#dark crystal headcanons
aspenwynd · 1 year
In my headcanon Gelfling Essence tastes like Dr Pepper.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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I seriously pray for you if you're related to Charles or Crystal in some way, your privacy is immediately thrown out of the damn window and you won't ever have a moment to yourself since you'll always have your sister Crystal looking out for you and Charles would make sure Gun, Goo and DG keep an eye out for you too. He'd even ask Kouji to place a tracking device in your phone and ensure he always has access to whatever you're doing on your phone, he's a concerned parent after all and he doesn't trust this toxic world filled with darkness that could corrupt you and put you in danger. Look, he might be a complete scumbag and takes the pleasure of ruining people's lives but you're the apple of his eye and he'll do anything to ensure your safety
Let's start off with Charles Choi as a parental figure for you. He'll be controlling, manipulative and won't be above gaslighting you to spend time with him. He's a businessman after all, he's Elite, when he wants something he gets it no matter what and you're no exception for it. He NEEDS to know what you're doing at every second of the day, he doesn't care how old you are, you could be a literal adult and yet he'd still treat you like a child and infantize you. He's overbearing with his protectiveness for you, you almost feel suffocated in his presence. But you won't even realize he's secretly gaslighting you and making sure you're isolated from other people other than him and your sister and the people that he really trusts, he's really crafty and subtle about this. It's for your own good, he keeps telling himself as he threatens and blackmails one of your so called friends to leave you the hell alone unless they want to end up on the news the next day dead. He doesn't care if he's overbearing for you, he has every RIGHT to be overbearing, truthfully, he doesn't even realize what he's doing is wrong. He firmly believes that he has every right to do this since you're his child after all and he's your guardian and parental figure
He likes it when you rely on him for things, deep down he's slightly worried and nervous you'll grow up too fast and leave him and your sister behind and you won't need him anymore. He can't stand and fathom the thought of you being away from him, his paranoia for your safety and fear of losing you would act in an overdrive. Charles Choi has only one weakness and that's you, the dear apple of his eye. He sees you as some defenseless vulnerable innocent little thing that would get chewed up by the world within mere seconds and he'd be damned if someone dared to take advantage of you. It doesn't matter even if you know how to fight or how well aware you are of everything happening around you, he'll still pat your head in a patronizing manner like you're some kind of child and have a slight amused smirk while you're ranting to him. Silly naive child, you NEED him to take care of you
You won't be allowed to live a normal lifestyle, you'll have private tutors to teach you and the day he'll allow you attend a public school or university would be the day HELL would FREEZE over. He knows what sort of nonsense takes place in schools and universities these days with all those cases of rampant bullying and such. He doesn't want you falling into the hands of some lowly thug with no decorum. Of course, he'd have him killed that same night but still, he isn't going to take the risk and chance of having you get hurt. Your safety matters more than your happiness, you could plead with him as much as you want regarding you wanting to go to a public school to have a normal life and he'd just outright refuse you each and every single time, it's like you're talking to a brick wall with him. By no means is he an emotional man, he has no time for such frivolous nonsense but it just doesn't sit right with him when he imagines you getting hurt and getting scars as thoughts of the worst would flash his mind when he thinks of your life at a public school which would make him even more strict about your safety. He never wants to see the day you cry, it would just...pain him emotionally. If you're crying because of him, it was probably because of something unavoidable and he'll gently shush you and wipe your tears away as he pats your head. However if you're crying because of someone else, well...that person would disappear off the face of the earth, he goes straight for the kill. He's a man of his word and always gets straight to the point without beating around the bush, so one single shot to the head to end whatever lousy scumbag who dared to make your tears spill from your eyes would guarantee him to be dead. Surprisingly he won't let anyone else do his dirty work for him whenever he has to kill someone for messing with you, he needs to feel the satisfaction of watching the light of the world and the life leave the person's eyes as he kills them. Of course, he'll cover the death up by making it look like there was some kind of gang violence going on and blame one of his chess pawns and pay off the police department to keep their mouths shut unless they want to lose their jobs and get blacklisted from every company existing
