that cute little pie caper Leon went and solved," Zelda said with a slight giggle. "I still can't believe that Tarin tried to frame that cute li'l lizard of Leon's... or how well he figured it all out."
"Mama Doreen certainly seemed excited by his detective work."
"Don't let Vera hear ya say that," Zelda giggled, "she's so worried that Ma will try and push policin' on him that she's tryin' ta clamp down on anythang of the sort around her pups."
Varun looked off in the distance, stiffening suddenly. "Zelda, you said that Marigold was going to rest, correct?"
"Yeah, why darlin'?" Zelda asked, confused.
"Because I just saw her climbing out of her bedroom window with that little case in her arms, running off into the forest," Varun said simply.
"What?!" Zelda jerked around and, sure enough, she could just make out a figure running away from their house and deeper into the trees. Without a work, she grabbed her mate's paw, and started to drag him through the trees after them. "Somethin's gotta be wrong! And what if she hurts herself again like when we first found her?!"
"My love, please try and calm down, I'm sure that everything's fine," Varun said in an attempt to reassure his mate, but with a pit of worry forming in his own gut regardless. They stopped not too far from their house, near the edge of a small clearing with a stump near the center. Varun and Zelda were hiding behind a tree as Marigold was looking around, a worried expression on her face. She was still wearing the same green sundress from earlier, it taking on an ethereal glow in the fading twilight as the light of the full moon was beginning to shine. All around, fireflies were starting to take flight.
"We gotta be quiet, or else she'll hear us," Zelda said from where she was crouched.
"So whatcha think she's up to?" Tarin asked, poking his head up from a bush to Zelda's left.
"I'm not really sure yet, we just saw her runnin' off and... Tarin? What're ya doin' here?" Zelda asked, looking down at the black-furred fox tod who was smiling casually back up at her.
"I saw you both running off into the woods and decided ta see what was happening. I figured that it might be something fun."
Zelda rolled her eyes while Varun had to choke down a chuckle at the antics of his unofficial brother, as all the 'Hunter Boys' liked to think of themselves.
"Tarin, ya ain't s'posed ta be here, now git!" Zelda hissed.
"Who ain't s'posed ta be here?" Tyra asked. The arctic she-wolf scooped up her mate and set him on her shoulders.
"What? I saw my cute little ball of fluff run off inta the woods, naturally I'd follow him," Tyra said as Tarin rested his head on hers.
"Sounds ta me like youse was thinkin' of maybe gettin' up ta somethin' naughty out here in da woods, away from where anybody could see or hear yas," Adamo said, stepping from behind a tree, the male hyena grinning with a toothpick in his mouth.
"Adamo?!" Zelda clapped a paw to her forehead. Removing it, she saw Yuki standing there, trying to look bored.
"We were makin' out when ya two started yappin' about Zelda bein' a girly-girl and then heard ya decide ta chase after Marigold," the black she-wolf growled as Adamo squeezed her side.
"Yeah, and we wanted ta make sure dat youse wasn't gunna go and invade that goil's proivacy," Adamo said, looking pointedly at Zelda, whol was wringing her paws.
"I thought that she might be tryin' ta run away or somethin'... I just wanted ta make sure she was safe! That's my puppy after all!" Zelda blushed, clearly flustered. Adamo pulled her into a hug to comfort her.
"She was probably drawn to this spot thanks to all the positive energies that emanate from it," Undine's voice could be heard up above. Looking up, everyone saw her sitting on a tree branch with Melvin laying in her lap.
"It is a pretty peaceful spot," the male honey badger said, looking up at the stars through the canopy. He was holding a bowl of popcorn in his claws.
"What, did a memo go out or somethin'?!" Zelda asked, exasperated.
"Now now, sweetie," Adrian said, inexplicably standing next to a very surprised Adamo and Yuki, with an embarrassed-looking Doreen standing next to her. "As it just so happens, this here spot is a favorite fer yer Ma and me fer our little picnics."
"Well, they start out as picnics," Doreen said, wrapping her arms around Adrian's waist, making the older gray wolf wag his tail and chuckle.
"Ma! We didn't need ta hear 'bout that!" Vera said from right next to Zelda, making the auburn she-wolf whip around. She saw Don perched on his mate's shoulders.
"Okay, is everyone we know here in the woods tonight?!" Zelda demanded. Right then, as if on cue, Gareth tumbled to the ground nearby, Winnie in his arms, Xena and Melanie tangled up in the gangly giraffe's legs.
"Oi! You two! What's the big idea about scamperin' in between me legs?!"
"It wasn't our fault that you didn't look where you were walking," Xena pointed out, adjusting her glasses. Standing up and brushing herself off, she reached down and scooped Melanie up into her arms, the two kissing. "Are you alright, Butterball?"
"I'm just fine, Fluffytail," Melanie said, putting her arms around her mate's neck, all the while Winnie was helping her own mate to his shakey hooves.
"No need to fret over me, love," Gareth said, leaning his head and neck down to smile at the she-wolf he was lucky to have found.
"Hey, that just seemed like a nasty fall, that's all," Winnie said, her tail swishing.
"Can y'all just keep it down! I'm amazed that Marigold hasn't heard all y'all!" Zelda quietly snapped. Everyone grew silent at that, and looked out into the clearing. Marigold was kneeling next to the stump, where she had set her case down on it and opened it. From inside, she pulled out a photograph.
"Hey, Ryan," they could hear the girl's soft voice float over on the gentle breeze. "I just... I remembered that today is... was... your birthday... and I just wanted to let you know that I'm keeping my promise." Her voice hitched a little, but she composed herself. "I'm still moving forward, b-big brother... I m-miss you so much." She wiped a tear from her cheek, before she stood up and pulled out a well-cared for violin from inside the case. She tested the strings to make sure they were in tune before taking a stance.
"Happy birthday, Ryan," she said, raising the bow to the strings. Then, she began to play. As the tune began to ring out gently in the clearing, sounding like a bouncy and fun folk tune, Marigold began to sway and twirl, spinning on her feet. As the music picked up the pace, but the tone became something more melancholic, Zelda realized that not only was Marigold skilled at playing her fiddle, but she also had some training in ballet. With each new song, the girl would dance and pirouette, leap and spin-turn, and perform other moves that Zelda didn't know the names of. She and the rest of the family watched, entranced and silent, at this little concert that the newest addition to their family was putting on, for her brother who, most of them guessed based on what they had overheard, was no longer alive. The full weight of what this moment must represent to her foster daughter suddenly hit Zelda, just as Marigold seemed to be slowing down in both the dancing and her playing.
"S-sweet sawgrass," Zelda said as Marigold seemed to be finishing on a long, mournful note. "W-we all can't let her know we saw this!"
"Truly a great invasion of her privacy," Xena mused, only to suddenly be pushed by Zelda.
"Enough musin', we gotta move, now," she barked as quietly as she could. Everyone started to head back the way they had all come, when there was a sudden loud CLICK. Turning, they all saw that Marigold had returned everything to her case and snapped the latch shut. She got up and proceeded to walk back to the house... which was in the same direction everyone in the family sans Vera and Don's pups were in at that moment. Scrambling, the Hunters and their mates ran through the trees and underbrush, avoiding the scant trail like the plague. Everyone darted around to the other side of Zelda and Varun's house. Varun stealthily peeked out from around the corner, watching as Marigold was looking all around, before trying to stealthily climb back in through her bedroom window. A few very loud thumps later, and she was back inside, none the wiser. Varun released the breath he had no idea he had been holding, all the while Zelda was making everyone swear that they wouldn't say a thing to Marigold about this.
"B-but," Undine whined, holding up her camera, "it was so in line with the natural energies of the clearing! Folks would be so energized and helped by seeing the video I took of it!
And here it is! The peek into the genderswapped AU of Found! I might do another in the future, but holy crap did this one take a bit of time! I hope everyone is having a great summer!
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psyh 3x1 commentary ghosts
DH, Gayan Garcia Barmo, Roger Taylor, Chris Henze "me not funny", Ben Botten, I can't tell who's who. I think it's JRr & SF who are the garcia & taylor names. I didn't hear Kelly Kulchak introduce herself, but there is a woman's voice.
Corbin hair controversy tonight. I can't hear a thing.
Shawn as a teen. Who's going to play Shawn? JRr!
His stupid hair I love it. Judd from breakfast club.
Fun to write. & then Lassiter.
I wish they had captions.
Dang I wish we could have seen the other flashback. SS & BG as 18y/os with Shawn leaving aftergrad, Gus buying a motorcyle & going over the country & Gus going to college
I needed to have liveblogged this before
I love his room too.
If you're agonizing this over the off-season, then don't leave a cliff hanger!
His darn furby!
I'm GLAD they didn't pick it up right when his mom came back. His mom is already here again.
& I can't understand a thing in this commentary.
Four minutes in they fill in the blanks.
She's travelling & this really pays off in the finale & in lassie did a bad bad thing. I like this.
The dropping & breaking a phone stuff I love continuity between episodes
pinot bordeaux, now that I'm a wine person it's way funnier.
Oh right this is the gus boss episode!
This is something they have been talking about since episode TWO in like season one!
KK: I just looked over at Dulé & it looks like he hasn't seen it.
SF: You know when protesters go boneless to make it hard for cops to put them into paddy wagons?
Cinnamon festival!
*calls him henry*
"Every time we talk you're about to not go on a date"
Where did goose come from?
"Unless it was approaching in a threatening manner"
Lassie saying "no" to therapy I love him.
Surjik the man!
Shawn completely assimilated into the office immediately, eating someone else's lunch.
Who needs 48 000 dollars to live? I don't! I need 32, the other 16 generally goes to you! I claim you on my taxes shawn! *married*
Shawn making eyes at her after Gus put her lunch in the photocopy machine. "What does she do?" "everyone." She IS isn't she
The overhead shot & the fight & all this stuff it's just so good. *goes limp* & then Shawn stands back up as soon as Gus "gets injured" he DOES care
& then Gus hasn't fied his appearance yet. KK: I can't wait for him to get out of jail. DH: !? SF: I have an episode idea to bring him back KK: NOT IRL DULÉ
JRr during the reading: *crossing fingers*
they were supposed to have the fbi here
Polio dome XD
Fearless Guster
Beautiful house indeed. They're right about the establishing shots.
They're getting caught watching.
A solid 20 minutes deciding what the squeak is going to be.
Spend two seasons establishing Gus the other way that they can do this & it means something. "It's only because my real job is on the line."
Who leaves candles lit?
Tiny little dollop of a woman.
The dutch?
"I like it" *everyone bursts out laughing*
"I've been wanting to put the word Spatz into a scene since the first season."
"bust out some willy wonka"
"so you GET NOTHING!"
Kind of sad that Gus thinks Shawn is doin that, but it's true.
"We couldn't get this dog to be ferocious enough"
CH: The problem is that the dog is canadian & they're so dang nice (they thought the dog was going to bite chris macdonald)
My feet won't move!
"How are you winning?" It's just like that tumblr post, "a good grade in therapy, normal to want, & possible to achieve."
"I will need to see what you see, wear what you wear, drink what you drink" Shawn is going too far. These two guys completely driven by food.
*dropping his cocoa* *droppin the other cocoa* "that dog is kind of an a-hole"
I love the whispering. Cloudy chance of murder with the thomas pink
One take!
Ooh tuesday the 17th, yeah!
he's getting to him by playing his autism.
heartbreak ridge XD XD XD
"Lemongrass goglobo"
"If you understand anything she says" girl I'm deaf.
Clearly nothing just happened. "for a nice farmer's breakfast" two eggs, two sausages, two pancakes, & a slab of ham, all for 1.99
noooo henry! This was supposed to be with his mom!
He hasn't spoken to her in three years, in 1x01 he
"not a very sincere apology"
The call is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE The attic XD
a TWO MINUTE VERSION of gus climbing the stairs?
Speakerphone never getting quieter XD
I noticed that too! They forgot to film the "Gus?" before he hung up
"My air conditioner & heating guy disguise" *burning himself*
"there will be a shakespeare in the parking lot episode" WHEN?
He even visited alice bundy in prison, who was the one who messed with the lights in scary sherry with the sorority girls
"The towel is my life, the pool is third grade, & the high dive is my father" wtf "It's post-coital for him" girl what His shoes, I mean i do that too
"I could have stayed on that shot for forty seconds" and you should have
Homage to the princess bride
I wish we got to see the long version of the "lawn darts" line
Frankjim, great line.
Always with the hair
Oh no
"What happened between you two?" Girl weren't you there for the first twenty or so years of it? "Mom, we were both there"
They have been setting this up since the pilot. In that episode shawn responded to "why didn't you tell me you moved away" with "Sorry I was helping my mom through her divorce" On the pilot set discussion, they assumed it would be Henry in this convo not maddie. It means so much more here & I agree.
