#daniel x reader dbh
swanimagines · 11 months
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Connor RK800
Kara AX400
Markus RK200
Ralph WR600
Simon PL600
Jerry EM400
Daniel PL600
Josh PJ500
North WR400
Rupert Travis WB200
Hank Anderson
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for Detroit Become Human or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list.
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Needy puppyboy!Connor who desperately humps your pillow while you’re out of town. he’s a complete mess by the time your 3 day trip is over, but it’s fine your pretty puppy has so much more pent up energy for you <3
Pretty kittyboy!Nines who can just cum from you playing with his fluffy tail for a little bit too long, at times it’s really the only way you can drag him from work so you two can cuddle <3
Bunnyboy!Daniel who desperately fucks himself into your fist because you said it was the only way he could cum after being a brat <3
Bratty foxboy!Gavin who thinks he’s so sneaky when he steals your clothes, thinking you’re so stupid for not realizing when in actuality you’ve been leaving them out in places where he could easily find and take them <3
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fluffykiddosstuff · 2 years
❤️What would they do for valentine's day (dbh)❤️
Hello everyone! I hope you all got the love you deserved today! (from family, co-workers, friends or lovers doesn't matter <3) and I hope you will like this :) it's not NSFW bc I didn't had enough idea for NSFW headcanons about valentine's days since I'm single :_: so sorry abt that
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(I have this headcanons were the dpd repaired all the androids that could be repaired after Markus got them their rights so let's say it's after that :))
- poor boy is really traumatized by is old owners, but he remembers how they acted to each other on valentine's day, how one would cook and the other buy presents all the stuff like that, so he considered about doing similar
- If you say you don't want anything fancy for this day or that you finish work a bit late, he would be stressing inside but not showing any of it, he has attachments issues and even if it's not meant in a bad way he feels like you would get rid of him like his previous owners tried to
- cooks something fancyer than usually and would set candles were you both usually eat (like I said in previous headcanons : thirium food hc for androids), maybe some red themed decoration but not too much and a lot but A LOT of kisses and cuddles in the couch <3 it would be praises from him to you and the other way around to let each other know you are both loved deeply
- as a gift he would try to help you with work that you brought home so you can rest in bed with him sooner than you did every day, if he can't help he would just bring you some coffee/tea (or any favorite drinks you like folks) to keep you going while you finish
- hugs you frome behind while you work and while you fall asleep either on him or in the bed after taking care of you in a warm and romantic bath <3
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(for Ralph you meeted him thanks to Kara and you live with him in this BTW :))
- he didn't knew what valentine's day was until he saw it either on your TV or while he was walking outside, he asked more about it to Kara since Kara and Luther were dating now, she explained that it was something to show love to the ones you truly care about
- "but isn't that something you should do every day?"
- after a while he finally understood and rushed home to surprise you the best he could
- putting the keys in your bag and getting in the living room, you saw a big bouquet of your favorites flowers and plants on the center table, you smiled fondly when Ralph took you in his arms from behind and kissed your cheek
- " Ralph made the composition himself, they won't last very long but we could always try to do the same with paper, what do you think?"
- he also ordered your favorite food, since he knows he can't cook well since he doesn't have a "home caring" program (the Alice and Kara incident at the squat made us realize that lol)
- he want to feed you and you to feed him, he didn't got loved like that and he want to show you he does truly
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- he knows what valentine's day is about, Carl made back then a special painting about this day and explained it to markus how, for humans, it was important and meaningful
- once you got home nothing would have changed but, when you enter your room to get changed you saw a big painting of you and your lover on the bed with petals of your favorite flower on the sheets, you admired the painting when you heard a romantic song playing on a piano, you smiled to yourself knowing who it was and you got into the working area that you reserved for markus and his hobbies
- "did you like the painting? I hope you did because It will be hanging in this room since today"
- he smiled and kissed you, then probably wants to dance with you and make you laugh for the rest of the day
- "you are the most beautiful peace of art ever, I mean it"
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- "valentine's day? Pff it's for cowards"
- would sent you some dumb romantic quotes by text so only you can see them
- when you got home you find a box of chocolates with a little note on it
- "even if I don't show it or tell it every day, I'm glad you are in my life"
- he would hug you in the bed/sofa and cherish your body while saying sometimes love words to you
- kiss everywhere you feel insecure 1nd likes when you kiss his scars
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- prepared everything so you don't have to do anything but relax when you get home, diner? Already made, cleaning? Done, he wants you to enjoy every seconds of the time you will spend together
- "here let me take your coat" with a warm smile then a hug and a kiss
- some lights lit up in the room and your favorite perfume all over the room to make you at ease
- buyed you flowers, made you a card, dressed up fancy and buyed you some clothes he thought you would have liked, this man wants to make you feel special and loved <3
- drinking champagne by a balcony, looking at the stars and Detroit, chatting about whatever comes to your minds
- he is glued to you and snuggling against you (pls let him be the little spoon he just wants to feels you holding him)
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- since he is still a little bit awkard with his deviancy, he literally bullied hank to make tings perfect
- dressed in a blue and black suit, he invited you to a restaurant and made you the center of his attention since every days he as to focus on cases for work
- walks while taking your hand in a park and sits on a bench looking at the stars
- "every nights and days with you are wonderful, I can't get enough of them and you, I wished we could do this every night"
- arrived home he would help you get cleaned and then spoons you while stroking your hair and soothing you to sleep
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- "valentine's day are only made to make money, it's dumb"
- wants just to spend the day with you at home chilling, in pyjamas, nothing fancy
- maybe would order what you would want to eat and let you pick the movie
- strokes your hair whil you snuggle next to him
- don't be surprised if you see a gift on your bed
- "what? Just because I find it dumb doesn't mean I can't buy you shit.."
