#daughter's birthday
chocostrwberry · 3 months
Everyone had to wear yellow for her birthday party!
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ryllen · 8 months
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" so promise me you'll be born & grow healthily in the future "
( sequel x before she got sent home to her time )
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Happy Birthday, Collei!
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Thanks for the flower garland! Hehe, it's beautiful. Cuilein-Anbar looks really pretty wearing it~
Oh, you still have some shopping to do? I can recommend some great places!
Huh? You want to buy extracurricular books for me? Y—You don't have to! Your handmade garland is more than enough, really!
Umm... Then, please don't choose something that's too difficult to understand... Please and thank you!
Thanks to だねまる for the fantastic artwork!
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daughter-horror · 1 month
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34th Birthday!
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Misunderstandings really really suck
Edit: Part 2 is Up
So heres the deal, it's a normal Vivisection AU where Danny had to run away to Gotham after his parents try to kill him, and let's say that he takes Ellie with him too.
They stay there for a few years and after a while they manage to establish a little life for themselves. Danny is running a small Shop that makes them enough money to live comfortably in the apartment right above his Shop, meanwhile Ellie is going to Gotham Metro Academy on a scholarship because she is really smart and they managed to fake some school records for her when they were making themselves new Identities.
(Side Note: Danny is now 26, while Ellie hasn't started aging yet and still looks 12, but she will begin to soon since she just hit her 12th birthday)
Danny also runs a small Ghost Shop out of his store, just selling small bits of Distilled Ectoplasm or Ecto-Infused Treats to the local Ghosts in return for small favors or help around the shop.
But here's the thing. Ellie is still an unstable Clone, even if they did managed to find a reliable treatment in the form of Ecto-Dejecto. But Danny's parents were the only ones who knew how to make that stuff, and the Ecto-Dejecto they stole all those years ago is beginning to run out.
Danny begins to work tirelessly trying to replicate it, diving full on into his Mad Scientist side to try and find a way to make more ED for Ellie. He manages to make some prototypes, but he is nowhere near confident that they are good enough.
He decides to call in some favors from the local Ghosts. He calls the ones he is confident will survive this and asks them to try out his Ecto Dejecto to see if it will work for Ellie, but he does warn them that there will probably be unexpected side effects that they will probably not like.
The Ghosts agree to do it, because in the years that the Fenton's have lived there they have grown extremely attached to Ellie. She is like a little sister or daughter for many of them, they would throw away their afterlives if it meant helping her.
For most of the samples, the ED doesn't work at all. Some of them work for a single moment before cutting out, others don't do anything, and some have crazy effects that affect them for a little while before disappearing abruptly. One guy turned into a Dog, not the worst outcome but not the intended one. Another began to glow brightly and couldn't turn it off, that one lasted for an hour.
They keep testing them, out in the nearby Alley since they don't want to destroy the house or Danny's makeshift Lab, for a few weeks.
They problem comes when they are spotted one night by Red Hood.
Jason was crossing the Rooftops while on Patrol. He was going a little farther than his normal patrol range, since he had the time and he wanted to make sure there was no trouble in the nearby areas either.
As he was about to hop from one rooftop to another, he got a weird feeling. It was strange, he didn't feel anything on his skin, he didn't smell anything, he didn't even hear anything, but he somehow knew that there was something strange happening in the nearby Alley. It was like he could sense it.
Peeking over the edge of the rooftop, he saw a group of about 10 people. It was a bunch of strange looking people with green-ish skin, and one normal looking person. The normal looking one was wearing a lab coat, and seemed to be about 25 yrs old. Jason felt like there was something off about that guy, but he couldn't place exactly what. He was holding a box of something in his hand, and talking to the group.
"Ok guys, I'm really confident this time!" He said, "I think one of these may be the one!"
The man placed the box on a nearby Dumpster and opened it up, taking out a strange glowing green Vial. He handed it to one of the Greenish people and watched as they injected themselves with it.
Jason watched as they began to glow slightly before their arms suddenly grew to be longer than they were tall. The Man in the Lab Coat sighed in discontent, before saying "Ok, not that one. But we still have a few to try out!"
Jason watched as one by one the people below injected themselves with the green Liquid, each of them having some strange phenomenon happen to them before moving on to the next. The strange thing was that none of them seemed to be concerned with the changes, just commenting on it felt before moving on.
Finally, they got to the last person in line. As they injected themselves, Jason felt a sense of Anticipation well up in his gut. He didn't know why, but he felt like this was going to he important.