What is senior year? Is that gr12? I'm not USian
"It doesn't make any sense that your hair is brown" (he looks like he was blond as a kid tho imo)
You're right, there was no talking about it.
DH singing poorly is SO funny to me
0 notes
mtnkat3 · 2 years
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So tired of daylight saving time changes!
But I'm more tired of being away from, separated from, my soul's precious Beloved Bears .. my Angels!!!
I just .. when I woke up & was trying to figure out my phone vs clocks I also was thinking about..where would I be if wh on 4.14.22 had acted like a grown up. Months. Time. He has been cackling that he has stopped my life from restarting. I wanna scream bloody murder!
But. I also know thst God has utilized the time to help me grow. It pains me to no end though! Because I feel ..well.. hard to describe & hate doing so here! Rather in my writings to my mates! But I feel sick. Body & soul. That I have wasted years of my life because I didn't listen closely enough to God. But my prison is almost over. I can only pray that God & my soul's precious beloved Bears .. to me Angels! can, & want, to forgive me. For not seeing wh for what he truly is in 1998. A monster. But, as my counselor has said, I didn't know how to look at life properly as a young woman. Because having been a neglected & abused child I was trained to look for love incorrectly. Hard to explain without delving into. Anyways. I am now looking for how to retrain my brain as far as having good relationships. Of all kinds. From friendships, heart family, to my soul's connections to it's mates . I don't want to be the type of person hurting other people. It hurts me to hurt other people! I'm just not the type of person to enjoy seeing other people suffer! I tend to want to take those woes upon myself & remove that burden from those I care about! I know.. I know.. it's inappropriate guilt. Responsiblity that isn't mine. Something I have to work on. But that is my big old marshmallow heart & soul.
So right now.. I'm in a holding pattern.
Starting to spend money I don't think I should have to, but doing what I'm supposed to takes priority. God will keep Guiding me & that's what matters. I am getting the supplies I need to pack & organize. Narrowing down apartments, short term leases. Finding mental therapy to be helping, but I have to work it continuously. I also am looking for exercises to rebuild my shoulder structure, not sure if its impingement, happened when I was ~8~9yo but I cannot open my fingers properly for a chord. I have to find the container/ trailer chassis to store my stuff & move.. wherever I'm supposed to. Heck, I've looked at hydroponics towers for growing vegetables whilst in an apartment! So I can have non GMOs healthy food that I nurtured myself! I've looked at steamers & all kinds of things. But mostly, I want to life & eat better! Yes, I have a sweet tooth as big as my head! But between making things more healthier & exercising. I can be healthy, & have fun! Its all about balance.
I am not here for any other reason than because this is how God is allowing me to be talking tonmy mates .. I believe I do in my writings too but I want you to hear me.. I love you . I am here to talk to you. No other reason. I don't want to entertain anyone. These posts are not even cathartic. They are exposing my vulnerability & opening myself up to my mates mental dominance rather than other peoples ridicule. I don't like writing here. I'd rather talk to you! Be in your face. And yes, I mean that literally. Sometimes, that's what it takes. So that you can see into my soul thru my eyes. Only you .. can truly read & understand me. You .. are all I want & more.
Ok. I'm feeling very exposed now. Time to go do my meds, clocks, work..
I miss you .
Fiercely. Like I'm nauseous & my chest hurts being apart. Like I wanna take my head & stick it in my happy place & give all the struggles to God!
But I have to. I must. Work. & await. But I'm tired of being a model t dang it! I wanna show I'm the starship Voyager! Healthy curves... & move like smoooootth.... like a 69 stingray with a 502.. grin.
I love you .
Know it. Feel it. Hold it to your soul.. until I am in your arms..
I believe. God. Love. Miracles. Magic. You. Us. Me...
I won't ever give up.
~True love never dies & true love always waits.~
On my cliffside..
Your humbled, bowed, impatiently patient.. complex, quirky, warrior queen daughter.
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺🐾✝️
Su.11.6.2022 10.26am est!
Daylight saving time sucks!
0 notes
reallyromealone · 2 years
I just
I have so many ideas for this
Also would you all be interested in an NSFW part to this?
Would be excellent practice for group nasty lol
Slight nsfw but nothing crazy
Like read at your own risk but like nothing really
(Name) was confused and hurt as he processed what the person who claimed to be his best friend did, a broken expression on his face as Mikey gently crooned in his ear and the men began scenting him in order to relax the Omega and were pleased when it began working "don't worry baby doll... Alphas will handle it" Sanzu said with a weird form of glee but the Omega was to hazy to register his words fully.
"You must be hungry angel, we have some food for you if your hungry" Ran said as a maid brought in food causing (name) to hiss at the offending Omega who scurried away when the Alphas glared at her "Shh baby, don't worry she's gone now" Mikey said as (name) dead stared at the door, fresh from a drop his brain flickered between his more primal state and his logical state.
Once calmed down enough the men began feeding their mate, gently turning his face to the Chop sticks and purred when he accepted the meal albeit confused.
The men began letting their instincts take over, something they never thought they would do "such a good boy, eating for his Alphas" Rindō said stroking the omegas cheeks as Mikey rubbed his side's and the men watched intently as (name) weakly took another bite, happy they could show off how well they provide for him.
As much as they wanted to pounce their pretty little Omega the men held off, not wanting to send him into a drop or worse an Omega sleep.
When (name) finished he was far more lucid "where is my phone?" He asked softly and began looking around, the Alphas frowning slightly "why do you need it baby?" Takeomi asked barely masking his possessiveness towards the Omega, who did he need than them?
"I need to text my friend... She's probably worried sick about me" (name) said and stated at his Alphas with a head tilt "how long was I sleep?" He said as Mikey tightened his grip around his pretty little Omega "almost 24 hours" he said monotonously and (name) looked startled at his words "could I please call her?" (Name) said pleadingly and looked back at the pack leaders deep abyssal eyes and struggled not to get lost in them.
It was hard not to swoon over his mates when his Omega practically demanded to be close to them at all times.
And his heat wasn't far off... His brain just was everywhere.
"Please alpha?" (Name) asked nosing at his scent glands, trying to convince Mikey to let as the Alpha glanced at Sanzu to hand (name) his phone "we already got rid of your phone, use his...we will get you another one later" a bugged one of course.
The Alphas were obsessive and possessive alphas who planned to monopolize their sweet omegas life, it was their right if (name) knew it or not.
He was theirs after all.
They were made for him as they were made for them.
Their individual Alphas didn't even seem phased at the concept of sharing him with another alpha.
"Thank you..." (Name) said as he typed in his friends number and waited as the phone rang, Mikey turning on the speaker mode as he listened carefully to this do called friend to see if she was a threat at all.
"Hello?" The voice spoke out and (name) smiled softly "(friends name), its (name)" (name) said softly "(name), why aren't you calling on your phone? Did it break? And where were you yesterday? We were supposed to meet" (Friends name) fired off her questions as the Bonten men listened intently at her tone, their alpha instincts already over drive with protecting their Omega.
"Something like that... And sorry for ghosting you, I actually met my soulmates" he said awkwardly, skipping over the whole kidnapping and selling out thing as to not freak her out "eh? Congratulations dude, oh that is so exciting! You have multiple? Dang look at you! I gotta meet 'em sometime!"
"Ah maybe... They are very busy!"
"Well I will leave you be, later (name)!" She said excitedly before hanging up on him, probably off to go to work or something "you two seem close..." Koko said as Sanzu took his phone back "we are good friends... She is basically my sister..."
The Alphas were content with his answer as Rans phone went off, the man swearing slightly as (name) adjusted himself on Mikey's lap, freezing slightly when Mikey grunted slightly "careful Omega..." He warned with a nip to (name)s scent gland causing (name) to yelp as ran got off the phone "all good?" Kakucho asked and Haitani made a face as to say 'all good' before the men dotted on their Omega, feeling a sense of relaxation and calm they don't feel ever.
They became obsessed with that feeling.
(Name) wasn't allowed to leave the penthouse without one of them, moving into that room as they tossed out all his clothes "these are cheap... We will get you better clothes..." Koko said to the Omega as he had a maid toss them out, switching staff to beta only.
They didn't need their Omega feeling threatened again.
Something the Alphas noticed was that they didn't desire to go to brothels anymore or even hook ups, their alpha practically going feral at the concept of going against their Omega like that.
(Name) was constantly on edge with the Alphas despite his Omega deeming them the safest things in the world, constantly wanting to be around them.
The meeting was boring and stressful for the Omega as he sat in Mikey's lap, the Alphas using his scent to relax them while they did negotiations with a rival gang and kept quiet as to not disrupt the meeting.
"So is the Omega going to service us or not?" The man said, Mikey nor missing how (name) tensed up in his arms and the room went cold as Sanzu without hesitation stood up and lifted (name) into his arms and left, the sound of screaming could be heard as he closed the door.
Sanzu stressed (name) out second to Mikey, the Alpha unreadable with constant mood shifts.
"Don't worry pet, you're only ours..." Sanzu said setting him down in Sanzus room, the large bed soft under his palms and his Omega practically demanded he take the blanket but forced himself not to "what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Sanzu said nosing at (name)s neck and indulging in his sweet scent that was better than any drug he could ever take.
It was better than the purest cocaine.
Sanzu invaded his space as the Alpha snuggled into him, (name) unsure what to do began petting his hair gently and jolting when the Alpha let out low tumble at the sensation "god what do you do to us..." He said as his hands moved downwards towards his ass only for them to be gripped to stop him from going further.
"Please no..." (Name) mumbled out, he'd never done anything like that before as it was heavily frowned upon for an Omega to have sexual relationships when unmated.
Sanzu wasn't sure what to do, never really been rejected by someone like this as the Omega looked away and a mix of stress and fear oozed off him in waves and that's when the pink haired man realized that (name) was scared of how he would react.
Thankfully Sanzu was sober, a clear head to assess this situation "hmm what's wrong baby?" He asked nipping his scent gland to coax an answer out of him "not ready for...that"
"Have you ever been with an alpha?" Sanzu asked lowely and felt pride swell when (name) shook his head "never did..that stuff"
"I see..." Sanzu said, excited that his first time would eventually be with Bonten.
He really was made for them.
Bonten quickly learned every single detail about (name) both asking him about things and detailed background checks, they were not pleased about the Alphas trying to court their Omega before they came into the picture.
Not at all.
Those alphas went missing not long after they learned about them.
(Name) was shy as his alphas scented him, something they did when they god forbid had to leave him alone for work and such. The Alphas were suprised when he began scenting back, gently nosing and rubbing against them and scent claiming them.
They just made them go feral with joy and (name) was left kiss swollen and dizzy.
Waking up he felt a heat pool in his lower belly and almost fell out of bed in a haze as he stumbled out into the hall, glancing around almost frantically.
Where were his alphas?!
The Bonten men had to leave for a meeting, thinking they would be back before their mate woke.
"Are you alright?" A voice rang behind him and a young beta woman stood there, concern etched on her face and (name) tensed as he stared her down, the poor beta wasn't able to tell he was in heat as all employees wore scent patches basically making them unable to scent anything and in turn unable to smell any pharamones.
Her mistake was taking a step to the already defensive Omega.
(Name) barely regestered himself going feral or the woman's screams or the blood.
When Bonten received the call, they wasted zero time returning home and the smell of blood didn't phase them as they walked to the omegas nesting room where it smelt hostile and stressed and the blood amplified that "oh sweet Omega, did she get close to you?" Rans voice barely made it to (name), the Omega turning slightly to look at his Alphas with blood on his hands and cheeks.
"We're here Omega"
(Name) was hesitant as he let Takeomi lift him from the nest, blood getting on his dress shirt as the Omega snuggled into him and the alphas brought him to the bathroom, filling the tub nice and warm before cleaning up their mate with soft touches "such a good baby defending himself, we got you angel"
Bloody water fell into the drain as Mochi and Koko dried him off, not bothering to bathe the Omega who was already releasing sweet pharamones for them and was obviously very pleased to have their alphas back to them.
The alphas decided to take turns on Omega watch while the others went to work, four home four work then switch.
The process of watching (name) build his nest was fascinating, the Omega making them sit there and scent stuff while he constructed a big nest for them.
The smell of slick was driving them crazy.
But they had to wait till (name) was ready for mating, to give them the signal.
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themoontoyourshine · 3 years
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I would just like to start off by saying how completely humbled I am by all of the love and support I am receiving on this story. I try not to cry with every like, comment, reblog, and new follower. You guys are amazing and I can never thank you enough. If you’ve been with me since chapter one, then you know wouldn’t be possible without Lin @ssahotchswife She is a huge inspiration and has basically held my hand through all of this. If you like my work, you’ll love hers. Make sure you’re following her for all your Hotch needs.
SUMMARY: What happens when Aaron’s neighbor has a bad dream? Will he see just how much she cares about him and his son?
