#dash had a random thought and decided to share
dashofmonsters · 1 year
Anyone else get plagued by constant story ideas because I had a fucking nother one come to mind while grocery shopping last night!
Consider this:
A tavern run by a human with several long lived peoples as their loyal customers. This human opens this tavern in his late twenties and runs it till they get old and retire or pass away. Well one of their most loyal customers gets fucking depressed as fuck and swears to never step foot in another tavern because that was his fucking place to go to and now one of his favorite peoples are gone.
Well in his long lived life he decides to settle down after decades of adventuring and goes back to the town where his favorite tavern was at and buys it. It's a bit run down from years of neglect and he pauses ever so often while cleaning or fixing the floors and posts to remember the good times.
About a year later his tavern opens up and he becomes well loved and respected as he offers advice, good food and drink, and stories of his days as an adventurer.
Also he hired the great grandchildren of the original tavern keep and he gets emotional around them after a drink or two and tells them stories of their great grand parent.
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rinbowaman · 7 months
Random Thought!
When I see this…
****note, this was the original draft for MGR/MRE/and HHP, but I opted to go with what I published…but I should still share this with y’all.****
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MDNI 18+ content below.
You and your best friend decide to hang out with her boyfriend, Ethan, and his crew. Everyone decided to go to a panic house, and you reluctantly agreed.
You’ve met Ethan on and off, usually when he came by to pick up his girl, who not only was your best friend, but also your college dorm roommate. You never thought too much into his unusual habits of remaining silent, staring at you, and slashing dashing smirks whenever you both made eye contact. To you, you merely thought he was just being friendly.
Everyone meets up at the panic house, an abandoned mansion belonging to the owner, who ran the haunted panic theme event. Each and everyone was blindfolded and lined up; the creepy laughter of a psychotic clown could be heard echoing in the halls as your palms grip your best friends shoulders. The staff led everyone to a room, fitting you all in pairs, and in the most absurd areas such as cages, blank rooms, or in your case, a large wooden box, chained up with a lock that can only be detached with a hidden key that laid in one of the rooms that your roommate and her partner had to find.
The wooden container had holes lining the top of the lid; you could feel the grooves of the craftsmanship as you remained blindfold, feeling your partner laying behind. The voice in the intercom announces that everyone could remove their blindfolds, and lord and behold, you were in coffin with Ethan practically spooning you.
From the room next door, you both vaguely hear your roommate/bestie calling out, asking if you were okay.
“I’m fine. Ethan and I are both locked in a box.”
As it turned out, the first pair had to find a way to release the second pair, followed by releasing the third pair, your roommate, before finding the key to unlock the chains that trapped you and Ethan. Looks like you’ll both be chilling out for a while, which was absolutely fine in Ethan’s book. You never realized, but Ethan was head over heels in love with you, and for him to be laying next to you, with your body wearing that pretty little sundress with the tie lace front that kept your breasts somewhat pushed together, and those black thigh socks that added more sex appeal. Could anyone blame him for testing the waters?
You felt his fingers dance along your outer thigh as you both laid on your left sides. You did your best to pretend that you didn’t notice, until they made their way under the mini hem of your dress. “Ethan!—“
His other hand shoots up and gently covers your mouth, his thumb petting the corner of your cheek as it extends upwards, swiping over your soft skin. He continues to fondle with your panties, pulling them, ripping them during the tug as he shifts out his rather large member. You didn’t see it, but from what you could feel on your derrière, he was quite big. He slowly feeds himself inside, inch by inch, and fills you. Surprising enough, you indulged the feeling, it felt so good…too good.
You gasp, moan, and whimper against his palm, while he still trapped your mouth with his hand to quiet you as best he could. But all you wanted to do was scream out and beg him to keep stuffing you.
Once he was fully in, he lets out a deep growl, groaning as he curses. “Fuuuuuuuck….fuck you feel good.”
He lifts your thigh up and back over his hip, hugging your waist while gently grabbing hold of your throat, allowing you to breathe out your panting moans as he picks up the pace and thrusts faster, harder, and deeper. So deep, the tip punches your soft spot, causing you to gush out each time he tapped it, glazing his throbbing cock as he thrusts, and pounds into you. The sound of his balls slapping against your taint was all you hear as your mind went dizzy with sinful passion. Now you understood why your roommate could be heard screaming from out in the parking lot.
Fucking you, he unties your front lace, allowing your bouncing breasts to pop out as he caressed them tenderly. His arm that hugged your waist dips down, gently circulating the tip of his fingers on your sensitive clit.
“Please! Oh God please…..you’re so big…this is wrong! Ethan this is so wrong.” Your words came out melodic with the sound of passion and yearning, contrary to their meaning, you didn’t want him to stop. You continued to whimper out, only fueling his desire for you. “Too good….it feels too good.”
“Yeah pretty? Am I fucking you really good? Fuck….I’ve wanted you for so long, I was going to go crazy if I had to fuck anyone else, and only imagine it was you.”
His confession. The man wanted you, needed you….desired no one but you. All this time, having dating and pretending to love your best friend, imagining it was you instead, it was torture. To be in love with someone that was so close, hey so far out of reach….he couldn’t take it anymore. Increasing the pace of his thrusts, he goes in deeper, causing the mixture of your juices and his shifting motion to cream around the circumference of his cock.
“Please! Ethan! Im going to cum….oh my God pl-please don’t stop…” you reach up and palm the back of his neck as he sucks on your ear. Your finger rings and runs through the lengthen strands that rests against his nape, how could you overlook his hints? You didn’t want it to end, but found yourself in confusion and turmoil as you tried to be loyal to your friend. “Please Ethan…we can’t…oh fuck….we can’t! Please….please don’t…”
“Tell you what, my pretty little thing….” He continues to hasten his thrust, going deeper as he goes faster, his thrusts becoming sloppy and messy, twitching and throbbing each time he pumps into you. He was close. “If you can say my other name…I’ll stop…”
His other name? What was his other name? Was it his birth name? There are so many Korean names, where will you begin in trying to guess the correct one? It was futile. You begged instead. “Ethan please!”
Big mistake.
“You got three seconds baby.” He groans as he goes faster and faster.
“Fuck baby…I’m cumming!” His cock pulsates and throbs as he shoves it deep, the hot strings of thick, white seeds swim and plants inside you, fertilizing you with his own DNA…making you one with him. You breathe out, moaning in pleasure as you gushed out, trembling from the intense orgasm as he remained inside, slowly thrusting in and out. He hugs you and you caressed his arms, not caring about anything. All you want, was him.
“Wrong name baby, it’s Heeseung. Hee-se-ung.” Thrusting deeply, you yelp from him gently tapping your soft spot, which was now stained with his children.
“Very good, pretty baby.”
Perm Taglist:
@enheene , aiden2001 , heeseung-min , lathan1510 , rayofsunshineeee , @hoyeonheeseung , @rayofsunshineeee , @yohanabanana , @sunoosrightbuttcheek , @jaeneohee , @icydawon , @silcry , @iamliacamila , @nikstrange , @enheene ; @nuriicata , @en-happiness
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sweetracha · 7 months
No thoughts only building snowmen with felix and then him getting grumpy bc yours looks cuter
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Do you Wanna Build a Snowman?
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"Lixie come on! You're going to catch a cold" you said as you rounded the corner in your new home.
"It'll all melt away! Hurry" Felix sounded like a little child worried about his double chocolate cookie crunch extreme scoop of ice cream.
Who could blame him though? Felix couldn't remember the last time he had seen snow. You mentioned how badly the streets would thick over with ice and be packed with white as far as the eye could see. To Felix, this could never be a bad thing. How could it be?
You ran through a mental checklist, ensuring you were both ready for the cold about to hit you. Sure, you were used to it by now but somedays the winter bites back. Felix on the other hand was ready to run out blind to his death, the Aussie would never survive without you.
Thick socks? Check.
Warm boots? Check.
Pants with leggings underneath? Double-check
Long sleeves? Check
Coats? Check and a matching check as Felix insisted you two had to have a matching set.
Gloves? Check much to Felix's complaining 
And finally, a hat to keep your head warm? Check!
When you opened the front door, Felix dashed out with excitement. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit at the pure joy on his face. He found the thickest pile of snow in the middle of your yard, where your garden used to be, and fell to his knees. You should have guessed the gloves would have been long forgotten by now as he feels the snow melt on his bare skin. There was no way to sneak up beside him as the unmistaken crunch of packed snow sounded from under your feet. You crouched next to him and took in all his beauty. It was his first life, wasn’t it?
“Lixie baby?” You asked softly, not wanting to disturb his fun. All you got back was a simple hum to acknowledge he was listening. “Do you want to build a snowman?” You thought he was about to die from how quickly he lit up.
“Yes! We could make a cute snow couple!” His mind went running with ideas.
“Pixie, have you ever built a snowman?”
“No but how hard could it be? Animal crossing taught me everything I need to know.”
Oh how wrong he was. Felix quickly realized he had put too much confidence in his ability to build a snow person. It wasn’t meant to be a competition but he decided himself to make it one. Then he looked over at yours, almost finished while he was barely started. 
Yours was perfectly round and white.
His was lumpy and had random mud stains all over.
Yours was perfectly proportional.
His head always ended up being bigger than the middle.
Yours had arms specifically grown by Mother Nature herself.
His looked as if a dog dragged them in.
Even the face on your snowman looked perfect! Brown buttons you stole out of the craft drawer, a little carrot nose from the fridge, little pebbles curved up into the biggest smile. You even broke off tiny flakes of bark to make the freckles on your snowman! 
Wait…freckles…on a snowman? Brown buttons, a big smile, a blue scarf, a matching hat, Felix’s missing gloves, and freckles.
“Y/n!” He didn’t know what to say so he decided to scream your name to get your attention. However, that backfired miserably as you fell straight on your butt onto the cold ground.
“Felix!” You yelled back. He ran as fast as he could to save you.
“I’m sorry…I just..your snowman…he is…” 
“He is you!” Felix swore the smile you shared could have cleared the skies. “Do you like him?”
“I LOVE HIM!!!” He got up close and personal to inspect every little detail. “How?”
“I’ve had some practice” He fell for your giggle every time.
“Mine looks so…sad” Just then the oversized head rolled off and smashed into pieces.
“Maybe I can help you? I bet we could make him a real find!” Felix liked this idea much more than the competition he was participating in.
“Gotta make Snowlix the perfect man!” Felix stated as if it was an indisputable fact.
“So snowbin, got it”
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The Sweetest Batch: @goblinracha @kaciidubs @channieandhisgoonsquad @comet-falls @ddyskz @jiminskies @j-onedrabbles @lixiesweetbrownie @marrivmel @caitlyn98s
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jellybeanium124 · 5 months
I used to have this mutual, from a fandom I'm not active in at all anymore. We were friends, we talked, you know, we weren't super close, but we knew each other. And every so ofter she would would go on this little spree of reblogging those sped-up baking videos. It became almost a random event I looked forward to. "Oh boy, X is reblogging baking videos again!" They were nice to watch, and not something that anyone else put on my dash. It was a special thing only X did. She deleted and remade her blog a couple of times. I think I found her again at least twice after noticing she'd disappeared from my dash. And then October 7th happened, and she said some just horrible, inexcusable antisemitic shit on a post of mine (and believe me, I've excused a lot). So I blocked her. We hadn't been friends in a while (I don't think I was actually following her at the time, nor had I been for ages, but she clearly was still keeping track of me!), but, you know, it still sucked. She knew I was Jewish. I wasn't as loud about it before October 7, but I wasn't quiet about it either. And for years (because I did know her for years, about two), she harbored these horrible beliefs against my people.
And then the other day some pictures of pretty cupcakes made it to my dash, and I thought of her. My brain couldn't stop the connection: "just like the videos X used to reblog." And it just really sucked. Because she's a person. I'm a person. We were friends. She shared drama with me. But she's a bigot against my people and we will never be compatible as friends again, now that I know this.
It's lonely and scary to be Jewish on the internet, especially right now. Knowing that the people around you think horrible things about you while being your friend (because when "zionist" replaces the word "Jew" in classic antisemitic conspiracies, well, then that's okay). I have to ignore what people are saying, pretend they're not saying it, and eventually decide where the line is when it comes to stuff that is just too far.