He was proven right as the Man who had injected himself began to glow brightly. Jason was overwhelmed with the sense of Pure Power coming from him. It was intense, he didn't know how, but he could actually feel the man begin to grow stronger and stronger. The feeling was nearly suffocating, but he managed to regain his senses long enough to hear Lab Coat laugh maniacally. He looked over to see that the entire group was enthusiastically high-fiving and fist-bumping eachother, all cheering at the success.
"Hahaha! Yes! Finally!" Labcoat Cheered, "It's done! Once I make some more, we'll be able to-"
The overwhelming power suddenly cut out. It was so abrupt that even the people below didn't speak for some time. They all just stood on slight shock before Labcoat spoke up, "Ok...ok this is fine. All I need to do is take that formula and find a way to make the effect Permanent. After that we're all set." He said, a thoughtful expression on his face, "I think we'll be good to go within a Week!"
The group of people muttered in agreement, and Labcoat thanked them all for a bit before they all began to walk away. It seemed like the meeting was over.
Jason took a moment to collect himself, before deciding to follow some of the group so he could question them. Unfortunately, everybody he followed disappeared into thin air after a short time.
It occurred to him that he hadn't tried to intervene at all. Usually he would have jumped down and beaten them all black and blue for testing drugs right in front of him, but he didn't this time. Why? He also realized that he should have followed the Lab Coat guy first, not waited until it was his last option. Why did he not go after that guy instantly? Why did he hesitate? Was it something to do with that Ominous Feeling that led him to the meeting in the first place? There was just something about the guy that made Jason feel inexplicably sacred of him.
Either way, he needed to tell the others.
Because from what he had seen, a Mad Scientist had been working with a group of Metahumans to create a Super Soldier Drug right there in Gotham, and they needed to stop them.
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heartorbit · 1 year
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a new world together
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2hoothoots · 3 months
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June 21st is my headcanon birthday for Lili (based exclusively on her myspace star sign, and also vibes). this year it's a day earlier, but any excuse to draw Lili is a good excuse
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54625 · 6 months
remember when the QSMP admins invited Charlie Slimecicle on for a fun birthday surprise and were like "yay!! Happy birthday 🎉🎁🎂🎈!!! Have a great day!!" for about an hour and then made him sob like a baby
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glowsticcc · 5 months
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Why can't you stop time? How long before I can't call you my sweet little girl? Help me stop time, you're not allowed to be nineteen You have to stay my precious baby
🩷happy birthday lil lulah!!💜
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writerslittlelibrary · 8 months
So, I'm not a prisoner? extra
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masterlist part 1 part 2 part 3 extra
summary: you did not expect that your mission to take down the traitor, could end in such a difficult situation for you…
pairing: Natasha x Red Room teen reader
warnings: none 
genre: fluff
words: 1117
a/n: this is purely because it’s my birthday :)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
 |——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
You had been with the Avengers for a few months, and according to the file you once found, your birthday was coming up. You didn’t really care much for it. You had never celebrated a birthday in your life. Natasha, however, was determined to change that. 
She and the other Avengers had it all planned out. They had been preparing for weeks to make sure you had the most amazing birthday ever. 
After weeks of making you try all different kinds of cake and foods, Wanda had documented what your favourite foods were, and she had remember all your dislikes. 
And so, Tony made sure he had ordered the best, most delicious birthday cake in existence. Bucky, Sam, and Steve were in charge of decorations. Clint and Natasha were in charge of presents, Wanda and Bruce, who turned out to be a surprisingly good cook, were in charge of the food, and Thor had made sure to bring you something nice from Asgard. 
You had no idea any of this was happening. Of course, you had caught on that something was going on. You were a spy, after all, but you couldn’t seem to figure out what the other Avengers were hiding from you.
You had tried on many occasions to make some of them crack, wanting to know what they were keeping from you. Many times, you nearly succeeded, but Natasha was always around to point out your behaviour, making the Avengers you were questioning shut up. 
However, it seemed that Natasha was finally going to tell you what was going on.
When you went to bed that night, she came into your room, sitting on your bed. 
“I just want you to know, that tomorrow we have a party for you. We didn’t want to spring it on you,” Natasha explained, smiling at you as she stroke your hair.
“A party? Why?” You asked, looking at Natasha confused.
“Well, tomorrow is your birthday, and it is custom that people’s birthdays are celebrated,” Natasha explained, and you nodded in understanding. You took a few moments to think, before you decided to ask some questions.
“Will there be cake?” you asked, remembering a movie where you saw someone having a cake on their birthday. 
Natasha smiled at your innocence and nodded. It was unbelievable to her how you, after having been through so much, were still able to hold the innocence in your eyes. 
“Of course there will be cake,” Natasha said. 
“Like in the movies?” you gasped excitedly, and Natasha chuckled, nodding with a smile.
