#danny boy & quake
soarrenbluejay · 3 months
Supervillains for a community. (Well, except those jerks over in Gotham, insular lot, but they’re they’re one problem) Of course they do- supervillains are a group defined by strong opinions and a willingness to see them through, often with a healthy dash of societal failures and trauma as a catalyst.
The fentons, while not active even on the online message boards, are well known and explosive when they do show up, full of fascinating insights and hours long rants on mad science on hair pin turns courtesy of that ADHD attention span. Bit of the cryptids you feel honored to bump into kind of deal. Besides, like a good quarter of the community as it aged, they’d settled down and had kids (not necessarily in that order) and taken it very seriously! Out in the middle of nowhere, where even the most fearsome government outpost members, the local branch of the IRS, quake before them in fear. Out of the way.
Reveal gone okay-ish, Danny moves to Gotham still to get some air bc now things are Akward and he landed that engineering scholarship which is loads better than any other college would give him with his track record. So- the mysterious Fenton children are finally crawling out of hiding! Everyone is psyched! And roll in to Gotham en masse to witness the fireworks!
Except Danny is Determined To Be Normal. He’s had enough of the throwing himself into harms way shit for a lifetime- he wants to be free to peacefully built Rube Goldberg machines and unintentional increasingly complex bombs to his hearts content. JAZZ, on the other hand- the coveted token Normal One, has finally snapped! She’s watched her baby brother she practically raised throw himself into danger over and over and could do nothing, and now that she’s exposed to this whole network of superheroes outside of small town Amnity, some of those uglier emotions are coming out. And boy is she pissed! And can’t afford to show it much while filing the paperwork to have Arkham legally razed to the ground!
See I love this idea of like, niches in superhero society. A villain the heroes know they can plop their kiddo down with for an exciting afternoon brawl while they take care of a particularly grisly case and come back to a few hours later ranting about some new life lesson and a new move they really want to try. A villain who has a functioning moral compass despite their somewhat batshit long term goal and you can contact to fuck with another villains’s plan so they can laugh at them and you can have an easy afternoon. One who pries up hostile architecture and fills in pot holes, idk man. Get creative here, there’s such potential!
So Jazz becomes a Training villain- someone the heroes know their sidekicks will walk away from in a fight 100% of the time, usually with some new lesson to ponder and only a couple of bruises. Sometimes even snacks!
She also absolutely ambushes mentors to check that they’re worth the kiddo, which they appreciate once they get over being jumped in a dark alley by a 7 foot Amazon trained force of nature. They are not used to being on that side of the jumping, it’s a little unnerving.
(Yes, she low key adopts Shazam upon checking in with him on cursory ‘is the main hero of this city and asshole’ checkin. Yes, the super clones get yoinked out from under Superman’s negligent thumb to go have a blast with Ellie. What about it?)
This however only encourages more assorted weirdos to crawl out of the woodwork. It’s not often one of their own forfeits their potential spot for the running of the coveted Most Normal I Swear prize, but when they do it’s bound to be good! But jazz is off hounding various heroes and punching the faces in of pedophiles and shit whenever there’s no cape within easy reach, and so is a mite bit harder to contact than Danny, who has innocently gotten an apprenticeship under a clockworker for access to their workshop and is gleefully going about doing nerdy shit with great abandon.
Plus this is Gotham. No one gives a shit if someone in the Mad Alchemist uniform and still smoking from their latest experiment pokes their head in a window to bother the local shrimp teen- none of the usual social rules apply, everyone’s crazy here! So everyone drops any and all attempts at masking and just acts their genuine unhinged selves, much to the alarm of the Bats and frustration of Danny.
Bc he cannot get these mfers to go. Away. Even liberal use of the creep stick has little effect when the interloper is calibrated for an opponent with super speed or laser vision or whatever, and he’s trying to maintain his guise as a Normal College Student Do No Investigate.
So he calls in the big guns. He’s not super active in the supervillain kids group chat ever since things in amnity calmed the fuck down post becoming King and then immediately using a loophole that says he will not take the throne until he is grown, as defined by finishing learning his trade a la the medieval standards Pariah set up. So he can just take his sweet ass time with his graduate degree and out of inter dimensional bull shit that much longer! Point is, he hasn’t taken the chance to rant over there in a while, so his Crazy friends are getting a lil worried.
The change to come over and shout at their batshit crazy but (mostly) well meaning parent AND see Danny? Score!
The bats, however, are getting awfully suspicious about this one kid that villains from all over the country are flocking to, especially young and upcoming ones as of recently! And he’s acting his engineering course- all the worst rogues are known to have flown through their PhD studies prior to Cracking. They seem to have a real problem on their hands with this Fenton guy.
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new-revenant · 11 days
Joker is fully aware of the fourth wall. So he should be aware how outmatched he is along with other fic tropes, so...
Danny: Hey there clown people, nice night we're having
Harley: So you like kicking butts, do ya little boy?
And later on
Danny: I love the clown people
Harley: How many times must I teach you this lesson, little boy?
augh, I can’t tell you how much I love this. No hate to any of the great fic writers here, but I’m more than a bit burned out on how the Joker is basically killed off all the time in dpxdc. Killing the Joker will not make Jason feel better, I’m sorry. And also I’d think the Joker would become a ghost and be 10000% more of a maniac. Anyways, enough of that, onto the ask.
The Joker takes one good look at Danny, one of the hostages, and immediately tells his men to free him. Looking at that half-ghost kid gives him the creeps. So now Danny has to stand(or sit if he wants, Joker knows people get tired ya know)in the corner that is furthest away from him, turned away so he can’t see Danny’s face.
And when the Bats come in, he barely pays attention to them, just keeps his eyes on Danny because he knows that he’s more of a threat than Batsy is. The Joker doesn’t even care about the other hostages anymore he just wants that kid gone.
Then his goons end up kidnapping Danny again and the Joker dies a bit inside. He would just shoot the dumb goons, but that stare Danny has(which looks and is completely normal)has the Joker quaking in his boots. And Danny keeps getting accidentally kidnapped, so the Joker just treats him really well, offering tea and stuff. Ugh, this would be such a good The Batman episode, just the Joker being super nice and friendly and scared of just this random guy. A random guy who turns out to be not so normal.
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whoahoney · 2 years
An Attempt at a One Night Stand Pt 3
Eddie Munson x SingleMom!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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Summary: Eddie and Y/n try being vulnerable during their first sleepover
Content Warnings: Fem/AFAB!Reader, use of Y/N, mature language and themes, SMUT, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, nipple play, hair pulling, spanking, edging, unprotected sex (WRAP IT), pet names (baby, good girl, sweet girl, etc) slight degradation(?), eddie is a switch, reader is a switch, squirting, mostly porn
A/N: Regarding the tag list. 🤍 I’m sorry if you didn’t get tagged, it wouldn’t let me mention more than 50 people, but holy shit, I can’t believe that many people want to be apart of this series 😭
I will be starting a new taglist based on the people who comment on this post! If you aren’t able to get a spot on the new list, I recommend turning on post notifications since I only post my work on this blog. If you’d like to see my shit posts, feel free to check out my side blog, @whoahoneyy.
Thank you all so much 🤍😭
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n couldn’t help but scream into a throw pillow out of excitement after she heard Eddie pull out of the driveway, Danny tucked away in bed for the night.
The evening had gone well— better than well, great, in fact. Neither of the young adults could wipe the smiles from their faces after they’d parted, newly made plans for a sleepover on Wednesday evening set for after she got off work late.
“That’ll be the perfect opportunity to have Danny stay the night at—ulgh—Ginger’s.” She mentioned through a grunt from the floral loveseat as her little boy flopped on top of her stomach. “Sleepover?” Danny asked with excitement brewing in his starry dark eyes.
“Yep! Then mama will have the house to herself for the first time ever! Well, maybe not..completely to myself..” She mentioned passively, the comment going right over Danny’s curly head and landing right onto Eddie’s crotch.
“Oh-h,” he squeaked, “The first time? Ever?” He tried to make conversation, sidestepping the more intriguing part of her revelation.
Danny busied himself with his mothers hands and face, her eyes darted over to Eddie who sat on the closest end of the sofa to her, the dim blue light of the tv illuminating the side of his face. His round eyes shined, his lips parted with a soft gasp.
Y/n nodded as she sat up with the boy laying against her shoulder sleepily.
“I’m gonna give him a bath real quick, if that’s cool. I-If you need to go, I under—“
“I don’t have to go.” He smiled.
She blushed as Danny buried his head in her shoulder, sleepily. “I don’t think it’ll be long, feel free to switch the channel.” She said as she departed.
Eddie smiled at the sight before him, a beautiful woman and her beautiful child in the evening. He wished he remembered bath time with his mom; if she ever even did bathtime.
His mothers absence never really bothered him, though he was always reminded by his father that she left because she wanted to. It never bothered Eddie that he had no memories of her, not until now.
At the sound of the water running, he craned his neck to catch a view of the door at the end of the hall; Y/n sat on her knees in front of the tub gathering her hair into a ponytail as she set about preparing the bath.
He observed the process and wondered about her train of thought; check the temperature, plug the drain, adjust the temperature, check the temperature again. Add bubbles, add the child, and toys. Turn off the water, grab the soap and loofa.
He admired her smile as she watched Danny settle into the warmth sleepily, his long day catching up to him. Y/n rubbed his scalp with her nails, the boy leaning into her touch. “I love you, mama.” He sighed.
“I love you too, baby.” She whispered, planting a kiss on his head before she sighed and got started with washing him.
Eddie turned his attention to the tv when he noticed his breathing quake and his brow knit together, his mouth tangled in a frown. He stood from his seat and walked to the kitchen, taking deep breaths the whole way to the table.
He grabbed his cup from earlier and stepped over to the sink, filling the glass with water while the cold that splashed his wrists and centered him a bit. The feeling in his chest was heavy, and he wished for nothing more than the tension to go away so he could enjoy the rest of his time with them.
He took a generous drink, the ice resting against his lip until he was satisfied. He looked down at the sink and ran his warm tongue over his cold upper lip before turning on the hot water and looking around for the dish soap.
Her dishes were done for the most part with the exception of the dinner dishes and what looked to be plates from lunch and breakfast. “Piece of cake.” He mumbled to himself, plucking a yellow sponge from the window sill.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie had the dishes cleared in no time, wiping down the sink as he heard the faint sounds of water falling from a rinse cup. “Tilt your head back for me.” She said gently.
Eddie’s heart warmed then he shook his head, picking up a hand towel and drying off. He admired his job well done, the dishes drying on the counter on the rack.
He used the towel to dry the plates first, stacking as he went, then put them where he saw her pull them from previously. After that, he moved onto the skillets, which he found in the cabinet next to the stove.
He was eager and afraid to see how Y/n felt, hoping she wouldn’t take his act of service out of context.
‘It’s too much, dude. Desperate much?’ A voice reminded him, a cringe shooting down his spine before he took another deep breath and talked himself down.
‘I’m being a good guest and making myself useful in the home of a single parent—it isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for another friend in her position. Fuck you!’ He nodded victoriously at winning the battle of the last word with his worst critic.
Before he knew it, he had the dishes dried and put away, the counter and stove wiped down the best he could, and was able to sit down and act like he did nothing.
He grinned behind his hand— satisfied with himself as she left Danny’s room with an eager smile playing at her lips. Eddie lit up at the sight of her, the golden glow of the single hallway light casting a halo around her as she approached.
“You did it!” He congratulated quietly, his heart leaping when she walked past him to go to the kitchen. “Yeah, well, you wanna come and dry dishes for me?” She asked, her head turned back to look at him as she entered the kitchen, Eddie hot on her heels.
Eddie smirked as she turned around, stopping in her tracks. “Oh, Eddie…” She whispered, turning to him once again, though the playfulness left her eyes, adoration taking residence instead.
“You didn’t have to—“
“I know, I just wanted to show you I’m-I’m grateful for dinner and for this chance—“
Y/n pulled him close, her arms thrown around his neck and her nose nuzzling his hair close to his neck. She held him tight, in a way that felt like such a warm blanket for Eddie, it was a hug like no other.
“Thank you.” She sighed.
Eddie bent down, wrapping his arms around her waist with a relieved sigh, drawing in a deep breath as he uttered, “Thank you.” Stroking her back up and down chastely with his hands.
As much as she wanted him to spend the night, she decided she needed to wait until Wednesday. Y/n still wasn’t convinced it was all real, so she wanted to see if any cards fell before then.
On Monday, he called her after 8 (Danny’s bedtime), greeting her with a, ‘Ugh, Angel! It’s so good to hear your voice. How are you? How’s Dan the man?’
They talked for two hours about this and that, anything and everything that came up; favorite colors to obscure childhood memories, exchanging high school experiences to sex stories, no holds were barred.
Except one.
On Tuesday, he stopped by her work during lunch, the store mostly empty during the midday. He showed up right as she flipped the store sign to ‘be back later!’ His figure zooming down the sidewalk, over shooting by a few feet and having to back track, his chest heaving and out of breath as he caught her startled little jump.
“Hey! I’m glad I caught you.” He said through the glass. Y/n scoffed and unlocked the door, letting him in before locking it back. “What are you up to?” She asked suspiciously with her arms crossed against her front.
“I didn’t know you wear glasses.” He smiled warmly, his eyes flitting over her face now that the large rims sat perched on her nose. He was a popsicle on the sidewalk in July. She rolled her eyes and walked over to the counter, “I read a lot of small print.” She shrugged.
“I love them.” He beamed, plucking them from her face and putting them on his own. “Eddie!” She giggled, leaning into his chest, still waiting for an answer to her previous question.
“I wanted to wish a lovely lady a good day, is that a crime?” He scoffed rather suspiciously, placing her glasses back on her face gently and admiring the bun she wore her hair in, her face on clear display.
“You’re cute when you think I’m up to something.” He smiled, noting how she blushed at the compliment. She uncrossed her arms and looked everywhere but his face, something Danny did when he was feeling shy.