Jews are human. Even the ones who live in Israel. Palestinians are human. They're not a prop to make you feel righteous and like you're accomplishing something by posting about them on tumblr. People are suffering. There are still hostages, including children, being held by Hamas in horrible conditions. Women have been raped. Children have been drugged.
I'll never get through to X. Hell, I'm not sure I'll get through to anyone, really. Posting on tumblr isn't activism. Really I was just wondering how many other Jews have had that exact same experience here lately. And my guess? All of them.
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stevetonyisendgame · 1 year
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It’s the fourth day of work reveals for A Second Chance: A Steve/Tony Endgame Mini-Exchange and we have 8 fics and 2 artworks today!
Thank you to all participants - we’re so excited to share all these beautiful gifts with you! Enjoy and remember to leave kudos/comments for our hardworking creators to show your appreciation!! ❤️
A reminder to our dear creators that you can change the publication date of your works now that they have been revealed, so that they appear on the first page of the tags!
1. the orchid deciding to bloom again for Impala_Chick | FIC - 2.2k, T
Tony suspects Steve's being unfaithful and hires a private eye to investigate. She finds that Steve and Natasha have been spending a lot of quality time together. But all isn't what it seems.
2. A Better Name Than BARF for suchmadnesss | ART - G
So the prompt was a sentient AI post-endgame! I just thought it'd be cute if Steve came downstairs to clean up some things and found that Tony left him an AI for the lab. In this AU I also maybe decided they were married and Tony had built a couch in the corner for Steve to sit and do things while he worked. The real Tony (with a fully-iron arm) will probably come join them later.
3. Forgive The Winters, Keep No Records for XtaticPearl | FIC - 8.8k, T
Tony recovers from his twenty-three days in space. Guess who volunteers to help him through it?
4. What We Are Now for Carsonian | FIC - 2.7k, T
After the Battle of Earth, Steve and Tony find each other, but there are some bumps in the road as Tony adjusts to life.
5. In Your Golden Hour for AvengersNewB | FIC - 1.4k, T
Steve always thought that watching somebody while they slept was weird. It wasn’t a bad thing, it was just… maybe he’d never had a chance to equate it to something good. But then he fell into bed with Tony, one random night months after the Battle of New York, when riding his motorbike along the Eastern Seaboard became droll and the offer of a Manhattan skyline became more appealing. Suddenly, he didn’t think watching somebody sleep was all that weird anymore.
6. And you’ll see me waiting for you. for alexcat | ART - T
Tony Stark aka Iron Man is dead. Everyone is grieving in their own way, including Steve. But is he truly dead?
7. small comforts for earliebirb | FIC - 1.3k, G
“How’d you get so good at this?” Tony asked one morning, looking up from what was easily the best challah french toast (with fresh strawberries, no less) he’d ever had. Steve shot him a crooked smile as he shrugged modestly. “Practice, I guess? It's been almost two months now, guess I was bound to get better eventually.” There was a smudge of red at the corner of his mouth, and Tony really deserved a medal for not leaning over and wiping it away. “You’ve always been good, Rogers,” is what he said instead, and smiled when Steve flushed a pleased shade of pink. After the snap, Steve stays with Tony at the lake house while he recovers. They quickly fall into a comfortable, domestic routine as they find a balance together. Or, five moments that made Tony fall (more) in love with Steve 
8. Quick Thinking and a Dash of Luck for derelover | FIC - 6.6k, T
It only takes a number of missteps for Steve and Tony to be caught during the Time Heist. And merely a few misunderstandings to make things get incredibly messy between them.
9. With an Unselfish Love for derelover | FIC - 2.2k, T
The night before the time heist, Tony seeks Steve out.
10. submerge me in your will for meidui | FIC - 3.5k, G
“Hey,” Tony says. Steve’s heart thunders in his chest, his hands twitch by his side and he folds them under his chest to keep them from doing something stupid. They just look at each other for a moment. Tony registers the signs of age around Steve’s eyes, the glimpses of silver in the pale blonde of Steve’s hair. Steve takes in the pinked scar curving around Tony’s eye and jaw, and his prosthetic arm. Steve feels like he’s a second away from breaking apart after months of clinging onto the pieces of himself. “Hey,” he replies, instead of all the other things he wants to say.
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explicit-tae · 2 years
Public Enemy (Part 5)
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Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6 | Part 7
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Mafia! Hoseok
Word Count: 6,463
Warning: edging, sadistic behavior, sex toys, dirty talk, dom!hoseok, manipulation, whipping, oral (f&m receiving), binding, reader was snatched from the street :( ,
Description: You wonder where Hoseok goes off to when his work phone calls at all times of the day and night. It’s a bother - especially when the two of you are on a date. You suspect he’s cheating on you and decide one night to follow him and witness just where he scurries of to.
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"What's the word, baby?" Hoseok hums, his voice as sweet as ever as he ties the bonds against your wrist, bringing it behind your back (that laid flat against the bench).
You licks your lips, salivating at the sight of your boyfriend. His smile was kind as his eyes, but the way he stood above you fully clothed while you laid naked - legs wide open, ankles bound to the sex bench. "Strawberry."
It was a habit between Hoseok and you to choose a random and easy word - now it being Strawberry - as a safe word in case everything got far too much for you to handle. You rarely say the safe word, only having said it twice when the overstimulation got far too intense.
Hoseok smiles at you in response, the dark and twisted smile you enjoyed. Hoseok was a sweetheart, truly. He showered you with attention and love, always bringing you random gifts just because. He texted you throughout the day while he was at work, always making sure he responded within five minutes, and if he didn't, he'd let you know before hand he would be occupied and unable to.
But there were two sides of Jung Hoseok - the sadistic side you adored about him. It was like a flick of a switch. The first time Hoseok suggested he tied you up, he had apologized soon after at the thought, claiming that he would never degrade or take advantage of you. You agreed, mainly because of how cute and sympathetic he was about it. Now each time, you didn't mind being tied up, gagged and fucked into oblivion by the man.
Today was no different. Hoseok was a wealthy man and managed to set up a room outside of your shared bedroom just for the act of sex. It was a dark room only dimly lit. It displayed a full length ceiling mirror in which Hoseok would force you to look upon as he fucked you. Hoseok was no stranger when it came to toys - handcuffs, ball gags, vibrators and even dildos.
You laid upon the sex bench fully tied up, your legs wide open. Hoseok's fingers slap your clit. You jolt at the sensation it brings you. He enters his fingers inside of you roughly, you already dripping for him makes it easier for him. He pumps inside of you at a harsh and speedy pace. Your walls are clenching around his fingers and the sounds coming from your pussy are nothing but wetness - the sweet melody of your whimpers just added fuel to the fire.
You clenched your eyes shut as Hoseok rams his fingers inside of you. His thumb rubs against your clit as he does so. Your legs are shaking, aching to shut them tightly but aren't able to close them. "I'm going to cum." you whimper, eyes snaping shut and breathing heavy.
"Yeah?" Hoseok asks, his eyes scanning the way your pussy clenches around him. When he witness your nod, he chuckles and releases his fingers from inside you, slapping your clit harshly.
You scream out, back arching at the sudden release of his fingers. Hoseok comes behind you, stroking your hair. He gives you a dashing smile that makes your heart flutter. He proceeds to yank your hair back, forcing you to stare into his eyes. His lips connect to yours and you feel three of his fingers enter you once more.
You moan against his lips as he proceeds to fuck his fingers inside of you. Your neck begins to ache at the position Hoseok holds you, but you don't mind it. The way his fingers are pleasuring you are enough of a reward for being good for him.
Hoseok releases your lips from his, his tongue poking out to lick your cheek. His eyes stare into yours, fingers having no intentions of stopping the brutal pace.
You shake your head, stomach churning. Hoseok releases his pumping fingers to place them onto your clit. He rubs your clit hastily, smirking at the way you proceed to scream out at the overstimulation. "You're so slutty for me, baby." he chuckles, eyes darkening. "Your pussy's so wet for me. It's always so wet for me when I treat you like the whore you are."
"Please." you groan, sweat on your forehead. You could feel your high coming.
"Please what, baby?" Hoseok hums, his fingers not stopping their attack on your clit. "Do you want to cum?"
You nod your head fast. You lick your lips, your high coming any second now.
Hosoeok slaps your clit again, laughing out. "You'd thought I'd let you cum?" he mocks, head shaking. "A whore like you doesn't deserve to cum until I feel like you should."
You cry out, tears falling. Hoseok walks around you, humming as he grabs the toy from the wall shelf. He comes back, still humming. He holds the toy - the large black vibrator - and smirks at you. He turns it on, the chattering sound of the vibrator was mocking you as he inches it closer to you. He leans down, the vibrator circling your clit. His free hand brings his fingers back into your clit.
Your throat releases another scream. The vibrator against your clit feels heavenly - the fingers pumping your walls were added flare. It's what you adored about Hoseok, the pleasure he gave you (even if he was teasing and edging you on) was amazing. It was the first time you told him you loved him a few years back - something he still laughs about until this day.
Your bound wrist tug against the ropes, your back arches and jolts. Your eyes are now rolling to the back of your head and your head is shaking from side to side. Breathing hard, you're stuttering out nonsense - nothing but uncoherant murmurs.
Hoseok removes his fingers and the vibrator from your clit. He marvels at the tears streaming down your face and the screams of pleas - begging him to allow you to cum. He could record your moans and pleas and replay them time and time again and still never get tired of it. You were a beauty - allowing him to tease you for his own sick satisfaction. His cock was heard inside his jeans, seeking its own release.
Hoseok turns off the vibrator and places it upon the shelf once more. He grabs ahold of the leather whip - nothing that would hurt you too bad. But you were one of the same as him, after all. You enjoyed the act of pain. You enjoyed when he'd slap your ass until he left marks - leaving it swollen and wanting more. You'd beg him to keep hurting you - pleading for him to slap you, pull your hair and to do whatever he desired.
He loved you - and he loved what you allowed him to do to you.
Hoseok brings the whip and slaps it down against your body, hitting your breast, stomach and clit. You jolt, eyes wide but lip biting back your moans.
"It's incredible, Y/N," Hoseok slapped the whip against your clit again, and proceeded to. Your moans increase by each slap. "how much you'd allow me to use your body. My little masochist."
You hum in satisfaction. You know your clit would be swollen - just how you'd like it. Hoseok comes closer to you, the whip slapping against your clit. His free hands come to twist and pinch your nipple.
"You like that, don't you?" Hoseok snickers. "You're such a whore, Y/N. My little whore to hurt, right?" Hoseok tugs on your nipple tightly without warning.
You release a scream, your pussy clenching around nothing. "Y-Yes!" you managed to grunt out. "I'm you're whore."
Hoseok beams. "I know." he retorts. He throws the whip to the side and plays with his pants. You hum, waiting for whatever he was about to do next. You were ready to get fucked - either through between your legs or your throat, whatever he preferred.
Hoseok releases his cock, throwing his pants off without a care in the world. He reaches for you, your mouth already open to take him. He places the tip against your tongue, tapping it against the soft flesh. "You're so hungry to suck cock." Hoseok disclosed, sucking in a breath when you lick along on the tip of his cock.
"I want you to fuck my mouth." you declared, teary eyes pleading up at him.
Hoseok shudders. You were gorgeous just for him, and you understood he'd do anything for you, even if you were the one bound.
Hoseok pushes his cock into your mouth that widens to take him all. He thrusts inside of you, your mouth - warm and wet - feels marvelous around him. His hands tighten into your hair, gripping it as he thrusts deep into your throat.
You could feel yourself leaking onto the bench at this moment. Hoseok was never one to hold back when it comes to sex - and you never minded if he did or not. You relished at the pain and sexual torture Hoseok displayed. You would've never thought you'd enjoy pain, but with Hoseok you adored everything he did to you.
"Fucking bitch." Hoseok moans out, his cock twitching inside your mouth. He could never last long when it came to being inside of you. He slaps your cheek. "I'm going to cum. Should I cum in your throat or on your face?"
You hum, even though it's nothing but incoherent with a cock in your mouth. Hoseok thrusts for a few more seconds, his breathing quickening. He releases himself from your throat and pumps the flying cum onto your face. He rubs it into your skin, around your cheeks and onto your lips.
A loud ring brings the two of you out of your bliss. Hoseok releases a groan. He takes a few steps back and rummages through his pockets. "I thought we said there were no phones allowed here." you hiss.