He loves to spoil you till your heart desires. Ask him whatever you want, except for your privacy and freedom and he'd be more than happy to indulge his expenses for you. You like reading and publishing books? Well, look who managed to get a publishing contract from one of the most famous publishing companies in the country? But of course, you're not allowed to publish anything questionable like romance and such, he thinks you're way too naive for such things and you're young for it. You're also not allowed to use your real name. You're also expected to show him your works before you end up publishing something and of course, you won't need to feel the pressure of the publishers and editors pestering you constantly for new works, you can write at your own leisure. Not unless they want their company to shut down and be on the streets for the rest of their miserable lives. He'll never entertain the idea and thought of someone every daring to dictate your life. Other than him of course, he has that right thanks to his twisted mindset of keeping you safe. You like singing and music? He'll get you the best brands of instruments money can buy and a whole karaoke system for you. He'd love to hear you sing and would have a smile on his face, telling you how proud he is of you for your wonderful and melodious singing, he thinks you sing as sweet as a nightingale. Well, in a way you are a nightingale trapped in a golden cage. If you're into art he'll get you the best quality of brushes and you'll have an unlimited amount of canvases and art supplies for your use. You'll have an entire art studio at the house for yourself and he'll be pleased when you hand him a painting or one of your art works. He would definitely store all your works in a secret room to ensure they don't get ruined and where he'll have access too since other people don't deserve to see your talent, they're undeserving pests who don't have the right to look at you in the eye
You won't ever get wind of what he does behind the scenes regarding the crews and gangs and how he rose to power and such and he'll do whatever the hell it takes to prevent you from finding out the truth about him. You'll be left in the dak regarding all the evil messed up things he does and unless someone wants to lose their tongue, they'd better keep their mouths shut. Also there's no reason for you to work, whatever do you want to work for, don't be silly. However if you really want to work, he make you join his company and you can have your own office just for the sake of it but no actual responsibilities. If you think of applying for jobs elsewhere, he'll pull in some strings to ensure you don't end up getting the job. He doesn't care that he's sabotaging your chances of getting a job, you aren't allowed to be away from him, away from your family, end of discussion
While Charles would handle the killings and brutal stuff, your sister Crystal handles the planning and goes for a more calculated approach from behind the scenes. If you have the habit of maintaining a diary, guess who knows all your secrets now and you've also just sentenced half the people in your diary to death. Look, she loves you and cares for you, in her own twisted manner after all, she inherited her father's possessiveness and obsessive tendencies to protect you after all. Like her dad, she views you as someone who's pure for this world and she wants to keep you sheltered in a safe bubble by whatever means necessary. She might love you but the minute you're up to something she will immediately snitch on you to Charles. Don't ever expect her to take your side though during an argument regarding your feelings of being trapped and such, she'll always side with her dad no matter what and thinks he's doing the right thing by shielding you from the world outside. You'll understand in due time how much they love you
If someone picks on you, she'll find a way to ruin their life socially by spreading allegations and such against that person and ensure their name gets dragged down in the mud. Which honestly isn't a hard thing to do for her. She is borderline insane and crazy, she just masks it like her dad, she'll be breathing down your neck every damn second of the day and she'll always have her eye on whatever you do. She'll have Gun and Goo follow you everywhere and she'll tag along as well. You're not allowed to go anywhere without her. She'll also be able to detect whenever you're lying, her eyes will narrow instantly and stare at you with a stern look on her face like a strict parent till she finds out whatever your intentions are and if they're something she and her dad won't approve of they're shutting it down immediately before that thought of yours can grow into something bigger. Even she has access to your laptop and phone, although the only contacts you're ever allowed to have are your dad, her, Gun, Goo, Kouji and DG, that's IT. Don't even THINK about dating, romance is off the table for you
You might not know about the secret of her two bodies, she prefers to keep it that way and her dad told her to let it remain a secret as well, it'll make it easier for her to be with you at all times. She's experienced a lot of bullying from people because of her weight and thinks society is shallow for prioritizing people's looks and appearances which is why she doesn't want you suffering the same way she did and she'll tell you things that'll give you a negative view of romance. She just doesn't want you getting hurt like she did, she's a protective big sister trying to keep you safe. She won't like it if you hang around Daniel too much, he's always getting in some or the other kind of trouble and the last thing she needs is for you to end up being dragged into his messes and the whole crew nonsense so she'll ensure you maintain a distance from him till she sneakily isolates you from him completely. Don't feel bad, you have her to rely on, your sister is always there to lend a shoulder for supporting you. Overall, Charles and Crystal are borderline insane, psychotic and won't hesitate to wipe out anyone who stands against them or tries to take you away from them. You're the apple of their eye after all...
