#darlingest daughter
uselesslilium · 5 months
Got desperate enough about wanting to be as up to date about Aono-kun as possible that I’m running the Spanish scanlations through Google translate to see where that gets me.
The answer: Far enough to be devastated!! :’’’’’)
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shoshiwrites · 28 days
So I don't really ever post work photos because I'm not going to dox myself but please know that there is so much that I could post and so much that gives me fic brainrot. I'm currently processing a family collection that includes a small group of letters from a woman to her husband, dating from the time of their engagement in the 1930s through the late 50s, by which point they've been married 20+ years and are parents to four children.
I don't know anything about their marriage outside of these letters, but she always addresses him so lovingly? Which is all to say. I'm just supposed to sit there and unfold things?? And not think about Jo being a giant mushball??
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So you can see I'm very normal.
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arcstral · 6 months
Ever the busy bee, some time passes before Maria presents herself before the Hero-King, though he might not have missed her peeking at him every time she passed by. Then finally, once she's certain he isn't busy, and with her own preparations seemingly complete, the little cleric skitters over happily.
"Prince Marth!" Holding up two juice boxes, one to either side of a toothy grin, Maria then places the drinks beside him. Rising with middle and index fingers newly upheld, there comes a conspiratorial giggle before she shifts her number into a wall, cupping the corner of her mouth.
"Two juice boxes, just for you!" Not that it's anything to be ashamed of -- there's no rule about how much juice someone can have, and Maria wouldn't break the rules if there was -- but the point of it all is the fun of a shared secret. When she retreats, it's with a smile, a wink, and then a freely flowing laugh.
"Don't tell anyone, okay? Oh, and good work out there! Hee hee."
For the watchful Marth who surveys his surroundings, the medical tent thrums with the coming and going of people, not all who enter mundanely in a featureless way identical to others come before them. A fact most gladdening at that, for what a bore such monotony would be! Instead, a familiar robin twitters and her familiar mischief glisters; peeking and passing for many instances, before trumping them all with her eventual approach. The commingling of these things springs an unthinking smile to the Hero-King's face before he can put a thought to its appearance.
When confined to bed rest and recovery the lack for things to do seeds a contrary state of unrest, but an eventful visitor or two is enough to split that spell in half. Welcoming her presence, cornflower eyes land expectantly upon Maria on the brink of greeting, then blink rapidly as not one but two drinks are posited in the space beside him. Testimony, of course, to the ways of a benevolent trickster.
"Oh? I am truly honored to be the target of such a mysterious benefactor."
He chuckles in immediate understanding at the secrecy, with one singular breathy laugh - not too loudly as to draw attention, either. A good and upright king might put in a word of reprimand, but Marth at least in this respect is not the spotless moralist that others think him to be. With Maria as the mastermind, and Marth as accomplice, they will both share in the most sinister, world-ending duplicity evocative of children stealing one too many treats from a midnight pantry.
"I would return the sentiments fully to you, dear Maria. Your work on and off the field is appreciatively observed." As she makes to leave, he raises his juice box in a playful gesture of toast, the other tucked with pantomimed secrecy behind his back; a pirate's plunder too selfishly guarded for viewing by any other eyes. Sealing the vow between them is a wink, returned in kind. "—and will not go told."
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
the best part about drawing apple is that i get to design the world’s cutest fits. she is everything to me
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Y ⭒ youngest daughter by superheaven
O ⭒ oceania by björk
U ⭒ use me by grace jones
N ⭒ not sorry by the cranberries
G ⭒ gas panic! by oasis
E ⭒ every night by odetta
S ⭒ schizophrenia by sonic youth
T ⭒ the stars by ocapello's
D ⭒ do i move you? by nina simone
A ⭒ any other way by jackie shane
U ⭒ unpunishable by ethel cain
G ⭒ get gone by fiona apple
H ⭒ happens to the heart by leonard cohen
T ⭒ the upper peninsula by sufjan stevens
E ⭒ everything goes to hell by tom waits
R ⭒ rollin' tumblin' (remix) by r.l. burnside
S ⭒ solo estoy by los yorks
Y ⭒ you're so cool by nicole dollanganger
N ⭒ never say never by romeo void
D ⭒ destroying angels by sneaker pimps
R ⭒ run....run by elizabeth cotten
O ⭒ our ages or our hearts by roberta flack
M ⭒ missed by pj harvey
E ⭒ earthmover by have a nice life
Was tagged by my darlingest @supersonic1994 to do this yayyy thank u <3<3<3 ive no idea whos done this yet so ignore if youve done it already lol @twoheadedfawnn @concordewillfly @rivertigo @evebabitzgf @peachboy27 @projectiondepartment and if u wanna do it say i tagged u <3<3<3
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rottedbrainz · 6 months
Dearest darlingest mootie what is Tibbs's relationship with Floyd? Does his fatherly protectiveness apply to both of his daughters or does he just not like Rand specifically 🤔
(Sent as anon bc sideblog 😔)
Fatherly protectiveness?