"You know I can't leave my work phone, baby." Hoseok sighs. He lifts his phone and glares at it. "Shit." he hisses at the familiar name on the phone.
You watch in disbelief, still bound with cum dripping down your face, as Hoseok answers the phone and brings it to his ear.
"What?!" Hoseok hisses lowly to Taehyung.
"No hello?" Taehyung retorts. "Rude."
"I'm about to hang up. It's not a good time." Hoseok threatens. "What do you need?"
"Shin should be done within the next 30 minutes. In an hour I'm expected to meet him to get my money." Taehyung speaks. "We need to act fast on the plan."
Hoseok clenches the phone in his ear. "Where's Jimin?"
"Dealing with his girls."
"Brooding." Taehyung sighs. "Something about getting ignored. I don't know or care...you're my last hope, Hyung."
Hoseok releases a deep sigh, his nerves kicking in. He clenches his teeth. "You owe me for this." he curses. "I'll be there in 10."
Hoseok enters, an annoyed expression on his face. "I have to go to work." he murmurs sullenly.
"You're fucking with me." you claimed. He wasn't, his face said it all. "Now? It's the middle of the night!"
"I know, baby!" Hoseok plays with the rob around your wrist until they loosen. "But you know I have to. It's important." He does the same to your ankles.
"It's always important." you roll your eyes. You sit up on the bench, taking the rag from Hoseok's hand when he passes it to you. You wipe your face, disappointed in, yet again, another cock block. "What do you even need to do?"
"Do you want me to bore you with work?" Hoseok grins. He grabs his pants and puts them back on. "I'll be back in no time, okay baby?" he kisses your forehead. "Do you need anything while I'm out?"
You shake your head, not saying anything when he and you walk out of the dark room. You're still naked when he finds his car keys and runs out the door.
You're now fuming at the audacity of Jung Hoseok. As long as you two have been together, he was vague on what he did for a living. You knew he was in foreign exchange - he displayed the many new luxury cars he had bought and sold throughout the country and even outside of it. But, that doesn't explain the random phone calls on the work phone he had. They came whenever - and he'd drop everything to go attend it.
Your mind was telling you he was cheating. Yes, you loved him and you knew he loved you, too. But, he was a man after all. And men could smile in your face one moment and then be off with another woman in the next second - it was in their nature. No matter how many times you consoled yourself that he wasn't like that, you had no other explanation for his actions.
So you were quick to fix yourself up and go out the door, your phone following his. You managed to grab ahold of his personal phone while he slept, not finding anything on it. His work phone, however, had a passcode while his personal had not. You shared his location with your phone and tracking him down was easy.
You laid low, making sure your lights were off. This was crazy, sure. But you needed answers and Hoseok was not going to be the one to give any to you. So yes, you did follow him and park a few cars down to see him and another man - both masked - approaching another man.
Your eyes widen as Hoseok brings out a gun and points it at the man. The other man proceeds to slap the victim who falls face first onto the ground. You proceeded to witness your boyfriend and an accomplice attack this man, frightened and frozen.
You duck down when you see them grab whatever was in the doffle bag, you assume a large amount of cash - what else would they be taking? They proceed to scurry off, not caring if the man was left in a bad position or not.
Your breathing quickens and one things for sure - Hoseok was not the man he said he was and you needed to leave as soon as possible.
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You haven't seen Hoseok in little over a month, that same night after witnessing him and an accomplice rob a man - who ends up dead - you packed whatever you could and made your way out. You managed to ignore whatever calls Hoseok made to your phone and refused to open any messages or listen to any voicemails. They came in at all times of the day and night, the words getting menacing as the days pass. There was nothing left to be said to him - you didn't know the man he truly was. You had no desire to stick around after witnessing him rob a man.
You missed him, as ashamed as you were to admit. He was the man you loved - even after witnessing him being another side of him. Sure Hoseok was a different man during sex - more dominant than ever. However, sex and everyday life with him was different. You witness the man scream at the top of his lungs because a cockroach flew at him.
Yet and still, you felt as though you didn't know who he truly was or what he did for work. You never questioned him but was it idiotic to think he had a legal job with legal money coming through?
After your conversation with the detective you had left the police station with your head low, avoiding everyone. You were jumpy to say the least, always looking over your shoulders expecting to see Hoseok - the menacing glare you used to love now frightens you.
You no longer had the car - it was Hoseok's after all. After you packed whatever you could, you parked the car back at his home and dropped off the keys, making sure you didn't forget to place the house key next to it. You didn't have a lot of bags so walking from Hoseok's home to your brothers apartment wasn't much - even if it did take you about half an hour. It's the same home you once lived in prior to moving in with Hoseok. Your brother being in the military basically made it your home - and you were glad Hoseok didn't know where you resided.
You walked to the places you needed to be now. It reminded you of your life prior to meeting Hoseok. You got far too comfortable with allowing him to fund your lifestyle - even if you didn't need it. But, now that you were back living on your own, you'd grow into the independance you once had.
At first it was different. You were alone in your brother's large home with nothing to do. You didn't necessarily have to work - you had a big bank account thanks to an inheritance. But, with nothing else to do you decide to find a job away from crowded areas. You wanted to avoid Hoseok and where he'd be at in general.
That's how you find yourself working in a quiet book store with little to no customers besides the same familiar faces. You organized books in alphabetical order, dusted book shelves and stock new releases. You wouldn't lie and say the job was interesting, but it stopped you from being home.
You got off at night and walked home, making sure that you walked in plain sight. The first few weeks of you doing this, you felt normal. The walk from work to back home wasn't long and in ten minutes you were there. However, as the weeks led on you felt uneasy. You couldn't explain the way you felt, but it was as though you were being followed. Your discernment was almost never wrong, especially when you heard footsteps behind you seemingly closing in.
You start to run, your heart pumping. You could hear the footsteps running behind you. You aren't sure what your plan was to do but to run as fast as you could. Your mind is swirling in the possibilities of being caught by the mysterious person following you. You weren't prepared and didn't have anything to protect yourself. You felt foolish at least not having pepper spray to defend yourself.
You release a scream that's muffled when you feel arms wrap around you. You're kicking, an attempt to get the arms off of you but there's no use. You're being dragged from the lonely sidewalk and you feel tears swell into your eyes. Your ears hear tires screeching to a halt and soon you're being thrown into a vehicle. You tried as hard as you could to get out but are left with no choice when the man roughly shoves you down and soon the car is moving.
Before your eyes could adjust to your surroundings, you feel something wrap around your eyes, blind folding you and leaving you temporarily blinded. You remain quiet as the men around you drive and speak in low, hushed tones. You don't speak and find it useless to - they were determined to do whatever they wished to you.
Your life seems to flash before your eyes. You regret getting a job somewhere far from the city and leave you in this position to be taken in the middle of the walking home. You feel foolish for not purchasing a car to take you to and from work and over all...you feel foolish for thinking you'd get far in life trying to do everything alone.
"Is she asleep?" you hear a man's voice say after what feels like hours. You weren't asleep but remaining quiet felt like the better option than crying and screaming like you desired.
A rough shake makes you jump out of your skin. You're still blindfolded when the car comes to an abrupt stop. You hear the car turn off and the doors open before you're being snatched up. You yelp, almost falling if it wasn't for the unknown man catching you. "Walk straight." he says, the voice deep and smooth.
You do as you're told, trembling. You still don't know your surroundings due to the fabric around your eyes, but you do your best in walking. You're stopped by the unknown man again who grabs your shoulder. He swiftly pulls the fabric from your eyes and pushes you forward.
Your eyes adjust to your surroundings. It appears as though you entered a dressing room, a sea of people - mainly women, enclosing the large room. Full length mirrors and vanities face the walls, women crowding it and doing their make-up and hair.
"Ah, you're finally here!" a woman who appeared a few years older than you say. She takes your wrist and drags you along. "We've been waiting for you. You have to get ready and speak with Jimin-ssi."
"There must be a mistake-" you attempt to pry your wrist from her but she doesn't move. You didn't know Jimin - or know where the hell you've been taking. But it dawned on you quickly that whoever brought you here had nefarious motives. The women dressed in lingerie - different types. Some more revealing than most, some role-play types and even skin-tight leather of a dominatrix roll.
"No mistake, babe." the woman giggles. She takes you behind a few curtains where not many women are seated. She releases a sigh. "Jimin-ssi stated that he was waiting for a newcomer. Said she owed a debt and..." she eyes you up and down. "I'm sure that's you."
Your eyes widen. You owed nothing to anyone by the name of Jimin. Your heart pounds from your chest and you frantically shake your head. "He must got the wrong girl, I-"
"Please." the woman sighs out. "It'll be easier if you just go in and meet him, okay? Even if you think he has the wrong girl, he'll be the judge of that."
You try to fight against the remaining woman around you who forces your clothes off and scoffs at your regular bra and panties underneath. "You need something more..." the woman turns away from you, her eyes scanning the rack of lingerie. "more daring. Try this."
You don't try it - but that doesn't mean the women don't do it for you. You felt utterly violated at the moment, being forced into lingerie to see a man that claimed he was owed a debt. The lingerie itself consisted of nothing but harnesses. Your breast, ass and damn it, your crotch, was out. "I'm not wearing-"
"Put this robe on." one woman shushes you, throwing you a silk rob. You do hastily, enjoying the little warmth and privacy - not much - the rob gives you. "Follow me. I'll show you to Jimin-ssi. Remember, he's the boss, alright? If you aren't the girl then you'll be released-"
"Released after being kidnapped and violated?" you snap, eyes narrowing at the woman.
"It's not our fault, babe." the woman shakes her head. "A lot of people try to run from their debts. Jimin-ssi knows everyone that owes him money." she takes you to a large iron door, the glass behind it stained for privacy reasons. She knocks three times before turning to you. "If we're wrong, trust me you'll be released and compensated."
You weren't convinced. Behind the door you hear the word 'Enter' and the woman gives you a curt nod before twisting the knob on the door and opening it. She gently pushes you inside and closes it behind her. The room itself was dim, the velvet, burgundy curtains hide the large windows. You see a man seated at a desk. He raises his eyes at your arrival and he lets out a joyful laugh. "Y/N-ah. You're here."
You cross your arms over your chest uncomfortably. He spoke as if he knew you and you never saw this man a day in your life. He was attractive, sure, but he was nothing but a glorified pimp. He stands, slowly strolling around his desk. His hair appears freshly dyed into a bold platinum color and he wears a royal blue velvet suit.
"You have the wrong-"
"I have the right one." the man interrupts you, waving his hand dismissively. "You were a tough one to find, I'll admit."
You raise your brows.
"I barely got into this much stress with my own woman. Nonetheless," Jimin claps his hands together. "You're needed elsewhere."
"I said you got the wrong girl!" you hiss, heart pumping. You weren't about to be sold off to a brothel when you owed no one money of the sorts.
"Nonsense." Jimin smiles - it was a sickening sweet yet sinister smile. He reaches you in seconds and wraps a tight hand around your shoulder. "Follow me."
You shove him away from you but it does nothing but make Jimin grab your bicep and yank you along with him out the door and down the hall. The looks you got from the woman you passed told you that not many people went through this with Jimin.
You reach a dark wooden door when Jimin releases you. You take a few steps away from him, ready to run if needed.
You feel your blood run cold at the familiar voice behind you. You don't turn right away, your mind asking how in the world you got yourself back into this mess that was Jung Hoseok.
"Ah, Hyung." Jimin claps his hands. "You're supposed to be in the room."
Your head snaps around to face Hoseok. He appears the same, dressed casually - even for a place like this. Your hands clench into fists. "You're the reason I was kidnapped?!" you hissed at him.
"Kidnapped?" Hoseok tilts his head, eyes flickering from you to Jimin. "I didn't-"
"Blah, blah." Jimin rolls his eyes. "Get in the room and start fucking please." Jimin was done with Hoseok's brooding due to not having you around - all the attempts to find you ended with nothing. It was his own fault for thinking you deserved privacy, he should've chipped your phone when he had the chance.
"Jimin..." Hoseok sighs. When he got the call from Jimin to come to Persona immediately, he thought it was something other than you wearing nothing but a robe and appearing utterly terrified. "What's going on?"
