#danna x narcissa
mikodrawnnarratives · 7 months
Things I want to happen in an addition to the renegades trilogy
Maggie shows up
get to know more abt Maggie, fleshed out backstory
wholesome Maggie smile
Sister reunion
NOT JUST Maggie depicted as villain (antihero Maggie plssssss)
Okay this post isn't just Abt Maggie
Max shows up and his character IS affected by the years he has spent in isolation (more differences to his brother pls)
More time focused on Sketch team, as in more of them bonding and goofing found fam
Danna pls she needs more time to shine
Nova still processing what she has experienced and give her morally gray traits more chance to shine than in the final book of the renegades
Cont. prev: Show Nova making an effort to make the Renegades less corrupt OR give a solid explanation for why she isn't Doing That (saying renegades weren't corrupt before doesn't count)
Where the fuck is Leroy
If we got a collection of short stories like how Lunar Chronicles got Stars Above please I'd love it so much
Feel free to add to my list in reblogs! I'm curious abt what other ppls want :3c
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novannna · 3 years
If your still doing the writing asks... can I get angst 27 please! Any renegade ship is fine (can't choose lol)
ahhh im so sorry this took so long to post, i kinda forgot it existed then saw the doc and remembered i hadnt answered it 😭
also, i am still doing these!!!! I'd love it for people to send me sentence prompts (here)
i did danissa bc im literally incapable of not writing sapphics asgsdak
danissa break up fic, wc: 1003
Narcissa had always loved fairy tales. The way things always seemed to work out.
They followed a simple path, never changing.
Always once upon a time, and happily ever after. The things in the middle didn’t seem to matter.
Maybe a bit foolishly, Narcissa had wished for a fairy tale of her own. Her own knight in shining armor, her own happily ever after.
It was silly, looking back, but the Age of Anarchy sucked, and fairy tales were all Narcissa had.
But she’d grown older, and those fantasies of living out her own fairy tale faded. She didn't have any hope of a happily ever after. Looking out at the things around her, she had begun to believe that didn’t even exist.
There’d be no fairy tale ending. Because, everywhere around her, there was pain, and suffering, and loss. Those weren’t things in fairy tales, those were things from nightmares. Narcissa couldn’t believe she was in a fairy tale, because no fairy tale would ever be that dark.
They were supposed to be light, and happy, and hopeful, but in Gatlon, there was none of that.
So, Narcissa simply gave up that hope of knights, and fairies, and kisses that brought you back from the dead.
Those were simply things from stories.
Those were as fake as happily ever after.
Narcissa sat curled in a ball, pressing herself further into the couch. “Danna, what do you want to talk about?” There was that sinking feeling in her gut, but she pushed it away. This was fine, Danna was probably just wanting to talk about some new, big step in their lives. Maybe she wanted to move in together?
It had to be something positive, right?
Fuck, it had to be.
“Narcissa…” Danna looked away from Narcissa’s face. Her arms, her shoulder, her long braid, refusing to meet her eyes.
“Yes?” It was a struggle to keep her voice light. The look in Danna’s eyes…
No. Narcissa refused to consider it.
Danna cursed, and looked at her own fingers, furiously twisting and untwisting the loose fabric of her shirt. “You aren’t making this easy,” she muttered.
“Making what easy?” She tried to smile, but knew it was more of a queasy grimace.
“I really care about you. I think you’re great, really, I do. But.. we need to start to think about our future.” Danna took in a deep breath. “And- and what role we’ll play in each other’s.”
Narcissa could feel the tears pooling. She tried swallowing past the growing lump in her throat. “Danna,” she whispered. “What are you saying?”
“I don’t want to do this, but I have to. This is one of the hardest things I’ve done, because it’s you, Narcissa and I don’t want to hurt you.” Danna finally met Narcissa’s eyes. “I think we need to split up.”
Narcissa blinked. Blinked again. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be.
She tried to breathe in, keep on taking measured, even breaths. Not give in to the panic threatening to overtake her.
“Narcissa,” Danna pleaded. She sounded apologetic. As if she could begin to comprehend the rush of emotion Narcissa was feeling. “Say something. Please.”