PAIRING: Aaron Hotchner x Neighbor(fem)! Reader
WARNINGS: Some content may be triggering so please read before continuing. 18+ Minors DNI
INCLUDES: Aaron wants to cook the reader dinner after she made breakfast for him and his team. Nudity (bath/shower), shaving, heavy flirting, angst if you squint, strong language, food mention, housework, singing. Please let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: This was supposed to be a quick one shot but it got away from me. I currently have over 10,000 words and I’m still writing. This is chapter 3 of 5 and I plan on updating weekly. This story has a little bit of everything. Hopefully you laugh, get a little turned on, and believe in love again by the time it’s over lol. This story will eventually contain SMUT. I’ve never done anything like this so please be patient with me. Feedback is always appreciated. AGAIN, I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I’M DOING!!! I love you guys so dang much my heart may burst 😘😘😘
Link to chapter one:
Link to chapter two:
Taglist: @ah-blossom @tenatiousbookworm
Daydreams and Nightmares
Chapter three
Once inside, you can’t help but touch your lips. You had never been kissed like that before. It made you feel a little sad that he viewed it as a mistake but you were grateful for the experience. You slowly peeled out of his pajama bottoms and tossed them in your laundry basket. It was getting time to do laundry so you started a light load first so his pajamas would be ready the next time you saw him. Looking around your apartment, you realized that each room needed a little something tidied. You did the dishes while the first load of laundry was going. Then you vacuumed while the second load went. After mopping, you watered your plants. You followed up with dusting and wiping down your bathroom mirror. Finally, you carried all of the clothes to your bed to begin folding and putting away. It was after 4:00 PM when your phone dinged.
4:04 PM From Penelope: It was really nice meeting you!
4:07 PM To Penelope: You too. Aaron has great friends!
4:09 PM From JJ: Thanks again for breakfast. Yuuum!
4:12 PM To JJ: You’re very welcome!
4:16 PM From Emily: What is it that you like so much about Hotch?
4:19 PM From JJ: RUDE!!!
4:21 PM From Penelope: Yeah Em, you can’t ask that.
4:23 PM To Emily: It’s ok…everything?
4:26 PM From JJ: Aww!
4:27 PM From Penelope: Eek!
4:29 PM From Emily: Fair enough.
You hadn’t had anything to eat since breakfast and lunch wasn’t sounding all that appealing. Tonight might be one of those nights where you start binge watching something dumb around 6:30 PM with a bag of popcorn and are snoring by 9:00PM. You knew you had rocky road in the freezer but you checked the pantry for popcorn and sure enough you had not one but two bags left of the good stuff. You checked the fridge to see a bottle of white wine chilling. Your evening was starting to look up. Deciding on a quiet night in, you opted for a bubble bath. You were typically more of a shower person but after the day you’ve had so far so you decided you needed it. Looking at your tub, you couldn’t remember the last time you cleaned it. You got under the sink and pulled out all of your organic cleaning supplies. You didn’t want to soak in a dirty tub. You scrubbed every inch of your tub before turning on the water and thoroughly rinsing it. You found your stash of candles in case the power went out and set them throughout the bathroom. You were looking through your drawers for something to sleep in when you found your Captain American footie pajamas along with your hipster undies that read ‘Welcome to Assablanca.’ You chuckled at the reference to one of your favorite movies, ‘Casablanca.’ You loved nights in alone like this where it didn’t matter what you wore. You weren’t trying to impress anyone.
You laid your pajamas at the foot of the bed and undressed, you grabbed your phone charger and earbuds, checked to make sure you had a towel handy, and your robe was hanging on the back of the closed door. You put your phone on the charger and popped in your earbuds. Once your playlist started, you added a lot bubble bath to the steaming hot water that had already fogged up you mirror. Sinking down into the water, your muscles instantly relaxed. You turned off the water and admired all the bubbles. You tried to remember why you didn’t do this more often. Grabbing your mesh bath sponge, you slowly started cleaning your body. Your mind wondered back to Aaron. You couldn’t help but think of what a bath with him would be like. Would he gently wash your back? Kiss your neck? Whisper sweet nothings in your ear while just holding you in the warm water? Feeling your cactus legs quickly pulled you out of that fantasy. After you were done with washing your body, you heard your phone ring effectively pausing your playlist. You figured it was one of the girls calling to ask more about your non relationship with Aaron. You can call them back after you’re done pampering yourself. Once the music resumes, you sink under the water with your feet up and bubbles up to your neck. You probably stay like this for a good 20 minutes. Your skin is officially wrinkled from the water when all of a sudden one of your favorite songs starts playing. You decide to stay in the tub for one more song. You close your eyes as you start moving your arms through the air and swaying under the water. When Lana Del Rey comes, you have to sing. It’s a law.
I drive fast, wind in my hair, push it to the limits 'cause I just don't care
I've got a burning desire for you, baby
I've got a burning desire
Every Saturday night I seem to come alive for you, baby
Santa Monica, I'm racing in the lights for you, baby
I drive fast, radio blares, have to touch myself to pretend you're there
Your hands were on my hips, your name is on my lips
Over over again, like my only prayer
Come on te
It was at this exact moment that your hand made contact with an object that you knew wasn’t in your bathroom when got in the tub. Your eyes flew open and you grabbed your chest. Aaron was sitting on the edge of your tub just smirking away.
“Holy shit, you scared the hell out of me! How long have you been in here?” you screeched, pulling out your earbuds and placing them on the floor.
“Long enough” he said “nice song by the way”
You blushed at the thought of singing Burning Desire in front of Aaron. “Well, way to be a creeper Mr. FBI.
“Sorry about that. To be fair, I called first. You didn’t answer. I used my key and let myself in.” Now that your heart was returning to a more normal and less dangerous rhythm, you took in his appearance. He looked good. Really good. He was wearing jeans with a belt and a tucked in light blue button up.
“You look nice. Do you have a date?” the words just kind of stumbled out but you didn’t exactly mind and it didn’t look like he did either.
“No. No date. I actually came here to cook you dinner. Sort of a thank you for making me and my team breakfast.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I was actually planning on an early night.”
“And you call me an old man. What 21 year old has an early night on a Saturday? I saw the Captain America footie pajamas on your bed. And Assablanca? Really?”
“You snoop!” you tried to sound outraged but he looked so damn cute.
“I’m cooking you dinner. The ingredients are on your kitchen counter.”
“There really is no point in arguing with you over my early night alone, is there?”
“With a former prosecuting attorney? I mean you can try. I don’t see it going well for you.”
“Fine,” you concede, “but you have to pick out something else for me to wear. And I better be dressed as nice as you are.”
“You really trust me that much?” he asks.
“I do. You seem to have a pretty decent sense of fashion.” you say, looking him over.
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do but if you don’t like it, you’ll have to dress yourself.”
Before you could respond, your phone dinged. Aaron reached over to the counter to get it for you.
“Who are the BAU Babes?”
“Aaron, give me my phone” you said as calmly as possible, holding your hand out.
“Is this my team? It is, isn’t it? I think I’ll just check it for you” he said, sliding his finger across the bottom of your phone. “Really y/n? No passcode? I’m disappointed in you” he said mockingly. “From Emily. Do you want me to talk you up to him?” “Who is she talking about? Is it me? I bet it’s me. Let me just scroll up to the beginning of the conversation to make sure.”
“Aaron Hotchner, don’t you dare!!!”
He just looked at you with a grin knowing that the only way for you to stop him would be to stand up out of the tub, and he knew that was not about to happen. You watched helplessly as he scrolled to the beginning of your conversation and read the messages.
“It was about me. I knew it. And you like everything about me.”
“I used to!”
“Oh, but not anymore?”
“Nope, now I just think you’re a smug bastard” you say, sticking out your tongue.
“Alright, I’m sorry, you’re right. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m going to leave your phone here on the counter and go pick out your clothes. You finish up in here.” You manage a tight lipped smile and a small nod as he exits the bathroom. You pull the plug and close your curtain before turning on the shower. You make quick work of shaving before washing your face. You shampoo your hair and condition the ends before turning off the water. You grab your towel and begin drying off. You put your robe on and wrap your hair in the towel before making your way into the bedroom. Aaron is standing at the foot of your bed.
“What do you think of what I picked out” he asks, motioning towards the bed.
“Aaron, there is nothing there.”
“Exactly” he says with one eyebrow raised. You quickly look at the floor, hoping he won’t notice the bright color in you cheeks. Is this guy trying to kill you? He has flirted more with you today than he has in the past four months combined. “I’m kidding” he says, raising your pillows. Under your pillows is a neat stack of clothes. A light purple matching lace bra and panty set. Your favorite dark denim low rise skinny jeans. Plus, one of your nicest tank tops. It’s black and low cut with lace trim. It’s perfect and you don’t know what to say.
“What do you think” he finally asks.
“I like it. A lot. It looks like something I would pick out for myself. I usually live in scrubs so this will be a nice change. Although I didn’t think you’d be picking out my under garments” you confess, only mildly embarrassed that he went through those drawers.
“I hope you don’t mind” he says, a little uneasy.
“No, no not at all. I told you to dress me. Besides, after this morning, I don’t think we have any secrets” you joke.
“Especially not after what I found in your nightstand drawer.”
“You didn’t! Aaron, what could you possibly think I have to wear in there” you say, horrified.
“You’re right, I didn’t” he laughed “but after that reaction, I’m going to.”
“Over my dead body!” you warned, shooting him daggers.
“I’m going to the kitchen to get dinner started” he says, rounding the room and pulling you into a tight embrace. “Get dressed and join me so I won’t be lonely.” He kissed your forehead before turning to walk away. “Oh, and I laid out two pairs of shoes. Both black. Heels or flats. You decide.” With that, he was gone. You were suddenly struck with one painfully obvious truth. You were falling in love with your neighbor…Aaron Hotchner.
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maybestoryideas · 3 years
Babysitting Skid & Pump w/ Agoti and Tabi
How They Met
In a momentary lapse of your infinite wisdom and judgement, you accidentally scheduled to meet up with Agoti and Tabi on the same day you offered to watch over the Skid and Pump for Lila. Apparently she had to leave town for the day, and the kids had been getting in more trouble than usual.
You were getting ready to leave for Lila’s, only to be met with a screen demon and floating skull when you opened your front door.
After explaining the situation to them, you promised to hang out some other day, when you wouldn’t be busy. Somehow, Agoti interpreted this as an invitation to join you and help babysit, which is the exact opposite of what you were implying.
You were more than a little worried about Skid and Pump meeting your friends. The kids could be quite the handful sometimes, and your friends were prone to… outbursts.
“Hey, Tabi! I didn’t know you had a little brother.”
“Shut the fu-“
When Skid and Pump see Agoti and Tabi, they’re instantly attached.
“Skid, Pump, these are my friends, and they were just leaving.”
“I like your spooky masks!”
“Um, thanks… Why are you two wearing costumes?”
“It is the spooky month!”
“It’s 90 degrees outside.”
“Wanna see something really cool?”
Agoti then proceeds to get down on the sidewalk and start doing push-ups with his tongue. Skid and Pump are instantly impressed.
“Your spooky friend is so cool!”
“They think I’m cool. Whaddya say about that?”
“I say you just licked a public sidewalk and probably need to go to a hospital.”
“Can Agoti and Tabi hang out with us today? Please?”
“I don’t know. I’m sure they have very important adult things to do and need to get going.”
“Not really.”
Skid, Pump, AND Agoti are at your legs, staring up at you with big begging eyes. Tabi is standing behind them with secondhand embarrassment.
Agoti is constantly bragging and being a show-off for the kids; he’s playing it up more than normal. Meanwhile Tabi’s being a lot more chill, vaguely answering any questions the kids have about him.
“You’re so good a video games!”
“Yeah, I’m a bit of a celebrity. I actually got so famous that these jerks tried to get rid of me. Obviously it didn’t work, though, and blah blah bla-blah blah…”
“Are you a ghost?”
“My body’s invisible. It’s a long story.”
Skid and Pump try to teach them the Spooky Dance. Emphasis on ‘try’.
“How are you moving your arms that quickly?!”
“I feel like an idiot.”
Meanwhile, you’re recording all of it on your phone. Haha! Blackmail.
You spent the day playing video games, watching TV, and hanging around the house.
So, at the end of the day, it wasn’t a total disaster.
After Agoti and Tabi showed that they can act like decent people in front of kids, you agreed to let them join you whenever you’re babysitting.
You thought having three adults keeping track of two kids would make things easier, but they somehow manage to get into more trouble between the four of them.
“You’re supposed to the mature ones! How do you manage to cause this much trouble? On accident?!”
You always end up having to be the ‘Mom-friend’, but it rarely does any good.
“Let’s go to the spooky forest.”
“Yeah! Let’s go!”
“Let’s… not?”
“Let’s put it to a vote! Who wants to go into the cool spooky, haunted, abandoned forest?”
[Three hands immediately go up, followed by a fourth]
“And who wants to stay home and be boring?”