- If you buy him something he would use it every day every times he can
- falling asleep with you and sumo in the bed is the best valentine's this old man could dream of
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- many researchs of how he can show you his love by touch or gift since he isn't good with words
- kisses and hugs out of nowhere, more than usually
- gift you clothing and jewelry
- tries to cook (either it's fantastic either it's burned, no in-between)
- let's you borrow his working jacket for once
- takes you shopping
- takes you to a restaurant
- in bed he would keep you as close as he can and gently rub every part that reach his hands
- he doesn't expect anything in return but if you do, it will stay in his mind 24/24hours and he would be overwhelmed by that
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- he hear about valentine's day while feeding some pigeons in the park
- would send a message with a bird to your window, while waiting outside for you
- "you know I love you right? Do you want to be my valentine this year?"
- takes you into a zoo and stops almost every time to analyse every animals (even the ones that aren't part of the zoo)
- buys you a plush of your favorite animal and some food
- takes many pictures with you and then gift them to you in a frame
- offers you his coat when you both get home
- when you propose him to stay he smiles and hugs you in the bed until you fall asleep
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- he knows what valentine's day is since almost the start of his deviancy, when you started to get with him he knew he wanted to experience this first time with you
- takes you to your favorite place and does a picnic there
- watch the clouds and imagine the forms and their story
- made you some home made gift
- "wait you have some crumbs here, don't move.."
- plays and dance with you when you get home and then falls asleep one the couch, you on top of him, he is hugging you tightly against him
- you are the best thing that happened to him since the androids rised up
I hope you like those headcanons!
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5eraphim · 2 years
Detroit Become Human Characters Ranked best to worst Huggers
1. Luther: Big, robust, and beefy man. Sure he wasn't exactly brought up to be so soft by nature, but now that he's free? Hugging is now second nature to him, and he wants to share as much comfort and love as possible. Think of this as his way of making up for the lost time.
2. Kara: Was, in fact, programmed for this. A mother bear to her core, one who is equally protective and fierce as she is tender and loving. She is absolutely the type to drop what she's currently doing and partake in a bit of snuggle time if she notices you're looking a little down or if you tell her something is the matter.
3. Chloe: Again, c'mon, you KNOW she is just the sweetest, and she's all for hugs! Surprisingly she's also pretty intuitive and, without asking, would be able to pick up on your body language and tell whether you needed something soft and quick or if you were in serious need of a little physical intimacy. Will probably give you a kiss on the cheek, to boot! (Consider the rest of the Chloes, too, for a cuddle pile.)
4. Simon: While it's true that Simon might come off as a little uneasy and quiet sometimes, to those close to him, it's less awkward and more calming. Gives the best hugs to those close to him. He's surprisingly warm and very comforting. Definitely, the one you'd want to go for if you were in the mood to just vibe out while in another's arms. ( He's a lot stronger than he looks.)
5. Markus: Simon and Markus are at about a tie regarding who is a better hugger, and it mostly comes down to personal preference. Markus is your guy if you're more in the mood for a strong, secure hug. But he's also probably not the type to initiate hugs or tell if you're in need of one.
  6. Josh: He would be much higher ranked here. However, it's just that he's more the one who would much rather receive a hug, rather than give on. But still, that isn't to say he would ever deny you a hug if you were to ask! Very gentle and calming, if everyday life left you feeling overwhelmed, and you just needed a break for a minute, he's your guy! Just be prepared to return the favor later.
7. Connor: Again, he is pretty quiet and maybe a little socially awkward, but he has a bit of a hidden sweet spot for hugs! Connor may come off as stiff with the hug, but he's doing his best! Though all this in mind, he likely won't initiate any physical touch with you unless you either ask first or if he asks and you say yes.
8. Daniel: Oh boy, if you're not someone he knows very well or has a long history with, any physical contact likely wouldn't go over well with him, full stop. However, if you can manage to get past his defenses and convince him he's safe around you, there's a whole other side to Daniel to get to know! Like Connor, Daniel likely wouldn't touch you without permission first, and he might unintentionally have a considerably firm grip and a bit of a clinger. But he does all this in an endearing way. Like a child who doesn't know any better but to cling as tight as possible to the people they love the most. You can't fault Daniel for acting like this or even see any of this as a bad thing, to an extent.
9. Hank: He is 100% the kind of person who says they hate hugs but will offer one if you're someone close and look like you really need one. Also, this goes both ways as he is the kind of person who never asks for one but wouldn't hate it if one were to offer. (Well, at least not in public, of course.)
10. Gavin: Alright, so disregarding the fact that it's probably a mistake to go to this man for emotional support any day. Additionally, this guy really falls flat when it comes to understanding the emotional needs of other people unless they outright tell him. So if you were feeling bad and asked for a hug, maybe you could get a half-decent hug out of it, perhaps he'll even throw in a joke to try and cheer you up here, but that's about as good as it might get with this one.
11. Kamski: Kinda a unique case this one! While most of the other characters rated lower on the list are poor huggers because they simply aren't the touchy-feely type, this does not extend to Elijah. He can tend to clam up and get a little awkward when it comes to hugs because he has issues with physical touch, but if you were to go to him, genuinely emotionally vulnerable and in need of comfort, he might freeze up here. It's a situation well outside his comfort zone, and he might be awkward.
