#dash games: Jaime
call-2-arms · 8 months
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devilsnare · 2 months
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𝙅𝘼𝙄𝙈𝙀 𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙉𝙄𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙍. difficulty vs likeable person test.
tagged by: @daerias tagging: @amongthevipers ( kat and/or daisy ) , @scndor , @perzysprumia ( jon ) , @roseguided ( aly and/or aulora )
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versin-surfin · 3 months
Which rage language are you?
The Regina George
Someone hurts you or pisses you off, and you don't do anything. At first. But you hold that feeling of rage in your chest for weeks after the fact, acting nice but silently hating their guts, pretending like all is forgiven until you can ruin their life and hurt them the way they hurt you. It's calculated. But when you've executed your revenge, will you be satisfied?
Tagged by Taken from: @lastxdragon
Tagging: This one's on me!
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chiwitss · 7 months
new muse tag saves.
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hubristicassholefight · 7 months
Swordswoman Showdown Semifinals
Hornet (Hollow Knight) vs Brienne of Tarth (A Song Of Ice and Fire)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
Technically its not a sword but she wields a needle in a setting where swords do not exist and she wields it in an exceedingly swordlike fashion so. She counts; Girlboss demigoddess spider lady. She's been protecting an entire kingdom for longer than many of the other characters have been alive. She systematically kills her siblings for being too weak. She's simply the best.
#im pretty sure hornet can beat like. anyone in a fight.#have you ever fought hornet#its so fucking hard getting past her every time i play hk i go literally insane.
#i remember getting stuck on the first hornet fight on mt first play through and bring likr#''omg the boss fights in this are so hard!!!''#like what. you're not even half way through what are you talking about#you can't even DASH honey. you don't know what's diffcult or not in this game.
but I feel like the "she systematically kills her siblings" part needs a little clarification. See, one of her siblings was used as a living prison for an angry god and that uh. Didn't work out for the sibling in question or anyone else.
This account is itself heavily abbreviated but it's likely that any other sibling Hornet encounters will be trying to take over as the god's new prison. She appears to challenge any sibling she sees to battle, in order to test their resolve against herself and her needle - would they actually have a chance against that god?
We never actually see her kill any siblings, but she does quite pointedly tell one of them that (to paraphrase) "My needle is lethal and I would feel no sadness in a weakling's demise."
Feels like a relevant quote. In any case, if they can't beat Hornet, it seems like her needle would be a far more merciful end than what the god would grant.
Anyway, a bit of additional material for @swordswomanshowdown :
As is the case for any cool swordswoman, it's not just her sword that's lethal, it's her with it. And Hornet's needle was custom made for her - the creators have said that, while other needles exist, hers was made specifically for her to wield, and its construction allows her to use her spider silk better in combat.
And another thing that I think makes her a good swordswoman: she's actually pretty thoughtful about how she uses it. There's a least one instance where she tries to warn someone off before fighting them! At the same time, when she does fight, she seems to enjoy it - during her boss battles, you can hear her laugh sometimes, as if exhiliarated. She's really got it all, as a swordswoman!!!
#HORNET SWEEP CMON PLEEEEEEASE#shes gay. shes the only sibling with a gender. shes a spider named HORNET. look like croissant. whats not to like
gets gifted a sword made with the rarest metal ever because she’s THAT good; she’s simply the best
Brienne is one of the top sword users alive in her day. She's descended from a man who's catchphrase was "I'm better with a sword." Better than what? You. Jaime Lannister. Loras Tyrell. Any five given guys at once. She has a fantastic sword that might be magic or cursed and is named Oathkeeper because that's what she does; I love her
Beat like 20 guys in a tournament when she was 19. Was given a magic sword. Won a sword fight against the premier swordsman in the realm. Very swordly; Very tall and strong. Holds her sword in high esteem. Accomplished with other weapons as well!
She's defeated multiple of the top knights in the series in duels. One such knight gifts her the fabergé egg of swords and she uses it to defend orphans and stuff. Got out of a bad betrothal by dueling him and beating his ass so bad she broke multiple bones. Honestly there's so much more she is the swordswoman of all time. to me; She's buff and ugly and 6' 5" and so honorable and kind that she inspires the guy who fucks his sister to yknow. stop doing that. literally gets mauled for the sake of protecting a bunch of orphans (with her sword). also she's 20 she should be at the club ‼️
One of the best sword wielders in Westeros, the author says he would pick her to defend him. Has a cool sword called Oathkeeper. Manages to go up against 7 fighters and take out most of them,. The only true knight; First off, talking about book brienne, they massacred show brienne, the show runners simply didn’t understand what she’s about.“ She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice” brienne had plenty of choice but she couldn’t leave people to die. The chivalric paradigm is rotten and corrupted, but here is Brienne, the one true knight, who isn’t even a actual knight! “knights are for killing”, but here is a knight who risks her life again and again to protect innocents! Bri IS hope, she is the light in the dark that shows that things can be better, things must be better. Fundamentally an idealist: “Winter will never come for the likes of us. Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it's always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining”
I'm going to put some propaganda for Brienne, because she deserves the world.
Some people have been quoting the "no chance, no choice" in the tags, but for those that don't know it comes from this scene:
...she could hear the faint clink of swords and mail from beneath their ragged cloaks. She counted them as they came. Two, four, six, seven. (...) Brienne sucked in her breath and drew Oathkeeper. Too many, she thought, with a start of fear, they are too many.(...) Brienne tried to keep the fear from her voice, but her mouth was dry as dust. The children, she thought. The door to the inn banged open. Willow stepped out into the rain, a crossbow in her hands. The girl was shouting at the riders, but a clap of thunder rolled across the yard, drowning out her words. As it faded, Brienne heard the man in the Hound’s helm say, “Loose a quarrel at me and I’ll shove that crossbow up your cunt and fuck you with it. Then I’ll pop your fucking eyes out and make you eat them.” The fury in the man’s voice drove Willow back a step, trembling. Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice. She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand. “Leave her be. If you want to rape someone, try me.”
This is basically one of the most badass and awesome moments of the series... because here, Brienne is not guarding a King, vanquishing a great Evil Lord, or fighting a big glorious battle... this is an inn full of orphans being attacked by raiders, children whose lives really don't matter in the great scheme of things. If they were all to be killed, nobody powerful would really care, no history book would write their names.
The logical thing is to run away from there as fast as she could. And yet, Brienne decides to enter an unwinnable nightmarish battle (one where she gets her arm broken and her face eaten) because is the right thing to do. She is a true knight.
Because, in the dark pseudo-medieval world of Westeros, where the patriarchal martial system reigns supreme, there is no space for someone like Brienne, she herself said it best:
"You have a noble father who must surely love you. (...) I know he would tell you that he would sooner have a living daughter than a shattered shield." "A daughter." Brienne's eyes filled with tears. "He deserves that. A daughter who could sing to him and grace his hall and bear him grandsons. He deserves a son too, a strong and gallant son to bring honor to his name. (...) I am the only child the gods let him keep. The freakish one, not fit to be a son or daughter."
And yet, despite being on the fringe of this society that doesn't accept nonconforming gender expression, despite not being able to be named knight, Brienne is still the embodiment of the ideal of knighthood. She is a true hero, who over and over decides to defend the innocents and do the right thing.
So yeah, my conclusion here is... I think she and kiku should kiss <3
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sunsetstarrogue · 4 months
Sunsets Masterlist
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Ghost: Rhaenys-centric, angst, angst and more angst.
Since the death of her mother Rhaenys had longed to go to her homeland. Elia Martell had spoken of her home so fondly that her daughter could not help but long for it, especially after her mother had left her.
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You're On Your Own, Kid (You Always Have Been): Rhaenys-centric, Rhaenys Targaryen x Robb Stark.
Rhaenys never wanted to marry Robb Stark, but here she was; with the King and his men on her way North to pay for the sins of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.
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Right Where You Left Me: Rhaenys-centric, Rhaenys Targaryen x Robert Baratheon(political), angst.
Rhaegar's life is spared by the valiant intervention of Arthur Dayne, moments before Robert deals the fatal blow. With their lives preserved, Rhaegar and the remaining Targaryens seek refuge on Dragonstone, eventually making their escape to Essos. Regrettably, Rhaegar is forced to leave his eldest daughter behind. Left in the midst of her adversaries, Rhaenys grows up surrounded by those who view her as an enemy. As time passes, she becomes entangled in the treacherous game of thrones, particularly in the aftermath of Cersei and Jaime Lannister's public execution for their incestuous relationship. Caught in a web of schemes and deceit, Rhaenys finds herself compelled to employ similar tactics in order to ensure her own survival.