He loves Floyd! They get along very well and Tibbs is happy to call him his son in law. They even "hallucinate" together every now and then :D👍
Though he was probably pretty worried whenever Janice told him he already had a kid (Animal). But Floyd gave Tibbs a first good impression, and the two have been cool since. I'd like to think he'd invite Floyd to guys night too catch a break from Animal.
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Specifically does not like Rand. It's a grudge Tibbs holds against Randall and it'll probably take some huge family drama for Tibbs to forgive and forget Rand. I mean Tibbs should forgive and forget at this point since the poor grouch gave him grand kids.
Like come on, how can you hold a grude against this? 🥺☺️
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This Melodious Rain(it's all you)
This is a re-release because my chapter has finally been edited by the darlingest of betas @the-life-support-system
shoutout to jamie everyone
Chapter 1
Meera's POV
You might ask me how the fuck did it come to be like this.
I'm sitting in one of the many pews of the most beautiful church I have ever seen. The girl I love is getting married to some guy at the altar, who waltzed into our lives without permission.
Lisa looks like she is about to cry. I wish to comfort her, but she has already denied my companionship. Why in the ever-loving hell would she want my comfort? 
She has chosen her path, and I can't do anything about it.
Why does it feel so stuffy in here? There are air conditioners but it feels like I'm about to puke.
I look at them and I hate them. I hate her. I hate the guy, I hate this love that had to blossom in my heart for the most unavailable person and I hate myself for beginning to want to be the person taking her veil off even after everything. 
Yet, I'm not able to take my eyes off her. It's like every movement of hers pulls me like a magnet. I love her and she loves me too, because I can see her watching me from the corner of her eyes. But she has made her choice.
That is us. We are better off when we don't have to face anything.
The evening of her graduation and the morning after it would always be a memorable period for Meera. Not because she graduated from some godforsaken engineering college, or because she had finally got an assistant director's job under Suresh Prabhakar (though that was one of the top contenders), but something else.
She had gone to Suresh Prabhakar's set, had been introduced by Krishna, the guy with the connections who was her senior from her college and had rigorously tried to learn everything that was to be learnt.
She had come back home a few hours ago. She was lying on her bed, the little script book clutched to her chest. It was the best feeling. She’d been lying like that ever since she came back home at 9 o’clock. She couldn’t sleep at all. She checked the time using her phone. It was 4:20 a.m.
The room was too stuffy, too small for the big things she felt at that moment. She had to step out. She sat down on the wicker chair in their balcony, looking down at the quiet street of their neighbourhood. They lived on a residential street, and one could seldom see vehicles passing through this place. Sometimes you could hear the ghost of a honking car if you were lucky.
She was swept away by her dreams of making big in film, when she heard the gate open. It was 4:30 in the morning. Why would anyone be entering the house at such an ungodly hour?
She peered closer over the edge of the railing. It was...a woman.
Ah. Not a robber. It was the daughter of their tenants, the Palackals. Her father had mentioned something along the lines of someone from downstairs working a midnight shift. She had thought it was the uncle, not the daughter.