"Is she not your girlfriend?" Jimin squints his eyes. "The one you been crying for weeks over?"
Hoseok clicks his tongues.
"We don't have all day, hyung." Jimin rolls his eyes impatietnly. "I'm tired of seeing you and Yoongi-hyung sulking over pussy. If you'd listen to me, you would've chipped her phone and took away all her resources."
Your eyes widen. You're taken aback - just what kind of man did you get yourself into? Jimin spoke as if what he was saying was normal - and the act of Hoseok not doing it was a reason to throw it in his face.
"Get me the fuck out of here." you hiss at Hoseok. You were cold, shivering at this point, and didn't need to hear anything from the glorified pimp any longer.
"Hm." Jimin raises his brow. He glances at Hoseok then at you. "I guess you better do what you're told, Hobi-hyung." Jimin shrugs. He knows his hyung enough to know that he's a ticking time bomb. "I'll be in my office when you feel like crying to me again."
Jimin's footsteps died down and all Hoseok could do was look at you. You're fuming at him, rightfully so. He had no intention of Jimin stepping in and kidnapping you and sending you here. He would've preferred if Jimin told him he knew of your whereabouts.
"Save it." you interrupt. "Just take me home. I left you for a reason and this stunt-"
"What was the reason?" Hoseok speaks over you, eyes darkening. "I called you. I messaged you and you ignored them all."
"Can you fucking blame me?" you snap. "I'm in a fucking brothel, Hoseok! You killed a guy for fucks sake!"
"Killed a guy...?" Hoseok scans your features. "What are you talking about? I didn't kill anyone." Recently.
"That drug dealer in the news." you cross your arms, examining his reaction. "I saw you and someone else robbed him. All of a sudden he ends up dead? Who else-"
"You followed me?" Hoseok's voice was deep and firm. He was upset - something he had no right to be. He wasn't kidnapped, blind-folded and stripped of his clothes. "That was business. I didn't kill him."
You scoff. "Sure." you weren't convinced - but at this point it didn't matter. The man was dead and you were determined to get away from Hoseok and remain that way.
"I'm serious." Hoseok takes a step closer to you. "I wouldn't lie to you."
"You have already. I don't even know you." you snicker at him, but regardless, you're hurt. You loved Hoseok and learning of what he does and who he truly is, it makes you feel foolish.
"You do know me." Hoseok is in front of you in a matter of seconds. "I'm the same man I've always been. I've never been treated you bad."
You gulp. He was telling the truth - he was nothing but good to you. Great, even.
"Come back home." Hoseok pleads, his eyes staring deeply into your own. "We can forget-"
"What exactly do you do for a living?" you had to know. After what you witnessed a month prior, you were sure that wasn't his first time. He and the man were far too comfortable.
"Y/N...baby..." Hoseok sighs. He didn't need you knowing and ultimately being afraid of him. The less you know the better. "Please don't make me do this."
"A man is dead." you deadpan. "I'm basically naked in a brothel after being snatched off the street after work. Are any of these girls here because they want to?"
"Yes!" Hoseok rushes. "Jimin doesn't get his girls that way. They're here because they want to. This isn't a regular brothel Y/N. These girls get paid millions of won each time." Hoseok doesn't want to explain his job to you, but he didn't need you assuming that they were monsters kidnapping unwilling women. "Jimin is...he's different. I never knew he'd do this, baby. Just come home with me and I'll-"
"I want to go home." you clench your fist. "Not with you."
Hoseok's shoulders lowers. "Why won't you listen to me?"
"I don't want anything to do with you, Hoseok! Why won't you listen to me?!" you yell, anger rising. You've never yelled at Hoseok before and it catches you off guard just as it does him. His eyes darken, a familiar shade that you've only seen while being intimate. "Hoseok-"
"I've been good to you, Y/N. I could've had you chipped like a bitch like my brothers wanted me to." Hoseok spats. You take a step back at the venom in his voice. "I could've dragged you out of here by your hair and forced you to stay with me. I'm giving you a choice."
Your eyes narrow at him. Hoseok stands tall, his glare returning just as frightening. He wasn't going to allow you to leave him again - no matter how pissed you were now.
"My choice is to get dragged out of here and chipped like a dog or what?" you retort. He wasn't being rational, and you wanted nothing more than to leave his presence all together.
"You stay here." Hoseok shrugs. "You're already dressed for the part."
Your face falls. Your lip trembles at his words. "You're lying." you murmur. He wouldn't leave you here - he couldn't.
"The choice is yours." Hoseok says. He steps forward until he's directly in front of you. You can smell the familiar freshly clean scent of clementine and lavender - an aroma that fills your nostrils and made you almost mold into him.
"Fuck you." you murmur. You turn your face away. He wouldn't leave you here - you were sure of it. He was bluffing to get you to come with him and you weren't entertaining him.
Hoseok chuckles. "Okay." he says. He snatches your forearm and yanks you towards the door - the room in which Jimin was once going to have you in. He opens the door with a slam and throws you inside. You stumble in, shocked at the sudden action. Before you can say anything, he slams the door shut.
You run towards the door, banging against it roughly. You yell obscenities at him, demanding he let you out. The door doesn't open, and after what feels like hours you're crying, exhausted. Your heart is beating out your chest and you knew you were a mess.
You don't see Hoseok for a few days - you know time simply because a few women have arrived to allow you to eat. You pleaded for them to let you go but none of them listened - all claiming you'd soon come to your senses and love the brothel.
The room you slept in was extravagant. Large with tall ceilings, clean with ceiling lights that turned on or off when you clapped - a feature you never knew was real outside of television. The bed is laid in the middle, a queen size bed with luxuriously comfortable sheets and bedding. Each morning you left the room to shower - but didn't receive anything else besides the same harness you wore. It was as though you were made to be uncomfortable.
A knock sounds on the door before you hear someone enter. It's a regular woman who has been helping you "adjust", her name was Yong-sun. She gives you a curt smile before motioning you to follow her. She leads you to another room where more women are leaving as you enter.
"Why am I here?" you ask lowly.
"You have to receive your tattoo." Yong-sun says. She leads you to a chair where a man is seated, waiting for you to seat yourself.
Your eyes widen. "What tattoo?"
"...all the girls get a tattoo when they work under Bangtan." Yong-sun murmurs. "It was in the contract."
"I didn't sign a fucking contract!" you hiss. You weren't getting branded - you weren't even here willingly. "Where's Jimin?"
"Jimin-ssi is-" you don't wait for her to finish. You're making a run for it down the carpet halls, other staff and women watching you with curious eyes as you do.
"Y/N-ah. Jimin-ssi is in a meeting! We can't-"
You continue to run to his office, not caring. You wanted out of this and you refused to be tattooed. This wasn't normal - this felt like a cult.
You reach the familiar ironed door and don't bother knocking. You slam the door open. Jimin was indeed in a meeting with other men - one of them being Hoseok.
Hoseok turns to look at you. "Y/N." he says.
"Get me the fuck out of here!" you screech at him. He is seated between a few unfamiliar men.
"You wanted to stay." Hoseok deadpans. "Have you got your tattoo yet?"
You're furious. And when you're upset, you don't think rationally. You lunge at Hoseok, throwing whatever punches you could at him. You land a few before he manages to stop you, barking at you to stop.
Jimin tsks, shaking his head. "Sexual frustration." he says, eyeing Taehyung across from him. "I told them to fuck it out."
"Fuck you. You're all fucking crazy!" you screech, but the men don't move a muscle.
"Heard that before." one man murmurs, scrolling on his phone. He's tall, his long legs stretched out.
"Let me go home!"
"You are home." Jimin laughs. "Now, you need your tattoo-"
"I'm not being branded!"
Hoseok yanks you away from lunging at Jimin who doesn't flinch. He finds the situation amusing. Hoseok was the one who would claim that the rest were crazy for dealing with women who would harm them - yet here you sat fighting Hoseok without a care in the world. The irony.
Your mouth claps down on Hoseok's arm when he attempts to wrap them around you. You feel the iron taste of blood in your mouth just as Hoseok hisses.
"Did she just-" one man murmurs.
"She did." another sighs. "Hyung is gonna be pissed."
Hoseok yanks your hair, dragging you out of the office. His brothers watch with wide eyes - but amusement nonetheless. "It's what he deserves." Jimin shrugs.
You're kicking and screaming in Hoseok's arms as he takes you to the familiar room. You grab ahold of him so he doesn't slam the door in your face again. Yong-sun is behind him, eyes wide at the ordeal.
"Hurry up and tattoo her." Hoseok demands with a low growl. He glares at you.
"No!" you kick, but Yong-sun didn't work for you. Bangtan were signing her checks after all. She attempts to hold you down but you do nothing but kick her.
"You'll be ready to work once you have your tattoo, Y/N." Hoseok holds you down himself, ignoring your screams and soon pleads for him to release you. "You chose this life inside of being with me."
The man inches closer to you. You are unsure how he manages to bring the tattoo gun onto your ankle and tattoo without messing up - but he does. It takes 10 minutes for him to do so, but once he is done - you're crying real tears. You've stopped struggling 5 minutes in, accepting your fate.
Yong-sun and the man leave and now you and Hoseok are in the room alone. He hates to hear you cry, but he remains silent.
"I'll be going, Y/N." Hoseok murmurs, turning away.
"Please don't leave me, Hobi." you cry, reaching out for him. "I want to go home with you."
Hoseok smirks to himself. He's got you where he knew you'd be. He turns to you, leaning down to wipe your tears. "Are you sure?" he questions. "You won't leave me again, right?"
You shake your head. The traumatic experience was enough for you to never want to leave the house again.
Hoseok kisses your forehead. He hugs you close to his chest. "Of course you can come back home, baby." he hushes, rubbing your back. "Let me tell my brothers I'm taking you home, alright? Stay here. I'll be back, I promise."
You sniffle, bringing your knees to your chest when Hoseok leaves, shutting the door gently behind him. Your eyes glance down to your ankle, your blood running cold. The tattoo itself had nothing to do with Bangtan and everything to do with Hoseok himself. The tattoo seemingly stared back at you mockingly, the Hangul letters spelling his own name.
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I feel like this one was lacking something but as of now - it'll do the trick :')
@silversparkles11 @juju-227592
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Mix Tapes.
reader is dustin’s older sister and she appreciates the bond that her brother and eddie share, they aren’t close but have a bit of small talk when he’s around, she hasn’t really had a big crush on anyone before and suddenly finds herself thinking about eddie more and writes his name whenever she’s writing anything, dustin becomes a big tease during the process since she asks about eddie more but talks to him less, eventually she builds up the courage to not tell him but eventually talk to him more and express how she feels through mixtapes
but is eddie smart enough to find out?
Request by anon 💞 also thank you @ghosttownwherenoonegoes for your input 😘
Warnings; angst, some insecurity, and a jealous moment. Eddie being a cutie, fluffy content.
Likes or reblogs are always appreciated 😘
I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
Since Dustin had joined Hellfire and had been taken under Eddie's wing yn had seen such a difference in her brother.
When he first joined Hawkins High School he wasn't sure how to fit in and neither did his friends Lucas or Mike.
Then when Eddie invited them to join Hellfire they found their place and she was so glad.
She and Dustin were close and since she was in her senior year at High School she was glad she could watch out for him and liked that Eddie looked out for him.
Even though Dustin had been in Hellfire for a couple of months she didn't know Eddie that well, they had conversations here and there but they weren't besties or anything.
The only thing was she couldn't stop thinking about Eddie. He popped into her head at random times and she found herself doodling his name.
Sometimes she would find herself daydreaming about his gorgeous brown eyes or the way he smiled, those cute dimples.
Dustin had noticed her doodling one day and asked what she was doing. He peered over her shoulder and saw that she was writing Eddie's name and maybe drawn a few love hearts beside it.
He had a field day when he saw that and had been teasing her about having a crush on Eddie ever since.
She had never had a crush before on anyone so she didn't recognize the signs at first, feeling butterflies in her stomach, she grew flustered when he was near her and her heart raced in her chest.
When he was close enough to touch her body felt like it was tingling everywhere.
Whether Eddie felt the same was another story.
To get her feelings out and confess to Eddie how she felt about him she had made a mix tape and planned to leave it for him when she picked up Dustin from Hellfire Club.
The minute she sees Eddie at Hellfire her heart skips a beat. He beams when he sees her.