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Sequel to Right Where You Left Me - Ptolemaea: Rhaenys-centric, angst, family drama.
Seventeen years have passed since Robert's rise to the throne, forcing Rhaegar and his kin into exile in Essos. Now, Rhaegar has journeyed back with a singular yearning in mind: to reclaim his daughter, Rhaenys. She had been held captive, first by Aerys Targaryen as a pawn against the Dornish, and then again by Robert Baratheon. However, Rhaegar's return unfolds in a manner he never foresaw. The longed-for reunion he had pictured is tempered by an unexpected chill. The reality before him dashes his hopes of a heartwarming reconnection. Enraged by her father's culpability in her king's and husband's deaths, and his seizing of the crown from her son, Rhaenys is resolved to seek retribution for the wrongs inflicted upon her, her children, and her mother.
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Fires of Fate: ASOIAF/Silmarillion crossover, Rhaenys-centric.
In which after her death, the Gods of Old Valyria send Rhaenys Targaryen to the lands of Aman.
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Baelon The Cruel And His Queen Of Love And Beauty: OC/Elia Martell, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, crack.
Baelon Targaryen, the second-born son of King Aerys and Queen Rhaella, and the twin brother to Crown Prince Rhaegar, possessed an ethereal beauty expected of one with Valyrian blood. Yet, behind his captivating face, an aura of cruelty and ruthlessness lingered, casting an unsettling shadow over his reputation. And his sudden appearance at the Tourney at Harrenhal unknowingly changes everything. (or just a crack fic about Rhaegar's 'cruel' twin brother and his shenanigans at the famed Tourney at Harrenhal)
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You Were My Crown(Now I'm In Exile): Elia-centric, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia Martell/Baelor Hightower.
Shortly following her death, Elia Martell is granted an unexpected opportunity for a new beginning. Armed with insight into her own future, she's resolute in evading the path she once walked. Yet, unbeknownst to her, one of the individual's implicated in her tragic end has also been granted a chance at redemption. Will Rhaegar Targaryen manage to rectify his past transgressions, or will he once again succumb to the labyrinth of his own thoughts?
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We Fall Apart As It Gets Dark: Elia-centric, Elia Martell/Brandon Stark, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen.
The apparent abduction of Lyanna Stark sets off a chain of events: Brandon Stark and his allies march to the Red Keep, where Brandon demands Rhaegar's head. A duel is called by Aerys, and fire serves as his champion, leading to the death of Brandon's father and Brandon's own imprisonment. It's only after these events that a letter arrives at Winterfell, written by Lyanna herself, explaining that she left of her own accord. The deaths of the Lord of Winterfell and the Heir of the Eyrie, along with Aerys' demand for the heads of Robert and Ned, ignite a rebellion. Elia, isolated in Kings Landing without her children, must play her role as the dutiful wife. However, complications arise when the man who once demanded her husband’s head becomes her constant companion, the Kingsguard sworn to her. Will she stay true to her duty or follow her husband's example and forsake it?
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Reckless: Elia-centric, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, angst.
"Get out," she tells him. "Leave." "You're not going to talk to me?" His voice comes out hoarse; she wonders why. "You've done enough!" she lets out. He looks disappointed when she says it, his eyes clouding over. She almost apologizes for snapping at him. But she reminds herself that he shouldn't be here at all, he shouldn't be here with her. "Goodbye, Rhaegar," she says gently, not allowing any trace of emotion to surface in her voice. The name sounds foreign coming out of her mouth, as though it belongs to someone else. She wishes for the days to go back to before he met Lyanna. Before everything turned sour. Before it was too late. or Rhaegar returns to her but things are difficult now.
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What Is Meant For You Will Stay: Rhaenys-centric, angst.
Rhaenys was gently shaken awake. The sheets beneath her rustled a bit as she moved, the night shift she wore rode up as she squirmed trying to get away from the callous hands that shook her awake. Her mind was foggy and disoriented as she stirred awake. Rhaenys sprung to life when her mind finally registered that someone was with her, in her chambers, late at night. Her eyes searched wildly in the darkness, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of the stranger. “A man does not wish to harm the Princess,” the voice came out in a low tone, almost like a faint whisper, “The Princess must remain calm,” the voice was masculine and Rhaenys felt the fear within her tremble. or Rhaegar flees to Essos with his family, though he leaves his daughter behind. Years later, he hires a faceless man to bring her to him.
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ahh im so excited your requests are open!! if you’re okay with it, could i please request something about how some of the game of thrones characters comfort their s/o when they find out she’s upset/had a bad day? thank you!!
Of course! I hope you enjoy lovely!
Jaime - When you’re having a bad day, Jaime would put on his most dashing smile and try to cheer you up with the cheesiest pick up lines. He would pretend like the two of you don’t know each other and he would lay it on thick with the schmoozing. It wouldn’t fail to make you laugh as he charms you just like he did the first time.
Sandor - When you’re having a bad day, Sandor would have no idea what to do. When you tell him that you’re upset he would freeze for a moment before patting you on the head and continuing about the day as usual. If you wanted something specific from him like cuddles or a bath, you’d have to be very clear about that with him. 
Petyr -  When you’re having a bad day, Petyr would take you out on a shopping spree. He’d take you to the nicest marketplace in King’s Landing and tell you to pick out anything that made you happy before gladly buying it for you. He would spoil you rotten and then take you home to enjoy whatever it was that he bought for you. 
Jon -  When you’re having a bad day, Jon would let you be in that state of mind as long as you needed. Sometimes it feels good to be sad and Jon knows this. He would simply sit with you and hold your hand for a while as you cry or vent or yell. Then once you’re good and spent he’d curl up in bed with you before falling asleep.
Robb -  When you’re having a bad day, Robb would do anything in his power to cheer you up. He’d tell stupid jokes and tickle you and share stories and kiss you from head to toe, all just to see you smile again. He’s incredibly cheesy but he just wants to see you happy at all times. It absolutely breaks his heart when you’re upset.
Tywin -  When you’re having a bad day, Tywin would clear his schedule to spend the day with you. He knows that with how little you get to see him that giving you quality time with him will cheer you up. He would take you for a walk around the grounds, simply occupying your mind with stimulating conversation for hours. 
Bronn -  When you’re having a bad day, Bronn would sit with you and point out all the things that are good about life. He would hold your hand and point out the trees and the sunshine and the birds chirping and the beautiful castle you two live in. He would want to show you that your life is beautiful in order to help cheer you up.
Jorah -  When you’re having a bad day, Jorah would absolutely shower you with love and affection. He would forget about all of his responsibilities, making you his top priority. He would cuddle you in bed for hours, tenderly kissing you and telling you how much he adores you. He would compliment you endlessly as he loves on you.
Ramsay -  When you’re having a bad day, Ramsay would ask you who hurt you, offering to kill them in order to cheer you up. When you tell him that it’s no one’s fault, you’re just having a bad day he would jump into caregiver mode. He’d warm up a bath for you, get you a glass of wine, and massage you as he takes care of you.
Stannis -  When you’re having a bad day, Stannis would be very attentive. He’d sit you down and ask what he could do to make you feel better. He would want to hear in your own words exactly what would cheer you up. And he’d give it to you. He’s a king, he can get things done. All you have to do is name it and it is yours. 
Oberyn -  When you’re having a bad day, Oberyn would make a gigantic spectacle of cheering you up. He’d throw a three day long party and invite all of your friends and family. He’d hold a huge feast in your honor and make you the special guest of the whole thing. He’d want you to feel like the most special princess ever because you are.
Dany -  When you’re having a bad day, Dany would take you for a ride on one of her dragons. She would want you to see the big wide beautiful world from a view that only you are deserving of. No one else would ever be able to say they’ve ridden a dragon but her and you. She’d want you to feel like the powerful queen you are. 
Brienne -  When you’re having a bad day, Brienne would do the simplest but most meaningful things for you. She would clean up the house because she knows you like it clean. She’d pick flowers for you on the way home. She would cook you dinner so you don’t have to do it yourself. Small acts of service like that to show she cares.
