#dani x hayley
rosethelonelyloser · 17 days
Hayley x Dani Burns ☆
May I present to you... My rare pair!!
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honestly, as I am rewatching TFRB, I always thought that Hayley and Dani were a pair that stood out to me more than Hayley and Kade. the same could be said about Taylor and Dani
I must admit, Taylor and Dani do have some chemistry, and Hayley and Dani don't have many interactions compared to either of their canon relationships
The thought became most prominently when Kade and Taylor were out there having a somewhat bromance in s2 e1, I thought, what would it be like if Kade and Dani swapped love interests
Honestly, I think a relationship between Hayley and Dani would be cute
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I already know that You don't like Cody x Priscilla, but I still want to ask. I will bite You hard if I don't agree with what you say. Hope My art can give You an idea as to what I love this crack ship aksjhdkaks
And in the middle maybe Dani x Hayley??
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I love a good enemies to lovers but, I just can’t not see Priscilla as a femme lesbian. The only way I can see her getting with a guy is to manipulate them, like a boss bitch~
I guess Priscilla’s grown on me as a character in general, but I don’t think she’ll ever be in my figurative “top ten”. I’m too hung up on the fact that if I was in that show, as a kid or otherwise, I would despise her lol
Dani and Hayley is interesting! 4/10
I feel like Dani might be too much for Hayley. Yeah, I know, she handles Kade, but they have more in common.
Dani is way more of an action girly than Hayley. I know Hayley’s more of a rounded character since we found out she knows so much about plants, and lord knows you have to have skills to wrangle children by yourself (I’m a daycare teacher).
BUT Dani’s all up in the sky and everywhere, looking for challenges. Hayley’s a lot more family oriented (in that I could see her wanting multiple children of her own) and down to earth.
I could see them like having a fling, or being friends that flirt with each other a lot.
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Thought I don't want to keep fighting with those anons (if they still lurking around)
Just know that I also ship Charlie Burns x Optimus Prime, Hayley x Graham, Amy x Dani... and Kade stays alone 😅 mostly because they aren't a lot of characters, but if we talk about crossovers 😏🥰
Anyone can ask⁓
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cf8wrk4u-us · 1 year
Rescue Bots x One Piece
Do you think that when the kids are back at home after a lot of adventures, their pirates crews when meeting the kids families, would Sanji do a Sanji thing and start simping for Anna Barabova (Frankie's new mom), Dani (Cody's big sister) or even maybe Quickshadow 😂😅???
For Cody of course would be hard different as even tho the Burns and the Bots are angry Cody would stop them because he knows how strong Kid and his crew are... unless we say that in all this time the crew warm up to Cody and do feel sorry.
Part of this answer depends how long the kids were gone, ether a few months to a year or more maybe.
All the same, it's a heartwarming reunion for a lot of people.
Frankie or Greenie as she's called among the Strawhats has a great time showing her family along with the Rescue Team and the Bots.
Everyone is both impressed and a bit freaked out by Frankys robot body, with Anna Baranova horrified how anyone could put that much robotic prosthetics into there body all on their own😣
But it dies down, and Doc Greene is an instant fan asking so many questions about how Franky's body and the rest of his inventions work. Anna would be a lot more friendlier but would try to ask Franky to put on some pants, especially in front of Cece. Though she's pleasantly surprised at how brilliant Franky is despite his eccentric behaviors.
Chase would comment that Franky was being indecent, possibly criminally so 🤨
But Blades would try to copy his dance 😆
Speaking of the bots, Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Franky are instant fans of the bots. Eyes sparkling at their shiny armor and at the way they transformed into different vehicles. Luffy would stretch to jump on Heatwave shoulder and immediately ask him to join his crew or Blades after seeing him fly🤩
Sanji is a gentleman to all women, it dosent matter what age or even species they are. So he be incredibly respectful to Dr. Baranova and Quickshadow, but you better believe that he'll do a noodle dance when he sees Dani or even Madeline Pynch.
"Dani! My darling! My dear rescuing angel! Please save me! My heart is in need of your sweet medical care! One only you can cure"!😍
He's swiftly cut off by ether a hit from Nami or a confrontation from Taylor if he's there.
Kade be pretty mad if he started flirting with Hayley but he get told off too for looking at Nami and Robin a little longer than he should😅
Though the biggest person who may not have made the best impression would be Brook. While being a singing talking skeleton made him extra cool to a lot of the Griffin Rock Team, especially the bots who are interested in learning about human anatomy and think the expossed bone structure is very educational, he looses a lot of respect when he goes around asking his....underwear question...😒
Kade threatened to bury him while Chief Burns was close to socking him😤
Plus Blades thought he was kinda scary.
But after a while, they make up, loving Brooks music and seeing what a kind person he was to her. His jokes are funny too, and the 45-degree angle one has Graham and Boulder laughing!
He even find a connection between himself and Baranova, given that they were left isolated for years. Him at sea and her underwater.
Chopper is an instant favorite with Dani and the other girls, along with the more animal loving bots. But what really makes him a fast friend to Dani and Dr. Baranova is his medical knowledge and they sir and talk about the best care for things like first aid or what kind of rescue needed a special kind if medical care. Chopper thought Dani wad the coolest given that she rescued and treated people as part of her job.
Usopp, being an inventory himself, thinks Geiffin Rock is amazing and would talk to Doc Greene about his inventions. The pair even swapping stories over how some of there inventions went wild.
Robin is another favorite among the scientists, offering insights into their world and its history to anyone intrested. Uncle Woodrow would like her and to hear her stories with the crew and the different islands they went too.
Doc Greene is just fascinated about Devil Fruits and goes around asking each member about theirs. He's stretched Luffys skin, shook hands with an arm Robin sprouted, asked Brook to show him his "soul", and on Chopper and his shape-shifting abilities.
Zoro is really interested in the bots andvwonders how good they could fight😏
The Rescue Team, though, is worried and nervous at the fact he carries swords, with Chase saying he needs to be jailed for bring illegally armed.
Luffy thinks Griffin Rock is cool though a little bit boring till an emergency happens. Hethinks the Burns are cool for being heros but still says he never be one. Kade likes Luffy and finds him funny, also that he like Kade sandwiches.
When its eventually time to leave Frankie cries, as much as she wanted to be with her parents the Strawhats were her family now too. She wanted to see Luffy become King of the Pirates and see the others complete there dreams but she wants to be with her dad and new Mom.
It's a hard goodbye.
Now onto Pricsilla.
Pricsilla tries to introduce her mother to the crew and Law, tell her about her adventures and her Devil Fruit Power. But her mother, Madeline Pynch m, remain polite but cold. Even brushing off the crew members who tried to talk with her and tell her what a wonderful daughter she has, even cute Bepo!
The only ones who were friendly were the Burns, the Greene Family, and the Bots.
Law didn't like her, the cold and calculating eyes of Madeline Pynch reminded him too much of Doflamingo or members of his organization. Measuring people's worth and how the stock of the situation could benefit them.
Also Madeline isn't very welcoming of Priscillas powers asking her not to use them or even show them to anyone. I. Her words there "creepy and unsightly" though Madeline would contemplate on maybe using them for a scheme.
It does break Priscilla heart, but this was her mom and her home, she was back and needed to go back to normal...right?