"Hey sweetheart", she murmurs hello to him and hands him the first tape.
"Hey, I made this mix tape for you, there's some Metallica and Judas Priest on there but also some music I think you'd like, and um one of my favorites" he grins.
"I don't think anything can top Heavy metal rock music Henderson but I'll give it a go and let you know what I think yeah?" she beams and tries to hide her nerves.
"Great" she wonders if she should have been a bit more obvious in her choice of music for the mix tape and decides to make another one for him just in case.
Dustin has been a teasing little shit for the last few days and now he knows she gave Eddie a mix tape he is even worse.
She had left the second one for him with Dustin who had left it with Eddie at lunch.
This tape was a little more personal with songs by AC/DC, Guns and Roses, Heart, Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, and Foreigner.
There was also some Blondie and Madonna.
Maybe he might feel the same. What was he thinking when he listened to the tapes she wondered?
Would he figure it out and ask her out? Or would he let her down gently if he wasn't interested.
The thoughts fill her head and she is distracted by them until she sees Eddie.
Her hopes dash when she notices Eddie talking to a pretty redhead. Sasha, was her name wasn't it?
Dustin swears as he sees her fallen face when Sasha flirts with Eddie, she's a metalhead too so they would have a lot in common.
Perhaps Eddie liked Sasha and she was just kidding herself with these mixtapes and hoping Eddie liked her back.
Crushed she hurries away ignoring Eddie who notices her as she turns away and she heads into class before he can catch up with her.
Eddie was confused at why yn has hurried away from him. He had listened to the mix tapes she had sent him and he had noticed the theme in the tapes after the second listen.
Or maybe it was that one Madonna song he could not get out of his head that made him realize what yn had meant?
Either way, it had stunned him when he figured out that she liked him. She was beautiful and funny, sweet and she liked him.
When he saw her rush away while he was talking to Sasha he tried to catch up with her but she wouldn't stop?
Did she think he liked Sasha because that wasn't the case? Sasha flirted with him a lot but he wasn't interested in her at all, she was too needy and bitchy at times, he had told her that he wasn't interested when she tried to talk to him again when he couldn't catch up with yn.
Now he has to figure out how to tell yn that he felt the same way she did. That every time she came to Hellfire he felt his heart was going to beat out of his chest and she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
Maybe if he made a mix tape for her then that might explain everything? With that idea in his head, he gets set to make her the most metal mixtape ever.
When she had seen the mixtape stuffed into the side of her locker the funk that she had been in the last day slowly disappeared as she recognized Eddie's handwriting.
The most metal mix tape 🎸
She grins and the first chance she gets she sneaks back into her car and begins to listen to the tape.
"Hey, sweetheart. I listened to your tapes and you may have gotten me around to liking some of the music you're into.
Turns out Blondie's Call Me is fucking catchy and Fleetwood Mac have some bangers.
I hope this tape explains how I feel, the thought of telling you makes me scared shitless, and that is terrifying because I have no problem calling that asshole, Jason out or drawing attention to myself.
But with you? I get nervous and my heart feels like a jackhammer in my chest.
Anyway I hope you like this princess
The first song wasLet me put my love into you by AC/DC. Followed by Black Sabbath and a song called Country Girl.
The first few songs were definitely Eddie's musical taste.
Billy Joel's Uptown Girl was a surprise and it made her giggle with delight as the songs veered onto the ones Eddie thought she would love.
There was Every little thing by The Beatles, he had even added her favorite song by Cynda Lauper - Time after time, and ended with Foreigner - I wanna know what love is.
Then for the final surprise, Eddie played his guitar for her and she was crying. The minute she saw him come outside and realized it was the end of the school day she rushed out to see him.
He looked nervous and smiles at her.
"Hey, princess. I know you saw me with Sasha but I am not interested in her. You're the only woman that I want to be with and I'm not interested in anyone else"
"From the moment I met you I fell for you and was stunned because I've never fallen for anyone before, just random hookups but you are my dream girl and..."
She cups his cheek.
"Eddie, kiss me" he does, and it's amazing, he moans and pulls her closer and they don't stop until they hear Lucas and Mike teasing Dustin.
"Aww yn and Eddie sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g" they sing and quiten the minute Eddie gives them a dark look.
"Dude, why did you have to fall for my sister?" Dustin sighs then looks at the beaming smiles on their faces.
"As long as you're both happy then I'm happy but no kissing in front of me please" he looks nauseated at the thought and pleads to her.
Eddie chuckles and shrugs.
"I will try and uphold that promise butthead but you're beautiful sister may be led astray"
Dustin groans.
"Ahh shit"
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thegreatobsesso · 2 months
Hello my love! :D I keep seeing your spicy gay crime story on my dash and while taglists give me anxiety I am LIVING for it, so I thought I'd send you a random ask so you can gush about it some if you want. ^_^ Any fun facts? Was there a specific inspiration? Why script style? And anything else you'd like to share! 💕
AHHHHH!!!! Thank you for this, @pertinax--loculos!!! And let me begin by saying that I love your honesty. Everybody should engage with social media (and, situations permitting) life in general with the ways that give them the least amount of anxiety possible. I have my own particular tumblr-related anxieties as well as generalized social anxiety in just about every possible manifestation, so just to let you know, I feel you. 💙
That being said, THANK YOU FOR ASKING QUESTIONS! I logically know I can share this kind of thing without being asked, but without being asked, I pretty much won't. That's just how I'm built. 😊
Fun facts: Octavius was - originally - a drag persona of mine. As a cis woman who's always thought she looked incredible with facial hair, I invented a drag persona awhile back named Octavius Debonnaire. I fancied him a well-dressed British supervillain with a penchant for poisons and fancy suits. This was all well and good until one not-so-special day where he pole-vaulted into the realm of distinctly his own character that I could NEVER embody and had no choice but to write about instead. Things kinda spiraled from there, as they are wont to do. And now his last name became Sinclair, because Octavius Debonnaire is like.......... so exclusively a drag name it just doesn't translate outside that framework, lol.
Inspiration: The Insuppressible Callie Ray satisfied like, 90% of the narrative tropes that get me off. This WIP encompasses the remainder untouched upon. And, to be honest, I had to write a story without smut to convince myself I was ready to write a good story that comes with smut.
Why script? There's a couple reasons. Chief amongst them is that I knew I had two main characters (Milo and Octavius) and only one of them I was remotely interested from writing in the POV of (Milo).
To clarify, I love Octavius with my whole being. But there's something about writing from his POV that feels... uncomfortable? Counterproductive? It's hard to explain, but something very primal tells me that writing from inside his mind is the wrong way to go. And once I accepted that feeling, it was immediately clear to me that many, many things crucial to the plot of this WIP happen when Milo is not present.
I think at this point, I reached a critical crossroads where I realized I would either need to completely reimagine this WIP, or write it differently. And I thought of my bestie @i-think-im-so-so-but-cosplay, who is currently writing a WIP in script format, and the way forward was extremely simple.
[[ A clarification: I'm not saying scriptwriting is in any way "easier" than prose; it's a totally different animal for a totally different purpose. It turns out, this story is best represented as TV show, and maybe, just maybe, Callie might've been too, if I'd have been capable of conceiving such a notion at the time. The world will never know.]]
If I had any doubts in the beginning, they rapidly dissolved when I realized how ***freeing*** script format is. There's totally a trade-off - I think it's a lot harder to capture a character's deep internality or set a strong mood - but it lets me say, quite easily and simply, what happens. Not worrying about head-hopping is allowing me to actually tell this story the way it wants to be told.
One more consideration worth noting - my absolute favorite thing to write, and the thing that comes the easiest to me, is dialogue. Scripts are huuuuuuuuuge made of dialogue, so. Once I decided to try, it felt extremely organic, considering my writing strengths and preferences.
anything else I'd like to share: Aster Craine. My antagonist, to the degree to which she serves that role, although she might be more accurately called my foil. When I first started writing her lines she was totally one-dimensional and I had an idea of what role she would serve in the narrative and wrote lines that worked technically well enough, but my god. I've really been getting a grip on what she's about over the past few days and this is it:
What if the leader of an organized crime ring ran their business like a cult? What if, inspiring loyalty through fear, they used love? Or, a perversion of love - artificially produced positive feelings. What if people were loyal to her because they felt understood by her, seen, appreciated, taken care of?
It makes her a perfect foil for Octavius, who is a narcissist, unable to imagine what it would be like to be in someone else's shoes. Aster is an actual empath who can understand other people's emotions - she just uses that understanding to manipulate them into loving her and, in turn, doing absolutely anything she says.
This spark turned her into a character I rapidly became obsessed with developing, instead of just a cardboard cutout for my mains to bash up against, and that's a very, very happy feeling. :) :) :)
Thank you again for this ask, dear friend @pertinax--loculos! It provided me a way to put into words a lot of things that have rattling about in the old noggin 🥰
Ahh hell, I'll add my tag list... hopefully y'all aren't tired of me yet!
tag list: @winterandwords // @revenantlore // @space-writes // @indecentpause // comment to be added or removed!
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dashofmonsters · 2 years
not sure if this exists or not but listen, because I've had this idea in my head for the past I don't know three to four years about a group of cowboys/ cowgirls getting teleported to a fantasy-esque world and being this group that was foretold to be the only ones capable enough to beat up this big bad enemy. And they fucking go into battle in a mix of armor and whatever western wear they came in.
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mushybar · 6 months
rhis is more like a comment but holy smokes i was NOT expecting wandering on my dash and seeing such immaculate, thought out character designs of such a cool-sounding au HELLO WHAT
im actually devouring ur art rn this is so nice im so excited
also im just gonna throw an ask here but whats ur thought process for each food that corresponds 2 them? was there like any correlation to personalities or character type connecting to their food? :3
ok byebye !!! i love what u do RAAAH SCREAMS IN UR FACE /pos
as for the racers’ designs, sometimes i just picked out random confectionery that i liked and thought would suit their personality/colour palette. below is my reasoning for each racers designs!:
LEMONAX SYRAZZ (blue raspberry lemonade) = i was trying to think of blue candy cos of his hoodie and blue just suits him overall but i couldn’t think of anything at all UNTIL i decided to implement drinks into the mix, also i LOVE BLUE RASPBERRY
NERLIO WHITZ (nerds candy) = it’s cos he’s a nerd 🤓 ALSO A FRIEND OF MINE POINTED OUT THAT HE REPRESENTS THE BI FLAG/COLOURS so it is now canon that nerlio is bi!!!
SKITTOLETTE GLEES (skittles) = i actually don’t remember why i chose skittles but skittolette’s uniform my fav design so i’m not complaining
TARROMEL VON SCHTICK (caramel toffee) = i was looking for a candy similar to his original palette (cos i reckon brown/yellow suits him so well) and i wanted one of the racers to have a power up/the ability to make racers stuck (or whateva) so i was stuck (pun intended) between caramel and toffee… buuuut then i figured i could combine both
SORRIBET DRAGONA (dragon fruit sorbet) = of course nerris had to represent some sort of fantasy/magical food, so i rushed to google and searched up “fantasy desserts” or something like that LMAO
STICKER-POP GUMERRA (bubblegum) = bubblegum is for cool kids. ered is cool. case closed.
GÜMDROPH DAS KONFEKT (gummy bears) = how could i NOT give dolph gummy bears?? gummy bears and dolph both share that adorable demeanour, for the colour choice idk why i chose blue it just looks nice ALSO I LOVE THE UGG BOOTS AND FLUFFY HAT he’s just so darn cute
SLUSH KID (slurpees and starbursts) = before i even created concept art for any of the racers i knew i wanted a slurpee design!! i was gonna give the slurpee design to harrison at first, but liked the caramel toffee idea more, so i gave it to space kid instead. i ALSO wanted to include a reference to space in some sorta way, so i crammed in elements of “starbursts” (kind of not really i just added stars to his jumpsuit and said that iT rEpReSeNtS sTaRbUrStS)
JESTERN RANCHELLO (peach jolly ranchers) = preston’s design was the hardest to think of, it was either jolly ranchers or melody pops :/ i picked peach jolly ranchers because of the design and colour palette AND i gave him an 80s look (he also has a moped!!)