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call-2-arms · 1 year
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Molten lava and charred flesh:
Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognisable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
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Tagged: @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx (thank you!) Tagging: @chaotiicgoods (Kaidan), @ravusnightblossom @lastxdragon @dryadalismagicae @dragcnlxrd @witchered @singxfus (Brienne)
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zaldrizesrinar · 3 months
welcome to a highly selective and private extemely low-activity multimuse for muses from the game of thrones, house of the dragon and fire and blood universe
current main/highest muse: Lucerys Velaryon
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· highly selective because i want to keep my dash clean
· private meaning i will only interact with mutuals (i.e i follow you and you follow me)
· mun is 27, most muses are 18+
· english is not my first language, due to this incorrect spelling and/or grammar may occur at times
· extremely low-activity, blog will be running on queue the majority of the time
· please reblog memes from the source and not from me
· mobile bound 99% of the time meaning i can't cut posts
· mun goes by Mole and uses she/they pronouns
· please do not stress me about replies as it kills my muse
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primary muses
· Lyonel Strong / face claim Jeffrey Dean Morgan / exclusive to @becomelions Harwin / House of the Dragon era
· Lucerys Velaryon / canon divergent / permanently aged up / face claim Harry Gilby / House of the Dragon era / formerly found on @drakblod / @zobriezaldrizes / @zaldrizesprumia / exclusive to @becomelions Harwin
· Maegor Targaryen / canon divergent / face claim Charlie Hunnam / all eras / formerly found on @anogardarys (where canon divergence info can be found)
secondary muses
· Laenor Velaryon / face claim Theo Nate and Bradley James / House of the Dragon era
· Aegon II Targaryen / face claim Tom Glynn-Carney / House of the Dragon era
· Aemon Targaryen / son of Jaehaerys & Alysanne / face claim Jamie Campbell Bower & Pierce Brosnan / old king Jaehaerys era / hotd era survival au available
· Alyssa Targaryen / face claim Riley Voelkel & Michelle Pfeiffer / old king Jaehaerys era / hotd era survival au available
by request
· Alaric Stark / face claim Leo Suter / lover of queen Alysanne / old king Jaehaerys era
original characters
· Aemon II Targaryen / face claim Jann Rozmanowski / fraternal twin brother of Aegon / son of Alicent and Viserys / House of the Dragon era / primary
· Aemon Velaryon / face claim Jordan Fisher / youngest son of Rhaenys and Corlys / rider of Vermithor / important info / House of the Dragon era / primary
· Balerion Targaryen / face claim Luke Eisner / son of Maegor Targaryen and Ceryse Hightower / fraternal twin brother of Visenya II Targaryen / related to Maegor's eternal king au / old king Jaehaerys to game of thrones era / primary
· Visenya II Targaryen / face claim Emily Alyn Lind/ daughter of Maegor Targaryen and Ceryse Hightower / fraternal twin sister of Balerion Targaryen / related to Maegor's eternal king au / old king Jaehaerys to game of thrones era / primary
· Aemion Targaryen / face claim Timothee Chalamet / son of Maegor Targaryen and Alys Harroway / related to Maegor's eternal king au / old king Jaehaerys to game of thrones era / primary
· Laelia Baratheon Lannister / face claim Dove Cameron / oldest daughter to Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon Jaime Lannister / twin to Joffrey / Game of Thrones era / House of the Dragon au available / primary
· Milah Mallister / first wife of Lyonel Strong / mother of Harwin Strong / face claim Anita Briem / House of the Dragon era / primary
· Raenella Waters / bastard daughter of queen Alysanne and Alaric Stark / face claim Raffey Cassidy / old king Jaehaerys era / secondary
· Cerion Lannister / face claim Toby Regbo / oldest son to Jason Lannister and heir to Casterly Rock / House of the Dragon era / secondary
· Laena Velaryon / daughter of Lucerys & Rhaena / affiliated with @zaldrizesrinar & @bcbliophile / face claim Skai Jackson & Whitney Peak / dance of the dragons and after era
· Daevon Targaryen / younger brother of Rhaenys / son of Aemon & Jocelyn / born 20 years after Rhaenys / related to my Aemon's survival/king au / face claim Spencer MacPherson & Torrance Coombs
· Seafyre / mount of Aerea Targaryen / face claim Jenna Ortega / @idanazaldrizes
· Caraxes / mount of Daemon Targaryen / face claim Cameron Monaghan
· Moondancer / mount of Baela Targaryen / face claim Damiano David / exclusive to @qanedanegros Baela
· Dreamfyre / mount of Queen Helaena / face claim Victoria de Angelis
· Sunfyre / mount of King Aegon II / face claim Thomas Doherty
· Seasmoke / mount of Laenor Velaryon / face claim Will Ramos
· Vhagar / mount of Laena Velaryon & Aemond Targaryen / face claim Emma Dumont
· Vermithor / mount of king Jaehaerys / face claim Anuerin Barnard
· Cannibal / wild dragon / face claim Will Ramos
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other blogs: @zobrieperzys
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baambastic · 1 year
My WIP List
(Last updated: January 2, 2024)
Most of these are still very much in the notes phase.
DC Comics
Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne - Don't Try This at Home, Kids!
Jon has recently gained his Kryptonian invulnerability. Damian, being Damian, decides to test the limits of Jon's new superpower. Jon's enthusiastic at first, but he eventually decides he's done testing. Damian disagrees, and so Looney Tunes-esque shenanigans ensue. Pure crack, maybe a pinch of angst. Takes place in the continuity established by "Battle of the Super Sons".
Jason Todd & Clark Kent - 101 Ways to Get Revenge on Superman
When Jason discovers that Superman stopped Bruce from killing the Joker after his death, the Red Hood decides he has a new target for his vendetta.
Damian Wayne, Mar’i Grayson, & Jake Grayson - A Little Ways Along the Family Tree
Whilst fighting a villain, Damian is catapulted into the future, where he teams up with Dick’s kids.
Tim Drake - A Lonely Place of Living
In this version of events, Tim made a mystical deal, that Batman would never lose another Robin.
Tim Drake & BatKids - A Very Common Sibling Game
Tim wages psychological warfare on his siblings. For fun, of course.
Tim Drake & Dick Grayson - The Cola Caper
The United States government has placed an embargo on the island of Santa Prisca, along with a recall of all recent Santa Priscan commercial imports. Tim and Dick are more concerned that the embargo means no more Zesti Cola for them. They decide they have no choice but to infiltrate Santa Prisca and the headquarters of the Zesti Cola Company to acquire the Zesti Cola secret recipe.
Tim Drake / Kon-El - Corporate With a Side of Catcalling
Conner Luthor has a chance encounter with the dashing Robin Hood-esque criminal known as Stray. Then it turns into a regular thing.
Miguel Montez, Harper Row, Tim Drake, & Cullen Row - Dial R
Harper invites Miguel to Gotham, where the H Dial is stolen. They enlist Robin’s aid to track it down.
Tim Drake / Kon-El - Fake it For the Win
TIm and Kon pretend to be newlyweds to compete on a game show during their cruise. When they win, they have to deal with the consequences.
Tim Drake / Cullen Row - He’s a Bombshell, I’m Your Wingwoman
TimCullen get-together set in the DC Bombshells continuity.
Khaji Da, Jaime Reyes, Paco, & Brenda - Khaji Da Goes to School
After Jaime pulls an all-nighter, Khaji Da agrees to pilot his body around for the day while his mind rests.
Tim Drake & Kon-El - Messing With the “S”
Fed up with Kon’s refusal to be a team player as part of Young Justice, Tim decides to mess with Superboy in his civilian persona.
Mia Dearden - Mia Dearden, Missing In Action
During a fight with a supervillain, Mia gets teleported to the middle of nowhere and has to make her way back to civilization.
Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, & Dick Grayson - Recipe for Guardianship
Still in the hospital, Alfred walks Battinson through how to feed the small child he’s somehow acquired.
Damian Wayne, Bat-Cow, & Others - So You’re Cow’s Been Turned Into a Vampire
Bat-Cow gets turned into a vampire.
Tim Drake, Cassie Sandsmark, Aiden Kent, Oscar Allen, & N.O.W.H.E.R.E. - Two for the Price of Them
Tim’s 100th cloning attempt succeeds, but his efforts are interrupted by a supervillain attack. Now he’s on the run with two baby metahumans.
Tim Drake / Kon-El - Waltzing In the Rain
Tim and Kon go on a date above the clouds.
Billy Batson & Others - A Word in the Rain
Billy keeps pranking people by making them think he’s been vaporized by lightning.
Original Male Character, Original Characters, Garfield Lynns, Victor Fries, Stephanie Brown, & Tim Drake - Fly High, Little Firefly
Fusing The Batman (2004) with the main continuity. Back during Dick’s days as Robin, Garfield Lynns, AKA Firefly, worked with Dr. Jane Blazedale, a partnership that ended with Lynns becoming Phosphorus and being remanded to Arkham Asylum. To the knowledge of neither Lynns nor the Bat, however, the partnership between Lynns and Dr. Blazedale also resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. Dr. Blazedale named the boy Benjamin, Benji for short. She raised Benji in the East End, near Park Row, up until she was arrested and sent to Blackgate a year ago. Now Benji is living with his friend Blake’s family. Eventually, Benji decides to sneak into one of Lynns’s old hideouts and steals the Firefly equipment. Benji initially wanted to use the Firefly suit to gather enough wealth to afford a trade school or college. When Benji realized that he couldn’t follow through on an attempted robbery, he decided instead to become a vigilante a la Violet, stopping crime while taking some of the haul for himself. It isn’t glamorous or honorable, but honor won’t get Benji a better life.
