#danganronpa hopeful traitors
shslanonymous · 4 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day from my fanganronpa girls!! <333
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rosalinesurvived · 2 years
Not me just thinking about how Class 78, with all their memories wiped lived in wariness of each other throughout the murder games in fear of death, then had to cobble together bonds under extreme stress in class trials, under grief and terror and rage and guilt, and then having the stress of the world on them after stepping into the world Post-Tragedy and having to redefine their bonds to fit to not only the new world but the challenges and morality of the Future Foundation...
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So you know those pictures/memes people make where it shows the cast of an anime or a show and they ask for anyone who hasn't watched said thing, who's the traitor? Well..
For anyone who hasn't watched Danganronpa 3, end of hopes peak academy, future arc. Who's the traitor?:
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Let me know who you think.
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penguwastaken · 12 days
Danganronpa 2 Never Said Chiaki Never Existed
In Danganronpa 2, AI Chiaki shows surprise when seeing her profile in the book that Nagito got. A lot of people use this as proof that chiaki never existed, but that's really never said at all.
I figured it was pretty obvious, but the reason she is surprised is because she never knew there was a real Chiaki.
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In chapter 5, both Monomi and Chiaki herself aren't aware of how Chiaki got her personality, so they just assume it might have come from the people that made them.
Of course, Danganronpa 3 later gives us an actual answer and says she was created by the memories of Class 77, directly building off of this mystery in the second game.
Point is, Chiaki doesn't know where her personality came from, who she's based on, or even that there was a real Chiaki at all.
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"Erm but Pengu, they say that Chiaki's profile is fake"
That is never actually stated in game, all that is told to us is that Monokuma slipped in false information.
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However, Monokuma DOES confirm that everything in the book is reused from information provided by the former headmaster (Jin Kirigiri obviously), which causes Nagito to question if the traitor is a former Hope's Peak student.
Once again, Chiaki's presence in Danganronpa 3 seems to be here to tie up these loose ends and mysteries.
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So then what false information did Monokuma include then? Simple, he left Chiaki's profile in. He didn't fake a profile, he just included the profile of someone who wasn't actually in the killing game.
He even admits to ignoring the traitor, which is kind of a weird thing to say if you went out of your way to fake something for their sake.
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AI chiaki is NOT the same as IRL Chiaki
They have different lives, memories, personalities, etc. All they share is the same persona, but ultimately AI Chiaki is just an ai that takes the appearance of Chiaki.
AI Chiaki is her own person, an AI created by Chihiro designed to create a chaperone like student based on the needs and experiences of those involved with the Neo World Program, and it just so happened to result in taking the form of Chiaki because of that. However, it is still not Chiaki. So leaving Chiaki's profile in and implying Chiaki is a part of the killing game is inherently false information.
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At most, Danganronpa 2 leaves whether there was a real Chiaki or not in the open, however it never confirms or denies the existence of one. Nothing in the game outright says that a Chiaki never existed, only that the one we see is an AI of vague origin.
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And if that isn't enough to convince you, during the scene with Chiaki's memory and Hajime, Kodaka says that he felt like Chiaki there felt more real which inspired him to make Chiaki a real person.
"Actually, now that I think about it, when I started making DR3, I got stuck on something from DR2. After Nanami dies in Chapter 5, she comes back in Chapter 6 through a glitch, and when I was writing Nanami for that, I had the idea that she was 'a little bit off'. She’s not like the Nanami we’ve seen so far, I thought; she was never that tender. I had that gnawing at my brain when I was making DR3, and I thought, 'Maybe that really was a different Nanami,' and that’s how I came up with the Nanami in Zetsubou-hen." -Kazutaka Kodaka in an interview
Of course this does not mean Kodaka intended that Chiaki in this specific was meant to be the real Chiaki when making Danganronpa 2. However it DOES show that Kodaka never ruled out the posibility of a real chiaki, because if he did he wouldn't have even come to that conclusion.
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If you want my opinion, this seems like another scenario of people who don't like Danganronpa 3 having their personal interpretation of the story proven wrong and instead of admitting that they were wrong about something they just call it a retcon. The same thing happened with brainwashing, it happened with Mukuro, and I'm certain that's what happened here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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anonzentimes · 2 months
What is your opinion on danganronpa 2.5?
hello anon! thank you SO MUCH letting me ramble!!! :)
I really do love Danganronpa 2.5, I think it's really cool that they explain more how everyone was waken up, I also adore that the plot is based off of statements in Danganronpa 2 only elaborating and exploring them more. Not only that, but they make it all about Nagito who's the same character that is complex enough to have three entire songs haha!! So it works out well.
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2.5 reverses Nagito's luck cycle which makes it easier to understand and I really love it. It also adds the statement that truly Nagito would rather have his luck not harm others but rather help them and harm himself, there's also the detail that Nagito's luck is so prominent in his life that even in a world made by his subconscious it is always there. It also implies he deep down wishes talent didn't exist which is something he'd never admit or even know he felt with his unhealthy obsession and dedication with hope and the ultimates!!!
I really enjoy world destroyer too, I think his scenes are very interesting, like, ok man thanks for pulling up with your FINGER GUNS??? It's super cool!! His design is pretty interesting too even if it's just adding to Hajime's preexisting one.
I also like the detail that alongside Nagito's own death the memories that he remembers most vividly is Hajime's smile and his time with him which is just very sweet
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The moments with Makoto and Sayaka being out of character because Nagito views them, especially Makoto, so highly is super funny too. Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko's friendship is also fun and something we don't get to see often! The background characters we get to see are also just very fun.
I find it really interesting that by swapping Nagito's belief with the opposite it's basically telling what the genuine issue is in their world because his beliefs stems from the flawed ideals of hope's peak. The issue in their world isn't the talentless, it's the talented. No one is happy, talentless people feel worthless, and being talented is exhausting in its own way. All of the social pressure of not being treated as humans being at its most extreme in this world is upsetting for most everyone.
also this Parallel makes me lose my MIND!!!!!!
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Danganronpa 2.5 has a lot of REALLY good stuff going on for it, I think the only complaint I see about it is Nagito's "contradiction," which I'll talk a little bit about!
Basically, people like to point out that with Nagito's suicide plan he should have been more upset, "He never believed in Hajime though?"
I've seen a few pretty good interpretations of it, but the one I think makes most sense is that he was talking more to Izuru kamakura since he had gotten his memories back. Nagito's old and new memories merge together, he remembers pretty much everything. Which is why he sees Izuru first, then corrects himself seeing Hajime, and Hajime replies that they're both him.
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Nagito then says he knew he'd make it to the lowest stratum, and that he believed in him. Basically saying that Izuru could do anything.
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Maybe he believed the supposedly Bad luck from going into the Neo World Program would end up in Good luck? It's unclear a bit, but I definitely believe he's talking to Izuru a bit at the very least. Mostly because if he believed in Hajime in the killing game his luck cycle wouldn't have gone, good luck: the traitor was selected, bad luck: the plan didn't work and they lived.
Nagito has known Hajime and Izuru now and accepts him for who he is. It's honestly really sweet. Hajime himself has grown and accepts Nagito for who he is as well. They both forgive each other and it's just really sweet. They've been through a lot!
Overall little rambles aside, I think Danganronpa 2.5 is really lovely. It adds more to Nagito's character, tells more information about how the class woke up while using actual text from Danganronpa 2, and is just super fun! I love Danganronpa 2.5 a lot.
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gleamingtempest · 16 days
DRDT - Death Order + Case Predictions
CW: Descriptions of Death, Murder & Suicide All discussion, analysis & speculation regarding this project would not be possible without the incredible efforts of the Danganronpa: Despair Time creator & his team. Please support the series by watching & enjoying it. This is a compilation of broad, disordered thoughts + predictions I have regarding the progressions of the DRDT story. : ) I hope you find them insightful. There will be spoilers for the released chapters of the story so far. Please be cautious.