JURF GOBBINGTON (jawbreakers) = i feel like this one is pretty self explanatory
FIRECRACKER (pop rocks) = also self explanatory (rip jasper), but for his actual design i wanted to include his la gear light up shoes and a 90s vibe to the uniform, hence the glitch marks and neon stars. i also added the headset for shits and giggles LOL
hopefully that answers your question, thank you for checking out my AU!! <333
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justatalkingface · 11 months
The 'Great' MHA Read Along Gaiden, 1(?): Why in the hell I'm even doing this.
It occurs to me that people reading these posts may be wondering why in the fuck I'm doing this. Goood question! (and a perfectly understandable one at that.) And, rather than cluttering up a more 'normal' Read Along post with this, I decided to make this post, set up in a way you could only find it if you want to find it; I'm not going to force this grandstanding monologue on some poor, random sap.
So, again, why?
Well, in part? Some kind of sick curiosity, really, the same kind of curiosity that leads people to do all sorts of weird things; can I do this? What would it be like to do this? What will this become, if I do it to the very end? I wonder that, and so at least part of me wants to find out, simple as that. There's also some more honest curiosity, mixed with nostalgia, to re-read the earlier chapters again. But beyond that?
When I first started reading MHA, I fell in love: all these things I liked in a story, but it was different, new and interesting. The plot was promising, the characters were charismatic and felt real, a new and exotic take on a super powered world... I became a loyal reader from that first chapter.
Oh, the flaws were always there, of course, but some of them are problems that are there in retrospect, some of them I was just too blinded by the story to see... and some I saw, but I loved the story so much that I kept going anyways. Besides, if you stop reading something just because it has some flaws, you'll never read anything.
Still, I hoped and waited for it to improve. And I waited. And I waited. And I waited.
And I waited.
But not only did it not get better, it got worse instead, those flaws festering in the plot like infected wounds that had been left to rot. Izuku endlessly being ground in the dirt for no real reason, Bakugou being praised for treating people like shit, All Might being turned into a useless moron, Shoto's story being eaten alive by Endeavour's whitewashing, the inconsistent and often idiotic choices of villain characterization, All For One being turned into a joke... Nighteye.
And the more the story disappointed me, the more aware I became of its flaws, until we reached The War Arc, which, much like MHA itself, raised my hopes before dashing them into the ground. It was then I knew that things would never improve, and that things could only get worse from here; that arc left so many things so destroyed that there was no way for Hori to salvage them, even if he tried.
*Spoilers: he didn't!*
Still, by that point, I'd read what will probably turn out to be most of the story, and I was kind of commited; if I stopped here, it the curiosity would irk me, like an itch I couldn't scratch, until I found out, and giving up on MHA felt like giving up on all the parts I did like, all the interesting world building and characters that had ever been a part of this.
Plus, in all honesty, one chapter a week (which I've gotten far less regular about checking) isn't that big a burden, so I kept reading.
Still, as I kept going, and started looking for people who shared my opinions, and as I found fanfiction staying more and more with the troublesome portrayals canon gave us, rather than exploring what could have been, part of me was wondering: was all this there from the start? Was this ever as good as I thought it was? Or did it just get that bad over time?
And, well. I still want to know. Those questions still irk me. And, once this was brought up, the idea of it wouldn't leave me alone.
So, *shrug*, I'm finding out.
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asjjohnson · 1 year
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Part 12 of my poll adventure fic. Links: the beginning, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11.
It wasn't like he had to stay in the dark on this secret. He could just eavesdrop on the class and figure out why they wanted him gone.
The only reason Dan could think of was his disguise failing. They knew he was a ghost.
But... a look at his distorted reflection in the waxed hallway floor under his feet showed a normal human. Hair and eye colors purposefully unlike Dan himself or Danny Fenton. Green eyes instead of red or blue. Light blond hair instead of flames or black hair.
And the humans couldn't have sensed him. He had successfully blended in back when he'd disguised himself as his past self before.
So what was it?
With a quick glance around to make sure the hallway was completely empty, he turned invisible and intangible, and flew through the wall.
Over half of the kids were gathered around the windows. A loud murmur of conversation filled the room, making it harder to hear individual sentences.
'Phantom' was said a lot. Phantom being cool. Phantom fighting. Phantom being dreamy.
He did not need to hear that last one.
"Settle down, class. Settle down," Lancer said over the hum of conversation. "The ghost is being dealt with, and Mr. Fantom can catch up on classwork when he returns."
Dash raised his hand as he turned from the window, saying, "Can I help him catch up?!"
"No, he doesn't need any of your h—!" Sam began.
"Shut up, Manson!" Paulina said. "I should get to help him, too—right Mr. Lancer?"
The rest of the class started talking at once.
"The Comedy of Errors! Everyone sit down," Lancer ordered.
The sound of talking transitioned to footsteps and scraping chair legs as the children returned to their seats.
Once it was quiet, Lancer said, "You may catch him up, Mr. Baxter. But only if there is something to catch him up on. Now, let's return to the lesson."
Still hovering near the ceiling, Dan thought on the confusing mess he'd just overheard.
It had been hard to tell when someone was talking about Phantom or when they were talking about Fantom, or about Fenton.
He'd assumed they were all talking about his past self's ghost persona when they had been at the window.
And Lancer must have been talking about Dan when he'd mentioned catching up on class, but the sudden change in subject between Phantom and Fantom was strange.
But the following argument didn't seem to be about Dan. But it also didn't make sense for his past self's human side or ghost side.
Sam must have been thinking of his past self. Her and Tucker's earlier suspicion toward Dan proved she wouldn't feel protective toward him.
But Dash and Paulina wouldn't have volunteered to help Danny Fenton, and they had shared barely a few words with Dan's disguise so far. But they couldn't have been talking about Danny Phantom because he wasn't a student!
It would be so much easier to tell who was talking about who if the three personas didn't all have nearly the same name!
Dan had decided on going by 'Dan Fantom' because 'Phantom' resonated with him. Phantom was the name he had gone by ever since the portal accident, and it had followed him faithfully through the following decade.
Like when he had first decided on going by 'Danny Phantom' after the accident, when he decided to finish school, he'd wanted a name similar enough to his own to recognize easily. He hadn't wanted to get used to a meaningless, completely random new name.
And, since Jazz had been the only exception to people not noticing the similarity between 'Fenton' and 'Phantom', he figured he would also remain unknown.
But perhaps he had been mistaken.
Maybe the humans were smarter than he had given them credit for.
...Maybe the entire class thought of him and his past self as a singular being.
“Alert me when there’s an update” list:
@charlietheepic7, @chrysanthemum9484, @mymadmedleyw, @dp-marvel94, @aikoiya, @whydouwantmyname, @cinturon-cadena, @freakofyournature, @satanicrutialspecialist, @danphantom80, @kaezer, @chipsyay, @mysterimax, @56thingsinaname, @derpxp, @potatoofweird
(if you want on the list, specifically ask to be alerted for updates in a tag or comment. Ask again if I forget to add you! If I can’t tag you, I’ll send a Message. Talk to tumblr help if I can't tag you.)
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 month
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Take a Taste: with Uncle John's Chili Con Empanada and Sprite Lemon Plus [Recorded: Mar 30th, 2024]
Hello! It’s time for another “Take a Taste”! The series is about delicious food with my two paper dolls.
Today, it's time to share my food thoughts from the past month of March 30th, 2024; "Black Saturday" on Holy Week 🙏✝️. Once again, I break the "Holy Week" ❌🥩 rules because I ate the Chili Con Empanada from Uncle John's (formerly named: "Ministop Philippines") 🌶️🥟, with a refreshing drink of Sprite Lemon Plus in a can 🍋🥫. So, how's it taste of the Empanada from Uncle John's? 🤔 Let's find out, right now.
If you haven’t seen my previous episode, then please click → [CLICK ME!].
IMPORTANT NOTE: No #OnThisDay throwback post for this date.
So, without further ado, let’s get started:
1st & 2nd Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• It's morning, 7:50 AM 🕖. And I'm somewhere at random Uncle John's convenience store 🇵🇭🟦🟨🏪 branch with my parents and my related family members for paying a visit at our ancestral house. But before we depart, I haven't... or WE haven't eaten breakfast by the time we arrive. So, I decided to purchase a nice hot Chili Con Empanada 🌶️🥟 worth ₱35, and a nice refreshing Sprite Lemon Plus 🍋🥫. in a can worth ₱45 (₱33 in the original suggested retail price)? I'm not sure but, I haven't tried it yet, aside from the only default Sprite flavor. 🤔
Did you know #1: I remember drinking the limited edition of "Sprite Lebron's Mix"? Yup, a collaborate with NBA superstar, LeBron James and Sprite. Which, by the way, I don't know much about NBA nor watching NBA matches because I'm not a basketball fan. ❌🏀🤷‍♀️ Nevertheless, as far as I know, this one tastes like authentic cherry flavor fused with Sprite's flavor, and I was surprised that this flavor Sprite drink was so good, I wish it'll be returned, soon as a normal production rather than limited. Man, I missed it, so much. 🍋🍒🥫😃😋
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3rd to 6th Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• Nonetheless, here's my first bite of the Chili Con Empanada. It is spicy yet very juicy with all the meaty goodness inside. 😃😋 But, is it hot though? 🤔 Nah, not at all. I can't help myself eating it, and I should order two Empanadas (of the same flavor). Here you two, want some? It is delicious! 😋
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7th to 10th Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• Now, what about the Sprite Lemon Plus? 🍋🥫🤔 For my taste, it's the same taste as the OG Sprite, unlike the "Lebron's Mix" cherry flavor. And if you want a take a peek at the color of the "Sprite Lemon Plus", I'd say it slightly yellowish blur color instead of the clear carbonate that we all know. To be honest, the appearance of the Lemon Plus is something that came out of dishwater with a dash of lemonade fruit that was squeezed in. I don't know, who knows? 🤷‍♀️ If only I had bought a glass to see the color, or maybe a plastic cup in my bag, or maybe I should it bought the plastic bottle format. 🤷‍♀️ Anyways, it says here that the "Sprite Lemon Plus" had a zesty lemon flavor, sharp fizz, caffeine, and vitamin B3. Yes, this Lemon Plus has indeed put "Caffeine" on a yellowish color carbonated drink. It's a Sprite with a little dash of Energy Drink, basically (I guess). 🍋⚡🥫 Looks like, I want a go another round of Sprite Lemon Plus, and see if I compare to the OG Sprite and the well-known Coca-Cola for the caffeine taste. Maybe, someday. 🤔
Did you know #2: That "Uncle John's" 🇵🇭🟦🟨🏪 convenience store used to be "MiniStop Philippines"? The latter was launched in 2000, until September 2022 owing to the death of former RRHI (that's "Robinsons Retail Holdings, Inc.", by the way) founder John Gokongwei, Jr. ✝️🧑‍💼, as well as the ending partnership of "Ministop Co." and "Mitsubishi Corporation" of Japan 🇯🇵🏢. Thus, the entire branches of "MiniStop" Philippines are now renamed to "Uncle John's" already effected by July 1st, 2023. Meanwhile, the OG "Ministop" still operates today in selected Asian regions outside Japan like Kazakhstan 🇰🇿, South Korea 🇰🇷, Viet Nam 🇻🇳 (our neighbor Southeast Asia country), and China 🇨🇳.