“Well I know you’re up to something, Munson. I know your lunch breaks aren’t that long either, you came running down the street like a maniac, I mean I think it’s great and all that you don’t care what the dipshits in Hawkins think, but around here no one—“
He cut her off by pulling her in for a warm, slow, and sweet kiss. His full lips slotting over hers, moving and sucking lightly as she melted into him, her arms throwing themselves over his shoulders and leaning her body into him. He leaned against the counter, his eyes rolling back at her sweet little moan. She grinded her hips against his denim clad crotch, his mouth opening with a gasp.
“Aha, I gotcha back, now we’re even.” She smiled with her eyes closed, nipping his bottom lip for the fun of it and pulling back. Eddie scoffed, shamelessly reaching down between them to readjust himself.
“You’re good, you’re good, I’ll give you that, baby. But come tomorrow night,” he bent down next to her ear to whisper, “we’re gonna rattle some walls. ‘Kay?” He looked at her with that hungry for mischief look in his eye, his smirk pushing his bottom lip out slightly.
Y/n licked her lips to go back for one more kiss, Eddie pulling back at the last second to tease her just to see the look of surprise on her face. “Oh, I see, okay, if that’s how you wanna play it, we can save the rest for tomorrow night, I’m cool—“
“No, no, no, I was just messin’ around,” He rushed, wrapping his arms around her shoulders to sprinkle kisses on her cheeks, “Honest, the only reason I came here was because I couldn’t stop thinking about kissing you—just kissing you. I had to, I just needed to see you… hope it wasn’t weird.” He said, with a dry chuckle to mask his wavering confidence.
Y/n beamed, her hands laying over his cheeks, the cold of her hands sending a shock through his skin that heated her palms, the butterflies returning. “It wasn’t weird. I think about kissing you quite often, too.” She mumbled, raising on her tiptoes to plant a firm chaste kiss atop his full lips. She smiled in satisfaction at the way they felt coming off hers.
She caught him peeking at her through his eyelashes as her lips lingered in front of his. “I gotta get back.” He whispered. Y/n smiled and nodded.
“You think you’d be in the mood for me to call later?” He asked, maybe a little more quiet than before.
Y/n nodded, “I’m already looking forward to it.”
Then Wednesday came.
Y/n felt like her day flew by around her, work going smoothly until she got off to pick Danny up from pre-school.
Danny was ecstatic to see his mother, rushing over to her to show her his picture of the letter G. “Mommy, LOOK!” He urged deeply, shoving the paper in her face. She picked him up, his little legs immediately hooking around her waist as she walked them back to the car.
“It’s G week?! What G words did you guys talk about today?” She asked, feeling around in her jacket pocket for her keys. “Aidan said go, Marley said grow, and I said Gigi!” He grinned, a proud smile stretching across his face.
“That’s so clever of you! She’s gonna be so thrilled to see this. Are you gonna give it to her tonight?” Y/n asked with excitement widening her eyes as she buckled him in his seat.
Danny flashed a similar expression, as he squealed “Yeah!”
The drive home was always fun, Danny having a taste for louder music. He preferred it set to 100.5 ‘the KATT’, otherwise known as the local radio hub of heavy rock.
Danny was an endlessly moving kiddo, so the car was always hard, being strapped down triggering the fuck outta the kid, but since he figured out he could thrash his head around to the intense drums and guitars, he was golden.
Y/n always enjoyed joining him at stops or glancing back at him in the mirror, thinking of all the times her and Adam drove around at night listening to every radio station they deemed worthy.
Adam always liked the louder stuff too. Y/n came from Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Fleetwood Mac, growing up around the drug-addled hippie scene of the 70s. It wasn’t until she heard Adam’s first Alice Cooper album that her preferences shifted.
This day, the KATT played WASP’s Wild Child. The drums coming in heavy during the intro had Danny kicking his feet and throwing his head similarly to the way his father preferred, side to side, as opposed to up and down like his mom.
Danny’s bangs were very much in his eyes at this point, but he insisted he wanted it long like his moms, though Y/n really thought it was because headbanging was more fun with long hair.
“Take it easy, little dude, you’re gonna hurt your neck!” Y/n chastised as the little boy shook his head back and forth with an ornery smile on his face, “No I not!” He insisted.
“It’s ‘No, I won’t.’ and yes you will!!”
Luckily, no injuries were sustained on the way to Ginger’s, which was the regular routine for her late days, Wednesdays. But tonight she’d have an even later night.
Robin had filled Ginger in on the situation, who was also eager to help Y/n; knowing what it’s like to lose a husband to death unexpectedly.
“Eddie’s your friend?” Ginger asked as she rolled the pizza dough for their special dinner Danny had chosen.
Robin nodded as she ate some shredded cheese. “Oh yeah, Eddie’s as good as they come, mom. Remember? His name was cleared after—“
“Oh, my, it’s that Munson boy, isn’t it?” She placed a shocked hand to her cheek as Robin confirmed with a nod. “Well, I’ll be. That poor boy had a bad hand dealt to him the moment he was born. Is he-Is he doing okay? After it all?” She’d asked, running and finger across Robin's cheekbone and pushing hair back from her face.
“Yeah, mom, Eddie’s okay.” She assured.
“And you? You’re still doing okay? Nothing else has—“
“Yes, everything’s okay. It’s all over.” She nodded assuringly, her mother sighing and pulling her into a bone crushing hug, though Robin didn’t mind this time.
Robin's mom could be rather harsh when it came to patience, but since Adam passed away and the earthquake of ‘86, she’d turned more tender towards her daughter and welcomed Y/n and Danny with open arms when the girl had nowhere else to turn.
Ginger had accepted that she wouldn’t know or maybe even understand everything, but she had known things weren’t right in Hawkins a long time ago. She was just happy her clumsy, imaginative, caring, and brilliant daughter was safe in her arms.
“Mom—you’re crushing me.” She squeaked out.
Ginger leapt away from Robin and smoothed the girls shirt and hair, smiling at her adoringly before turning back to the dough.
Danny hadn’t bothered to tell his mother goodbye before she went to the restaurant for work, his mind already focused on needing to smush his hands into the gooey and fluffy dough.
“We’ll take it from here, mom, have a wonderful evening at work!” Robin winked at the door before closing it, Ginger yelling, “and a well deserved good night!” behind her, the two girls' eyes widening before bursting into hysterics.
“I love you all so much, please call if you need anything! You have the restaurant number right?”
“Yes! Now, GO!” Robin urged as the sun cast an orange glow across the land, Y/n’s shift close to starting.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n finished her shift leaned over the counter, counting her tips with a satisfied smirk on her face; knowing she’d be able to afford the rent and get Danny’s new shoes.
She practically raced home, the KATT turned up full blast with Black Sabbath rolling through the speakers, a smile tugging at her lips as her heart rattled against her sternum in excitement and fear.
She ran inside as soon as her feet hit the ground, hoping to have the place looking like a child didn’t live there for just one night. Y/n flew through the living room, her jacket, apron, and shoes still on from work, scooping up toys and throwing them in a laundry basket to dump in Danny’s toy box.
She ran the vacuum over the carpets and lit a couple aromatherapy candles she’s never been able to enjoy, the atmosphere filled with notes of patchouli and vanilla.
When she was satisfied with the kitchen and living room, she moved onto her room and bathroom. She started by picking up the forgotten dirty laundry on the floor, then stripped her bed. She made quick work of throwing the basket in the laundry room to be dealt with later.
She shed her jacket and apron, tossing it on the couch on her way back through. She stood at the end of her bed, catching her chest heaving with breath, her head beginning to feel fuzzy as she gripped the bed frame for support.
‘It doesn’t have to be perfect.’ She thought, a slower breath drawing through her.
Looking at the bare mattress, she then turned to the hall cabinet, finding her best and softest sheets she’d been waiting to use for this night. The soft cotton blend was sweet like lavender, the feeling of her nose buried in it was both soothing and inviting.
Once she was able to slow her breath down, she made the bed quickly, the last pillow on the bed taking a weight off her chest as she glanced at the clock.
Her eyes bugged out of her head, dashing into the bathroom to evaluate her appearance.
Her makeup had caked and creased in spots, her mascara flaking and running over her under eyes which were puffy due to the irritation and the long day. Her eyes themselves were watery and pink as if she’d taken a generous rip from a bong though sadly it wasn’t the case.
She sighed, about to consider washing her face to put on a brand new layer of makeup when the doorbell rang, dropping the recently lifted load back on top of her.
“Hello?” His voice rang through the house, “Y/n/n, I’m here, uh, your keys are still in the door? Are you okay?” He called unsurely, his upper half leaning through the entry, keys in hand.
His eyes swept what he could see of the house, his eyes wide as saucers and his heart beat picking up pace the more his thoughts spiraled. The place felt too quiet without the tv playing Danny’s shows.
The sound of her quick steps through the room in front of him put him at ease immediately. He stepped the rest of the way in the house shutting the door behind him, but keeping his eyes on her beautiful figure approaching.
“Hi! I’m sorry, I must’ve gotten ahead of myself, I haven’t been home long I was just gonna—“
Eddie cut off her ramble by pulling her face to his, his plush lips pressed against hers in a long chaste kiss that had both of their hearts slowing. Their shared tension melted away at the sensation of being so close, breathing each other in and taking in their first moments utterly and completely alone with no time limit or interruptions.
When he pulled back from her lips, he rested his head on top of hers in a warm embrace for a moment, feeling like a child with a teddy bear whenever she was near. He couldn’t help but hold her at half an arm's length to take in her pretty face, a sight for sore eyes since he hadn’t seen her since the day prior, which now for Eddie was an eternity.
“Lemme look at you.” He grinned as he moved her ponytail back over her shoulder, her nervous face turning to the ground in an embarrassed chuckle.
“Uh, I’m a mess, I haven’t had time to—“ he placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his, smiling when their eyes met.
“There she is.” He cooed quietly, his hand flattening against her cheek. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Eddie looked all across her face, examining it as if it would’ve changed. He thought the worn spot on the tip of her nose was cute, the makeup having been wiped because of their kiss. The outline of her lipstick was the only evidence that she wore any that day. He eyed the dark circles under her eyes, chuckling when he realized it was only runny mascara.
“Stooop, I know, I look like a raccoon.” She giggled, looking down and stepping away, still holding his hand as she eased him into the living room.
“Did you know raccoons are my favorite animal of all time?” Eddie asked, turning her back around to face him once they stood in front of the couch.
She laughed lightly and wiped under one eye, “I thought you said dragons were your favorite?”
“Yeah, well Danny told me dragons weren’t ‘actually real’, so I had to choose a new favorite.” He shrugged, watching her walk down the hallway to her open door, a place he was very eager to see.
He’d been thinking of her bedroom and what it’d be like since the night they met, when he had wished so desperately to be taken home by her. “Why are they your favorite?” She asked when she reached the end of the hall, turning to see he hadn’t moved, a chuckle leaving her lips as he stood aimlessly in the center of the room.
“C’mere.” She said with a little nod. Eddie smiled and rushed to her, following her through the doorway and looking around.
Her room was simple, though the bed looked grand and womanly, coordinating blankets and sheets folded and tucked just the right way. She had a bed frame and a lace tapestry that hung above; it looked like a princess—no, queen, slept there.
He followed her figure into what seemed to be her bathroom, leaning on the door frame as she went about turning on the sink and procuring a wash rag. She sighed and looked at the makeup bag on the counter, Eddie seeing her thought process unfold.
“What are you thinking about?” He said, narrowing his eyes at her and nodding at the bag. She looked taken aback, like she’d be caught.
“Oh, well, when you came I was about to get ready and change to see you, but I ran out of time, so I was trying to decide if—“ she slid the bag over, taking out her concealer as if she were preparing to show him before his hand covered hers.
“I wanna see you get ready for bed.” He said quietly.
Y/n cocked her head, “Like, you wanna have shower sex?”
Eddie blanched, his cheeks soon flooding with a hot blush at the suggestion, “Oh, uh, no, I wasn’t—I meant I just wanna hang in here while you do whatever you… do. You know? If you wanna shower, I’d just sit right over here,” he sat down and scooted back on the counter, making himself at home. “—and talk to ya, if you like that. Or I could leave and just wait for you in the living room, doesn’t matter to me.” Though he desperately hoped she would let him stay.
“No, no, I-I’d love it if you kept me company in here, I’ve been dying to see you.” She smiled, stepping in between his legs and putting her arms over his shoulders. Eddie’s eyes lit up and he leaned in for a tender kiss.
“Now,” he said, parting them after a moment, “As much as I love the grunge look, your eyes will thank you when you wash your face, baby.” He handed her the damp rag. She nodded and stepped over to the sink, bending down to splash some warm water on her face. Eddie hopped down and turned on the shower for her. He turned back and watched her lather the soap in her hands before starting circles on her cheeks.
Y/n smiled as he stepped behind her, placing his hands on her waist and kissing the top of her head, “Do you have a towel?” He asked slightly louder than the water noise.
She stared at him as he stared back at her in the mirror, his smile telling her that he knew he was making her uncomfortable with the care he provided, though he would stop if she asked. The thing is, she didn’t.
She sighed, looking down at the water rushing down into the bowl before her and shook her head, “I don’t.” She smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her shoulders and his head come to rest next to her ear, “Could you tell me where they are?” He asked softly, his saccharine words sending heat down to her core.
She giggled and flinched at the tickle of his breath against her ear. “In the top hall cabinet—“ She laughed as he took off before she could finish, dashing across the house as quickly as possible to retrieve the fluffiest towels her cabinet had to offer.
He returned moments later with two faded blue towels. “Here you are, my lady.” He presented them to her like a humble servant would as she used the warm rag to wipe the soap and makeup from her face. She wiped away one black eye, the other still remaining as she reached out for them and laughed again, her heart warming at the smile he gave her when she did.
He took the rag from her and gently cupped her face, adoration pouring from him into her with just one look. She closed her eyes and surrendered to his touch, the warmth on her face soothing as he rubbed away the rest of the makeup.