Cassandra Cain, Mamaragan, & Others - A Single Word Spoken
A girl in the shape of a weapon is brought to Fawcett City, where she fulfills her purpose for the first and last time.
The girl who can no longer be a weapon hides from her wielder in an old subway and finds herself transported to a place of great magic.
There, the girl who wishes to be more than she was made to be finds a Wizard, who sees the girl for her heart and not for the blood staining her skin. The Wizard teaches the girl a name.
The girl speaks her first word.
And so she speaks power.
Tim Drake/Bernard Dowd - Pull My Heart Across the Ice
Tim and Bernard go on an ice skating date, for real this time. Tim enjoys acting like he doesn’t know how to ice skate. Fluff and humor.
Tim Drake/Bernard Dowd & Batfamily Members- The Tale of the Bedazzled Turtle
Bernard gets Tim a turtle figurine while they’re on a date to the Gotham Aquarium. When it goes missing at Wayne Manor, the hunt is on.
Tim Drake/Bernard Dowd - A High-Speed Romantic Tryst on an Open-Water Murder Shack
Tim and Bernard being cute on Tim's houseboat, they hear a commotion and find that a neighboring houseboat has been stolen and is speeding away. Cue chase, featuring bad puns.
Tim Drake, Young Just Us, Caitlin Snow, & Batfamily Members - Snowfall
Tim is investigating a case involving Mr. Freeze and a dangerous ice machine powered by a Self-Sustaining Thermodynamic Ultraconductor Engine. During the fight, however, Tim gets knocked into the STU engine, taking out the coolant system and causing the whole thing to explode. In the aftermath, Tim discovers that he has become a heat vampire, much like Caitlin Snow, AKA Frost.
Krypto the Superdog, Tim Drake/Kon-El Kent - Puppy Love
TimKon get-together from Krypto’s perspective.
Kon-El Kent & Others - Left Behind
When Kon died during the events of Infinite Crisis, he became a ghost. The worst part is, his future resurrection doesn’t change that.
Tim Drake & Dex-Starr - A Duck and a Cat Walk Into a Bar
What does one do after managing to befriend a cat with a red Power Ring?
Batfamily Members & Alfred Pennyworth - Alfred Calls Shotgun
Many claim that Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne’s valet/butler and the apparent true head of the household, is the most sane and responsible member of the family. They are very, very wrong. When Alfred Pennyworth sees a problem, Alfred Pennyworth will not hesitate to solve it with a shotgun, even when a shotgun is a terrible solution. Pure crack.
Duke Thomas & Tatsu Toro - Cracks Filled With Gold
Angst/comfort with Tatsu helping by teaching Duke to make kintsugi pottery.
Cullen Row, Harper Row, & Others - LGF: Little Green Friend
Cullen Row comes across a small, injured alien and takes it home. The alien isn’t quite sapient, but the two become fast friends. Hiding the alien from Harper is a challenge, though, especially when the alien starts growing.
Cullen Row - Rows and Rows of Worlds
Cullen Row comes across a strange object on the shore of Gotham Bay. Upon touching it, though, the thing sinks into Cullen’s hand. He passes out from the pain. When he wakes up, he finds himself on another Earth.
Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne - Green Tights
During his first encounter with Two-Face, Robin gets chosen by a green Power Ring. Silver-Age versions of the characters.
Damian Wayne & Batfamily Members - Surnames and Succession
A character study of Damian Wayne’s early years at the manor, his habit of referring to people with their surnames, and the paradigm shift therein.
Damian Wayne & Batfamily Members - Out of Sight, Out of Reach
While on a mission, Damian gets caught in an explosion from a villain’s machine, which renders him invisible, inaudible, and mostly intangible.
Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Kathy Branden, & Maya Ducard - Young Titans: Beginnings
Damian Wayne, AKA Robin, was well aware that each of his older brothers has had a super hero team to call their own. Richard led the Teen Titans and later the Titans. Todd led the Outlaws. Even Drake led Young Justice, as laughably immature as that team was. Damian, though, has yet to lead a team of his own. He decides to change that. Enlisting the aid of his friend Jon Kent, AKA Superboy, Damian sets out to form his own team of superheroes: the Young Titans! [The current roster is set to include Robin, Superboy, Nobody, and Beacon at first, then Suren Darga, Ma’alefa’ak, Abuse, and others. Additions beyond the core four would be gradual.]
Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, Kathy Branden, Maya Ducard, Ma’alefa’ak, & Others - Young Titans: Old Wounds
Damian’s new team, the Young Titans, have established themselves in the hero community and the wider public eye. They’ve gained some admirers and even a few Rogues. Unfortunately, they’ve also caught the attention of Lex Luthor. Superman’s greatest foe has given up on trying to clone or brainwash Kryptonians. That would be great, except that he’s decided to shift his focus to Martians instead. Lex has successfully cloned a Green Martian, and he has the perfect target in mind for a field test. In this sequel to “Forming the Young Titans,” the Young Titans will face a Justice League-level villain from long ago, born anew: Malefic.
Additional note: @jesncin has given me permission to use their depiction of Ma’alefa’ak as a basis for the character in this fic.
Young Titans, Tai Pham, & Others - Young Titans: Distant Heritage
A strange shockwave transports Tai Pham, first Green Lantern of his generation, to an unfamiliar city in the middle of a battle between a team of young heroes and a villain. Tai joins the team, these Young Titans, to figure out what brought him here and how to send him back home. At the same time, Ma’alefa’ak, now going mostly by Malek, is trying to reconnect with his brother and the history that seems determined to leave him behind.
Young Titans, Colin Wilkes, Original Characters, & Others - Young Titans: Ambrosia
Someone’s giving superpowers away and creating supervillains, and some of those powers are killing their users. The Young Titans need to find out who’s behind it and shut them down. That’s made more difficult by a new hero team, the Olympians, some of whose members are foes the Young Titans have faced before. This new team is sponsored by Lindworth Industries, which is premiering a revolutionary method of treating metagenes and working to rehabilitate Point City’s superpowered criminals.
Damian Wayne & Superheroes’ Pets - Damian Wayne, the Super Petsitter
Damian Wayne goes about his daily routine of caring for all of his animals. Dick takes and posts pictures of Damian doing so (he barely escapes with his life). Over the next few weeks, various members of the hero community (and a few outside of it) get in touch with Dick to ask if Damian would mind petsitting for them. Damian agrees to consider the requests, under the condition that he petsit their pets at Wayne Manor. Each chapter has Damian trying to petsit a different hero’s pet, from Wonder Woman’s kangaroo Jumpa, to Harley Quinn’s hyenas Bud and Lou, to Klarion’s familiar Teekl. Shenanigans will abound as Damian is having both the best and most annoying time of his life and his family slowly loses their sanity.
Damian Wayne - Animals Are Better Than People
Damian shapeshifter AU.
Damian Wayne & Egyptian Mythology - Heavy As A Feather
Damian Wayne takes in a stray cat one day. As the Bat luck would have it, the cat is actually Ammit the Devourer. Maybe Jason should stay away until it all gets sorted out. Just in case.
Damian Wayne & Original Honorspren Character - The Light In The Knight
Stormlight Archive fusion crossover. The Knights Radiant have been completely forgotten. Covers Damian's history in this world, where an honorspren finds him when he's in the League of Assassins.
Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, & Others - Small-Time Vehicular Mayhem
Damian goes on a class field trip to TinyTowne, where the class gets to simulate taking a driver’s license exam and drive around a miniature town. Damian finds the whole thing insulting, so he decides to cause chaos.
Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, & Others - A Severe Lack of Ducks
AU where Tim never made the quadruple somersault connection and so he never joined the BatFamily.
Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne - The Words I Want to Say Get Stuck Behind My Lips
Jason Todd ends up transported to another universe. This Earth appears to be almost identical to his own, but the difference that sticks out the most is Bruce. In this universe, Bruce eventually started seeing a therapist within the hero community. He’s still Batman, but he’s not the emotionally incompetent lummox that Jason’s used to dealing with (read: pissing off). The two of them end up talking, and while Jason leaves more frustrated than ever with his universe’s Bruce, at least now he knows the words his Bruce could never get himself to say. [This is largely an excuse to write an actual emotionally productive conversation between Jason and Bruce where Bruce doesn’t just stare at Jason like a goldfish.]