• It's a solid breakfast meal! I dig the Chili Con Empanada over the greasy chicken sandwich that I've tasted before, in my previous topic. 🌶️🥟😋👍 And regardless of my thoughts of Sprite Lemon Plus, it is pretty damn refreshing. 🍋⚡🥫😋👍 And as I said, I will do a comparison between the OG Sprite for the color, and the OG Coca-Cola as well for the caffeine effect, in my next topic. Yup, this is going to be a "Sugar Rush" of soda test, I suppose. 🥤
BTW: This WASN'T the only meal I munch on because I have another meal on the same date as before. So, stay tuned for that. 😉
Well, that's all for now. 😊
If you haven’t seen my previous episodes, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
Take a Taste:
○ 2021 Food Reviews: ○
• Popeyes U.S. Spicy Chicken Sandwich [Dec 6, 2021]
• Jollibee Chick'nwich & Crisscut Fries [Dec 21, 2021]: Part 1 [CLICK ME! #1], Part 2 [CLICK ME! #2]
○ 2022 Food Reviews: ○
• Mini Stop Chicken Fillet XL Sandwich [Feb 7, 2022]
• Minute Burger Cheese Burger(s) [Mar 1, 2022]
• Pepper Lunch Teriyaki Beef Pepper Rice w/ Egg (& Honey Brown Sauce) [Mar 5, 2022]
• Bacsilog’s Sulit Combo Bacon-Tocino & Samgyup Day’s Pork Herbs [Mar 12, 2022]
• Burger King Whopper w/ Sides & Drink [May 6, 2022]
• Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola Zero [Aug 26, 2022]
• Cheesy Burger McDo with Lettuce & Tomatoes Meal [Recorded: Sept 16, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s PH McSpicy & Apple Pie (featuring their World Famous Fries) [Nov 14, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich [Dec 31st, 2022]
○ 2023 Food Reviews: ○
• Foods from Delicious Restaurant & 1919 Grand Cafe [Jan 8th, 2023]
• Homemade Churros by my lil’ bro [Feb 12th, 2023]
• Lugaw Sisig from Mang Boy Alfredo Lugawan Restaurant [Recorded: Feb 18th, 2023]
• La Prato Stakehouse [Recorded: Apr 10th, 2023]
• Salt ‘n Light Snack Shack’s Cheesy Bacon Burger & Fries [Recorded: Apr 14th, 2023] (Published on May 5th, 2023)
• Delicious burger meal at Tokyo Tokyo Restaurant [Recorded: May 6th, 2023]
• Delicious meals at the Valenzuela Food Fiesta Christmas Bazaar 2023 [Recorded: Dec. 10th, 2023]
○ 2024 Food Reviews: ○
• Mang Inasal Pork Sisig [Recorded: Jan 10th, 2024]
• Mr. Shaw Shawarma Rice [Recorded: Mar 24th, 2024]
• Mang Inasal's Chicken Inasal - Pecho (Chicken Breast) [Recorded: Mar 26th, 2024]
• Samgyupsal dinner night at the Samgyup Mukbang restaurant [Recorded: May 12th, 2024]
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astercontrol · 2 months
Callout post for myself
I'm writing this to clear the air about some things. Feel free to ignore if random vague fandom drama is not your thing.
At this moment, I'm not even sure if, or how much, anyone else is even thinking about these issues.
I do not know if, or how much, I may have inadvertently hurt others with the way I was doing things...
I'm in a situation where I feel there' s been a conflict with some people. But none of the usual ways of trying to open communication with them feel… right, to me. It would be either DMing without consent, or addressing a post to them in public, and at the moment I don't feel they would be comfortable with either.
(This vagueposting approach is also… not good.)
(But it feels like the least bad option at this point. It won't force anyone to read these thoughts who's already decided they don't want contact with me. But I'll feel a bit more peace of mind knowing these thoughts are, sort of, in the open.)
...Until recently, this is what I had in the "About Me" post on my Tumblr blog:
DNI if: you don't wanna interact. (if I got any problem with the interaction I'll handle it, I'm a mature program with a block button)
I will block you:
… if your views are clearly so incompatible with mine that I don't feel we could ever have any positive interaction
…if we have already had interactions that I, for any reason, found too uncomfortable to handle
…if I see your posts on my dash a lot, but I notice that your blog says "NSFW blogs Do Not Interact" (or any DNI applying to me). I will do this because you don't want interaction from me, and I want to be sure I respect your boundaries and don't slip up and interact.
…(If you have already been choosing to interact with my posts, despite having me on your DNI list… then there's the additional problem that at this point I have NO IDEA how your boundaries work or what's the best way for me to respect them. So, again, I'll block.)
I've taken those words down and am considering something new to replace them. Because… I am trying to make some changes in how I handle these things.
I have enacted this "block people whose boundaries I don't understand" protocol. A couple of times, I think. Once that I remember clearly. Very early in my time on this tumblr account. It was somebody who had liked and reblogged several of my posts, and when I went to their blog, I saw "NSFW blogs DNI" prominently displayed.
This, of course, confused me. I freely admit to being a NSFW blog-- or at least, that I post pretty often about sexual attraction and sexual acts. If this person wanted to interact with me, why did they have a prominent post saying they didn't want interaction with blogs like mine? (And if they just hadn't seen the "NSFW" on my own blog before interacting, why would they expect others to check and see the "NSFW DNI" their blog before interacting with them?)
For the time being, I just... chose not to follow them, and not to go out of my way to interact. It was all I could think of to do.
But the status quo went on for a while: continuing to receive occasional likes and RBs from this stranger, and feeling increasingly uncomfortable about it… anxious that I might accidentally overstep a boundary.
Because… what even were this person's boundaries? How did they define NSFW, and in what circumstances did it actually bother them?
They had no problem sharing my tamer posts, so clearly their taboo didn't include "non-sexual interaction with a blog that sometimes posts about sexual topics." I felt pretty sure they'd be uncomfortable if I tagged them in any of those sexual posts or sent them a sex-related ask, which of course I had no plans to do... But their boundary must be somewhere in between, and it bothered me not to know where.
Eventually, I found it. A mutual of mine (someone else whose blog also openly admits to posting on NSFW topics) had reblogged a post from them.
It was a fandom post, an observation about a fictional character. My mutual had added commentary, but nothing sexually suggestive. I reblogged… and I made the mistake of putting something suggestive in my own additions.
The original poster-- in a move that somehow managed to take me by surprise-- reblogged it back from me, commenting something to the effect of "Don't add horny things to my posts."
And then I …well, I essentially panicked. And made the further mistake (at least, I now feel it was a mistake) of letting my panic response express itself with the block button.
At the time this made sense to me, for the reasons described in the About Me post that I quoted above. I had always agreed with those posts that sometimes go around, saying that it's perfectly valid to block others for your own mental health; that your online experience is there to be pleasant and relaxing, and there's no guilt in cutting off people who don't contribute to those feelings for you.
But later on (as things do sometimes go, over the course of gaining online social experience) I had an occasion to experience this from the other side. And it changed my feelings somewhat.
It wasn't an exact mirroring from the other side of what I'd done. The situation was different in a few big ways. But it did involve a person who blocked me without explanation.
Not a stranger or recent acquaintance. Someone who, up to that moment, had been treating me like one of their best friends-- including me in their private Discord server, replying to nearly everything I said, showing constant enthusiasm for every fan project I was working on. So, the sudden loss of contact felt to me like a totally unexpected double blow. Losing a close friend, and at the same time being implicitly accused of something, with no hint as to what.
What had I done? How had I hurt this person, badly enough to go overnight from friendship to complete non-interaction? What had I done that was so terrible that I was blocked from every avenue of even being able to reach out and ask this person what I'd done?
Since then, through conversations with others, I've been able to glean a general idea that this friend was experiencing a sort of crisis in their attempts to maintain an online social life that was beyond what they could deal with. It seemed they'd cut contact with a number of people, just for being part of certain social circles they no longer had the capacity to handle.
The patterns to which people they'd blocked were a bit confusing to me, but I imagine that my own… sometimes-overly-overt sexuality… might have contributed to why I was among them.
Unlike the stranger I'd blocked before, this person didn't have "NSFW DNI" on their blog; they were okay with talking about sexual topics in some circumstances. But not in all circumstances. And that boundary was never quite clear, to me or to several others who'd been in Discord servers and chats with them.
It's entirely possible that my own discussions of NSFW topics had overstepped the boundary and made this person uncomfortable, and that had been part of the reason for the block. It could also have been some other aspect of how I post (I do post about a pretty vast range of things, from silly and smutty to dark and depressing). Understandable, I guess, that anyone with certain mental health needs would need distance from that.
So... even though this all hurt a whole lot, I have been trying to understand or at least accept these other perspectives. I've been giving a lot more thought to how different people can have different ideas of what's a reasonable boundary to set.
And while there are some practical constraints on what one can realistically expect strangers on a huge online platform to adhere to... that doesn't change how individual people personally feel about their own boundaries, or whether I personally can feel some sympathy and some willingness to try and meet them where they are.
I've also been thinking about some things (which I discussed in the March followup to my February KOSA post) …some thoughts about communities that are built for mutual support in survival situations, and how their standards will differ when it comes to what's a dealbreaker for friendship. And how much effort people will put into trying to resolve conflicts when a group is smaller, less replaceable, and more necessary to one's life.
I mean, I'm not actually in that type of survival situation at the moment. But I'm becoming increasingly aware of how important communities are. And the community I've joined most recently through shared fandom interest is… a small, cult-classic sort of fandom, so the rareness and preciousness of good friends is kind of being hammered home to me at the moment.
And I have become more motivated to make some effort to heal what is broken, whenever I can.
I've never been good with conflict. Often my reflexive reaction to it is to isolate myself, to cut off interaction so I don't have to face what may have been wrong with it.
But I am trying to fight that response, because it's not healthy.
I've unblocked some people I blocked during those early conflict-phobic moments of panic. But of course I don't expect or feel entitled to be unblocked by anyone who has blocked me. As I've tried to express here, their reasons are their own... and while I may try my best to understand them, I acknowledge that I can't fully, and only the people who made the choices truly can. So I won't judge or expect anything in particular; only try to be open to whatever happens.
And I'm writing this post… not to try and argue against anyone, or convince anyone to do anything, but just to try and make clear what has happened from my end, and how I feel about it.
Like I said before, I don't know if others are even thinking or talking about any of this.
But my anxieties sometimes fear that they are, and that there may be people out there forming opinions about me, entirely from the other viewpoint in these conflicts.
And the only thing that eases that anxiety a little is… for me to communicate what I can, so that my viewpoint on what happened is at least out there.
Again, I know this was all vague... but, well, it's more info than was out there before, and I feel it would be wrong to go into much more detail. So, do with this information what you will. It's just me trying to make things a little less vague than real life seems to have made them.
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collectmytears · 2 years
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I’ve made like 5 of these on here and still don’t know what to say💀
Thank you! I love all of you. Y’all are amazing. Thank you for the follows. I’m sorry if I constantly post things you didn’t follow me for but…thank you for sticking around! There’s been many times where I’ve almost left because of many reasons but the lovely humans I’ve met on here, have seen in my notifications and talk to a fair bit, unknowingly convinced me to stay. MASSIVE forehead kiss to all of you, especially the ones that have been here since the limp-wrist-max days🫀
A BIG thank you to these lovely humans (I couldn’t tag all of you🥲):
@lightsovermonaco , @redemptionshoey & @toastykepa Jac..Aly..Steph..my best friends🥺 I love all of you so much! Thank you for always being supportive and always hyping me up. Thank you for every tiny thing you do for and with me! Thank you for being lovely humans. I’m incredibly grateful for y’all 🫀
@4xmulti21champion Jay..my dear🥺 you are one of my serotonin suppliers. I fully believe you’re an angel on earth. Thank you for always being so kind, for the lovely conversations and the god tier content.🫀
@eight-hearts JAS! You my dear, are one of my favourite humans. Thank you for always being so kind and helpful. You’re an angel 🫀
@enchantedaniel Beth🥺 my cow loving, football loving, daniel simp! Thank you for being so lovely. Thank you for existing. I love you 🫀
@boehlysblues ZARA!!!!! My dear, you’re an amazing, kind, hilarious human that I’m beyond lucky to even know. Thank you for always making me smile and laugh. Thank you for always sharing god tier content and thoughts 🫀
@lewiishamilton Eve, my love. You’re an amazing, lovely, talented human. One that I love talking to and seeing on my dash. Thank you for everything 🫀especially for being so supportive of everything I make
@race-week Al! No lie, your blog is one of my top 5 favourites on here. Thank you for being so lovely and for sharing your knowledge. I enjoy learning things from your amazing posts🫀
@oscar-piastri Cassy….I could write a whole essay for you. You’re are amazing, incredibly kind, funny and talented. I’m very lucky to know you and to see the amazing things you’ve created and decided to share on here. I love seeing your posts sprinkled throughout my dash🫀
@wonderpodia , @babssionate , @anniee , @formationlapsz , @formulol ….my loves🥺 I love y’all so much. The 5 of you are some of the first people I talked to on here. I enjoy talking to all of you and seeing you on my dash. I will forever cherish our friendships and how amazing they are even if we don’t talk as much as we used to ages ago 🥺🫀
@fabioquartararhoe We’ve had maybe 2 conversations but you’re a lovely, kind, smart, funny human…one that I enjoy seeing on my dash and in my notifications🫀
@antogioamoremio FRANZISKA! My love…you are so talented, smart and kind. I enjoy the random asks we send each other and the conversations. Thank you for being so amazing and supportive
More lovely humans I love very much and enjoy seeing on here : @andretti-autosport @acrosstobear @borikenlove @bambi-marquez @blueathens @backwardscaplando @beerin @cowboyricciardo @cfchloe @callumsmick @catboysharl @danieltheestallion @donaidk @daniallricciardo @felipe-drugovich @ilott @japanesegp @jehandaruvalas @lewisdidthat @loving-ricciardo @levicolwill @lillaacaart @mcclaren @mclaurenceo @petitkante @pernillecfcw @pauldium @querencva @racewinnerdaniel @sebxvettel @saintlysebchal @schnelldon @theizzyryder @thiagoats @tomblomqvist @vettelbaby @vetterrari @vikasus @yuleneverwalkalone @ziyechz
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chasesylvan · 1 year
Dew’s Awakening.
