#dany stans dni
Jon: "And your family hasn't seen its end. You're still here."
Dany: "I can't have children."
Jon: "Who told you that?"
Dany: "The witch who murdered my husband."
Jon: "Has it occurred to you that she might not have been a reliable source of information?"
Dany: "You were right from the beginning. If I had trusted you, everything would be different."
Jon: "So what now?"
I know some people thought this was meant to be a precursor to a possible magical pregnancy happening after boatsex (and a magical Targ restoration that was never going to happen) before the final season happened but this dialogue is nothing more than a red herring, getting the audience to expect that magical baby Targ and that Jonerys would rule the 7K by the end of the series so it could be subverted/turned on its head.
This portion of the dialogue is about Jon also being a Targaryen that will be revealed to the audience at the end of the episode. It not only showcases Dany's true belief in how she is The One and being special, what her real fear is (not being so special after all), it also shows us that if another Targaryen isn't coming from her, she's not interested. I should clarify that it shows us that after rewatching the series. If it's the first watch, the dialogue is simply posing the question of what would happen if there was another Targaryen and Dany was aware of their existence, while also planting the seed for Jon's parentage reveal later.
Right before this scene, they show us the Tyrion and Cersei scene:
Not only do we see Cersei sparing Tyrion's life here (being unable to kill him as we see again later on in 8x04) but it's also revealed to Tyrion that Cersei is pregnant again after she's lost all 3 of her children, Myrcella and Tommen being mentioned more than Joffrey (the two children whose deaths she truly blames Tyrion for).
Jon Snow is mentioned more than once in this scene and his bending the knee. Tyrion even admits to Cersei that he didn't want Jon bending the knee to Dany, not like this. He also admits to her and the audience that he knows Dany's true nature, what she really wants to do, and how he's trying to keep that from happening. He doesn't want to destroy his family; he's following Dany out of faith (and because he's in love with her which Cersei pretty much confirms by what she starts out saying at the beginning of the conversation and with "What did you hope for?" & asking why he wants Dany to rule everyone).
Then, in the portion of this scene that I can't find on YouTube, we get this dialogue:
Cersei: "It doesn't matter. Your love doesn't matter, your feelings don't matter. I don't care what you did. I only care what it cost us. It cost us our future." (now let's pretend this is season 8 Dany saying this to season 8 Jon, put them in Cersei's and Tyrion's places for a second, and let's say it's after Dany executes Varys - interesting dialogue, right?)
Cersei: "I don't care about checking my worst impulses. I don't care about making the world a better place. Hang the world. That thing you dragged here...I know what it is. I know what it means. And when it came at me, I didn't think about the world, not at all. As soon as it opened its mouth, the world disappeared for me, right down its black throat. All I could think about was keeping those gnashing teeth away from the ones who matter most, away from my family. Maybe Euron Greyjoy had the right idea: get on a boat, take those who matter--"
Tyrion: "You're pregnant." (Cersei doesn't deny this, instead she stays quiet)
I think this dialogue illustrates one of the many parallels that Dany and Cersei share (while also showing us a contrast that we will later see in season 8 with Sansa compared to the two) while also showing us subtly how the Mad Queen narrative has been split between the two, and also displaying a clear contrast between the two queens.
"I don't care about checking my worst impulses. I don't care about making the world a better place. Hang the world." -> this is the parallel/Mad Queen-split narrative they share -> Dany talked about making a better world and that's why she had to rip the old one out root and stem in 8x05 and 8x06, but we also saw how she had been wanting "fire and blood" even before she lost her Westerosi allies, even before she came to Westeros. We also saw that she does not want to rule (for the sake of ruling) but to conquer and so she can be HBIC because she feels that she is entitled to the iron chair aka sitting on top of the wheel. That's why she wanted to break the wheel and it became part of her rhetoric -- she never wanted any other house to have a chance to be on top of that wheel ever again. Just like Aegon had set up when he conquered Westeros the first time and it had been like that up until Robert's Rebellion.