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Death Order
Chapter One - 14/16 (1)
Chapter Two - 12/16 (1)
Chapter Three - 9/16 (1)
Chapter Four - 7/16 (1)
Chapter Five - 6/16 (1)
Chapter Six - 6/16 (0)
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Kill Chart
Min kills Xander
Levi kills Arei
J kills Veronika
Arturo kills Hu
Ace kills Arturo
David kills MonoTV
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Foils (Isolated)
Xander - Min
Teruko - Charles
Eden - Arei
Nico - Ace
Hu - Veronika
Rose - J
Arturo - Levi
Whit - David
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Chapter One (01 - I)
Major Parties: -> Xander -> Teruko -> Min -> Charles
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Case 01 Summary
Motive - Ending the Killing Game
Xander tells Xander to kill Teruko
Xander plans to kill Teruko
Xander shows Teruko kindness
Eden shows Teruko kindness
Xander confides in David
Xander shows David kindness
Xander attempts to kill Teruko.
Xander frames Charles.
Min saves Teruko.
Min kills Xander.
Trial Begin
Teruko breaks down
Min is executed.
Teruko self isolates
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Chapter Two (02 - II)
Major Parties: -> Arei -> Eden -> Arturo -> Levi -> David
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Case 02 Summary
Motive - Secrets
Arturo exposes J's secret
Arturo harasses J
David suggests Sharing Secrets
Arei shares her secret with David
Arei implodes
David shows Arei kindness
Arturo threatens Eden
Arei saves Eden
Arei confides in Eden
Arei progresses
Levi eavesdrops
Hu attempts to kill Ace
Nico saves Ace
Hu frames Nico
Ace condemns Levi
Levi regresses
Levi plans to kill Arturo
Levi confides in Arei
Arei condemns Levi
Levi kills Arei
Trial Begin
David breaks down
Levi is executed
Arturo self isolates
Ace breaks down
J regresses
David self isolates
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Chapter Three (03 - III)
Major Parties: -> Arturo -> Veronika -> Hu -> J -> Rose -> Nico
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Case 03 Summary
Motive - Cash
J plans to kill Arturo
Arturo is outcast from Group
Rose self isolates
Veronika harasses Arturo
Arturo condemns Veronika
Veronika is outcast from Group
Nico exposes Hu
Nico condemns Hu
Hu is outcast from Group
Hu confides in Veronika
Veronika shows Hu kindness
Veronika progresses
Hu progresses
J attempts to kill Arturo
J accidentally kills Veronika
J frames Hu
Arturo condemns Hu
Arturo kills Hu
Eden breaks down
Trial Begin
Arturo frames Hu
Arturo is exposed Hu's killer
J frames Rose
J is executed
Arturo is punished
Rose breaks down
Eden self isolates
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Chapter Four (04 - IV)
Major Parties: -> Rose -> Nico -> Ace -> Arturo -> David -> Charles
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Case 04 Summary
Motive - Traitor
Rose self isolates
Ace is exposed as the Traitor
Killing Arturo is now a Free Exit
Arturo breaks down
Ace is outcast from the Group
Arturo breaks down
Arturo confides in David
David condemns Arturo
Arturo regresses
Arturo plans to kill Everyone
Teruko shows Eden kindness
Charles plans to destroy MonoTV
Charles works with Whit and Nico
Rose confides in Nico
Rose joins the plan
Ace implodes
Nico shows Ace kindness
Ace progresses
Ace finds out about Arturo's plan
Arturo attempts to kill Everyone
Ace kills Arturo
Trial Begin
Ace cannot be Executed
David implodes
Charles, Nico & Rose attempt to destroy MonoTV
Charles' plan fails
Nico is held accountable
MonoTV attempts to executed Nico
Ace saves Nico
MonoTV accidentally executes Ace
Nico breaks down
Charles breaks down
Everyone condemns David
David exposes Teruko's secret
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Chapter Five (05 - V)
Major Parties: -> Charles -> Whit -> Teruko -> Eden -> David
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Case 05 Summary
Motive - Loved Ones
David plans to kill Charles
Charles self isolates
Whit follows Charles
MonoTV broadcasts the Loved Ones Killing Game
The group remembers Mai Akasaki
Teruko creates an escape plan
Teruko works with Rose & Eden
Eden shows Nico kindness
Rose shows Nico kindness
Teruko shows Nico kindness
Nico progresses
Rose progresses
Nico joins the plan
Eden finds out about David's plan
Eden condemns David
Eden shows David kindness
David progresses
David & Eden plan to destroy MonoTV
David & Eden plan for David to kill Eden
Teruko tries to save Eden
David accidentally kills Teruko
Teruko is revived by Eden
Trial Begin
David & Eden frame Charles
Charles is falsely convicted
MonoTV is forced to end the program early
David destroys MonoTV
The Killing Game attempts to execute David
David dies before the execution ends
Eden implodes
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Chapter Two (06 - VI)
Major Parties: -> Teruko -> Eden -> Charles -> Whit -> Xander -> Mai
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Case 06 Summary
Motive - Ending the Killing Game
Teruko shows Charles kindness
Charles progresses
Teruko & Charles plans to End the Killing Game
Teruko & Charles work with Whit, Rose & Nico
Teruko shows Eden kindness
Eden rejects Teruko
Trial Begin
Whit is exposed as the "Mastermind"
Whit "kills" the idea of Mai Akasaki
The truth behind the Killing Game Show is revealed
Teruko believes she has to die
Teruko implodes
Everyone implodes
Eden progresses
Eden shows Everyone Kindness
Teruko progresses
Teruko condemns The Audience
Whit condemns himself
Whit attempts to executed himself
Charles stops Whit
Charles condemns Whit
Charles shows Whit kindness
The Killing Game Loop is ended permanently.
Teruko, Eden, Rose, Nico, Charles & Whit survive
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Epilogue - Survivors
-> Teruko Tawaki - Ultimate Lucky Student A Person. The Protagonist. She survived the Killing Game, in spite of everything. -> Eden Tobisa - Ultimate Clockmaker A Kind Person. Sharing Grief is what ended the Killing Game. Kindness is strength. -> Rose Lacroix - Ultimate Art Forger A Beautiful Person. To connect with others & share human experience; this is what art is. -> Nico Hakobyan - Ultimate Pet Therapist An Innocent Person. They refused to take responsibility for the actions of others; they are not responsible for anyone other than themself. -> Charles Cuevas - Ultimate Chemist A Pragmatic Person. Letting go of the past is how we move forward; we are not our pasts nor our futures. We are a totality of ourselves. We are real people. -> Whit Young - Ultimate Matchmaker A Broken Person. Grief changes the world, and people are changed by Grief. He will never be the same person he was - but he is still alive.
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Thank you for Reading. : )
I hope this was insightful to someone. Please be well & support the creative team behind Danganronpa: Despair Time. 👋
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nmakii · 3 months
Yandere Nagito, Kokichi with Demon Overlord Mastermind! Reader.
— yandere!nagito + kokichi x overlord!mastermind!reader
— gn!reader, spoilers for danganronpa! nagito and kokichi in general are warnings
wrote this immediately after my religion class bc lol! i hate my teacher!!
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— yandere!nagito
quite confused by how often you squabble with chiaki since she is generally a girl who is easy to get along with. it seems as though your very presence gets her in a bad mood…
a little bit into the fact that you’re quite cold to the rest of the group. sometimes, nagito just follows you around the island like a lost little puppy
often distressed by the fact you are dismissive of nagito’s dreams for hope. it’s hope! it’s the manifestation of absolute good, how could you not believe in it?
finds you quite useful in trials, it’s almost as if you already know what happened!
generally, nagito has positive views of you. until he went into the final dead room…
at first, he was confused at by your student profile; there was no written date of birth, no ultimate talent written— general info that is important in hope’s peak… because of this, he was able to piece together though that you were the traitor.
after leaving the funhouse, nagito established a rendezvous with you at night in the hotel.