Jason Todd & Original Characters - Jason Todd the Teaching Assistant
Jason takes a job as a TA at Gotham U for a case. He gets attached.
Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, & Others - The Hero’s Return to the Normal World
A “Jason Lives” AU. After the events in Ethiopia, Jason is left permanently impaired to where he can no longer be Robin. Where he’ll go from there is up to him.
Jason Todd, Boston Brand, & Others - Hallowed Walls
After Jason Todd dies, his soul finds its way to Nanda Parbat.
Justice League Members - When the Hell Did Our Lives Get so Weird?
The Justice League discusses the weirdest, grossest, and downright strangest villains each of them has fought, a conversation brought on by someone mentioning Starro. Humor, mostly dialogue.
Justice League Members - The SSN Justice
Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, John Stewart, Barry Allen, and others serve on the crew of a submarine on a mission to find the lost city of Atlantis.
Edward Nygma - A Recursive Riddle
The Riddler gets trapped in a time loop wherein the only way out is to solve a seemingly impossible riddle.
Edward Nigma, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, & Others - What Lies Six Underground But Cannot Be Found?
Based on the whole “Riddler checks Jason’s grave and finds it empty” post.
Kon-El Kent, Tim Drake, Bart Allen, & Cassie Sandsmark - Red, Blue, Look at You
A piece of red Kryptonite splits Kon into blue and red versions of himself during a Young Justice mission. The blue version has the personality of Conner from the cartoon, while the red version has Kon’s personality from the start of YJ98.
Kon-El Kent, Bart Allen, Max Mercury, & Others - That Alabama Clone Life
AU where Max Mercury adopts Kon.
Jason Todd & Damian Wayne - Gotham's New Dynamic Duo!
Talia al Ghul sends Jason Todd away from the League of Assassins with a Damian Wayne in tow. When they get to Gotham, however, Damian stays with Jason instead of meeting Bruce. Damian eventually starts fighting at Jason's side as a vigilante.
Talia al Ghul, Bruce Wayne, Damian al Ghul, Alfred Pennyworth, Ravi, Ra's al Ghul, and Ace the Bat-Hound - Flight of the Demon's Daughter
Jason Todd stays dead, and Tim Drake doesn't become Robin, so Talia al Ghul is forced to take matters into her own hands.
Jonathan Samuel Kent & Jonathan Samuel Kent & Others - A Tale of Two Jon Kents
It sucked that Bendis aged up Jon. I want Sunshine Jon back as much as anyone. But I can acknowledge that there are some things about the aged-up Jon that I’d like to keep around (namely his relationship with Jay). So I thought, ¿por qué no los dos? We had two versions of Clark Kent running around for years back in the day, and Jon’s entire origin is based in multiverse shenanigans, so who’s to say that Sunshine Jon couldn’t be written back into the comics without erasing the aged-up Jon? Certainly not me.
One day, Sman!Jon encounters Mxyzptlk. Mxy, being who he is, isn’t a fan of Jon’s recent growth spurt. He intends to simply rewrite Jon’s history so that he never left with Jor-El, but Jon appeals to Mxy’s love of drama by explaining how Jon’s current existence as Superman has caused a lot of controversy in the nation. Mxy thinks about it, then decides to just have it both ways. He creates a duplicate timeline, from the beginning of Jon’s existence on Prime Earth to the moments before he decides to leave with Jor-El. Mxy then manipulates the alternate Jon to decide not to leave with Jor-El. Mxy then merges the alternate timeline with the main timeline, resulting in both Sman!Jon and Sunshine Jon existing simultaneously. Mxy then leaves them with a cryptic warning, hinting that only one of them will be able to remain in the main timeline. This story will alternate between the two Jons, exploring their perception of each other and the bond they end up forming, but other characters, especially Damian and Lois, will receive POV chapters as well. Kon will also get involved.
Chris Kent, Kathy Branden, Maya Ducard, & SuperFamily Members - The World Didn’t Stand Still
Kathy Branden decides to use her shop’s teleporter to peer in on the Phantom Zone. She comes back with Chris Kent in tow.
Chris Kent, Jon Kent, Lex Luthor, Task Force X, & Others - Nightwing Rising
It’s been four years since Chris was pulled out of the Phantom Zone, since he renounced Zod and Ursa for good. Four years since he reunited with his family, albeit with some new additions. He’s settled in, found his place in families both Kent and Super. Chris has everything he could have ever hoped for. He’s safe, and loved, and content.
If only that could last.
The Flamebird, ancient Kryptonian goddess of destruction, is coming. Nobody knows why. President Luthor is happy to give them a target while he sets his sights elsewhere.
And something is stirring inside Chris himself. He dreams the same dream, over and over, of shattered glass and shackled ghosts. Shadows and secrets call out to him, begging him to answer. Something else, just out of sight, coils around him with whispers of something more.
He’s just a boy. He’s not ready.
It doesn’t matter.
The Phantom Zone is trembling.
Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, & Space Cabby - Space Scoop Switcharooo
Space Cabby and Jimmy Olsen mistaken identity fic from Perry White's perspective.
Luke Fox, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, & Others - Bats on the Periphery
A series of mostly unconnected oneshots centering on the Batfamily members outside the inner circle.
Batfamily Members - A Snowball Fight of Batty Proportions
The Batfamily have a snowball fight at Wayne Manor. At least it’s not the most mayhem they’ve ever caused. Pure crack.
Selina Kyle, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, & Tim Drake - The Cattail Lounge
Prohibition-Era speakeasy AU. Selina Kyle runs the Cattail Lounge, one of the last surviving speakeasies in Gotham City alongside the Iceberg Lounge, owned by the vicious Oswald Cobblepot. The Cattail's on increasingly harder times as the Iceberg encroaches further and further. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake are in Ms. Kyle's employ.
Jason Todd & Jason Todd & Batfamily Members - Two Robins Means Twice the Magic!
Through multiversal and magic shenanigans, Jason Todd has his body and mind regressed to his early years as Robin, and a second Robin-aged Jason Todd gets dragged into their universe. The alternate-universe Jason is inexplicably much more violent, reckless, and irresponsible than their Robin-aged Jason. This fic explores everyone’s relationship with their Jason, especially Dick and Bruce, and their attempts to navigate and bond with the alternate-universe Jason.
Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Billy Batson, Anita Fite, & Others - The Echoes of Our Unjust Deaths
In which characters have dreams about alternate-universe versions of themselves. Unfortunately, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Billy Batson have recently been suffering constant nightmares about alternate-universe versions of themselves dying. Billy is able to figure out that something magical is going on that’s causing these nightmares for them, and so the three, along with Anita Fite, band together to get to the bottom of it. While doing so, they’ll try to navigate the complications their nightmares have created in their relationships with others. [Starring such stories as DC vs. Vampires, A World Without Young Justice, Injustice, Flashpoint, and more.]
Bernard Dowd / Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd & Bruce Wayne - Playing Darts With a Conspiracy Theorist
Tim introduces Bruce to Bernard. Bruce and Bernard get talking and eventually land on conspiracy theories about heroes, namely Gotham’s vigilantes. Bruce has spent many hours spreading false theories about the Bats online, so he’s read some weird ideas. But somehow Bernard’s theories are far more utterly off-the-wall than Bruce would have thought possible. Pure crack, heavy on dialogue.
“Big Hero Six AU” - The Titans of San Fransokyo
Bruce is not Batman. Dick is in the role of Tadashi and dies. Tim is in the role of Hiro and teams up with Dick’s university classmates, who are the Titans, though without powers. Baymax’s armor resembles Batman’s, but he still just goes by Baymax. Victor Fries instead of Callaghan.
Tim Drake & Batkids - Hell Hath No Fury Like a Robin Scorned
Tim’s siblings get on his nerves individually to the point that he gets revenge on each of them. Done in a 5+1 format.
Batfamily Members - The Gotham Grand Prix
The Batkids have a race through Gotham City.
Vicki Vale & Red Robin - Thinly Vale'd Animosity
Vicki Vale is dead certain that Wayne heir Tim Drake is secretly the vigilante Red Robin, but her every attempt to prove the connection blows up in her face.
Tim Drake / Bernard Dowd - They Keep Falling for Each Other All Over Again
An exploration of Tim and Bernard’s relationship through the years.
Damian Wayne - The Brown-Haired Demon
Damian dyes his hair brown for a mission, but he unintentionally uses dye that refuses to wash out, so he has to let it grow out naturally. Everyone around him is far more disturbed by Damian's new hair color than they have any right to be. Pure crack.