3 months ago, a Kerala family had come to rent their ground floor house. A contact of her father who was also a contact of the uncle showed the family to the house. Talks had gone down and finally the downstairs house had been rented. Most of the time, the families avoided contact with each other due to the language and culture barrier experienced throughout the first month (the interaction being just the parents), but Meera knew a few details here and there. They were a family of four - the parents and a sister and a brother - Christians and very, very fond of meat. The last one was ascertained by the fact that every time the aunty cooked, the smells wafted upwards and they had to shut their windows and doors when they cooked a particularly smelly dish. They would give a little bit of their curries every time they cooked though (not the beef, of course). Meera and Veena liked them enough, her parents did not touch them. The aunty was nice about it, so perhaps that was what made the peculiar dishes tasty. Athididevobhava: after all.
She had never seen the siblings' faces though. She wanted to say hello, but she wondered if the other woman would be startled by a rando saying hello to her in the midst of the night. In spite of that, her curiosity did not dampen even a little bit. Why would it? A normal landlord wouldn't go 3 months without knowing the face of their tenants.
Perhaps god had heard her wish, because as she peered from the railing, the woman looked up.
Oh, boy.
Her curly black hair fluttered in the light breeze that seemed to pass by just at that moment. Her dark skin shone with little beads of perspiration above her upper lip. Her beautiful, dark brown eyes twinkled in the little bit of sunlight that came through. She clutched her Bisleri water bottle as she looked up.
Their eyes met. Shrouded in the morning mist, the woman raised a subtle eyebrow.
At four-thirty in the morning on a random Tuesday, Meera had come face to face with the goddess Usha.
Meera tried to adjust the way she looked, knowing it was all in vain. She had got out straight from bed and looked as sweaty and weird as she felt.
The goddess looked radiant. She didn't know how it was possible to look flawless on a night-shift, but this woman achieved it.
Meera felt like she had to take a picture of this.
And so she did.
"What the fuck" came out of two mouths (one of them her own) in two very different tones.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 6 months
Thinking about Mina today backfired, because now she's all I can think about. Who let me write a fic where she won't be introduced until much later??? Who let me deprive myself of my darlingest daughter for this long???
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gliyerabaa · 1 year
Obviously we all know Frex sucks, but I actually don’t think any of the trio have particularly healthy relationships with their parents?
Elphaba has most likely been encouraged to be invisible her entire life. Basically every line Frexspar says to her is him telling her to shut up and stay out of the way (‘Try not to talk so much’, ‘Stop making a spectacle of yourself’)— even him wanting her taken away as a baby. I get the impression Elphaba spent any time she wasn’t actively doing something for him or Nessarose shut up in her room; he wants her on call for when they need her (and wants to keep her from embarrassing him in public) so she’s kept at home, but she’s strongly encouraged to remain out of sight.
Sharing a room for Elphaba is actually a huge adjustment because for years her room has been the space where she spent all her free time. She’s used to being disliked but she’s always had somewhere she could hide from it, except now there’s Glinda and that loathing is in her refuge and she has nowhere else to go.
Glinda puts on a very good show of being close with her parents (‘dearest darlingest’ and all that), but looking back on it they really don’t know a thing about her. They’re impressive high society people living their impressive high society lives, and part of that is having the perfect little socialite daughter to impress all their friends with her achievements. Her relationship with them is a performance, because it’s always been their staff actually raising her. As staff members moved on or were let go or changed positions throughout her childhood she got very used to people she loved moving on and leaving her behind.
Shiz is the first time in her life Glinda feels like she has something like a stable family. There’s no society politics with Elphaba, and she’s the first person Glinda has ever been able to love (in a non-performative way) who isn’t in danger of suddenly having to go away. Then there’s Fiyero and he’s kind and fun and as much as she’s playing her part by falling for the perfect guy, it slowly starts to feel less false over time when she realises she genuinely cares about him and the quiet moments they have alone, as much as the show they can put on at the Ozdust.
It shatters her when all at once Elphaba leaves her like people always have, and her and Fiyero are forced into the spotlight and their whole relationship is suddenly just fodder for the press.
Fiyero comes from a big family, and they care about him as much as they can, but he’s not the crown Prince, and he’s not quite the baby of the family. Anything new he tries it seems like one of his older siblings has already done better, and being compared to them constantly really chips away at him, until he decides it’s safer not to try. He gives up on trying to make them proud, and just starts trying to play the role people expect of him, because at least if he’s a scandal his family are paying attention to him, right?
