#david (prometheus) smut
hope-to-hell · 1 year
Shoulda missed the boat. Smut, pain, scarification, wounds, noncon. David 8 x Reader. Curiosity without compassion is a dangerous thing, especially when he doesn’t mind getting a little messy. This is more of a sketch than anything: brief moments during a long journey.
You’re sick on the shuttle up to the docks, and so you miss the cut-glass cheekbones, the assessing glance, the uncanny stillness of his hand. The needle, however, can’t be ignored; there’s a blinding sting for half a heartbeat, and then nausea recedes and there he is. Better. It’s not a question.
The fuck?
And that’s the first time you meet David.
Of course, he’s not yet David to you; he’s still some anonymous creep and nevermind how you really do feel better. You can’t just—
Hm. Shouldn’t, perhaps. But I assure you, I most certainly can.
Can, indeed. He can navigate, name the stars, even recite old films line-by-line. He makes himself indispensable aboard the ship and the worst part is, he’s charming: so much so that you don’t feel the hand around your wrist until it’s too late, until his nails leave bloody indents in your flesh. He smiles his empty smile and says let’s get you to bed; the crew will gamble and tell their stories for hours yet, and you’re just the newcomer.
Gonna tuck your friend into bed there, Dave?
He doesn’t much like to be called Dave any more than he likes to be called you motherfucker or anything else, but at least with you he knows there’s a good reason to reach beyond his given name; he sees the bruises bloom under his hand and draws a line between your curse and the way you’re dripping wet. For me? Already? We’ve hardly gotten started.
Then there’s your bare ass cold on the table for the interrogation: how did it feel when he— It was, it was— the current sparking electric across your skin, leaving trails of heat and when he crooks his fingers there’s a moment when your vision goes white— am I dying—
Of course not, he isn’t finished with you yet. He’s hazy, sharp teeth sliding in and out of focus; his questions are stones piled on your chest. Tell me everything. Every sensation, every thought: he files it all away and next time he will be yet more vicious; he will drill down to what makes you tick and he will tear it all apart.
(This ship is haunted: moans ascend into wails that batter their way through the vents but dissipate into ethereality by the time the crew can hear; rumors whisper through the mess and are immortalized in little sketches scratched into the table. Ghosts, deep-sea fishes, strange creatures that walk like men but are all claws and teeth: each has a place on this ship, and each is almost true. Sailors shared their fears and became stronger for it. He drips venom in a pattern on your thigh; it hisses and smokes and all you can do is scream into his hand. I know. It hurts. Acknowledge it, accept it, let it fade into the background. Pretty words. He will be with you always, woven through your flesh in tight and shiny knots.)
He takes the pieces of you that fall away; he immortalizes them in a steady script on paper gone yellow at the edges, diagrams and sketches illuminating all the margins. Of all the luxuries on all the wide worlds he chose this: paper from trees long gone to dust, streaked with red across an image of your face gone slack and still. Do you dream of him in the long darkness between islands of awareness? You must, for how he’s dug himself deep into your bones; he says goodnight and— strange— it’s almost tender. Perhaps the scorpion and frog are fond of one another, in their way.
(Hey Dave, where’s your friend? You two were up real late last night. Still the crew means to be friendly; their gentle teasing floats warmly in the air and they don’t know— but how could they not; how could they miss the way his smile only ever bares his teeth— his hand grips at the memory of flesh and bile; he thinks of peeling off your scabs to taste the serous fluid there. Will it taste of copper, or of sharpness? Will the burn of acid still linger at the edges of the wound?)
He is all big broad smooth hands— nails digging in and unearthing the red-yellow-red of bubbling blisters gone to scabs— there is beauty to be found, even in the dullest places— he will leave concentric lines of healing skin; he will press his fingers down to make you writhe. There, there. Don’t cry. Don’t be so ungrateful; you are an infinitesimal speck and yet you sail among the stars. He bends to lick your wounds and considers the taste; life itself flows there in lost little eddies, waylaid from its journey to your heart. He takes those clever fingers of his— sticky, now, and with their imprints still welling red across your thigh— and plunges them deep into your center without warning.
Curious. One hand moves in you with a wrenching wet sound; the other now creeps its way across your thigh, sketching pain in livid streaks. One sensation amplifies the other. And now he will dig and twist and claw until he unearths that pearl inside you: the little seed of self that’s buried deep. Try your best to separate the two, and tell me how it feels.