When Cersei begins talking about those who matter (we know she's talking about the baby but I'm also assuming she means Jaime as well) and protecting them after we just saw her refusing to kill Tyrion (who, let's face it, Cersei has despised since he was born, blamed him for many things, and has been cruel to him - knowing Cersei as we do, why wouldn't she have his head lopped off? it's the perfect revenge for Myrcella and Tommen - but he's a Lannister), that's the contrast. Especially when:
Tyrion: "Alright. You love your family and I have destroyed it. I will always be a threat. So put an end to me." -> when Tyrion is told about Jon's parentage by Sansa and then he tells Varys and the truth starts to get out, this further helps to destroy that Oneness that Dany believes about her self, her extraordinary being, and her destiny - something she is already feeling threatened by with Jon's existence once she learns the truth herself from him - in 8x06 Arya even confirms this with "You'll always be a threat to her." Not to mention Jon and Dany's glare-off on the steps of KL. Not to mention Tyrion saying this in so many words ("Who is more dangerous than the rightful heir to the Iron Throne?") to Jon himself in that same episode.
And then we also have this from earlier:
Not only is the whole Euron/Yara/Theon parallel happening here (to link an intimidating person in power who is holding a family member hostage and demanding that person's family to submit/bow down in order to save them), but when Euron turns his insults onto Tyrion, Jaime intervenes, and then so does Cersei by calling him off. I believe this was done for two reasons: 1) to show us Dany's reaction to when this happens (they make sure to show it to us which plays into what she says to Tyrion in 7x04, what he says here to Cersei in this episode, and what comes later in season 8) & 2) because even though Tyrion might not be someone she wants to protect and would have had no issue killing before, she now hesitates each time she has had a chance to do it herself/facing him (as well as Jaime later on in this episode) and it all plays into what she tells Jaime about wanting to create a dynasty that lasts 1000 years (in contrast to what Dany says to Jon in 8x01). She and Tyrion, while different in many ways, want the same thing: the survival of the ones they love aka family. For her, it's the baby (and most likely Jaime). For him, it's Jaime (and Cersei by extension). No matter how much they might want to kill each other or take vengeance for all they have done to one another. And that is such a contrast to what we see with Dany.
So I think they absolutely intended to sequence these two conversations together in editing before airing the episode because it was meant to not only help subvert the expectation of a magical Targ baby/Targ restoration in the end, but to also show us that as bad as Cersei is, she's not Dany, which is what Tyrion says himself in 8x06. That Jon and Dany dialogue was all about Jon being Dany's only remaining family and how she would eventually react to that knowledge once it was brought to her attention.
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fromtheseventhhell · 11 months
“DNI if” but they still have no problem stalking our blogs lmfao yeah they really are miserable
It's so funny cause they run around trying to play the victim but they're intentionally interacting with blogs/posts they don't like. DNI! But then they're going to take screenshots (with usernames visible) to post to their followers. So basically don't act like them or else you're a bully but they're allowed to act like that and if you call them out...you're a bully. They're literally just:
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unolvrs · 2 years
idk about ya’ll but i will never like rhaegar targaryen
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pozartaa · 4 days
13.06.24 UTRZYMANIE WAG1 dzień 469. Limit +/- 2100 kc@l.
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Wczoraj wieczorem zaczęło mnie drapać w gardle.
Nooo nieeee, nie mogę być chora na to cholerne wesele! Wzięłam leki na noc i liczę na mój organizm.
Rano trochę mi spływało z nosa. No i generalnie czuję się taka lekko podziębiona. Nie mam temperatury... Mam mniej niż powinien mieć podręcznikowy żywy człowiek... 36° -35.9°. Ale to trochę taka właściwość mojego organizmu. Dlatego nawet niewielkie stany podgorączkowe odczuwam jakbym zaraz miała umrzeć.