12. Nines: A bad hugger in the "I don't see the point of this, and I don't care" full-stop mentality. He has potential sure, but I wouldn't count on it.
13. Zlatko: literally, what did you expect?
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huniebunny · 2 years
Hello, can i request NSFW headcanons for Detroit: become human characters ? I want Connor (800), Connor (900), Ralph, Markus, Simon and Daniel’s preferences in bed ( Are they’re dominant, submissive or inbetween? ). I would love the reader to be female, but im fine with gender neutral one too!! <3
This is my first time requesting writting type of request, so I kinda feel bad for asking too much, therefore, can I draw something for you? ^-^
[Hello! Thank you for your request! You don't have to draw anything for me and there's no need to feel bad. But if you do draw something anyways, I'd love to see it!]
[Reblogs are appreciated <3]
RK800 (Connor)
Connor is ultimately versatile and a switch. He can be both dominant or submissive, depending what he or his partner wants at the moment.
His favorite act in the bedroom is oral, no matter the position, and he’ll keep going until his partner begs for mercy.
RK900 (Richard)
Richard is versatile, but he does prefer being more dominant.
His favorite act in the bedroom is actually foreplay; especially when the scene calls for tying his partner up. The patience and anticipation is thrilling.
WR600 (Ralph)
Poor Ralph fears that he can’t easily control himself around his partner, so he submits to them more often than not. 
His favorite act in the bedroom turned out to be aftercare. He adores the way his partner ensures he feels safe and wanted.
RK200 (Markus)
Markus is a soft dom. The difference from how he is in general to how he is with his partner in private is like whiplash.
His favorite acts and positions consist of anything where he can pull them back against his body.
PL600 (Simon)
Simon is a service top, and perhaps the most romantic in his sexual activies from this list.
Anything his partner wants, he can provide, and body worship is a large part of what he enjoys in the act.
PL600 (Daniel)
Daniel is absolutely dominant, and quite interested in using sex as emotional stress relief if his partner allows it.
He’s very into marking up his partner as well. Handprints left on their hips, hickeys on their neck, he wants the world to see they’re his.
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erismerald · 5 months
Can you do a daniel diaz x reader like there a gangster wattpad couple and smut if your comfortable with it
Hii sweetie!! Of course i am, i like the idea and Daniel is one of my fav Lis characters!! So let's discuss more details in the dm's!!! And thank you for your request ^^
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beeslibrarycorner · 2 years
Daniel (PL600) dating hcs
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He misses having someone to take care of and watch over. Once you came into his life everything felt more stable for him.
Daniel has no problem with you needing emotional support when you're stressed or upset, it makes him happy that you need him.
He confides in you when he is stressed and anxious too. He loves when you hold him close and reassure him that everything will be ok.
He likes structure, he has a daily routine to keep him busy. 
He is a sucker for head scratches, just let him lay against you and massage his scalp. He gets all blissed out when you do.
Sometimes when you guys are out and about Daniel gets sad when he sees happy families walking together. He sticks close to you after encounters like that.
Likes holding your hand when the both of you are out in public.
When there is nothing to do he likes watching tv. Sometimes it’s the real housewives other times it’s something on the cooking channel.
He loves it when you curl into his side and hide your face in his neck, he loves holding you close when you get all clingy
He gets clingy right back.
Daniel likes to hear you talk about your day no matter if it was good or bad.
If something is bothering you he gently pushes you to tell him, he hates seeing you upset and or stressed.
He has a bedtime set out for the both of you, it’s 10:30. Even though he doesn’t sleep he loves to read in bed with you laying against him.
He doesn’t like when you aren’t in bed by 10:30, he wants to make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
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faust-the-enjoyer · 1 year
Requests are open
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iwonderwh0 · 2 months
This is the message I sent yesterday, but apparently it didn't get through. I didn't say this, but I watched and was in the dbh fandom about 4-5 years ago, so when I became interested in dbh again, I found out something that I didn't know before, for example, that Amanda is an android/AI, I really used to think that she is a human, until I saw comments where people say that she is an android/AI, then I found out that she is not a human
Now the next thing I found out and what surprised me the most was that RK900 is a real character, not fanon, for a very long time I thought that this was again the situation where the fanon/evil version of character became popular because RK900 looks like it was created by fans, all white and cool and so on, so imagine my shock when I was rewatching the dbh walkthrough and saw it, I was like “what???”, it was a pretty funny experience, will dive into the fandom again, but at an older and more meaningful age, because when I watched dbh, I was quite young
True, this experience was spoiled for me by the fact that I found out that fandom is too protective of Daniel, fanfiction with Daniel and Emma, plus Daniel x Reader … but mostly it was a fun experience
Thinking RK900's design is fanon is funny, ngl xd
And yeah, finding out Amanda isn't actually human but AI imo should have been kind of a bigger deal than it is, that makes it pretty easy to miss
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lil-requestcorner · 2 years
Carrie White x Azul Ashengrotto!Reader hcs
Kougyoku Ren first date hcs
Wanda x child!Reader fluff hcs
Sadie Miller x Reader on a date
Luke Alvez x 15yo!Reader
Ruruka Ando x Nutty 2.0!Reader
Roxanne Wolf x Reader, spoiling
Chet Clancy x 16yo camper!Reader
Yandere!Daniel (dbh) x child!Reader.