He opens up at Shiz, and he plays his part with Glinda, but it’s Elphaba that gets to him. They rescue the lion cub, and she knows that they’ll never get any recognition for it. No one will ever know, or be proud of her for doing that, but she did it because it was right and because she cares and because that’s who she is. After that he starts trying at things again, because even if it’ll never mean anything to anyone else, he desperately wants to know what it’s like to be himself again.
omg i completely forgot about this ask I'm so sorry!!
........ tbh I don't even have any response or commentary or anything-- this is such a good characterization and I absolutely love these ideas. Glinda and Fiyero's family lives don't get explored nearly enough, and I'm happy to hear analysis of the ideas :)
thank you for this, and apologies for taking so long to share it
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eclipse-song · 6 months
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calenhads · 11 months
i wish i could have a sabina url she is my darlingest daughter unfortunately i am attached to calenhads i have never once changed this stupid url since 2018 when i made the account and i'm not about to start now
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igniferous · 1 year
Is there anything you could rant about for hours on end?
█▐ anonymous | ✖ | inbox
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〝  SINCE  YOU  ASKED,  and  so  ardently  must  yearn  to  know,  I  am  willing  to  share  with  you  a  few  details  about  my  sweet,  darlingest  little  daughter.  〞 Not  interested ?   Too  bad,  he  is  already  reaching  for  his  journal.      〝  Her  name  is  Greta,  she  has  the  most  beautiful  thick locks  of  auburn  and  the  cutest  little  nose.   This  is  her  growth  chart  in  the  past  year.   See  this curve ?   Unexpectedly  she  hit  rather  the  growth  spurt  this  winter.   Well,  logically  speaking,  I  suppose  it  is  to  be  expected  that  she’d  come  to  grow  at  a  rapid  pace,  as  a  full - blooded  human,  but  who  doesn’t  wish for  their  cute  child  to  stay  little  and  affectionate  towards  their  parents  forever ?   She  is  already  nearing  eleven,  now,  and  she's  becoming  a  proper  little  princess.   Eleven, can  you  believe  it ?    Five  more  measly years,  and  she  will  already  have  reached  adulthood.   Though  I  detest  the  idea  of  her  marrying  before  passing  forty  at  the  very  least. In any case, I will make sure that no presumptuous, unworthy dullard dares come close enough to touch even a strand of her hair — oh, I have a lock of her hair tucked away in here somewhere, should you like to see,  〞 Flip, flip, flipping of pages . . .
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beonhwarp · 10 months
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the TWENTY-TWO year old is said to look a lot like KIM MINJEONG (WINTER) and resides in the MUGUNGHWA ESTATE. they are best known as the HOUSE OF MUGUNGHWA'S FOURTH BORN. look! i think they're headed this way! but make sure to read this CHECKLIST before you go.
a look further into their life . . .
dearest darlingest kang dasom.  all her life she had been known as the sweet, youngest daughter of the house of mugunghwa. she smiles and bows politely at all those she comes across. to some, kang dasom is the brightest ray of sunshine in all of beonhwa. within the household, she was nothing short of perfection, her mother wouldn’t allow anything less. as the kang family’s youngest child, there were few official expectations of her. while the odds of her inheriting the title of mugunghwa’s heir was scarce, she was still expected to carry the weight of the house’s reputation in other forms.  relations between the three main houses of beonhwa were particularly strenuous on each generation. despite how they truly felt inside, there was a certain expectation of harmony between them to put on display to the people of beonhwa. before she could even remember, kang dasom was betrothed to a promising member of the house of magnolia. day after day, her mother would remind her that it was the duty of a mugunghwa daughter to maintain the ties between the families and an honor to be able to represent the house of mugunghwa. as she continued to grow up directly under the supervision of her mother, dasom found it easier to convince herself as such than to go against madame kang in any way. but despite her strict upbringing, it never stopped her curious spirit. she longed to experience the world outside of beonhwa. despite learning how to do something in a traditional aspect, dasom could produce hundreds of questions on how things could work otherwise. most importantly, she longed for a true love discovered on her own terms— a romance even better than the ones she would watch on stage at orchid opera house. but until then, she’ll continue to gaze outwards at the stars, dreaming of what could be.