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chuunardo · 11 months
And I call this "Daughter of Maudra"
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Practice makes progress and progress I have made!!
I'm really pleased with how this turned out!! Very big yippee on my part lol.
I really like the headcanon that Seladon is Kira's mother. I'm a very impressionable person so when I saw someone explained why they think Seladon and Gurjin were Kira's parents, you best believe I ran with that shit!! Thank you lady on tiktok!!!
My previous TDC posts!!
>yay gelfings
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perisdynasty · 7 months
I redesigned the Diamonds to look more alien-like
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I always found it weird that the Diamonds, the rulers of an alien race, looked human despite being multiple stories tall. So I came up with these designs.
I gave each of them those kitty faces because I liked the idea of them, and I also gave them each large ears and a tail. The ears have little bulbs on the tips and lobes that tie in with their personalities and behaviors. Also, the longer a Diamond's tail is, the older they are, which is why White's tail drags along on the ground behind her and Pink's is just a tiny little stump. Blue and Yellow are around the same age but Blue's tail is longer.
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sweetandglovelyart · 5 months
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Knightfall in Dream Land - Page 6
Meta Knight begins his long fall to Popstar’s surface and passes by some familiar faces on the way down.
#Kirby#Kirby fanart#my art#comic#Meta Knight#Dark Meta Knight#Sailor Dee#Taranza#sorry it took me so long to finish this page but it’s finally done#I hope that the title of the comic makes sense to everyone now#I called it Knightfall in Dream Land because the knight fell into Dream Land lmao#the parts of the comic set in the present are occurring around the time of Return to Dream Land#so the gang hasn’t met Taranza yet and isn’t aware of Floralia’s existence#but since Meta has a long fall to the surface I’d imagine he’d probably crash through Floralia on the way down and pass by the mirror#I tend not to give specific ages/age numbers to Kirby characters in my fanart/fan AU#the first reason for this is that different characters probably age at different rates since they’re different species#and the second reason for this is that I don’t see years between game releases equating to years passing for the characters#I mean just look at Adeleine she’s still a kid in Star Allies even though that was released almost two decades after Crystal Shards lmao#instead of giving characters specific ages I headcanon them as being in certain age ranges#so in the present Kirby Bandee and Sailor are all kids (and Bandee and Sailor are a bit older than Kirby)#I also see characters like Gooey Adeleine and Ribbon as being kids too#while characters like Taranza Susie Magolor Marx and the Mage Sisters are young adults#and characters like Meta Knight Dedede Daroach Captain Vul and Hyness are older adults#but in the parts of the comic set in the past Meta Knight and Dedede are young adults and Taranza is a kid#and Kirby and the Dees are babies#the older spiders shown here with Taranza and Sectonia are OCs of mine who are their mothers#their names are Lady Theraphoza (Taranza’s mom) and Queen Rachnia (Sectonia’s mom)#I’m giving Taranza some backstory since HAL refuses to tell us anything about him except he’s sad about Sectonia lmao#this post has too many tags but maybe I’ll make a separate post with my Spider Lore
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everyonesonthespectrum · 10 months
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Brea from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
Requested by @mayodayo
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knightscanfeeltoo · 2 months
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Gwyndolin and Elite Knight Oscar would Love the Crystal Lizards like Olivia...