In a quiet moment Law offers a place on his ship for Priscilla, permanently. He understood this was her home universe but if she could see herself any other place then he be willing to take her on his crew again.
Priscilla almost cries as this was one of the nicest things Law has said to her.
But what should she choose?
Now we get onto the real angsty part of this crossover, Cody.
Again how Cody is depends on the timeline.
If hebwas older he would have learned at this point how to act like a member of Kids Crew. Being kind of haughty and tough. Imagine everyone's surprise seeing an older Cody who comes off as rude, dressed like a punk, and carrying a weapon 😰
But if it was a still a rather young Cody, he may just be really quiet.
Though all the same he does break into tears and the hisvfamily, along with the Greens, and the Bots ate so happy and relieved to see him...with a metal Griffin?
But slowly they start to see something wrong.
Unlike the pirate crew that Frankie and Priscilla had and where eagerly introducing to the others. Cody was quiet about his, only introducing his captain with a nod calling him "Captain Kid".
Chief Burns knows there is something wrong with his son, Cody was a bot full of smiles and warmth. But now it feels like he's just a shadow of his former self. With a scared face and a hard look in his eyes.
The pirates he was with don't seem friendly ether all glaring or looking apathetic at the Griffin Rock residents. But did have interested or wary looks to the bots.
All the same Chief Burns tries to be polite going up to Kid and thanking him for " taking care of my son and bring him back"
(The next scene depends of which kind of Kid this is. Kid from Wano may have been a little humbled but still determined and arrogant. In ether case if Cody was with him in Wano and supported him with the rest of the crew against the Beast Pirate, Kid might have just nodded at that. Cody may have just been a useless little kid but he was loyal and proved himself tough enough to make it on his crew. He knew Cody wanted to be home and for his time in the crew for good and bad he may have been soften enough to just let him just be with his family.
Pre Kaido Caaptain Kid is another story...)
Kid gave Chief Burns a look before laughing cruelly "Back? Who says he's staying"?
The turning around he gestures his crew back to the ship "I don't know how the he'll we got here but as soon as it's figured out we're leaving, I'll be taking my crew on a side of the island" Kidd glares at Law and Luffy "You better keep out of my way Strawhat, Trafalgar"
As he walks off he turns his head to Cody and Airazor and says "All of us"
Chief Butns could see his son stiffen but all the same Cody gestured for Airazor to move and silently he began to walk back with Kid and the Crew.
His family was shocked, there happy reunion ending too soon. There little brother leaving them, being forced to walk away
"Cody"! his dad called trying to catch up with him.
Kade followed yelling "Cody you've been gone for months! And just got back and now your leaving?! Why are you even listening to this guy-"
He didn't get a chance to finish as too fantastic a curved blade was at his neck.
"I watch what you say to Captain Kidd" said a masked man, Killer.
Everyone gasp and Hayley cried out in fear for Kade!
Heatwave moved to help his partner, a giant hand ready to pin or snatch the knife wielding human away from his partner.
But the-
Heatwave was sent falling down on his back. He was shocked, everyone was, that a Autobot could just be sent tobbling over like a block of wood.
A dark laugh from Kid rang out at he turned to the bots "So my power can work on these tin cans...this should be fun" 😈
But before he could move at the panicked bots a voice was heard.
"Weren't you leaving, Eustass"? Said Law
Kidd glared at him only to get an equally strong look back from not only him but Luffy as well.
Kidd scoffed and continued walking. Killer let Kade go who nearly collapsed at how close he was to losing his head.
Cody was watching his family worried, hesitant to try to check on Kade. His family and friends looked at him begging him to stay.
But Cody felt a firm but gentle hand on his shoulder, Cody looked to see Killer who gave him a quiet shake of the head before guiding him back with there group.
The Burns family was a mess, they just got there youngest back but now he was forced to leave.
How could they have let this happen?
(In the end things get worse before they get better)
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The Mormont Cousins by @salzrand​ <3 Also, just so we’re clear, I’m obsessed with Dacey (and Maege...and Alysane, Lyra, Jorelle and Lyanna) #MormontGirls
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overcoatangel · 5 years
I was tagged by @sndaen
My Top Four Ships:
-Shannon and Sayid (LOST)
-Rose and the Doctor (Doctor Who)
-Eleanor and Flint (Black Sails)
-Myka and HG (Warehouse 13)
This is an extremely incomplete list and also very blonde for some reason???
Last song I listened to: Immortals- Fall Out Boy
Last Film I Watched: Knives Out
Currently Reading: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Current Food I’m Craving: Philly Cheese-steak Sandwich
@sojisubsabs @korzoff @0ut-of-my-head @giidas @andyoudoctor @girlsarewolves @soph-the-writer @sy5starplaty
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targsdaenerys · 5 years
With My Cold Blade (ch i/vi)
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NEW Jonerys Fanfiction - Gladiator!Jon
So I’ve been wanted to write this since 2017. here's the first chapter.
Summary: Post-resurrection, Jon sets out to find his way back to Winterfell filled with shame from the executions of his brothers. But after a run-in with some who were even less happy about his choice than he was, Jon finds himself on a long road away from his home in efforts to escape. His hell-filled journey lands him in the Meereen Fighting Ring, right at a woman who cannot be anyone but Daenerys Targaryen. But by that point, he barely may even be fit to be called a King's bastard.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Displays of Violence
Tags: Gladiators, Alternate Universe - Gladiators, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Season/Series 05, Post-Season/Series 05 Finale, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Guilt, danys still in meereen, jon just got resurrected, just roll with the timeline, pls im begging you, just remember the concept of time used in 7x06 and forgive me with that, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, R Plus L Equals J, jon missed sansa at castle black by like a few hours i guess, will add tags
It was miles beneath his feet of frozen ground, varying in colors from green to white to brown.
I’m no longer the Lord  Commander .
He did not need anyone to tell him that it was a good decision. Jon knew it was. It was the only decision.
And now he was going to his only other choice, his only other decision that mattered at that point. Winterfell was his own, half-Stark or not. The North did not deserve who was on the throne. From what he heard, anyway.
Davos was beside him, but they were mere ghosts walking the earth along their own separate haunting path. The left the horses at the gates in order for their blood to keep from freezing and veins turn to red twigs in their skins.
There was no conversation hanging between them, only clouded breaths and feet crunching the snow. Only mile upon mile, a few biscuits every several hours, and sleep if it came to them. But restful sleep came as easily as true warmth in this region, and so they walked.
His nose burned as any always started to in the cold after a day, but it hardly mattered. It should not have been working at all.
That. That was the thought. There wasn’t much to think about other than that he was able to think. He was able to walk, he was able to breathe. It was inhuman. Unnatural and disobeying to whatever god there was.
The cold tightened his open wounds, which wasn’t much of a help with dissuading reminders of the event.
It was half into their fourth day that their restless-selves weren’t enough to avoid sleep. They rested against a tree, shoulder to shoulder for warmth. It was like his resurrection took nothing but all of the warmth from the land.
How similar it was, Jon realized, as he squeezed his eyes shut to loosen the frozen creases. How similar death was to this inevitable sleep. Only with less feeling.