[One awkward hand goes up]
To be fair, Tabi at least tries to be a responsible adult, so it balances out Agoti’s chaotic enabling.
They once took everyone to Zardy’s maze. Never. Ever. Again.
“You’re going to get us lost, just like last time!”
“That was your fault! I knew exactly where we were going, but you kept taking us in the wrong direction!”
“Guys, we haven’t even gone into the maze yet. Look, the sign’s right behind yo-”
*angry SEGA Genesis and angry Russian noises intensify*
You decided to take Skid and Pump through the maze, and just left the two screaming outside the entrance. When you finally got to the end, they were still screaming. Not at each other, but at a scarecrow.
They’re a lot more well-behaved when you’re just hanging around town. Probably because otherwise they’d have to deal with police and witnesses.
If any shady creeps approach your group, Agoti and Tabi will stand right behind Skid and Pump, silently threatening until they back off.
They also do it whenever the Hatzgang starts picking on Skid and Pump, though they tone it down since Roy and his friends are still teenagers.
“Hey kid. You’re not causing trouble for my friends here, right?”
“N-No, sir! We’re just… kidding around. Oh God, please don’t kill me!”
For one Halloween, Skid and Pump dressed up as Tabi and Agoti.
“Aw! You two are look so cool and spooky!”
“How come you never call us cool and spooky?”
“Skid and Pump are cute kids. You two are public menaces.”
You frequently visit the candy store at the end of the day. On the off chance that there’s something the kids want but can’t get, Agoti will pay for it or bribe Kevin to look the other way. Sometimes it doesn’t work and then Tabi will threaten to demolish the store. That always works. You’ve started forcing them to wait outside the store while you buy everything yourself.
Even though Agoti and Tabi’s chaotic personalities feed into Skid and Pump’s mischievous behavior, you can tell that they genuinely like the kids, and you’re happy they get along well. Sometimes.
“Pump, where did you learn that word?”
“I heard Agoti shouting it when he was playing video games.”
“I thought so.”
“What’s up, dude?”
“I don’t why, but I think [Name’s] gonna kick my ass tomorrow.”
(Thanks for reading! Please give me things to write about?)
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nenoname · 2 years
Land Before Swine Secret Commentary Transcript
aka the in-character Stan one
aka the only one that’s on youtube at the time of me writing this. 
…I’ll get to the other ones later. When I feel like it. Also dang Stan says “y’know” a lot.
Disclaimer: my hearing is shot so take this as you will
Stan: Ah, hello? Is this thing on? Testing, hello? Uh, hi there, listeners. I’m Grunkle Stan! What’s this down here?
I was promised a plate of bacon– is there bacon for me? No, I’m not gonna do this for free. …Alright they just gave me a dollar. Gimme two.
Okay, okay– alright, hi, hey! It’s me, Grunkle Stan. So here’s the deal; apparently my sweaty grandnephew, Dipdop, was recording the entire summer with Soos’ video camera, like a little weirdo? Like every single thing we did, the entire summer he was recording. That’s-that’s what we’re watching right now. It’s kinda creepy that he did that. He gets that from Ford, I think. That and his inability to make eye contact with women.
Anyway, he wanted me to, I dunno, give commentary on this day of… our lives? That he recorded? Like a school project or something? So here I am. Here’s my voice– crank up the volume! You really wanna hear that gravel. You want your neighbors to hear it too. It takes, it takes a lot of really bad livin’ to sound this way, so (laughs) I earned it. Enjoy. 
Um, I dunno what this (referring to the opening) is. Guess Dipper cut together a musical montage of various moments. Fairly professional! Frankly it’s embarrassing he spent that much time on it.
So, uh, so yeah, this was a day in my life. This was uh, a regular old day. Little bit of scamming people. Little bit of punching dinosaurs in the face. Y’know I get why Dipper wanted my commentary. I mean, I’m a pretty great man so I understand why he wanted to hear my perspective on things, uh, I have a lot to say.
(coughs) So many pearls of wisdom, um… Let’s see ah, what’s new in my life… I went to the doctor today. Well it wasn’t a doctor so much that he was Soos dressed in a lab coat, reading webmv (??) off of his phone. “Y’know I think I’m gonna give my life savings to some quack with a medical degree?” No! Not gonna happen. Y’know I heard on the AM radio that vaccines lets the government read your thoughts– nice try, Uncle Sam!! Go back to Russia!
Anyway, who wants to hear about my various body problems? You name it, I’ve got it. Hernia? Got it. Abnormal rashes? Ho, ho, you gotta believe I’ve got abnormal rashes. Who’s got two thumbs and a liver that’s hanging by a thread? This guy, baby! Let’s see, what other body problems do I have? According to Soos, I got boxer’s ear, money lung, brass knuckles, sailor’s mouth, ingrown eyebrows, Achilles everything… something called “super gout”! Dog pox, seasonal squash nose, chronic uncle jokes, tooth flu, strep leg, something called “face worm”… Y’know when an earthquake is coming, my knee swells up and when a musical festival is coming, my fist swells up in rage. I’m also partially deaf because my ears are next to my mouth and I’ve been diagnosed with having no indoor voice.
And now to read you my current blood pressure statistics– warning! They’re terrible. Oh, wait, sorry, there’s a sticky note here from Dipper. It says “Don’t talk about your body problems.” I guess I’m supposed to talk about the video? I dunno, I mean… what is there to say? I’m trying to give the people what they want. Let’s talk about the day.
Um, I remember it was really hot, that’s the first thing. Uh, y’’know Dipper and Soos, they went off on some kinda journey. Y’know Dipper and Mabel's mom, they said “keep a close eye on these kids over the course of the summer. Don’t let them get into trouble. Don’t let them wander into any cemeteries or off of any cliffs. Keep them away from sharp objects.” –But they didn’t say anything about monsters so I think I’m covered, honestly.
Let’s see, what happened? I mean, it was just like any other day in Gravity Falls! I um, I got outta bed. I did three hundred pushups. I ate some steamed carrots… (laughs) Nah, c’mon, what do I look like, a sucker? You only live once, friends.
Here’s a real routine from Grunkle Stan; I got outta bed, ate a basket of cold cinnamon rolls I found in a drawer, laid on the carpet for like an hour until Soos came and poked me with a stick. Y’know that’s basically how most of my days start up. Then I went into the basement to work on that darn portal. I mean, I can talk about that right? Cat’s outta the bag now? Yeah, y’know, I was working on that portal everyday. You see me here being a bear of a man, a leader, a titan of industry. But, uh, off camera, prior to this adjusting my tie in the mirror, I was downstairs trying to figure out how to get my brother back from that dimension that he… through various means wound up in. Partially my fault. Partially his. Who could really say? Y’know the point is, I wasn’t just the curmudgeon I look like here. Every morning I would go downstairs, I would work on trying to figure out on how to get him outta there, y’know? Um, part of my daily routine, I was tightening screws, trying to teach myself highschool maths so I could get the thing up and running. I also did a lotta punching the portal, like the jukebox. And let's not forget that toxic waste I stole! Yeah those are some good memories.
So y’know, everyday it’d be something like this; I’ll work on the portal, break some things so Soss has some stuff to fix, get on my suit and give a tour like the one ya looking at. Y’know I like to mix it up on my tour, um, I mean sometimes I like to take people through the Shack. Sometimes I show them taxidermies, sometimes optical illusions.
This corn, this unicorn made of corn, I brought that at a rummage sale. Um, I shoulda known someone would eat it. I kinda had a running pool with Wendy that it’d get eaten by Soos or Dipper or Mabel. Forgot about the pig. Probably should’ve bet on the pig.
So y’know here’s the kid up in the attic, just in the dark like a creep, like a weirdo. I mean, I don’t understand, I feel like all photographers, there’s something wrong with their heads. They’re passively observing life– like not like me! Grabbing life by the horns and making money off of it, uh, because I could make money off of anything! The key of being a showman is turning anything into an attraction. Like I have this pool of stagnant water that collected by the front door after the radiator broke. So I called it the “Befuddle Puddle” and charge an extra dollar to see your reflection. “Feeling befuddled yet?!” is what I say to the people. And I also glue a lotta things to other things to make a thing that’s new! So you give a turban to an armadillo; now it’s a “carmadillo”! Glue a cat to another cat; now ya got a double cat. 
Sometimes people point out that they just drove ten miles to see a wet floor and a bunch of angry cats glued to each other and that’s when you gotta defuse the situation with comedy. Um, y’know, I’m always doing different material, I’m sorta an amateur comedian– can, can I swear on this thing? There’s a guy who’s shaking his head at me, he’s giving a thumbs down, he’s doing a cross your throat thing with his finger. I’m-I'm not sure, is that a “yes”? I can swear? Now, he’s freaking out– he just ran out of the room. Alright, maybe I’ve got to watch my mouth on this thing, um but, ya not getting the full experience, kids! I’m pretty hilarious without the censors breathing down my neck. People always ask me, “Stan, where do you get your material?” A little word to the wise, for aspiring comedians out there; bumper stickers.
When ya step onto the road right there, I’ve never seen a bumper sticker that didn’t make me laugh like, heh, on the way here this morning, I saw one that said “driver carries no cash– hE’S MARRIED!” (laughs so hard he begins to choke) Oh lord… urgh, that’s my money lung actin’ up, one sec (giggles) “He’s married…” Guh, I mean, I don’t have a crowd around me right now but if I did they’d be laughing as hard as I just was. Y’know it’s a little, it’s a play on social mores etcetera.
Um, ah, whatta we lookin’ at here? I guess Dipper somehow got his camera into my mind? Not really sure how he did this but um, yeah I’m pretty good at weaving a yarn and this was a tale I told to Mabel to um, y’know make her see the real me because sometimes the truth is hiding within a lie. Y’know like, you might tell a lie like uh “I fought a monster for your pig” and the truth is you’re directly responsible for the pig getting stolen b-but the deeper truth is you would’ve fought a monster, right? It’s like a, it’s sorta like a truth turducken; lie, truth, lie, truth– y’know who’s really to say what is real and what is not? Certainly not Soos! He has no idea what’s real.
So, uh, y’know, let’s see… jokes…. I told you about my medical problems, um… heh alright, okay I know what Dipper wants to hear, I know why he asked me to do this. He wants to know a little bit about the real Grunkle Stan. Y’know, you guys see this paragon of attractiveness and virtue- you don’t learn the warts and all.
You probably want to hear about my ex-wife, right? Okay? There’s not much to tell, I bring her up every now and again. I tell jokes. Uh, sometimes comedy comes from a place of pain and I, y’know, was actually married for less than a day. Vegas situation. Reach for the same slot machine handle and it was love at first sight. Marilyn. Had hair like an airline stewardess and a neon pink shirt that said “over thirty and very flirty.” Man, I was putty in her hands. You shoulda seen the way she threw dice. One time right at my head! Turns out she only married me to distract me while she stole my car and all my winnings. And I guess her name was fake and her hair was fake, but y’know the love was real. She really was the one that got away. Like literally. It was a proper getaway. She was chased by cop cars for about a mile outta Vegas before ducking out of a door into a canyon and making off with all my loot. Sometimes I still think of her. That pale bingo hall skin. That one weirdly sharp tooth. S-sorry I’m getting nostalgic– point is, yeah! I had love in my life once and uh y’know, it bit me. And I learnt a bit of a lesson from that which is ya open your heart and blood comes out and ya die. So, y’know, try not to be a sap like I was.
Let’s see, let’s talk about what’s going on here, uh… This is the only time you’ll see me step foot in a building with any kinda spiritual significance, I’ll say that much. Urgh gosh, this guy. So, yeah, Old Man McGucket, he’s kinda a liability and uh, I guess he helped us save the world with that robot and whatever but, uh, prior to realising he was a genius, he was mainly just a nuisance. Like I think I ran him over with my car a couple of times? Like he’s like a possum, he just runs out onto the middle of the road. (laugh) I mean, everyone in Gravity Falls has run over Old Man McGucket at least once. It’s, it’s kinda a rite of passage when you’re in that town.
Obviously I didn’t want him on this mission, y’know, McGucket-ing up the whole thing, he was a liability, let’s face it! Various tales we didn’t need to hear. That gold tooth glinting in my eye, distracting me all the time… Uh, yeah I’m pretty sure he was responsible for getting us to… fall off of this thing… wait, let’s wait and see… yeah, there it is- called it! His fault. Sometimes I remember things being someone else’s fault but this case I was right! All McGucket.
So yeah, this day, the other thing I remember about it was, uh, it represented a real missed opportunity for me because this coulda been a great tourist trap. Right? Like, Land… Time Forgot. Park of Jurassic Creatures, uh. I can’t think of a great name for it but y’know, Dino Fun Wacky Sap Town Park, something like that. I mean just picture what this woulda been like. Okay this is a once in a lifetime dream, to charge saps to literally look at sap. Like I’m always scamming people but pun-based scams, that’s the sweetest. I coulda made that happen! Sadly I lost the chance when the place caved in at the end of the day, you’ll see.