Ciekawostka - z chorowitego dziecka wyrosłam na dość nie-chorowitego dorosłego, a te dwa ostatnie lata po mojej "przemianie" - schvdnięciu i zmianie sposobu żywienia - odczułam ogólną poprawę. Lepsza cera, zdrowe włosy i już tak łatwo nic mnie nie rozkłada. Oczywiście - jak widzicie - przeziębiam się, owszem, ale te przeziębienia zwykle nie eskalują.
My God...zaklinam rzeczywistość pisząc to zdanie i mam nadzieję, że teraz też tak będzie 🤞🤞🤞.
Dziś na noc do pracy. Rano zrobiłam odrosty henną (strasznie rozwodniłam niechcący i farbowanie to było wyzwanie). Później 2 godziny w turbanie. Jeszcze później lunch i drzemka przed pracą.
Położyłam się wcześniej niż zwykle bo chciałam by mój organizm maksymalnie się regenerował. Nic tak nie leczy jak łóżko, ale niestety nie mam na to tyle czasu ile bym chciała. Poza tym byłam dziś wyjątkowo głodna...
Może moje wirusy są tez głodne!? 😆
Jutro mój S. wziął wolne. Jak się prześpię, to trochę posprzątamy w domu i spakujemy się na ten wyjazd. Wyjeżdżamy w sobotę rano i wracamy w poniedziałek. Mamy jeden dzień dla siebie w naszym rodzinnym Białymstoku.
Na te wyjazdowe 3 dni zaplanowałam kolejne czerwcowe DBLK (Dni Bez Liczenia Kalor1i). Bez przesady - nie mam zamiaru wozić ze sobą wagi kuchennej 🤣... a i tak bywało...
Raczej nie planuje żarcia ponad stan. Tego weselnego jedzenia też się za bardzo nie boje - po prostu zjem sobie główne danie, kawałek tortu, trochę jakiejś sałatki i potańczę. Kiedy człowiek się nie gł0dzi, to taki pełen żarcia stół przestaje budzić emocje... A jedzenie ...cóż jak pół życia zmagasz się z €D to i tak bez wyrzutów sumienia się nie obejdzie.
Czy dopuszczam wzrost na wadze? - yes... Czy się tym martwię -not really...Co "zepsuję", to w ciągu następnego tygodnia naprawię. Tak to działa.
Marzy mi się niedzielny obiad w Barze Słonecznym ...Ciekawe czy będzie otwarty 🤔.
A poza tym dawno nie było kotospamu, więc dziś parę fotek naszych "włochatych dzieci"
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Dobrej nocy wam życzę i tradycyjnie pozdrawiam wszystkich nocnych stróżów i nocną zmianę na Tmblerze 🌙🌛🌝
No i zapraszam na mojego bloga o Magic The Gathering. Dziś jest nowy post 😉
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dollyji · 7 months
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❨˖ ₊ ⊹ about the writer
dani or dolly, 22 years old, any pronouns, queer.
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❨˖ ₊ ⊹ byf/dni
byf this is a smut account meaning it is 100% nsfw. i write what i want, when i want. i do not and will not tolerate hate, bullying, harassment or any form of negative asks. i firmly believe in matching energy. i write jisung smut. if you are uncomfortable with that, block his tags. this blog may contain hard kinks on occasion. read all warnings before proceeding to read a fic.
dni minors, racists, zionists, islamophobes, antisemitic, homophobes, transphobes, ageless or blank blogs. terfs, l*cas apologists, ot23s, bullies, antis.
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❨˖ ₊ ⊹ about the blog
content on this blog will be nsfw. for mature audiences only. some content will contain hard kinks or content that may make some uncomfortable, including but not exclusive to: hybrids, omegaverse, stepcest, yandere, dubcon, etc. i will not tolerate any negativity or hatred toward me or my followers for this content. block and filter out keywords and tags if you don’t want to see that content. don’t like it, don’t read it.
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❨˖ ₊ ⊹ frequently asked
01. when will you post xxx fic?
when i finish it! i frequently have writers block and new hyperfixations (i am neurodivergent, won’t disclose anything else) often. when i get the motivation to finish something, i will post it right away.