She opened her eyes when he took the cloth away, his hand remaining in place, “Perfect.” He mumbled to himself as she brought her hand up over his to hold, turning and pressing a kiss to his palm before stepping away and testing the water.
Eddie turned to look at her bed and the rest of her room, wondering if she already had clothes to change into somewhere “Hey, babe, do you—“ he turned to ask but his thoughts were interrupted by her undressing as she’s done in front of him twice before, but less rushed.
His mouth fell agape as he observed her coming undone in the most pure way; a woman preparing to bathe. There was something sensual about the process yet ethereal and chaste.
He admired the slopes of her naked body as she rid herself of her skirt and tights, her figure making him think of the goddess Venus. He couldn’t deny the stiffness in his jeans but it could wait, he just wanted to observe.
She turned to look at him, her smile returning when she noticed the way he looked at her. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” She chuckled.
“I’ll never get used to… that.” He chuckled, shyly looking her up and down as she straightened and walked towards him.
“You sure you’re not asking for shower sex?” She asked him suspiciously, questioning his underlying motive.
Eddie closed his eyes as she came to stand right in front of him, trying to keep himself and the moment clean; he wanted to prove to her he wasn’t like the others. She smiled at him though she knew he couldn’t see.
“No! No. I’m not. We, uh, have plenty of time right? I’m by no means turning down shower sex, if-if that’s what you’re asking for?” He chuckled, scrunching his eyes shut to resist taking a peek.
He could hear her chuckle and felt her presence move away from him. With the sound of the shower curtain opening, so did his eyes. She looked back at him with a knowing look and smiled before closing the curtain back.
“Come sit and talk to me!” She insisted, the walls of the shower amplifying her wonderful voice. Eddie smiled and walked to the toilet without hesitation. “Alright, I’m here.” He confirmed.
“Tell me about your day! What’d you do?” She asked, running her hair under the water.
“Work was work. I was the grunt all day, doing every job the older guys didn’t want. Felt like time was crawling by, all I could think about was what time it was, what you were up to, and-and if you were thinking about me, you know?” He admitted, turning his position to sit on the counter and rest his feet on the toilet below, facing the shower easier and leaning his shoulder against the mirror.
Y/n peeked her head out of the curtain, her wet hair framing her face and water droplets clinging to her face like freckles.
A smile tugged at his lips as she looked at him in wonder. “I was.” She blushed, steam rolling out of the shower and filling the room as she returned to washing her hair.
“I-I’m glad.” He blushed. “Was, uh, Danny… excited when you dropped him off?” He asked.
“Oh, yeah, he barely even kissed me bye!” She said in disbelief, going on about different times he’s chosen Robin and Ginger over her, as the citrus notes of her shampoo filled the humid room, intoxicating Eddie instantly. He wanted to drown in this scent, bury his nose in her hair and stay there as long as she allowed.
But then came her conditioner.
The smell intensified when the floral scent of the treatment sat on her hair while she washed her body, yet another aroma that made his heart sing.
After a while the water started to get to him, the two cokes he slammed before he got here catching up to him. “I’m gonna go use the other bathroom.” He said after a bit of silence while she rinsed her hair, the water slapping the bottom of the tub loudly.
“What?” She asked, peeking back through the gap, her hair soaked and slicked back from a thorough rinsing.
“Uh, I, uh, just wanted to tell you I’m gonna go use the other bathroom—“
“Are you serious?” She looked from him to the toilet in amusement, suds clinging to her shoulder. He placed a hand over his cock that ached for two reasons and chuckled.
“Just pee in here!” She said, fixing the curtain back to give him privacy. “I won’t even hear you.” She insisted, resuming her rinsing and probably making more noise on purpose to make it less weird for him.
“A-Are you sure? Are we there yet?” He asked, waiting for the all clear, about ready for his bladder to burst.
She poked only her head back through the curtain and giggled, “Eddie?” a knowing look behind her eyes as a smile spread across his cheeks.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“We’re there.” She giggled, pushing the curtain back closed til it kissed the wall.
“We’re doing this ass backwards, huh?” He asked, shaking his head and sidling up to the toilet as she laughed irresistibly. “It’s kind of the only way I do things.” Y/n joked.
Instead of responding, Eddie let out a relieved sigh, Y/n bursting into giggles at the sound, scrubbing her skin for a second time with her loofa.
“What? Can’t a guy piss in peace?” He joked as he finished, closing the lid and hesitating to flush, “Is it safe to flush this thing while you’re in there or are you gonna get scorched?” He asked, tapping on the curtain like a door as she turned off the water and opened the curtain all the way.
Eddie froze, his whole body rigid as a statue, especially his dick. Her body was crystallized, bejeweled in bulbous drops, her hair darker and longer from the weight of the water. She wiped her face with her hands as Eddie grabbed a towel for her.
She stepped out of the shallow tub, taking the towel with a grateful smile and burying her face in it, wiping away the wet. “Typically it gets really cold but I’ve had a couple instances where Danny flushed or used the other bathroom and I thought I was on fire.” She used that very towel to wrap up her hair in the most endearing towel hat that Eddie wanted to learn how to do, though he’d wait until next time to ask her to repeat the steps.
He rushed to open the next towel, wrapping it around her, delighted by her giggle as he tucked the towel into itself at her front. “Glad I used my best judgement, you do me no good if you’re a human popsicle.” He joked, “There we go. All clean.” He smiled, giving her shoulder a kiss before resting his head on it.
“Are you hungry?” She turned and asked, his focus staying on her shoulders and collarbone. He smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry though, I have a little snack.” He shrugged, watching her grab her toothbrush and toothpaste. Eddie looked to the fogged up glass and ran his dry hand around in the middle, clearing a space for her to see herself.
Y/n scrunched her brow and busied herself by putting the paste on the brush, “You brought snacks? I’ll have you know that I keep the best—“ she was interrupted by a little growl followed by a bite on the shoulder, a yelp pulled from her lips at his antics. “Ahh! Eddie!” She screamed through giggles, his arms winding around her from behind, careful not to knock the items from her hands.
He planted a kiss where he assaulted the flesh, waiting for her to meet his eye. She glanced up and noticed the giant heart around the two of them on the mirror, her eyes meeting Eddie’s that waited for her to notice, a small and expectant smile on his lips. She clenched her jaw in a tense smile as he laughed at her, her discomfort endearing.
He stroked her shoulders and the back of her neck, leaning down and pressing another kiss to her skin, this one much closer to her sweet spot. “I think it’s real cute how flustered you get when I do things for you.” He whispered, admiring her profile.
“If you want me to stop I will.” He whispered again, his tone filled with insecurity as he wrapped his arms around her waist to give a firm squeeze and await her answer.
When he looked back up at her in the mirror she was smiling at him, then reached up to remove her hair towel, her damp strands falling to one side of her shoulder. The heavenly smell of her freshly washed hair hit him, surrounding him like the steam in the air. He was living in a dream.
She turned to him, craving to see his face closer. Eddie’s eyes shined like they always did, practically beaming at her. She placed her hand on his cheek again, “I don’t want you to stop.” She whispered, nodding for him in earnest before he nodded back, his hand grazing down her arm until it met her hand on his face.
He leaned in and kissed her forehead before stepping back to lean against the wall, his reflection sending her a wink as she began scrubbing her teeth. When she finished rinsing her mouth, she noticed Eddie walking back to her room.
She watched him, his body leaving with the steam that pooled in the air while the shower was on. She looked to the mirror, the fog clinging to the glass, but most importantly the heart that was drawn there.
Y/n entered her room, smiling when she saw Eddie lounging at the end of her bed, looking like he belonged there. “You’re making all my dreams come true tonight, you know that?” He chuckled, his eyes following her to her chest of drawers in front of the bed.
She scoffed at his words and yanked open a drawer, grabbing a pair of lacy soft purple panties to tug on and then finding her pajama drawer. She dug around in search of her nicest item but to no avail, she didn’t have anything deemed nice enough for a night such as this.
She debated on only wearing the panties for him when he appeared behind her. “Whatcha lookin’ for?” He asked softly, pecking her shoulder as he peered into the drawer of giant car magazine and faded lettered band shirts.
“Oh, uh, I was just trying to see if there was anything—“
“I wanna see you in your favorite thing to wear to bed.” He smiled, his bottom lip between his teeth as he wiped a stray droplet from her brow.
She nodded with a soft smile, “okay.” She turned back to the drawer, spying her soft old bluegrass festival shirt and pulling the blue fabric out, a banjo with the Oklahoma emblem on the front, faded lettering announcing the dates and location, and the back previously filled with the act names before they faded and chipped away.
Eddie admired her from his spot on the bed, the panties sliding up her legs and hugging her soft hips exquisitely. He found himself wondering what it’d feel like to sink his teeth right below the band and leaving sloppy kisses there until she begged—
“Tada.” She said with flat enthusiasm and spun around, the large shirt she now wore flaring.
Eddie stood, looking down at her with a smile and taking her face in his hand. “You are the cutest, hottest, most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen..” He trailed off, gazing into the deep pools of her eyes, “..And it’s all because there’s a banjo on your shirt. Where is this, by the way? Did you go?” He asked, examining the shirt further.
She looked down at the shirt again and nodded, “Yeah, I’ve been everywhere. This is from ‘76, used to be my old man’s.” She chuckled. Eddie’s eyes flickered back to hers, gauging her where she was emotionally.
“W-Where is he?” He asked timidly, averting his eyes back to the faded writing on the shirt, spying a couple paint stains near the bottom.
Y/n sighed and circled her arms around his neck. “We spread his ashes over the pacific like he wanted. We went to California from the mountains, where he passed during our trip to Oregon. He was sick for a while, but he was really at peace with it all, so we were too. But when we came back— it was really different. We were that weird family that showed back up from vacation without the dad, you know? People started saying bizarre shit, you know how it goes.” She scoffed, shaking her head for getting off topic.
Eddie recognized this immediately and pulled her in for a hug. “How old were you?” He asked softly, unfamiliar pity in his voice.
“I, uh, I was 12.” She relaxed into the embrace, her chest releasing tension she didn’t know she held. Eddie sighed, kissing the side of her head and stroking her back.
“That’s around the age I ended up at Wayne’s.” He chuckled dryly, swaying them side to side.
“That’s a hard age without a dad.” She mentioned into his chest like a secret.
“Any age is hard without a dad.” He said without thinking, their bodies stilled. Eddie pulled back to look at her, earnesty filling his eyes, “I-I’m so—I didn’t mean, I wasn’t trying to—“
“It’s okay! I know you didn’t—it’s true though. It’s hard.” She nodded assuringly. She knew Danny benefited in ways kids like Y/n and Eddie didn’t, at least he hadn’t met his father before he lost him.
If Adam had a chance to choose between dying before he could meet his son or dying after, he’d choose before every time to save Danny from feeling that pain, and Y/n knew it. Eddie’s words hadn’t hurt her, it was just another time Eddie had seen her without her having to asking him to.
They stood and stared at each other in understanding, the weird limbo of where to go next.
“We don’t have to talk about—about anything you don’t want to talk about. But, uh. Thank you. For sharing that with me. It means a lot—“ He let out an audible gasp when she collided her lips against his. Her thumbs stroked the sides of his neck as she kept him close to her.
The glide of their tongues against one another was addicting, the two dancing around and exploring one another. She panted when she pulled away from him, her hands on his chest with no plans to move. He pulled her waist closer to him to press her against his straining cock.
He looked at the way her hair fell over her shoulder and hung between them, reaching out and wrapping the strand around his finger, “Can I, uh, fuck—“ he started but overthought and got embarrassed again.
Y/n scrunched her brow, “What is it?”
“It’s one of those… domestic day dreams I’ve had about you, you know?” He said shyly, his eyes running over her being.
“Tell me.” She said, leaning her chin on his chest to look up at him in his embrace.
“…Can I brush your hair?” He asked softly, averting his eyes, an embarrassed smile lingering. Y/n sighed, nodding dreamily as he smiled with his lip between his teeth.
“You can after you get ready for bed. You wanna shower? You have clothes to change into?” She asked, her sparkling eyes wide with intention. Eddie chuckled, running his tongue over his lip again to taste her. “I, uh, packed a bag, I did. But… I forgot it at home.” His cheeks burned pink all the way to his ears that stayed hidden behind his curls.
She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle the laugh that was threatening to leave her lips, not doing a good job.
“But! I already showered and I don’t wear anything to bed anyway.” He assured, winding his arms around her middle and pulling her onto his lap at the end of the bed. She felt ridiculous, giggling as she fell over him, her panties leaving little barrier between his fly and her clit. Her hands stayed at his shoulders as she felt his fingers stroke her lower back, the bottom of her shirt riding up over her ass almost.
Y/n buried her face in his neck, the sensation of her nose burrowed in his skin sending tingles rippling throughout his body, his heart beat picking up as she spoke against his skin, “Do I get to help you get ready for bed?” She asked, feigning innocence, her nails stroking the back of his neck, his eyes flitting back and forth between her eyes and lips.
He nodded, waiting for her next move. She took no hesitation before she pulled him in for a kiss, her tongue eagerly coming out to play with his.
The difference between this kiss and the others they’d shared this night was their open mouths and moans pouring into one another, lips tugging on lips trying to get more of that taste that’s hard to come by; the kind of kiss they were used to when it came to their time together.
Eddie’s cock pulsed against the heat that sat on his crotch, canting his hips up and holding her hips firmly as he ground her down onto him, biting his lip in satisfaction as she wriggled on top of him to oblige his efforts. “You like this?” She asked, diving to the other side of his neck.
Eddie’s breathing was deepening already, his eyes rolling back and falling shut at her smells, touches, and sounds. He nodded and gave a weak, “Uh-huh.” In response, feeling her teeth in a smile against his skin before she sunk them into his shoulder as he’d done her, his cute little moan making her giggle as she left soothing kisses and kitten licks across the lingering bite on his skin.
He loved the way it sounded when her mouth left his skin, the smack of her lips another reminder that she was kissing him. She laid him down on his back, his muscles releasing tension as soon as they hit the blanket. Y/n scooted herself up his lap, placing her hands on his chest and raking her nails soothingly down his torso the way he liked.