The dinosaur mishap kinda gets outta hand. The whole thing goes bottoms up. Y’know, I suppose Sixer might be able to make some sorta drill that could get me back down to the dinosaur cave with some real attractions. Like his inventions always backfire, like (laughs) like this one time in high school, he’ll hate that i’m talking about this so, should I talk about this?
Yeah, I’ll do it, okay. So this one time in high school, my brother, Stanford– well, it started out like this; so Fordsy had a fear of girls ever since Cathy Crenshaw got freaked out by his hand in third grade, uh, those of you listening, I’ve got a brother, he’s got six fingers. It’s kinda cool, he’s great at piano, y’know? He could do really cool like, shadow puppets but uh, in elementary school, kids could be cruel and uh, I guess it sorta traumatised him? He tried to hold a girl’s hand. She spilled punch on his head and ever since then he had a hard time talking to girls, unlike- unlike myself. That’s life.
Anyway, cut to high school, the guy’s never kissed a girl, prom is coming up and he asked me for advice. “Stanley, I know things have been a little weird between you and me with college but can you talk to me about girls?” Um, and y’know, I said, uh “whatever you do, don’t be yourself. You’re gonna freak ‘em out. Act like me!” And so we tried for a couple of days, we actually traded places. He dressed up as me, I dressed up as him and I was hoping that would make the ladies flock to him. But instead he was ruining my reputation, right? Like he was destroying my game all over the place so we switched back. I said “you’re a hopeless case” and he, (laughs) his solution as he is wont to do was to build like a kissing practice robot, okay. 
It was basically a mannequin head with a rubik's cube for a mouth and a siren attached to its head that would go off if you were kissing it wrong. Like he read a bunch of Mom’s magazines for women about men and programmed that into the machine so the only way to get the siren to stop is for you to learn to kiss properly. Anyway, cut to all of us in gym class, the head falls out of his gym bag. The siren starts going off. The only way to stop the thing is for him to kiss it in front of the whole class! (laughs) Ah, man! Ha… he was still more popular than me. Not my fault. 
I dunno, I just have an excess of personality. Some people get jealous… Dad always taught me that the way to get people to respect you is to punch the biggest person in any room, the first time you enter that room. But if you do that in school then apparently you have “rage problems” quote unquote according to the counselor. Darn hippy. 
Childhood, y’know, is hard! It’s hard, guys! No matter how you slice it, right? Like it’s clearly not easy on these kids. I think I was a pretty good caretaker though. I mean, all things considered. Okay, let’s get real, guys. The pig’s cute, okay? Like I knew the pig was cute from day one. You see it in that nest. You’re feeling it. I’m feeling it. Looking at it and you feel your desire to eat bacon slightly subsiding… I mean a lil’ bit. Like five percent. I, I didn’t actually want the pig to get eaten by wolves, y’know. I was just hoping I could just get it outta my crosshairs so that it wouldn’t get in the way of my various amazing jokes and… y’know I was a lil’ worried that it might get lost in the portal so I wanted it out of the house. But I didn’t want this to happen, alright?
So what you’re watching right here, me tussling with a pig, getting attacked by a dinosaur, plummeting into a ravine, this was not how I expected this day to wind up. But, uh, push comes to shove, y’know, I’m not a bad guy, right? Like… how many of you, looking at this video right now, how many of you think that I’m gonna let this pig get eaten by a monster? Is that what you think of me? Not gonna do it. Not gonna happen.
The fez. Y’know sometimes people ask about my fez and there might be some people listening to in Dipper’s class that might be curious, yeah that’s actually my old man’s, actually. That belonged to my dad. Um, he’d come home late, first Thursday or second Thursday of every month. He had this Masonic lodge? That he was a part of? The Loyal Order of the Holy Mackerel, something like that. It’s just a bunch of old guys who worshiped a fish in a tank and they did a bunch of weird rituals. Something about brotherhood– here’s the secret behind the Masons, alright? I never really joined so I can tell ya; they’re just trying to get away from their wives and girlfriends for one night, eat pasta and tell dumb jokes. Like they act like they, oh control the world- they don’t control the world. They can’t even control their own interpersonal relationships. They just wanna play poker and have a night to themselves, right? I think that’s what my dad was doing. Anyway I guess he “bestowed” his hat upon my brother, thinking that one day maybe he’d join the fraternal order and when I took over my brother’s house, I took the hat as a showman and, y’know it fit my head pretty good!
Alright if you got popcorn, now’s the time to eat it because prepare for some heroism. This is, alright, it looks pretty dramatic what I’m about to do on camera but like, real talk, I basically couldn’t get outta bed for three days, this was (laughs) incredibly painful. Impressive but painful. Y’know the important thing is uh, is that the kids came out alright. They didn’t get eaten by a monster like McGucket there. Uh, I was a pretty good caretaker. 
A lot of people ask me, they say “Stan. You have impeccable genetic material, why haven’t you sired an heir?” People are always saying that. Y’know that’s an easy one because kids, kids are a giant hassle. I was once a kid and it was the worst. And the only thing worse than kids-? Parents. My dad was a cold-hearted ex-bricklayer who’d rather list my faults at Passover rather than throw the ol’ football around. Seriously, I never played catch with my old man.
For a science fair, I asked Ford to help me invent a football throwing robot just to get someone to throw a football around with me. But, uh, Ford wouldn’t do it, he was mad about the whole Kissbot incident so I had to invent my own football throwing robot. Just duct tape a football to a toaster, call it Footbot. I mean, what’s a guy gotta do to get one game of catch with his old man? Right? Whatever, Whatever! Doesn’t matter! 
I have, I have, I have my own family. I do have a son, Benjamin Abe Hamilton Washington. This pile of money I’ve collected over the years! That’s my true family. Y’know I can sorta glue it together into the shape of a child maybe… Eh, I dunno. I, I do my best, right? And I do have, I do actually, not to brag, but I have an obscene amount of money. Uh, y’know all the years of collecting and etcetera– and also grifting!
You wanna learn some classic grifts? Anyone out there wanna learn some grifts? Here’s a good one; I call this one the “Grunkle Surprise!” You pay a bunch of hobos, okay it’s complicated, get a pen and paper. You pay a bunch of hobos a fish head a piece to dress up as an ol’ timey barbershop quartet– then you need to get six, not five, six live bats and a little guy dressed as a baby. Now here’s the really important part, don’t use an actual baby in this grift. I learnt that the hard way– wait, wait, just interrupt this thought for a moment.
I can’t remember how we got outta this one. Did we, did we die? Am, am I in the afterlife right now? I seriously can’t recall. A dinosaur came for us, I must’ve done something really amazing, personally, myself. Maybe I, uh, oh whaddya know, actually it was Soos! Y’know I think he’s gonna make a good Mr Mystery. Uh don’t tell anybody this but uh, I’m kinda proud of him, push comes to shove. Eh, one second.
Soos: ‘Sup, dude!
Stan: Oh Soos, whatta you doin’ here?
Soos: Oh yeah, dude. I just uh, I knew you were doin’ some commentary and I thought I would bring you some, uh, cracker-flavoured chipackers?
Stan: T-That’s a thing? Soos: Yeah, dude! I just brought some, have some!
Stan: Alright, heh, let’s see. Oh, oh my goodness. They’re crackers that taste just like chips that taste just like crackers! Thanks, Soos. Holy cow! Soos: Science truly is an amazing thing. I also brought a bag of stuff from the Mystery Shack. I was hoping you could, uh , sign these for me? Stan: Alright, yeah, sure, let’s see. We’ve got snowglobes, the ol’ John Hancock (??). Let’s see we got a bumper stick, Stan Pines and a… what’s this? Football? We don’t sell footballs at the Mystery Shack, Soos.
Soos: (nervous laugh) Ha, yeah, ya know. I was just thinking, maybe before you leave on your big adventure with Ford, we could… I dunno. Toss the ol’ football around? L-Like catch or whatever…
Stan: Soos, were you listening through the wall while I was recording this-? Soos: No, dude, I swear I wasn’t!! Stan: Alright. Okay. What the heck. You and me, huh? This is Grunkle Stan and as I always say, wait no, this time you can say it with me, Soos.
Stan and Soos: No refunds!
Soos: Dude!
Stan: Alright, alright. So let’s see, uh, throwing the football around, y’know I’m an expert. (laughs) You gotta go long and the secret is throwing it as hard as you can to the other person’s head.
Soos: Like a Terminator!
Stan: (laughs) Exactly! Exactly, like a– y’know, you’re alright!
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
So my friend has been on and off lately.
I decided to write this for me cause I needed it.
Requests are open!
Chosen last
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Readers friends only invite them to things if they have no one else to go with. Reader keeps their mouth shut about it and just guesses that this is how friendship works. One day they meet the turtles and April, and for once they’re not chosen last.
Pairing: platonic turtles x reader
(Implied female reader but I’ll do my best to avoid pronouns! Sorry if a she/her slips out)
“I couldn’t find anyone else to go with me so do you want to tag along?”
“I had a plus one and everyone else was busy.”
“No one else can make it and I don’t want to be lonely. Wanna go with me?”
“Sorry I guess I forgot to invite you!”
“What do you mean you were there? I could have sworn you were somewhere else... huh poor memory I guess.”
“Sorry! There’s no room for you to come with! Next time for sure though!”
All of those were common things you’d heard before.
You weren’t exactly sure if it was a normal thing in friendships. It must be since no one else mentioned it.
Still, it hurt that you weren’t prioritized. You were always the last thought. Last minute.
And you always said yes.
Someone needs you to be their plus one for the dance so they don’t look bad?
There you are.
Someone needs a wingman for this boy they like?
You’re already on your way.
It’s not that you minded.
You just wanted to be... appreciated.
You just wanted them to see you.
Maybe they would if you kept trying.
Maybe they would if you made them a homemade gift for each birthday.
Maybe they would if you always answered back their texts right away.
You thought you needed to earn the right to be appreciated.
You realized how wrong you were when you met the turtles.
You brought your jacket closer around your body, shivering.
Of course you had to walk home! Alone! In the dark! In the RAIN!
Apparently it was too much to ask for a ride home after hanging out. There wasn’t enough room in the car!
Of course.
Just like every other time, asking to come along was too much.
You shivered again as rain dripped down your back.
“This sucks.” You groaned.
You eyed every dark alley way. You’d read enough fanfiction to expect some cringey creepy man to come out and attack you.
But what DID attack you was completely unexpected.
“LOOK OUT!” A voice shouted.
You didn’t even have time to flinch before something landed on top of you. The weight of it brought you to the ground with a shriek.
“Sorry about that!”
That wasn’t a ‘something’ but a someone!
They scrambled off you quickly.
You stood up and whipped around, rubbing your aching head. “What the hell were you doing?! Do you do parkour on the rooftops or something?!”
Ugh, today just wasn’t your day.
Finally, you glanced up.
They... they clearly weren’t a human.
Green skin...
Orange dots?
A... a shell??
And an orange mask.
Your jaw nearly dropped.
The creature gave you a sheepish grin. “Umm... hey! Yeah... maybe.. possibly... I was doing parkour on the roof...?” He rubbed the back of his neck and eyed the sky, a blush forming across his face. “I was on my way... my way to the comic con!”
He must be looking for a way to leave.
You weren’t ready for that though. You still needed to know what he was! And possibly his name!
You inched closer, holding your phone closer. Just in case. “What... what exactly are you?”
His eyes were on the floor now, as if your words had made him... upset.
“Sorry if that offended you!” You responded immediately. Ugh why did you word it like that? You didn’t mean it as if you thought he was a monster! “I just... I’ve had a really confusing night, my mouth runs faster than my brain, and I just got body slammed into the cement!” You rubbed the back of your head again.
He seemed much more satisfied with this answer. “Well... I don’t think you’d believe me...”
You eyed him up and down. “Dude, I think just looking at you would be enough for me to believe you.”
He let out a small laugh. “So ummm... yeah. I’m a turtle?”
You frowned. “Yeah, I think I see that.”
Well this was a strange turn of conversation.
Why not?
It’s New York after all.
He shuffled nervously. “People aren’t really supposed to know about it.”
You waved him off. “Psh, I don’t have anyone that would want to hear it or believe me anyway.” You stepped closer, your grip on your phone loosening. “Honestly, that’s pretty cool! I didn’t know people like you existed!”
It hurt but it was true.
Your friends would think you were making stuff up for attention.
The new voice cause you to nearly jump out of your skin.
Three people, just like this guy, landed by his side.
One with a red mask and build like a tank.
Another with a blue mask and strange yellow stripes.
The last one had a purple mask and a staff of some kind.
“Are you okay, little man?” The red one asked worriedly. “You just took a huge fall!”
“I swear you’re gonna be feeling that a week from now.” The blue one snorted, resting his SWORD on his shoulder like it was a baseball bat.