02. can i repost your fic if i give credits?
no!!! please do not repost my fics in any form other than a reblog directly from my account. i will not ever allow any reposts or alterations to my works either on tumblr or any other platform. if you see someone reposting my fics, please tell me. that is plagiarism. i do not consent to my fics being reposted.
03. which nct members do you write for?
at this time, renjun, jeno, haechan, jaemin, yangyang, chenle, and jisung only.
04. i’m not 18, but i’m mature. can i follow?
no. under no circumstances can anyone under the age of 18 follow me. not allowed. you will be blocked.
05. what do you write?
i will write mostly anything that isn’t listed under my hard limits. this includes but is not limited to power dynamics, aus, kinks, etc. however i will only write fem or gender neutral reader for the most part.
06. what are your hard limits?
abuse to the reader, age play, illnesses or disorders, blood-related incest, exclusive m/m ships, race play, rape, scar, or vomit.
07. you said you don’t write m/m, but what about xxx fic?
i don’t write exclusive m/m ships. which means, dollyji will not have any jaemin x jeno fics, but in the case of a threesome or orgy you may see some m/m action. for example, in a jaemin x reader x jeno fic, jaemin and jeno might kiss while they’re tending to reader.
08. what groups do you stan? who is your bias?
i stan far too many groups to list them all here. but my current ults (other than nct) are omega x, &team (jpop), and xdinary heroes. my biases in those groups are junghoon (omega x), ej (&team), and gaon (xdinary heroes). if you are curious to know whether i stan a specific group or not, you can always send me an ask!
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reddedcherub · 10 months
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✮♱✮ artist intro ✮♱✮
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dani/garf ☥ she/her ☥ 21 ☥ actuallyautistic + actually mentally ill ☥ genderqueer lesbian ☥ mestiza mexican-american ☥ goth music enjoyer ☥ special interests are dolls, spider-man, moon knight, horror movies, and hatsune miku ☥ sisters of mercy stan
basic dni criteria (including terfs and transid ion wanna hear it)
note: if you feel that something you say will confuse me, pls use tone indicators !! it’s not mandatory but I would rlly appreciate it
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uremogurl-dani · 2 years
i guess i never really made an about me post...
name: daniel/dani call me whatever
pronouns: he/it
fave colour: orange, purple, red
hobbies: kandi, drawing, drums, music
fandoms: mcr, dhmis, fnaf, furby, icp, misfits, system of a down
(but ill mostly post mcr because the special interest is real)
a good way to describe my vibe is imagine yellow guy from dhmis and current gerard way mixed together. that is me. just sprinkle some mania and transgenerism.
send me asks literally for anything, be annoying, i will be your tumblr bestie.
of course unless you’re in my dni, then please kindly fuck off. you are free to exist and have fun, just not with me.
dream smp stans
people who like current p!atd
taylor swift fans
18+ blogs (im a minor no duh)
people who dislike the use of the f-slur (i dont like sticking to labels so i just call myself a faggot)
radfems, transmeds, transphobes (if you know you dont like me, dont interact no duh)
just if youre a generally bad person (racist, queerphobic, ableist, etc. cause you get it)
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daenerysstormreborn · 2 years
Pinned info post
Hello, this is my new sideblog for ASoIaF/GoT and HotD. I watched both shows and have finally started reading the books. As of writing this, I have almost finished A Game of Thrones. I have just finished A Clash of Kings I am over halfway through A Storm of Swords I’ve just started A Feast for Crows I’m just beginning A Dance with Dragons (Aug 5 2023). Things to know:
I am a 26 year old woman living in the US.
I do not mind spoilers for book-only events, given that I have already heard about many of them. I’m just as gripped by the story despite knowing generally what happens from the show, so I don’t think more spoilers will ruin the experience for me.