“Oh, Jesus, you’re fantastic.” He groaned, hating how good this was already feeling while he was fully clothed. Y/n leaned down to his ear and whispered, “I can show you fantastic if you get naked for me.” Her hair surrounding them like a curtain from the rest of the world.
Eddie's eyes rolled again, a pathetic groan coming from him as he heard her speak, her quiet laughter only adding fuel to the fire, “It’s not fair.” He decided, sitting up and pulling his shirt from his body. “I’m just a man, Y/n, I’m already about to cream my pants just by being on your bed.” He chuckled, undoing his belt and pushing them down his thighs to leave him in his boxers.
Y/n crawled back off the bed with haste, Eddie not having time to ask a proper question before she was pulling them the rest of the way down, tossing them carelessly to the side with her lip between her teeth as she waited on the floor between his spread legs.
He looked down at her after a moment, his mouth falling agape. “Sweetheart.. whatcha doin down there?” He asked suspiciously, loving how naughty and mischievous she looked.
She snickered before sitting up on her knees, her hands resting on his thighs and rubbing tantalizing circles. “Can I have it in my mouth first?” She asked in an eager whisper as his eyes bugged out of his head, sitting up quickly.
“ ‘Can you’— jus—come here. Come here, right now.” He said, seriousness overtaking his features as he bent over to bring her chin in for another firm kiss moving against hers. Both hands held her jaw, his fingers buried in her hair. She moaned into him as he sucked on her bottom lip, his tongue having its way with her mouth before pulling back a couple inches.
She opened her eyes and looked at him in a daze, his hands combing the hair behind her ears. “You can have anything you want.. after I brush your hair.” He whispered in a smile, his thumb stroking her cheekbone.
She smiled and nodded, leaning in to kiss him again before standing and finding her favorite paddle brush in the bathroom. When she returned, she flipped off the bedroom light, the orange glow of the lamps matching the atmosphere perfectly.
She turned on the tv, grabbing the remote and tossing both it and the brush on the bed in the space between where their bodies would lie. Eddie looked at the pillows at the head of the bed, wondering which side would be for him.
“Which side do you—“ they asked in unison as he helped Y/n pull the comforter back, giggling when they caught each other.
“I sleep in the middle.” They both answered, laughing more as they crawled up to the middle, Eddie taking the side closest to the bathroom door.
The flat sheet and comforter felt buttery against his skin, Y/n tucked them in and the noise from the evening news filled the room.
Eddie felt like he was in someone else’s life for a moment, as if he had body snatched someone maybe; as if he wasn’t meant to be here getting taken care of in her nice warm bed.
He reached out around her waist and pulled her into his chest, effectively getting her sat in between his spread legs with her back to him.
He heard her sigh quietly, his hand reaching slowly to bring her hair behind her shoulders. “C-Could I have the brush?” He asked timidly. She smiled unbeknownst to him, and handed it back immediately, feeling a combination of excitement and uneasiness resting in her stomach as he hesitantly ran the brush through her ends, gently working up. “I-is this okay?” He asked, a little worried his request was weird, or too intimate for her.
She hummed and nodded, tilting her head back as she hugged her knees to her chest. He smiled and continued with more confidence, thankful he now knew what it felt like to help her get ready for bed, a process he’d be thinking about any time he was apart from her at night.
Y/n thought about Eddie’s persistence and thoughtfulness, how it reminded her of Adam again, sending that icky guilty feeling down to her stomach.
But Adam never brushed her hair..
It’s not like that’s a bad thing, if she’d asked, he would’ve in a heartbeat.
Adam loved to bring Y/n food. Whether it was before school, or after, a midnight snack or a candy bar deposited into her locker, he was always surprising her with treats from the vending machine or gas station, sometimes swiping extra treats from Aunt Ginger’s cookie jar if Y/n’s favorites were made.
Eddie offering to brush her hair felt like that, like Adam tapping on her window at 1:00 in the morning to bring her a donut she had mentioned ‘sounded heavenly’ on the phone prior to his arrival.
It gave her that same warm and fuzzy sense of importance—how lovely it was to be thought of.
They both sat in comfortable silence until the more interesting bits of the news were reported.
“Holy shit, look! They made a cartoon for adults?! We gotta check that out sometime!” Eddie pointed the brush at the tv in front of them, ‘The Simpsons, premiering on Fox Friday at 10:00’
“That’s too bad, we’ll be at the hideout, won’t we?” She asked. She could practically feel his eyes pop open before he threw his arms around her and squeeze her to his chest, flopping back on the pillows.
“You’re coming?!” He asked, abandoning the brush and wrapping his whole body around her and holding her close.
They settled as he planted a kiss on her neck, “Robin insisted Steve would wanna hang with Danny for the evening, so she’s gonna come too! But yeah, I’m—I’m gonna try to come as many Friday’s as I can.” She nodded, turning her head to look at him.
He shook his head as her hand stroked the other side of his curly hair. “That means… a lot to me. And I hope you know I don’t expect you to make every show, I’m more than happy to come to you after or—or see you some other time, you know?” He babbled in excitement, her adoring smile on her face as he returned them to their previous position and unwrapped his limbs.
“I’m gonna have to get you a Corroded Coffin shirt to wear…” he said in thought, picking the brush back up and finishing the job.
When he reached her roots, the teeth of the brush felt amazing against her scalp. She sighed with content, bringing warmth to his chest and cheeks.
When he was finished, he set the brush on the table to the side, then circled his arms back around her and pulled her into him til they were flush against one another.
“Thank you.” They both whispered as his chin came to rest on her shoulder, planting a kiss on her cheek before giving her another good squeeze.
She turned to look at him before pressing her lips against his, yet again. He smiled into it, humming his satisfaction against her as her fingers grasped his roots, the small surge of pain only amplifying his pleasure.
“Now can I have it in my mouth?” She asked when they parted, not opening her eyes yet. She felt his member throb against her lower back in response, an involuntary giggle rippling through her as his cheeks flushed in a smile.
“You can’t just say things like that to me, baby,” He whispered into her neck, his hot breath tickling her in more than one place. “There’s nothing I’d love more,” he began, his hand stroking the inside of her upper thigh, tracing slow circles that made her writhe softly. “—than for you to put your pretty lips on my cock right now, sweet girl.” He whispered, pinching her thigh to make her yelp, having an inkling the pain would do the same for her as it did for him.
Instead of a yelp, she let out a moan, bucking her hips into his hand, his fingers grabbing her flesh generously this time.
“Where do you want me?” He asked as she turned to him, softer than he sounded a few moments before. Y/n leaned forward, looking him up and down and admiring how his tattooed torso looked so comfy in her bed, his plaid boxers rumpled and ridden up so the expanse of his upper thighs was visible, his tattoos spread here and there.
She placed her hands on his knees, rubbing up and down, allowing her thumbs to massage his inner thighs. He took a deep centering breath as he watched her before him, the light of the tv outlining her sitting figure in glowing silver.
“I want you to stay right there.” She whispered before resting her palm on his bulge. Eddie hissed at the relief, the friction, the pleasure she provided, rubbing the heel of her hand along his shaft as her fingers cradled his balls. Eddie’s eyes scrunched closed at the intensity of the feeling.
“Oh, shit, baby.” He sighed, his chest heaving as he laid back to melt into her pillows. This was way different than the van. Way way different. So deliciously different.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, Eddie...” She whispered as she slid his boxers down his legs gently, his painfully red and large shaft springing into view. He heard her spit softly before he felt the relief of her slick hand around him, pumping slowly at first and keeping a firm grip.
“Jesus H Christ, are you trying to make me cum from a handjob?” He gasped, opening his eyes to meet hers glimmering back at him.
She released his member with wide eyes and bit her lip in slight embarrassment, “Sorry, I just got excited. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone down on someone.” She admitted with a shy smile.
Eddie sat up, looking at her intently, the ache of his penis momentarily forgotten. “Oh, no, no, no, I wasn’t trying to be mean, I just wanna last longer for you.” He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“You’re not mean, baby,” she assured, patting his chest, “Y’know, if you let me make you cum with my mouth, we could.. wait a bit and then keep going.. and going and going, you know what I mean?” She asked quietly, her hand inching its way up his thigh again.
He shuddered in response and nodded at her lips, “Okay, deal, but I wanna go down on you next.” He said, laying back down on the pillows, trying to prepare himself for what was to come.
Y/n saw his eyes flutter shut, a deep breath leaving his nose as he waited and tried to relax. She knew any touch she gave him would be well received, but this was uncharted territory.
She never had anyone so up close and personal with her vagina besides Adam, let alone after child birth. She put the thought out of her head and focused on where to start with Eddie.
She continued her light touches, running her hands up his legs like she had done before, going all the way up to his hip with one hand and grasping his stiffness in the other.
He felt a long wet lick on the underside of his shaft, then felt her lips close around his tip, running her tongue around his slit until he whined.
She pushed her head down his shaft easily, not wanting to overwhelm him. Eddie let out a soft slow moan until she reached midway down, then she pulled back up to the tip. “Oh, fuuuck,” he panted, his eyes still closed in fear of blowing his load as soon as he saw her doing such sinful acts.
He felt his hands in hers, Y/n placing them on her head and pushing down on them to show him to control her pace. He couldn’t help but open his eyes, his soul leaving his body at the sight of her hands on his, urging him to use her.
“You’re unreal, I swear to god..” he said before holding her head in his hands thrusting his hips gently and fucking her face. “If you-if you want me to stop just pinch the fuck outta my hip, okay?”
She rubbed her thumb soothingly across his hip bone, assuring him she’s okay. Eddie ran his fingers through her hair, pushing it out of her face as he gave his hips a rest and started bobbing her head up and down, faster and faster, feeling her moans vibrate up his shaft as he went.
“Oh god, you like this, don’t you? I should’ve fuckin’ known you like cock in your mouth.” He huffed a laugh as she placed her hands back on his thighs to stroke up and down, “Fuck baby, your mouth is so good. I’m getting close.” He sighed, stopping her movements and taking his hands away to cover his eyes and steady himself.
“No blowie has ever felt like this before—fuck.” He rubbed his hands down his face, his fingers pulling at his under eyes as he sighed. She let go of his tip with a pop, her eyes finding his as he hid a shy smile behind his hands, her smile only fueling the chuckles he felt coming on.
“You’re-you’re, like, a witch or something, you’ve got this, this, power over me where you can do literally anything and it feels like I dropped E.” He huffed in disbelief, regaining his composure and putting his hands on his forehead and taking another breath with his eyes closed.
“Okay, baby, will you make me cum?” He asked decidedly, “I want you to go until you can’t—ohh fuuuck.” He groaned as she sank back down on his cock unexpectedly, starting an unrelenting pace right off the bat.
“You’re gonna kill me, I swear to god.” He uttered as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked, his fists reaching back and clenching the pillow behind him.
Suddenly, he looked down at her, her hair drier now, her natural texture allowing it to lay to one side, her sparkling eyes set on his as he swung a leg over his and ground her clothed pussy on his knee, the sensation on her clit rolling her eyes back as she bobbed and hummed her satisfaction around his member. Eddie cried out as his orgasm coated her mouth, whimpering when she kept sucking.
Eddie let the feeling wash over him and subside like the tides of the ocean, his chest heaving and his neck and hairline damp with sweat. He gasped when he felt her lips on his, wrapping his arms around her waist with much urgency and pulling her body to him.
He lapped up her kisses with his eager mouth, mumbling “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” against her skin until she giggled profusely, his kissing trailing down her neck. “God, you’re amazing.” He whispered, sounding hornier than ever.
His hands went from her back down under the hem of her shirt. Y/n expected him to strip the shirt off, but his hands slipped up to her bare breasts, massaging them firmly as he kissed her. Her brain went fuzzy at the sensation, his rings rubbing against her nipples. She moaned lightly, that being his personal sign to flip them over and take care of her the way he desperately craved.
“Can I undress you?” He murmured against her jaw, pushing her shirt up over her tits and pinching both nipples. “Fuck!” She cried out, “Y-yeah, anything, baby.” She whispered mindlessly, the pet name sending blood to his dick already.
Eddie rid her of her sleep shirt, dropping it on her side of the bed for later. For now he looked down, above her on his knees, his hands resting on her parted thighs as he gazed down her body, and at her panties, licking his lip hungrily.
“You aren’t allowed to rip these, Munson.” She said pointedly, sliding her hands up to her breasts and teasing herself and him by rubbing them how he had, though her hands were smaller and her tits spilled out of her palms.
He softly gasped at the sight, admiring her tucked lip under her teeth as she smirked at him. She knew the advantage she held tonight, but Eddie wanted to wow her.
He crawled off the bed backwards, her brows drawing together, “What are you doing?” She asked as he pulled the covers to the side and stood at the end of the bed. He looked up at her like he was going to answer, only he leaned forward and grabbed her ankles, “Better grab a pillow.” He mentioned before yanking her to him.
She yelped as her head hit the bed on her way down, her hand clenched around the corner of her pillow and dragging it behind her. His hands rested on the backs of her knees, her feet just barely brushing the ground as he stood between them.
He resumed his stroke to the inside of her thighs, now noticing the patch of wetness showing through the light purple fabric covering her pussy with the screen light behind him.
“I’m so glad it’s my turn.” He whispered reverently as he knelt down in front of her, her name leaving his lips like a prayer as he looked up at her, her eyes meeting his with a question as he leaned forward and kissed her pussy, brown eyes unmoving until they closed in ecstasy.
She still smelled sweet from her shower, the warmth of her skin soft and inviting. He slipped his fingers under the band and pulled them down, her wetness glistening from puffy lips that begged to be kissed some more. His breath fanned across the newly exposed skin and he hovered, figuring out what he wanted to do first.
She drew her knees back up and out for him, his arms slipping around her thighs with ease, her feet dangling over his back, squeezing her flesh tightly with his fingers and grunting, “Already being so good for me… I’ve been dreaming of this since the night I met you.” He sighed, connecting his lips around her entrance, his tongue working up and down, steadily and lightly.