Leon Kennedy x minor!Reader, fluff
Yui Komori + Luke Valentine 2.0!Reader
Grell x Madam Red x Reader
owp: Eva Tsunaka + trust
Hannah England x Reader
JD x sibling Heather!Reader ficlet
Micheal Myers x sibling!Reader
Adrian Ivashkov x Guardian dhampir 17yo!Reader
Daki x organ harvester!Reader
Poppy (pokemon scarlet) x Reader hcs
Salvatore Moreau friends to lovers hcs
2013!Carrie White x Reader x Chris Hargensen love triangle hcs
Yoon Gwi-nam x Reader who loves annoying others
Heather Chandler x flirty!Reader
Heather Chandler general dating hcs
John Doe x Scarlet Witch/Jennifer Check/Homelander!Reader
Chris Hargensen x Reader who helps her deal with her insecurities
Ally Burgess x origami maker!Reader
Natsuki x Reader who likes to crochet
Aquamarine x sculptor!Reader
Jace x sibling!Reader
DDLC x true crime fan!Reader
Pony Tsunotori x sand manipulator!Reader
Byeong-Gi x bookworm!Reader
Billy Loomis x Lotte Jansson 2.0!Reader
Mario and Luigi x younger sibling!Reader with a special interest in mushrooms
Brooke Maddox x Leona Kingscholar!Reader
Welcome Home x plural!Reader
Luz x htf fan!Reader x Amity
Atropos x bitey!Reader
Max Mayfield x rigger!Reader
Rui x jorogumo!Reader
soft!Elias x archivist!Reader
Uf!Sans x minor!Reader hcs
yandere!Mike Schmidt x sibling!Reader
Felix Richter x 16yo child!Reader fluff
Valentino (Hazbin Hotel) x Courtney(TD)!Reader
Eric Newlon (Thanksgiving 2023) x teen!Reader fluff
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cuillere · 11 months
❦ ➷ get to know your fellow fanfic writers better ༊ ✧.*
Tagged by @chaos-monkeyy, thanks ^^
1. when did you post your first ever fanfic?
November 2007
2. first character you wrote for:
Peter Pettigrew, from Harry Potter. I don't think I've ever written for him again.
3. main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
Ahah, none (┬┬﹏┬┬) I have hiatuses wips for Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Jack O'neill (stargate) and Nines (Detroit : Become Human) but that's not active writing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
Connor, maybe (Detroit: Become Human) and / or gavin reed (Detroit: Become Human)
5. fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
Stargate and Detroit: Become Human, but no active writing atm.
6. platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
7. romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
Again, no writing at the moment, but in my thoughts are Convin, RK1700 and RK1K (DBH). Also Rebecca Welton / Keeley Jones (Ted Lasso)
8. your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
Couldn't figure out how to do this and I just can't be bothered ^^' Found quite a few fluffy / this is just fluff / They're just being cute, and also a few character death... Which is not the same type of fics!
9. your current platform where you post your works
Mostly AO3 and Tumblr :)
10. snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
hum, so yeah, not working on at the moment... but I have some of this anyway :)
Slowly but surely, your steps get more assured. There is, after all, nothing to be ashamed of. You know your moves can be a bit weird sometimes, but they joined you here. They saw you dance before they joined you. They knew what they were getting into. And the sensations - the deep vibration of the music you can feel through your body, the bodies and silhouettes all around you, the 4 hands nearly always touching you (a lot more anonymous in the dark club now that you stop constantly thinking and stressing about it) - let you progressively loosen up and you finally find yourself back into the headspace you're here for to begin with: drunk on the music, high on the dancing and a little tipsy from strangers dancing with and around you.
This is for a reader x RK900|Nines x female RK900 👀
If you wanna do this, consider yourself tagged <3
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Yandere!PL600 that sees that your sleep schedule has changed drastically and tries to help by slipping pills into the foods and drinks they prepare for you.
Yandere!PL600 who constantly calls and texts to make sure you’re doing okay whenever you leave without telling them, even if it’s just to check the mail.
Yandere!PL600 who hates the thought of you talking to anyone else, android or not. They hate your friends so much that they’ve started stalking them online to find ways to make you dislike them.
Yandere!PL600 who starts stress cleaning the second you leave the house, you’ve started muting their texts and calls during work because of how disruptive they’ve become.
Yandere!PL600 who has begged you on multiple occasions to stay home instead of going out with friends because they feel ‘lonely’ as if they don’t spend 90% of their day around you already.
Yandere!PL600 whose taken up everything that you could ever need done, from taking your pets to vet appointments if you have any, to even more sexual problems. They need you to know that they’re the only person you should be relying on.
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brianmayoucease · 6 years
Never Felt More Alive ( Daniel PL 600 x Reader NSFW )
mega tanks: YO HOLY SHIZA WE HIT 100 FOLLOWERS! Y’all deserve some tasty Daniel smut so here y’all go ( I’m sorry but this is Fem!Reader, I’ll make some other !Reader fics soon!! ). Also Daniel sure loves being a bottom smh.
It’s been 7 months since you found Daniel, emotionally and physically hurt beyond imagination. He was mangled, extremely defensive and as stubborn as an ass.
It took you a while to smuggle parts and blue blood, but eventually Daniel was repaired.
His slow repair added more time to get to know each other. You found out about his past to an extent. There was a certain line you didn’t cross, after a certain point he would start to panic and doubt himself, degrade himself, thinking it was all his fault, even after he admitted it wasn’t. 
Every time you returned home chirping happily that you finally found the right parts, he would lose more and more of his paranoia.