Narcissa shook her head. “What is there to say?” She whispered in a hoarse voice.
“Please, ‘Cissa..”
“Don’t… don’t call me that.” Narcissa looked up, blinking the stinging tears away.
Danna nodded. “Okay,” she whispered. “Just say something.”
“I… why?” Narcissa looked at Danna again. “We’ve been through so much.”
“I care about you a lot, but just… forever’s a long time.”
“And you don’t want to spend it with me,” Narcissa finished.
“I didn’t say that!”
“You didn’t not say that either,” Narcissa shot back.
“I just don’t think we’re right for each other.”
Narcissa shook her head. “I did. I used to think that I’d live out a fairy tale life, and that I’d get a happily ever after. But I grew up, and realized those weren’t for me.” She swallowed, trying to get air past the lump in her throat. “Then I met you. I started to believe that maybe I could make my own happily ever after with you. I thought you could be my knight in shining armor. I started believing in fairy tales again. And now… now you’re saying that nothing we had was real? Our feelings for each other.. They were just some temporary thing.” Or worse, they’d just never even had them.
Danna shook her head. “That’s not what I’m saying! Narcissa, I really loved you, that’s not fake. Just, feelings change over time. We aren’t who we were. Things changed, we changed. I’m not saying everything is over. I just think we need to think about long term, and I think that we aren’t the best thing for each other. We both need to move on.”
“What happened to our happily ever after?” Narcissa whispered, eyes shining with tears.
“Not all love stories get happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
“No. I can’t believe that.”
“Well, you’re going to have to,” Danna said brusquely, but not unkindly.
Still, the words sent daggers into Narcissa’s heart.
“I think you should go,” Narcissa whispered.
Danna nodded. “That’s probably best.” She tried to smile, tears gleaming in her own eyes. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. Will you be okay?”
Narcissa nodded jerkily. “I can’t do this. Please just.. Just go. Don’t pretend everything’s fine.” She looked away. “I can’t be around you. Not right now.”
Danna opened her mouth, but closed it just as quickly. Instead, she stood, and walked towards the door.
Narcissa followed numbly.
Danna paused in the doorway, looking as if she was going to lean in, and kiss Narcissa goodbye.
She flinched, and shook herself. “Good night, Narcissa. I’ll see you around?”
Narcissa nodded. “I guess.”
Danna waved awkwardly, and stepped outside, letting the door swing shut.
Narcissa slid to her knees, and buried her face into her hands.
Happily ever afters really were just a thing in fairy tales.
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degenderates · 4 years
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Lemon Cake With Your Girlfriend
Happy Holidays Nev @honey-harper-official​ !! I hope you enjoy this fluffy Danissa one shot! :D Have an amazing holiday and I hope this brings cheer to you<3
Fandom/Ship: Renegades; Danna/Narcissa Event: Marissa Meyer Nets (super mega gay hell) Gift Exchange Rating: General/Teen Tags: Fluff, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Kissing, Food, Baking, Post-Supernova
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“Pass me the lemon extract, will you?” Danna asked.
She was standing in her kitchen, furiously beating the dough together—or was it batter? She was sure she looked ridiculous, with her jacket askew on her arms, one side drooping from her shoulder. And the cake was surely failing. Beside her, Narcissa was leaning on one elbow on the counter, her soft gaze filled with amusement. She was ever-watching.
“Narcissa! Quickly!”
Her girlfriend moved fast, sliding around the small counter peninsula via her socks and rammed open the baking cabinet. “Sorry about that,” she said with a grin once the jar of lemon extract was within Danna’s reach. “I just...was entranced.”
Danna scoffed as she leveled the extract into the measuring cup and dumped it into her bowl. The batter inside yellowed just slightly. “By me failing to make a cake?” she asked incredulously. “This is gonna turn out to be a complete fucking mess.”
“You realize that that’s okay, right, love?” Narcissa asked quietly, pale face coming to rest in the crook of her folded hands as she stared up at Danna. “It’s just for Nova. She’s not really gonna give a fuck.”
Danna tried to ignore the way her heart fluttered when Narcissa called her ‘love’ and attempted to refocus on her task. It worked for a moment, at least, just enough time for the batter to be finished.