Young Justice Core Four - Mantle Semantics
The Young Justice Core Four discuss their codenames and what names they might consider using in the future.
Young Just Us - Merry Apokolips!
Young Justice gets trapped on Apokolips on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus comes to the rescue on his annual trip to give Darkseid a lump of coal. There may or may not be words had about that time Santa got hit by a meteorite.
Billy Batson & Dick Grayson - Batson and the Bat’s Son
Dick Grayson has tracked a human trafficking ring from Blüdhaven to Fawcett City. When Nightwing spots some thugs from the ring kidnapping a kid off the street at night, he follows them back to their base of operations. He busts the ring and rescues all of the kidnapped persons, including that night’s unconscious victim, Billy Batson. Nightwing makes sure Billy’s alright turns him over to Social Services. Dick spends the next few days in Fawcett looking into Billy. After learning about Billy’s history with foster homes, he impulsively decides to help the kid by fostering him. Billy knows Batman’s and Nightwing’s identities, though they don’t know his, so he agrees for the time being. Now Dick’s trying to take care of this kid who reminds Dick painfully of his younger self while balancing work and keeping his vigilante life secret.
Billy Batson & Sivana Family - Fostered by the Sivanas
AU where pre-powers Billy gets fostered by the Sivanas.
Dick Grayson & Billy Batson - To Hell And Back
Dick loses another brother. He refuses to accept that… Captain Marvel’s been to the Underworld before, right?
Billy Batson & Shazamily - Cats Can’t Say “SHAZAM!”
Doctor Sivana turns Billy into a ginger tabby cat, with the idea being that he won’t be able to say the magic word as an animal. With the Justice League unaware of the situation and Billy unable to reach out to them or any other allies, Billy tries to survive on the streets as a cat. Eventually, though, he's found by Darla Dudley and Mary Bromfield, who take him to live with the Vasquezes.
Billy Batson, Freddy Freeman, Tawky Tawny, Doctor Sivana, & Others - Lethe the Past Behind
"The boy woke in an alley." Preboot continuity, Billy Batson has mysteriously lost all of his memories. As such, Captain Marvel has also gone missing, and the Justice League are starting to get very concerned.
Selina Kyle, Billy Batson, & Tim Drake - Stray Tiger Cub
When Selina Kyle finds a kid passed out in an alley, skin and throat laced with Lichtenberg scars… well, she’s always had a fondness for strays. Told from Selina’s perspective. Something has gone wrong with the Rock, turning the magic lightning against Billy’s body. It leaves him powerless and without a voice.
Billy Batson, Kent Nelson, & Khalid Nassour - Crossroads
Billy Batson gets taken in by Kent Nelson as a kind-of apprentice, kind-of ward. Khalid is also there.
Tim Drake & Renee Montoya - Bat-Shaped Question Mark
Canon-divergent Red Robin AU where Renee didn't retire from the Question after Final Crisis. What if Renee took Tim under her wing during Red Robin?
Tim Drake & BatFamily Members - Late to the Party
Instead of becoming Robin following Jason Todd's death, Tim Drake joins the BatFamily after Damian Wayne is killed by the Heretic.
Billy Batson & Amon Tomaz - Through the Fields of Asphodel
Billy Batson (Captain Marvel) and Amon Tomaz (Osiris) journey into the Underworld, which has, for unknown reasons, been struggling between its Greek and Egyptian forms.
Billy Batson & Poseidon - Get In the Water
Captain Marvel picks a fight with Poseidon to save a passenger ship.
Tim Drake, Jack Drake, Dana Winters, & Others - A Key Change of Scenery
What if the Drake family didn't return to Gotham after moving to Keystone City following the events of Cataclysm?
Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, & Others - Home to Roost Regardless
An AU exploring a timeline where Jason never died, so Tim never got involved with the Waynes, so both of his parents were killed by the Obeah Man.
Tim Drake, Jack Drake, Janet Drake, Barbara Gordon, & Jason Todd - The Scale of a Legacy
The Drake family has a long history of powerful shifters, from wyrms to wyverns to hydras and everything in between, but most notably drakes. Members of the Drake family have influenced history for as long as there have been records to tell of them.
From the moment he was born, Timothy Jackson Drake was expected to continue his family’s proud legacy. There’s one small problem, though: Tim’s shift is the wrong kind of drake.
Tim Drake & Batfamily - Honey, I Shrunk the Tim
Tim gets hit by a shrinking spell.
Tim Drake & Others - Healing Factor
AU where Tim has a powerful healing factor. Anthology-style.
Tim Drake, Jaime Reyes, Kon-El, Bart Allen, & Cassie Sandsmark - Khepri of the Rising Sun
After a Teen Titans mission to help Doiby Dickles and the planet Myrg, the team's ship passes through an undetected electromagnetic storm that causes them to crash in the jungles of the planet Odym, home of the Blue Lantern Corps. As they are traveling to the Central Power Battery to get a new ride home, Tim comes across a near-defunct Reach scarab, likely left over from the Reach's attempted invasion of Odym. Tim takes the scarab to research it back in Gotham.
Tim Drake and Cassie Sandsmark - Archaeology Brats
Pre-canon canon-divergent AU where Tim and Cassie become friends as kids on their parents’ archaeological digs.
Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd, Darla Aquista, Teen Titans, and the Omnitrix - Tim Ten
Teen Titans-Era Tim Drake finds the Omnitrix during the time when he’s forced to stop being Robin.
Tim Drake/Bart Allen - Tim & Bart: Private Investigators
TimBart Sam&Max fusion.
Tim Drake/Kon-El Kent - World’s Finest Halloween
TimKon Halloween fic. Kon dresses up as Kryptonian Nightwing while Tim dresses up as Flamebird.
Tim Drake/Conner Kent & Others - Woo Be Upon Ye
Medieval TimKon AU. Conner is a prince, Tim is a commoner, Conner personally appoints Tim to the Royal Guard on a whim.
Tim Drake/Conner Kent, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, & Others - Conquest is Their Business
Continuation of medieval TimKon AU. Jaime is apprentice to the court mage of the Reach Empire. When he discovers that the Empire has developed a new type of magical weapon that enslaves its user, he steals one and flees the Empire. He ends up in the Kingdom of Metropolis and shares news of both the weapon and the Reach’s new alliance with the Kingdom of Krypton, and after much debate, a diplomatic envoy is sent to the Empire. Tim, Conner, Bart, and Jaime sneak aboard the envoy.
Tim Drake/Conner Kent, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Lor-Zod, & Others - All’s Fair in Love and War
Further continuation of medieval TimKon AU. The Kingdom of Krypton declares war on the Kingdom of Metropolis.
Tim Drake & Batfamily Members - Birdsong
Wherein the bullet Tim took through the neck in Batman (2016) #125 takes out his vocal cords.
Harper Row, Cullen Row, Leslie Thompkins, & Duke Thomas - Caterwaul
Pre-Endgame, Harper gets transformed into a cat.
Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Inspector Gadget, Penny, & Brain - M.A.D. Skulls
Inspector Gadget crossover. Black Mask is working with Dr. Claw and M.A.D.
Marvel Comics
Sam Alexander & Samus Aran - Adventure on Tallon IV
Metroid crossover.
Camp Camp
Space Kid, Dolph, & Others - War for the Lamp
Space Kid and Dolph find a magic lamp with a genie inside who will grant three wishes. When the rest of the camp finds out, the war for the last wish begins.
Max & Others - Flat Max
Max gets Flat Stanley-ed.
"Hilda" AU - Nikki's Adventures in Trolberg!
Details can be found in this post.
Max, Neil, Nikki, & Others - Drawing On the Walls
Max discovers how to do runic magic. Chaos ensues.
"Assassination Classroom" AU - The Cheery Teaching Octopus of Campbell High
David takes the place of Korosensei. Gwen takes the place of Kurasama. Camp Campbell's campers are E-Class. Campbell was ousted from the position of principal by Pikeman's father. The campers-turned-students have until the end of the school year to kill David before he destroys the Earth.
"The Sea Beast" AU - Ghost Coral and Buried Stories
For hundreds of years, sea beasts have wreaked havoc against mankind. In response, sailors called "hunters" venture out and hunt these sea beasts across the sea, returning to the capital with the beasts' horns. The most famous of these hunters were the crew of the Inevitable, led by the legendary Captain Campbell, his first mate Gwen Eddy, and his adopted son David Luna. One day, the Inevitable goes after the Red Bluster, the sea beast that took Campbell's [REDACTED] decades ago. Unknown to the crew, however, a young orphan girl named Nikki Maxwell has stowed away on the Inevitable.