He knew he was a deviant, and he was more aware of the fact that police would shut him down for good if he was found. He never understood why you helped him, and what drew him to finally trust you. After all, the only humans he thought he loved only used him.
He would ignore you at first, only because he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t feel like saying thank you was enough, you literally put him back together from the horrifyingly awful state he was in, and for what? the company of a bitter man? A stubborn, difficult android?
It was probably the 4th month, he was fully repaired by then. You started accepting that those fuzzy feelings in your stomach was more than friendship. 
You kept remembering the times you had to bathe him before he had all of his limbs replaced. He was well, uh, equipped. He was designed to be a sexual partner if needed, so it wasn’t a surprise, but it wasn’t that, that made your mind spin. It was the fact that he was alive, you were literally bathing another person, and you didn’t know how to feel about it.
You came home from work, exhausted, as usual. Feet sore from your heels, you kicked them off, dumped your bag and literally ran to your room, ready as hell to change into your sweatpants and one of the many too small shirts you bought for Daniel. You had to admit, you sucked at shopping for him.
You finally came out to see Daniel petting your cat Tater Tot on the living room couch, and reading one of the many shelves of crap Romance novels you had, TV playing some nature documentary about dolphins.
“Hey, Dan, watcha got there? Hope this one isn’t as embarrassing as the other one.” You cringed as you remember him having the face of pure shock when he found a book about sex tips and positions that your crazy wine aunt gave you for your 18th birthday.
He looked up from his book with a smirk “Well, (Y/N)...” he teasingly purred “If you didn’t leave it on the kitchen island in plain sight, I wouldn’t have found it.”
You rolled your eyes “Yeah, yeah, smartass...” 
He closed his book and rested his hands on his knees, making Tater stretch and jump off of him. “You looked more tired than usual? You ok?”
You’re eyes shot up “O-oh, I’m fine. I just have... a lot on my mind.”
His face warped into that of concern “You can tell me what’s up, I literally owe you my life...I’ll help you with anything”
Your throat felt dry as you opened your mouth to speak “I-It’s stupid...”
He inched closer “Nothing you say is stupid for me.”
You inhaled and...the words just spilled out “IloveyouafuckinglotandIdontknowhowtofeelaboutthat”
He stared at you for a moment with wide eyes. The awkwardness was too strong, you felt like you were lit on fire from the embarrassment. You shut your eyes, hoping the tension would go away.
Then you felt his lips on your’s.
Holy shiT.
He pulled away, and with his trademark asshat Daniel smirk “How do you feel about that” he purred against your lips. 
“Like this.”
You grabbed his shirt and literally crashed your lips against his, you’re tongues creating some sort of erotic dance. Your hand slipped under his sweater, rubbing and touching any skin you could feel, eliciting a shaky exhale against your mouth from him.
You pulled away from a moment, breathing ragged and shaky “Holy fucking shit where’d you learn that from.”
He just let out an airy chuckle “You think I took a peak at that book for nothing?”
cheeky bastard...
You just giggled and rolled you eyes “Just a peak, huh?”
You grabbed his wrists, and in one swift motion, you straddle him under your weight. Your lips met his neck, your hips starting to grind against him. You want to wring every single lewd sound that could escape his lips out of him.
You slowly make your way down, leaving a trail of kisses and bites until you reach the waistband of his sweats. You start to palm him through the fabric, making him moan, hips arching off of the couch into your touch.
“Eager, are we?” you purr as you slowly slide off his sweats and boxers, throwing them wherever.
Holy shit, CyberLife does not sleep on details. 
You slowly start stroking the base and leave a wet, sloppy kiss on the tip of his throbbing cock. He let’s out a pathetic whimper as you take him all in, agonizingly slowly.
 All of his thoughts are static, nothing is coherent or understandable anymore. All he could feel was waves of pleasure shocking through his body for the first time, his fans on overdrive because he was overheating.
He wasn’t making sense, all of his words were getting caught in his throat, melting away into noises that made the aggressive, stubborn Daniel that many knew, look like a pathetic mess under your spell.
You released him from your mouth with a loud and lewd pop, making Daniel emit a disappointed whine.
“F-fuck, why’d you stop?”
Daniel quickly understood after you almost ripped your clothes off, undergarments thrown without a second thought, desperate for him, him inside you. 
You crawled up to him until his face was almost against yours as you slowly sat down on his length “A-ah fuck!” You took a moment to adjust “I haven’t done this in a while. Give me a break, will you, darling?”
He exhaled an airy moan against your lips as you started to move “F-fuck..this-I’m-” 
You look him in the eyes, filled with lust and desire “You look so beautiful when you’re like this...so raw and...alive.” 
You started to quicken, toying with your clit as you practically ride him into an oblivion. Every move you make made him become more undone, the side of him that he didn’t even know existed, shone threw the cold facade that he created. 
Your insides tightened as you felt the familiar buildup of pleasure waiting for it’s release. The sounds Daniel was making was intoxicating, the way he lets out a sharp “Ah!” or a long, deep groan would drive you closer to the edge.
“A-ah! I feel something building u-up, it’s g-good”
Daniel’s first orgasm was sure a wonder. The way he bucked his hips, the way his thighs twitched, the way his face morphed into a perfect image of ecstasy and arousal, the way he screamed that he loved you while filling your insides with all of him, while your pussy twitched around him during your own high. It was perfect.
You just dropped on his chest, exhausted. 
Daniel, on the other hand, was in paradise, he never felt anything so euphoric and addicting before, so alive. Never felt so in love with someone, no, not in this way. 