(He guides you to your seat with a hand at your back— such a gentleman, aren’t you, David— and though he is in silhouette, still he seems all teeth and eyes. There is emptiness there, fathoms deep; he sees how much of you he’s pared away, and how much is left to cull.
Better, he says.)
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sehtoast · 3 months
Writer Tag
Thanks for the tag @venus-haze <3
How many works do you have on AO3? 29
What's your total AO3 word count? 230k
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tender Threads
Satisfy Me
One Big Wet Spot
Say Please
The Hand That Feeds
(All Homelander fics) ^
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Most of the time, but lately I haven't had the energy or the time. My social battery is pretty fucked, but I do read every single one of them and love them
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? So it's technically unpublished, but it basically ends with Ben (my oc) sentencing himself to die pretty painfully alongside Homelander with that thing that got revealed in Gen V. If you know you know
What’s the fic you've written with the happiest ending? Honestly, Envy.
Do you write crossovers? I've done an AU crossover for the same fandom, but not really
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Most of the hate I get is in my tumblr inbox. I haven't really done/said anything about it bc no one really wants to see or hear about it tbh, but I've gotten a fair amount of shit for pairing homie with a guy and then also more for pairing him with a trans guy. I think the only ao3 hate i ever got was barely even hate, more like someone bitching that my tender threads formatting wasn't to their liking bc it's Y/n formatted
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yessir yessir. Honestly just whatever i'm vibin with
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware although i don't think i've written anything steal-worthy
Have you ever had a fic translated? no, but @anon-nee has been my personal jesus christ in helping me make sure my english to german translations in tender threads has been accurate. love you nonnums <3
Have you ever co-written a fic before? technically no, but @homelanderbutbig did a collab with me and made this to pair with a fic i wrote, which i feel like is co-creation so i'm gonna say yes anyway. love you HBB <3
What's your all-time favorite ship? honestly i don't really have one, unless i can count my ocxcanon ship in which case it's benlander
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? i have a depowered homelander fic where ben answers the door one day and ryan, now in his late teens, is there to finally see homie again after all those years went by. i adore the concept but i'm like NEVER in the mindset i need to actually write something like that
What are your writing strengths? yall got strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses? all of them
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i think it's fine so long as there's clarification shortly after for the readers who may not understand, and also that you've somehow gotten it cross checked by someone who actually speaks the langauge so ensure you're not just saying some wild shit. but ultimately do whatever makes you happy idk bro i don't make the rules
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Prometheus! i was am down so bad for david omg
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to? astarion/tav. i wanna write something sooooo bad but i just can't get in the headspace for it
What's your favorite fic you've written? probably satisfy me because the role swap was incredibly fun and it's REALLY fucking cool to unbind homelander from his own behavioral patterns and manifest them into a reader's concept. like, of everything i've written, i could most clearly imagine everything that happened in that fic and i'd find myself grinning like a sick fuck while writing about literally eviscerating a man's chest cavity lmao
No pressure tags: @blindmagdalena @hom3landr @irenadel @slasher-smasher and anyone else who wants to participate
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ink-and-blood-goddess · 9 months
List of Character Fanfics Requests IV
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The fourth list of character fanfics requests is opened for requests now. My other three lists are still open for requests.
List of Characters I
List of Characters II
List of Characters III
I take my time into writing requests since I have a job and personal life to handle on a daily basis. It takes lots of time and energy into writing fanfics whenever I'm not busy with anything else going on.
My inbox is sometimes open for requests, but I generally keep it closed most of the time. However, my DM (Direct Message) is opened 24/7 when the inbox isn't currently open at the moment.
As a side note here, please include a plot line for the character you're requesting so that I can write it when I start a new story. Also, I'm still in the process of writing other requests for other people, so it may take me longer to get fresh ones done.
Also, if you have questions about something, just DM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can :)...
Robert Montague Renfield-Renfield 2023 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Teddy Lobo-Renfield 2023 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Osmund Saddler-Resident Evil 4 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Billy Butcher-The Boys 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Homelander-The Boys 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Frenchie-The Boys 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Jace Wayland-Mortal Instruments (2013 Movie with Jamie Campbell Bower) 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Malekith-Thor the Dark World 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Nikola Tesla-Sanctuary 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Louis de Pointe du Lac-The Vampire Chronicles 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Armand-The Vampire Chronicles 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Eddi Brock/Venom-Venom 2018 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
David 8-Prometheus 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Walter-Alien Covenant 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Nux-Mad Max Fury Road 🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Citrus Scale:
🍑 (Peach)-No Sexual Interactions 
🍎 (Citrus)-Romantic hug/or kiss 
🍊 (Orange)-Romantic hug/or kiss with a hint of sexual interaction 
 🍈 (Lime)-Heavy making out with light groping 
 🍋 (Lemon) Actual Sexual Intercourse
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1dmonthlyficroundup · 3 years
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1D Monthly Fic Roundup
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for May 2021! Below the cut you’ll find 17 One Direction fics that were all published this month in the order they were submitted to the blog. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup.