(I Love how I draw the Crystal lizards Face too...)
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fiorimaya · 1 year
YAYYY!! May I request some Gurjin x reader relationship headcanons? Reader can either be Gelfling or a species of my own oc except inclusive to all readers!
So my species I made, I don't wanna go through the entire backstory cause it's a lot lol BUT some straightforward stuff, they're taller than Gelfling but still shorter than skekSis. They mainly have human features except they have big ol awesome wings!! And they can fly! Men have feathered wings and women have webbed wings.
ANYWAY I always liked the trope of the silly little boyfriend and the badass girlfriend/boyfriend/partner. I just think it would be really funny with Gurjin being the silly little guy lol
Oh my gosh FIRST OF ALL I love love love this species you've created! They sound so awesome! :D Hope you like these!
Gurjin x Reader Headcanons (Requester's Oc Species Reader)
Gurjin is the only one of the group to be in a relationship with someone of your species
He uses it as a playful flex with his friends
He loves it when you lift him a little so you can kiss his lips/face
He also loves your cuddlessss
He always feels safe with you
As far as he could remember, he had never been in mid-air until you flew, holding him, the first time
Ever since then he often begs you to take him flying
"Please please please please please Y/N pleaseeeeee"
How can you say no to that face?
It's also something you automatically do for him if he's upset
It's the one thing you know will always cheer him up
When he gets himself in trouble, you're always the one to get him out of it
That's because you think things through whereas he is the complete opposite (which is usually what gets him in such positions to start with)
He knew if anyone messed with him, they'd be dealt with accordingly as soon as he told you about it
That was past tensed because the word got out after the first couple times you defended him, and now most people know better than to mess with him
You catch him staring at you all the time
"What?" You ask with a smile each time you catch him staring
He always shrugs and smiles back. "You're just so amazing. I'll never know I did to earn someone like you."
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wd-ghosty · 11 months
Victory AU
I've been thinking about this for the longest time, but what if there was a AU where the Gelfling won the garthim wars?
After watching their loved ones be drained and murdered, and watching their towns burned and destroyed, I feel like the Gelfling would start playing by skeksis rules and beat the shit out of them.
I have a couple of head cannons but let me list the biggest ones.
The castle of the crystal has been destroyed.
During the war I feel like the dousan warriors would ride their flying things (I forgot the name) over the castle and bomb it. After thru captured all the Skeksies the would take the crystal and bomb the castle.
General Seledon
I'm a really big Seledon x Gurjin fan and I thought this up while thinking about them. So Gurjin was a very high ranking General, and Seledon would've planned out they're battles. (She would've read some books about war and battles strategies in Faras library) So one day Gurjin was positioned in ha'ra because they had a big battle coming up. Seledon was alone in the citadel because all the guards were on the front lines or ded, and Brea was in the dessert, so she let gurjin stay with her. In the middle of the night the citadel and all of Ha'ra was attacked by garthim, so gurjin went to protect the people and in the process was severely injured and in a coma line state. So Seledon decided that she could fight as the commander as Gurjins Substitute, and I feel like she would wear Fara's crown into battles to feel as if Fara is still with them. ( and she's obviously wearing Gothic armor on the battle field)
Captured Skeksies
Because of course some of the Urskeks need to go back to there home world, instead of executing the Skeksies they would have them locked up in a different part of thra, and they would be watched by their ur counterpart. (Like that one guy in the caves of grot) I feel like after the Gelfling started to win more Skeksil would get SkekSo to call all the other Skeksies back to the palace for protection, but that would lead to their down fall Because it was easier to get them all when they're in the same place.
Hiding spots
So we all know they used the crystal bat's to find where the gelfling were hiding, but if the garthim can't get to them they'll be safe. I feel like the safe spots in thra would've been,
- the Caves of grot (they got the nurlocks, Arathim, and a bunch of hiding spots)
- The drenchen swamps (of garthim can't swim they'll just sink into the water, the swamp could be hard to get through and once you get off the hiding spot all the Gelfling would be gone)
- Any island they can find (if they can't swim you are good! And the mermaid mystic can protect you)
- with the Sifa on boats (war ready cruise ships, they would take you to the island)
- In the valley of the mystics (the mystics can control the garthim so they would just leave)
Of course only childlings and care takers would be sent to safe zones with gaurd just in case.