Continue On Ao3
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onegayastronaut · 3 years
Hey, I made this because I get about 1 ask per week on whether or not I have a masterlist. Please bear with me, I have many fics out there, and I do not have time to add everything out there all at once. This is a post in progress so to speak, so check back often to see if I've added anything you want to see lmao. I've tried to be as organized as possible, hope this helps anyone who is interested.
Who/What Shows I write for
TVD/Legacies/The Originals
Being Hope Mikaelson’s Best Friend and Dating Lizzie Saltzman Would Include…
Training With Hope Mikaelson Would Include…
Being Damon Salvatore’s Daughter and Dating Lizzie Saltzman Would Include…
Being Rebekah Mikaelson’s Best Friend and Dating Hayley Marshall Would Include…
Lizzie Saltzman Being Jealous and Overprotective Would Include…
Rebekah Mikaelson Turning You Into a Vampire Would Include…
Dating Freya Mikaelson Would Include…
Dating Dinah Drake and Laurel Lance Would Include…
Being a��Villain and Dating Black Siren Would Include…
Being A Vigilante and Dating Julia Pennyworth Would Include…
Being Married To Caitlin Snow Would Include…Being Married To Caitlin Snow Would Include…
Dating Caitlin Snow Would Include…
Being Selina Kyle’s Daughter and Dating Jesse Wells Would Include…
Dating Sara Lance Would Include…
Jealous Sara Lance Would Include…
Sara Lance Taking Care of You After a Near Death Experience Would Include…
Being a Time Remnant and Dating Sara Would Include…
Sex With Sara Lance Would Include…
Sara Lance Comforting You During a Thunderstorm Would Include…
Dating Kara Danvers and Being a Superhero Would Include…
Jealous Kara Danvers Would Include…
Dating Kara Danvers When You’re on Your Period Would Include…
Tickle Fight with Kara Danvers Would Include…
Being Barry’s Younger Sister and Dating Caitlin Snow Would Include…
Being Barry Allen’s Twin Sister and Dating Alex Danvers Would Include…
Dating Lena Luthor Would Include…
Jealous Lena Luthor Would Include…
Lena Luthor in a Tickle Fight Would Include…
Dating Iris West Would Include…
Dating Cat Grant Would Include…
Dating Laurel Lance and Being a Speedster Would Include…
Dating Felicity Smoak Would Include…
Dating Alex Danvers Would Include…
Being a Super Villain and Dating Alex Danvers Would Include…
Dating Alice/Beth Kane Would Include…
Dating Mary Hamilton Would Include…
Agents of SHIELD
Being a Speedster and Dating Jemma Simmons Would Include…
Going On A Date With Jemma Simmons Would Include…
Being Jemma Simmon’s Little Sister and Dating Daisy Johnson Would Include…
Going On A Date With Daisy Johnson Would Include…
Dating Bobbi Morse and Melinda May Would Include…
Criminal Minds
Dating Jennifer Jareau Would Include…
Jealous Jennifer Jareau Would Include…
NSFW Alphabet List (Jennifer Jareau)
Dating Emily Prentiss Would Include…
Jealous Emily Prentiss Would Include…
The 100
Being Indra’s Wife Would Include…
Dating Lexa Would Include…
Being Rosalie Hale’s Mate Would Include
Dating Sharon Carter Would Include…
Jealous Agatha Harkness Would Include…
Wanda Maximoff Comforting You During Panic Attack Would Include…
Dating Wanda Maximoff Would Include…
Jealous Wanda Maximoff Would Include…
Dating Wanda Maximoff and Having Night Terrors Would Include…
Wanda Maximoff Finding Out You’re Really Ticklish Would Include…
Being Clint Barton’s Sister and Dating Wanda Maximoff Would Include…
Being the Youngest Sister of Pietro + Wanda Maximoff and Peter from X Men with Other Superheroes Flirting With You
Threesome With Wanda Maximoff and Agatha Harkness Would Include…
Being In A Relationship With Wanda Maximoff and Agatha Harkness Would Include…
Rough Sex With Agatha Harkness Would Include…
Being Domestic With Agatha Harkness Would Include…
Agatha Proposing To You Would Include…
Tickle Fight With Natasha Romanoff Would Include…
Dating Diana Prince Would Include…
Jealous Diana Prince Would Include…
Diana in a Tickle Fight Would Include…
Being a Speedster and Falling in Love With Antiope Would Include…
Dating Harley Quinn as Poison Ivy Would Include…
Once Upon a Time
Dating Regina Mills Would Include…
Jealous Regina Mills Would Include…
Dating Regina Mills and Being Emma Swan’s Daughter Would Include…
Sex With Regina Mills Would Include…
Taking Care of Ruby Lucas After She Turns Would Include…
Dating Emma Swan Would Include…
Dating Ruby Lucas Would Include…
Being Fish Mooney’s Lover Would Include…
Dating Lisbeth Salander Would Include…
Being Jamie’s Sister and Dating Hannah Would Include… (Haunting of Bly Manor)
Dating Adena el Amin Would Include… (The Bold Type)
Dating Tiana Would Include… (Empire)
Having a Type A Personality and Dating Beca Mitchell Would Include…
The Professional, Part 1 (Mob!Wanda x Reader)
The Professional, Part 2
The Choice (Leigh Shaw x You x Wanda Maximoff)
Hot For Teacher (Agatha Harkness x R NSFW Fic)
Late Night Heroics (Monica Rambeau x Reader)
Dirty Diana (Diana Prince x Reader NSFW)
Meeting the Family (Diana Prince x Reader)
Criminal Minds
Regret (Jennifer Jareau x Reader)
Hot Date (Jennifer Jareau x Reader)
Office Shenanigans (Jennifer Jareau x Reader)
I’ve Had My Eye On You (Cat Grant x Reader)
TVD/Legacies/The Originals
Moving Away (Rebekah Mikaelson x Reader)
Locker Room Hookup Part 2 (Cheryl Blossom x Reader)
Backroom Favors (Dani Clayton x R NSFW Fic)
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draculora · 3 years
interview tag game thing
tagged by @1ibraz @scorpiozun
name: wren
pronouns: she/they
zodiac: aquarius
height: 5'8″
time: 11:42pm
birthday: jan 26
nationality: american
favorite bands/groups: monsta x, exo, babymetal, deftones, my chemical romance, catfish and the bottlemen, july talk, gorillaz, crystal castles, the cure, siouxsie and the banshees, MUCC, i’m having a stroke reading all these names tgt lmao
favorite solo artists: leebada, hyukoh, daoko, poppy, banks, meg myers, hayley williams, gerard way, rico nasty
song stuck in my head: dani california by rhcp probably bc of a tiktok lmao
last movie i watched: the most recent mortal kombat movie bc my bf was watching it with his roommate. the acting was bad
last show i binged: rick and morty... sorry lmaoo
when i created my blog: oct 2019 but i barely post
last thing i googled: what the word “coffer” means
other blogs: i’ve been trying to start a death note blog @kirakill but i have no time
why i chose my url: i like kihyun
how many ppl i’m following: 44 i’ve been trying to keep this blog small
how many followers i have: 45
average hrs of sleep: maybe 6
lucky number: 222
instruments: no i tried to learn guitar and piano i just don’t have the discipline for music. i sing
currently wearing: work t-shirt and sweatpants
dream job: graphic novelist... but i’m going to school for journalism as a backup so i can keep up my writing skills
dream trip: tokyooooo, or nyc again. i just like busy cities
favorite food: yukgaejang from a korean restaurant near my home town
favorite song: it changes a lot because of the amount of music i consume but my all time favorite is “tyrants” by catfish and the bottlemen, and my current fav is “she’s my collar” by gorillaz ft. kali uchis
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: any of the fictional universes from the stuff i write on my own LMAO 
im not tagging anyone i just wanted to do it lmao
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Sorry Rescue Bots fandom for not being invested in some ships like Frankie x Priscilla
Hayley x Dani
Chase x Charlie
I can see why some people like these ships, but is just that there not of my liking
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Thanks @persony-pepper for the tag! This is vv difficult
L- Let Me Down Slowly- Alec Benjamin
O- Ophelia- The Lumineers
O- Oh No- Capone
K- Kings and Queens- Ava Max
A- Agoraphobic- CORPSE
T- Take Me To Church- Hozier
G- Girls Like Girls- Hayley Kiyoko
E- Everybody Knows- Sigrid
R- Rain On Me- Lady Gaga
A- Achilles Heel- J. Maya
L- Line Without a Hook- Ricky Montgomery
T- Therefore I Am- Billie Eilish
M- Mr. Loverman- Rick Montgomery
Y- Young and Beautiful- Lana Del Rey
B- Back In Black- ACDC
O- Old Town Road- Lil Nas X
I- I Lost a Friend- FINNEAS
I tag: @bounce-a-coin-off-your-witcher @reallooney @all-hail-the-witcher @toss-a-coin-to-your-lesbian @dani-dandelino @little-spoon-napoleon AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO DO IT
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phoebetonk · 4 years
hi!! who are your favorite characters? and your favorite ships?