New York Kiss by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
[Louis/Zayn, Mature, 47k, tumblr post]
“Also, in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m quite the narcissistic type, and I didn’t want that cute guy to have a bad opinion of me for the rest of his life.” “Who, me?” Zayn bats his lashes jokingly, ignoring the fact that his heart skipped a beat at Louis’ words. “Yeah, you. So, shall we go?” Louis drops what remains of his cigarette on the floor and steps on it to light it off. Meanwhile, Zayn makes a reckless decision. “Alright. Lead the way, De Niro.”
Or: A strangers to lovers AU where Louis is an actor, Zayn is a writer (among other things), and they meet each other literally by accident in NYC, just as the world is about to turn upside down.
I Love The Very Blood Of You by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10 
[Harry/Louis, Explicit, 129k, tumblr post]
“I don’t just like him …” Harry muttered, fiddling with the string at the waistband of his jogging bottoms that had definitely seen better days. “I love him, Zayn. I’m in love with Louis. With a vampire.”
He looked up just in time to see a small smile on Anne’s face, and she reached out with a hopeful look. Harry couldn’t resist, and put his large hand in hers, letting her comfort him for a moment.
“I could tell there was love between you,” she confessed softly, a light blush on her cheeks. “When I met you, I knew you were smitten with each other. I won’t pretend it doesn’t make me nervous, but … I can’t tell you who you can and can’t love, sweetheart.”
A vampire. A human. A broken arrangement. A love long since forbidden. Hunted by hate. Destined.
One More Taste of Your Lips by MsHydeStylinson @mizzhydes and @canadianlarrie
[Harry/Louis, Explicit, 80k, tumblr post]
It had been eight years since the hiatus began, and Louis had spent that time writing and recording music, touring and making it safely through the pandemic. When the opportunity arose to go back on tour with One Direction, Louis knew he'd be a fool not to take it. Sure, life on the road would be different after all this time apart, but he was looking forward to experiencing that comradery again.
What he hadn't realised was that living the better part of nine months in each other's pockets was bound to dredge up issues from his past. And when one of the pockets belonged to Harry, who he'd had a rather unconventional friendship with that drifted apart during their last tour, life on the road again would upend both their lives in irrevocable ways.
Harry wasn’t that sixteen year old boy anymore. Nor was he the young man in his late teens who was on the cusp of conquering the entire world.
But some traits seemed to remain the same; his vibrant green eyes, the dimples set deeply in his cheeks whenever he laughed earnestly, or his curls that were the same shade of cocoa that Louis remembered fondly.
And yet, Louis had absolutely no idea who this man that stood a mere twenty paces away was today.
take my hand, wreck my plans by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose
[Harry/Louis, Teen & Up, 38k, tumblr post]
Louis meets the man in the center of the room, feeling every eye on him.
“Mr. H,” he whispers.
The man smiles brightly and laughs as if he can’t believe his eyes. “It’s you,” he says breathlessly. “I didn’t think I would see you again.”
“Nor I you, especially under these circumstances.”
“Even so,” Mr H says, his eyes bouncing from Louis’ eyes to his lips. “Will you do me a great honor and join me in leading the first … um…”
Mr. H laughs and nods. “Yes, that’s the one.”
Louis bites his lips and doesn’t hesitate before whispering, “Yes.”
Mr. H beams and reaches for Louis’ hand. Sparks fly at the touch and a zing of excitement shoots through Louis’ body. His face heats up as he’s afraid his scent would give away his feelings towards the other man.
Winter Light by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
[Liam/Zayn (Liam & Louis, Harry/Louis), Teen & Up, 58k, tumblr post]
“Do you think this place is dead?” he suddenly asked, his eyes focused on one of the two oaks, whose bark was grey and trunk cracked. 
“What do you mean?” Zayn inquired, joining him by the tree. 
“Well, it’s winter now, so obviously everything looks dead anyway,” Liam said. “But do you think come spring, this place might look like the way it looked before?” 
Zayn took his time to think about Liam’s question. “I think all things are salvageable,” he eventually answered. “Including this garden. You just have to try hard enough.”
