#darios fire emblem
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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Darios (and the other OG warriors characters) exist and should be able to be voted for in CYL
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fe-smashorpass · 4 months
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deebyfeeby · 1 year
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erm what the scallop, kiran in warriors
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conhivemindcent · 9 months
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My version of the Twitter meme redraw. With the old hyperfixation and the new hyperfixation
(I’d like to imagine they’re friends) (also please ignore any weird anatomy stuff it’s 1:30am lol)
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galaxiarts · 11 months
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Inktober Day 24: Shallow
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Tuesday Trivia:
Darios has unused map sprites in the player palette. This is atypical of enemy/npc only characters, like Gharnef, Iago and Validar. Developer interviews confirm he was planned to be playable in an update, but scrapped.
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Rowan from Fire Emblem Warriors is an autistic gay trans man with ADHD who uses he/him pronouns!
His twin sister Lianna is a biromantic asexual woman who uses she/her pronouns!
They're both best friends with Darios, an ambiamorous bisexual man who uses he/him pronouns!
They're all friends with Anna, a demiromantic bisexual girlflux person who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
dni link
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darios from fire emblem warriors did nothing wrong!
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feidolzine · 3 months
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✨POs open in 1 day ✨
@nootnootles brings us Darios from Warriors! Have you always wanted to spend some time with him?
Now's your chance! Make sure to collect Darios's portrait via our photocards~
Can't wait to see you at our debut tomorrow!🫶
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motherfuckermorgan · 10 months
fire emblem warriors thoughts
this game is... so bizarre. with over 6 years of hindsight and several fire emblem releases since then, fire emblem warriors might be the single strangest release in the entire series. i got a lot of words to say about this one, maybe even too much LOL. keep in mind that this post will mostly focus on the main campaign, i do realize that you don't really play warriors games for the main campaign but the grindy ass extra modes you unlock. and from that perspective this game is decently solid, but not as interesting to talk about for me personally
so like, as a "Celebration" of the entire series, this game falls so flat on its face it's honestly kind of hilarious. obviously this game does NOT encompass the entire fire emblem series. it doesn't even really come close. in the main campaign, you get three games represented. awakening, fates, and shadow dragon. you could technically make the argument that this also represents mystery of the emblem since that's just a shadow dragon sequel but that feels like we're trying to grab at anything to make this feel like this game represents more than 20% of the entire franchise. the characters are explicitly from shadow dragon.
in post-game you DO unlock celica from gaiden and lyn from 7 but those are quite literally the only characters from those games. lyn likely got in due to popularity and celica is there because fire emblem echoes released a few months before this. this is the best selling game that celica is in and she's not even in the main game
of course, you can argue this game isn't really trying to celebrate fire emblem as a whole. i mean, it's a fuckin' dynasty warriors crossover so it's not like it HAS to be all encompassing. but we live in a post-three houses and engage world. three houses is still the main fascination of the fandom now, so making a game with a STRONG awakening/fates focus sure makes this game feel dated. it is so, so of a specific era for this series. i think also it's easier for this game to feel lame when heroes exists. i'm not gonna go to bat for the fuckin' gacha but man even if there's still an awakening/fates focus in a lot of the alts, at least you get characters from other games in the series!
and like, alright, the shadow dragon characters are there but they're quite frankly so insignificant that it almost feels odd for me to even pretend like any reasonable person would wait until 66% through the game to finally add marth to their roster of units in play. the main campaign continues to be so awakening/fates focused that the characters from shadow dragon basically just save your ass once and then remove themselves from the plot except for marth saying something motivational every now and then.
the story is not something to play this game for at all LOL. it's not outright awful in the way that fates is but it's very disjointed and overall just not interesting. lianna and rowan are such nothing characters i can see why they haven't been referenced outside of this game thus far. darios is such a nothing villain too, like ohhhhh he's the childhood friend! just kidding! he's possessed by dragon. we've done this song and dance which i suppose is part of the point but it doesn't really help the game set itself apart.