Hey there! This list could get quite long, so I’ll try to reel it in to some of my larger fandoms
Brooke Davis
Piper Halliwell
Hayley Marshall
Dean Winchester
Dani Clayton
Brooke x Julian
Piper x Leo
Hayley x Elijah
Dean x Jo
Dani x Jamie
Brooke Davis
Peyton Sawyer
Brulian (Brooke x Julian)
Hayley Marshall
Caroline Forbes
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Haylijah (Hayley x Elijah)
Klaroline (Klaus x Caroline)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jo Harvelle
Destiel (Dean x Cas)
Dean x Jo
Dani Clayton
Owen Sharma
Hannah Grose
Dani x Jamie
Hannah x Owen
Nell Crain
Theo Crain
Olivia Crain
Olivia x Hugh
Nell x Arthur
Piper Halliwell
Paige Halliwell
Leo x Piper
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qualitystart · 5 years
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oooh boy, this is a big complicated question and I’m not sure how well I’ll be able to do at answering it. I’ll take a whack though.
anyone else who wants to add onto this post, feel free.
so, the CWHL folded. a whole bunch of players declared they were #forthegame and that they wouldn’t play in a North American league unless it was full-time, living wage, all the benefits, etc. okay. shame they’re not working with the NWHL but they’ve got different visions and that’s okay. the PWHPA is formed and announces the Dream Gap Tour. cool.
oh, where will this shiny new league be coming from, you ask? hmm. don’t have an answer. could it be the NHL? well...
"We're supportive and we're watching," NHL commissioner Gary Bettman told ESPN this month. "We don't want to do anything that would undermine an existing league. If Dani Rylan and her partners are able to make a success out of it, that's great. I also understand there's another group that's gone about elevating the profile of women playing hockey, and we think that's great too. I think both sets of approaches need to sort out exactly what's working for them. This is not a 60-minute game that's going to come to a conclusion immediately. This is going to evolve." (x)
players were asking questions too.
from the Ice Garden interview with Kaleigh Fratkin in May:
TIG: Without naming any names, do you know of other players who have raised questions that also weren’t answered? Are there a lot of them? Also, do you think some of the lapses in communication you experienced were a result of how large this group of athletes is?
KF: Not to name players, but I would need more than two hands to count the number of players that I have been talking to that have asked the same questions. Anyone who looks at this situation will start asking questions. I know people who aren’t even close to the game who have been asking similar questions.
It comes down to a situation where — and it’s kind of sad to say it — there are players who almost feel like if they’re not going along with it, then it will look like they don’t want what’s best for the sport.
When I was first approached with it I had my questions, I finished the conversation, and then thought about it for about 24 hours before I was asked, ‘Are you with us, or not?’
Well, wait a second. Am I going to be the only person who is not on board? I had those questions too. I think it’s normal to. I can only imagine how I’d feel if I was a girl just coming out of college who is five or six years younger than I am now. Imagine idolizing a lot of the players who are making these decisions and who are asking these young girls if they are on board. If I was in their shoes, I wouldn’t know what to do. How could you?
 so we don’t really have answers, we’re not sure what their plan is.
the Dream Gap Tour starts. they do showcases. 
the NWHL keeps on keeping on, with...
better salaries and benefits, and a 50-50 split of sponsor revenue
a new broadcasting deal with Twitch (which is going very well so far)
the sale of the Boston Pride to a group of private investors, led by a local who already loved the team
and more funding
the NWHL has repeatedly said they’re open to talking with the PWHPA. the PWHPA, apparently, is not.
meanwhile, PWHPA members forget everything they’ve ever learned about PR and get nasty.
Noora Räty tweets out a dictionary definition of professional, with a heavy implication that NWHL players are not
Hilary Knight calls the NWHL a “glorified beer league”
Chelsea Purcell says “The NWHL doesn't look like it's going to fold and that's the worrisome part.”
Hayley Wickenheiser says the NWHL is holding pro women’s hockey back and “needs to fold for the right reasons.”
and that’s pretty much where we are.
if you’d like to get back into women’s hockey, here’s the NWHL schedule for this weekend:
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all games will be streamed free on twitch!
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targsdaenerys · 7 years
sense of the eyes - jonerys
summary: what happened as soon as jon closed dany’s door.
words: 3634
rating: mature
because i couldnt resist. beware of the deep shit, ive been writing in the early hours of the mornings.
read on ao3
His whole body felt heavier than before.
Even when he paced his own room on his boat - he made sure to keep the steps low and breathing steady (as steady as possible, at least).
But as soon as he raised his fist to knock the first time, every single pound of his soul went to the surface. Too quick for his instinct to catch. All he could do was wince. There was no going back after that first knock echoed, and he knew it. Jon winced.
Wasting no time in letting his aggressiveness swallow his being, the door was opened with a soft click. He sucked it a breath as she revealed herself, meeting his eyes when realizing it was no one else but the King of the North.
Many words lodged themselves in his throat. Piling and stacking, and Jon barely breathed. They stood there, eye to eye for what it felt like centuries. Living in this blasted of a world had taught him many things, but in that moment, he qualified conversing between each other's sights was the most useful he’d learned.
Because when he stared, when Jon Snow stared into the crystal eyes of his Queen, in the foyer of her chambers with the candle light sparking her inborn fire… everything almost threw back a step. All the way to the dragonstone cave, with the torch flames giving the irises their same effect. But there was something here that wasn’t there before. And it was no doubt the string that inevitably tugged him to stand in front of his Queen, Daenerys, wanting nothing more to confess what no man has the bland courage to say.