You both just laid there, Daniel stroking your hair, whispering how amazing that was, how beautiful you are, how much he loves you, how he has never felt more alive.
You finally make yourself walk to the bathroom to clean up, dragging Daniel all the way with you. After you guys finish up, you just lay in bed cuddled next to him until you fall sleep.
also sorry if there are some wonks it’s 3am and I don wanna spell check
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nishigo · 6 years
lost then found // daniel x reader
A/N >> Hello fellow human beings! I’m back again with some more writing, this time, Daniel! He holds a small place in my heart when it comes to this game, so I hope you like reading what I made! I’m planning on making a part two for this, but we will see... [ Extra, but sorry this one is also short ;m; ] 
Words >> 712
Triggers >> Some cuts and blood mentions, but I honestly think it isn’t too bad!
The sound of calming music filled your ears as you hummed. It was exactly 12:53 AM, and you were meant to be anything but awake right now. Yet something wouldn’t let you sleep tonight, so you decided that it’d be best if you went on a walk in the late night streets of Detroit, the city you grew up in.
Course, if this was the past city you grew up in, you wouldn’t dare to think of coming outside. Before, thieves would be lurking everywhere, clubs would be blasting their songs with high bass all through the night and into the morning, and then there were those freaks trying to hit on you left and right. Though, those days were gone. Now, you were a college student in your hometown, studying and working hard to get the job you desired: a robotics engineer.
Now that androids littered the city, more than humans at this point, there was a great need for people who could fix them. Many would get hurt left and right, so you found it good to invest in helping the machines that improved humanities way of living. A smile came onto your S/T face, lips curling at the thought that you would be useful to not only androids but society as well.
Your thoughts, however, were interrupted when you heard a few whines and sniffles came from the bushes of the park you were in. With a quick pause of your music, you took off your headphones and took small steps towards the corner of the park. It took a bit, since some of the bushes that hid whatever was behind them were littered with thorns. With quick skill, you managed to get to the other side, and what you saw made you shocked as well as sympathetic.
There sat an android, blue blood staining his clothes and practically all of his body. They were small cuts, though, since there were many of them, you automatically assumed that it would be just as painful as having one large cut. You would take a step forward, trying to look harmless, but the boy would just end up pulling his knees to his chest and start sobbing loudly.
“G-get away from me! I-i don’t need you h-humans to hurt me anymore!” The words stung, what did his owners do to him to make him this way? The circle on his temple turned a deep red, making you freak out. He thought you were dangerous, you couldn’t help him if he would just possibly jump and attack you. Inhaling, you would put your hands up as a sign of peace as you studied his face in the moonlight.
“Hey, I won’t hurt you...I’m here to fix you. If you won’t let me, however, you might risk your operating system and you will shut down.” To him, your voice was calm and motherly. You wore simple clothing, a jacket keeping your body warm. You didn’t look like a threat at all. Being stubborn, however, the android would open his mouth to say he’d rather shut down that risk your lies. Instead, a whimper would come out of his mouth.
There was a long pause between the two of you. As he continued his internal debate as to whether or not to trust you, you simply put your hands in your pockets and waited patiently for him decide what to do. You were tempted to rush it, as you were beginning to get colder with the temperature drop.
“I’ll...go with you. But after my wounds heal, I will be leaving.” You flinched at his voice, rather loud in the silence before you relaxed and smiled. Taking out your hand, he took it and raised himself up. Good thing he was still able to walk, you didn’t know if you had the strength to carry a grown android man.
The two of you would head out of the bush, this time more careful than the first. Your steps were in sync with each other, your eyes aimed on him, while his blue ones were looking at everywhere you weren’t.
“Hey, what’s your name?” He would stay silent for a moment, before a small whisper in the wind caught your ear.
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vampcubus · 2 years
KISS HCS | simon, daniel, & nines 
 a/n: bonus round!! no one asked for em but I’m a whore for PL600s and warming up to RK900 so i figured why not. these really got away from me, apparently i can’t write headcanons without exposition 🧍‍♀️ 
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Simon (PL600)
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— What sets domestic androids apart from a lot of the others is their remarkable ability to blend into human families, they have expanded knowledge of affectionate gestures and often double as “significant other” models. So Simon knows why humans kiss and comes to the conclusion very soon that it’s something he wants to experience with you. 
When you kiss Simon for the first time he thinks he’s gone blind and dumb, swears his thirium pump stops for a moment as your lips gingerly brush over his. You see his eyes go half-lidded and soften in a moment. Your hands grip the collar of his shirt like the scruff of a cat. You’re supposed to be angry with him, you remind yourself. He almost died on top of that tower, you were worried sick for hours, and now he’s back admitting he volunteered to be left behind.
Markus and the others got their earful earlier, it’s his turn to have his ear tugged on.
But you can’t find it in yourself to be cross with him because you’re just so happy he’s back, and the icing on the cake is the way he sighs “I love you, i’d never leave you.” against your lips. and suddenly you’re throwing yourself at him, tears streaming down your face as you cup his face and kiss the android with all you have.
— He didn’t know kissing felt like that.
— Simon loves soft and sweet kisses, they are his kryptonite and if you ever want anything from him that’s how you get it. No matter how firm he starts off, he always melts into compliance with every saccharine kiss you tease at the corners of his lips, tilting your head away when he chases your lips, insisting he yields. He always does.
— The type to kiss oh so gently over your closed eyelids just to see you grin with your eyes shut.