Obviously all the Gelfling would have different roles in this battle that would contribute to their victory.
- Brea, Seledon, and the rest of the Madruas would making battle plans and think of ways of persevering their race throughout these terrible times. (Brea would go on rescue missions from time to time)
- Rian, Gurjin, spider Tavra, Hup, would be generals and on the front lines of WARRRRR. spider tavra would lead the arathim while chilling with onica on a boat from time to time.
- Deet, Hup, and Brea would be rescuers. Brea and set would have their own group of soilders to assist them, and the majority of them would be women because wings. They wound attack the garthim that captured Gelflings in the safe zones and fly away with them in hand.
- Nia, and amiri, would be the heads of the medical department.
- Kylan, and Rek'yr, would be clan representatives. And I feel like the sprinton and Dousan would work together the get everyone food. (and the sprinton area would be most protected because they have the best soil)
All Madrau Seledon
This one is also for Fara. After Fara died Seledon would try to be a leader just like her, and after gurjins sacrifice she would lead her troops into battle just like fara. And she would learn how to use weapons but her favorite was an axe because it reminded her of Fara. Because of Seledon being a, Goth, warrior, Madrau, she would've wore Goth makeup and clothes onto the battle field, and she also would cut her hair (shoulder length in the front, below ears in the back with triangle bangs.) I also feel like it was seledons idea to storm the castle of the crystal, and they did it in the middle of the night to make sure that the Skeksies would be off their guard. Seledon may or may not have tortured Skekso into telling her how to control the garthim, and after they Skeksies weren't a threat anymore the could start on rebuild the destroyed villages.
Rebuilding Gelfling society
- The first thing Seledon would declared as the new All Maudra is that its 100% Legal to mate and marry out of your clan, (because of her love for gurjin) and Maudras aren't allowed to discriminate against or exile anyone who dose.
- I think they would've had the most battles in Stone in the Wood, and after the forest had been destroyed by the garthim the Stone in the Wood clan would have the biggest city. Because Skekmal isn't in the black forest anymore anyone can now live there, and they expand the city alot. IDK if Maudra Fara had any kids but if she didn't O think they would have a group of people running the city. (They would've the they first democratic clan in thra, and obviously Rian would've been the leader of this group)
- after the Skeksies are gone it still takes awhile to get over clan racism but while rebuilding the cities together it fades away, (after a bunch of manual labor, and a war you stop caring about where another person is from)
Fun ship head cannons
-Brea and Rek'yr would go on a date to the well springs. During the war there were some grace periods when you can just live, and Brea was in the dessert alot so during the grace periods they would go on dates. Rek'yr would've taught her how to fly one of the flying fish.
They would have two houses one in the dessert and one in Ha'ra. Every six months they leave one horse and head to the other, the Ha'ra house would get summer and spring, while the dessert house would get winter and fall.
- Seledon and Gurjin would really like pressing flowers. Seledon was really stressed with everything falling into her, and gurjin taught her how to press flowers to blow off some steam.
Seledon fell in love with gurjin because he was always so happy and it helped her get through her depression. So when she saw him laying unconscious on a bed she couldn't help but feel rage. With her mom and Tavra she was so helpless and mortified, but with gurjin she was basically engulfed in the flames of unnatural fury. The Gelflings were losing because they refused of actually murder the already dead garthim, but seledon decided to start playing the the Skeksies. She is constantly compared to the Skeksies by some soilders, so she would actually start to act like one. She didn't care if it was unethical she was gonna win the war by any means necessary, she told Gelfling if they didn't destroy the garthim they would be punished and soon there were that many left. Not after long everything fell into place and they won the war, Seledon believed the Gurjin was gonna die and if it went for Brea she would fallen into the puts of despair but two months after the end of the war Gurjin woke up. (He was asleep for 10 months) but after he awoke she acted as if nothing had happened, but he was shocked by her hair.