Despite, in which, the push of the gaze wanting to unbalance him, his eyes spoke enough, and Daenerys Targaryen widened the door’s entrance. He blinked quickly, not daring to lose their contact, and stepped in. his feet placed carefully - but the one second of breaking their eye’s bond unsteadied him. Her gaze that remained redeemed it. When he met her’s again, something that quickly drained within filled back up, and Jon closed the door with the same soft click that Daenerys opened seconds before.
He at first noticed the tension in her posture. In her shoulders, even seen under the broad Queen accontruments. Her jaw, that besides covered by skin that looked ever so soft, stood hard. She did not know what to make of her body - but her eyes remained soft.  Jon resisted his instinct to clench his knuckles.
And then she sucked in a breath, desperately trying to hide the shaking of it - but despite it not looking easy, her body softened and her eyebrows twitched.
Daenerys took a step towards Jon. If she was not as small, if their eyes aligned… the distance of their faces would not be stood appropriate for any King and Queen. But they weren't like the others.
Just as tentative of her gate, she reached a hand up - for a second, Jon thought she was to cup his face - but she reached past his shoulder instead. Her fingers landed on his buckle to his chest plate. Jon watched as her eyes tore away to focus on unbuckling it. And he, decided looking anywhere but her eyes would be a sin, closed his own.
An unintentional breath was sucked in as the buckle unfastened and the plate became loose. Knowing she was passing to the other side now, looking to see his eyes closed, Jon kept them fluttered shut. Only when he heard the second latch open was when he opened as well. And there she was, returned in front of him, looking up through her lashes that beautifully outline her eyes of fire. Innocent, vulnerable… even in her powerful getup, he’d never seen someone in a state opposite of him or herself. he suddenly felt five years younger.
Especially when this for-called dragon of innocence he had his mind cook up reached to his right side, where his waist buckles were. Her hand brushed his heavily coated forearm and yet somehow he felt tingles. This time, Jon didn’t close his eyes, but watched her work. They caught eyes as she passed to his left, her for only a second, a glance, but he much longer. They met once again as she straightened, the sound of his last buckle undoing heavy in the air, an imaginary echo. She kept his focus as her fingers slipped under the edge of his iron and she lifted it up - just a bit, but enough for him to lose patience and slip it over his head easily - and she scanned over what was under. Nothing but more layers nevertheless King’s Landing's climates. But Jon did not waste time - he removed the thick coat as easily as his loosened armor. Underneath was a brown, well worn undershirt - the last clothing covering Jon Snow's torso in the bedroom chambers of Daenerys, Mother of Dragons...and he was to take it off.
He pulled the hem out of his trousers. He untied the chest string, letting the V line open, revealing his heart’s scar. Daenerys did not leave his face.
He was to pull the shirt over his head, and that would be it - so much exposed, so much they’d never be able to return to. But taking its bottom lining in his hand, ready to show -
But a small hand stopped a bold movement with a touch to the wrist. Jon took in their skins’ contrasts before looking to her… did her make a mistake, after all?
To his horror, she didn’t meet his eyes when he looked. Instead she kept it with her hand and gave a small shake of her head. He was sure hed made a fool out of himself by coming here when she turned around, her back to him. From what he could see her chin was raised. A deep breath she gave herself settled into his bones as cold and equaling. But then Daenerys reached behind her to move her curls over to the front of her shoulder to reveal her corset at the low of her back. She kicked off her shoes.
A look over her shoulder, as small as the previous shake of her head, told Jon what she asked. He took another step towards her. His fingers slipped under the string, digging out the tie that held everything, and pulled it carefully. The sound of the fabric rubbing together earned a collective gasp for them both.
With the corset untied he did her the favor of loosening the crosses. Hair fell in front of it, and he tentatively replaced the strand back over her shoulder.
It wasn’t long after that her arm raised and Jon heard a snap, and depending on how her dress expanded, he knew she had unbuttoned her front. The thick fabrics slipped off her shoulders like she was oiled, revealing her bare back to him. His eyes reflected as he analyzed, sure that the candlelight flickered a fire under her skin that looked ever so fragile, and yet very well could’ve been the strongest in all the Seven Kingdoms.
Between the heels of his boots and the bare of her feet,  Daenerys’s eyes were in line with his jaw as she turned around. The golden glow of her complexion and the silver of her hair called for her beauty, and the contrariety amazed him to the point of his mouth parting. Jon reached his fingers out to answer his predisposition to comb through it. A long lock fell through his fingers.
Jon looked at Daenerys when he sensed her eyes close. His free hand went to touch his fingertips to her temple...trailing across her cheekbone. Her mouth fell open the slightest.
Like a never ending tear, his fingers drifted down the round of her cheeks, brushing the corner of her open lips.Daenerys's eyelashes fluttered, tickling his knuckles.
Jon's pad of his thumb swept her jaw as it followed beyond her ear, to the back of her neck, the hollow of her collarbone, the outside of her breast. Her stomach hollowed as her chest rose and Dany opened her eyes. He broke from the focus of his hand to reunite their gaze. Brushing against the waist of her pants, he returned his arm to his side with a slight shake of his head in disbelief. As if she couldn’t be any more radiant on the back of her children, or looking out into the sea… here they were.
He stepped out of his boots using his toes. And, out of everything, he suddenly felt vulnerable; like everything was out for this Queen to see.
As if they could become closer she came towards Jon, her delicate hand pushing away the V of his shirt’s fabric to reveal the curved scar on his heart. She surely had seen it before… after his rescue from the ice ordeal, it was clear that Ser Davos’s slip up was definitely not a figure of speech. They talked to the minimum about it, Jon not wanting the Mother of Dragons to know details about his pitiful murder by his own people. That was where it stopped.
Sharing shaky breaths, Daenerys’s fingertips danced over the tissue, and Jon could not help but tighten his muscles… a place no one has touched since he was gifted with them.
Her fingers still in their own world, Jon broke down the barrier of limitations; he's brought his shirt over his head and into the growing scatter of fabric amoung the floor.
Daenerys watched the shirt be taken by gravity and held there a few seconds before going back up, this time raking over his whole torso. Just like the day she had seen them at first, Dany gave her head a shake of incredulity and met his eyes. Unlike that day, they were open.
She slid her palm back to his torso, skimming over the ridges of wounded tissue. Wounds that killed.   One more swipe over the one right under his ribcage led her to the only thing she was capable of thinking of, for whatever reason - Daenerys pressed her lips to the curve.
In response she felt a warm hand on the plane of her right shoulder blade - and for a second, she thought someone had walked in on them. With the King of the North always under a cloak, with his last name being Snow, well, she had always pictured his skin to portray it. But his palms were warm, welcoming, and more relaxing than any skin care essences she had ever used.
Without it particularly approving with her thoughts, her hands reaction to his touch was to peel to his face, to his cheek, in which she cupped. She felt the smallest weight lean into it. The outside of her thumb was tickled by his eyelashes fluttering, and she called herself to look. Daenerys pulled her face off his chest, where her forehead was attached to his collarbone, and met his eyes. Unlike that day on her boat, they were open.