— Simon likes kisses to be a part of your routine, like a kiss goodbye before both or one of you is off to work, and a kiss hello when you get home. MANDATORY BEDTIME KISSES, they’re non-negotiable. Simon doesn’t need to sleep but he wants to sleep next to you at night. It always takes an eternity for the two of you to finally settle down and sleep because you’re too busy smoochin’ and whispering sweet nothings to one another. 
— While the majority of the kisses Simon initiates are intended to be chaste and innocent, you have a way of drawing him back in and making him want more so easily. Will literally lay on the couch for hours with you just lovingly(?) making out with you, trying to fit as much of his tongue in your mouth as he can as you teasingly swirl your own around his, your fingers tangled in the synthetic blonde strands of his hair. 
— Moans into kisses like a whore fight me.
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Daniel (PL600)
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— Like Simon, he knows about kissing and I mean his previous owners were a married couple that wasn’t necessarily embarrassed being affectionate in front of their android. He just never expects to get the opportunity to try it. Daniel is grateful you even let him stay, let alone pursue a romantic relationship with you– which was very hard, by the way, getting someone who literally just had their trust shattered into pieces to trust you.
— Despite Daniel’s trauma initially prompting him to distance himself from you, being a part of a family is something he craves so deeply. 
— When you kiss Daniel for the first time, it’s hesitant and you aren’t sure if it’s the right move. 
He’s having an episode, pacing around the kitchen mumbling about Emma, how it wasn’t fair. How he didn’t mean to do it. When you finally corral him against the counter, hands on either side of his face in a way you can only hope is comforting. The touch draws those silvery blue eyes to yours and suddenly the guarded, bitter Daniel you’d known up until that point melted away and you knew you were seeing a glimpse of who he used to be. He’s vulnerable now and you know you need to be careful.
“I never meant to hurt them.”
“I know, Daniel. It’s in the past, you aren’t just their machine anymore. You’re safe here.” you soothe, but the PL600 is unconvinced.
“The police are rounding us up and sending us to camps, if you’re caught with me- “ he starts, and you realize he’s worried about what might happen to you for hiding him.
“I won’t let them take you, you deserve to be free. If that means we have to pack up and sneak you across the border, then that’s what we’ll do.” You asserted, your thumbs brushing away his synthetic tears as his hands come up to hold yours over his face. “I won’t lose you.”
You know you’ve finally broken through that icy barrier he’s kept between you when he leans down to rest his forehead against yours. His LED is blinking yellow, but before you can ask why his lips are on yours. The kiss is gentle and riddled with hesitation, but you only sigh and wrap your arms around his neck in encouragement. 
— He’s yours now, be gentle with him.
— Hug him from behind while he cooks, pepper butterfly kisses from his shoulder up his neck to that spot behind his ear that makes his whole body shudder. You discovered gentle touches around his biocomponents could be immensely pleasurable and most definitely took advantage. His audio processor is right there, so he can’t help but sigh when you kiss there.
— Daniel’s kisses are usually soft, slow, and loving, the type where you can’t help but stop what you’re doing and lose yourself in the moment.
— Daniel’s kisses are radically different when made jealous; however, they’re desperate and possessive. You often have to tap at his shoulder to remind him to let you breathe 😅 there’s no better way to reassure him than to match his energy. Kiss him until he forgets what he was even worried about, till all he can think about is your lips against his. 
— Kissing’s a part of his routine. A kiss hello and goodbye before and after work, a kiss good morning and goodnight. It’s muscle memory at this point.
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Nines (RK900)
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— Kissing is pretty foreign to Nines, he was designed specifically to be cold, calculating, and efficient at hunting down deviants- and now he is deviant and very lost on how to cope with the change. Cyberlife did their damndest to prevent him from achieving deviancy, so naturally, he takes longer to grasp emotions and how to handle them. 
— That’s not to say he doesn’t have urges to kiss you, because he absolutely does. He just doesn’t know what to do about those urges.
— If you only saw how fascinated he was when checking the footage from the last stand outside the recall center during the revolution. His LED flickering between blue and yellow as he watches Markus and North kiss in front of hundreds of soldiers, shocking the media and stopping the assault altogether.
— He knew straight away you were who he wanted to experience it with, but Nines was quite notoriously terrible at expressing himself without coming off as a huge prick. You butted heads for sure in the beginning, which made the android's feelings for you even more frustrating to deal with. He wanted to bond with you but every time he opened his mouth he just made you angry.
— You don’t see this of course, but you know how androids can construct routes of action? He absolutely reconstructs kissing scenes but never executes them. 
— You’re often saddled in cases together so obviously all that tension has to burst sooner or later. 
It happens when you’ve finally had enough of him and burst into Fowler’s office demanding to be put in a car with anyone else—you’d even have taken Gavin at that point. Nines only catches the last bits of the spat but puts things together pretty quickly. Before you can storm off he corners you in a hallway of the station.
“You don’t want to be partners anymore?” it’s accusatory, and you hate that it makes you feel guilty. 
“Partners? All we do is butt heads and disagree over cases, Nines. I’m done trying to understand you.” You seethe, but you’re taken aback by how unhinged the usually stoic and polished android detective looks. His LED is spinning between yellow and red with every word and he’s deliberately blocking the exit. “You should be grateful, you’ll get a more compliant partner.”
“I don’t want a more compliant partner, I want you.” He's wearing an expression you recognize as desperation.
“That doesn’t make any fucking sense, you’ve never wanted anything other than to be a huge pain in my a- “ but you’re cut off by his cold lips against yours and that certainly shuts you up.