She mewled as his soft lips began moving against her pussy like he was making out another girl. He groaned when her hands found his hair, her nails eagerly scratching his scalp the way he liked.
His mouth worked up to her bud, swirling his tongue around it and prodding it every once in a while, sending a jolt to her hips and legs. She cried out when he unexpectedly sucked, tears prickling the corners of her eyes.
He added two fingers easily, “Oh my god, Eddie, yes! A little faster, please?” She asked quietly, as if she was afraid to be loud. He released her clit with a slurp, his mouth soaked as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, his other hand reaching up and pinching her nipple.
“Fuck!” She yelled, her pussy clenching around him as she bucked her hips, his thumb working her clit while he watched her helpless underneath him, her eyes shut similar to the way his had been previously. Her hand covered his over her breast, interlacing their fingers before he removed them entirely and held her hand against the mattress beside them.
He smiled, rubbing faster with more pressure before leaning over her, “That’s more like it, baby. C’mon, I wanna hear you. We got a whole house, no one’s gonna hear you, okay? Just me and you.” He reminded her before going back down for more.
From then on, she kept her mouth open, giving into Eddie’s coaxing and letting the obscenities fly, his eyes watching her in wonder the whole time. He loved to stop and be still just so she would whine and rub herself on his face for relief, then chuckling and licking his lips, “I got you baby, don’t worry.” He said lowly, diving back in.
He’d count to twenty, the pleasure almost becoming agonizing for her when he’d stop as she reached the precipice and then felt the feeling fade with his stilled movements. She cried out in frustration, “Eddie, please, please—I need to cum, please let me cum.” She rambled, her eyes heavy.
Eddie hovered his mouth above her pussy, looking up at her face from his position down low and licked his lips with satisfaction.
“Well, baby, since you asked so nicely and since you’re such a—good—girl.” He punctuated his words with firm pumps of his fingers inside of her then connecting his lips to her bud and running his tongue around it until he felt her pussy start quivering like normal, followed by her strained cry.
“Ohhhhh my g—od!” She almost screamed as the ecstasy rushed over her, her hips moving involuntarily as Eddie sat there and let her use him until she stopped, her only movements from her heaving chest.
Eddie kissed her twice more before working his mouth up her torso, leaving hot and wet kisses that had her squirming. “That was the sweetest pussy I’ve ever eaten.” He mumbled against her neck, reaching up to massage her breast before rutting against her heat with his newly hardened cock. The solid shaft glided between her lips, back and forth, back and forth, a low groan worked from her mouth as he did.
“Eddie.. Eddie, I want you to put it in.” She whispered, her arms finding his neck and pulling him closer to her, his forehead dropping against hers. His eyes flashed to hers, dark and blown out.
“Do I need to get my wallet or do you have some—“
“I’m on the pill.” She admitted, his movement stopping. He picked his head up from her neck to look her in the eyes.
“Wait, really?” The fact that it was news to him showed in his face, his eyes searched hers in wait, waiting for her to say ‘Sike! Condoms are in the drawer.’ But it never came.
She nodded, a blush creeping up her cheeks from the heat coursing through her. “I-I’ve been on it since after Danny was born, I just don’t like doing certain things in bed with strangers. But this is different, you know?” She asked, combing her nails through his hair, a little damp at the roots from the sweat he’d been working up.
Eddie looked at her desperately, “Baby, do you want me to try to pull out?” He asked, tracing the tip of his dick over her entrance. The shock of it sent her head back into the pillow with her eyes squeezed shut, shaking her head ‘no.’
“No?!” He asked, pushing through her folds and rubbing his tip through her like he’d done previously, except wetter and faster.
He rhythmically bumped her bud before sliding his dick right in, the rest of the air leaving her body as she cried out, “Fuck! Fuck, baby, oh shit!” Until he was buried in her completely, the usual smooth barrier not there to keep her from feeling the ridges of his cock.
They both stilled for a moment, getting used to the feeling. Eddie’s torso leaned down flat against her, his arms wrapping around her as she did the same with her arms and legs. The sound of their quick breath was the only thing heard for a moment before Eddie pecked her forehead, nose, and then lips, resuming his stroke pace and groaning when he felt just how tight her pussy held onto him.
“Oh my god, Y/n. Oh my god—y-your pussy feels like..” His abdomen worked, thrusting into her until he felt like he was on fire. He couldn’t believe how long he was lasting and wished he could live in this moment forever.
Or until he ran out of steam. Eddie stilled, panting away from her face as she opened her cockdrunk eyes to check on him.
“Baby are you okay?” She asked, placing a hand on his smooth bare chest.
Eddie nodded, “Yeah, yeah, just—haven’t gone this long before.” He stated through winded breath. Y/n smiled and stroked his cheekbone, trailing her hand down to his neck and placing her fingers on either side of his throat.
“Then how ‘bout I take a turn, huh?” She asked in a mischievous whisper that caught his attention immediately. He smiled his devilish grin and flipped them over with haste, proud his cock didn’t even fall out.
Y/n giggled as she adjusted herself on top of him. She made him sit up against the wall before dismounting his dick and turning around to face the tv, which confused him until he felt her grab him and slide it in quick enough to catch him off guard with the new angle.
Eddie loved his lap sat on, especially when it was a goddess like Y/n, but reverse cowgirl was something he hadn’t experienced with anyone yet, and he was glad that it was with her. His hands found her hips and thighs, his hot breath tickling her ear as he moved her hair from her shoulder to rest his chin there.
His grip on her kept her still, feeling his kisses on her back, shoulders and neck pushing her deeper and deeper into the abyss. She leaned her head back against his other shoulder, exposing her sweet spot right at the crook of her neck.
Eddie smiled and knew exactly what she wanted him to do, so he leaned down and faintly nipped and sucked, the sensation light enough to send tingles to her clit without leaving marks.
He relished in her whimpers, using her hips to grind her back and forth on his cock, “Oh fuck, Eddie.” She mumbled, her hips circling on their own, ripping a groan from Eddie as he stilled, his head falling back against the wall as her pussy squeezed him.
“How are you feeling, beautiful?” He asked before pressing more kisses to her other shoulder.
Y/n looked like she didn’t hear him though she did. She finally turned to him and opened her eyes, the dazed and heavy lidded look residing there was evident of how she was feeling. She smiled and leaned into him, sucking on his bottom lip to set him off again.
Eddie felt a jolt in his penis when she tugged on his lip, his hips thrusting one good time before they parted. “Use me, Eddie.” She whispered, flipping her hair over her bare shoulder, the scent of her shampoo just another aphrodisiac for him.
Eddie hissed as he bounced her on his lap, watching her hair and the plushest parts of her body go up and down, up and down, up and down. He moved his hands from her hips to her tits, his hands jealous of every bra she’s ever worn.
She began to bounce on her own for him, letting him feel the jiggle of her breasts in his hands as he watched her backside. “Jesus fucking Christ.” He almost growled, overwhelmed with pleasure and frustrated he wasn’t cumming, worried that he wasn’t focusing enough on her needs. But Y/n was blissed out.
She loved the way Eddie used her yet still made her feel like the most important part of sex, she loved how primal it always felt, yet still so gentle with him. Y/n hasn’t felt like she was making love since—
“H-Hey,” he tapped her on the side of her ass to get her attention, and felt her walls quiver with a giggle as she turned to him, breathless.
“Hi.” She greeted over her shoulder with a smile.
“Y-You think you could, uh, get on your hands and knees for me?” He murmured, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Her eyes shined, an eager nod sent his way before falling forward on her hands and knees.
Eddie loved her in every position, though this was one of his favorites. He loved her ass, and loved the way her back arched for him as she waited patiently. He sat up on his knees behind her, one hand on his cock, the other coming down gently on the right side of her ass, caressing her.
She pushed back onto him, a chuckle leaving him as she did. “I knew you’d be excited for this.” He teased quietly as he lined himself up, the anticipation making her clench around nothing. He slid all the way inside of her quickly, pulling her to him by her thighs, and not giving them much time to adjust before he started moving.
“You like that, baby? ‘S this okay?” He managed through the quick pace he’d set, the intensity bumped from ten to one hundred in no time.
“Yes! Please keep going, Eddie, don’t stop.” She urged, falling forward on her forearms, her forehead buried in the mattress. Eddie looked down at his dick disappearing inside of her, a sight he’d never tire of.
Eddie watched her ass bounce off his pelvis and shuddered, wondering how his handprint would look there. He rubbed the soft open area of her ass as he drilled into her, “D’you like to be spanked?” He asked, bending over her back and asking her quietly while slowing his movements, though not fully ceasing.
He felt her clench before he saw her nodding vehemently, her hair hiding most of her face, which wouldn’t do for Eddie at all. He moved her hair away, her eyebrows drawn together in frustration, her face a deep pink.
“Baby, talk to me, ‘s it too much?” He asked, stopping for a millisecond before she was moving for him, “No, no, no, no, no, I’m so fucking close, don’t you fucking stop, now, Eddie—spank me, pull my hair I don’t give a—“ her desperate rambling was cut off by Eddie slapping his palms down on her ass and gripping her hips in his hands so firmly he worried about bruising her, but her cries of ‘Fuck yeah—you’re so good to me, baby.’ rid him of that thought immediately.
She cried out as the obscene and wet slaps echoed in the bedroom, had anyone else been home, the whole session would’ve been audible from the front door. Eddie loved using her love handles for their intended purpose, his grunts leaving him involuntarily the closer he got to cumming.
Y/n started to feel an unfamiliar sensation brewing low in her stomach, she felt like she was on fire inside and had to pee.
“Eddie! Eddie, wait.” She panted, her hand flying back to his on her hip. He halted immediately and shifted to look at her eyes with urgency, “I’m okay!” She panted, “I just think I need to pee.”
Eddie’s eyes lit up at her revelation and picked his pace back up, reaching around to rub at her clit, “Baby, that means you’re gonna squirt for me—please cum, cum all over my cock and make me yours.” He begged breathlessly, her cries flying from her mouth with reckless abandon, reaching out for the footboard to brace herself against, the rhythmic creaking of the wood getting farther away the closer she hurdled towards her orgasm.
“ ‘Want you—mine..” she mumbled thoughtlessly, head empty; only thinking of Eddie and the unholy ways he made her feel. He stiffened as he thrusted into her, squeezing her hip with much power to keep from cumming at her words. He leaned over her again.
“I am, sweetheart. I’m yours…fuck—as long as you’ll have me.” He grinded against her back side, his cock nudging around inside of her deliciously. Her eyes rolled as her brows drew together, as he rubbed her bud with his quick fingers, his promise to her wrapping the two of them up in a precious little satin bow.
She nodded, reaching back and interlacing her fingers with his as he sat up. Before he could ask her to say it, she blurted out clearly, “‘M yours, Eddie. Oh, god, I wanna be yours!” She cried, the desperation behind her words sending Eddie’s eyes rolling and a string of obscenities flying from his lips.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me..” he babbled as she bounced back on his cock, tears streaming down her cheeks as the flaming knot in her stomach burst and her pleasure rained down on Eddie. He felt her pussy clenching way before he felt the warmth of her orgasm around him, her walls squeezing him with every extra stroke. That’s when he lost it.
Every inch of his body experienced the rush of the hot orgasm, his nose to his fingertips was pink with a heated blush, his mouth gasping for air.
Their thighs and the sheet below them were soaked as they came to a still. He fell over on top of her again, kissing her neck as sweet moans of relief fell from his lips onto her. She felt his hands loosening their grip on her hips as he rubbed soothing circles into the flesh there.
“You.. are incredible.” He mumbled between kisses to her shoulders and back, pulling himself out and watching his mess leaking from her. He reached down between them before she sat up and collected some of it from her folds, her body jerking with surprise.
“Shit!” She hissed, “Sorry, still sensitive.” She mentioned breathlessly, her eyes almost closed and she laid back on her side of the bed, the cold pillow and sheet soothing the heat that dewed all over her skin.
Eddie watched her flop down, smirking as she got comfy without looking at their mess where he sat.
“Baby?” He whispered, using his fingers to comb the damp strands away from her face, the natural wave to her hair revealing itself to him. He hadn’t seen her completely natural until now, looking down at her and watching her eyes flutter open.
He stared for a moment, loving the way she looked at him and the way his hand looked in her hair and so close to her pretty face.
“Just a few things, then I’ll let you sleep—“ he got low and close to her face, “Number 1, that was easily the best sex I’ve ever had in my life, I dunno about you—“ He felt the warmth of her palm against his cheek as she leaned in and kissed him wetly.
“I can absolutely say the same,” She said with both happiness and guilt nagging at her from the recesses of her mind, Adam unable to stay far enough away when she was in moments such as these with Eddie.
Eddie snickered and pulled her closer to his chest, her lips immediately attaching to his neck, “I don’t wanna be sleeping a whole lot, though, Ed.” She mumbled. The vibration of her voice against his neck sent tingles all the way down his body, hissing a tight ‘Jesus H Christ’ when he felt her naked chest push against his.
“W-We have to change the sheets, first, Princess.” He managed. Y/n pulled back, her lips releasing his skin with a pop, and looked down at the space they occupied previously, noticing the dark patch immediately. Her eyes widened before she looked at him.
Eddie couldn’t resist bursting into laughter at her reaction, pulling her closer and burying his face in her neck to nibble at her sweet spot, hoping to hear her laughter just the same.
She screamed as he hoisted her on top of him again, growling into the crook of her neck while she giggled mercilessly. “Eddie! It’s not funny, it looks like I wet the bed!” She struggled against him until she broke free, taking the sheets with her and leaving him naked.
“Hey! It’s cold!” He hissed, curling up in a ball and rolling off the bed. “If you help me fix the bed we can get under a blanket faster.” She urged, slipping her shirt back on over her body as Eddie followed her lead and found his boxers.