If the moment wasn't so intimate she surely would tease on how childish the King of the North appeared. His lips parted, brows in worrisome. But although his eyes were soft, they were filled with something that’d been growing in the times shed caught his looks - and it definitely was not a child’s thought. the comment ran from her mind as she realized her expression might as well be a mirror of his.
The left side of her ribs felt the same warmth that pooled the opposite shoulders nerves. And then his eyes became closer to hers; and then they disappeared as the same warmth exploded into her lips.
At first his lips were a bit scratchy from the salt air. But as soon as she returned with her own, as soon as their mouths were fully connected with each other, the only scratchy texture was the tickle of Jon's whiskers. She sighed out her nose, her cool air hitting back against her face, and ran her free palm up his chest, around his shoulder, up to grip the back of his neck. Jon's arms wrapped her completely until they were flush. Their lips moved at a practiced pace, as careful as her hair was always braided.
It wasn't for a few more breaths into each other, some heels rising, tongues playing with lips that her hands went to her own pant-waist, fingering for the strings. But Dany’s absence on his body was known. Fingers met her own, thumbling with them before her hands were blindly guided to a belt that was not hers. Understanding, she started to undo the buckles of Jon’s.
The click of it gave them the fact that it was undone and the thud told them it was joined to the floor. Their lips still connected (a little messier at this point, nevertheless), Daenerys pushed the waistband down enough for gravity to take it to the floor.
Neither decided leaving their kiss for his pants’ removal was that much of an excuse. Jon started walking as Dany simultaneously tugged at his hips. Within a few steps, his trousers were abandoned.
Impatient now, Dany smoothed her hands over my back, skimming over his ass to get to her trousers laces. Their hands fumbled the same way as before, but this time it was Jon who hooked his thumbs under the hems to push them down.  They were at the left side of her bed now, and with one more step their kiss was forced to break as Jon sat on it. His hands were still on her pelvis, now bare, hers on his shoulders, their eye making up for their lips’ lost connection, and Daenerys stepped out of her bottoms.
Her inhale shuddered as she took a small step toward him. Their knees touched. Jon made small patterns on her hips with the pad of his thumbs, an action resulting into her own tightening on his naked shoulders. Maybe it was the number of her past experiences, but the exposure she had in front of this man did not call for any instinct to hide. The acknowledgment tinged a lift at the corner of Daenerys mouth.
Although he went unknowing of her amusement, he smiled the same, his eyes gleamed with something. The best she could explain it was maybe his bedroom eyes, but not far down she knew it wasn't the correct label.
His thumbs’ actions went his hands, where in which trailed her hips in full circles now. The warmth from the near candle did not have anything on the soft warmth his patterns provided.
It was only a second that Daenerys closed her eyes, taking the time to savour his gentle being, and yet in that time her stomach jumped as he set a kiss to her navel.
It may have been the sudden gesture, or maybe the additional feeling of his scruff, but either or it was just enough to get her to comprehend how aroused she was, because seven hells, she was wet.
Daenerys opened her eyes just in time to see his head lift to above her belly button to press his lips. The warmth that time streamed through her skin, seeping down to pool low in her core. And that when she remembered it was entirely unruly to keep a Queen on edge, King or not,  and she pushed his shoulder enough for Jon to come up and meet her with lips once again.
As a silent punishment, she leaned on him now, enough for him to remove his hand from her to push them properly to the cushion of the bed.
Dany following Jon down to the pillows.  Looking back on walking into the chamber for the first time earlier, thinking how many thoughtful, sleepless nights she had seen with Jon’s chambers opposite of hers, Daenerys almost wanted to laugh. But the comfort they both suddenly found, his left leg giving them leverage with the other tangled in hers, it chased all bad things to a time unspecified, as long as it was not then.
On their small journey from the edge of her bed to where they lay  now, the passings of their lips have since changed. Their tongues, although no more than toyed, made sure to meet with each connect. The space in between each kiss was not long, each giving the sense they may lose it, that they may suffocate if not breathing each other’s air, causing the desperate aura to loom between their bodies.
Which, to be frank, did not have much space between, either. If such an aura had covered them it was crushed. Perhaps by the passion, both mixing together to form Jon and Daenerys reaching faces, adventurous hands, muscles tightening and loosening while all the rather their lips being ever so gentle to each other’s souls.
Her hand drifted down his torso, structured between the rise of his muscles and scars, and his own swept across her braids that all crossed over the sides of her head. She oddly felt secure in the caress of his arms as they were around her back as opposed to her past lovers...where she would have felt trapped.
Their pants of shared breath and skin against skin only made her more aroused, more ready, ready for something more. She heard her mind screaming, she felt her core throbbing, her lungs burning, she tasted his lips and the range of dinner wine. And suddenly Daenerys needed a break. She wanted to tell her body to calm down, that this… this grasping, feeling each other, was not as hungry as her body was making it up to be. Daenerys pulled back.
Jon followed her forward, desperate for more, more, more, but her stuttered breath as she tried to speak the words of no, it told him differently. When no sound came out of her throat, when Dany realized the only sound they were hearing was their own breathing, the flickers of the candles, it was almost like her body rejected her break. And Dany couldn't blame it; the detachment of their lips flooded them will chill, and the only thing on her mind was how she had gone so long without that feeling before.
The thought left Daenerys vulnerable; helpless enough that Jon had been able to flip them without a fuss.
Their bodies pressed against one another, and her body screamed pleasure at the pressure his weight put on her. His erection lay against her; but not for long as Jon moved in between her legs, which widened on instinct.
Dany arched against him as she felt his heat at her entrance. At the sudden chill on the tip of her nose, something his tongue left behind. Their foreheads touched, their mouths near measures apart...The hand at her waist disappeared only for it to place under her right knee, lifting it to the side in evermost care and urgency - and his torso lifted from hers, too much being separated…
Until, alas, they conjoined as one.
Not in past lovers had she had all of her scales be filled, that of pleasure and fullness...nothing to describe this. From down where his being had sank into hers, up to their bellies reconnecting, to their lips, where her gasp was inevitable; drawing in a chaste, felt kiss from the man that just made no hesitation to give what she always wanted without even being given the knowledge.
But her lips were pulled as the kiss parted, as both their eyes opened. And although her eyes were screaming to look, to look at the marks upon his chest or past to where they just became one, her mind locked them to Jon's, and the sight of his was enough to convince them to free from the temptation.
Disbelief set through both of them. They did it. War was ahead, but at that moment, their own war was won, and it fell off Jon's shoulders as they dropped between his sharp exhales. Because stars, he was inside of his Queen, and she was under him, around him, and yet nothing has ever made her feel more in control.
And just like always, there was a story in his eyes, and a question in hers. The true way they had always came back to when communicating with one another; even from their first conversation. Somehow in the dimness of the room she was able to see where his irises ended and pupils began, something Dany found difficulty in any other setting. And Jon’s pupils were wide indeed, no need to shame, because probably less than her own.
The attention of pleasure in her veins gave him the question; were they really going to do this? Take this one want in this world of necessity? The twitch of her brow sent it off to him, and Jon’s searching eyes sent her the answer.
Because, as Kings and Queens, as Mothers of Dragons and Lead Wolves in Packs, when love is there, it becomes a necessity.