Together, the two of them poured the lemon cake mix into a buttered pan and Danna let Narcissa put it into the oven. “It’ll smell heavenly when it comes out,” she remarked, turning back to Danna with a mysterious smile. Again, Danna felt her heart clench with adoration. Nova was beautiful, freckled abundantly with slightly frizzy red hair that was currently tied messily up above her head in an attempt to keep it out of the way while they baked. So far it was working, with only a few strands staying from the tight bun.
‘You sure Nova won’t care?” Danna asked. It had been a long time before the animosity between them over what Danna had dubbed ‘the Nightmare Situation’ had been able to resolve, at least just slightly. But their relationship wasn’t as strong as Danna’s was with the rest of Sketch’s team (yes, even now, they still called it that, their little squad), and Danna wished that it could be better.
It wasn’t her fault though. Nova had wronged her, and Danna had had a crush on her at the time of her capture as a butterfly, making the situation so much more complicated. It was hard for her to be completely at ease with Nova around, and yet, she wanted to do the best she could to repair their relationship. She could tell, too, that Nova was attempting to do the same, and it was at least a little endearing. They were both trying.
“A cake?” Narcissa scoffed. “You think after the abusive environment she grew up in, she’s gonna care that a cake is a little less than perfect? It’s gonna be delicious, and that’s what matters.”
Danna frowned, stepping closer to Narcissa and trailing a dark finger across her girlfriend’s forearm. “Don’t be callous, Cissa,” she said. “The small things still matter. And besides, we grew up in an abusive environment, too.”
Narcissa melted into Danna’s touch then, and she held her tightly, adoring the smell of lemon that had somehow seeped into the other girl’s hair. “I don’t know about me,” she mumbled into Danna’s shirt. “I guess you did, though.”
Danna nodded solemnly. She was so glad that everything was all over, that she was safe, that her friends were safe. And most importantly, that Narcissa was well, and with her, and that they’d struck the golden balance that she had always wanted. Someone whom she could love, and stand by and lavish with praise, and receive it all back in kind.
“Plus,” Narcissa added when they pulled apart from their hug, “It’s going to come out beautifully, I can tell.”
Danna was confused for a moment. “What is?”
Narcissa laughed, throwing her head back with her eyes closed. The sun shone on her face through the kitchen window, and Danna suddenly felt a strong desire to kiss her. “The cake, of course!” Narcissa said, still laughing. “Dumbass.”
Danna smiled giddily, then took Narcissa’s hands in hers, pressing the other girl against the counter and kissing her. Narcissa sighed into it, her hands, ensconced in flour, coming to rest around the sides of Danna’s face, leaving pale imprints along her dark skin. Danna laughed as she kissed Narcissa harder, hooking a leg around the other girl’s and brushing back a collection of bright red hairs that had fallen from Narcissa’s bun.
“I love you,” she said softly. “You know how much I love you?”
Narcissa smiled, but when she looked up at Danna, eyes opening widely, Danna saw that her gaze was sad. Bittersweet was a more accurate description, perhaps. “What is it?” she asked, voice hoarse and almost a whisper.
“And do you know you saved me?” Narcissa asked, voice breaking. “Do you know how lonely I was? How lonely we all were?”
Danna knew now, that her girlfriend was not just talking about her, Danna, but the whole initiative she had started for the lost prodigies, the Rejects, in an effort to re-integrate them with society, to tear down the walls that had been upheld between them, the Renegades, and the Anarchists. They were just prodigies now, and none of those supid subdivided groups. They were one.
There was all of that, layered deeply into Narcissa’s confession.
“I do,” Danna said in reply, feeling wetness seep into her eyes. “And I’m so glad you’re with me now.”
“Me, too,” Narcissa whispered. “I love you, Danna.”
Danna grinned. “We still have a while before the cake needs to come out the oven,” she said slyly, winking. In front of her, Narcissa blushed, lowering her gaze. “Yeah…”
Danna laughed and dragged them over to the couch. “Let’s keep doing this,” she said huskily, fingers undoing Narcissa’s bun. Red curls fell down around them, and Danna buried her face in them, inhaling the lemon scent and laughing into the crook of Narcissa’s neck. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” she whispered. “My sweet Cissa. You’re so beautiful.”