I’m a big fan of Daenerys she’s my girl and I think she’s a very complex and nuanced character and most takes on her don’t grant her enough complexity one way or another. I don’t think the show adapted her well and I do not like the ending the show gave to her. You are welcome to follow and engage regardless of your opinion on her, though.
I am also a huge fan of book!Jon Snow and Arya Stark.
I do not hate any female characters from either series, including both show and book depictions (so far). Being a Dany fan doesn’t mean I hate Sansa.
I am a Jonerys fan. I pretty much neutral about J*nsa but I will not be hostile to you if you ship it. In fact, I follow multiple fans of the ship (although it’s from my main; this is a sideblog). What I do hate is when people misconstrue the text to prop up a ship, and I will get annoyed about that. But fans of other ships do that too. I also won’t tolerate misogyny directed at female characters, but this is also something that isn’t exclusive to J*nsas. Saying this because I have made posts with a negative attitude about this stuff, but as long as you don’t engage in that kind of behavior, you’re cool with me. I don’t care if you don’t like my fav characters or ships. Anyone is welcome to follow and interact and I likewise follow people who dislike my favs and have different interpretations of the text. I like to get diversity in the posts and metas I read!
Fav characters, in approximate order: Daenerys, Arya, Jon, Brienne, Sam, Asha, Sansa, Cersei, Arianne, Jaime, Davos, Melisandre, and Olenna.
I do not “stan” anything nor am I super invested in shipping.
I am not “team black” or “team green.” I am a fan of Rhaenyra, Alicent, Helaena, and Rhaenys. Granted, I have yet to read Fire and Blood. I read more into these characters than I believe is actually presented in the show and base my thoughts on them off of that
You are welcome to message me or add commentary on any of my posts.
If you find anything I post objectionable, I would love to talk about it. I’m always open to being wrong. I follow many blogs that post things I disagree with for a reason. It’s intellectually engaging and fun to compare differing thoughts. I’ll never tell you not to block me because you have every right to curate your own blogging experience to be enjoyable for you, but just know that I’m always open to discussion and I never block people just for disagreeing with me.
No DNI. I’ll block if I need to but I’m also not going to screen everyone who interacts with me. I really only block for harassment or if you’re spamming tags I follow with annoying stuff
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n88k04 · 1 year
Hejka, to konto jest tu głównie dlatego, ponieważ chce zrobić glow up w 95 dni.
Chce wprowadzić zdrowe nawyki, załatwić kilka spraw z którymi sporo czasu zwlekałem, może trochę zmienić w wyglądzie i zdecydowanie popracować nad stylem.
Każdego dnia, od jutra postaram sie coś wstawić, napisać jakie mam zadanie na dany dzień i czy udało sie je zrealizować.
Chce schudnąć z 54 do np 46 (zdrowo)
Pić więcej wody
Uzbierać na prawo jazdy
Porządek w ubraniach i zmiana stylu
Medytować czasem bo mnie to wycisza
Poćwiczyć angielski
Załatwić sprawy z papierami i lekarzami
Więcej spacerować
Minimum 10000 kroków dziennie
Zmienić trochę w pokoju
Zmienić coś w wyglądzie
Poprawić stan cery i włosów
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fromtheseventhhell · 11 months
that dni is so funny omg they’re actually offended over arya and dany stans wanting our girls to be friends… they’re so miserable, i mean why would you even care if you hate both characters anyway?
It's cause they only care about Sansa and think everything should revolve around her 😭. In their minds Dany is going to be an antagonist for the Starks and Arya is going to be an attack dog for Sansa, and them getting along ruins that idea. So yeah, they hate both of them, but they still want to use them as props to further Sansa's story. What's funny is they also have DNI if you like either Arya or Dany more than Sansa, but they also go out of their way to shit-talk Arya and Dany stans. They just straight up don't want us to exist and hate that they're so popular. It's why they come up with crap like them being girl bosses (derogatory) and claim they fulfill "masculine fantasies" so liking them more than "real" female characters is misogynistic. Yeah...liking female characters is misogynistic now, that's where we're at in fandom.
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