“why, hello there, s/o.” nagito snarled at you, a certain type of fury in his eyes. “what is it, nagito? it’s kinda late. and, after that funhouse, i want nothing more but to eat and sleep…” you pouted
“haha… it’s okay, s/o, really! you can drop the act already. i know you’re the traitor.” nagito laughed, waving his hand as he walked towards you. “traitor? don’t be stupid, nagito.” you huffed out, just about to leave the hotel.
nagito pulled out the book of student profiles as a ball of anxiety set itself in your stomach. nagito flipped to the page with your student profile on it, a photo of you in the hope’s peak uniform on the top left corner. “would you care then to explain why so much information is left out?” he tilted his head.
you remained silent for awhile, a million thoughts running through your head before you sighed out. “can’t believe i got caught so easily…” nagito’s eyes widened. “so i was right, huh?” you rolled your eyes at him before answering him. “not exactly… i could tell you everything if you were to say… sell me your soul..?” you subtly raised an eyebrow to him.
“sell… my soul? what are you talking about?” nagito awkwardly laughed, clearly confused by what you meant. “look… i’m not exactly the mastermind. more like… an accomplice? i was summoned from hell and we made a deal~…” you calmly explained. “if you were to give me your soul’s eternal enslavement… i’ll tell you anything you wish to know” you grinned, reached a hand towards him.
nagito thought about it before his hand locked with yours, a colorful aura filling the hotel, the glow reaching even the cottages. “deal.” plenty of information immediately filled nagito’s head as he finally started to piece it all together.
the tragedies were truly horrific, not to mention junko enoshima’s constant interruption with the future foundation’s plans, causing this awful killing game; nothing but pure and utter despair. the look on nagito’s face was one of pure horror, a panicked look all over his face as he had a cold sweat. “haah… haha…” he huffed out, his muscles stiffening in fear. “i see… i..” a despairful look filling his eyes.
and that was the night that nagito disappeared, beginning to work on his master plan.
nagito hid from the rest of you, carefully stalking you and making sure you wouldn’t ruin his plan.
he’d begin to fall back into his ‘servant’ persona; creating the bomb and creating that fake threat.
fueled by his hatred for you, he’d hyper-fixate on everything you do; making sure that despite his classmates’ atrocities, you wouldn’t hurt them.
and as he lay there on that cold floor, spear cord in hand, he made a promise; he’ll do whatever to make sure that he’d get you and the mastermind killed. even if it meant killing his classmates. and, even if it cost his soul.
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— kokichi ouma
curious of you… fascinated by your cold demeanor and your distaste for chit-chat… you’re quite similar to maki, huh?
and because of those, he’s able to conclude you’re hiding something as well.
he can feel something is off whenever you talk about your ultimate talent, but he just can’t figure out why. why would anyone lie about their ultimate talent?
it is not until late one night. kokichi was skipping away from kiyo’s lab, caged child book in hand, that he sees you and tsumugi talking in one of the dark empty rooms.
‘curious… why would that be?’ he wonders, as he presses an ear close by.
“tsumugi… this plot of yours is getting complex. you’re deluding the students with too much truth and lies bullshit. at this point, it’s not danganronpa anymore.” you protested. “enough already… you promised to aid our team, so long as you get my soul when i die.”
soul? what’s that supposed to mean? were you some kind of superhuman?
“even you have to admit, this is really meta…” you muttered. “it’s okay, we have scriptwriters to fix that! now, i need to request something of you.” tsumugi started. “i need you to put a stop to kokichi. his character is getting out of control, make sure that he doesn’t do anything to reveal the ending.” she stated. you huffed out grumpily. “understood…”
kokichi’s eyes widened, running off as quietly as he could as to make sure he wouldn’t be caught.
put a stop to him? would he be killed? kokichi thought rapidly about the possibilities.
as a result of that, he started to become more unhinged as to keep himself safe from you. all of this ending up getting miu and gonta killed…
kokichi knew he was in danger, he’d have to hide to keep himself safe. any minute now, tsumugi would have you kill him…
in the end, he decided to lie, as per usual. he lied that he was the mastermind after all!
“soo, the mastermind you’re looking for… is me!” a monstrous look on kokichi’s face. as kaito attempted to attack him, the many exisals surrounding kokichi, prepared to attack.
you held kaito back, an angered look on his face. “s/o! what the hell are you doing?! we have to kill the mastermind to finally end this killing game!” he shouted. “kaito! listen, we have to be careful…” shuichi sighed out, grippinghis chin thoughtfully. “shuichi’s right, we shouldn’t act so brashly. if kokichi really is the mastermind, he’ll be—“ you sternly said before being interrupted, grabbed by the legs by an exisal.
“yoink! s/o, you’re coming with mee!!” kokichi sang happily. shuichi grimaced, looking kokichi in the eye. “this isn’t over, kokichi.” kokichi grinned as he walked away. “oh, but it is over! when i play a game, i intend to win.”
when you woke up, you were in the exisal hangar, a red bean curd bun and a box of milk in front of you.
“tell me what you are.” kokichi frowned, him beside your body, crisscrossed legs beside your head. “well uh… my name is s/o… and i was just knocked out by the mastermind.” you snidely replied. “don’t give me that bullshit, i know you were told to keep an eye on me.” kokichi’s eyes glared at you.
your eyes widened before you sighed, sitting up on your butt. “guess the cat’s out of the bag…” you laughed. “well… i’m a demon overlord from hell… i was summoned by team danganronpa to help with their killing games. i have to admit though, recently… it’s been getting a bit dry.”
“then… would you like to… make a deal?” kokichi questioned hesitantly, unsure of how this would work. “interesting… do tell me, what are your terms?” you leaned forward.
“you help me execute my plan, in return… i’ll give you my soul.” he said. “ah… this would be breaking my terms with tsumugi… oh well, i can’t resist a good deal.” you grinned, shaking your hand with kokichi’s, effectively sealing the deal.
“so then, what is it you need?” you tilted your head, finally taking a bite of the food before you. “i need you.. to kill me.” kokichi said, the most serious you’ve ever seen him. “this means you’ll be the blackened, okay?”
you nodded you head. “how exciting… i can’t wait to see how i’ll be executed.” you said, wondering out loud. “no, i want to make a case where the mastermind can’t know who the victim is. i’m sure that… this will end the killing game for sure.”
you thought about it, before nodding. “alright then, where should we begin?”