“So are you,” Narcissa said quietly in reply. “You don’t give yourself enough credit.”
“I guess that’s true.”
An hour later, the oven beeped, and they both jumped up to retrieve the two cake layers. “Ready to frost?” Danna asked her girlfriend.
Narcissa’s face was still flushed from their kissing, but she nodded. “And don’t worry,” she added as they pulled out the icing they’d made earlier. “Nova will love it. I promise.”
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I hope you liked it Nev!! Love you and have a good holiday! :D (I’ll probably post this on ao3 at some point this month as well!)
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Some bad Renegades fanart
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I drew Narcissa and Danna a few weeks back or so :)
I sketched this one out. I am aware the color looks like trash, so I might redo it on digital at some point. 
These are two characters from Renegades by Marissa Meyer which I (as with all fanart) highly recommend to anyone who’s looking for a good book to read. 
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creampuffqueen · 5 years
Friends and Family
An anon requested a Thanksgiving-esque fic with Nodrian and Osby and their kids, so here we have it! Feel free to send me more requests, this was a lot of fun to write!
1504 words
“Ok, we’ve got diapers, clothes, formula, snacks, what else do we need?” Nova called to her husband, quickly shoving everything she’d listed into a large duffel bag.
“Bibs! I’ve got bibs! And a changing pad, too!” Adrian said as he raced into the bedroom, three bibs and a changing pad squeezed under one arm and a toddler on his other.
They had planned to wake up earlier, they really had. But they’d stayed up late to watch a movie with Lina, since with all the craziness of her siblings she hardly got any one-on-one time with her parents, and they felt bad about that. But then Atlas had woken up from a nightmare, and the twins were having a sleep regression period and- 
All their carefully made plans had fallen through, and now they were scrambling to make it before dinner started. Which was why everything was currently being shoved inside a duffel bag, and not a diaper bag. 
Nova zipped the bag up just as her wristband buzzed with an incoming call. The bag on one shoulder, and Atlas was reaching out for her, so she put him on a hip, then finally answered the call.
“Are you guys on your way?” Oscar asked. “I’m, like, really hungry.”
“We’re heading out right now.” Nova lied. “We’ll be there in about ten minutes.” They would not, but at least it would keep Oscar off her back for a bit so she could wrangle her mass of children.
“The kids are hungry, too. Better hurry, Jett and Opal really want to see Lina.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I know. If you want us there quicker, you’ll let me go. I have, like, five kids all on my legs.”
“See you in ten.”
Nova hung up, then hurried into the entryway of the house. Adrian had left while she was talking to Oscar, and he had managed to get Lyra and the twins together, the twins already strapped into their car seats.
“Caspian! Nebula! Lina! We need to go!” The rest of the kids soon found their way to their parents, and the gaggle that was the Everhart-Artino family made their way outside and into the car.
It took about fifteen minutes before they rolled into Hugh and Simon’s driveway. Lina, Nebula, and Cas hopped out as soon as the doors unlocked, the three eldest racing inside to their family and friends. Nova took the twins, River and Rose, while Adrian took Atlas and held Lyra’s hand to help her inside.
The front door was already a friendly sight. Hugh, Caspian in his arms, swinging the six-year-old around to make him squeal in delight. And Simon, laughing at something Nebbie had said. In her arms, the girls squirmed until Nova put them down, and they quickly ran towards their grandfathers.
“Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!” Ruby said, emerging from inside the house, a small bundle cradled in her arms. Oscar followed a moment later, as well as the other two kids, Jett and Opal.
Hugs were exchanged, and soon everyone was inside, seated at the extra-long dining table with mountains of food. 
“It’s been ages since we’ve seen you guys,” Nova said to Danna and Narcissa. “How have you two been?”
Stories were exchanged around the table, while Hugh let Rose sit on his lap to eat her mashed potatoes, and Simon helped River keep the gravy off her face. Max listened avidly to Atlas’s babbling, while the older kids entertained each other by making silly faces and shapes with their food.