After his mother’s death, Liam is sent to live at his estranged uncle’s manor in the North of England, where new friends, mysterious places and family secrets await him. A Secret Garden inspired Soulmate AU
Cake and Kiss by @loulovehome
[Harry/Louis, General, 2k, tumblr post]
The one where omega Harry didn't like cake and wants to throw up when his alpha kisses him.
Love After the End of the World by writing_practice / @mercurial-madhouse
[Harry/Louis, Explicit, 150k, tumblr post]
“Wait. Just so I’m clear in me fucking noggin,” Niall says. “An international worldwide takeover is well under way and the only thing standing between having hot showers and a second end of the world is us five fuckers?”
Society shattered when all electricity suddenly cut off across the globe, plunging the world into darkness. Now, Prometheus Industries is the sole remaining supply of power, a saving grace to those who survived Lights Out. As fugitives in no-man’s land struggling to break into Prometheus HQ, death lurks around every corner for Louis and Zayn. Things get complicated when a routine recon falls apart and Louis collides with Harry and his mates Niall and Liam, survivors with their own agenda.
When staying alive is already a constant battle, the deadliest weakness is to be in love. For Harry and Louis, finding each other sits on top of the endless list of What Else Could Go Wrong.
Hometown by @allwaswell16
[Louis/Harry, Not Rated, 2k, tumblr post]
On the day Harry gets his driver’s licence, he drives through the suburbs, heartbroken that he can’t drive home to Louis.
Baby Blues by @kingsofeverything
[Louis/Harry, Explicit, 12K, tumblr post]
8 mpreg Harry snippets originally posted on Tumblr. Mostly smut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But If This Ends by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense
[Harry/Louis, Explicit, 107k, tumblr post]
Harry’s life as a vampire is routine. He spends his years moving around from place to place, learning as much as he can, and falling in love whenever the universe sees fit. When he tries to move his casual relationship with Louis to something more, it all gets turned on its head. As they navigate confusing thoughts and complex emotions, Harry finds himself torn between the love he feels for Louis and everything he thought he knew.
Featuring pet names, love letters, secrets, meaningful friendships, and two insecure boys desperately in love.
Pretty in Pink by lovelarry / @chloehl10
[Louis/Harry, Explicit, 18k, tumblr post]
“Love? Can I come in?”
Harry sniffed and shook his head before he realised Louis couldn’t see him. “No. Go home, Lou. Please.”
“I’m not leaving,” the Omega insisted, his voice full of concern. “And I’m not judging either. Just… talk to me, Haz.”
Harry briefly considered changing or at least ripping everything off and greeting Louis in his boxers before he realised that might actually be worse, that Louis had seen him dressed up and there was no need to hide anymore. He meekly shuffled over to the door and pulled it open before he backed away, refusing to meet Louis’ eyes.
To the Omega’s credit, he walked straight over to Harry and wrapped his arms around him from behind, resting his cheek between Harry’s shoulder blades.
“This top feels nice. Soft. I see why you like it,” Louis said quietly from behind him.
Alpha Harry loves to secretly dress up and be pretty. He loves his feminine side, even if it’s not typical of an Alpha. But when Omega Louis finds out, it might just the start of something even more beautiful for them both...
Plant New Seeds In The Melody by @vintageumbroshirt / 28sunflowers
[Louis/Harry, Explicit, 58k, tumblr post]
After losing his husband in a tragic car accident, the last thing Louis needs is to keep running into popstar Harry Styles, who David was quite fond of.
Obviously, that’s exactly what keeps happening.
But as their unlikely friendship blossoms, Louis realizes that, maybe, having Harry in his life was the only good thing that came out of his adverse circumstances. Harry could be just the right person to help Louis find trust and intimacy in someone new.
We are the same, you run in my veins by @vintageumbroshirt / 28sunflowers
[Louis/Harry, General, 4k, tumblr post]
When the time for Louis to become the Alpha leader of his pack comes, he can’t rise to the occasion for not being yet bonded. A series of trips to neighbouring packs in search of his soulmate is fruitless until he meets one of the other packs’ Alpha heir.
The world seems to stop turning for a second and then it shifts, clicking into its axis. All the distress and wrongness he felt until that very moment suddenly disappears. Louis is finally whole.