“It’ll be just like the movies,” she promised, leaning forwards and giving you a kiss on your forehead. After saying goodnight, Natasha left the room, and you tried to sleep, although your excitement made it quite difficult. 
The next morning, Natasha was the one to drag you out of bed. You were tired and grumpy at first, until you remembered it was your birthday, and it was supposed to be an exciting day. 
You were out of bed and ready after that thought immensely quick, joining Natasha who stood outside your door, waiting for you.
She led you to the common area, and you gasped as you saw all the decorations. The other Avengers were sat around the kitchen island, a stack of waffles sitting in the middle. You, however, were too busy admiring all the decorations. You couldn’t believe anyone would do something so nice for you. 
Natasha smiled as she watched the look on your face. In these past few months, she had found there was no greater joy for her than to watch you be happy about something. 
After you took all the decorations in, you moved to the counter, sitting on the barstool at the head. Even the barstool was decorated!
After everyone wished you a happy birthday, and you awkwardly thanked them for it seeing as though you were not used to having so much attention on you, Wanda started handing out the waffles she made, making sure you had all the toppings you could ever want. 
Did Wanda remember everything you liked? Did she care so much about you?
Your brain was running a hundred miles an hour. A few months ago you couldn’t even see a future for yourself, and now you had people that cared so much about you that they even remembered your food preferences. 
Honestly, you could have cried. 
After breakfast, Natasha led you towards the seating area. A huge pile of birthday gifts was sitting on top of the coffee table, and any of the Avengers could notice how your face lit up when you saw it.
Natasha told you to sit down on the couch, and after you did, the other Avengers joined you, either sitting down on the other couches, or taking a seat on the floor. 
Natasha had given everyone specific instructions not to sing for you, knowing how it was all probably already overwhelming for you. She didn’t want to scare you off. And lets be honest, who actually enjoys being sung for?
Natasha was the first to hand you a present, sitting next to you and placing a kiss on your forehead, whishing you a happy birthday. 
You thanked her and opened the gift carefully, scared to rip the perfectly wrapped wrapping paper. 
You soon realised it was a stuffed animal. Your favourite animal nonetheless. You smiled at the innocent and heartfelt gift. For some reason, the simple stuffed animal hit you really hard, and you stared at if for a moment, trying to hold back the tears.
Natasha took your staring as something else, and so became worried she had gifted you something you did not like. 
“Do you like it?” Natasha asked carefully, but when you turned your head and she was met with your teary eyes, her worries settled immediately, opening her arms. 
“I love it,” you cried, crawling into her arm and crying softly into her shoulder. 
Natasha held you close as she rubbed your back, keeping one hand on your head to make you feel as safe as she could. 
After your emotional breakdown, you managed to unpack all your other presents with enthusiasm, smiling and thanking everyone for each and every gift you received. You were certain these people were mind readers, as they managed to get you every single you wanted, or were interested in. 
The day ended with an amazing dinner, cooked by Wanda.
After all the cake, snacks, and excitement, you ended up falling asleep not even half way through your favourite movie. All the Avengers smiled at the sight. You were a truly magnificent soul, and they didn’t know what they would do without you.
Tags: @wandanatlov3r @tobiaslut @natashasgirlll @xanthreee @mrsromanovaa
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @simp-erformarvelwomen @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @mxximoffswifey @lorsstar1st
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sare11aa11eras · 2 months
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Rhaenys daughter of Rhaegar and Elia for @dwellordream hope you like her, Dwell!
[Image Description: a full-body drawing of Rhaenys Martell Targaryen. She is a young child. She is smiling. She wears her hair down and pulled back with an orange-red ribbon. She has red earrings on and a gold bracelet on her wrist. She wears a dress with short balloon sleeves with wide red and black stripes. The bodice of her dress is black. The skirt has wide black and red stripes to match the sleeves. The dress has an orange-red ribbon at the waist. The dress is trimmed with yellow lace at the collar, hem, and sleeve cuffs. A plain shift trimmed with red ribbon is visible at the collar of her dress. Her shoes are golden. She has one hand in front of her. Her eyes are purple and her hair is dark brown, except for a chunk near her forehead that’s white. She looks happy. / End ID.]
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diioonysus · 8 months
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shoes + art
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starduststorm-art · 9 months
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One last drawing of 2023!
16 years of Kagamine and 15 years of Daughter of Evil 🧡💛🌹
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genshin-impact-updates · 11 months
Happy Birthday, Nahida!
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thechibilitwick · 2 months
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hits you with the “i know what you are” beam
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kelpermoosee · 11 months
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What if Olimar gets jumpscared at night by his dog because it kind of looks like a Bulborb
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