“I estimate it’ll be closer to three weeks.” The purple one corrected, tapping a device on his wrist.
You stepped back.
There were more people like... Mikey? Was that his name?
Well, might as well find some way to get into this conversation. You weren’t gonna let the most interesting thing that ever happened to you slip away.
“You’re name’s Mikey?” You asked, the three surrounding the orange masked turtle jumping.
“Human!” The blue masked one shouted.
The large red one shoved Miley behind him. “Hi! Uh... we... we were just on our way to Comic-Con!”
“Guys-.” Mikey tried only to get Interrupted.
“Could you help us find our way?” The purple one joined, cutting him off.
You raised an eyebrow. “Nice try. I already know you guys are turtles.”
“Dang it Mikey!” The blue one shoved Mikey. “You just gonna spill our secret to everyone you meet in New York?”
“She deserves to know!” Mikey squeaked. “I messed up a flip and body slammed her into the concrete!” He turned to you, eyes hopeful. “And... she didn’t seem scared of me!”
This stopped the other boys.
Mikey shoved them all away from him. “These are my brothers! Leo,” he pointed at the blue one, “Donnie,” the purple one, “and Raph!”
You waved awkwardly, eyes landing warily on the largest one.
These guys didn’t seem as sweet and trusting as Mikey.
Donnie was looking you up and down for any sign of a threat.
Leo has his sword out.
Raph has his tonfas ready in his fists.
Maybe it’d be better to just leave.
“I’m not gonna tell anyone.” You shook your head to further emphasize your point. “I was just walking home anyway. All of this...” you spread out your arms, “was a complete accident.”
Mikey gave you a toothy grin. “Yeah, sorry about that.” He turned to his skeptical brothers. “She seems nice! She could be just like April!”
You kicked at the ground sheepishly now that the attention was back to you. “You can just go and I won’t tell anyone.”
“We can’t just let you go.” Donnie scoffed.
For a split second, you thought they were going to kill you for finding out their secret. Or kidnap you. Something bad.
“Not with that whole situation.” He gestured to your forehead.
Curiously, you reached up and touched it.
Your fingers were wet with blood.
Go figure.
“No, it’s fine, really.” You assured them. “My apartment isn’t too far-.”
“Please, it’s fine.” Raph waved you off. “It’ll make up for this bonehead over here.” He loosely jabbed his thumb in Mikeys direction.
You wanted to say yes.
You wanted to say yes so badly.
“I don’t know, you probably got plans.” Leo shrugged, putting his sword away. “It’s a Friday afternoon, after all.”
That was enough for you to make a decision.
“No, I’m actually free.” You offered. “I actually don’t even have a medicine kit at my house-.”
“Alright let’s go!” Mikey grabbed your wrist excitedly and lead the way, not even waiting for you to finish your sentence.
You only meant to spend ten or fifteen minutes there, tops.
But after Donnie had your head taken care of Mikey wanted to know if you wanted to play a video game.
You couldn’t say no.
Then, after an hour of the Lou jitsu game, Leo wanted to know if you wanted to check out his sword.
You felt like you had to say yes.
It’s not every day you get to see a sword!
After accidentally getting portalled to New Jersey and FINALLY making your way back, Donnie wanted to know if he could borrow you.
He needed to fix his computer and he needed your smaller fingers to reach the back for him.
Saying no just wasn’t an option.
After almost exploding the poor piece of technology, Raph wanted to know if you knew April O’Neil.
You heard them mention her earlier but you didn’t know they meant THAT April. You’d seen her around before but never really talked to her. Who knew she’d be involved with mutants from the sewer?
He invited April to join them as well.
He thought some human company and someone who would make you feel more normal about the whole situation would make you more comfortable.
He was right.
April was AWESOME.
You hadn’t realized how loud and how fun she could be!
She talked to you about how she met the turtles and every little adventure they went on!
You hoped, secretly, that you could be a part of newer ones.
Eventually, the time came for you to leave.
You were sad of course, but you felt happier than you had in days.
You left with five new numbers in your contacts list and a baked green bean casserole from a rat.
Maybe you should get body slammed into the concrete more often.
“Wanna go to that party with me after school?” Your friend asked casually at the lunch table. “Dana couldn’t go with me and everyone else is busy. I need a plus one!”
You smiled as you responded to a meme Leo sent you, your friends words going in one ear and out the other.
“Y/n.” She asked again.
Still no response.
“Are you even listening to me?”
You snapped out of it and straightened up. “What?”
“You and I are going to a party after school.” She informed you. “We should probably pick out our outfits right when it ends. I don’t know if I’ll be able to drive you but you can just walk-.”
“Oh,” you picked your phone up again, “sorry, I have plans.”
This got her to stop. “You have plans? But you never have plans?”
Your other friend snickered. “Yeah, you’re a hermit! You never go out or do anything!”
You blushed furiously. “I’m going to my friends house to watch a movie, okay? I’m not a hermit.”
“A friend, huh?” One of them rolled her eyes. “How come I’ve never heard of them before?”
“I just met them last month.” You picked at your shirt nervously. Why weren’t they happier for you?
“Them?” Another repeated, shocked. “You have more than one knew friend?”
“Yeah.” You straightened up a bit. “Them. They’re super nice but they don’t go to our school.”
The first one rolled her eyes. “Fine, whatever, think what you want. But I need you to sit with me and Jake at the park tomorrow so he can compare-.”
You didn’t even let her begin to finish her sentence. “I’m busy that day.”
“Again?” She gaped. “Seriously?”
“Now you’re just making stuff up.” Another scoffed.
“Why is it so unbelievable that I’d be busy?” You glared at them, clutching your phone protectively. “You’re all busy all the time! Why can’t I be?”
They glanced at each other with knowing looks.
“Because you barely talk to anyone! No offense, but you can be really boring.” The one next to you shrugged. “What even is your friends name anyway? You’d have said their name if they were real.”
You felt your face heating up.
“His name Mikey.” You grumbled. “And maybe I don’t talk because none of you give me a chance!”
“A boy?!” The one in front of you gasped. They didn’t even acknowledge any of your other words. “Please, how could you score a boy?”
“He’s probably really ugly, no offense y/n.” One chuckled as if she were joking.
You had enough. “You know, I’m feeling a little crowded. I’m gonna go sit somewhere else.”
“You don’t even have anyone to sit with! You’re a hermit, remember?” One girl called out to you.
“I do have someone to sit with.” You growled, heading for April’s table. You should have started sitting with her a long long LONG time ago.
“Alright, see you Monday I guess.” Was the reply.
The way they just blew it off... UGH. You wanted to punch something.
“Hey, what brings you to the cool kid table?” April grinned, shoving Dale over to make room. “Aren’t you supposed to be with your other friends?”
You managed to shove away the buzzing anger in your head, replacing your frown with a matching smile. “Nah, there’s not enough room for me AND their egos.”
April snorted, assuming you were joking. “Well there’s always room for you here!”
Those were words you’d waited too long to hear.
You still saw your old friends and occasionally filled in for them when they needed an extra.
But you denied their offers more and more.
For once, you knew what it felt like to be prioritized.
“Hey we’re gonna watch a Lou Jitsu movie, wanna come?”
“I saw this glass painting trend online and I thought you’d want to come over and do it with me!”
“I heard this song and I thought you’d like it. Here’s the link!”
“Check our this hilarious meme!”
“Dale and I are gonna go to that shin dig. I don’t know if that’s you’re thing but you’re welcome to join us!”
What a refreshing change of pace
Let me know if I should make a part two!
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starshine583 · 4 years
New Girl on the Block (11)
(aaaaaah thank you guys so much for all of the replies in the last one! I get so giddy reading them! Anyway, here’s chapter 11 of New Girl on the Block. I hope you all enjoy and please feel free to check out the mini series connected to this called Journal Entries!)
Ch.1 / Ch.10 / Ch.12  (Ao3)
Chapter 11: Aw~ You Really Do Care
Gentle breezes that swayed this way and that were always known for creating calming atmospheres. They blew through the wisps of your hair like a sweet kiss from nature and quietly stole your troubles from the deep sigh that you’d let out from finally getting fresh air. They weren’t supposed to harshly wrap around your limbs and torso, condemning you to a make-shift cage that was built to keep you paralyzed as you were carried through the air by a magical, maniacal, part-time villain. And this, Marinette decided, was going to be reason number forty-seven for why she hated Hawkmoth. He ruined the little things. Not only was she going to scowl at every autumn breeze from this moment on due to bitter memories, she was also reminded that she can’t even have a small lunch with friends between classes without getting blasted across the street. With all of the akumas centering around Dupont, she had hoped that her chances of getting ambushed would decrease, but that was apparently too much to ask for.
She’ll give Hawkmoth credit on one account, though: this was the first time she’d gotten caught up in an akuma while in civilian form since she transferred schools. Nevertheless, one time is still one too many, especially when this was bound to happen again sooner or later.
Marinette thrashed against Whirlwind’s hold, and although she didn’t put too much effort into it for the sake of subtlety, she could tell they weren’t going to budge. She needed to find another way to get down that wouldn’t alarm or anger the akuma. Maybe she could convince Whirlwind to get on the ground somehow.. But she already seemed on edge. What if she got aggressive? These akumas were never reasonable, and Marinette couldn’t turn her head to see if Felix and the others were out of range yet. 
Marinette held back a groan. Why did there have to be so many obstacles!
“I’m not seeing any ‘company buildings’.” Whirlwind remarked, frowning as she scanned over the city rooftops. “Where did you say they were again?”
“It’s- uhm -” Marinette faltered. She hadn’t expected to be addressed once they started moving. “It’s on the other side of town. If I remember correctly. You should be able to find one if you fly Northeast from here.”
Whirlwind perked up. “Oh, good! I must say, I’m quite impressed with your navigation skills. I barely know what ‘Northeast’ is, myself.”
Marinette forced a smile in response. The akuma wouldn’t think so highly of her if they knew that she was only pointing them in the opposite direction of the café. 
They started moving again, the fresh surge of wind almost making it difficult to breathe as they rushed over the rooftops. It reminded Marinette of the time she had to fight Santa Clause while standing on top of his weird, gizmo sleigh, except this time she didn’t have Tikki’s magic to protect her. 
Her eyes flicked to the streets below, a part of her wondering what would happen if she fell, another part of her wondering if that’s what she’d have to resort to to get out of this mess. 
Come on, Marinette, think! She told herself. Come up with an excuse! Something to get you on the ground. The company is.. Unground? You need to.. Go to the bathroom? Get your phone? You’re-
“Airsick!” She gasped. “I’m getting airsick!”
In hindsight, she probably should have thought the excuse through before blurting out her imaginary nausea- how would she escape once Whirlwind brought her to ground? Would she make another excuse to go inside? How would Marinette be able to slip away to go transform if she made it that far? -but it had a decent effect. Whirlwind immediately stopped, causing the winds behind them to burst forward. Marinette briefly wondered how fast they’d been going to create such a force when coming to an abrupt halt.
“What was that?” Whirlwind asked. “I couldn’t hear you over my winds.”
Marinette hesitated. This was her chance to change the excuse if she wanted to. Should she stick with her airsick story or change it? What would she change it to? Should she just wait for another opportunity to arise? But what if this was her only chance to escape?
Before she could utter a word about landing, a silver staff flew past her, smacking Whirlwind right in the stomach. The akuma let out a yelp of surprise and pain as she was launched backwards, and the winds curling around Marinette’s arms and legs lost their holds. That might have been ideal.. had she not been dangling over five stories high in the air. 
A scream ripped itself from Marinette’s lungs as she plummeted towards the ground, her arms flailing for support that simply wasn’t there. All coherent thoughts spiraled out of control as the deafening winds rushed around her. This wasn’t part of the plan. She needed to stop falling- she needed to grab something. Were there people in the street? Were there cars below her? What was she going to land on? How close was the ground? Was she going to survive the hit? What was going to happen if she couldn’t help fight the akuma?
Ice cold terror gripped her pounding heart, and she shimmied in the air to look for witnesses should she transform. What other choice did she have? She couldn’t allow herself to die. The Ladybug miraculous was too important.
Adrenaline coursed through her veins, helping her panic with more “what if”s but giving her no solutions. What if someone saw her? What if Whirlwind saw her, giving Hawkmoth her identity? What if she hit the ground before she fully had time to transform? Everything was happening so slowly yet so fast all at once. Time was crawling as her mind raced, but in the blink of an eye, the grey strip that was the road grew five times as wide as it was before in her teary, blurred vision, and Marinette knew her time was running out. She needed to do something, and she needed to do it now.
“Tikki, spots-”
A grunt cut her off as she landed in a pair of leather-clad arms. They pulled her closer to the chest of her savior, who flashed her an all too familiar smirk. 
“Don’t worry, Miss.” Chat Noir said, hopping across a few cars while he carried her to safety. “I’ve got y- wait.”