- Onica and Tavra continue to be the best ship.
Thank you so much for reading please tell me if you liked this AU and please like this post. Luv you bye ♡♡♡♡♡
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oathofpromises · 11 months
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In your eyes, a celestial gleam, Starlight dances, a captivating gaze.
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kai-selfships · 1 year
Part 2: side characters (may not be as long because I don’t have as many ideas haha
Picrew link, art by Naylissa on various social medias
(One year passes in between movies so for characters who are in both movies, there will be two ages listed)
I’m posting this here instead of on my main because you guys are used to me being cringe <3
Also, important: I chose each character’s ethnicity based either on where in the world their species of animal lives, or (for animals that live all over, like pigs or mice) other contextual things (like Gunther’s accent)
Eddie Noodleman (he/him, gay)
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35 years old as of the first movie
Mixed race (his mom is black and his dad is white)
Still lives in the pool house
Does not have a job
But he does have a YouTube channel! He posts video game speedrun
Bleaches his hair
Grew up rich so he doesn’t know how to cook or anything
He is really close with his family, and Nana likes him a lot
He was the one who broke up with Buster— nothing bad happened, he just thought they would be better as friends, but Buster’s feelings were hurt :(
Nana Noodleman (she/her, asexual)
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92-93 years old
Eddie’s maternal grandmother
Becomes good friends with Clay Calloway— they’re both old, rich, mean, and famous in the music industry
They don’t really have the same taste in music (Clay is a rockstar and Nana is a theater actress), but they have a lot in common otherwise
Was a very iconic and popular actress, but it was “controversial” how she had a child out of wedlock and raised them alone
At first she didn’t like Buster at all, but she changed her mind after watching his show, which was very successful
Ryan (he/him, questioning but he ends up identifying as gay)
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24 years old
He’s a natural at dancing, and is the youngest person on Klaus’ high-level choreography team
Was kind of friends with Alphonso during the production of “out of this world” and maybe had a little crush on him
Is very kind— he felt horrible having to beat Johnny over and over on the first day of practice
He thought about reaching out, but was really shy
Really likes to wear pretty clothes and extravagant outfits
Is really stressed out because a lot is expected of him
Suki Lane (she/her, femme lesbian)
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26 years old
Bleaches and dyes her hair often
She got her job working for Mr. Crystal because her parents are big investors for Redshore City’s theater shows
After Jimmy Crystal is arrested and she’s out of a job, she decides to pursue her dream of going to art school and becoming an artist full time
She starts dating Sasha a few months after everything went down, but they had been friends pretty much since the day they met
She doesn’t actually need glasses, she just things they look cool
Loves to thrift
Is allergic to cats
Sasha (she/her, futch lesbian)
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27 years old
South African
She works as a stunt actress and happened to be hired by Jimmy to train Rosita— so she doesn’t directly work for Crystal
She’s very strong and good at gymnastics and rock climbing
Has a two year old child from a previous relationship, and has full custody
She is very close with her siblings and parents— they help raise the kid when she has a lot of work to do
Met Suki during “Out of This World” production, and they became fast friends. Suki needed a cheaper housing arrangement after she lost her job, and Sasha happened to be looking for a roommate, so they end up living together and eventually dating
She was the first one to confess— Suki didn’t realize her feelings were reciprocated
James “Jimmy” Crystal (he/him)
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45 years old
Originally from Canada, but moved to Redshore for business opportunities
Has always struggled with controlling his anger, but he stopped putting in an effort after his wife left him
Has a podcast about how to “survive” in the entertainment industry
Thinks being gay is a choice and doesn’t support Porsha being a lesbian
Definitely one of those “alpha male” guys
Jerry (he/him, gay)
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48 years old
Is so in love with Jimmy and in denial about him being a horrible person
“Babysat” Porsha way up until she was a teenager because she used to get into trouble and Jimmy let her do whatever she wanted