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
S/O sacrifices themself in the funhouse
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Hajime, Nagito, Chiaki ]
[ Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair ]
⚠️ This contain a little bit of spoilers, heavy spoilers in Chiaki's part
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Sweet and heartbrokening funhouse ~ (and overwhelming too 💀) im still sad for that chapter)
I think this isn't my best work, but I still hope you like it
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Hajime Hinata
Since the start of the trip unlike the others Hajime had never trusted this place, neither Monomi or Monokuma
Every time a new part of the island is open he gets nervious and prefer to be cautious, trying to stay by your side while exploring it, fearing that something may hurt you
Even if it was a amusment park he doesn't fully trust it, and even so he calls everyone to the funhouse when Monokuma tell him (maybe it was because he asked nicely or that you were excited to try it)
After everyone wake up in a weird and colorful place and Monokuma had revealed his plan he feels like an idiot, blaming himself for falling into Monokuma's trap (even more if you seem scare), and the whole thing of a traitor doesn't help at all
While exploring it and searching for an exit he wants to be by your side, he wants to make sure nothing bad happen to you, but how he dares to do that if he was the culprit of you getting in this trap? (if you try to comfort him it would help him, but just a little)
The conditions that Monokuma had put for let everyone go wasn't easy to process, but the conditions you were living weren't easy either and with every day it pass the environment goes more and more in decline, it was getting in to the point that even Hajime was thinking on try to get the the most powerful weapon, thinking that maybe that would help somehow, even if he has to risk his life for it, but you don't wanted that
One day he wakes up like normally and prepare himself for another horrible day in that stupid house, but this time you weren't there, you didn't say good morning, he tried to stay calm thinking that maybe you had wake up earlier (or you hadn't even sleep at all), maybe you had already go to the Monokuma class
But what he find was far away from what he was expecting, from what he ever wanted to see. He can't help but let go a scream, aghast to see your body laying on the floor covered in blood, by the moment they others come to his side and Monokuma's annocment of a body is playing on the monitor his tears had already covered his eyes
He was shocked, unable to move and still trying to process what he had just see, but all his feelings quickly change to anger in the moment he heards Monokuma's laugh, saying that all of you should get ready for the trial
His friends had to stop him before he let out all his anger on Monokuma, telling him that doing such thing just will make things worst, but he doesn't care, he had already lost the most important person for him
Chiaki was the one who convinced him to put that energy in find the culprit, even so the investigation gets so difficult for him thet he can't even bare to look at you, at the end he just manage to investigate the scene and the alibis
During the trial it was obvious that he was affected, he was mixed between the sadness and the anger, and during it he was rather aggresive (specially when there was a possible culprit)
By the very moment someone had bring up the idea of you being the one who had plan this he get offended and just make him even more angry, why you would do such thing? you would never just plan your own death, right? But when the culprit (or even Monokuma) confirmed that you actually did it so them can go out of the funhouse he was shocked, even more than when he had saw your body
You have give your life for all of them, so they could live when he had already given up, when he was the one who put you in that situation, he can't help but blame himself for your death
It would take him a long time to accept it, even after the trial he was still shocked and unable to talk, no matter who try to talk to him he doesn't answer to any one, not once
It will take him a while, but with the help of his friends he will be able to at least try to continue, just so he can end with this stupid game and with Monokuma (even so, the feeling of guilt never left him completely)
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Nagito Komaeda
Nagito had never think much of himself so he is just grateful to be in the presence of so talented people, not paying too much attention on where you are or the game Monokuma put
And he feels really lucky to have you by his side (for once his lucky do something good for him), he doesn't think that he deserve you as his partner but at the same time he feels grateful
He tend to cause problems and scare your classmates so he end up relying a lot on you, aside from you he have pretty much nothing and if you don't mind he will follow you around like a lost puppy, so whenever another island is open you two are together to investigate it
When you two were call to the funhouse he didn't say much, even if didn't want it he won't say anything, unless you are the one who seem scared of it, and even if this was a trap from Monokuma to make you continue with the game Nagito tried to stay calm and analyze the situation
While you explore the building if you express that you doesn't want to give up he will be inspired by your hope, but if you express fear its okay, he will try to comfort you (he may not be the best at it or even say that they could just kill him to get away from there, but he is trying)
While the time pass things started to get more and more difficult and people start to lose hope too, everyone just started to give up for not planing to kill each other, and knowing Nagito you will know that he is planning to go to the deadly room, even if he puts his in risk it doesn't matter to him if he can help (and more since you are affected too) you could try to stop him from doing it but at the end he will go (he will make sure you are distracted while he does it since he doesn't want to worry you)
Even if you didn't manage to convice him to don't do it you will be able to make him say to you what he discovered (but he won't tell you what he found out about your classmates) and with that you could make a plan. If you want to make it before him you will have to be quickly, Nagito is pretty smart so it won't take much time for him to come up with a plan (specially for how things get worst by the pass of the time), and you probably will have to try and convice him to wait just a little longer to win some time
Even if Nagito is clingy if you ask for some time alone he will let you alone (he will suspect about it under the circumstances, but try to don't say anything and just trust you), you were taking too long but he tries to not pry on it, he tries to stay calm and just think on his own plan
Probably even the morning has came without news of you, and he is really worried (he has being for a while now) but still he had been trying to distract himself. Since it had been so long he start searching you (he hadn't really slept that night), it could be either that he had heard the body discovered announcment or that he had find your body himself, either way he us pretty much shocked, even after everyone had came or after Monokuma says that is time to investigate he doesn't say much, just maybe say that it was for the sake of hope and you should continue
Everyone might think he's insensitive or just some kind of monster, but the reallity is that he is suffering, he felt like the time had stoped when he saw your death body, he feels devasted and the despair begins to wrap him completely, but he won't show that, not to them, he doesn't trust them anymore and the only person he still trust and cares for is dead now, so now nothing matter for him anymore
He will be even more harsh with his words, more aggresive towards them, and during the trial when the truth of your sacrifice is revealed to all is the only moment he isn't rude, just because in that moment it's all about you and your infinite hope, it's about how you had gave your life in order to bring hope to them again, but after the trial he gets really aggresive towards everyone again
To be honest, his lost is just making him crazy, he was so used to be hated and stay alone, but when you came to his life he started to feel hope again, you had make him company and give him the affection and comfort he craves for, he started to feel at peace with his life and with himself, feeling that with you everything will be fine, but you are gone now and he is all alone once again
Knowing the truth it hasn't done him any good either, it just makes things worst and now that he is all alone again he doesn't have anything to lose, so he probably will be more impulsive and eager with his next plan (he won't rush, though, his plan has to be perfect to achieve what he wants)
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Chiaki Nanami
Since the start of the trip Chiaki never really showed much worries about the place or the game, it isn't like she likes it but she just pay more attention on your classmates
Chiaki isn't exactly clingy but since she is pretty easy to get distracted and just falls sleep most of the time she tend to rely a lot on you, especially when it comes to explore the island or when you two have some free time
Whenever a new part of the island is open and she go to explore it she still keeps in mind that she has to investigate for a way to escape from there but she tries to take it easy or don't show much worries. If you want to go alone she wouldn't mind too much but it makes her happy if you two go together
When the amusment park were opened she get pretty interesed on it and she wasn't going to say no to the funhouse Monokuma had tell them about (specially since everyone seem interested on it)
She didn't give it much importance at the place at first, but is when Monokuma revealed his plan to everyone when she gets worried about it, Chiaki unconsciously takes you hand as searching for a reasurance
While exploring she didn't go with you since Nagito had tell her that he need to talk to her, and without thinking much she just accepted, but after everyone end up the investigation of the place and meet again is when she stays by your side again
The conditions of the funhouse were terribles, the place was made to push everyone to the extreme and still everyone seemed to not planning to give up, even if you express that you aren't planning on give up either she still decide to keep a close eye on you, she just want to make sure you don't plan to do something that will put you at risk. She has even asked you to please don't put yourself at risk, don't give Monokuma what he wants, she doesn't want to lose you
But even if you had promised to her to don't do it you don't want to just give up and let everyone fall, and for the rate things are going it would be soon, so building up your courage you come up with a plan to make free all your friends
For how sleepy Chiaki is it would be rather easy get away from her. When she had wake up to go to the lesson Monokuma force you to take is when she noticed that you weren't there, just by noticing it she was already having a bad feeling, still she goes across the funhouse carefuly hoping to find you somewhere
If she hear the body announce before finding you she will be already thinking the worst, in either case when she finds your body she feels bad, horrified, but that feelings quickly becomes frustration and sadness
She should have stopped you, she have should conviced you to stay by her side, but now there is nothing she can do for you aside from continue and put an end to this game
Even when Chiaki had just prefer to focus on the investigation and the trial, even when she is trying to continue is obvious how affected she is, her sadness is obvious for everyone and they try to comfort her, but she doesn't answer to her kind words just look down to the floor, she is grateful for it but she doesn't want that, she wants you
She tries her best to continue with the trial and solve the case, she is just focused on continue, giving her best on the trial but even after this ends and everyone can go back to theirs cabins the frustration and sadness doesn't go away
Is until she is finally alone in her cabin when she let her feelings out, laying down on the bed she cries while cuddle a pillow, how she wished it was you instead of a pillow, how she wished that you were there to comfort her, how she wished that she had the opportunity to at least say goodbye
The next days she tries to act like her normal self and continue with everything, is just when she is alone when she truly let out her sadness (or maybe with Hajime and Monomi too since they are her closest), she can't show them how sad she is because she can't tell them how even when everything ends and all of you finally wake up from the program is her who will never get a chance to see you again
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titusredwind · 1 month
I've begun creating a new group of 16 participants for the next Danganronpa killing game. I'll likely be writing a story, perhaps with illustrations to accompany it.