His pace slowed, though not by much considering the circumstances, and he stared down at her with wide eyes. “Marinette?”
Although her mind was reeling from almost- you know -falling to her death, she wrapped her arms around his neck, a relieved smile spreading onto her lips. “Chat Noir. Right on time, as always.”
“I- What are you doing here? And why is your face all red?” He asked, bewildered. She didn’t blame him. It’d been a while since they saw each other on the battlefield, let alone in a place so far from her house or school with her face the color of a cherry tomato.
“I was having lunch with my friends, and there was a small accident in Chemistry class earlier.” She explained, glancing over Chat’s shoulder to make sure the akuma wasn’t following them. Aside from a few car alarms and faint police sirens, it was quiet. Whirlwind must have a slow recovery time. That was going to come in handy later.
Chat Noir stopped in a random alleyway and carefully set her back down on her own two feet. “You mean the friends from your new school?”
Marinette wobbled a bit and placed a firm hand on his shoulder to regain balance. Now that she wasn’t in imminent danger, the shock and adrenaline in her body seemed to be wearing off. It left her heart racing and her body shaking, but she’d fallen enough times to know that it would pass in a few minutes as well. (And wasn’t it sad that she could say that?)
“Those would be the ones.” She replied after a few deep breaths. “We got attacked as we were leaving, and I went to lure Whirlwind away from everyone. I didn’t count on her picking me up to leave.”
Chat Noir frowned, offering a soft rub on the back to help her relax. “I appreciate your tenacity, Princess, but you could’ve gotten seriously hurt! You need to leave the rescuing to us heroes.”
Marinette resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Felix had said the same thing back at the café, neither of them realizing the horrible irony that she was one of the heroes. Sometimes she just wanted to expose her identity to Paris simply so she could do her job as Ladybug in peace without any resistance. 
“Anyway, I actually wanted to ask you about your new school.” Chat Noir remarked, bringing her from her mullings.
Marinette gave him a questioning look. Wasn’t he supposed to be fighting the akuma right now? Whirlwind wasn’t going to stay down forever. He needed to stay focused on the task at hand, dang it! Or at least leave her alone so she could transform and tell him to focus as Ladybug!
“Where did you go, you mangy cat!” The akuma roared in the distance. “Come out and face me like a proper hero!”
Aaaand she’s up now. Marinette mentally sighed. It was going to be hard knocking her down again. With her winds protecting her, an ambush will be the only way to get close, and she’ll be expecting that now. Maybe she can find another way to get the folder-fan thing. (That’s what she assumed to be the akumatized object, anyway.)
“Woops,” Chat Noir muttered, his gaze flicking towards the sky. Woops would be right.
“That’s my queue to go.” He said, offering her another quick smile before taking out his staff. “Stay safe, Princess!”
His staff extended, which vaulted him into the air, and he disappeared onto the rooftops above, out of sight. 
Finally, Marinette thought. She was starting to wonder if he’d ever leave.
“Marinette!” As soon as the coast was clear, Tikki zipped out of her purse, flying around her holder with a worried look. “Are you alright? You didn’t get hurt, did you? That was too close!”
“I’m fine, Tikki.” Marinette assured with a soft smile. “See? I’m not even shaking anymore. I just hope we can defeat this akuma before next class period. You know how much Felix hates being late.”
Tikki giggled. “I think he’ll understand being a little late today.”
Marinette chuckled. “Tikki, spots on!”
Magic wrapped around her skin in a flash of bright light, creating her signature red and black-spotted costume. A smile graced her lips at the surge of power that washed over her body, and she threw her yo-yo towards the top of the rooftop. Now she was ready to face Whirlwind.
Her yo-yo pulled her onto the rooftop that Chat Noir stepped onto moments prior, but by the time she got up there, he was already blocks away and fighting against Whirlwind as best he could on his own. It.. wasn’t going well, but that served him right for wasting time while the akuma was vulnerable.
Nevertheless, Ladybug threw out her yo-yo again to swing in their direction. She still had to protect Paris, after all, and if she waited any longer, she might be fighting Whirlwind alone while trying not to look Chat Noir’s civilian self in the eyes. 
Hopefully she was underestimating him, because it only took half a swing for something else to stop her in her tracks. 
It was a cry. But not just any cry. Someone was calling out her name.
Her civilian name.
Ladybug’s arms flailed around as she stumbled onto another rooftop, and she looked to the streets below for the source. There should only be about four other people- aside from Chat -who knew her civilian self was in that area, and that fact had her begging that she’d heard something wrong. 
She should have known that she’d never be that lucky, though, despite her powers literally being based around life and luck. It took less than a second for her to spot a blonde boy in dark clothing running through the streets where she’d initially fallen as Marinette, and in all honesty.. she was stunned to see him. Not because she truly thought that the universe would be convenient for once, but because.. it was Felix. Not Claude or Allegra or Allan, who she’d certainly expected to be crazy enough to follow after her, but Felix. 
Felix who makes a point of avoiding people as much as possible because he supposedly hates them.
Felix who would usually rather stay home than go anywhere with the group at any time because he claims they are torture to be around.
Felix who had looked too terrified to even move right before she lured the akuma away from the café.
He was there, and he was searching for her. Not only that, he was desperately searching for her. Moving the debris that he could, looking through car windows, calling out her name multiple times- he was doing everything in his power to find her. And she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t extremely touched by the sight. Felix has helped her so much over the past month, but she’d always assumed that that was done out of the kindness of his own heart, not because he liked her, especially with how often he griped and grumbled about the trio dragging him to their group hangouts. Seeing him so worried now, though.. It almost made her smile despite herself. 
He really did care about them, didn’t he?
Ladybug shook her head and swung down to the street he was on. Whirlwind probably wouldn’t try to harm him purposely, but that didn’t mean the loose debris from the fight a few blocks down would magically avoid hitting him. She needed to get him to safety before the akuma realized that her second opponent had arrived.
“Sir, it’s not safe here.” She said as she landed behind him. “You need to come with me.”
Felix jumped out of his skin and whirled around. His expression was coated with terror and frustration, once again throwing Ladybug off. She’d never seen him this frantic before. 
“Oh, thank goodness.” He said after realizing who she was. “Please, I need your help. My friend- her name’s Marinette. She tried to lure the akuma to help us and got kidnapped! I tried to follow them, but they moved too fast. And then I saw her fall and-”
Recounting the events put him in a fresh state of panic, and he ran a hand through his hair as he scanned the streets once again. 
“I understand,” She replied softly, placing a hand on his shoulder to hopefully calm him down, “but I need to remain calm for me, okay? We’re going to clear the area, and then I’ll do everything in my power to find her.”
Felix’s gaze snapped to hers. “What? No, I don’t think you understand. She fell! She might be suffocating under the debris or critically injured in an alleyway or on a rooftop somewhere! We can’t just leave!”
Ladybug held back a smile towards his concern, as that would be wildly inappropriate at the moment, and reached down to pick him up. “I’m sure she would appreciate the sentiment, sir, but you being here makes our jobs harder. Please let us handle this. I’m sure she’s perfectly safe somewhere.”
“What are you-” Felix gasped as she scooped him up bridal style, and the mix of sheer outrage and bafflement that exploded onto his features once he realized what was happening made her wish that she had a camera. 
“Put me down this instant!” He demanded, scrambling in her hold. “I need to find Marinette!”
“We’ll do that,” Ladybug promised, “just as soon as I get you somewhere safe.”
Jumping over cars and weaving through alleyways, she managed to carry Felix a good few blocks away within five or ten minutes. He was strangely light for being so tall. Even as he continued to squirm in her grasp, she had no trouble lifting him to a sheltered and secluded area. 
“This is ridiculous!” Felix hissed, throwing himself off of her when she finally allowed him to do so. “What kind of hero ignores a person in need! Aren’t you supposed to save those injured by the akuma? Marinette could be out there dead while I’m perfectly fine, yet you waste time taking me somewhere I don’t want to go! Have some common sense and prioritize! Listen to what I’m telling you!”
Ladybug pursed her lips to avoid a sigh. If it weren’t for the fact that plenty of other people who were just like this made her job way more difficult than it already was, she would probably be laughing a bit towards the irony of his claims. “Sir, every life is a priority to us-”
A scream echoed in the distance, one that abruptly grew louder as the source grew nearer. Ladybug shifted into a fighting stance, but by the time she pulled out her yo-yo to use as a weapon, a blur of black was flying right past them. 
It landed hard in a dumpster near the end of the alleyway, a deep groan erupting from the surprise visitor a moment later. That fall clearly hadn’t been pleasant for whoever got thrown, and Ladybug had a pretty good idea of who that person was. Not many people got thrown around by akumas on a near-weekly basis.
“You okay, Chat?” She asked, putting away her yo-yo as she moved forward to help him up.
Her partner eyed her through a pained, squinted gaze while he rubbed the back of his head. “..My lady? When did you get here?”
She offered a smile and helped him sit up as she answered, “Only a few minutes ago. I was helping a civilian get to safety.”
Chat’s gaze slid to the spot over her shoulder, where she assumed Felix was standing, and a frown tugged at the corner of his lips.
“You’re here too?”
The question was more of muttered, but she heard it all the same, her eyebrows knitting together. What did he mean ‘too’? Did they know each other?
“I’m looking for my friend.” Felix spoke up, jumping at the opportunity to recruit another hero. It was probably for a good thing, since she didn’t want to think too much on who Chat did or didn’t know personally. “She was taken captive by the akuma while trying to protect us and fell from the air about twenty minutes ago. Have you seen her?”
Chat’s eyes widened, confusion and surprise swirling onto his features. Ladybug, for the life of her, couldn’t figure out why. Her alter ego had told him that she risked her life to save her friends. Minor surprise should have been the only reaction he had to that question. 
“Wait..” Her partner said with furrowed eyebrows. “Was this girl’s name Marinette?”
Felix straightened, hope rising to his silver eyes. “You know her?”
“I put her in an alleyway a few blocks from here.” Chat Noir answered, gesturing in the general direction. “She was a bit shaken up, but otherwise fine. How do you-”
“No time for chit-chat.” Ladybug interrupted. She wasn’t going to get trapped in another one of Chat Noir’s spiraling conversations. “We kind of have an akuma to take care of.”
Chat Noir pushed himself out of the dumpster, and although he looked reluctant to drop the subject, he nodded. “Right. I’m ready when you are.”
Ladybug gave a satisfied nod and turned back to Felix. 
“I know you’re worried for your friend,” She said, “but she’s safe. So I would greatly appreciate it if you went and hid until all of this was over. If you don’t, it’ll only make defeating Whirlwind harder.”
Felix frowned, clearly not on board with the idea, but he agreed anyway. “I’ll.. go back to the café. My other friends should be there waiting for us.”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
Felix spun on his heel and started off in the opposite direction of Whirlwind, to her relief. With him out of the way, taking down Hawkmoth’s newest pawn should be a piece of cake.
“You ready, Chat?” 
Her partner didn’t respond, drawing her gaze over to him. He was staring at Felix with a quiet frown, watching the blonde walk away. Why did he look so troubled by the sight of the blond?
This time his ears twitched, and he turned back to Ladybug with a questioning gaze. “Huh? Sorry, I got.. distracted.”
Ladybug tilted her head to the side slightly. “Are you sure you’re okay? You looked upset.”
Chat waved off the comment, plastering on a smile. “Nah, you know me, My Lady. I’m perfect, as always.”
She frowned. “If you’re sure.. I think I have a plan to beat the akuma. Are you ready?”
“You know I am.”
“Good. Then get ready to be the distraction.” She replied, quickly throwing her yo-yo into the air. “Lucky Charm!”
Adrien ran through the Parisian streets, following the tip of their school building to find his way back. That akuma took longer than he thought it would. By the time he got back to class, it’d probably be over. 
So much for gaining more free time to go see Marinette. He thought, sparing a glance down the alleyway that he’d dropped her in as Chat Noir. It was empty now, as one would expect. LB’s miraculous ladybugs would have brought her back to where she was before the fight started. Even so, he couldn’t help feeling disappointed. It was the first time he’d seen her in almost two weeks as Adrien or Chat Noir, and possibly his only chance to talk to her for a long while. Tardiness at Dupont was pardoned when they got attacked by the akuma directly, but running off to video- or even capture -it wasn’t permitted. When Father saw his disciplinary marks, Adrien’s already tight schedule would no doubt coil around him even further. 
Adrien paused to catch his breath- running to school was so much easier as Chat Noir -and scanned the street for Alya. They needed to regroup before he got back to class or it might be suspicious on his part, since he specifically said that he was going to keep Alya safe. (Note to self: never use Alya as an excuse again.)
“Alya!” He called out. “Can you hear me?”