it's a story that's meant to get all these characters together but as mentioned earlier even that part is dubious. early on you get your awakening units and then you get a super long stretch of the game that is focused ENTIRELY on fates. before you get like 2 shadow dragon chapters before endgame. it is near impossible to play this game and use any of the shadow dragon characters from endgame. marth is a tough sell in a game with so many sword users including your protags, you get cordelia before caeda and both pegasus knights are only really worth adding if you don't own the dlc, and tiki is maybe the only one that MIGHT be worth adding to your team.
i also played this game on hard mode which was a fun challenge but actually just serves to make the shadow dragon characters even more irrelevant because of how much higher leveled my units were by the time i made it there. i cannot emphasize enough just how fucking meaningless even adding in the shadow dragon guys is. they barely have any relevance to the flimsy story, and from a gameplay perspective you're basically NEVER gonna use them in the main campaign. you'll have way out leveled them by the time you unlock them. this really is just the awakening/fates show all the way through
if you love awakening and fates i suppose this could be awesome. i do love awakening, but god, i fucking hate fates. i've made this fact about myself known over the years. i could write a much much longer rant about that game specifically but after streaming that game over a week for 42 hours i fear that if i said anything else about them i'd self destruct. i do think that the fates games are Less bad in this game, but only marginally so. takumi and oboro are characters that i do genuinely enjoy from that game, but pretty much no one else is a winner. it's pretty easy to avoid using a lot of them at least, since a bunch of them are sword users or other such weapon classes you get from the awakening pool or are just classes you do NOT want to use.
alright, so i've talked a lot about how this game feels disjointed in terms of how it represents the series, but that isn't even really where it ends in terms of being fucking weird in this aspect. this game retains the weapons triangle from the main games, and every character can equip any weapon from their class. so all sword users can use any non-exclusive swords, lance users can do the same, etc etc. however, with the character choices they made, as a result they kind of all serve the same function? you're only gonna want one sword user to primarily deal with axe users, but your main protagionist is a sword user. you're never gonna reasonably use chrom or corrin or xander or marth or whoever else in this game just happens to use a sword. there are so many of them. many of them are paid dlc! sure, you will end up using one for support on the later maps, so i guess just choose your favorite child to sit on the sidelines.
meanwhile, there are so, so few lance users it's kind of insane. if you don't own the dlc your only real options are all pegasus knights and in a game where archers are very, very mobile they aren't exactly enticing to use. i do own the dlc, so i have access to oboro and azura but if you're rocking the basegame characters you're pretty much fucked in this aspect.
axe users are also fairly underrepresented. at least you get lissa and frederick early, but shit, other than them? hope you like camilla. i don't. she's also a flyer. so she sucks as a character and as a unit.
there's also archers and magic users you can unlock, but honestly, archers are far, far better than the magic users. sure, they don't hit as hard, EXCEPT if there are flyers on the map, then holy shit dude, they delete those fuckers from the video game. it's actually crazy how fast they fall given everything in this game is a damage sponge. archers also tend to be sturdier, so you don't really gotta pay as much attention to them. not as much having to watch over them to make sure they don't get themselves killed on the opposite end of the map. you also unlock tiki as a manakete and same principle applies, you'd rather just have an archer. your options are really just takumi sakura and niles, but hey, just like in fates, takumi is fucking stupid strong and can kill most things with little issue.
i can't pretend like this game isn't fun despite this discrepancy. it is a joy to mow down enemies, and i did feel a little bit of that tactical itch scratched by commanding my units on the harder difficulty. but it does harm this game's replayability a lot. the fun of replaying a fire emblem is getting use out of units that you struggled to find a role for in other playthroughs. this just doesn't happen in this game. with all the dlc, i pretty much will always just use lianna/oboro/lissa/takumi as my main units. there isn't much need to experiment. why try the other characters and other combinations when they will be fundamentally worse?