Here are the first two I've finished drawing portraits for:
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Introducing... DANGANRONPA: Hope's Requiem
Following the death of Junko Enoshima, a remnant of despair has become a copycat killer and taken the role of mastermind. They spent nearly a decade preparing their own killing game and are ready to set their plan in motion, using one of the participants as a proxy to ensure everything goes exactly as they want it.
(these events take place approximately 8 or so years after the events of DR2 and are not connected to V3)
I have the basic plot, the first two cases/trials, the punishments, the mastermind, and all 16 characters and their ultimate talents all planned out.
Still deciding on a traitor and a main location, which will either be a city destroyed and abandoned by the remnants, or the run down remains of the original Hope's Peak academy.
Any constructive feedback or suggestions would be appreciated.
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humunanunga · 1 year
Project: Eden’s Garden prologue just dropped and here’s my thoughts on the cast so far 👀
Damon: Oh, so we finally get to play as a tool. Just a total trashman. It’s almost like if we went into the first Danganronpa playing as Byakuya LMAO. Can’t wait to watch his guy slowly figure out he was being a gatekeeping prick just to feel self-important and not have to think about having an identity apart from his talent.
Eva: I love her. I already liked her design when the voice cast was announced, which I also really like, and now I’m really looking forward to how her arc pans out. I like how a lot of her dialogue consists of questions/guesses, directives, or observations you wouldn’t need to take her word for. I also like that, assuming it’s true-- and so far, I’m willing to bet it is-- that, while hesitant, she was honest about being the Ultimate Liar. Imagine how that’d blow up in her face later if she tried lying about what kind of Ultimate she was. She knows it’s a lot to ask for with her talent, but she definitely acts like she wants to be trusted. I already said this in Youtube comments, but the contrast against Kokichi really makes a point for why she’s the Ultimate Liar: a good liar knows when not to lie. For one, a bad liar tells lies they can’t get away with, and for another, if your reputation precedes you, all it takes to deceive everyone is to tell the truth and let their suspicion do all the work.
Grace: Uncalled for, but Damon kinda earns it later.
Wolfgang: A polite boy. A lad, even. Save for how riled up that “demo” got him. Wondering whether he’ll be Damon’s Kaito or his Kokichi... Right now, it seems like Damon’s set himself up to be Wolfgang’s Kokichi. Yikes.
Toshiko: We haven’t seen her mouth yet... curious. Could mean nothing... but if this fangame also includes a plant among the killing game participants, she’s my first guess. Danganronpa loves red herrings, so I don’t think it’d be Eva, but Toshiko? Her color scheme would also fit, everyone woke up in pairs, and a lot of those pairs seem to work well together or at least balance each other out.
Eloise: Hello, so you have red eyes, huh? Is there something you’re not telling us? What was that about analyzing your opponent and predicting their next move, almost like you would in chess? Sorry, you seem very sweet, I just know how these games go.
Desmond: Oh no, you’re gonna get a lotta heat for your talent later, aren’t’cha. I am so sorry, you seem like a real chill dude.
Jean: idk, guys, he's jacked and reliable, and beefcakes with integrity tend to strike out on the fourth case in this series...
Ulysses: Another design I loved from the get-go. I get the impression his habit of note-keeping could be important later... I’m rooting for his survival, but that journal could easily be evidence later.
Ingrid: We love a beefsteak.
Kai: I could see the Ultimate Influencer being a traitor or mastermind and using their talent to gather an audience for their killing game, cuz the games are always streamed and he has a lot more black and white in his outfit than Cassidy, but I... kinda doubt it’ll be him unless they’re all revealed to play roles as the mastermind.
Diana: tbh I’m really hoping she’ll be one of the killers. There’s a lot of potential for a makeup artist to cover their crime, like concealing or faking injuries. They did say she’s done makeup for cinema, I’m just saying. I’m just saying! At the very least, even if she’s cleared, I really hope she’ll be a suspect.
Jett: Don’t know what I expected, but I’m loving his energy. He is doing his best.
Mark: What was with that leer on the train? Did he recognize Damon?
Cassidy: Ohhh boy, are she and Wenona gonna duke it out at some point?
Wenona: Damon... my guy... I woulda thought you’d get along with her. You are a certifiable hypocrite if you’re gonna judge her for being an Ultimate elitist.
Cara: Oh, this wasn’t Eden’s first killing game, was it. I’m surprised none of them pointed out after the practice trial how Cara was an Ultimate too... Wolfgang was right. Asking why would’ve been just as important as asking how. We’re gonna circle back to this case later, aren’t we-- hold on... was... was the point of doing this... did... could Cara’s killer have won a class trial?
Tozu: Did... did he sound like Dr. Frank-N-Furter to anyone else or is that just me? Great voice either way, interesting that it looks like he’s wearing a grey body suit under that coat that'd make him look more like an unnamed Danganronpa culprit. Interesting.
Mara: idk, she yoked tho.
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loststarphounix · 4 months
imagine the chaos (and angst) in a danganronpa roleswap au if Gundham takes up the role of being a candidate for the Kamukura project (he's also a reserve course student) and Kazuichi being the Chiaki in this situation—
the possibilities...
Yo! There was a fanfic being made with this exact concept except it was Kazuichi that was a Reserve Course and Gundham was very Nagito like teasing him about it lol Their tumblr is still on here I believe, they stated they were rewriting it but there is some art! I’ll try to find it and private message it to you.
But Gundham being apart of the Kamakura project and being the Reserve Course student is interesting! I’m gonna take it a step further and have it be that he and Hajime as still apart of the project and made into pseudo twins. Like the academy probably realized that putting every single talent known to mankind could lead to disastrous results and even worse - not willing to assist them in their goals. So it was decided to have a set of two ideal candidates that can take the burden of possessing so many talents as well as probably being more susceptible to help.
Gundham wasn’t scouted for Hope’s Peak for an unknown reason, but I like to think it’s because his dad somehow interfered. Instead, he is sent to RC so that his dad can still brag to his friends. There he meets Hajime, whose family was going bankrupt to keep up appearances. And though his parents love him, he sympathizes with Gundham and forged a friendship with him.
They meet Kazuichi by chance - I like to think that their meeting in the NWP is a little true. So imagine Gundham and Hajime are sneaking onto the main campus (Gundham making Hajime do bad things let’s go! Lol jk Hajime also makes him bad things 🤣) and they see a gaint, half made machine with legs kicking in the air. They obviously think the persons in trouble and use to help. The guy in the machine isn’t some regular guy, but the ultimate mechanic, who is freaking out that RC’s are on main campus. They promise they aren’t doing anything, just looking around and decide to go back, but Kazuichi doesn’t let them.
He was actually stuck in the machine lol - had been for a whole hour when Nagito was supposed to help him the traitor. As thanks for getting him out, he shows them around. This begins are weird friendship, with the RC’s -mainly Gundham- sneaking in the main course’s campus to visit Kazuichi. Over time, they meet the others and there’s an incident where Kazuichi is jealous of Sonia for getting close to the goth, who’s jealous of Hajime for being so close to Chiaki when it took her almost their whole first year, who is just trying to figure out how to not get overwhelmed by these amazing people and also his stalker “bully” Nagito.
When they’re approached about the Kamakura Project, they do think about refusing at first. Gundham didn’t see the point of having a talent that wasn’t originally his own and Hajime was struggling between accepting he wasn’t exceptional and the what ifs if he was.
But ultimately, Hajime accepts first. Gundham take a while, but he finally agrees because he realizes that wouldn’t be able to see Kazuichi or Sonia again after Hope’s Peak; they’d be out there, making the world better and brighter. And he’d be alone, in the dark shadow of his father. It also didn’t help that Nagito spilled the beans that Kazuichi was not only thinking of leaving because of his cruel father, but that some teen boy from his neighborhood was harassing him within the academy as a late transfer.