He’d wanted to go find that café that the blond guy from Rosemary mentioned, just to see if he could at least spot Marinette and maybe even catch her as Adrien, but Whirlwind ended up taking all of his free time. It was admittedly frustrating, being so close yet so far when it came to talking with her. They lived in the same city, for Pete’s sake! He should be able to drive over to her house and say hi without any struggle at all!
Speaking of which, what was with that blond guy? He totally lied about Marinette attending Rosemary! Unless they hadn’t met yet when Adrien first visited.. but that didn’t make any sense. He visited after Marinette said that she had her new friends come to her house, the same friends that were with her at the café. Meaning the blond guy. 
Adrien could give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was an honest mistake. Perhaps that guy really hadn’t met Marinette yet and she was referring to other friends that they were with. It did sound like she had a whole group now. Besides, why would the guy lie for no reason? People don’t usually do that. 
Either way, Adrien knew which school Marinette was at now, and that was all that mattered. His plan to go apologize could finally be put into action.
A faint reply caught his attention, and Adrien glanced up to see Alya wandering around at the end of the street. 
“Is that you?” She asked, looking around for him as well.
Adrien put on a smile and waved his hand as he approached her. “Yeah, it’s me! Where did you go? I couldn’t find you!”
“I was trying to get a shot of the akuma, but by the time I got here, the fight was practically over!” She answered, spotting him a second later and moving to meet him halfway. “Where did you go? You disappeared in, like, the first five minutes! How did you get down here so fast?”
“Oh, uh..” Adrien rubbed the back of his neck, nervousness crawling onto his features. He probably should have come up with an excuse for his absence before he tracked Alya down. “I decided to take a shortcut. I guess I should have told you?”
Alya scrunched up her nose. “A shortcut? I don’t remember any shortcuts around here.. Well, I’m sure there will be other chances to film akumas. It just stinks that I didn’t get to record the hostage situation. Did you happen to see who that was? It looked like a girl from where I was standing.”
“Sorry, Al.” Adrien said, offering a sheepish look. Chat Noir might know it was Marinette who fell, but he did not. “I got there after the hostage was rescued.”
Alya clicked her tongue, displeased. “Drat. Did you see anything interesting while you were out there?”
Define interesting. Adrien thought to himself. Finding Marinette and the blond who was looking for her in the same battle had been extremely interesting to him, but he doubted Alya would feel the same way. 
“She had a pretty cool costume.” He recounted as they started their way back to the school together. “It was all blue with a white cloak and this weird, spinning, white skirt thing. She also used a white and dark blue folder as a fan to control the wind. That ended up being the akumatized object, if I remember correctly-”
“Oh, hang on.” Alya cut in, switching to the memo on her phone. “Let me write this down for the blog. I got some of the footage, but it was grainy at best because of the distance. These details are great to add to it. Did you see anything else?”
Adrien thought over what he could tell her and what he should keep secret. Would he be able to know what the lucky charm was if he was watching from a random alleyway or behind a car?
“Not really.” He answered. Giving more information at this point might not end well for him if his lady followed the blog. She was too clever not to put things like that together. “You’re not going to name-drop me on the blog, are you?”
Alya shook her head. “No, no, you know I keep my sources a secret. It would lead other reporters to my scoops.”
“Right.” Adrien replied, relieved. Not only would name-dropping compromise his personal tips, it would also give people the opportunity to look for him through news footage and other things. He didn’t want anyone disproving the excuses that he’d given to Alya about his whereabouts. “That makes sense.”
Once she jotted down Adrien’s comments, Alya pulled out her phone to rewatch the footage. Although the image was being jostled around a bit from walking, he could still see how utterly grainy the video was. He could barely tell who was who, and he was one of the people who actually fought in the battle. The only reason he knew it was Ladybug snatching the akumatized object at the end was because she was the only one who had red pixels. 
“I would have just shot the scene without zooming in,” Alya said as she put the phone away, “but doing that made everyone look like specks. I hope Lila can clean it up for me.”
Adrien furrowed his eyebrows. “I didn’t know Lila edited videos.”
“Oh, she doesn’t.” Alya smiled. “She has an uncle who’s this big-time movie editor.”
Ah. Another famous uncle. He wondered if that was the same uncle who was supposed to be an incredible actor or the one that owned a humongous plaza. Gosh, did Lila even have any uncles in real life?
“You think he’s going to have time to do it?” He asked.
“Maybe not, but it couldn’t hurt to ask, right?” 
Adrien shrugged. No, it couldn’t hurt. At least not until Lila promises to get it to her uncle and then never gives the video back. How many false promises has she made now? There was the one where she said that she would get a gig for Nino, one to Alex about getting her this special, glow-in-the-dark spray paint, one to Max about getting some high-tech chip for Markov- She’d promised so many things that he couldn’t even remember most of them now! How long until those words buried her alive? How long until his classmates actually started demanding the fruits from her supposed labor? Were they just going to wait on her to deliver for the rest of their lives? 
Adrien heaved a small sigh. He would make them see reason eventually. He would.
But first he needed to pay another visit to Rosemary.
Marinette pushed herself to go faster as she weaved through the different alleyways that led back to the café. Her legs were already aching from the fight that Whirlwind had dragged out, but she imagined the pain to be minor in comparison to how worried sick her friends probably were at this point. As a civilian, she should have made it back to the café about twenty minutes ago, give or take. If it weren’t for the multiple calls and messages asking if she was okay and her frantic responses that “yes, I’m fine, but please stay put till I get there”, then the group would probably be searching the streets for her right now. She would have stayed transformed to get back, but the fight drained all of Tikki’s energy. Marinette was lucky to have found an alleyway to even hide in before she de-transformed. 
Come on, come on, She thought, her gaze flicking left and right. I know it was around here somewhere- oh!
Marinette lit up at the sight of the café. She could see the group standing in front of it, huddled together and looking around to try and spot her. Felix was a step or two behind the trio with a deep frown on his lips and his arms crossed against his chest. His fingers tapped rapidly against his bicep, giving way to his nervousness towards her absence, and he glanced from side to side along with the others. His franticness from earlier appeared to be contained now, but still very much there. 
“Guys!” She called out, breaking into another sprint despite her body’s protest. She was going to have to grab an ice pack or two once she got home.
The group’s attention immediately snapped to her, and the trio practically sank to the ground with relief.
“Where have you been?!”
“We’ve been worried sick-”
They collided into her with a group hug, each sniffing and blubbering about not being able to find her. Claude was out right crying into her shoulder.
Marinette hugged them all back and apologized profusely, the guilt from upsetting them to this point twisting sharply through her stomach and heart. She couldn’t bear to see them this way, and the fact that this was inevitably going to happen again only made it worse. 
“I’m so sorry for making you worry.” She said, wiping away a tear of her own. “When Chat Noir save me, I was told to stay put till the fight was over, and-”
“No, don’t apologize.” Allegra interrupted with a watery smile. “We’re just happy you’re safe.”
A scoff brought their attention up to Felix, who was now standing next to them. 
“Don’t apologize?” He repeated, glaring at the other three in disbelief. “She almost got herself killed! Are we supposed to encourage that behavior?”
“She was trying to protect us.” Allan defended. “She was only doing what she thought was right.”
“And that’s supposed to make it better?” Felix countered. “She was reckless and idiotic! There were a million other ways to make it out of there safely without getting yourself kidnapped.”
“Hey, lay off!” Claude yelled, sounding surprisingly angry. “She’s been through a lot today already, so just leave her alone!”
“So, you’re willing to just let this slide?” Felix asked, growing agitated himself. “You’re telling me that as long as she dies out of the ‘goodness of her heart’, then it’s fine?”
“She didn’t die!”
“But she could have!” He shot back. “Doesn’t that bother any of you? What if the heroes didn’t get there in time? What if Whirlwind decided she didn’t care for civilians anymore before they even arrived? What would have happened if the miraculous cure couldn’t bring her back for some reason? There were too many variables that she didn’t know about and she went anyway. That’s not something that should be praised!”
Allegra shot him a glare. “Felix-”
“No.” Marinette interrupted, putting a hand on Allegra’s shoulder as the girl trailed off. “No, he’s right. I wasn’t thinking properly, and I jumped in with a plan that half-formed at best and didn’t look for other options until it was too late. I thought I was running out of time and panicked, but that’s no excuse.”
Marinette stepped forward, and Felix quietly stared at her in response. His eyebrows were still furrowed, the grief of the situation reflecting in his silvery blue eyes. She understood why he was angry and upset. She understood why he had that desperate look in his eyes as he tried to explain his displeasure towards her behavior. Felix was the only one to see her fall, after all. The only one to know how close to death she actually was. Seeing Chat Noir sacrifice himself over and over again helped her know exactly what that felt like.
She wanted to pull him into a hug, to tell him that everything was okay now and that she was okay now, but touch wasn’t exactly his thing. So she settled for something she knew was alright and lightly grabbed his hand.
“I really am sorry.” She apologized again. “I promise I’ll be more careful next time.”
Felix’s gaze softened slightly, and he shocked her by lightly squeezing her hand back. “I’d rather there not be a next time.”
Marinette offered a small, sheepish smile, knowing she couldn’t make that promise. She had too many responsibilities as Ladybug to stay away from akumas completely, but she could try to avoid them as a civilian. For his sake and the others’.
Allegra placed a gentle hand on Marinette’s back. “We should head back to the school. They don’t really give us lee-way for being late.”
“Well, they should today since we kind of got attacked,” Allan spoke up, “but I don’t quote me on that. Also, I’m calling my turn on driving Marinette.”
Allegra and Claude put a hand to their chests and gasped, both knowing that Allan hadn’t called a turn yet which made him automatically win. Marinette caught a smirk twitching onto Felix’s lips due to this fact, and she smiled with him, mainly because it was nice seeing him relax again.
“Oh no!” Claude said defiantly. “If you’re taking Marinette, then I’m gonna be riding with you too!”
“Same here!” Allegra agreed. “I’m not leaving her side until the teachers are forcing us to for our next classes.”
Marinette let out a small chuckle. “Is there enough room for that?”
“There is now.” 
Allan snorted. “Yeah, we’ll be fine. Our cars are pretty big.”
“Are you going to be riding with us too, Felix?” Allegra asked, glancing at the blond.
Felix’s hand tightened slightly around Marinette’s, but he shook his head. “No, I.. I think I’m gonna drive back alone.”
Claude frowned. “Seriously? After that whole rant you made two seconds ago?”
“Aw, let him be.” Allan said, waving off Claude’s comment. “It’s just more Marinette for us, right?”
Although the frown remained, the brunette made a half-shrug. “I guess that’s true..”
“Cool.” Allegra smiled. “Then I call the seat next to Marinette!”
“What!” Claude scoffed, whirling back to Allegra. “You can’t do that!”
“I just did.”
“Technically,” Allan cut in, “I should get to sit next to her, since I’m the one driving her.”
Allegra and Claude both shot him a glare, bringing out a giggle from Marinette. They did not seem to appreciate Allan’s accurate logic. 
Her gaze shifted to Felix, who was silently watching the trio bicker. His expression was neutral again, composed, but the way he continued to hold onto her hand told her that he wasn’t quite alright yet.
“So..” She said, almost awkwardly. Should she try to make him feel better? “I guess I’ll.. see you at school?”
Felix’s eyes flicked to her, and she mentally slapped herself for even speaking. “See you at school”? What kind of dull question was that?
“Yes.” He answered. The response was shorter than usual, but she’d try not to overthink it, since the last hour has been a long one for all of them. That’s probably why he decided to drive back alone in the first place. 
Allegra cut into the conversation by looping her arm with Marinette’s and pulling her towards Allan’s. The movement was quick and sudden, and it caused her hand to slip out of Felix’s in the process. She glanced down at her palm, curious at the sense of emptiness that immediately swept over it. It was as though she hadn’t been ready to let go herself. 
Marinette looked back to Felix to see if he felt it too, but his back was already turned to her as he walked back to his own car.
Maybe it was just her. 
Tag List:  @artbyknigit @athena452 @nickristus-dreamer @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @arsaem @abrx2002 @neakco @pawsitivelymiraculous @too0bsessedformyowngood @nathleigh @lusicing @officiallydarkgeek @all-mights-asscheeks @tbehartoo @woe-is-me0 @raeuberprinzessin @lazuli-11 @miss-chaos27 @trippingovermyfeet @sadpotatoondrugs @ladybug-182 @jaggedheart11 @marinahrasauce @i-need-blog-ideas @thewheezingbubbledragon @crazylittlemunchkin @unabashedbookworm @moonystars14 @sunflowers-and-mooncakes @2confused-2doanything  @magnificentcrapposts  @moonnette @nickristus-dreamer @vixen-uchiha @casual-darkness @luxmorningstarr @jjmjjktth @kaithehero @itsme1598 @theymakeupfairies @xjaccyx @miraculous-ninja @miraculouspenta @swiftie-miraculer13 @justafanwarrior @all-mights-asscheeks @ira-sairain @lookatthestars1 @dahjokester
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