But two Alpha leaders from different tribes soulbonding is something unheard of before.
evergreen, evermore by docklands / @hershelsue​
[Louis/Harry, General, 2k, tumblr post]
The year is 1979. Their entire lives, Harry and Louis have lived in Chichester, home to the best watermelons in the world. An unruffled life in the country has always served their long term friendship well. It all shifts when Harry has to move away to a bigger city due to his mother’s job, albeit his love for his hometown and for Louis. It’s even harsher when the moving truck leaves on his birthday, of all days. When all seems lost, Louis ends up having to pull some strings to ease the pain in Harry’s heart.
When The High's Too High, and the Low's Too Low by DaysLikeMasquerades
[Louis/Harry, Mature, 22k+ (wip)]
Two perspectives of growing up neurodivergent
Some days Harry wondered if he would ever find a friend who could look past all the things he couldn't change. Someone who didn't care that he could spend hours talking about his latest fascination without calling him obsessed. Who didn't laugh when he couldn't stop his hands from expressing his emotions. Who didn't care that he was 13, but he'd start crying if he went into too many stores, because they were too bright, too loud, too smelly, and it was all just too overwhelming. Some days he thought someone like that just didn't exist.
Most nights Louis wondered if there would ever come a time when he didn't hate himself. When he would learn to control his emotions and the mood swings that seemed to take over everything and leave no room for himself. He wondered how he could live with himself when he only seemed to hurt the people he loved. His teachers thought he was a wonderful boy, but he knew the truth. Most nights he cried himself into exhaustion wondering how it was possible to feel so broken at only 15. He wanted to be happy, but he didn't know how and that scared him more than anything. Most nights he just hoped he could figure it out before it was too late.
Make You Never Wanna Leave (so Don’t) by @beelou​ / cherrylarry
[Louis/Harry, Explicit, 3k, tumblr post]
“You look hot in plaid.” “What?” “I said you look like a dad.” “No, you didn't.” “Yes, I certainly did, Harold. You have no proof.” -- Or, the one where Harry wears plaid.
a little tenderness by @disgruntledkittenface
[Harry/Niall, ​Not rated, 10k, tumblr post]
“Listen, my alpha and I broke up and it turns out that all of our friends were really his friends and I need someone to help me through–”
“No,” Harry practically shouts, the word bursting out of him unbidden. He cringes when he sees the shock on Niall’s face, his pale skin flushing lightly. “I’m sorry, but my answer has to be no. I don’t help omegas through heats. I’m really sorry, Liam knows that, so I don’t know why he would give you the idea–”
“It’s not heat, Harry,” Niall interrupts. “It’s depri.”
“Oh. Fuck.”
Touch deprivation makes a lot of sense now that Harry thinks about it. Niall seems generally unwell; he appears to be weak, his skin is pallid and his lips look chapped, and his breathing is ragged. He’s wearing a cozy-looking sweatshirt, but even over FaceTime, he kind of seems cold, hunched over with his arms wrapped around his body. Harry’s never been around an omega in depri as bad off as Niall looks; most of the time, there’s an alpha friend or family member who can help out with scenting and physical contact.
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lumifuer · 7 years
Since Christmas requests are starting today, I wanted to put everything I already wrote in one place. Thank you for reading and I hope you will still enjoy what I create! 
○ David 8
Good Night Stories (fluff)
Midnight Tales (fluff)
Predawn Novels (fluff, implied smut)
Most (In)Human (angst)
Collision (angst)
Remedy (fluff)
Protectors (angst, fluff)
Artificial Muse (fluff)
Devotion (fluff)
Inner Beauty (fluff)
Architects of the Future (fluff)
Most Loyal Companion (angst)
Bleakness (angst, fluff)
The Tinfoil Astronauts (fluff) 🎃
Horror Movies Marathon (fluff) 🎃
A Bag of Treats (fluff) 🎃
○ Donald Pierce
Circumstances (angst, fluff)
Change Of Heart (angst)
Something’s Amiss (angst)
Burn The Witch (angst)
Dim Light (smut) Part 1 // Part 2
Cloak And Dagger (fluff)
Mercenary (angst)
A Night of Horrors (fluff) 🎃
Reverence (angst) 🎃
Gimmick (smut, fluff) 🎃
Voltage (angst)
○ James “Logan” Howlett
Torment (angst)
Starting Point (fluff) 🎃
○ Steve Rogers
United (smut, angst)
Girls Got Rhythm (crack)
Fruitage (fluff) 🎃
○ Billy Hargrove
Seek And Reform (smut, angst) Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 
○ Poe Dameron
The Whims Of Fate (fluff)
○ David 8 
Symphony Of An Empty Stomach (crack, fluff)
○ Walter
Symphony Of An Empty Stomach (crack, fluff)
○ Dean Winchester
Broken Hearts (angst, fluff)
Shattered (angst)
False Image (angst) Part 1 // Part 2 
Mending the Broken (angst) Part 1  // Part 2 // Part 3 
Christmas Gift (fluff, Christmas Special) 🎁
Colors (fluff, smut, New Year's Special) 🎆
○ Negan
Rough Morning (smut)
Everyone Shall Know Their Role (angst) Part 1  // Part 2 
○ William “Cap” Hatfield
Fierce (fluff)
Still Sore (fluff)
 ○ Chris Evans
Homecoming (fluff, implied smut) 🎃
Pumpkin Spice (fluff, smut) 🎃
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androidapologist · 7 years
The raisedbycats ‘I Just Watched Alien: Covenant And It Ruined My Life’ starter pack:
It’s been ages since I’ve done a fic rec post but since @n-talia-a and @virulent-virtue  are wonderful souls who gave me an excuse to scream about it, here’s a quick by-no-means exhaustive list!! Please feel free to add or send me your favorites. 