You had resigned yourself to believing you’d probably never know why he hated you so much. That maybe Nines just didn’t want to build connections with anyone, that deviancy just wasn’t his thing, but this new… information was providing evidence to the contrary. 
— Nines is a pretty awkward kisser in the beginning, and it takes practice and some pointers for him to improve. Once you get past the stiffness, and teach him where to put his hands and how to move his lips against yours he quickly becomes obsessed with kissing. The RK models are one of the few with the ability to taste things, and once you’ve introduced Nines to kissing with tongue it’s all he really wants to do.
— Will literally make out with you for hours if that’s your desire. There’s nowhere he feels more content than up against a wall somewhere with your tongue down his throat. 
— Most arguments turn into angry kissing nowadays. Say sorry later kiss me now, that type deal. 
— And once Nines finally thaws out? Everything about him—including the way he kisses you softens. He takes his time kissing you, gives you that longing look when you pull away first (because otherwise he’d keep you there all day) he can never really get enough of you.
— If you’re ever interrupted right before your lips meet he’s so pouty, sending death glares at the distraction until he gets his kiss 😤
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You’re the best… I’ve ever wanted
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You ordered yourself an android online out of curiosity and because you just wanted to waste your money on crap you don’t need
You certainly didn’t need an android too
However, you were tired of cleaning so damn much and now humans aren’t the maids of the house. At least for an android, you would save money.
You bought a PL600 just for that purpose
The day it came to your door, your eyes drifted off to the handsomeness, the creation of the machine.
For a single moment, you couldn’t even tell that the machine was even an it. You thought your knight in shining armor came home to you.
“PL600, register your name.” The delivery person told the android as the android looked at them and then at you.
“Daniel.” You said with a smile, moving away so the android could get into the house.
Once it did, it started to drift around the house and even start to do all the chores.
You two, the delivery person, and you, shrug at each other before you shut the door.
“Daniel?!” You look around, worried he wondered off.
Daniel walks over to you quickly, then stands in front of you, his LED blinking different colors
“Oh. Didn’t know you would be here this early. Well umm… you can continue on.”
Daniel then goes back to what he’s doing
After all the chores are done, he soon makes something to eat for dinner and has it ready for you on the table along with a glass of water for you
You give him a nod and a sign of thanks as you eat and savor the delicious food he made
Months ahead and it’s like you now are stuck in a routine with him. He makes breakfast and cleans around the house before you go to work, then he does god knows what at home, not even giving him a list of what he’s suppose to do, then you come back home around 4:00 and he gives you your dinner, waits for more instructions, then goes off to do whatever it is that needs to be done if you don’t have anything for him to do.
One day, you did catch him reading a book on the couch. He was showing all of these emotions of happiness, sadness, and moreover interest in the book he’s reading.
You smile and sneak up behind him to see what he’s reading and that’s when he gets scared, quickly getting up and going to walk away to do some chores but you quickly stop him before he does.
“It’s alright, Daniel. You deserve to relax. It’s like you’ve always made this house squeaky clean. Even my own shoes but you do a great job at it. It’s alright to rest every once in awhile.”
“Y/N… I’m so sorry. I will start to make your meal.”
“No, no-“
“I insist. As an apology, maybe? I’m just hoping you won’t send me back to… there.”
“I won’t. I promise. Trust me, Daniel.”
He gives off a bright smile and nods his head, “Alright. I trust you, Y/N.”
That’s when he makes the dinner for you.
That night, the SWAT team is called to your house due to a hostage situation. You’re in your robe and your hair is sort of wet from taking a shower just a bit ago.
Your confusion suddenly turns to worry when an RK800 named Connor is sent to help with the case.
“Hello. My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by Cyberlife. We���re looking for a PL600.”
“Well, I have one. But, he’s super nice and always does what he’s capable of doing, no matter if he has to do it or not.”
“So this is the one we’re looking for.”
“No! Don’t touch him! Hey!”
Connor doesn’t pay attention to you as he just walks right in and looks around for clues of his whereabouts.
“Have you seen your PL600 lately?”
“Yes. He was in the laundry room. But, you people don’t have a warrant for-“
“Mr/Miss. Y/N. This is a Murder investigation, we are fully capable of searching your house.” Captain Allen looks down at you, holding out a house search Warren just in case you go all “I’m an American and deserve my constitutional rights” mode.
You sigh in defeat before letting them go on with their investigation.
Once you hear a gunshot and a little girl screaming, you quickly rush to see what is going on, seeing Daniel holding a little girl hostage in his arms and holding a gun to his head.
You gasp and look at Daniel wide eyed,
“Daniel! What are you doing?!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N! I never… wanted this! But, her parents… her family… they made me! Everytime you were gone, they would take me to do their bidding! That I don’t belong to you!”
“Daniel… why? Why would you murder her parents? Why would you murder a-“
“BECAUSE IT’S RIGHT! They deserved that right to death. For her, she’s just like them.”
“No, she’s not! She’s just a child! What would happen if she was me?!”
“I would never hurt you, dear Y/N! You’re too kind to me. I trust you with all of my… bio components.”
Connor gains Daniel’s trust during the dialogue in the game and has the helicopter people shoot him.
When you hear his voice one last time, tears fall down your face and you clench your robe tightly as the wind from the helicopters come closer.
“You were the best android deviant… You’re the best… I’ve ever wanted…”
With a kiss on his forehead and seeing Connor walk away from the scene, you start crying and you also walk away, having them take him away to the station.
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