It was perfect. Or… almost perfect. Something was missing, Nova realized. Someone was missing.
Just as she was about to ask their whereabouts, a loud knock on the front door sounded. 
“I’ll get it!” Jett said, scrambling from his seat quickly, with Lina and Opal soon chasing after him. Nova swallowed her bite of green beans and made her way over to them.
Jett pulled the door open, then gasped at the figure in the doorway.
Maggie. Maggie Artino… with a wriggling puppy in her arms.
“Am I too late?” Nova’s sister asked sheepishly. “I had to go pick this cutie up from the house, and he didn’t like the car so much so I walked.” The puppy, a brown and white spotted fluffy thing, squirmed harder until Maggie put him down.
“Can I hold him?” Opal begged, the other two soon chorusing the same question. 
“Go ahead, bring him to the dining room when you’re done.” Maggie took Nova’s arm with a slight smile, and the two women traveled back to their family.
Standing on the threshold, Nova could hardly believe it. Here she was, holding onto her little sister, husband smiling at her, friends sitting at the table, fathers-in-law and brother-in-law with her kids on their laps… Stars, she’d come far, hadn’t she?
“If everyone finishes their food, they can go play with Aunt Maggie’s new puppy.” She declared. Caspian and Lyra perked up at that, and even Oscar seemed excited. 
“Only if Lyra says so.” Maggie added. At Nova’s curious look, she continued, “Because Bear is going to be her service dog.”
“You didn’t.” Adrian deadpanned. 
“I did. She was going to need one anyway, why not start her young?” Lyra gaped at the words. She was completely mute, and had bad eyesight, hearing, and impaired movement. Adrian and Nova had said they would get her a service dog for when she went to school- in two years.
“Go play with him, sweetheart.” Nova said with a smile. Lyra nearly fell out of her seat with excitement, and she dashed off to go see her new future helper.
Dinner quickly died down, and soon everyone was in the living room with the puppy. Of course, as cute as he was, it didn’t take too long before he peed (at least on the tile floor of the kitchen) and then hid under a couch until all the grabby hands disappeared. However, he and Lyra had already seemed to form a bond. Though, Nova supposed, it was probably because Lyra could talk to animals. 
Hugh brought out a pumpkin pie that was quickly demolished, and they spent a long time cooing over baby Sapphire after she woke up from her nap. Danna taught the eldest three how to play Blackjack (gambling for pennies only) and the toddlers managed to get toys in every possible corner of the house. 
The sun was beginning to set. Ruby had retired to a bedroom to nurse Sapphire to sleep, and Oscar had gone with her. Maggie and Max had disappeared to stars-knew-where, and the twins were nearly asleep on their feet. 
“Mom, can we watch a movie?” Lina begged. Jett, Opal, Nebula, and Caspian were all asking as well.
“Fine. One movie, and then we go home.” The kids giggled and laughed and went off to pick their movie, and Nova found herself alone with Adrian at the dining room table. 
“Pretty good Thanksgiving, I’d say.” He commented with a chuckle. Nova scooted her chair closer to his so she could rest her head on his shoulder.
“Pretty good.”
“I wonder what it’ll be like next year.” She pondered.
“My star, lets think about the present.” Adrian laughed. “And the fact that we have seven kids to somehow get home tonight.”
“I bet there will be another kid next year.” Nova added. 
“With the way things are going now, how much do you want to bet it’ll be one of ours?”
Before she could answer, the children found them again, waving their chosen movie in their faces desperately. Adrian turned it on in the living room, while Nova made them some popcorn.
Caspian wanted his dad to watch to movie, and Nebula wanted her mom. Lyra was asleep on one of the plush armchairs, wrapped in a blanket and with her new puppy curled on her stomach. Atlas was nodding off, the twins were already snuggled together on the couch. Hugh was snoring in the other chair.
Nova snacked on popcorn with the kids, watching as one by one, they fell asleep. Atlas. Caspian. Nebula. Opal. Jett. And finally, Evangeline Georgia Everhart fell asleep on Nova’s shoulder.
A flurry of butterflies flitted through the window, transforming into a grinning Danna. Narcissa came out of the restroom, likely having slipped in through the mirror. The pair claimed a blanket and a spot on the floor. 