Eddie stripped the fitted sheet and gathered the discarded top sheet as Y/n fetched new linens. He couldn’t help but smile when she scampered past him on his way to the laundry room, her new sheets in hand. She looked innocent in her sleep shirt, her hair tucked behind her ears.
He eagerly returned to the room, taking two corners of the sheet and tucking them under the mattress as she did, the two sharing shy smiles and stolen looks as if they weren’t changing their own cum sheets.
As soon as the bed was made again, Eddie flopped back down and pulled her to him, muffling her giggles with tender kisses sprinkled all over her mouth and cheeks.
After finally settling with her head on his chest, she handed him the remote, smiling when he turned the channel over to without a word. 120 minutes was on, a music video played with a softer melody.
The content they felt in that moment was a feeling the two of them had been in search of their whole lives. Eddie whispered to her softly, getting her attention.
She rolled over to look at him, his eyes golden in the lamp light. They leaned in, kissing each other and whispering to each other until they faded into sleep intertwined; the best sleep either of them had in a very long time.
Part 4
taglist 🤍 (I’m sorry if it wouldn’t let me tag you!)
@quinnsfineline @afternoonzephyr @eddiesgffff @steeldaisies @harrys-tittie @eddiethesexy @samlealea @eternal-fangirl @specialsnowflake-gabbi @elladoe @took-me-hours-to-steal-those @tjbabe33 @mxnsoneddie @micheledawn1975 @magnificantmermaid @munsonzzgf @enigmaticblue @joyfulfxckery @theamericanjewitch @lolanoelle @bebe0701 @qardasngan @renaroo123 @sillypurplemurple @cutiecusp @yyoucompletemess @livingdeadgurl2016 @electricbouquetkid-blog @mxcheese @mulletmcghee @clacatbuc @spread-the-hope @e-mmygrey @fancyghosttrashhero-blog @sashaphantomhive @devilinthepalemoonlight @middle-of-the-earth @yelyahcardella @psychobitchsthings @figmentofquinn @siriuslysmoking @tanyaherondale @tracymbcm @tlclick73
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
Are You Still In There
word count: 2231
Danny is a half-ghost/half-human who’s been living in the Ghost Zone ever since he can remember. One day, while flying around the zone, he finds two humans! He's never seen real humans before! How did they get here? And who are they? @duchi-nesten
heres another
Danny flew through the ghost zone. He loved it here. There was always something interesting happening, something new to look at. 
It was also really nice today. The ghost zone sometimes had some really strange weather that would appear sporadically, but no random storms or quakes had happened today. It was very peaceful. Or at least as peaceful as the ghost zone could get. 
He heard something strange. It sounded like something propelling itself forward through the ghost zone. It was similar to Skulker’s jets in his suit. What could it be?
When he looked down he saw something flying through the zone below him. It didn’t look like anything he’s ever seen. He looked closer and saw two humans sitting in the seats in front of the large window. 
Humans! He’s never seen any real humans before. The other ghosts only ever told him stories. And very few at that. This was his chance to talk to some real humans!
He flew down toward them and was rehearsing what he was going to say. Were humans normally freaked out by ghosts? Could he just go up to them and say hi? Clearly if they were here he probably couldn’t freak them out too much. Not when they were also flying around in the ghost zone.
As he flew towards the ship, he watched as the girl that was inside it looked up at him. Her eyes widened and she shook her friend's shoulder, pointing up at where he was flying to them. She pressed a button and then he could hear her voice coming out of some speakers.
“Danny? Danny is that you?” The girl called. Her hands were pressed against the glass of their weird spaceship looking thing as she stared straight at him. 
“How do you know my name?” He cocked his head at her. 
“Tucker! I think that’s him!” She said excitedly, ignoring him.
“But he looks so different. His skin is a different color and his ears are pointed now. Sam, what if he’s…”
She bit her lip and looked away from the boy. Tucker. 
“Maybe… Maybe he’s not. Maybe we just have to get him back to the human realm.”
“How do you guys know me?” He flew up to their ship and stared at them through the window. 
They exchanged a concerned glance between the two of them and he was confused. 
“Do you not remember us, Danny?” Sam whispered.
“Nope. I’ve been here for as long as I can remember.” He frowned. “Am I supposed to remember you?”
“We are your best friends.” Sam pleaded. “We’ve spent so long looking for you. It had been so long, we were almost ready to give up. We thought maybe you died… We didn’t know what would happen if you died again, where you would go. We thought you might have just disappeared.”
Danny furrowed his brows. “How could I have died again if I was already dead when I knew the two of you? That doesn’t make sense.”
“You’re telling me.” Tucker said quietly. 
“Can you come back home with us, Danny?” Sam said. Her hands were still pressed against the glass. 
Danny smiled. “I don’t know if you’re telling the truth, but I’d be up for going to the human realm! I’ve never been there before. It could be fun.”
He flew through the door into the ship after Sam opened it for him. Once she had the door shut again, she scooped him up in a big hug.
“I’m so glad we found you.” She whispered. 
“So assuming you guys are telling the truth, what happened?” Danny asked. He awkwardly patted Sam’s back. 
“You were fighting some new ghost we’d never seen before.” Sam pulled back to look at him. “He must’ve been on the same level as Pariah Dark because your parents were evacuating people out of the city. We were leaving when a big explosion happened and then the fight was over. You defeated the ghost, but then you were nowhere to be found.”
“When you went missing after defeating that ghost, your parents thought Phantom had something to do with it since he went missing at the same time, obviously. We had to tell them everything. We needed their help to be able to find you since we didn’t know what happened to you.” Tucker said quietly. 
“Everyone’s been so worried but we finally found you. We’re going to fix this. Everything’s going to be okay now.” 
Danny looked at Sam and Tucker as they spoke. He didn’t remember anything about his human life. But these two people made him wish he did. Maybe he wasn’t dead after all. Maybe he had a chance to get his memories back.
Danny jumped out of their ship and landed on the tiled floor of a cold basement. The swirling portal was behind them and he was still surprised about how he had never found it before. It wasn’t that far away from where he normally resided in the zone, how had he never seen it before?
He looked around at the basement. Supposedly this was his parents lab. This didn’t seem any more familiar to him than his two best friends that brought him here. 
“So what do my parents do again?” Danny asked. “I don’t think most normal people have labs in their basements.”
“Oh, uh, they’re ghost hunters.” Tucker smiled sheepishly.
“They’re not gonna kill me deader, are they?” Danny asked. Who knew if his parents even believed their story that he was one in the same as their son. 
“They shouldn’t. They better not.” Sam frowned as she started heading up the stairs on the other side of the room. “We explained everything to them and they seemed really remorseful about everything that’s happened. They shouldn’t change their minds now.”
“Come on, Danny. Let’s go upstairs.” Tucker smiled at him. “We can let everyone know the good news.”
They headed up the stairs together. Danny felt nervous for some reason. If everything they were saying was true, how would his parents really feel about him now? Being a ghost was all he’d ever known, were they going to try and take that away from him?
His hands felt jittery as he passed through the doorway leading into what looked like the kitchen. He could see three people sitting at the table in the center of the rooms and his anxious thoughts were dashed away when the smallest of the three stood up and ran towards him.
“Danny!” She threw her arms around his neck. “Danny, is that really you? What happened? Where have you been all this time?”
“Jazz, Danny doesn’t remember anything.” Tucker said softly. 
He felt as Jazz slowly pulled back from him. She studied his face, looking for any ounce of recognition in his eyes. She must not have found what she was looking for because tears welled up in her eyes and she pulled away. Seeing her cry hurt.
She took a deep breath. “Sorry, that must have been weird or overwhelming. I’m Jazz, your sister.”
Danny studied her face but then his gaze drifted behind her to where the two older people were still sitting at the table. They stared at him with wide eyes. 
“Are those our parents?”
Jazz nodded. “Yes.”
He watched as the woman, his mom, stood up from her chair. She walked towards him slowly. 
She studied his face and tears filled her eyes. His dad walked up behind her, studying his face in the same way,
“How did we never see it before?” She whispered. “You look nearly identical to your human half.”
A sob pushed its way out of her throat. “I’m sorry for everything, Danny. I’m so sorry. Maybe if we had known, you wouldn’t have disappeared. We could’ve stayed to help.”
He didn’t remember anything she was talking about, so he couldn’t offer her any help. All he could do was watch. 
“Mom, do you know how to fix this?” Jazz asked.
His mom took a deep breath and steadied herself. “We’ll have to figure out what happened first. We need to do a bit of research before we can start making theories and plans on how to move forward.” She smiled at Danny.
“Glad to have you back.” His dad said. 
“Glad to be here.” Danny smiled at the strangers surrounding him. He couldn’t remember them yet, but they felt like home. 
Danny floated above his bed in his room drinking from a slurpy Sam and Tucker had dropped off for him after school. He couldn’t resume his normal human activities yet since he still couldn’t remember anything, not even how to change back to his human form, but they were always offering to bring him things they said he liked before or stories to tell him. 
“Danny!” His mom called from downstairs.
He set the slurpy down on his bedside table and floated downstairs through the floor into the living room. His mom stood facing the stairs, expecting him to be walking down them.
“Hey, what’s up?” He said behind her. 
She jumped a little bit and turned around to face him.
“Oh, Danny!” Her hand was to her chest. “You startled me.”
“Sorry.” He said sheepishly. 
She waved it off and smiled at him. “Your dad and I have made progress.”
“Progress?” He asked. 
“We’ve been observing you since you came back home.” She started. “We think spending so much time in the ghost zone forced your ghost form to adapt. Without knowing you were also supposed to be human, it could be possible that your body let itself change to better suit your environment.”
She gestured at his face. “Your ghost form is already starting to go back to how it initially was before you came back.”
“It is?” Danny asked, shocked. He hadn’t noticed anything about his appearance changing.
His mom nodded. “Your ears are no longer so long and pointed and your skin is closer to a more human tone.”
“Huh.” How did he not notice that?
“We’ve also started developing a new invention that will let us see inside your core.”
Danny raised a hand up to his chest. “That won’t hurt, will it?”
She shook her head. “Not a bit. All it’ll do is scan your core. This way we can see exactly what’s happening inside it. We’re going to see if the part of your core that triggered your transformation is still there.”
“And if it’s not?” Danny asked.
She paused for a moment. “If it’s not still there then it’s likely you died in that last battle.”
Danny swallowed hard. “That’s some high stakes for a simple scan.”
She nodded. “We’ve got to keep hope though. You’ve proven that you’re extremely lucky, in one way or another. I’m sure we’ll be able to find it. If we do, we at least know where to start.”
He nodded back at her. “Are you working on it right now?”
“Yes, it’ll be our priority until it’s finished.”
“Can I come see it?”
She smiled. “Of course.”
Danny sat in the living room with Sam and Tucker. It was Friday, the start of the weekend, so they came over right after school to hang out the whole weekend. His parents said that they were close to finishing their new invention that would be able to scan his core and they wanted to be here when it was done so they could all find out what it said together. 
For now, Sam and Tucker were regaling him with all sorts of stories about their classmates.
“Wait, wait.” Danny shook his hands in front of him. “You’re telling me the guy used to beat me up all the time? Why’s he so sad I’ve been missing then?”
Sam shrugged. “Tucker thinks that he lost his favorite punching bag. I think he’s got some deeply repressed feelings for you.”
Tucker rolled his eyes. “There’s never been any sort of evidence pointing towards Dash being interested in guys. What are you even basing your theory off of?”
“Maybe it’s a gut feeling.” 
“The Fenton’s would be offended by you making theories without anything to support them.”
“Yeah, well, they used to-”
Sam was interrupted when Jazz slammed the basement door open in the kitchen. She ran through the door into the living room, out of breath. She looked at the three of them and smiled. 
“Mom and dad finally finished the invention! We’re going to get to see if your human form is still in there somewhere.” Jazz said excitedly. 
Danny, Sam, and Tucker exchanged glances with one another. Sam and Tucker smiled at him but he could tell they were nervous. 
They stood up and Tucker extended a hand to him. Danny let him pull him up off the couch. Jazz ran back to the basement door. 
They followed after Jazz and walked down the stairs. When Danny passed the threshold of the lab, he could see the invention his parents had been working on ever since he came back sitting in the middle of the lab. He walked toward it.
Sam and Tucker walked with him, one on either side of him. He looked at them nervously.
“Are you ready to see if you’re still in there somewhere?” Sam asked with a small smile on her face. 
Danny nodded. “Definitely.”
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momentofch-aos · 1 year
no thoughts, just daniel having to flirt with someone for a mission because awkwardly he was put on the spot, and daisy taking the actual piss out of him afterwards.
Daisy putting on a deep voice, mimicking him : so, how long have you worked here? Danny boy we were at a park
Daniel : Alright... I was put on the spot! It wasn't my best moment.
Daisy : It was truly the best moment of my life.
Daniel : We need to get you out more...
Also Daniel, five minutes later when she makes another off hand comment about his flirting skills : Hey Quake, they worked on you...
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leopoldainter · 2 months
Hi, I'm Laura Ingraham and I'd like to get this straight from you the top
We've all seen them in classrooms in schools, spun 'em around point hymmed and ha'ed
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Who's to say Russia's big "enough". You all know they redid toronto 2002 tossed some bricks into the future and some of Eaton centre's store fronts during the 2009 G8 summit but...
But!@ this point we talk 'about' today and Now's the evening so it's not weird to ask why the riots in Toronto lead to an earthquake quake I a tiny summit town called water in a country you might of hears...of.
Italy, where the Rome Treaty was signed and you don't think Ukraine should pay their gas bills if it means Germany loses power
And now I'm kate and just quickly want to add live from new York it's the rest of your life
Also, clearly they can't see Danny diVito playing UkranianDumass z A boy
A lot imposed impropriety proven below
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I can see the Ukrainian much Clearlier now thank you samsung galaxy
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Meanwhile you even think to type don as in short for donnie and your reminded of a time a character perfect for the role:in case the original ever needed to be remade...