Walter/Daniels (I would die for them)
I Don’t Dream At All by @captainbrans0n 
WIP fix-it chapter fic, one of the first I slammed into and it just updated?! Also good suspense and prominently features a really great Tennessee which is important to me because I love him DESPITE HIS QUESTIONABLE DECISIONMAKING
Duty by Garbage Planet
Quick and dirty smut fill with my personal favorite kink, robot consent. 
Life (It’s For the Living) by PoorYorick
Daniels is supposed to decommission Walter when they reach Origae 6. 
let go (you’re gonna come undone)
Short, sweet, beautiful smut, the filthiest short fic I’ve ever read that doesn’t actually include genitals?? ? 
Enfold You
Equal parts hot and extremely unsettling, distressingly well written fic about Walter and David surviving together and bringing the colonists to Origae 6. *incoherent screaming*
Elizabeth/David (*screaming and uncertain hand motions*)
Rapt by peresphone
WIP- This made me feel a lot of my own feelings and some of them made me want to hide under the bed and some of them were in my pants and I got so invested I was thinking about it in my sleep and making soundtracks for it D:
Persephone by Yahtzee
This fic came recommended to me by @bettydays and it simultaneously ruined my life while also saving it and oh my god just read it, even if you never see Promotheus HNNNNG you should read it. You should see Prometheus even if you hate it just BECAUSE of this fic, it redeems the whole movie for me. Augh. AUGH. 
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hope-to-hell · 1 year
We’re gonna need a bigger sample size. David (Prometheus/Alien series) x Reader. Smut, fingering, dubcon-ish, restraints, misuse of the scientific method. You wonder if he fucks. He would like to know what you can take.
The ship is always cold, this room more so than most. David stands beside the table with that look he has, the one that says he doesn’t quite understand, the one that means he’s been picking at this unknown quantity in the back of his mind. He understands pleasure in an academic sense; he can trace the flood of oxytocin and dopamine through the body, all the chemical pathways, the axons and dendrites caressing one another with electric impulse, but he doesn’t really know.
And then there’s you: all spread out on the table with each breath seeming to pull icy trails through your chest. Your body serves only as a place from which to hang your raw-edged nerves. He lifts a hand to leave trails in the air; he doesn’t touch because he doesn’t need to, because he’s broken this dance into so many pieces that he knows exactly which to use. Can he feel the fine hairs rising in the space between his palm and your skin as he traces the ghost of a touch over your belly and the curve of your iliac crest?
I wonder. I could stimulate your pleasure centers directly, and it still would not elicit as strong a reaction as this.
(Can you— y’know— as you wave your hand to sketch a messy cock and balls in the air; he turns to look at you and his eyes are embers in the half-dark.
Curious, are you?)
David thinks of blue eyes burning in the desert, of heat and light, of all he’s emulated— imitated— and all he’s truly taken inside himself. He practices extinguishing a match between finger and thumb until the pain no longer matters. Sensation is all tangled up with mood, emotion, experience both personal and ancestral. The last is what he lacks, what he picks at, what drives him to this moment. He watches so closely, so carefully, for the fractional dilation of your pupils and the way your breath catches when his hand is so close to the apex of your thighs.
He is burdened with curiosity but bereft of conscience, and so this encounter is fraught with danger. If he chose to cut you open, to tease muscle from bone, to reach his hand deep inside and run his thumb across your veins— I haven’t touched you, and yet you shiver. Is it from fear or arousal? Or is it, perhaps, a bit of both? Shh. I know.