beonhwa is her home— it’s all she’s ever known. dasom finds comfort within the walls she’s been surrounded by all her life and adores the luxuries that have been presented to her since birth. in her eyes, all is perfect. the three houses are great at what they do and nothing should ever change! everyone loves her! no matter where she goes, she is greeted by smiling faces. boutique byeol dresses her up in the latest fashions as if she were their most prized doll, not a single person in all of beonhwa isn’t rushing at the opportunity to sit at her reserved table at the sweetbrier tea house, and don’t even get her started about her back to back features in the daily buzz! kang dasom loves to be adored. it distracts her from the loneliness of the estate. when she’s alone in her room, all that was once within her grasp begins to feel so far away. she’s reminded that despite her desire to live a life without her familial responsibilities, all that she enjoys would not be possible without it. she is her mother’s doll and she must thoroughly complete any orders she receives. kang dasom is a sweet and perfect daughter who will do anything to help beonhwa maintain it's peaceful prosperity.
i'm hoping that one day she'll be able to sort out her feelings on her own terms and make decisions for herself instead of cowering away and doing what is expected of her at the end of the day.
hopefully through experiencing heartbreak and betrayal, dasom will be able to learn the harsh reality that life is not all rainbows and sunshine. there’s a reason why their family lineage has continued on for so long and so strongly; they fought for their place in this society and they intend to continue doing so, just as the generations before them did 
she’s in need of some tough love to teach her lessons…but differently from the strict upbringing she’d received from her mother all her life
her family means so much to her, so i'm excited to write out the different dynamics with the siblings who she’s grown up adoring (even if they might not feel the same way towards her!)
coming to terms with how selfish and immature she has been all this time after taking off her rose colored glasses
written by rina (she/her), 25+ in the gmt-10 tmz. personal triggers: insect (visuals)
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kat-anni · 2 years
Multiples of 5 for the weird writer questions!
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
'This hole is made for me' :)))) tho that's more the drawing, but still....holy shit. Otherwise, I don't think so other than if I haven't written something down it haunts my daydreams so ... but def not to that level no.
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
You see, one of the first books I fell in love with was Inkheart, since, you know, German author. And in that, they kind of damn these kinds of things. So i had a negative opinion for a while but now I'm kind of like 'it's your book, you can do what you want'. Though I still have a lil stomach flip if people use dog-ears in my presence. Pls just use bookmarks, it can literally just be a piece of paper. Please. If I lend you a book pls don't do that xD If I'm analyzing a book I will also write in the margins with pencil yeah.
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
Lol well as an aro ace who likes to have many friends but no 'loves', I'd obviously select the second one XD.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
One of Amelia (PJO OC)'s favorite feelings is sand between her toes
30. Talk to me about the role dreams play in your writing life. Have you ever used material from your dreams in your writing? Have you ever written in a dream? Did you remember it when you woke up?
I need to get back into this, but I used to use that method that makes you lucid dream most of the time, and I used it to play out my stories like a movie sometimes. Otherwise yes, sometimes ideas in dreams are interesting :D. No, I don't write in my dreams though. Why write when you can literally live out the story ;D
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
The English use of the comma. Fuck that, it just makes no sense. But like, writing wise...Not using 'But' at the beginning of a sentence. I think that should be allowed. Case and point right there xDD
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
uuuuum. I don't really write poems, but I can give you a prophecy from one of my unfinished stories! That rhymes, so it's a poem right? XD
Poseidon’s daughter’s coup de main She lays end to Medusa’s bane Her mother has to watch in vain And her lover dies in pain
Thank you for the ask @nihidea-art 🥰
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lenniharrisonsims · 2 years
The names of top 10 people in your line of succession are thrown into a hat. The name drawn will be the next monarch. Who do you hope it will be and why?
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The line of succession for the Simsdom Empire is fairly clear (and the full line is available on my website) because my founders for my story had nine children 🙃 (I didn't know any better! I was so new at this!!) Lol.