Something that when it comes along, the chance of grasping it needs to be a tight grip. And holding onto it.
His hand caressed her face and she wanted to smile, but Dany only tug her lips for a split second before staring through him with the same wonder he sent her.
But the words in the agreement of love was passed from each set of lips or bumping noses as he surged forward once more, nothing but eager because the woman he loved was under him, loving him, and gave nothing but more love in return.
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offtoljubljana · 4 years
88. Finally, some good fucking food
Huh. Déjà vu. Ik zit weer eens een keer een blog post te schrijven vanuit het centrum en oh boy, ik zit weer op precies dezelfde plek als [goede blogpost nummer hier] 5. Een gepassioneerd stuk over waterverf... en mijn dagje in het centrum. Het goede nummer voeg ik toe als ik thuis ben, want ik ken natuurlijk niet mijn hele blog uit mijn hoofd. Dit is al nummer 88!
Het is nu 16:38 en ik ben rond 15:15 vertrokken vanuit huis. Eerst heb ik wat spullen van Barbara ingepakt en ze heeft nog echt veel spullen hier. Hopelijk past alles.
Aangezien de haast voor Sociologie verdwenen is, besloot ik om van de dag te genieten. Ik doe misschien dadelijk nog wel iets voor de uni. Sinds ik in de vorige het idee om ijs te gaan eten had geformuleerd, kon het me niet los laten.
Ik fietste dus naar het centrum met de gefixte fiets en het fietspad hier is zo slecht. Eenmaal in het centrum besloot ik om eindelijk langs de randen van het centrum te fietsen. Ik heb dus een nieuw stuk gezien en het was heel mooi. Ik had foto's moeten maken. Op een moment was ik wel op een doodlopend einde dus ik heb de fiets een paar traptreden af moeten tillen en ik kwam weer op een drukke weg. Ik was het centrum uitgegaan.
Ironisch gezien was ik op de drukke weg dat naar de Faculty of Arts leidde dus daar ben ik ook even gestopt.
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Hierdoor wist ik ook dat ik bijna bij de kunstwinkel was, dus daar heb ik een waterverf napje gekocht, want ik wilde altijd minstens 1 kleur meenemen uit Slovenië. Het werd emerald green van W&N Cotman. Yup, weer een groen.
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Ik heb nog een paar foto’s gemaakt voor Dani. Misschien post ik die apart in een photoset. Dani wilde deze kunstwinkel namelijk graag zien en dat waren we ook van plan om te doen, maar hey, Corona.
En toen was het tijd voor ijs. Ik fietste terug door minder bekende wegen en zo kwam ik weer in het centrum.
Met dit goede weer en met de open horeca waren er meerdere plekken met ijs. Dus ik heb uiteindelijk bij Zvezda ijs gehaald. Aardbeien is dus een luxe smaak. Deze ijssalon ligt naast een sushi tent en het terras was vol. Alle lege tafels waren gereserveerd. Back in business.
Het ijs was van een taartenwinkel. Ik ben er langsgelopen met de fam in januari, daarom herinnerde ik het. Ook herkende ik het logo ergens van, maar ik wist niet wat.
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Met deze gedachtegang besloot ik om langs het horeca deel van de rivier te lopen en om wat foto’s te maken.
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Je ziet het niet op deze foto’s, maar de lege terrassen zijn weer gevuld. Het is nog steeds leger, want de grotere afstand tussen tafels leidt tot minder mensen en niet alles is open, maar het geeft een goed gevoel om weer een gevulde stad te zien. Ik liep helemaal tot aan het einde en het theehuis waar ik maanden geleden met Rita en Sanne ben geweest zat helemaal vol.
Het geeft gewoon een goed gevoel om mensen weer zo buiten ze zien zitten. Een gezin zat te lunchen. Vriendengroepen aten ijsjes. Het terras van dat sushirestaurant was dus vol.
En de rest schrijf ik wel als ik thuis ben. Wordt vervolgd...
21:35 en ik ben al sinds 18:30 of zo thuis, maar toen ging ik rond 19:30 Animal Crossing spelen met een paar anderen en poef, het is 2 uur later.
Ik kwam thuis nadat ik over het irritante fietspad had gereden en Matjaz zat in de tuin met een bouwwerker. Hij is zeer blij dat de steden weer mega druk zijn. Erasmus gaat weer beginnen. “You still have time to find a guy.” ... yeah, met dat in je achterhoofd, luister mee naar Hayley Kiyoko Official Playlist. Amen.
Damnit, ik had dus toch mijn Hayley Kiyoko tour shirt aan moeten doen.
Maar ik ga nu even thee halen en dan het bovenste deel opknappen.
Sophia zit in de keuken te leren. Kath en Sophia hebben morgen tentamen en ze zijn echt al dagen rond aan het lopen met notities en boeken en ik hoor ze constant elkaar overhoren. Anouk is er soms voor moral support. Sophia zat een video te kijken over de grenzen van de EU en waarom die grenzen niet in Europa liggen, want het koloniale verleden van Europa is nog steeds geen verleden. “These asterix never really end, but this video must.” Damn, dude.
21:55. Alright. Terug naar het hoofdgedeelte. Ik liep dus de straat met alle terrassen af en toen ging ik naar de straat parallel links. Dat is een winkelstraat. Ik was maar één keer zo ver gekomen en dat was in januari.
Hmm... met deze foto wilde ik de nadruk leggen op de rijen huizen boven elkaar, maar de auto’s zijn overduidelijk het midden punt van de compositie, waardoor de aandacht daar naartoe gaat.
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Het is niet eens scherp! Jack Zimmermann zou zich schamen.
In mijn verdediging: a) door de zon zag ik mijn scherm bijna niet en b) ik heb de telefoon een beetje naar boven gedraaid en als ik het nog meer naar boven zou richten, zou mijn ijs uit het bakje vallen.
Op het kruispunt van deze straat en een andere, is een fonteintje. Daar ging ik even zitten om in de schaduw mijn ijs op te eten. Dit was mijn uitzicht. 
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Dit is de rest van die winkelstraat die parallel aan de straat met terrassen loopt. Als je hier naar rechts draait, ga je een weg omhoog. Deze weg ben ik nog nooit ingegaan.
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Dit is dus een mysterie voor de volgende keer. Ik kon niet zeggen dat het heel rustig zat, want op twee plekken in de buurt werd er luidruchtig gebouwd. Ik zat ook naast een gezin en op een moment praatten ze met een man in het Engels. Hij werkt op de universiteit en hij claimde dat er waarschijnlijk geen internationale studenten meer in de stad waren.
Dude. I’m right here.
Na mijn ijsje liep ik door de winkelstraat. Aangezien ik dus maar 1 x zo ver ben gekomen, kende ik de winkels hier niet. Meeste winkels zijn dus ook weer open, maar niet alles. De toeristische souvenirwinkels zijn ook dicht, want er zijn geen toeristen.
Wel binnenlandse toeristen, of tenminste, zo leek het. Er waren best veel gezinnen op de fiets. Hier gaan de scholen voorlopig nog niet open, in tegenstelling tot Nederland. Bram gaat maandag weer naar school. Maar ja, Sloveense ouders moeten hun kinderen nog langer vermaken. Dan gaan ze maar fietsen.