I always thought snl had better after parties, but we'll need to find out after the commercial break, not sure how to get to after the show until that happens
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He would be perfect for godfather the remake, remember when a two tape vhs set meant you now had library...somewhere
This is not a good snl party
Mandatory commercial break
If I had achmtuwl nothing
Anti trust
Or lafarge
Wrap this up the calzones are turning out to pizza
So lafarge
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crimsonmasks · 2 years
(Call Me) Little Sunshine 1/?
BCC polycule monster AU where kayfabe is real and AEW is home to demons, sirens, werewolves, an alien, the undead, and in the case of the BCC, vampires.
“You don’t ever think about getting a leg up sometimes?” Yuta asks. “It’s a big decision, but–”
Danny straightens and grunts, putting the bar back into place. “Never. You think Jericho and his boys aren’t just beggin’ to get their teeth into all this?” He gestures to himself and Yuta snickers. 
“I’ve told him no every single time. I ain’t like them. And neither are you.” 
“I just think,” Yuta starts. “This isn’t, like, a bad offer.”
Yuta knows, logically, his job is weird. 
Sometimes he tries to explain it to people, long winded explanations about how he arrived at the point of being in a televised fighting tournament meant for only the most gifted and exceptional athletes, and how some of them (most of them, he thinks, at least the more popular ones) have what Yuta might call an unfair advantage. He doesn’t hold it against them–far from it, Yuta takes pride in being one of the only regular, average humans in his line of work–but he does know, in the part of his brain that comes home at night to Chuck’s pull out sofa that’s long since stopped actually folding into a bed, that yes, his job is weird. 
“This is so weird,” he murmurs, mostly to himself. He’s certainly not talking to anyone else in the room, Mox and Bryan and Regal staring at him with unreadable expressions. 
They’ve sequestered him in one of the conference rooms the executives keep for meetings, Yuta situated in one of the seats at the middle of the table. He wonders what it says about his confidence that he didn’t pick a chair at the head of the table even in a meeting solely about himself. 
“You don’t have to say yes,” Bryan huffs. Mox rolls his eyes at the comment, seemingly hearing it before. 
“Yeah, you do; come on, Wheeler, think about it,” Mox begs, his voice strained like he can make Yuta decide if only he’s passionate enough. “Just a couple of test matches, I know you’re gonna get over anyway, and that’s it, you’re in.” He stalks around the room like his legs won’t let him stop, veering to clap Bryan on the back. 
“You trust us, don’t you? Two of the best guys in the business, we can make you so good, Wheeler, all you gotta do is say the word.” 
Yuta wants to squeak, ‘am I not already good?’ but Regal speaks before he can, commanding the room with the accent light on Yuta’s ears.
“What my protégées are trying to say, dear boy, is that you don’t get opportunities like this often. Once, if ever, in a lifetime.”
“Several fuckin’ lifetimes, even…” Mox says under his breath. He continues to pace, occasionally crowding around Yuta like a shark might circle a seal. 
“Take some time and consider it, Sunshine.” Regal squeezes Yuta’s shoulder and his breath hitches. Then they’re gone, all of them falling into step and leaving Yuta alone in an empty room with just his thoughts to keep him company, the sound of the door echoing through the empty hall. 
Yuta lies awake that night turning over the ideas in his head. He likes being with the Best Friends–loves them, each and every one of them. However, he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be at the same level as his friends without having to fight tooth and nail for it. 
Kris isn’t normally allowed to use all her powers in the ring out of fairness, but even without the weird alien telekinesis she’s strong, so much stronger than any of the others and certainly stronger than Yuta. Yuta thinks about Danhausen, who’s only recently taken to following Chuck and Orange around, and how even as a bumbling, weird little freak he still has the kind of strength and power that leaves opponents quaking. Yuta walked in on him once accidentally, saw him talking in the mirror to some distorted version of himself, bigger and scarier and decidedly non-human, and promptly turned tail and left. 
He thinks about Chuck and Trent and Rocky, the way they throw each other around when they train, too much for Yuta on certain days close to the full moon. Is that what Mox is like with every stable he’s been in? Too powerful for anyone else to handle?
If he took them up on their offer, what would he become? His entire persona would have to change, from Yuta-The-Human to… would he even call himself a vampire? 
Mox doesn’t ever use that word. Yuta knows, watching Mox’s old matches from his couch-bed in Chuck and Orange’s living room, even back when he was a wiry little fledgling doing death matches in backyards, that Mox has never used the V Word. Sure, he’s played it up a little, his long hair falling in his eyes as he carves up another wrestler with a glass tube, licks the blood from his hands and smiles at the camera–Yuta’s dick gets hard and he tries desperately to ignore it, playing the next match on the laptop he got from Chuck as a hand-me-down. 
It’s from a little later in Mox’s career, but still before he hit it big. He sways into the ring with the same signature gait he’s always had, each step powerful if not a little meandering. When he gets on the mic, the crowd boos; Yuta huffs a small bit of laughter at the incredible change in his popularity in just a few years.
His opponent blindsides him with a leap off the balcony before Mox can react, hitting him hard against the mat. Yuta groans as the man takes a belt to Mox’s back, the anguished, “ah, ah!” noises rising above the cheers of the audience. He whips him again, once, twice, before wrapping the belt against Mox’s neck, choking him against the ropes, and Yuta closes the laptop with a sharp crack. 
He’s thinking about it. Just going over his options. That’s all this is. 
There are a lot of regular people in the company, but they’re vastly outnumbered by everyone else, the real veterans of the scene, the inhumans. That’s why Yuta seeks out Danny for advice, rather than someone like Chuck or Orange: they don’t really know what he’s going through, not really. Danny would understand being a regular person, and what this offer meant, and give Yuta his no-bullshit opinion. 
“Why would you wanna be one of those bloodsuckers anyway?” 
He’s spotting Danny as he lowers three hundred pounds into a squat, his thighs flexing. Yuta hovers but doesn’t touch the bar. 
“You don’t ever think about getting a leg up sometimes?” Yuta asks. “It’s a big decision, but–”
Danny straightens and grunts, putting the bar back into place. “Never. You think Jericho and his boys aren’t just beggin’ to get their teeth into all this?” He gestures to himself and Yuta snickers. 
“I’ve told him no every single time. I ain’t like them. And neither are you.” 
“I just think,” Yuta starts. “This isn’t, like, a bad offer.”
“Nah, none of that. That’s how they fuckin’ get you, man. You’re gonna be chained to them for life if you let one of ‘em bite you. No identity of your own; just another bloodthirsty little monster that’s riding a bigger guy’s coattails.” 
Yuta lets the words wash over him and finds that they settle warm in his chest. “Just because you wanna be on your own doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. I don’t know how the blood-bonds work but–” 
“But what?” Danny laughs. “You think you’re not good enough on your own? You gotta be someone’s little pet to make it big?” 
“Come on, man–” 
“I’d never roll over for one of them like that. Not any of ‘em, no matter what they promise; not the vamps, or the demons, or the undead, none of ‘em.” 
Yuta can’t help the snort that forces its way out of his nose. “Then why does Chuck say you smell like another wolf all the time? I think you have been rolling over–” 
“Oh, fuck off, Wheeler.” Danny snarls, his face burning red. He leaves the gym so fast that Yuta worries he doesn’t catch the echoing, “Tell whoever is giving you that beard burn that Rocky’s told the whole roster you’re spoken for!” 
Yuta turns over the pros and cons in his head for days before he finally gets the courage to text the group chat a simple, [can we talk soon?] 
Trent responds first. [No.] 
His phone luckily lights up with a text from Chuck right after. 
[Yeah I’m almost done]
[Got steak for dinner]
[Is everything okay?] 
Yuta doesn’t answer. His phone buzzes again when Orange hearts the message about steak and the sound makes him anxious. He groans. 
[yeah everything’s fine]
Trent dislikes the message and Yuta throws his phone into the couch. 
“You guys know that I love you, right?” Yuta asks over dinner. There’s a basketball game on the TV that Trent and Orange are watching from the couch while the rest of them sit at the dining room table. Yuta stares at the steak on his plate, jabbing at it. 
His appetite leaves him. 
“‘Course we do,” Chuck says, cutting his own piece of meat into pieces. It bleeds a considerable amount more than Yuta’s does. 
“And I appreciate all you guys have done for me.” 
“We love having you,” Chuck says, beaming. “Best friends, right?” His smile is so earnest that Yuta feels sick. 
“Fuck, okay, I’m just gonna–I’m just gonna say it. I got an offer from Mox to do a try out with his new faction, and nothing’s set in stone, but. But I just wanted to tell you.” 
The sounds in the room grind to a halt. Yuta hears a fork clatter to a plate. Kris stops with a bite of food halfway to her mouth. Chuck stares. 
Yuta watches in silence as Chuck’s face contorts, emotions leaving his features just as quickly as they come.  He settles on a grimace, a pained attempt at a smile. 
“You’re really thinking about leaving?” 
Yuta wants to jump off a bridge. “Not, I mean, not right now–and I won’t, there’s like, a big chance they don’t like me. Or I’m not good enough, I won’t get in, or they decide not to–”
“But you want to?” Chuck asks softly. 
“It’s–” Yuta pauses. Yes, he wants to. No, he doesn’t. He has to do this. He won’t leave his only friends. Yes, no. Yes, no. “It’s a good opportunity.” 
“Oh, bullshit!” Trent says from across the room. “Are you fucking kidding me, Wheeler? Really? We take you in, put you up, teach you fuckin’ everything you know and what, the minute you get a better offer you fuckin’ pack up?” 
“Hey!” Chuck tries, his pack leader voice, which Trent has evidently gotten very good at ignoring. 
“No, you’re gonna let me fuckin’ talk. You gave the kid all your goddamn time and attention and this is how he repays you?” 
“Trent, come on, let’s simmer down a little,” Rocky soothes. 
“God, you all baby him because he’s young and breakable and he totally takes advantage of it and I’m the only one who saw it from the fucking beginning.” 
“You never mentioned wanting to change,” Chuck murmurs, his voice measured amongst the raw emotion. “We could have helped you, you could have been pack–”
“I didn’t want to be anything, before this!” Yuta chokes. “I didn’t want a set path, I didn’t want to change, I didn’t want to be the third wheel while you and Orange tag. I wanted to–to win on my own.” 
“Oh, boo fuckin’ hoo.” Within moments, Trent crosses the room to shove Yuta up against the table. “You know, Wheeler, you belong with those guys; they probably won’t even change you. You can be their pathetic little bloodbag fucktoy, whining about not being strong enough while they take turns–” 
“Trent, that’s enough!” Chuck slams his hands down on the table as he rises to his feet. His lips are pulled back in a deep snarl and his face is red. Yuta eyes Kris for support but she resolvedly doesn’t meet his gaze, her hands raised in a clear approximation of “not my business.” 
Orange makes his way around to Chuck’s side while he postures, his glare still pointed at Trent, who won’t take his hands away from where they’re knotted in Yuta’s shirt. “You’re just gonna let him betray us, then? Aren’t you mad?” 
Chuck makes a noise that would be a sob if it wasn’t so choked down. “I’m fucking gutted, Trent. I know you are too, but this isn’t–” 
“He doesn’t mean anything to me; I was just looking out for you fucking idiots.” Trent releases his shirt then, stepping back. He makes a show of placing his hands up and Yuta wonders why before Trent is very slowly letting his claws out. He takes a few more steps back and drops to the couch, running the very tip of the points over the cushions. With a sheer rip Trent claws through the fabric, the stuffing pouring through the gashes.
“Oops,” he whines, “now where will your little pet sleep?” 
Yuta finally gets his senses back to him and turns on his heel, ignoring the overlapping concerned calls of his name. 
“Don’t go,” he hears Orange say, as close to begging as the man can get. He doesn’t stop until the door is slammed behind him and he’s alone in his car. 
No one walks out of the house to follow him. 
Yuta doesn’t ask how or why Danny Garcia has Bryan’s address and is thankful he doesn’t feel the need to explain. He doesn’t want to text before showing up, a stupid, prideful part of him deciding that if Bryan turned him away he would just get a hotel and never show his face around work again. 
The sun sets on his drive over, and Yuta worries briefly if he might be gone. He parks outside the modest place, a regular house in a regular neighborhood, turns off his car, and allows himself one small breakdown. 
His hands hit the steering wheel and his head dips. 
This was stupid. He’s stupid. He left the one stable thing in his life, people that love and care about him, on the single conditional offer of three inhumans he barely knows. He has to prove himself to them, has to impress them, show them he’s worthy of being their equal. Christ, they hadn’t even promised to bite him, he just assumed that was where this was headed–
He doesn’t cry, doesn’t let himself yell, just stares at his knees and whispers, “fuck, fuck,” as his head swims with dread. Yuta can feel it bubbling in his chest, his throat, curling around all his organs like smoke and taking form and strangling–
Someone taps on the window. His head snaps up. 
“You okay, Wheeler?” 
Yuta doesn’t expect genuine concern on Mox’s features but relishes it anyway. He scrubs a hand down his face and finally steps out of the car. “Yeah, man, doing great. My whole faction wants me gone and I have nothing but a single bag and I’m here to beg for a place to stay, so it’s going pretty good for me right now.” 
“Oh, Bry’s gonna love that, he’s a sucker for strays.” Mox snorts, one hand coming to rest on Yuta’s back. “Bring your stuff inside and stop bein’ fuckin’ weird; sitting in your car skulking outside Bryan’s fuckin’ house, thought you were some kinda creep.” 
Yuta laughs at that, a smile splitting his lips before he can remember all the things he should be upset about. By the time he’s settled on Bryan’s couch, the lights off as the other two men retire to some other part of the house, blanket draped over him and pillow borrowed from Bryan’s bed beneath his head, Yuta can almost pretend he’s at home. 