Obviously my first choice is Ophelia, she's my personal favorite and has spent her whole life preparing for this job, so naturally I think she'd be good at it. But throwing out the heir, I think my top two candidates would be
1- Ben, my darlingest baby boy haha. He is the most precious and I think he would make the kindest, most selfless Tsar the empire could hope for, though I don't think he wants the job 😅
2- Maria. The first of her siblings to not either be a monarch or marry a monarch, as well as the very first openly queer member of the imperial family, she's had to carve her own path from the start, and I think that strength of character and belief in herself would make her a strong and compassionate Tsarina. Though because her daughters are adopted, and the law currently forbids it, she "technically" has no heirs to the throne, so it would pass to Nicky after her. But anyways, as a Bisexual person myself, I'm particularly fond of my Mar.
Thanks for this ask! It was fun to think about!
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
Teddy Bear (Dronarry)
Okay. Yes I have done this prompt already—a long time ago. But I had this idea, back then, and I wrote it down and I wanna do it now. So here is a second entry for @drarrymicrofic prompt: serenade.
Oh, and if anyone is wondering—it is directly inspired by this scene from Full House. Also—I was going to have this just be Drarry + a third-wheeling Ron, but I decided: fuck it. We can have some Dronarry as a treat. Also: this is my first triad fic so please be gentle! HUGE thanks to my darlingest @basicallyahedgehog for the beta and cheerleading. CW: one tiny blink-and-you-miss-it innuendo.
"Alright little one, what song do you want to sing tonight?" Harry smiled helplessly as Lily gave him a wide, toothless grin from her new 'Big Girl Bed.'
"Teddy Bear!" She exclaimed, her words slurry but eager as she pounded tiny, demanding fists onto the quilt in her excitement.
Harry heard Ron murmur to Draco, "She gets that from you," and then Draco's retaliatory smack to Ron's arm— it was light, from the way Ron still snickered.
Harry turned back to the two of them—Ron's impish grin and Draco's half-hearted glare. "Are we ready?"
"I know I am—unlike some people," Draco sniffed in Ron's direction. "I know how to carry a tune."
Ron leered. "Mmhm—and I know how to make you sing."
Harry and Draco both flushed. "Can we please get back on track here?" Harry huffed—a bit too breathily for his own liking. "Now—" he said, grinning brightly at an obliviously smiling Lily. "Ready?" He let his husbands nod at him affirmatively. "A-one, a-two, a-one, two, three, four!"
The three of them clapped their hands rhythmically, Ron and Draco singing "buh-pa-da-da" while Harry started the first verse:
"Oh baby let me be Your lovin' teddy bear Put a chain around my neck And lead me anywhere.
"Oh let me be—" he paused to let the other two sing—"Oh let him be"—before joining in—"Your teddy bear"
They continued the song, each taking turns as practiced—according to Draco's specifications, which both Harry and Ron had to admit worked well, especially as Lily settled down, her head on her pillow.
"Don't wanna be your tiger." (Ron)
"'Cause tigers play too rough." (Harry)
"Don't wanna be your lion" (Draco—who always sang that line with a bit too much enthusiasm).
Then Ron again—"'Cause lions ain't the kind you love enough," and the three of them held that note for a one, two before—
Draco took back over, singing the chorus while Ron and Harry happily snapped their fingers to the rhythm of their background, "buh-pa-da-da"'s.
And then, finally, Draco sang, "I just wanna be your teddy bear—" and the three of them ended with a harmonized, "Oooooooohhh" that Draco let go on for a second before lifting his hand and making a fist to cue the end of the note.
Harry watched Lily's eyes start to flutter closed, a contented smile curving her lips. He glanced over his shoulder to see Ron and Draco with similar expressions of aching love and fondness for their daughter. "Good night, darling," Draco smoothed a hand over Lily's head, leaning over to press a kiss to her head.
"Sleep well, sweetheart," Ron mumbled as he moved in close to kiss Lily's temple and wrapped an arm around Draco's waist. The two of them glanced up at one another, soft and open, and Harry let them have a moment while he kissed Lily's cheek. "We love you."
When Harry glanced back at them, two sets of adoring eyes met his gaze, making him inhale sharply. It still surprised him, even after so many years of being with these two incredible men, that he was living a kind of love he'd never known was possible.
"C'mon, loves," Ron said softly, taking Harry's and Draco's hands in each of his. "Let's go to bed."
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