Then came Oscar and Ruby, smiling at their sleeping kids. Then Simon, and finally Max and Maggie.
And just like the kids, their friends drifted off to sleep one by one. Until it was just Nova and Adrian, curled together on the couch in a pile of their children.
The credits of the movie rolled, and Nova turned her face towards her husband. Adrian was yawning.
“We’re going home in the morning, aren’t we.” He murmured. He tugged her closer, and Nova relaxed into his embrace.
“Oh well.” And Adrian kissed her, and everything, everything, was right. 
Everything was right as Nova slipped into sleep beside her family. 
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phobidawg · 3 years
Girl help
I cant remember if danna is canon gay or if it was one of those fake MM tweets ☠️
danna is canon gay!!! well, as canon as my livestream at her book-signing gets. but yes, she is canonically a lesbian! :) and also MM said she had an "otp in mind for her", hence why narcissa x danna blew up in the fandom bc many presumed that narcissa was the implyed love interest that MM was talking abt!
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renegadesnet · 4 years
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thank you to everyone who participated in our last event! for our sixth event for december, we’ve chosen danissa december. in order to join, you must:
reblog this post
create anything (fic, fanart, edit, etc...) that involves danissa (danna x narcissa) and post it by december 31st
tag your post with #renegadesnet and make sure the @ in the caption is working to ensure we see it
use the caption:
@renegadesnet event 6: danissa december
↪️ [ quote / description ]
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redassassin · 4 years
Opinions on Danissa (Danna x Narcissa)?
A!!! although mm didn’t do them justice and it could have been done better and we don’t know much abt them yet! as far as canon goes i’d give them an A especially for that part in the cathedral, but for fanfics and other where everything is expanded they get an A+ i love those funky little lesbians (thanks to eleanor for that phrase)
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novannna · 3 years
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ooh tyy!! im really proud of this danissa fic i wrote, its so painful i love it <33
i shoved SO MUCH symbolism there omg
i really love the idea of younger narcissa being just really fantastical, and reading so many fairy tales and stuff. And like, so much shit was going on, so she'd just pretend her own life was a fairy tale, and one day her knight in shining armor was going to come and save her
but, that never happened, and narcissa grew up, and stopped believing in all of it, she didn't believe that anyone could have a happily ever after, there was just endless suffering.
but once she met danna, and they began dating, narcissa started to realize that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. And she, not intentionally, started believing in happy ever after again, because she really thought that she and danna could have that.
but then danna didn't feel the same, and she wanted to break up w narcissa, and just pain </3
and narcissa can't exactly blame danna, because it was narcissa who got her hopes up, narcissa who had thought she might wish for more.
and narcissa is trying to explain it all, but danna wont get it, bc she didnt grow up like narcissa did, she doesnt understand what fairy tales meant to her and its all just a mess
yeah <3 theyre a mess and both are v valid in the fic, there's not really anyone in the wrong which i think is >>> theyre just not right for eachother, and narcissa isnt ready to believe it
yeah this isnt v comprehensible but ty for the ask!!
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novissa · 4 years
A song for each member of Sketch's team (+ Narcissa) ?
nova - all i’ve ever known from hadestown
i was alone so long i didn’t even know that i was lonely out in the cold so long i didn’t even know that i was cold turned my collar to the wind this is how it’s always been
adrian - cologne by haux
i left the lakes i knew to follow you harbored the lines i’d lost to see us through only to be with you
oscar x ruby - you are in love by taylor swift
one look, dark room meant just for you time moved too fast, you play it back buttons on a coat, lighthearted joke no proof, not much, but you saw enough
danna - girls by girl in red
they’re so pretty, it hurts i’m not talking ‘bout boys, i’m talking ‘bout girls they’re so pretty with their button-up shirts
max - the outside by taylor swift
so how can i ever try to be better nobody ever lets me in i can still see you, this ain’t the best view on the outside looking in
narcissa - we’re taking over by bea miller
listen up, here’s our song for the young, the lost, and the underdogs we’re taking over
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itme-z · 5 years
To draw list:
-Callum (A king honestly, i love him)
-Danna x Narcissa
- "It was a Supernova"
- Remake of my Prince Kai collage because the one circulating rn is so old 🤧
but i gotta give my insta followers a break 😂 so there will be some time until the next one since i will have technically spammed like 4 renegades pieces by the time i post the next one tomorrow 😂
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princessselene126 · 4 years
Would you please write Danna x Ruby smut? Danna x Narcissa would work too though 👀👀
Tbh I’m not the best at wlw smut, but because you asked for Danby and I love them... I’m going to try my best.
added :)
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Oscar: If you think about it in the shower you're not over it.