Was really good at his job and very dedicated
Always fought with Suki because he was jealous that Jimmy liked her better
Trying really hard to learn Norwegian because he wants to travel there one day
Mike (he/him)
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25 years old, was sadly murdered at the end of the first movie (this is implied in canon btw)
Recently graduated from the Lincoln School of Music, but had yet to land a real gig
Still loved to drink and party, and used to go to clubs every weekend
Is from a rich family, but got cut off financially after he made some poor choices regarding money in his teens
Really loved Nancy— she went to the same music school learning to play the flute, and they used to date. She broke up with him because she was going through some tough personal things and didn’t have the energy to be in a relationship
When he saw her again in the first movie, a year had gone by and he was hoping that she was ready to date him again
He plays a lot of instruments; he’ll get bored quickly and move on to another one as soon as he masters it
Nancy (she/her, pansexual)
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Glamorous af, really cares about her appearance
But also really sad :( she was partying and drinking to cope with how lonely she was
Her life was spared by the bears that killed Mike. She ended up breaking down and asking them to kill her, but they felt too bad— Mike had cheated them out of a lot of money, but Nancy hadn’t ever done anything to them
She ended up moving to Washington state to live closer to her family and just get away from the city that held so many bad memories for her
She finds out shortly after the events of the first movie that she’s pregnant, and chooses to raise the child anyway
Still has horrible memories about witnessing Mike’s murder
Alphonso (he/him, pansexual)
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25 years old
Lactose intolerant
Meena isn’t his first girlfriend, but his first breakup left him not knowing what to do because his ex had been so controlling. As a way to try and get over it, he had been practicing putting himself out there by flirting and being really friendly with all the actors and actresses he served
Once he met Meena, though, there was kind of a spark— they were both so awkward and didn’t know how to flirt, lol— he was glad to meet a kindred spirit, and started kinda crushing on her in secret. Plus, she was like really pretty.
He would tell his friends about his feelings, and they encouraged him to ask her out, but he thought for sure she’d have a boyfriend already because she was so cute and kinda famous
He was so glad when she asked him out, and he’s the best long distance boyfriend ever! They do a lot of virtual dates, and send each other love letters and gifts, and all that cute stuff :]
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gretchensinister · 1 year
And another thing! (More Dark Crystal interpretation and headcanons.)
B) I realized this list’s organization makes no sense. ANYWAY. I understand why the urskeks had to be like, immediately calm and serene etc. at the end of the movie but I think that in a narrative that allowed the exploration of this moment there would be massive internal freaking out because (and here’s another headcanon that I will fully fight for) each skeksis and mystic is a full being after living separately for one thousand years! There can be no seamless merger, no instant undoing of that! Or at least, that’s what I’m going to assert, because I think it’s a massive disservice to all the mystic and skeksis characters to just have a thousand years of life experience count for nothing. I think that’s a pretty bleak idea.
Anyway, one of the reasons I argue for this is actually because of SkekGra. He was able to grow and change from being the Conqueror to being the Heretic and actively taking steps to end skeksis power on Thra. If a skeksis can grow and change, that means that they (and the mystics) are real, whole, beings, even if they started life as halves of their originating urskek. There’s something in them that is whole, and simultaneously something fragmented. (It’s one of those capital-M Mysteries.) Consider succulents. If you break off leaves to propagate them, for a limited amount of time the leaf is something that could (if you had magic) be put directly back on the plant and then yeah you’d have basically one unchanged plant again. But if you have the separated leaves grow independently for long enough, then you have a whole other plant. Magically putting them together is putting together two plants, not two plant pieces.
ALSO I’m a fan of when even magic doesn’t allow things to be fully undone. So, sure, the urskeks are reunited but they were two whole people for a thousand years. It’s a new problem. (lol maybe they left so quickly because they were on the very edge of coherence/keeping it together.)