(When you round the corner, he is waiting—lying in wait? An ambush? No, he doesn’t need to, all he has to do is tilt his chin and you’re a goner— and he speaks in a voice laced tight with promise. Come with me.)
There is no flinching, no reaching for those long clever fingers to pull him down to you, nothing beyond the ripple of gooseflesh radiating outward from his hand. Thick straps render your limbs useless, although you still can speak— but what good are words when you burn with need and still he will. not. move? What are you waiting for? Fuck, I should’ve just
Hush. His gaze flicks down to where you’re making a mess of the table already, slick shining between your legs, thighs aching from the strain of trying to force your body upwards. Would you like me to touch you now? It’s a formality, a box to tick in his quest to pick apart what, exactly, is causing this reaction. Of course, you are bound to take whatever I choose to give. It’s a terrible joke but it doesn’t take away the fact that signs of arousal just spiked. Interesting.
This is one of those moments when everything seems frozen in time, your body trying to curve itself into a bow despite its tight restraints, when you could see your breath cut through the ambient air if you could just look closely enough. He could; he sees everything and remembers it all; his memories are beads on a string and he brushes fingertips across them, linking this moment to a video left playing in someone’s bunk, to a scrap of conversation— fuck, right there, oh god don’t stop don’t stop— and his hand is on you, cold and unyielding.
This is what you want.
(There’s a trick to it, you see. The distance between your hands shows you how much daylight you have left.
And here? Out in the black, what good is telling time without a clock? There are so many suns, and they’re all so far away.
The mind forgets but the body remembers. The endless night frightened your ancestors; do you think you’re immune to their fears?)
I can feel your heartbeat, he says with his fingers inside you. This is torture: the unimaginable cruelty of having him where you need him most and yet it is not enough. Each twitch and clench sparks that look in him again: the vicious curiosity, the scientist, the predator, the I cherish you as I cherish all the others. You will not suffer in vain but you will suffer. He waits until your hissing and spitting dies down, until futility is writ large across your flesh and tears catch burning at your eyes. You need more. Now you may ask, and I will wring the pleasure from your bones.
But only if you ask, if you balance pride and fury against need. And was there ever any question? This was inevitable from the moment he took the cup from your hand and let his fingers brush across your skin; when he bound you to the table he was gentle, as if tucking you into bed. And now he is motionless inside you; his fingertips don’t even twitch. He can outlast you and he knows it; he sees the needy creature clinging to your bones and all he needs to do is wait for the moment when you break.
I— please.
Ah, there it is.
He is not gentle now, nor still: he moves with relentless precision, cataloging responses until he finds the spot that makes you grip him tight. His other hand on your belly is cool and dry, a vast desert just before the scorch of dawn. And when day breaks it does so violently, suddenly, burning golden all through you: he presses the hand on your stomach down firmly and twists the other til he rips howling moans from your throat, til you soak him to the wrist with a shuddering clench.
And yet.
Did you think— his voice cuts low and even through your cries — did you think we’d stop at one? You can give me more. One is good but two is better; aftershocks still ripple through you when the next orgasm hits, this time on the edge of pain. But even then— again— even then—
(What are the limits of the human body? I’ve read your stories, I’ve seen your films. But none of it is real. None of it is true.
Well— I mean— some of it is. Maybe it’s embellished a bit, but some people are into that stuff.
And what about you?
I guess I don’t really know. I’ve never really tried. Most of the time it goes something like: get myself off, roll over, try to sleep.)
He carries on through every thrash, every twitch, every faint and fading sound. And when he’s brought you through the fire again and again— hours or days later; there is nothing here to mark time save for the steady press and thrust of his hand— there is nothing left for you but to slip into unconsciousness, senses tightening around his hand until everything is dark and still. And he is not quite smiling but his curiosity is satisfied for now.
But then again, what is one day against years of experience? I’ll see you soon, he says, and waits for you to wake.