"Astro Boy" Dadvid AU - Rebuilding Our Family Through Metal and Love
David is the head scientist. Max takes the place of Tobio. Max is killed in a lab accident. Overwhelmed by grief, David builds an android identical to Max and downloads Max's memories and personality into it.
“FNAF Security Breach AU” - Cameron Campbell’s Mega Pizzaplex
The Mega Pizzaplex is one of the most popular places in the city. And the stars of the show are the band, led by David Fazbear. One evening, though, something goes wrong with David’s battery, and the concert is cancelled. During that night, David reboots earlier than expected and discovers a boy named Max hiding in his torso compartment. Max says the security guard, Jen, is after him, so David decides to help Max leave the Mega Pizzaplex through the front entrance. Complications soon arise.
Max, Neil, Nikki, David, & Others - Camp Camp Koppai Koppai
Pikmin fusion.
Max, Neil, Nikki, & Others - The Chaos Trio Goes On a Pokémon Adventure!
Pokémon fusion.
Max, Neil, Nikki, & Others - The Campbell Zoo
Zoo AU.
Max & Others - Save and Load
Max discovers how to use save points.
Max & Kirby - Camp Poyo
Kirby crossover into Camp Camp.
The Seven & Dionysus - For Hades’ Sake, Why’d He Have to Get Hot?!?
The gods are shaped by the mortal world’s perception of them. Supergiant Games’s Hades has recently taken the world by storm with its popularity, and so the Greek gods have found themselves influenced by the game’s depictions of them, especially Mr. D.
Percy Jackson & Others - Thick-Skinned Camper
AU where Heroes of Olympus never happened and Percy kept the Curse of Achilles.
Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, & Others - The Lengths One Will Go to For Their Laptop
Annabeth has a dream that the Kerkopes have Daedalus’ laptop. She’s determined to get it back.
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delta-pavonis · 1 year
Tag game! Currently ___ edition!
Tagged in two different versions by @moorishflower and @teejaystumbles, so I am combining the two!
Current time: 3:39pm Eastern (UTC -5:00)
Current mood: Pretty damn good. Have too much real work to do and too little motivation to do it, but hey. New ADHD meds are plugging along and side effects are going away, so that is lovely.
Current activity: On Tumblr writing this. LOL. No, after this I have to go write some work emails. *unenthusiastic yay*
Currently thinking about: The rest of Hellknight!Hob and its overall plot arc. How did my kiddo get so many fucking toys. What am I cooking for dinner. (ADHD say what?)
Current favorite song: Gonna cheat a little and say that I still have Wet Leg's debut album as one of the first things up when I open Pandora (oh, yes, I am one of ~those~ people). My best Pandora Station is seeded with K. Flay, UPSAHL, Metric, Bishop Briggs, Phantogram, Veruca Salt, Garbage, and The Linda Lindas.
Currently reading: Just finished re-reading Brief Lives, Worlds' End, and The Kindly Ones to work on Hellknight!Hob plot. Re-reading Dune because it is one of the best books of all time. Still working through N.K. Jemisin's collection of short stories How Long 'til Black Future Month? which is just blowing me away.
Currently watching: My partner and I have a rotating set of things we put on in the evenings after kiddo goes to bed. Right now it is Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and RuPaul's Drag Race All-Stars Season 8. I recently finished Ted Lasso and it is one of my favorite things ever. Soon to be on deck will be the next season of The Witcher, Ahsoka, and Foundation. Current junk background TV is old episodes of Below Decks.
Current obsessions: Fandom-wise, still pretty much hyperfocused on Dreamling, with a dash of Roy/Jamie from Ted Lasso. Otherwise, Ferdinand Kingsley.
Current favorite character: I identify too strongly with Hob Gadling to say anything else is my current top favorite. Outside of The Sandman, Jaime Tartt from Ted Lasso and Anson Mount's Chris Pike from Strange New Worlds.
Current WIPs: Too many. Hellknight!Hob, former Mafia gun!Hob rescues Dream from the fishbowl with his ex-lover, Drummer/Dancer Dreamling sequel, King/Knight Dreamling sequel, sequel to A Change in Tactics, Dreamling Rent!AU, and I want to do a bunch of the July Kinkfest prompts.
Tags: *reaches through the screen and pokes you* YOU! YES YOU!! If you are reading this and want an excuse to participate, consider yourself officially tagged.
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sdwolfpup · 2 years
ao3 wrapped [writer's edition]
People are apparently doing this as an ask game, but I want to answer all of them so I'm gonna. 😄 But I'll save your dash and put it under a cut.
How many words have you written this year? I'm not sure honestly. Mostly because I worked a lot on two different WIPs, and wrote a LOT of words that either got deleted or are in unfinished stories that will never see the light of day. But doing a quick estimate based on what chapters I posted this year, POSTED amount of words is roughly 130,000.
How many works did you publish this year? I finished one WIP, worked on another, and posted 6 other shorter fics.
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? Gosh, I don't know. Tweets and Treats took a surprising amount of work, and I was really happy with how it turned out. And I'm really grateful I managed to land 2 Hot 2 Horny (with Brynn's invaluable help!).
What work of yours has the most hits? This year? 2 Hot 2 Horny, which makes sense. For fics only posted this year, All I Have To Offer You (Is Me).
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? The beauty of this mess (is that it brings me close to you). This was my first (and probably only) foray into HOTD fic fandom, and it was for Alicent/Rhaenyra which is not a super popular ship as far as I can tell (though I don't know why!!! HAVE YOU SEEN THEM INTERACT??). Anyway. People were very nice about it.
Favorite title you used: Even though it went way beyond what I first envisioned it as, I still think 2 Hot 2 Horny is funny. For fics posted this year only, probably All I Have To Offer You (Is Me), because its from a song forbiddenfantasies likes and is very appropriate for the story.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? I am an equal opportunity lyrics user.
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? Jaime/Brienne, naturally.
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? JB are always my favorite, but I also really enjoyed writing my two Ian/Poppy fics.
What work was the quickest to write? speak now (or forever hold your peace). I was possessed when I wrote that. It took a day. That's the fastest I've written something since 2020.
What work took you the longest to write? Considering I am still working on Our souls lie down in the grass, I'm gonna go with that one, heh.
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? Whew. Too many. Our souls is the only one I'm currently posting, but fics I've started that I really want to finish? 6 or 7 at least.
What’s your longest work of the year? 2 Hot 2 Horny was 115k; for fics posted just this year, All I Have to Offer You is 27.5k.
What’s your shortest work of the year? Technically Tweets and Treats is only 8 words but there's a lot more than that in the images. :D Looks like Snack Drawer is it at 2615 words.
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Our souls lie down in the grass. I've got a whole chapter written! I'm halfway through the next chapter! I'm gonna write at least one more and then start posting again.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? Across ALL my works it's Alternate Universe - Modern Setting. Which fits.
Your favorite character to write this year? I really enjoyed writing Ygritte in 2h2h, and Jaime in Tweets and Treats, and Poppy in both MQ fics.
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Genna in All I Have To Offer You. I wanted to make sure she was riding a very fine line between cruelty and kindness.
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? I want to keep writing JB, and I'd really like to write another Poppy/Ian fic.
Which work of yours have you reread the most? From this year? Probably Tweets and Treats.
How many kudos in total did you get this year? Statistics say 3,627, but again that includes 2h2h and Our souls (and also A Job Lot of Junk since I posted a couple fics to that collection) which throws it all off. If I just do the ones posted this year, 1648.
Which work has the most comments? Again, 2h2h but if I take that one out, Tweets and Treats.
Did you do any collaborative works this year? Sadly I did not. Though I talked to Brynn about 2h2h enough that she sort of helped me write it metaphorically.
Did you write any gifts this year? Yes! All I Have to Offer You was a birthday gift for forbiddenfantasies. 2h2h was from the summer exchange in 2021 for Naomignomie, and Our souls was from the festive exchange in 2020 for auntiesocial.
Did you receive any gifts this year? Yes. Pretty-thief wrote a Poppy/Ian fic for me and slips, someone made a cover for HFOG, and trelkez made a Poppy/Ian vid and dedicated it to me.
What’s your most common category? M/F
What do you listen to while writing? Whatever Spotify playlist I have put together for the fic, or the Study LoFi playlist.
Favorite work you wrote this year? Ooh...I honestly don't know. I really can't pick a favorite. They're my children!!