one last problem is just that the game runs like shit. but that's also kind of like yeah no shit it's a dynasty warriors game on the nintendo switch. it's like asking your old dog to pick up a stick that you threw really far away. he'll get to it eventually, but don't expect peak performance. docked mode is better than handheld, but don't expect this game to ever reach 60 consistently
it is funny playing a game that is so much of this era. three houses came out 2 years later and became THE fire emblem. and we've also got engage now, which at least attempts to represent the full series in a way that warriors fails to achieve. we've even gotten a followup to this game with three hopes! a game that i actually enjoy less. in the same exact console cycle as all these other games, this game feels incredibly dated. truly there is nothing else like it. if you're looking for warriors games on the switch, you've got better options. but i can't pretend like it wasn't fascinating to revisit this game, especially when i had spent so much time on it during the switch's first year. if you're a REALLY curious fan, and awakening/fates is like the peak of the series to you, it might be worth a play if you're into a button mashing action game. lots of things that you're gonna have to ask yourself if they truly apply to you. truly a game of all time
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i havent been actively into FE for years but i will never stop holding an extreme grudge against intsys for not letting darios be playable- He was supposed to be but they cut it to release the game faster, and then prioritized other characters in the dlc- and then not even letting us vote for him (or rowan or lliana for that matter) in CYL. I literally dont even care about heroes anymore but i would start playing again and spend actual money if they added darios. I mean it. I'm the only fucking darios fan
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childofaura · 1 year
So I’ve been wondering though…
What made you dislike the original Fire Emblem Warriors game?
It was just... kinda meh. The twins (I'm not gonna look up their names, I'm too lazy) were a little forgettable. Darios was kiiiind of an interesting character, as an allied kingdom, but the "possession" plot twist was stupid and he ends up dying anyways, they should have just stuck with his dad being possessed. The final boss was SUPER forgettable and had a bad design.
I mean I LIKED playing as some of the characters, I got the DLC (kind of a mistake 'cause I've never touched this game since beating it) and I mostly played as Oboro or Azura.
Honestly, Three Hopes was executed way better in terms of adding lore, taking an alternate story path, blessing us with Shez's character, and giving us additional characters we couldn't use before (Like Rodrigue, holy shit I was so happy that Rodrigue was playable and I tend to use him a decent bit).
Also something something redeeming Miklan's character and adding more dimension to him something something.
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deebyfeeby · 1 year
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conhivemindcent · 11 months
Are you brainstorming over Fire Emblem warriors, what did you think of the game and its (odd)choices?
It’s been a couple of years since my intense love of fire emblem warriors, and while it doesn’t rattle the brain nearly as often they still do pop in and say hello. So I’d probably say no but we love a bit of old hyperfixation indulgence in this house.
I haven’t actually played the game, despite owning it physically for a few months now. Truthfully I need to play all the games I have before starting it (Persona 5, Hue and Miitopia are the main ones). (Fun fact, a friend of mine posted a short clip of Darios saying some dialogue and I got jumpscared by the fact that he shared a VA with Joker P5, like babe. You know this already.)
But yeah it was weird. It definitely went in too hard with the fateswakening pandering imo, especially with fates (we didn’t need all the fates royals to be playable) but it was nice to see Shadow Dragon characters. Lyn and Celica do feel tacked on, and honestly as much as I like Linde I feel like her inclusion wasn’t really warranted (tbh same with Oboro and Niles but I don’t really have strong opinions towards either, and maybe Cordelia, though I can’t remember her role in-story despite her having on).
But man. We were robbed of playable Darios. We could’ve had cool interactions with several other characters (Rowan, Lianna, Corrin and Robin all come to mind immediately, though I bet others would be neat). Even if he was another clone of Rowan/Lianna it would be nice.
Also there were too many swordies. And Rowan should’ve had an axe. And Lianna a lance. Then have Darios be the swordfighter and you’ve got the weapon triangle. Throw in Anna and her neutral bow and we’ve got a great team. Perfectly balanced.
So yeah, no longer hyperfixated but send me more Warriors asks, especially about the OCs and Anna. I love them to death.
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skarmoree · 2 years
intsys is gonna show off Red Guy one day and a fanbase for him will spring up overnight but hi ive been here from the start
this is to say that i havent made a post abt him for a while, so new one coming in hot
hi i think he’s filling in the niche that darios did in the og fire emblem warriors. prince of a neighbouring kingdom that the rest look up to but has a darker more sinister vibe and his father is blatantly evil but oh wait ! theres more beneath the surface
either way theyre intentionally avoiding him in the trailer and promo material lol im obsessed with that decision
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