If he agreed to the project, then they both would be allowed on the grounds and be apart of classes. They were even offered money. He can keep Kazuichi safe. Their disappearance affects the class, but mainly Kazuichi amd Nagito. The two felt they were the closest to the RC’s, Kazuichi especially. He was finally gonna tell Gundham how he really felt about him, but all he got was a vague text message one morning and nothing else since. Both their phone numbers were unusable and no one heard from them since. Meanwhile, he’s feeling stress by his dads threats and his middle school ex-friend trying to force his way into his life again to get close to his friends - particularly Sonia and Fuyuhiko. It’s been depressing and he cries in his dorm room thinking he scared his only two best friends away.
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shslanonymous · 3 months
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Meepify celebrates White Day with even more OCs no one knows of 🎉
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theamityelf · 7 months
My mind is full of thoughts of a Percy Jackson Danganronpa AU.
Here's an organized brainstorm.
Parameters: Danganronpa universe, Riordanverse characters. This means no one is a demigod, which I would ordinarily find a bit boring, but Ultimates are pretty superhuman anyway, so it's fine. Hope's Peak in Japan still exists; this is an imitation school in New York. The plot of Danganronpa is still happening in Japan. Junko and co are still responsible for the Tragedy and their killing game, but there is someone in the New York Hope's Peak who helped her cause the Tragedy and, separately, someone in the New York Hope's Peak acting in the role of "coerced traitor".
Percy Jackson- Ultimate Swimmer. Most of his backstory gets to stay pretty much the same, except the weird traumatizing things that happened throughout his childhood that in canon were the result of his godly parentage are now just regular people mistreating a kid. He gained renown as an Olympic swimmer, mostly so that he could give the money that came with that success to his mother, so she could stop being financially dependent on his abusive step-dad. She was able to leave him, and optionally put a hit out on him? If we want a Medusa equivalent.
In the killing game, his classmates are weird about him. A lot of them act like he's not smart, no matter how often he's right about stuff. He gets extremely defensive when he's the one being accused of murder, because he's used to having to defend himself from unfair accusations, so it's already a sore spot for him. This makes him come across as hotheaded and suspicious, but he never hurts anyone.
He survives. Also, he's probably the POV character.
Annabeth Chase- Ultimate Strategist. Backstory is, she ran away from home when she was seven and ended up in the "care" of some kind of army or mercenary group, and she became their best battle strategist at a very young age. When she became old enough to object to what the group was doing, she plotted out the tidiest way to end them and escape (physically) unscathed. Once she was free, she pretty much lived as a drifter until Hope's Peak scouted her.
In the killing game, she channels any fear she has immediately and directly into defensive rage. Because she can see so many potential strategies in the the things people do and the way everyone else behaves, she tends to float on the slightly confrontational side. Ironically, despite Percy being one of the more cunning participants, and despite everyone else accusing him of stuff constantly, she almost never expects him to be up to anything. Like, she'll sit next to him during meals specifically because she does not believe he has it in him to successfully plot her death.
She might kill. She probably wouldn't be killed. Her execution might be chess-based! Maybe a cruel subversion, where she's winning the chess game and then gets crushed to death by a giant checker piece, or something like that.
Grover Underwood- Ultimate Environmentalist. He's a famous activist for climate change and pollution. And unfortunately, Danganronpa Law might dictate that he gets placed in the coward role by default. Someone's gotta have the outrageously out-there fear sprites. I'd say he leans more "easily-startled pacifist" than "genuine coward", though. He might get a moment where he throws a tin can at Monokuma.
He folds in the face of teasing of any kind, so if Monokuma or his classmates make jokes at his expense, he does not banter back. Percy backs him up, since he refuses to defend himself. But he is reasonably vocal in the trials.
He's the character you're sure is going to die every chapter, but he makes it to the end.
Nico di Angelo- Ultimate Gamer. Everyone who hasn't already heard of him is surprised by this, because they find him irrationally eerie and it seems like his talent should have the same vibes. He's had a hard life, partially due to family stuff and partially because these game companies target him whenever he makes them look bad and sometimes they send mercenaries to intimidate or harm him, so he has to live on the run and off the grid- while also being a notorious gamer. He's still Hazel's half-brother, but he has to be careful about acknowledging their relationship in public, lest she be in danger, too. (The game company mercenaries would hold her hostage! They've already done it with a different sister before, and it did not end well.) But he does favors for her when he can, and they manage to keep in touch. Now that they're both attending the same school, they still keep their sibling relationship a secret for a while.
He's very reserved, both socially and in the trials. Sometimes he hangs out with Leo, since Leo focuses so hard on his own work that they don't have to talk much, and that's honestly the only reason he ever has an alibi. He still often gets accused of stuff just based on sheer vibes.
He might kill someone for Hazel. Or he might be killed. Most likely, he dies somehow. One of them has to die for the other's character development, per Danganronpa rules, and I'm choosing him. He would agree with my choice. The group finds out that they're siblings either during the trial or between the verdict and his execution.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare- Ultimate Heiress, but she really really doesn't want to be! She tries really hard to have a different Ultimate, like Ultimate Artist, Ultimate Activist...
In the killing game, her role in the dialogue is mostly to be the one saying obvious things and explaining the joke that was just made. (Look, it's okay. Some of my favorite Danganronpa characters get saddled with that job. It's not a slight on Rachel.) There's a running gag where she tends to correctly guess things ahead of time, culminating in her excitedly saying "Hey! Maybe I'm the Ultimate Psychic!" This annoys Octavian tremendously.
Socially, she kind of cycles between the friend groups. She says very little in the trials. When people tease her, she very much does banter back.
She might kill. Or she might be killed. I think probably the latter, and they can have some line like "She didn't see it coming." Maybe Nico kills her because she was going to kill Hazel? Eh, maybe not. She does get killed, though. Although her execution could be interesting if she murders instead; it could be based on the title she hates, or it can be based on her yearning for another title/identity.
Luke Castellan- Ultimate Traveler. He runs a very popular travel blog or vlog, centered around how he's been to every state, territory, and almost every country. He speaks a lot of languages. He's older than his classmates, because he missed a lot of school while he was traveling.
"I've visited the Hope's Peak in Japan a few times."
"There's one in Japan?" Percy says, immediately interested.
"The first Hope's Peak is in Japan!" Annabeth chides.
He became friends with Junko Enoshima a while back. He had a role in causing the Tragedy to also happen in America, but he thought it was for a different reason. He never wanted his classmates to kill each other! (He was fine with millions of other people dying, though.) Junko said they were locking themselves in for their own safety, so he convinced Headmaster Chiron. His memory was erased along with everyone else, so he doesn't know anything except that he was friends with Junko.
His presence in the killing game is very charismatic and caring and somewhat leaderly.
He might be the first one killed. He probably doesn't kill anyone. All the information about his role in things comes out after his death, but maybe he gets a moment right before he dies where he remembers everything but can only say a cryptic sentence that everyone misunderstands.
Carter Kane- Ultimate Egyptologist. Attended many lectures and archaeological digs with his father, pretty much from infancy. (Yes, Professor Kane giving a lecture with a baby on his chest!) Very well-versed in Egyptology, and took over his father's work and expert status when he tragically died in a freak accident. If New York Hope's Peak has a reserve course, Sadie might be enrolled there as a backup Ultimate Egyptologist.
In the killing game, Carter's place in the social web is to kind of be the quieter Annabeth, in that he's smart and somewhat suspicious of the others but doesn't express it as openly as she does. Also, his particular brand of had-to-grow-up-too-fast is of a more social bent than most of the others', due to the nature of his work, so he's a lot like Reyna in that he'll be the one trying to calm people down and get them to work together. In fact, he and Reyna will have a casually-established trust for each other, where they generally agree about things, side with each other, support each other's alibis, etc.
In the trials, he isn't all that vocal, but when he speaks, he always has an astute point.
He doesn't kill, but he might get killed.