Er fietsen veel mensen hier, maar er zijn ook veel skeelers en elektrische steppen. Die gaan hard.
Er zijn ook veel honden. Dat merkte mam ook al op in januari. Ik geniet juist van alle fluffy dogs rondom me. Er waren echt een paar leuke. Er was een kleine in de rij bij de ijssalon die graag opgepakt wilde worden. Op een terras zat een grote hond lieflijk te kijken naar de bal in de handen van het baasje. Een Pomeranian genoot heel erg van gekrap onder de kin. Er was ook een klein hondje en een peutertje zat op de grond met de hond te spelen. Oh, my heart.
De favoriete was een opstandige pug die weigerde te lopen. Het baasje moest aan de lijn trekken, maar de hond gewoon om de paar stappen liggen. Uiteindelijk heeft het baasje de hond weten te laten lopen door middel van spelen.
Ik liep dus door t/m ik bij de Ljubljana Town Hall aankwam. Daar heb ik het bovenste gedeelte op mijn telefoon geschreven.
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Gelukkig kon ik nu makkelijk mijn tekst vanuit de notities app naar tumblr krijgen. De vorige keer moest ik mijn notitie opslaan als bestand. Toen naar mezelf sturen via WhatsApp. Daarna via WhatsApp Web downloaden op mijn computer en converteren naar een Word bestand. En daarna knip - plak naar tumblr.
Daarna liep ik terug richting het bekende plein. Op weg liep ik langs een ijswinkel die vorige week ook al open was en weer stond er een rij. Weten die mensen niet dat er een goede, minder drukke ijswinkel naast het sushirestaurant ligt?
Er liep ook een man te FaceTimen om zijn kind de stad te laten zien. Helaas is mijn data te shit, anders had ik het ook kunnen streamen.
Vanaf de 3 bruggen heb ik een foto gemaakt van de straat met terrassen om het te vergelijken met een week geleden. Nog steeds niet mega vol, maar voller.
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Oh en ja, mensen waren aan het kanoën. Toen een ommekeer van 180 graden. De andere kant met nog meer cafés was nu ook voller. Vorige week waren ze nog bezig met het schoonmaken en nu zat het mega vol.
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Ik liep tot aan de brug met alle sloten van de liefde en iemand had een nieuw iets opgehangen. 
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Bedoelen ze nu dat de stad voor eeuwig een relatie zal hebben met het virus? Dit was niet de enige interessante nieuwe additie. Sommigen hadden koffie koppen en een handschoen aan de brug gehangen.
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En hier komen mijn belabberde fotokunsten weer. Iemand had ook kinderspenen aan de brug gehangen. Dat had op een centrale positie op mijn foto moeten staan.
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Toen over de brug naar de lege markt (er was vandaag geen markt) en zo terug naar het plein. Ik besloot weer even te zitten bij het mini model van de stad om van het plein te genieten.
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Naast en achter me was een hele groep 13 - 15 jarigen en boy, waren ze irritant en druk. Je weet wel, kleine kut kindjes die denken dat ze stoer zijn door naar mensen te gillen en ze daarna uit te lachen. Kids, zoek betere vrienden. Als je het gevoel hebt dat je voorbijgangers belachelijk moet maken om vrienden te hebben, dan heb je een zielig leven en een zielige groep vrienden.
Het was wel een grote groep zeg. Ik ga ervan uit dat het limiet van 2 mensen allang is opgeheven, want er waren heel wat groepen vrienden en de politie liep rond en heeft niemand aangesproken, maar zo groot?
Ik ben dus wel bang dat mensen nu weer heel snel laks worden (zoals Matjaz, die keihard roept dat het nu voorbij is). Ik hoorde dat in Nederland de winkels ook weer overvol waren. De overheid zet stap A en de Nederlanders/Slovenen rennen meteen naar stap B of verder. Er werd amper afstand gehouden. Mensen omhelsden elkaar en schudden handen.
Ben ik te panisch of hebben al die mensen last van een gevoel van “false security”? Ik had Sanne en Caroline op de hoogte gehouden van mijn kleine trip naar het centrum en op een moment stuurde ik Sanne ook een voice note met mijn frustraties. Kind, ga toch weg!
Op een moment was ik wel een beetje klaar met het geschreeuw van die kinderen. Toen was het tijd.
Tijd voor wat? Tijd om eindelijk die fucking burger te halen waar ik al een maand op zat te wachten. Alsnog, ik zei altijd dat als het mogelijk was om weer naar de stad te gaan, dat ik een burger van No. 12 zou halen, dus dat deed ik ook. De man achter de gril vond het best wel interessant dat ik nog steeds hier. Op een moment vergat hij dat ik geen Sloveen was en hij verontschuldigde zich heel erg. Dude, no problemo. Ik kan bedenken dat Sloveens weer de hoofdtaal is in de horeca nu dat alle toeristen wegblijven.
Maar toen, eindelijk:
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(Ik heb bijna 10 minuten erover gedaan om een goede Sue Sylvester gif te vinden, aangezien de GIF finder van tumblr niet de goede gaf. Als je door de “sue sylvester” tag gaat, dan krijg je echt een overzicht van alle rare shit dat Sue heeft gedaan in glee.)
Ik wilde weer op het plein gaan zitten om te eten, maar tot mijn ongenoegen waren die kinderen er nog steeds, dus ik liep rechtdoor en ik ging aan het water zitten waar ik zo vaak zit.
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Toen gewoon even gezeten, dicht bij FANY & MARY. Daar ben ik een paar keer gaan drinken met Caroline, Barbara, Kath, Anouk en nog een paar belgen. De terrassen zijn nu dus groter wegens de grotere afstand. Ik kan me niet herinneren of de terrassen eerst ook al tot aan het water kwamen.
Er zijn ineens mega veel terrassen. Alles wat buiten kan, kan buiten.
De McDonald’s is wel nog dicht. Ik had eigenlijk verwacht dat zij ook wel ergens een terras gedeelte zouden maken. Het was inmiddels na 6 uur en ik had het wel gehad, dus op naar huis! Toen ik door de mainstream van het centrum reed, wist ik eindelijk waarom ik de ijswinkel herkende. Het is van hetzelfde merk als het café met alle taartjes. Je weet wel, die van januari. Ik was er op mijn eerste dag naartoe gegaan om Sanne’s verjaardag te vieren. Dit café was wel gesloten, maar misschien is dat omdat het hotel gesloten is.
Zoveel throwbacks. Dat pizza afhaalpunt is ook weer open. Daar ging ik geregeld naar toe en Caroline ook. Volgende keer pizza!
En ja, dat was mijn dag.
Uh, het is 23:24 en ik was totaal vergeten dat ik nog moest eten, dus ik heb net een half uur staan koken (duurt langer met maar 1 pit).
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Oh man, ik begon wel honger te krijgen. Hoera. Nu ga ik misschien The Flash kijken.
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brycelahelas · 5 years
hi dani! here’s your playlist! 😁
⇢ ghost by sky ferreira
⇢ demons by hayley kiyoko
⇢ bad boy by red velvet
⇢ 4 walls by f(x)
⇢ break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored by ariana grande
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