Narcissa: Apparently I'm not over the burning of the library of Alexandria.
Danna: Is anyone really over it?
Narcissa: They shouldn't be.
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Adrian: Have you asked Narcissa out yet?
Danna: I’m about to. I just finished listening to Eye Of The Tiger and did 5 shots to prep. Let’s do this.
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novannna · 3 years
nova 👀
(for the character ask thingy)
5 good qualities: hot, funny, very smart, morally grey, creative
3 bad qualities: manipulative, TERRIBLE coping mechanisms, cynical which can be good and bad ig
favourite episode/etc: hmm probably supernova?? maybe archenemies im not sure
otp: danna x nova or nova x narcissa
brotp: nova & oscar
ot3: nova x danna x ruby
notp: nova x oscar
best quote: not to be basic but,,, "everyone has a nightmare. I guess I'm yours."
head canon: id say that she's bisexual but thats actually canon mm told me herself 😤hm i think that she went through so many "weird girl phases" when she was little from a mix of having so much free time to do stuff, the people she grew up with, and just like her personality, so the team will just be fucking vibing and someone will ask some completely random super niche question that nobody would know the answer of and then nova goes on a five minute speel about it every fucking time. it becomes a running joke
Tysm for the ask!!!
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Michelle’s Writing Masterlist
The Renegades Trilogy
Red As Rubies, Grey As Smoke - Soulmate AU in which the world is black and white until your soulmate realizes they’re in love with you. Ruby x Oscar fluff, both pre-canon and post-canon. [AO3 Link]
Ruby’s UnLucky Day - Written for Osby October 2020, this fic is about Ruby having a difficult day at work only to come home to a happy surprise that Oscar prepared. [AO3 Link]
She Gives Me Butterflies - This fic was written for Danissa December 2020 and it’s about Danna having a surprise for Narcissa but before she can reveal what it is, the couple gets into an argument about Narcissa’s late grandfather. [AO3 Link]
I Kissed You, It Was Pouring -  Six months after the end of Supernova, Nova and Adrian are visiting Narcissa at her apartment but their presence brings up memories with Danna she'd much rather forget. [AO3 Link]
The Lunar Chronicles
Burning Memories, Childish Dreams - We open on a dream, a memory. Cinder says she doesn’t remember her childhood with Winter and Jacin, but her subconscious may still have some memories. Fluff for Cinder x Winter x Jacin as a Brotp. Kaider and Jacinter fluff. [AO3 Link]
Red White And Royal Blue
But I Think I Could Get Used To This - This takes place four years after the end of RWRB, during the next election. Alex is nervous about the results but Henry comforts him and promises him a surprise that he has waiting for him. Firstprince (Alex x Henry) fluff. [AO3 Link]
The Owl House
Destined Only To Wound - After being sent on a mission by Belos, Hunter has a run-in with Luz which ends with Luz injured. Luckily for her, Hunter is well experienced in healing injuries without any help. Aka Hunter thinks he's unlovable and Luz is about to convince him otherwise (/platonic) [AO3 Link]
Come Play With The Misfits - Ekko and Jinx both thought they would never see each other again. Maybe that would have been better. (Can be taken as either platonic or romantic, both are fun) [AO3 Link]
She-Ra And The Princesses of Power (2018)
All Beings Must Suffer to Become Pure - Takes place before Save The Cat, my take on what Catra sees when she is being brainwashed by Prime. Rejoice in suffering! All beings must suffer to become pure and what better way to become pure than to hurt the one Catra loves most? [AO3 Link]
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