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stardustcatcher · 2 years
uhhhh so the huntington show was the best day of my fucking life. i got to see the new and improved frat boy josh,, i got to see harmonica jake,, danny’s drum solo made me QUAKE,, sam looking over the organ like a scary bitch,, AGE OF MAN,, AND I GOT TO MEET @groggyvanfleet WHICH WAS BETTER THAN THE ENTIRE SHOW!! overall i don’t think i’ll ever recover from this experience and i don’t know how i’m going to handle seeing greta again in 48 days
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sleepycap · 1 year
I think I’m gonna do a media thread for this year and just make it #mediathread2023 or something
01. Surkin - Next of Kin (2008) 02. This Place Rules (2022) 03. Puss in Boots: The Last Wish  (2022) 04. Mere Notilde - Love Is Gonna Getcha (2022)   05. DJ Shadow - The Private Press (2002)   06. Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) (1993)   07. Blade Runner: Director’s Cut (1992)   08. Cure (1997)   09. HEALTH - VOL. 4 :: SLAVES OF FEAR (2019)   10. Yakuza 3 Remastered (2021)   11. OutKast - Aquemini (1998)   12. Titanic (1997)   13. Sun Ra - Strange Celestial Road (1980)   14. Herbie Hancock - Head Hunters (1973)   15. Hanayo - Gift (2000)   16. Gustavo Cerati - Boscanada (1999)   17. The Prodigy - The Day is my Enemy (2015)   18. Various Artists - Ed Rec Vol. 3 (2008)   19. Memories of Murder (2003)   20. Gorillaz - Cracker Island (2023)   21. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)   22. Beck - Odelay (1996)   23. TDJ - TDJ-182 (2021)   24. Cassius - Au Rêve   25. Cassius - 15 Again (2006)   26. The Man Who Knew Too Little  (1997)   27. BP - ゴールデンBP. (Golden BP.) (1997)   28. Blow Out (1981)   29. Pearl Jam - Ten (1991)   30. JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown - SCARING THE HOES (2023) 31. Radiohead - The Bends (1995)   32. Steven Universe Future (2019) 33. The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) 34. J Dilla - Jay Stay Paid (2009) 35. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless 36. RRR (2022)   37. Madreblu - Necessità (1999)   38. Run the Jewels - Run the Jewels (2013)   39. The Mask (1994) 40. Resident Evil 4 (2023)   41. Resident Evil 4 (2023)  (2nd playthrough) 42. Unbreakable (2000) 43. The Chemical Brothers - Surrender (1999) 44. No Country For Old Men (2007) 45. Goodfellas (1990) 46. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) 47. The Departed (2006) 48. Swans - White Light from the Mouth of Infinity (1991) 49. Jamiroquai - Synkronized (1999)   50. Yakuza 4 Remastered (2021) 51. The Godfather Part II (1974)   52. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 53. Beastie Boys - Ill Communication (1994)   54. Fugazi - Repeater (1990)   55. Cortex - Troupeau Bleu (1975)   56. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) 57. Get Out (2017) 58. Interstellar (2014) 59. Fatboy Slim - You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby (1998) 60. The Venture Bros.: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart (2023) 61. Django Unchained (2012) 62. The Transformers: The Movie (1986) 63. Batman: Year One (1987) 64. Paths of Glory (1957) 65. Apocalypse Now (1979) 66. Heart of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse (1991) 67. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) 68. Hypnospace Outlaw (2019) 69. Portal With RTX (2022) 70. Resident Evil 6 [Leon & Helena] (2012) 71. Quake II (1997) 72. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) 73. Stalker (1979)   74. Twin Peaks: Into the Night Demo (2023) 75. An American Werewolf in London (1981) 76. Splatoon 3 (2022) 77. Chinatown (1974) 78. Slumdog Millionaire (2008) 79. The Deer Hunter (1979) 80. 100 gecs - 10,000 gecs (2023) 81. Jeff Rosenstock - HELLMODE (2023)  
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ao3feed-malira · 2 years
Falling Apart on the Inside
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0avL4h6
by i_might_be_in_over_my_head
No, No, No, this couldn’t be happening! Sliding across the kitchen floor, Stiles dropped to his knees in a puddle of blood. No, this wasn’t real, it was just some stupid nightmare. He’d wake up any minute now and Peter would be wrapped around him, he’d be fine.
Noah hooked Stiles around the waist, pulling him back, “Come on, son, you gotta let go. Let the pack in so they can get a scent.” The pack doesn’t need a scent, because this wasn’t real. IT WASN’T REAL!
Chris stepped in front of him, blocking his view and gripping the side of his face, “Stiles! Stop, you have to stop now.”
Someone was screaming, loud, gut-wrenching, heart-rending screams. Stiles wished they’d stop, wished they just shup the fuck up because this wasn’t real. There was no need to scream like that, because it wasn’t fucking real.
Scott pushed Chris aside, roaring so loud that Stiles insides quaked, but at least the screaming stopped. God, his throat hurt, how was it possible for his throat to hurt this much in a dream? Shouldn’t the pain wake him up? Why was there no air here?
Words: 3595, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Derek Hale, Chris Argent, Sheriff Stilinski, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, The McCall Pack, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Danny Mahealani
Relationships: Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Derek Hale, Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura
Additional Tags: Past Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Panic Attacks, Murder, Hunter Stiles Stilinski, Blood and Violence, Hunters & Hunting, Dead Peter Hale, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Boys Kissing, Blow Jobs, Touching, Kid Fic, Confused Stiles Stilinski, Oblivious Stiles Stilinski, way too much angst, Happy Ending, Married Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0avL4h6
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unwell-files · 2 years
The story I am about to tell is a difficult one. It is a story of loss. Of grief. Of transformation. A finding things story. A story of growth and rebirth. And it is a story that has no beginning and no end, both remain unknown. But this particular story starts in a hospital. 
An old and dreary hospital that has been around for as long as the town has. On this morning it was an especially eventful day, a baby girl was born. Eurydice was her name. Although this day should be one of celebration, a darkness loomed amongst the family. This was no ordinary family, although they did look it. Mommy and daddy and their new baby. But mommy and daddy had a secret. They were in a cult. Or at least the outsiders called it a cult. To them it was an awareness, their eyes were open to the reality of things, a reality everyone else was too scared to face, But not them, they embraced this reality and knew when the end came, they would at least be safe, they knew what was really to come and they would be one of the few who were prepared. Along with Dr.C and his son Danny. The doctor was the one who showed mommy and daddy the truth, they introduced them to him, and his way, and the future he was to bring forth. Most people would quake and tremble at these things, the horror of them, but not mommy and daddy, they were enamored. Honored to be shown such a truth. But we’ll talk about that later, because right now, something is lurking. Little Eurydice can’t see it right now, but one day, when the time is right, it will find her again. It never left, they made a deal, Eurydice was his and she didn’t even know it. There isn’t really anything that makes her special, nothing that makes her stand out from any of the others. She just got lucky. 
Taking their new baby girl home, he still lingered, mommy and daddy didn’t feel him or even know he was around, but the little girl did, she always did. As she got a little older she would complain constantly about her head hurting, that annoying buzzing sound that followed her around, and horrible nightmares that made her spend countless nights curled up in mommys bed. But the good Dr.C assured mommy and daddy that what was happening was nothing to fuss about, in fact this was so normal that Dr.C had a special place where other little kids like Eurydice lived and they all experienced the same things she did. Dr.C told mommy and daddy that she would be happier there, able to play with other kids just like her and at no cost to them, just do as they were told and continue to follow his plan. The deal was done and Eurydice was whisked away. At first this new place was not to the young girls' liking. It was cold and vast and open, for a place supposedly filled with children it was horribly quiet. As the good doctor led her  to her room she finally started to hear noise coming from the other rooms. At one door someone was giggling and whispering to someone, probably a sleepover. At another door a strange scratching can be heard coming from directly behind it, maybe they had a pet! But as they passed another door, the person in there was having no fun at all. It was a little boy, he was yelling at someone to be quiet and leave him alone, he just kept yelling over and over, if someone was bullying him how come the good doctor didn’t make them stop? If the doctor didn’t try to stop bullying, what other kind of bad stuff could happen here? As they finally neared her room there was already someone in there. A boy a little bit older than her, he was making the bed. He looked over at the doctor and the girl and placed his hands behind his back with a smile. “Hello father! I was just making the bed for her so she’ll feel more welcome.” Now this is someone she can be friends with, he was so nice! The good doctor let go of the girl's hand and bent down in front of her. “Eurydice, this is my son Danny, he stays here just like you, if you need anything or have any questions or even just want someone to play with, he will always be a friend to you, okay?” The doctor smiled, and the girl looked to the side of him and waved at the young boy. And sure enough, they became fast friends. He taught her how to steal cookies from the kitchen and she taught him how to braid hair. She learned very quickly that he really was just like her. He suffered from the same headaches and nightmares that she did, only he was a little bit worse. Nose bleeds, seizures and even fainting spells were some of his other symptoms. “It’s okay though, it seems scary, but I know it just means I’m special, that we are, we were chosen, pretty lucky if you ask me.” But the young girl never really understood what that meant. Chosen. For what? By whom? There were questions she would very unfortunately have answered.As her stay became longer she made new friends along the way, it was strange though. She clearly remembers asking for their names yet when she tried to remember them she always came up blank, but she had many blanks in her life, too many to start fretting over one. They did crossword puzzles, read story books, looked at ink blotches and tried to guess what they looked like, and everyday after lunch she would sit with the good doctor and just talk. Another blank, what she talked about for so long she couldn’t remember, words just flowed out of her and the doctor would nod and write in his little black notebook, never interrupting, never asking questions or interjecting, just nod and write. 
She hadn’t seen her mommy and daddy, she can’t recall how long she has been in that place for, but long enough that her hair had grown and she grew four whole tick marks on the door frame. She had to buy a new pair of shoes, she had outgrown her old ones. 
She didn’t like the nurses, they never spoke to her, never really looked at her, just handed her medicine in a little cup that she hated taking, they were hard to swallow and made her feel fuzzy, but when she took them everything was quiet. She slept soundly, her head stopped hurting so much and that annoying buzzing finally went away. Even Danny said that after taking the medicine he felt a million times better, “I could probably beat Superman in a fight,” he would say. She was having so much fun she practically forgot about mommy and daddy, all she knew was that place and all her new friends. For a little while. But then, once she had gone through two more pairs of shoes her friends started going away, she didn’t know where they went or why they didn’t say bye, she just never saw them, new kids would take their rooms and soon enough she would even forget it was their room in the first place. In fact, she couldn’t remember why she was there at all, she must have been sick since she had to take medicine but what sickness did she have? Where were her parents? Did she have parents? How old was she? So many questions would flood her mind, questions she never had before, she went to Danny for help, her only friend left and he would say things like, “You’re feeling fine right? So what's all the worry, your parents will be here soon.” 
And one day, they were. She was older , she knew that much. So much of her had changed yet she still very much felt the same. The good doctor said he would visit and to always remember to take her medicine, Danny gave her the biggest hug and said he would write to her. Mommy and daddy looked different too, she didn’t know how, but she felt it. Her house was the same. All the same, yet when she entered it, a wave crashed onto her, almost in an instant, she grew up.
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natalierushmn · 4 years
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realchemistry · 4 years
Danny Boy & Quake: exist.
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daisylincs · 4 years
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Hullo everyone,
This silly little blog of mine, something I created more as a distraction in the lockdown, but which has now become an unbelievably integral part of my life, has recently reached (and passed) 100 followers!! I honestly never thought I’d see the day, but here I am - and can I just say, you guys are absolutely awesome, each and every one of you!!
To celebrate this (because it’s big for me - I never even dreamed that one day there would be over a hundred people on the internet who would care enough about what I say to hit that follow button) I am officially opening up my writing folder to give something back to you guys.
I’m going to be starting three new series, the info posts of which I’m going to link here in just a second. Each of these series will have a general setting and characters, but I’m going to leave the details entirely up to you guys!
The series are:
1. Danny Boy & Quake. To celebrate Agents of SHIELD ending and Daisy’s new-found happiness, this series is going to explore Daniel and Daisy’s life and adventures post-canon.
2. Sky’s The Limit. I just have to do something for Staticquake, so this series is going to be an AU exploring how these two’s lives could have looked if canon took a pause after the end of season 2, and the events of season 3 and onwards as we know them didn’t happen. 
3. Spider-Dorks. For the Spideychelle section of my followers (and the Spideychelle section of my brain, lol) this series is going to explore the dynamic between the Golden trio of Ned, Peter and MJ post-Homecoming (we're going to happily pretend that Infinity War/Endgame never happened, and everything is Great with a capital G.)
How this works is you drop into my inbox with the name of the series you want, plus a prompt for that specific series. (I'll go into detail about what kinds of prompts I'll be accepting in the info posts for each series.)
Now, I absolutely love the anons who frequently grace my asks, but unfortunately this is not a game for you guys. To participate, you have to be following me - because, you know, the point of this is to give something back to my followers, and I can't really do that if you're not following me, lol.
I'm not going to limit the number of prompts any one person can send in - but I would really appreciate it if you could keep in mind that even though I'm crazy enough to start three new series when I already have so many projects, I'm still a human being with not that much free time.
Oh, while we're talking about time. Prompts for these series are open as of now, and will run until September 2nd, aka my birthday (poetic, right?) Once I've gotten everyone's prompts, I'm going to start the task of arranging them all into a coherent series format, and then I'm slowly going to start on the writing.
Like I mentioned, I have a lot of other projects right now, not to mention real life stuff what with the school year starting up again, so the time-frame you can expect for these series' release is... somewhere in December??
I know that seems like a very long time, but the whole point of this is to give something back to you, my followers - and if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it properly. It may be a little sappy and sentimental of me, but I am incredibly honoured that each of you chose to hit that follow button, and it really does mean a lot to me. A lot.
So, to conclude this long and rather rambly update post: thank you, to each and every one of my followers, for deciding to hit that follow button. I am very, very honoured to have you - and now, let's celebrate!! 🎉😍🎉😍🎉
Update: prompts are now closed. Thank you very much to everyone who sent something in!! See you all in the series 🤗
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whatwehaveleft · 4 years
Daniel Sousa who?! I only know Danny Boy!
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que-mint-tea · 4 years
Whatever you need...Quake.
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