Jason Grace- Oh boy, there are so many funny answers to this. I think it would be most on-brand for him to be the guy who wakes up with no memory of his Ultimate. But, this would necessarily mean that his talent must be significant in some potentially-game-breaking way. Ultimate Wolf Trainer would be great, but maybe a little out there? I'm thinking he'd either be Ultimate Wolf Trainer or Ultimate Survivalist. Either way, his backstory still involves wolves because the wolves are the coolest things about him (in my own personal opinion).
He is killed by Monokuma for rule-breaking, because he does not want to engage with the game on Monokuma's terms. He's used as an example for the others. It's a very heroic death.
Piper McLean- Ultimate Trendsetter. (A really superficial-sounding title that she hates.) She's been in the public eye as the daughter of a famous actor, and she's known for being utterly subversive in her fashion choices and broader lifestyle stuff; she single-handedly reshapes pop cultural trends, and no one can quite put their finger on why she manages to be so...persuasive? Without even saying a word. It's like, just by being herself, she makes people want to "agree" with her. Her social media presence has a significant impact on social justice movements and political campaigns. She also met Junko Enoshima before attending Hope's Peak (because it's not hard for a super influential "fashionista" to engineer a way to meet a super influential "trendsetter"), and Junko identified her as a valuable asset. Piper is the coerced traitor. She confesses after a close friend (probably Leo) dies.
Her behavior in the killing game is kind of guarded, for a while; she's guilty about being in contact with Monokuma, so she isolates herself out of guilt. It comes across as the standard "aloof ice queen" character archetype, especially if the POV character is Percy, who she doesn't soften toward until late in the game when they understand each other better, but she shows her kind side when she's defending those she perceives as underdogs, like Leo and Hazel. She doesn't trust Grover (Another thing that places her at odds with Percy.), because she thinks his pacifist thing is an act, partially because she considers him a celebrity and she has a lot of baggage around the concept of celebrity.
After she confesses to being the traitor, people get back to trusting her surprisingly quickly. It helps that a lot of the late-game participants are more on the trusting side, and also, in true Danganronpa traitor fashion, she didn't actually do anything to anyone; she just is the traitor. Once the cat's out of the bag, it's like a weight has been lifted. She gets along with everyone way better.
She survives.
Leo Valdez- Ultimate Mechanic. Once again, same backstory except he can't create fire with his hands.
In the killing game, he leans SUPER hard on sarcasm and humor as a defense mechanism, causing him to butt heads with some of the more earnest in the cast. Characters like Frank genuinely believe he doesn't care or thinks the situation is funny, whereas characters like Piper understand pretty quickly that Leo is just unable to deal with his fear any other way.
He dies, because his talent is game-breakingly useful once the group at large is focused on game-breaking and not surviving each other. He builds something useful to the rest of the class and then dies, rendering the thing he built far more valuable for the fact that they won't have any more inventions or machines from him to help them.
(If we want to go Danganronpa-style cruel irony, Annabeth could be the one to kill him, since she's the strategy person and his loss would be the most strategically problematic to the group. Like, we could discover that if she just hadn't killed Leo, he was this close to building something that would get them free.)
Hazel Levesque- (I would love to incorporate her love of horses, but that simply can't be relevant here, lol.) Ultimate Witch. She has pretty strong reservations about her title, but essentially she's a talented illusionist with above-average luck. Also she can sometimes see ghosts; it's a genetic thing. (Because if Danganronpa says that's on the table, then why not.) She would prefer to be called the Ultimate Illusionist, but New York Hope's Peak wants snappy, clickbait-y names for their Ultimates.
In the killing game, she gets along with everyone. Frank is protective of her, because she's physically small, kind-hearted, and pretty. Nico is protective of her because she's his sister. All the other girls are protective of her, because she's the least athletic out of all of them (since this AU doesn't require her to have been fighting monsters). Leo makes lighthearted jokes about her talent that Frank takes too seriously. The only person to ever directly accuse her of anything is Octavian, though she's not above suspicion when she doesn't have an alibi.
And for her own part, Hazel's skill set comes into play because she has a keen eye for smoke-and-mirrors, as it were. Like, as soon as the killing game starts, she becomes curious as to where Monokuma is appearing from and determined to find out. Things like that. She discovers secret passageways based on her familiarity with optical illusions, sleight of hand, and hidden compartments.
She survives. Obviously, having a strong personal connection to a character who probably dies means she has to survive to say some line towards the end like "It's what they would want," or "I remember what they said to me..." Monokuma meant for her to die because she was a little too persistent about finding stuff, but it didn't work out that way.
Frank Zhang- Ultimate Archer. Once again, functionally the same backstory with the Roman gods swapped out for human stuff.
In the killing game, he assumes the position of "We would never kill each other! Why would any of us kill each other?!" He's at odds with Leo (and by extension Piper) because of Leo's need to joke about things, and he's at odds with Annabeth because he doesn't want to suspect anyone. His insistence that they shouldn't suspect each other makes Annabeth (and to a lesser extent, Carter) suspicious that he's playing them. He trusts Reyna because she's a team leader, but she is aggressively neutral toward him. Like:
"Reyna, tell them this had to be Monokuma's doing!"
"It could have been him, or it could have been one of us. We don't have all the facts yet."
I'm going to say he kills, and I'm going to say that his motive is a hostage thing with his grandmother. This is also character development for Hazel. Sorry, Hazel. Also, sorry Frank. His execution hearkens to St. Sebastian (shot with a bunch of arrows while tied to a tree or post).
Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano- Ultimate Team Leader. Raised by a now-dead older sister, she led a lot of professional athletic teams to victory. She is great at seeing others' strengths and weaknesses, and she is a champion for team synergy.
Ironically, she's not great at creating or maintaining friendships, but she loves her classmates in her own way. She only speaks up in class trials when she notices someone is being talked over, in which case she makes sure the others quiet down and let them speak. Also, when Octavian is making it impossible to progress, she gets him to shut up. Other than that, she mostly listens.
She's probably killed, and the characters have a bunch of lines sadly reflecting on how they didn't expect someone like her to be killed.
Octavian [Last Name]- Ultimate Psychic. He's famous for his whole gimmick of divining a person's future by cutting open a beloved stuffed animal of theirs; for the hardcore superstitious types, it's considered a show of how serious you are about your beliefs to say you've had your future read by Octavian. (It's also a demonstration of financial status, because he charges a lot.)
In the killing game, he is hugely distrustful and obstructs the group from collaborating at pretty much every turn. Like, Annabeth is cautious, but he is straight up tearing the group apart constantly.
He kills or is killed for sure. Most likely, he kills; no way any self-respecting Danganronpa game would miss the opportunity to make him angrily defend himself in the trial room and get a gruesome execution that probably hearkens to him gutting stuffed animals. I'm going to take it a step further and say he's the one to kill Carter, since its too obvious to have him kill Rachel or Reyna.
Also, if they get to open up Monokuma late in the game, they're going to mention how Octavian would have loved to be around for this.
So, to recap, in no particular order:
Murderers: Annabeth, Nico(?), Frank, Octavian
Victims: Rachel(?), Luke, Carter, Leo, Reyna
Killed As An Example: Jason
Survivors: Percy, Piper, Hazel, Grover. They are all best friends at the end.
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comshipbracket · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
HaniMori Propaganda (Cousins, Pseudo-Age Difference - There isn't one, but Haninozuka looks much younger)
"Mori will literally do anything for Honey and it’s so cute!! You see them together in almost every scene they are so close"
Tsumugiibo Propaganda (Toxic Dynamic, Species Difference - Tsumugi is human while K1-B0 is a robot, Power Dynamic)
"Okay so this is like Junko x Makoto BUT there's a key difference here. Kiibo is the audience's surrogate. He's the traitor, even if he doesn't know it. Being behind a killing game and not even knowing it- and to have Tsumugi reveal it so flippantly??? Ourgh. It's Hope x Despair except the Hope aspect was forced into it, Kiibo might have been built for this and only this- to be Tsumugi's other half. There's also the fact that his life lies in Tsumugi's hands entirely. Of course, all of the characters are like that, but Tsumugi can just. Wipe Kiibo's personality entirely. When he tries to rebel from the role he was given, she deletes his personality so he'll simply follow the audience's wishes. A majority of the game he's being used and manipulated without even knowing, without anyone knowing. I adore their dynamic together. I wish we'd gotten more of it tbh."