Teen Audiences.
Pairing: Terzo/Omega and also later pairings when I get more chapters done.
Additional Notes: Terzo is trans and unexpectedly becomes pregnant, he and Omega are so humbly excited to raise a child of their own. And as I said earlier, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
ALSO; CREDIT TO @plasma-ghoull FOR THE IDEA OF THIS, 🫶🫶❤️
(DISCLAIMER: This story is about Trans Pregnancy, if that ain’t ya vibe, then don’t read)
Terzo audibly gasped.
He looked down at the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter with a watery look as he began to slowly start sobbing, since he could feel that he was late and wanted to make sure he wasn’t pregnant. He had thought he and Omega were being careful and using protection but he guesses not.
“Omega!” Terzo shouted into his and Omega’s shared room. Omega popped into the room a few moments later, quite startled by the random shouting from his partner. “What is it, Papa?” Omega was looking around the small space, searching for what could be the reason his lover sounded so distressed.
“Look.” Terzo picked up the pregnancy test and showed it to the quintessence ghoul, and the purple-eyed hellspawn widened his eyes in shock. “How is that possible? I thought humans and ghouls couldn’t conceive.” Omega was just as shocked, but also really excited, as his lover.
“It is up to you, Papa, if you wanna keep it, I will follow with whatever you chose, me myself, I am ready as ever to be a parent. Almost all of the ghouls see me as a father figure anyway, so I guess my “training” will come in handy.” Omega said as he chuckled a little bit at the thought of everyone else calling and seeing him as a father to most of them.
“I will be honest with you, cara mia, I am ready as well.” A few tears ran down the satanic pope’s eyes as his mind raced with a million thoughts about raising a child.
“Si, the other thing is that we don’t know if it will be a ghoul or a human, Omega.”
“It could very well be half ghoul half human, love, but either way, I will love this child whether or not they are fully ghoul or fully human.”
Tears started to well in Terzo’s eyes at Omega’s comment. Omega slowly approached his partner and pulled him into a soft and loving embrace and swayed slightly from left to right while slowly threading his fingers through Terzo’s soft black hair, Omega peppering kisses all over the smaller man’s face making him giggle. They stayed like that for a bit until Terzo started twitching and whimpering softly. Omega noticed and looked down at Terzo and quietly asked “What’s wrong, tesoro mia?”
“My stomach is irratating me-“ Terzo quickly let go of Omega and dashed to kneel against the bowl of the toilet and started vomiting violently into the toilet, quietly groaning and whimpering. 
After about a few minutes, he sat up slowly and said, “Why didn’t anyone tell me how much this was going to suck?” He weakly said to Omega, standing in the doorway to the bathroom, he slowly shuffled over to rub soothing circles into the small of Terzo’s back while he continued to empty whatever was left in his stomach before deciding he vomited everything out of his system.
He slowly and weakly stood up from the floor, and Omega escorted him back to his bed and tucked him nicely into the bed sheets, and put a nice white fluffy blanket overtop him, “You seem to be experiencing what the humans call “morning sickness”, my dear, most pregnant people experience this in the first few weeks of being pregnant, so this may happen a lot in future. Most female humans normally eat easy or small amounts of food to ease their stomachs, so you relax here while I go and see if one of the kitchen ghouls can brew you some chamomile tea and make some soup for you, cara mia.” He gave him a soft smile and kissed the smaller man’s forehead and left the bedroom and made his way towards the Ministry kitchens where he found a group of kitchen ghouls cooking what appeared to be something for dinner. “Excuse me, Mason, I have a request from Papa III.” 
The ghoul in question turned his head towards where his name was called from and saw it was one of the band ghouls, odd Mason thought, but answered “Of course, Omega, what can I do for you?”
“He has requested some chamomile tea and some of your famous delicious chicken noodle soup, he has come down with quite an illness and cannot come get food for himself, so I decided to bring it to him.” Mason felt honoured that Papa would request some of his soup, but nonetheless, nodded his head towards the ghoul and started on the soup while Omega went back to Terzo’s room to check up on his mate. He returned to his bedroom moments later and found the pope reading a book that he had obtained from his bedside table. “Mason is beginning to make your meal while we wait, so I decided to come back and check on you to make sure you didn’t pass out with anyone not watching you.” He said with a soft loving smile on his face.
Satan, Terzo could fall in love with this ghoul over and over again. Omega sauntered over to Terzo, leaned down towards the smaller man and connected their lips in a soft and sweet kiss. Terzo brought his hands up to cup the ghoul’s ashy-coloured cheeks and pull him closer towards him. He tried to deepen the kiss but Omega’s buzzing phone interrupted the moment, Omega pulled away from the pope and pulled out his phone, the message was from Mason saying that Papa’s meal was ready to be picked up. Terzo playfully pouted at Omega and crossed his arms turning away from the purple-eyed ghoul, Omega just chuckled at Terzo’s childish behaviour and left his bedroom to go and collect the soup and tea. He made it to the kitchens and saw the food and tea on a nice tray with a little bread roll and butter on the side, the kitchen ghouls are so nice Omega thought, and started walking back to Terzo’s bedroom.
He made it to the door of his bedroom when he heard violent retching, the poor thing, I can’t imagine having to deal with that pain 24/7, he slowly opened the door and sat the tray of food and tea on the bed and made his way towards the bathroom where he saw his mate kneeling against the bowl and heaving into the toilet, nothing coming up, Omega just sat next to Terzo, rubbing his back soothingly, Terzo leaned back and started sobbing softly, Omega cooed and brought the smaller man into his chest and rocked them both side to side while the satanic pope cried softly from the constant pain emitting from his swollen belly.
Omega brought Terzo back into their shared room, and laid Terzo on the bed, after the pain in Terzo’s tummy subsided, Omega went over to the side of the bed and grabbed the tray of still hot tea and soup, and brung it over to Terzo who was laying on the bed and spoon fed him some of the soup, the feeling of the still steaming hot soup and tea was so nice and soothing for Terzo, and it also soothed his stomach as well, his eyes were switching from fluttering closed and staying awake and Omega noticed this. He chuckled while saying “Why don’t you get some sleep my love, I will be here when you awake, tesoro mia.” And with those assuring words, Terzo fell asleep moments later, tummy still sore but bearable and fell into a deep slumber.
(Fast Forward a Little Bit)
It had been a little over 3 months since Terzo found out he was pregnant, and he was slowly starting to get used to the constant pain, and also noticed that he was beginning to get back pain, which really irritated him but he had to get used to it whether or not he liked it. Omega returned from his church duties a little while later to find the Papa curled up in many blankets on his bed snoring softly to the sound of quiet music filling the air. Omega softly smiled to himself, he made his way around his mate’s room, tidying it up a small bit so that Terzo wouldn’t worry about having to clean when he wakes up. 
Omega was just finishing up folding laundry when he heard Terzo softly stirring awake and turned his head towards the smaller man and swiftly made his way over to the bed to help Terzo out of bed. “Seems like you had the sleep of a baby, my love, was it well?”
“I slept so well I think I could’ve slept for ages, but unfortunately, being pregnant has it’s downsides, anyways heh, this may seem like a really strange reque-“
Omega cut him off and began speaking “Stop. Nothing you ask me will be strange or weird to me, I am here to help with anything you need, you’re in a state where you cannot do most things for yourself and I am here to accompany you with anything. So ask me again, without saying that last part.” Tears of happiness began to fall from Terzo’s glassy eyes as he looked up at the taller ghoul’s comment. “You have no clue how much I love you, Omega.” He whispered with a gravely voice. “Can you please help me to the bathroom?”
“Of course, cara mia.” Omega slowly helped Terzo out of bed and towards the bathroom, where Terzo sat down on the toilet and relieved himself. Omega now knows why Terzo thought it might’ve been a strange request, but nonetheless, he was going to be a dad within a couple months, so this is the LEAST of his worries, helping his lover to the toilet and back to bed, that was what a partner is meant to do when their partner is pregnant with the child you helped to make. It honestly made Omega smile like an idiot, thinking about the fact that he helped create the child in Terzo’s belly.
Terzo noticed Omega smiling at nothing and quietly asked “What are you smiling at, my love?”. Omega didn’t realise he’d been spacing off and turned his head towards Terzo who had since gotten off the toilet and was now washing his hands under the tap, “I’m just smiling at the fact that I helped create the child in your belly and that I’m gonna be a dad soon.” Omega said through a small and cracked voice, and started sobbing softly into his hands and turned away from Terzo, the man in question quickly walked over to Omega and pulled him into a gentle embrace and slightly swayed them while Omega continued to sob into Terzo’s shoulder.
Soon Omega’s sobs turned into quiet whimpers and whines, Terzo noticed that this was one of the telltale signs that Omega was close to falling asleep from crying too much, and so Terzo slowly guided Omega to the bed and climbed in himself and cuddled up against his sleeping lover and fell into a deep slumber moments later.
(Another Timeskip cause I’m Lazy and also cause it’ll take me forever)
“Lucifer down below, Omega!” Terzo shouted in pain and distress, Omega came bolting into Terzo’s room, Terzo has been pregnant for just about 38 weeks and today his water broke. “Oh, oh lord down below we gotta get you down to the infirmary, Terzo!”
Thus, moments later, they were in the infirmary and a Sister of Sin came dashing towards where Terzo lays on a bed inhaling and exhaling through the pain of the contractions coming from his belly.
“It is going to be alright, my love, you are very strong and can do this, I believe in you.” Omega said in a soothing and reassuring voice, Terzo looked over to the taller man and gave him a smile to let him know he was alright. “Alrighty.” Started the Sister of Sin, “Baby seems healthy through the screens, heart is pumping and steady, we’re all good to push this baby out!”
Omega and Terzo both let out a sigh of relief, the SOS gave Terzo some meds to keep the pain from reaching sky-high, he was so thankful for that. He was squeezing the life out of Omega’s hand, he was really giving birth to a child right now, he couldn’t believe it.
“Breathe in, breathe out, my love, you’re doing so well, I love you so much, and I love this child as well.” As Omega said this, the nurse Sister of Sin pushed open the door carrying a clipboard and notes, “Alrighty, Papa, are we ready to have this baby?” The pope softly nodded his head in agreement and was shaking like a leaf, “It is going to be alright, cara mia, you can do this, I believe in you, the Sister believes in you and so does the whole Clergy.”
“I can do this, I can do this.” Terzo kept repeating to himself.
Moments Later:
The pope breathed out many breaths of relief, his baby was finally out into the world. The Sister was checking over the baby to make sure he was absolutely in health before being given back to the Papa.
“You did it, cara mia, I’m so proud of you!”
Tears started welling in both the quintessence ghoul’s eyes and Terzo’s eyes, “I’m so ready to be a dad, Omega, or a mum if the baby so wishes.” A loving and soft smile made its way onto both the male’s faces, just in that moment the Sister of Sin was slowly walking over to them with the baby in hand, “It’s a boy, papa, half ghoul half human.”
Terzo cooed and slowly reached for the baby and the sister slowly deposited the baby into the satanic pope’s arms, the baby made gurgling and happy chirps when it was back into its parents arms.
“Oh, Omega, he’s beautiful, look at his eyes, they’re a mix of mine and yours.”
“He is, he’s so handsome, can I hold him? Please?”
“Si, si, of course, my love. Welcome to the Clergy, Dewdrop.”
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