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? I have a couple, heh. I loved "I shouldn't kiss you in the winter when I'm leaving in the spring," from Our souls. And this bit from Poppy in Snack Drawer honestly makes me laugh every time: She pulled out one of his organic, non-GMO, soy yogurt cups. “You eat like an old man. Plain isn't a flavor, Ian. It's a cry for help." But for how difficult I found writing this year, I'm actually pretty happy with what I produced.
Biggest surprise while writing this year? How damned difficult it was? Heh. I'd been struggling in late 2021, too, but this year was (for me) a struggle. Every word feels like I had to carve it out of my skull slowly and meticulously, when for the first two years of JB fandom it flowed so quickly. Adjusting to my new normal has taken me all year, but I think I've found a slightly better rhythm and I've been able to write more regularly. (It helps that work has also slowed down in the last two weeks; work has eaten up a tremendous amount of my life this year in a way it had not the two years before.) I'm also surprised that I wrote a House of the Dragon fic! Did NOT see that coming. I wasn't even gonna watch the show at the beginning of the year.
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dcviline · 9 months
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𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙰𝚂𝙾𝙸𝙰𝙵 𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝙰𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚍 :
᯽⊱ 𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐈 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 ─ 𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘋𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘵. 𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘯 & 𝘓𝘦𝘯𝘢 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘤.
Daughter of Tywin and Joanna Lannister. Twin to Jaime and older sister to Tyrion. Widow of King Robert Baratheon and mother to his three trueborn children . . . or so she claims. Prideful, ambitious, and ruthless, she favors herself as an astute player of the great game, but her lack of tact and her cruel and selfish habits do much to undermine her own efforts.
᯽⊱ 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐘𝐊𝐄 ─ 𝘖𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭. 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘋𝘰𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘤.
One of Euron Greyjoy's bastard sons, fathered on an Ironborn woman that died birthing him. Harry grew up in his father's care, but as with his brothers, he was always treated as more of a servant than a son. When he was younger, he wanted nothing more than for his father to have him legitimized as a Greyjoy, but those dreams were dashed as he grew older and realized his father would be more likely to kill him out of boredom than ever give him his family name. Still, he was a skilled reaver, and the favored among Euron's sons (or perhaps merely the least insignificant), and he was well-trusted by the man as a lieutenant for a time. Eventually, he was sent out on his own to find his own glory at his father's command, and he's been menacing the Narrow Sea as a pirate and mercenary ever since.
᯽⊱ 𝐑𝐘𝐋𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌 ─ 𝘖𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭. 𝘓𝘰𝘶𝘪𝘴 𝘏𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘤.
Bastard son of Ser Richard Horpe, a favored knight in service to Stannis Baratheon. His mother was the daughter of a smith. Rylen grew up with his mother for the first ten years of his life, until one day his father showed up and took him away to make him a squire. He showed great capacity as a warrior, but under his father's cold tutelage, the happy boy he once was grew into a sullen and withdrawn man, often a wordless presence at his father's side. When he was knighted at eighteen, it did not bring any joy to his life. He does not share Ser Richard's bloodlust, though he also does not shy away from battle and brutality. Rylen's true strength is his mind, and he's more content in a library than on a battlefield. As indifferent as he may be to his knighthood, he does take his honor very seriously, to the point that it puts him at odds with his father at times. He may seem cold upon first impression, but he has a notable soft spot for his younger half-sister Dyanna. Despite being pledged to Stannis, he has a distrust for the man's newfound religion and the priestess at his side, but he does not voice his dissent and serves his king faithfully.
᯽⊱ 𝐃𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐄 ─ 𝘖𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭. 𝘔𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘖𝘵𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘤.
The only trueborn child of Ser Richard Horpe, born to him and his wife Laurella Florent, the younger sister of Queen Selyse Baratheon. Dyanna has always been a girl of fragile health, a trait seemingly inherited from her mother, who died of an illness when Dyanna was twelve. This has led to her father becoming excessively protective of her, commanding that she not be left on her own for too long. Most often she is accompanied by her cousin, Saede Florent, who is of a similar age and was sent to the Horpes after Laurella's passing to be her companion, but in truth Dyanna is closest to her older half-brother, Rylen, and cares not for his bastard status nor the threat he could pose to her inheritance. Dyanna is a joyful and kind young woman, often unbothered by the troubles around her. She was not allowed to leave Mothlight, the seat of House Horpe, until the outbreak of the War of Five Kings, at which point her father insisted she be kept close at hand for her own safety. This led to her growing up sheltered and naive, unaware of the horrors of the world. Rylen and Saede do what they can to shield her from the harsh realities of war, but traveling with her father as part of King Stannis' host means exposure to such things is inevitable. In truth, she is not as blind in that regard as everyone would like to think. Delicate in constitution she may be, but Dyanna is no fool.
᯽⊱ 𝐒𝐀𝐄𝐃𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 ─ 𝘖𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭. 𝘔𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘮 𝘓𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘧𝘤.
Daughter of Ser Imry Florent, brother to Queen Selyse Baratheon, and his wife Sarisa Staedmon. She has two older brothers named Florys and Aladore. Saede is only two years older than Dyanna, and when her cousin's mother Laurella died, she was sent to be Dyanna's companion. She is protective of Dyanna and does not stray from her side for too long. Like many of the Florents, Saede followed her family into a the religion of R'hllor. When her father Imry died during the Battle of the Blackwater, Saede leaned heavily upon the faith to process the loss, and her devotion has become unquestionable to the point that she supported the burning of her uncle, Ser Alester Florent, when he was accused of treason. An ambitious and cunning young woman, Saede has always been content to do as she pleases outside of her dutifulness to her cousin; she's left her fair share of broken hearts and paramours across the Stormlands and the Crownlands as a result. She looks to Melisandre as the true voice of R'hllor and seeks to learn the ways of the Red Woman's magics for herself.
᯽⊱ 𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃 ─ 𝘚𝘦𝘮𝘪 𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯. 𝘛𝘰𝘮 𝘗𝘢𝘺𝘯𝘦 𝘧𝘤.
Eldest son and heir of Lord Tytos Blackwood. Brynden was a firm supporter of Robb Stark's campaign against the Lannisters, particularly after the Lannister host scorched Blackwood Vale. Brynden made himself useful as a scout, able to sneak easily around most enemy encampments, and stood loyally at the command of both his father and the King in the North throughout the war. However, everything changed when his little brother Lucas was slain at the Red Wedding. Brynden was present and narrowly escaped with his life by being pushed through a window into a moat below, but not before seeing Lucas be butchered by Hosteen Frey. For a while afterward, Raventree was the last stronghold of Stark loyalists in the south, and though they continued to fight against the Iron Throne, eventually Lord Tytos negotiated with Jaime Lannister and surrendered his fight. Outraged by his father's surrender, the terms of which required another of his brothers to be sent off as a hostage to the Lannisters, Brynden disavowed Lord Tytos and fled North, taking half of the Blackwood forces with him. Brynden bides his time, and some question if he will pledge to Stannis, the Brotherhood, or support the crowning of another Stark, but one thing is clear about his intentions: he demands vengeance for the sacrilegious murder of his brother Lucas and freedom for his brother Hoster.
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15step · 11 months
1 & 3 for the ask game
character everyone gets wrong: ppl get the lannister bros wrong in opposite ways they view tyrion w 0 nuance in a negative way and jaime w 0 nuance in a woobify way. cersei we all understand tho our girlboss girlfailure queen
description of the worst tumblr take we have seen: has to be back in ye olden times when i followed tags on here for every character i liked and would get the most batshit nsfw imagines showing up randomly on my dash bc i followed the tag 😞
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artemisaq · 2 years
okay for the ask game - and yes this is coming from someone who doesn't watch the show so i might be missing something. it is merely all over my dash - unpopular opinion: the one between daemon and rhaenyra is a weird af dynamic.
res i lysm ✨ and i totally understand your unpopular opinion but i
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
The thing with hotd is that you are going to find ships that are very strange for our point of view (like we live in the xxi century so of course it is weird to see a relationship between uncle-niece) BUT this was very comon in past history. We have kings that married with their nieces or cousins to keep "pure" the blood; it was also comon that girls of 10 years old married a guy of 30s. The show, although it is a fantasy show, take some parts of the real history. I was a huge fan of got and yes, at the begining I was shock with cersei and jaime for example, but with time I understand what was really the show protraying. The same goes for me with hotd, also with daemon and rhaenyra we also have such a power dynamic and some abuse for daemon (specially in the firts episodes) but that changed. By ep 7 they are on the same level, they love each other and they respect each other. Also I have to say… the chemistry is unbelievable!. But like I said I completely understand what are you saying because I used to think the same way and that is why we are sisters! ❤️
Send me unpopular opinions?
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intonightcity · 2 years
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