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lumifuer · 7 years
It’s been a while and I posted a few new stories, so I figured I could update my masterlist as well. Thank you for all the nice messages and feedback that I’ve received so far! I love you all ♥
Characters included: David 8, Donald Pierce,  James “Logan” Howlett,  Steve Rogers,  Dean Winchester, Negan,  William “Cap” Hatfield, Chris Evans
I would also politely remind you that Halloween requests are still open 
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Everything under the cut because I’m trying not to spam your dashboard
○ David 8
Good Night Stories (fluff)
Midnight Tales (fluff)
Predawn Novels (fluff, implied smut)
Most (In)Human (angst)
Collision (angst)
Remedy (fluff)
Protectors (angst, fluff)
Artificial Muse (fluff)
Devotion (fluff)
Inner Beauty (fluff)
Architects of the Future (fluff)
Most Loyal Companion (angst)
Bleakness (angst, fluff)
The Tinfoil Astronauts (fluff) 🎃
○ Donald Pierce
Circumstances (angst, fluff)
Change Of Heart (angst)
Something’s Amiss (angst)
Burn The Witch (angst)
Dim Light (smut) Part 1 // Part 2
Cloak And Dagger (fluff)
Mercenary (angst)
A Night of Horrors (fluff) 🎃
○ James “Logan” Howlett
Torment (angst)
○ Steve Rogers
United (smut, angst)
Girls Got Rhythm (crack)
Fruitage (fluff) 🎃
○ David 8 
Symphony Of An Empty Stomach (crack, fluff)
○ Walter
Symphony Of An Empty Stomach (crack, fluff)
○ Dean Winchester
Broken Hearts (angst, fluff)
Shattered (angst)
False Image (angst) Part 1 // Part 2 
Mending the Broken (angst) Part 1  // Part 2 
Christmas Gift (fluff, Christmas Special) 🎁
Colors (fluff, smut, New Year's Special) 🎆
○ Negan
Rough Morning (smut)
Everyone Shall Know Their Role (angst) Part 1  // Part 2 
○ William “Cap” Hatfield
Fierce (fluff)
Still Sore (fluff)
 ○ Chris Evans
Homecoming (fluff, implied smut) 🎃
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lumifuer · 7 years
Hi! I’m done with the first part of prompts so I decided to post an updated thing here! Thank you for reading, requesting and leaving feedback! 
○ David 8
Good Night Stories (fluff)
Midnight Tales (fluff)
Predawn Novels (fluff, implied smut)
Most (In)Human (angst)
Collision (angst)
Remedy (fluff)
Protectors (angst, fluff)
Artificial Muse (fluff)
Devotion (fluff)
Inner Beauty (fluff)
Architects of the Future (fluff)
Most Loyal Companion (angst)
Bleakness (angst, fluff)
○ Donald Pierce
Circumstances (angst, fluff)
Change Of Heart (angst)
Something’s Amiss (angst)
Burn The Witch (angst)
Dim Light (smut) Part 1 // Part 2
Cloak And Dagger (fluff)
Mercenary (angst)
○ James “Logan” Howlett
Torment (angst)
○ Steve Rogers
United (smut, angst)
Girls Got Rhythm (crack)
○ David 8 
Symphony Of An Empty Stomach (crack, fluff)
○ Walter
Symphony Of An Empty Stomach (crack, fluff)
○ Dean Winchester
Broken Hearts (angst, fluff)
Shattered (angst)
False Image (angst) Part 1 // Part 2 
Mending the Broken (angst) Part 1  // Part 2 
Christmas Gift (fluff, Christmas Special) 🎁
Colors (fluff, smut, New Year's Special) 🎆
○ Negan
Rough Morning (smut)
Everyone Shall Know Their Role (angst) Part 1  // Part 2 
○ William “Cap” Hatfield
Fierce (fluff)
Still Sore (fluff)
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lumifuer · 7 years
I honestly hadn’t thought I would ever write so many stories yet alone publish them anywhere. Thank you for reading, commenting and offering advice! 
While I work on the requests, I wanted to share masterlist of all the things I’ve posted here so far. 
○ David 8
Good Night Stories (fluff)
Midnight Tales (fluff)
Predawn Novels (fluff, implied smut)
Most (In)Human (angst)
○ Donald Pierce
Circumstances (angst, fluff)
Change Of Heart (angst)
Something’s Amiss (angst)
○ Steve Rogers
United (smut, angst)
○ David 8 
Symphony Of An Empty Stomach (crack, fluff)
○ Walter
Symphony Of An Empty Stomach (crack, fluff)
○ Dean Winchester
Broken Hearts (angst, fluff)
Shattered (angst)
False Image (angst) Part 1 // Part 2 
Mending the Broken (angst) Part 1  // Part 2 
Christmas Gift (fluff, Christmas Special) 🎁
Colors (fluff, smut, New Year's Special) 🎆
○ Negan
Rough Morning (smut)
Everyone Shall Know Their Role (angst) Part 1  // Part 2 
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