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luxexhomines · 4 months
Danganronpa Character Tropes/Patterns Across Main 3 Games
I'm sure this exists somewhere already, but I wanted to make a list for my own self-reference because I was analyzing the patterns across games, so I figured why not post it? Unfortunately, this ended up egregiously long, and I decided to stop and post it before it got even longer. I'm sure I missed plenty of things, but I didn't want it getting any longer. I already spent a lot of time refreshing my memory and poring over the Danganronpa Fandom Wiki to make this list, ahaha...
So, here we go--I made a few categories: 1. Personality, 2. Ultimate Talents, 3. Cast Dynamics, 4. Killing Game, and 5. Body Characteristics. Wasn't sure how to format it, but I tried. I didn't list their Ultimate Talents since I figured most people remember/know.
If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to pop into the replies or my askbox and we can discuss! There might be some you disagree on. Under the cut for Danganronpa spoilers and length!
Bossy toward men 
SDR2 - Mahiru Koizumi
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira (complete misandrist) 
Little Shits/Gremlins (& most obnoxious criers) /affectionate
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Made-up Words/Sayings 
SDR2 - Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Angie Yonaga
Most Unhinged Participants
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
Multiple Personas/Personalities
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (has DID; Genocide Jack)
DR1 - Junko Enoshima
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji (older sister)
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Mahiru Koizumi
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
DR1 - Mondo Oowada
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
Self-Esteem Issues
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
DR1 - Touko Fukawa
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Stoic/Serious Ladies
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama
NDRV3 - Kirumi Tojo
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Ultimate Talents
DR1 - Leon Kuwata
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Akane Owari
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Martial Artists
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira
DR1 - Sayaka Maizono
SDR2 - Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
Ultimate ???
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Rantaro Amami
Has Secret/Other Talent
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (as Genocide Jack - Ultimate Murderer) 
DR1 - Makoto Naegi (Ultimate Hope) 
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata (as Izuru Kamukura - Ultimate Hope)
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa (Ultimate Assassin)
Cast Dynamics
Protagonist & Friend Iconic Duo
DR1 - Makoto Naegi Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara Kaede Akamatsu
Mystery Solvers/Complicators
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
DR1 - Byakuya Togami
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
DR1 - Byakuya Togami
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Protag’s Guy Friends Who All Have That Same Loser Vibe
DR1 - Yasuhiro Hagakure
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
Breaks the 4th Wall
SDR2 - Gundham Tanaka
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Serial Killers
DR1 - Touko Fukawa (Genocide Jack)
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama (fake; “Sparkling Justice”)
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
Killing Game
DR1 - Makoto Naegi
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu (one chapter still counts!!)
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima)
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
SDR2 - Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - K1-B0 (unknowingly)
DR1 - Junko Enoshima
SDR2 - Alter Ego Junko Enoshima
NDRV3 - Tsumugi Shirogane
De Facto Forensic Examiners
DR1 - Kyouko Kirigiri
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
First Victims
DR1 - Sayaka Maizono
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)
NDRV3 - Rantaro Amami
First Killers
DR1 - Leon Kuwata
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura - SDR2
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu (as scapegoat) - NDRV3
Framed/Suspected of Murdering Close Friend
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji - SDR2
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Victims of Double Murders
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada Kiyotaka Ishimaru 
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji Ibuki Mioda
NDRV3 - Tenko Chabashira Angie Yonaga
Double Murder Culprits
DR1 - Celeste Ludenberg
SDR2 - Mikan Tsumiki
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
DR1 - Sakura Oogami** 
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)**
SDR2 - Peko Pekoyama*
SDR2 - Nagito Komaeda** 
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi**
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara*
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma**
(* = became culprit, ** = became victim)
Non-Culprit Tries to Misdirect Voting to Execute All Participants
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Is Incited/Led by Antagonist to Murder
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
SDR2 - Chiaki Nanami
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
Sustained Injury/Death Not From Participant Murder or Own Execution
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima)
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu  (from Peko’s execution, not own)
SDR2 - Nekomaru Nidai
NDRV3 - Kaito Momota
NDRV3 - K1-B0 (final explosion)
Mystery Victims
DR1 - Mukuro Ikusaba (Chapter 5 reappearance)
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Makes Plot & Trial-Relevant Technology
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
Most Notable Character Development
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Himeko Yumeno
NDRV3 - Maki Harukawa
Body Characteristics
Super Muscular
DR1 - Sakura Oogami
SDR2 - Nekomaru Nidai
NDRV3 - Gonta Gokuhara
Tan/Darker Skinned
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
DR1 - Yasuhiro Hagakure
SDR2 - Akane Owari
NDRV3 - Angie Yonaga
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Byakuya Togami (Imposter)
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Small Girls
SDR2 - Hiyoko Saionji
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Small Boys
DR1 - Chihiro Fujisaki
SDR2 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
NDRV3 - Kokichi Ouma
Breasted Boobily (reference to meme please don’t kill me lol)
DR1 - Aoi Asahina
SDR2 - Akane Owari
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
DR1 - Alter Ego
SDR2 - Mechamaru Nidai
NDRV3 - K1-B0
Ahoge Havers
DR1 - Makoto Naegi
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Hajime Hinata
NDRV3 - Kaede Akamatsu
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - K1-B0
NDRV3 - Miu Iruma
SDR2 - Kazuichi Souda
NDRV3 - Shuichi Saihara
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
NDRV3 - Korekiyo Shinguji
NDRV3 - Himiko Yumeno
Different, Cartoonish Eyes/Features
DR1 - Hifumi Yamada
SDR2 - Teruteru Hanamura
NDRV3 - Ryoma Hoshi
Other patterns: 
At least one red-haired, one black-haired, one white-haired, and one blond character per game
At least one red-eyed and one same hair & eye color character per game
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funishment-time · 8 months
in the Danganronpa fandom you can't really use Moral Purity Tests to determine which characters you are and are not allowed to Like. almost every character has done/said something really nasty or questionable Canonically, whether justified or not, even if they Atoned for it.
cute normie Hina, one of my personal faves, was about to murder-suicide everyone over Sakura
Sakura herself, one of the most Honorable and Good figures in the whole series otherwise, was still a traitor
the Survivors openly protect and harbor a known serial killer, and in some AUs the Entire Class does
all of Mukuro Ikusaba, and though one might argue she's an abuse victim (me!), she still, uh, Messed Up Big Time to say the least
everything about Sayaka, Byakuya, Komaeda...
Makoto wanted Junko alive even after she ruined quite literally The Whole World on a societal and personal level. he also kept Hope's Peak going because Maybe It'll Be Different This Time
adorable Ibuki, in a pre-Remnant state, made fun of coochie-out Mikan, even calling Mahiru over to take pictures
pre-Remnant Kazuichi harassed and stalked Sonia
Tenko doesnt just hate men, she wants them to die. openly
Hifumi and Taka were willing to put everyone in danger over Alter Ego
(and Taka did make fun of Sayaka's death a little @ Makoto)
the Warriors of Hope were severely abused each and every one. that wasn't their Fault. but...they still committed something that would be classified as a Genocide
Shuichi's whole backstory
Kyoko keeps Makoto in the dark constantly, even when their lives are at stake
i can't think of many characters who were Canonically Good(tm) or at least not Douchey. Chihiro, maybe? pre-Remnant Sonia? but anyway: you gotta think in Relative Terms with DR.
i don't really know why i'm bringing this up because you all seem to Get It, but in case someone out there is tying themselves in knots over liking a character who's severely fucked up...this isn't the fandom. it's a little like Game of Thrones that way.
also don't start arguments on this post, i'm saying like who you want, not XYZ character is Terrible For Real And You Should Die For It.
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