B.ii) The ending of the Dark Crystal movie was a neutral ending/the urskeks didn’t learn what they could have. This hot take comes to you from considering that both the skeksis and the mystics overall distance themselves from the life of Thra, though with very different motives and results. The skeksis distance themselves from Thra by claiming to be superior to all beings on Thra and destroying whatever they feel like, but they also seem closed off from Thra by mostly staying in the castle and also with their customary 87 layers of elaborate clothing. On the other hand, the mystics distance themselves from Thra by remaining in their valley and being so little in the world that they’re not commonly known by most other beings. Also, I get the vibe that they try to take as little from Thra as possible, which isn’t bad, but I interpret it as coming from the starting point of “we shouldn’t be here and we deserve nothing”—an abjection vibe. Neither the mystics nor the skeksis are living as part of Thra, and as I said in A.iii I think that they are meant to be creatures of Thra, or at least try to be. (I fully don’t care if some art book contradicts this. I find this way more interesting.) The ideal is not to put oneself as superior to Thra, nor to leave it as untouched as possible, but to live on it, as a new part of it. (What is a planet but a superorganism? Also humans are superorganisms, too, on a different scale, and like, a lot of evolution on a microbial level involved invading or harmful microorganisms basically being given jobs by the organism/cell they invaded.) But most of the mystics and skeksis don’t interact with Thra on the level of being part of it, and they don’t grow and change enough to maybe become a secret third thing when they reunite. Their urskek forms are exactly what they were to begin with.
So even though the reunification at the end of the movie was formative for me, revolutionary even, when so much other fantasy relies on eliminating the darkness/evil, and this movie had the opposing beings reuniting, now I’m like, “actually you didn’t take that concept all the way.” The skeksis and mystics kept themselves apart from each other. So yeah, they reunited...but did they learn how to face their destructive/darker impulses? How to balance those impulses within a full being? Did they learn how to accept being in the world, and being part of it, neither withdrawing out of shame or destroying out of pride? I don’t think they did! The mystic halves and skeksis halves are both still present in each urskek, maybe even more separate than before, even if the body is whole again. Again, this is me, but I don’t want magic to instantly solve the problem of “I have the capacity to do harm and I have done harm, to myself and others, through action and inaction. Now what?” No instant enlightenment! >:(
My headcanon is that any mystic-skeksis pair that actually did the work towards unity and harmony instead of relying on the massive magical whammy of the Great Conjunction to become one again would perhaps be able to become a new kind of being, clearly moving forward instead of trying to go back (because you can’t go back exactly. Also I accept the non-movie (and non-show as well?) detail that the urskeks on Thra were banished from their homeworld in which case 1) as I said I don’t think they really learned anything by being separate skeksis and mystics for 1000 years so whatever led to the banishment has not been solved 2) maybe going back to the people that banished you is not the move—especially when I think some material says it was these urskeks being too individualistic—as in, having personalities—as in, deviating from a pure ideal—that led to the banishment. HOT TIP: If you’re banished from a group for being impure, don’t go back.)
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fenth-eiria · 9 months
I have this headcanon and I would love your thoughts on it.
UrLii is the sanctuary tree, and has been guarding the grottans ever since the books. I remember something about SkekLi becoming a mushroom on the contrary though which to me is funny and makes sense XD
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Crystal lizards are often drawn towards sorcerers who are well attuned with crystal sorcery. Some even say that there were spellblades from far away lands that rode fully grown crystal lizards into battle..
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sifanjewel · 1 year
I imagine Brea was the type of baby that would try to pick up a book while standing on it and cry because it was ‘stuck’ 
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amri-and-art · 2 years
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I found out (page 140 in the flames of the dark Crystal) that Kylans mother was spritan and his father was stonewood; so obviously I had to draw them.
I think Kylans mother was feisty, stubborn and a little rebellious. So when Mera told her to not leave Sami thicket she was like: nope, see ya! Oh and I think Kylan got her bright green eyes, and he looks a lot like his mother.
As for Kylans father, I think he was probably very timid and reserved. Kind of like Kylan in not showing a lot of emotion, and also very kind and patient.
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